4 papers:
- RecSys-2013-Guo #recommendation #similarity #trust
- Integrating trust and similarity to ameliorate the data sparsity and cold start for recommender systems (GG), pp. 451–454.
- KDD-2011-AgrawalIV
- Ameliorating buyer’s remorse (RA, SI, RV), pp. 351–359.
- SIGMOD-2010-CieslewiczRSY #automation #data-driven #detection
- Automatic contention detection and amelioration for data-intensive operations (JC, KAR, KS, YY), pp. 483–494.
- ICPR-2010-WongSML
- Dynamic Amelioration of Resolution Mismatches for Local Feature Based Identity Inference (YW, CS, SM, BCL), pp. 1200–1203.