Tag #data-driven
291 papers:
ASPLOS-2020-HanelAXKL #abstraction #memory management #named #streaming- Vortex: Extreme-Performance Memory Abstractions for Data-Intensive Streaming Applications (CH, AA, DX, JK, DL), pp. 623–638.
ECSA-2019-LujicT #architecture- Architecturing Elastic Edge Storage Services for Data-Driven Decision Making (IL, HLT0), pp. 97–105.
ICSA-2019-SeifermannHR #architecture- Data-Driven Software Architecture for Analyzing Confidentiality (SS, RH, RHR), pp. 1–10.
EDM-2019-DicklerLG #approach #assessment #automation- A Data-Driven Approach for Automated Assessment of Scientific Explanations in Science Inquiry (RD, HL, JDG).
EDM-2019-ZhiMDLPB #feedback #programming #towards- Toward Data-Driven Example Feedback for Novice Programming (RZ, SM, YD, NL, TWP, TB).
MSR-2019-ScalabrinoBLLO #android #api #detection #empirical- Data-driven solutions to detect API compatibility issues in Android: an empirical study (SS, GB, MLV, ML, RO), pp. 288–298.
CIKM-2019-OppoldH #named #personalisation- LuPe: A System for Personalized and Transparent Data-driven Decisions (SO, MH), pp. 2905–2908.
ECIR-p1-2019-VakulenkoRCR #named- QRFA: A Data-Driven Model of Information-Seeking Dialogues (SV, KR, CDC, MdR), pp. 541–557.
KDD-2019-ChenTYZC #approach #industrial #multi #problem- A Data-Driven Approach for Multi-level Packing Problems in Manufacturing Industry (LC0, XT, MY, JZ, LC0), pp. 1762–1770.
KDD-2019-LeeIFSM #approach #estimation #named #using- DeepRoof: A Data-driven Approach For Solar Potential Estimation Using Rooftop Imagery (SL, SI, MF, PJS, SM), pp. 2105–2113.
KDD-2019-Ye #approach #named- Transportation: A Data Driven Approach (JY), p. 3183.
ESEC-FSE-2019-BavishiYP #automation #named #static analysis #synthesis- Phoenix: automated data-driven synthesis of repairs for static analysis violations (RB, HY, MRP), pp. 613–624.
CASE-2019-MaLQ #information management #scheduling- Data Driven Scheduling Knowledge Management for Smart Shop Floor (YM, XL, FQ), pp. 109–114.
CASE-2019-TanNAGL #case study #predict #scheduling- Data-Driven Surgical Duration Prediction Model for Surgery Scheduling: A Case-Study for a Practice-Feasible Model in a Public Hospital (KWT, FNHLN, BYA, JG, SSWL), pp. 275–280.
CASE-2019-TanNNL #predict #process- Data-Driven Decision-Support for Process Improvement through Predictions of Bed Occupancy Rates (KWT, QYN, FNHLN, SSWL), pp. 133–139.
CASE-2019-Wu0Z #optimisation- Data-driven Manufacturing Service Optimization Model in Smart Factory (WW, JL0, HZ), pp. 362–367.
CASE-2019-XuLWMWLS #fault #maintenance #predict- Data-Driven Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics for Predictive Maintenance: A Brief Overview* (GX, ML0, JW, YM, JW, FL, WS0), pp. 103–108.
FASE-2019-HennickerMK #hybrid #logic- A Hybrid Dynamic Logic for Event/Data-Based Systems (RH, AM, AK), pp. 79–97.
ICSA-2018-ArtacBNGPT #approach #architecture #development #modelling- Infrastructure-as-Code for Data-Intensive Architectures: A Model-Driven Development Approach (MA, TB, EDN, MG, DPP, DAT), pp. 156–165.
EDM-2018-BackenkohlerSSW #approach #education #personalisation #towards- Data-Driven Approach Towards a Personalized Curriculum (MB, FS, AS, VW).
MSR-2018-NairACFMMM0Y08 #re-engineering #search-based- Data-driven search-based software engineering (VN, AA, JC, WF0, GM, TM, LLM, MW0, ZY0), pp. 341–352.
ICML-2018-JiangZLLF #education #learning #named #network- MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum for Very Deep Neural Networks on Corrupted Labels (LJ0, ZZ, TL, LJL, LFF0), pp. 2309–2318.
ICML-2018-OlofssonDM #design- Design of Experiments for Model Discrimination Hybridising Analytical and Data-Driven Approaches (SO, MPD, RM), pp. 3905–3914.
ICPR-2018-NguyenTL #learning #using- Are French Really That Different? Recognizing Europeans from Faces Using Data-Driven Learning (VDN, MT, JL), pp. 2729–2734.
KDD-2018-IyengarLISW #approach #energy #named #performance- WattHome: A Data-driven Approach for Energy Efficiency Analytics at City-scale (SI, SL, DEI, PJS, BW), pp. 396–405.
KDD-2018-LiYCYZ #3d #algorithm #constraints #delivery #problem- A Data-Driven Three-Layer Algorithm for Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with 3D Container Loading Constraint (XL, MY, DC, JY, JZ), pp. 528–536.
KDD-2018-Schlosser0 #approach #contest #online- Dynamic Pricing under Competition on Online Marketplaces: A Data-Driven Approach (RS, MB0), pp. 705–714.
OOPSLA-2018-JeonJO #analysis #points-to #precise #scalability- Precise and scalable points-to analysis via data-driven context tunneling (MJ, SJ, HO), p. 29.
PLDI-2018-WangSS #feedback #generative #programming- Search, align, and repair: data-driven feedback generation for introductory programming exercises (KW0, RS, ZS), pp. 481–495.
PLDI-2018-ZhuMJ - A data-driven CHC solver (HZ0, SM, SJ), pp. 707–721.
ESEC-FSE-2018-GulzarWK #automation #big data #data analysis #debugging #named #scalability- BigSift: automated debugging of big data analytics in data-intensive scalable computing (MAG, SW, MK), pp. 863–866.
ESEC-FSE-2018-ImtiazB #predict #requirements #towards- Towards data-driven vulnerability prediction for requirements (SMI, TB), pp. 744–748.
- ICSE-2018-ScavuzzoNA #case study #challenge #experience #migration
- Experiences and challenges in building a data intensive system for data migration (MS, EDN, DA), p. 93.
CASE-2018-AurisFBSSD #modelling- Enhancing Data-Driven Models with Knowledge from Engineering Models in Manufacturing (FA, JF, MB, SS, AS, CD), pp. 653–656.
CASE-2018-NaugB #energy #predict- A Data Driven Method for Prediction of Energy Demand in Commercial Buildings (AN, GB), pp. 335–340.
CASE-2018-ZhangM #detection- Data-driven Downtime Bottleneck Detection in Open Flow Lines (MZ, AM), pp. 1513–1518.
EDM-2017-DianaESGBB #automation- Automatic Peer Tutor Matching: Data-Driven Methods to Enable New Opportunities for Help (ND, ME, JCS, SG, MAB, SB).
EDM-2017-LiuK #automation #learning- Closing the loop: Automated data-driven cognitive model discoveries lead to improved instruction and learning (RL0, KRK).
EDM-2017-PriceZB #algorithm #evaluation #feedback #programming- Evaluation of a Data-driven Feedback Algorithm for Open-ended Programming (TWP, RZ, TB).
AIIDE-2017-WangRMML #behaviour #interactive #personalisation #simulation- Simulating Player Behavior for Data-Driven Interactive Narrative Personalization (PW, JPR, WM, BWM, JCL), pp. 255–261.
CIKM-2017-VuCKTXYYZ #energy #optimisation- Data Driven Chiller Plant Energy Optimization with Domain Knowledge (HDV, KSC, BK, NT, BX, KY, XY, ZZ), pp. 1309–1317.
KDD-2017-YangDSZFXBM #framework #process #recommendation- A Data-driven Process Recommender Framework (SY, XD, LS, YZ, RAF, HX, RSB, IM), pp. 2111–2120.
OOPSLA-2017-JeongJCO #analysis #context-sensitive grammar #points-to- Data-driven context-sensitivity for points-to analysis (SJ, MJ, SDC, HO), p. 28.
OOPSLA-2017-SeidelSCWJ #fault #learning- Learning to blame: localizing novice type errors with data-driven diagnosis (ELS, HS, KC, WW, RJ), p. 27.
PLDI-2017-MenendezN #named #optimisation- Alive-Infer: data-driven precondition inference for peephole optimizations in LLVM (DM, SN), pp. 49–63.
ASE-2017-Guerriero #privacy- Privacy-aware data-intensive applications (MG), pp. 1030–1033.
- ICSE-2017-FabijanDOB #development #evolution #scalability
- The evolution of continuous experimentation in software product development: from data to a data-driven organization at scale (AF, PAD, HHO, JB), pp. 770–780.
CASE-2017-0004SWPL #industrial #optimisation #predict- Data-based predictive optimization for by product gas system in steel industry (JZ0, CS, WW0, WP, QL), p. 87.
CASE-2017-KhanAK #assembly #design #framework #integration #visualisation- Integration and visualization framework for data-driven resistance spot welded assembly design (MTHK, FA, KYK), pp. 470–475.
CASE-2017-XiaoLYW #database #energy #industrial #parametricity #performance #process- An industrial data based investigation into effects of process parameters on cutting power and energy efficiency (QX, CL, QY, QW), pp. 1481–1486.
CAV-2017-ChasinsP #probability #source code #synthesis- Data-Driven Synthesis of Full Probabilistic Programs (SC, PMP), pp. 279–304.
CAV-2017-FanQM0 #composition #named #reasoning #verification- DryVR: Data-Driven Verification and Compositional Reasoning for Automotive Systems (CF, BQ, SM, MV0), pp. 441–461.
EDM-2016-Agrawal #challenge #education- Data-Driven Education: Some opportunities and Challenges (RA0), p. 2.
EDM-2016-AgrawalGP #design #education #towards- Toward Data-Driven Design of Educational Courses: A Feasibility Study (RA0, BG, EEP), p. 6.
EDM-2016-ChaplotYCK #automation #graph #induction- Data-driven Automated Induction of Prerequisite Structure Graphs (DSC, YY, JGC, KRK), pp. 318–323.
EDM-2016-ChoiLHLRW #interactive #learning- Exploring Learning Management System Interaction Data: Combining Data-driven and Theory-driven Approaches (HC, JEL, WJH, KL, MR, AW), pp. 324–329.
EDM-2016-HuangGB #framework #modelling- A Data-Driven Framework of Modeling Skill Combinations for Deeper Knowledge Tracing (YH0, JG, PB), pp. 593–594.
EDM-2016-LiuDS #data type #multi #towards #using- Beyond Log Files: Using Multi-Modal Data Streams Towards Data-Driven KC Model Improvement (RL0, JLD, JCS), pp. 436–441.
EDM-2016-MostafaviB #logic #problem #student- Exploring the Impact of Data-driven Tutoring Methods on Students' Demonstrative Knowledge in Logic Problem Solving (BM, TB), pp. 460–465.
EDM-2016-PriceDB #generative #programming- Generating Data-driven Hints for Open-ended Programming (TWP, YD, TB), pp. 191–198.
AIIDE-2016-KartalSG #generative #monte carlo- Data Driven Sokoban Puzzle Generation with Monte Carlo Tree Search (BK, NS, SJG), pp. 58–64.
CIKM-2016-Agrawal #education #towards- Toward Data-Driven Education: CIKM-2016 Keynote (RA0), p. 3.
CIKM-2016-FangRX - DDTA 2016: The Workshop on Data-Driven Talent Acquisition (YF0, MdR, HX), pp. 2507–2508.
CIKM-2016-YuSHCH #analysis #multi #quantifier #sentiment- Data-Driven Contextual Valence Shifter Quantification for Multi-Theme Sentiment Analysis (HY, JS, MH, MC, JH0), pp. 939–948.
ICML-2016-KhetanO #performance #rank- Data-driven Rank Breaking for Efficient Rank Aggregation (AK, SO), pp. 89–98.
ICPR-2016-KatsageorgiouZH #analysis #behaviour #interactive- Unsupervised mouse behavior analysis: A data-driven study of mice interactions (VMK, MZ, HH, VF0, FP, DS, VM), pp. 925–930.
ICPR-2016-Kobayashi #image #learning #similarity- Learning data-driven image similarity measure (TK), pp. 3679–3684.
ICPR-2016-KumarDCT - Spatially constrained sparse regression for the data-driven discovery of Neuroimaging biomarkers (KK, CD, AC, MT), pp. 2162–2167.
ICPR-2016-LiMTFXLS #3d #database #gesture #recognition #scalability- Large-scale gesture recognition with a fusion of RGB-D data based on the C3D model (YL, QM, KT, YF, XX, RL, JS), pp. 25–30.
KDD-2016-BaoWL #approach #network #predict #resource management- From Prediction to Action: A Closed-Loop Approach for Data-Guided Network Resource Allocation (YB, HW, XL0), pp. 1425–1434.
KDD-2016-BrooksKG #predict #ranking #using- Developing a Data-Driven Player Ranking in Soccer Using Predictive Model Weights (JB, MK, JVG), pp. 49–55.
KDD-2016-DengS #development #lessons learnt #metric #online- Data-Driven Metric Development for Online Controlled Experiments: Seven Lessons Learned (AD, XS), pp. 77–86.
KDD-2016-LabutovSLLS #design #modelling #set- Optimally Discriminative Choice Sets in Discrete Choice Models: Application to Data-Driven Test Design (IL, FS, KL, HL, CS), pp. 1665–1674.
KDD-2016-SunLGXX #automation #development #recommendation- Data-driven Automatic Treatment Regimen Development and Recommendation (LS, CL, CG, HX, YX), pp. 1865–1874.
PLDI-2016-PadhiSM - Data-driven precondition inference with learned features (SP, RS0, TDM), pp. 42–56.
VMCAI-2016-PelegSY #abstraction- D^3 : Data-Driven Disjunctive Abstraction (HP, SS, EY), pp. 185–205.
SIGMOD-2015-Haas #integration- The Power Behind the Throne: Information Integration in the Age of Data-Driven Discovery (LMH), p. 661.
SIGMOD-2015-NothaftMDZLYKAH #scalability #using- Rethinking Data-Intensive Science Using Scalable Analytics Systems (FAN, MM, TD, ZZ, UL, CY, JK, AA, JH, ML, MJF, ADJ, DAP), pp. 631–646.
SIGMOD-2015-VulimiriCGJKPV #named- WANalytics: Geo-Distributed Analytics for a Data Intensive World (AV, CC, PBG, TJ, KK, JP, GV), pp. 1087–1092.
VLDB-2015-LiCM #approach #query- Query From Examples: An Iterative, Data-Driven Approach to Query Construction (HL, CYC, DM), pp. 2158–2169.
VLDB-2015-VartakRMPP #named #performance #recommendation #visual notation #visualisation- SEEDB: Efficient Data-Driven Visualization Recommendations to Support Visual Analytics (MV, SR, SM, AGP, NP), pp. 2182–2193.
EDM-2015-BoubekkiKGSB #analysis #towards- Toward Data-Driven Analyses of Electronic Text Books (AB, UK, FG, WS, UB), pp. 592–593.
EDM-2015-Liu #debugging #generative- Data-driven Hint Generation from Peer Debugging Solutions (ZL), pp. 665–667.
EDM-2015-MatsudaFBF #automation #modelling #online #refinement- Machine Beats Experts: Automatic Discovery of Skill Models for Data-Driven Online Courseware Refinement (NM, TF, NB, CF), pp. 101–108.
EDM-2015-MostafaviLB #profiling- Data-Driven Proficiency Profiling (BM, ZL, TB), pp. 335–341.
EDM-2015-PriceLBC #algorithm #probability- An Improved Data-Driven Hint Selection Algorithm for Probability Tutors (TWP, CL, TB, MC), pp. 610–611.
AIIDE-2015-LimH #approach #behaviour #modelling- A Data-Driven Approach for Computationally Modeling Players' Avatar Customization Behaviors (CUL, DFH), pp. 135–141.
CIG-2015-YinLCOZ #adaptation #approach #game studies #online- A data-driven approach for online adaptation of game difficulty (HY, LL, WC, YSO, JZ), pp. 146–153.
FDG-2015-SummervilleBMJ #game studies #generative #learning- The Learning of Zelda: Data-Driven Level Generation for Action Role Playing Games (AS, MB, MM, AJ).
CHI-2015-DarzentasBFB #game studies- The Data Driven Lives of Wargaming Miniatures (DPD, MAB, MF, SB), pp. 2427–2436.
CHI-2015-LeeKMD #algorithm- Working with Machines: The Impact of Algorithmic and Data-Driven Management on Human Workers (MKL, DK, EM, LD), pp. 1603–1612.
HCI-IT-2015-MullerLBSKSW #network #overview #predict #using- Using Neural Networks for Data-Driven Backchannel Prediction: A Survey on Input Features and Training Techniques (MM, DL, LB, MS, KK, SS, AW), pp. 329–340.
CIKM-2015-AnwarMS #approach #fault #grid #physics #smarttech- A Data-Driven Approach to Distinguish Cyber-Attacks from Physical Faults in a Smart Grid (AA, ANM, ZS), pp. 1811–1814.
CIKM-2015-LinZWLL0C #approach #parametricity #pipes and filters #predict- Data Driven Water Pipe Failure Prediction: A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach (PL, BZ, YW0, ZL, BL0, YW0, FC0), pp. 193–202.
KDD-2015-FuA - Data-Driven Product Innovation (XF, HA), pp. 2311–2312.
KDD-2015-Kamath #optimisation- Optimizing Marketing Impact through Data Driven Decisioning (AK), p. 1631.
KDD-2015-MinorDC #algorithm #evaluation #predict #process- Data-Driven Activity Prediction: Algorithms, Evaluation Methodology, and Applications (BM, JRD, DJC), pp. 805–814.
KDD-2015-StantonTJVCS #mining- Mining for Causal Relationships: A Data-Driven Study of the Islamic State (AS, AT, AJ, PV, AC, PS), pp. 2137–2146.
MLDM-2015-Chou #geometry #learning- Data Driven Geometry for Learning (EPC), pp. 395–402.
SAC-2015-JoCKBO #algorithm #approach #collaboration #cpu #on the- On running data-intensive algorithms with intelligent SSD and host CPU: a collaborative approach (YYJ, SC, SWK, DHB, HO), pp. 2060–2065.
CASE-2015-SunWWL #energy #runtime- Data driven production runtime energy control of manufacturing systems (ZS, DW, LW, LL), pp. 243–248.
DATE-2015-HamdiouiXNTBCJC #architecture #in memory- Memristor based computation-in-memory architecture for data-intensive applications (SH, LX, HADN, MT, KB, HC, HJ, FC, DW, LE, JvL), pp. 1718–1725.
PDP-2015-PedersenREB #biology #data analysis #framework- Integrating Data-Intensive Computing Systems with Biological Data Analysis Frameworks (EP, IAR, ME, LAB), pp. 733–740.
ICLP-2015-CruzRG #logic programming #parallel #source code #thread- Thread-Aware Logic Programming for Data-Driven Parallel Programs (FC, RR, SCG), pp. 191–203.
SIGMOD-2014-ZouHWYHZ #approach #graph #natural language #rdf- Natural language question answering over RDF: a graph data driven approach (LZ, RH, HW, JXY, WH, DZ), pp. 313–324.
VLDB-2014-Duggan - The Case for Personal Data-Driven Decision Making (JD), pp. 943–946.
EDM-2014-EagleB #approach #difference #problem- Exploring Differences in Problem Solving with Data-Driven Approach Maps (ME, TB), pp. 76–83.
EDM-2014-EagleB14a #feedback- Data-Driven Feedback Beyond Next-Step Hints (ME, TB), pp. 444–446.
EDM-2014-LeeLP #approach #behaviour #education #game studies #learning- Learning Individual Behavior in an Educational Game: A Data-Driven Approach (SJL, YEL, ZP), pp. 114–121.
EDM-2014-MorettiGM14a #design #education #mining #web- Data-Driven Curriculum Design: Mining the Web to Make Better Teaching Decisions (AM, JPGB, KM), pp. 421–422.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-GoeminneDM #co-evolution- Co-evolving code-related and database-related changes in a data-intensive software system (MG, AD, TM), pp. 353–357.
DUXU-DP-2014-FarnsworthHHP - Cool in Business: Developing a Data-Based Instrument Measuring “Cool” (CF, KH, TH, SP), pp. 232–243.
HIMI-AS-2014-PandeyS #case study #enterprise #user interface- Data Driven Enterprise UX: A Case Study of Enterprise Management Systems (SP, SS), pp. 205–216.
ICEIS-v1-2014-CaetanoLC #approach #case study #predict- A Data-driven Approach to Predict Hospital Length of Stay — A Portuguese Case Study (NC, RMSL, PC), pp. 407–414.
ICPR-2014-LiaoQZ #database #visualisation- Visualization of Hyperspectral Imaging Data Based on Manifold Alignment (DL, YQ, JZ), pp. 70–75.
ICPR-2014-WangZH #approach #health #named- DensityTransfer: A Data Driven Approach for Imputing Electronic Health Records (FW, JZ, JH), pp. 2763–2768.
KDD-2014-Schadt #approach- A data driven approach to diagnosing and treating disease (EES), p. 3.
KDD-2014-ZhouWHY #metaprogramming- From micro to macro: data driven phenotyping by densification of longitudinal electronic medical records (JZ, FW, JH, JY), pp. 135–144.
KEOD-2014-HlomaniS #category theory #evaluation #framework #metric #ontology- Data-driven Diachronic and Categorical Evaluation of Ontologies — Framework, Measure, and Metrics (HH, DAS), pp. 56–66.
KMIS-2014-EnglmeierR #capacity #information management #self- Self-Service Data Discovery and Information Sharing — Fostering the Engineering Capacity of the Data-Driven Mindset (KE, HR), pp. 339–345.
MLDM-2014-UtkinZC #classification #database #robust- A Robust One-Class Classification Model with Interval-Valued Data Based on Belief Functions and Minimax Strategy (LVU, YAZ, AIC), pp. 107–118.
Onward-2014-TaeumelPSLH #development- Interleaving of Modification and Use in Data-driven Tool Development (MT, MP, BS, JL, RH), pp. 185–200.
ICSE-2014-GopinathKSC - Data-guided repair of selection statements (DG, SK, DS, SC), pp. 243–253.
CASE-2014-YuM #approach #detection #statistics- Data-driven bottleneck detection in manufacturing systems: A statistical approach (CY, AM), pp. 710–715.
OSDI-2014-YuanLZRZZJS #analysis #distributed #testing- Simple Testing Can Prevent Most Critical Failures: An Analysis of Production Failures in Distributed Data-Intensive Systems (DY, YL, XZ, GRR, XZ, YZ, PJ, MS), pp. 249–265.
PODS-2013-AbiteboulV #collaboration #workflow- Collaborative data-driven workflows: think global, act local (SA, VV), pp. 91–102.
SIGMOD-2013-StougiannisPTHA #data transformation- Data-driven neuroscience: enabling breakthroughs via innovative data management (AS, MP, FT, TH, AA), pp. 953–956.
VLDB-2013-BergamaschiGILV #database #keyword #machine learning #named #relational #semantics- QUEST: A Keyword Search System for Relational Data based on Semantic and Machine Learning Techniques (SB, FG, MI, RTL, YV), pp. 1222–1225.
CSMR-2013-Nagy #static analysis- Static Analysis of Data-Intensive Applications (CN), pp. 435–438.
AIIDE-2013-YuR #personalisation- Data-Driven Personalized Drama Management (HY0, MOR).
HCI-UC-2013-ParkG #case study- An Exploratory Study to Understand Knowledge-Sharing in Data-Intensive Science (JP, JLG), pp. 217–226.
CAiSE-2013-SenG #case study #interactive #testing- Testing a Data-Intensive System with Generated Data Interactions — The Norwegian Customs and Excise Case Study (SS, AG), pp. 657–671.
ICEIS-J-2013-BevacquaCFGP13a #framework #monitoring #predict #process- A Data-Driven Prediction Framework for Analyzing and Monitoring Business Process Performances (AB, MC, FF, MG, LP), pp. 100–117.
ICEIS-v1-2013-AndradeRYS #database #novel #similarity- A Novel Method for Similarity Search over Meteorological Time Series Data based on the Coulomb’s Law (CGdA, MXR, CAY, MTPS), pp. 209–216.
KDD-2013-CuiJYWZY #approach #network #predict- Cascading outbreak prediction in networks: a data-driven approach (PC, SJ, LY, FW, WZ, SY), pp. 901–909.
KDD-2013-GaneshapillaiG - A data-driven method for in-game decision making in MLB: when to pull a starting pitcher (GG, JVG), pp. 973–979.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Karacapilidis #collaboration- Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making (NIK), pp. 1–11.
KEOD-2013-HlomaniS #evaluation #ontology #perspective #workflow- Contributing Evidence to Data-driven Ontology Evaluation — Workflow Ontologies Perspective (HH, DAS), pp. 207–213.
OOPSLA-2013-SharmaSCA #equivalence- Data-driven equivalence checking (RS, ES, BRC, AA), pp. 391–406.
ESEC-FSE-2013-LoharAZC #composition- Improving trace accuracy through data-driven configuration and composition of tracing features (SL, SA, AZ, JCH), pp. 378–388.
ICSE-2013-BartensteinL - Green streams for data-intensive software (TB, YDL), pp. 532–541.
SAC-2013-GrootGYNK #distributed #modelling- Modeling I/O interference for data intensive distributed applications (SG, KG, DY, MN, MK), pp. 343–350.
SAC-2013-LinCLG #approach #distributed #learning #predict- Distributed dynamic data driven prediction based on reinforcement learning approach (SYL, KMC, CCL, NG), pp. 779–784.
SAC-2013-TheodouliG #adaptation #query #web #web service- Adaptive memory-aware chunk sizing techniques for data-intensive queries over web services (AT, AG), pp. 826–831.
SAC-2013-ZagareseCZAPB #interactive #performance- Efficient data-intensive event-driven interaction in SOA (QZ, GC, EZ, IA, LP, FB), pp. 1907–1912.
CASE-2013-LiuZZ #approach #modelling- Data driven modeling of human welder intelligence: A neuro-fuzzy approach (YL, WZ, YZ), pp. 663–668.
CASE-2013-QiaoMG #algorithm #scheduling- Attribute selection algorithm of data-based scheduling strategy for semiconductor manufacturing (FQ, YM, XG), pp. 410–415.
PDP-2013-YangJPSSWR #re-engineering- Data Intensive Computing of X-Ray Computed Tomography Reconstruction at the LSDF (XY, TJ, HP, RS, AS, JvW, TdSR), pp. 86–93.
ESOP-2013-SharmaGHALN #algebra #approach #invariant- A Data Driven Approach for Algebraic Loop Invariants (RS, SG, BH, AA, PL, AVN), pp. 574–592.
SIGMOD-2012-KanneE #declarative #fault #robust- Declarative error management for robust data-intensive applications (CCK, VE), pp. 205–216.
ITiCSE-2012-Radenski #clustering #in the cloud #multi- Integrating data-intensive cloud computing with multicores and clusters in an HPC course (AR), pp. 69–74.
CSMR-2012-KovacsD #visual notation- Visual Modeler for Data Intensive Tasks (FK, ZD), pp. 509–512.
AIIDE-2012-ZookR - A Temporal Data-Driven Player Model for Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (AZ, MOR).
ICML-2012-KumarTAK #design #web- Data-driven Web Design (RK, JOT, SA, SRK), p. 2.
KDD-2012-PatroDSWFK #approach #how #learning #modelling #network- The missing models: a data-driven approach for learning how networks grow (RP, GD, ES, HW, DF, CK), pp. 42–50.
SIGIR-2012-YuanCSLM #approach #maintenance- Category hierarchy maintenance: a data-driven approach (QY, GC, AS, CYL, NMT), pp. 791–800.
CASE-2012-YamaguchiIS #database #fault #network- Data based construction of Bayesian Network for fault diagnosis of event-driven systems (TY, SI, TS), pp. 508–514.
HPDC-2012-KutluAK #algorithm #fault tolerance #parallel- Fault tolerant parallel data-intensive algorithms (MK, GA, OK), pp. 133–134.
PDP-2012-JejkalHSOGWS #execution #framework #named- LAMBDA — The LSDF Execution Framework for Data Intensive Applications (TJ, VH, RS, JCO, AG, JvW, AS), pp. 213–220.
CBSE-2011-LauSST #component- A component model that is both control-driven and data-driven (KKL, LS, PS, CMT), pp. 41–50.
SIGMOD-2011-GuptaKRBGK #coordination #declarative #query- Entangled queries: enabling declarative data-driven coordination (NG, LK, SR, GB, JG, CK), pp. 673–684.
VLDB-2012-GoyalBL11 #approach #social- A Data-Based Approach to Social Influence Maximization (AG, FB, LVSL), pp. 73–84.
CIKM-2011-PimentelCS #clustering #database #kernel #metric- A partitioning method for symbolic interval data based on kernelized metric (BAP, AFBFdC, RMCRdS), pp. 2189–2192.
KDD-2011-AggarwalXY #on the- On dynamic data-driven selection of sensor streams (CCA, YX, PSY), pp. 1226–1234.
KDD-2011-ShaoL #modelling #multi- Data-driven multi-touch attribution models (XS, LL), pp. 258–264.
KDD-2011-SinkovitsCSTRWB #analysis #performance- Data intensive analysis on the gordon high performance data and compute system (RSS, PC, SS, MT, PR, NW, NB), pp. 747–748.
BX-2011-Hainaut #approach #evolution- The transformational approach to data-intensive system engineering and evolution (JLH), p. 51.
OOPSLA-2011-YessenovXS #framework #object-oriented #synthesis- Data-driven synthesis for object-oriented frameworks (KY, ZX, ASL), pp. 65–82.
SAC-2011-GrootGK #distributed #towards- Towards improved load balancing for data intensive distributed computing (SG, KG, MK), pp. 139–146.
SAC-2011-LinCL #navigation- Service-oriented dynamic data driven application systems to potential field method vehicle navigation (SYL, KMC, CCL), pp. 462–467.
DAC-2011-ShoaibJV #algorithm #energy #framework #monitoring #platform- A low-energy computation platform for data-driven biomedical monitoring algorithms (MS, NKJ, NV), pp. 591–596.
HPDC-2011-HudsonNRWJP #case study #experience #simulation #using- Experiences using smaash to manage data-intensive simulations (RH, JN, LBR, KW, GCJI, MEP), pp. 205–216.
PPoPP-2011-WillcockHEL #fine-grained #parallel #programming- Active pebbles: a programming model for highly parallel fine-grained data-driven computations (JW, TH, NGE, AL), pp. 305–306.
SIGMOD-2010-CieslewiczRSY #automation #detection- Automatic contention detection and amelioration for data-intensive operations (JC, KAR, KS, YY), pp. 483–494.
VLDB-2010-XuZTY #database #distance #effectiveness #performance #probability #similarity- Efficient and Effective Similarity Search over Probabilistic Data based on Earth Mover’s Distance (JX, ZZ, AKHT, GY), pp. 758–769.
EDM-2010-KoedingerS #approach #modelling- A Data Driven Approach to the Discovery of Better Cognitive Models (KRK, JCS), pp. 325–326.
ICSM-2010-Cleve #evolution #program analysis #program transformation- Program analysis and transformation for data-intensive system evolution (AC), pp. 1–6.
ICPR-2010-FaragGEF #detection #modelling #robust- Data-Driven Lung Nodule Models for Robust Nodule Detection in Chest CT (AAF, JHG, SE, AAF), pp. 2588–2591.
ICPR-2010-LeeCL #algorithm #graph #markov #monte carlo #using- A Graph Matching Algorithm Using Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling (JL, MC, KML), pp. 2816–2819.
ICPR-2010-SunHL #detection- Data-Driven Foreground Object Detection from a Non-stationary Camera (SWS, FH, HYML), pp. 3053–3056.
HPDC-2010-BuiBFT #named #repository #scalability- ROARS: a scalable repository for data intensive scientific computing (HB, PB, PJF, DT), pp. 766–775.
HPDC-2010-CarmichaelBTE #collaboration #named #towards- Biocompute: towards a collaborative workspace for data intensive bio-science (RC, PBH, DT, SJE), pp. 489–498.
HPDC-2010-DunTY #fine-grained #named #profiling #workflow- ParaTrac: a fine-grained profiler for data-intensive workflows (ND, KT, AY), pp. 37–48.
HPDC-2010-FuRLFG #clustering #named #scalability- DiscFinder: a data-intensive scalable cluster finder for astrophysics (BF, KR, JL, EF, GAG), pp. 348–351.
HPDC-2010-ShibataCT #data access #distributed #workflow- File-access patterns of data-intensive workflow applications and their implications to distributed filesystems (TS, SC, KT), pp. 746–755.
HPDC-2010-TanakaT #distributed #flexibility #named #parallel #workflow- Pwrake: a parallel and distributed flexible workflow management tool for wide-area data intensive computing (MT, OT), pp. 356–359.
CBSE-2009-GortonCWAC #component #workflow- Services + Components = Data Intensive Scientific Workflow Applications with MeDICi (IG, JC, AW, JA, AC), pp. 227–241.
EDM-2009-Ben-NaimBM #adaptation #approach #education- A User-Driven and Data-Driven Approach for Supporting Teachers in Reflection and Adaptation of Adaptive Tutorials (DBN, MB, NM), pp. 21–30.
DiGRA-2009-DrachenHJY #towards- Towards Data-Driven Drama Management: Issues in Data Collection and Annotation (AD, MH, AJ, GNY).
CIKM-2009-KhaitanDGS - Data-driven compound splitting method for english compounds in domain names (SK, AD, SG, AS), pp. 207–214.
KDD-2009-ZhouJPL #framework- OLAP on search logs: an infrastructure supporting data-driven applications in search engines (BZ, DJ, JP, HL), pp. 1395–1404.
SEKE-2009-IqbalUHT #development #linked data #named #open data- LD2SD: Linked Data Driven Software Development (AI, OU, MH, GT), pp. 240–245.
ASPLOS-2009-CaulfieldGS #clustering #memory management #named #performance #power management #using- Gordon: using flash memory to build fast, power-efficient clusters for data-intensive applications (AMC, LMG, SS), pp. 217–228.
CASE-2009-SankavaramPKPAKP #modelling- Model-based and data-driven prognosis of automotive and electronic systems (CS, BRP, AK, KRP, MA, SK, MGP), pp. 96–101.
HPDC-2009-RaicuFZLMCT #distributed #scalability- The quest for scalable support of data-intensive workloads in distributed systems (IR, ITF, YZ, PL, CM, AC, DT), pp. 207–216.
WICSA-2008-Gorton #architecture #challenge- Software Architecture Challenges for Data Intensive Computing (IG), pp. 4–6.
SIGMOD-2008-AlbrightDGGLKSSW #game studies #named #scalability- SGL: a scalable language for data-driven games (RA, AJD, JG, NG, HL, RK, GS, BS, WMW), pp. 1217–1222.
VLDB-2008-YangGBCLS #development #web- WYSIWYG development of data driven web applications (FY, NG, CB, EFC, GL, JS), pp. 163–175.
EDM-2008-Mavrikis #interactive #modelling #student- Data-driven modelling of students’ interactions in an ILE (MM), pp. 87–96.
WCRE-2008-CleveH #dynamic analysis #reverse engineering #sql- Dynamic Analysis of SQL Statements for Data-Intensive Applications Reverse Engineering (AC, JLH), pp. 192–196.
CHI-2008-McGinnK #development- Data-driven persona development (JM, NK), pp. 1521–1524.
CAiSE-2008-MullerRH #adaptation #paradigm #process- A New Paradigm for the Enactment and Dynamic Adaptation of Data-Driven Process Structures (DM, MR, JH), pp. 48–63.
HPDC-2008-NathUS - Evaluating the usefulness of content addressable storage for high-performance data intensive applications (PN, BU, AS), pp. 35–44.
SIGMOD-2007-GuptaYDGS #personalisation #web- User-centric personalized extensibility for data-driven web applications (NG, FY, AJD, JG, JS), pp. 1125–1127.
ICSM-2007-HenrardRCH #case study #experience #industrial #legacy #migration- An Industrial Experience Report on Legacy Data-Intensive System Migration (JH, DR, AC, JLH), pp. 473–476.
DHM-2007-BeurierCMTW #approach #database #simulation #using- Simulation of Digital Human Hand Postures of Car Controls Using a Data Based Approach (GB, NC, GM, JT, XW), pp. 13–22.
DHM-2007-WangCC #approach #capacity #modelling- A Data-Based Modeling Approach of Reach Capacity and Discomfort for Digital Human Models (XW, EC, NC), pp. 215–223.
HPDC-2007-ShankarD #clustering #workflow- Data driven workflow planning in cluster management systems (SS, DJD), pp. 127–136.
PODS-2006-DeutschSVZ #communication #verification #web #web service- Verification of communicating data-driven web services (AD, LS, VV, DZ), pp. 90–99.
SIGMOD-2006-DeutschSVZ #interactive #specification #verification #web- A system for specification and verification of interactive, data-driven web applications (AD, LS, VV, DZ), pp. 772–774.
SIGMOD-2006-GernerYDGRS #automation #clustering #web- Automatic client-server partitioning of data-driven web applications (NG, FY, AJD, JG, MR, JS), pp. 760–762.
SIGMOD-2006-ManjhiAMMOT #scalability #security #web- Simultaneous scalability and security for data-intensive web applications (AM, AA, BMM, TCM, CO, AT), pp. 241–252.
SOFTVIS-2006-DemetrescuF #tool support #visual notation #visualisation- A data-driven graphical toolkit for software visualization (CD, IF), pp. 57–66.
CAiSE-2006-RinderleR #exception #process- Data-Driven Process Control and Exception Handling in Process Management Systems (SR, MR), pp. 273–287.
ICML-2006-AzranG #approach #clustering- A new approach to data driven clustering (AA, ZG), pp. 57–64.
ICPR-v1-2006-DjorgovskiDMWDGG #challenge #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Some Pattern Recognition Challenges in Data-Intensive Astronomy (SGD, CD, AM, RW, AJD, MJG, EG), pp. 856–863.
ICPR-v4-2006-ReisertB #3d #database #integration #invariant #using- Invariant Features for 3D-Data based on Group Integration using Directional Information and Spherical Harmonic Expansion (MR, HB), pp. 206–209.
KDD-2006-TangZL #classification #semantics #taxonomy- Acclimatizing taxonomic semantics for hierarchical content classification from semantics to data-driven taxonomy (LT, JZ, HL), pp. 384–393.
ASE-2006-Mattmann #distributed- Software Connectors for Highly Distributed and Voluminous Data Intensive Systems (CM), pp. 331–334.
ICSE-2006-MattmannCMH #architecture #distributed #framework- A software architecture-based framework for highly distributed and data intensive scientific applications (CM, DJC, NM, SH), pp. 721–730.
SAC-2006-CicchettiRP #development #modelling #weaving #web- Weaving concerns in model based development of data-intensive web applications (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 1256–1261.
HPDC-2006-GlatardMP #composition #performance- Efficient services composition for grid-enabled data-intensive applications (TG, JM, XP), pp. 333–334.
HPDC-2006-KhannaVCKKSS #replication #scheduling- Task Scheduling and File Replication for Data-Intensive Jobs with Batch-shared I/O (GK, NV, ÜVÇ, TMK, SK, PS, JHS), pp. 241–252.
SIGMOD-2005-DeutschMSVZ #interactive #verification #web- A Verifier for Interactive, Data-Driven Web Applications (AD, MM, LS, VV, DZ), pp. 539–550.
SIGITE-2005-DeLooze05a #diagrams #uml #web- Minimal UML diagrams for a data-driven web site (LLD), pp. 229–232.
CAiSE-2005-RuscioP #development #model transformation #web- Model Transformations in the Development of Data-Intensive Web Applications (DDR, AP), pp. 475–490.
SEKE-2005-ChangL #compilation- Compiler Techniques for Data Driven Languages with Superlinear Speed-up (LHC, ELL), pp. 543–549.
SAC-2005-NatarajanS #approach- A relatedness-based data-driven approach to determination of interestingness of association rules (RN, BS), pp. 551–552.
SAC-2005-ZhouP #approach #design #distance- Data driven approach to designing minimum hamming distance polychotomizer (JZ, GP), pp. 27–31.
HPDC-2005-VenugopalB #cost analysis #scheduling- Cost-based scheduling for data-intensive applications on global grids (SV, RB), pp. 310–311.
WICSA-2004-MattmannCHKR #architecture #distributed #scalability- Software Architecture for Large-Scale, Distributed, Data-Intensive Systems (CM, DJC, JSH, SCK, PMR), pp. 255–276.
PODS-2004-DeutschSV #specification #verification #web #web service- Specification and Verification of Data-driven Web Services (AD, LS, VV), pp. 71–82.
ICPR-v1-2004-MaedaKI #clustering #database #probability #process #segmentation- Segmentation of Range Data Based on A Stochastic Clustering Method with Competitive Process (MM, KK, KI), pp. 624–627.
SAC-2004-LucchiZ #coordination #named #web #web service- WSSecSpaces: a secure data-driven coordination service for Web Services applications (RL, GZ), pp. 487–491.
SAC-2004-SakuraiS #database- Rule discovery from textual data based on key phrase patterns (SS, AS), pp. 606–612.
DATE-v1-2004-MolnosHCE #composition #memory management- Compositional Memory Systems for Data Intensive Applications (AMM, MJMH, SC, JTJvE), pp. 728–729.
HPCA-2004-CarreraB #throughput- Improving Disk Throughput in Data-Intensive Servers (EVC, RB), pp. 130–141.
ICDAR-2003-Ishitani #database #documentation #xml- Document Transformation System from Papers to XML Data Based on Pivot XML Document Method (YI), pp. 250–255.
ICML-2003-YamadaSYT #database #induction #standard- Decision-tree Induction from Time-series Data Based on a Standard-example Split Test (YY, ES, HY, KT), pp. 840–847.
KDD-2003-PerngTGMH #network #validation- Data-driven validation, completion and construction of event relationship networks (CSP, DT, GG, SM, JLH), pp. 729–734.
SAC-2003-BusiMMZ #coordination #named #network #peer-to-peer- PeerSpaces: Data-driven Coordination in Peer-to-Peer Networks (NB, CM, AM, GZ), pp. 380–386.
DAC-2003-WongM #composition #synthesis- High-level synthesis of asynchronous systems by data-driven decomposition (CGW, AJM), pp. 508–513.
HPDC-2003-BalajiWKCPS #performance- Impact of High Performance Sockets on Data Intensive Applications (PB, JW, TMK, ÜVÇ, DKP, JHS), pp. 24–33.
SIGMOD-2002-CrescenziMM #automation #named #web- RoadRunner: automatic data extraction from data-intensive web sites (VC, GM, PM), p. 624.
CAiSE-2002-LeeKL #database #distance #performance #similarity- Efficient Similarity Search for Time Series Data Based on the Minimum Distance (SL, DK, SL), pp. 377–391.
SAC-2002-SinghP #compilation #distributed #java #optimisation- Compiler optimizations for Java aglets in distributed data intensive applications (AS, SP), pp. 87–92.
SAC-2002-StojanovicSV #migration #semantics #web- Migrating data-intensive web sites into the Semantic Web (LS, NS, RV), pp. 1100–1107.
HPDC-2002-RanganathanF #distributed #scheduling- Decoupling Computation and Data Scheduling in Distributed Data-Intensive Applications (KR, ITF), pp. 352–358.
VLDB-2001-MorishimaKKT #approach #repository #xml- Enabling End-users to Construct Data-intensive Web-sites from XML Repositories: An Example-based Approach (AM, SK, HK, ST), pp. 703–704.
CAiSE-2001-ShaoLFEG #design #query #source code- Querying Data-Intensive Programs for Data Design (JS, XL, GF, SME, WAG), pp. 203–218.
DAC-2001-KjeldsbergCA #detection #estimation- Detection of Partially Simultaneously Alive Signals in Storage Requirement Estimation for Data Intensive Applications (PGK, FC, EJA), pp. 365–370.
HPCA-2001-RothS #multi #thread- Speculative Data-Driven Multithreading (AR, GSS), pp. 37–48.
SIGMOD-2000-LiuPBHPT #adaptation #distributed #middleware #named #query- AQR-Toolkit: An Adaptive Query Routing Middleware for Distributed Data Intensive Systems (LL, CP, DB, WH, HP, WT), p. 597.
SIGMOD-2000-MerialdoAMMP #automation #modelling #named #web- Homer: a Model-Based CASE Tool for Data-Intensive Web Sites (PM, PA, MM, GM, MP), p. 586.
VLDB-2000-YagoubFIV #web- Caching Strategies for Data-Intensive Web Sites (KY, DF, VI, PV), pp. 188–199.
VLDB-2000-YagoubFIV00a #using #web- Building and Customizing Data-Intensive Web Sites Using Weave (KY, DF, VI, PV), pp. 607–610.
ITiCSE-2000-GreeningSS #testing- A case for data-driven testing (TG, GS, DS), pp. 172–175.
ICSM-2000-LuccaFC #diagrams #legacy- Recovering Class Diagrams from Data-Intensive Legacy Systems (GADL, ARF, UdC), pp. 52–63.
SAC-2000-BusiZ #coordination #order- Event Notification in Data-driven Coordination Languages: Comparing the Ordered and Unordered Interpretations (NB, GZ), pp. 233–239.
SAC-2000-HongKCW #algorithm #database #fuzzy #mining- Mining Fuzzy Rules from Quantitative Data Based on the AprioriTid Algorithm (TPH, CSK, SCC, SLW), pp. 534–536.
PDP-2000-TranHN #parallel #programming- Parallel programming with data driven model (VDT, LH, GTN), pp. 205–211.
ESOP-2000-BusiZ #coordination #on the- On the Expressiveness of Event Notification in Data-Driven Coordination Languages (NB, GZ), pp. 41–55.
VLDB-1999-CeriFP #generative #web- Data-Driven, One-To-One Web Site Generation for Data-Intensive Applications (SC, PF, SP), pp. 615–626.
VLDB-1999-FlorescuLSY #optimisation #runtime- Optimization of Run-time Management of Data Intensive Web-sites (DF, AYL, DS, KY), pp. 627–638.
HPDC-1999-TierneyLCHHD #distributed- A Network-Aware Distributed Storage Cache for Data Intensive Environments (BT, JL, BC, MH, JH, FLD), pp. 185–193.
EDOC-1998-Moniz #interface #middleware #object-oriented- Developing practical, object-oriented middleware interfaces for data-intensive applications (DLM), pp. 174–182.
TOOLS-USA-1998-FosterMN #architecture #case study #distributed #experience #implementation #named- AutoPilot: Experiences Implementing a Distributed Data-Driven Agent Architecture (SSF, DM, BAN), pp. 259–268.
DATE-1998-WangV #optimisation- Data Driven Power Optimization of Sequential Circuits (QW, SBKV), pp. 686–691.
HPDC-1998-Johnston #performance- High-Speed, Wide Area, Data Intensive Computing: A Ten Year Retrospective (WEJ), pp. 280–291.
ASE-1997-Tan #component #interface #reuse #source code #usability- Enhancing the Component Reusability in Data-Intensive Business Programs through Interface Separation (HBKT), pp. 313–314.
EDTC-1997-LeijtenMTJ #architecture #multi #named- PROPHID: a data-driven multi-processor architecture for high-performance DSP (JAJL, JLvM, AHT, JAGJ), p. 611.
ICSM-1995-YangB #modelling- Acquisition of ERA models from data intensive code (HY, KHB), pp. 116–123.
ICSM-1994-YangB #maintenance #source code- Extension of a Transformation System for Maintenance: Dealing with Data-Intensive Programs (HY, KHB), pp. 344–353.
ICDAR-1993-WangO #automation #database #generative- Automated generation of Chinese character structure data based on extracting the strokes (JHW, SO), pp. 806–809.
ML-1991-WisniewskiM - Is it a Pocket or a Purse? Tighly Coupled Theory and Data Driven Learing (EJW, DLM), pp. 564–568.
FPCA-1989-WeissSS #architecture #array- Architectural Improvements for Data-Driven VLSI Processing Arrays (SW, IYS, GMS), pp. 243–259.
CAiSE-1989-StenstromS #development #named- SVEA — A User Driven and Data Driven System Development Method (IMS, ES).
CAiSE-1989-Swende #architecture #named #resource management- IRMA — Information Resource Management Architecture: A Data-driven Method Used in Planning the Overall System Architecture (ES).
ML-1989-Gaines #database #empirical #induction #statistics #trade-off- An Ounce of Knowledge is Worth a Ton of Data: Quantitative studies of the Trade-Off between Expertise and Data Based On Statistically Well-Founded Empirical Induction (BRG), pp. 156–159.
DAC-1989-Roberts #named- CEDIF: A Data Driven EDIF Reader (MR), pp. 818–821.
SIGMOD-1988-AlexanderC #data flow #distributed #process- Process And Dataflow Control In Distributed Data-Intensive Systems (WA, GPC), pp. 90–98.
JICSCP-1988-TsengB88 #execution #logic programming #parallel #source code- A Data-Driven Parallel Execution Model for Logic Programs (CCT, PB), pp. 1204–1222.
JICSCP-1988-Zaniolo88 #design #implementation #logic- Design and Implementation of a Logic Based Language for Data Intensive Applications (CZ), pp. 1666–1687.
HCI-CE-1987-ZhangCW #design #implementation #user interface- The Design and Implementation of a Data-Driven User Interface (FZ, SC, SW), pp. 183–190.
DAC-1985-Frank #simulation #using- Switch-level simulation of VLSI using a special-purpose data-driven computer (EHF), pp. 735–738.
ICALP-1983-Moller #algebra #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics- An Algebraic Semantics for Busy (Data-Driven) and Lazy (Demand-Driven) Evaluation and its Application to a Functional Language (BM), pp. 513–526.
POPL-1983-CunyS #compilation #execution #source code- Compilation of Data-Driven Programs for Synchronous Execution (JEC, LS), pp. 197–202.
LFP-1982-Wise #parallel #prolog- A Parallel Prolog: The Construction of a Data Driven Model (MJW), pp. 56–66.
ICSE-1982-Babb #data flow #diagrams #implementation- Data-Driven Implementation of Data Flow Diagrams (RGBI), pp. 309–318.
VLDB-1981-MontgomeryR #analysis #information management- The Active Information System: A Data-Driven System for the Analysis of Imprecise Data (CAM, EHR), pp. 376–384.
SIGMOD-1980-HammerB #named #programming language- DIAL: A Programming Language for Data Intensive Applications (MH, BB), pp. 75–92.