9 papers:
ISSTA-2008-BoddenH #aspectj #concurrent #detection #effectiveness #named #using- Racer: effective race detection using aspectj (EB, KH), pp. 155–166.
POPL-2007-AvgustinovHOMSTV #aspectj #semantics- Semantics of static pointcuts in aspectJ (PA, EH, NO, OdM, DS, JT, MV), pp. 11–23.
OOPSLA-2006-BravenboerTV #aspectj #declarative #syntax- Declarative, formal, and extensible syntax definition for aspectJ (MB, ÉT, EV), pp. 209–228.
FSE-2006-MaozH #aspectj #compilation #multi- From multi-modal scenarios to code: compiling LSCs into aspectJ (SM, DH), pp. 219–230.
ICSE-2006-HuangS #aspectj- Easy language extension with meta-aspectJ (SSH, YS), pp. 865–868.
PLDI-2005-AvgustinovCHKLLMSST #aspectj #optimisation- Optimising aspectJ (PA, ASC, LJH, SK, JL, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 117–128.
OOPSLA-2002-HannemannK #aspectj #design pattern #implementation #java- Design pattern implementation in Java and aspectJ (JH, GK), pp. 161–173.
OOPSLA-2002-SoaresLB #aspect-oriented #aspectj #implementation #persistent- Implementing distribution and persistence aspects with aspectJ (SS, EL, PB), pp. 174–190.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Hilsdale #aspect-oriented #aspectj #programming- Aspect-Oriented Programming with Aspectj (EH), p. 368.