Tag #aspectj
38 papers:
SEKE-2011-ChenF #model checking- Model Checking Framework-based Applications with AspectJ Assistance (ZC, SF), pp. 296–301.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-GolbeckSK - Late Binding of AspectJ Advice (RMG, PS, GK), pp. 173–191.
ICPC-2009-ZhangDH #impact analysis #tool support #visualisation- Impact analysis and visualization toolkit for static crosscutting in AspectJ (DZ, EDE, LJH), pp. 60–69.
ICSM-2009-LinZZ #graph #incremental- Incremental call graph reanalysis for AspectJ software (YL, SZ, JZ), pp. 306–315.
GPCE-2009-AkaiC - Extending AspectJ for separating regions (SA, SC), pp. 45–54.
ICST-2009-DelamareBGT #approach #aspect-oriented #testing- A Test-Driven Approach to Developing Pointcut Descriptors in AspectJ (RD, BB, SG, YLT), pp. 376–385.
ISSTA-2009-GorgZ #difference #identification #semantics #source code- Identifying semantic differences in AspectJ programs (MTG, JZ), pp. 25–36.
ICSM-2008-ZhangGLZ #impact analysis #source code- Change impact analysis for AspectJ programs (SZ, ZG, YL, JZ), pp. 87–96.
ICSM-2008-ZhangGLZ08a #automation #debugging #named- AutoFlow: An automatic debugging tool for AspectJ software (SZ, ZG, YL, JZ), pp. 470–471.
PASTE-2008-ShenZZFY #named- XFindBugs: eXtended FindBugs for AspectJ (HS, SZ, JZ, JF, SY), pp. 70–76.
WCRE-2008-GhanbariCA #analysis #hybrid #java #query #source code- A Hybrid Query Engine for the Structural Analysis of Java and AspectJ Programs (HG, CC, VA), pp. 133–137.
SAC-2008-RebeloSLFC #contract #implementation #java #modelling- Implementing Java modeling language contracts with AspectJ (HR, SS, RMFL, LF, MC), pp. 228–233.
ICST-2008-RebeloLCS #compilation #ml- A JML Compiler Based on AspectJ (HR, RMFL, MC, SS), pp. 541–544.
ISSTA-2008-BoddenH #concurrent #detection #effectiveness #named #using- Racer: effective race detection using aspectj (EB, KH), pp. 155–166.
SPLC-2007-KastnerAB #case study #implementation #using- A Case Study Implementing Features Using AspectJ (CK, SA, DSB), pp. 223–232.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-HorieC #named #source code- AspectScope: An Outline Viewer for AspectJ Programs (MH, SC), pp. 341–361.
POPL-2007-AvgustinovHOMSTV #semantics- Semantics of static pointcuts in aspectJ (PA, EH, NO, OdM, DS, JT, MV), pp. 11–23.
ICSE-2007-XuR #testing- Regression Test Selection for AspectJ Software (G(X, AR), pp. 65–74.
SEFM-2006-BelblidiaD #formal method #weaving- Formalizing AspectJ Weaving for Static Pointcuts (NB, MD), pp. 50–59.
OOPSLA-2006-BravenboerTV #declarative #syntax- Declarative, formal, and extensible syntax definition for aspectJ (MB, ÉT, EV), pp. 209–228.
FSE-2006-MaozH #compilation #multi- From multi-modal scenarios to code: compiling LSCs into aspectJ (SM, DH), pp. 219–230.
ICSE-2006-HuangS - Easy language extension with meta-aspectJ (SSH, YS), pp. 865–868.
ICSM-2005-BriandLL #distributed #using- Tracing Distributed Systems Executions Using AspectJ (LCB, YL, JL), pp. 81–90.
ICSM-2005-MonteiroF #java #refactoring- Refactoring a Java Code Base to AspectJ: An Illustrative Example (MPM, JMF), pp. 17–26.
OOPSLA-2005-AllanACHKLMSST - Adding trace matching with free variables to AspectJ (CA, PA, ASC, LJH, SK, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 345–364.
PLDI-2005-AvgustinovCHKLLMSST #optimisation- Optimising aspectJ (PA, ASC, LJH, SK, JL, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 117–128.
GPCE-2005-AllanACHKLLMSST #compilation #named- abc: The AspectBench Compiler for AspectJ (CA, PA, ASC, LJH, SK, JL, OL, OdM, DS, GS, JT), pp. 10–16.
ECOOP-2004-CohenG #aspect-oriented- AspectJ2EE = AOP + J2EE (TC, JYG), pp. 219–243.
OOPSLA-2004-DufourGHMSV #behaviour #source code- Measuring the dynamic behaviour of AspectJ programs (BD, CG, LJH, OdM, GS, CV), pp. 150–169.
GPCE-2004-ZookHS #generative #source code- Generating AspectJ Programs with Meta-AspectJ (DZ, SSH, YS), pp. 1–18.
FASE-2003-ZhaoR #behaviour #interface #named #specification- Pipa: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for AspectJ (JZ, MCR), pp. 150–165.
CSMR-2002-MolnarBS #java #xml- Function Call Trap of Java Codes with the Help of AspectJ and XML (BM, IB, BS), pp. 207–210.
OOPSLA-2002-HannemannK #design pattern #implementation #java- Design pattern implementation in Java and aspectJ (JH, GK), pp. 161–173.
OOPSLA-2002-SoaresLB #aspect-oriented #implementation #persistent- Implementing distribution and persistence aspects with aspectJ (SS, EL, PB), pp. 174–190.
ECOOP-2001-KiczalesHHKPG #overview- An Overview of AspectJ (GK, EH, JH, MK, JP, WGG), pp. 327–353.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Hilsdale #aspect-oriented #programming- Aspect-Oriented Programming with Aspectj (EH), p. 368.
GCSE-2001-Vranic #design #multi #paradigm- AspectJ Paradigm Model: A Basis for Multi-paradigm Design for AspectJ (VV), pp. 48–57.
ICSE-2000-LopesK #composition #design #source code #using- Improving design and source code modularity using AspectJ (CVL, GK), p. 825.