4 papers:
CHI-2013-YinOPZ #adaptation #approach- Making touchscreen keyboards adaptive to keys, hand postures, and individuals: a hierarchical spatial backoff model approach (YY, TO, KP, SZ), pp. 2775–2784.
HPCA-2003-RadovicH #architecture #communication- Hierarchical Backoff Locks for Nonuniform Communication Architectures (ZR, EH), pp. 241–252.
ICALP-2000-GoldbergJKP #bound #capacity #protocol- A Bound on the Capacity of Backoff and Acknowledgement-Based Protocols (LAG, MJ, SK, MP), pp. 705–716.
STOC-1987-HastadLR #analysis #multi #protocol- Analysis of Backoff Protocols for Multiple Access Channels (Extended Abstract) (JH, FTL, BR), pp. 241–253.