6 papers:
CSCW-2013-MaoSS #online #social- Online silk road: nurturing social search through knowledge bartering (YM, HS, CS), pp. 1193–1202.
CSCW-2012-ShenALB #design #named- Barter: mechanism design for a market incented wisdom exchange (DS, MWvA, AL, HB), pp. 275–284.
CIKM-2009-JiYLZFC #named #novel #online- ExSearch: a novel vertical search engine for online barter business (LJ, JY, NL, WZ, WF, ZC), pp. 1357–1366.
SIGMOD-2007-HollowayRSD #database #how- How to barter bits for chronons: compression and bandwidth trade offs for database scans (ALH, VR, GS, DJD), pp. 389–400.
SAC-2004-CavalliM #automation #generative- Automated test scenarios generation for an e-barter system (ARC, SM), pp. 795–799.
SAC-2003-LopezNRR #multi #transaction- A Multi-Agent System for E-Barter Including Transaction and Shipping Costs (NL, MN, IR, FR), pp. 587–594.