4 papers:
ICSME-2014-MeuriceRWC #exclamation #information management #legacy- Establishing Referential Integrity in Legacy Information Systems — Reality Bites! (LM, FJBR, JHW, AC), pp. 461–465.
VLDB-2013-0007DSF #named- Mosquito: Another One Bites the Data Upload STream (SR, JD, SS, TF), pp. 1274–1277.
SAC-2009-FloraTB #forensics #identification #image #using- Forensic bite mark identification using image processing methods (GF, MT, HB), pp. 903–907.
ICALP-2001-ShankarKSR- Minimal Tail-Biting Trellises for Certain Cyclic Block Codes Are Easy to Construct (PS, PNAK, HS, BSR), pp. 627–638.