658 papers:
WICSA-2015-LiLA #architecture #identification #technical debt- Architectural Technical Debt Identification Based on Architecture Decisions and Change Scenarios (ZL, PL, PA), pp. 65–74.
CASE-2015-BasileCC #identification #modelling #petri net #realtime- Real time identification of Time Petri net faulty models (FB, PC, JC), pp. 280–285.
CASE-2015-RonBF #identification- Identification of operations at robotic welding lines (MR, PB, OF), pp. 470–476.
CASE-2015-RoyelYLLH #identification #optimisation #parametricity #using- A hysteresis model and parameter identification for MR pin joints using immune particle swarm optimization (SR, YY, YL, JL, QPH), pp. 1319–1324.
DAC-2015-TashjianD #identification #on the #using- On using control signals for word-level identification in a gate-level netlist (ET, AD), p. 6.
DATE-2015-DoblerHRPRB #adaptation #identification #named- Bordersearch: an adaptive identification of failure regions (MD, MH, MR, GP, WR, MB), pp. 1036–1041.
DATE-2015-SteinhorstL #composition #identification- Topology identification for smart cells in modular batteries (SS, ML), pp. 1249–1252.
DRR-2015-LiGTY #documentation #identification- Cross-reference identification within a document (SL, LG, ZT, YY), p. 940209.
MSR-2015-BlincoeHD #ecosystem #git #identification #using- Ecosystems in GitHub and a Method for Ecosystem Identification Using Reference Coupling (KB, FH, DD), pp. 202–211.
SANER-2015-QiuSM #graph #identification #library #morphism #using- Library functions identification in binary code by using graph isomorphism testings (JQ, XS, PM), pp. 261–270.
SANER-2015-RahmanR #identification- TextRank based search term identification for software change tasks (MMR, CKR), pp. 540–544.
SANER-2015-SharmaTL #automation #identification #named #twitter- NIRMAL: Automatic identification of software relevant tweets leveraging language model (AS, YT, DL), pp. 449–458.
LATA-2015-UlyantsevZS #automaton #identification #symmetry- BFS-Based Symmetry Breaking Predicates for DFA Identification (VU, IZ, AS), pp. 611–622.
CHI-2015-FlatlaATKS #identification #named #people- ColourID: Improving Colour Identification for People with Impaired Colour Vision (DRF, ARA, RDT, DLK, CS), pp. 3543–3552.
CHI-2015-HolzBK #identification #mobile #named #using- Bodyprint: Biometric User Identification on Mobile Devices Using the Capacitive Touchscreen to Scan Body Parts (CH, SB, MK), pp. 3011–3014.
DHM-EH-2015-ColomboFRV15a #automation #identification- Automatic Identification of Below-Knee Residuum Anatomical Zones (GC, GF, CR, AV), pp. 327–335.
DUXU-UI-2015-SunJ #identification- Lyricon (Lyrics + Earcons) Improves Identification of Auditory Cues (YS, MJ), pp. 382–389.
ICEIS-v1-2015-EnriquezLGMC #identification #open data #problem- Entity Identification Problem in Big and Open Data (JGE, VL, MG, FJDM, MJEC), pp. 404–408.
ICEIS-v1-2015-PfaffK #automation #benchmark #classification #documentation #identification #metric #natural language- Natural Language Processing Techniques for Document Classification in IT Benchmarking — Automated Identification of Domain Specific Terms (MP, HK), pp. 360–366.
ICEIS-v2-2015-BeraOC #component #identification #modelling #representation #variability- Evidence-based SMarty Support for Variability Identification and Representation in Component Models (MHGB, EOJ, TEC), pp. 295–302.
ICEIS-v2-2015-JuniorP #approach #identification #named #ontology #requirements- OnTheme/Doc — An Ontology-based Approach for Crosscutting Concern Identification from Software Requirements (PAPJ, RADP), pp. 188–200.
ICEIS-v3-2015-Wissotzki #approach #identification #process- A Process Approach for Capability Identification and Management (MW), pp. 204–212.
ICML-2015-GeigerZSGJ #component #identification #process- Causal Inference by Identification of Vector Autoregressive Processes with Hidden Components (PG, KZ, BS, MG, DJ), pp. 1917–1925.
KDD-2015-ShaabaniASB #identification- Early Identification of Violent Criminal Gang Members (ES, AA, PS, JB), pp. 2079–2088.
MLDM-2015-Babu #classification #identification #using- Offline Writer Identification in Tamil Using Bagged Classification Trees (SB), pp. 342–354.
SEKE-2015-YangL #classification #identification #requirements- Identification and Classification of Requirements from App User Reviews (HY, PL), pp. 7–12.
MoDELS-2015-StephanC #clone detection #detection #identification #using- Identification of Simulink model antipattern instances using model clone detection (MS, JRC), pp. 276–285.
SAC-2015-Chakraborti #identification #multi #optimisation #summary #topic- Multi-document text summarization for competitor intelligence: a methodology based on topic identification and artificial bee colony optimization (SC), pp. 1110–1111.
SAC-2015-Jung0B #analysis #embedded #encoding #identification #power management- Identification of embedded control units by state encoding and power consumption analysis (EJ, CM, LB), pp. 1957–1959.
SAC-2015-StegagnoMB #distributed #identification- Distributed target identification in robotic swarms (PS, CM, HHB), pp. 307–313.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Konopka #dependence #eye tracking #identification #navigation- Combining eye tracking with navigation paths for identification of cross-language code dependencies (MK), pp. 1057–1059.
PPoPP-2015-JinLMLLPCK #automation #benchmark #generative #identification #metric #modelling #parallel #statistics- Combining phase identification and statistic modeling for automated parallel benchmark generation (YJ, ML, XM, QL, JSL, NP, JYC, SK), pp. 269–270.
ICST-2015-CarboneCPP #identification #security #testing- Security Threat Identification and Testing (RC, LC, AP, SEP), pp. 1–8.
CASE-2014-HuangYTC #design #identification- Design of client device identification by clock skew in clouds (DJH, KTY, WCT, GMC), pp. 1133–1138.
CASE-2014-LeeJMC #framework #identification #recognition #robust- Iterative identification framework for robust hand-written digit recognition under extremely noisy conditions (HL, SJ, TM, NYC), pp. 728–733.
DAC-2014-SullivanBZZJ #functional #hardware #identification #named- FIGHT-Metric: Functional Identification of Gate-Level Hardware Trustworthiness (DS, JB, GZ, SZ, YJ), p. 4.
DAC-2014-WaksmanRSS #analysis #assessment #functional #identification- A Red Team/Blue Team Assessment of Functional Analysis Methods for Malicious Circuit Identification (AW, JR, MS, SS), p. 4.
DAC-2014-WendtKP #identification- Techniques for Foundry Identification (JBW, FK, MP), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ZhengBB #analysis #identification #named #robust #towards- CACI: Dynamic Current Analysis Towards Robust Recycled Chip Identification (YZ, AB, SB), p. 6.
DATE-2014-BeneventiBVDB #analysis #identification #logic- Thermal analysis and model identification techniques for a logic + WIDEIO stacked DRAM test chip (FB, AB, PV, DD, LB), pp. 1–4.
DRR-2014-FielHGS #documentation #identification- Writer identification on historical Glagolitic documents (SF, FH, MG, RS), pp. 902102–10.
DRR-2014-TaghvaA #fault #identification #web- Utilizing web data in identification and correction of OCR errors (KT, SA), pp. 902109–6.
VLDB-2014-LiagourisT #identification #knowledge base #owl #performance- Efficient Identification of Implicit Facts in Incomplete OWL2-EL Knowledge Bases (JL, MT), pp. 1993–2004.
ITiCSE-2014-TedreBMC #classification #concept #education #identification #towards- Towards identification and classification of core and threshold concepts in methodology education in computing (MT, DB, SMB, JCC), pp. 237–242.
TACAS-2014-BozzanoCGT #component #design #detection #fault #identification #logic #using- Formal Design of Fault Detection and Identification Components Using Temporal Epistemic Logic (MB, AC, MG, ST), pp. 326–340.
ICPC-2014-White #data type #identification #named- dsOli: data structure operation location and identification (DHW), pp. 48–52.
ICSME-2014-AlalfiRSSDC #automation #identification #modelling #representation #variability- Semi-automatic Identification and Representation of Subsystem Variability in Simulink Models (MHA, EJR, AS, MS, TRD, JRC), pp. 486–490.
SCAM-2014-MondalRS #automation #identification #refactoring- Automatic Identification of Important Clones for Refactoring and Tracking (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 11–20.
CHI-2014-HayashiMH #gesture #identification #using- Wave to me: user identification using body lengths and natural gestures (EH, MM, JIH), pp. 3453–3462.
CHI-2014-ReetzG #gesture #identification- Making big gestures: effects of gesture size on observability and identification for co-located group awareness (AR, CG), pp. 4087–4096.
CSCW-2014-ShoresHSKR #game studies #identification #multi- The identification of deviance and its impact on retention in a multiplayer game (KBS, YH, KLS, RK, JR), pp. 1356–1365.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-GeabelJHABA #identification #using- Pilgrim Smart Identification Using RFID Technology (PSI) (AG, KJ, RAH, RA, MB, MA), pp. 273–280.
DUXU-TMT-2014-Tao #analysis #identification #user interface- Grammatical Analysis of User Interface Events for Task Identification (YT), pp. 197–205.
HCI-AIMT-2014-ChakravartyC #artificial reality #identification #using- Frontal-Standing Pose Based Person Identification Using Kinect (KC, TC), pp. 215–223.
HCI-AS-2014-Stopka #identification #mobile #requirements- Identification of User Requirements for Mobile Applications to Support Door-to-Door Mobility in Public Transport (US), pp. 513–524.
SCSM-2014-FrischlichRR #identification #social- I’d Rather Die Than Be with You: The Effects of Mortality Salience and Negative Social Identity on Identification with a Virtual Group (LF, DR, OR), pp. 440–451.
SCSM-2014-Scheiner #dependence #identification #social #social media- The Importance of Social Media as Source of Information in the Technology Identification in Dependence of External and Internal Factors (CWS), pp. 103–112.
CIKM-2014-HasanainEM #identification #microblog- Identification of Answer-Seeking Questions in Arabic Microblogs (MH, TE, WM), pp. 1839–1842.
CIKM-2014-LiangZHGB #identification #named #novel #sentiment #word- CONR: A Novel Method for Sentiment Word Identification (JL, XZ, YH, LG, SB), pp. 1943–1946.
CIKM-2014-Liu0LXL #identification #towards- Towards Pathway Variation Identification: Aligning Patient Records with a Care Pathway (HL, YL, XL, GTX, GTL), pp. 1359–1368.
ICML-c2-2014-ZhouCL #crowdsourcing #identification #multi- Optimal PAC Multiple Arm Identification with Applications to Crowdsourcing (YZ, XC, JL), pp. 217–225.
ICPR-2014-BertoliniOJS #identification- Assessing Textural Features for Writer Identification on Different Writing Styles and Forgeries (DB, LSO, EJRJ, RS), pp. 268–272.
ICPR-2014-ChanK #geometry #identification #image #using- Using Leg Geometry to Align Androgenic Hair Patterns in Low Resolution Images for Criminal and Victim Identification (FKSC, AWKK), pp. 495–500.
ICPR-2014-ChaudhariGN #identification #online- Unsupervised Focus Group Identification from Online Product Reviews (SC, RG, BN), pp. 1886–1891.
ICPR-2014-ChenZW #identification #learning #metric- Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-identification by Exploiting Global Similarities (JC, ZZ, YW), pp. 1657–1662.
ICPR-2014-DuCZ #aspect-oriented #identification #using- A Product Aspects Identification Method by Using Translation-Based Language Model (JD, WC, XZ), pp. 2790–2795.
ICPR-2014-EikvilH #automation #evaluation #identification #performance- Evaluation of Binary Descriptors for Fast and Fully Automatic Identification (LE, MH), pp. 154–159.
ICPR-2014-FeckerAMEF #documentation #identification- Writer Identification for Historical Arabic Documents (DF, AA, VM, JES, TF), pp. 3050–3055.
ICPR-2014-GarciaMFGM #identification- Person Orientation and Feature Distances Boost Re-identification (JG, NM, GLF, AG, CM), pp. 4618–4623.
ICPR-2014-GuoCLHS #ambiguity #automation #identification #multi- Multi-shot Person Re-identification with Automatic Ambiguity Inference and Removal (CCG, SZC, JHL, XJH, SCS), pp. 3540–3545.
ICPR-2014-HeS #identification #invariant- Delta-n Hinge: Rotation-Invariant Features for Writer Identification (SH, LS), pp. 2023–2028.
ICPR-2014-KrishFROB #identification- Pre-registration for Improved Latent Fingerprint Identification (RPK, JF, DRC, JOG, JB), pp. 696–701.
ICPR-2014-LiuZC #identification #learning #metric #multi #parametricity- Parametric Local Multi-modal Metric Learning for Person Re-identification (KL, ZCZ, AC), pp. 2578–2583.
ICPR-2014-MatsukawaOS #identification- Person Re-identification via Discriminative Accumulation of Local Features (TM, TO, YS), pp. 3975–3980.
ICPR-2014-RenL14a #identification #matrix- Person Re-identification Based on Relaxed Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Regularizations (WR, GL), pp. 4654–4659.
ICPR-2014-SantanaLH #geometry #identification #people #semantics- People Semantic Description and Re-identification from Point Cloud Geometry (MCS, JLN, DHS), pp. 4702–4707.
ICPR-2014-ShivakumaraSPBT #identification #video- Gradient-Angular-Features for Word-wise Video Script Identification (PS, NS, UP, MB, CLT), pp. 3098–3103.
ICPR-2014-ShivramRG #case study #comparative #identification #modelling #online- Data Sufficiency for Online Writer Identification: A Comparative Study of Writer-Style Space vs. Feature Space Models (AS, CR, VG), pp. 3121–3125.
ICPR-2014-YangD #identification #novel #using- Novel HHT-Based Features for Biometric Identification Using EEG Signals (SY, FD), pp. 1922–1927.
ICPR-2014-YangLLYL #estimation #identification #modelling- Color Models and Weighted Covariance Estimation for Person Re-identification (YY, SL, ZL, DY, SZL), pp. 1874–1879.
ICPR-2014-YiLLL #identification #learning #metric- Deep Metric Learning for Person Re-identification (DY, ZL, SL, SZL), pp. 34–39.
KDD-2014-KloumannK #community #identification #set- Community membership identification from small seed sets (IMK, JMK), pp. 1366–1375.
KDIR-2014-BarbantanLP #approach #health #identification #ontology- Disease Identification in Electronic Health Records — An Ontology based Approach (IB, CL, RP), pp. 261–268.
KDIR-2014-JohnsonC #clustering #identification #network- Mathematical Foundations of Networks Supporting Cluster Identification (JEJ, JWC), pp. 277–285.
SEKE-2014-AdjoyanSS #identification #legacy #metric #migration #object-oriented #quality #towards- Service Identification Based on Quality Metrics — Object-Oriented Legacy System Migration Towards SOA (SA, ADS, AS), pp. 1–6.
RE-2014-Ionita #evaluation #identification #information management #risk management #security- Context-sensitive Information security Risk identification and evaluation techniques (DI), pp. 485–488.
SAC-2014-AnderssonDA #artificial reality #identification #using- Anthropometric and human gait identification using skeleton data from Kinect sensor (VOA, RD, RMdA), pp. 60–61.
CASE-2013-BengtssonL #algorithm #behaviour #identification #modelling #using #visualisation- Operation behavior modeling using relation identification and visualization algorithms (KB, BL), pp. 368–373.
CASE-2013-JuLXA #evaluation #identification #performance #quality- Integrated model of productivity and quality in serial production lines with repairs: Performance evaluation and bottleneck identification (FJ, JL, GX, JA), pp. 783–788.
DAC-2013-YousofshahiOLH #capacity #identification #nondeterminism- Gene modification identification under flux capacity uncertainty (MY, MO, KL, SH), p. 5.
DATE-2013-BernardiBSRB #embedded #fault #identification #online- On-line functionally untestable fault identification in embedded processor cores (PB, MB, ES, MSR, OB), pp. 1462–1467.
DATE-2013-DiversiBTBB #identification- SCC thermal model identification via advanced bias-compensated least-squares (RD, AB, AT, FB, LB), pp. 230–235.
ICDAR-2013-AlkalaiBSL #analysis #identification- Improving Formula Analysis with Line and Mathematics Identification (MA, JBB, VS, XL), pp. 334–338.
ICDAR-2013-AmaralFB #feature model #forensics #identification- Feature Selection for Forensic Handwriting Identification (AMMMA, COdAF, FB), pp. 922–926.
ICDAR-2013-ChenL #identification- Alternatives for Page Skew Compensation in Writer Identification (JC, DPL), pp. 927–931.
ICDAR-2013-DanielsB #identification- Discriminating Features for Writer Identification (ZAD, HSB), pp. 1385–1389.
ICDAR-2013-FerrerMP #identification- LBP Based Line-Wise Script Identification (MAF, AM, UP), pp. 369–373.
ICDAR-2013-FielS #identification #retrieval #using #visual notation- Writer Identification and Writer Retrieval Using the Fisher Vector on Visual Vocabularies (SF, RS), pp. 545–549.
ICDAR-2013-HangargeSP #identification- Directional Discrete Cosine Transform for Handwritten Script Identification (MH, KCS, RP), pp. 344–348.
ICDAR-2013-JainD13a #identification #using- Writer Identification Using an Alphabet of Contour Gradient Descriptors (RJ, DSD), pp. 550–554.
ICDAR-2013-KchaouKO #identification #independence #online- Text-Independent Writer Identification on Online Arabic Handwriting (MGK, SK, JMO), pp. 428–432.
ICDAR-2013-KhanKS #identification #problem #question #verification- Can Signature Biometrics Address Both Identification and Verification Problems? (SHK, ZK, FS), pp. 981–985.
ICDAR-2013-KimLT #classification #heuristic #identification #using- Identification of Investigator Name Zones Using SVM Classifiers and Heuristic Rules (JK, DXL, GRT), pp. 140–144.
ICDAR-2013-KleberFDS #database #identification #named #retrieval #word- CVL-DataBase: An Off-Line Database for Writer Retrieval, Writer Identification and Word Spotting (FK, SF, MD, RS), pp. 560–564.
ICDAR-2013-LouloudisGSP #contest #identification- ICDAR 2013 Competition on Writer Identification (GL, BG, NS, AP), pp. 1397–1401.
ICDAR-2013-MalikLAOBF #contest #identification #verification- ICDAR 2013 Competitions on Signature Verification and Writer Identification for On- and Offline Skilled Forgeries (SigWiComp 2013) (MIM, ML, LA, WO, MB, BF), pp. 1477–1483.
ICDAR-2013-Newell #identification #question #what- What Should We Be Comparing for Writer Identification? (AJN), pp. 418–422.
ICDAR-2013-RaniDL #identification #multi- Script Identification of Pre-segmented Multi-font Characters and Digits (RR, RD, GSL), pp. 1150–1154.
ICDAR-2013-SaidaniEB #identification #word- Identification of Machine-Printed and Handwritten Words in Arabic and Latin Scripts (AS, AKE, AB), pp. 798–802.
ICDAR-2013-SharmaCPB #identification #video- Word-Wise Script Identification from Video Frames (NS, SC, UP, MB), pp. 867–871.
CSMR-2013-KazatoHKOOMHS #feature model #identification #incremental #source code- Incremental Feature Location and Identification in Source Code (HK, SH, TK, TO, SO, SM, TH, MS), pp. 371–374.
ICSM-2013-LiguCCY #identification #smell- Identification of Refused Bequest Code Smells (EL, AC, TC, NY), pp. 392–395.
ICSM-2013-RoehmBHP #behaviour #identification #specification #towards- Towards Identification of Software Improvements and Specification Updates by Comparing Monitored and Specified End-User Behavior (TR, BB, TMH, BP), pp. 464–467.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SantosM #automation #design #identification #implementation #interactive- Design and Implementation of ErgoIdentifier: A Tool for Automated Identification of Websites Interaction Elements (OFdS, MM), pp. 249–255.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SakamotoT #identification #interactive- Identification of Agency through Virtual Embodied Interaction (TS, YT), pp. 301–307.
ICEIS-J-2013-SuB13a #fine-grained #graph #identification #security- Foundation for Fine-Grained Security and DRM Control Based on a Service Call Graph Context Identification (ZS, FB), pp. 226–241.
CIKM-2013-GuGZLG #effectiveness #identification #named #towards- AnchorMF: towards effective event context identification (HG, MG, LZ, QL, DG), pp. 629–638.
ECIR-2013-PritsosS #automation #classification #identification- Open-Set Classification for Automated Genre Identification (DAP, ES), pp. 207–217.
ICML-c1-2013-BubeckWV #identification #multi- Multiple Identifications in Multi-Armed Bandits (SB, TW, NV), pp. 258–265.
KDD-2013-WangDYWCSI #clustering #data mining #framework #identification #mining #towards- Towards long-lead forecasting of extreme flood events: a data mining framework for precipitation cluster precursors identification (DW, WD, KY, XW, PC, DLS, SI), pp. 1285–1293.
KDD-2013-ZhouLSYWY #identification #named- FeaFiner: biomarker identification from medical data through feature generalization and selection (JZ, ZL, JS, LY, FW, JY), pp. 1034–1042.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-BastosBGRCSF #identification #modelling- Managing Information and Knowledge — A Proposal Methodology for Building an Integrated Model based on Information Assets Identification (CAMB, ACMB, ASG, LSdR, MAFC, MLdS, SJMdSF), pp. 520–525.
KEOD-2013-GeibelEZKJSBMNSTUFTSHT #documentation #identification #information management #ontology- Patient Identification for Clinical Trials with Ontology-based Information Extraction from Documents (PG, HE, LZ, SK, KJ, JS, AB, FM, CHN, JFS, ST, TU, MF, MT, TS, AH, TT), pp. 230–236.
MLDM-2013-ChungJKL #identification #personalisation #recommendation- Personalized Expert-Based Recommender System: Training C-SVM for Personalized Expert Identification (YC, HWJ, JK, JHL), pp. 434–441.
SEKE-2013-DengWH #algorithm #combinator #identification #multi #using- Combining multiple stress identification algorithms using combinatorial fusion (YD, ZW, DFH), pp. 421–428.
SEKE-2013-Kung #case study #identification #on the- On Use Case Identification (DCK), pp. 759–764.
RE-2013-ZarghamiVESW #identification #risk management- Assumption-based risk identification method (ARM) in dynamic service provisioning (AZ, EV, MZE, MvS, RW), pp. 175–184.
REFSQ-2013-CallelePW #identification #interface #requirements #risk management- Risk Identification at the Interface between Business Case and Requirements (DC, BP, KW), pp. 253–268.
SAC-2013-AraujoGA #artificial reality #identification #towards #using- Towards skeleton biometric identification using the microsoft kinect sensor (RMA, GG, VA), pp. 21–26.
SAC-2013-HerzogKHFK #automation #identification #web- Feature-based object identification for web automation (CH, IK, WH, RRF, BKS), pp. 742–749.
SAC-2013-KumarR #algorithm #data type #identification #online- Online identification of frequently executed acyclic paths by leveraging data stream algorithms (GK, SR), pp. 1694–1695.
ICSE-2013-ChoudharyPO #identification #named #web- X-PERT: accurate identification of cross-browser issues in web applications (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 702–711.
CC-2013-KempfVP #identification #parallel- Compiler-Guided Identification of Critical Sections in Parallel Code (SK, RV, MP), pp. 204–223.
ICST-2013-Mercaldo #database #identification #process- Identification of Anomalies in Processes of Database Alteration (FM), pp. 513–514.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-KebirSCC #approach #component #identification #object-oriented- Quality-Centric Approach for Software Component Identification from Object-Oriented Code (SK, ADS, SC, AC), pp. 181–190.
CASE-2012-HeZWZ #identification #using- Identification of dynamic posture in lower extremity using optical fiber sensor (CH, XZ, YW, ZZ), pp. 1057–1060.
CASE-2012-LiuJCLX #analysis #canonical #correlation #fault #identification #linear #research- Research on fault identification for complex system based on generalized linear canonical correlation analysis (DL, DJ, XC, AL, GX), pp. 474–478.
CASE-2012-WakamatsuAMAH #identification #image #towards- Property identification of a deformable belt object from its static images toward its manipulation (HW, MA, EM, EA, SH), pp. 448–453.
DAC-2012-ZhangTT #identification #using- Identification of recovered ICs using fingerprints from a light-weight on-chip sensor (XZ, NT, MT), pp. 703–708.
DATE-2012-RudolfTWW #automation #configuration management #identification- Automated critical device identification for configurable analogue transistors (RR, PT, RW, PRW), pp. 858–861.
DRR-2012-LinGTHL #documentation #embedded #identification #using- Identification of embedded mathematical formulas in PDF documents using SVM (XL, LG, ZT, XH, XL).
DRR-2012-PorwalRG #framework #identification- An Oracle-based co-training framework for writer identification in offline handwriting (UP, SR, VG).
VLDB-2012-AngelKSS #identification #maintenance #realtime #streaming- Dense Subgraph Maintenance under Streaming Edge Weight Updates for Real-time Story Identification (AA, NK, NS, DS), pp. 574–585.
CSMR-2012-MurtazaSHC #comparison #identification #kernel #on the- On the Comparison of User Space and Kernel Space Traces in Identification of Software Anomalies (SSM, AS, AHL, MC), pp. 127–136.
CSMR-2012-TianSL #debugging #identification- Improved Duplicate Bug Report Identification (YT, CS, DL), pp. 385–390.
CSMR-2012-ZiadiFSZ #identification #source code- Feature Identification from the Source Code of Product Variants (TZ, LF, MAAdS, MZ), pp. 417–422.
ICSM-2012-BertranACGS #architecture #identification- Supporting the identification of architecturally-relevant code anomalies (IMB, RA, EC, AG, AvS), pp. 662–665.
CSCW-2012-PalMK #identification- Question temporality: identification and uses (AP, JM, JAK), pp. 257–260.
CSCW-2012-ZhuKK12a #identification #modelling #online #social- Organizing without formal organization: group identification, goal setting and social modeling in directing online production (HZ, RK, AK), pp. 935–944.
CIKM-2012-BalogN12a #identification #query- Hierarchical target type identification for entity-oriented queries (KB, RN), pp. 2391–2394.
CIKM-2012-CamposDJN #approach #higher-order #identification #named #web- GTE: a distributional second-order co-occurrence approach to improve the identification of top relevant dates in web snippets (RC, GD, AJ, CN), pp. 2035–2039.
CIKM-2012-RamachandranG #graph #identification #representation- A word-order based graph representation for relevance identification (LR, EFG), pp. 2327–2330.
CIKM-2012-YuR #identification #query- Role-explicit query identification and intent role annotation (HY, FR), pp. 1163–1172.
ICML-2012-BootsG #identification #problem- Two Manifold Problems with Applications to Nonlinear System Identification (BB, GJG), p. 8.
ICML-2012-RossB #identification #learning #modelling- Agnostic System Identification for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (SR, DB), p. 247.
ICPR-2012-ChandaPF #identification- Font identification — In context of an Indic script (SC, UP, KF), pp. 1655–1658.
ICPR-2012-ChenL #identification- Exploiting ruling line artifacts in writer identification (JC, DPL), pp. 3737–3740.
ICPR-2012-DattaBFP #identification #modelling #using- Appearance modeling for person re-identification using Weighted Brightness Transfer Functions (AD, LMGB, RF, SP), pp. 2367–2370.
ICPR-2012-DuAL #evaluation #identification- Evaluation of color spaces for person re-identification (YD, HA, SL), pp. 1371–1374.
ICPR-2012-KawaiMHIY #identification #using- Person re-identification using view-dependent score-level fusion of gait and color features (RK, YM, CH, HI, YY), pp. 2694–2697.
ICPR-2012-MinCMD #3d #identification #realtime- Real-time 3D face identification from a depth camera (RM, JC, GGM, JLD), pp. 1739–1742.
ICPR-2012-NejatiZSM0 #identification #image- Wonder ears: Identification of identical twins from ear images (HN, LZ, TS, EMM, DG), pp. 1201–1204.
ICPR-2012-OliverAA #3d #identification #people- 3D descriptor for people re-identification (JO, AA, AA), pp. 1395–1398.
ICPR-2012-SnellCK #identification- Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis (VS, WJC, JK), pp. 3750–3753.
ICPR-2012-TakalaP #dataset #identification #named #network #people- CMV100: A dataset for people tracking and re-identification in sparse camera networks (VT, MP), pp. 1387–1390.
ICPR-2012-TanK #identification #image- Human identification from at-a-distance images by simultaneously exploiting iris and periocular features (CWT, AK), pp. 553–556.
ICPR-2012-TyagiKFSR #classification #identification- Fusing biographical and biometric classifiers for improved person identification (VT, HPK, TAF, LVS, NKR), pp. 2351–2354.
ICPR-2012-YiicelMH #evaluation #identification #modelling- Modeling and identification of group motion via compound evaluation of positional and directional cues (ZY, TM, NH), pp. 1172–1176.
KDD-2012-Mayer #identification #internet #multi- Bootstrapped language identification for multi-site internet domains (UFM), pp. 579–585.
KDD-2012-WangZSY #community #identification #network #social- Magnet community identification on social networks (GW, YZ, XS, PSY), pp. 588–596.
KDIR-2012-FengYS #documentation #identification #robust- Robust Template Identification of Scanned Documents (XF, AY, SS), pp. 103–110.
KDIR-2012-SchonebergM #documentation #identification- Contextual Approaches for Identification of Toponyms in Ancient Documents (HS, FM), pp. 163–168.
MLDM-2012-HossainC #behaviour #identification- Combination of Physiological and Behavioral Biometric for Human Identification (EH, GC), pp. 380–393.
SEKE-2012-BoaratiP #design #guidelines #identification #interface- Identification Guidelines for the Design of Interfaces in the context of ECAs and ADHD (SRSB, CSAP), pp. 594–598.
SEKE-2012-MaZQQXY #analysis #dependence #design pattern #identification #using- Identification of Design Patterns Using Dependence Analysis (WM, XZ, XQ, JQ, LX, RY), pp. 289–292.
SIGIR-2012-ZhangXCHDALC #identification #information management #semantics #sentiment #syntax- Sentiment identification by incorporating syntax, semantics and context information (KZ, YX, YC, DH, DD, AA, WkL, ANC), pp. 1143–1144.
RE-2012-Todoran #communication #identification #in the cloud #named #requirements- StakeCloud: Stakeholder requirements communication and resource identification in the cloud (IT), pp. 353–356.
SAC-2012-MakanjuZML #clustering #composition #detection #identification- Spatio-temporal decomposition, clustering and identification for alert detection in system logs (AM, ANZH, EEM, ML), pp. 621–628.
SAC-2012-MaruhashiTT #identification- A method for identification of moving objects by integrative use of a camera and accelerometers (NM, TT, MT), pp. 1–6.
SAC-2012-ParkDNDKK #identification #memory management #named- HotDataTrap: a sampling-based hot data identification scheme for flash memory (DP, BKD, YN, DHCD, YK, YK), pp. 1610–1617.
ICSE-2012-MengWZM #approach #evolution #framework #identification- A history-based matching approach to identification of framework evolution (SM, XW, LZ, HM), pp. 353–363.
ICSE-2012-MitchellS #identification #process- Software process improvement through the identification and removal of project-level knowledge flow obstacles (SMM, CBS), pp. 1265–1268.
ICSE-2012-Yu #analysis #identification #using- Improving failure-inducing changes identification using coverage analysis (KY), pp. 1604–1606.
SPLC-2012-LeitnerZTW #identification #variability- Requirement identification for variability management in a co-simulation environment (AL, JZ, PT, DW), pp. 269–274.
ASPLOS-2012-JoaoSMP #identification #parallel #scheduling #thread- Bottleneck identification and scheduling in multithreaded applications (JAJ, MAS, OM, YNP), pp. 223–234.
SAT-2012-ZhangMZ #constraints #identification #interactive #optimisation #theorem proving- Faulty Interaction Identification via Constraint Solving and Optimization (JZ, FM, ZZ), pp. 186–199.
CASE-2011-AranovskiyBB #identification #metric- The method of identification for the “motor-dual-section device” system through output signal measurements (SA, AAB, VB), pp. 346–350.
DATE-2011-SreedharK #design #identification #on the #process- On design of test structures for lithographic process corner identification (AS, SK), pp. 800–805.
DRR-2011-ChenCL #constraints #identification #using- Using perturbed handwriting to support writer identification in the presence of severe data constraints (JC, WC, DPL), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-CutterBSB #identification #using- Font group identification using reconstructed fonts (MPC, JvB, FS, TMB), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-KimLT #automation #identification #using- Automated identification of biomedical article type using support Vector machines (ICK, DXL, GRT), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-SiddiqiKV #analysis #identification- Feature relevance analysis for writer identification (IS, KK, NV), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-YouADRGT #automation #documentation #hybrid #identification #image #retrieval #towards- Automatic identification of ROI in figure images toward improving hybrid (text and image) biomedical document retrieval (DY, SA, DDF, MMR, VG, GRT), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-BerettaL #algorithm #evaluation #identification #performance- Performance Evaluation of Algorithms for Newspaper Article Identification (RB, LL), pp. 394–398.
ICDAR-2011-BuiVPO #identification #recognition #using #word- Writer Identification Using TF-IDF for Cursive Handwritten Word Recognition (QAB, MV, SP, JMO), pp. 844–848.
ICDAR-2011-CaoPN #adaptation #identification #recognition- OCR-Driven Writer Identification and Adaptation in an HMM Handwriting Recognition System (HC, RP, PN), pp. 739–743.
ICDAR-2011-CaoPN11a #identification #markov #modelling #recognition #using- Handwritten and Typewritten Text Identification and Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models (HC, RP, PN), pp. 744–748.
ICDAR-2011-ChaabouniBKAA #identification #independence #modelling #multi #online- Multi-fractal Modeling for On-line Text-Independent Writer Identification (AC, HB, MK, AMA, HEA), pp. 623–627.
ICDAR-2011-ChaabouniBKAA11a #feature model #identification #online- Combining of Off-line and On-line Feature Extraction Approaches for Writer Identification (AC, HB, MK, AMA, HEA), pp. 1299–1303.
ICDAR-2011-ChandaFP #identification- Identification of Indic Scripts on Torn-Documents (SC, KF, UP), pp. 713–717.
ICDAR-2011-DuL #identification #privacy- Preservative License Plate De-identification for Privacy Protection (LD, HL), pp. 468–472.
ICDAR-2011-FornesDGL #contest #identification #music- The ICDAR 2011 Music Scores Competition: Staff Removal and Writer Identification (AF, AD, AG, JL), pp. 1511–1515.
ICDAR-2011-GhoshC #detection #identification #image- Composite Script Identification and Orientation Detection for Indian Text Images (SG, BBC), pp. 294–298.
ICDAR-2011-HassaineAAJB #contest #identification- The ICDAR2011 Arabic Writer Identification Contest (AH, SAM, JMA, AJ, AB), pp. 1470–1474.
ICDAR-2011-JainD #identification #using- Offline Writer Identification Using K-Adjacent Segments (RJ, DSD), pp. 769–773.
ICDAR-2011-KimL #identification #library- Functional-Based Table Category Identification in Digital Library (SK, YL), pp. 1364–1368.
ICDAR-2011-LinGTLH #documentation #identification- Mathematical Formula Identification in PDF Documents (XL, LG, ZT, XL, XH), pp. 1419–1423.
ICDAR-2011-LouloudisSG #contest #identification- ICDAR 2011 Writer Identification Contest (GL, NS, BG), pp. 1475–1479.
ICDAR-2011-PhanSDLT #identification #video- Video Script Identification Based on Text Lines (TQP, PS, ZD, SL, CLT), pp. 1240–1244.
ICPC-J-2009-PoonTTK11 #category theory #experience #identification #testing- Contributions of tester experience and a checklist guideline to the identification of categories and choices for software testing (PLP, THT, SFT, FCK), pp. 141–163.
SCAM-J-2009-DesharnaisAS11 #analysis #identification #metric- Identification and analysis of attributes and base measures within ISO 9126 (JMD, AA, WS), pp. 447–460.
CHI-2011-MiyataF #documentation #identification- Document area identification for extending books without markers (AM, KF), pp. 3189–3198.
DUXU-v2-2011-KomogortsevTMCH #approach #automation #identification #named #usability- EMA: Automated Eye-Movement-Driven Approach for Identification of Usability Issues (OVK, DET, CJM, JC, CH), pp. 459–468.
HCI-ITE-2011-AokiKIMKK #gesture #identification- Gesture Identification Based on Zone Entry and Axis Crossing (RA, YK, MI, AM, MK, SK), pp. 194–203.
HCI-MIIE-2011-BraunK #identification #smarttech- Passive Identification and Control of Arbitrary Devices in Smart Environments (AB, FK), pp. 147–154.
ICEIS-v2-2011-LiOAK #fault #identification #modelling #network #using- Patterns Identification for Hitting Adjacent Key Errors Correction using Neural Network Models (JL, KO, MSA, HBK), pp. 5–12.
ICEIS-v3-2011-JuniorNI #bibliography #execution #identification #legacy #source code- Survey and Proposal of a Method for Business Rules Identification in Legacy Systems Source Code and Execution Logs (WARJ, GSdN, CI), pp. 207–213.
ICEIS-v3-2011-QuG #analysis #identification #outsourcing #risk management- The Analysis of IT Outsourcing Risk Identification on Principal-agent Theory (LQ, ZG), pp. 488–491.
CIKM-2011-LiSLKC #identification #twitter- Question identification on twitter (BL, XS, MRL, IK, EYC), pp. 2477–2480.
ICML-2011-LeeW #identification #learning #online #probability- Manifold Identification of Dual Averaging Methods for Regularized Stochastic Online Learning (SL, SJW), pp. 1121–1128.
KDD-2011-NamataKG #graph #identification- Collective graph identification (GN, SK, LG), pp. 87–95.
KDIR-2011-ReuterC #identification #learning #similarity #using- Learning Similarity Functions for Event Identification using Support Vector Machines (TR, PC), pp. 208–215.
SIGIR-2011-JethavaCBBD #identification #multi #scalability #using- Scalable multi-dimensional user intent identification using tree structured distributions (VJ, LCB, RABY, CB, DPD), pp. 395–404.
MoDELS-2011-LettnerTM #bibliography #embedded #identification #migration #problem- A Critical Review of Applied MDA for Embedded Devices: Identification of Problem Classes and Discussing Porting Efforts in Practice (ML, MT, RM), pp. 228–242.
MoDELS-2011-LettnerTM #bibliography #embedded #identification #migration #problem- A Critical Review of Applied MDA for Embedded Devices: Identification of Problem Classes and Discussing Porting Efforts in Practice (ML, MT, RM), pp. 228–242.
RE-2011-BoutkovaH #automation #identification #specification- Semi-automatic identification of features in requirement specifications (EB, FH), pp. 313–318.
ICSE-2011-FokaefsTSC #identification #named #refactoring- JDeodorant: identification and application of extract class refactorings (MF, NT, ES, AC), pp. 1037–1039.
ICSE-2011-Xiao #developer #generative #identification #problem #testing #towards- Problem identification for structural test generation: first step towards cooperative developer testing (XX), pp. 1179–1181.
ICSE-2011-XiaoXTH #generative #identification #precise #problem #testing- Precise identification of problems for structural test generation (XX, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 611–620.
ICSE-2011-XiaoXTH11a #identification #named #precise #problem- Covana: precise identification of problems in pex (XX, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 1004–1006.
CAV-2011-AndreychenkoMSW #identification #markov #modelling #parametricity- Parameter Identification for Markov Models of Biochemical Reactions (AA, LM, DS, VW), pp. 83–98.
ASE-2010-GermanMI #automation #identification #source code- A sentence-matching method for automatic license identification of source code files (DMG, YM, KI), pp. 437–446.
CASE-2010-BengtssonTLAYMF #automation #design #identification #sequence #visualisation- Relations identification and visualization for sequence planning and automation design (KB, CT, BL, KÅ, CY, SM, PF), pp. 841–848.
DAC-2010-WangCW #identification #performance- Fast identification of operating current for toggle MRAM by spiral search (SHW, CYC, CWW), pp. 923–928.
DATE-2010-ChenO #adaptation #effectiveness #identification- Cost-effective IR-drop failure identification and yield recovery through a failure-adaptive test scheme (MC, AO), pp. 63–68.
HT-2010-ZhangQHJWHHJ #approach #collaboration #hybrid #identification #web- Collaborative identification and annotation of government deep web resources: a hybrid approach (PZ, YQ, CH, PTJ, JW, WSH, JEH, XJ), pp. 285–286.
ITiCSE-2010-KiesmullerSBR #identification #online #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition #using- Online identification of learner problem solving strategies using pattern recognition methods (UK, SS, TB, KR), pp. 274–278.
ICPC-2010-SuttonHM #c++ #identification #library- Identification of Idiom Usage in C++ Generic Libraries (AS, RH, JIM), pp. 160–169.
ICSM-2010-ChoudharyVO #automation #identification #named #web- WEBDIFF: Automated identification of cross-browser issues in web applications (SRC, HV, AO), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-DraganCM #automation #identification- Automatic identification of class stereotypes (ND, MLC, JIM), pp. 1–10.
WCRE-2010-AthanasopoulosK #identification #legacy- Identification of REST-like Resources from Legacy Service Descriptions (MA, KK), pp. 215–219.
CIAA-2010-TirnaucaT #automaton #identification #query- Types of Trusted Information That Make DFA Identification with Correction Queries Feasible (CT, CIT), pp. 272–281.
CAiSE-2010-WeidlichDM #framework #identification #modelling #process- The ICoP Framework: Identification of Correspondences between Process Models (MW, RMD, JM), pp. 483–498.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-SalasPRR #identification #using- Identification of Areas with Similar Wind Patterns using SOFM (JCPS, AAP, JJGdlR, JGR), pp. 40–45.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-SilvaCRN #assessment #fault #identification #network- Assessment of the Change in the Number of Neurons in Hidden Layers of Neural Networks for Fault Identification in Electrical Systems (DTdS, PHGC, JAPR, LBN), pp. 309–313.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-ClariziaGN #identification #query #web- A New Technique for Identification of Relevant Web Pages in Informational Queries Results (FC, LG, PN), pp. 70–79.
CIKM-2010-MelliE #concept #identification #ontology- Supervised identification and linking of concept mentions to a domain-specific ontology (GM, ME), pp. 1717–1720.
CIKM-2010-PalK #bias #community #identification- Expert identification in community question answering: exploring question selection bias (AP, JAK), pp. 1505–1508.
ECIR-2010-GottronL #comparison #identification- A Comparison of Language Identification Approaches on Short, Query-Style Texts (TG, NL), pp. 611–614.
ECIR-2010-KarlgrenEST #identification- Between Bags and Trees — Constructional Patterns in Text Used for Attitude Identification (JK, GE, MS, OT), pp. 38–49.
ECIR-2010-Schenkel #identification #web- Temporal Shingling for Version Identification in Web Archives (RS), pp. 508–519.
ICPR-2010-BasakKTR #approach #identification #multi- A Gradient Descent Approach for Multi-modal Biometric Identification (JB, KK, VT, NKR), pp. 1322–1325.
ICPR-2010-BazzaniCPFM #identification #multi- Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification by HPE Signature (LB, MC, AP, MF, VM), pp. 1413–1416.
ICPR-2010-ChaabouniBKAA #identification #multi- Fractal and Multi-fractal for Arabic Offline Writer Identification (AC, HB, MK, AMA, HEA), pp. 3793–3796.
ICPR-2010-ChandaFPW #identification #independence- Text Independent Writer Identification for Bengali Script (SC, KF, UP, TW), pp. 2005–2008.
ICPR-2010-ChandaPFK #identification #perspective- Script Identification — A Han and Roman Script Perspective (SC, UP, KF, FK), pp. 2708–2711.
ICPR-2010-CoutinhoFF #identification #parsing #using- One-Lead ECG-based Personal Identification Using Ziv-Merhav Cross Parsing (DPC, ALNF, MATF), pp. 3858–3861.
ICPR-2010-DuYXGT #identification- Wavelet Domain Local Binary Pattern Features For Writer Identification (LD, XY, HX, ZG, YYT), pp. 3691–3694.
ICPR-2010-GhiasiS #identification #independence #performance- An Efficient Method for Offline Text Independent Writer Identification (GG, RS), pp. 1245–1248.
ICPR-2010-GilliamWC #identification- Scribe Identification in Medieval English Manuscripts (TG, RCW, JAC), pp. 1880–1883.
ICPR-2010-HabedAB #identification #image #parallel- Reconstruction-Free Parallel Planes Identification from Uncalibrated Images (AH, AA, BB), pp. 1828–1831.
ICPR-2010-JungO #identification #image #web- Local Binary Pattern-Based Features for Text Identification of Web Images (IJ, ISO), pp. 4320–4323.
ICPR-2010-KeustermansMVS #automation #identification #modelling #using- Automated Cephalometric Landmark Identification Using Shape and Local Appearance Models (JK, WM, DV, PS), pp. 2464–2467.
ICPR-2010-LariosSSMLD #identification #kernel #random- Haar Random Forest Features and SVM Spatial Matching Kernel for Stonefly Species Identification (NL, BS, LGS, GMM, JL, TGD), pp. 2624–2627.
ICPR-2010-LutfYL #identification #using- Offline Arabic Handwriting Identification Using Language Diacritics (ML, XY, HL), pp. 1912–1915.
ICPR-2010-MarinaiMS #clustering #identification #recognition- Bag of Characters and SOM Clustering for Script Recognition and Writer Identification (SM, BM, GS), pp. 2182–2185.
ICPR-2010-MarsicoNR #identification #named #segmentation- IS_IS: Iris Segmentation for Identification Systems (MDM, MN, DR), pp. 2857–2860.
ICPR-2010-NaseemTB10a #identification #representation- Sparse Representation for Speaker Identification (IN, RT, MB), pp. 4460–4463.
ICPR-2010-PatrauceanGC #identification #invariant #using- Bubble Tag Identification Using an Invariant — Under — Perspective Signature (VP, PG, JC), pp. 408–411.
ICPR-2010-PiroonratanaWUALC #identification #morphism #nondeterminism #ranking #symmetry #using- Identification of Ancestry Informative Markers from Chromosome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Symmetrical Uncertainty Ranking (TP, WW, TU, AA, CL, NC), pp. 2448–2451.
ICPR-2010-PutpuekCLS #approach #detection #identification- Unified Approach to Detection and Identification of Commercial Films by Temporal Occurrence Pattern (NP, NC, CL, SS), pp. 3288–3291.
ICPR-2010-SaeidiMKTCJF #identification #independence #speech- Signal-to-Signal Ratio Independent Speaker Identification for Co-channel Speech Signals (RS, PM, TK, ZHT, MGC, SHJ, PF), pp. 4565–4568.
ICPR-2010-SuXCWM #concept #identification- EEG-based Personal Identification: from Proof-of-Concept to A Practical System (FS, LX, AC, YW, JM), pp. 3728–3731.
ICPR-2010-WangLS #documentation #identification #using- Noise Tolerant Script Identification of Printed Oriental and English Documents Using a Downgraded Pixel Density Feature (NW, LL, CYS), pp. 2037–2040.
ICPR-2010-WuS #approach #identification #testing- A Hypothesis Testing Approach for Fluorescent Blob Identification (LSW, SLS), pp. 2476–2479.
ICPR-2010-XuPJ #3d #component #identification- Component Identification in the 3D Model of a Building (MX, MP, MJ), pp. 3061–3064.
ICPR-2010-ZhangST #identification- Hierarchical Fusion of Face and Iris for Personal Identification (XZ, ZS, TT), pp. 217–220.
ICPR-2010-ZhouK #identification #image #locality #using- Personal Identification from Iris Images Using Localized Radon Transform (YZ, AK), pp. 2840–2843.
KDIR-2010-HaCohen-KernerSS #automation #documentation #identification- Automatic Identification of Biblical Quotations in Hebrew-Aramaic Documents (YHK, NS, YS), pp. 320–325.
KDIR-2010-KleizaKT #approach #documentation #identification #query #semantics #similarity #visualisation #word- Semantic Identification and Visualization of Significant Words within Documents — Approach to Visualize Relevant Words within Documents to a Search Query by Word Similarity Computation (KK, PK, KDT), pp. 481–486.
KDIR-2010-KoopmansW #community #identification- Broader Perception for Local Community Identification (FTW(K, TPvdW), pp. 400–403.
KDIR-2010-Molokov #combinator #identification- Application of Combinatorial Methods to Protein Identification in Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (LM), pp. 307–313.
KEOD-2010-NG #identification #named- CIS: Change Identification System (NP, VG), pp. 347–350.
SIGIR-2010-LeeJSL #identification #mining- Mining the blogosphere for top news stories identification (YL, HYJ, WS, JHL), pp. 395–402.
SIGIR-2010-LiLX #identification #music #robust- Robust audio identification for MP3 popular music (WL, YL, XX), pp. 627–634.
SIGIR-2010-LiLX10a #identification #music #robust- Robust music identification based on low-order zernike moment in the compressed domain (WL, YL, XX), pp. 739–740.
OOPSLA-2010-UpadhyayaMP #automation #identification #memory management #source code- Automatic atomic region identification in shared memory SPMD programs (GU, SPM, VSP), pp. 652–670.
GPCE-2010-RysselPK #automation #identification #modelling- Automatic variation-point identification in function-block-based models (UR, JP, KK), pp. 23–32.
RE-2010-GacituaSG #abstraction #effectiveness #identification #on the #requirements- On the Effectiveness of Abstraction Identification in Requirements Engineering (RG, PS, VG), pp. 5–14.
SAC-2010-AhmedLSH #identification #performance- Fast file-type identification (IA, KsL, HS, MH), pp. 1601–1602.
SAC-2010-AntonelliRL #domain model #identification- Early identification of crosscutting concerns in the domain model guided by states (LA, GR, JCSdPL), pp. 275–280.
SAC-2010-BernalFMD #approach #identification #process #rule-based- Dynamic context-aware business process: a rule-based approach supported by pattern identification (JFMB, PF, MM, JD), pp. 470–474.
SAC-2010-LevyLMS #bias #identification #multi- Identification and control of intrinsic bias in a multiscale computational model of drug addiction (YZL, DL, JSM, HTS), pp. 2389–2393.
SAC-2010-MillerRPW #identification #using- Personal identification using periocular skin texture (PEM, AWR, SJP, DLW), pp. 1496–1500.
CBSE-2009-BirkmeierO #classification #comparison #component #identification #on the #state of the art- On Component Identification Approaches — Classification, State of the Art, and Comparison (DB, SO), pp. 1–18.
CASE-2009-SuCFTJKL #approach #identification #information management #novel #ontology- A novel ontology-based knowledge engineering approach for yield symptom identification in semiconductor manufacturing (FHS, SCC, CMF, YJT, JJ, CPK, CYL), pp. 433–438.
DAC-2009-YuanX #identification #on the #pseudo #testing- On systematic illegal state identification for pseudo-functional testing (FY, QX), pp. 702–707.
DATE-2009-KorhonenK #identification- A loopback-based INL test method for D/A and A/D converters employing a stimulus identification technique (EK, JK), pp. 1650–1655.
DATE-2009-MonyBMB #identification #scalability- Speculative reduction-based scalable redundancy identification (HM, JB, AM, RKB), pp. 1674–1679.
DRR-2009-BhardwajCG #identification #image #word- Script identification of handwritten word images (AB, HC, VG), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2009-SrihariRMB #identification- Identification of forgeries in handwritten petitions for ballot propositions (SNS, VR, MM, GRB), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2009-TanVK #clustering #identification #online #using- Online writer identification using alphabetic information clustering (GXT, CVG, ACK), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-ArlandisPU #identification- Identification of Very Similar Filled-in Forms with a Reject Option (JA, JCPC, EU), pp. 246–250.
ICDAR-2009-BenjelilKMA #identification- Arabic and Latin Script Identification in Printed and Handwritten Types Based on Steerable Pyramid Features (MB, SK, RM, AMA), pp. 591–595.
ICDAR-2009-ChandaPFP #approach #identification- Two-stage Approach for Word-wise Script Identification (SC, SP, KF, UP), pp. 926–930.
ICDAR-2009-ChaudhuriB #identification- Handwritten Text Line Identification in Indian Scripts (BBC, SB), pp. 636–640.
ICDAR-2009-FornesLSB #identification #music #on the- On the Use of Textural Features for Writer Identification in Old Handwritten Music Scores (AF, JL, GS, HB), pp. 996–1000.
ICDAR-2009-Garain #documentation #identification #image- Identification of Mathematical Expressions in Document Images (UG), pp. 1340–1344.
ICDAR-2009-GarainP #identification #multi #using- Off-Line Multi-Script Writer Identification Using AR Coefficients (UG, TP), pp. 991–995.
ICDAR-2009-LiST #identification #independence #online- Hierarchical Shape Primitive Features for Online Text-independent Writer Identification (BL, ZS, TT), pp. 986–990.
ICDAR-2009-LiT #identification #independence #online #sequence- Online Text-independent Writer Identification Based on Temporal Sequence and Shape Codes (BL, TT), pp. 931–935.
ICDAR-2009-PavelecOJNB #identification #modelling #using- Author Identification Using Compression Models (DP, LSO, EJRJ, FDNN, LVB), pp. 936–940.
ICDAR-2009-PengSGSB #documentation #identification #markov #random- Markov Random Field Based Text Identification from Annotated Machine Printed Documents (XP, SS, VG, RS, KB), pp. 431–435.
ICDAR-2009-ShahabiR #documentation #identification- A New Method for Writer Identification of Handwritten Farsi Documents (FS, MR), pp. 426–430.
ICDAR-2009-TanVK #identification #online- Impact of Alphabet Knowledge on Online Writer Identification (GXT, CVG, ACK), pp. 56–60.
ICDAR-2009-TanVK09a #identification #information retrieval #online- Information Retrieval Model for Online Handwritten Script Identification (GXT, CVG, ACK), pp. 336–340.
ICDAR-2009-WangJW #identification #performance- High Performance Chinese/English Mixed OCR with Character Level Language Identification (KW, JJ, QW), pp. 406–410.
CSMR-2009-LuciaDGR #behaviour #identification #parsing #visual notation- Behavioral Pattern Identification through Visual Language Parsing and Code Instrumentation (ADL, VD, CG, MR), pp. 99–108.
CSMR-2009-Trifu #approach #identification- Improving the Dataflow-Based Concern Identification Approach (MT), pp. 109–118.
CSMR-2009-TsantalisC #identification #refactoring- Identification of Extract Method Refactoring Opportunities (NT, AC), pp. 119–128.
WCRE-1999-BernardiL99a #analysis #identification #named #object-oriented- ConAn: A Tool for the Identification of Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Systems Based on Type Hierarchy Analysis (MLB, GADL), pp. 319–320.
HCI-AUII-2009-Heimgartner #identification #interactive- Identification of the User by Analyzing Human Computer Interaction (RH), pp. 275–283.
HCI-NIMT-2009-BravoHFVCNFCPV #identification #interactive #towards- From Implicit to Touching Interaction by Identification Technologies: Towards Tagging Context (JB, RH, CF, VV, GC, SWN, JF, GC, RP, MV), pp. 417–425.
HIMI-II-2009-MacedoI #identification #standard- Patient Standardization Identification as a Healthcare Issue (MM, PTI), pp. 566–575.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-DronavajjalaNS #analysis #enterprise #identification #process #project management #relational- Identification of Critical Success Factors to ERP Project Management — An Application of Grey Relational Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (CSD, SN, RS), pp. 187–192.
CIKM-2009-ZhuM #analysis #identification #multi- Multidimensional political spectrum identification and analysis (LZ, PM), pp. 2045–2048.
SIGIR-2009-YangGH #identification #information retrieval #problem- Protein identification as an information retrieval problem (YY, SG, AH), pp. 752–753.
REFSQ-2009-TunYLN #approach #identification #interactive #problem- Early Identification of Problem Interactions: A Tool-Supported Approach (TTT, YY, RCL, BN), pp. 74–88.
SAC-2009-FloraTB #forensics #identification #image #using- Forensic bite mark identification using image processing methods (GF, MT, HB), pp. 903–907.
SAC-2009-RekapalliHZ #identification #named #scalability- HSP-HMMER: a tool for protein domain identification on a large scale (BR, CH, IBZ), pp. 766–770.
SAC-2009-SinghB #identification #multi #web- Information-theoretic identification of content pages for analyzing user information needs and actions on the multimedia web (RS, BDB), pp. 1806–1810.
ISMM-2009-MarronKH #identification- Identification of logically related heap regions (MM, DK, MVH), pp. 89–98.
ICST-2009-HalfondCO #identification #testing- Penetration Testing with Improved Input Vector Identification (WGJH, SRC, AO), pp. 346–355.
ISSTA-2009-HalfondAO #analysis #identification #interface #precise #testing #web- Precise interface identification to improve testing and analysis of web applications (WGJH, SA, AO), pp. 285–296.
CASE-2008-Andoh #identification #using- Coulomb friction identification for mechatronic servo systems with limited strokes using two reference inputs (FA), pp. 265–272.
CASE-2008-HanX #identification #multi #network #using- Nonlinear systems identification using dynamic multi-time scales neural networks (XH, WFX), pp. 448–453.
CASE-2008-SchroederMT #health #identification #monitoring #process- A Factory Health Monitor: System identification, process monitoring, and control (KS, JRM, DMT), pp. 16–22.
CASE-2008-SunWHRW #case study #effectiveness #identification #monitoring #set- Identification of feature set for effective tool condition monitoring — a case study in titanium machining (JS, YSW, GSH, MR, ZW), pp. 273–278.
DAC-2008-HamersE #automation #identification #independence- Automated hardware-independent scenario identification (JH, LE), pp. 954–959.
DATE-2008-KoN #automation #identification #validation- Automated Trace Signals Identification and State Restoration for Improving Observability in Post-Silicon Validation (HFK, NN), pp. 1298–1303.
DATE-2008-LaiHK #identification #multi #verification- Improving Constant-Coefficient Multiplier Verification by Partial Product Identification (CYL, CYH, KYK), pp. 813–818.
DocEng-2008-ValleCP #documentation #identification #performance #using #visual notation- Fast identification of visual documents using local descriptors (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 173–176.
DRR-2008-BrinkKS #automation #identification #verification- Automatic removal of crossed-out handwritten text and the effect on writer verification and identification (AB, HvdK, LS), p. 68150.
DRR-2008-ChanVT #identification #online #prototype #using- Online writer identification using character prototypes distributions (SKC, CVG, YHT), p. 68150.
DRR-2008-DolegaAA #identification- Stroke frequency descriptors for handwriting-based writer identification (BD, GA, SA), p. 68150.
VLDB-2008-BaykanHW #identification #web- Web page language identification based on URLs (EB, MRH, IW), pp. 176–187.
VLDB-2008-HayMJTW #identification #network #social- Resisting structural re-identification in anonymized social networks (MH, GM, DJ, DFT, PW), pp. 102–114.
CSMR-2008-Trifu #data flow #identification #object-oriented #using- Using Dataflow Information for Concern Identification in Object-Oriented Software Systems (MT), pp. 193–202.
CSMR-2008-TsantalisCC #identification #named #smell- JDeodorant: Identification and Removal of Type-Checking Bad Smells (NT, TC, AC), pp. 329–331.
ICPC-2008-ComanS #automation #development #identification- Automated Identification of Tasks in Development Sessions (IDC, AS), pp. 212–217.
ICSM-2008-JiangHHF #automation #identification #problem #testing- Automatic identification of load testing problems (ZMJ, AEH, GH, PF), pp. 307–316.
MSR-2008-AlonsoDG #cvs #identification #visualisation- Expertise identification and visualization from CVS (OA, PTD, MG), pp. 125–128.
PASTE-2008-ZhangLGZ #approach #effectiveness #hybrid #identification- Effective identification of failure-inducing changes: a hybrid approach (SZ, YL, ZG, JZ), pp. 77–83.
CHI-2008-MiaskiewiczSK #analysis #identification #semantics- A latent semantic analysis methodology for the identification and creation of personas (TM, TS, KAK), pp. 1501–1510.
ICEIS-J-2008-BoglSPW08a #automation #identification #modelling #semantics- Semantic Annotation of EPC Models in Engineering Domains to Facilitate an Automated Identification of Common Modelling Practices (AB, MS, GP, NW), pp. 155–171.
CIKM-2008-ChalamallaNSR #identification- Identification of class specific discourse patterns (AC, SN, LVS, GR), pp. 1193–1202.
CIKM-2008-MahouiTSC #identification #modelling #predict #using- Identification of gene function using prediction by partial matching (PPM) language models (MM, WJT, AKTS, SC), pp. 779–786.
ECIR-2008-OfoghiYM #identification #natural language #semantics- The Impact of Semantic Class Identification and Semantic Role Labeling on Natural Language Answer Extraction (BO, JY, LM), pp. 430–437.
ICPR-2008-BrasnettB #identification #image #performance #robust- Fast and robust image identification (PB, MB), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-ChenSXS #algorithm #identification #search-based #using- Computer graphics identification using genetic algorithm (WC, YQS, GX, WS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GesuBF #identification- Intruders pattern identification (VDG, GLB, JHF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HossainMJY #adaptation #identification #invariant #using- Clothes-invariant gait identification using part-based adaptive weight control (MAH, YM, WJ, YY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiT #identification #image- Script identification of camera-based images (LL, CLT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MerchanOS #identification #image- Identification and pose under severe occlusion in range images (PM, AAO, SS), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-BhattacharyaGJ #categorisation #documentation #identification- Structured entity identification and document categorization: two tasks with one joint model (IB, SG, SJ), pp. 25–33.
KDD-2008-ChoRC #data mining #identification #mining #network- Reconstructing chemical reaction networks: data mining meets system identification (YJC, NR, YC), pp. 142–150.
KDD-2008-FujiwaraSY #identification #markov #modelling #named #performance- SPIRAL: efficient and exact model identification for hidden Markov models (YF, YS, MY), pp. 247–255.
KDD-2008-JensenFTM #automation #design #identification- Automatic identification of quasi-experimental designs for discovering causal knowledge (DDJ, ASF, BJT, MEM), pp. 372–380.
KR-2008-CalvaneseGLLR #constraints #identification #logic- Path-Based Identification Constraints in Description Logics (DC, GDG, DL, ML, RR), pp. 231–241.
SEKE-2008-JanesSS #identification #process- Non-invasive Software Process Data Collection for Expert Identification (AJ, AS, GS), pp. 191–196.
MoDELS-2008-StalhaneS #case study #comparison #diagrams #identification #safety- Safety Hazard Identification by Misuse Cases: Experimental Comparison of Text and Diagrams (TS, GS), pp. 721–735.
MoDELS-2008-StalhaneS #case study #comparison #diagrams #identification #safety- Safety Hazard Identification by Misuse Cases: Experimental Comparison of Text and Diagrams (TS, GS), pp. 721–735.
REFSQ-2008-WelshS #adaptation #identification #problem- When to Adapt? Identification of Problem Domains for Adaptive Systems (KW, PS), pp. 198–203.
SAC-2008-AhamedRH #architecture #distributed #identification #scalability #using- Secured tag identification using EDSA (enhanced distributed scalable architecture) (SIA, FR, MEH), pp. 1902–1907.
SAC-2008-CarvalhoLGS #identification #programming #search-based #using- Replica identification using genetic programming (MGdC, AHFL, MAG, ASdS), pp. 1801–1806.
SAC-2008-PavelecJBO #identification #independence #using- Author identification using writer-dependent and writer-independent strategies (DP, EJRJ, LVB, LSO), pp. 414–418.
FSE-2008-HalfondO #automation #identification #parametricity #web- Automated identification of parameter mismatches in web applications (WGJH, AO), pp. 181–191.
ICST-2008-TravisonS #automation #identification #pattern matching- Test Instrumentation and Pattern Matching for Automatic Failure Identification (DT, GS), pp. 377–386.
ISSTA-2008-EdwardsTWVD #automation #fault #identification #named- AFID: an automated fault identification tool (AE, ST, SW, RV, BD), pp. 179–188.
ASE-2007-Gawley #automation #feature model #identification #modelling #variability- Automating the identification of variability realisation techniques from feature models (RG), pp. 555–558.
CASE-2007-Andoh #identification- Inertia Identification of Mechatronic Servo Systems with Infinitesimal Motions (FA), pp. 925–932.
CASE-2007-DotoliFM #identification #monitoring #on the #petri net #specification- On Line Identification of Discrete Event Systems via Petri Nets: an Application to Monitor Specification (MD, MPF, AMM), pp. 893–898.
CASE-2007-LaaksoHKF #automation #identification #open source- Open-Source Demo System to Support Automated Identification and Tracking Workshops (ML, JH, RK, KF), pp. 1008–1013.
CASE-2007-NaZW #identification #process- Discrete-Model Identification for Nonlinear Laser Welding Process (XN, YZ, BW), pp. 1002–1007.
CASE-2007-YangZL #identification #modelling #performance- Modeling and Identification for High-Speed Milling Machines (JY, DZ, ZL), pp. 346–351.
CASE-2007-YeMY #2d #identification #metric- Information Measures for Biometric Identification via 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform (ZY, HM, YY), pp. 835–840.
DATE-2007-FerrignoPSL #design #identification #process- Identification of process/design issues during 0.18 µm technology qualification for space application (JF, PP, KS, DL), pp. 989–993.
DRR-2007-KimLT #documentation #identification #online #using- Identification of comment-on sentences in online biomedical documents using support vector machines (ICK, DXL, GRT).
ICDAR-2007-BrinkSB #identification #towards #using #verification- Towards Explainable Writer Verification and Identification Using Vantage Writers (AB, LS, MB), pp. 824–828.
ICDAR-2007-BulacuSB #identification #independence #verification- Text-Independent Writer Identification and Verification on Offline Arabic Handwriting (MB, LS, AB), pp. 769–773.
ICDAR-2007-ChandaTP #identification- SVM Based Scheme for Thai and English Script Identification (SC, ORT, UP), pp. 551–555.
ICDAR-2007-DasariB #identification #using- Identification of Non-Black Inks Using HSV Colour Space (HD, CB), pp. 486–490.
ICDAR-2007-GazzahA #analysis #identification #using- Arabic Handwriting Texture Analysis for Writer Identification Using the DWT-Lifting Scheme (SG, NEBA), pp. 1133–1137.
ICDAR-2007-ImdadBERE #identification #using- Writer Identification Using Steered Hermite Features and SVM (AI, SB, VE, CRM, HE), pp. 839–843.
ICDAR-2007-LuLT #categorisation #identification- Identification of Latin-Based Languages through Character Stroke Categorization (SJL, LL, CLT), pp. 352–356.
ICDAR-2007-NejadR #identification #verification- A New Method for Writer Identification and Verification Based on Farsi/Arabic Handwritten Texts (FN, MR), pp. 829–833.
ICDAR-2007-SchlapbachB #identification #online- Fusing Asynchronous Feature Streams for On-line Writer Identification (AS, HB), pp. 103–107.
ICDAR-2007-Schomaker07a #identification #roadmap #verification- Advances in Writer Identification and Verification (LS), pp. 1268–1273.
ICDAR-2007-SiddiqiV #documentation #identification- Writer Identification in Handwritten Documents (IS, NV), pp. 108–112.
ICDAR-2007-ValleCP #database #identification #image- Matching Local Descriptors for Image Identification on Cultural Databases (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 679–683.
ICDAR-2007-VikramG #documentation #identification #modelling- Appearance Based Models in Document Script Identification (TNV, DSG), pp. 709–713.
PODS-2007-ChakaravarthyPRAM #algorithm #approximate #identification- Decision trees for entity identification: approximation algorithms and hardness results (VTC, VP, SR, PA, MKM), pp. 53–62.
ICPC-2007-CareyG #automation #concept #identification #source code- Recovering Concepts from Source Code with Automated Concept Identification (MMC, GCG), pp. 27–36.
ICSM-2007-FokaefsTC #identification #named #smell- JDeodorant: Identification and Removal of Feature Envy Bad Smells (MF, NT, AC), pp. 519–520.
WCRE-2007-RaberL07a #approach #automation #identification #named #obfuscation- Deobfuscator: An Automated Approach to the Identification and Removal of Code Obfuscation (JR, EL), pp. 275–276.
CHI-2007-WhiteMF #automation #design #identification #mobile #user interface- Designing a mobile user interface for automated species identification (SW, DM, SF), pp. 291–294.
DHM-2007-LiLZ #algorithm #approach #identification #modelling #multi #robust- A Robust Algorithm for a System Identification Approach to Digital Human Modeling: An Application to Multi-fingered Hand Movement (KL, SWL, XZ), pp. 157–160.
DHM-2007-LuoYZ #identification- A Method for Gene Identification by Dynamic Feature Choosing (JL, LY, XZ), pp. 678–683.
HCI-MIE-2007-ZhongCZL #adaptation #identification #incremental #online- Confidence Measure Based Incremental Adaptation for Online Language Identification (SZ, YC, CZ, JL), pp. 535–543.
HIMI-MTT-2007-KieliszewskiCBLH #analysis #identification #visualisation- A Visualization Solution for the Analysis and Identification of Workforce Expertise (CAK, JC, AB, AL, TH), pp. 317–326.
OCSC-2007-SchimkeSZ #community #identification #online #social- The Relationship Between Social Presence and Group Identification Within Online Communities and Its Impact on the Success of Online Communities (DS, HS, AZ), pp. 160–168.
CAiSE-2007-PachecoT #identification #quality #requirements- Stakeholder Identification as an Issue in the Improvement of Software Requirements Quality (CP, ET), pp. 370–380.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-NguyenT #constraints #identification #ontology #web- Integrating identification constraints in web ontology (TDTN, NLT), pp. 338–343.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-ValenteS #case study #identification #process- Process Use Cases: Use Cases Identification (PV, PNMS), pp. 301–307.
CIKM-2007-GoldsteinCC #identification #summary- Genre identification and goal-focused summarization (JG, GMC, JGC), pp. 889–892.
CIKM-2007-RosenfeldF #clustering #identification- Clustering for unsupervised relation identification (BR, RF), pp. 411–418.
KDD-2007-TantipathananandhBK #community #framework #identification #network #social- A framework for community identification in dynamic social networks (CT, TYBW, DK), pp. 717–726.
MLDM-2007-CoenenLSW #classification #identification #statistics- Statistical Identification of Key Phrases for Text Classification (FC, PHL, RS, YJW), pp. 838–853.
MLDM-2007-SilvaGF #identification- One Lead ECG Based Personal Identification with Feature Subspace Ensembles (HS, HG, ALNF), pp. 770–783.
ISSTA-2007-OstrandWB #algorithm #automation #identification- Automating algorithms for the identification of fault-prone files (TJO, EJW, RMB), pp. 219–227.
ASE-2006-KimZPW #automation #identification- Automatic Identification of Bug-Introducing Changes (SK, TZ, KP, EJWJ), pp. 81–90.
CASE-2006-DotoliFM #case study #identification #online- On-Line Identification of Discrete Event Systems: a Case Study (MD, MPF, AMM), pp. 405–410.
CASE-2006-ZhangCY #adaptation #automation #fuzzy #hybrid #identification- Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Hybrid Traction Control System based on Automatic Road Identification (JZ, DC, CY), pp. 524–529.
DAC-2006-VimjamH #identification #induction #performance #satisfiability- Fast illegal state identification for improving SAT-based induction (VCV, MSH), pp. 241–246.
DATE-2006-BiswasDIP #architecture #automation #functional #identification- Automatic identification of application-specific functional units with architecturally visible storage (PB, NDD, PI, LP), pp. 212–217.
SIGMOD-2006-DuanB #identification #performance #problem- Proactive identification of performance problems (SD, SB), pp. 766–768.
CSMR-2006-KaczorGH #algorithm #design pattern #identification #performance- Efficient Identification of Design Patterns with Bit-vector Algorithm (OK, YGG, SH), pp. 175–184.
ICPC-2006-Marinescu #assessment #design #enterprise #identification #quality- Identification of Design Roles for the Assessment of Design Quality in Enterprise Applications (CM), pp. 169–180.
ICPC-2006-PoshyvanykMRGA #identification #probability #ranking #semantics- Combining Probabilistic Ranking and Latent Semantic Indexing for Feature Identification (DP, AM, VR, YGG, GA), pp. 137–148.
STOC-2006-GavinskyKRW #bound #communication #complexity #exponential #identification #quantum- Bounded-error quantum state identification and exponential separations in communication complexity (DG, JK, OR, RdW), pp. 594–603.
CSCW-2006-CataldoWHC #collaboration #coordination #design #identification #requirements #tool support- Identification of coordination requirements: implications for the Design of collaboration and awareness tools (MC, PW, JDH, KMC), pp. 353–362.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-RokachRM #automation #concept #identification- Automatic Identification of Negated Concepts in Narrative Clinical Reports (LR, RR, OM), pp. 257–262.
CIKM-2006-HuZZ #array #clustering #identification #integration #mining- Integration of cluster ensemble and EM based text mining for microarray gene cluster identification and annotation (XH, XZ, XZ), pp. 824–825.
CIKM-2006-LuPLA #feature model #identification #machine learning #query- Coupling feature selection and machine learning methods for navigational query identification (YL, FP, XL, NA), pp. 682–689.
ECIR-2006-ParaparB #identification #retrieval #topic- Sentence Retrieval with LSI and Topic Identification (DP, AB), pp. 119–130.
ICML-2006-ZhengJLNA #debugging #identification #multi #statistics- Statistical debugging: simultaneous identification of multiple bugs (AXZ, MIJ, BL, MN, AA), pp. 1105–1112.
ICPR-v1-2006-IshidaTIMM #generative #identification #learning- Identification of degraded traffic sign symbols by a generative learning method (HI, TT, II, YM, HM), pp. 531–534.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChoL #clustering #identification #image #novel- A novel Virus Infection Clustering for Flower Images Identification (SYC, PTL), pp. 1038–1041.
ICPR-v2-2006-DhandraNHHM #documentation #identification #image #re-engineering- Script Identification Based on Morphological Reconstruction in Document Images (BVD, PN, MH, RH, VSM), pp. 950–953.
ICPR-v2-2006-LimCG #identification #using- Scene Identification using Discriminative Patterns (JHL, JPC, SG), pp. 642–645.
ICPR-v2-2006-MakiharaSMEY #adaptation #identification- Adaptation to Walking Direction Changes for Gait Identification (YM, RS, YM, TE, YY), pp. 96–99.
ICPR-v3-2006-Eidenberger #identification #image #robust- Kalman Filtering for Robust Identification of Face Images with Varying Expressions and Lighting Conditions (HE), pp. 1073–1076.
ICPR-v3-2006-LamL #identification #using- Human Identification by Using the Motion and Static Characteristic of Gait (THWL, RSTL), pp. 996–999.
ICPR-v3-2006-SchlapbachB #identification #modelling #using- Off-lineWriter Identification Using Gaussian Mixture Models (AS, HB), pp. 992–995.
ICPR-v3-2006-WangGZLZ #identification #using- Palmprint Identification using Boosting Local Binary Pattern (XW, HG, HZ, BL, ZZ), pp. 503–506.
ICPR-v4-2006-LiL06a #identification #using- Hierarchical Identification of Palmprint using Line-based Hough Transform (FL, MKHL), pp. 149–152.
ICPR-v4-2006-LiWD #identification #retrieval- An Off-line Chinese Writer Retrieval System Based on Text-sensitive Writer Identification (XL, XW, XD), pp. 517–520.
ICPR-v4-2006-NilssonRCJ #identification- Biometric Identification of Mice (KN, TSR, JC, CJ), pp. 465–468.
ICPR-v4-2006-ProencaA #identification #image #normalisation- A Method for the Identification of Noisy Regions in Normalized Iris Images (HP, LAA), pp. 405–408.
ICPR-v4-2006-SunY #3d #evaluation #feature model #identification- Evaluation of 3D Facial Feature Selection for Individual Facial Model Identification (YS, LY), pp. 562–565.
ICPR-v4-2006-WangAC #identification #multi #recognition #using- Multi-lingual Phoneme Recognition and Language Identification Using Phonotactic Information (LW, EA, EHCC), pp. 245–248.
ICPR-v4-2006-WuQ #geometry #identification #using- A Hierarchical Palmprint Identification Method Using Hand Geometry and Grayscale Distribution Features (JW, ZQ), pp. 409–412.
ICPR-v4-2006-XieLYD #identification #robust- Improved Two-stage Wiener Filter for Robust Speaker Identification (YX, ML, ZY, BD), pp. 310–313.
ICPR-v4-2006-YamadaKNT #behaviour #identification- Hipprint Person Identification and Behavior Analys (MY, MK, HN, JT), pp. 533–536.
ICPR-v4-2006-YaoLYZL #algorithm #analysis #identification- Analysis and Improvement of An Iris Identification Algorithm (PY, JL, XY, ZZ, BL), pp. 362–365.
ICPR-v4-2006-YaoZDLX #correlation #identification #matrix #modelling- Directly Modeling of Correlation Matrices for GMM in Speaker Identification (ZY, XZ, BD, ML, YX), pp. 306–309.
ICPR-v4-2006-YinAC #identification- Combining Cepstral and Prosodic Features in Language Identification (BY, EA, FC), pp. 254–257.
SIGIR-2006-ShenCST #automation #database #identification #music #performance #scalability #towards- Towards efficient automated singer identification in large music databases (JS, BC, JS, KLT), pp. 59–66.
MoDELS-2006-HogganvikS #approach #empirical #identification #motivation #risk management #visual notation- A Graphical Approach to Risk Identification, Motivated by Empirical Investigations (IH, KS), pp. 574–588.
MoDELS-2006-HogganvikS #approach #empirical #identification #motivation #risk management #visual notation- A Graphical Approach to Risk Identification, Motivated by Empirical Investigations (IH, KS), pp. 574–588.
RE-2006-ChenZZM #analysis #dependence #identification #requirements- Identification of Crosscutting Requirements Based on Feature Dependency Analysis (KC, HZ, WZ, HM), pp. 300–303.
SAC-2006-ArtemenkoMSW #documentation #evaluation #identification #multi- Evaluation of a language identification system for mono- and multilingual text documents (OA, TM, MS, CWH), pp. 859–860.
SAC-2006-LokhandeAG #identification #image #parametricity- Identification of parameters and restoration of motion blurred images (RL, KVA, PG), pp. 301–305.
ICSE-2006-FrantzeskouSGK #effectiveness #identification #source code #using- Effective identification of source code authors using byte-level information (GF, ES, SG, SKK), pp. 893–896.
AMOST-J-2005-Robinson-MallettLMG06 #identification #model checking #using #verification- Extended state identification and verification using a model checker (CRM, PL, TM, UG), pp. 981–992.
FATES-RV-2006-KrichenT #finite #identification #problem #transducer- State-Identification Problems for Finite-State Transducers (MK, ST), pp. 148–162.
ASE-2005-Milanova #composition #diagrams #identification #precise #uml- Precise identification of composition relationships for UML class diagrams (AM), pp. 76–85.
ASE-2005-SampaioCR #aspect-oriented #automation #identification #named #requirements- EA-Miner: a tool for automating aspect-oriented requirements identification (AS, RC, PR), pp. 352–355.
CASE-2005-KimKYT #identification #realtime #using- Dynamic shipment planning in an automobile shipment yard using real-time radio frequency identification (RFID) information (JK, SRTK, STY, JDT), pp. 148–153.
DocEng-2005-BeheraLI #documentation #identification- Influence of fusion strategies on feature-based identification of low-resolution documents (AB, DL, RI), pp. 20–22.
DRR-2005-MaD #identification #using- Font identification using the grating cell texture operator (HM, DSD), pp. 148–156.
ICDAR-2005-BeheraLI #documentation #geometry #identification #using- Enhancement of Layout-based Identification of Low-resolution Documents using Geometrical Color Distribution (AB, DL, RI), pp. 468–472.
ICDAR-2005-BulacuS #clustering #comparison #identification #verification- A Comparison of Clustering Methods for Writer Identification and Verification (MB, LS), pp. 1275–1279.
ICDAR-2005-DholakiaNM #identification- Zone Identification in the Printed Gujarati Text (JD, AN, SRM), pp. 272–276.
ICDAR-2005-HeTFDY #identification #novel- A Novel Method for Off-line Handwriting-based Writer Identification (ZH, YYT, BF, JD, XY), pp. 242–246.
ICDAR-2005-LiuCL #identification #image #machine learning #using- Language Identification of Character Images Using Machine Learning Techniques (YHL, FC, CCL), pp. 630–634.
ICDAR-2005-MandalCDC #automation #identification #segmentation- A Hierarchical Method for Automated Identification and Segmentation of Forms (SM, SPC, AKD, BC), pp. 705–709.
ICDAR-2005-PanSB #identification #using- Script Identification Using Steerable Gabor Filters (WP, CYS, TDB), pp. 883–887.
ICDAR-2005-SchlapbachKB #feature model #identification- ImprovingWriter Identification by Means of Feature Selection and Extraction (AS, VK, HB), pp. 131–135.
ICDAR-2005-TulyakovG #identification- Combining Matching Scores in Identification Model (ST, VG), pp. 1151–1155.
ICDAR-2005-YacoubP #documentation #identification- Identification of Document Structure and Table of Content in Magazine Archives (SMY, JLAP), pp. 1253–1259.
FASE-2005-ChangHK #clustering #component #identification- A Tool to Automate Component Clustering and Identification (SHC, MJH, SDK), pp. 141–144.
ICSM-2005-AntoniolG #approach #case study #identification #novel- Feature Identification: A Novel Approach and a Case Study (GA, YGG), pp. 357–366.
ICSM-2005-MarcusR #concept #identification #source code- Identifications of Concepts, Features, and Concerns in Source Code (AM, VR), p. 718.
MSR-2005-RoblesG #developer #identification- Developer identification methods for integrated data from various sources (GR, JMGB), pp. 66–70.
CAiSE-2005-RussellAHE #identification #representation #tool support #workflow- Workflow Resource Patterns: Identification, Representation and Tool Support (NR, WMPvdA, AHMtH, DE), pp. 216–232.
ICEIS-v2-2005-Celikel #approach #encryption #identification- A Cryptographic Approach to Language Identification: PPM (EC), pp. 213–219.
CIKM-2005-ZhaoLTX #framework #identification #performance #visualisation- Opportunity map: a visualization framework for fast identification of actionable knowledge (KZ, BL, TMT, WX), pp. 60–67.
ICML-2005-SilvaS #identification #learning #modelling- New d-separation identification results for learning continuous latent variable models (RBdAeS, RS), pp. 808–815.
SEKE-2005-ZhangLY #identification #re-engineering- Service Identification and Packaging in Service Oriented Reengineering (ZZ, RL, HY), pp. 620–625.
RE-2005-SvetinovicBG #analysis #concept #identification #object-oriented #student #why- Concept Identification in Object-Oriented Domain Analysis: Why Some Students Just Don’t Get It (DS, DMB, MWG), pp. 189–198.
SAC-2005-AnshulR #identification #network- A ZKP-based identification scheme for base nodes in wireless sensor networks (DA, SR), pp. 319–323.
SAC-2005-HsiehCK #identification #online #performance- Efficient on-line identification of hot data for flash-memory management (JWH, LPC, TWK), pp. 838–842.
SAC-2005-JangSSH #comparison #identification- A comparison on information fusion methods for air target identification (DJ, SYS, CYS, CCH), pp. 45–46.
SAC-2005-MartinsS #identification #web- Language identification in web pages (BM, MJS), pp. 764–768.
TestCom-2005-KrichenT #automaton #identification #problem- State Identification Problems for Timed Automata (MK, ST), pp. 175–191.
DATE-v1-2004-HuangM #behaviour #identification #modelling- Identification and Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior in Analog Circuits (XH, HAM), pp. 460–467.
DATE-v1-2004-PadmanabanT #fault #identification #performance #using- Using BDDs and ZBDDs for Efficient Identification of Testable Path Delay Faults (SP, ST), pp. 50–55.
DATE-v1-2004-VandersteenPLD #identification #linear- Extended Subspace Identification of Improper Linear Systems (GV, RP, DL, SD), pp. 454–459.
DocEng-2004-BeheraLI #documentation #identification #image #visual notation- Visual signature based identification of Low-resolution document images (AB, DL, RI), pp. 178–187.
DRR-2004-MaD #documentation #identification #image #word- Word level script identification for scanned document images (HM, DSD), pp. 124–135.
DRR-2004-OzawaTKNY #identification #image- Slide identification for lecture movies by matching characters and images (NO, HT, YK, SN, HY), pp. 74–81.
ICSM-2004-FengZWW #anti #design #identification- Software Design Improvement through Anti-Patterns Identification (TF, JZ, HW, XW), p. 524.
ICSM-2004-Rountev #identification #java #precise- Precise Identification of Side-Effect-Free Methods in Java (AR), pp. 82–91.
ICEIS-v4-2004-CostaOS #identification- E-Services in Mission-Critical Organizations: Identification Enforcement (CC, JLO, AS), pp. 389–396.
CIKM-2004-LiO #identification #learning #music- Semi-supervised learning for music artists style identification (TL, MO), pp. 152–153.
ECIR-2004-ChenTH #corpus #identification #novel #using- Identification of Relevant and Novel Sentences Using Reference Corpus (HHC, MFT, MHH), pp. 85–98.
ICPR-v1-2004-GarainCC #documentation #embedded #identification- Identification of Embedded Mathematical Expressions in Scanned Documents (UG, BBC, ARC), pp. 384–387.
ICPR-v1-2004-ParkL #distance #fault #identification #image #using- Enhancing Low-Resolution Facial Images Using Error Back-Projection for Human Identification at a Distance (JSP, SWL), pp. 346–349.
ICPR-v2-2004-GutierrezRA #identification- Weighted Loss Functions to Make Risk-based Language Identification Fused Decisions (JG, JLR, RAO), pp. 863–866.
ICPR-v2-2004-MaddageXW #identification #modelling- Singer Identification Based on Vocal and Instrumental Models (NCM, CX, YW), pp. 375–378.
ICPR-v2-2004-OhteraH #identification #using- Faxed Form Identification using Histogram of the Hough-Space (RO, TH), pp. 566–569.
ICPR-v2-2004-PranckevicieneBS #classification #identification- Consensus-Based Identification of Spectral Signatures for Classification of High-Dimensional Biomedical Spectra (EP, RB, RLS), pp. 319–322.
ICPR-v2-2004-SchlapbachB #identification #using- Off-line Handwriting Identification Using HMM Based Recognizers (AS, HB), pp. 654–658.
ICPR-v3-2004-EhtiatiC #architecture #identification- A Strongly Coupled Architecture for Contextual Object and Scene Identification (TE, JJC), pp. 69–72.
ICPR-v3-2004-GaoLT #identification #music- Indexing with Musical Events and Its Application to Content-Based Music Identification (SG, CHL, QT), pp. 846–849.
ICPR-v3-2004-TonniesPC #identification #image- Local Identification and Removal of Scatter Artefacts based on the Temporal Information in Dynamic SPECT images (KDT, CP, AC), pp. 762–765.
ICPR-v3-2004-ZhangSGCCY #identification- Information Fusion in Face Identification (WZ, SS, WG, YC, BC, PY), pp. 950–953.
ICPR-v4-2004-AggarwalCC #approach #identification #recognition- A System Identification Approach for Video-based Face Recognition (GA, AKRC, RC), pp. 175–178.
ICPR-v4-2004-EveringhamZ #automation #identification #visual notation- Automated Visual Identification of Characters in Situation Comedies (ME, AZ), pp. 983–986.
ICPR-v4-2004-HuangL04a #identification- A Vision-Based Vehicle Identification System (CLH, WCL), pp. 364–367.
ICPR-v4-2004-KobayashiO #higher-order #identification #multi #polynomial #using- Action and Simultaneous Multiple-Person Identification Using Cubic Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlation (TK, NO), pp. 741–744.
ICPR-v4-2004-KrichenMGD #identification #using- Iris Identification Using Wavelet Packets (EK, MAM, SGS, BD), pp. 335–338.
ECOOP-2004-McCamantE #component #identification #multi- Early Identification of Incompatibilities in Multi-component Upgrades (SM, MDE), pp. 440–464.
SAC-2004-Lanitis #identification #image- Person identification from heavily occluded face images (AL), pp. 5–9.
SAC-2004-LinsG #automation #identification- Automatic language identification of written texts (RDL, PG), pp. 1128–1133.
SAC-2004-WeisserK #identification #metric #sequence #statistics #using- Identification of fundamental building blocks in protein sequences using statistical association measures (DKW, JKS), pp. 154–161.
CGO-2004-PanaitSW #identification- Static Identification of Delinquent Loads (VMP, AS, WFW), pp. 303–314.
DATE-2003-LoKWH #design #identification #standard- A Custom-Cell Identification Method for High-Performance Mixed Standard/Custom-Cell Designs (JYLL, WAK, ACHW, TH), pp. 11102–11103.
DATE-2003-SyalH #algorithm #fault #identification #low cost #novel- A Novel, Low-Cost Algorithm for Sequentially Untestable Fault Identification (MS, MSH), pp. 10316–10321.
DATE-2003-WegenerK #fault #identification #linear #modelling- Linear Model-Based Error Identification and Calibration for Data Converters (CW, MPK), pp. 10630–10635.
DRR-2003-OgataWIYFSF #identification #implementation- Form-type identification for banking applications and its implementation issues (HO, SW, AI, TY, NF, HS, HF), pp. 208–218.
DRR-2003-ZhangS #difference #identification #metric- Binary vector dissimilarity measures for handwriting identification (BZ, SNS), pp. 28–38.
ICDAR-2003-AblavskyS #automation #documentation #feature model #identification- Automatic Feature Selection with Applications to Script Identification of Degraded Documents (VA, MRS), pp. 750–754.
ICDAR-2003-AndersenZ #documentation #identification- Features for Neural Net Based Region Identification of Newspaper Documents (TLA, WZ), pp. 403–407.
ICDAR-2003-BensefiaPH #identification #information retrieval- Information Retrieval Based Writer Identification (AB, TP, LH), pp. 946–950.
ICDAR-2003-BulacuSV #identification #using- Writer Identification Using Edge-Based Directional Features (MB, LS, LV), pp. 937–941.
ICDAR-2003-LeedhamC #identification #using- Writer Identification using Innovative Binarised Features of Handwritten Numerals (GL, SC), pp. 413–417.
ICDAR-2003-PalSC #documentation #identification #multi- Multi-Script Line identification from Indian Document (UP, SS, BBC), pp. 880–884.
ICDAR-2003-SakoSFII #identification #recognition- Form Reading based on Form-type Identification and Form-data Recognition (HS, MS, NF, HI, AI), p. 926–?.
ICDAR-2003-SeropianGV #identification- Writer Identification based on the fractal construction of a reference base (AS, MG, NV), pp. 1163–1167.
ICDAR-2003-WangDL #identification #linear #using- Writer Identification Using Directional Element Features and Linear Transform (XW, XD, HL), pp. 942–945.
ICDAR-2003-WirotiusSV #identification- Writer Identification from Gray Level Distribution (MW, AS, NV), pp. 1168–1172.
ICDAR-2003-ZhengLD03a #documentation #identification #image #markov #random #using- Text Identification in Noisy Document Images Using Markov Random Field (YZ, HL, DSD), p. 599–?.
WCRE-2003-BevanW #identification- Identification of Software Instabilities (JB, EJWJ), pp. 134–145.
ICEIS-v4-2003-MajS #flexibility #identification #scalability- Scalable and Flexible Electronic Identification (SPM, DTS), pp. 335–339.
CIKM-2003-CampbellMCD #email #identification #using- Expertise identification using email communications (CSC, PPM, AC, BD), pp. 528–531.
CIKM-2003-LalmasR #automation #documentation #identification #retrieval- Automatic identification of best entry points for focused structured document retrieval (ML, JR), pp. 540–543.
DAC-2002-ZengAA #identification #using- False timing path identification using ATPG techniques and delay-based information (JZ, MSA, JAA), pp. 562–565.
DATE-2002-Hsiao #fault #identification- Maximizing Impossibilities for Untestable Fault Identification (MSH), pp. 949–953.
DATE-2002-PozziVI #automation #embedded #identification- Automatic Topology-Based Identification of Instruction-Set Extensions for Embedded Processors (LP, MV, PI), p. 1138.
SCAM-J-2001-SouterP02 #automation #identification- Characterization and automatic identification of type infeasible call chains (ALS, LLP), pp. 721–732.
PLDI-2002-BudimlicCHKOR #identification #performance- Fast Copy Coalescing and Live-Range Identification (ZB, KDC, TJH, KK, TSO, SWR), pp. 25–32.
CIKM-2002-LiuH #classification #identification #music- A singer identification technique for content-based classification of MP3 music objects (CCL, CSH), pp. 438–445.
ICPR-v1-2002-Hayfron-AcquahNC #identification #symmetry- Human Identification by Spatio-Temporal Symmetry (JBHA, MSN, JNC), pp. 632–635.
ICPR-v1-2002-PhillipsSRGB #algorithm #challenge #identification #problem #set- The Gait Identification Challenge Problem: Data Sets and Baseline Algorithm (PJP, SS, IRV, PG, KWB), pp. 385–388.
ICPR-v1-2002-WangHT #identification- A New Attempt to Gait-based Human Identification (LW, WH, TT), pp. 115–118.
ICPR-v1-2002-WuWZ #energy #fuzzy #identification- Fuzzy Directional Element Energy Feature (FDEEF) Based Palmprint Identification (XW, KW, DZ), pp. 95–98.
ICPR-v1-2002-WuYS #identification- Optimal Gabor Filters for High Speed Face Identification (HW, YY, TS), pp. 107–110.
ICPR-v1-2002-YamNC #automation #identification #on the- On the Relationship of Human Walking and Running: Automatic Person Identification by Gait (CYY, MSN, JNC), pp. 287–290.
ICPR-v2-2002-GuimaraesACL #detection #identification #video- Video Fade Detection by Discrete Line Identification (SJFG, AdAA, MC, NJL), pp. 1013–1016.
ICPR-v2-2002-Keren #identification #naive bayes #using- Painter Identification Using Local Features and Naive Bayes (DK), pp. 474–477.
ICPR-v2-2002-Miyamori #behaviour #identification #retrieval #using #video- Improving Accuracy in Behaviour Identification for Content-Based Retrieval by Using Audio and Video Information (HM), pp. 826–830.
ICPR-v2-2002-PereraGSPM #identification #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Machine Olfaction: Pattern Recognition for the Identification of Aromas (AP, AGB, TS, TP, SM), pp. 410–413.
ICPR-v2-2002-QunTHC #algorithm #automation #clustering #identification #using- Automatic Fingerprint Identification Using Cluster Algorithm (QR, JT, YH, JC), pp. 398–401.
ICPR-v3-2002-JohnsonB #identification #metric- Relationship between Identification Metrics: Expected Confusion and Area Under a ROC Curve (AYJ, AFB), pp. 662–666.
ICPR-v3-2002-MottlKKYK #grid #identification #image #similarity- Elastic Transformation of the Image Pixel Grid for Similarity Based Face Identification (VM, AK, AK, AY, JK), pp. 549–552.
ICPR-v3-2002-SuW #identification #learning #process- A Learning Process to the Identification of Feature Points on Chinese Characters (YMS, JFW), pp. 93–97.
ICPR-v4-2002-BenAbdelkaderCD #automation #estimation #identification #using- Person Identification Using Automatic Height and Stride Estimation (CB, RC, LSD), pp. 377–380.
ICPR-v4-2002-MottlKK #classification #identification #kernel- Support Object Classifiers with Rigid and Elastic Kernel Functions for Face Identification (VM, AK, JK), pp. 205–208.
KDD-2002-FangHL #identification #using- Tumor cell identification using features rules (BF, WH, MLL), pp. 495–500.
KDD-2002-TejadaKM #identification #independence #learning #string- Learning domain-independent string transformation weights for high accuracy object identification (ST, CAK, SM), pp. 350–359.
SAC-2002-BesnardL #constraints #design #identification #industrial #lessons learnt #optimisation #re-engineering #reuse- Lessons from industrial design for software engineering through constraints identification, solution space optimisation and reuse (DB, ATL), pp. 732–738.
ASE-2001-MarcusM #concept #identification #source code- Identification of High-Level Concept Clones in Source Code (AM, JIM), pp. 107–114.
DAC-2001-XiaoM #analysis #correlation #functional #identification- Functional Correlation Analysis in Crosstalk Induced Critical Paths Identification (TX, MMS), pp. 653–656.
DATE-2001-ZengABA #identification- Full chip false timing path identification: applications to the PowerPCTM microprocessors (JZ, MSA, JB, JAA), pp. 514–519.
ICDAR-2001-ElgammalI01a #documentation #hybrid #identification #image- Techniques for Language Identification for Hybrid Arabic-English Document Images (AME, MAI), pp. 1100–1104.
ICDAR-2001-FanCW #documentation #identification #using- Form Document Identification Using Line Structure Based Features (KCF, MLC, YKW), pp. 704–708.
ICDAR-2001-IwataYYKIM #identification #library #using- Book Cover Identification by Using Four Directional Features Filed for a Small-Scale Library System (KI, KY, MY, KK, MI, KM), pp. 582–586.
ICDAR-2001-KikuchiA #development #identification- Development of Speedy and High Sensitive Pen System for Writing Pressure and Writer Identification (MK, NA), pp. 1040–1044.
ICDAR-2001-LeedhamTY #identification #markov #using- Handwritten Country Name Identification Using Vector Quantisation and Hidden Markov Model (GL, WKT, WLY), pp. 685–688.
ICDAR-2001-MartiMB #identification #using- Writer Identification Using Text Line Based Features (UVM, RM, HB), pp. 101–105.
ICDAR-2001-PalC #automation #identification- Automatic Identification of English, Chinese, Arabic, Devnagari and Bangla Script Line (UP, BBC), pp. 790–794.
EDOC-2001-JainCIR #approach #component #formal method #identification- Business Component Identification — A Formal Approach (HKJ, NC, NI, BR), pp. 183–187.
CIKM-2001-MarcusML #fault #identification #set- Ordinal Association Rules for Error Identification in Data Sets (AM, JIM, KIL), pp. 589–591.
MLDM-2001-FischerB #automation #identification #using- Automatic Identification of Diatoms Using Decision Forests (SF, HB), pp. 173–183.
ESEC-FSE-2001-Brada #component #identification #specification- Component revision identification based on IDL/ADL component specification (PB), pp. 297–298.
ASE-2000-BuenoJ #identification #monitoring #testing- Identification of Potentially Infeasible Program Paths by Monitoring the Search for Test Data (PMSB, MJ), pp. 209–218.
DATE-2000-GulrajaniH #identification #logic #multi- Multi-Node Static Logic Implications for Redundancy Identification (KG, MSH), pp. 729–733.
IWPC-2000-AntoniolCM #identification- Identification of Lower-Level Artifacts (GA, GC, EM), p. 253.
ICML-2000-ColtonBW #automation #concept #identification- Automatic Identification of Mathematical Concepts (SC, AB, TW), pp. 183–190.
ICML-2000-DyB #identification #learning #order #set- Feature Subset Selection and Order Identification for Unsupervised Learning (JGD, CEB), pp. 247–254.
ICPR-v2-2000-RitterG #approach #identification #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- A Bayesian Approach to Object Identification in Pattern Recognition (GR, MTG), pp. 2418–2421.
ICPR-v2-2000-ZhuTW #identification- Biometric Personal Identification Based on Handwritin (YZ, TT, YW), pp. 2797–2800.
ICPR-v2-2000-ZhuTW00a #identification- Biometric Personal Identification Based on Iris Patterns (YZ, TT, YW), pp. 2801–2804.
ICPR-v3-2000-NodaK #adaptation #identification #probability #using- Adaptive Speaker Identification Using Sequential Probability Ratio Test (HN, EK), pp. 3266–3269.
ICPR-v4-2000-ColiosT #identification #invariant #permutation- Landmark Identification Based on Projective and Permutation Invariant Vectors (CIC, PET), pp. 4128–4131.
ICPR-v4-2000-TruongVD #automation #categorisation #identification #video- Automatic Genre Identification for Content-Based Video Categorization (BTT, SV, CD), pp. 4230–4233.
KDD-2000-FlakeLG #community #identification #performance #web- Efficient identification of Web communities (GWF, SL, CLG), pp. 150–160.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-BarberG #architecture #identification #object-oriented #tool support- Tool Support for Systematic Class Identification in Object-Oriented Software Architectures (KSB, TJG), pp. 82–93.
DATE-1999-EijkJMT #algorithm #identification #symmetry- Identification and Exploitation of Symmetries in DSP Algorithms (CAJvE, ETAFJ, BM, AHT), pp. 602–608.
DATE-1999-KonijnenburgLG #generative #identification #testing- Illegal State Space Identification for Sequential Circuit Test Generation (MHK, JTvdL, AJvdG), pp. 741–746.
ICDAR-1999-ChaudhuryS #identification- Trainable Script Identification Strategies for Indian Languages (SC, RS), pp. 657–660.
ICDAR-1999-Ho #identification #keyword #learning #performance #word- Fast Identification of Stop Words for Font Learning and Keyword Spotting (TKH), pp. 333–336.
ICDAR-1999-SobottkaBK #identification- Identification of Text on Colored Book and Journal Covers (KS, HB, HK), pp. 57–62.
POPL-1999-RamalingamFT #identification #program analysis- Aggregate Structure Identification and Its Application to Program Analysis (GR, JF, FT), pp. 119–132.
ICSM-1998-OcaC #data mining #identification #mining #using- Identification of Data Cohesive Subsystems Using Data Mining Techniques (CMdO, DLC), pp. 16–23.
ICSM-1998-OhlssonW #component #identification #legacy- Identification of Green, Yellow and Red Legacy Components (MCO, CW), pp. 6–15.
WCRE-1998-ValasareddiC #graph #identification #process #source code- A Graph-Based Object Identification Process for Procedural Programs (RRV, DLC), pp. 50–58.
ICPR-1998-BesacierB #identification- Time and frequency pruning for speaker identification (LB, JFB), pp. 1619–1621.
ICPR-1998-FanC #documentation #identification #using- Form document identification using line structure based features (KCF, MLC), pp. 1098–1100.
ICPR-1998-FinchA #identification #image- Identification of airfield runways in synthetic aperture radar images (IF, AA), pp. 1633–1636.
ICPR-1998-HameyYWS #identification #image #preprocessor #segmentation #self- Pre-processing colour images with a self-organising map: baking curve identification and bake image segmentation (LGCH, JCHY, TW, SKYS), pp. 1771–1775.
ICPR-1998-HerouxDRT #automation #classification #identification- Classification method study for automatic form class identification (PH, SD, AR, ÉT), pp. 926–928.
ICPR-1998-JainHK #identification #named #using- F2ID: a personal identification system using faces and fingerprints (AKJ, LH, YK), pp. 1373–1375.
ICPR-1998-LiD #automation #identification #video- Automatic identification of text in digital video key frames (HL, DSD), pp. 129–132.
ICPR-1998-OkataniD #identification #invariant #on the #problem #using- On identification of singular points using photometric invariants for global shape from shading problem (TO, KD), pp. 1787–1790.
ICPR-1998-OsbergerM #automation #identification #image- Automatic identification of perceptually important regions in an image (WO, AJM), pp. 701–704.
ICPR-1998-SaidBT #identification- Personal identification based on handwriting (HESS, KDB, TNT), pp. 1761–1764.
ICPR-1998-WarkSC #approach #feature model #identification #modelling #statistics- An approach to statistical lip modelling for speaker identification via chromatic feature extraction (TW, SS, VC), pp. 123–125.
KDD-1998-LaneB #concept #identification #learning #online #security- Approaches to Online Learning and Concept Drift for User Identification in Computer Security (TL, CEB), pp. 259–263.
ASE-1997-SahraouiMLD #concept #identification- Applying Concept Formation Methods to Object Identification in Procedural Code (HAS, WLM, HL, FD), pp. 210–218.
ICDAR-1997-NobileBSK #documentation #identification #online #using #word- Language identification of on-line documents using word shapes (NN, SB, CYS, SK), pp. 258–262.
WCRE-1997-WiggertsBF #identification #legacy- Scenarios for the Identification of Objects in Legacy Systems (TW, HB, EF), pp. 24–32.
WPC-1997-YangLC #component #comprehension #identification #program transformation #reuse- Code Understanding through Program Transformation for Reusable Component Identification (HY, PL, WCC), pp. 148–157.
HCI-CC-1997-DobronetsSV #identification- Ergodynamic Method of Identification of the Cognitive Strategy Used by the Human-Operator (BSD, AAS, VFV), pp. 837–840.
FME-1996-ChalinGR #identification #interface #specification- Identification of and Solutions to Shortcomings of LCL, a Larch/C Interface Specification Language (PC, PG, TR), pp. 385–404.
CHI-1996-VirziSK #identification #problem #prototype #usability #using- Usability Problem Identification Using Both Low- and High-Fidelity Prototypes (RAV, JLS, DK), pp. 236–243.
ICPR-1996-AchermannB #classification #identification- Combination of face classifiers for person identification (BA, HB), pp. 416–420.
ICPR-1996-AzencottDP #identification #multi #scalability- Multiscale identification of buildings in compressed large aerial scenes (RA, FD, JP), pp. 974–978.
ICPR-1996-DiasBD #classification #identification- Results of the use of Bayesian classifiers for identification of breast cancer cell nuclei (ÂVD, FB, MRD), pp. 508–512.
ICPR-1996-LeroyHC #identification- Face identification by deformation measure (BL, IH, LDC), pp. 633–637.
ICPR-1996-ShimotsujiA #identification- Form identification based on cell structure (SS, MA), pp. 793–797.
ICPR-1996-SoiferKKS #identification #using- Fingerprint identification using the directions field (VAS, VVK, SNK, RVS), pp. 586–590.
KDD-1996-GaneshSR #database #identification #integration #mining- Mining Entity-Identification Rules for Database Integration (MG, JS, TR), pp. 291–294.
DAC-1995-SparmannLCR #fault #identification #performance #robust- Fast Identification of Robust Dependent Path Delay Faults (US, DL, KTC, SMR), pp. 119–125.
ICDAR-v1-1995-Chen #identification #image- Computer processing on the identification of a Chinese seal image (YSC), pp. 422–425.
ICDAR-v1-1995-HanS #identification- Signature identification via local association of features (KH, IKS), pp. 187–190.
ICDAR-v1-1995-HochbergKKT #automation #clustering #identification #image #using- Automatic script identification from images using cluster-based templates (JH, LK, PK, TT), pp. 378–381.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LiuDL #identification- Extracting individual features from moments for Chinese writer identification (CLL, RWD, YJL), pp. 438–441.
EDAC-1994-ChenYF #debugging #design #identification #model checking- Bug Identification of a Real Chip Design by Symbolic Model Checking (BC, MY, MF), pp. 132–136.
EDAC-1994-WittmannH #identification #optimisation #performance #testing- Efficient Path Identification for Delay Testing — Time and Space Optimization (HCW, MH), pp. 513–517.
ICSM-1994-KungGHWTC #identification #impact analysis #maintenance #object-oriented- Change Impact Identification in Object Oriented Software Maintenance (DCK, JG, PH, FW, YT, CC), pp. 202–211.
CIKM-1994-LeeW #identification #image #retrieval- Computer Image Retrieval by Features: Selecting the Best Facial Features for Suspect Identification Systems (ESL, TW), pp. 105–111.
DAC-1993-JoneF #identification #optimisation- Timing Optimization By Gate Resizing And Critical Path Identification (WBJ, CLF), pp. 135–140.
ICDAR-1993-GazzoloB #identification #realtime #recognition- Real time signature recognition: A method for personal identification (GG, LB), pp. 707–709.
ICDAR-1993-YangHT #approximate #automation #identification #using- Automatic seal identification using fluency function approximation and relaxation matching method (YY, TH, KT), pp. 786–789.
WCRE-1993-CutilloFV #component #identification #independence #scalability #source code- Identification and Extraction of “Domain Independent” Components in Large Programs (FC, PF, GV), pp. 83–92.
INTERCHI-1993-LeeW #identification #image #retrieval- Computer image retrieval by features: suspect identification (ESL, TW), pp. 494–499.
SIGIR-1993-PaiceJ #concept #identification- The Identification of Important Concepts in Highly Structured Technical Papers (CDP, PAJ), pp. 69–78.
CC-1992-Poetzsch-Heffter #identification #implementation #specification- Implementing High-Level Identification Specifications (APH), pp. 59–65.
DAC-1991-JuS #identification #incremental- Incremental Techniques for the Identification of Statically Sensitizable Critical Paths (YCJ, RAS), pp. 541–546.
HCI-CE-1987-Springer #identification #pretty-printing #retrieval- Retrieval of Information from Complex Alphanumeric Displays: Screen Formatting Variables’ Effects on Target Identification Time (CJS), pp. 375–382.
DAC-1986-ShinshaKSKI #identification #incremental #logic #synthesis- Incremental logic synthesis through gate logic structure identification (TS, TK, YS, JK, KI), pp. 391–397.
ICALP-1982-CaseL #identification #induction- Machine Inductive Inference and Language Identification (JC, CL), pp. 107–115.
DAC-1981-Masurkar #algorithm #development #fault #identification #network- An algorithmic pretest development for fault identification in analog networks (VM), pp. 204–212.
SIGIR-1980-Paice #approach #automation #generative #identification #self- The Automatic Generation of Literature Abstracts: An Approach Based on the Identification of Self-Indicating Phrases (CDP), pp. 172–191.
STOC-1972-KarpMR #agile #array #identification #string- Rapid Identification of Repeated Patterns in Strings, Trees and Arrays (RMK, REM, ALR), pp. 125–136.