14 papers:
CSCW-2015-KaziunasBJCHA #health- Transition and Reflection in the Use of Health Information: The Case of Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Caregivers (EK, AGB, JJ, SWC, DAH, MSA), pp. 1763–1774.
ICPR-2014-AlathariNB #segmentation #using- Femur Bone Segmentation Using a Pressure Analogy (TSA, MSN, MTB), pp. 972–977.
ICPR-2014-ZhouIWBPKO #learning #performance- Transfer Learning of a Temporal Bone Performance Model via Anatomical Feature Registration (YZ, II, SNRW, JB, PP, GK, SO), pp. 1916–1921.
ICPR-2012-ChenS #multi- Bone suppression in chest radiographs by means of anatomically specific multiple massive-training ANNs (SC, KS), pp. 17–20.
DocEng-2010-StoppeG- Down to the bone: simplifying skeletons (JS, BG), pp. 215–218.
HPDC-2010-HoblitzellMYFXB #biology #mining- Text mining for bone biology (AH, SM, QY, SF, YX, JB), pp. 522–530.
ICPR-2008-GeorgeKK #classification #hybrid- Hybrid wavelet support vector classification of temporal bone abnormalities (JG, STK, RK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-v1-2006-FrippWCO #3d #automation #modelling #segmentation #using- Automatic Segmentation of the Knee Bones using 3D Active Shape Models (JF, SKW, SC, SO), pp. 167–170.
ICPR-v3-2006-PetterssonKB #automation #segmentation #using- Automatic Hip Bone Segmentation Using Non-Rigid Registration (JP, HK, MB), pp. 946–949.
SAC-2003-XiangYSRS #quantifier #using- Quantification of Trabecular Bone Mass and Orientation Using Gabor Wavelets (YX, VY, JS, TR, MBS), pp. 183–188.
ICPR-v1-2000-AnsiaLPM #3d #automation #re-engineering #segmentation #using- Automatic 3D Shape Reconstruction of Bones Using Active Nets Based Segmentation (FMA, JL, MGP, AMG), pp. 1486–1489.
ICPR-v3-2000-KwanCG #approach #automation #bound #using- Automatic Extraction of Bone Boundaries from CT Scans Using an Intelligence-Based Approach (FYK, KCC, IG), pp. 3441–3444.
ICPR-v4-2000-Egmont-PetersenFNHBVR #image #multi #network #segmentation #using- Segmentation of Bone Tumor in MR Perfusion Images Using Neural Networks and Multiscale Pharmacokinetic Features (MEP, AFF, WJN, PCWH, JLB, MAV, JHCR), pp. 4080–4083.
HPDC-1996-AlmerothA #behaviour #modelling #multi- Collecting and Modeling the Join/Leave Behavior of Multicast Group Members in the MBone (KCA, MHA), pp. 209–216.