Tag #re-engineering
1763 papers:
EDM-2019-BotelhoBH #behaviour #detection #student- Machine-Learned or Expert-Engineered Features? Exploring Feature Engineering Methods in Detectors of Student Behavior and Affect (AFB, RSB, NTH).
MSR-2019-BiswasVP #analysis #sentiment #word- Exploring word embedding techniques to improve sentiment analysis of software engineering texts (EB, KVS, LLP), pp. 68–78.
MSR-2019-ChatterjeeDPAK #case study #mining #tool support- Exploratory study of slack Q&A chats as a mining source for software engineering tools (PC, KD, LLP, VA, NAK), pp. 490–501.
SANER-2019-Hassan - Software engineering in a data science future (Keynote) (AEH), p. 1.
SCAM-2019-CordyDMS #experience #txl- Software Engineering by Source Transformation - Experience with TXL (Most Influential Paper, SCAM 2001) (JRC, TRD, AJM, KAS), p. 140.
SCAM-2019-RahmanCKR #information retrieval #modelling #towards- Toward Optimal Selection of Information Retrieval Models for Software Engineering Tasks (MMR, SC, GEK, BR), pp. 127–138.
FSCD-2019-FukudaY #logic- A Linear-Logical Reconstruction of Intuitionistic Modal Logic S4 (YF0, AY), p. 24.
CIKM-2019-TianLWT #predict- Time Series Prediction with Interpretable Data Reconstruction (QT, JL, DW, AT), pp. 2133–2136.
ICML-2019-BalinAZ #feature model- Concrete Autoencoders: Differentiable Feature Selection and Reconstruction (MFB, AA, JYZ), pp. 444–453.
ICML-2019-ChiquetRM #network- Variational Inference for sparse network reconstruction from count data (JC, SR, MM), pp. 1162–1171.
KDD-2019-ShangYLQMY #learning #recommendation- Environment Reconstruction with Hidden Confounders for Reinforcement Learning based Recommendation (WS, YY, QL, ZQ, YM, JY), pp. 566–576.
Onward-2019-CambroneroDV0WR #learning- Active learning for software engineering (JPC, THYD, NV, JS0, JW, MCR), pp. 62–78.
PADL-2019-PietersS #performance #pipes and filters- Faster Coroutine Pipelines: A Reconstruction (RPP, TS), pp. 133–149.
PPDP-2019-Blanco0M #proving #testing- Property-Based Testing via Proof Reconstruction (RB, DM0, AM), p. 13.
ESEC-FSE-2019-ChenCLML #analysis #approach #learning #named #sentiment- SEntiMoji: an emoji-powered learning approach for sentiment analysis in software engineering (ZC, YC, XL, QM, XL), pp. 841–852.
ESEC-FSE-2019-DobrigkeitP #comprehension #design- Design thinking in practice: understanding manifestations of design thinking in software engineering (FD, DdP), pp. 1059–1069.
ESEC-FSE-2019-ZhangHZHB #overview #research- Ethnographic research in software engineering: a critical review and checklist (HZ, XH, XZ, HH, MAB), pp. 659–670.
CC-2019-XiaJA #parallel- Enabling prefix sum parallelism pattern for recurrences with principled function reconstruction (YX, PJ, GA), pp. 17–28.
ECSA-2018-Antonino0MFBBKN #architecture #embedded #prototype- Enabling Continuous Software Engineering for Embedded Systems Architectures with Virtual Prototypes (POA, MJ0, AM, FF, TB, AB, TK0, EYN), pp. 115–130.
ICSME-2018-0008ZOPLB #analysis #dataset #sentiment- Two Datasets for Sentiment Analysis in Software Engineering (BL0, FZ, RO, MDP, ML, GB), p. 712.
MSR-2018-EfstathiouCS #word- Word embeddings for the software engineering domain (VE, CC, DS), pp. 38–41.
MSR-2018-MantylaCC08 #analysis #natural language #pipes and filters- Natural language or not (NLON): a package for software engineering text analysis pipeline (MVM, FC, MC), pp. 387–391.
MSR-2018-NairACFMMM0Y08 #data-driven #search-based- Data-driven search-based software engineering (VN, AA, JC, WF0, GM, TM, LLM, MW0, ZY0), pp. 341–352.
MSR-2018-NovielliGL08 #analysis #benchmark #metric #research #sentiment- A benchmark study on sentiment analysis for software engineering research (NN, DG, FL), pp. 364–375.
SANER-2018-DorningerMK #approach #challenge #industrial- Reengineering an industrial HMI: Approach, objectives, and challenges (BD, MM, AK), pp. 547–551.
SANER-2018-IslamZ #analysis #comparison #sentiment #tool support- A comparison of software engineering domain specific sentiment analysis tools (MRI, MFZ), pp. 487–491.
ICPR-2018-0011XWS #image- Color Image Reconstruction with Perceptual Compressive Sensing (JD0, XX, CW, GS), pp. 1512–1517.
ICPR-2018-ElanattilMSFC - Non-rigid Reconstruction with a Single Moving RGB-D Camera (SE, PM, SS, CF, MC), pp. 1049–1055.
ICPR-2018-HanSZ #image- Residual HSRCNN: Residual Hyper-Spectral Reconstruction CNN from an RGB Image (XHH, BS, YZ), pp. 2664–2669.
ICPR-2018-XieCL #image #rank- Nonlocal Low-Rank and Total Variation Constrained PET Image Reconstruction (NX, YC, HL), pp. 3874–3879.
ICPR-2018-YeZ0HBHH - A Unified Neighbor Reconstruction Method for Embeddings (ZY, ZZ, LB0, GH, ZJB, YH, ERH), pp. 3186–3191.
ICPR-2018-YlimakiHK #3d #refinement #using- Accurate 3-D Reconstruction with RGB-D Cameras using Depth Map Fusion and Pose Refinement (MY, JH, JK), pp. 1977–1982.
ECMFA-2018-MashkoorKBE #case study #experience #modelling- Model-Driven Re-engineering of a Pressure Sensing System: An Experience Report (AM, FK, MB, AE), pp. 264–278.
MoDELS-2018-JolakHCS #case study #challenge #development #modelling #multi- Model-Based Software Engineering: A Multiple-Case Study on Challenges and Development Efforts (RJ, THQ, MRVC, RRHS), pp. 213–223.
OOPSLA-2018-NardelliBPCBV #type system- Julia subtyping: a rational reconstruction (FZN, JB, AP, BC, JB, JV), p. 27.
ASE-2018-Delplanque #database #relational- Software engineering techniques applied to relational databases (JD), pp. 948–951.
ASE-2018-Herckis #implementation #research- Implementation science for software engineering: bridging the gap between research and practice (keynote) (LH), p. 4.
ASE-2018-Murphy - The need for context in software engineering (IEEE CS Harlan Mills award keynote) (GCM), p. 5.
ESEC-FSE-2018-ShermanD #as a service- Software engineering collaboratories (SEClabs) and collaboratories as a service (CaaS) (ES, RD0), pp. 760–764.
- ICSE-2018-0008ZBPLO #analysis #how #question #sentiment
- Sentiment analysis for software engineering: how far can we go? (BL0, FZ, GB, MDP, ML, RO), pp. 94–104.
- ICSE-2018-GuoS #case study #product line #search-based
- To preserve or not to preserve invalid solutions in search-based software engineering: a case study in software product lines (JG, KS0), pp. 1027–1038.
- ICSE-2018-HuangZZBY #overview #perspective #research
- Synthesizing qualitative research in software engineering: a critical review (XH, HZ0, XZ, MAB, SY), pp. 1207–1218.
- ICSE-2018-Lambers0TBH #analysis #dependence #graph transformation #multi
- Multi-granular conflict and dependency analysis in software engineering based on graph transformation (LL, DS0, GT, KB, JH), pp. 716–727.
- ICSE-2018-ReyesDCJ #fault #overview #perspective #statistics
- Statistical errors in software engineering experiments: a preliminary literature review (RPR, OD, ERFC, NJ), pp. 1195–1206.
- ICSE-2018-RibeiroMT #case study #challenge
- Challenges and pitfalls on surveying evidence in the software engineering technical literature: an exploratory study with novices (TVR, JLM, GHT), p. 1194.
- ICSE-2018-RuscioFMM #classification #collaboration #framework #modelling #research
- Collaborative model-driven software engineering: a classification framework and a research map (DDR, MF, HM, IM), p. 535.
ASPLOS-2018-KatzRY #statistics- Statistical Reconstruction of Class Hierarchies in Binaries (OK, NR, EY), pp. 363–376.
CASE-2018-LinnenbergF #energy- Software engineering for agent based energy systems (TL, AF), pp. 174–180.
CSL-2018-Kawata #monad- A Contextual Reconstruction of Monadic Reflection (TK), p. 14.
JCDL-2017-AlamKWN #using- Client-Side Reconstruction of Composite Mementos Using ServiceWorker (SA, MK, MCW, MLN), pp. 237–240.
CSEET-2017-BollinRSSS #case study #experience #maturity #recommendation- Applying a Maturity Model during a Software Engineering Course - Experiences and Recommendations (AB, ER, CS, VS, RS), pp. 9–18.
CSEET-2017-DelgadoVAM #case study #evolution- Evolving a Project-Based Software Engineering Course: A Case Study (DD, AV, JA, AM), pp. 77–86.
CSEET-2017-Devadiga #convergence #education #industrial- Software Engineering Education: Converging with the Startup Industry (NMD), pp. 192–196.
CSEET-2017-EddyWCMGSDS #case study #delivery #integration- A Pilot Study on Introducing Continuous Integration and Delivery into Undergraduate Software Engineering Courses (BPE, NW, NAC, BM, VSG, KMS, AMD, NAS), pp. 47–56.
CSEET-2017-GarySL #lessons learnt #online #what- It's Not What You Think: Lessons Learned Developing an Online Software Engineering Program (KAG, SS, TEL), pp. 236–240.
CSEET-2017-GreenC #agile #education- Ten Years of the Agile Software Factory for Software Engineering Education and Training (RCGI, JTC), pp. 182–186.
CSEET-2017-JoL #case study #detection #education #keyword #video #word- A Study of Keywords Based on the Word Frequency Effect Theory in Video Lectures of Software Engineering Education for Detecting Mind (JJ, HL), pp. 241–245.
CSEET-2017-KnutasSSSZA - Crossing the Borders and the Cultural Gaps for Educating PhDs in Software Engineering (AK, AS, LS, AS, FAZ, AA), pp. 256–265.
CSEET-2017-LeBlancMI #education #future of- Crafting the Future of Software Engineering Education in CC2020: A Workshop (RJL, NRM, JI), pp. 65–66.
CSEET-2017-LethbridgePAS - The University of Ottawa Undergraduate Software Engineering Program: Leading and Innovative (TCL, LP, DA, SSS), pp. 5–6.
CSEET-2017-Lewis #hall of fame- CSEE&T 2017 Hall of Fame Nomination: Studio-Based Master of Software Engineering Program at Carnegie Mellon University (GAL), pp. 1–2.
CSEET-2017-LiebelBH #case study #education #modelling #multi #tool support #uml- Model Driven Software Engineering in Education: A Multi-Case Study on Perception of Tools and UML (GL, OB, RH), pp. 124–133.
CSEET-2017-NyinkeuN #case study #experience #game studies- Work and Play in Software Engineering Training: Experiences from the Silicon Mountain (NDN, HN), pp. 112–116.
CSEET-2017-Palacin-SilvaKH #design- Infusing Design Thinking into a Software Engineering Capstone Course (MPS, JK, AH, TH, JP), pp. 212–221.
CSEET-2017-PortelaVOS #case study #experience #industrial #using- The Use of Industry Training Strategies in a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report (CSP, AV, SRBO, MRdAS), pp. 29–36.
CSEET-2017-SaiedianLW #how #question #source code- CSEE&T 2017 Panel Proposal How to Enhance Diversity in Software Engineering Programs? (HS, GAL, ABW), pp. 122–123.
CSEET-2017-SchoeffelWR #motivation #performance #student- Impact of Pre-University Factors on the Motivation and Performance of Undergraduate Students in Software Engineering (PS, RSW, VFCR), pp. 266–275.
CSEET-2017-SimpsonS #case study #experience- Experimenting with Realism in Software Engineering Team Projects: An Experience Report (RS, TS), pp. 87–96.
CSEET-2017-SouzaCVF #education #empirical #gamification- Gamification in Software Engineering Education: An Empirical Study (MRdAS, KFC, LFV, EMLF), pp. 276–284.
CSEET-2017-TaylorGKWVC #source code- Undergraduate Software Engineering Programs (CT, KG, JK, CW, NMV, LC), pp. 180–181.
CSEET-2017-Vallino #hall of fame- Rochester Institute of Technology Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering CSEE&T Hall of Fame Nomination (JRV), pp. 3–4.
MSR-2017-IslamZ #analysis #automation #sentiment- Leveraging automated sentiment analysis in software engineering (MRI, MFZ), pp. 203–214.
MSR-2017-MantylaNLCK - Bootstrapping a lexicon for emotional arousal in software engineering (MVM, NN, FL, MC, MK), pp. 198–202.
SANER-2017-SassoMLM #how- How to gamify software engineering (TDS, AM, ML, EM), pp. 261–271.
VS-Games-2017-FerkovaZUM #database #image #using- Single image reconstruction of human faces using database of depth images (ZF, MZ, PU, PM), pp. 109–116.
KDD-2017-WangAL #kernel #performance #random- Randomized Feature Engineering as a Fast and Accurate Alternative to Kernel Methods (SW, CCA, HL0), pp. 485–494.
ASE-2017-Deursen - Software engineering without borders (AvD), p. 3.
ASE-2017-Han #mining #question- Mining structures from massive text data: will it help software engineering? (JH0), p. 2.
ASE-2017-RafiqDRBYSLCPN #adaptation #learning #network #online #social- Learning to share: engineering adaptive decision-support for online social networks (YR, LD, AR, AKB, MY, AS, ML, GC, BAP, BN), pp. 280–285.
ESEC-FSE-2017-DijkCHB #modelling #network #privacy- Model-driven software engineering in practice: privacy-enhanced filtering of network traffic (RvD, CC, JvdH, JvdB), pp. 860–865.
ESEC-FSE-2017-Emmerich #industrial #research- Software engineering research results in industrial practice: a tale of two projects (invited talk) (WE), p. 3.
ESEC-FSE-2017-Kafer #communication- Summarizing software engineering communication artifacts from different sources (VK), pp. 1038–1041.
ESEC-FSE-2017-Schuler #development #evolution #mobile #optimisation #search-based #testing- Application of search-based software engineering methodologies for test suite optimization and evolution in mission critical mobile application development (AS), pp. 1034–1037.
ESEC-FSE-2017-Wang #adaptation #nondeterminism #search-based #self #using- Using search-based software engineering to handle the changes with uncertainties for self-adaptive systems (LW), pp. 1014–1017.
ECSA-2016-ErsoyKAS #architecture #clustering #using- Using Hypergraph Clustering for Software Architecture Reconstruction of Data-Tier Software (EE, KK, MA, HS), pp. 326–333.
WICSA-2016-Bosch #ecosystem #future of #summary #tutorial- Tutorial Summary for Speed, Data and Ecosystems: The Future of Software Engineering (JB), p. 254.
WICSA-2016-NicolaescuL #architecture #behaviour #consistency- Behavior-Based Architecture Reconstruction and Conformance Checking (AN, HL), pp. 152–157.
JCDL-2016-DangI #assessment #quality #wiki- Quality Assessment of Wikipedia Articles without Feature Engineering (QVD0, CLI), pp. 27–30.
CSEET-2016-Bass #education #question #what- Software Engineering Education in the New World: What Needs to Change? (MB), pp. 213–221.
CSEET-2016-BollinPAS #education #programming- Software Engineering in Primary and Secondary Schools - Informatics Education is more than Programming (AB, SP, PKA, BS), pp. 132–136.
CSEET-2016-JohnsonPH #approach #education- An Athletic Approach to Software Engineering Education (PMJ, DP, EH0), pp. 8–17.
CSEET-2016-Laird #education- Strengthening the “Engineering” in Software Engineering Education: A Software Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Program for the 21st Century (LL), pp. 128–131.
CSEET-2016-SedanoRP - Green-Lighting Proposals for Software Engineering Team-Based Project Courses (TS, AR, CP), pp. 175–183.
CSEET-2016-ShutoWKFYO #education #effectiveness #learning- Learning Effectiveness of Team Discussions in Various Software Engineering Education Courses (MS, HW, KK, YF, SY, MO), pp. 227–231.
CSEET-2016-WendtRH #education #online #towards- First Steps towards Exporting Education: Software Engineering Education Delivered Online to Professionals (KDW, KR, MPEH), pp. 241–245.
EDM-2016-XueLC #diagrams #evolution #graph grammar- Unnatural Feature Engineering: Evolving Augmented Graph Grammars for Argument Diagrams (LX, CL, MC), pp. 255–262.
ICSME-2016-Dit #configuration management #information retrieval- Configuring and Assembling Information Retrieval Based Solutions for Software Engineering Tasks (BD), pp. 641–646.
SANER-2016-YeXFALK #recognition #social- Software-Specific Named Entity Recognition in Software Engineering Social Content (DY, ZX, CYF, ZQA, JL0, NK), pp. 90–101.
CIKM-2016-YangY #performance- Efficient Hidden Trajectory Reconstruction from Sparse Data (NY0, PSY), pp. 821–830.
ICPR-2016-Bodis-SzomoruRG #performance- Efficient volumetric fusion of airborne and street-side data for urban reconstruction (ABS, HR, LVG), pp. 3204–3209.
ICPR-2016-BullingerBWA #bound #generative #using #video- Moving object reconstruction in monocular video data using boundary generation (SB, CB, SW, MA), pp. 240–246.
ICPR-2016-BylowOK #3d #online #robust- Robust online 3D reconstruction combining a depth sensor and sparse feature points (EB, CO, FK), pp. 3709–3714.
ICPR-2016-FukanoMISSI #energy #higher-order #image- Room reconstruction from a single spherical image by higher-order energy minimization (KF, YM, SI, ESS, AS, HI0), pp. 1768–1773.
ICPR-2016-HaneP #3d #overview #semantics- An overview of recent progress in volumetric semantic 3D reconstruction (CH, MP), pp. 3294–3307.
ICPR-2016-HeCL #identification- Cross-view transformation based sparse reconstruction for person re-identification (WXH, YCC, JHL), pp. 3410–3415.
ICPR-2016-HsiaoC #algorithm #identification #orthogonal #recognition- Over-atoms accumulation orthogonal matching pursuit reconstruction algorithm for fish recognition and identification (YHH, CCC), pp. 1071–1076.
ICPR-2016-MorinakaSSIK #3d #parametricity- 3D reconstruction under light ray distortion from parametric focal cameras (SM, FS, JS, KI, NK), pp. 2350–2355.
ICPR-2016-OrtegoSM #dataset #estimation #multi- Rejection based multipath reconstruction for background estimation in SBMnet 2016 dataset (DO, JCS, JMM0), pp. 114–119.
ICPR-2016-WuLZN #modelling #using- Model-based face reconstruction using SIFT flow registration and spherical harmonics (FW, SL, TZ, KNN), pp. 1774–1779.
ICPR-2016-XieL - Flip-avoiding interpolating surface registration for skull reconstruction (SX, WKL), pp. 228–233.
ICPR-2016-YiHLCC #adaptation #rank #representation #taxonomy- Simultaneous Dual-Views Reconstruction with Adaptive Dictionary and Low-Rank Representation (SY, ZH, YL, YMC, WC), pp. 1607–1611.
SKY-2016-Ben-Av #tutorial- Tutorial about AMG and Possible Applications to Software Knowledge and Software Engineering (RBA), pp. 73–74.
MoDELS-2016-KargRTL #case study #experience #lessons learnt #modelling- Model-driven software engineering in the openETCS project: project experiences and lessons learned (SK, AR, MT, GL), pp. 238–248.
FSE-2016-BarikPMM #design #research- Designing for dystopia: software engineering research for the post-apocalypse (TB, RP, JM, ERMH), pp. 924–927.
FSE-2016-SharifCM #developer #research- Studying developer gaze to empower software engineering research and practice (BS, BC, JIM), pp. 940–943.
- ICSE-2016-Devanbu0B #empirical
- Belief & evidence in empirical software engineering (PTD, TZ0, CB), pp. 108–119.
- ICSE-2016-ManotasBZSJSPC #empirical
- An empirical study of practitioners' perspectives on green software engineering (IM, CB, RZ, DCS, CJ, CS, LLP, JC), pp. 237–248.
- ICSE-2016-SantosSMM #case study #formal method
- Building a theory of job rotation in software engineering from an instrumental case study (RESS, FQBdS, CVCdM, CVFM), pp. 971–981.
- ICSE-2016-StolRF #guidelines #overview #research
- Grounded theory in software engineering research: a critical review and guidelines (KJS, PR, BF0), pp. 120–131.
- ICSE-2016-WangAYLL #algorithm #quality #search-based
- A practical guide to select quality indicators for assessing pareto-based search algorithms in search-based software engineering (SW0, SA0, TY0, YL, ML), pp. 631–642.
- ICSE-2016-YeSMBL #documentation #information retrieval #word
- From word embeddings to document similarities for improved information retrieval in software engineering (XY0, HS, XM, RCB, CL0), pp. 404–415.
CASE-2016-RuanWL #petri net #sequence- Reconstruction of unknown Petri net structures from asynchronous observations of token change sequences (KR, WW, LL), pp. 1049–1054.
CGO-2016-0001AKT - Trace-based affine reconstruction of codes (GR0, JMA, MTK, JT), pp. 139–149.
ESOP-2016-Lopes #perspective #simulation- Simulating Cities: A Software Engineering Perspective (CVL), pp. 1–14.
CSEET-2015-MeadGH - Cyber Sciences and Software Engineering (NRM, DSG, EKH), pp. 21–23.
CSEET-2015-SripadaRS #code review #overview- In Support of Peer Code Review and Inspection in an Undergraduate Software Engineering Course (SS, YRR, AS), pp. 3–6.
ITiCSE-2015-Kurkovsky #education #game studies- Teaching Software Engineering with LEGO Serious Play (SK), pp. 213–218.
ICSME-2015-JongelingDS #analysis #research #sentiment #tool support- Choosing your weapons: On sentiment analysis tools for software engineering research (RJ, SD, AS), pp. 531–535.
ICSME-2015-SharmaTL #question #twitter #what- What’s hot in software engineering Twitter space? (AS, YT, DL), pp. 541–545.
SANER-2015-AggarwalRTHGS #debugging #detection- Detecting duplicate bug reports with software engineering domain knowledge (KA, TR, FT, AH, RG, ES), pp. 211–220.
SANER-2015-Mirakhorli #architecture #how #question #what #why- Software architecture reconstruction: Why? What? How? (MM), p. 595.
FDG-2015-ScacchiC #challenge #game studies #research- Emerging Research Challenges in Computer Games and Software Engineering (WS, KMLC).
VS-Games-2015-RizvicP #game studies #interactive- Taslihan Virtual Reconstruction - Interactive Digital Story or a Serious Game (SR, IP), pp. 1–2.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Staniszkis #information management- Empowering the Knowledge Worker — End-User Software Engineering in Knowledge Management (WS), p. VII.
ICEIS-v2-2015-TrujilloOP #authoring #framework #using #validation- Using Technical-Action-Research to Validate a Framework for Authoring Software Engineering Methods (MMT, HO, MP), pp. 15–27.
CIKM-2015-NiesTDV0MW #information management #multi #social #social media #towards- Towards Multi-level Provenance Reconstruction of Information Diffusion on Social Media (TDN, IT, AD, RV, PMF0, EM, RVdW), pp. 1823–1826.
KDD-2015-YuanBM #process #using- Gas Concentration Reconstruction for Coal-Fired Boilers Using Gaussian Process (CY, MB, BM), pp. 2247–2256.
SEKE-2015-LeeL #adaptation #framework #self #towards- Towards Knowledge-intensive Software Engineering Framework for Self-Adaptive Software (HCL, SWL), pp. 30–35.
SEKE-2015-WangKN #feature model- Stability of Three Forms of Feature Selection Methods on Software Engineering Data (HW, TMK, AN), pp. 385–390.
PLEASE-2015-ChitchyanNG #product line #what- What Can Software Engineering Do for Sustainability: Case of Software Product Lines (RC, JN, IG), pp. 11–14.
POPL-2015-Castagna0XA #polymorphism #type inference- Polymorphic Functions with Set-Theoretic Types: Part 2: Local Type Inference and Type Reconstruction (GC, KN, ZX, PA), pp. 289–302.
ASE-2015-GerasimouTC #modelling #probability #search-based #synthesis- Search-Based Synthesis of Probabilistic Models for Quality-of-Service Software Engineering (T) (SG, GT, RC), pp. 319–330.
ASE-2015-Greene #concept #framework- A Generic Framework for Concept-Based Exploration of Semi-Structured Software Engineering Data (GJG), pp. 894–897.
ESEC-FSE-2015-GreenyerHMB #analysis #requirements- Evaluating a formal scenario-based method for the requirements analysis in automotive software engineering (JG, MH, JM, RB), pp. 1002–1005.
ESEC-FSE-2015-LoNZ #how #research- How practitioners perceive the relevance of software engineering research (DL, NN, TZ), pp. 415–425.
ESEC-FSE-2015-MorenoBHPORM #retrieval- Query-based configuration of text retrieval solutions for software engineering tasks (LM, GB, SH, MDP, RO, BR, AM), pp. 567–578.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ShafferWWMFS #eye tracking #ide #named- iTrace: enabling eye tracking on software artifacts within the IDE to support software engineering tasks (TRS, JLW, BMW, SCM, MF, BS), pp. 954–957.
GTTSE-2015-Gonzalez-Perez #how #ontology- How Ontologies Can Help in Software Engineering (CGP), pp. 26–44.
ICSE-v1-2015-Ralph #process- Developing and Evaluating Software Engineering Process Theories (PR), pp. 20–31.
ICSE-v1-2015-SalmanMJ #question #student- Are Students Representatives of Professionals in Software Engineering Experiments? (IS, ATM, NJJ), pp. 666–676.
ICSE-v1-2015-SiegmundSA #empirical- Views on Internal and External Validity in Empirical Software Engineering (JS, NS, SA), pp. 9–19.
ICSE-v1-2015-Silenzi - Software Engineering in Ferrari F1 (CS), p. 3.
ICSE-v2-2015-AnthonysamyR #in the large #privacy- Software Engineering for Privacy in-the-Large (PA, AR), pp. 947–948.
ICSE-v2-2015-ArnaoudovaHMA #natural language #retrieval #using- The Use of Text Retrieval and Natural Language Processing in Software Engineering (VA, SH, AM, GA), pp. 949–950.
ICSE-v2-2015-BarnBR #on the- On the Role of Value Sensitive Concerns in Software Engineering Practice (BSB, RB, FR), pp. 497–500.
ICSE-v2-2015-Booch #future of- The Future of Software Engineering (GB), p. 3.
ICSE-v2-2015-CamilloniVA #evaluation #using- Using GSwE2009 for the Evaluation of a Master Degree in Software Engineering in the Universidad de la República (LC, DV, MAA), pp. 323–332.
ICSE-v2-2015-ClarkFPY - Information Transformation: An Underpinning Theory for Software Engineering (DC, RF, SMP, SY), pp. 599–602.
ICSE-v2-2015-ElliottPP #artificial reality #challenge- Virtual Reality in Software Engineering: Affordances, Applications, and Challenges (AE, BP, CP), pp. 547–550.
ICSE-v2-2015-HallR #education #student- Masters-Level Software Engineering Education and the Enriched Student Context (JGH, LR), pp. 311–314.
ICSE-v2-2015-Hanakawa #contest #learning #motivation #student- Contest Based Learning with Blending Software Engineering and Business Management: For Students’ High Motivation and High Practice Ability (NH), pp. 360–369.
ICSE-v2-2015-Mead #collaboration #education #industrial- Industry/University Collaboration in Software Engineering Education: Refreshing and Retuning Our Strategies (NRM), pp. 273–275.
ICSE-v2-2015-NagappanM #big data- Big(ger) Data in Software Engineering (MN, MM), pp. 957–958.
ICSE-v2-2015-NewmanFSFFW #design #physics #prototype #social- The Role of Design Thinking and Physical Prototyping in Social Software Engineering (PN, MAF, WS, SF, AF, JW), pp. 487–496.
ICSE-v2-2015-PaasivaaraBLDSH #agile #learning #using- Learning Global Agile Software Engineering Using Same-Site and Cross-Site Teams (MP, KB, CL, DED, JS, FH, PC, AY, VI), pp. 285–294.
ICSE-v2-2015-PetersM #what- Educating Software Engineering Managers — Revisited What Software Project Managers Need to Know Today (LP, AMM), pp. 353–359.
ICSE-v2-2015-RashidMMC - Managing Emergent Ethical Concerns for Software Engineering in Society (AR, KM, CMC, RC), pp. 523–526.
ICSE-v2-2015-SawyerSRB #challenge #social- Dementia and Social Sustainability: Challenges for Software Engineering (PS, AS, PR, CB), pp. 527–530.
ICSE-v2-2015-SedelmaierL #education #induction #learning- Active and Inductive Learning in Software Engineering Education (YS, DL), pp. 418–427.
ICSE-v2-2015-ShepherdDP #how #research- How and When to Transfer Software Engineering Research via Extensions (DCS, KD, LLP), pp. 239–240.
ICSE-v2-2015-ShinRM #concurrent #education- Concurrent Software Engineering and Robotics Education (JS, AR, BM), pp. 370–379.
ICSE-v2-2015-SoundarajanJR #collaboration- Collaborative and Cooperative-Learning in Software Engineering Courses (NS, SJ, RR), pp. 319–322.
ICSE-v2-2015-VetroOF0 #empirical #feedback #performance #research- Fast Feedback Cycles in Empirical Software Engineering Research (AV, SO, DMF, SW), pp. 583–586.
ICSE-v2-2015-White - Deep Representations for Software Engineering (MW), pp. 781–783.
SAC-2015-Ahn #architecture #object-oriented #runtime- Reconstruction of runtime software architecture for object-oriented systems (HA), pp. 1668–1669.
SAC-2015-MottaMSMPC #3d #image- All-in-focus imaging technique used to improve 3D retinal fundus image reconstruction (DM, LdM, ACdS, RM, AP, LAVdC), pp. 26–31.
CASE-2015-JiYA #automation #mobile #network- Automatic calibration and trajectory reconstruction of mobile robot in camera sensor network (YJ, AY, HA), pp. 206–211.
ICST-2015-Oriol #embedded #legacy #testing- Testing Legacy Embedded Code: Landing on a Software Engineering Desert Island (MO), pp. 1–2.
JCDL-2014-YangLWA - Amplifying scientific paper’s abstract by leveraging data-weighted reconstruction (SY, WL, BW, WA), pp. 447–448.
VLDB-2014-AndersonCJWZ #development #ide #performance- An Integrated Development Environment for Faster Feature Engineering (MRA, MJC, YJ, GW, BZ), pp. 1657–1660.
CSEET-2014-Ackerman #learning- An active learning module for an introduction to software engineering course (AFA), pp. 190–191.
CSEET-2014-AkpolatS #gamification #programming #student #using- Enhancing software engineering student team engagement in a high-intensity extreme programming course using gamification (BSA, WS), pp. 149–153.
CSEET-2014-BenabidA #aspect-oriented #education #research- The synergy of engineering and research aspects in Software Engineering Education (AB, GAH), pp. 44–48.
CSEET-2014-BoehmK #education #empirical #research- Combining software engineering education and empirical research via instrumented real-client team project courses (BWB, SK), pp. 209–211.
CSEET-2014-BullW #framework- Observations of a software engineering studio: Reflecting with the studio framework (CNB, JW), pp. 74–83.
CSEET-2014-Dagnino #education #effectiveness #industrial- Increasing the effectiveness of teaching software engineering: A University and industry partnership (AD), pp. 49–54.
CSEET-2014-Ding #learning #self- Self-guided learning environment for undergraduate software engineering (JD), pp. 188–189.
CSEET-2014-FairleyBK #education- The impact of SWEBOK Version 3 on software engineering education and training (REF, PB, JK), pp. 192–200.
CSEET-2014-FranklBK14a #collaboration #education #social- Win-for-all in software engineering education: Balancing social dilemmas to foster collaboration (GF, SB, BK), pp. 163–167.
CSEET-2014-GrantS #development #education- Technology-driven software engineering curriculum development (ESG, VS), pp. 168–170.
CSEET-2014-HannaJJSA #case study- Enhancing the software engineering curriculums: A case study of the Jordanian Universities (SH, HJ, FAJ, TAS, AA), pp. 84–93.
CSEET-2014-Koolmanojwong #risk management- Top-10 risks in real-client software engineering class projects (SK), pp. 201–202.
CSEET-2014-LiemAAMW #education #towards- Reshaping software engineering education towards 2020 engineers (IL, YA, SA, AM, YW), pp. 171–174.
CSEET-2014-NordioEMAPNS #coordination #distributed #education #empirical- An experiment on teaching coordination in a globally distributed software engineering class (MN, HCE, BM, NA, RP, EDN, AS), pp. 109–118.
CSEET-2014-ShankararamanD #challenge #delivery #design #education #using- Opportunities and challenges in using competencies during design and delivery of software engineering curriculum (VS, JD), pp. 179–182.
CSEET-2014-Wong #challenge #education #experience #lessons learnt- Experience of teaching Executive Master’s program in Software Engineering: Challenges, lessons learned, and path forward (WEW), pp. 186–187.
EDM-2014-KochROL #data flow #semantics #statistics- Combination of statistical and semantic data sources for the improvement of software engineering courses (Vision Paper) (MK0, MR, FO, DL), pp. 341–342.
EDM-2014-PaquetteCBO #case study #detection #game studies #process- Reengineering the Feature Distillation Process: A case study in detection of Gaming the System (LP, AMJBdC, RSB, JO), pp. 284–287.
ITiCSE-2014-EllisH #learning #open source- Structuring software engineering learning within open source software participation (HJCE, GWH), p. 326.
ITiCSE-2014-SmithGM #comprehension #student- Understanding students’ preferences of software engineering projects (TS, SSG, RM), pp. 135–140.
SIGITE-2014-BarghRRC #research- Research skills for software engineering undergraduates in dutch universities of applied sciences (MSB, AvRP, LR, SC), pp. 101–108.
ICSME-2014-Haiduc #query #retrieval- Supporting Query Formulation for Text Retrieval Applications in Software Engineering (SH), pp. 657–662.
FLOPS-2014-DunduaFKM #constraints #logic programming #semantics- Constraint Logic Programming for Hedges: A Semantic Reconstruction (BD, MF, TK, MM), pp. 285–301.
DHM-2014-Luo #artificial reality #case study #metric #using- Study on Three Dimensions Body Reconstruction and Measurement by Using Kinect (QL), pp. 35–42.
ICEIS-v2-2014-HomendaJP #parametricity- Granular Cognitive Map Reconstruction — Adjusting Granularity Parameters (WH, AJ, WP), pp. 175–184.
CIKM-2014-MingYC #approach #summary #topic- A Dynamic Reconstruction Approach to Topic Summarization of User-Generated-Content (ZM, JY, TSC), pp. 311–320.
ICPR-2014-AbuzainaNC #3d- 3D Moving Object Reconstruction by Temporal Accumulation (AA, MSN, JNC), pp. 2125–2130.
ICPR-2014-AfzalAFMO #3d #multi- RGB-D Multi-view System Calibration for Full 3D Scene Reconstruction (HA, DA, DF, BM, BEO), pp. 2459–2464.
ICPR-2014-HsiaoLH #3d- Super-resolution Reconstruction for Binocular 3D Data (WTH, JJL, HHH), pp. 4206–4211.
ICPR-2014-HsuLPC #recognition- RGB-D Based Face Reconstruction and Recognition (GSH, YLL, HCP, SLC), pp. 339–344.
ICPR-2014-Lee #geometry- New Geometric Interpretation and Analytic Solution for Quadrilateral Reconstruction (JHL), pp. 4015–4020.
ICPR-2014-LiHYGPJ #classification- Locality-Constrained Sparse Reconstruction for Trajectory Classification (CL, ZH, QY, SG, LP, JJ), pp. 2602–2606.
ICPR-2014-MoeiniMF14a #2d #3d #image #invariant #recognition #synthesis- Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D Face Reconstruction and Synthesis from a Single 2D Image (AM, HM, KF), pp. 1746–1751.
ICPR-2014-MoeiniMF14b #2d #3d #image #invariant #recognition #using- Expression-Invariant Face Recognition via 3D Face Reconstruction Using Gabor Filter Bank from a 2D Single Image (AM, HM, KF), pp. 4708–4713.
ICPR-2014-XiaoHL #3d #estimation- 3D Face Reconstruction via Feature Point Depth Estimation and Shape Deformation (QX, LH, PL), pp. 2257–2262.
ICPR-2014-ZhangNPT - Volume Reconstruction for MRI (MZ, HN, YP, LT), pp. 3351–3356.
ICPR-2014-ZhaoF #algorithm #reduction- A Dictionary-Based Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Reconstruction (ZZ, GF), pp. 1556–1561.
KDD-2014-ParkG #algorithm #health #named #rank- LUDIA: an aggregate-constrained low-rank reconstruction algorithm to leverage publicly released health data (YP, JG), pp. 55–64.
SEKE-2014-AverbakhNS #distributed #documentation- Knowledge from Document Annotations as By-Product in Distributed Software Engineering (AA, KN, KS), pp. 350–354.
SEKE-2014-BifflKESW #empirical #information management- Building Empirical Software Engineering Bodies of Knowledge with Systematic Knowledge Engineering (SB, MK, FJE, ES, DW), pp. 552–559.
SEKE-2014-ChenS #education #online- Supporting Online Synchronous Education for Software Engineering via Web-based Operation Record and Replay (DC, YS), pp. 528–533.
SEKE-2014-FreireKAJNAG #domain-specific language #empirical #formal method- An Empirical Study to Evaluate a Domain Specific Language for Formalizing Software Engineering Experiments (MAF, UK, EA, AJ, ECN, STA, MG), pp. 250–255.
SIGIR-2014-WangWLC #perspective- Influential nodes selection: a data reconstruction perspective (ZW, HW, QL, EC), pp. 879–882.
SPLC-2014-HarmanJKLPZ #overview #product line- Search based software engineering for software product line engineering: a survey and directions for future work (MH, YJ, JK, WBL, JP, YZ), pp. 5–18.
ASE-2014-Borg #debugging #using- Embrace your issues: compassing the software engineering landscape using bug reports (MB), pp. 891–894.
FSE-2014-DziwokGBTHP #cyber-physical #modelling- A tool suite for the model-driven software engineering of cyber-physical systems (SD, CG, SB, ST, CH, UP), pp. 715–718.
FSE-2014-Jorgensen #question #what- Ten years with evidence-based software engineering. What is it? Has it had any impact? What’s next? (MJ), p. 3.
FSE-2014-PetreD #question- Methodology and culture: drivers of mediocrity in software engineering? (MP, DD), pp. 829–832.
FSE-2014-SunZLZWZK #query- Querying sequential software engineering data (CS, HZ, JGL, HZ, QW, DZ, SCK), pp. 700–710.
FSE-2014-Wolf - From software engineering to software systems (ALW), p. 2.
ICSE-2014-BegelZ #exclamation- Analyze this! 145 questions for data scientists in software engineering (AB, TZ), pp. 12–13.
ICSE-2014-RalphK - The dimensions of software engineering success (PR, PK), pp. 24–35.
ICSE-2014-SingerFS #developer #how #twitter #using- Software engineering at the speed of light: how developers stay current using twitter (LS, FMFF, MADS), pp. 211–221.
SLE-J-2012-StevensonC #grammar inference #overview- A survey of grammatical inference in software engineering (AS, JRC), pp. 444–459.
CASE-2014-JiangCWWS #3d #analysis #fault #using- Error analysis and experiments of 3D reconstruction using a RGB-D sensor (SYJ, NYCC, CCW, CHW, KTS), pp. 1020–1025.
FoSSaCS-2014-Padovani #linear #recursion #π-calculus- Type Reconstruction for the Linear π-Calculus with Composite and Equi-Recursive Types (LP), pp. 88–102.
DocEng-2013-SadallahEMP #documentation #framework- A framework for usage-based document reengineering (MS, BE, AeM, YP), pp. 99–102.
ICDAR-2013-HePXSN #3d #bound- A Book Dewarping System by Boundary-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction (YH, PP, SX, JS, SN), pp. 403–407.
ICDAR-2013-RoyG #documentation #forensics #probability- A Probabilistic Model for Reconstruction of Torn Forensic Documents (AR, UG), pp. 494–498.
ICDAR-2013-TianSPT - Scene Character Reconstruction through Medial Axis (ST, PS, TQP, CLT), pp. 1360–1364.
CSEET-2013-ArdisBCVI #education #source code #using- Using GSwE2009 in the creation and modification of graduate software engineering programs and related curricula (MAA, SB, LC, DV, SI), pp. 109–118.
CSEET-2013-ArdisBFFHHS #roadmap- Recent Trends in Graduate Software Engineering (MAA, SB, DF, DJF, TBH, GWH, TS), pp. 351–355.
CSEET-2013-ChimalakondaN #adaptation #education #learning #personalisation #what- What makes it hard to teach software engineering to end users? some directions from adaptive and personalized learning (SC, KVN), pp. 324–328.
CSEET-2013-Cowling #development #education #future of #modelling- Model-driven development and the future of software engineering education (TC), pp. 329–331.
CSEET-2013-DebGG #case study #experience #social- Software engineering projects with social significance: An experience report at a minority university (DD, LG, MG), pp. 314–318.
CSEET-2013-GaryLBG #design- A project spine for software engineering curricular design (KG, TEL, SKB, AG), pp. 299–303.
CSEET-2013-KoolmanojwongB #risk management- A look at software engineering risks in a team project course (SK, BWB), pp. 21–30.
CSEET-2013-LeBlanc - Software engineering in CS 2013 (RL), pp. 338–340.
CSEET-2013-LongstreetC #development #education- Positive transitions from the classroom to the cubicle: Creating strategies for augmenting professional development in the software engineering curriculum (CSL, KMLC), pp. 365–367.
CSEET-2013-LuukkainenV #education #web- Bringing undergraduates to the web: Baby steps in webifying a software engineering curriculum (ML, AV), pp. 294–298.
CSEET-2013-MacKellar #coordination #student- Analyzing coordination among students in a software engineering project course (BM), pp. 279–283.
CSEET-2013-NgH #education #framework #industrial #named- Essence: A framework to help bridge the gap between software engineering education and industry needs (PWN, SH), pp. 304–308.
CSEET-2013-NobleHBB #design #education #programming language #question- Designing Grace: Can an introductory programming language support the teaching of software engineering? (JN, MH, KBB, APB), pp. 219–228.
CSEET-2013-PortRL #student- Motivating and orienting novice students to value introductory software engineering (DP, CR, JL), pp. 99–108.
CSEET-2013-ScharfK #agile- Scrum in a software engineering course: An in-depth praxis report (AS, AK), pp. 159–168.
CSEET-2013-ShethBK #approach- A competitive-collaborative approach for introducing software engineering in a CS2 class (SS, JB, GEK), pp. 41–50.
CSEET-2013-StettinaZBK #education #towards- Academic education of software engineering practices: towards planning and improving capstone courses based upon intensive coaching and team routines (CJS, ZZ, TB, BRK), pp. 169–178.
CSEET-2013-Vallino #question #student #what- What should students learn in their first (and often only) software engineering course? (JV), pp. 335–337.
CSEET-2013-WernerKSVW #challenge #collaboration #education- Software engineering education via the use of corporate-sponsored projects: A panel discussion of the approaches, benefits, and challenges for industry-academic collaboration (LLW, GK, MJS, JV, WEW), pp. 346–350.
ITiCSE-2013-ChenH - Applying software engineering in CS1 (WKC, BRH), pp. 297–302.
ITiCSE-2013-HowardS #communication #overview #source code- A survey of communication skills in computerscience/software engineering (CS/SE) abet-accredited programs (AH, BS), p. 364.
SIGITE-2013-HeinonenHLV #agile #learning #using- Learning agile software engineering practices using coding dojo (KH, KH, ML, AV), pp. 97–102.
CSMR-2013-Lopez-HerrejonE #named #variability #virtual machine- SBSE4VM: Search Based Software Engineering for Variability Management (RELH, AE), pp. 441–444.
ICPC-2013-GuptaMPV #identifier #tool support- Part-of-speech tagging of program identifiers for improved text-based software engineering tools (SG, SM, LLP, KVS), pp. 3–12.
ICSM-2013-GobertMCW #comprehension #database #evolution- Understanding Schema Evolution as a Basis for Database Reengineering (MG, JM, AC, JW), pp. 472–475.
ICSM-2013-Kwon #automation #distributed #energy #execution #fault tolerance- Automated S/W Reengineering for Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Distributed Execution (YWK), pp. 582–585.
ICSM-2013-SoetensPD - An Initial Investigation into Change-Based Reconstruction of Floss-Refactorings (QDS, JP, SD), pp. 384–387.
MSR-2013-VasilescuSM #dataset- A historical dataset of software engineering conferences (BV, AS, TM), pp. 373–376.
ICALP-v1-2013-MathieuZ #distance #graph- Graph Reconstruction via Distance Oracles (CM, HZ), pp. 733–744.
DHM-HB-2013-ColomboFRVZ #3d #automation #image- Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Transfemoral Residual Limb from MRI Images (GC, GF, CR, AV, AZ), pp. 324–332.
DHM-HB-2013-MilanowiczB #case study- Numerical Reconstruction of the Real-Life Fatal Accident at Work: A Case Study (MM, PB), pp. 101–110.
DHM-HB-2013-WangH13a #clustering- Model Reconstruction of Human Buttocks and the Shape Clustering (LW, XH), pp. 245–251.
DUXU-WM-2013-LeeMR - A Dependency-Sharing Tool for Global Software Engineering (DL, AEM, DR), pp. 37–46.
HCI-AS-2013-CarvalhoLCAMCAL #mobile #process- Software Engineering in Telehealth, an Extension of Sana Mobile Applied to the Process of a Routine Hospital (AVdC, CJPdL, EJRC, PHCA, PAdSeSM, GRdC, FRLdA, GVCL), pp. 3–12.
HCI-III-2013-ZhanZSY #image #multi #using #visual notation- Visual Image Reconstruction from fMRI Activation Using Multi-scale Support Vector Machine Decoders (YZ, JZ, SS, LY), pp. 491–497.
EDOC-2013-NowakBLU #power management #process- Determining Power Consumption of Business Processes and Their Activities to Enable Green Business Process Reengineering (AN, TB, FL, NU), pp. 259–266.
ICEIS-J-2013-JuniorPVDCC #aspect-oriented #modelling #object-oriented- Reengineering of Object-Oriented Software into Aspect-Oriented Ones Supported by Class Models (PAPJ, RDP, MCV, RSD, VVdC, HAXC), pp. 296–313.
ICEIS-v2-2013-CrawfordBSMM #information management- Knowledge Management and Creativity in Software Engineering — The Foundations of Agility (BC, CLdlB, RS, SM, EM), pp. 265–272.
ICEIS-v2-2013-SierraCVCV #education #recommendation- Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Computer Materials to Support the Teaching of Nasa-Yuwe — Recommendations from a Software Engineering Disciplines Viewpoint for Constructing Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Materials Aimed at Supporting Nasa Yuwe Language Teaching (LMS, EASC, JAV, TRC, EMV), pp. 526–531.
SEKE-2013-Chang - Environment-Aware Software Engineering (SKC).
SEKE-2013-FreireCNMKAS #automation #overview #perspective- Automated Support for Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering: A Systematic Review (MAF, DAdC, ECN, TM, UK, EA, SS), pp. 504–509.
SEKE-2013-GomedeB #development #process #quality- A Non-Intrusive Process to Software Engineering Decision Support focused on increasing the Quality of Software Development (EG, RMB), pp. 95–100.
SKY-2013-GarzonSK #elicitation- Knowledge Re-use and Dissemination for Resource Elicitation in Software Engineering (MHG, CS, JK), pp. 14–23.
ECOOP-2013-TrudelFNM #automation #object-oriented #scalability- Really Automatic Scalable Object-Oriented Reengineering (MT, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 477–501.
ER-BR-2013-Finkelstein #what- The Next 10 Years: the shape of software to come and what if means for software engineering (AF).
ESEC-FSE-2013-Gonthier - Software engineering for mathematics (GG), p. 13.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NagappanZB #research- Diversity in software engineering research (MN, TZ, CB), pp. 466–476.
ESEC-FSE-2013-Nenashev #automation #hardware #named #programmable- PHRT: a model and programmable tool for hardware reengineering automation (ON), pp. 719–722.
ICSE-2013-BullWC #education #towards- Studios in software engineering education: towards an evaluable model (CNB, JW, LC), pp. 1063–1072.
ICSE-2013-FerrucciHRS #multi- Not going to take this anymore: multi-objective overtime planning for software engineering projects (FF, MH, JR, FS), pp. 462–471.
ICSE-2013-HaiducBMOLM #automation #query #retrieval- Automatic query reformulations for text retrieval in software engineering (SH, GB, AM, RO, ADL, TM), pp. 842–851.
ICSE-2013-MeneelyL - Vulnerability of the day: concrete demonstrations for software engineering undergraduates (AM, SL), pp. 1154–1157.
ICSE-2013-MenziesKPTM - Data science for software engineering (TM, EK, FP, BT, LLM), pp. 1484–1486.
ICSE-2013-PaasivaaraLDRS #agile #distributed #education #student #using- Teaching students global software engineering skills using distributed scrum (MP, CL, DD, PR, AS), pp. 1128–1137.
ICSE-2013-PanichellaDOPPL #algorithm #approach #effectiveness #how #modelling #search-based #topic- How to effectively use topic models for software engineering tasks? an approach based on genetic algorithms (AP, BD, RO, MDP, DP, ADL), pp. 522–531.
ICSE-2013-Rajlich #developer #education- Teaching developer skills in the first software engineering course (VR), pp. 1109–1116.
ICSE-2013-SantosS #assessment #authentication #case study #education- Authentic assessment in software engineering education based on PBL principles: a case study in the telecom market (SCdS, FSFS), pp. 1055–1062.
ICSE-2013-SayyadMA #case study #on the #product line #search-based- On the value of user preferences in search-based software engineering: a case study in software product lines (ASS, TM, HA), pp. 492–501.
ICSE-2013-TillmannHXGB #education #game studies #interactive #learning #programming- Teaching and learning programming and software engineering via interactive gaming (NT, JdH, TX, SG, JB), pp. 1117–1126.
ICSE-2013-Zeid #contest #evaluation #framework #integration #source code #student- A framework to evaluate software engineering student contests: evaluation and integration with academic programs (AZ), pp. 1083–1089.
SAC-2013-Penzenstadler #towards- Towards a definition of sustainability in and for software engineering (BP), pp. 1183–1185.
PDP-2013-YangJPSSWR #data-driven- Data Intensive Computing of X-Ray Computed Tomography Reconstruction at the LSDF (XY, TJ, HP, RS, AS, JvW, TdSR), pp. 86–93.
CADE-2013-KaliszykU #named #proving- PRocH: Proof Reconstruction for HOL Light (CK, JU), pp. 267–274.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-KeulerKNR #architecture #framework #towards- Architecture Engagement Purposes: Towards a Framework for Planning “Just Enough”-Architecting in Software Engineering (TK, JK, MN, DR), pp. 234–238.
CSEET-2012-BareissSK #education- Changes in Transferable Knowledge Resulting from Study in a Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum (RB, TS, EPK), pp. 3–12.
CSEET-2012-Barker #education #research- Research Directions for Software Engineering Education and Training (MB), p. 147.
CSEET-2012-BollinHMS #case study #education #experience #simulation- Experiences with Integrating Simulation into a Software Engineering Curriculum (AB, EH, RM, LS), pp. 62–71.
CSEET-2012-DingLLS #collaboration #in the cloud #research- Research on Remote Collaborative Engineering Practices for Master of Software Engineering Based on Cloud Computing Environment (QD, XL, YL, ZS), pp. 110–114.
CSEET-2012-FengL #education #experience #human-computer #student- An Experience of Teaching HCI to Undergraduate Software Engineering Students (GF, BL), pp. 125–129.
CSEET-2012-Kajko-Mattsson #design #education #source code- A Method for Designing Software Engineering Educational Programs (MKM), pp. 139–143.
CSEET-2012-LiuML #education- The Exploration and Practice of Gradually Industrialization Model in Software Engineering Education — A Factual Instance of the Excellent Engineer Plan of China (SL, PM, DL), pp. 23–31.
CSEET-2012-MacKellar #case study #communication #scalability- A Case Study of Group Communication Patterns in a Large Project Software Engineering Course (BM), pp. 134–138.
CSEET-2012-ZuppiroliCG #game studies #product line- A Role-Playing Game for a Software Engineering Lab: Developing a Product Line (SZ, PC, MG), pp. 13–22.
ITiCSE-2012-SperlingL #machine learning #student- Integrating AI and machine learning in software engineering course for high school students (AS, DL), pp. 244–249.
SIGITE-2012-LuukkainenVV #education #research- Three years of design-based research to reform a software engineering curriculum (ML, AV, TV), pp. 209–214.
CSMR-2012-JelschenGJPW #energy #towards- Towards Applying Reengineering Services to Energy-Efficient Applications (JJ, MG, MJ, CP, AW), pp. 353–358.
ICSM-2012-BernhartMFSG #incremental #migration- Incremental reengineering and migration of a 40 year old airport operations system (MB, AM, MF, SS, TG), pp. 503–510.
ICSM-2012-ThumsQ #embedded- Reengineering embedded automotive software (AT, JQ), pp. 493–502.
MSR-2012-TianALLL #community #microblog #question #what- What does software engineering community microblog about? (YT, PA, INL, DL, EPL), pp. 247–250.
WCRE-2012-Detten #architecture #named- Archimetrix: A Tool for Deficiency-Aware Software Architecture Reconstruction (MvD), pp. 503–504.
FDG-2012-Molyneaux #3d #agile #artificial reality #interactive- KinectFusion rapid 3D reconstruction and interaction with Microsoft Kinect (DM), p. 3.
CHI-2012-SeitlingerL #semantics #social- Implicit imitation in social tagging: familiarity and semantic reconstruction (PS, TL), pp. 1631–1640.
ICML-2012-LiLJX #clustering- Groupwise Constrained Reconstruction for Subspace Clustering (RL, BL, CJ, XX), p. 25.
ICPR-2012-Al-KhaffafSCB #on the #performance- On the performance of Decapod’s digital font reconstruction (HSMAK, FS, MPC, TMB), pp. 649–652.
ICPR-2012-DAmbrosioIS #learning- A One-per-Class reconstruction rule for class imbalance learning (RD, GI, PS), pp. 1310–1313.
ICPR-2012-FangC - Dense reconstruction by stereo-motion under perspective camera model (MF, RC), pp. 2480–2483.
ICPR-2012-GaoTLW #graph- A graph-based method of newspaper article reconstruction (LG, ZT, XL, YW), pp. 1566–1569.
ICPR-2012-Kan - MEG source reconstruction with basis functions source model (JK), pp. 1791–1794.
ICPR-2012-LeeLHL #sequence #video- Super-resolution reconstruction of video sequences based on wavelet-domain spatial and temporal processing (CML, CJL, CYH, WNL), pp. 194–197.
ICPR-2012-LiuHI #3d #image- Stage-based 3D scene reconstruction from single image (YL, PH, EI), pp. 1034–1037.
ICPR-2012-NakazawaMMNHYY #multi #using- Dynamic scene reconstruction using asynchronous multiple Kinects (MN, IM, YM, HN, HH, HY, YY), pp. 469–472.
ICPR-2012-PerdigotoA #3d #image #using- Reconstruction of 3D lines from a single axial catadioptric image using cross-ratio (LP, HA), pp. 857–860.
ICPR-2012-PhamDBR #detection #image- Accurate junction detection and reconstruction in line-drawing images (TAP, MD, SB, JYR), pp. 693–696.
ICPR-2012-SahayR #3d #modelling #scalability #self- Harnessing self-similarity for reconstruction of large missing regions in 3D Models (PS, ANR), pp. 101–104.
ICPR-2012-SalvadorRKH #video- Variational reconstruction and restoration for video Super-Resolution (JS, DR, AK, JRH), pp. 1047–1051.
ICPR-2012-UkitaMH - Shape reconstruction with globally-optimized surface point selection (NU, KM, NH), pp. 1501–1504.
ICPR-2012-WangBLST #detection- Detecting discontinuities for surface reconstruction (YW, JB, NL, MS, PT), pp. 2108–2111.
ICPR-2012-WangXY #classification #image- Sparse residue for occluded face image reconstruction and classification (JW, YX, JY), pp. 1707–1710.
ICPR-2012-YlimakiKHHB #multi #robust- Robust and accurate multi-view reconstruction by prioritized matching (MY, JK, JH, JH, SSB), pp. 2673–2676.
ICPR-2012-ZhaoWZW #3d #metric- A new metric for measuring image-based 3D reconstruction (XZ, RW, ZZ, WW), pp. 1030–1033.
ICPR-2012-ZhuVL - Camera-less articulated trajectory reconstruction (YZ, JV, SL), pp. 841–844.
KMIS-2012-CrawfordBSMM #information management- Knowledge Management and Creativity Practices in Software Engineering (BC, CLdlB, RS, SM, EM), pp. 277–280.
SEKE-2012-BhattiAHD #concept- A Catalog of Patterns for Concept Lattice Interpretation in Software Reengineering (MUB, NA, MH, SD), pp. 118–123.
SEKE-2012-GokhaleSM #education #open source #reverse engineering #tool support- Evaluating Open Source Reverse Engineering Tools for Teaching Software Engineering (SSG, TS, RM), pp. 162–167.
SEKE-2012-LeeS #approach- A Process-Based Approach to Improving Knowledge Sharing in Software Engineering (SBL, KS), pp. 700–705.
PLEASE-2012-BoucherAHPAH #perspective #reliability #towards- Towards more reliable configurators: a re-engineering perspective (QB, EKA, AH, GP, MA, PH), pp. 29–32.
ASE-2012-AlmorsyGI12a #automation #using- Supporting automated software re-engineering using re-aspects (MA, JG, ASI), pp. 230–233.
ASE-2012-JacobsonSJK - Re-founding software engineering — SEMAT at the age of three (IJ, IS, PJ, MKM), pp. 15–19.
ICSE-2012-BavotaLFOZ #approach #education #project management- Teaching software engineering and software project management: An integrated and practical approach (GB, ADL, FF, RO, CZ), pp. 1155–1164.
ICSE-2012-Cleland-HuangSKCLMGPHL #contest #towards- Toward actionable, broadly accessible contests in Software Engineering (JCH, YS, EK, AC, GL, EM, MG, DP, JHH, WL), pp. 1329–1332.
ICSE-2012-CrnkovicBZ #education- Ten tips to succeed in Global Software Engineering education (IC, IB, MZ), pp. 1225–1234.
ICSE-2012-DIppolito #challenge #synthesis- Synthesis of event-based controllers: A software engineering challenge (ND), pp. 1547–1550.
ICSE-2012-FuhrmanCA #education #framework #tool support- Integrating tools and frameworks in undergraduate software engineering curriculum (CF, RC, AA), pp. 1195–1204.
ICSE-2012-HaiducBOML #query #retrieval- Evaluating the specificity of text retrieval queries to support software engineering tasks (SH, GB, RO, AM, ADL), pp. 1273–1276.
ICSE-2012-Kajko-MattssonSGJSHMMEBS - Refounding software engineering: The Semat initiative (MKM, MS, MG, IJ, IS, SH, PM, BM, BE, AJB, ES), pp. 1649–1650.
ICSE-2012-Kalumbilo #effectiveness #specification- Effective specification of decision rights and accountabilities for better performing software engineering projects (MK), pp. 1503–1506.
ICSE-2012-PentaAGGA #empirical #experience- Five days of empirical software engineering: The PASED experience (MDP, GA, DMG, YGG, BA), pp. 1255–1258.
ICSE-2012-SingerS #social #using- Influencing the adoption of software engineering methods using social software (LS, KS), pp. 1325–1328.
ICSE-2012-Sprenger #case study #experience #how- How software engineering can benefit from traditional industries — A practical experience report (TS), p. 1000.
ICSE-2012-SusB #education #integration #using- Using continuous integration of code and content to teach software engineering with limited resources (JGS, WB), pp. 1175–1184.
SAC-2012-MatsubaraMYUIK #algorithm #named #performance- CCDR-PAID: more efficient cache-conscious PAID algorithm by data reconstruction (YM, JM, GY, YU, SI, HK), pp. 193–198.
SLE-2012-StevensonC #grammar inference #overview #state of the art- Grammatical Inference in Software Engineering: An Overview of the State of the Art (AS, JRC), pp. 204–223.
STOC-2012-GuptaKL #multi- Reconstruction of depth-4 multilinear circuits with top fan-in 2 (AG, NK, SVL), pp. 625–642.
ICST-2012-MarcoLA #approach- Property-Driven Software Engineering Approach (ADM, FL, GDA), pp. 966–967.
VMCAI-2012-KinderK #control flow- Alternating Control Flow Reconstruction (JK, DK), pp. 267–282.
CBSE-2011-LoiretRSM #component #framework- Software engineering of component-based systems-of-systems: a reference framework (FL, RR, LS, PM), pp. 61–66.
ECSA-2011-CapillaZZAK #architecture #design #lifecycle #metamodelling- An Enhanced Architectural Knowledge Metamodel Linking Architectural Design Decisions to other Artifacts in the Software Engineering Lifecycle (RC, OZ, UZ, PA, JMK), pp. 303–318.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-DettenB #clustering #component #detection- Combining clustering and pattern detection for the reengineering of component-based software systems (MvD, SB), pp. 23–32.
WICSA-2011-GanesanLCJJZ #analysis #architecture- Architecture Reconstruction and Analysis of Medical Device Software (DG, ML, RC, RPJ, PLJ, YZ), pp. 194–203.
CSEET-2011-BareissK #education #formal method- An exploration of knowledge and skills transfer from a formal software engineering curriculum to a capstone practicum project (RB, EPK), pp. 71–80.
CSEET-2011-BoehmBGHPST #education- Panel on the role of graduate software and systems engineering bodies of knowledge in formulating graduate software engineering curricula (BWB, PB, DG, TBH, ABP, MMS, JBT), pp. 535–536.
CSEET-2011-BromanS #how #question #student- How can we make software engineering text books well-founded, up-to-date, and accessible to students? (DB, KS), pp. 386–390.
CSEET-2011-BrueggeNG #education #industrial #tutorial- SLPC++: Teaching software engineering project courses in industrial application landscapes — A tutorial (BB, HN, MG), pp. 549–551.
CSEET-2011-CarterVGBAH #communication #education- Communication genres: Integrating communication into the software engineering curriculum (MC, MAV, GCG, JEB, PVA, MEH), pp. 21–30.
CSEET-2011-ChimalakondaN #education #learning #question- Can we make software engineering education better by applying learning theories? (SC, KVN), p. 561.
CSEET-2011-DingLZGSW #education #research- Research and practice on software engineering undergraduate curriculum NJU-SEC2006 (ED, BL, DZ, JG, DS, HW), pp. 492–496.
CSEET-2011-FairleyW #education #student- Teaching systems engineering to software engineering students (REF, MJW), pp. 219–226.
CSEET-2011-GannodABB #communication #education #integration #question- Is integration of communication and technical instruction across the SE curriculum a viable strategy for improving the real-world communication abilities of software engineering graduates? (GCG, PVA, JEB, AB), pp. 525–529.
CSEET-2011-Georgas #approach #community #development #education #student- Software development as service to the student community: An experiential and high student involvement approach to software engineering education (JCG), pp. 434–438.
CSEET-2011-GimenesBB #distance #learning #source code- International workshop on distance learning support for postgraduate programs in software engineering (e-gradSE) (IMdSG, LB, EFB), pp. 517–519.
CSEET-2011-HeckmanHS #android #education #java- Teaching second-level Java and software engineering with Android (SSH, TBH, MS), pp. 540–542.
CSEET-2011-HoskingSKJ #learning #student- Learning at the elbows of experts: Technology roadmapping with Software Engineering students (JGH, PS, EK, NJ), pp. 139–148.
CSEET-2011-Jazayeri #education #summary #tutorial- Structuring a software engineering-based curriculum tutorial presentation summary (MJ), pp. 543–545.
CSEET-2011-John #assessment #usability- A quantitative usability assessment method for inclusion in software engineering courses (BEJ), pp. 537–539.
CSEET-2011-LiB #education #process #research #validation #verification- Making winners for both education and research: Verification and validation process improvement practice in a software engineering course (QL, BWB), pp. 304–313.
CSEET-2011-LongstreetC #education #game studies #student #using- Using games in software engineering education to increase student success and retention (CSL, KMLC), p. 554.
CSEET-2011-Meawad #agile #enterprise- The virtual agile enterprise: Making the most of a software engineering course (FM), pp. 324–332.
CSEET-2011-MonsalveWL #education- Teaching software engineering with SimulES-W (ESM, VMBW, JCSdPL), pp. 31–40.
CSEET-2011-PeixotoPRP #design #education #game studies #overview #simulation- An overview of the main design characteristics of simulation games in Software Engineering education (DCCP, RMP, RFR, CIPSP), pp. 101–110.
CSEET-2011-PenzenstadlerF #education #question- Teach sustainability in software engineering? (BP, AF), pp. 454–458.
CSEET-2011-Roach #experience #student- Retrospectives in a software engineering project course: Getting students to get the most from a project experience (SR), pp. 467–471.
CSEET-2011-RobinsonH #question- Software engineering or soft engineering? (KR, PSH), pp. 459–466.
CSEET-2011-RoshandelGL #education #using- Using community-based projects in software engineering education (RR, JG, RL), pp. 472–476.
CSEET-2011-ShaoLDL - An introductory software engineering course for software engineering program (DS, BL, ED, QL), pp. 411–415.
CSEET-2011-Skevoulis #industrial- Engineering a successful partnership between academia and the financial industry: A software engineering program for IT professionals (SS), pp. 343–350.
CSEET-2011-Sun #challenge #education- The challenge and practice of creating Software Engineering curriculum (YS), pp. 497–501.
CSEET-2011-TabriziVD #case study #development #experience- Development of North Carolina’s first Software Engineering program: An experience report (MHNT, SV, JD), pp. 266–273.
CSEET-2011-UelschenE #self- An introductory course on software engineering on self-organization in swarm robotics (MU, HJE), pp. 333–342.
CSEET-2011-Virseda #education #learning #semantics- A learning methodology based on semantic tableaux for software engineering education (RdVV), pp. 401–405.
CSEET-2011-WhiteC #design #implementation #online- The design and implementation of an innovative online program for a master of science degree in Computer Science — Software Engineering specialization (LJW, JWC), pp. 257–265.
ITiCSE-2011-EllisHM #comparison #student- A comparison of software engineering knowledge gained from student participation in humanitarian foss projects (HJCE, GWH, RAM), p. 360.
ITiCSE-2011-Marmorstein #effectiveness #open source- Open source contribution as an effective software engineering class project (RMM), pp. 268–272.
CSMR-2011-Borchers #assessment- Invited Talk: Reengineering from a Practitioner’s View — A Personal Lesson’s Learned Assessment (JB), pp. 1–2.
ICSM-2011-Briand #research- Useful software engineering research — leading a double-agent life (LCB), p. 2.
ICSM-2011-ZhangSPXZ #case study #incremental #industrial #product line #towards- Incremental and iterative reengineering towards Software Product Line: An industrial case study (GZ, LS, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 418–427.
MSR-2011-LiZ #semantics #using #web- Integrating software engineering data using semantic web technologies (YFL, HZ), pp. 211–214.
FDG-2011-Tearse - Minstrel remixed: a reconstruction and exploration (BRT), pp. 253–255.
AGTIVE-2011-ScholerS #3d #architecture #automation #towards- Towards an Automated 3D Reconstruction of Plant Architecture (FS, VS), pp. 51–64.
CSCW-2011-BirdMNZ #empirical #research- Empirical software engineering at Microsoft Research (CB, BM, NN, TZ), pp. 143–150.
DHM-2011-GrafHKM #3d #multi #realtime #video- Accelerated Real-Time Reconstruction of 3D Deformable Objects from Multi-view Video Channels (HG, LH, SK, CM), pp. 282–291.
DHM-2011-GraggYB #modelling #simulation- Posture Reconstruction Method for Mapping Joint Angles of Motion Capture Experiments to Simulation Models (JG, J(Y, RB), pp. 69–78.
HCD-2011-FischerNK #process #usability- A Holistic Model for Integrating Usability Engineering and Software Engineering Enriched with Marketing Activities (HF, KN, FK), pp. 28–37.
HCI-DDA-2011-NebeP #requirements #usability- Key Requirements for Integrating Usability Engineering and Software Engineering (KN, VP), pp. 114–120.
HIMI-v2-2011-LeeCT #comparison #process- ICT-Enabled Business Process Re-engineering: International Comparison (YCL, PYC, HLT), pp. 278–284.
CAiSE-2011-Finkelstein #bound #challenge #information management- Ten Open Challenges at the Boundaries of Software Engineering and Information Systems (AF), p. 1.
ICEIS-v3-2011-KrollAP #evolution #overview #perspective #research- Mapping the Evolution of Research on Global Software Engineering — A Systematic Literature Review (JK, JLNA, RP), pp. 260–265.
ICEIS-v4-2011-ShiZ #enterprise #industrial #process- The Business Process Reengineering Study of Steel Industry based on ERP (XS, BZ), pp. 591–594.
ICEIS-v4-2011-XuF #approach #case study #education #game studies #social- A Case Study: Integrating a Game Application-driven Approach and Social Collaborations into Software Engineering Education (WX, STF), pp. 23–32.
ICML-2011-DauphinGB #learning #scalability- Large-Scale Learning of Embeddings with Reconstruction Sampling (YD, XG, YB), pp. 945–952.
KDIR-2011-DAcuntoBDLPPS #3d #mining- Inferential Mining for Reconstruction of 3D Cell Structures in Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging (MD, SB, SD, ML, MP, AP, OS), pp. 348–353.
KEOD-2011-KontotasiouBB #framework #on the #ontology- On Establishing an Ontology Reengineering Framework (DK, CB, PDB), pp. 354–360.
KMIS-2011-CachiaM #approach #modelling- An Event-driven Cartographic Approach to Modelling Software Engineering Knowledge (EC, MM), pp. 18–27.
SEKE-2011-AllisonAYC #approach- A Software Engineering Approach to User-Driven Control of the Microgrid (MA, AAA, ZY, PJC), pp. 59–64.
SEKE-2011-BoorjessonF #case study #multi- Structuring Software Engineering Case Studies to Cover Multiple Perspectives (EB, RF), pp. 276–281.
SEKE-2011-GuoMHYC #overview #self- A Survey of Software Engineering for Self-Organization Systems (YG, XM, CH, JY, JC), pp. 539–542.
SEKE-2011-SantosWCV #case study #education #experience #learning #repository- Supporting Software Engineering Education through a Learning Objects and Experience Reports Repository (RPdS, CW, HC, SV), pp. 272–275.
SPLC-2011-BartholdtB #product line- Re-engineering of a Hierarchical Product Line (JB, DB), pp. 232–240.
OOPSLA-2011-BuseSW #evaluation #research- Benefits and barriers of user evaluation in software engineering research (RPLB, CS, WW), pp. 643–656.
ASE-2011-AlshahwanH #automation #testing #using #web- Automated web application testing using search based software engineering (NA, MH), pp. 3–12.
ASE-2011-PosnettFD #empirical- Ecological inference in empirical software engineering (DP, VF, PTD), pp. 362–371.
ICSE-2011-AmselIMT #towards- Toward sustainable software engineering (NA, ZI, AM, BT), pp. 976–979.
ICSE-2011-ArcuriB #algorithm #random #statistics #testing #using- A practical guide for using statistical tests to assess randomized algorithms in software engineering (AA, LCB), pp. 1–10.
ICSE-2011-Bacchelli #email- Exploring, exposing, and exploiting emails to include human factors in software engineering (AB), pp. 1074–1077.
ICSE-2011-WilliamsW #contract #research- The American law institute’s principles on software contracts and their ramifications for software engineering research (JBW, JHWJ), pp. 972–975.
ICSE-2011-Xue #analysis #automation #legacy #product line #variability- Reengineering legacy software products into software product line based on automatic variability analysis (YX), pp. 1114–1117.
SAC-2011-SebastianC #approach #design #towards #using- Towards designing a tool for event reconstruction using Gladyshev Approach (MS, PC), pp. 193–194.
DAC-2011-KesturIPANC #architecture #co-evolution #design #framework #using- An algorithm-architecture co-design framework for gridding reconstruction using FPGAs (SK, KMI, SP, AAM, VN, CC), pp. 585–590.
DATE-2011-GoswamiSC #communication #cyber-physical #hybrid #protocol- Re-engineering cyber-physical control applications for hybrid communication protocols (DG, RS, SC), pp. 914–919.
HPDC-2011-LiLTCZ #3d #cpu #experience #gpu- Experience of parallelizing cryo-EM 3D reconstruction on a CPU-GPU heterogeneous system (LL, XL, GT, MC, PZ), pp. 195–204.
ICLP-J-2011-DurzinskyMOSW #automation #network #using- Automatic network reconstruction using ASP (MD, WM, MO, TS, AW), pp. 749–766.
VMCAI-2011-BardinHV #context-free grammar #source code- Refinement-Based CFG Reconstruction from Unstructured Programs (SB, PH, FV), pp. 54–69.
DocEng-2010-CutterBSB - Unsupervised font reconstruction based on token co-occurrence (MPC, JvB, FS, TMB), pp. 143–150.
CSEET-2010-Broman #education #question- Should Software Engineering Projects Be the Backbone or the Tail of Computing Curricula? (DB), pp. 153–156.
CSEET-2010-Epstein - Workplace Issues in an Undergraduate Software Engineering Course (RGE), pp. 1–8.
CSEET-2010-FinnieK - Adding Service Engineering and Management to a Software Engineering Program (GF, PK), pp. 165–168.
CSEET-2010-HuntM #component #education- Component Based Software Engineering across the Curriculum (JMH, JDM), pp. 9–16.
CSEET-2010-Katz #experience- Software Engineering Practicum Course Experience (EPK), pp. 169–172.
CSEET-2010-LewHS #using- Using LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and LEJOS in an Advanced Software Engineering Course (MWL, TBH, MS), pp. 121–128.
CSEET-2010-TaranH #industrial #student- Software Engineering Leadership: A Student Initiative to Promote Change Agents in Industry (GT, JH), pp. 173–176.
CSEET-2010-Thompson #effectiveness #industrial #why- Why Better Industrial/Academic Links Are Needed If There is to Be an Effective Software Engineering Workforce (JBT), pp. 105–112.
CSEET-2010-ZivP - Capstone Project: From Software Engineering to “Informatics” (HZ, SP), pp. 185–188.
ITiCSE-2010-MartinezLDC #case study #experience #using- Experiences in software engineering courses using psychometrics with RAMSET (LGM, GL, ARD, JRC), pp. 244–248.
SIGITE-2010-KaplanT #case study #experience- Real world experiences in a software engineering course (RMK, JT), pp. 89–94.
CSMR-2010-BritoGM #case study #experience- Experiences from a Brazilian Bank Reengineering Project (KdSB, VCG, SRdLM), pp. 66–67.
CSMR-2010-FokinTC #c++ #decompiler #source code- Reconstruction of Class Hierarchies for Decompilation of C++ Programs (AF, KT, AC), pp. 240–243.
CSMR-2010-SchrettnerHFFB #architecture #development- Development of a Methodology, Software — Suite and Service for Supporting Software Architecture Reconstruction (LS, PH, RF, LJF, TB), pp. 190–193.
ICSM-2010-PreteRSK #refactoring- Template-based reconstruction of complex refactorings (KP, NR, NS, MK), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-Rajlich #education- Teaching undergraduate software engineering (VR), pp. 1–2.
MSR-2010-BachmannB #correlation #dataset #debugging #process #quality- When process data quality affects the number of bugs: Correlations in software engineering datasets (AB, AB), pp. 62–71.
MSR-2010-JuzgadoV #difference #using- Using differences among replications of software engineering experiments to gain knowledge (NJJ, SV).
SCAM-2010-TroshinaDC #decompiler- Reconstruction of Composite Types for Decompilation (KT, YD, AC), pp. 179–188.
SEFM-2010-Lindsay #behaviour- Behavior Trees: From Systems Engineering to Software Engineering (PAL), pp. 21–30.
CHI-2010-Salvucci #on the- On reconstruction of task context after interruption (DDS), pp. 89–92.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-IizukaIT #analysis #approach #effectiveness #process- Analysis of Effective Approach for Business Process re-Engineering — From the Perspective of Organizational Factors (KI, YI, KT), pp. 384–389.
CIKM-2010-KobdaniSBKH #natural language #relational- Relational feature engineering of natural language processing (HK, HS, AB, WK, GH), pp. 1705–1708.
ICPR-2010-AdluruTWD #using- Improving Undersampled MRI Reconstruction Using Non-local Means (GA, TT, RTW, EVRDB), pp. 4000–4003.
ICPR-2010-ChoiMLSBPF #3d #multi #using- 3D Face Reconstruction Using a Single or Multiple Views (JC, GGM, YL, LS, ORPB, MP, TCF), pp. 3959–3962.
ICPR-2010-DursunDG #2d #image #slicing #theorem- Paired Transform Slice Theorem of 2-D Image Reconstruction from Projections (SD, ND, AMG), pp. 2395–2398.
ICPR-2010-GaschlerBH #3d- Epipolar-Based Stereo Tracking Without Explicit 3D Reconstruction (AG, DB, GDH), pp. 1755–1758.
ICPR-2010-Jiang #3d #using- 3D Human Pose Reconstruction Using Millions of Exemplars (HJ), pp. 1674–1677.
ICPR-2010-KimPJ #3d- Segment-Based Foreground Extraction Dedicated to 3D Reconstruction (JK, AP, KJ), pp. 3587–3590.
ICPR-2010-LuoBTV #estimation #multi- Human Pose Estimation for Multiple Persons Based on Volume Reconstruction (XL, BB, RTT, RCV), pp. 3591–3594.
ICPR-2010-Machucho-CadenaB #3d #algebra #geometry #using- 3D Reconstruction of Tumors for Applications in Laparoscopy Using Conformal Geometric Algebra (RMC, EBC), pp. 2532–2535.
ICPR-2010-MielochMM #image #quality #segmentation- Improved Fingerprint Image Segmentation and Reconstruction of Low Quality Areas (KM, AM, PM), pp. 1241–1244.
ICPR-2010-PernekH #polynomial #problem- Perspective Reconstruction and Camera Auto-Calibration as Rectangular Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem (ÁP, LH), pp. 49–52.
ICPR-2010-RaraAESF #recognition #using- Face Recognition at-a-Distance Using Texture, Dense- and Sparse-Stereo Reconstruction (HMR, AMA, SYE, TLS, AAF), pp. 1221–1224.
ICPR-2010-Strand10a #3d #grid- Sampling and Ideal Reconstruction on the 3D Diamond Grid (RS), pp. 4609–4612.
ICPR-2010-ZhangZGF #statistics- Face Appearance Reconstruction Based on a Regional Statistical Craniofacial Model (RCSM) (YfZ, MQZ, GHG, JF), pp. 1670–1673.
KEOD-2010-AntunesC - Unfading Decisions — A Position Paper on Decision Reconstruction (FA, JPC), pp. 374–377.
SEKE-2010-FeitosaFOWN #development #embedded #mobile- Software Engineering in the Embedded Software and Mobile Robot Software Development: A Systematic Mapping (DF, KRF, LBRdO, DW, EYN), pp. 738–741.
SEKE-2010-FeldtM #empirical #overview #research- Validity Threats in Empirical Software Engineering Research — An Initial Survey (RF, AM), pp. 374–379.
SEKE-2010-KhoshgoftaarG #machine learning #metric #novel #using- Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning A Novel Software Metric Selection Technique Using the Area Under ROC Curves (TMK, KG), pp. 203–208.
SEKE-2010-Ruhe #information management #research- Future Research Directions for Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (GR), p. 5.
SEKE-2010-SrinivasaraghavanMC #performance- Smarter Software Engineering: Knowledge factors contributing to improved Individual Performance (NS, CM, JAC), pp. 309–314.
ECMFA-2010-Atkinson #approach #modelling #novel- Orthographic Software Modelling: A Novel Approach to View-Based Software Engineering (CA), p. 1.
ASE-2010-Bosch #composition #towards- Keynote address: toward compositional software engineering (JB), pp. 1–2.
FSE-2010-KimGLR #logic #named #query #refactoring- Ref-Finder: a refactoring reconstruction tool based on logic query templates (MK, MG, AL, NR), pp. 371–372.
ICSE-2010-Caso #behaviour #validation- Behavioural validation of software engineering artefacts (GdC), pp. 335–336.
ICSE-2010-Caso10a #behaviour #validation- Behavioural validation of software engineering artefacts (GdC), pp. 505–506.
ICSE-2010-Erdogmus #analysis #effectiveness- Cost effectiveness analysis in software engineering (HE), pp. 479–480.
ICSE-2010-FendlerW #education #perspective #towards- Towards contextualised software engineering education: an African perspective (JF, HWT), pp. 599–607.
ICSE-2010-HassanX #mining- Mining software engineering data (AEH, TX), pp. 503–504.
ICSE-2010-HazzanD #framework- A HOT --- Human, Organizational and Technological --- framework for a software engineering course (OH, YD), pp. 559–566.
ICSE-2010-Hoste #abstraction #multi- Software engineering abstractions for the multi-touch revolution (LH), pp. 509–510.
ICSE-2010-KitchenhamBB #education- The educational value of mapping studies of software engineering literature (BK, PB, DB), pp. 589–598.
ICSE-2010-KourieW - Software engineering in South Africa (DGK, BWW), pp. 323–324.
ICSE-2010-MetayerMTMPCFH #approach #case study #overview- Liability in software engineering: overview of the LISE approach and illustration on a case study (DLM, MM, VVTT, EM, MLP, NC, SF, RH), pp. 135–144.
ICSE-2010-Moody #approach #design #physics #visual notation- The “physics” of notations: a scientific approach to designing visual notations in software engineering (DLM), pp. 485–486.
ICSE-2010-NordioMM #distributed #outsourcing- Advanced hands-on training for distributed and outsourced software engineering (MN, RM, BM), pp. 555–558.
ICSE-2010-PankratiusTH #challenge #manycore- Multicore software engineering: the next challenge in software engineering (VP, WFT, PH), p. 487.
ICSE-2010-SharpdD #research #using- Using ethnographic methods in software engineering research (HS, CRBdS, YD), pp. 491–492.
ICSE-2010-SridharanN #data analysis- Bayesian methods for data analysis in software engineering (MS, ASN), pp. 477–478.
ICSE-2010-Staite - Portable secure identity management for software engineering (CS), pp. 325–326.
SLE-2010-Bernstein #question #semantics #web- Software Engineering and the Semantic Web: A Match Made in Heaven or in Hell? (AB), pp. 203–205.
CASE-2010-MaFW - Delaunay-based triangular surface reconstruction from points via Umbrella Facet Matching (JM, HYF, LW), pp. 580–585.
DATE-2010-HadjitheophanousTGT #3d #hardware #realtime #towards- Towards hardware stereoscopic 3D reconstruction a real-time FPGA computation of the disparity map (SH, CT, ASG, TT), pp. 1743–1748.
PDP-2010-BaldoGFR #algorithm- Ultra-fast Tomographic Reconstruction with a Highly Optimized Weighted Back-Projection Algorithm (JIAB, EMG, IGF, JJF), pp. 281–285.
TAP-2010-Nagappan - Myths in Software Engineering: From the Other Side (NN), pp. 3–5.
ICDAR-2009-KleberS #documentation #overview- A Survey of Techniques for Document and Archaeology Artefact Reconstruction (FK, RS), pp. 1061–1065.
ICDAR-2009-LuYSS #automation- Semi-automatic Roof Reconstruction (TL, YY, FS, ZS), pp. 723–727.
ICDAR-2009-ShaoLQXB #constraints #documentation- Locally Developable Constraint for Document Surface Reconstruction (YS, XL, XQ, YX, HB), pp. 226–230.
ICDAR-2009-Smet #automation #documentation #forensics- Semi-automatic Forensic Reconstruction of Ripped-up Documents (PdS), pp. 703–707.
SIGMOD-2009-IdreosKM #self #tuple- Self-organizing tuple reconstruction in column-stores (SI, MLK, SM), pp. 297–308.
CSEET-2009-Al-Yahya #using #wiki- Using Wikis to Support Teamwork Skills in Software Engineering Courses (MMAY), pp. 142–149.
CSEET-2009-AroraG #approach #development #education #enterprise #scalability- Software Engineering Approach for Teaching Development of Scalable Enterprise Applications (RA, SG), pp. 105–112.
CSEET-2009-BarkerI #case study #education #scalability- IT SPIRAL: A Case Study in Scalable Software Engineering Education (MB, KI), pp. 53–60.
CSEET-2009-Carter #delivery- Delivering Software Engineering Skills (LC), pp. 5–6.
CSEET-2009-DemuthW #modelling #scalability #web- Web Based Software Modeling Exercises in Large-Scale Software Engineering Courses (BD, DW), pp. 138–141.
CSEET-2009-FeldtHL #evaluation #towards- Generic Skills in Software Engineering Master Thesis Projects: Towards Rubric-Based Evaluation (RF, MH, FL), pp. 12–15.
CSEET-2009-GargV #assessment #case study #tool support- Case Studies as Assessment Tools in Software Engineering Classrooms (KG, VV), pp. 8–11.
CSEET-2009-GB #education #ontology #using- Using Ontologies to Aid the Teaching of Software Engineering (SPG, AB), pp. 224–231.
CSEET-2009-Goel #education #learning- Enriching the Culture of Software Engineering Education through Theories of Knowledge and Learning (SG), p. 279.
CSEET-2009-GotelKSSS #education- A Global and Competition-Based Model for Fostering Technical and Soft Skills in Software Engineering Education (OG, VK, MS, CS, TS), pp. 271–278.
CSEET-2009-Hai #collaboration #diagrams #object-oriented #student- The Role of Collaboration Diagrams in OO Software Engineering Student Projects (LH), pp. 93–100.
CSEET-2009-Jalote #education- Teaching an Introductory Software Engineering Course in a Computer Science Program (PJ), p. 7.
CSEET-2009-KlapholtzMP #education- The Graduate Software Engineering Reference Curriculum (GSwERC) (DK, JM, ABP), pp. 290–291.
CSEET-2009-KrogstieD #experience #student #timeline- Shared Timeline and Individual Experience: Supporting Retrospective Reflection in Student Software Engineering Teams (BRK, MD), pp. 85–92.
CSEET-2009-Kumar #approach #education- Innovative Teaching of Software Engineering: Practical Approach with Labs (SK), pp. 284–287.
CSEET-2009-LagoSV #design #multi- Designing a Multi-disciplinary Software Engineering Project (PL, JJPS, HvV), pp. 77–84.
CSEET-2009-RichardsonD #learning #problem- Problem Based Learning in the Software Engineering Classroom (IR, YD), pp. 174–181.
CSEET-2009-Rosso-Llopart #education #learning- An Examination of Learning Technologies That Support Software Engineering and Education (MRL), pp. 294–295.
CSEET-2009-Sangal #education- Software Engineering: Research-Led Education with Human Values (RS), p. 1.
CSEET-2009-SantosBCAM #education- Applying PBL in Software Engineering Education (SCdS, MdCMB, APCC, JOA, SRdLM), pp. 182–189.
CSEET-2009-SaurabhK - Software Engineering: A System Dynamics Simulated Pedagogical Practice (KS, BK), pp. 280–283.
CSEET-2009-SkandanS #case study #education #experience #induction- Software Engineering Education at TCS Induction — An Experience Report (SS, MS), pp. 16–19.
CSEET-2009-Subrahmanyam #education #framework- A Dynamic Framework for Software Engineering Education Curriculum to Reduce the Gap between the Software Organizations and Software Educational Institutions (GVBS), pp. 248–254.
CSEET-2009-TaranVG #authoring #case study #education #framework #multi #platform- Multimedia Case Studies in Software Engineering: A Look at MDM CAP: A Case Authoring Platform for Education and Training (GT, VV, KG), pp. 296–297.
CSEET-2009-UmarjiSKL #education- Software Engineering Education for Bioinformatics (MU, CBS, AGK, HL), pp. 216–223.
ITiCSE-2009-BarzilayHY #evaluation- Evaluation of a software engineering course by reflection (OB, OH, AY), pp. 273–277.
ITiCSE-2009-Christensen #approach #design- A story-telling approach for a software engineering course design (HBC), pp. 60–64.
SIGITE-2009-ConnollyM #education #programming- Integrating software engineering in computer programming education (CMC, GM), pp. 50–54.
SIGITE-2009-Watkins #education #evaluation #process #project management #web- Peer evaluation as a needed web 2.0 activity in project management for teaching practical software engineering (KZW), pp. 173–177.
SIGITE-2009-WinerW #education- Events and findings of the Purdue University Calumet computer information technology & graphics (CIT&G) department teaching partnership with the College of Software Engineering of Southeast University in Nanjing China (CW, HW), p. 201.
CSMR-2009-Schulte-CoerneTQ #challenge- Challenges in Reengineering Automotive Software (VSC, AT, JQ), pp. 315–316.
ICPC-2009-TroshinaCF #decompiler- Profile-based type reconstruction for decompilation (KT, AC, AF), pp. 263–267.
ICSM-2009-StroblBGK #database #legacy #reverse engineering- Digging deep: Software reengineering supported by database reverse engineering of a system with 30+ years of legacy (SS, MB, TG, WK), pp. 407–410.
MSR-2009-GousiosS #framework #platform #research- A platform for software engineering research (GG, DS), pp. 31–40.
WCRE-1999-Kpodjedo99a #approximate #graph- Approximate Graph Matching in Software Engineering (SK), pp. 295–298.
DHM-2009-Wang #problem- Problems Encountered in Seated Arm Reach Posture Reconstruction: Need for a More Realistic Spine and Upper Limb Kinematic Model (XW), pp. 160–169.
HCI-NT-2009-NebeP #integration #usability- Usability-Engineering-Requirements as a Basis for the Integration with Software Engineering (KN, VP), pp. 652–659.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-BelkhatirBB #industrial #process- Business Process Re-engineering in Supply Chains Examining the Case of the Expanding Halal Industry (MB, SB, NB), pp. 77–82.
CIKM-2009-LiaoM #documentation- Feature engineering on event-centric surrogate documents to improve search results (WL, IM), pp. 1629–1632.
SEKE-2009-AtkinsonD #analysis #modelling #social- Analysis of Agent Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies for Social Causal Models (MA, SD), pp. 157–163.
SEKE-2009-Ye #collaboration #education #learning- An Academia-Industry Collaborative Teaching and Learning Model for Software Engineering Education (HY), pp. 301–305.
SIGAda-2009-Jennings #named #tool support- SPARK: the libre language and toolset for high-assurance software engineering (TJ), pp. 9–10.
ASE-2009-GreenMWE #comprehension- Understanding the Value of Software Engineering Technologies (PGI, TM, SW, OER), pp. 52–61.
ASE-2009-Hall #algorithm #quantum- A Quantum Algorithm for Software Engineering Search (RJH), pp. 40–51.
ESEC-FSE-2009-Shaw #challenge #pervasive- The challenge of pervasive software to the conventional wisdom of software engineering (MS), pp. 1–2.
GTTSE-2009-Selic #design #modelling #perspective #theory and practice- The Theory and Practice of Modeling Language Design for Model-Based Software Engineering — A Personal Perspective (BS), pp. 290–321.
ICSE-2009-ComanSS #analysis #automation #case study #industrial #metric #using- A case-study on using an Automated In-process Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis system in an industrial environment (IDC, AS, GS), pp. 89–99.
SAC-2009-CastilloGC #database #legacy #named #process #web #web service- PRECISO: a reengineering process and a tool for database modernisation through web services (RPC, IGRdG, IC), pp. 2126–2133.
SAC-2009-KurpjuweitW #architecture- Concern-oriented business architecture engineering (SK, RW), pp. 265–272.
SAC-2009-MartinsHM #image #multi #using- Super-resolution image reconstruction using the generalized isotropic multi-level logistic model (ALDM, MRPH, NDAM), pp. 934–938.
STOC-2009-Sly - Reconstruction for the Potts model (AS), pp. 581–590.
VMCAI-2009-KinderZV #abstract interpretation #control flow #framework- An Abstract Interpretation-Based Framework for Control Flow Reconstruction from Binaries (JK, FZ, HV), pp. 214–228.
JCDL-2008-McCownN08a #analysis- Usage analysis of a public website reconstruction tool (FM, MLN), pp. 371–374.
CSEET-2008-BagertPS #education #legacy #research- Software Engineering Education, Training, and Research: The Legacy of Nancy Mead (DJB, DNP, HS), pp. 238–243.
CSEET-2008-BurgeW #communication #education- Teaching Communication Skills in the Software Engineering Curriculum (JEB, CW), pp. 265–266.
CSEET-2008-Chenoweth #student- Undergraduate Software Engineering Students in Startup Businesses (SC), pp. 118–125.
CSEET-2008-EllisH #community- Fostering the Community of Software Engineering Educators (HJCE, GWH), pp. 233–237.
CSEET-2008-Epstein08a #process #security- A Software Engineering Course with an Emphasis on Software Processes and Security (RGE), pp. 67–73.
CSEET-2008-GargV #challenge #education- Software Engineering Education in India: Issues and Challenges (KG, VV), pp. 110–117.
CSEET-2008-GotterbarnM #using- Using the Software Engineering Code of Ethics in Professional Computing Issues (DG, KWM), p. 273.
CSEET-2008-HayesB #education- Nancy Mead and Software Engineering Education: Advancements through Action (JHH, MB), pp. 244–249.
CSEET-2008-Honig #education #exclamation #generative #process #quality- Teaching Successful “Real-World” Software Engineering to the “Net” Generation: Process and Quality Win! (WLH), pp. 25–32.
CSEET-2008-JanzenR - Seeds of Evidence: Integrating Evidence-Based Software Engineering (DSJ, JR), pp. 223–230.
CSEET-2008-Mead #education #how- Software Engineering Education: How Far We’ve Come and How Far We Have to Go (NRM), pp. 18–22.
CSEET-2008-MeyerP #case study #development #distributed #experience #risk management- The Allure and Risks of a Deployable Software Engineering Project: Experiences with Both Local and Distributed Development (BM, MP), pp. 3–16.
CSEET-2008-PysterTHLBB #source code- The Current State of Software Engineering Masters Degree Programs (ABP, RT, DH, KL, LB, KB), pp. 103–109.
CSEET-2008-RyooFJ #design #education #game studies #learning #object-oriented #problem- Teaching Object-Oriented Software Engineering through Problem-Based Learning in the Context of Game Design (JR, FF, DSJ), pp. 137–144.
CSEET-2008-SiqueiraBB #education- A Software Factory for Education in Software Engineering (FLS, GMCB, JLRB), pp. 215–222.
ITiCSE-2008-Jenkins #education- Teaching computer aided software engineering at the graduate level (MJ), pp. 63–67.
ITiCSE-2008-Kurkovsky - Four roles of instructor in software engineering projects (SK), p. 354.
CSMR-2008-Bruntink #c #exception #legacy- Reengineering Idiomatic Exception Handling in Legacy C Code (MB), pp. 133–142.
CSMR-2008-JefferiesBT #multi #overview- A Systematic Literature Review of Approaches to Reengineering for Multi-Channel Access (CJ, PB, MT), pp. 258–262.
CSMR-2008-Mylopoulos #maintenance- Software Maintenance and Reengineering in the Days of Software Agents (JM), p. 1.
ICPC-2008-MonganSM #distributed #reverse engineering- Re-Engineering a Reverse Engineering Portal to a Distributed SOA (WMM, MS, SM), pp. 218–223.
SCAM-2008-Mihancea #approach #visual notation- Type Highlighting: A Client-Driven Visual Approach for Class Hierarchies Reengineering (PFM), pp. 207–216.
WCRE-2008-DolgovaC #automation #c #source code- Automatic Type Reconstruction in Disassembled C Programs (KD, AC), pp. 202–206.
WCRE-2008-HenrardRCH #experience #scalability- Large-Scale Data Reengineering: Return from Experience (JH, DR, AC, JLH), pp. 305–308.
FM-2008-WijbransBRG #case study #development #experience #formal method- Software Engineering with Formal Methods: Experiences with the Development of a Storm Surge Barrier Control System (KW, FB, RR, WG), pp. 419–424.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-DamaseviciusT #design #learning #user interface- Learning Object Reengineering Based on Principles for Usable User Interface Design (RD, LT), pp. 124–129.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-BrockeSC #analysis #framework #process #specification #towards- ECM Systems Analysis and Specification — Towards a Framework for Business Process Re-Engineering (JvB, AS, AC), pp. 345–350.
ICPR-2008-IiyamaHKM - Usage of needle maps and shadows to overcome depth edges in depth map reconstruction (MI, KH, KK, MM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LinW #3d- 3D reconstruction by combining shape from silhouette with stereo (HYL, JRW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MaZ #image- Convenient reconstruction of natural plants by images (WM, HZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Stelldinger #using- Topologically correct surface reconstruction using alpha shapes and relations to ball-pivoting (PS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TauberRLCDO #automation #image #multi #performance- Fast and automatic reconstruction of structured illumination microscopy images with multiscale products (CT, PFGR, VL, NC, BD, JCOM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ToyouraIFKM #3d #multi- 3D shape reconstruction from incomplete silhouettes in multiple frames (MT, MI, TF, KK, MM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WatanabeKI #3d #image #integration- Integration of time-sequential range images for reconstruction of a high-resolution 3D shape (YW, TK, MI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YuanDZ #image #performance- Fast super-resolution for license plate image reconstruction (JY, SD, XZ), pp. 1–4.
SEKE-2008-BelmonteD #automation #domain model- Automating a Domain Model Aware Reengineering Methodology (JB, PD), pp. 129–136.
SEKE-2008-GarciaHBM #ontology- An Ontology for Controlled Experiments on Software Engineering (REG, ENH, EFB, JCM), pp. 685–690.
SEKE-2008-SeedorfH #collaboration #reuse- Synergizing Collaboration and Reuse in Software Engineering (SS, OH), pp. 232–233.
SEKE-2008-WuSF #clustering #mining- Discovering Meaningful Clusters from Mining the Software Engineering Literature (YW, HPS, LF), pp. 613–618.
SEKE-2008-Zhang #machine learning #research- Machine Learning and Value-based Software Engineering: a Research Agenda (DZ), pp. 285–290.
SPLC-2008-HubauxHB #challenge #modelling #open source #product line #variability- Variability Modeling Challenges from the Trenches of an Open Source Product Line Re-engineering Project (AH, PH, DB), pp. 55–64.
SIGAda-2008-McCormick08a #ada #case study #education #experience- Ada and software engineering education: one professor’s experiences (JWM), pp. 91–96.
ICSE-2008-CabotDMVR #distributed #experience #modelling #programming- From programming to modeling: our experience with a distributed software engineering course (JC, FD, NM, AV, JRR), pp. 749–758.
ICSE-2008-GannodBH #education #using- Using the inverted classroom to teach software engineering (GCG, JEB, MTH), pp. 777–786.
ICSE-2008-Krogstie #community #open source #student- Power through brokering: open source community participation in software engineering student projects (BRK), pp. 791–800.
ICSE-2008-LungAEW #on the- On the difficulty of replicating human subjects studies in software engineering (JL, JA, SME, GVW), pp. 191–200.
ICSE-2008-ScherlHKH #3d #architecture #design #implementation- Design and implementation of the software architecture for a 3-D reconstruction system in medical imaging (HS, SH, MK, JH), pp. 661–668.
SAC-2008-MariSPZL #3d #algorithm- Improving the neural meshes algorithm for 3D surface reconstruction with edge swap operations (JFM, JHS, GP, MRZ, ALML), pp. 1236–1240.
SAC-2008-SriplakichBG #collaboration #experience #modelling #requirements #scalability- Collaborative software engineering on large-scale models: requirements and experience in ModelBus (PS, XB, MPG), pp. 674–681.
SAC-2008-WongSS - Message from the software engineering track chairs: editorial (WEW, COS, SYS), p. 660.
PDP-2008-AgulleiroGGF #performance- Fast Tomographic Reconstruction with Vectorized Backprojection (JIAB, EMG, IG, JJF), pp. 387–390.
PDP-2008-DAgostinoCMMC #grid #parallel- A Grid Service based Parallel Molecular Surface Reconstruction System (DD, AC, IM, LM, MC), pp. 455–462.
ECSA-2007-FalessiKC #architecture #empirical- Issues in Applying Empirical Software Engineering to Software Architecture (DF, PK, GC), pp. 257–262.
ICDAR-2007-LuongP #image- Non-Local Text Image Reconstruction (HQL, WP), pp. 546–550.
ICDAR-2007-PouderouxS - Global Contour Lines Reconstruction in Topographic Maps (JP, SS), pp. 779–783.
JCDL-2007-McCownDN #framework #web- Factors affecting website reconstruction from the web infrastructure (FM, ND, MLN), pp. 39–48.
CSEET-2007-CarverHHHR #programming #student #using- Increased Retention of Early Computer Science and Software Engineering Students Using Pair Programming (JCC, LH, LH, JEH, DSR), pp. 115–122.
CSEET-2007-DistanteH #challenge #education #lessons learnt #programming #student- Challenges and Lessons Learned in Teaching Software Engineering and Programming to Hearing-Impaired Students (DD, SH), pp. 344–354.
CSEET-2007-EllisMLH #education #open source- Holistic Software Engineering Education Based on a Humanitarian Open Source Project (HJCE, RAM, TRdL, GWH), pp. 327–335.
CSEET-2007-GargV #approach #case study #education #effectiveness- A Study of the Effectiveness of Case Study Approach in Software Engineering Education (KG, VV), pp. 309–316.
CSEET-2007-HilburnT - A Case for Software Engineering (TBH, MT), pp. 107–114.
CSEET-2007-JanzenTS #empirical #industrial- Empirical Software Engineering in Industry Short Courses (DJ, CST, HS), pp. 89–96.
CSEET-2007-KarunasekeraB #industrial- Preparing Software Engineering Graduates for an Industry Career (SK, KB), pp. 97–106.
CSEET-2007-KrogstieB #collaboration #learning #student- Cross-Community Collaboration and Learning in Customer-Driven Software Engineering Student Projects (BRK, BB), pp. 336–343.
CSEET-2007-LagoMBCPV #towards- Towards a European Master Programme on Global Software Engineering (PL, HM, LBD, IC, SP, HvV), pp. 184–194.
CSEET-2007-MeadHMRS #on the #source code- On the Feasibility of Specialization within Software Engineering Degree Programs (NRM, TBH, JM, MR, DS), pp. 362–366.
CSEET-2007-NavarroH #education #evaluation #simulation- Comprehensive Evaluation of an Educational Software Engineering Simulation Environment (EON, AvdH), pp. 195–202.
CSEET-2007-Parnas #education- Resolving Dilemmas in Software Engineering Education (DLP).
CSEET-2007-PortK #case study #experience #learning- Laptop Enabled Active Learning in the Software Engineering Classroom: An Experience Report (DP, RK), pp. 262–274.
CSEET-2007-PortN #education #named- Panel: Software Engineering Education for a Flat World (DP, RN), p. 361.
CSEET-2007-Richardson #research #student- Preparing Students for Software Engineering Research (IR), p. 367.
CSEET-2007-RootRT #concept #using- Key Software Engineering Concepts for Project Success: The Use of “Boot Camp” to Establish Successful Software Projects (DR, MRL, GT), pp. 203–210.
CSEET-2007-Taran #education #game studies #risk management #using- Using Games in Software Engineering Education to Teach Risk Management (GT), pp. 211–220.
CSEET-2007-TaranR #case study #comparative #education #people #perspective #process- Software Engineering Education in Russia: A Comparative Study of People, Process and Technology a Four Year Perspective (GT, MRL), pp. 19–28.
CSEET-2007-ThayerM #standard #student- IEEE Software Engineering Standards: A Student’s Version (RHT, ADM), pp. 229–236.
CSEET-2007-Wang #education- Software Engineering Education in China (YW).
CSEET-2007-Yimei #embedded- A Graduate Program on Embedded Software Engineering in China (KY), pp. 3–10.
CSEET-2007-Zeid #lessons learnt- Lessons Learned from Establishing a Software Engineering Academic Programme in Developing Countries (AZ), pp. 11–18.
ITiCSE-2007-HonigP #experience #learning #outsourcing- A classroom outsourcing experience for software engineering learning (WLH, TP), pp. 181–185.
WCRE-J-2005-AkersBMEL07 #automation #c++ #case study #component #modelling #program transformation- Case study: Re-engineering C++ component models via automatic program transformation (RLA, IDB, MM, BJE, KRL), pp. 275–291.
CSMR-2007-NierstraszKGLB #modelling- Example-Driven Reconstruction of Software Models (ON, MK, TG, ML, HB), pp. 275–286.
CSMR-2007-PolletDPACV #architecture #taxonomy #towards- Towards A Process-Oriented Software Architecture Reconstruction Taxonomy (DP, SD, LP, IA, SC, HV), pp. 137–148.
CSMR-2007-Stoermer #analysis #architecture #quality- Software Quality Attribute Analysis by Architecture Reconstruction (SQUA3RE) (CS), pp. 361–364.
ICPC-2007-Harman #comprehension- Search Based Software Engineering for Program Comprehension (MH), pp. 3–13.
ICSM-2007-BalintMGM #distributed #named- NOREX: A Distributed Reengineering Environment (MB, PFM, TG, RM), pp. 523–524.
ICSM-2007-HassanZ - MythSE Myths in Software Engineering Half day ICSM 2007Working Session (AEH, TZ), pp. 489–490.
ICSM-2007-WangSY #case study #distributed #experience- Experience Report: Reengineering Standalone System into the Service-Partition Distributed Environment (XW, JS, XY), pp. 477–480.
SCAM-2007-BinderHM #bytecode #java #runtime #standard- Reengineering Standard Java Runtime Systems through Dynamic Bytecode Instrumentation (WB, JH, PM), pp. 91–100.
WCRE-2007-Baxter #tool support- Reengineering Tools: A Perspective from the Trenches (IDB).
WCRE-2007-Cornelissen #architecture #dynamic analysis- Dynamic Analysis Techniques for the Reconstruction of Architectural Views (BC), pp. 281–284.
WCRE-2007-SartipiD #architecture #component #framework #interactive- An Amalgamated Dynamic and Static Architecture Reconstruction Framework to Control Component Interactions 259 (KS, ND), pp. 259–268.
SEFM-2007-HallRJ #framework #problem- Problem Oriented Software Engineering: A design-theoretic framework for software engineering (JGH, LR, MJ), pp. 15–24.
SEFM-2007-Jackson - Specialising in Software Engineering (MJ), p. 3.
HCI-IDU-2007-MemmelGR #lifecycle #named #user interface- CRUISER: A Cross-Discipline User Interface and Software Engineering Lifecycle (TM, FG, HR), pp. 174–183.
HCI-IDU-2007-NebeZ #aspect-oriented #design #process- Aspects of Integrating User Centered Design into Software Engineering Processes (KN, DZ), pp. 194–203.
CAiSE-2007-GrauF #framework #named- ReeF: Defining a Customizable Reengineering Framework (GG, XF), pp. 485–500.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-KornyshovaS #multi #process- Business Process Priorisation with Multicriteria Methods — Case of Business Process Reengineering (EK, CS), pp. 138–143.
MLDM-2007-TanN #data mining #mining #privacy #probability- Generic Probability Density Function Reconstruction for Randomization in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining (VYFT, SKN), pp. 76–90.
SIGIR-2007-CormackHS #mobile- Feature engineering for mobile (SMS) spam filtering (GVC, JMGH, EPS), pp. 871–872.
ASE-2007-Easterbrook #empirical #research- Empirical research methods for software engineering (SME), p. 574.
ASE-2007-MenziesEHFMB #automation- The business case for automated software engineering (TM, OER, JH, MSF, RJM, BWB), pp. 303–312.
ESEC-FSE-2007-NikolovI #ecosystem #education #research- Building a research university ecosystem: the case of software engineering education at Sofia University (RN, SI), pp. 491–500.
ESEC-FSE-2007-Weyuker #research- Software engineering research: from cradle to grave (EJW), pp. 305–311.
ICSE-2007-ChalabineK #aspect-oriented #automation #framework #weaving- A Formal Framework for Automated Round-Trip Software Engineering in Static Aspect Weaving and Transformations (MC, CWK), pp. 137–146.
ICSE-2007-DuimAS #education- Good Practices for Educational Software Engineering Projects (LvdD, JA, MS), pp. 698–707.
ICSE-2007-HonidenTYTW #architecture #development #tool support- Top SE: Educating Superarchitects Who Can Apply Software Engineering Tools to Practical Development in Japan (SH, YT, NY, KT, HW), pp. 708–718.
ICSE-2007-Jones #analysis #case study #design #implementation- Bringing the Systems Analysis and Design Course into 21^st Century: A Case Study in Implementing Modern Software Engineering Principles (CGJ), pp. 744–747.
ICSE-2007-RubinM #education #security- Creating a Computer Security Curriculum in a Software Engineering Program (BSR, BSM), pp. 732–735.
ICSE-2007-Staron #education #evaluation #learning #process #student #using- Using Experiments in Software Engineering as an Auxiliary Tool for Teaching — A Qualitative Evaluation from the Perspective of Students’ Learning Process (MS), pp. 673–676.
ICSE-2007-TurhanB - A Template for Real World Team Projects for Highly Populated Software Engineering Classes (BT, ABB), pp. 748–753.
ICSE-2007-WilliamsLSBS #collaboration #on the #student- On the Impact of a Collaborative Pedagogy on African American Millennial Students in Software Engineering (LW, LL, KMS, SBB, CBS), pp. 677–687.
SAC-2007-Liebrock #analysis #integration- Integration of well posedness analysis in software engineering (LML), pp. 1479–1483.
SAC-2007-WuFY #architecture #composition- Software reengineering with architecture decomposition (LW, YF, HY), pp. 1489–1493.
ESOP-2007-KnowlesF #refinement- Type Reconstruction for General Refinement Types (KLK, CF), pp. 505–519.
VLDB-2006-ZhengFCGKD #algorithm #data transformation #named- Crimson: A Data Management System to Support Evaluating Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Algorithms (YZ, SF, SC, SG, JK, SBD), pp. 1231–1234.
CSEET-2006-BasiliB #education- Software Engineering Instruction and Education Theory: A Dialogue (PAB, VRB), p. 6.
CSEET-2006-BurgeT #case study #challenge #education #using- Rising to the Challenge: Using Business-Oriented Case Studies in Software Engineering Education (JEB, DT), pp. 43–50.
CSEET-2006-Fairley #education- The Influence of COCOMO on Software Engineering Education and Training (REF), pp. 193–200.
CSEET-2006-Frailey - Bringing Realistic Software Engineering Assignments to the Software Engineering Classroom (DJF), pp. 51–60.
CSEET-2006-GrunbacherSBIKP #approach #education #student- Making Every Student a Winner: The WinWin Approach in Software Engineering Education (PG, NS, ROB, HPI, HK, DP), pp. 201–208.
CSEET-2006-JainB #game studies #named- SimVBSE: Developing a Game for Value-Based Software Engineering (AJ, BWB), pp. 103–114.
CSEET-2006-Kay #named #tutorial- Tutorial: Intellectual Property Law Basicsc For Software Engineering Educators (DGK), pp. 242–244.
CSEET-2006-Kontio #education #industrial #lessons learnt #named- Panel: Industrial Impact through Education — Lessons Learned from Barry Boehm’s Contributions to Software Engineering (JK), pp. 237–240.
CSEET-2006-LucenaBG #case study #education #experience #student- A Germany-Brazil Experience Report on Teaching Software Engineering for Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Students (VFdLJ, AB, PG), pp. 69–76.
CSEET-2006-LundqvistS - A First Course in Software Engineering for Aerospace Engineers (KL, JS), pp. 77–86.
CSEET-2006-MeadH #case study #education #requirements #security- Security Requirements Engineering for Software Systems: Case Studies in Support of Software Engineering Education (NRM, EDH), pp. 149–158.
CSEET-2006-OLearyLGHB #education #industrial- Developing a Software Engineering Curriculum for the Emerging Software Industry in China (CO, DL, DG, HL, KB), pp. 115–122.
CSEET-2006-RappaSY - Open Course Resources as Part of the OpenSeminar in Software Engineering (MR, SES, AY), pp. 187–192.
CSEET-2006-Redwine #education- Workshop on Secure Software Engineering Education & Training (WSSEET 2006) (STRJ), p. 245.
CSEET-2006-ThomasWT #case study #delivery #education #experience- Eight Years of Delivering Professional Education and Training for Software Engineering at Fraunhofer IESE: An Experience Report (LT, PEW, ST), pp. 131–140.
CSEET-2006-ThompsonE #education #industrial- Workshop on Best Practice in Software Engineering: The Role of Industry in Software Engineering Education and Training (JBT, HME), p. 247.
CSEET-2006-ValerdiM - Impact & Contributions of MBASE on Software Engineering Graduate Courses (RV, RJM), pp. 209–218.
CSEET-2006-WangS #learning- Writing as a Tool for Learning Software Engineering (AIW, CFS), pp. 35–42.
ITiCSE-2006-Boetje #education- Foundational actions: teaching software engineering when time is tight (JB), pp. 285–288.
ITiCSE-2006-HislopHLS #education- Sharing software engineering curriculum materials (GWH, TBH, MJL, MJS), p. 332.
ITiCSE-2006-PetkovicTT #comparison #education #evaluation- Teaching practical software engineering and global software engineering: evaluation and comparison (DP, GDT, RT), pp. 294–298.
ITiCSE-2006-Quade #hybrid #learning- Developing a hybrid software engineering curse that promotes project-based active learning (AMQ), p. 308.
CSMR-2006-Cleve #approach #automation #database- Automating Program Conversion in Database Reengineering A Wrapper-based Approach (AC), pp. 323–326.
CSMR-2006-Harman #maintenance #search-based- Search-Based Software Engineering for Maintenance and Reengineering (MH), p. 311.
ICSM-2006-BuchtaPPR #education #evolution #open source- Teaching Evolution of Open-Source Projects in Software Engineering Courses (JB, MP, DP, VR), pp. 136–144.
ICSM-2006-Dugerdil #process- Reengineering Process Based on the Unified Process (PD), pp. 330–333.
ICSM-2006-Notkin #research- Unconventional Views on Conventional Wisdom about Software Engineering Research (DN), p. 201.
ICSM-2006-Robles #empirical #open source #research- Empirical Software Engineering Research on Free/Libre/Open Source Software (GR), pp. 347–350.
ICSM-2006-ZhangCZ #e-commerce #process #user interface #using- Reengineering User Interfaces of E-Commerce Applications Using Business Processes (QZ, RC, YZ), pp. 428–437.
MSR-2006-SigonneauR #automation #component #file system #logic #multi- Software engineering applications of logic file system: application to automated multi-criteria indexation of software components (BS, OR), pp. 87–93.
WCRE-2006-Meyer - Pattern-based Reengineering of Software Systems (MM), pp. 305–306.
WCRE-2006-SartipiDS #architecture #multi- An Orchestrated Multi-view Software Architecture Reconstruction Environment (KS, ND, HS), pp. 61–70.
ICALP-v1-2006-BlellochDHRSS #parametricity- Fixed Parameter Tractability of Binary Near-Perfect Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction (GEB, KD, EH, RR, RS, SS), pp. 667–678.
FM-2006-Johnson #effectiveness #security- Cost Effective Software Engineering for Security (DRJ), pp. 607–611.
RTA-2006-BoichutG #approximate- Feasible Trace Reconstruction for Rewriting Approximations (YB, TG), pp. 123–135.
AIIDE-2006-PriceG #network #using- Plausible Environment Reconstruction Using Bayesian Networks (RGP, SDG), pp. 130–132.
EDOC-2006-BrennerAPMMS #component #testing #verification- Reducing Verification Effort in Component-Based Software Engineering through Built-In Testing (DB, CA, BP, RM, MM, DS), pp. 175–184.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-DasguptaSKG #hybrid #modelling #using- Hybrid Modeling Using I* and Agentspeak(L) Agents in Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AD, FS, AK, AKG), pp. 420–425.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-EnamiTH #distributed #project management- A Project Management Model to a Distributed Software Engineering Environment (LNME, TFCT, EHMH), pp. 382–387.
ICPR-v1-2006-ArgyrosL #2d- Binocular Hand Tracking and Reconstruction Based on 2D Shape Matching (AAA, MIAL), pp. 207–210.
ICPR-v1-2006-HansenMT #analysis #clustering #sorting- Cluster Analysis and Priority Sorting in Huge Point Clouds for Building Reconstruction (WvH, EM, UT), pp. 23–26.
ICPR-v1-2006-HuMFDY #robust- Robust Projective Reconstruction with Missing Information (MH, KM, SF, GD, BY), pp. 547–550.
ICPR-v1-2006-LameckerWH #3d #image- Atlas-based 3D-Shape Reconstruction from X-Ray Images (HL, THW, HCH), pp. 371–374.
ICPR-v1-2006-LladoBA #parametricity #using- Euclidean Reconstruction of Deformable Structure Using a Perspective Camera with Varying Intrinsic Parameters (XL, ADB, LdA), pp. 139–142.
ICPR-v1-2006-Lopez-de-TeruelRF #3d #navigation #performance #visual notation- Efficient Monocular 3D Reconstruction from Segments for Visual Navigation in Structured Environments (PELdT, AR, LF), pp. 143–146.
ICPR-v1-2006-MaiH #approach #multi- Augmented Lagrangian Approach for Projective Reconstruction from Multiple Views (FM, YSH), pp. 634–637.
ICPR-v1-2006-NishieS #3d- 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Cameras and Uncalibrated Projectors from Shadows (KN, JS), pp. 15–18.
ICPR-v1-2006-OlagueP #3d #approach- Honeybees as an Intelligent based Approach for 3D Reconstruction (GO, CP), pp. 1116–1119.
ICPR-v1-2006-ReiterDLB #3d #analysis #canonical #correlation #using- 3D and Infrared Face Reconstruction from RGB data using Canonical Correlation Analysis (MR, RD, GL, HB), pp. 425–428.
ICPR-v1-2006-TakizawaY #3d #modelling #using- Surface Reconstruction from Stereovision Data Using a 3-D MRF of Discrete Object Models (HT, SY), pp. 27–30.
ICPR-v1-2006-TongT #3d #multi #set- Multiresolution Mesh Reconstruction from Noisy 3D Point Sets (WST, CKT), pp. 5–8.
ICPR-v1-2006-WenhardtDHND #3d #approach- An Information Theoretic Approach for Next Best View Planning in 3-D Reconstruction (SW, BD, JH, HN, JD), pp. 103–106.
ICPR-v1-2006-WijewickremaPE #image #using- Reconstruction of Spheres using Occluding Contours from Stereo Images (SNRW, APP, CEE), pp. 151–154.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhongSH - Reconstruction from Plane Mirror Reflection (HZ, WFS, YSH), pp. 715–718.
ICPR-v2-2006-DhandraNHHM #documentation #identification #image- Script Identification Based on Morphological Reconstruction in Document Images (BVD, PN, MH, RH, VSM), pp. 950–953.
ICPR-v2-2006-Strand #3d #distance #fourier #grid #image #using- Using the Hexagonal Grid for Three-Dimensional Images: Direct Fourier Method Reconstruction and Weighted Distance Transform (RS), pp. 1169–1172.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChanLN - Extending the Depth of Field in a Compound-Eye Imaging System with Super-Resolution Reconstruction (WSC, EYL, MKN), pp. 623–626.
ICPR-v3-2006-ElterRW #image #motivation- Physically Motivated Reconstruction of Fiberscopic Images (ME, SR, CW), pp. 599–602.
ICPR-v3-2006-LeePL #image #kernel- Face Reconstruction with Low Resolution Facial Images by Feature Vector Projection in Kernel Space (SWL, JP, SWL), pp. 1179–1182.
ICPR-v3-2006-StelldingerL06b #3d- 3D Object Digitization: Topology Preserving Reconstruction (PS, LJL), pp. 693–696.
ICPR-v3-2006-WuT06a #image- A Regression Model in TensorPCA Subspace for Face Image Super-resolution Reconstruction (JW, MMT), pp. 627–630.
ICPR-v4-2006-KanbaraUKY #3d #image- 3D Scene Reconstruction from Reflection Images in a Spherical Mirror (MK, NU, MK, NY), pp. 874–879.
ICPR-v4-2006-YanY - A Nonlinear Variational Model for PET Reconstruction (JY, JY), pp. 699–702.
ICPR-v4-2006-YoshikiSM #3d #database #image- Reconstruction of 3D Face Model from Single Shading Image Based on Anatomical Database (KY, HS, MM), pp. 350–353.
SEKE-2006-BoukercheL #rule-based #towards- Reengineering a Rule-Based System towards a Planning System (KB, HL), pp. 619–624.
SEKE-2006-LeeK #architecture #case study #framework #verification- Verifying a Software Architecture Reconstruction Framework with a Case Study (SL, SK), pp. 102–107.
SEKE-2006-LiLWD #process- A Negotiation Model for the Process Agents in an Agent-Based Process-Centered Software Engineering Environment (NL, ML, QW, SD), pp. 664–669.
SEKE-2006-ThaddeusR #knowledge-based- Ontology-driven Model for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (ST, SVKR), pp. 337–342.
ECMDA-FA-2006-GuzmanPP #database #web #web service- A Methodology for Database Reengineering to Web Services (IGRdG, MP, MP), pp. 226–240.
ECMDA-FA-2006-ReusGD - Harvesting Software Systems for MDA-Based Reengineering (TR, HG, AvD), pp. 213–225.
MoDELS-2006-SussMKWW - MDA-Based Re-engineering with Object-Z (JGS, TM, SKK, LW, GW), pp. 291–305.
MoDELS-2006-SussMKWW - MDA-Based Re-engineering with Object-Z (JGS, TM, SKK, LW, GW), pp. 291–305.
PPDP-2006-SchrijversB #algebra #data type #polymorphism- Polymorphic algebraic data type reconstruction (TS, MB), pp. 85–96.
RE-2006-GrauFA #java #named #process- J-PRiM: A Java Tool for a Process Reengineering i* Methodology (GG, XF, SÁ), pp. 352–353.
ASE-2006-ChalabineKB #aspect-oriented #automation #weaving- Automated Round-trip Software Engineering in Aspect Weaving Systems (MC, CWK, PB), pp. 305–308.
ASE-2006-EstublierG #concurrent- Concurrent Engineering support in Software Engineering (JE, SG), pp. 209–220.
ICSE-2006-BernhartGHZ #design- Dimensions of software engineering course design (MB, TG, JH, WZ), pp. 667–672.
ICSE-2006-Bishop #challenge #multi #platform #user interface- Multi-platform user interface construction: a challenge for software engineering-in-the-small (JB), pp. 751–760.
ICSE-2006-Boehm - A view of 20th and 21st century software engineering (BWB), pp. 12–29.
ICSE-2006-Broy #challenge- Challenges in automotive software engineering (MB), pp. 33–42.
ICSE-2006-BruschiWM - Software engineering for secure systems (DB, BDW, MM), pp. 1007–1008.
ICSE-2006-BudgenB - Performing systematic literature reviews in software engineering (DB, PB), pp. 1051–1052.
ICSE-2006-ChengGLMTFM #adaptation #self- Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems (BHCC, DG, RdL, JM, RT, SF, HAM), pp. 1015–1016.
ICSE-2006-El-Ramly #education #experience- Experience in teaching a software reengineering course (MER), pp. 699–702.
ICSE-2006-Fischer - Software engineering themes for the future (GF), pp. 1043–1044.
ICSE-2006-KramerH #abstraction- The role of abstraction in software engineering (JK, OH), pp. 1017–1018.
ICSE-2006-Lemos #architecture #perspective- Software architectures for dependable systems: a software engineering perspective (RdL), pp. 1065–1066.
ICSE-2006-MitaniKMIHIBM #empirical #framework #industrial #research- Effects of software industry structure on a research framework for empirical software engineering (YM, NK, TM, SI, YH, KI, MB, KiM), pp. 616–619.
ICSE-2006-Stankovic - Software engineering for undergraduates (NS), pp. 661–666.
ICSE-2006-ThompsonE #education #industrial- Third international summit on software engineering education (SSEE III): bridging the university/industry gap (JBT, HME), pp. 1011–1012.
ICSE-2006-WangSYHHM #c++ #distributed #legacy- Reengineering standalone C++ legacy systems into the J2EE partition distributed environment (XW, JS, XY, CH, ZH, SRM), pp. 525–533.
ICSE-2006-YangM #development #industrial- Development of software engineering: co-operative efforts from academia, government and industry (FY, HM), pp. 2–11.
ICSE-2006-ZannierMM #empirical #on the- On the success of empirical studies in the international conference on software engineering (CZ, GM, FM), pp. 341–350.
SAC-2006-Gomez-SanzP #coordination #multi- Defining coordination in multi-agent systems within an agent oriented software engineering methodology (JJGS, JP), pp. 424–428.
FASE-2006-Ghezzi #problem- Software Engineering: Emerging Goals and Lasting Problems (CG), p. 2.
STOC-2006-DaskalakisMR - Optimal phylogenetic reconstruction (CD, EM, SR), pp. 159–168.
WICSA-2005-Abi-AntounC #architecture #case study #incremental #legacy- A Case Study in Incremental Architecture-Based Re-engineering of a Legacy Application (MAA, WC), pp. 159–168.
WICSA-2005-Riva #architecture #logic- Bridging the Concrete and Logical Domains for Software Architecture Reconstruction (CR), pp. 263–264.
HT-2005-BochicchioF #web- WARP for re-engineering of web applications (MAB, NF), pp. 295–297.
CSEET-2005-AlfonsoB #agile #education #process- An Iterative and Agile Process Model for Teaching Software Engineering (MIA, AB), pp. 9–16.
CSEET-2005-BleekLS #education #experience #industrial- Transferring Experience from Software Engineering Training in Industry to Mass University Education — The Big Picture (WGB, CL, AS), pp. 195–203.
CSEET-2005-BouillonKL #education- Software Engineering Projects in Distant Teaching (PB, JK, SL), pp. 147–154.
CSEET-2005-BunseGOPS #education #learning- xd Software Engineering Education Applying a Blended Learning Strategy for (CB, IG, MO, CP, SSN), pp. 95–102.
CSEET-2005-DutoitWPBR #education #using- Using Rationale for Software Engineering Education (AHD, TW, BP, LB, JR), pp. 129–136.
CSEET-2005-Ellis #learning #online- Autonomous Learning in Online and Traditional Versions of a Software Engineering Course (HJCE), pp. 69–76.
CSEET-2005-KonskyR #case study- A Case Study: GQM and TSP in a Software Engineering Capstone Project (BRvK, MCR), pp. 215–222.
CSEET-2005-LemayBZBL - Professional Engineering and Software Engineering (ML, RB, CZ, PB, RL), pp. 263–264.
CSEET-2005-Liu #communication #issue tracking #learning #student #tool support #using- Using Issue Tracking Tools to Facilitate Student Learning of Communication Skills in Software Engineering Courses (CL), pp. 61–68.
CSEET-2005-LutzS #architecture #education- Infusing Software Architecture into Software Engineering Curricula (MJL, AS), p. 259.
CSEET-2005-MahantiM #education #perspective- Software Engineering Education From Indian Perspective (RM, PKM), pp. 111–117.
CSEET-2005-Richardson #education #named- Informatics: Contextualizing Computer Science and Software Engineering Education (DJR), p. 3.
CSEET-2005-SaiedianLP #challenge #education #research- Software Engineering Education (SEE) Research and Publication: Issues, Challenges and Directions (HS, TCL, DP), p. 258.
CSEET-2005-SebernH #education #process- Integrating Software Engineering Process in an Undergraduate Curriculum (MJS, TBH), pp. 245–248.
CSEET-2005-ThompsonF #question- Best Practice: Is this the Cinderella Area of Software Engineering? (JBT, AJF), pp. 137–144.
CSEET-2005-Williams #education- Debunking the Geek Stereotype with Software Engineering Education (LW), p. 4.
CSEET-2005-WilliamsSR #agile #development- Resources for Agile Software Development in the Software Engineering Course (LW, SES, MR), pp. 236–238.
ITiCSE-2005-ClaypoolC #design #education #game studies- Teaching software engineering through game design (KTC, MC), pp. 123–127.
ITiCSE-2005-Ghafarian #education #reverse engineering- Reverse engineering technique to enhance software engineering education (AG), p. 354.
ITiCSE-2005-Liew #development #education- Teaching software development skills early in the Curriculum through software engineering (CWL), pp. 133–137.
ITiCSE-2005-Ludi #process #student- Active-learning activities that introduce students to software engineering fundamentals (SL), pp. 128–132.
ITiCSE-2005-SweedykK #game studies- Fun and games: a new software engineering course (ES, RMK), pp. 138–142.
ITiCSE-2005-WoitB #challenge #communication #distributed #student- Student communication challenges in distributed software engineering environments (DMW, KJB), pp. 286–290.
CSMR-2005-BoronatCR #automation #logic #using- Automatic Reengineering in MDA Using Rewriting Logic as Transformation Engine (AB, JÁC, IR), pp. 228–231.
CSMR-2005-PentaT #automation #evolution #tool support #towards- Towards the Automatic Evolution of Reengineering Tools (MDP, KT), pp. 241–244.
ICSM-2005-DemeyerDN #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Reengineering: Patterns and Techniques (SD, SD, ON), pp. 723–724.
ICSM-2005-GuzmanPP #ide- An Integrated Environment for Reengineering (IGRdG, MP, MP), pp. 165–174.
ICSM-2005-JinC #analysis #integration #ontology #tool support- Ontology-Based Software Analysis and Reengineering Tool Integration: The OASIS Service-Sharing Methodology (DJ, JRC), pp. 613–616.
ICSM-2005-Sommerville #challenge #research- Software Construction by Configuration: Challenges for Software Engineering Research (IS), p. 9.
IWPC-2005-JinW - Working Session on Interoperable Reengineering Services (DJ, AW), pp. 291–293.
MSR-2005-GorgW #detection #fault #refactoring- Error detection by refactoring reconstruction (CG, PW), pp. 86–90.
MSR-2005-HayesDS #feedback #how #mining- Text mining for software engineering: how analyst feedback impacts final results (JHH, AD, SKS), pp. 56–60.
SCAM-2005-BermudoKH #assembly #control flow #graph #source code- Control Flow Graph Reconstruction for Assembly Language Programs with Delayed Instructions (NB, AK, RNH), pp. 107–118.
WCRE-2005-AkersBMEL #automation #c++ #component #modelling #program transformation- Reengineering C++ Component Models via Automatic Program Transformation (RLA, IDB, MM, BJE, KRL), pp. 13–22.
WCRE-2005-GraafOC #product line #towards- Reengineering towards Product Lines (R2PL 2005) (BG, LO, RC), p. 231.
WCRE-2005-Sneed #cost analysis- Estimating the Costs of a Reengineering Project (HMS), pp. 111–119.
SEFM-2005-Bjorner - A Cloverleaf of Software Engineering (DB), pp. 75–85.
ICEIS-v3-2005-GarciaLPAAM #approach #aspect-oriented #towards- Towards an Approach for Aspect-Oriented Software Reengineering (VCG, DL, AFdP, ESdA, AÁ, SRdLM), pp. 274–279.
SEKE-2005-Aoyama #challenge #embedded #ubiquitous- Challenges of Embedded and Ubiquitous Software Engineering from the Perspective of Networked Ecological Systems (MA), p. 792.
SEKE-2005-FalboPS #delivery #multi- A Multi-Agent System for Knowledge Delivery in a Software Engineering Environment (RdAF, JP, MMS), pp. 253–258.
SEKE-2005-FalboRM #ontology #semantics #using- Using Ontologies to Add Semantics to a Software Engineering Environment (RdAF, FBR, RDM), pp. 151–156.
SEKE-2005-Hazeyama #overview- State of the Survey on Team-based Software Engineering Project Course (AH), pp. 430–435.
SEKE-2005-InL #ubiquitous- Software Engineering Issues for Ubiquitous Entertainment Service (HPI, DhL), p. 790.
SEKE-2005-PaivaF #case study #design- Design Rationale in Software Engineering: A Case Study (DMBP, RPdMF), pp. 342–347.
SEKE-2005-Short - Software Engineering Strategies for Seamless Computing (CS), p. 2.
SEKE-2005-ZhangLY #delivery #identification- Service Identification and Packaging in Service Oriented Reengineering (ZZ, RL, HY), pp. 620–625.
MoDELS-2005-EstublierVI #domain-specific language- Composing Domain-Specific Languages for Wide-Scope Software Engineering Applications (JE, GV, ADI), pp. 69–83.
SPLC-2005-KangKLK #case study #feature model #legacy #product line- Feature-Oriented Re-engineering of Legacy Systems into Product Line Assets — a Case Study (KCK, MK, JL, BK), pp. 45–56.
MoDELS-2005-EstublierVI #domain-specific language- Composing Domain-Specific Languages for Wide-Scope Software Engineering Applications (JE, GV, ADI), pp. 69–83.
AdaEurope-2005-SimonVP #ada #education- Teaching Software Engineering with Ada 95 (DS, GV, EP), pp. 115–128.
PLDI-2005-AyersSMARW #control flow #distributed #fault #named- TraceBack: first fault diagnosis by reconstruction of distributed control flow (AA, RS, CM, AA, JR, EW), pp. 201–212.
PLDI-2005-Herlihy #transaction- The transactional manifesto: software engineering and non-blocking synchronization (MH), p. 280.
SIGAda-2005-Davis #formal method- The affordable application of formal methods to software engineering (JFD), pp. 57–62.
ESEC-FSE-2005-DucasseGN #agile #named #smalltalk- Moose: an agile reengineering environment (SD, TG, ON), pp. 99–102.
ESEC-FSE-2005-GearB #component #towards #using- Reengineering towards components using “Reconn-exion” (ALG, JB), pp. 370–373.
ESEC-FSE-2005-NierstraszDG #agile #smalltalk- The story of moose: an agile reengineering environment (ON, SD, TG), pp. 1–10.
GTTSE-2005-Mosler - E-CARES Project: Reengineering of Telecommunication Systems (CM), pp. 447–458.
ICSE-2005-Alzamil #effectiveness #towards- Towards an effective software engineering course project (ZA), pp. 631–632.
ICSE-2005-AtleeLLST #guidelines #source code- Software engineering 2004: ACM/IEEE-CS guidelines for undergraduate programs in software engineering (JMA, RJL, TCL, AEKS, JBT), pp. 623–624.
ICSE-2005-Crnkovic #component #embedded- Component-based software engineering for embedded systems (IC), pp. 712–713.
ICSE-2005-GhezziM #challenge #education- The challenges of software engineering education (CG, DM), pp. 637–638.
ICSE-2005-GortonZ #architecture #case study #evaluation #experience #tool support- Tool support for just-in-time architecture reconstruction and evaluation: an experience report (IG, LZ), pp. 514–523.
ICSE-2005-HawthorneP #challenge #development #distributed #education #open source #outsourcing- Software engineering education in the era of outsourcing, distributed development, and open source software: challenges and opportunities (MJH, DEP), pp. 643–644.
ICSE-2005-HazzanT #aspect-oriented #education- Teaching human aspects of software engineering (OH, JET), pp. 647–648.
ICSE-2005-HoekKR #education- A B.S. degree in informatics: contextualizing software engineering education (AvdH, DGK, DJR), pp. 641–642.
ICSE-2005-KimLKHB #architecture #case study- Re-engineering software architecture of home service robots: a case study (MK, JL, KCK, YH, SB), pp. 505–513.
ICSE-2005-Liu #approach #open source- Enriching software engineering courses with service-learning projects and the open-source approach (CL), pp. 613–614.
ICSE-2005-Olalekan #empirical #problem #research- Conducting empirical software engineering research in Nigeria: the posing problems (ASO), pp. 633–634.
ICSE-2005-Peine - Rules of thumb for secure software engineering (HP), pp. 702–703.
ICSE-2005-ShawHO #design #education #what- Deciding what to design: closing a gap in software engineering education (MS, JDH, IO), pp. 607–608.
ICSE-2005-SterlingJ #adaptation- The software engineering of agent-based intelligent adaptive systems (LS, TJ), pp. 704–705.
ICSE-2005-Vliet #education- Some myths of software engineering education (HvV), pp. 621–622.
SAC-2005-AntonelliLM #image #segmentation- Segmentation and reconstruction of the lung volume in CT images (MA, BL, FM), pp. 255–259.
SAC-2005-WalkerMH #using- Surface reconstruction using shadow profilometry (CPW, NM, MGH), pp. 1250–1251.
SAC-2005-ZhaoCL #modelling #process- Applying agent technology to software process modeling and process-centered software engineering environment (XZ, KC, ML), pp. 1529–1533.
ATEM-2004-CleveHH05 #information management- Co-transformations in Information System Reengineering (AC, JH, JLH), pp. 5–15.
GPCE-2005-AliasB #domain-specific language #on the- On Domain-Specific Languages Reengineering (CA, DB), pp. 63–77.
GPCE-2005-NierstraszDD #object-oriented #overview #perspective- Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns — An Overview (ON, SD, SD), pp. 1–9.
PDP-2005-FritzscheRLFG #performance #predict- A Performance Prediction for Iterative Reconstruction Techniques on Tomography (PCF, AR, EL, JJF, IG), pp. 92–99.
FASE-2005-CaneteM #ontology #problem #towards- Towards a Theory on the Role of Ontologies in Software Engineering Problem Solving (JMC, FJGM), pp. 205–219.
WICSA-2004-DeursenHKMR #architecture #named- Symphony: View-Driven Software Architecture Reconstruction (AvD, CH, RK, LM, CR), pp. 122–134.
DocEng-2004-AndricHC #retrieval- Assisting artifact retrieval in software engineering projects (MA, WH, LC), pp. 48–50.
CSEET-2004-AlfertPS #education #modelling #tool support- Software Engineering Education Needs Adequate Modeling Tools (KA, JP, JS), pp. 72–77.
CSEET-2004-Bagert #education #named #roadmap- SEER: Charting a Roadmap for Software Engineering Education (DJB), pp. 158–161.
CSEET-2004-Cowling - The Crossover Project as an Introduction to Software Engineering (AJC), pp. 12–17.
CSEET-2004-EllisM #self- Self-Grading in a Project-Based Software Engineering Course (HJCE, RM), pp. 138–143.
CSEET-2004-Endicott-PopovskyF #agile #assurance #case study #education- A Case Study in Rapid Introduction of an Information Assurance Track into a Software Engineering Curriculum (BEP, DAF), pp. 118–123.
CSEET-2004-Frailey #challenge #education- Software Engineering Education 2010: A Challenge to Educators (DJF), pp. 154–155.
CSEET-2004-HassonC #case study #requirements #specification #using- A Case Study Involving the Use of Z to Aid Requirements Specification in the Software Engineering Course (PH, SC), pp. 84–90.
CSEET-2004-HazzanT #aspect-oriented #education #learning #process- Reflection Processes in the Teaching and Learning of Human Aspects of Software Engineering (OH, JET), pp. 32–38.
CSEET-2004-Hislop #development- Software Engineering Course Module Development Workshop (GWH), pp. 165–166.
CSEET-2004-HislopELM #adaptation #education #question- Graduate Software Engineering Education: Adapting for the BSSE? (GWH, HJCE, KSL, AMM), p. 152.
CSEET-2004-KonskyRN #design #education- Integrating Design Formalisms in Software Engineering Education (BRvK, MR, SN), pp. 78–83.
CSEET-2004-LeBlancLS #education #generative #source code #using- Generating Undergraduate Software Engineering Courses/Programs Using the Computing Curricula Software Engineering Volume (RJL, TCL, AEKS), pp. 167–168.
CSEET-2004-MacNeil #comprehension #education- Teaching for Understanding and Its Specialization to Software Engineering (PEM), pp. 24–29.
CSEET-2004-MezianeV #comparison- A Comparison of Computer Science and Software Engineering Programmes in English Universities (FM, SV), pp. 65–70.
CSEET-2004-PortK #empirical #research- Empirical Research in the Software Engineering Classroom (DP, DK), pp. 132–137.
CSEET-2004-PortK04a #empirical #research- Performing Empirical Software Engineering Research in the Classroom (DP, DK), pp. 172–173.
CSEET-2004-SeidmanF #risk management #source code- Software Offshoring ?^(a) Risks and Opportunities for Software Engineering Programs (SBS, LF), p. 153.
CSEET-2004-SmithLL #java #question #realtime- Can Real-Time Software Engineering be Taught to Java Programmers? (SS, SWL, AL), pp. 124–129.
CSEET-2004-SuriS #challenge #education #process- Incorporating Software Process in an Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum: Challenges and Rewards (DS, MJS), pp. 18–23.
CSEET-2004-ThompsonT #education- Workshop on Teaching Ethics in Software Engineering Programmes (JBT, ET), pp. 162–164.
CSEET-2004-TowellT #education- A Further Exploration of Teaching Ethics in the Software Engineering Curriculum (ET, JBT), pp. 39–44.
ITiCSE-2004-NavarroH #education #game studies #named #process #simulation- SimSE: an educational simulation game for teaching the Software engineering process (EON, AvdH), p. 233.
CSMR-2004-AversanoEMT - Supporting Decisions on the Adoption of Re-engineering Technologies (LA, RE, TM, MT), pp. 95–104.
CSMR-2004-JiangS #towards #web- Towards Reengineering Web Sites to Web-services Providers (YJ, ES), pp. 296–308.
CSMR-2004-Zdun #maintenance #using- Using Split Objects for Maintenance and Reengineering Tasks (UZ), pp. 105–114.
ICSM-2004-BaxterA #architecture #component #program transformation- Component Architecture Reengineering by Program Transformation (IDB, RLA), p. 509.
ICSM-2004-Tahvildari #framework #object-oriented #quality- Quality-Driven Object-Oriented Re-Engineering Framework (LT), pp. 479–483.
ICSM-2004-WardZH #assembly #legacy #migration- Legacy Assembler Reengineering and Migration (MPW, HZ, TH), pp. 157–166.
IWPC-2004-LuciaFST #analysis #web- Reengineering Web Applications Based on Cloned Pattern Analysis (ADL, RF, GS, GT), pp. 132–141.
WCRE-2004-Kollmann #case study #experience #industrial- Experiences with an Industrial Long-Term Reengineering Project (RK), pp. 8–16.
WCRE-2004-Sneed - Reengineering Reports (HMS), pp. 17–26.
ICGT-2004-BaresiH #graph transformation #perspective #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to Graph Transformation: A Software Engineering Perspective (LB, RH), pp. 431–433.
ICEIS-v1-2004-ChertourasC #approach #case study #enterprise #process- ERP Based Business Process Reengineering in a Human Resources Department: A Case Study Approach (KC, TC), pp. 78–83.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Daute #data flow #process #representation #uml- Representation of Business Information Flow with an Extension for UML: From Business Processes to Object-Orientated Software Engineering (OD), pp. 569–572.
ICEIS-v3-2004-MarinBSM #process #requirements- Requirements Engineering for the Business Process Re-Engineering: An Example in the Agro-Food Supply Chain (FM, PB, FS, LM), pp. 538–542.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Martens #analysis #web #web service- Analysis and Re-Engineering of Web Services (AM), pp. 419–426.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Raabe #modelling- Feature Matching in Model-Based Software Engineering (AR), pp. 163–172.
ICPR-v1-2004-SugimuraS - Camera Calibration and Reconstruction from the Chain Connection of Mutual Camera Projections (YS, JS), pp. 100–103.
ICPR-v1-2004-YamashitaKKM #documentation #image- Shape Reconstruction and Image Restoration for Non-Flat Surfaces of Documents with a Stereo Vision System (AY, AK, TK, KTM), pp. 482–485.
ICPR-v1-2004-ZhouT #analysis #clustering #coordination #documentation #geometry #visual notation- Coordinate Systems Reconstruction for Graphical Documents by Hough-feature Clustering and Geometric Analysis (YPZ, CLT), pp. 376–379.
ICPR-v2-2004-FayolleRT #3d #algorithm #modelling #search-based #using- 3D Shape Reconstruction of Template Models Using Genetic Algorithms (PAF, CR, CT), pp. 269–272.
ICPR-v2-2004-Ikeda #approximate #using- An Accurate Shape Reconstruction from Photometric Stereo Using Four Approximations of Surface Normal (OI), pp. 220–223.
ICPR-v2-2004-TakiS #3d #symmetry- 3D Reconstruction and Virtual Forming in Rotationally Symmetric Space (MT, JS), pp. 261–264.
ICPR-v2-2004-Wohler #3d #self- 3D Surface Reconstruction by Self-Consistent Fusion of Shading and Shadow Features (CW), pp. 204–207.
ICPR-v2-2004-YuWC #3d #algorithm #multi #performance #recursion- A Fast Recursive 3D Model Reconstruction Algorithm for Multimedia Applications (YKY, KhW, MMYC), pp. 241–244.
ICPR-v3-2004-BogushTS #3d- 3D Object Reconstruction from Non-Parallel Cross-Sections (ALB, AT, SS), pp. 542–545.
ICPR-v3-2004-FujimuraOT #3d #algorithm- Improved 3D Head Reconstruction System based on Combining Shape-From-Silhouette with Two-Stage Stereo Algorithm (KF, YO, TT), pp. 127–130.
ICPR-v3-2004-LeeC #3d #perspective- 3D Hand Reconstruction from a Monocular View (SUL, IC), pp. 310–313.
ICPR-v3-2004-LiuCLM #distance #image #kernel- Distance Based Kernel PCA Image Reconstruction (QL, JC, HL, SM), pp. 670–673.
ICPR-v3-2004-TankusSY #image- Reconstruction of Medical Images by Perspective Shape-from-Shading (AT, NAS, YY), pp. 778–781.
ICPR-v3-2004-WongMC #3d- 3D Model Reconstruction by Constrained Bundle Adjustment (KhW, MMYC), pp. 902–905.
ICPR-v4-2004-AdachiS #visual notation- Uncalibrated Visual Servoing from Projective Reconstruction of Control Values (JA, JS), pp. 297–300.
ICPR-v4-2004-FarenzenaBFB #bound- Rigorous Accuracy Bounds for Calibrated Stereo Reconstruction (MF, AB, AF, AB), pp. 288–292.
ICPR-v4-2004-JungHH - Frame Grouping Measure for Factorization-Based Projective Reconstruction (YYJ, YHH, HKH), pp. 112–115.
ICPR-v4-2004-LeungALS #approach #energy- An Energy Minimisation Approach to Stereo-Temporal Dense Reconstruction (CL, BA, BCL, CS), pp. 72–75.
ICPR-v4-2004-MegyesiC - Affine Propagation for Surface Reconstruction in Wide Baseline Stereo (ZM, DC), pp. 76–79.
ICPR-v4-2004-OrWCI #scalability- Large Scene Reconstruction with Local Details Recovery (SHO, KhW, MMYC, CYI), pp. 44–47.
ICPR-v4-2004-ReyesB #approach #geometry- Geometric Approach for Simultaneous Projective Reconstruction of Points, Lines, Planes, Quadrics, Plane Conics and Degenerate Quadrics (LR, EBC), pp. 60–63.
SEKE-2004-CollierOR #uml- A UML-based Software Engineering Methodology for Agent Factory (RWC, GMPO, CR), pp. 25–30.
SEKE-2004-JedlitschkaPB #framework- A Framework for Comprehensive Experience-based Decision Support for Software Engineering Technology Selection (AJ, DP, FB), pp. 342–345.
SEKE-2004-LeeR #case study #research #validation- Case Study Methodology Designed Research in Software Engineering Methodology Validation (SWL, DCR), pp. 117–122.
SPLC-2004-Bosch04a #architecture- Architecture-Centric Software Engineering (JB), p. 314.
TOOLS-USA-2003-LucredioBPTA04 #component- A Component-Based Software Engineering Environment (DL, CDPB, AFdP, LCT, ESdA), pp. 51–74.
PEPM-2004-AkersBM #automation #c++ #component #program transformation- Invited application paper: re-engineering C++ components via automatic program transformation (RLA, IDB, MM), pp. 51–55.
SIGAda-2004-SwardC #ada- Re-engineering global variables in Ada (RES, ATC), pp. 29–34.
FSE-2004-Wolf #question #security- Is security engineering really just good software engineering? (ALW), p. 1.
ICSE-2004-BarkerT #challenge- Software Engineering Challenges in Bioinformatics (JAB, JMT), pp. 12–15.
ICSE-2004-BustardHS #named #research- BoF: New Directions in UK Software Engineering Research (DWB, MH, IS), pp. 693–694.
ICSE-2004-Card #statistics- Statistical Techniques for Software Engineering Practice (DNC), pp. 722–723.
ICSE-2004-DeursenR #architecture- Software Architecture Reconstruction (AvD, CR), pp. 745–746.
ICSE-2004-HarmanW #search-based- Getting Results from Search-Based Approaches to Software Engineering (MH, JW), pp. 728–729.
ICSE-2004-KazmanBJ #human-computer #interactive- Bridging the Gaps II: Bridging the Gaps between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (RK, LB, BEJ), pp. 773–774.
ICSE-2004-KitchenhamDJ - Evidence-Based Software Engineering (BAK, TD, MJ), pp. 273–281.
ICSE-2004-NierstraszD #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns (ON, SD), pp. 734–735.
ICSE-2004-Tonella #concept analysis- Formal Concept Analysis in Software Engineering (PT), pp. 743–744.
PDP-2004-Bilbao-CastroCFG #3d #algorithm #comparison #parallel- Parallelization and Comparison of 3D Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms (JRBC, JMC, JJF, IG), pp. 96–102.
ICDAR-2003-TombreL #recognition #retrieval- Graphics Recognition — from Re-engineering to Retrieval (KT, BL), p. 148–?.
CSEET-2003-Ahtee #education- Inspections and Historical Data in Teaching Software Engineering Project Course (TA), pp. 288–297.
CSEET-2003-AlfonsoM #learning- Learning Software Engineering with Group Work (MIA, FM), p. 309–?.
CSEET-2003-BakerNH #education #game studies- An Experimental Card Game for Teaching Software Engineering (AB, EON, AvdH), pp. 216–223.
CSEET-2003-BudgenT #education- Norm Gibbs and His Contribution to Software Engineering Education Through the SEI Curriculum Modules (DB, JET), p. 3.
CSEET-2003-Cowling03a #education #modelling #named- Modelling: A Neglected Feature in the Software Engineering Curriculum (AJC), pp. 206–215.
CSEET-2003-CrnkovicLS #question- Is Software Engineering Training Enough for Software Engineers? (IC, RL, AS), p. 140–?.
CSEET-2003-DalcherW #education- Together We Stand: Group Projects for Integrating Software Engineering in the Curriculum (DD, MW), p. 193–?.
CSEET-2003-Diaz-HerreraTR - Software Engineering Retraining — Different Perspectives (JLDH, PT, DR), p. 322–?.
CSEET-2003-DuleyHHS #education- Engineering an Introductory Software Engineering Curriculum (RD, GWH, TBH, AEKS), pp. 99–106.
CSEET-2003-EdwardsT - Reflections on a UK Masters Level Software Engineering Programme Intended for the Home and International Market (HME, JBT), p. 166–?.
CSEET-2003-EllisMMS #industrial- Industry/University Software Engineering Collaborations for the Successful Reeducation of Non-Software Professionals (HJCE, AMM, NRM, SBS), pp. 44–51.
CSEET-2003-GnatzKPS #approach #education- A Practical Approach of Teaching Software Engineering (MG, LK, FP, TS), pp. 120–128.
CSEET-2003-HilburnMHSL04 - Software Engineering Course Materials (TBH, SAM, GWH, MJS, MJL), p. 327–?.
CSEET-2003-HornK #case study- A Study Program for Professional Software Engineering (EH, MK), pp. 298–308.
CSEET-2003-LeBlancBHMLTSD04 #education- IEEE-CS/ACM Computing Curriculum Software Engineering Volume Project (RJL, MBM, TBH, SAM, TCL, JBT, AEKS, JLDH), p. 333–?.
CSEET-2003-Mason #development #process- Aligning Workforce Development & Software Process Improvement Strategy for Accelerated Adoption of Software Engineering Capability (JM), pp. 70–77.
CSEET-2003-NavedaBSAHE - Developing an Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree (JFN, DJB, SBS, JA, TBH, SE), p. 318–?.
CSEET-2003-Perez-MartinezS #coordination #education- A Coordinated Plan for Teaching Software Engineering in the Rey Juan Carlos University (JEPM, ASA), p. 107–?.
CSEET-2003-Peters - Educating Software Engineering Managers (LJP), p. 78–?.
CSEET-2003-Peters04 #performance- Managing the Performance of Software Engineering Professional (LJP), p. 338–?.
CSEET-2003-SindreSBC #experience- The Cross-Course Software Engineering Project at the NTNU: Four Years of Experience (GS, TS, GB, RC), p. 251–?.
CSEET-2003-StrooperCNS #education- Teaching Software Engineering Fundamentals to Practicing Engineers (PAS, DAC, SN, TS), pp. 36–43.
CSEET-2003-TelesO #communication #education- Reviewing the Curriculum of Software Engineering Undergraduate Courses to Incorporate Communication and Interpersonal Skills Teaching (VMT, CETdO), pp. 158–165.
CSEET-2003-Towell #education- Teaching Ethics in the Software Engineering Curriculum (ET), pp. 150–157.
CSEET-2003-X03d - Software Engineering in the 21st Century — a view from the trenche, p. 33.
CSEET-2003-X03e #education #independence- Undergraduate software engineering education options: independent programmes, specialisations or subjects, p. 34.
CSEET-2003-ZhangZZ #student- Improving Project Planning/Tracking for Student Software Engineering Projects through SOPPTS (JZ, DMZ, WMZ), pp. 185–192.
ITiCSE-2003-Cizmar #concept #development #multi- Software engineering concepts for multimedia development (DC), p. 230.
ITiCSE-2003-Hazzan #aspect-oriented #framework #social- Cognitive and social aspects of software engineering: a course framework (OH), pp. 3–6.
ITiCSE-2003-LinosHL - A service-learning program for computer science and software engineering (PKL, SH, JL), pp. 30–34.
ITiCSE-2003-Ramakrishan #experience- MUSE studio lab and innovative software engineering capstone project experience (SR), pp. 21–25.
ITiCSE-2003-SobelL #education- IEEE-CS/ACM computing curricula: software engineering volume (AEKS, TCL), pp. 217–218.
CSMR-2003-BailesP #design #framework #platform- Design Derivation of an Open, Java-Based Reengineering Platform (PAB, IP), pp. 239–248.
CSMR-2003-JeyaramanKR #legacy #process- Reengineering Legacy Application to E-Business with Modified Rational Unified Process (GJ, KK, VVSR), p. 143–?.
ICSM-2003-Baxter #architecture #automation #tool support- Massively Reengineering Architectures With Automated Tools (IDB), p. 463.
ICSM-2003-LinosB #learning #maintenance- Service Learning in Software Engineering and Maintenance (PKL, CBK), p. 336–?.
SCAM-2003-KortL - Parse-Tree Annotations Meet Re-Engineering Concerns (JK, RL), p. 161–?.
WCRE-2003-AlvaroLGPTA #component #named- Orion-RE: A Component-Based Software Reengineering Environment (AÁ, DL, VCG, AFdP, LCT, ESdA), pp. 248–259.
WCRE-2003-StoermerOV #architecture #quality #towards- Moving Towards Quality Attribute Driven Software Architecture Reconstruction (CS, LO, CV), pp. 46–56.
IFL-2003-Choppella #equation #polymorphism #using- Polymorphic Type Reconstruction Using Type Equations (VC), pp. 53–68.
AGTIVE-2003-Rotschke #graph transformation #using- Re-engineering a Medical Imaging System Using Graph Transformations (TR), pp. 185–201.
ICEIS-v3-2003-HarrisonABBRTL #information management #network- Key Issues in Information Systems and Software Engineering — Views From a Joint Network of Practitioners and Academics (RH, DEA, KHB, RB, MR, DT, KL), pp. 357–363.
ICEIS-v3-2003-Raabe #information management- Software Engineering Environment for Business Information Systems (AR), pp. 129–137.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Oriogun #analysis #case study #online #reliability #using- Content Analysis of Online Interrater Reliability Using the Transcript Reliability Cleaning Percentage (Trcp): A Software Engineering Case Study (PKO), pp. 296–307.
SEKE-2003-AversanoLGR #distributed #flexibility #named #overview- GENESIS: A Flexible and Distributed Environment for Cooperative Software Engineering (LA, ADL, MG, PR), pp. 497–502.
SEKE-2003-ChapinK #data mining #metric #mining- Validative measurement in software engineering: a data mining example (NC, MKM), pp. 626–633.
SEKE-2003-CookeD - Software Engineering as Technology Transfer (DEC, JD), pp. 340–345.
SEKE-2003-Ginige #development #process- Re-engineering Software Development Process for eBusiness Application Development (AG), pp. 1–8.
SEKE-2003-GoldmannHR #information management- Knowledge Management for Project Planning and Enactment in Software Engineering (SG, HH, MMR), pp. 393–397.
SEKE-2003-MenziesKF #automation #reduction #tool support- Improved Software Engineering Decision Support Through Automatic Argument Reduction Tools (TM, JDK, MSF), pp. 655–662.
SEKE-2003-SouzaORGR #consistency #detection #modelling #nondeterminism #using- Using Critiquing Systems for Inconsistency Detection in Software Engineering Models (CRBdS, HLRO, CRPdR, KMG, DFR), pp. 196–203.
ESEC-FSE-2003-HerbslebM #coordination #empirical- Formulation and preliminary test of an empirical theory of coordination in software engineering (JDH, AM), pp. 138–137.
ESEC-FSE-2003-Osterweil #comprehension #process #research- Understanding process and the quest for deeper questions in software engineering research (LJO), pp. 6–14.
ICSE-2003-BagertM #education #process #using- Using a Web-Based Project Process Throughout the Software Engineering Curriculum (DJB, SAM), pp. 634–640.
ICSE-2003-BakerNH #education #game studies #problem- Problems and Programmers: An Educational Software Engineering Card Game (AB, EON, AvdH), pp. 614–621.
ICSE-2003-Borchers #development #multi- The Software Engineering Impacts of Cultural Factors on Multi-cultural Software Development Teams (GB), pp. 540–547.
ICSE-2003-Broy - Automotive Software Engineering (MB), pp. 719–720.
ICSE-2003-BurnettCPRSW #paradigm #spreadsheet- End-User Software Engineering with Assertions in the Spreadsheet Paradigm (MMB, CRC, OP, GR, JS, CSW), pp. 93–105.
ICSE-2003-ConstantineL #agile #approach #usability #user interface- Usage-Centered Software Engineering: An Agile Approach to Integrating Users, User Interfaces, and Usability into Software Engineering Practice (LLC, LADL), pp. 746–747.
ICSE-2003-HayesLP #towards- Evaluating Individual Contribution Toward Group Software Engineering Projects (JHH, TCL, DP), pp. 622–627.
ICSE-2003-HedinBM #programming- Introducing Software Engineering by means of Extreme Programming (GH, LB, BM), pp. 586–593.
ICSE-2003-KazmanBB #human-computer #interactive- Bridging the Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (RK, LJB, JB), pp. 777–778.
ICSE-2003-SchneiderH #effectiveness #experience #repository- Effective Experience Repositories for Software Engineering (KS, JPvH), pp. 534–539.
ICSE-2003-Shaw #research- Writing Good Software Engineering Research Paper (MS), pp. 726–737.
ICSE-2003-SimEH #benchmark #challenge #metric #research #using- Using Benchmarking to Advance Research: A Challenge to Software Engineering (SES, SME, RCH), pp. 74–83.
ICSE-2003-SimpsonMGDM #assessment #on the- On The Supervision and Assessment Of Part-Time Postgraduate Software Engineering Projects (AS, AM, JG, JD, SM), pp. 628–633.
WICSA-2002-Riva #architecture- Architecture Reconstruction in Practice (CR), pp. 159–173.
CSEET-2002-BernsteinKK02a #comprehension #process #student #towards #tutorial- Tutorial 2: Measuring, Changing, and Measuring Changes in: Students’ Attitudes Toward and Understanding of Software Engineering Process (LB, DK, CK), p. 267.
CSEET-2002-BlakeC #development #education #lifecycle #object-oriented- Teaching an Object-Oriented Software Development Lifecycle in Undergraduate Software Engineering Education (MBB, TC), pp. 234–240.
CSEET-2002-DemuthFH #experience- Experience in Early and Late Software Engineering Project Courses (BD, MF, HH), p. 241–?.
CSEET-2002-DugginsT #education- An Historical Investigation of Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum (SD, BBT), p. 78–?.
CSEET-2002-GooldH - Foundation Software Engineering Practices for Capstone Projects and Beyond (AG, PH), p. 140–?.
CSEET-2002-Hayes #education- Energizing Software Engineering Education through Real-World Projects as Experimental Studies (JHH), pp. 192–206.
CSEET-2002-HislopLVU #source code- Panel 1: Changing Conditions for Undergraduate Software Engineering Programs (GWH, MJL, RBV, DAU), pp. 250–251.
CSEET-2002-HongCY #towards- Towards a Certification-Centred Software Engineering Programme (LWH, LSC, YHY), pp. 22–31.
CSEET-2002-Host #education #empirical- Introducing Empirical Software Engineering Methods in Education (MH), p. 170–?.
CSEET-2002-JovanovicMMSM #lessons learnt #source code- Panel 3: Software Engineering Masters Programs — Lessons Learned (VMJ, KLM, DM, DS, PEM), pp. 253–255.
CSEET-2002-Kaner #tutorial- Tutorial 4: Issues in Commmercial Law of Interest to Software Engineering Educators (CK), pp. 273–274.
CSEET-2002-KuhnHTC #education- Panel 4: The Software Studio in Software Engineering Education (SK, OH, JET, BC), p. 256–?.
CSEET-2002-Leveson #education #future of- The Future of Software Engineering Education (NGL), p. 2.
CSEET-2002-McCracken #bottom-up #comprehension #design #education #modelling- Models of Designing: Understanding Software Engineering Education from the Bottom Up (WMM), p. 55–?.
CSEET-2002-Modesitt #collaboration #future of #industrial- International Software Engineering University Consortium (ISEUC): A Glimpse into the Future of University and Industry Collaboration (KLM), p. 32–?.
CSEET-2002-RatcliffeWT #development #motivation #performance #scalability- Improving Motivation and Performance through Personal Development in Large Introductory Software Engineering Courses (MR, JW, LT), p. 108–?.
CSEET-2002-SeffahG #education- Learner-Centered Software Engineering Education: From Resources to Skills and Pedagogical Patterns (AS, PG), pp. 14–21.
CSEET-2002-ShuklaW #adaptation #programming- Adapting Extreme Programming for a Core Software Engineering Course (AS, LAW), pp. 184–191.
CSEET-2002-ThomasR - Workshop 2: First Year Software Engineering (LT, MR), p. 262.
CSEET-2002-ThompsonE #documentation #education #using- Workshop 1: Developing Software Engineering Courses Using Computing Curriculum 2001 (CC 2001) Documentation (JBT, HME), pp. 260–261.
CSEET-2002-WilliamsLHMMN #agile- Workshop 3: Integrating Agile Practices into Software Engineering Courses (LAW, MJL, GWH, MM, NRM, JFN), pp. 263–264.
CSEET-2002-Wolfe - Panel 2: The Canadian Engineering Profession and Software Engineering (DW), p. 252.
SCAM-J-2001-CordyDMS02 #txl #using- Source transformation in software engineering using the TXL transformation system (JRC, TRD, AJM, KAS), pp. 827–837.
CSMR-2002-Baburin #graph #using- Using Graph Based Representations in Reengineering (DEB), pp. 203–206.
CSMR-2002-BoulychevKT #on the- On Project-Specific Languages and Their Application in Reengineering (DYB, DVK, AAT), pp. 177–185.
CSMR-2002-DeursenV #wiki- The Reengineering Wiki (AvD, EV), pp. 217–220.
CSMR-2002-Raghavan #approach #mobile- A Practical Reengineering Approach for Mobile Terminal Software (GR), p. 193–?.
CSMR-2002-RivaR #architecture- Combining Static and Dynamic Views for Architecture Reconstruction (CR, JVR), p. 47–?.
CSMR-2002-TahvildariK #design pattern #on the #quality- On the Role of Design Patterns in Quality-Driven Re-engineering (LT, KK), pp. 230–240.
CSMR-2002-Zdun #architecture #web- Reengineering to the Web: A Reference Architecture (UZ), p. 164–?.
ICSM-2002-Jonge #pretty-printing- Pretty-Printing for Software Reengineering (MdJ), pp. 550–559.
ICSM-2002-LauCKL #e-commerce #enterprise #java #legacy- Re-Engineering of E-commerce Legacy Applications for Enterprise JavaTM Environment (TCL, YC, RK, JL), p. 573.
ICSM-2002-SatpathySR #case study #maintenance #object-oriented- Maintenance of Object Oriented Systems through Re-Engineering: A Case Study (MS, NTS, DR), pp. 540–549.
ICSM-2002-TahvildariK #framework #object-oriented #quality- A Software Transformation Framework for Quality-Driven Object-Oriented Re-engineering (LT, KK), pp. 596–605.
ICSM-2002-Wu #case study- Case Study on Software Engineering Practices with Parnas Tables (ZLW), p. 572.
WCRE-2002-HenrardHTH - Strategies for Data Reengineering (JH, JMH, PT, JLH), pp. 211–220.
WCRE-2002-StoermerOV #architecture- Practice Patterns for Architecture Reconstruction (CS, LO, CV), pp. 151–160.
ICALP-2002-LungoFNV #constraints- Discrete Tomography: Reconstruction under Periodicity Constraints (ADL, AF, MN, LV), pp. 38–56.
ICGT-2002-BaresiH #graph transformation #perspective #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to Graph Transformation: A Software Engineering Perspective (LB, RH), pp. 402–429.
ICGT-2002-Ghezzi #challenge #distributed #evolution #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous, Decentralized, and Evolving Software: Challenges for Software Engineering (CG), pp. 1–5.
ICGT-2002-MarburgerW #graph- Graph-Based Reengineering of Telecommunication Systems (AM, BW), pp. 270–285.
CAiSE-2002-Lu #architecture #database- Reengineering of Database Applications to EJB Based Architecture (JL), pp. 361–376.
ICEIS-2002-Cantone #empirical #metric #modelling #process- Experimental Software Engineering: Role and Impact of Measurement Models on Empirical Processes (GC), p. 3.
ICEIS-2002-GalatescuG #ontology #process- Ontologies Supporting Business Process Re-Engineering (AG, TG), pp. 602–609.
ICPR-v1-2002-Spitz #documentation- Progress in Document Reconstruction (ALS), pp. 464–467.
ICPR-v2-2002-HwangL - Face Reconstruction with a Morphable Face Model (BWH, SWL), pp. 366–369.
ICPR-v2-2002-SatoMOK #3d #image #representation- Hexagonal Image Representation for 3-D Photorealistic Reconstruction (HS, HM, AO, HK), pp. 672–676.
ICPR-v2-2002-YangP02a - High-Resolution Reconstruction of Sparse Data from Dense Low-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Data (QY, BP), pp. 261–264.
ICPR-v3-2002-IpFC #3d #image- Three-Dimensional Enhancement of Confocal Scanning Laser Fluorescence Microscope Images for Vascular Reconstruction (HHSI, JJF, SHC), pp. 863–866.
ICPR-v3-2002-SunPKA #3d #mobile #using- 3D Reconstruction of Indoor and Outdoor Scenes Using a Mobile Range Scanner (YS, JKP, AK, MAA), pp. 653–656.
ICPR-v3-2002-VinsonC #3d #multi #segmentation- Multiple Rectangle Model for Vuildings Segmentation and 3D Scene Reconstruction (SV, LDC), pp. 623–626.
ICPR-v4-2002-AppelN #3d #framework #image- 3D Reconstruction from Co-Registered Orthographic and Perspective Images: Theoretical Framework and Applications (MA, NN), pp. 21–26.
ICPR-v4-2002-FialaB #using- Panoramic Stereo Reconstruction Using Non-SVP Optics (MF, AB), p. 27–?.
LSO-2002-FeldmannP #case study #experience #online #repository- An On-Line Software Engineering Repository for Germany?s SME ? An Experience Report (RLF, MP), pp. 34–43.
LSO-2002-Ruhe #learning #paradigm- Software Engineering Decision Support ? A New Paradigm for Learning Software Organizations (GR), pp. 104–113.
SEKE-2002-ArndtCGM #distance #learning #multi #xml- An XML-based approch to multimedia software engineering for distance learning (TA, SKC, AG, PM), pp. 525–532.
SEKE-2002-BestSM #component #design #framework #information management #visualisation- Designing a component-based framework for visualization in software engineering and knowledge engineering (CB, MADS, JM), pp. 323–322.
SEKE-2002-Briand #information management #on the- On the many ways software engineering can benefit from knowledge engineering (LCB), pp. 3–6.
SEKE-2002-CanforaT #evaluation #nondeterminism #tool support- The importance of dealing with uncertainty in the evaluation of software engineering methods and tools (GC, LT), pp. 691–698.
SEKE-2002-DeshpandeCG #towards #web- Web site auditing: first step towards re-engineering (YD, AC, AG), pp. 731–737.
SEKE-2002-FalboGNBRM #semantics #towards- Towards semantic software engineering environments (RdAF, GG, ACCN, GB, FFR, PGM), pp. 477–478.
SEKE-2002-PaganelliP #automation #design #interactive #web- Automatic reconstruction of the underlying interaction design of web applications (LP, FP), pp. 439–445.
SEKE-2002-Pedrycz #paradigm- Computational intelligence as an emerging paradigm of software engineering (WP), pp. 7–14.
SEKE-2002-Wang #process- A process centred environment for cooperative software engineering (AIW), pp. 469–472.
SPLC-2002-FerberHS #dependence #feature model #interactive #legacy #modelling #product line- Feature Interaction and Dependencies: Modeling Features for Reengineering a Legacy Product Line (SF, JH, JS), pp. 235–256.
SPLC-2002-SmithBB #analysis #component #mining #product line #using- Using the Options Analysis for Reengineering (OAR) Method for Mining Components for a Product Line (DBS, LO, JB), pp. 316–327.
Ada-2002-BlotzHLPSZ #ada #development #modelling #safety- Model-Based Software Engineering and Ada: Synergy for the Development of Safety-Critical Systems (AB, FH, HL, AP, OS, HPZ), pp. 37–52.
AdaEurope-2002-Hoe #case study #development #experience- Software Development Reengineering — An Experience Report (AH), pp. 100–112.
ICSE-2002-BasiliMPZ #lessons learnt #process- Lessons learned from 25 years of process improvement: the rise and fall of the NASA software engineering laboratory (VRB, FEM, RP, MVZ), pp. 69–79.
ICSE-2002-Bosch #architecture- Architecture-centric software engineering (JB), pp. 681–682.
ICSE-2002-Emmerich #component #distributed- Distributed component technologies and their software engineering implications (WE), pp. 537–546.
ICSE-2002-ErdogmusBHRS - Software engineering economics: background, current practices, and future directions (MHE, BWB, WH, DJR, KJS), pp. 683–684.
ICSE-2002-GehrkeGNNTWZ #industrial- Reporting about industrial strength software engineering courses for undergraduates (MG, HG, UN, JN, MT, JPW, AZ), pp. 395–405.
SAC-2002-BesnardL #constraints #design #identification #industrial #lessons learnt #optimisation #reuse- Lessons from industrial design for software engineering through constraints identification, solution space optimisation and reuse (DB, ATL), pp. 732–738.
SAC-2002-RinePG #theory and practice- ACM SAC2002 software engineering: theory and applications (SETA) track description (DCR, JFP, JPG), pp. 969–970.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-KastnerW #assembly #control flow- Generic control flow reconstruction from assembly code (DK, SW), pp. 46–55.
WRLA-J-1996-WirsingK02 #approach #formal method #object-oriented- A formal approach to object-oriented software engineering (MW, AK), pp. 519–560.
FASE-2002-BaresiP #automation #visual notation- A Toolbox for Automating Visual Software Engineering (LB, MP), pp. 189–202.
CAV-2002-BarnerGG #backtracking #locality #reduction- Symbolic Localization Reduction with Reconstruction Layering and Backtracking (SB, DG, AG), pp. 65–77.
ICLP-2002-LauB #logic programming- Logic Programming for Software Engineering: A Second Chance (KKL, MVB), pp. 437–451.
CBSE-2001-GarlanS #component #pervasive- Component-Based Software Engineering in Pervasive Computing Environments (DG, BS), p. 10.
CSEET-2001-ArmaregoFR #development #learning #online- Constructing Software Engineering Knowledge: Development of an Online Learning Environment (JA, LF, GGR), pp. 258–267.
CSEET-2001-Cowling - Structuring the Disciplines Related to Software Engineering: A General Model (AJC), p. 231–?.
CSEET-2001-Cowling01a #algorithm #data type #education #experience #java- Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms in a Software Engineering Degree: Some Experience with Java (AJC), pp. 247–257.
CSEET-2001-DickPM #performance #student- Improving Student Performance in Software Engineering Practice (MD, MP, JM), pp. 143–152.
CSEET-2001-GotterbarnM #industrial- Software Engineering Ethics Training in Industry and Academe: Professionalism and the Software Engineering Code of Ethics (DG, KWM), p. 243–?.
CSEET-2001-GrothR #all about #education #process- It’s All about Process: Project Oriented Teaching of Software Engineering (DPG, ELR), pp. 7–17.
CSEET-2001-JovanovicSS #independence #question #source code- Independent Accreditation for Software Engineering Programs? (VMJ, DS, LS), pp. 75–76.
CSEET-2001-Kay - Computer Law Basics for Software Engineering Educators (DGK), p. 289–?.
CSEET-2001-Kruchten - Putting the “Engineering” into “Software Engineering” (PK), p. 111–?.
CSEET-2001-MaleticHM #case study #experience- Incorporating PSP into a Traditional Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report (JIM, AH, AM), pp. 89–97.
CSEET-2001-MatsumotoADT - A Case of Software Engineering Accreditation (YM, YA, OD, TT), p. 201–?.
CSEET-2001-McConnell - After the Gold Rush: Establishing a True Profession of Software Engineering (SM), p. 3–?.
CSEET-2001-Monarch #comprehension- Understanding Software Engineering Failure as Part of the SWEBOK (IM), p. 191–?.
CSEET-2001-NarayananN #experience- Building Software Engineering Professionals: TCS Experience (RN, SN), pp. 162–171.
CSEET-2001-Newman #case study #education- Observations on Relationships between Initial Professional Education for Software Engineering and Systems Engineering-A Case Study (IN), p. 172–?.
CSEET-2001-PortB #delivery #framework #product line #using- Using a Model Framework in Developing and Delivering a Family of Software Engineering Project Courses (DP, BWB), pp. 44–55.
CSEET-2001-PostemaMD #education #evolution- Including Practical Software Evolution in Software Engineering Education (MP, JM, MD), p. 127–?.
CSEET-2001-SindersonS #education #source code- Undergraduate Software Engineering Education: The Body of Knowledge, Existing Programs and Accreditation (ES, LS), pp. 221–230.
CSEET-2001-ThompsonE - Achieving a World-Wide Software Engineering Profession (JBT, HME), pp. 67–74.
CSEET-2001-VeerV #component #education #human-computer #interface- The Human-Computer Interface is the System: A Plea for a Poor Man’s HCI Component in Software Engineering Curricula (GCvdV, HvV), p. 276–?.
CSEET-2001-Willams #approach- Professional Engineers Ontario’s Approach to Licensing Software Engineering Practitioners (NSWW), p. 77–?.
ITiCSE-2001-AedoD #hypermedia- Applying software engineering methods for hypermedia systems (IA, PD), pp. 5–8.
ITiCSE-2001-Rutherfoord #using- Using personality inventories to help form teams for software engineering class projects (RHR), pp. 73–76.
ITiCSE-2001-Stevens #case study #education #experience- Experiences teaching software engineering for the first time (KTS), pp. 77–80.
CSMR-2001-CagninPMM #case study #comparison #maintenance #segmentation- Comparison of Maintainability Improvement by Segmentation and Reengineering — A Case Study (MIC, RP, PCM, JCM), pp. 158–167.
CSMR-2001-Wendorff #assessment #design pattern #lessons learnt #scalability- Assessment of Design Patterns during Software Reengineering: Lessons Learned from a Large Commercial Project (PW), pp. 77–84.
ICSM-2001-BianchiCMV #legacy- Iterative Reengineering of Legacy Functions (AB, DC, VM, GV), pp. 632–641.
ICSM-2001-Furone #architecture- An Architecture for Re-engineering of Client/Server Applications (AF), p. 105.
ICSM-2001-Layzell #evolution #maintenance #research #roadmap- Addressing the Software Evolution Crisis Through a Service-Oriented View of Software: A Roadmap for Software Engineering and Maintenance Research (PJL), p. 5.
ICSM-2001-Ward #assembly- The FermaT Assembler Re-engineering Workbench (MPW), pp. 659–662.
IWPC-2001-Lethbridge #tool support- Report from the Dagstuhl Seminar on Interoperability of Reengineering Tools (TCL), p. 119.
SCAM-2001-CordyDMS #txl- Software Engineering by Source Transformation-Experience with TXL (JRC, TRD, AJM, KAS), pp. 170–180.
WCRE-2001-AlhajjP #database #migration #object-oriented #relational- Reengineering Relational Databases to Object-Oriented: Constructing the Class Hierarchy and Migrating the Data (RA, FP), pp. 335–344.
WCRE-2001-Guilfanov #type system- A Simple Type System for Program Reengineering (IG), pp. 357–361.
WCRE-2001-TahvildariKM #framework- Requirements-Driven Software Re-engineering Framework (LT, KK, JM), pp. 71–80.
SVIS-2001-MiliS - Software Engineering — Introduction (RM, RS), pp. 129–137.
ICEIS-v1-2001-OriogunM #assessment #case study #framework #student- Winwin Decision Support Framework: A Case Study on Students’ In-Course Assessment in a Software Engineering Module (PKO, RM), pp. 370–376.
ICEIS-v1-2001-SivalankaSA #architecture #database #legacy- Architecture for Reengineering Legacy Databases (PNS, SVS, RA), pp. 145–150.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Bosilj-Vuksic #e-commerce #perspective #process- Business Process Reengineering and E-Commerce: Croatian Perspective (VBV), pp. 815–820.
ICEIS-v2-2001-PoelsD #approach #metric #modelling #process- An Integrated Approach of Modeling, Transformation and Measurement to Evaluate Business Process Re-Engineering (GP, GD), pp. 691–698.
KDD-2001-AggarwalP #concept #mining #semistructured data #set- Mining massively incomplete data sets by conceptual reconstruction (CCA, SP), pp. 227–232.
SEKE-2001-BergentiP #uml- Supporting Agent- Oriented Software Engineering with UML (FB, AP), pp. 291–298.
SEKE-2001-Chang #multi- A Special Presentation on Multimedia Software Engineering (SKC), p. 346.
SEKE-2001-Davis #requirements- Requirements Triage: The Most Important Part of Software Engineering… and the Most Ignored (AD), p. 275.
SEKE-2001-Pfleeger - Decision-Making in Software Engineering (SLP), p. 179.
SIGAda-2001-Fassbender #ada #information management #uml #using- Reengineering an Ada95-programmed command and control information system by using UML (HF), pp. 53–60.
RE-2001-GobboM #case study #fault tolerance #requirements #specification- Re-Engineering Fault Tolerance Requirements: A Case Study in Specifying Fault Tolerant Flight Control Systems (DDG, AM), pp. 236–247.
ASE-2001-GrosuLSSY #automation #concurrent #using- Automated Software Engineering Using Concurrent Class Machines (RG, YAL, SAS, SDS, JY), p. 297–?.
ASE-2001-MenziesK #process #reasoning- Better Reasoning About Software Engineering Activities (TM, JDK), pp. 391–394.
ESEC-FSE-2001-WallnauHS #component #concept #experience #tutorial- Half day tutorial in methods of component-based software engineering essential concepts and classroom experience (KCW, SAH, RCS), pp. 314–315.
ICSE-2001-BalzerG #industrial- Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments: Academic and Industrial Perspectives (RB, VG), pp. 671–672.
ICSE-2001-Baxter #maintenance #using- Using Transformation Systems for Software Maintenance and Reengineering (IDB), pp. 739–740.
ICSE-2001-BoehmP #student- Educating Software Engineering Students to Manage Risk (BWB, DP), pp. 591–600.
ICSE-2001-FioravantiMN #analysis #object-oriented- Reengineering Analysis of Object-Oriented Systems via Duplication (FF, GM, PN), pp. 577–586.
ICSE-2001-FreemanBSSDT - Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) (PF, DJB, HS, MS, RD, JBT), pp. 693–696.
ICSE-2001-HaebererM #framework- Scientific Rigour, an Answer to a Pragmatic Question: A Linguistic Framework for Software Engineering (AMH, TSEM), pp. 463–472.
ICSE-2001-HarmanJ #algorithm #metaheuristic #named #using- SEMINAL: Software Engineering Using Metaheuristic INnovative Algorithms (MH, BFJ), pp. 762–763.
ICSE-2001-MascoloEF #xml- XML Technologies and Software Engineering (CM, WE, AF), pp. 775–776.
ICSE-2001-Mehta #evolution #legacy #using- Evolving Legacy Systems Using Feature Engineering and CBSE (AM), pp. 797–798.
ICSE-2001-ModesittBW #overview #source code #what- Academic Software Engineering: What Is and What Could Be? Results of the First Annual Survey for International SE Programs (KLM, DJB, LHW), pp. 643–652.
ICSE-2001-Sabbah #internet- Software Engineering and the Internet (DS), p. 655.
ICSE-2001-SitaramanLWHW #approach #component #education #evaluation #formal method- A Formal Approach to Component-Based Software Engineering: Education and Evaluation (MS, TJL, BWW, EJH, LW), pp. 601–609.
ICSE-2001-SmithOB #analysis #architecture #component #mining #product line- Mining Components for a Software Architecture and a Product Line: the Options Analysis for Reengineering (OAR) Method (DBS, LO, JB), p. 728.
ICSE-2001-TvedtTG #education- The Software Factory: Combining Undergraduate Computer Science and Software Engineering Education (JDT, RT, KAG), pp. 633–642.
ICSE-2001-Voigt #challenge #perspective- Software Engineering Challenges: A CIO’s Perspective (BV), p. 666.
ICSE-2001-Wallnau #component #concept #experience- Methods of Component-Based Software Engineering: Essential Concepts and Classroom Experience (KCW), pp. 709–710.
SAC-2001-Chiang #architecture #distributed- A distributed object computing architecture for leveraging software reengineering systems (CCC), pp. 653–657.
CBSE-2000-AtkinsonBLZ #approach #component- Component-Based Software Engineering: The KobrA Approach (CA, JB, OL, JZ), p. 4.
CBSE-2000-CrnkovicLL #component- State of the Practice: Component-Based Software Engineering Course (IC, ML, FL), p. 13.
- DL-2000-MohLN #documentation #web
- Re-engineering structures from Web documents (CHM, EPL, WKN), pp. 67–76.
CSEET-2000-Bach #question- Software Engineering — Coming of Age or Reaching Too Far? (JB), p. 3–?.
CSEET-2000-BoehmKP #approach #development #education #research- A Combined Curriculum Research and Curriculum Development Approach to Software Engineering Education (BWB, GEK, DP), p. 310–?.
CSEET-2000-Boldyreff - The University of Durham BSc in Software Engineering and Proposed MEng in Software Engineering: A Position Paper (CB), p. 189.
CSEET-2000-BreretonLBBDLMY #case study #collaboration #student- Student Collaboration across Universities: A Case Study in Software Engineering (PB, SL, RB, CB, SD, PJL, LAM, RY), pp. 76–86.
CSEET-2000-Byrne #standard #student- Standards-Based Software Engineering Student Textbook (ERB), pp. 233–236.
CSEET-2000-Carter - Initiating an Undergraduate Program in Software Engineering (BDC), p. 307.
CSEET-2000-Cusick #education #lessons learnt #student- Lessons Learned from Teaching Software Engineering to Adult Students (JJC), p. 39–?.
CSEET-2000-DampierW #education #realtime- Teaching Scientific Method for Real-Time Software Engineering (DAD, REW), p. 199.
CSEET-2000-DrummondB #development #student- The Development and Trial of SEGWorld: A Virtual Environment for Software Engineering Student Group Work (SD, CB), p. 87–?.
CSEET-2000-DupuisB #information management- Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Diffusion and Experimentation Strategy (RD, PB), pp. 49–50.
CSEET-2000-EdwardsT - Workshop on Developing Graduate and Postgraduate Software Engineering Courses (HME, JBT), pp. 187–188.
CSEET-2000-EllisMY #education- Issues Affecting Graduate and Postgraduate Software Engineering Curricula (HJCE, JCM, HY), p. 190.
CSEET-2000-Grant - Undergraduate Software Engineering Degrees in Australia (DDG), pp. 308–309.
CSEET-2000-HarrisonN #programming- A Model-Oriented Programming Support Environment for Software Engineering Courses (CJH, MN), p. 191.
CSEET-2000-Kornecki #education #realtime- Real-Time Computing in Software Engineering Education (AJK), pp. 197–198.
CSEET-2000-Manderson #industrial- Graduate Software Engineering in Practice: First Industrial Contact (RM), p. 192.
CSEET-2000-McCrackenHRWB #education- A Proposed Curriculum for an Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree (WMM, IH, HAR, RW, LB), p. 246–?.
CSEET-2000-ParrishDHH #approach #case study #component #education- A Case Study Approach to Teaching Component Based Software Engineering (ASP, BD, DPH, JEH), p. 140–?.
CSEET-2000-Runeson #case study #experience- A New Software Engineering Program — Structure and Initial Experiences (PR), pp. 223–232.
CSEET-2000-SebernL #source code- Developing Undergraduate Software Engineering Programs (MJS, MJL), pp. 305–306.
CSEET-2000-SucciS #education #effectiveness #overview- A Survey on the Effectiveness of the Internet-Based Facilities in Software Engineering Education (GS, RS), pp. 66–75.
CSEET-2000-ThomasI - Questions about Developing a Postgraduate Software Engineering Program (LT, GI), p. 193.
CSEET-2000-Tomayko - A Historian’s View of Software Engineering (JET), p. 101–?.
CSEET-2000-Tremblay #formal method #question- Formal Methods: Mathematics, Computer Science, or Software Engineering? (GT), pp. 273–282.
CSEET-2000-Vaughn #industrial- A Report on Industrial Transfer of Software Engineering to the Classroom Environment (RBV), pp. 15–22.
CSEET-2000-Werner - A Graduate Course in Software Engineering (LLW), p. 194–?.
CSEET-2000-WilliamsK #education- The Effects of “Pair-Pressure” and “Pair-Learning” on Software Engineering Education (LAW, RRK), pp. 59–65.
CSEET-2000-Zalewski #automation #development #tool support- Automatic Development Tools in Software Engineering Courses (JZ), p. 200–?.
ITiCSE-2000-Chalk #learning #using- Apprenticeship learning of software engineering using Webworlds (PC), pp. 112–115.
ITiCSE-2000-DickPM #education #tool support- Teaching tools for software engineering education (MD, MP, JM), pp. 49–52.
ITiCSE-2000-FaulknerC #human-computer #usability- Enter the usability engineer: integrating HCI and software engineering (XF, FC), pp. 61–64.
CSMR-2000-BojicV #architecture #comprehension #reuse- A Use-Case Driven Method of Architecture Recovery for Program Understanding and Reuse Reengineering (DB, DMV), pp. 23–32.
CSMR-2000-CarchioloDLM - Re-Engineering the STMicroelectronics Manufacturing Model (VC, SD, AL, MM), pp. 231–234.
CSMR-2000-RolinskiR #evolution #maintenance #specification- Re-Engineering of Estelle Specifications for Maintenance and Evolution Purposes (PR, JLR), pp. 119–128.
CSMR-2000-SellinkV #assessment #development- Development, Assessment, and Reengineering of Language Descriptions (MPAS, CV), pp. 151–160.
CSMR-2000-Snelting #concept- Software Reengineering Based on Concept Lattices (GS), pp. 3–10.
ICSM-2000-Chiang #distributed- Leveraging Software Reengineering Systems for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environments (CCC), pp. 254–261.
WCRE-2000-BianchiCV #legacy #process- Method and Process for Iterative Reengineering of Data in a Legacy System (AB, DC, GV), p. 86–?.
WCRE-2000-CagninPBM #design pattern #using- Reengineering Using Design Patterns (MIC, RP, RTVB, PCM), pp. 118–127.
WCRE-2000-UngC #runtime- Dynamic Re-engineering of Binary Code with Run-time Feedbacks (DU, CC), pp. 2–10.
CAiSE-2000-PoelsVD #distance #information management #metric- Distance Measures for Information System Reengineering (GP, SV, GD), pp. 387–400.
ICEIS-2000-CouletteTCT #component #process- RHODES, A Process Component Centered Software Engineering Environment (BC, TDT, XC, DTBT), pp. 253–260.
ICEIS-2000-LiY #comprehension #enterprise #information management #nondeterminism #reasoning- Code Understanding Through Context-Oriented Uncertainty Reasoning for Enterprise Information System Reengineering (YL, HY), pp. 163–170.
ICEIS-2000-ThomsonMC #component #visual notation- Component Based Visual Software Engineering (ST, JM, DC), pp. 363–367.
ICEIS-2000-ToffolonD - The Software Engineering Global Model (CT, SD), pp. 368–376.
ICPR-v1-2000-AnsiaLPM #3d #automation #segmentation #using- Automatic 3D Shape Reconstruction of Bones Using Active Nets Based Segmentation (FMA, JL, MGP, AMG), pp. 1486–1489.
ICPR-v1-2000-GimelfarbZ #image #multi- Relative Image Orientation for Multiple-View Terrain Reconstruction (GLG, JQZ), pp. 1904–1907.
ICPR-v1-2000-GrossmannV - A Closed-Form Solution for Paraperspective Reconstruction (EG, JSV), pp. 1864–1867.
ICPR-v1-2000-HabedB #3d- Three-Dimensional Projective Reconstruction from Three Views (AH, BB), pp. 1415–1418.
ICPR-v1-2000-HeydenK - Direct Affine Reconstruction (AH, FK), pp. 1885–1888.
ICPR-v1-2000-Kanatani #3d #analysis #reliability- Gauge-Based Reliability Analysis of 3-D Reconstruction from Two Uncalibrated Perspective Views (KiK), pp. 1076–1079.
ICPR-v1-2000-PapaioannouKT #3d #recognition #segmentation- Segmentation and Surface Characterization of Arbitrary 3D Meshes for Object Reconstruction and Recognition (GP, EAK, TT), pp. 1734–1737.
ICPR-v1-2000-ParkLL #3d #modelling #recognition #using- Recognition and Reconstruction of 3-D Objects Using Model-Based Perceptual Grouping (IKP, SUL, KML), pp. 1720–1724.
ICPR-v1-2000-SbertS #3d- Stereo Reconstruction of 3D Curves (CS, AFS), pp. 1912–1915.
ICPR-v1-2000-SteinbachGEB #3d #multi #using- 3-D Object Reconstruction Using Spatially Extended Voxels and Multi-Hypothesis Voxel Coloring (EGS, BG, PE, AB), pp. 1774–1777.
ICPR-v2-2000-HwangLBV - Face Reconstruction from a Small Number of Feature Points (BWH, SWL, VB, TV), pp. 2838–2837.
ICPR-v3-2000-MurinoFIP #3d- 3D Mosaicing for Environment Reconstruction (VM, AF, NI, EP), pp. 3362–3366.
ICPR-v3-2000-RoullotHBNM #3d #image- Regularized Reconstruction of 3D High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Images from Acquisitions of Anisotropically Degraded Resolutions (ER, AH, IB, MN, ÉM), pp. 3350–3353.
ICPR-v3-2000-YamazawaYY #3d #using- 3D Line Segment Reconstruction by Using HyperOmni Vision and Omnidirectional Hough Transforming (KY, YY, MY), pp. 3487–3490.
ICPR-v4-2000-BolterL #detection- Detection and Reconstruction of Human Scale Features from High Resolution Interferometric SAR Data (RB, FL), pp. 4291–4294.
ICPR-v4-2000-DeguchiNH #3d #image #multi- 3D Fundus Pattern Reconstruction and Display from Multiple Fundus Images (KD, JN, HH), pp. 4094–4097.
ICPR-v4-2000-HuynhCT #automation #evaluation #linear #metric #self- Semi-Automatic Metric Reconstruction of Buildings from Self-Calibration: Preliminary Results on the Evaluation of a Linear Camera Self-Calibration Method (DQH, YSC, HTT), pp. 4599–4602.
ICPR-v4-2000-MiyasakaKHA #3d #animation #image #metric #realtime- Reconstruction of Realistic 3D Surface Model and 3D Animation from Range Images Obtained by Real Time 3D Measurement System (TM, KK, MH, KA), pp. 4594–4598.
ICPR-v4-2000-MoralesRTVM #3d- 3D Curve Reconstruction by Biplane Snakes (CCM, PR, RT, JJV, JM), pp. 4563–4566.
ICPR-v4-2000-NakamuraSO #3d #image #sequence- 3D Reconstruction of Book Surface Taken from Image Sequence with Handy Camera (KN, HS, SO), pp. 4575–4578.
ICPR-v4-2000-PardoR #3d #image- Discriminant Snakes for 3D Reconstruction in Medical Images (XMP, PR), pp. 4336–4339.
ICPR-v4-2000-SusinNVB #recognition- Dynamic Recognition and Reconstruction of the Human Heart (AS, IN, AV, PB), pp. 4088–4093.
SPLC-2000-FaulkHR - Value-based software engineering (VBSE) (SRF, RRH, DR), pp. 205–224.
OOPSLA-2000-HerrmannM #case study #multi #named- PIROL: a case study for multidimensional separation of concerns in software engineering environments (SH, MM), pp. 188–207.
AdaEurope-2000-MarcoF #component #library- Reengineering the Booch Component Library (JM, XF), pp. 96–111.
ICRE-2000-GullaB #challenge #modelling #on the #scalability- On the Challenges of Business Modeling in Large-Scale Reengineering Projects (JAG, TB), pp. 17–26.
ASE-2000-WiseCLMOS #coordination #using- Using Little-JIL to Coordinate Agents in Software Engineering (AEW, AGC, BSL, EKM, LJO, SMSJ), pp. 155–164.
FoSE-2000-BompaniCV #internet #roadmap- Software engineering and the Internet: a roadmap (LB, PC, FV), pp. 303–315.
FoSE-2000-DevanbuS #roadmap #security- Software engineering for security: a roadmap (PTD, SGS), pp. 227–239.
FoSE-2000-DittrichTG #database #roadmap- Databases in software engineering: a roadmap (KRD, DT, AG), pp. 293–302.
FoSE-2000-Emmerich #middleware #roadmap- Software engineering and middleware: a roadmap (WE), pp. 117–129.
FoSE-2000-FinkelsteinK #roadmap- Software engineering: a roadmap (AF, JK), pp. 3–22.
FoSE-2000-Kopetz #realtime #roadmap- Software engineering for real-time: a roadmap (HK), pp. 201–211.
FoSE-2000-Lutz #roadmap #safety- Software engineering for safety: a roadmap (RRL), pp. 213–226.
FoSE-2000-Maibaum #roadmap- Mathematical foundations of software engineering: a roadmap (TSEM), pp. 161–172.
FoSE-2000-OssherHT #roadmap #tool support- Software engineering tools and environments: a roadmap (HO, WHH, PLT), pp. 261–277.
FoSE-2000-PerryPV #empirical #roadmap- Empirical studies of software engineering: a roadmap (DEP, AAP, LGV), pp. 345–355.
FoSE-2000-Pooley #performance- Software engineering and performance: a road-map (RP), pp. 189–199.
FoSE-2000-RomanPM #roadmap- Software engineering for mobility: a roadmap (GCR, GPP, ALM), pp. 241–258.
FoSE-2000-Shaw #education #roadmap- Software engineering education: a roadmap (MS), pp. 371–380.
ICSE-2000-Adroin #adaptation #education #framework- Developing and deploying software engineering courseware in an adaptable curriculum framework (WRA), pp. 284–292.
ICSE-2000-Bryant #problem #question- It’s engineering Jim ... but not as we know it: software engineering — solution to the software crisis, or part of the problem? (AB), pp. 78–87.
ICSE-2000-DrappaL #simulation- Simulation in software engineering training (AD, JL), pp. 199–208.
ICSE-2000-Edwards #online #quality #question- Can quality graduate software engineering courses really be delivered asynchronously on-line? (SE), pp. 676–679.
ICSE-2000-Faulk #industrial #lessons learnt- Achieving industrial relevance with academic excellence: lessons from the Oregon Master of Software engineering (SRF), pp. 293–302.
ICSE-2000-GurrT #design #diagrams #towards- Towards the principled design of software engineering diagrams (CAG, KT), pp. 509–518.
ICSE-2000-HeinemanCFMSS #component #trust- Component-based software engineering and the issue of trust (GTH, WTC, JSF, AM, JRS, MS), pp. 661–664.
ICSE-2000-MarcaP #approach #internet #set- A software engineering approach and tool set for developing Internet applications (DAM, BAP), pp. 738–741.
ICSE-2000-Moore #education #lessons learnt #tool support #using- Lessons learned from teaching reflective software engineering using the Leap toolkit (CAM), pp. 672–675.
ICSE-2000-OsterweilBEGKM #research #why- Why don’t we get more (self?) respect: the positive impact of software engineering research upon practice (LJO, BWB, ME, VG, JK, EFM), p. 660.
ICSE-2000-Widmaier #maturity #process #question #reliability #state of the art- Producing more reliable software: mature software engineering process vs. state-of-the-art technology? (JCW), pp. 88–93.
SAC-2000-Anane - Software Engineering and History (RA), pp. 137–140.
SAC-2000-Rine #modelling- Message from the Track Chair: Improving Software Engineering Management Practice Through Modeling and Experimentation with Enabling Technologies (DCR), pp. 849–850.
SAC-2000-ToffolonD #coordination #framework #process- A Framework for Studying the Coordination Process in Software Engineering (CT, SD), pp. 851–857.
PDP-2000-RivasI #3d #algorithm #image #parallel #performance- Fast parallel algorithms for 3D reconstruction of angiographic images (RR, MBI), pp. 43–47.
FASE-2000-Kondoh #question #what- What is “Mathematicalness” in Software Engineering? (HK), pp. 163–177.
FASE-2000-Turski - Essay on Software Engineering at the Turn of Century (WMT), pp. 1–20.
STOC-2000-HallgrenRT #quantum #using- Normal subgroup reconstruction and quantum computation using group representations (SH, AR, ATS), pp. 627–635.
WICSA-1999-GuoAK #architecture- A Software Architecture Reconstruction Method (GYG, JMA, RK), pp. 15–34.
ICDAR-1999-DoschM #2d #3d- Reconstruction of the 3D Structure of a Building from the 2D Drawings of its Floors (PD, GM), pp. 487–490.
CSEET-1999-Butler #case study #student- A Client/Server Case Study for Software Engineering Students (SAB), p. 156–?.
CSEET-1999-Carver #challenge #education- Opportunities and Challenges for Software Engineering Education (DLC), p. 120–?.
CSEET-1999-Hilburn #education #metric- PSP Metrics in Support of Software Engineering Education (TBH), p. 135–?.
CSEET-1999-McMillanR #student #what- What Leading Practitioners Say Should be Emphasized in Students’ Software Engineering Projects (WWM, SR), pp. 177–185.
CSEET-1999-ThompsonE #case study #experience- Providing New Graduate Opportunities in Software Engineering: Experiences with a UK Master’s Level Conversion Course (JBT, HME), pp. 50–61.
CSEET-1999-Tripp - Professionalization of Software Engineering: Next Steps (LLT), p. 4–?.
CSEET-1999-WerthBMGTG - Software Engineering — The State of the Profession (LHW, DJB, NRM, FG, RT, DG), p. 114–?.
CSEET-1999-WohlinR #education #industrial- Achieving Industrial Relevance in Software Engineering Education (CW, BR), pp. 16–25.
ITiCSE-1999-DeveauxFF #approach #education- Software engineering teaching: a “Docware” approach (DD, RF, PF), pp. 163–166.
CSMR-1999-EbertKW #query- Querying as an Enabling Technology in Software Reengineering (BK, AW), pp. 42–50.
CSMR-1999-JahnkeW #analysis #information management #integration #process- Integration of Analysis and Redesign Activities in Information System Reengineering (JHJ, JPW), pp. 160–168.
CSMR-1999-PonsignonMAM #maintenance #multi- Reengineering of Multitasking Applications for Easier Maintenance (JFP, MM, RA, YM), pp. 182–185.
ICSM-1999-WoodsCK #architecture #semantics- A Semantic Foundation for Architectural Reengineering and Interchange (SW, SJC, RK), p. 391–?.
WCRE-1999-DucasseRN #object-oriented- Type-Check Elimination: Two Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns (SD, TR, RN), p. 157–?.
WCRE-1999-EbertKW #named #tool support- GraX — An Interchange Format for Reengineering Tools (JE, BK, AW), p. 89–?.
WCRE-1999-Sneed #risk management- Risks Involved in Reengineering Projects (HMS), pp. 204–211.
WCRE-1999-TuckerS #interface #modelling- Model Based User-Interface Reengineering (KT, KS), p. 56–?.
AGTIVE-1999-Cremer #graph #reverse engineering #tool support- Graph-Based Reverse Engineering and Reengineering Tools (KC), pp. 95–109.
AGTIVE-1999-ZamperoniE #aspect-oriented #exclamation #experience #graph grammar #integration #term rewriting #using- Formal Integration of Software Engineering Aspects Using Graph Rewrite Systems — A Typical Experience?! (AZ, GE), pp. 359–367.
ICEIS-1999-Salameh #enterprise #process- Role of ERP Systems in International Business Process Re-Engineering (ZS), p. 785.
ICEIS-1999-ToffolonD #framework #process- The Decision Process in Software Engineering-A Framework Based on the Call Options Theory (CT, SD), p. 778.
ICML-1999-ScottM #classification- Feature Engineering for Text Classification (SS, SM), pp. 379–388.
SEKE-1999-BirkK #experience #information management #lifecycle- A Knowledge Management Lifecycle for Experience Packages on Software Engineering Technologies (AB, FK), pp. 142–160.
SEKE-1999-WangenheimAB #retrieval #similarity- Goal-Oriented and Similarity-Based Retrieval of Software Engineering Experienceware (CGvW, KDA, RMB), pp. 118–141.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-RumpeBK #uml- Applied Software Engineering Principles for UML (BR, RB, IK), p. 410.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Ciupke #automation #design #detection #object-oriented #problem- Automatic Detection of Design Problems in Object-Oriented Reengineering (OC), pp. 18–32.
TOOLS-USA-1999-SeacordN #component #process- Component-Based Software Engineering Processes (RCS, KCN), p. 532–?.
PADL-1999-BozzanoDMMZ #development #enterprise #multi- Multi-agent Systems Development as a Software Engineering Enterprise (MB, GD, MM, VM, FZ), pp. 46–60.
SIGAda-1999-Boehm #future of #predict- Predicting the future of computer systems and software engineering (BWB), p. 227.
SIGAda-1999-McCormick #ada #education #realtime- Ada, model railroading, and real-time software engineering education (JWM), pp. 111–112.
SIGAda-1999-Wang #ada #approach- Integrating a software engineering approach into an Ada closed laboratory (MW), pp. 163–168.
ICSE-1999-Abowd - Software Engineering Issues for Ibiquitous Computing (GDA), pp. 75–84.
ICSE-1999-Brown #process #project management- Personal Software Engineering Project Management Process (AWB), pp. 669–670.
ICSE-1999-ConcepcionLS #concurrent #development #monitoring #multi #predict #recursion #thread- The RMT (Recursive Multi-Threaded) Tool: A Computer Aided Software Engineering Tool for Monitoring and Predicting Software Development Progress (AIC, SL, SJS), pp. 660–663.
ICSE-1999-DevanbuCGMM #maintenance #named- CHIME: Customizable Hyperlink Insertion and Maintenance Engine for Software Engineering Environments (PTD, YFC, ERG, HAM, JM), pp. 473–482.
ICSE-1999-Kotov #internet- The Internet as a Medium for Software Engineering Experiments (AK), pp. 722–723.
ICSE-1999-McKinney #interface #off the shelf- Impact of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Software on the Interface Between Systems and Software Engineering (DM), pp. 627–628.
LCTES-1999-RyuPKSH #embedded #performance #realtime- Performance Re-engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems (MR, JP, KK, YS, SH), pp. 80–86.
ESOP-1999-Mycroft #decompiler #type system- Type-Based Decompilation (or Program Reconstruction via Type Reconstruction) (AM), pp. 208–223.
TACAS-1999-Stevens #tool support #verification- Some Issues in the Software Engineering of Verification Tools (PS), pp. 435–438.
CSEET-1998-BreretonGL #distributed #student- Distributed Student Projects in Software Engineering (PB, MG, SL), pp. 4–22.
CSEET-1998-Cowling #multi- A Multi-Dimensional Model of the Software Engineering Cumiculum (AJC), pp. 44–55.
CSEET-1998-Cowling98a #analysis #education #experience #student- Teaching Systems Analysis to Software Engineering Students: Experience with a Structured Methodology (AJC), pp. 102–113.
CSEET-1998-Ellis #distance- Software Engineering at a Distance (HJCE), p. 23–?.
CSEET-1998-HislopD - Organizational Placement of Software Engineering in a University (GWH, JLDH), pp. 40–43.
CSEET-1998-Lethbridge #education #overview- A Survey of the Relevance of Computer Science and Software Engineering Education (TCL), pp. 56–66.
CSEET-1998-ParrishBCDHHJS #education #information management- Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Management Information Systems: Partners in a Unified Software Engineering Curriculum (ASP, RBB, DWC, BD, DPH, JEH, JJ, SS), pp. 67–75.
CSEET-1998-Robillard #process- Measuring Team Activities in a Process-Oriented Software Engineering Course (PNR), pp. 90–101.
ITiCSE-1998-HilburnMBO #education- Software engineering across computing curricula (TBH, SAM, DJB, DO), pp. 117–121.
ITiCSE-1998-PerskyB #concurrent- Re-engineering a concurrency simulator (YP, MBA), pp. 185–188.
CSMR-1998-ButeraFPN #object-oriented #towards- Reengineering a Computerized Numerical Control Towards Object-Oriented (FB, BF, MP, PN), pp. 224–227.
CSMR-1998-KirnerG #specification #using- System Specification Reengineering Using the SpecView Tool (TGK, RCG), pp. 135–141.
CSMR-1998-Kleuker #distributed #formal method #using- Reengineering of Distributed Systems Using Formal Methods (SK), pp. 189–192.
CSMR-1998-Kutscha #case study #experience- The Task Artifact Cycle: Some Experiences from Reengineering Practice (SK), p. 234.
CSMR-1998-Sneed #architecture- Architecture and Functions of a Commercial Software Reengineering Workbench (HMS), pp. 2–10.
CSMR-1998-StoecklinWS #maintenance #process- Tailoring the Process Model for Maintenance and Reengineering (SS, DW, PS), pp. 209–212.
CSMR-1998-ZedanY #approach- A Sound and Practical Approach To The Re-Engineering Of Time-Critical Systems (HZ, HY), pp. 220–223.
ICSM-1998-BurdM #approach #clustering #component #evolution #maintenance #using- Investigating Component-Based Maintenance and the Effect of Software Evolution: A Reengineering Approach Using Data Clustering (EB, MM), pp. 199–207.
ICSM-1998-FantaR #object-oriented- Reengineering Object-Oriented Code (RF, VR), pp. 238–246.
ICSM-1998-YangLZ #abstraction #approach #problem #reverse engineering- Tackling the Abstraction Problem for Reverse Engineering in a System Re-engineering Approach (HY, XL, HZ), pp. 284–293.
IWPC-1998-SingerL #design- Studying Work Practices to Assist Tool Design in Software Engineering (JS, TCL), pp. 173–179.
WCRE-1998-BurdM #comprehension- Assisting Human Understanding to Aid the Targeting of Necessary Reengineering Work (EB, MM), pp. 2–9.
WCRE-1998-GannodSFC #case study #named- PACKRAT: A Software Reengineering Case Study (GCG, GS, MF, BHCC), pp. 125–134.
WCRE-1998-KazmanWC #architecture #modelling #requirements- Requirements for Integrating Software Architecture and Reengineering Models: CORUM II (RK, SSW, SJC), pp. 154–163.
WCRE-1998-Kolsch #distributed #information management #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Reengineering of Information Systems in a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment (UK), pp. 104–114.
WCRE-1998-PenteadoMP #legacy #object-oriented #paradigm #using- Reengineering of Legacy Systems Based on Transformation Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm (RP, PCM, AFdP), pp. 144–153.
ICPR-1998-FlorianiMP #3d #representation- Managing the level of detail in 3D shape reconstruction and representation (LDF, PM, EP), pp. 389–391.
ICPR-1998-HeydenK #constraints #using- Reconstruction from affine cameras using closure constraints (AH, FK), pp. 47–50.
ICPR-1998-Huynh #analysis #image- Euclidean reconstruction from an image triplet: a sensitivity analysis (DQH), pp. 835–837.
ICPR-1998-KahlH #approximate #robust #self- Robust self-calibration and Euclidean reconstruction via affine approximation (FK, AH), pp. 56–58.
ICPR-1998-LinSH #3d #automation #towards- Toward automatic reconstruction of 3D environment with an active binocular head (CYL, SWS, YPH), pp. 1708–1710.
ICPR-1998-LuKB #3d #image #segmentation- Image segmentation and image matching for 3D terrain reconstruction (YL, KK, MB), pp. 1535–1537.
ICPR-1998-NakajimaTY #documentation #image #recognition #sequence- Document reconstruction and recognition from an image sequence (NN, NT, KY), pp. 922–925.
ICPR-1998-StoddartB #multi #using- Surface reconstruction and compression using multiresolution arbitrary topology G1 continuous splines (AJS, MSB), pp. 788–791.
ICPR-1998-WilsonH #adaptation- Terrain reconstruction with an adaptive surface mesh (RCW, ERH), pp. 1401–1404.
ICPR-1998-ZhangT #3d #image- 3D reconstruction from a single view of an object and its image in a plane mirror (ZYZ, HTT), pp. 1174–1176.
ICPR-1998-ZhouG #3d #multi #visual notation- 3D model reconstruction by fusing multiple visual cues (LXZ, WKG), pp. 640–642.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-WernerTR #collaboration #experience #industrial- An O.O. Software Engineering Training Experience within a Collaboration Project between Academia and Industry (CMLW, GHT, ARCdR), p. 290–?.
SIGAda-1998-BarkatakiHD #design pattern #legacy #object-oriented #using- Reengineering a Legacy System Using Design Patterns and Ada-95 Object-Oriented Features (SB, SH, TD), pp. 148–152.
ASE-1998-SellinkV #assessment #development- Development, Assessment, and Reengineering of Language Descriptions (MPAS, CV), pp. 314–317.
FSE-1998-Griss #industrial- Software Engineering as a Profession: Industry and Academia Working Together (MLG), pp. 203–208.
FSE-1998-Mahony - Finding a History for Software Engineering (MSM), p. 87.
FSE-1998-SneltingT #concept analysis #using- Reengineering Class Hierarchies Using Concept Analysis (GS, FT), pp. 99–110.
FSE-1998-StevensP - Systems Reengineering Patterns (PS, RP), pp. 17–23.
ICSE-1998-BaniassadM #concept #query- Conceptual Module Querying for Software Reengineering (ELAB, GCM), pp. 64–73.
ICSE-1998-DevanbuFS - Techniques for Trusted Software Engineering (PTD, PWLF, SGS), pp. 126–135.
ICSE-1998-KoikeC #3d #empirical #how #visualisation- How Does 3D Visualization Work in Software Engineering? : Empirical Study of a 3D Version/Module Visualization System (HK, HCC), pp. 516–519.
ICSE-1998-RobillarddDV #process- Measuring Cognitive Activities in Software Engineering (PNR, Pd, FD, WV), pp. 292–300.
ICSE-1998-TesorieroZ - A Model of Noisy Software Engineering Data (RT, MVZ), pp. 461–464.
ICSE-1998-WangKDPCSR #overview #process #towards- A Worldwide Survey of Base Process Activities Towards Software Engineering Process Excellence (YW, GK, AD, DP, IC, GS, MR), pp. 439–442.
DAC-1998-HwangCH #approach #design #power management #using- A Re-engineering Approach to Low Power FPGA Design Using SPFD (JMH, FYC, TH), pp. 722–725.
DAC-1998-Marantz #functional #performance #verification- Enhanced Visibility and Performance in Functional Verification by Reconstruction (JM), pp. 164–169.
HPCA-1998-VengroffG #branch #estimation #performance #predict- Partial Sampling with Reverse State Reconstruction: A New Technique for Branch Predictor Performance Estimation (DEV, GRG), pp. 342–351.
CSEET-1997-BudgenB #education #empirical #encapsulation- Encapsulating Empirical Practices within the Software Engineering Curriculum (DB, PB), pp. 111–119.
CSEET-1997-Ganesan - Software Engineering: On Theory Versus Practice (RG), pp. 84–85.
CSEET-1997-Habra #education #evolution #integration- Peopleware Integration in an Evolving Software Engineering Curriculum (NH), pp. 102–110.
CSEET-1997-Jackson #education- A Missing Element in Software Engineering Education (MJ), pp. 2–3.
CSEET-1997-KorneckiHTBGM #collaboration #education #industrial- Strengthening Software Engineering Education through Academic Industry Collaboration (AJK, IH, MT, RB, TG, LM), p. 204–?.
CSEET-1997-LethbridgeIMG #analysis- An Undergraduate Option in Software Engineering: Analysis and Rationale (TCL, DI, AM, DG), pp. 120–131.
CSEET-1997-Mayr #education #enterprise- Teaching Software Engineering by Means of a “Virtual Enterprise” (HM), pp. 176–184.
CSEET-1997-NavedaL - Crafting a baccalaureate program in software engineering (JFN, MJL), pp. 74–83.
CSEET-1997-Pierce #education #using- Teaching software engineering principles using maintenance-based projects (KRP), pp. 53–60.
CSEET-1997-SchlimmerH #modelling- Utilizing Corporate Models in a Software Engineering Studio (JCS, JRH), pp. 185–191.
CSEET-1997-Umphress #case study #education #experience- Experiences in constructing a level-2 software engineering graduate curriculum (DAU), pp. 4–12.
ITiCSE-1997-BifflG #education #project management #quality- Teaching software engineering and project management to 300 participants without drain of quality or intensity (SB, TG), pp. 51–53.
CSMR-1997-Aebi #migration #multi #process #using- A process model for re-engineering, migration and multi-use of business data (DA), pp. 106–113.
CSMR-1997-Csaba #experience #user interface- Experience with User Interface Reengineering Transferring DOS Panels to Windows (LC), pp. 150–156.
CSMR-1997-KoelschW #process- A Process Model for Controlling and Performing Re-Engineering Tasks (UK, MW), pp. 20–24.
CSMR-1997-KutschaHK #approach #concept #maintenance- The Task Artifact Cycle: a Conceptual Approach to Maintenance and Reengineering (SK, KH, HK), pp. 17–19.
ICSM-1997-Ghezzi #network- Software Engineering Issues for Network Computing (CG), p. 2.
ICSM-1997-YangLC #reverse engineering- Measuring Abstractness for Reverse Engineering in a Re-engineering Tool (HY, PL, WCC), p. 48–?.
WCRE-1997-BurdM #legacy #non-functional #requirements- The Implications of Non-Functional Requirements for the Reengineering of Legacy Code (EB, MM), p. 215–?.
WCRE-1997-DeBaud #named- DARE: Domain-Augmented ReEngineering (JMD), p. 164–?.
WCRE-1997-Sneed #interface- Program Interface Reengineering for Wrapping (HMS), pp. 206–214.
WPC-1997-RugaberW #framework #research- Position Paper on Research Infrastructure for Reengineering (SR, LMW), pp. 162–164.
WPC-1997-TilleyS #framework #on the #using #web- On Using the Web as Infrastructure for Reengineering (SRT, DBS), pp. 170–173.
DLT-1997-TokudaYW - Deterministic Reconstruction of Context-Free Derivations for a Sentence with Shuffled Terminal Symbols (TT, KY, YW), pp. 551–558.
TLCA-1997-Buciarelli #logic- Logical Reconstruction of Bi-domains (AB), pp. 99–111.
HCI-CC-1997-ChengK #industrial- Computer Based Engineering Systems Assistance for Manufacturing Industry Re-Engineering (KC, DK), pp. 729–732.
HCI-CC-1997-Taylor - Improving Sociotechnical Systems by Exploiting the Remains of Reengineering (JCT), pp. 237–240.
HCI-SEC-1997-BuieV #human-computer- Integrating HCI Engineering and Software Engineering: A Call to a Larger Vision (EAB, AV), pp. 525–530.
HCI-SEC-1997-Hakiel #how #question #usability- Usability Engineering and Software Engineering: How Do They Relate? (SH), pp. 521–524.
HCI-SEC-1997-Long97a #human-computer #interactive- Integrating Human Factors with Software Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction (JL), pp. 509–512.
HCI-SEC-1997-LucasMP #interface #network- Re-Engineering a Complex Network Interface (ML, JFM, CP), pp. 771–774.
ICML-1997-AskerM #case study #classification #detection- Feature Engineering and Classifier Selection: A Case Study in Venusian Volcano Detection (LA, RM), pp. 3–11.
UML-1997-WolfBP #process #uml- Software Engineering Process with the UML (MW, RB, IP), pp. 271–280.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-ZhiyingQ #automation- Reengineering for CASE Tool IDEFE0-MAKER (ZZ, CQ), pp. 356–361.
LOPSTR-1997-NaishS #higher-order- A Higher Order Reconstruction of Stepwise Enhancement (LN, LS), pp. 245–262.
ASE-1997-Birk #modelling- Modeling the Application Domains of Software Engineering Technologies (AB), pp. 291–292.
ASE-1997-CohenF #abstraction #automation #database #source code- Automatic High-Quality Reengineering of Database Programs by Temporal Abstraction (YC, YAF), pp. 90–97.
ESEC-FSE-1997-Parnas - Software Engineering: An Unconsummated Marriage (DLP), pp. 1–3.
ICSE-1997-GoelS #data analysis- Software Engineering Data Analysis Techniques (ALG, MS), pp. 667–668.
ICSE-1997-Ning #architecture #component #design #named- ADE — An Architecture Design Environment for Component-Based Software Engineering (JQN), pp. 614–615.
ICSE-1997-OshanaC #implementation #maturity- Implementing Cleanroom Software Engineering into a Mature CMM-Based Software Organization (RO, FPC), pp. 572–573.
ICSE-1997-Schurr #tool support #visual notation- Developing Graphical (Software Engineering) Tools with PROGRES (AS), pp. 618–619.
ICSE-1997-Waldo #java #named- Java: A Language for Software Engineering (JW), p. 630.
ICSE-1997-Weiser #matter #people- Software Engineering That Matters to People (MW), p. 538.
ICSE-1997-WelschSK #object-oriented- Integrating Forward and Reverse Object-Oriented Software Engineering (CW, AS, SK), pp. 560–561.
ICSE-1997-Yourdon #developer- Beyond Software Engineering: Ten Imperatives for the Successful Software Developer at the End of the Decade (EY), p. 538.
ASF+SDF-1997-BrandSV #cobol #legacy- Obtaining a COBOL grammar from legacy code for reengineering purposes (MvdB, MPAS, CV), p. 6.
DAC-1997-ChenHL #approach #design #power management- Low Power FPGA Design — A Re-engineering Approach (CSC, TH, CLL), pp. 656–661.
PDP-1997-GubarenyK #distributed #image #parallel #process- Distributed computational processes for image reconstruction in massively parallel structure (NG, AK), pp. 425–430.
CADE-1997-FischerS #reuse- SETHEO Goes Software Engineering: Application of ATP to Software Reuse (BF, JS), pp. 65–68.
CSEE-1996-AtleeDKSS - A Joint CS/E&CE Undergraduate Option in Software Engineering (JMA, PPD, RK, RES, AS), pp. 16–28.
CSEE-1996-Carpenter #process- Process Improvement for Software Engineering Training (MBC), pp. 172–183.
CSEE-1996-Frailey #education- Innovate or Perish — The Opportunity for Software Engineering Education (DJF), pp. 2–5.
CSEE-1996-Grady #industrial #lessons learnt- Lessons from Industrial Adoption of Software Engineering Practices (RBG), pp. 216–217.
CSEE-1996-Hilburn - Software Engineering — From the Beginning (TBH), pp. 29–51.
CSEE-1996-HooverSM - The Carnegie Mellon University Master of Software Engineering Specialization Tracks (CLH, MS, NRM), pp. 100–118.
CSEE-1996-JacksonMRS #education #industrial- Changing Culture: An Industry Perspective on Graduate Software Engineering Education (MJ, KM, MR, KS), pp. 230–233.
CSEE-1996-Ozcan #education #integration #tool support- Integration of Software Tools in Software Engineering Education (MBÖ), pp. 149–171.
CSEE-1996-Robillard #education- Teaching Software Engineering through a Project-Oriented Course (PNR), pp. 85–95.
CSEE-1996-Rosen #approach #assessment- Individual Assessment of Group Projects in Software Engineering: A Facilitated Peer Assessment Approach (CCHR), pp. 68–77.
CSEE-1996-Ryan #education #industrial #question- Meeting Industry’s Needs — Should We Teach the Software Engineering of the Past? (KR), pp. 218–220.
CSEE-1996-TakvorianMZ #education #using #web- Using the World Wide Web to Promote Software Engineering Education (AT, KM, DZ), p. 270–?.
CSEE-1996-Werth - Integrating Ethics and Professional Issues into a Software Engineering Class (LHW), pp. 259–269.
ICSM-1996-WeisskopfIMAE #maintenance #process- Maintenance In a Dual-Lifecycle Software Engineering Process (MW, CWI, CM, CA, DE), pp. 142–151.
WCRE-1996-DeBaud #lessons learnt- Lessons from a Domain-Based Reengineering Effort (JMD), pp. 217–226.
WCRE-1996-LewisM #embedded #framework #parallel #platform #realtime- Reengineering Real-Time Embedded Software onto a Parallel Processing Platform (BL, DJM), p. 11–?.
WCRE-1996-RugaberW #framework #research- Creating a Research Infrastructure for Reengineering (SR, LMW), p. 98–?.
CSCW-1996-Martial #process- Business Process Reengineering and its Role in Developing CSCW Applications (FvM), p. 6.
CAiSE-1996-KudrassLB #case study #experience #legacy- Tool-Based Re-Engineering of a Legacy MIS: An Experience Report (TK, ML, APB), pp. 116–135.
ICPR-1996-AkhmetshinL #difference #fourier #image #principle- The reconstruction of signals and images from the noisy Fourier transform phase by means of the generalized difference principle (AMA, IL), pp. 370–375.
ICPR-1996-BasuS - Optimal non-uniform discretization for stereo reconstruction (AB, HS), pp. 755–759.
ICPR-1996-BenosmanMD #multi- Multidirectional stereovision sensor, calibration and scenes reconstruction (RB, TM, JD), pp. 161–165.
ICPR-1996-ChenNANT #algorithm #image #search-based- Reconstruction of neutron penumbral images by a constrained genetic algorithm (YWC, ZN, KA, IN, ST), pp. 525–529.
ICPR-1996-ChiaCY #using- Curved surface reconstruction using a simple structured light method (TLC, ZC, CJY), pp. 844–848.
ICPR-1996-ChungH #2d #3d #modelling #using- Using 2D active contour models for 3D reconstruction from serial sections (RC, CkH), pp. 849–853.
ICPR-1996-HeydenA #constant #parametricity- Euclidean reconstruction from constant intrinsic parameters (AH, KÅ), pp. 339–343.
ICPR-1996-ImiyaFK #recognition #representation- Reconstruction, recognition, and representation of trees (AI, YF, TK), pp. 595–600.
ICPR-1996-KnipeL #composition- A new quadtree decomposition reconstruction method (JK, XL), pp. 364–369.
ICPR-1996-LaunayBMBM #3d #flexibility- A flexible iterative method for 3D reconstruction from X-ray projections (LL, PB, EM, MOB, JLM), pp. 513–517.
ICPR-1996-LengagneFM #using- Using crest lines to guide surface reconstruction from stereo (RL, PF, OM), pp. 9–13.
ICPR-1996-LinF #fourier #slicing #theorem #using- Range data reconstruction using Fourier slice theorem (SSL, CSF), pp. 874–878.
ICPR-1996-MaL - Ellipsoid reconstruction from three perspective views (SM, LL), pp. 344–348.
ICPR-1996-OkataniD #image- Reconstructing shape from shading with a point light source at the projection center: shape reconstruction from an endoscope image (TO, KD), pp. 830–834.
ICPR-1996-SeoH - Sequential reconstruction of lines in projective space (YS, KSH), pp. 503–507.
ICPR-1996-SequeiraGR #3d #performance- Active view selection for efficient 3D scene reconstruction (VS, JGMG, MIR), pp. 815–819.
ICPR-1996-Sirakov #3d #automation #branch- Automatic reconstruction of 3D branching objects (NMS), pp. 620–624.
ICPR-1996-Sparr #image #sequence- Simultaneous reconstruction of scene structure and camera locations from uncalibrated image sequences (GS), pp. 328–333.
ICPR-1996-TsurutaTA #constraints #image #using- Image reconstruction using high-level constraints (NT, RiT, MA), pp. 401–405.
ICPR-1996-Weiss #3d- 3-D curve reconstruction from uncalibrated cameras (IW), pp. 323–327.
ICPR-1996-WilluhnA #image #rule-based- A rule-based system for house reconstruction from aerial images (WW, FA), pp. 885–889.
ICPR-1996-ZhengMFA #3d #modelling #using- Reconstruction of 3D models from specular motion using circular lights (JYZ, AM, YF, NA), pp. 869–873.
SEKE-1996-CanforaLM #c #ide #reuse- An Integrated Environment for Reuse Reengineering C Code (GC, ADL, MM), pp. 214–221.
SEKE-1996-KarallB #case study #independence #visualisation- Case Study: EasyCODE — A Language Independent Visualization Tool for Reengineering (OK, SB), pp. 353–360.
SEKE-1996-Menzies #information management #programming #visual notation- Visual Programming, Knowledge Engineering, and Software Engineering (TM), pp. 506–513.
TRI-Ada-1996-ParrishCLM #ada #assessment #learning #process- Active Learning and Process Assessment: Two Experiments in an Ada-Based Software Engineering Course (ASP, DC, CL, DM), pp. 157–161.
ICSE-1996-Basili - The Role of Experimentation in Software Engineering: Past, Current, and Future (VRB), pp. 442–449.
ICSE-1996-HeidenreichMK #approach #consistency- A New Approach to Consistency Control in Software Engineering (GH, MM, DK), pp. 289–297.
ICSE-1996-KieburtzMBHKLOSSW #component #empirical #generative- A Software Engineering Experiment in Software Component Generation (RBK, LM, JMB, JH, AK, JL, DO, TS, IS, LW), pp. 542–552.
ICSE-1996-Zamperoni #development #graph #named- GRIDS — GRaph-based, Integrated Development of Software: Integrating Different Perspectives of Software Engineering (AZ), pp. 48–59.
KBSE-1996-KeaneE #automation #design #knowledge-based #legacy #robust #source code- Knowledge-Based Re-engineering of Legacy Programs for Robustness in Automated Design (JK, TE), p. 16.
KBSE-1996-LowryJ #knowledge-based- Introduction to Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (ML, WLJ), p. 1.
RWLW-1996-WirsingK #approach #formal method #object-oriented- A formal approach to object-oriented software engineering (MW, AK), pp. 322–360.
ICDAR-v1-1995-Ah-SoonT #3d #modelling #towards- A step towards reconstruction of 3-D CAD models from engineering drawings (CAS, KT), pp. 331–334.
ICDAR-v1-1995-DeseillignyMS #recognition #string- Characters string recognition on maps, a method for high level reconstruction (MPD, HLM, GS), pp. 249–252.
CSEE-1995-AtkinsonEM #education #evolution- An Evolution of a Software Engineering Curriculum (CA, DE, CM), pp. 99–112.
CSEE-1995-BurnsteinC #research #student- Developing Leadership Skills in Software Engineering Students Through an Undergraduate Research Program (IB, CRC), pp. 305–321.
CSEE-1995-CoyneDGR #approach #case study #education #experience #modelling- Teaching More Comprehensive Model-Based Software Engineering: Experience with Objectory’s Use Case Approach (RFC, AHD, BB, DR), pp. 339–374.
CSEE-1995-GarlanBJTW #education- The CMU Master of Software Engineering Core Curriculum (DG, AWB, DJ, JET, JMW), pp. 65–86.
CSEE-1995-Gorski #approach #education- Software Engineering Education: A Dragging-Through Approach (JG), pp. 31–44.
CSEE-1995-HilburnHK #education #integration- The Integration of Software Engineering into a Computer Science Curriculum (TBH, IH, AJK), pp. 87–97.
CSEE-1995-Humphrey #process- The Personal Process in Software Engineering (WSH), p. 447.
CSEE-1995-Mahy #learning- From TRAINING to LEARNING: The Reengineering of Training at DMR Group Inc. (IM), p. 433.
CSEE-1995-Mead #education #roadmap- Education Trends and Their Impact on Management of Software Engineering Education (NRM), pp. 419–428.
CSEE-1995-PaprzyckiWZ #approach #distributed #education #parallel- Parallel and Distributed Computing Education: A Software Engineering Approach (MP, RW, JZ), pp. 187–204.
CSEE-1995-ParrishBC #education #experience- Experience in Teaching a Management-Oriented Capstone Software Engineering Course (ASP, DB, DC), pp. 279–293.
CSEE-1995-Robinson #development #education- Software Engineering Curriculum Development Model (JSR), p. 257.
ICSM-1995-CanforaFT #process #reuse #towards- Towards reengineering in reuse reengineering processes (GC, ARF, MT), pp. 147–156.
ICSM-1995-DeBaudR #domain model #modelling #using- A software re-engineering method using domain models (JMD, SR), pp. 204–213.
ICSM-1995-French #case study #experience #legacy #maintenance #process- Applying software engineering and process improvement to legacy defence system maintenance: an experience report (VAF), p. 337–?.
ICSM-1995-LanubileV #maintenance- Iterative reengineering to compensate for quick-fix maintenance (FL, GV), pp. 140–146.
WCRE-1995-NewcombK #object-oriented- Reengineering Procedural into Object-Oriented Systems (PN, GK).
WCRE-1995-NewcombM #data flow #source code- Reengineering Procedural into Data Flow Programs (PN, PM).
WCRE-1995-WellsBM #assurance #quality #tool support- Customized Tools for Software Quality Assurance and Reengineering (CHW, RB, LM).
WCRE-1995-ZigmanW #reuse #reverse engineering #specification- Integrating Reengineering, Reuse and Specification Tool Environments to Enable Reverse Engineering (FJZ, MLW).
SEKE-1995-Dai #approach #reuse- A Software Engineering Approach to Buildling Reusable Expert System (WD), pp. 212–219.
SEKE-1995-GatesC #constraints #using- The Use of Integrity Constraints in Software Engineering (AQG, DEC), pp. 383–390.
SEKE-1995-ReynoldsBRB #evolution- Evolution Based Approaches to Software Engineering: Culturing Software (RGR, VRB, VR, NGB), p. 427.
SEKE-1995-Schneider - Dynamic Pattern Knowledge in Software Engineering (KS), pp. 39–46.
SEKE-1995-UrbanCCM #education #future of- The Future of Software Engineering Education (JEU, DEC, DLC, RTM), p. 63.
AdaEurope-1995-BattagliaS #named- ReverseNICE: A Re-Engineering Methodology and Supporting Tool (MB, GS), pp. 244–248.
TRI-Ada-1995-Duncan #ada #approach- Conversion to Ada and Ada 95: A Software Re-engineering Approach (AGD), pp. 121–171.
ICSE-1995-VottaP #state of the art- Experimental Software Engineering: A Report on the State of the Art (LGV, AAP), pp. 277–279.
KBSE-1995-LowryL #knowledge-based- Legal Issues on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (DDL, MRL), pp. 61–69.
KBSE-1995-SatoTYWH #process #synthesis- Domain-Oriented Software Process Re-engineering with Software Synthesis Shell SOFTEX/S (AS, MT, TY, MW, MH), pp. 97–104.
SAC-1995-GrimRP #3d #algorithm #search-based #using- Use of genetic algorithms in three-dimensional reconstruction in carbon black aggregates (RJG, JRR, LDP), pp. 288–292.
SAC-1995-KaradimitriouTB #reverse engineering #scalability- Reverse engineering and reengineering of a large serial system into a distributed-parallel version (KK, JMT, NEB), pp. 191–197.
VLDB-1994-MuntzR #approach #modelling- A Requirement-Based Approach to Data Modeling and Re-Engineering (AHM, CTR), pp. 643–654.
CSEE-1994-AmmannGORS #source code- A Five Year Perspective on Software Engineering Graduate Programs at George Mason University (PA, HG, AJO, DR, BS), pp. 473–488.
CSEE-1994-BoardmanM #experience #sequence- A Two-Semester Undergraduate Sequence in Software Engineering: Architecutre & Experience (DBB, APM), pp. 5–22.
CSEE-1994-BralickR #distance #education #multi #using- Using a Multi-User Dialogue System to Support Software Engineering Distance Education (WABJ, JSR), pp. 565–582.
CSEE-1994-CoyleFTF #industrial- Meeting the Needs of Industry: SMU’s Master’s Degree Program in Software Engineering (FPC, EF, MMT, DJF), pp. 543–554.
CSEE-1994-Dalcher #case study #community- Falling Down is Part of Growing Up; the Study of Failure and the Software Engineering Community (DD), pp. 489–496.
CSEE-1994-Dodani #formal method- Formal Methods for Software Engineering (MD), p. 597.
CSEE-1994-Epstein #education #using- The Use of Computer Ethics Scenarios in Software Engineering Education: The Case of the Killer Robot (RGE), pp. 429–440.
CSEE-1994-GotterbarnR #approach- Real-World Software Engineering: A Spiral Approach to a Project-Oriented Course (DG, RR), pp. 119–150.
CSEE-1994-HabraD #student- Putting into Practice Advanced Software Engineering Techniques through Students Project (NH, ED), pp. 303–316.
CSEE-1994-Hartvigsen #education- Reducing the Gap Between Academic Theory and Professional Practive in Software Engineering Education (GH), pp. 263–273.
CSEE-1994-Modesitt - When the Golden Arches Gang Aft Agley: Incorporating Software Engineering into Computer Science (KLM), pp. 35–61.
CSEE-1994-MooreP #experience #learning- Learning by Doing: Goals & Experience of Two Software Engineering Project Courses (MMM, CP), pp. 151–164.
CSEE-1994-PreyCF - Software Engineering Beginning in the First Computer Science Course (JCP, JPC, GF), pp. 359–374.
CSEE-1994-Shepard - Software Engineering in an Undergraduate Computer Engineering Program (TS), pp. 23–34.
ICSM-1994-AntoniniCC #case study #experience #legacy #quality #requirements- Reengineering Legacy Systems to Meet Quality Requirements: An Experience Report (PA, GC, AC), pp. 146–153.
ICSM-1994-HeinemanK #incremental #process- Incremental Process Support for Code Reengineering (GTH, GEK), pp. 282–290.
ICSM-1994-SolingerEN #case study #development #experience #maintenance- Transferring Reengineering Technology to a Software Development and Maintenance Organization: An Experience Report (MS, AE, JQN), pp. 100–108.
ICALP-1994-KanellakisHM #analysis- An Analysis of the Core-ML Language: Expressive Power and Type Reconstruction (PCK, GGH, HGM), pp. 83–105.
LFP-1994-AdityaFH #garbage collection #runtime #using- Garbage Collection for Strongly-Typed Languages Using Run-Time Type Reconstruction (SA, CHF, JEH), pp. 12–23.
LFP-1994-DzengH - Type Reconstruction for Variable-Arity Procedures (HD, CTH), pp. 239–249.
CAiSE-1994-AntonMP #analysis #composition #process- Goal Decomposition and Scenario Analysis in Business Process Reengineering (AIA, WMM, CP), pp. 94–104.
CAiSE-1994-JarzabekT #modelling #multi #reuse- Modeling Multiple Views of Common Features in Software Reengineering for Reuse (SJ, CLT), pp. 269–282.
SEKE-1994-BadrL #automation #concurrent- Automation support for concurrent software engineering (SB, L), pp. 46–53.
SEKE-1994-HauslerL - From software craft to software engineering: the Cleanroom method (PAH, RCL), pp. 172–179.
SEKE-1994-JarzabekL #modelling- Modeling in strategic reengineering (SJ, WML), pp. 249–256.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Graham #analysis #case study #object-oriented #process #requirements- Beyond the Use Case: Combining Task Analysis and Scripts in Object-Oriented Requirements Capture and Business Process Re-engineering (IMG), pp. 203–215.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Jacobson #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Software Engineering (IJ), p. 539.
LOPSTR-1994-Wiggins - Improving the Whelk System: A Type-Theoretic Reconstruction (GAW), pp. 231–247.
TRI-Ada-1994-Cherry #ada #formal method #paradigm #visualisation- Software Engineering with Ada in a New Key: Formalizing and Visualizing the Object Paradigm (GWC), pp. 309–320.
TRI-Ada-1994-WelkerS #ada #approach- Software Reengineering in Ada: A Practical Approach (KDW, MWS), pp. 248–254.
FSE-1994-BatoryTS #compilation #data type #scalability #using- Reengineering a Complex Application Using a Scalable Data Structure Compiler (DSB, JT, MS), pp. 111–120.
ICSE-1994-FickasS - Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (SF, PGS), pp. 353–354.
ICSE-1994-Finkelstein #education #question- Software Engineering Education: A Place in the Sun? (AF), pp. 358–359.
ICSE-1994-Kramer #distributed- Distributed Software Engineering (JK), pp. 253–263.
KBSE-1994-BoehmB #knowledge-based- Critical Success Factors for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Applications (BWB, PKB), pp. 166–171.
KBSE-1994-TongKP #flexibility- A Flexible Rule-Chaining Engine for Process-Based Software Engineering (AZT, GEK, SSP), pp. 79–88.
SAC-1994-StansiferW #morphism #polymorphism- Type reconstruction for coercion polymorphism (RS, DW), pp. 420–424.
PDP-1994-BastiaensLDV #algorithm #concurrent #image #implementation #operating system #parallel #performance #thread- An Efficient Parallel Implementation Of The Ml-EM Algorithm For PET Image Reconstruction With A Multi-threaded Operating System (KB, IL, PD, WV), pp. 253–259.
PDP-1994-UjaldonAZCC #3d #multi- 3d Reconstruction Of Macromolecules On Multiprocessors (MU, RA, ELZ, JCC, JMC), pp. 260–267.
ESOP-1994-Amtoft #fixpoint- Local Type Reconstruction by Means of Symbolic Fixed Point Iteration (TA), pp. 43–57.
CADE-1994-Huang #proving- Reconstruction Proofs at the Assertion Level (XH), pp. 738–752.
ICDAR-1993-DeseillignyMS #algorithm #comprehension #graph #network- Map understanding for GIS data capture: Algorithms for road network graph reconstruction (MPD, HLM, GS), pp. 676–679.
ICDAR-1993-MykaG #automation #documentation #hypermedia #using- Using electronic facsimiles of documents for automatic reconstruction of underlying hypertext structures (AM, UG), pp. 528–532.
ICDAR-1993-YamamotoYM #parallel #recognition- Symbol recognition and surface reconstruction from topographic map by parallel method (KY, HY, SM), pp. 914–917.
CSM-1993-Chikofsky #maintenance- Business Reengineering and Software Maintenance (EJC), p. 100.
CSM-1993-Chu #approach- A Re-Engineering Approach to Program Translation (WCC), pp. 42–50.
CSM-1993-CimitileFM #concept #reuse #validation- Reuse Reengineering and Validation via Concept Assignment (AC, ARF, PM), pp. 216–225.
CSM-1993-LinosADHLT #c #comprehension #named #source code- CARE: An Environment for Understanding and Re-Engineering C Programs (PKL, PA, LD, YH, PL, PT), pp. 130–139.
CSM-1993-MerloGHM #constant #multi #user interface- Multi-Valued Constant Propagation for the Reengineering of User Interfaces (EM, JFG, LJH, RdM), pp. 120–129.
WCRE-1993-NewcombM #automation #cobol #composition #scalability #source code- Automating the Modularization of Large COBOL Programs: Application of an Enabling Technology for Reengineering (PN, LM), pp. 222–230.
TLCA-1993-Urzyczyn #decidability- Type reconstruction in Fω is undecidable (PU), pp. 418–432.
FPCA-1993-AdityaC #polymorphism- Compiler-directed Type Reconstruction for Polymorphic Languages (SA, AC), pp. 74–82.
SEKE-1993-BachateneCS #design #using- Using Software Engineering Principles to Design Intelligent Cooperative Systems (HB, MC, AEFS), pp. 309–313.
SEKE-1993-BlumBCERY - Software Engineering in the Year 2000 (BIB, VRB, SKC, ME, CVR, RTY), p. 473.
SEKE-1993-KirklenT #visual notation- Software Engineering Disciplines in the Visual Era (CRK, MMT), pp. 673–680.
SEKE-1993-Oivo #modelling #multi- Multiview Modeling in Software Engineering (MO), pp. 565–574.
SEKE-1993-SassoD #knowledge-based- Plan-Based Guidance for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (WCS, MD), pp. 665–672.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Jacobson #approach #case study #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Software Engineering — a Use Case Driven Approach (IJ), p. 333.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Grant #ada #object-oriented #paradigm #using- Software Engineering Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm: The Promise of Ada 9X (DDG), p. 329.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Henderson-SellersE93a #named #object-oriented- MOSES: Methodology for Object-Oriented Software Engineering of Systems (BHS, JME), p. 318.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-KangG #framework #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Framework for Process-Sensitive Software Engineering Environments (MK, DDG), pp. 233–252.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Henderson-Sellers93a #named #object-oriented- MOSES: Methodology for Object-Oriented Software Engineering of Systems (BHS), p. 559.
TRI-Ada-1993-SitaramanG #reuse- Software Reuse: A Context for Introducing Software Engineering Principles in a Traditional Computer Science Second Course (MS, JG), pp. 137–146.
RE-1993-HarkerED #challenge #evolution #requirements- The change and evolution of requirements as a challenge to the practice of software engineering (SH, KDE, JED), pp. 266–272.
ESEC-1993-Denert #how #question- Software Engineering in Business and Academia: How Wide is the Gap? (ED), pp. 37–47.
ESEC-1993-EmmerichSW #database- Databases for Software Engineering Environments — The Goal has not yet been attained (WE, WS, JW), pp. 145–162.
ESEC-1993-Reichardt - Preventative Software Engineering (JR), pp. 251–262.
FSE-1993-TarrP #named- PLEIADES: An Object Management System for Software Engineering Environments (PLT, LAC), pp. 56–70.
FSE-1993-Wood #approach #calculus #refinement #using- A Practical Approach to Software Engineering Using Z and the Refinement Calculus (KRW), pp. 79–88.
ICSE-1993-Linger - Cleanroom Software Engineering for Zero-Defect Software (RCL), pp. 2–13.
KBSE-1993-BailorYK #empirical #knowledge-based- An Experiment in Applying Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Technology (PDB, FCDY, KK), p. 25.
KBSE-1993-Johnson #knowledge-based #overview- A Survey of Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (WLJ), p. 1.
KBSE-1993-Redmiles #empirical #knowledge-based #using- Observations on Using Empirical Studies in Developing a Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Tool (DFR), p. 24.
SAC-1993-BajajF #image #tool support- The VAIDAK Medical Image Model Reconstruction Toolkit (CLB, MCF), pp. 28–35.
SAC-1993-BrendelB #3d #network- 3-Dimensional Reconstruction by Silhouettes to Construct Training Patterns for Neural Networks (TB, JB), pp. 770–774.
TAPSOFT-1993-TiurynW #recursion #type system- Type Reconstruction with Recursive Types and Atomic Subtyping (JT, MW), pp. 686–701.
ISSTA-1993-LevineT #analysis #concurrent #metric- Metric-Driven Reengineering for Static Concurrency Analysis (DLL, RNT), pp. 40–50.
SEI-1992-Berztiss - Engineering Principles and Software Engineering (ATB), pp. 437–450.
SEI-1992-Bruegge #education- Teaching on Industry-Oriented Software Engineering Course (BB), pp. 65–87.
SEI-1992-Epley - A Joint Master’s Level Software Engineering Subtrack (DLE), pp. 247–256.
SEI-1992-FriedmanT #education #object-oriented- Integrating Object-Oriented Software Engineering in the Computer Science Curriculum (FLF, RT), pp. 270–284.
SEI-1992-Grant #education- Software Engineering Education in the 1990s — The Way Foreward (DDG), pp. 11–22.
SEI-1992-Hall #question- Is Software Engineering? (AH), pp. 5–8.
SEI-1992-HartrumBSPLD - Putting the Engineering into Software Engineering (TCH, PDB, JAS, CP, KJL, RD), pp. 287–298.
SEI-1992-Hooper #education #framework- Planning for Software Engineering Education Within a Computer Science Framework at Marshall University (JWH), pp. 257–269.
SEI-1992-JacobsP - Creating a Software Engineering Training Program in a Level I Organisation (KJ, RP), pp. 351–359.
SEI-1992-LeaseL - Undergraduate Software Engineering Laboratory at Texas A&M University (ML, ML), pp. 315–323.
SEI-1992-MayrhauserGGC #assessment #development #education- Corporate Software Engineering Education for Six Sigma: Course Development and Assessment of Success (AvM, LG, BG, SC), pp. 360–379.
SEI-1992-MedairosCCK #recommendation- Software Engineering Course Projects: Failures and Recommendations (SM, KWC, JSC, MK), pp. 324–338.
SEI-1992-OmanJ #paradigm- The Influence of Software Engineering Paradigms on Individual and Team Project Results (PWO, WJ), pp. 417–436.
SEI-1992-SpranglerL - The IBM Cleanroom Software Engineering Technology Transfer Program (RAS, RCL), pp. 380–394.
SEI-1992-Taulbee #interface #perspective- The Software Engineering — Patent Law Interface: A Practitioner’s View (GMT), pp. 194–244.
SEI-1992-UntchO #integration #research #reuse- Integrating Research, Reuse, and Integration into Software Engineering Course (RHU, AJO), pp. 88–98.
SEI-1992-Watts #towards- Toward a Discipline for Software Engineering (HSW), pp. 3–4.
SEI-1992-WildeG #using- Use of the Individual Exchange Project Model in an Undergraduate Software Engineering Laboratory (NW, JKG), pp. 339–348.
LFP-1992-GoldbergG #garbage collection #polymorphism- Polymorphic Type Reconstruction for Garbage Collection Without Tags (BG, MG), pp. 53–65.
CAiSE-1992-ShawG #information management #synthesis- The Synthesis of Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (MLGS, BRG), pp. 208–220.
SEKE-1992-BrunoMG #modelling- A Software Engineering Environment for Modeling and Developing Knowledge-Intensive Systems (GB, GM, AG), pp. 519–533.
SEKE-1992-Cimitile #reuse #towards- Towards Reuse Reengineering of Old Software (AC), pp. 140–149.
SEKE-1992-StamperTM #approach #design- A Software Engineering Approach to the Design of a Medical Expert System (RS, BST, PMM), pp. 341–348.
SEKE-1992-TakedaCM #named- MERA: Meta Language for Software Engineering (KT, DNC, IM), pp. 495–502.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Henderson-Sellers #metric- Some Metrics for Objected-Oriented Software Engineering (BHS), pp. 131–139.
AdaEurope-1992-Wearing #ada #metric- Software Engineering, Ada and Metrics (AW), pp. 35–46.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-BerryS #ada #case study #experience #requirements #scalability- Estimating Requirements for a Large Software Engineering Project: Experiences with Ada COCOMO on SIDPERS-3 (RHB, RMS), pp. 375–383.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-LockP #ada #past present future #requirements- Requirements on Ada Reengineering Technology from Past, Present and Future Systems (EDL, NSP), pp. 384–395.
ICSE-1992-BasiliCMPPW #experience- The Software Engineering Laboratory: An Operational Software Experience Factory (VRB, GC, FEM, RP, GTP, SW), pp. 370–381.
ICSE-1992-HorwitzR #dependence #graph #using- The Use of Program Dependence Graphs in Software Engineering (SH, TWR), pp. 392–411.
KBSE-1992-Jarke #configuration management #towards- Towards a Logic-Based Reconstruction of Software Configuration Management (MJ), p. 21.
KBSE-1992-KotikM #knowledge-based #tool support- Knowledge-Based Software Reengineering Tools (GK, LM), p. 31.
KBSE-1992-PartridgeS #network- Neural Networks as a Software Engineering Technology (DP, NS), p. 35.
SEI-1991-BarnesR #education- Computing Curricula 1991 — Its Implications for Software Engineering Education (BHB, JBR), pp. 129–147.
SEI-1991-BudgenR #education #process- Teaching about Process Issues in Software Engineering (DB, CR), pp. 167–180.
SEI-1991-FreemanRWKM - Instruction for Software Engineering Expertise (JTF, TRR, JSW, GAK, JDM), pp. 271–282.
SEI-1991-KellyLP - The Establishment of an Appropriate Software Engineering Training Program (RDK, DLL, FSP), pp. 75–98.
SEI-1991-Marchewka #design #education #realtime- Teaching Software Engineering for Real-Time Design (CGM), pp. 235–244.
SEI-1991-MeadL #education- Software Engineering: Graduate-Level Courses for AFIT Professional Continuing Education (NRM, PKL), pp. 114–126.
SEI-1991-RiedlWFKM #what- What We Have Learned About Software Engineering Expertise (TRR, JSW, JTF, GAK, JDM), pp. 261–270.
SEI-1991-ShawT #modelling- Models for Undergraduate Project Courses in Software Engineering (MS, JET), pp. 33–71.
SEI-1991-WeitzenfeldRFKM #elicitation- Knowledge Elicitation for Software Engineering Expertise (JSW, TRR, JTF, GAK, JDM), pp. 283–296.
SEI-1991-Werth #automation #collaboration #tool support- Industry-Academia Collaboration to Provide CASE Tools for Software Engineering Classes (LHW), pp. 245–256.
OOPSLA-1991-JacobsonL #database #object-oriented- Re-engineering of Old Systems to an Object-Oriented Database (IJ, FL), pp. 340–350.
TOOLS-USA-1991-EdwardsH #object-oriented- Associated Paper: A Coherent Notation for Object-Oriented Software Engineering (JME, BHS), pp. 405–426.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Meyer91a #abstraction- Re-engineering software by isolating abstractions (BM), pp. 369–370.
TOOLS-USA-1991-RosuelGD #c++ #concept- C++ Adequacy for Software Engineering Concepts (GR, JLG, AD), pp. 141–152.
POPL-1991-JouvelotG #algebra- Algebraic Reconstruction of Types and Effects (PJ, DKG), pp. 303–310.
ESEC-1991-CollinsEGGT #composition #named #object-oriented- Tickle: Object-Oriented Description and Composition Services for Software Engineering Environments (TC, KE, CG, JG, IT), pp. 409–423.
ESEC-1991-Jackson #industrial #perspective- The Impact of Software Engineering Researches on Industrial Practice — a Personal View (CJ), pp. 472–479.
ICSE-1991-Curtis #question- Techies as Non-Technological Factors in Software Engineering? (BC), pp. 147–148.
ICSE-1991-DeMarco - Non-Technological Issues in Software Engineering (TD), pp. 149–150.
ICSE-1991-Gotterbarn - Ethical Considerations in Software Engineering (DG), pp. 266–274.
ICSE-1991-IscoeWA #domain model #modelling- Domain Modeling for Software Engineering (NI, GBW, GA), pp. 340–343.
ICSE-1991-KellnerCDKST - Non-Technological Issues in Software Engineering (MIK, BC, TD, KK, MS, CT), pp. 144–146.
ICSE-1991-Schlumberger - Software Engineering Management (MS), pp. 152–153.
ICSE-1991-Schwanke #composition- An Intelligent Tool for Re-Engineering Software Modularity (RWS), pp. 83–92.
ICSE-1991-WerthW #education- Directions in Software Engineering Education (JW, LHW), pp. 353–357.
KBSE-1991-BailinGT - A Learning-Based Software Engineering Environment (SCB, RHG, WT), pp. 198–206.
ISLP-1991-GiordanoM #logic programming- A Modal Reconstruction of Blocks and Modules in Logic Programming (LG, AM), pp. 239–253.
ISLP-1991-LakshmanR #prolog #semantics #type system- Typed Prolog: A Semantic Reconstruction of the Mycroft-O’Keefe Type System (TLL, USR), pp. 202–217.
TAV-1991-Young #formal method #question- Formal Methods versus Software Engineering: Is There a Conflict? (WDY), pp. 188–189.
SEI-1990-Bott - An Undergraduate Programme in Software Engineering (MFB), pp. 38–48.
SEI-1990-FordBBFGO #source code- Graduate Programs in Software Engineering (GAF, ATB, DRB, BMF, NEG, DO), pp. 145–156.
SEI-1990-MillsNE #education- An Undergraduate Curriculum in Software Engineering (HDM, JRN, CBEJ), pp. 24–37.
SEI-1990-ReedD #embedded- An Undergraduate Software Engineering Major Embedded in a Computer Systems Engineering Degree (KR, TSD), pp. 49–66.
SEI-1990-SandersS #perspective- Establishing Motorola-University Relationships: A Software Engineering Training Perspective (GS, GS), pp. 2–12.
SEI-1990-Scoy #ada #concept- Introduction of Software Engineering Concepts in an Ada-Based Introductory Computer Science Course (FLVS), pp. 67–76.
SEI-1990-SmithAARS #education- Industry-Academic Cooperation in Software Engineering Training and Continuing Education (GS, AFA, GNA, WJGR, GS), pp. 157–164.
GG-1990-Kaplan #graph grammar- Applying Graph Grammars to Software engineering (SMK), pp. 49–51.
CAiSE-1990-Loucopoulos #information management- From Software Engineering to Business Engineering: ESPRIT Projects in Information Systems Engineering (PL), p. 285.
SEKE-1990-Blum #approach #knowledge-based- Knowledge-Based Software Engineering: A Different Approach (BIB), pp. 1–6.
SEKE-1990-DeckH #theory and practice- Cleanroom Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (MDD, PAH), pp. 71–77.
SEKE-1990-Hurley #design #information management #interactive- Integrating Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering to Design Interactive Systems (WDH), pp. 7–11.
SEKE-1990-Li #information management- Software Engineering Issues in Knowledge Engineering (XL), pp. 12–18.
SEKE-1990-StovskyW #design- The Role of Traditional Engineering Design Techniques in Software Engineering (MPS, BWW), pp. 84–89.
SEKE-1990-VolovikMT #what- What Software Engineering Can Learn From Practitioners (DV, RM, WTT), pp. 216–221.
ICSE-1990-Biggerstaff #abstraction #concept- Human-Oriented Conceptual Abstractions in the Re-engineering of Software (TJB), p. 120.
ICSE-1990-Bush - Software Re-engineering Position Statement (EB), p. 121.
ICSE-1990-Chikofsky #automation- CASE & Reengineering: From Archeology to Software Perestroika (EJC), p. 122.
ICSE-1990-Kozaczynski - The “Catch 22” of Re-engineering (WK), p. 119.
ICSE-1990-Maiocchi #named #question #source code- Reengineering: Can a Program Put Intelligence in Stupid Programs? (MM), pp. 123–124.
LICS-1990-KfouryT #polymorphism #λ-calculus- Type Reconstruction in Finite-Rank Fragments of the Polymorphic λ-Calculus (AJK, JT), pp. 2–11.
HT-1989-BalzerBGSS #hypermedia- Hypertext and Software Engineering (RB, MLB, PKG, MDS, BS), pp. 395–396.
SEI-1989-ArdisF #education- SEI Report on Graduate Software Engineering Education (MAA, GAF), pp. 208–249.
SEI-1989-BurkholderCG - Panel on Software Engineering Ethics (LB, PKC, DG), pp. 203–207.
SEI-1989-Collberg #algorithm #data type- Data Structures, Algorithms, and Software Engineering (CSC), pp. 70–79.
SEI-1989-Deimel #education #programming- Programming and Its Relation to Computer Science Education and Software Engineering Education (LED), pp. 253–256.
SEI-1989-Engle - Software Engineering is Not Computer Science (CBEJ), pp. 257–262.
SEI-1989-Ford #education #evolution- Anticipating the Evolution of Undergraduate Software Engineering Curricula (GAF), pp. 263–266.
SEI-1989-Friedman #education #harmful- A Separate Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum Considered Harmful (FLF), pp. 267–270.
SEI-1989-Gibbs #question- Is the Time Right for an Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree? (NEG), pp. 271–274.
SEI-1989-JonesR - Software Engineering as Part of an Undergraduate Computer Science Program (LGJ, WER), pp. 275–279.
SEI-1989-Lamb - Questions in Planning Undergraduate Software Engineering (DAL), pp. 280–284.
SEI-1989-Lasky - Undergraduate Software Engineering Educaiton: Prospects and Opportunities (JAL), pp. 285–288.
SEI-1989-LyallA #education- Position Statement: Software Engineering Undergraduate Education (JRL, JGA), pp. 289–293.
SEI-1989-Miles #education- Improving User Manuals in Software Engineering Education (GM), pp. 189–202.
SEI-1989-Page #ada #approach #case study- Holisitc Case Study Approach to Ada Based Software Engineering Training (RDP), pp. 109–123.
SEI-1989-RomanowskyBJK - The Rockwell Avionics Group Software Engineering Training Program (HER, LAB, NWJ, CMK), pp. 131–140.
SEI-1989-Scoy #education- Developing an Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum within an Existing Computer Science Program (FLVS), pp. 294–303.
SEI-1989-Weis - Software Engineering in a BS in Computer Science (RLW), pp. 304–309.
SEI-1989-Zweben #education- Integrating Software Engineering into an Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum (SHZ), pp. 310–312.
ML-1989-TongF #automation #case study #towards- Toward Automated Rational Reconstruction: A Case Study (CT, PF), pp. 302–307.
SEKE-1989-WeideD #concept #process- Conceptualizing the Software Engineering Process (BWW, SD), p. 172–?.
PLDI-1989-OTooleG #polymorphism- Type Reconstruction with First-Class Polymorphic Values (JO, DKG), pp. 207–217.
ESEC-1989-Dix #refinement- Software Engineering Implications for Formal Refinement (AJD), pp. 243–259.
ESEC-1989-OquendoBGMT - Version Management in the PACT Integrated Software Engineering Environment (FO, KB, FG, RM, IT), pp. 222–242.
ICSE-1989-Balzer - Software Engineering in the Year 2001 (RB), p. 256.
ICSE-1989-DeMarco #roadmap- Twenty Years of Software Engineering: Looking Forward, Looking Back (TD), p. 134.
ICSE-1989-Galler - Thoughts on Software Engineering (BAG), p. 97.
ICSE-1989-Gries - My Thoughts on Software Engineering in the Late 1960s (DG), p. 98.
ICSE-1989-Hansen #modelling #process- Modeling the Software Engineering Process (GAH), p. 396.
ICSE-1989-HumphreyKK - The State of Software Engineering Practice: A Preliminary Report (WSH, DHK, TCK), pp. 277–288.
ICSE-1989-Jackson #roadmap- Software Engineering for Business DP: Looking Back and Looking Forward (MJ), p. 135.
ICSE-1989-KozaczynskiN #knowledge-based #named #process #scalability- SRE: A Knowledge-Based Environment for Large-Scale Software Re-Engineering Activities (WK, JQN), pp. 113–122.
ICSE-1989-Linger - Mathematics-Based Software Engineering for Completely Validated Software (RCL), p. 358.
ICSE-1989-Tomayko - Twenty-Year Retrospective: The NATO Software Engineering Conferences (JET), p. 96.
NACLP-1989-MelloNR #logic programming #perspective- Logic Programming in a Software Engineering Perspective (PM, AN, CR), pp. 441–458.
SEI-1988-AmorosoKWG #education- Revised Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum at Monmouth College (SA, RK, TW, BG), pp. 70–80.
SEI-1988-BrackettKV - The Software Engineering Graduate Program at the Boston University College of Engineering (JWB, TGK, RFV), pp. 56–63.
SEI-1988-Fairley #source code- The Software Engineering Programs at George Mason University (REF), pp. 64–69.
SEI-1988-Lamb #student- Reducing Student Workload in a Software Engineering Poject Course (DAL), pp. 145–153.
SEI-1988-LeventhalM #design #user interface- A Scarce Resource in Undergraduate Software Engineering Courses: User Interface Design Materials (LML, BTM), pp. 187–198.
SEI-1988-Mills #education- Strategic Imperatives in Software Engineering Education (HDM), pp. 9–19.
SEI-1988-Richardson #education- Undergraduate Software Engineering Education (WER), pp. 121–144.
SEI-1988-SigillitoBL #source code- Software Engineering in the Johns Hopkins University Continuing Professional Programs (VGS, BIB, PHL), pp. 20–31.
ICSE-1988-Muhlhauser #design #distributed- Software Engineering for Distributed Applications: The Design Project (MM), pp. 93–101.
CCHSC-1988-Koskimies #aspect-oriented #implementation- Software Engineering Aspects in Language Implementation (KK), pp. 39–51.
HT-1987-GargS #design #hypermedia #information management #on the- On Designing Intelligent Hypertext Systems for Information Management in Software Engineering (PKG, WS), pp. 409–432.
SIGMOD-1987-Halasz #data transformation #design- The Impact of Software Engineering Environments on the Design of Data Management Systems (FGH), p. 3.
ESEC-1987-Allen #approach #data transformation #distributed #named #realtime- SOFTBUS — An Approach to Software Engineering for Distributed Real-Time Long-Lifetime Spacecraft Data Management Systems (RCA), pp. 202–211.
ESEC-1987-Knabe #exception #fault #industrial #safety- The Impact of Exception Handling on Labour Division, Safety, and Error Diagnostics in an Industrial Software Engineering Environment (CK), pp. 369–376.
ESEC-1987-MeyerNM #design #eiffel #named #object-oriented- EIFFEL: Object-Oriented Design for Software Engineering (BM, JMN, MM), pp. 221–229.
ICSE-1987-Barstow - Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (DRB), pp. 200–215.
ICSE-1987-Bernstein #database- Database System Support for Software Engineering (PAB), pp. 166–179.
ICSE-1987-Nomura #tool support #using- Use of Software Engineering Tools in Japan (TN), pp. 263–269.
ICSE-1987-Rathke #communication #human-computer- Human-Computer Communication Meets Software Engineering (CR), pp. 216–224.
DAC-1987-Elias #case study #compilation #generative #layout- A Case Study in Silicon Compilation Software Engineering, HVDEV High Voltage Device Layout Generator (NJE), pp. 82–88.
DAC-1987-Masurkar #requirements- Requirements for a Practical Software Engineering Environment (VM), pp. 67–73.
DAC-1987-Rosenberg #perspective- The Making of VIVID: A Software Engineering Perspective (JBR), pp. 74–81.
CRAI-1986-Gallo #approach #towards- The PCTE Initiative: Toward a European Approach to Software Engineering (FG), pp. 16–29.
CRAI-1986-Habermann - The Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University (ANH), pp. 233–248.
ICSE-1985-Manley #process- Software Engineering Provisioning Process (JHM), pp. 273–284.
ICSE-1985-PenedoS #database #named- PMDB — A Project Master Database for Software Engineering Environments (MH(P, EDS), pp. 150–157.
ICSE-1985-Schaul #design #education #overview #using- Design Using Software Engineering Principles: Overview of an Educational Program (MS), pp. 201–209.
ICSE-1985-Vefsnmo #communication #quality #quote- “DASOM” — A Software Engineering Tool for Communication Applications Increasing Productivity and Software Quality (EAMV), pp. 26–35.
ICSE-1984-Curtis #difference- Fifteen Years of Psychology in Software Engineering: Individual Differences and Cognitive Science (BC), pp. 97–107.
ICSE-1984-DraperN #user interface- Software Engineering for User Interfaces (SWD, DAN), pp. 214–221.
ICSE-1984-FischerS #communication #knowledge-based #process- Knowledge-Based Communication Processes in Software Engineering (GF, MS), pp. 358–368.
ICSE-1984-Spicer #approach #education #project management- A Spiral Approach to Software Engineering Project Management Education (JCS), pp. 78–85.
ILPC-1984-EmdenL84 #logic #prolog- A Logical Reconstruction of Prolog II (MHvE, JWL), pp. 35–40.
VLDB-1983-TorenvlietB #optimisation- The Reconstruction and Optimization of Trie Hashing Functions (LT, PvEB), pp. 142–156.
DAC-1983-Day #automation- Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) (FWD), pp. 129–136.
ICSE-1982-Weinberg - Overstructured Management of Software Engineering (GMW), pp. 2–9.
DAC-1982-ONeill #automation #design- A retrospective on software engineering in design automation (LAO), pp. 10–14.
ILPC-1982-Kurokawa82 #logic programming #what- Logic Programming — What Does it Bring to the Software Engineering (TK), pp. 134–138.
ICSE-1981-ChenZ #analysis #clustering #using- Use of Cluster Analysis to Evaluate Software Engineering Methodologies (EC, MVZ), pp. 117–124.
ICSE-1981-HausenM - Conspectus of Software Engineering Environments (HLH, MM), pp. 34–43.
ICSE-1981-MoherS - Methods for Improving Controlled Experimentation in Software Engineering (TGM, GMS), pp. 224–234.
ICSE-1981-Wasserman #design #interactive- User Software Engineering and the Design of Interactive Systems (AIW), pp. 387–393.
DAC-1981-NashW #design #development- Software engineering applied to computer-aided design (CAD) software development (DCN, HW), pp. 530–539.
ICSE-1979-BelfordBH #case study #development #effectiveness- Central Flow Control Software Development: A Case Study of the Effectiveness of Software Engineering Techniques (PCB, RAB, TLH), pp. 85–93.
ICSE-1979-BoehmB - Software Engineering: As it is (BWB), pp. 11–21.
ICSE-1979-Bruggere - Software Engineering: Management, Personnel and Methodology (THB), pp. 361–368.
ICSE-1979-Dijkstra - Software Engineering : As It Should Be (EWD), pp. 442–448.
ICSE-1979-Elovitz #architecture #case study #empirical #research- An Experiment in Software Engineering: The Architecture Research Facility as a Case Study (HSE), pp. 145–152.
ICSE-1979-HorsleyL #case study #named- Pilot: A Software Engineering Case Study (RRH, WCL), pp. 94–99.
ICSE-1979-HutchingsMETW #on the- On CADES-Software Engineering in Practice (AFH, RWM, AEE, BRT, PNW), pp. 136–144.
ICSE-1979-MorrisseyW #on the #perspective- On Software Engineering — An Economic Perspective (JMM, LSYW), pp. 412–422.
ICSE-1979-Randell - Software Engineering: As it was in 1968 (BR), pp. 1–10.
ICSE-1979-Rohmer - The APL2M System : A General Computer-Aided Software Engineering Environment for Mini and Microcomputers (JR), pp. 403–411.
ICSE-1979-Turski - Software Engineering : As It Will Be (WMT), pp. 449–456.
ICSE-1979-Vick #on the #past present future #tool support- On Software Engineering Tools: Past, Present and Future (CRV), p. 52.
VLDB-1978-Wasserman #database- A Software Engineering View of Data Base Management (AIW), pp. 23–35.
VLDB-1978-Weber #database- A Software Engineering View of Data Base Systems (HW), pp. 36–51.
VLDB-1978-Yeh #database #design- Data Base and Software Engineering — A Design Viewpoint (RTY), p. 22.
ICSE-1978-Brooks #behaviour #comprehension #using- Using a Behavioral Theory of Program Comprehension in Software Engineering (REB), pp. 196–201.
ICSE-1978-DniestrowskiGM - Software Engineering in Avionics Applications (AD, JMG, RM), pp. 124–131.
ICSE-1978-FreemanW #education- A Proposed Curriculum for Software Engineering Education (PF, AIW), pp. 56–62.
ICSE-1978-Hoare - Software Engineering: A Keynote Address (CARH), pp. 1–4.
ICSE-1978-PetersT - A Model of Software Engineering (LJP, LLT), pp. 63–70.
VLDB-1977-YehB #approach #design #towards- Toward a Design Methodology for DBMS: A Software Engineering Approach (RTY, JWB), pp. 16–27.
DAC-1977-Smith77a #automation #design #tutorial- Software engineering techniques in design automation&madash;a tutorial (RJSI), pp. 495–507.
ICSE-1976-FreemanWF #education- Essential Elements of Software Engineering Education (PF, AIW, REF), pp. 116–122.
ICSE-1976-Greene #approach #automation #development- Dynamic Software Engineering: An Evolutionary Approach to Automated Software Development and Management (JSG), pp. 373–378.
ICSE-1976-Hsiao #design #experience #implementation- A Software Engineering Experience in the Management, Design and Implementation of A Data Secure System (DKH), pp. 532–538.
ICSE-1976-IrvineB #automation #data transformation- Automated Software Engineering Through Structured Data Management (CAI, JWB), p. 3.
ICSE-1976-LehmanP #evolution- Program Evolution and Its Impact on Software Engineering (MML, FNP), pp. 350–357.
ICSE-1976-PollockM #development- Software Engineering in the Development of the TRIDENT Fire Control System (RMP, WLM), pp. 363–369.
ICSE-1976-Whitaker - A Defense View of Software Engineering (WAW), pp. 358–362.
ICSE-1976-Wilkes #programming- Software Engineering and Structured Programming (MVW), p. 387.
DAC-1976-Pierce - The literature of software engineering: Description and guide (ARP), pp. 451–461.
DAC-1975-DoonerL - The application software engineering tool (NPD, JRL), pp. 50–61.
DAC-1975-ThompsonB75a #implementation #logic #multi #simulation- The software engineering technique of data hiding as applied to multi-level model implementation of logical devices in digital simulation (EWT, NB), pp. 195–201.