4 papers:
- CASE-2015-LiaoHJ #multi
- Numerical testbed of a multiple-chiller plant for centralized HVAC systems (YL, GH, QsJ), pp. 699–701.
- CASE-2014-HuangL #multi #probability
- Stochastic chiller sequencing control for multiple-chiller plants (GH, ZL), pp. 1085–1090.
- KDD-2009-PatnaikMSR #data mining #mining #using
- Sustainable operation and management of data center chillers using temporal data mining (DP, MM, RKS, NR), pp. 1305–1314.
- CASE-2007-AlbieriBBC #design #simulation
- A Simulation Environment for the Design of Advanced Chiller Control Systems (MA, AB, CB, LC), pp. 962–967.