6 papers:
SAT-2015-BovaCMS #compilation #on the- On Compiling CNFs into Structured Deterministic DNNFs (SB, FC, SM, FS), pp. 199–214.
KR-2014-Razgon #bound #on the- On OBDDs for CNFs of Bounded Treewidth (IR).
SAT-2006-Buresh-OppenheimM #satisfiability- Minimum Witnesses for Unsatisfiable 2CNFs (JBO, DGM), pp. 42–47.
SAT-2006-ChaviraD #analysis #component #encoding- Encoding CNFs to Empower Component Analysis (MC, AD), pp. 61–74.
STOC-2005-Alekhnovich #bound #random- Lower bounds for k-DNF resolution on random 3-CNFs (MA), pp. 251–256.
SAT-2001-Goldberg #proving #satisfiability- Proving unsatisfiability of CNFs locally (EG), pp. 96–114.