3 papers:
ICEIS-J-2013-HarbuschP13a #exclamation #optimisation #smarttech #usability #user interface- Optimizing the User Interface of a First-Aid App: A “Realistic” Usability Study with the Smartphone Application “Defi Now!” (KH, JP), pp. 421–437.
ICEIS-v3-2013-HarbuschP #exclamation #smarttech #usability #user interface- The User Interface of a Medical First Aid Application — A Close-to-Realistic Usability Study with the Smartphone Application “Defi Now!” (KH, JP), pp. 91–98.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-Amarasinghe #architecture #compilation- Defying the speed of light: : a spatially-aware compiler for wire-exposed architectures (SPA), p. 70.