7 papers:
ICPR-2014-VuEIYY #image #using- Segmenting Reddish Lesions in Capsule Endoscopy Images Using a Gastrointestinal Color Space (HV, TE, YI, YY, YY), pp. 3263–3268.
ICPR-2014-VuYESOFAY #education #video- A Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule Endoscopy (HV, YY, TE, MS, HO, YF, TA, YY), pp. 2721–2726.
ICPR-2012-DinhLLRD #detection #image #multi- Training data selection for cancer detection in multispectral endoscopy images (VCD, ML, RL, OR, RPWD), pp. 161–164.
ICPR-2012-LuoKM #3d #using- Endoscope 3-D motion tracking using an aggressive particle filtering for boosting electromagnetic guidance endoscopy (XL, TK, KM), pp. 117–120.
ICPR-2012-YuYL #detection #image- Ulcer detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images (LY, PCY, JHL), pp. 45–48.
SAC-2007-LeeOSYT #automation #classification- Automatic classification of digestive organs in wireless capsule endoscopy videos (JL, JHO, SKS, XY, SJT), pp. 1041–1045.
ICPR-v4-2006-VilarinoSPVR #automation #detection #video- Automatic Detection of Intestinal Juices in Wireless Capsule Video Endoscopy (FV, PS, OP, JV, PR), pp. 719–722.