7 papers:
CHI-2014-WeichelLKVG #named- MixFab: a mixed-reality environment for personal fabrication (CW, ML, DK, NV, HWG), pp. 3855–3864.
DATE-2012-HamoudaAK #automation #image #modelling #novel- AIR (Aerial Image Retargeting): A novel technique for in-fab automatic model-based retargeting-for-yield (AYH, MA, KSK), pp. 1603–1608.
ICML-2010-CumminsN #named #recognition #using #visual notation- FAB-MAP: Appearance-Based Place Recognition and Mapping using a Learned Visual Vocabulary Model (MJC, PMN), pp. 3–10.
CASE-2007-HuangLF #scheduling- Lot Dispatching and Scheduling Integrating OHT Traffic Information in the 300mm Wafer Fab (HWH, CHL, LCF), pp. 495–500.
ASPLOS-2004-SaitoFVMS #array #component #distributed #enterprise #named- FAB: building distributed enterprise disk arrays from commodity components (YS, SF, ACV, AM, SS), pp. 48–58.
HPCA-2002-KampeSD #analysis #branch #fourier #predict #using- The FAB Predictor: Using Fourier Analysis to Predict the Outcome of Conditional Branches (MK, PS, MD), pp. 223–232.
ICSM-2001-FerrarioA #information management #named #web- WebFabIS: A WEB Based Information System for Microelectronics Manufacturing (LF, CA), p. 200.