Tag #branch
221 papers:
ASPLOS-2020-ZhangKE #execution #predict- Exploring Branch Predictors for Constructing Transient Execution Trojans (TZ, KK, DE), pp. 667–682.
CSL-2020-Buss0K #complexity #nondeterminism #proving #source code- Proof Complexity of Systems of (Non-Deterministic) Decision Trees and Branching Programs (SB, AD0, AK), p. 17.
POPL-2019-AcetoAFIL #linear- Adventures in monitorability: from branching to linear time and back again (LA, AA, AF, AI, KL), p. 29.
CASE-2019-ZabinskyHH #approximate #bound #heuristic- Integrating Heuristics and Approximations into a Branch and Bound Framework* (ZBZ, TYH, HH), pp. 774–779.
- IFM-2018-NguyenT #automaton #logic
- Branching Temporal Logic of Calls and Returns for Pushdown Systems (HVN, TT), pp. 326–345.
Haskell-2018-MistaRH #generative #process #quickcheck- Branching processes for QuickCheck generators (AM, AR, JH), pp. 1–13.
ICML-2018-BalcanDSV #learning- Learning to Branch (MFB, TD, TS, EV), pp. 353–362.
ASE-2018-KovalenkoPB #mining #question- Mining file histories: should we consider branches? (VK, FP, AB), pp. 202–213.
ASPLOS-2018-EvtyushkinRAP #named #predict- BranchScope: A New Side-Channel Attack on Directional Branch Predictor (DE, RR, NBAG, DP), pp. 693–707.
CASE-2018-JantschNWHM #approach #bound- Enhanced branch and bound approach for receding horizon based planning (MJ, NNN, LW, MH, UM), pp. 160–163.
- ICSE-2017-ChekamPTH #empirical #fault
- An empirical study on mutation, statement and branch coverage fault revelation that avoids the unreliable clean program assumption (TTC, MP, YLT, MH), pp. 597–608.
ESOP-2017-Cotton-BarrattM #ml- ML and Extended Branching VASS (CCB, ASM, CHLO), pp. 314–340.
ICSME-2016-MichaudGCM #commit #git #repository- Recovering Commit Branch of Origin from GitHub Repositories (HMM, DTG, MLC, JIM), pp. 290–300.
DLT-2016-Bedon #automaton- Complementation of Branching Automata for Scattered and Countable Series-Parallel Posets (NB), pp. 13–25.
FSE-2016-CostaFMS #named #recommendation- TIPMerge: recommending experts for integrating changes across branches (CC, JF, LM, AS), pp. 523–534.
FSE-2016-CostaFSM #developer #named #recommendation- TIPMerge: recommending developers for merging branches (CC, JF, AS, LM), pp. 998–1002.
FSE-2016-ZhangLZHZM #testing- Isomorphic regression testing: executing uncovered branches without test augmentation (JZ0, YL, LZ, DH, LZ0, HM), pp. 883–894.
CGO-2016-TymburibaMP #detection- Inference of peak density of indirect branches to detect ROP attacks (MT, REAM, FMQP), pp. 150–159.
FASE-2016-LechenetKG #debugging #slicing #verification- Cut Branches Before Looking for Bugs: Sound Verification on Relaxed Slices (JCL, NK, PLG), pp. 179–196.
ICALP-v1-2015-GoldreichGR #context-free grammar #proving #proximity #source code- Proofs of Proximity for Context-Free Languages and Read-Once Branching Programs — (OG, TG, RDR), pp. 666–677.
ICALP-v2-2015-EtessamiSY #equation #fixpoint #markov #polynomial #probability #process #reachability- Greatest Fixed Points of Probabilistic Min/Max Polynomial Equations, and Reachability for Branching Markov Decision Processes (KE, AS, MY), pp. 184–196.
SPLC-2015-MontalvilloD #development #git #modelling #repository- Tuning GitHub for SPL development: branching models & repository operations for product engineers (LM, OD), pp. 111–120.
QAPL-2015-LeeV #bisimulation #congruence #probability- Rooted branching bisimulation as a congruence for probabilistic transition systems (MDL, EPdV), pp. 79–94.
ESEC-FSE-2015-HuangR - Finding schedule-sensitive branches (JH, LR), pp. 439–449.
SAC-2015-BritoE #named #performance #query- BranchGuide: an indexing technique for efficient, lossless processing of branching path queries (TBV, GEdS), pp. 1086–1092.
SAC-2015-Puffitsch #analysis #bound #predict- Persistence-based branch misprediction bounds for WCET analysis (WP), pp. 1898–1905.
ASPLOS-2015-Sidiroglou-Douskos #automation #integer #using- Targeted Automatic Integer Overflow Discovery Using Goal-Directed Conditional Branch Enforcement (SSD, EL, NR, PP, FL, DK, MCR), pp. 473–486.
CGO-2015-RohouSS #performance #predict #trust- Branch prediction and the performance of interpreters: don’t trust folklore (ER, BNS, AS), pp. 103–114.
DATE-2015-FaravelonFP #performance #predict #simulation- Fast and accurate branch predictor simulation (AF, NF, FP), pp. 317–320.
TACAS-2015-Wijs #gpu #similarity- GPU Accelerated Strong and Branching Bisimilarity Checking (AW), pp. 368–383.
ICST-2015-PanichellaKT #optimisation #problem- Reformulating Branch Coverage as a Many-Objective Optimization Problem (AP, FMK, PT), pp. 1–10.
LICS-2015-CzerwinskiJ #process #similarity- Branching Bisimilarity of Normed BPA Processes Is in NEXPTIME (WC, PJ), pp. 168–179.
LICS-2015-HeH #similarity- Branching Bisimilarity on Normed BPA Is EXPTIME-Complete (CH, MH), pp. 180–191.
VLDB-2015-InoueOT14 #performance #predict #set- Faster Set Intersection with SIMD instructions by Reducing Branch Mispredictions (HI, MO, KT), pp. 293–304.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-DingZT #detection- Detecting infeasible branches based on code patterns (SD, HZ, HBKT), pp. 74–83.
ICALP-v2-2014-BlondinFM #infinity- Handling Infinitely Branching WSTS (MB, AF, PM), pp. 13–25.
ICALP-v2-2014-YinFHHT #similarity- Branching Bisimilarity Checking for PRS (QY, YF, CH, MH, XT), pp. 363–374.
CHI-2014-AndrewsB #interactive #visualisation- Visualizing interactive narratives: employing a branching comic to tell a story and show its readings (DA, CB), pp. 1895–1904.
HCI-AS-2014-MoserF #experience #feedback #game studies- Narrative Control and Player Experience in Role Playing Games: Decision Points and Branching Narrative Feedback (CM, XF), pp. 622–633.
ICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaSMMS #design #heuristic #network #problem- A Heuristic Procedure with Local Branching for the Fixed Charge Network Design Problem with User-optimal Flow (PHGS, LGS, CAdJM, PYPM, ES), pp. 384–394.
KR-2014-Gutierrez-BasultoJ0 #lightweight #logic- Lightweight Description Logics and Branching Time: A Troublesome Marriage (VGB, JCJ, TS).
STOC-2014-ForbesSS #algebra #multi #order #set #source code- Hitting sets for multilinear read-once algebraic branching programs, in any order (MAF, RS, AS), pp. 867–875.
TACAS-2014-BoenderC #algorithm #correctness #on the- On the Correctness of a Branch Displacement Algorithm (JB, CSC), pp. 605–619.
LICS-CSL-2014-LazicS - Non-elementary complexities for branching VASS, MELL, and extensions (RL, SS), p. 10.
SAT-2014-SonobeKI #community #parallel #satisfiability- Community Branching for Parallel Portfolio SAT Solvers (TS, SK, MI), pp. 188–196.
LATA-2013-BolligCHKS #automaton #communication- Dynamic Communicating Automata and Branching High-Level MSCs (BB, AC, LH, AK, TS), pp. 177–189.
VISSOFT-2013-Elsen #git #named #visualisation- VisGi: Visualizing Git branches (SE), pp. 1–4.
PPDP-2013-AsadaHKHN #calculus #finite #graph #graph transformation #monad- A parameterized graph transformation calculus for finite graphs with monadic branches (KA, SH, HK, ZH, KN), pp. 73–84.
HPCA-2013-BonannoCLMPS #predict- Two level bulk preload branch prediction (JB, AC, DL, UM, BP, AS), pp. 71–82.
HPCA-2013-FarooqKJ #compilation #predict- Store-Load-Branch (SLB) predictor: A compiler assisted branch prediction for data dependent branches (MUF, K, LKJ), pp. 59–70.
FASE-2013-LeoniDG #execution #process- Discovering Branching Conditions from Business Process Execution Logs (MdL, MD, LGB), pp. 114–129.
ICALP-v1-2012-EtessamiSY #algorithm #equation #markov #polynomial #probability #process- Polynomial Time Algorithms for Branching Markov Decision Processes and Probabilistic Min(Max) Polynomial Bellman Equations (KE, AS, MY), pp. 314–326.
CHI-2012-AndrewsBEK #interactive #using- Creating and using interactive narratives: reading and writing branching comics (DA, CB, SE, MK), pp. 1703–1712.
FSE-2012-BirdZ #analysis- Assessing the value of branches with what-if analysis (CB, TZ), p. 45.
CC-2012-FarooqCJ #compilation #predict- Compiler Support for Value-Based Indirect Branch Prediction (MUF, LC, LKJ), pp. 185–199.
DATE-2012-Sadooghi-AlvandiAM #predict #towards- Toward virtualizing branch direction prediction (MSA, KA, AM), pp. 455–460.
DATE-2012-TanLXTC #energy #predict #stack- Energy-efficient branch prediction with Compiler-guided History Stack (MT, XL, ZX, DT, XC), pp. 449–454.
PDP-2012-BoukedjarLB #bound #cpu #gpu #parallel- Parallel Branch and Bound on a CPU-GPU System (AB, MEL, DEB), pp. 392–398.
FASE-2012-BarrBRHGD #development- Cohesive and Isolated Development with Branches (ETB, CB, PCR, AH, DMG, PTD), pp. 316–331.
STOC-2012-DvirMPY #multi #source code- Separating multilinear branching programs and formulas (ZD, GM, SP, AY), pp. 615–624.
STOC-2012-EtessamiSY #algorithm #context-free grammar #multi #polynomial #probability #process- Polynomial time algorithms for multi-type branching processes and stochastic context-free grammars (KE, AS, MY), pp. 579–588.
ICST-2012-JuzgadoVSAR #abstraction #clustering #effectiveness #equivalence #testing- Comparing the Effectiveness of Equivalence Partitioning, Branch Testing and Code Reading by Stepwise Abstraction Applied by Subjects (NJJ, SV, MS, SA, IR), pp. 330–339.
IJCAR-2012-LatteL #exclamation- Branching Time? Pruning Time! (ML, ML), pp. 393–407.
LICS-2012-RabinovichR - Interpretations in Trees with Countably Many Branches (AR, SR), pp. 551–560.
ICSM-2011-TarvoZC #algorithm #integration #mining #multi #version control- An integration resolution algorithm for mining multiple branches in version control systems (AT, TZ, JC), pp. 402–411.
ICALP-v1-2011-AllenderW #algebra #on the #power of #source code- On the Power of Algebraic Branching Programs of Width Two (EA, FW), pp. 736–747.
SEFM-2011-CastroKAA #fault tolerance #logic #named #verification- dCTL: A Branching Time Temporal Logic for Fault-Tolerant System Verification (PFC, CK, AA, NA), pp. 106–121.
SAC-2011-ParisiniM #continuation #slicing- Improving CP-based local branching via sliced neighborhood search (FP, MM), pp. 887–892.
DAC-2011-GhaniN #grid #power management #using #verification- Power grid verification using node and branch dominance (NHAG, FNN), pp. 682–687.
HPCA-2011-Seznec #estimation #predict- Storage free confidence estimation for the TAGE branch predictor (AS), pp. 443–454.
CSL-2011-Vardi #linear #perspective #semantics- Branching vs. Linear Time: Semantical Perspective (MYV), p. 3.
HPCA-2010-XekalakisC #execution #multi- Handling branches in TLS systems with Multi-Path Execution (PX, MC), pp. 1–12.
ICLP-2010-Parisini10 #constraints #framework #programming- Local Branching in a Constraint Programming Framework (FP), pp. 286–288.
ICST-2010-Arcuri #distance #how #matter #testing- It Does Matter How You Normalise the Branch Distance in Search Based Software Testing (AA), pp. 205–214.
ICALP-v1-2009-ChakaravarthyPRS #approximate #multi- Approximating Decision Trees with Multiway Branches (VTC, VP, SR, YS), pp. 210–221.
LOPSTR-2009-PettorossiPS #logic #program transformation- Deciding Full Branching Time Logic by Program Transformation (AP, MP, VS), pp. 5–21.
SIGAda-2009-Lathrop #ada #dynamic analysis #predict- Dynamic analysis of branch mispredictions in Ada (SML), pp. 79–84.
ASE-2009-ArthoLHTY #linear #model checking- Cache-Based Model Checking of Networked Applications: From Linear to Branching Time (CA, WL, MH, YT, MY), pp. 447–458.
ASPLOS-2009-BurceaM #design #named- Phantom-BTB: a virtualized branch target buffer design (IB, AM), pp. 313–324.
SAT-2009-LarrosaNOR #bound #generative #optimisation- Branch and Bound for Boolean Optimization and the Generation of Optimality Certificates (JL, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 453–466.
ITiCSE-2008-MetrolhoC #student- Branches of professional organizations a way to enrich student’s scientific and personal skills (JCM, MITC), p. 360.
MSR-2008-WilliamsS #repository- Branching and merging in the repository (CCW, JS), pp. 19–22.
ICALP-B-2008-BrazdilFK #markov #process #synthesis #verification- Controller Synthesis and Verification for Markov Decision Processes with Qualitative Branching Time Objectives (TB, VF, AK), pp. 148–159.
SEFM-2008-Gladisch #generative #testing- Verification-Based Test Case Generation for Full Feasible Branch Coverage (CG), pp. 159–168.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-AlencarSAFF #approach #bound- Maximizing the Business Value of Software Projects — A Branch & Bound Approach (AJA, EAS, EPdA, MCF, ALF), pp. 162–169.
QAPL-2008-TrckaG #bisimulation #congruence #probability- Branching Bisimulation Congruence for Probabilistic Systems (NT, SG), pp. 129–143.
ASPLOS-2008-ChoiPT #predict #thread- Accurate branch prediction for short threads (BC, LP, DMT), pp. 125–134.
HPCA-2008-GaoMDZ #correlation #locality #novel #predict- Address-branch correlation: A novel locality for long-latency hard-to-predict branches (HG, YM, MD, HZ), pp. 74–85.
LATA-2007-AblayevG #complexity #quantum #simulation #source code- Classical Simulation Complexity of Quantum Branching Programs (FMA, AG), pp. 49–56.
CGO-2007-HiserWHDMC - Evaluating Indirect Branch Handling Mechanisms in Software Dynamic Translation Systems (JH, DWW, WH, JWD, JM, BRC), pp. 61–73.
HPCA-2007-QuinonesPG #execution #predict- Improving Branch Prediction and Predicated Execution in Out-of-Order Processors (EQ, JMP, AG), pp. 75–84.
PDP-2007-MezmazMT #approach #bound #parallel- A Grid-based Parallel Approach of the Multi-Objective Branch and Bound (MSM, NM, EGT), pp. 23–30.
CIAA-2006-ChengWC #analysis #bisimulation #composition #on the fly- On-the-Fly Branching Bisimulation Minimization for Compositional Analysis (YPC, HYW, YRC), pp. 219–229.
QAPL-2005-BaierDG06 #partial order #probability #reduction- Partial Order Reduction for Probabilistic Branching Time (CB, PRD, MG), pp. 97–116.
QAPL-2005-BartheRW06 #transaction- Preventing Timing Leaks Through Transactional Branching Instructions (GB, TR, MW), pp. 33–55.
SAC-2006-Goldsztejn #algorithm #approximate #set- A branch and prune algorithm for the approximation of non-linear AE-solution sets (AG), pp. 1650–1654.
CGO-2006-KimSMP #2d #detection #named #set- 2D-Profiling: Detecting Input-Dependent Branches with a Single Input Data Set (HK, MAS, OM, YNP), pp. 159–172.
PDP-2006-LaskowskiT #configuration management #scheduling #source code- Scheduling Programs with Conditional Branches for Look-Ahead Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems (EL, MT), pp. 211–218.
PDP-2006-RibasG #predict #using- Evaluating Branch Prediction Using Two-Level Perceptron Table (LVMR, RAdLG), pp. 145–148.
PDP-2006-SilvaMG #predict- Extending the PPM Branch Predictor (ZCdS, JAM, RALG), pp. 259–262.
AIIDE-2005-RiedlY #generative #graph #linear- From Linear Story Generation to Branching Story Graphs (MOR, RMY), pp. 111–116.
PLDI-2005-Jimenez #predict- Code placement for improving dynamic branch prediction accuracy (DAJ), pp. 107–116.
ASE-2005-VardhanV #learning #verification- Learning to verify branching time properties (AV, MV), pp. 325–328.
DATE-2005-BurguiereR #modelling #predict- A Contribution to Branch Prediction Modeling in WCET Analysi (CB, CR), pp. 612–617.
FoSSaCS-2005-AbbesB #probability- Branching Cells as Local States for Event Structures and Nets: Probabilistic Applications (SA, AB), pp. 95–109.
SAT-2005-Coste-MarquisBL #heuristic #quantifier- A Branching Heuristics for Quantified Renamable Horn Formulas (SCM, DLB, FL), pp. 393–399.
ICALP-2004-AlfaroFS #linear #metric- Linear and Branching Metrics for Quantitative Transition Systems (LdA, MF, MS), pp. 97–109.
ASE-2004-KhorG #algorithm #automation #concept analysis #search-based #testing #using- Using a Genetic Algorithm and Formal Concept Analysis to Generate Branch Coverage Test Data Automatically (SK, PG), pp. 346–349.
HPCA-2004-AkkarySKPR #estimation- Perceptron-Based Branch Confidence Estimation (HA, STS, RK, YP, WR), pp. 265–275.
HPCA-2004-GandhiAS #predict- Reducing Branch Misprediction Penalty via Selective Branch Recovery (AG, HA, STS), pp. 254–264.
LICS-2004-DamsN #abstraction #finite #model checking- The Existence of Finite Abstractions for Branching Time Model Checking (DD, KSN), pp. 335–344.
CIAA-2003-KuskeM #automaton #parallel- Branching Automata with Costs — A Way of Reflecting Parallelism in Costs (DK, IM), pp. 150–162.
DLT-2003-DrewesE - Branching Grammars: A Generalization of ET0L Systems (FD, JE), pp. 266–278.
PLDI-2003-ErtlG #optimisation #predict #virtual machine- Optimizing indirect branch prediction accuracy in virtual machine interpreters (MAE, DG), pp. 278–288.
DATE-2003-GuptaDGN #design #synthesis- Dynamic Conditional Branch Balancing during the High-Level Synthesis of Control-Intensive Designs (SG, NDD, RKG, AN), pp. 10270–10275.
HPCA-2003-ChenDA #data flow #dependence #predict- Dynamic Data Dependence Tracking and its Application to Branch Prediction (LC, SD, DHA), pp. 65–76.
HPCA-2003-Jimenez #predict- Reconsidering Complex Branch Predictors (DAJ), pp. 43–52.
HPCA-2003-SimonCF #predict- Incorporating Predicate Information into Branch Predictors (BS, BC, JF), pp. 53–64.
FASE-2003-Muccini #detection- Detecting Implied Scenarios Analyzing Non-local Branching Choices (HM), pp. 372–386.
TACAS-2003-BerthomieuV #analysis #petri net- State Class Constructions for Branching Analysis of Time Petri Nets (BB, FV), pp. 442–457.
TACAS-2003-KhomenkoK #petri net #process- Branching Processes of High-Level Petri Nets (VK, MK), pp. 458–472.
CAV-2003-Namjoshi #abstraction- Abstraction for Branching Time Properties (KSN), pp. 288–300.
SAT-2003-DrakeF #heuristic #interactive- The Interaction Between Inference and Branching Heuristics (LD, AMF), pp. 370–382.
SAT-2003-HerbstrittB - Conflict-Based Selection of Branching Rules (MH, BB), pp. 441–451.
SIGMOD-2002-KaushikBNK #query- Covering indexes for branching path queries (RK, PB, JFN, HFK), pp. 133–144.
ICALP-2002-AblayevMP #bound #probability #quantum #source code- Quantum and Stochastic Branching Programs of Bounded Width (FMA, CM, CP), pp. 343–354.
ICALP-2002-GarganoHSV #bound- Spanning Trees with Bounded Number of Branch Vertices (LG, PH, LS, UV), pp. 355–365.
HPCA-2002-KampeSD #analysis #fourier #predict #using- The FAB Predictor: Using Fourier Analysis to Predict the Outcome of Conditional Branches (MK, PS, MD), pp. 223–232.
HPCA-2002-ParikhSZBS #predict- Power Issues Related to Branch Prediction (DP, KS, YZ, MB, MRS), pp. 233–244.
ESOP-2002-WellsH - Branching Types (JBW, CH), pp. 115–132.
LICS-2002-HodkinsonWZ #decidability #first-order #logic- Decidable and Undecidable Fragments of First-Order Branching Temporal Logics (IMH, FW, MZ), pp. 393–402.
SAT-2002-Kullmann #adaptation #database #encryption #normalisation #random #satisfiability #standard #towards #using- Towards an adaptive density based branching rule for SAT solvers, using a database for mixed random conjunctive normal forms built upon the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (OK), p. 8.
ICALP-2001-Madhusudan #behaviour #graph #reasoning #sequence- Reasoning about Sequential and Branching Behaviours of Message Sequence Graphs (PM), pp. 809–820.
HPCA-2001-JimenezL #predict- Dynamic Branch Prediction with Perceptrons (DAJ, CL), pp. 197–206.
HPCA-2001-SrinivasanDTCP - Branch History Guided Instruction Prefetching (VS, ESD, GST, MJC, TRP), pp. 291–300.
PDP-2001-GoncalvesPPSNS #architecture #performance #predict #smt- Evaluating the Effects of Branch Prediction Accuracy on the Performance of SMT Architectures (RG, MLP, GDP, TGSdS, POAN, RS), pp. 355–362.
STOC-2001-BolligW #bound #integer #multi #using- A read-once branching program lower bound of Ω(2n/4) for integer multiplication using universal (BB, PW), pp. 419–424.
TACAS-2001-Vardi #linear- Branching vs. Linear Time: Final Showdown (MYV), pp. 1–22.
LICS-2001-ManoliosT #liveness #safety- Safety and Liveness in Branching Time (PM, RJT), pp. 366–374.
SAT-2001-LagoudakisL #learning #satisfiability- Learning to Select Branching Rules in the DPLL Procedure for Satisfiability (MGL, MLL), pp. 344–359.
ASE-2000-GuptaMS #generative #testing- Generating Test Data for Branch Coverage (NG, APM, MLS), pp. 219–228.
DAC-2000-VelevB #exception #functional #multi #predict #verification- Formal verification of superscale microprocessors with multicycle functional units, exception, and branch prediction (MNV, REB), pp. 112–117.
HPCA-2000-HaungsSF #analysis #classification #metric- Branch Transition Rate: A New Metric for Improved Branch Classification Analysis (MH, PS, MKF), pp. 241–250.
HPCA-2000-PatilE #alias #predict- Combining Static and Dynamic Branch Prediction to Reduce Destructive Aliasing (HP, JSE), pp. 251–262.
CADE-2000-HasegawaFK #generative #performance #using- Efficient Minimal Model Generation Using Branching Lemmas (RH, HF, MK), pp. 184–199.
ISSTA-2000-FranklD #case study #comparison #data flow #reliability #testing- Comparison of delivered reliability of branch, data flow and operational testing: A case study (PGF, YD), pp. 124–134.
ICALP-1999-AndreevBCR #bound #pseudo #set #source code- Small Pseudo-Random Sets Yield Hard Functions: New Tight Explict Lower Bounds for Branching Programs (AEA, JLB, AEFC, JDPR), pp. 179–189.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Komischke #identification #process #sequence- Identifying core sequences in process control across branches (TK), pp. 1301–1305.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Miki #design #multi- Designing awareness for multipurpose remote branch terminals (HM), pp. 553–557.
PLDI-1999-SchlanskerMJ #architecture #optimisation #reduction- Control CPR: A Branch Height Reduction Optimization for EPIC Architectures (MSS, SAM, RJ), pp. 155–168.
PDP-1999-CasadoG #algorithm #bound #distributed- Work load balance approaches for branch and bound algorithms on distributed systems (LGC, IG), pp. 155–162.
ICALP-1998-JuknaZ #bound #nondeterminism #on the #source code- On Branching Programs With Bounded Uncertainty (SJ, SZ), pp. 259–270.
PLDI-1998-YangUW #order #performance- Improving Performance by Branch Reordering (MY, GRU, DBW), pp. 130–141.
ASPLOS-1998-StarkEP #predict- Variable Length Path Branch Prediction (JS, ME, YNP), pp. 170–179.
HPCA-1998-Chen #adaptation #execution- Supporting Highly-Speculative Execution via Adaptive Branch Trees (TFC), pp. 185–194.
HPCA-1998-VengroffG #estimation #performance #predict #re-engineering- Partial Sampling with Reverse State Reconstruction: A New Technique for Branch Predictor Performance Estimation (DEV, GRG), pp. 342–351.
STOC-1998-Thathachar #on the- On Separating the Read-k-Times Branching Program Hierarchy (JST), pp. 653–662.
LICS-1998-Vardi #linear #perspective- Linear vs. Branching Time: A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective (MYV), pp. 394–405.
ICALP-1997-Ablayev #nondeterminism #order #source code- Randomization and Nondeterminism Are Comparable for Ordered Read-Once Branching Programs (FMA), pp. 195–202.
PLDI-1997-BodikGS #interprocedural- Interprocedural Conditional Branch Elimination (RB, RG, MLS), pp. 146–158.
PLDI-1997-YoungJKS - Near-optimal Intraprocedural Branch Alignment (CY, DSJ, DRK, MDS), pp. 183–193.
SAS-1997-UhW #performance- Coalescing Conditional Branches into Efficient Indirect Jumps (GRU, DBW), pp. 315–329.
SAC-1997-ShulerB - Look-ahead allocation in the presence of branches (JDS, HRB), pp. 504–508.
HPCA-1997-AugustCGH #architecture #predict- Architectural Support for Compiler-Synthesized Dynamic Branch Prediction Strategies: Rationale and Initial Results (DIA, DAC, JCG, WmWH), pp. 84–93.
HPCA-1997-WallaceB #multi #predict- Multiple Branch and Block Prediction (SW, NB), pp. 94–103.
PDP-1997-Burger #database #parallel #transaction- Branching transactions in a shared-memory parallel database system (AB), pp. 382–387.
STOC-1997-RazborovWY #calculus #proving #source code- Read-Once Branching Programs, Rectangular Proofs of the Pigeonhole Principle and the Transversal Calculus (AAR, AW, ACCY), pp. 739–748.
ICALP-1996-AblayevK #on the #power of #random #source code- On the Power of Randomized Branching Programs (FMA, MK), pp. 348–356.
ICPR-1996-Sirakov #3d #automation #re-engineering- Automatic reconstruction of 3D branching objects (NMS), pp. 620–624.
ICPR-1996-SzeL #algorithm #bound #classification- Branch and bound algorithm for the Bayes classifier (LS, CHL), pp. 705–709.
ASPLOS-1996-ChenCM #analysis #predict- Analysis of Branch Prediction Via Data Compression (ICKC, JTC, TNM), pp. 128–137.
ASPLOS-1996-SeznecJSM #multi #predict- Multiple-Block Ahead Branch Predictors (AS, SJ, PS, PM), pp. 116–127.
LICS-1996-WillemsW #linear #model checking #partial order- Partial-Order Methods for Model Checking: From Linear Time to Branching Time (BW, PW), pp. 294–303.
PLDI-1995-CalderGLMMZ #predict- Corpus-Based Static Branch Prediction (BC, DG, DCL, JHM, MM, BGZ), pp. 79–92.
PLDI-1995-MuellerW #replication- Avoiding Conditional Branches by Code Replication (FM, DBW), pp. 56–66.
PLDI-1995-Patterson #predict- Accurate Static Branch Prediction by Value Range Propagation (JRCP), pp. 67–78.
STOC-1995-Ponzio #bound #integer #multi #source code- A lower bound for integer multiplication with read-once branching programs (SP), pp. 130–139.
CAV-1995-EsparzaK #logic #model checking #on the #parallel #problem #process- On the Model Checking Problem for Branching Time Logics and Basic Parallel Processes (JE, AK), pp. 353–366.
CAV-1995-Kupferman #logic #quantifier- Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quantification over Atomic Propositions (OK), pp. 325–338.
SEKE-1994-Sakalauskaite #calculus #first-order #logic- A complete sequent calculus for a first order branching temporal logic (JS), pp. 274–280.
PLDI-1994-Krall #predict #replication- Improving Semi-static Branch Prediction by Code Replication (AK), pp. 97–106.
ASPLOS-1994-CalderG - Reducing Branch Costs via Branch Alignment (BC, DG), pp. 242–251.
ASPLOS-1994-YoungS #correlation #predict #using- Improving the Accuracy of Static Branch Prediction Using Branch Correlation (CY, MDS), pp. 232–241.
ISSTA-1994-BertolinoM #bound #testing- A Meaningful Bound for Branch Testing (AB, MM), p. 202.
SEKE-1993-ChangCCL #empirical #generative #testing- An Empirical Study of Intelligent Test Case Generation Methods for Software Branch Coverage (KHC, JHCI, WHC, SSL), pp. 437–444.
PLDI-1993-BallL #for free #predict- Branch Prediction For Free (TB, JRL), pp. 300–313.
SAC-1993-VeezhinathanKT #bound #hybrid- A Hybrid of Neural Net and Branch and Bound Techniques for Seismic Horizon Tracking (JV, FK, JT), pp. 173–178.
PLDI-1992-GranlundK #c #compilation #using- Eliminating Branches using a Superoptimizer and the GNU C Compiler (TG, RK), pp. 341–352.
ASPLOS-1992-FisherF #predict- Predicting Conditional Branch Directions From Previous Runs of a Program (JAF, SMF), pp. 85–95.
ASPLOS-1992-PanSR #correlation #predict #using- Improving the Accuracy of Dynamic Branch Prediction Using Branch Correlation (STP, KS, JTR), pp. 76–84.
DAC-1992-RimJ #representation #synthesis- Representing Conditional Branches for High-Level Synthesis Applications (MR, RJ), pp. 106–111.
CAV-1992-HamaguchiHY #design #logic #using #verification- Design Verification of a Microprocessor Using Branching Time Regular Temporal Logic (KH, HH, SY), pp. 206–219.
ICALP-1991-BouajjaniFGRS #safety #semantics- Safety for Branching Time Semantics (AB, JCF, SG, CR, JS), pp. 76–92.
ASPLOS-1991-KatevenisT #memory management- Reducing the Branch Penalty by Rearranging Instructions in Double-Width Memory (MK, NT), pp. 15–27.
DAC-1991-SastryM #analysis #process- A Branching Process Model for Observability Analysis of Combinational Circuits (SS, AM), pp. 452–457.
CAV-1991-HamaguchiHY #logic #model checking #using #verification- Formal Verification of Speed-Dependent Asynchronous Cicuits Using Symbolic Model Checking of branching Time Regular Temporal Logic (KH, HH, SY), pp. 410–420.
CAV-1991-Huttel #decidability #process #similarity- Silence is Golden: Branching Bisimilarity is Decidable for Context-Free Processes (HH), pp. 2–12.
CAV-1991-Korver #bisimulation- Computing Distinguishing Formulas for Branching Bisimulation (HK), pp. 13–23.
ICALP-1990-GrooteV #algorithm #bisimulation #equivalence #performance- An Efficient Algorithm for Branching Bisimulation and Stuttering Equivalence (JFG, FWV), pp. 626–638.
CAV-1990-HamaguchiHY #complexity #linear #logic #model checking- Branching Time Regular Temporal Logic for Model Checking with Linear Time Complexity (KH, HH, SY), pp. 253–262.
SEKE-1989-ChangCCB #generative #testing- An Intelligent Test Data Generator for Software Branch Coverage (KHC, JHCI, WHC, DBB), pp. 13–18.
DAC-1989-PatilB #algorithm #bound #generative #parallel #testing- A Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for Test Generation (SP, PB), pp. 339–343.
CSL-1989-Penczek #concurrent #logic- A Concurrent Branching Time Temporal Logic (WP), pp. 337–354.
TAV-1989-YatesM #testing- Reducing the Effects of Infeasible Paths in Branch Testing (DFY, NM), pp. 48–54.
CAAP-1987-Wegener #clique #complexity #on the #source code- On the Complexity of Branching Programs and Decision Trees for Clique Functions (IW), pp. 1–12.
STOC-1986-AjtaiBHKPRST #bound #source code- Two lower bounds for branching programs (MA, LB, PH, JK, PP, VR, ES, GT), pp. 30–38.
STOC-1986-Barrington #bound #source code- Bounded-Width Polynomial-Size Branching Programs Recognize Exactly Those Languages in NC¹ (DAMB), pp. 1–5.
ICALP-1985-Pnueli #linear #logic #semantics- Linear and Branching Structures in the Semantics and Logics of Reactive Systems (AP), pp. 15–32.
POPL-1985-EmersonL #model checking- Modalities for Model Checking: Branching Time Strikes Back (EAE, CLL), pp. 84–96.
POPL-1985-WegmanZ #constant- Constant Propagation with Conditional Branches (MNW, FKZ), pp. 291–299.
DAC-1984-LewandowskiL #algorithm #bound- A branch and bound algorithm for optimal pla folding (JLL, CLL), pp. 426–433.
STOC-1984-EmersonS #logic- Deciding Branching Time Logic (EAE, APS), pp. 14–24.
ICALP-1983-BakkerBKM #linear #recursion #semantics- Linear Time and Branching Time Semantics for Recursion with Merge (JWdB, JAB, JWK, JJCM), pp. 39–51.
POPL-1983-EmersonH #linear- “Sometimes” and “Not Never” Revisited: On Branching Versus Linear Time (EAE, JYH), pp. 127–140.
STOC-1983-BorodinDFP #bound #source code- Bounds for Width Two Branching Programs (AB, DD, FEF, WJP), pp. 87–93.
ICALP-1982-FlajoletS #polynomial #process- A Branching Process Arising in Dynamic Hashing, Trie Searching and Polynomial Factorization (PF, JMS), pp. 239–251.
STOC-1982-EmersonH #logic- Decision Procedures and Expressiveness in the Temporal Logic of Branching Time (EAE, JYH), pp. 169–180.
ICALP-1981-Pearl #algorithm- The Solution for the Branching Factor of the α-β Pruning Algorithm (JP), pp. 521–529.
POPL-1981-Ben-AriMP #logic- The Temporal Logic of Branching Time (MBA, ZM, AP), pp. 164–176.
DAC-1979-DysartK #automation #bound- An application of branch and bound method to automatic printed circuit board routing (LD, MK), pp. 494–499.
STOC-1974-Lipton - Limitations of Synchronization Primitives with Conditional Branching and Global Variables (RJL), pp. 230–241.