7 papers:
VLDB-2014-AnciauxBDIKMP #named- Folk-IS: Opportunistic Data Services in Least Developed Countries (NA, LB, TD, SI, LK, NM, PP), pp. 425–428.
VLDB-2014-GeertsMPS #exclamation #open source- That’s All Folks! LLUNATIC Goes Open Source (FG, GM, PP, DS), pp. 1565–1568.
KDD-2012-DuivesteijnFK #distance #mining #modelling- Different slopes for different folks: mining for exceptional regression models with cook’s distance (WD, AF, AJK), pp. 868–876.
CHI-2011-KumarCP #music- Folk music goes digital in India (NK, GC, TSP), pp. 1423–1432.
RecSys-2011-KimE #personalisation #rank #recommendation- Personalized PageRank vectors for tag recommendations: inside FolkRank (HNK, AES), pp. 45–52.
STOC-2008-BorgsCIKMP #theorem- The myth of the folk theorem (CB, JTC, NI, ATK, VSM, CHP), pp. 365–372.
CHI-2001-BorovoySGNKRK #community- Folk computing: revisiting oral tradition as a scaffold for co-present communities (RB, BS, TG, MN, BK, MR, JK), pp. 466–473.