Tag #music
279 papers:
AIIDE-2019-Makhmutov #adaptation #game studies #generative- Adaptive Game Soundtrack Generation Based on Music Transcription (MM), pp. 216–218.
CHI-PLAY-2019-RogersJ0 #experience- Effects of Background Music on Risk-Taking and General Player Experience (KR, MJ, MW0), pp. 213–224.
CoG-2019-ParmeterF #behaviour #game studies #interactive- Influencing the Behavioral Responses of Players in an Interactive Narrative Game through Music and Arousal Congruency (LP, MF), pp. 1–4.
CoG-2019-PlutP #adaptation #empirical #matter- Music Matters: An empirical study on the effects of adaptive music on experienced and perceived player affect (CP, PP), pp. 1–8.
FDG-2019-KeehlM #order- Radical tunes: exploring the impact of music on memorization of stroke order in logographic writing systems (OK, EFM), p. 6.
FDG-2019-KoonsH #game studies #generative- Intrinsically musical game worlds: abstract music generation as a result of gameplay (NK, MH), p. 4.
FDG-2019-WangZWC #game studies- Rhythm dungeon: a blockchain-based music roguelike game (TW, SZ, XW, WC0), p. 3.
VS-Games-2019-GiariskanisPM #3d #architecture #design #multimodal #named- ARCHIMUSIC3D: Multimodal Playful Transformations between Music and Refined Urban Architectural Design (FG, PP, KM), pp. 1–4.
CIKM-2019-JinCCHV #interactive #named #recommendation- MusicBot: Evaluating Critiquing-Based Music Recommenders with Conversational Interaction (YJ, WC, LC, NNH, KV), pp. 951–960.
ICML-2019-Greaves-Tunnell #memory management #statistics- A Statistical Investigation of Long Memory in Language and Music (AGT, ZH), pp. 2394–2403.
ICML-2019-JeongKKN #graph #modelling #network #performance- Graph Neural Network for Music Score Data and Modeling Expressive Piano Performance (DJ, TK, YK, JN), pp. 3060–3070.
ECIR-2018-GuptaSP #modelling #recommendation- Explicit Modelling of the Implicit Short Term User Preferences for Music Recommendation (KG, NS, VP), pp. 333–344.
ECIR-2018-ZangerleTWS #analysis #multimodal #named #towards- ALF-200k: Towards Extensive Multimodal Analyses of Music Tracks and Playlists (EZ, MT, SW, GS), pp. 584–590.
ICML-2018-RobertsERHE #learning- A Hierarchical Latent Vector Model for Learning Long-Term Structure in Music (AR, JHE, CR, CH, DE), pp. 4361–4370.
ICPR-2018-WangXS #random #semantics- Semantic Music Annotation by Label-Specific Conditional Random Fields (QW, YX, FS), pp. 2941–2946.
KDD-2018-ZhuLYQLZZWXC #framework #generative- XiaoIce Band: A Melody and Arrangement Generation Framework for Pop Music (HZ, QL0, NJY, CQ, JL, KZ, GZ, FW, YX, EC), pp. 2837–2846.
JCDL-2017-PageBFWW #analysis #library #linked data #open data- Realising a Layered Digital Library: Exploration and Analysis of the Live Music Archive through Linked Data (KRP, SB, GF, DMW, TW), pp. 89–98.
Haskell-2017-Quick #algorithm #haskell- Algorithmic music in Haskell (invited talk) (DQ), p. 98.
Haskell-2017-SzamozvancevG #case study #experience- Well-typed music does not sound wrong (experience report) (DS, MBG), pp. 99–104.
AIIDE-2017-FerreiraW #composition #game studies #named- MTG: Context-Based Music Composition for Tabletop Role-Playing Games (LNF, JW), pp. 286–288.
AIIDE-2017-JuniorMMP #generative #novel- Emerging Sounds Through Implicit Cooperation: A Novel Model for Dynamic Music Generation (MEJ, GRM, LSM, YTdP), pp. 186–192.
AIIDE-2017-PadovaniFL #game studies #named #recommendation- Bardo: Emotion-Based Music Recommendation for Tabletop Role-Playing Games (RRP, LNF, LHSL), pp. 214–220.
ECIR-2017-SkowronLFS #predict #retrieval- Predicting Genre Preferences from Cultural and Socio-Economic Factors for Music Retrieval (MS, FL, BF, MS), pp. 561–567.
JCDL-2016-FuF #analysis #community #social- Music Information Seeking via Social Q&A: An Analysis of Questions in Music StackExchange Community (HF, YF), pp. 139–142.
VS-Games-2016-JanerGMMW - Immersive Orchestras: Audio Processing for Orchestral Music VR Content (JJ, EG, AM, MM, BdW), pp. 1–2.
VS-Games-2016-SarasuaMJG #game studies- Becoming the Maestro - A Game to Enhance Curiosity for Classical Music (ÁS, MSM, CFJ, EG), pp. 1–4.
ECIR-2016-FaraldoGJH #estimation- Key Estimation in Electronic Dance Music (ÁF, EG, SJ, PH), pp. 335–347.
ECIR-2016-SchedlZ #locality #predict #retrieval #web- Fusing Web and Audio Predictors to Localize the Origin of Music Pieces for Geospatial Retrieval (MS, FZ), pp. 322–334.
JCDL-2015-ChoiLWD #library #modelling #topic- Topic Modeling Users' Interpretations of Songs to Inform Subject Access in Music Digital Libraries (KC, JHL, CW, JSD), pp. 183–186.
MSR-2015-BurletH #community #empirical- An Empirical Study of End-User Programmers in the Computer Music Community (GB, AH), pp. 292–302.
AIIDE-2015-EngelsTC #automation #game studies #generative #realtime- Automatic Real-Time Music Generation for Games (SE, TT, FC), pp. 220–222.
CHI-PLAY-2015-LevySGC #experience- The Rhythm's Going to Get You: Music's Effects on Gameplay and Experience (LML, RS, MG, RC), pp. 607–612.
CHI-2015-TroianoPH #interface- Deformable Interfaces for Performing Music (GMT, EWP, KH), pp. 377–386.
DHM-EH-2015-YamamotoBAKHJSO - The Transfer of Expertise in Conducting a Participatory Music Therapy During a Combined Rehabilitation-Recreational Program in an Elderly Care Facility (AY, HCBJ, TA, HK, KH, MJ, MS, TO, AG, NK, NK, HH), pp. 500–511.
DUXU-DD-2015-Gasselseder #game studies #video- Re-sequencing the Ludic Orchestra — Evaluating the Immersive Effects of Dynamic Music and Situational Context in Video Games (HPG), pp. 458–469.
DUXU-IXD-2015-TeixeiraANT #composition #game studies- Improving Song Guessing Games Through Music Track Composition (JMXNT, DA, EVN, VT), pp. 303–314.
HIMI-IKC-2015-OgusuOKY #generative- Enhancing Abstract Imaginations of Viewers of Abstract Paintings by a Gaze Based Music Generation System (TO, JO, JK, SY), pp. 457–464.
LCT-2015-PhamNT #education #recognition- Virtual Music Teacher for New Music Learners with Optical Music Recognition (VKP, HDN, MTT), pp. 415–426.
ECIR-2015-KingI #clustering #generative- Generating Music Playlists with Hierarchical Clustering and Q-Learning (JK, VI), pp. 315–326.
ECIR-2015-SchedlHFT #algorithm #on the #recommendation- On the Influence of User Characteristics on Music Recommendation Algorithms (MS, DH, KF, MT), pp. 339–345.
ECIR-2015-SchindlerR #approach #classification- An Audio-Visual Approach to Music Genre Classification through Affective Color Features (AS, AR), pp. 61–67.
RecSys-2015-JannachLK #continuation #generative- Beyond “Hitting the Hits”: Generating Coherent Music Playlist Continuations with the Right Tracks (DJ, LL, IK), pp. 187–194.
RecSys-2015-Vall #automation #generative- Listener-Inspired Automated Music Playlist Generation (AV), pp. 387–390.
SIGIR-2015-ChengS #named #recommendation- VenueMusic: A Venue-Aware Music Recommender System (ZC, JS), pp. 1029–1030.
SIGIR-2015-GuoL #automation #generative #graph #recommendation- Automatic Feature Generation on Heterogeneous Graph for Music Recommendation (CG, XL), pp. 807–810.
SIGIR-2015-KneesS #overview #perspective #recommendation #retrieval #tutorial- Music Retrieval and Recommendation: A Tutorial Overview (PK, MS), pp. 1133–1136.
SIGIR-2015-SchedlH #recommendation- Tailoring Music Recommendations to Users by Considering Diversity, Mainstreaminess, and Novelty (MS, DH), pp. 947–950.
Onward-2015-HolderTG #assessment #complexity #named- Musiplectics: computational assessment of the complexity of music scores (EH, ET, AG), pp. 107–120.
SAC-2015-SanchezJ #interactive #modelling #testing- Model based testing of an interactive music system (CPS, FJ), pp. 1759–1764.
DRR-2014-RaphaelJ #library #recognition- Optical music recognition on the International Music Score Library Project (CR, RJ), p. ?–12.
JCDL-2014-CrawfordFLP #corpus #linked data #open data- Explorations in Linked Data practice for early music corpora (TC, BF, DL, KRP), pp. 309–312.
JCDL-2014-HuY #library- Cross-cultural mood regression for music digital libraries (XH, YHY), pp. 471–472.
CHI-2014-BarkhuusEZ #interactive #performance- Watching the footwork: second screen interaction at a dance and music performance (LB, AE, GZ), pp. 1305–1314.
DHM-2014-YamadaOFYGKH #behaviour #performance #visual notation- Visual Behavior in a Japanese Drum Performance of Gion Festival Music (KY, MO, TF, HY, AG, NK, HH), pp. 301–310.
HCI-AIMT-2014-KinugasaYHKI #estimation- Estimation of Emotion by Electroencephalography for Music Therapy (KK, HY, MH, SK, YI), pp. 750–757.
HIMI-AS-2014-MikamiT #learning #performance- A Music Search System for Expressive Music Performance Learning (TM, KT), pp. 80–89.
ICPR-2014-BuiNK #graph #using- Staff Line Removal Using Line Adjacency Graph and Staff Line Skeleton for Camera-Based Printed Music Scores (HNB, ISN, SHK), pp. 2787–2789.
ICPR-2014-Calvo-ZaragozaO #dataset #recognition- Recognition of Pen-Based Music Notation: The HOMUS Dataset (JCZ, JO), pp. 3038–3043.
ICPR-2014-KumarPJ #identification- Identifying Ragas in Indian Music (VK, HP, CVJ), pp. 767–772.
ICPR-2014-NhatNKYL #recognition- Distorted Music Score Recognition without Staffline Removal (VQN, TN, SHK, HJY, GL), pp. 2956–2960.
KMIS-2014-Kaczmarek #architecture #documentation- The Application of the IODA Document Architecture to Music Data (ALK), pp. 268–273.
MLDM-2014-DzubaB #mining #recommendation- Mining Users Playbacks History for Music Recommendations (AD, DB), pp. 422–430.
SIGIR-2014-ChengSM #adaptation #named #personalisation #recommendation #social- Just-for-me: an adaptive personalization system for location-aware social music recommendation (ZC, JS, TM), pp. 1267–1268.
SIGIR-2014-SchedlVF #microblog #recommendation- User geospatial context for music recommendation in microblogs (MS, AV, KF), pp. 987–990.
SAC-2014-HongHKK #mobile #recommendation #smarttech- Context-aware music recommendation in mobile smart devices (JH, WSH, JHK, SWK), pp. 1463–1468.
SAC-2014-UnoI #named #recommendation- MALL: a life log based music recommendation system and portable music player (AU, TI), pp. 939–944.
ICDAR-2013-VisaniKFJ #contest- ICDAR 2013 Music Scores Competition: Staff Removal (MV, VCK, AF, NJ), pp. 1407–1411.
JCDL-2013-PuginZ #retrieval- Instrument distribution and music notation search for enhancing bibliographic music score retrieval (LP, RZ), pp. 195–198.
ITiCSE-2013-BurgRK #education- Hot fusion: music, art, and computer science education (JB, SR, WK), pp. 313–314.
CHI-2013-KumarP - Mobiles, music, and materiality (NK, TSP), pp. 2863–2872.
CHI-2013-LeongW #social- Revisiting social practices surrounding music (TWL, PCW), pp. 951–960.
HCI-AS-2013-HuangC13a #education #interface #learning #self #visualisation- Sound to Sight: The Effects of Self-generated Visualization on Music Sight-Singing as an Alternate Learning Interface for Music Education within a Web-Based Environment (YTH, CNC), pp. 386–390.
HCI-IMT-2013-SakamotoTT #using- A Method for Discussing Musical Expression between Music Ensemble Players Using a Web-Based System (TS, ST, JT), pp. 730–739.
HIMI-D-2013-IsogaiN #modelling #motivation #recommendation- Modeling of Music Recommendation Methods to Promote the User’s Singing Motivation — For Next-Generation Japanese Karaoke Systems (SI, MN), pp. 439–448.
ECIR-2013-Schedl #information retrieval #microblog- Leveraging Microblogs for Spatiotemporal Music Information Retrieval (MS), pp. 796–799.
RecSys-2013-KaminskasRS #hybrid #recommendation #using- Location-aware music recommendation using auto-tagging and hybrid matching (MK, FR, MS), pp. 17–24.
RecSys-2013-TaramigkouBCAM - Escape the bubble: guided exploration of music preferences for serendipity and novelty (MT, EB, KC, DA, GM), pp. 335–338.
SIGIR-2013-KneesS #retrieval #similarity- Music similarity and retrieval (PK, MS), p. 1125.
SIGIR-2013-SchedlS #hybrid #recommendation #retrieval- Hybrid retrieval approaches to geospatial music recommendation (MS, DS), pp. 793–796.
SIGIR-2013-YamamotoN #classification #video- Leveraging viewer comments for mood classification of music video clips (TY, SN), pp. 797–800.
JCDL-2012-LeeH #classification #generative #using- Generating ground truth for music mood classification using mechanical turk (JHL, XH), pp. 129–138.
ITiCSE-2012-HeinesGR - Techniques at the intersection of computing and music (JMH, GRG, SAR), p. 372.
CHI-2012-BaurBB #analysis #component #scalability- Listening factors: a large-scale principal components analysis of long-term music listening histories (DB, JB, AB), pp. 1273–1276.
CHI-2012-Swift #named- Becoming-sound: affect and assemblage in improvisational digital music making (BS), pp. 1815–1824.
ICML-2012-Boulanger-LewandowskiBV #dependence #generative #modelling #sequence- Modeling Temporal Dependencies in High-Dimensional Sequences: Application to Polyphonic Music Generation and Transcription (NBL, YB, PV), p. 244.
ICPR-2012-KirbizG #matrix- Perceptually weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization for blind single-channel music source separation (SK, BG), pp. 226–229.
RecSys-2012-HaririMB #recommendation #topic- Context-aware music recommendation based on latenttopic sequential patterns (NH, BM, RDB), pp. 131–138.
RecSys-2012-YangCZLY #feedback #mining #recommendation- Local implicit feedback mining for music recommendation (DY, TC, WZ, QL, YY), pp. 91–98.
SIGIR-2012-ChenCSX #named #recommendation- Pictune: situational music recommendation from geotagged pictures (KC, GC, LS, FX), p. 1011.
SIGIR-2012-ShenPWY #concept #modelling #scalability- Modeling concept dynamics for large scale music search (JS, HP, MW, SY), pp. 455–464.
ICST-2012-MateoU #execution #reduction- Mutant Execution Cost Reduction: Through MUSIC (Mutant Schema Improved with Extra Code) (PRM, MPU), pp. 664–672.
ICDAR-2011-FornesDGL #contest #identification- The ICDAR 2011 Music Scores Competition: Staff Removal and Writer Identification (AF, AD, AG, JL), pp. 1511–1515.
JCDL-2011-ZhuangYWZS #experience #semantics #towards- Towards a new reading experience via semantic fusion of text and music (LZ, ZY, JW, FZ, JS), pp. 149–152.
TPDL-2011-PrellwitzN #video- Music Video Redundancy and Half-Life in YouTube (MP, MLN), pp. 143–150.
CSMR-2011-KessentiniSBW #design #detection #fault #generative- Design Defect Detection Rules Generation: A Music Metaphor (MK, HAS, MB, MW), pp. 241–248.
SCAM-2011-Gold #analysis #programming #source code- Knitting Music and Programming: Reflections on the Frontiers of Source Code Analysis (NG), pp. 10–14.
CHI-2011-KumarCP - Folk music goes digital in India (NK, GC, TSP), pp. 1423–1432.
CHI-2011-VihavainenMSCC #collaboration #human-computer #mobile #social #video- We want more: human-computer collaboration in mobile social video remixing of music concerts (SV, SM, LS, FC, IDDC), pp. 287–296.
CHI-2011-ZhouPWWZ #collaboration #education #evaluation #mobile #named- MOGCLASS: evaluation of a collaborative system of mobile devices for classroom music education of young children (YZ, GP, XW, YW, SZ), pp. 523–532.
HCI-DDA-2011-ShiraiT #composition #interactive #using- A Proposal of an Interactive Music Composition System Using Gibbs Sampler (AS, TT), pp. 490–497.
HCI-UA-2011-HwangC #adaptation #design #fault #feedback #image- The Design of Adaptive Error Feedback Music Ear-Training System with Image Cues (YTH, CNC), pp. 35–38.
HCI-UA-2011-OlivierWP #game studies #named #recommendation- MusicTagger: Exploiting User Generated Game Data for Music Recommendation (HO, MW, NP), pp. 678–687.
HIMI-v1-2011-MaeshiroNM #composition #process #representation- Representation of Decision Making Process in Music Composition Based on Hypernetwork Model (TM, SiN, MM), pp. 109–117.
HIMI-v1-2011-MurakamiK #parametricity #process- Auditory Feature Parameters for Music Based on Human Auditory Processes (MM, TK), pp. 612–617.
IDGD-2011-LinH11a - The Effect of Music on Spatial Ability (HL, HYH), pp. 185–191.
OCSC-2011-HolmL #prototype- A Virtual World Prototype for Interacting with a Music Collection (JH, AL), pp. 326–335.
RecSys-2011-BraunhoferKR #mobile #recommendation- Recommending music for places of interest in a mobile travel guide (MB, MK, FR), pp. 253–256.
RecSys-2011-CelmaL #recommendation #revisited- Music recommendation and discovery revisited (ÒC, PL), pp. 7–8.
RecSys-2011-KoenigsteinDK #exclamation #modelling #recommendation #taxonomy- Yahoo! music recommendations: modeling music ratings with temporal dynamics and item taxonomy (NK, GD, YK), pp. 165–172.
RecSys-2011-LeeL #analysis #behaviour #recommendation- My head is your tail: applying link analysis on long-tailed music listening behavior for music recommendation (KL, KL), pp. 213–220.
SIGIR-2011-MartinHRF #retrieval #towards- Towards an indexing method to speed-up music retrieval (BM, PH, MR, PF), pp. 1167–1168.
SIGIR-2011-SandenZ #classification #multi- Enhancing multi-label music genre classification through ensemble techniques (CS, JZZ), pp. 705–714.
SAC-2011-KusamaI #named #user interface- MusCat: a music browser featuring abstract pictures and zooming user interface (KK, TI), pp. 1222–1228.
ICLP-2011-NicholsonSS #generative #logic #probability #using- Improving the Outcome of a Probabilistic Logic Music System Generator by Using Perlin Noise (CJN, DDS, JS), pp. 231–239.
ECDL-2010-MeintanisS #visual notation- Visual Expression for Organizing and Accessing Music Collections in MusicWiz (KAM, FMSI), pp. 80–91.
JCDL-2010-BainbridgeNC #design #library- A user-centered design of a personal digital library for music exploration (DB, BJN, SJC), pp. 149–158.
JCDL-2010-HuD #classification #library- Improving mood classification in music digital libraries by combining lyrics and audio (XH, JSD), pp. 159–168.
FDG-2010-RossoffTG #adaptation #game studies- Adapting personal music for synesthetic game play (SR, GT, BG), pp. 163–170.
CHI-2010-HuangSDWKAL #learning #mobile- Mobile music touch: mobile tactile stimulation for passive learning (KH, TS, EYLD, GW, DK, CA, RL), pp. 791–800.
CIKM-2010-NakatsujiFTUFI #novel #recommendation- Classical music for rock fans?: novel recommendations for expanding user interests (MN, YF, AT, TU, KF, TI), pp. 949–958.
ICML-2010-HoffmanBC #matrix #parametricity- Bayesian Nonparametric Matrix Factorization for Recorded Music (MDH, DMB, PRC), pp. 439–446.
ICML-2010-Raphael #machine learning- Music Plus One and Machine Learning (CR), pp. 21–28.
ICPR-2010-CardosoR #distance #estimation #robust- Robust Staffline Thickness and Distance Estimation in Binary and Gray-Level Music Scores (JSC, AR), pp. 1856–1859.
ICPR-2010-FuLTZ #classification #learning #naive bayes #retrieval- Learning Naive Bayes Classifiers for Music Classification and Retrieval (ZF, GL, KMT, DZ), pp. 4589–4592.
ICPR-2010-KotropoulosAP #classification- Ensemble Discriminant Sparse Projections Applied to Music Genre Classification (CK, GRA, YP), pp. 822–825.
ICPR-2010-LopesGKO #classification- Selection of Training Instances for Music Genre Classification (ML, FG, ALK, LESdO), pp. 4569–4572.
ICPR-2010-Simsekli #automation #classification #using- Automatic Music Genre Classification Using Bass Lines (US), pp. 4137–4140.
KDIR-2010-Seifert #knowledge-based #mining- Knowledge-based Mining of Patterns and Structure of Symbolic Music Files (FS0), pp. 358–363.
RecSys-2010-CebrianPVA #recommendation- Music recommendations with temporal context awareness (TC, MP, PV, XA), pp. 349–352.
RecSys-2010-JawaheerSK #feedback #online #recommendation- Characterisation of explicit feedback in an online music recommendation service (GJ, MS, PK), pp. 317–320.
SIGIR-2010-LiLX #identification #robust- Robust audio identification for MP3 popular music (WL, YL, XX), pp. 627–634.
SIGIR-2010-LiLX10a #identification #robust- Robust music identification based on low-order zernike moment in the compressed domain (WL, YL, XX), pp. 739–740.
SIGIR-2010-ShenMYPH #effectiveness #modelling #statistics- Effective music tagging through advanced statistical modeling (JS, WM, SY, HP, XSH), pp. 635–642.
SAC-2010-MilettoPSB #social #web- Social music making on the web with CODES (EMM, MSP, JPS, FB), pp. 876–877.
SAC-2010-SillaKK #automation #classification #hybrid- Improving automatic music genre classification with hybrid content-based feature vectors (CNSJ, ALK, CAAK), pp. 1702–1707.
SAC-2010-SuYT #novel #recommendation- A novel music recommender by discovering preferable perceptual-patterns from music pieces (JHS, HHY, VST), pp. 1924–1928.
ECDL-2009-DammKFC #concept #library #multimodal #query #using- A Concept for Using Combined Multimodal Queries in Digital Music Libraries (DD, FK, CF, MC), pp. 261–272.
ICDAR-2009-FornesLSB #identification #on the #using- On the Use of Textural Features for Writer Identification in Old Handwritten Music Scores (AF, JL, GS, HB), pp. 996–1000.
ITiCSE-2009-MisraBK #education- A music context for teaching introductory computing (AM, DSB, DK), pp. 248–252.
DiGRA-2009-Aslinger #game studies- Genre in Genre: The Role of Music in Music Games (BA).
FDG-2009-BottCLL #3d #game studies #gesture #interface #video- Exploring 3D gestural interfaces for music creation in video games (JNB, JGC, JJLJ), pp. 18–25.
CHI-2009-KeranenBK #gesture #interface #mobile- Gravity sphere: gestural audio-tactile interface for mobile music exploration (JK, JB, JK), pp. 1531–1534.
CHI-2009-NanayakkaraTWO #design #evaluation #experience- An enhanced musical experience for the deaf: design and evaluation of a music display and a haptic chair (SCN, EAT, LW, SHO), pp. 337–346.
CHI-2009-TsandilasLM #named- Musink: composing music through augmented drawing (TT, CL, WEM), pp. 819–828.
HCI-NIMT-2009-ArguetaKC - Interacting with a Music Conducting System (CRA, CJK, YSC), pp. 654–663.
HCI-NIMT-2009-MurakamiK #classification- Study of Feature Values for Subjective Classification of Music (MM, TK), pp. 701–709.
HCI-NT-2009-SakataWOH - Effect of Body Movement on Music Expressivity in Jazz Performances (MS, SW, NO, KH), pp. 159–168.
RecSys-2009-Kaminskas - Matching information content with music (MK), pp. 405–408.
SEKE-2009-JuanI #library #semantics #web- Improving Searchability of a Music Digital Library with Semantic Web Technologies (PdJ, CAI), pp. 246–251.
SEKE-2009-TianCYL #approach #learning #modelling #ontology- An Ontology-based Model Driven Approach for a Music Learning System (YT, FC, HY, LL), pp. 739–744.
SIGIR-2009-HannaRR #retrieval #robust #similarity- A robust retrieval system of polyphonic music based on chord progression similarity (PH, TR, MR), pp. 768–769.
SIGIR-2009-TurnbullBLY #semantics #social- Combining audio content and social context for semantic music discovery (DT, LB, GRGL, MY), pp. 387–394.
SIGIR-2009-YangLC #personalisation #recognition- Personalized music emotion recognition (YHY, YCL, HHC), pp. 748–749.
SIGIR-2009-ZhangSXW #framework #named #novel #similarity- CompositeMap: a novel framework for music similarity measure (BZ, JS, QX, YW), pp. 403–410.
SAC-2009-WangCH #learning #multi #retrieval- Music retrieval based on a multi-samples selection strategy for support vector machine active learning (TW, GC, PH), pp. 1750–1751.
ECDL-2008-KurthDFMC #framework #multimodal- A Framework for Managing Multimodal Digitized Music Collections (FK, DD, CF, MM, MC), pp. 334–345.
ECDL-2008-PintoH #framework #retrieval- A Framework for Music Content Description and Retrieval (AP, GH), pp. 440–443.
CHI-2008-Akiyama #named- PlaceAndPlay: a digital tool for children to create and record music (YA, SO), pp. 735–738.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-LangloisM #similarity- A Similarity Measure for Music Signals (TL, GM), pp. 308–312.
ECIR-2008-KneesPSSS #approach #natural language- A Document-Centered Approach to a Natural Language Music Search Engine (PK, TP, MS, DS, KS), pp. 627–631.
ECIR-2008-SchedlKPW #automation #information management #mining #towards #web- Towards an Automatically Generated Music Information System Via Web Content Mining (MS, PK, TP, GW), pp. 585–590.
SIGIR-2008-WestDHJ #classification #visualisation- Dynamic visualization of music classification systems (KW, JSD, XH, MCJ), p. 888.
ICLP-2008-BoennBVF #automation #composition #programming #set- Automatic Composition of Melodic and Harmonic Music by Answer Set Programming (GB, MB, MDV, Jf), pp. 160–174.
ECDL-2007-MiottoO #automation #identification- Automatic Identification of Music Works Through Audio Matching (RM, NO), pp. 124–135.
ECDL-2007-MullerKDFC #multimodal #navigation #retrieval- Lyrics-Based Audio Retrieval and Multimodal Navigation in Music Collections (MM, FK, DD, CF, MC), pp. 112–123.
ECDL-2007-PuginBF #adaptation #low cost- Reducing Costs for Digitising Early Music with Dynamic Adaptation (LP, JAB, IF), pp. 471–474.
JCDL-2007-DownieLGJ #comprehension #evaluation #library #similarity #towards- Toward an understanding of similarity judgments for music digital library evaluation (JSD, JHL, AAG, MCJ), pp. 307–308.
JCDL-2007-PuginBF #evaluation #recognition- Goal-directed evaluation for the improvement of optical music recognition on early music prints (LP, JAB, IF), pp. 303–304.
JCDL-2007-ThomasMW #analysis #resource management- Preparing resource discovery for digitized music: an analysis of an australian application (JAT, MRM, MW), pp. 298–302.
DiGRA-2007-MitchellC #game studies #question- Videogame Music: chiptunes byte back? (GM, AC).
DiGRA-2007-PichlmairK #game studies #video- Levels of Sound: On the Principles of Interactivity in Music Video Games (MP, FK).
HCI-MIE-2007-Behringer #gesture #interactive #performance- Gesture Interaction for Electronic Music Performance (RB), pp. 564–572.
HCI-MIE-2007-DuL #design #game studies #interactive #named #physics- G-Tunes — Physical Interaction Design of Playing Music (JD, YL), pp. 846–851.
ECIR-2007-NeumayerR #classification #information retrieval #integration- Integration of Text and Audio Features for Genre Classification in Music Information Retrieval (RN, AR), pp. 724–727.
RecSys-2007-Donaldson #hybrid #recommendation- A hybrid social-acoustic recommendation system for popular music (JD), pp. 187–190.
RecSys-2007-TiemannP #hybrid #learning #recommendation #towards- Towards ensemble learning for hybrid music recommendation (MT, SP), pp. 177–178.
SIGIR-2007-JonesBDE #evaluation #information retrieval- A “do-it-yourself” evaluation service for music information retrieval systems (MCJ, MB, JSD, AFE), p. 913.
SIGIR-2007-KneesPSW #metric #similarity- A music search engine built upon audio-based and web-based similarity measures (PK, TP, MS, GW), pp. 447–454.
RE-2007-LuoST #hybrid #modelling- Modelling a Smart Music Player with a Hybrid Agent-Oriented Methodology (YL, LS, KT), pp. 281–286.
ECDL-2006-BermanDB #fault #library- Beyond Error Tolerance: Finding Thematic Similarities in Music Digital Libraries (TB, JSD, BB), pp. 463–466.
JCDL-2006-DownieH #library #mining #overview- Review mining for music digital libraries: phase II (JSD, XH), pp. 196–197.
SIGMOD-2006-ShenSN #database #multi #named- InMAF: indexing music databases via multiple acoustic features (JS, JS, AHHN), pp. 778–780.
ICPC-2006-StefikFA #comprehension #debugging #effectiveness #runtime #using- Layered Program Auralization: Using Music to Increase Runtime Program Comprehension and Debugging Effectiveness (AS, KF, RTA), pp. 89–93.
CHI-2006-BentleyMH #using- Personal vs. commercial content: the similarities between consumer use of photos and music (FB, CJM, GH), pp. 667–676.
ICPR-v2-2006-YaslanC #classification #feature model #using- Audio Music Genre Classification Using Different Classifiers and Feature Selection Methods (YY, ZÇ), pp. 573–576.
ICPR-v3-2006-PlotzFHKLMMSSS #automation #detection #modelling #probability #using- Automatic Detection of Song Changes in Music Mixes Using Stochastic Models (TP, GAF, PH, SK, KL, TM, MM, LS, MS, HS), pp. 665–668.
ICPR-v4-2006-ChanP #recognition- Recognition of Musically Similar Polyphonic Music (MC, JP), pp. 809–812.
ICPR-v4-2006-JinW #speech- Speech Separation from Background of Music Based on Single-channel Recording (XCJ, ZFW), pp. 278–281.
KDD-2006-MorchenMU #generative #modelling #statistics- Understandable models Of music collections based on exhaustive feature generation with temporal statistics (FM, IM, AU), pp. 882–891.
SIGIR-2006-MaddageLK #retrieval- Music structure based vector space retrieval (NCM, HL, MSK), pp. 67–74.
SIGIR-2006-ShenCST #automation #database #identification #performance #scalability #towards- Towards efficient automated singer identification in large music databases (JS, BC, JS, KLT), pp. 59–66.
PADL-2006-SneyersVS #modelling- Probabilistic-Logical Modeling of Music (JS, JV, DDS), pp. 60–72.
SAC-2006-HijikataIN - Content-based music filtering system with editable user profile (YH, KI, SN), pp. 1050–1057.
ECDL-2005-NeveO #comparison #information retrieval #segmentation- A Comparison of Melodic Segmentation Techniques for Music Information Retrieval (GN, NO), pp. 49–56.
ECDL-2005-PampalkFW - Hierarchical Organization and Description of Music Collections at the Artist Level (EP, AF, GW), pp. 37–48.
JCDL-2005-TsaiW #on the- On the extraction of vocal-related information to facilitate the management of popular music collections (WHT, HMW), pp. 197–206.
CIAA-2005-Hogberg #generative #transducer- Wind in the Willows — Generating Music by Means of Tree Transducers (JH), pp. 153–162.
DiGRA-2005-CassidyMS #evaluation #game studies #performance- The Effects of Aggressive and Relaxing Popular Music on Driving Game Performance and Evaluation (GC, RM, JS).
DiGRA-2005-Folmann #game studies #learning- Game Music - learning from the Movies (TBF).
DiGRA-2005-Weiler #game studies #using #visualisation- Computer Games to Visualize Music: Using a 270-year-old Tradition to Imagine Digital Possibilities (MW).
CHI-2005-VoidaGDEN - Listening in: practices surrounding iTunes music sharing (AV, REG, ND, WKE, MWN), pp. 191–200.
ICEIS-v5-2005-LorenzoGMG #online #web- Hedonic Motivations in the Web Site: Effects of Music on Consumer Responses in an Online Shopping Environment (CL, MÀG, AM, JG), pp. 59–66.
SIGIR-2005-CanoKW #recommendation- An industrial-strength content-based music recommendation system (PC, MK, NW), p. 673.
SIGIR-2005-DownieET #evaluation #information retrieval #prototype #research- Music-to-knowledge (M2K): a prototyping and evaluation environment for music information retrieval research (JSD, AFE, DKT), p. 676.
SIGIR-2005-XuSMK #analysis #automation #summary #video- Automatic music video summarization based on audio-visual-text analysis and alignment (CX, XS, NCM, MSK), pp. 361–368.
ECDL-2004-AyresBH #library- Sound Footings: Building a National Digital Library of Australian Music (MLA, TB, RH), pp. 281–291.
ECDL-2004-BruderIM #knowledge-based #recognition- Knowledge-Based Scribe Recognition in Historical Music Archives (IB, TI, LM), pp. 304–316.
ECDL-2004-ClausenKMR #library #retrieval- Content-Based Retrieval in Digital Music Libraries (MC, FK, MM, AR), pp. 292–303.
JCDL-2004-KuoS #retrieval- Looking for new, not known music only: music retrieval by melody style (FFK, MKS), pp. 243–251.
SIGMOD-2004-LernerSWZZ #algorithm #biology #performance #physics- Fast Algorithms for Time Series with applications to Finance, Physics, Music, Biology, and other Suspects (AL, DS, ZW, XZ, YZ), pp. 965–968.
CHI-2004-BeamishMF #interactive #multimodal- Manipulating music: multimodal interaction for DJs (TB, KEM, SF), pp. 327–334.
CIKM-2004-LiO #identification #learning- Semi-supervised learning for music artists style identification (TL, MO), pp. 152–153.
CIKM-2004-ShenSN #performance #retrieval- Integrating heterogeneous reatures for efficient content based music retrieval (JS, JS, AHHN), pp. 154–155.
ICPR-v1-2004-MiyaoM #online #recognition- An Online Handwritten Music Score Recognition System (HM, MM), pp. 461–464.
ICPR-v2-2004-BeierholmB #speech #using- Speech Music Discrimination Using Class-Specific Features (TB, PMB), pp. 379–382.
ICPR-v3-2004-GaoLT #identification- Indexing with Musical Events and Its Application to Content-Based Music Identification (SG, CHL, QT), pp. 846–849.
SIGIR-2004-LiKGO #recommendation- A music recommender based on audio features (QL, BMK, DG, DwO), pp. 532–533.
ECDL-2003-Tzanetakis #library #named- Musescape: A Tool for Changing Music Collections into Libraries (GT), pp. 412–421.
JCDL-2003-ByrdI #library #representation- Music Representation in a Digital Music Library (DB, EJI), pp. 234–236.
JCDL-2003-ReevesB #design #library- An Ethnographic Study of Music Information Seeking: Implications for the Design of a Music Digital Library Sally Jo Cunningham (NR, MB), pp. 5–17.
CIKM-2003-MiuraS #information retrieval #similarity- Similarity among melodies for music information retrieval (TM, IS), pp. 61–68.
ECIR-2003-ShinKKK #automation #database #performance- Automatic Construction of Theme Melody Index from Music Database for Fast Content-Based Retrievals (CHS, KIK, KCK, YSK), pp. 605–612.
SIGIR-2003-Downie #evaluation #information retrieval- The TREC-like evaluation of music IR systems (JSD), pp. 453–454.
SIGIR-2003-FengZP #detection #retrieval- Popular music retrieval by detecting mood (YF, YZ, YP), pp. 375–376.
SIGIR-2003-LavrenkoP #modelling #random- Music modeling with random fields (VL, JP), pp. 389–390.
SIGIR-2003-LiOL #case study #classification #comparative- A comparative study on content-based music genre classification (TL, MO, QL), pp. 282–289.
ECDL-2002-Orio #retrieval- Alignment of Performances with Scores Aimed at Content-Based Music Access and Retrieval (NO), pp. 479–492.
JCDL-2002-MelucciO #automation #information retrieval #segmentation- Evaluating automatic melody segmentation aimed at music information retrieval (MM, NO), pp. 310–311.
JCDL-2002-MinibayevaD #library- A digital library data model for music (NM, JWD), pp. 154–155.
JCDL-2002-WingenrothPD - Enhancing access to the levy sheet music collection: reconstructing full-text lyrics from syllables (BW, MP, TD), pp. 308–309.
CIKM-2002-HsuCCL #effectiveness #information retrieval- The effectiveness study of various music information retrieval approaches (JLH, ALPC, HCC, NHL), pp. 422–429.
CIKM-2002-LiuH #classification #identification- A singer identification technique for content-based classification of MP3 music objects (CCL, CSH), pp. 438–445.
CIKM-2002-PickensC #modelling #retrieval- Harmonic models for polyphonic music retrieval (JP, TC), pp. 430–437.
ICPR-v3-2002-KurozumiKM #information retrieval #robust- A Robust Audio Searching Method for Cellular-Phone-Based Music Information Retrieval (TK, KK, HM), pp. 991–994.
SIGIR-2002-FengZP #approach #database #query #scalability- A hierarchical approach: query large music database by acoustic input (YF, YZ, YP), pp. 441–442.
SIGIR-2002-HoashiZI #feedback #implementation #retrieval- Implementation of relevance feedback for content-based music retrieval based on user prefences (KH, EZ, NI), pp. 385–386.
SIGIR-2002-RauberPM - Content-based music indexing and organization (AR, EP, DM), pp. 409–410.
ECDL-2001-RauberF #automation- Automatically Analyzing and Organizing Music Archives (AR, MF), pp. 402–414.
JCDL-2001-BainbridgeBWDDDFFI #development #library #research- Digital music libraries — research and development (DB, GB, MW, AD, MJD, JWD, MF, IF, EJI), pp. 446–448.
JCDL-2001-Dovey #library- Adding content-based searching to a traditional music library catalogue server (MJD), pp. 249–250.
JCDL-2001-Dovey01a #library- A system for adding content-based searching to a traditional music library catalogue server (MJD), p. 458.
JCDL-2001-DunnI #library- Indiana university digital music library project (JWD, EJI), p. 452.
CIKM-2001-ChenC #recommendation- A Music Recommendation System Based on Music Data Grouping and User Interests (HCC, ALPC), pp. 231–238.
CIKM-2001-LiuT #retrieval- Content-Based Retrieval of MP3 Music Objects (CCL, PJT), pp. 506–511.
SIGIR-2001-Pickens #feature model #retrieval- Feature Selection for Polyphonic Music Retrieval (JP), pp. 428–429.
ECDL-2000-PintoVRMPM #library- Ancient Music Recovery for Digital Libraries (JRCP, PV, MR, MM, PP, FM), pp. 24–34.
CHI-2000-PauwsBE #programming- Programming and enjoying music with your eyes closed (SP, DB, BE), pp. 376–383.
ICPR-v4-2000-GezerlisT #recognition- An Optical Music Recognition System for the Notation of the Orthodox Hellenic Byzantine Music (VGG, ST), pp. 4837–4840.
SIGIR-2000-DownieN #effectiveness #evaluation #information retrieval- Evaluation of a simple and effective music information retrieval method (JSD, MN), pp. 73–80.
ADL-1999-Fingerhut #library #multi- The IRCAM Multimedia Library: A Digital Music Library (MF), pp. 129–140.
- DL-1999-BainbridgeNWSM #library #towards
- Towards a Digital Library of Popular Music (DB, CGNM, IHW, LAS, RJM), pp. 161–169.
- DL-1999-DunnM #library #named
- VARIATIONS: A Digital Music Library System at Indiana University (JWD, CAM), pp. 12–19.
ECDL-1999-TakasuYKA #analysis- Music Structure Analysis and Its Application to Theme Phrase Extraction (AT, TY, TK, JA), pp. 92–105.
HCI-EI-1999-Borchers #approach #design #interactive- Designing Interactive Music Systems: A Pattern Approach (JOB), pp. 276–280.
MLDM-1999-BeranM - Recognito of Printed Music Score (TB, TM), pp. 174–179.
SIGIR-1999-Tseng #retrieval- Content-Based Retrieval for Music Collections (YHT), pp. 176–182.
CHI-1998-AltyR #communication #using #visual notation- Communicating Graphical Information to Blind Users Using Music: The Role of Context (JLA, DIR), pp. 574–581.
CIKM-1998-HsuC #database #performance- Efficient Repeating Pattern Finding in Music Databases (JLH, ALPC), pp. 281–288.
CHI-1997-Borchers #design #interactive #interface #named- WorldBeat: Designing a Baton-Based Interface for an Interactive Music Exhibit (JOB), pp. 131–138.
HPDC-1997-WilliamsC #distributed #synthesis- Distributed Polyphonic Music Synthesis (JW, MJC), pp. 20–29.
- DL-1996-McNabSWHC #library #retrieval #towards
- Towards the Digital Music Library: Tune Retrieval from Acoustic Input (RJM, LAS, IHW, CLH, SJC), pp. 11–18.
AFP-1996-Hudak96 #tutorial- Haskore Music Tutorial (PH), pp. 38–67.
CHI-1996-GraefeWMD #design- Designing the Muse: A Digital Music Stand for the Symphony Musician (CG, DW, JM, OD), p. 436–?.
ICPR-1996-KashinoH #analysis #integration- A music scene analysis system with the MRF-based information integration scheme (KK, NH), pp. 725–729.
ICPR-1996-ReedP #automation #recognition- Automatic computer recognition of printed music (KTR, JRP), pp. 803–807.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Baumann #graph grammar #recognition- A simplified attributed graph grammar for high-level music recognition (SB), pp. 1080–1083.
ICDAR-v2-1995-CouasnonC #analysis #documentation #recognition- A way to separate knowledge from program in structured document analysis: application to optical music recognition (BC, JC), pp. 1092–1097.
ICDAR-v2-1995-MiyaoN #approach #network #using- Head and stem extraction from printed music scores using a neural network approach (HM, YN), pp. 1074–1079.
SAC-1995-NugrohoS #data type #persistent- Persistence in music data structures (LEN, ASMS), pp. 27–31.
HT-ECHT-1994-OssenbruggenE #hypermedia- Music in Time-Based Hypermedia (JvO, AE), pp. 224–227.
ICDAR-1993-LeplumeyCL #detection #robust- A robust detector for music staves (IL, JC, GL), pp. 902–905.
ICDAR-1993-RandriamahefaCFPP #recognition- Printed music recognition (RR, JPC, CF, FP, SP), pp. 898–901.
HCI-ACS-1993-CorbettMK #evaluation #usability- Quantitative Usability Evaluation — The ESPRIT MUSiC Project (MC, MM, MK), pp. 313–318.
INTERCHI-1993-MacleodB #analysis #metric #tool support #usability #video- MUSiC video analysis and context tools for usability measurement (MM, NB), p. 55.
OOPSLA-1988-ScalettiJ #composition #interactive #object-oriented #synthesis- An Interactive Environment for Object-Oriented Music Composition and Sound Synthesis (CAS, REJ), pp. 222–233.
ICLP-1987-Ebcioglu87 #logic programming #performance #programming language- An Efficient Logic Programming Language and Its Application to Music (KE), pp. 513–532.
GG-1986-Wankmuller #graph grammar- Application of Graph Grammars in Music Composing Systems (FW), pp. 580–592.
DAC-1985-HahnF #named #performance #simulation- MuSiC: an event-flow computer for fast simulation of digital systems (WH, KF), pp. 338–344.
LFP-1984-CointeR #composition #named #synthesis- Formes: an Object and Time Oriented System for Music Composition and Synthesis (PC, XR), pp. 85–95.