17 papers:
PLDI-2015-LidburyLCD #compilation #fuzzing #manycore- Many-core compiler fuzzing (CL, AL, NC, AFD), pp. 65–76.
ESEC-FSE-2015-KargenS #slicing #source code #using- Turning programs against each other: high coverage fuzz-testing using binary-code mutation and dynamic slicing (UK, NS), pp. 782–792.
ASE-2014-DeweyRH #constraints #fuzzing #logic programming #using- Language fuzzing using constraint logic programming (KD, JR, BH), pp. 725–730.
SAC-2014-SuzakiYTOS #protocol #testing #virtual machine- Rollback mechanism of nested virtual machines for protocol fuzz testing (KS, TY, AT, YO, ES), pp. 1484–1491.
ICST-2014-JohanssonSLAG #fuzzing #modelling #named #protocol #robust #testing- T-Fuzz: Model-Based Fuzzing for Robustness Testing of Telecommunication Protocols (WJ, MS, UEL, MA, VG), pp. 323–332.
SEKE-2013-YuYLC #empirical #testing #web- An Empirical Study of an Improved Web Application Fuzz Testing Technique (S) (LY, ZY, CL, FC), pp. 400–404.
ICSE-2013-BounimovaGM #constraints #testing- Billions and billions of constraints: whitebox fuzz testing in production (EB, PG, DAM), pp. 122–131.
ISSTA-2013-TsankovDB #testing- Semi-valid input coverage for fuzz testing (PT, MTD, DAB), pp. 56–66.
ICEIS-v2-2012-AbdallahR #embedded #performance #testing- Performance Impact of Fuzz Testing Windows Embedded Handheld Applications (NA, SR), pp. 371–376.
PLATEAU-2012-SpinellisKL #comparative #programming language #testing- Comparative language fuzz testing: programming languages vs. fat fingers (DS, VK, PL), pp. 25–34.
ICST-2012-BekrarBGM #approach #fuzzing- A Taint Based Approach for Smart Fuzzing (SB, CB, RG, LM), pp. 818–825.
ICST-2012-DucheneGRR #detection #fuzzing #model inference #using- XSS Vulnerability Detection Using Model Inference Assisted Evolutionary Fuzzing (FD, RG, SR, JLR), pp. 815–817.
ICST-2012-Schieferdecker #modelling #testing- Model-Based Fuzz Testing (IS), p. 814.
SAC-2011-SimKM #adaptation #approach #embedded #fuzzing #linux #random- Fuzzing the out-of-memory killer on embedded Linux: an adaptive random approach (KYS, FCK, RGM), pp. 387–392.
ICST-2011-BekrarBGM #fuzzing- Finding Software Vulnerabilities by Smart Fuzzing (SB, CB, RG, LM), pp. 427–430.
ICSE-2009-GaneshLR #fuzzing- Taint-based directed whitebox fuzzing (VG, TL, MCR), pp. 474–484.
PLDI-2008-GodefroidKL #fuzzing #grammarware- Grammar-based whitebox fuzzing (PG, AK, MYL), pp. 206–215.