Tag #manycore
476 papers:
CGO-2020-IsmailS #performance- Efficient nursery sizing for managed languages on multi-core processors with shared caches (MI, GES), pp. 1–15.
CGO-2020-YuPJLT #collaboration #named #symmetry- COLAB: a collaborative multi-factor scheduler for asymmetric multicore processors (TY, PP, VJ, HL, JT), pp. 268–279.
PLDI-2019-KongP #modelling- Model-driven transformations for multi- and many-core CPUs (MK, LNP), pp. 469–484.
ASPLOS-2019-FernandoFAMT #approximate #named- Replica: A Wireless Manycore for Communication-Intensive and Approximate Data (VF, AF, SA, SM, JT), pp. 849–863.
ASPLOS-2019-Liskov #named #programming- Keynote: Multicore Programming (BL), p. 1.
CGO-2019-DasBS #design- A Shared BTB Design for Multicore Systems (MD, AB, BS), pp. 267–268.
CGO-2019-TianQ0LR #query #sequence- Transforming Query Sequences for High-Throughput B+ Tree Processing on Many-Core Processors (RT, JQ, ZZ0, XL0, BR), pp. 96–108.
FASE-2019-BezirgiannisBJP #case study #implementation #memory management- Implementing SOS with Active Objects: A Case Study of a Multicore Memory System (NB, FSdB, EBJ, KIP, SLTT), pp. 332–350.
Haskell-2018-HanH #case study #experience- A high-performance multicore IO manager based on libuv (experience report) (DH, TH), pp. 172–178.
CIKM-2018-KhattabHS #in memory #named #paradigm #polymorphism- PolyHJ: A Polymorphic Main-Memory Hash Join Paradigm for Multi-Core Machines (OK, MH, OS), pp. 1323–1332.
CIKM-2018-ZhuangJYL #classification #coordination #parallel- Naive Parallelization of Coordinate Descent Methods and an Application on Multi-core L1-regularized Classification (YZ, YCJ, GXY, CJL), pp. 1103–1112.
PLDI-2018-LinWCLDW #architecture #network- Mapping spiking neural networks onto a manycore neuromorphic architecture (CKL, AW, GNC, THL, MD, HW), pp. 78–89.
ASPLOS-2018-RahmaniDMMJMD #coordination #named #resource management- SPECTR: Formal Supervisory Control and Coordination for Many-core Systems Resource Management (AMR, BD, TM, KM, AJ, OM, NDD), pp. 169–183.
CIKM-2017-ChengHDL #architecture #case study #in memory- A Study of Main-Memory Hash Joins on Many-core Processor: A Case with Intel Knights Landing Architecture (XC, BH, XD, CTL), pp. 657–666.
ECMFA-2017-BucaioniMCCS #modelling- Technology-Preserving Transition from Single-Core to Multi-core in Modelling Vehicular Systems (AB, SM, FC, AC, MS), pp. 285–299.
AdaEurope-2017-DiazFKMHAC #analysis #bound #named #probability- MC2: Multicore and Cache Analysis via Deterministic and Probabilistic Jitter Bounding (ED, MF, LK, EM, CH, JA, FJC), pp. 102–118.
ASPLOS-2017-MashtizadehGTMR #towards- Towards Practical Default-On Multi-Core Record/Replay (AJM, TG, DT, DM, MR), pp. 693–708.
- ICFP-2016-UenoO #concurrent #functional #garbage collection #source code
- A fully concurrent garbage collector for functional programs on multicore processors (KU, AO), pp. 421–433.
KDD-2016-ChiangLL #classification #coordination #linear #parallel #scalability- Parallel Dual Coordinate Descent Method for Large-scale Linear Classification in Multi-core Environments (WLC, MCL, CJL), pp. 1485–1494.
AdaEurope-2016-Mazzanti #ada #experience #model checking #parallel #programming- An Experience in Ada Multicore Programming: Parallelisation of a Model Checking Engine (FM), pp. 94–109.
ASPLOS-2016-BalkindMFNZLSFP #framework #named #open source #research- OpenPiton: An Open Source Manycore Research Framework (JB, MM, YF, TMN0, YZ, AL, MS, AF, SP, XL, MM, DW), pp. 217–232.
ASPLOS-2016-GangwaniMT #named- CASPAR: Breaking Serialization in Lock-Free Multicore Synchronization (TG, AM0, JT), pp. 789–804.
ASPLOS-2016-WangM #named #performance #resource management #runtime- ReBudget: Trading Off Efficiency vs. Fairness in Market-Based Multicore Resource Allocation via Runtime Budget Reassignment (XW, JFM), pp. 19–32.
ASPLOS-2016-ZhuE #named- Dirigent: Enforcing QoS for Latency-Critical Tasks on Shared Multicore Systems (HZ, ME), pp. 33–47.
CGO-2016-JibajaCBM #performance #symmetry- Portable performance on asymmetric multicore processors (IJ, TC, SMB, KSM), pp. 24–35.
CBSE-2015-WahlerOM #component #cyber-physical #realtime- Real-time Multi-core Components for Cyber-physical Systems (MW, MO, AM), pp. 37–42.
ICSME-2015-WahlerEFP #hardware #legacy #migration- Migrating legacy control software to multi-core hardware (MW, RE, CF, YAP), pp. 458–466.
SFM-2015-ArbabJ #coordination- Coordinating Multicore Computing (FA, SSTQJ), pp. 57–96.
ICEIS-v1-2015-XiMY #database #named #platform- PM-DB: Partition-based Multi-instance Database System for Multicore Platforms (FX, TM, HY), pp. 128–138.
ECOOP-2015-DongolDGS #architecture #concurrent #correctness- Defining Correctness Conditions for Concurrent Objects in Multicore Architectures (BD, JD, LG, GS), pp. 470–494.
AdaEurope-2015-PerezGTT #clustering #concept #safety- A Safety Concept for an IEC-61508 Compliant Fail-Safe Wind Power Mixed-Criticality System Based on Multicore and Partitioning (JP, DG, ST, TT), pp. 3–17.
PLDI-2015-LidburyLCD #compilation #fuzzing- Many-core compiler fuzzing (CL, AL, NC, AFD), pp. 65–76.
SAC-2015-SaezPCCP #named #symmetry- ACFS: a completely fair scheduler for asymmetric single-isa multicore systems (JCS, AP, FC, DC, MPM), pp. 2027–2032.
CASE-2015-MarkovskiH #framework #question #synthesis- Is multicore supervisory controller synthesis in the Ramadge-Wonham framework feasible? (JM, HH), pp. 521–525.
CGO-2015-ZhengLHWJ #approach #debugging #on the #performance- On performance debugging of unnecessary lock contentions on multicore processors: a replay-based approach (LZ, XL, BH, SW, HJ), pp. 56–67.
DAC-2015-BokhariJSHP #architecture #named- SuperNet: multimode interconnect architecture for manycore chips (HB, HJ, MS, JH, SP), p. 6.
DAC-2015-DuraisamyKCLPMM #energy #performance #pipes and filters #platform- Energy efficient MapReduce with VFI-enabled multicore platforms (KD, RGK, WC, GL, PPP, RM, DM), p. 6.
DAC-2015-FernandezJAQVC15a #off the shelf #resource management- Resource usage templates and signatures for COTS multicore processors (GF, JJ, JA, EQ, TV, FJC), p. 6.
DAC-2015-KehrQBS #communication #execution #legacy #parallel- Parallel execution of AUTOSAR legacy applications on multicore ECUs with timed implicit communication (SK, EQ, BB, GS), p. 6.
DATE-2015-0001B #clustering #energy #performance- A ultra-low-energy convolution engine for fast brain-inspired vision in multicore clusters (FC, LB), pp. 683–688.
DATE-2015-Bogdan #approach #challenge #cyber-physical #personalisation #platform- A cyber-physical systems approach to personalized medicine: challenges and opportunities for noc-based multicore platforms (PB), pp. 253–258.
DATE-2015-CastrillonTSSJA #programming #question- Multi/many-core programming: where are we standing? (JC, LT, LS, WS, BHHJ, MAM, AP, RJ, VR, RL), pp. 1708–1717.
DATE-2015-ChenM #distributed #learning #optimisation #performance- Distributed reinforcement learning for power limited many-core system performance optimization (ZC, DM), pp. 1521–1526.
DATE-2015-FuZLX #memory management- Maximizing common idle time on multi-core processors with shared memory (CF, YZ, ML, CJX), pp. 900–903.
DATE-2015-HaghbayanRFLPNT #online #power management #testing- Power-aware online testing of manycore systems in the dark silicon era (MHH, AMR, MF, PL, JP, ZN, HT), pp. 435–440.
DATE-2015-KhanSH #adaptation #power management- Power-efficient accelerator allocation in adaptive dark silicon many-core systems (MUKK, MS, JH), pp. 916–919.
DATE-2015-KimKKC #mobile #named- M-DTM: migration-based dynamic thermal management for heterogeneous mobile multi-core processors (YGK, MK, JMK, SWC), pp. 1533–1538.
DATE-2015-LiaoWC #3d #online- An online thermal-constrained task scheduler for 3D multi-core processors (CHL, CHPW, KC), pp. 351–356.
DATE-2015-MaHJ - A packet-switched interconnect for many-core systems with BE and RT service (RM, ZH, AJ), pp. 980–983.
DATE-2015-MajumderLBP #analysis #architecture #probability- NoC-enabled multicore architectures for stochastic analysis of biomolecular reactions (TM, XL, PB, PP), pp. 1102–1107.
DATE-2015-MajumderPK #architecture #biology- On-chip network-enabled many-core architectures for computational biology applications (TM, PPP, AK), pp. 259–264.
DATE-2015-MunchPHH #embedded #named #realtime #scalability #using- MPIOV: scaling hardware-based I/O virtualization for mixed-criticality embedded real-time systems using non transparent bridges to (multi-core) multi-processor systems (DM, MP, OH, AH), pp. 579–584.
DATE-2015-RaiT #modelling- A calibration based thermal modeling technique for complex multicore systems (DR, LT), pp. 1138–1143.
DATE-2015-RawatS #architecture #concurrent #hybrid #memory management #thread- Enabling multi-threaded applications on hybrid shared memory manycore architectures (TR, AS), pp. 742–747.
DATE-2015-ShafiqueGGH #variability- Variability-aware dark silicon management in on-chip many-core systems (MS, DG, SG, JH), pp. 387–392.
DATE-2015-WangNRQ #realtime #scheduling #statistics- Multi-core fixed-priority scheduling of real-time tasks with statistical deadline guarantee (TW, LN, SR, GQ), pp. 1335–1340.
DATE-2015-YaoWGMCZ #architecture #named- SelectDirectory: a selective directory for cache coherence in many-core architectures (YY, GW, ZG, TM, WC, NZ), pp. 175–180.
DATE-2015-ZhangJSPHP #hardware #named #pipes and filters- E-pipeline: elastic hardware/software pipelines on a many-core fabric (XZ, HJ, MS, JP, JH, SP), pp. 363–368.
DATE-2015-ZhuCPP #named- TAPP: temperature-aware application mapping for NoC-based many-core processors (DZ, LC, TMP, MP), pp. 1241–1244.
HPCA-2015-JimenezBBOCV #performance- Increasing multicore system efficiency through intelligent bandwidth shifting (VJ, AB, PB, FPO, FJC, MV), pp. 39–50.
HPCA-2015-WangM #approach #architecture #named #resource management #scalability- XChange: A market-based approach to scalable dynamic multi-resource allocation in multicore architectures (XW, JFM), pp. 113–125.
HPCA-2015-ZhaoY #analysis #distance #reuse #scalability- Studying the impact of multicore processor scaling on directory techniques via reuse distance analysis (MZ, DY), pp. 590–602.
PDP-2015-AbadalMMACM #analysis #design- Multicast On-chip Traffic Analysis Targeting Manycore NoC Design (SA, AM, RM, EA, ACA, RM), pp. 370–378.
PDP-2015-DiavastosST #data flow #named #performance- TFluxSCC: Exploiting Performance on Future Many-Core Systems through Data-Flow (AD, GS, PT), pp. 190–198.
PDP-2015-Eitschberger0 #energy #scalability #scheduling- Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling in Manycore Processors with Frequency Scaling Overhead (PE, JK), pp. 541–548.
PDP-2015-Holmbacka0EL #energy #modelling- Accurate Energy Modelling for Many-Core Static Schedules (SH, JK, PE, JL), pp. 525–532.
PDP-2015-IliasovRXGRY #prototype #specification- A Formal Specification and Prototyping Language for Multi-core System Management (AI, AR, FX, RG, AR, AY), pp. 696–700.
PDP-2015-KorotaevaN #embedded- Impact of Data Sharing on Co-Running Embedded Applications in Multi-core System (AK, WN), pp. 716–720.
PDP-2015-LingCYCWL #communication #framework #named #parallel #platform- MACRON: The NoC-Based Many-Core Parallel Processing Platform and Its Applications in 4G Communication Systems (XL, YC, ZY, SC, XW, GL), pp. 396–403.
PDP-2015-NgWSM #named #performance #resource management #runtime- DeFrag: Defragmentation for Efficient Runtime Resource Allocation in NoC-Based Many-core Systems (JN, XW, AKS, TSTM), pp. 345–352.
TACAS-2015-DijkP #diagrams #named- Sylvan: Multi-Core Decision Diagrams (TvD, JvdP), pp. 677–691.
ICLP-2015-YangSZ #bottom-up #evaluation #logic programming #parallel #source code- Parallel Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Programs: DeALS on Shared-Memory Multicore Machines (MY, AS, CZ), pp. 6–17.
QoSA-2014-GooijerH #case study #experience #industrial #memory management #modelling #realtime- Experiences with modeling memory contention for multi-core industrial real-time systems (TdG, KEH), pp. 43–52.
SIGMOD-2014-ChenGLMPVK #named #scalability- Palette: enabling scalable analytics for big-memory, multicore machines (FC, TG, JL, MM, JP, KV, MK), pp. 705–708.
SIGMOD-2014-LeisBK0 #evaluation #framework #parallel #query- Morsel-driven parallelism: a NUMA-aware query evaluation framework for the many-core age (VL, PAB, AK, TN), pp. 743–754.
IFM-2014-FathabadiSB #modelling #process #runtime- Applying an Integrated Modelling Process to Run-time Management of Many-Core Systems (ASF, CFS, MJB), pp. 120–135.
SEKE-2014-GrieblerAF #architecture #evaluation #interface #parallel #performance #programming #usability- Performance and Usability Evaluation of a Pattern-Oriented Parallel Programming Interface for Multi-Core Architectures (DG, DA, LGF), pp. 25–30.
QAPL-2014-KempfLM #design #formal method- Formal and Informal Methods for Multi-Core Design Space Exploration (JFK, OL, OM), pp. 78–92.
SAC-2014-TsaiC #3d- A thermal-throttling server in 3D multicore chips (THT, YSC), pp. 1425–1430.
ASPLOS-2014-EyermanE #concurrent #flexibility #parallel #smt #thread #towards- The benefit of SMT in the multi-core era: flexibility towards degrees of thread-level parallelism (SE, LE), pp. 591–606.
DAC-2014-0001SMAKV #optimisation- Reinforcement Learning-Based Inter- and Intra-Application Thermal Optimization for Lifetime Improvement of Multicore Systems (AD, RAS, GVM, BMAH, AK, BV), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ChenPCWMYZC #named #parallel #simulation #thread- DAPs: Dynamic Adjustment and Partial Sampling for Multithreaded/Multicore Simulation (CCC, YCP, CFC, WSW, QM, PCY, WZ, TFC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-FattahPLPT #named #runtime- SHiFA: System-Level Hierarchy in Run-Time Fault-Aware Management of Many-Core Systems (MF, MP, PL, JP, HT), p. 6.
DAC-2014-SlijepcevicKAQC #realtime- Time-Analysable Non-Partitioned Shared Caches for Real-Time Multicore Systems (MS, LK, JA, EQ, FJC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-TsengHPK #energy #mobile #scheduling- User-Centric Energy-Efficient Scheduling on Multi-Core Mobile Devices (PHT, PCH, CCP, TWK), p. 6.
DAC-2014-XueQBYT #analysis #framework #platform #scalability- Disease Diagnosis-on-a-Chip: Large Scale Networks-on-Chip based Multicore Platform for Protein Folding Analysis (YX, ZQ, PB, FY, CYT), p. 6.
DATE-2014-AlhammadP #execution #parallel #predict #thread- Time-predictable execution of multithreaded applications on multicore systems (AA, RP), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-BortolottiBWRB #architecture #hybrid #memory management #power management #scalability- Hybrid memory architecture for voltage scaling in ultra-low power multi-core biomedical processors (DB, AB, CW, DR, LB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-BraojosDBAA #approach #hardware #power management- Hardware/software approach for code synchronization in low-power multi-core sensor nodes (RB, AYD, IB, GA, DA), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-CilardoFGM #communication #scheduling #synthesis- Joint communication scheduling and interconnect synthesis for FPGA-based many-core systems (AC, EF, LG, AM), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-DongZ #memory management #realtime #stack- Minimizing stack memory for hard real-time applications on multicore platforms (CD, HZ), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-GiannopoulouSHT #architecture- Mapping mixed-criticality applications on multi-core architectures (GG, NS, PH, LT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-Huang14a #network #performance #predict- Leveraging on-chip networks for efficient prediction on multicore coherence (LH), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-JalleKAQC #design- Bus designs for time-probabilistic multicore processors (JJ, LK, JA, EQ, FJC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KangYKBHT #optimisation- Reliability-aware mapping optimization of multi-core systems with mixed-criticality (SHK, HY, SK, IB, SH, LT), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-KhanSH #architecture #performance #power management #video- Software architecture of High Efficiency Video Coding for many-core systems with power-efficient workload balancing (MUKK, MS, JH), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-LeeWP #configuration management #framework #named- VRCon: Dynamic reconfiguration of voltage regulators in a multicore platform (WL, YW, MP), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-NoursPB #architecture #evaluation #performance- A dynamic computation method for fast and accurate performance evaluation of multi-core architectures (SLN, AP, NWB), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-OdendahlGLARVH - Optimized buffer allocation in multicore platforms (MO, AG, RL, GA, BR, BV, TH), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-SanderSDBBBMKALHRHH #hardware- Hardware virtualization support for shared resources in mixed-criticality multicore systems (OS, TS, VVD, SB, FB, JB, HUM, DK, DA, EL, JH, AR, CH, AH), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-SilvanoPXS #architecture- Voltage island management in near threshold manycore architectures to mitigate dark silicon (CS, GP, SX, ISS), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-WangXWCWW #power management- Characterizing power delivery systems with on/off-chip voltage regulators for many-core processors (XW, JX, ZW, KJC, XW, ZW), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-WangZMYJDP #adaptation- Adaptive power allocation for many-core systems inspired from multiagent auction model (XW, BZ, TSTM, MY, YJ, MD, MP), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-WuWDHYY #in memory #integration #memory management- A thermal resilient integration of many-core microprocessors and main memory by 2.5D TSI I/Os (SSW, KW, SMPD, TYH, MY, HY), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-YasinSE #polynomial- Unified, ultra compact, quadratic power proxies for multi-core processors (MY, AS, IAME), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-ZhangAJC #network- Thermal management of manycore systems with silicon-photonic networks (TZ, JLA, AJ, AKC), pp. 1–6.
HPCA-2014-DemetriadesC #scalability- Stash directory: A scalable directory for many-core coherence (SD, SC), pp. 177–188.
HPCA-2014-LoK - Dynamic management of TurboMode in modern multi-core chips (DL, CK), pp. 603–613.
HPDC-2014-El-HelwHB #clustering #named #pipes and filters- Glasswing: accelerating mapreduce on multi-core and many-core clusters (IEH, RFHH, HEB), pp. 295–298.
HPDC-2014-RezaeiCLCM #named- Snapify: capturing snapshots of offload applications on xeon phi manycore processors (AR, GC, CHL, STC, FM), pp. 1–12.
HPDC-2014-TangMEL0G #scalability- Data filtering for scalable high-dimensional k-NN search on multicore systems (XT, SM, DME, KCL, ZH, MG), pp. 305–310.
LCTES-2014-BebelisFG #data flow #framework #parametricity #platform- A framework to schedule parametric dataflow applications on many-core platforms (VB, PF, AG), pp. 125–134.
OSDI-2014-MullerAAC #automation #named #parallel- Pydron: Semi-Automatic Parallelization for Multi-Core and the Cloud (SCM, GA, AA, AC), pp. 645–659.
OSDI-2014-ZhengTKL #database #parallel #performance- Fast Databases with Fast Durability and Recovery Through Multicore Parallelism (WZ, ST, EK, BL), pp. 465–477.
PDP-2014-AnwarDERPT #integration- Integration of AES on Heterogeneous Many-Core System (HA, MD, ME, MR, JP, HT), pp. 424–427.
PDP-2014-BakkerTP #symmetry- Emulating Asymmetric MPSoCs on the Intel SCC Many-Core Processor (RB, MWvT, ADP), pp. 520–527.
PDP-2014-BuonoMMV #architecture #hardware #message passing #optimisation #thread #using- Optimizing Message-Passing on Multicore Architectures Using Hardware Multi-threading (DB, TDM, GM, MV), pp. 262–270.
PDP-2014-FattahRXKLPT #runtime- Mixed-Criticality Run-Time Task Mapping for NoC-Based Many-Core Systems (MF, AMR, TCX, AK, PL, JP, HT), pp. 458–465.
PDP-2014-KumarL #analysis #latency- Latency Analysis of Network-on-Chip Based Many-Core Processors (SK, GL), pp. 432–439.
PDP-2014-ManciniMMMT #distributed #hardware #simulation #verification- System Level Formal Verification via Distributed Multi-core Hardware in the Loop Simulation (TM, FM, AM, IM, ET), pp. 734–742.
PDP-2014-TcarenkoFLPT #approach #modelling- Multi Rectangle Modeling Approach for Application Mapping on a Many-Core System (IT, MF, PL, JP, HT), pp. 452–457.
PDP-2014-UddinPJ #architecture #simulation #thread- Analytical-Based High-Level Simulation of the Microthreaded Many-Core Architectures (MIU, RP, CRJ), pp. 344–351.
PPoPP-2014-LuoLHKP #hybrid #programming #runtime- Initial study of multi-endpoint runtime for MPI+OpenMP hybrid programming model on multi-core systems (ML, XL, KH, KCK, DKP), pp. 395–396.
PPoPP-2014-MaAC #algorithm #analysis #thread- Theoretical analysis of classic algorithms on highly-threaded many-core GPUs (LM, KA, RDC), pp. 391–392.
TACAS-2014-WijsB #named #on the fly #using- GPUexplore: Many-Core On-the-Fly State Space Exploration Using GPUs (AW, DB), pp. 233–247.
VLDB-2014-BalkesenATO13 #in memory #revisited- Multi-Core, Main-Memory Joins: Sort vs. Hash Revisited (CB, GA, JT, MTÖ), pp. 85–96.
Haskell-2013-VoellmyWHY #haskell #named- Mio: a high-performance multicore io manager for GHC (AV, JW, PH, KY), pp. 129–140.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HermannCW #human-computer #industrial #interactive #parallel #platform- Parallel Rendering of Human-Computer Interaction Industrial Applications on Multi-/Many-Core Platforms (SH, AC, L(W), pp. 350–360.
ECOOP-2013-GruberB #concurrent- Ownership-Based Isolation for Concurrent Actors on Multi-core Machines (OG, FB), pp. 281–301.
OOPSLA-2013-ClebschD #concurrent #garbage collection- Fully concurrent garbage collection of actors on many-core machines (SC, SD), pp. 553–570.
AdaEurope-2013-KampenhoutH #deployment #modelling- Model-Based Deployment of Mission-Critical Spacecraft Applications on Multicore Processors (JRvK, RH), pp. 35–50.
HILT-2013-MichellMP #programming #realtime- Real-time programming on accelerator many-core processors (SM, BM, LMP), pp. 23–36.
SAC-2013-AzarianCWB #approach #pipes and filters- An FPGA-based multi-core approach for pipelining computing stages (AA, JMPC, SW, JB), pp. 1533–1540.
SAC-2013-BusseSDMR #architecture #scheduling- Analyzing resource interdependencies in multi-core architectures to improve scheduling decisions (AB, JHS, MD, GM, JR), pp. 1595–1602.
SAC-2013-FanTCS #embedded #energy #realtime- Energy-aware real-time task synchronization in multi-core embedded systems (LFF, THT, YSC, SSS), pp. 1493–1498.
SAC-2013-ImJLL #configuration management #operating system- A dynamically reconfigurable operating system for manycore systems (CI, MJ, JL, SL), pp. 1622–1627.
SAC-2013-ShihL #kernel #named- nuKernel: MicroKernel for multi-core DSP SoCs with load sharing and priority interrupts (CSS, HYL), pp. 1525–1532.
ASPLOS-2013-ParkBCLN #harmful #memory management- Regularities considered harmful: forcing randomness to memory accesses to reduce row buffer conflicts for multi-core, multi-bank systems (HP, SB, JC, DL, SHN), pp. 181–192.
ASPLOS-2013-ShenSDZC #energy #fine-grained- Power containers: an OS facility for fine-grained power and energy management on multicore servers (KS, AS, SD, XZ, ZC), pp. 65–76.
ASPLOS-2013-ViennotNN #debugging #validation- Transparent mutable replay for multicore debugging and patch validation (NV, SN, JN), pp. 127–138.
DAC-2013-AnagnostopoulosTBS #distributed #platform #resource management #runtime- Distributed run-time resource management for malleable applications on many-core platforms (IA, VT, AB, DS), p. 6.
DAC-2013-AncajasCR #3d #memory management #named- DMR3D: dynamic memory relocation in 3D multicore systems (DMA, KC, SR), p. 9.
DAC-2013-ChenXKGHKOA #design #scalability- Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling for shared resources in multicore processor designs (XC, ZX, HK, PVG, JH, MK, ÜYO, RZA), p. 7.
DAC-2013-FattahDLP #agile- Smart hill climbing for agile dynamic mapping in many-core systems (MF, MD, PL, JP), p. 6.
DAC-2013-MercatiBPRB #reliability #user interface- Workload and user experience-aware dynamic reliability management in multicore processors (PM, AB, FP, TSR, LB), p. 6.
DAC-2013-MuthukaruppanPVMV #power management #symmetry- Hierarchical power management for asymmetric multi-core in dark silicon era (TSM, MP, VV, TM, SV), p. 9.
DAC-2013-SinghSKH #overview #roadmap- Mapping on multi/many-core systems: survey of current and emerging trends (AKS, MS, AK, JH), p. 10.
DAC-2013-TajikHD #3d #architecture #named #process- VAWOM: temperature and process variation aware wearout management in 3D multicore architecture (HT, HH, ND), p. 8.
DATE-2013-AmpaduZS #energy #fault tolerance- Breaking the energy barrier in fault-tolerant caches for multicore systems (PA, MZ, VS), pp. 731–736.
DATE-2013-BaiS #architecture #automation #data transformation #memory management #performance- Automatic and efficient heap data management for limited local memory multicore architectures (KB, AS), pp. 593–598.
DATE-2013-ChantemYHD #online #reliability #scheduling- Enhancing multicore reliability through wear compensation in online assignment and scheduling (TC, XY, XSH, RPD), pp. 1373–1378.
DATE-2013-CoppolaFGK #embedded- From embedded multi-core SoCs to scale-out processors (MC, BF, JG, GK), pp. 947–951.
DATE-2013-DaneshtalabEPT #interface #named #network- CARS: congestion-aware request scheduler for network interfaces in NoC-based manycore systems (MD, ME, JP, HT), pp. 1048–1051.
DATE-2013-DasKV13a #communication #design #energy #fault #migration- Communication and migration energy aware design space exploration for multicore systems with intermittent faults (AD, AK, BV), pp. 1631–1636.
DATE-2013-ElbayoumiHE #concurrent #diagrams #novel #platform- A novel concurrent cache-friendly binary decision diagram construction for multi-core platforms (ME, MSH, MYE), pp. 1427–1430.
DATE-2013-ElfadelMA #formal method #industrial- Closed-loop control for power and thermal management in multi-core processors: formal methods and industrial practice (IME, RM, DA), pp. 1879–1881.
DATE-2013-GhiribaldiBN #architecture #effectiveness- A transition-signaling bundled data NoC switch architecture for cost-effective GALS multicore systems (AG, DB, SMN), pp. 332–337.
DATE-2013-JahnH #architecture #named #pipes and filters #self- Pipelets: self-organizing software pipelines for many-core architectures (JJ, JH), pp. 1516–1521.
DATE-2013-KimYIBS #realtime #scheduling- Optimized scheduling of multi-IMA partitions with exclusive region for synchronized real-time multi-core systems (JEK, MKY, SI, RMB, LS), pp. 970–975.
DATE-2013-KodakaTSYKTXSUTMM #power management #predict- A near-future prediction method for low power consumption on a many-core processor (TK, AT, SS, AY, TK, TT, HX, TS, HU, JT, TM, NM), pp. 1058–1059.
DATE-2013-MittalBKDKP #adaptation #towards- Towards adaptive test of multi-core RF SoCs (RM, LB, YBCK, VRD, MK, RAP), pp. 743–748.
DATE-2013-MiyamoriXKUST #development #power management- Development of low power many-core SoC for multimedia applications (TM, HX, TK, HU, TS, JT), pp. 773–777.
DATE-2013-MushtaqAB #approach #fault tolerance #performance #platform- Efficient software-based fault tolerance approach on multicore platforms (HM, ZAA, KB), pp. 921–926.
DATE-2013-NegreanKE #analysis- Timing analysis of multi-mode applications on AUTOSAR conform multi-core systems (MN, SK, RE), pp. 302–307.
DATE-2013-OjailDLG #embedded #framework #lightweight #named- ARTM: a lightweight fork-join framework for many-core embedded systems (MO, RD, YL, AG), pp. 1510–1515.
DATE-2013-PaoneVZSMHL #embedded #modelling #platform #simulation- Improving simulation speed and accuracy for many-core embedded platforms with ensemble models (EP, NV, VZ, CS, DM, GH, TL), pp. 671–676.
DATE-2013-RaminiGBB #3d #analysis #power management #using- Contrasting wavelength-routed optical NoC topologies for power-efficient 3D-stacked multicore processors using physical-layer analysis (LR, PG, SB, DB), pp. 1589–1594.
DATE-2013-SabooriA #embedded #hybrid #prototype- Hybrid prototyping of multicore embedded systems (ES, SA), pp. 1627–1630.
DATE-2013-ShafiqueVH #adaptation #hybrid #power management #self- Self-adaptive hybrid dynamic power management for many-core systems (MS, BV, JH), pp. 51–56.
DATE-2013-ThabetLAPD #architecture #flexibility #hardware #performance- An efficient and flexible hardware support for accelerating synchronization operations on the STHORM many-core architecture (FT, YL, CA, JMP, RD), pp. 531–534.
DATE-2013-WangYWZ #3d #configuration management #network- 3D reconfigurable power switch network for demand-supply matching between multi-output power converters and many-core microprocessors (KW, HY, BW, CZ), pp. 1643–1648.
DATE-2013-WettinMPSG #approach #design #energy- Energy-efficient multicore chip design through cross-layer approach (PW, JM, PPP, BS, AG), pp. 725–730.
DATE-2013-WildermannZT #analysis #distributed #game studies- Game-theoretic analysis of decentralized core allocation schemes on many-core systems (SW, TZ, JT), pp. 1498–1503.
DATE-2013-YuZHWLT #approach #set #simulation- A critical-section-level timing synchronization approach for deterministic multi-core instruction set simulations (FWY, BHZ, YHH, HIW, CRL, RST), pp. 643–648.
DATE-2013-ZhangCBACL #3d #architecture #composition #named #performance- 3D-MMC: a modular 3D multi-core architecture with efficient resource pooling (TZ, AC, GB, PA, AKC, YL), pp. 1241–1246.
DATE-2013-ZhaoLBT #detection #probability #runtime- Run-time probabilistic detection of miscalibrated thermal sensors in many-core systems (JZ, S(L, WB, RT), pp. 1395–1398.
HPCA-2013-ArdestaniR #named #performance #using- ESESC: A fast multicore simulator using Time-Based Sampling (EKA, JR), pp. 448–459.
HPCA-2013-DasAMKA #memory management #policy- Application-to-core mapping policies to reduce memory system interference in multi-core systems (RD, RA, OM, AK, MA), pp. 107–118.
HPCA-2013-KhanAWKJ #architecture #performance #using- Improving multi-core performance using mixed-cell cache architecture (SMK, ARA, CW, JK, DAJ), pp. 119–130.
HPCA-2013-RaoWZX #optimisation #scheduling #virtual machine- Optimizing virtual machine scheduling in NUMA multicore systems (JR, KW, XZ, CZX), pp. 306–317.
HPCA-2013-RobatmiliLEGSPBK #architecture #effectiveness #how #predict- How to implement effective prediction and forwarding for fusable dynamic multicore architectures (BR, DL, HE, MSSG, AS, AP, DB, SWK), pp. 460–471.
HPDC-2013-GillLHNGL #composition #declarative #framework #named #platform #scalability- Scalanytics: a declarative multi-core platform for scalable composable traffic analytics (HG, DL, XH, CN, TG, BTL), pp. 61–72.
HPDC-2013-ZhangODJ #clustering #framework #implementation #named- Orthrus: a framework for implementing high-performance collective I/O in the multicore clusters (XZ, JO, KD, SJ), pp. 113–114.
LCTES-2013-Beemster #c- The role of C in the dark ages of multi-core (MB), pp. 89–90.
LCTES-2013-WangCSCH #api #embedded #using- Portable mapping of openMP to multicore embedded systems using MCA APIs (CW, SC, PS, BMC, JH), pp. 153–162.
PDP-2013-BahrebarFHDMS #clustering #communication- Making Communication a First-Class Citizen in Multicore Partitioning (PB, RMF, WH, LD, AM, DS), pp. 287–293.
PDP-2013-BuonoDLT #parallel- Parallel Patterns for General Purpose Many-Core (DB, MD, SL, MT), pp. 131–139.
PDP-2013-EbrahimiDP #algorithm #fault tolerance #performance- High Performance Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for NoC-Based Many-Core Systems (ME, MD, JP), pp. 462–469.
PDP-2013-HolmbackaALL #energy #operating system #performance- QoS Manager for Energy Efficient Many-Core Operating Systems (SH, DA, SL, JL), pp. 318–322.
PDP-2013-HolmbackaLLL #distributed #migration #operating system #performance- Task Migration for Dynamic Power and Performance Characteristics on Many-Core Distributed Operating Systems (SH, WL, SL, JL), pp. 310–317.
PDP-2013-MichailidisM #estimation #kernel #modelling #parallel #programming- Parallel Computing of Kernel Density Estimation with Different Multi-core Programming Models (PDM, KGM), pp. 77–85.
PDP-2013-PetridesDCT #database #performance #query #scalability- Scalability and Efficiency of Database Queries on Future Many-Core Systems (PP, AD, CC, PT), pp. 24–28.
PDP-2013-YoshinagaTHSNI #hybrid #parallel #scalability- A Delegation Mechanism on Many-Core Oriented Hybrid Parallel Computers for Scalability of Communicators and Communications in MPI (KY, YT, AH, MS, MN, YI), pp. 249–253.
PPoPP-2013-CascavalFMPRRWB #mobile #named #parallel #web- ZOOMM: a parallel web browser engine for multicore mobile devices (CC, SF, PMO, WP, MR, BR, MW, VB), pp. 271–280.
PPoPP-2013-FriedleyHBLM #distributed #memory management #performance #programming- Ownership passing: efficient distributed memory programming on multi-core systems (AF, TH, GB, AL, CCM), pp. 177–186.
SOSP-2013-ClementsKZMK #commutative #design #scalability- The scalable commutativity rule: designing scalable software for multicore processors (ATC, MFK, NZ, RTM, EK), pp. 1–17.
SOSP-2013-TuZKLM #database #in memory #transaction- Speedy transactions in multicore in-memory databases (ST, WZ, EK, BL, SM), pp. 18–32.
TACAS-2013-WieringaH #incremental #satisfiability- Asynchronous Multi-core Incremental SAT Solving (SW, KH), pp. 139–153.
CAV-2013-LaarmanODLP #abstraction #automaton #using- Multi-core Emptiness Checking of Timed Büchi Automata Using Inclusion Abstraction (AL, MCO, AED, KGL, JvdP), pp. 968–983.
VLDB-2012-AlbutiuKN #database #in memory #memory management #parallel- Massively Parallel Sort-Merge Joins in Main Memory Multi-Core Database Systems (MCA, AK, TN), pp. 1064–1075.
KDD-2012-RoyTA #hardware #performance- Efficient frequent item counting in multi-core hardware (PR, JT, GA), pp. 1451–1459.
ECMFA-2012-Seidewitz #execution #uml- Executable UML: From Multi-domain to Multi-core (ES), p. 1.
OOPSLA-2012-SartorE #concurrent #hardware #java #performance #thread- Exploring multi-threaded Java application performance on multicore hardware (JBS, LE), pp. 281–296.
HILT-2012-Taft #divide and conquer #named #programming #tutorial #using- Tutorial: multicore programming using divide-and-conquer and work stealing (STT), pp. 13–14.
PLDI-2012-NagarakatteBMM #concurrent #debugging #detection- Multicore acceleration of priority-based schedulers for concurrency bug detection (SN, SB, MMKM, MM), pp. 543–554.
ICSE-2012-PankratiusSG #empirical #functional #imperative #java #programming #scala- Combining functional and imperative programming for multicore software: An empirical study evaluating Scala and Java (VP, FS, GG), pp. 123–133.
SAC-2012-BhattiBA #approach #platform #realtime #scheduling- A semi-partitioned real-time scheduling approach for periodic task systems on multicore platforms (MKB, CB, MA), pp. 1594–1601.
SAC-2012-DragoB #analysis #architecture #design #graph #named- DAG3: a tool for design and analysis of applications for multicore architectures (MLD, JB), pp. 1159–1164.
SAC-2012-El-ShambakeyR #bound #concurrent #embedded #realtime #trade-off- STM concurrency control for multicore embedded real-time software: time bounds and tradeoffs (MES, BR), pp. 1602–1609.
SAC-2012-ImJLLL #operating system #realtime- A real-time operating system for manycore systems (CI, MJ, JDL, SL, SL), pp. 1845–1846.
SAC-2012-TsaiC #3d #realtime #scheduling- Thermal-aware real-time task scheduling for three-dimensional multicore chip (THT, YSC), pp. 1618–1624.
DAC-2012-CheC #embedded- Unrolling and retiming of stream applications onto embedded multicore processors (WC, KSC), pp. 1272–1277.
DAC-2012-ChoiOKH #architecture #data flow #graph- Executing synchronous dataflow graphs on a SPM-based multicore architecture (JC, HO, SK, SH), pp. 664–671.
DAC-2012-FangMZLHZCLZ #named- Transformer: a functional-driven cycle-accurate multicore simulator (ZF, QM, KZ, YL, YH, WZ, HC, JL, BZ), pp. 106–114.
DAC-2012-KuangBK #network #optimisation- Traffic-aware power optimization for network applications on multicore servers (JK, LNB, RK), pp. 1006–1011.
DAC-2012-MelpignanoBFJLHCD #embedded #evaluation #framework #performance #platform #visual notation- Platform 2012, a many-core computing accelerator for embedded SoCs: performance evaluation of visual analytics applications (DM, LB, EF, BJ, TL, GH, FC, DD), pp. 1137–1142.
DAC-2012-MengKC #3d #constraints #energy #optimisation #performance- Optimizing energy efficiency of 3-D multicore systems with stacked DRAM under power and thermal constraints (JM, KK, AKC), pp. 648–655.
DAC-2012-RanieriVCAV #algorithm #named- EigenMaps: algorithms for optimal thermal maps extraction and sensor placement on multicore processors (JR, AV, AC, DA, MV), pp. 636–641.
DATE-2012-AnagnostopoulosBKS #distributed #divide and conquer #platform #runtime- A divide and conquer based distributed run-time mapping methodology for many-core platforms (IA, AB, GK, DS), pp. 111–116.
DATE-2012-BolchiniMS #adaptation #approach #architecture #fault #online- An adaptive approach for online fault management in many-core architectures (CB, AM, DS), pp. 1429–1432.
DATE-2012-BoseBDGHJNRSVW #challenge #power management- Power management of multi-core chips: Challenges and pitfalls (PB, AB, JAD, MSG, MBH, HMJ, IN, JAR, JS, AV, AJW), pp. 977–982.
DATE-2012-ChenMM #configuration management #online #scheduling- Online scheduling for multi-core shared reconfigurable fabric (LC, TM, TM), pp. 582–585.
DATE-2012-DenizSH #embedded #verification- Verification coverage of embedded multicore applications (ED, AS, JH), pp. 252–255.
DATE-2012-DoganCRBA #architecture #design #health #monitoring #power management #smarttech- Multi-core architecture design for ultra-low-power wearable health monitoring systems (AYD, JC, MR, AB, DA), pp. 988–993.
DATE-2012-DrumlSWGH #estimation #smarttech- Estimation based power and supply voltage management for future RF-powered multi-core smart cards (ND, CS, RW, AG, JH), pp. 358–363.
DATE-2012-FanQ #framework #platform #realtime #scheduling- Harmonic semi-partitioned scheduling for fixed-priority real-time tasks on multi-core platform (MF, GQ), pp. 503–508.
DATE-2012-GaoWHZL #clustering #concurrent #debugging- A clustering-based scheme for concurrent trace in debugging NoC-based multicore systems (JG, JW, YH, LZ, XL), pp. 27–32.
DATE-2012-HameedBH #adaptation #architecture #runtime- Dynamic cache management in multi-core architectures through run-time adaptation (FH, LB, JH), pp. 485–490.
DATE-2012-KesslerDTNRDBTP #aspect-oriented #performance #programmable- Programmability and performance portability aspects of heterogeneous multi-/manycore systems (CWK, UD, ST, RN, AR, UD, SB, JLT, SP), pp. 1403–1408.
DATE-2012-LiuFQ #framework #platform- Neighbor-aware dynamic thermal management for multi-core platform (GL, MF, GQ), pp. 187–192.
DATE-2012-RichterC #delivery #reduction- Test pin count reduction for NoC-based Test delivery in multicore SOCs (MR, KC), pp. 787–792.
DATE-2012-SinkarWK #optimisation #performance- Workload-aware voltage regulator optimization for power efficient multi-core processors (AAS, HW, NSK), pp. 1134–1137.
DATE-2012-WernerOGHB #configuration management #distributed- Virtualized on-chip distributed computing for heterogeneous reconfigurable multi-core systems (SW, OO, DG, MH, JB), pp. 280–283.
HPCA-2012-YanLHLGL #architecture #hybrid #named #performance- AgileRegulator: A hybrid voltage regulator scheme redeeming dark silicon for power efficiency in a multicore architecture (GY, YL, YH, XL, MG, XL), pp. 287–298.
HPDC-2012-GeorgakoudisLN #migration #summary #symmetry- Dynamic binary rewriting and migration for shared-ISA asymmetric, multicore processors: summary (GG, SL, DSN), pp. 127–128.
HPDC-2012-PasettoMFPX #architecture #communication #evaluation #parallel #performance #thread- Performance evaluation of interthread communication mechanisms on multicore/multithreaded architectures (DP, MM, HF, FP, JX), pp. 131–132.
ISMM-2012-ZhouD #configuration management #locality #memory management #policy- Memory management for many-core processors with software configurable locality policies (JZ, BD), pp. 3–14.
LCTES-2012-KyleBFLT #embedded #set #simulation #using- Efficiently parallelizing instruction set simulation of embedded multi-core processors using region-based just-in-time dynamic binary translation (SCK, IB, BF, HL, NPT), pp. 21–30.
OSDI-2012-Kapritsos0QCAD #all about #replication- All about Eve: Execute-Verify Replication for Multi-Core Servers (MK, YW, VQ, AC, LA, MD), pp. 237–250.
PDP-2012-AldinucciADTK #data flow #metaprogramming #parallel- Parallel Patterns + Macro Data Flow for Multi-core Programming (MA, LA, MD, MT, PK), pp. 27–36.
PDP-2012-AlessiMB #clustering- Accelerating the Production of Synthetic Seismograms by a Multicore Processor Cluster with Multiple GPUs (FA, AM, RB), pp. 434–441.
PDP-2012-AlonsoDIMQ #energy- Saving Energy in the LU Factorization with Partial Pivoting on Multi-core Processors (PA, MFD, FDI, RM, ESQO), pp. 353–358.
PDP-2012-RungerS #interactive #parallel #scalability #simulation- Interaction List Compression in Large Parallel Particle Simulations on Multicore Systems (GR, MS), pp. 190–197.
PDP-2012-TaoFWM #architecture #performance #virtual machine- A Performance Study of Virtual Machines on Multicore Architectures (JT, KF, LW, HM), pp. 89–96.
PPoPP-2012-JiangPOJ #parallel- OpenMP-style parallelism in data-centered multicore computing with R (LJ, PBP, GO, FJ), pp. 335–336.
PPoPP-2012-WernsingS #automation #heuristic #named- RACECAR: a heuristic for automatic function specialization on multi-core heterogeneous systems (JRW, GS), pp. 321–322.
ICST-2012-FangKDO #formal method #modelling- Formal Model-Based Test for AUTOSAR Multicore RTOS (LF, TK, TBND, HO), pp. 251–259.
ICST-2012-HashemianKA #benchmark #challenge #metric #web- Overcoming Web Server Benchmarking Challenges in the Multi-core Era (RH, DK, MFA), pp. 648–653.
SIGMOD-2011-BlanasLP #algorithm #design #evaluation #in memory #memory management- Design and evaluation of main memory hash join algorithms for multi-core CPUs (SB, YL, JMP), pp. 37–48.
VLDB-2011-SewallCKSD #architecture #named #parallel- PALM: Parallel Architecture-Friendly Latch-Free Modifications to B+ Trees on Many-Core Processors (JS, JC, CK, NS, PD), pp. 795–806.
VLDB-2012-KruegerKGSSCPDZ11 #database #performance #using- Fast Updates on Read-Optimized Databases Using Multi-Core CPUs (JK, CK, MG, NS, DS, JC, HP, PD, AZ), pp. 61–72.
ITiCSE-2011-Ernst #architecture #performance #student- Preparing students for future architectures with an exploration of multi- and many-core performance (DJE), pp. 57–62.
FDG-2011-NoahTB - Multi-core processing within the frontal lobe (JAN, AT, SB), pp. 280–282.
CIKM-2011-KrulisLBSS #architecture #distance #gpu #polynomial- Processing the signature quadratic form distance on many-core GPU architectures (MK, JL, CB, TS, TS), pp. 2373–2376.
SIGIR-2011-TatikondaCJ #architecture- Posting list intersection on multicore architectures (ST, BBC, FPJ), pp. 963–972.
AdaEurope-2011-Ploedereder #programming language- Programming Languages Meet Multicore (EP), pp. 189–192.
AdaEurope-2011-Taft #implementation #parallel #programming #specification- Multicore Programming in ParaSail — Parallel Specification and Implementation Language (STT), pp. 196–200.
PLDI-2011-GarciaJLT #named- Kremlin: rethinking and rebooting gprof for the multicore age (SG, DJ, CML, MBT), pp. 458–469.
ASE-2011-BotincanDDP #memory management- Safe asynchronous multicore memory operations (MB, MD, AFD, MJP), pp. 153–162.
SAC-2011-BiancoGH #approach #parallel #performance- A fast approach for parallel deduplication on multicore processors (GDB, RdMG, CAH), pp. 1027–1032.
SAC-2011-ChuHLCHC #approach #development #verification- A pattern-based verification approach for a multi-core system development (PHC, NLH, CCL, MJC, PAH, WCC), pp. 49–53.
SAC-2011-DaniAS #algorithm #architecture #search-based- Applying genetic algorithms to optimize the power in tiled SNUCA chip multicore architectures (AMD, BA, YNS), pp. 1090–1091.
SAC-2011-LeeLS #scheduling- Preemptibility-aware responsive multi-core scheduling (JL, GL, SbS), pp. 748–749.
SAC-2011-MitakeKCN #embedded #realtime- Coexisting real-time OS and general purpose OS on an embedded virtualization layer for a multicore processor (HM, YK, AC, TN), pp. 629–630.
ASPLOS-2011-FarhadKBS #approximate #architecture #distributed #source code- Orchestration by approximation: mapping stream programs onto multicore architectures (SMF, YK, BB, BS), pp. 357–368.
ASPLOS-2011-KamruzzamanST #migration #thread #using- Inter-core prefetching for multicore processors using migrating helper threads (MK, SS, DMT), pp. 393–404.
CGO-2011-LiuZDK #scheduling- On-chip cache hierarchy-aware tile scheduling for multicore machines (JL, YZ, WD, MTK), pp. 161–170.
CGO-2011-SondagR #symmetry- Phase-based tuning for better utilization of performance-asymmetric multicore processors (TS, HR), pp. 11–20.
CGO-2011-WuHBW #energy #virtual machine- A HW/SW co-designed heterogeneous multi-core virtual machine for energy-efficient general purpose computing (YW, SH, EB, CW), pp. 236–245.
DAC-2011-CheC #compilation #embedded #memory management #source code- Compilation of stream programs onto scratchpad memory based embedded multicore processors through retiming (WC, KSC), pp. 122–127.
DAC-2011-ChenM #configuration management- Shared reconfigurable fabric for multi-core customization (LC, TM), pp. 830–835.
DAC-2011-DeOrioABP #architecture #distributed #named- DRAIN: distributed recovery architecture for inaccessible nodes in multi-core chips (AD, KA, VB, LSP), pp. 912–917.
DAC-2011-HsuLFWHHY #analysis #design #modelling #named- PowerDepot: integrating IP-based power modeling with ESL power analysis for multi-core SoC designs (CWH, JLL, SCF, CCW, SYH, WTH, JCY), pp. 47–52.
DAC-2011-PatelACG #named- MARSS: a full system simulator for multicore x86 CPUs (AP, FA, SC, KG), pp. 1050–1055.
DAC-2011-WangMR #clustering #configuration management #energy #optimisation #realtime- Dynamic cache reconfiguration and partitioning for energy optimization in real-time multi-core systems (WW, PM, SR), pp. 948–953.
DAC-2011-WuWFT #distributed #scheduling #simulation- A high-parallelism distributed scheduling mechanism for multi-core instruction-set simulation (MHW, PCW, CYF, RST), pp. 339–344.
DAC-2011-YunKKH #embedded #parallel #simulation- Simulation environment configuration for parallel simulation of multicore embedded systems (DY, JK, SK, SH), pp. 345–350.
DATE-2011-ChakrabortyR - Topologically homogeneous power-performance heterogeneous multicore systems (KC, SR), pp. 125–130.
DATE-2011-ClermidyDDLV #3d #embedded- 3D Embedded multi-core: Some perspectives (FC, FD, DD, WL, PV), pp. 1327–1332.
DATE-2011-FuWT #approach #performance #simulation- A shared-variable-based synchronization approach to efficient cache coherence simulation for multi-core systems (CYF, MHW, RST), pp. 347–352.
DATE-2011-GizopoulosPARHSMBV #architecture #detection #fault #online- Architectures for online error detection and recovery in multicore processors (DG, MP, SVA, PR, SKSH, DJS, AM, AB, XV), pp. 533–538.
DATE-2011-HameedFH #3d #adaptation #architecture #runtime- Dynamic thermal management in 3D multi-core architecture through run-time adaptation (FH, MAAF, JH), pp. 299–304.
DATE-2011-HanumaiahV #realtime- Reliability-aware thermal management for hard real-time applications on multi-core processors (VH, SBKV), pp. 137–142.
DATE-2011-KolpeZS #clustering #power management- Enabling improved power management in multicore processors through clustered DVFS (TK, AZ, SSS), pp. 293–298.
DATE-2011-LeupersEMSTC #platform #towards- Virtual Manycore platforms: Moving towards 100+ processor cores (RL, LE, GM, FS, NPT, XC), pp. 715–720.
DATE-2011-LungHKC #3d #online #optimisation #throughput- Thermal-aware on-line task allocation for 3D multi-core processor throughput optimization (CLL, YLH, DMK, SCC), pp. 8–13.
DATE-2011-PaternaACPDB #algorithm #energy #online #performance #platform- An efficient on-line task allocation algorithm for QoS and energy efficiency in multicore multimedia platforms (FP, AA, AC, FP, GD, LB), pp. 100–105.
DATE-2011-RazaghiG #development #embedded #realtime- Host-compiled multicore RTOS simulator for embedded real-time software development (PR, AG), pp. 222–227.
DATE-2011-ShafiqueBAH #configuration management #resource management #runtime- Minority-Game-based resource allocation for run-time reconfigurable multi-core processors (MS, LB, WA, JH), pp. 1261–1266.
DATE-2011-StattelmannBR #analysis #performance #simulation- Fast and accurate resource conflict simulation for performance analysis of multi-core systems (SS, OB, WR), pp. 210–215.
DATE-2011-YangO #adaptation #flexibility- Frugal but flexible multicore topologies in support of resource variation-driven adaptivity (CY, AO), pp. 1255–1260.
HPCA-2011-FerdmanLBF #scalability- Cuckoo directory: A scalable directory for many-core systems (MF, PLK, KB, BF), pp. 169–180.
HPCA-2011-LiZCL #architecture #energy #named #power management- SolarCore: Solar energy driven multi-core architecture power management (CL, WZ, CBC, TL), pp. 205–216.
HPCA-2011-MadanBBA #power management- A case for guarded power gating for multi-core processors (NM, AB, PB, MA), pp. 291–300.
HPCA-2011-ManikantanRG #distance #named #performance- NUcache: An efficient multicore cache organization based on Next-Use distance (RM, KR, RG), pp. 243–253.
HPCA-2011-PellauerAKPE #named #simulation #using- HAsim: FPGA-based high-detail multicore simulation using time-division multiplexing (MP, MA, MAK, AP, JSE), pp. 406–417.
HPDC-2011-HofmeyrCIK #named- Juggle: proactive load balancing on multicore computers (SAH, JAC, CI, JK), pp. 3–14.
ISMM-2011-MajoG #memory management- Memory management in NUMA multicore systems: trapped between cache contention and interconnect overhead (ZM, TRG), pp. 11–20.
ISMM-2011-MarlowJ #garbage collection- Multicore garbage collection with local heaps (SM, SLPJ), pp. 21–32.
ISMM-2011-Mutlu #challenge #memory management- Memory systems in the many-core era: challenges, opportunities, and solution directions (OM), pp. 77–78.
LCTES-2011-GrayA #api #architecture #embedded- Targeting complex embedded architectures by combining the multicore communications API (mcapi) with compile-time virtualisation (IG, NCA), pp. 51–60.
LCTES-2011-SarkarMR #migration #predict- Predictable task migration for locked caches in multi-core systems (AS, FM, HR), pp. 131–140.
PDP-2011-BaldoGGF #realtime- Multi-core Desktop Processors Make Possible Real-Time Electron Tomography (JIAB, EMG, IG, JJF), pp. 127–132.
PDP-2011-CastroGMMFS #analysis #architecture #memory management #transaction- Analysis and Tracing of Applications Based on Software Transactional Memory on Multicore Architectures (MBC, KG, VMM, JFM, LGF, MS), pp. 199–206.
PDP-2011-EstradaCG #adaptation #algorithm #architecture #optimisation #parallel #performance- Adaptive Parallel Interval Global Optimization Algorithms Based on their Performance for Non-dedicated Multicore Architectures (JFSE, LGC, IG), pp. 252–256.
PDP-2011-EzzattiQR #framework #matrix #performance #platform- High Performance Matrix Inversion on a Multi-core Platform with Several GPUs (PE, ESQO, AR), pp. 87–93.
PDP-2011-OzTKT #architecture #concurrent #thread- Quantifying Thread Vulnerability for Multicore Architectures (IO, HRT, MTK, OT), pp. 32–39.
PDP-2011-SchlingmannGWU #algorithm- Connectivity-Sensitive Algorithm for Task Placement on a Many-Core Considering Faulty Regions (SS, AG, SW, TU), pp. 417–422.
PDP-2011-Schuele #execution #parallel #performance #streaming- Efficient Parallel Execution of Streaming Applications on Multi-core Processors (TS), pp. 231–238.
PDP-2011-WangHB #design #platform- A Wireless Network-on-Chip Design for Multicore Platforms (CW, WHH, NB), pp. 409–416.
ICST-2011-LuoDQ #concurrent #detection #performance- Multicore SDK: A Practical and Efficient Deadlock Detector for Real-World Applications (ZDL, RD, YQ), pp. 309–318.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-RauberR #adaptation #architecture #execution #parallel- Adaptive Execution of Software Systems on Parallel Multicore Architectures (TR, GR), pp. 191–198.
SEKE-2010-Cooke #challenge #programming- The multi-core programming challenge (DC), pp. 3–4.
ECOOP-2010-OstrowskiSB #platform #self- Self-Replicating Objects for Multicore Platforms (KO, CS, KB), pp. 452–477.
OOPSLA-2010-McIlroyS #architecture #named #runtime- Hera-JVM: a runtime system for heterogeneous multi-core architectures (RM, JS), pp. 205–222.
AdaEurope-2010-AnderssonP #ada #algorithm #implementation #realtime #scheduling #using- Implementing Multicore Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms Based on Task Splitting Using Ada 2012 (BA, LMP), pp. 54–67.
AdaEurope-2010-Baker #question #realtime #reliability #what- What to Make of Multicore Processors for Reliable Real-Time Systems? (TPB), pp. 1–18.
PLDI-2010-ZhouD #approach #named #object-oriented- Bamboo: a data-centric, object-oriented approach to many-core software (JZ, BD), pp. 388–399.
SIGAda-2010-LiYBWZL #ada #fault tolerance #monitoring- Extending Ada to support multi-core based monitoring and fault tolerance (YL, LY, LB, LW, JZ, XL), pp. 53–62.
ICSE-2010-PankratiusTH #challenge #re-engineering- Multicore software engineering: the next challenge in software engineering (VP, WFT, PH), p. 487.
SAC-2010-ChangLHCSYHK #embedded #modelling- SysML-based requirement modeling environment for multicore embedded system (CHC, CWL, NLH, WCC, CS, CTY, PAH, CSK), pp. 2224–2228.
SAC-2010-DaniVAS - Accelerating multi-core simulators (AMD, KV, BA, YNS), pp. 2377–2382.
SAC-2010-FacchinettiF #architecture #clustering #realtime- Resource partitioning for real-time processing on a multicore architecture (TF, MF), pp. 359–360.
SAC-2010-WeiYKHC #energy #realtime #scheduling- Energy-efficient real-time scheduling of multimedia tasks on multi-core processors (YHW, CYY, TWK, SHH, YHC), pp. 258–262.
ASPLOS-2010-EbrahimiLMP #configuration management #memory management- Fairness via source throttling: a configurable and high-performance fairness substrate for multi-core memory systems (EE, CJL, OM, YNP), pp. 335–346.
ASPLOS-2010-WeeratungeZJ #concurrent #debugging- Analyzing multicore dumps to facilitate concurrency bug reproduction (DW, XZ, SJ), pp. 155–166.
ASPLOS-2010-ZhuravlevBF #scheduling- Addressing shared resource contention in multicore processors via scheduling (SZ, SB, AF), pp. 129–142.
CGO-2010-StrattonGMAMHH #compilation #fine-grained #performance #source code #thread- Efficient compilation of fine-grained SPMD-threaded programs for multicore CPUs (JAS, VG, JM, BA, MM, ZH, WmWH), pp. 111–119.
DAC-2010-ChenXDM #modelling #performance- Performance and power modeling in a multi-programmed multi-core environment (XC, CX, RPD, ZMM), pp. 813–818.
DAC-2010-CohenR #compilation #embedded- Processor virtualization and split compilation for heterogeneous multicore embedded systems (AC, ER), pp. 102–107.
DAC-2010-GeMQ #distributed #migration- Distributed task migration for thermal management in many-core systems (YG, PM, QQ), pp. 579–584.
DAC-2010-IhrigMJ #automation #design #modelling- Automated modeling and emulation of interconnect designs for many-core chip multiprocessors (CJI, RGM, AKJ), pp. 431–436.
DAC-2010-KochteSWZ #fault #performance #simulation- Efficient fault simulation on many-core processors (MAK, MS, HJW, CGZ), pp. 380–385.
DAC-2010-SchranzhoferPCTC #analysis #modelling #resource management #worst-case- Worst-case response time analysis of resource access models in multi-core systems (AS, RP, JJC, LT, MC), pp. 332–337.
DAC-2010-TruongB #architecture #design #modelling- Circuit modeling for practical many-core architecture design exploration (DT, BMB), pp. 627–628.
DAC-2010-YuP #clustering #memory management #platform- Off-chip memory bandwidth minimization through cache partitioning for multi-core platforms (CY, PP), pp. 132–137.
DAC-2010-ZhangL #network- A multilayer nanophotonic interconnection network for on-chip many-core communications (XZ, AL), pp. 156–161.
DAC-2010-ZhaoDX #3d #cost analysis #design- Cost-aware three-dimensional (3D) many-core multiprocessor design (JZ, XD, YX), pp. 126–131.
DATE-2010-BonfiettiBLM #approach #performance #scheduling- An efficient and complete approach for throughput-maximal SDF allocation and scheduling on multi-core platforms (AB, LB, ML, MM), pp. 897–902.
DATE-2010-ChenLJC #distributed #memory management #using- Supporting Distributed Shared Memory on multi-core Network-on-Chips using a dual microcoded controller (XC, ZL, AJ, SC), pp. 39–44.
DATE-2010-ChenS #implementation #named #parallel #scalability- pSHS: A scalable parallel software implementation of Montgomery multiplication for multicore systems (ZC, PS), pp. 843–848.
DATE-2010-ChePC #compilation #source code- Compilation of stream programs for multicore processors that incorporate scratchpad memories (WC, AP, KSC), pp. 1118–1123.
DATE-2010-CollinsVC #code generation #parallel #recursion- Recursion-driven parallel code generation for multi-core platforms (RLC, BV, LPC), pp. 190–195.
DATE-2010-EguiaTSPT #behaviour #design #modelling- General behavioral thermal modeling and characterization for multi-core microprocessor design (TJAE, SXDT, RS, EHP, MT), pp. 1136–1141.
DATE-2010-LiSC #logic- Exploiting local logic structures to optimize multi-core SoC floorplanning (CHL, SS, LPC), pp. 1291–1296.
DATE-2010-LoiB #3d #distributed #framework #interface #memory management #performance- An efficient distributed memory interface for many-core platform with 3D stacked DRAM (IL, LB), pp. 99–104.
DATE-2010-MarianiAVYPSZ #design #framework #industrial #resource management #runtime- An industrial design space exploration framework for supporting run-time resource management on multi-core systems (GM, PA, GV, CYC, GP, CS, VZ), pp. 196–201.
DATE-2010-MarongiuRB #memory management #performance- Efficient OpenMP data mapping for multicore platforms with vertically stacked memory (AM, MR, LB), pp. 105–110.
DATE-2010-MullerBGRNZB #design #implementation #recognition- Design of an automotive traffic sign recognition system targeting a multi-core SoC implementation (MM, AGB, JG, WR, DN, JMZ, OB), pp. 532–537.
DATE-2010-PellizzoniSCCT #analysis #memory management- Worst case delay analysis for memory interference in multicore systems (RP, AS, JJC, MC, LT), pp. 741–746.
DATE-2010-VadlamaniZBT #adaptation #composition #fault #using- Multicore soft error rate stabilization using adaptive dual modular redundancy (RV, JZ, WPB, RT), pp. 27–32.
DATE-2010-ZhangYDHRL #symmetry- Performance-asymmetry-aware topology virtualization for defect-tolerant NoC-based many-core processors (LZ, YY, JD, YH, SR, XL), pp. 1566–1571.
HPCA-2010-LeeLSKKS #clustering- COMIC++: A software SVM system for heterogeneous multicore accelerator clusters (JL, JL, SS, JK, SK, ZS), pp. 1–12.
HPCA-2010-LiBKKRH #architecture #operating system- Operating system support for overlapping-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architectures (TL, PB, RCK, DAK, DR, SH), pp. 1–12.
HPDC-2010-HuLZHX #clustering #scheduling #virtual machine- I/O scheduling model of virtual machine based on multi-core dynamic partitioning (YH, XL, JZ, JH, LX), pp. 142–154.
LCTES-2010-WernsingS #adaptation #framework- Elastic computing: a framework for transparent, portable, and adaptive multi-core heterogeneous computing (JRW, GS), pp. 115–124.
PDP-2010-AldinucciMT #performance- Efficient Smith-Waterman on Multi-core with FastFlow (MA, MM, MT), pp. 195–199.
PDP-2010-AlonsoRL #case study #clustering #implementation #matrix #parallel- Experimental Study of Six Different Implementations of Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Heterogeneous Computational Clusters of Multicore Processors (PA, RR, ALL), pp. 263–270.
PDP-2010-BakerHEW #api #programming- A Light-weight API for Portable Multicore Programming (CGB, MAH, HCE, ABW), pp. 601–606.
PDP-2010-CostaBMB #query #scheduling- Scheduling Metric-Space Queries Processing on Multi-Core Processors (VGC, RJB, MM, CB), pp. 187–194.
PDP-2010-CuencaGGQ #analysis #compilation #performance- Analysis of the Influence of the Compiler on Multicore Performance (JC, LPG, DG, MQ), pp. 170–174.
PDP-2010-LeytonP #algorithm #named #programming- Skandium: Multi-core Programming with Algorithmic Skeletons (ML, JMP), pp. 289–296.
PDP-2010-MadrugaFN #architecture #parallel #performance #symmetry- Parallel Shared-Memory Workloads Performance on Asymmetric Multi-core Architectures (FLM, HCdF, POAN), pp. 163–169.
PDP-2010-RayoBMPD #embedded #parallel #power management #requirements #thread- Balancing Task Resource Requirements in Embedded Multithreaded Multicore Processors to Reduce Power Consumption (DBR, JSB, HHM, SP, JD), pp. 200–204.
PPoPP-2010-GuoZCS #adaptation #named #scalability- SLAW: a scalable locality-aware adaptive work-stealing scheduler for multi-core systems (YG, YZ, VC, VS), pp. 341–342.
TACAS-2010-DonaldsonKR #analysis #automation #memory management- Automatic Analysis of Scratch-Pad Memory Code for Heterogeneous Multicore Processors (AFD, DK, PR), pp. 280–295.
SIGMOD-2009-HanL #optimisation #order #query- Dependency-aware reordering for parallelizing query optimization in multi-core CPUs (WSH, JL), pp. 45–58.
VLDB-2009-DasAAA #architecture #concurrent #data type #thread- Thread Cooperation in Multicore Architectures for Frequency Counting over Multiple Data Streams (SD, SA, DA, AEA), pp. 217–228.
VLDB-2009-KimSCKNBLSD #implementation #performance- Sort vs. Hash Revisited: Fast Join Implementation on Modern Multi-Core CPUs (CK, ES, JC, TK, ADN, ADB, VWL, NS, PD), pp. 1378–1389.
VLDB-2009-LeeDCLZ #database #named- MCC-DB: Minimizing Cache Conflicts in Multi-core Processors for Databases (RL, XD, FC, QL, XZ), pp. 373–384.
VLDB-2009-TatikondaP #mining- Mining Tree-Structured Data on Multicore Systems (ST, SP), pp. 694–705.
ICFP-2009-MarlowJS #haskell #runtime- Runtime support for multicore Haskell (SM, SLPJ, SS), pp. 65–78.
SIGIR-2009-TatikondaJCP #on the #performance- On efficient posting list intersection with multicore processors (ST, FJ, BBC, VP), pp. 738–739.
OOPSLA-2009-HaABM #concurrent #dynamic analysis #framework #hardware- A concurrent dynamic analysis framework for multicore hardware (JH, MA, SMB, KSM), pp. 155–174.
OOPSLA-2009-ZhaoSZWLS #java #platform- Allocation wall: a limiting factor of Java applications on emerging multi-core platforms (YZ, JS, KZ, HW, HL, LS), pp. 361–376.
PLDI-2009-InoueKN #case study #memory management- A study of memory management for web-based applications on multicore processors (HI, HK, TN), pp. 386–396.
SAC-2009-MathuriyaBHH #named #predict #scalability- GTfold: a scalable multicore code for RNA secondary structure prediction (AM, DAB, CEH, SCH), pp. 981–988.
SAC-2009-VasudevanE #compilation #concurrent- Celling SHIM: compiling deterministic concurrency to a heterogeneous multicore (NV, SAE), pp. 1626–1631.
SAC-2009-WeiCM #design #energy #metric #realtime- Designing a multi-core hard real-time test bed for energy measurement experiments (TW, XC, PM), pp. 1998–1999.
ASPLOS-2009-SulemanMQP #architecture #execution #symmetry- Accelerating critical section execution with asymmetric multi-core architectures (MAS, OM, MKQ, YNP), pp. 253–264.
ASPLOS-2009-WellsCS #reliability- Mixed-mode multicore reliability (PMW, KC, GSS), pp. 169–180.
CC-2009-CampanoniSAC #compilation #jit- Dynamic Look Ahead Compilation: A Technique to Hide JIT Compilation Latencies in Multicore Environment (SC, MS, GA, SCR), pp. 220–235.
CGO-2009-ChoiLCMM #compilation #embedded #realtime- Stream Compilation for Real-Time Embedded Multicore Systems (YC, YL, NC, SAM, TNM), pp. 210–220.
DAC-2009-ChenJ #performance #scheduling- Efficient program scheduling for heterogeneous multi-core processors (JC, LKJ), pp. 927–930.
DAC-2009-ChouCWCCWW #3d- No cache-coherence: a single-cycle ring interconnection for multi-core L1-NUCA sharing on 3D chips (SHC, CCC, CNW, YCC, TFC, CCW, JSW), pp. 587–592.
DAC-2009-HanumaiahRVC #constraints #throughput- Throughput optimal task allocation under thermal constraints for multi-core processors (VH, RR, SBKV, KSC), pp. 776–781.
DAC-2009-LeeK #optimisation #throughput #using- Optimizing throughput of power- and thermal-constrained multicore processors using DVFS and per-core power-gating (JL, NSK), pp. 47–50.
DAC-2009-LuZSZ #algorithm #parallel- Multicore parallel min-cost flow algorithm for CAD applications (YL, HZ, LS, XZ), pp. 832–837.
DAC-2009-WenCCS #architecture #concurrent #debugging #detection #named- NUDA: a non-uniform debugging architecture and non-intrusive race detection for many-core (CNW, SHC, TFC, APS), pp. 148–153.
DAC-2009-ZengYGP #named- MPTLsim: a simulator for X86 multicore processors (HZ, MTY, KG, DVP), pp. 226–231.
DATE-2009-Berkel #mobile- Multi-core for mobile phones (CHvB), pp. 1260–1265.
DATE-2009-ChangHL #adaptation #concurrent #embedded #named #testing- pTest: An adaptive testing tool for concurrent software on embedded multicore processors (SWC, KYH, JKL), pp. 1012–1017.
DATE-2009-CoskunAARL #3d #architecture- Dynamic thermal management in 3D multicore architectures (AKC, JLA, DA, TSR, YL), pp. 1410–1415.
DATE-2009-Flamand #towards- Strategic directions towards multicore application specific computing (EF), p. 1266.
DATE-2009-HanumaiahVC #constraints #performance- Performance optimal speed control of multi-core processors under thermal constraints (VH, SBKV, KSC), pp. 1548–1551.
DATE-2009-JerrayaN #comprehension #embedded #tutorial- Embedded tutorial — Understanding multicore technologies (AAJ, GN), p. 1051.
DATE-2009-KodakaSTONKMUAOKTM #design #implementation #scalability #thread- Design and implementation of scalable, transparent threads for multi-core media processor (TK, SS, TT, RO, NN, KK, TM, YU, HA, YO, TK, YT, NM), pp. 1035–1039.
DATE-2009-KolligOH #framework- Heterogeneous multi-core platform for consumer multimedia applications (PK, CO, TH), pp. 1254–1259.
DATE-2009-LombardiMB #clustering #realtime #robust #scheduling- Robust non-preemptive hard real-time scheduling for clustered multicore platforms (ML, MM, LB), pp. 803–808.
DATE-2009-MadduriVBT #monitoring- A monitor interconnect and support subsystem for multicore processors (SM, RV, WB, RT), pp. 761–766.
DATE-2009-PelcatMAN #architecture #scalability- Scalable compile-time scheduler for multi-core architectures (MP, PM, SA, JFN), pp. 1552–1555.
DATE-2009-SartoriK #architecture #distributed #power management- Distributed peak power management for many-core architectures (JS, RK), pp. 1556–1559.
DATE-2009-WagnerB #hardware #named- Caspar: Hardware patching for multicore processors (IW, VB), pp. 658–663.
DATE-2009-YeoK #behaviour- Temperature-aware scheduler based on thermal behavior grouping in multicore systems (IY, EJK), pp. 946–951.
DATE-2009-YiHZEA #architecture #scheduling- An ILP formulation for task mapping and scheduling on multi-core architectures (YY, WH, XZ, ATE, TA), pp. 33–38.
DATE-2009-ZuoFQWJNLYB - Group-caching for NoC based multicore cache coherent systems (ZW, FS, QZ, WJ, JL, ND, LX, YAT, BQ), pp. 755–760.
HPCA-2009-DeOrioWB #design #memory management #named #validation- Dacota: Post-silicon validation of the memory subsystem in multi-core designs (AD, IW, VB), pp. 405–416.
HPCA-2009-KumarHM - Characterization of Direct Cache Access on multi-core systems and 10GbE (AK, RH, SM), pp. 341–352.
HPCA-2009-Patt #interface- Multi-core demands multi-interfaces (YNP), pp. 147–148.
HPDC-2009-YiMEJT #abstraction #clustering #parallel- Harnessing parallelism in multicore clusters with the all-pairs and wavefront abstractions (LY, CM, SJE, KJ, DT), pp. 1–10.
LCTES-2009-MankinKA #embedded #memory management #transaction- Software transactional memory for multicore embedded systems (JM, DRK, JA), pp. 90–98.
LCTES-2009-SarkarMRM #migration #realtime- Push-assisted migration of real-time tasks in multi-core processors (AS, FM, HR, SM), pp. 80–89.
PDP-2009-AndradeFBP #programming- Task-Parallel versus Data-Parallel Library-Based Programming in Multicore Systems (DA, BBF, JCB, DAP), pp. 101–110.
PDP-2009-BadiaPAL #architecture #memory management #modelling #programming- Impact of the Memory Hierarchy on Shared Memory Architectures in Multicore Programming Models (RMB, JMP, EA, JL), pp. 437–445.
PDP-2009-Barker #cpu #memory management- Realities of Multi-Core CPU Chips and Memory Contention (DPB), pp. 446–453.
PDP-2009-PadronABD #architecture #performance- High Performance Global Illumination on Multi-core Architectures (EJP, MA, MB, RD), pp. 93–100.
PDP-2009-RabenseifnerHJ #clustering #hybrid #parallel #programming- Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Parallel Programming on Clusters of Multi-Core SMP Nodes (RR, GH, GJ), pp. 427–436.
PDP-2009-SeppanenM #case study #experience #industrial #legacy #migration- Porting Legacy Applications to Multicore: Experiences from an Industrial System (AS, TM), pp. 127–132.
PDP-2009-TuFZZ #clustering #message passing #modelling- Accurate Analytical Models for Message Passing on Multi-core Clusters (BT, JF, JZ, XZ), pp. 133–139.
PPoPP-2009-BaskaranVBRRS #effectiveness #parallel #scheduling- Compiler-assisted dynamic scheduling for effective parallelization of loop nests on multicore processors (MMB, NV, UB, JR, AR, PS), pp. 219–228.
PPoPP-2009-Dennis #how #programmable- How to build programmable multi-core chips (JBD), pp. 283–284.
PPoPP-2009-LongFZ #architecture- Architectural support for cilk computations on many-core architectures (GL, DF, JZ), pp. 285–286.
PPoPP-2009-Patt #interface- Multi-core demands multi-interfaces (YNP), pp. 99–100.
SOSP-2009-AltekarS #debugging #named- ODR: output-deterministic replay for multicore debugging (GA, IS), pp. 193–206.
SOSP-2009-BaumannBDHIPRSS #architecture #kernel #scalability- The multikernel: a new OS architecture for scalable multicore systems (AB, PB, PÉD, TLH, RI, SP, TR, AS, AS), pp. 29–44.
CAV-2009-Benini #performance #predict #question- Predictability vs. Efficiency in the Multicore Era: Fight of Titans or Happy Ever after? (LB), p. 50.
VLDB-2008-ChhuganiNLMHCBKD #architecture #cpu #implementation #performance #sorting- Efficient implementation of sorting on multi-core SIMD CPU architecture (JC, ADN, VWL, WM, MH, YKC, AB, SK, PD), pp. 1313–1324.
VLDB-2008-QiaoRRHL #in memory- Main-memory scan sharing for multi-core CPUs (LQ, VR, FR, PJH, GML), pp. 610–621.
ITiCSE-2008-ErnstS #concurrent #student- Concurrent CS: preparing students for a multicore world (DJE, DES), pp. 230–234.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-RauberR #architecture #modelling #parallel #workflow- Models for Parallel Workflow Processing on Multi-Core Architectures (TR, GR), pp. 220–227.
PLDI-2008-KudlurM #execution #platform #source code- Orchestrating the execution of stream programs on multicore platforms (MK, SAM), pp. 114–124.
SAC-2008-GuoLPHCDW #design #memory management- Hierarchical memory system design for a heterogeneous multi-core processor (JG, McL, ZP, LH, FC, KD, ZW), pp. 1504–1508.
ASPLOS-2008-GummarajuCTR #named #programming #using- Streamware: programming general-purpose multicore processors using streams (JG, JC, YT, MR), pp. 297–307.
ASPLOS-2008-LindermanCWM #named #programming- Merge: a programming model for heterogeneous multi-core systems (MDL, JDC, HW, THYM), pp. 287–296.
ASPLOS-2008-WellsCS #adaptation #fault- Adapting to intermittent faults in multicore systems (PMW, KC, GSS), pp. 255–264.
CGO-2008-ZhaoCW #analysis #named #pipes and filters #profiling- Pipa: pipelined profiling and analysis on multi-core systems (QZ, IC, WFW), pp. 185–194.
DAC-2008-DongLY #named #parallel #simulation- WavePipe: parallel transient simulation of analog and digital circuits on multi-core shared-memory machines (WD, PL, XY), pp. 238–243.
DAC-2008-Garland #gpu #matrix- Sparse matrix computations on manycore GPU’s (MG), pp. 2–6.
DAC-2008-HaritanHYPWNWM #challenge #design #exclamation #question #what- Multicore design is the challenge! what is the solution? (EH, TH, HY, PGP, WW, AN, DW, MM), pp. 128–130.
DAC-2008-HuangSSRS #design #perspective- Many-core design from a thermal perspective (WH, MRS, KS, RJR, KS), pp. 746–749.
DAC-2008-JungRP #modelling #probability- Stochastic modeling of a thermally-managed multi-core system (HJ, PR, MP), pp. 728–733.
DAC-2008-SapatnekarHKDKMPS - Reinventing EDA with manycore processors (SSS, EH, KK, AD, DK, SM, DP, TS), pp. 126–127.
DAC-2008-YeoLK #predict- Predictive dynamic thermal management for multicore systems (IY, CCL, EJK), pp. 734–739.
DATE-2008-Brand #design #optimisation- Optimization of Design Flows for Multi-Core x86 Microprocessors in 45 and 32nm Technologies under Productivity Considerations (HJB), pp. 938–939.
DATE-2008-KangK #design #framework #machine learning #named #optimisation #performance- Magellan: A Search and Machine Learning-based Framework for Fast Multi-core Design Space Exploration and Optimization (SK, RK), pp. 1432–1437.
DATE-2008-MassasP #comparison #memory management #policy- Comparison of memory write policies for NoC based Multicore Cache Coherent Systems (PGdM, FP), pp. 997–1002.
DATE-2008-MuraliMAGBBM #optimisation #platform #using- Temperature Control of High-Performance Multi-core Platforms Using Convex Optimization (SM, AM, DA, RG, SPB, LB, GDM), pp. 110–115.
DATE-2008-WagnerB #adaptation #design #named #verification- MCjammer: Adaptive Verification for Multi-core Designs (IW, VB), pp. 670–675.
DATE-2008-ZhangHXL #fault #using- Defect Tolerance in Homogeneous Manycore Processors Using Core-Level Redundancy with Unified Topology (LZ, YH, QX, XL), pp. 891–896.
HPCA-2008-Hill - Amdahl’s Law in the multicore era (MDH), p. 187.
HPCA-2008-LinLDZZS #clustering #simulation- Gaining insights into multicore cache partitioning: Bridging the gap between simulation and real systems (JL, QL, XD, ZZ, XZ, PS), pp. 367–378.
PDP-2008-Quintana-OrtiQCGZ #algorithm #architecture #scheduling- Scheduling of QR Factorization Algorithms on SMP and Multi-Core Architectures (GQO, ESQO, EC, RAvdG, FGVZ), pp. 301–310.
PDP-2008-TaoKK #architecture- Evaluating the Cache Architecture of Multicore Processors (JT, MK, WK), pp. 12–19.
PPoPP-2008-ChengCHT #classification #platform #scalability #using- Scalable packet classification using interpreting: a cross-platform multi-core solution (HC, ZC, BH, XT), pp. 33–42.
PPoPP-2008-TanFZRG #architecture #experience #memory management #optimisation- Experience on optimizing irregular computation for memory hierarchy in manycore architecture (GT, DF, JZ, AR, GRG), pp. 279–280.
PPoPP-2008-TatikondaP #adaptation #approach #architecture #memory management #mining- An adaptive memory conscious approach for mining frequent trees: implications for multi-core architectures (ST, SP), pp. 263–264.
PLDI-2007-WangCCJTGYLW #architecture #named #parallel #programming #thread- EXOCHI: architecture and programming environment for a heterogeneous multi-core multithreaded system (PHW, JDC, GNC, HJ, XT, MG, NYY, GYL, HW), pp. 156–166.
SIGAda-2007-Nyberg #question- Multi-core + multi-tasking = multi-opportunity? (KAN), pp. 79–82.
SAC-2007-KyungPKJKP #design #framework #monitoring #performance #platform- Performance monitor unit design for an AXI-based multi-core SoC platform (HmK, GHP, JWK, WJ, TJK, SBP), pp. 1565–1572.
DAC-2007-AgarwalL - The KILL Rule for Multicore (AA, ML), pp. 750–753.
DAC-2007-Darringer #automation #challenge #design- Multi-Core Design Automation Challenges (JAD), pp. 760–764.
DAC-2007-SarnoHLLLRCLY #named #question- Corezilla: Build and Tame the Multicore Beast? (LS, WmWH, CL, ML, JRL, JR, GC, CL, TY), pp. 632–633.
DATE-2007-HumenayTS #performance #process #symmetry- Impact of process variations on multicore performance symmetry (EH, DT, KS), pp. 1653–1658.
DATE-2007-TangX #debugging #framework #platform- A multi-core debug platform for NoC-based systems (ST, QX), pp. 870–875.
HPCA-2007-Pawlowski #challenge #perspective #research- Petascale Computing Research Challenges — A Manycore Perspective (SP), p. 96.
HPCA-2007-RangerRPBK #pipes and filters- Evaluating MapReduce for Multi-core and Multiprocessor Systems (CR, RR, AP, GRB, CK), pp. 13–24.
HPCA-2007-ZhongLM #architecture #hybrid #parallel #thread- Extending Multicore Architectures to Exploit Hybrid Parallelism in Single-thread Applications (HZ, SAL, SAM), pp. 25–36.
LCTES-2007-ChoAG #interface #modelling #synthesis #transaction- Interface synthesis for heterogeneous multi-core systems from transaction level models (HC, SA, DG), pp. 140–142.
PPoPP-2007-Adl-TabatabaiKS #programming #transaction- Transactional programming in a multi-core environment (ARAT, CK, BS), p. 272.
PPoPP-2007-PutzeSS #library #named #standard- MCSTL: the multi-core standard template library (FP, PS, JS), pp. 144–145.
PPoPP-2006-HuTH #algorithm #network #parallel #thread- High-performance IPv6 forwarding algorithm for multi-core and multithreaded network processor (XH, XT, BH), pp. 168–177.
PPoPP-2006-SahaAHMH #memory management #named #performance #runtime #transaction- McRT-STM: a high performance software transactional memory system for a multi-core runtime (BS, ARAT, RLH, CCM, BH), pp. 187–197.
CC-2005-EnnalsSM #clustering #network- Task Partitioning for Multi-core Network Processors (RE, RS, AM), pp. 76–90.
HPCA-2004-Michaud #capacity #execution #migration- Exploiting the Cache Capacity of a Single-Chip Multi-Core Processor with Execution Migration (PM), pp. 186–197.
DATE-2003-StolbergBFMFMKKP #architecture #named- HiBRID-SoC: A Multi-Core System-on-Chip Architecture for Multimedia Signal Processing Applications (HJS, MB, LF, SM, SF, XM, MBK, HK, PP), pp. 20008–20013.
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