5 papers:
PEPM-2014-FarmerSG- The HERMIT in the stream: fusing stream fusion’s concatMap (AF, CHzS, AG), pp. 97–108.
IFL-2012-SculthorpeFG #haskell #program transformation- The HERMIT in the Tree — Mechanizing Program Transformations in the GHC Core Language (NS, AF, AG), pp. 86–103.
ICDAR-2007-ImdadBERE #identification #using- Writer Identification Using Steered Hermite Features and SVM (AI, SB, VE, CRM, HE), pp. 839–843.
ICPR-v1-2004-Rivero-MorenoB #feature model- Texture Feature Extraction and Indexing by Hermite Filters (CJRM, SB), pp. 684–687.
ICPR-1996-Gavrila- Hermite deformable contours (DMG), pp. 130–135.