5 papers:
CSL-2013-GianantonioL #game studies #semantics- Innocent Game Semantics via Intersection Type Assignment Systems (PDG, ML), pp. 231–247.
FoSSaCS-2010-MurawskiT- Block Structure vs. Scope Extrusion: Between Innocence and Omniscience (ASM, NT), pp. 33–47.
LICS-2007-HarmerHM #category theory #combinator- Categorical Combinatorics for Innocent Strategies (RH, MH, PAM), pp. 379–388.
CSL-2001-DanosH- The Anatomy of Innocence (VD, RH), pp. 188–202.
CSL-1999-KerNO #game studies- A Universal Innocent Game Model for the Böhm Tree λ Theory (ADK, HN, CHLO), pp. 405–419.