378 papers:
CASE-2015-TanakaM #algorithm #bound #problem #strict- Dominance properties for the unrestricted block relocation problem and their application to a branch-and-bound algorithm (ST, FM), pp. 509–514.
DAC-2015-BeaulieuSSTWW #lightweight- The SIMON and SPECK lightweight block ciphers (RB, DS, JS, STC, BW, LW), p. 6.
DAC-2015-McLaughlin #behaviour #policy- Blocking unsafe behaviors in control systems through static and dynamic policy enforcement (SM), p. 6.
DATE-2015-JovanovicP #product line- Fault-based attacks on the Bel-T block cipher family (PJ, IP), pp. 601–604.
DATE-2015-WeiDLW #metaprogramming- A universal macro block mapping scheme for arithmetic circuits (XW, YD, TKL, YLW), pp. 1629–1634.
SIGMOD-2015-ShinJSK #approach #graph #named #random #scalability- BEAR: Block Elimination Approach for Random Walk with Restart on Large Graphs (KS, JJ, LS, UK), pp. 1571–1585.
CIAA-2015-CaronMM #on the- On the Hierarchy of Block Deterministic Languages (PC, LM, CM), pp. 63–75.
ICALP-v1-2015-Curticapean #complexity #framework- Block Interpolation: A Framework for Tight Exponential-Time Counting Complexity (RC), pp. 380–392.
CHI-2015-KimN #interactive #named- G-raff: An Elevating Tangible Block for Spatial Tabletop Interaction (CMK, TJN), pp. 4161–4164.
CHI-2015-LernerFG #polymorphism #user interface- Polymorphic Blocks: Formalism-Inspired UI for Structured Connectors (SL, SRF, WGG), pp. 3063–3072.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MeloFOS #approach #diagrams #modelling #process #uml- A Model-driven Approach to Transform SysML Internal Block Diagrams to UML Activity Diagrams (MdSM, JMSF, EAOJ, MSS), pp. 92–101.
ICML-2015-HanXA #consistency #estimation #modelling #multi- Consistent estimation of dynamic and multi-layer block models (QH, KSX, EA), pp. 1511–1520.
KDD-2015-FisherCWR #clustering #framework- A Clustering-Based Framework to Control Block Sizes for Entity Resolution (JF, PC, QW, ER), pp. 279–288.
KDD-2015-KarakasidisKV #privacy #scalability- Scalable Blocking for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage (AK, GK, VSV), pp. 527–536.
ECOOP-2015-BostromM #composition #finite #source code #verification- Modular Verification of Finite Blocking in Non-terminating Programs (PB, PM), pp. 639–663.
ECOOP-2015-Chevalier-Boisvert #effectiveness #lazy evaluation #version control- Simple and Effective Type Check Removal through Lazy Basic Block Versioning (MCB, MF), pp. 101–123.
SAC-2015-CharuvakaR #approximate #classification #coordination #scalability- Approximate block coordinate descent for large scale hierarchical classification (AC, HR), pp. 837–844.
SAC-2015-JeremicPM #array #performance #random- Improving random write performance in heterogeneous erasure-coded drive arrays by offloading code block requests (NJ, HP, GM), pp. 2007–2014.
SAC-2015-MestrePN #adaptation #pipes and filters- Adaptive sorted neighborhood blocking for entity matching with MapReduce (DGM, CESP, DCN), pp. 981–987.
HPCA-2015-ChenZPP #towards- Power punch: Towards non-blocking power-gating of NoC routers (LC, DZ, MP, TMP), pp. 378–389.
HPCA-2015-PekhimenkoHCMGK #reuse- Exploiting compressed block size as an indicator of future reuse (GP, TH, RC, OM, PBG, MAK, TCM), pp. 51–63.
CASE-2014-TanakaT #algorithm #bound #performance #problem- A faster branch-and-bound algorithm for the block relocation problem (ST, KT), pp. 7–12.
CASE-2014-ZhaoUH #divide and conquer #flexibility #synthesis- A divide-and-conquer method for the synthesis of non-blocking supervisors for flexible manufacturing systems (MZ, MU, YH), pp. 455–460.
DAC-2014-JungSWPL #3d #on the #perspective- On Enhancing Power Benefits in 3D ICs: Block Folding and Bonding Styles Perspective (MJ, TS, YW, YP, SKL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-PanthSDL #3d #performance- Power-Performance Study of Block-Level Monolithic 3D-ICs Considering Inter-Tier Performance Variations (SP, KS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ShanSFZTXYL #algorithm #analysis #configuration management #encryption #multi- A Side-channel Analysis Resistant Reconfigurable Cryptographic Coprocessor Supporting Multiple Block Cipher Algorithms (WS, LS, XF, XZ, CT, ZX, JY, JL), p. 6.
DATE-2014-LoiB #multi- A multi banked — Multi ported — Non blocking shared L2 cache for MPSoC platforms (IL, LB), pp. 1–6.
VLDB-2014-0001PK- Supervised Meta-blocking (GP, GP, GK), pp. 1929–1940.
VLDB-2014-YanCLN #distributed #framework #graph #named- Blogel: A Block-Centric Framework for Distributed Computation on Real-World Graphs (DY, JC, YL, WN), pp. 1981–1992.
MSR-2014-GarciaS #debugging #open source #predict- Characterizing and predicting blocking bugs in open source projects (HVG, ES), pp. 72–81.
SAS-2014-AbdullaHH #exclamation #verification- Block Me If You Can! — Context-Sensitive Parameterized Verification (PAA, FH, LH), pp. 1–17.
STOC-2014-GoosP #bound #communication- Communication lower bounds via critical block sensitivity (MG, TP), pp. 847–856.
CHI-2014-LiangCTKHYC #interactive #named- GaussBricks: magnetic building blocks for constructive tangible interactions on portable displays (RHL, LWC, HYT, HCK, DYH, DNY, BYC), pp. 3153–3162.
CHI-2014-MuellerMGFB #3d #functional #named #performance- faBrickation: fast 3D printing of functional objects by integrating construction kit building blocks (SM, TM, KG, JF, PB), pp. 3827–3834.
CSCW-2014-VitakK #facebook #how #people #process #quote- “You can’t block people offline”: examining how facebook’s affordances shape the disclosure process (JV, JK), pp. 461–474.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MeloS #design #modelling #uml #using- Model-driven Structural Design of Software-intensive Systems Using SysML Blocks and UML Classes (MdSM, MSS), pp. 193–200.
CIKM-2014-YinG #distributed #scalability- Scalable Distributed Belief Propagation with Prioritized Block Updates (JY, LG), pp. 1209–1218.
ICPR-2014-HouZ #effectiveness #image- Effective Image Block Compressed Sensing (YH, YZ), pp. 1085–1090.
SAC-2014-ChangHL #adaptation #clustering #optimisation #using- Optimizing FTL mapping cache for random-write workloads using adaptive block partitioning (LPC, SMH, WPL), pp. 1504–1510.
FSE-2014-JiangZZZLSSGS #embedded #modelling #multi #named #synthesis #tool support #validation- Tsmart-GalsBlock: a toolkit for modeling, validation, and synthesis of multi-clocked embedded systems (YJ, HZ, HZ, XZ, HL, CS, XS, MG, JGS), pp. 711–714.
SPLC-2014-DieumegardTP #approach #data flow #library #product line #semantics #specification- A software product line approach for semantic specification of block libraries in dataflow languages (AD, AT, MP), pp. 217–226.
HPCA-2014-LeeSMKSCR #concurrent #resource management #scheduling #thread- Improving GPGPU resource utilization through alternative thread block scheduling (ML, SS, JM, JK, WS, YGC, SR), pp. 260–271.
LCTES-2014-KimBL #concurrent #garbage collection #javascript #lightweight- Lightweight and block-level concurrent sweeping for javascript garbage collection (HK, SB, JL), pp. 155–164.
OSDI-2014-BalakrishnanBDEGHLOPR #named- Pelican: A Building Block for Exascale Cold Data Storage (SB, RB, AD, PE, AG, DH, SL, AO, EP, AITR), pp. 351–365.
PPoPP-2014-BrownER- A general technique for non-blocking trees (TB, FE, ER), pp. 329–342.
SAT-2014-BalyoFHB #set- Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Blocked Sets (But Were Afraid to Ask) (TB, AF, MH, AB), pp. 317–332.
ASE-2013-ArthoHPTWY #communication #distributed #model checking- Software model checking for distributed systems with selector-based, non-blocking communication (CA, MH, RP, YT, FW, MY), pp. 169–179.
DAC-2013-BombieriLFC #c++ #synthesis- A method to abstract RTL IP blocks into C++ code and enable high-level synthesis (NB, HYL, FF, LPC), p. 9.
DAC-2013-NathAR #concurrent #scheduling #thread- Temperature aware thread block scheduling in GPGPUs (RN, RZA, TSR), p. 6.
DAC-2013-TsaoCY #design #garbage collection #performance- Performance enhancement of garbage collection for flash storage devices: an efficient victim block selection design (CWT, YHC, MCY), p. 6.
DATE-2013-JimenezNI #named- Phœnix: reviving MLC blocks as SLC to extend NAND flash devices lifetime (XJ, DN, PI), pp. 226–229.
DATE-2013-NavasSO #array #configuration management #flexibility #framework #reuse- The RecoBlock SoC platform: a flexible array of reusable run-time-reconfigurable IP-blocks (BN, IS, JÖ), pp. 833–838.
HT-2013-ZhangZLM #collaboration #framework #matrix- A general collaborative filtering framework based on matrix bordered block diagonal forms (YZ, MZ, YL, SM), pp. 219–224.
ICDAR-2013-KrayemSEO #recognition #using #word- Holistic Arabic Whole Word Recognition Using HMM and Block-Based DCT (AK, NS, LJE, TO), pp. 1120–1124.
VLDB-2013-Thonangi0 #permutation- Permuting Data on Random-Access Block Storage (RT, JY), pp. 721–732.
VLDB-2013-XieWBDG #graph #performance- Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Block Updates (WX, GW, DB, AJD, JG), pp. 2014–2025.
FoSSaCS-2013-KrebbersW #control flow #logic- Separation Logic for Non-local Control Flow and Block Scope Variables (RK, FW), pp. 257–272.
ICALP-v2-2013-ChenM #quantifier #query- Block-Sorted Quantified Conjunctive Queries (HC, DM), pp. 125–136.
ECIR-2013-GaoDGG #modelling #relational- Latent Factor BlockModel for Modelling Relational Data (SG, LD, PG, JG), pp. 447–458.
ICML-c1-2013-Lacoste-JulienJSP #coordination #optimisation- Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe Optimization for Structural SVMs (SLJ, MJ, MWS, PP), pp. 53–61.
KDD-2013-XiangYFWTY #learning #multi #predict- Multi-source learning with block-wise missing data for Alzheimer’s disease prediction (SX, LY, WF, YW, PMT, JY), pp. 185–193.
KDD-2013-YenCLLL #classification #coordination #linear #memory management #scalability- Indexed block coordinate descent for large-scale linear classification with limited memory (IEHY, CFC, TWL, SWL, SDL), pp. 248–256.
SIGIR-2013-ZhangZLM #collaboration #matrix- Improve collaborative filtering through bordered block diagonal form matrices (YZ, MZ, YL, SM), pp. 313–322.
SAC-2013-MouraMNS #named #network #novel- ABOI: a novel strategy to mitigate the blocking due to outdated information in OCS/OBS network (IM, FM, JMN, ACBS), pp. 640–645.
LCTES-2013-GuanWWCS #named- BLog: block-level log-block management for NAND flash memorystorage systems (YG, GW, YW, RC, ZS), pp. 111–120.
CSL-2013-Nishimura #game studies #parallel #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Parallelism with Non-Blocking Synchronization on Shared Variables (SN), pp. 578–596.
ICTSS-2013-EnoiuSP #diagrams #logic #testing #using- Using Logic Coverage to Improve Testing Function Block Diagrams (EPE, DS, PP), pp. 1–16.
CASE-2012-LeeK #automation #development- Development of semi-automatic painting system for inner hull block structures (DHL, HKK), pp. 833–836.
DATE-2012-LiuWWQS #embedded #memory management #process- A block-level flash memory management scheme for reducing write activities in PCM-based embedded systems (DL, TW, YW, ZQ, ZS), pp. 1447–1450.
DATE-2012-SahlbachWE- A high-performance dense block matching solution for automotive 6D-vision (HS, SW, RE), pp. 268–271.
DATE-2012-WangBSD #3d #memory management #named- 3D-FlashMap: A physical-location-aware block mapping strategy for 3D NAND flash memory (YW, LADB, ZS, NDD), pp. 1307–1312.
DATE-2012-WangW #memory management- Extending the lifetime of NAND flash memory by salvaging bad blocks (CW, WFW), pp. 260–263.
TACAS-2012-Wonisch #abstraction #contest- Block Abstraction Memoization for CPAchecker — (Competition Contribution) (DW), pp. 531–533.
STOC-2012-AdamaszekCER #online #scheduling- Optimal online buffer scheduling for block devices (AA, AC, ME, HR), pp. 589–598.
CHI-2012-ChanMRB- CapStones and ZebraWidgets: sensing stacks of building blocks, dials and sliders on capacitive touch screens (LC, SM, AR, PB), pp. 2189–2192.
CHI-2012-HayashiRNTRP #named- TimeBlocks: mom, can I have another block of time (EH, MAR, ZHN, NT, SR, EP), pp. 1713–1716.
CIKM-2012-SarmaJMB #automation #scalability- An automatic blocking mechanism for large-scale de-duplication tasks (ADS, AJ, AM, PB), pp. 1055–1064.
ICPR-2012-NegiBC #approach- Characterizing user-subgroups in Flickr Group: A block LDA based approach (SN, RB, SC), pp. 2262–2265.
SAC-2012-KarakasidisV- Reference table based k-anonymous private blocking (AK, VSV), pp. 859–864.
HPCA-2012-DuanZAT #commit #execution #named- BulkCompactor: Optimized deterministic execution via Conflict-Aware commit of atomic blocks (YD, XZ, WA, JT), pp. 361–372.
HPCA-2012-QianST #design #execution #named #smt- BulkSMT: Designing SMT processors for atomic-block execution (XQ, BS, JT), pp. 153–164.
PPoPP-2012-ProkopecBBO #concurrent #performance- Concurrent tries with efficient non-blocking snapshots (AP, NGB, PB, MO), pp. 151–160.
PPoPP-2012-TzenakisPKPVN #analysis #dependence #named #parallel- BDDT: : block-level dynamic dependence analysis for deterministic task-based parallelism (GT, AP, JK, PP, HV, DSN), pp. 301–302.
DAC-2011-NandakumarM #3d #layout- Layout effects in fine grain 3D integrated regular microprocessor blocks (VSN, MMS), pp. 639–644.
DATE-2011-ZhangHCW #grid #network #power management #reduction- A block-diagonal structured model reduction scheme for power grid networks (ZZ, XH, CKC, NW), pp. 44–49.
ICDAR-2011-MessaoudAAM #approach- New Binarization Approach Based on Text Block Extraction (IBM, HA, HEA, VM), pp. 1205–1209.
WCRE-2011-WangPV #automation #readability #segmentation- Automatic Segmentation of Method Code into Meaningful Blocks to Improve Readability (XW, LLP, KVS), pp. 35–44.
LATA-2011-Hadravova #morphism- The Block Structure of Successor Morphisms (JH), pp. 298–309.
CHI-2011-ShklovskiK #internet #online- Online contribution practices in countries that engage in internet blocking and censorship (IS, NK), pp. 1109–1118.
HCD-2011-FukudaKSM #case study- A Study on the Visibility of the Light Emitting Braille Block (HF, NK, TS, KM), pp. 295–303.
ICEIS-J-2011-Moghadampour11b #algorithm #random #search-based- Outperforming Mutation Operator with Random Building Block Operator in Genetic Algorithms (GM), pp. 178–192.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Moghadampour #algorithm #random #search-based- Random Building Block Operator for Genetic Algorithms (GM), pp. 54–62.
CIKM-2011-KolbTR #pipes and filters- Block-based load balancing for entity resolution with MapReduce (LK, AT, ER), pp. 2397–2400.
ECIR-2011-CampinasDT #named #self- SkipBlock: Self-indexing for Block-Based Inverted List (SC, RD, GT), pp. 555–561.
ICML-2011-DinuzzoOGP #coordination #kernel #learning- Learning Output Kernels with Block Coordinate Descent (FD, CSO, PVG, GP), pp. 49–56.
ICML-2011-HuWC #coordination #kernel #learning #named #parametricity #scalability #using- BCDNPKL: Scalable Non-Parametric Kernel Learning Using Block Coordinate Descent (EH, BW, SC), pp. 209–216.
ICML-2011-TarlowBKK #coordination- Dynamic Tree Block Coordinate Ascent (DT, DB, PK, VK), pp. 113–120.
KDD-2011-ChangR #convergence #linear #memory management #modelling #performance #scalability- Selective block minimization for faster convergence of limited memory large-scale linear models (KWC, DR), pp. 699–707.
RecSys-2011-JamaliHE #network #probability #rating #recommendation #social- A generalized stochastic block model for recommendation in social rating networks (MJ, TH, ME), pp. 53–60.
SIGIR-2011-DingS #documentation #performance #retrieval #using- Faster top-k document retrieval using block-max indexes (SD, TS), pp. 993–1002.
SAC-2011-ChungPK #memory management #performance #scalability- LSTAFF*: an efficient flash translation layer for large block flash memory (TSC, DJP, JK), pp. 589–594.
CGO-2011-NewburnSLMGTWDCWGLZ #array #compilation #embedded- Intel’s Array Building Blocks: A retargetable, dynamic compiler and embedded language (CJN, BS, ZL, MDM, AMG, SDT, ZGW, ZD, YC, GW, PG, ZL, DZ), pp. 224–235.
HPCA-2011-FungA #concurrent #control flow #performance #thread- Thread block compaction for efficient SIMT control flow (WWLF, TMA), pp. 25–36.
HPCA-2011-OuyangNWFP- Beyond block I/O: Rethinking traditional storage primitives (XO, DWN, RW, DF, DKP), pp. 301–311.
LCTES-2011-ChangH #algorithm #low cost- A low-cost wear-leveling algorithm for block-mapping solid-state disks (LPC, LCH), pp. 31–40.
CADE-2011-BiereLS- Blocked Clause Elimination for QBF (AB, FL, MS), pp. 101–115.
DATE-2010-KrishnanDBK- Block-level bayesian diagnosis of analogue electronic circuits (SK, KDD, RB, HGK), pp. 1767–1772.
DATE-2010-MartinelloMRR #approach #logic #multi #named #synthesis- KL-Cuts: A new approach for logic synthesis targeting multiple output blocks (OM, FSM, RPR, AIR), pp. 777–782.
DATE-2010-MoyerKCRHT #assembly #question- Are we there yet? Has IP block assembly become as easy as LEGO? (BM, JK, JC, CR, EH, YT), p. 123.
DocEng-2010-ChaoTZA #composition #image #recursion- Blocked recursive image composition with exclusion zones (HC, DT, XZ, CBA), pp. 111–114.
DRR-2010-TerradesSGVJ #detection #predict- Interactive-predictive detection of handwritten text blocks (ORT, NS, AG, EV, AJ), pp. 1–10.
SIGMOD-2010-ChenGN #named #statistics- PR-join: a non-blocking join achieving higher early result rate with statistical guarantees (SC, PBG, SN), pp. 147–158.
FoSSaCS-2010-MurawskiT- Block Structure vs. Scope Extrusion: Between Innocence and Omniscience (ASM, NT), pp. 33–47.
TACAS-2010-JarvisaloBH- Blocked Clause Elimination (MJ, AB, MH), pp. 129–144.
CHI-2010-BaudischBR #named- Lumino: tangible blocks for tabletop computers based on glass fiber bundles (PB, TB, FR), pp. 1165–1174.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-ObermeierB #ad hoc #constraints #mobile #network #transaction- Constraint Checking for Non-blocking Transaction Processing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (SO, SB), pp. 166–175.
ICPR-2010-BoussellaaZABA #analysis #documentation #image #segmentation- Unsupervised Block Covering Analysis for Text-Line Segmentation of Arabic Ancient Handwritten Document Images (WB, AZ, HEA, AB, AMA), pp. 1929–1932.
ICPR-2010-FuGJ #image #segmentation- Patchy Aurora Image Segmentation Based on ALBP and Block Threshold (RF, XG, YJ), pp. 3380–3383.
ICPR-2010-GuoH #using- Cascaded Background Subtraction Using Block-Based and Pixel-Based Codebooks (JMG, CSH), pp. 1373–1376.
ICPR-2010-HassanAMHW #authentication #image #self #using- Secure Self-Recovery Image Authentication Using Randomly-Sized Blocks (AMH, AAH, BM, YMYH, MAAW), pp. 1445–1448.
ICPR-2010-LiIK #recognition #robust #using #word- Robust Face Recognition Using Block-Based Bag of Words (ZL, JiI, MK), pp. 1285–1288.
ICPR-2010-MaLWZW #adaptation #authentication #multimodal- Block Pyramid Based Adaptive Quantization Watermarking for Multimodal Biometric Authentication (BM, CL, YW, ZZ, YW), pp. 1277–1280.
ICPR-2010-ZiaratbanF #adaptation #independence- An Adaptive Script-Independent Block-Based Text Line Extraction (MZ, KF), pp. 249–252.
KDIR-2010-AkbarSN- Extracting Main Content-blocks from Blog Posts (SA, LS, ØN), pp. 438–443.
KDIR-2010-Simac-LejeuneRL #video- Spatio-temporal Block Model for Video Indexation Assistance (ASL, MR, PL), pp. 475–480.
SIGIR-2010-Pasca- Extraction of open-domain class attributes from text: building blocks for faceted search (MP), p. 909.
ECMFA-2010-Balderas-ContrerasGC #algorithm #uml- A UML 2.0 Profile to Model Block Cipher Algorithms (TBC, GRG, RC), pp. 20–31.
GPCE-2010-RysselPK #automation #identification #modelling- Automatic variation-point identification in function-block-based models (UR, JP, KK), pp. 23–32.
HPDC-2010-JongCLPS #ad hoc #network- Storage deduplication for Virtual Ad Hoc Network testbed by File-level Block Sharing (CHJ, CYJC, TL, AP, CS), pp. 699–706.
PPoPP-2010-ZyulkyarovHUCV #debugging #memory management #source code #transaction- Debugging programs that use atomic blocks and transactional memory (FZ, TH, OSÜ, AC, MV), pp. 57–66.
ICST-2010-PavlovicE #diagrams #model checking- Model Checking PLC Software Written in Function Block Diagram (OP, HDE), pp. 439–448.
IJCAR-2010-GlimmHM #logic #reasoning- Optimized Description Logic Reasoning via Core Blocking (BG, IH, BM), pp. 457–471.
SAT-2010-JarvisaloB- Reconstructing Solutions after Blocked Clause Elimination (MJ, AB), pp. 340–345.
DocEng-2009-BrunoFGMS #web- Indexing by permeability in block structured web pages (EB, NF, HG, JLM, MS), pp. 70–73.
ICDAR-2009-WangHL #verification- A New Block Partitioned Text Feature for Text Verification (XW, LH, CL), pp. 366–370.
SIGMOD-2009-WhangMKTG- Entity resolution with iterative blocking (SEW, DM, GK, MT, HGM), pp. 219–232.
WCRE-1999-MerloL99a- Computing Structural Types of Clone Syntactic Blocks (EM, TL), pp. 274–278.
DHM-2009-NiuLX09a #3d #clustering- Block Division for 3D Head Shape Clustering (JN, ZL, SX), pp. 64–71.
CIKM-2009-VriesKCC #array #robust #using- Robust record linkage blocking using suffix arrays (TdV, HK, SC, PC), pp. 305–314.
ICML-2009-KuzelkaZ #relational- Block-wise construction of acyclic relational features with monotone irreducibility and relevancy properties (OK, FZ), pp. 569–576.
ICML-2009-MarlinM #modelling #visual notation- Sparse Gaussian graphical models with unknown block structure (BMM, KPM), pp. 705–712.
SIGIR-2009-WongLC #adaptation #detection #information management #mining- Mining employment market via text block detection and adaptive cross-domain information extraction (TLW, WL, BC), pp. 283–290.
POPL-2009-GotsmanCPV #algorithm #proving- Proving that non-blocking algorithms don’t block (AG, BC, MJP, VV), pp. 16–28.
POPL-2009-LublinermanST #code generation #composition #diagrams- Modular code generation from synchronous block diagrams: modularity vs. code size (RL, CS, ST), pp. 78–89.
SAC-2009-LiuYWJX #adaptation #memory management #scalability- An adaptive block-set based management for large-scale flash memory (ZL, LY, PW, PJ, XX), pp. 1621–1625.
DAC-2008-DasV #adaptation #synthesis- Topology synthesis of analog circuits based on adaptively generated building blocks (AD, RV), pp. 44–49.
DAC-2008-KumarKS #analysis #framework- A framework for block-based timing sensitivity analysis (SVK, CVK, SSS), pp. 688–693.
DATE-2008-LublinermanT #code generation #composition #diagrams #reuse- Modularity vs. Reusability: Code Generation from Synchronous Block Diagrams (RL, ST), pp. 1504–1509.
DRR-2008-GacebELE #graph #locality- Address block localization based on graph theory (DG, VE, FL, HE), p. 68150.
ICPR-2008-KinoshenkoMY #distance #image #matrix #retrieval- Block-diagonal form of distance matrix for region-based image retrieval (DK, VM, EY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MieziankoP #detection #multi- Detecting changes in multilayered orthoimages with spatiotemporal texture blocks (RM, DP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MurakamiTSM #assembly- Assembly of puzzles by connecting between blocks (TM, FT, KS, JM), pp. 1–4.
OOPSLA-2008-BeckmanBA #type system #verification- Verifying correct usage of atomic blocks and typestate (NEB, KB, JA), pp. 227–244.
ISMM-2008-MarlowHJJ #garbage collection #parallel- Parallel generational-copying garbage collection with a block-structured heap (SM, TH, RPJ, SLPJ), pp. 11–20.
PPoPP-2008-ChanZBQQG #named #parallel #runtime #scheduling #thread- SuperMatrix: a multithreaded runtime scheduling system for algorithms-by-blocks (EC, FGVZ, PB, ESQO, GQO, RAvdG), pp. 123–132.
DAC-2007-OstlerC #algorithm #approximate #architecture #concurrent #multi #network #thread- Approximation Algorithm for Data Mapping on Block Multi-threaded Network Processor Architectures (CO, KSC), pp. 801–804.
DATE-2007-AndersKG #effectiveness #testing- Re-configuration of sub-blocks for effective application of time domain tests (JA, SK, GG), pp. 707–712.
DATE-2007-EeckelaertSGSS #performance #synthesis- An efficient methodology for hierarchical synthesis of mixed-signal systems with fully integrated building block topology selection (TE, RS, GGEG, MS, WMCS), pp. 81–86.
DATE-2007-GrossschadlTRHM #constraints #energy #evaluation #implementation #memory management- Energy evaluation of software implementations of block ciphers under memory constraints (JG, ST, CR, MH, MM), pp. 1110–1115.
DATE-2007-WangWC- Unknown blocking scheme for low control data volume and high observability (SW, WW, STC), pp. 33–38.
ICDAR-2007-LouloudisGH #approach #detection #documentation #using- Text Line Detection in Unconstrained Handwritten Documents Using a Block-Based Hough Transform Approach (GL, BG, CH), pp. 599–603.
LATA-2007-BourdailletG #sequence- Practical block sequence alignment with moves (JB, JGG), pp. 199–210.
CIKM-2007-FernandesMRSG #web- Computing block importance for searching on web sites (DFdO, ESdM, BARN, ASdS, MAG), pp. 165–174.
ECIR-2007-ZhangZC #performance #scalability #using- Efficient Construction of FM-index Using Overlapping Block Processing for Large Scale Texts (DZ, YZ, JC), pp. 113–123.
POPL-2007-ParkinsonBO #composition #stack #verification- Modular verification of a non-blocking stack (MJP, RB, PWO), pp. 297–302.
SAC-2007-ChiangH #adaptation #file system #performance- Improving the performance of log-structured file systems with adaptive block rearrangement (MLC, JSH), pp. 1136–1140.
HPCA-2007-ChafiCCMMBKO #approach #memory management #scalability #transaction- A Scalable, Non-blocking Approach to Transactional Memory (HC, JC, BDC, AM, CCM, WB, CK, KO), pp. 97–108.
HPDC-2007-ShiraiST #parallel #performance- A fast topology inference: a building block for network-aware parallel processing (TS, HS, KT), pp. 11–22.
PPoPP-2007-MaratheHL #thread #transaction- Featherweight transactions: decoupling threads and atomic blocks (VJM, TLH, JRL), pp. 134–135.
SOSP-2007-CostaCZZP #named- Bouncer: securing software by blocking bad input (MC, MC, LZ, LZ, MP), pp. 117–130.
CBSE-2006-WangAC #architecture #design- Architectural Building Blocks for Plug-and-Play System Design (SW, GSA, LAC), pp. 98–113.
DATE-2006-FeyGD #verification- Avoiding false negatives in formal verification for protocol-driven blocks (GF, DG, RD), pp. 1225–1226.
DATE-2006-WangBC #performance #using- Efficient unknown blocking using LFSR reseeding (SW, KJB, STC), pp. 1051–1052.
DocEng-2006-Chao #analysis #geometry- Text block geometric shape analysis (HC), pp. 22–24.
DRR-2006-KhanAC #automation- Address block features for image-based automated mail orientation (MSK, HBA, WTC).
CSMR-2006-CugnoNSDT #automation #composition #semantics #tool support- Semantic-Based Toolkit for Automated Building Block Composition in SAP R/3 (FdC, TDN, EDS, FMD, ET), pp. 343–346.
CIKM-2006-WangC #performance #permutation #query #sequence- Improving query I/O performance by permuting and refining block request sequences (XW, MC), pp. 652–661.
CIKM-2006-XiaoLXM #case study #comparative #web- A comparative study on classifying the functions of web page blocks (XX, QL, XX, WYM), pp. 776–777.
ECIR-2006-ZwolBOW #documentation #named #query #retrieval- Bricks: The Building Blocks to Tackle Query Formulation in Structured Document Retrieval (RvZ, JB, HvO, FW), pp. 314–325.
ICML-2006-ZhangK #kernel #matrix #performance- Block-quantized kernel matrix for fast spectral embedding (KZ, JTK), pp. 1097–1104.
ICPR-v1-2006-Liao #image- A Captcha Mechanism By Exchange Image Blocks (WHL), pp. 1179–1183.
ICPR-v3-2006-AbdallahHB #composition #image #performance #robust #using- A robust block-based image watermarking scheme using fast Hadamard transform and singular value decomposition (EEA, ABH, PB), pp. 673–676.
IJCAR-2006-BaumgartnerS #bottom-up #generative- Blocking and Other Enhancements for Bottom-Up Model Generation Methods (PB, RAS), pp. 125–139.
WICSA-2005-JamwalI #architecture #flexibility- Breakable Objects: Building Blocks for Flexible Application Architectures (VJ, SI), pp. 217–218.
CASE-2005-CengicALYF #composition #implementation #using- Implementation of full synchronous composition using IEC 61499 function blocks (GC, KÅ, BL, CY, PMF), pp. 267–272.
DAC-2005-ChangZNV #analysis #parametricity #statistics- Parameterized block-based statistical timing analysis with non-gaussian parameters, nonlinear delay functions (HC, VZ, SN, CV), pp. 71–76.
DAC-2005-TomL #clustering #design #logic #scalability- Logic block clustering of large designs for channel-width constrained FPGAs (MT, GGL), pp. 726–731.
DATE-2005-HeusalaL #configuration management #modelling #product line- Modeling of a Reconfigurable OFDM IP Block Family For an RF System Simulator (HH, JL), pp. 136–137.
DATE-2005-LopezCLS #estimation #quality- A High Quality/Low Computational Cost Technique for Block Matching Motion Estimation (SL, GMC, JFL, RS), pp. 2–7.
DATE-2005-MannionHCV #network #programmable #synthesis- System Synthesis for Networks of Programmable Blocks (RM, HH, SC, FV), pp. 888–893.
DATE-2005-OzturkKI #garbage collection #named- BB-GC: Basic-Block Level Garbage Collection (ÖÖ, MTK, MJI), pp. 1032–1037.
HT-2005-MantratzisOC #analysis #html #navigation #using- Separating XHTML content from navigation clutter using DOM-structure block analysis (CM, MAO, SC), pp. 145–147.
ICDAR-2005-LiuFZL #documentation #image #retrieval- Document Image Retrieval Based on Density Distribution Feature and Key Block Feature (HL, SF, HZ, XL), pp. 1040–1044.
PLDI-2005-Herlihy #re-engineering #transaction- The transactional manifesto: software engineering and non-blocking synchronization (MH), p. 280.
SAS-2005-NarasamdyaV- Finding Basic Block and Variable Correspondence (IN, AV), pp. 251–267.
KDD-2005-LongZY #clustering #composition- Co-clustering by block value decomposition (BL, Z(Z, PSY), pp. 635–640.
SAC-2005-DebnathMG #automation- Automatic extraction of informative blocks from webpages (SD, PM, CLG), pp. 1722–1726.
HPDC-2005-HackerNA #adaptation #parallel #scheduling- Adaptive data block scheduling for parallel TCP streams (TJH, BDN, BDA), pp. 265–275.
PPoPP-2005-HarrisF #programming- Revocable locks for non-blocking programming (TLH, KF), pp. 72–82.
PPoPP-2005-WangS #source code #static analysis- Static analysis of atomicity for programs with non-blocking synchronization (LW, SDS), pp. 61–71.
DAC-2004-RanM #configuration management #design #on the- On designing via-configurable cell blocks for regular fabrics (YR, MMS), pp. 198–203.
DAC-2004-VisweswariahRKWN #analysis #first-order #incremental #statistics- First-order incremental block-based statistical timing analysis (CV, KR, KK, SGW, SN), pp. 331–336.
DATE-DF-2004-Auletta- Expert System Perimeter Block Placement Floorplanning (RA), pp. 140–143.
DATE-v1-2004-BeniniIMM #design #memory management #metaprogramming- Block-Enabled Memory Macros: Design Space Exploration and Application-Specific Tuning (LB, AI, AM, EM), pp. 698–699.
DATE-v1-2004-KoorapatyKGFP #logic- Exploring Logic Block Granularity for Regular Fabrics (AK, VK, PG, MF, LTP), pp. 468–473.
DATE-v1-2004-WinkelmannTSF #low cost #verification- Cost-Efficient Block Verification for a UMTS Up-Link Chip-Rate Coprocessor (KW, HJT, DS, GF), pp. 162–167.
DATE-v2-2004-HuangTL #fault tolerance #programmable- Fault Tolerance of Programmable Switch Blocks (JH, MBT, FL), pp. 1358–1359.
DATE-v2-2004-TiwariT #embedded #finite #memory management #state machine- Saving Power by Mapping Finite-State Machines into Embedded Memory Blocks in FPGAs (AT, KAT), pp. 916–921.
DRR-2004-PengHL #automation #clustering #component #image- Automatic content extraction of filled-form images based on clustering component block projection vectors (HP, XH, FL), pp. 204–214.
DRR-2004-ShinJKKK #adaptation #image #polynomial #using- Block-adaptive binarization of business card images in PDA using modified quadratic filter (KTS, IHJ, NCK, CHK, TSK), pp. 92–101.
SIGMOD-2004-ChaudhuriDS #effectiveness #estimation #statistics- Effective Use of Block-Level Sampling in Statistics Estimation (SC, GD, US), pp. 287–298.
ICPR-v2-2004-JangJN #image- Locating Destination Address Block in Korean Mail Images (SIJ, SHJ, YSN), pp. 387–390.
ICPR-v2-2004-KagehiroKSF- Address-Block Extraction by Bayesian Rule (TK, MK, HS, HF), pp. 582–585.
ICPR-v2-2004-YinFD #framework #unification- A Unification Framework for Tree and Block Wavelet Encoders (XWY, MF, ACD), pp. 795–798.
ICPR-v4-2004-KwonP #detection #image #quality- Optimum Block Size Detection for Image Quality Measure (YBK, JP), pp. 491–494.
ICPR-v4-2004-ReddyS #estimation #predict- A New Predictive Full-Search Block Motion Estimation (VSKR, SS), pp. 721–724.
ICPR-v4-2004-YuanL #dependence #nondeterminism- Fragile Watermarking Scheme Exploiting Non-Deterministic Block-Wise Dependency (YY, CTL), pp. 849–852.
KDD-2004-GadeWK #constraints #mining #performance- Efficient closed pattern mining in the presence of tough block constraints (KG, JW, GK), pp. 138–147.
KDD-2004-VogelW #modelling- 1-dimensional splines as building blocks for improving accuracy of risk outcomes models (DSV, MCW), pp. 841–846.
SIGIR-2004-CaiHWM #analysis- Block-level link analysis (DC, XH, JRW, WYM), pp. 440–447.
SIGIR-2004-CaiYWM #web- Block-based web search (DC, SY, JRW, WYM), pp. 456–463.
SAC-2004-WeisserK #identification #metric #sequence #statistics #using- Identification of fundamental building blocks in protein sequences using statistical association measures (DKW, JKS), pp. 154–161.
OSDI-2004-CohenCGKS #automation #correlation- Correlating Instrumentation Data to System States: A Building Block for Automated Diagnosis and Control (IC, JSC, MG, TK, JS), pp. 231–244.
OSDI-2004-SivathanuBAA- Life or Death at Block-Level (MS, LNB, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 379–394.
DAC-2003-MaHDCCCG #analysis #optimisation- Dynamic global buffer planning optimization based on detail block locating and congestion analysis (YM, XH, SD, SC, YC, CKC, JG), pp. 806–811.
DATE-2003-GirardiB #automation #generative #layout #named- LIT — An Automatic Layout Generation Tool for Trapezoidal Association of Transistors for Basic Analog Building Blocks (AG, SB), pp. 11106–11107.
DATE-2003-KoorapatyCTPPS #architecture #logic #programmable- Heterogeneous Programmable Logic Block Architectures (AK, VC, KYT, CP, LTP, HS), pp. 11118–11119.
DATE-2003-KuacharoenMM #streaming- Software Streaming via Block Streaming (PK, VJM, VKM), pp. 10912–10917.
DATE-2003-WalderP #configuration management #online #scheduling- Online Scheduling for Block-Partitioned Reconfigurable Devices (HW, MP), pp. 10290–10295.
ICDAR-2003-GovindarajuT #clustering- Postal address block location by contour clustering (VG, ST), pp. 429–432.
ICDAR-2003-MenotiBFB #approach #feature model #segmentation- Segmentation of Postal Envelopes for Address Block Location: an approach based on feature selection in wavelet space (DM, DLB, JF, AdSBJ), pp. 699–703.
SIGMOD-2003-AgichteinG #database #information management #named #performance- QXtract: A Building Block for Efficient Information Extraction from Plain-Text Databases (EA, LG), p. 663.
PEPM-2003-AttardiCK #named- CodeBricks: code fragments as building blocks (GA, AC, AK), pp. 66–74.
AdaEurope-2003-Patinno-MartinezJR #fault tolerance #transaction- Transactions and Groups as Generic Building Blocks for Software Fault Tolerance (MPM, RJP, ABR), pp. 208–219.
EDOC-2003-GrossWZ #component #corba #implementation- Corba Component Based Implementation of Telecom Services Building Blocks (JG, FW, JZ), pp. 308–314.
DAC-2002-ChakrabortyEKT #embedded #realtime #scheduling- Schedulability of event-driven code blocks in real-time embedded systems (SC, TE, SK, LT), pp. 616–621.
DAC-2002-FoltinFT #abstraction #concept #independence #modelling #performance- Efficient stimulus independent timing abstraction model based on a new concept of circuit block transparency (MF, BF, ST), pp. 158–163.
DAC-2002-GuptaSDGNKKR #coordination #performance #synthesis- Coordinated transformations for high-level synthesis of high performance microprocessor blocks (SG, NS, NDD, RKG, AN, TK, MK, SR), pp. 898–903.
DAC-2002-MoonKB #graph #reduction- Timing model extraction of hierarchical blocks by graph reduction (CWM, HK, KPB), pp. 152–157.
DATE-2002-PomeranzZ #fault #testing #using- Fault Isolation Using Tests for Non-Isolated Blocks (IP, YZ), p. 1123.
VLDB-2002-DittrichSTW #algorithm- Progressive Merge Join: A Generic and Non-blocking Sort-based Join Algorithm (JPD, BS, DST, PW), pp. 299–310.
ICML-2002-PickettB #algorithm #learning #named- PolicyBlocks: An Algorithm for Creating Useful Macro-Actions in Reinforcement Learning (MP, AGB), pp. 506–513.
ICPR-v1-2002-LamarreC #modelling #using- Background Subtraction Using Competing Models in the Block-DCT Domain (ML, JJC), pp. 299–302.
ICPR-v1-2002-YuLC #multi #synthesis- Multiresolution Block Sampling-Based Method for Texture Synthesis (YY, JL, CWC), pp. 239–242.
ICPR-v2-2002-Lu #robust #using- Block DCT-Based Robust Watermarking Using Side Information Extracted by Mean Filtering (CSL), pp. 1001–1004.
KDD-2002-LinH #documentation #web- Discovering informative content blocks from Web documents (SHL, JMH), pp. 588–593.
DAC-2001-KarriWMK #concurrent #detection #fault #symmetry- Concurrent Error Detection of Fault-Based Side-Channel Cryptanalysis of 128-Bit Symmetric Block Ciphers (RK, KW, PM, YK), pp. 579–585.
DAC-2001-MaHDCCG #constraints- Floorplanning with Abutment Constraints and L-Shaped/T-Shaped Blocks based on Corner Block List (YM, XH, SD, YC, CKC, JG), pp. 770–775.
DATE-2001-Castro-LopezFDR- Retargeting of mixed-signal blocks for SoCs (RCL, FVF, MDR, ÁRV), pp. 772–775.
DATE-2001-SarkarK #constraints- Repeater block planning under simultaneous delay and transition time constraints (PS, CKK), pp. 540–545.
ICDAR-2001-GatosP #image #performance #segmentation #set- Applying Fast Segmentation Techniques at a Binary Image Represented by a Set of Non-Overlapping Blocks (BG, NP), pp. 1147–1153.
ICDAR-2001-Hurst #layout #using- Layout and Language: Exploring Text Block Discovery in Tables Using Linguistic Resources (MH), pp. 523–527.
ICDAR-2001-Likforman-Sulem #image #using #visual notation- Name Block Location in Facsimile Images Using Spatial/Visual Cues (LLS), pp. 680–684.
ICDAR-2001-NajmanGB #recognition #using- Indexing Technical Drawings Using Title Block Structure Recognition (LN, OG, SB), pp. 587–591.
ICDAR-2001-WatanabeS #estimation- Estimation of Home-Address Numbers on the Basis of Relationships and Directions among House Blocks (TW, TS), p. 1245–?.
ICSM-2001-MalenfantAMD #analysis #detection- Flow Analysis to Detect Blocked Statements (BM, GA, EM, MD), p. 62–?.
ICALP-2001-ShankarKSR- Minimal Tail-Biting Trellises for Certain Cyclic Block Codes Are Easy to Construct (PS, PNAK, HS, BSR), pp. 627–638.
SAC-2001-LeeYKP #algorithm #order #performance #towards- Processor reordering algorithms toward efficient GEN_BLOCK redistribution (SL, HGY, MSK, MSP), pp. 539–543.
PPoPP-2001-LimLL #array #clustering #using- Blocking and array contraction across arbitrarily nested loops using affine partitioning (AWL, SWL, MSL), pp. 103–112.
DAC-2000-HorstmannshoffM #code generation #data flow #graph #performance- Efficient building block based RTL code generation from synchronous data flow graphs (JH, HM), pp. 552–555.
DAC-2000-PangBLC #constraints #representation #symmetry- Block placement with symmetry constraints based on the O-tree non-slicing representation (YP, FB, KL, CKC), pp. 464–467.
DATE-2000-TangWT #evaluation #performance #sequence- Fast Evaluation of Sequence Pair in Block Placement by Longest Common Subsequence Computation (XT, DFW, RT), pp. 106–111.
PODS-2000-AtallahP #data access #parallel #query- (Almost) Optimal Parallel Block Access for Range Queries (MJA, SP), pp. 205–215.
TACAS-2000-LarssonPY #model checking #on the #problem #traversal- On Memory-Block Traversal Problems in Model-Checking Timed-Systems (FL, PP, WY), pp. 127–141.
STOC-2000-MuthukrishnanS #approximate #comparison #nearest neighbour #sequence- Approximate nearest neighbors and sequence comparison with block operations (SM, SCS), pp. 416–424.
STOC-2000-RasalaW #network #strict- Strictly non-blocking WDM cross-connects for heterogeneous networks (AR, GTW), pp. 514–523.
CIAA-2000-ShankarSAR #automaton #finite #implementation- A Package for the Implementation of Block Codes as Finite Automata (PS, KS, VA, BSR), pp. 279–292.
ICPR-v3-2000-DufauxK #estimation #video- Combined Spline- and Block-Based Motion Estimation for Video Coding (FD, SBK), pp. 3071–3074.
ICPR-v3-2000-GuaragnellaS #algorithm #estimation #object-oriented- Object Oriented Motion Estimation by Sliced-Block Matching Algorithm (CG, EDS), pp. 3865–3868.
ICPR-v3-2000-HufnaglU #classification #fault #performance- Resolving a Defect in Quadrant-Based Classification for Fast Block-Matching (CH, AU), pp. 3203–3206.
SAC-2000-LeeKHL #dependence #graph #scheduling #using- Task Scheduling using a Block Dependency DAG for Block-Oriented Sparse Cholesky Factorization (HL, JK, SJH, SL), pp. 641–648.
HPCA-2000-JourdanRAEYR- eXtended Block Cache (SJ, LR, YA, ME, AY, RR), pp. 61–70.
WICSA-1999-Muller #design- Aspect Design with the Building Block Method (JKM), p. 585–?.
DATE-1999-NikolosVHT #embedded #fault #testing- Path Delay Fault Testing of ICs with Embedded Intellectual Property Blocks (DN, HTV, TH, YT), pp. 112–116.
ICDAR-1999-XueDLPK- Destination Address Block Location on Handwritten Chinese Envelope (JX, XD, CL, SP, HK), pp. 737–740.
DLT-1999-BealC- Asynchronous sliding block maps (MPB, OC), pp. 47–59.
ICEIS-1999-YooYP #data access #internet- A New Method to Block Access to Illegal and Harmful Content on the Internet (BJY, HGY, MSP), pp. 732–739.
HPCA-1999-HuangL #locality #reuse- Exploiting Basic Block Value Locality with Block Reuse (JH, DJL), pp. 106–114.
DAC-1998-KorupoluLW #independence #logic- Exact Tree-based FPGA Technology Mapping for Logic Blocks with Independent LUTs (MRK, KKL, DFW), pp. 708–711.
DATE-1998-RosenbergerH #approach #behaviour #functional #modelling #simulation- A Systems Theoretic Approach to Behavioural Modeling and Simulation of Analog Functional Blocks (RR, SAH), pp. 721–728.
STOC-1998-AndrewsZ #network- Stability Results for Networks with Input and Output Blocking (MA, LZ), pp. 369–377.
ICPR-1998-ChenHS #analysis #email- E-mail signature block analysis (HC, JH, RS), pp. 1153–1156.
ICPR-1998-DuanKC0 #algorithm- Intra-block algorithm for digital watermarking (FYD, IK, LWC, LX), pp. 1589–1591.
ICPR-1998-Etoh #estimation #parametricity #representation- Promotion of block matching: parametric representation for motion estimation (ME), pp. 282–285.
ICPR-1998-FerriMAS #algorithm #estimation #using- Variable-size block matching algorithm for motion estimation using a perceptual-based splitting criterion (FJF, JM, JVA, JS), pp. 286–288.
ICPR-1998-MeckeAM #estimation #robust #sequence- A robust method for block-based motion estimation in RGB-image sequences (RM, AAH, BM), pp. 663–667.
ICPR-1998-NicollsJ #estimation- Maximum likelihood estimation of Toeplitz-block-Toeplitz covariances in the presence of subspace interference (FN, GdJ), pp. 1595–1597.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Sprinzen #automation #component #named #process- Components: Building Blocks for Automated Business Processes (MJS), p. 5.
ALP-PLILP-1998-SmausHK #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination of Logic Programs with block Declarations Running in Several Modes (JGS, PMH, AK), pp. 73–88.
LOPSTR-1998-SmausHK #fault #logic programming #multi #source code #using- Preventing Instantiation Errors and Loops for Logic Programs with Multiple Modes Using block Declarations (JGS, PMH, AK), pp. 289–307.
CC-1998-KnoopKS #graph #question- Basic-Block Graphs: Living Dinosaurs? (JK, DK, BS), pp. 65–79.
DAC-1997-XuGC #clustering #refinement- Cluster Refinement for Block Placement (JX, PNG, CKC), pp. 762–765.
EDTC-1997-Lee #configuration management- Reconfigurable data converter as a building block for mixed-signal test (EKFL), pp. 359–363.
ICDAR-1997-WolfN #locality- Form--Based Localization of the Destination Address Block on Complex Envelopes (MW, HN), p. 908–?.
ICDAR-1997-WolfNS #image #performance- Fast Address Block Location on Handwritten and Machine Printed Mail--piece Images (MW, HN, WS), pp. 753–757.
PEPM-1997-DanvyS #equation #named #recursion #source code #λ-calculus- λ-Dropping: Transforming Recursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure (OD, UPS), pp. 90–106.
PLDI-1997-KodukulaAP #multi- Data-centric Multi-level Blocking (IK, NA, KP), pp. 346–357.
CIKM-1997-Baeza-YatesN #approximate #retrieval- Block Addressing Indices for Approximate Text Retrieval (RABY, GN), pp. 1–8.
SAC-1997-SabharwalQ #algorithm #performance- An efficient algorithm for direct computation of adjacent block coefficients in the transformed domain (CLS, BQ), pp. 515–520.
HPCA-1997-WallaceB #branch #multi #predict- Multiple Branch and Block Prediction (SW, NB), pp. 94–103.
PPoPP-1997-FrensW #multi #performance #source code- Auto-blocking Matrix-Multiplication or Tracking BLAS3 Performance with Source Code (JDF, DSW), pp. 206–216.
DAC-1996-LalgudiPP #effectiveness #optimisation #problem- Optimizing Systems for Effective Block-Processing: The k-Delay Problem (KNL, MCP, MP), pp. 714–719.
ICPR-1996-KoschanRS #using- Color stereo vision using hierarchical block matching and active color illumination (AK, VR, KS), pp. 835–839.
ICPR-1996-LinT #algorithm #performance #video- Fast full-search block-matching algorithm for motion-compensated video compression (YCL, SCT), pp. 914–918.
ICPR-1996-NamuduriRR #algorithm #image #named #segmentation #slicing #using- SVBS: a high-resolution medical image compression algorithm using slicing with variable block size segmentation (KRN, NR, HR), pp. 919–923.
ICPR-1996-TeixeiraA #algorithm #video- Block matching algorithms in MPEG video coding (LMLT, APA), pp. 934–938.
ICPR-1996-WhichelloY #image- Locating address blocks and postcodes in mail-piece images (APW, HY), pp. 716–720.
SAC-1996-CorcoranW #algorithm #search-based- Reducing disruption of superior building blocks in genetic algorithms (ALC, RLW), pp. 269–276.
ASPLOS-1996-SeznecJSM #branch #multi #predict- Multiple-Block Ahead Branch Predictors (AS, SJ, PS, PM), pp. 116–127.
DAC-1995-FeldmannF #algorithm #linear #modelling #scalability- Reduced-Order Modeling of Large Linear Subcircuits via a Block Lanczos Algorithm (PF, RWF), pp. 474–479.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SrihariSRL- Name and Address Block Reader system for tax form processing (SNS, YCS, VR, DSL), pp. 5–10.
ICDAR-v1-1995-WangY #editing #image- Block selection: a method for segmenting a page image of various editing styles (SYW, TY), pp. 128–133.
ICDAR-v2-1995-AgarwalGHGW #detection- Detection of courtesy amount block on bank checks (AA, LG, KH, AG, PSPW), pp. 748–751.
ICDAR-v2-1995-LiH #robust- A Robust Method of Extracting Rectangle Blocks for Form Reading (XL, JH), p. 760–?.
VLDB-1995-MogiK #array #clustering- Hot Block Clustering for Disk Arrays with Dynamic Striping (KM, MK), pp. 90–99.
PEPM-1995-MalmkjaerO #higher-order- Polyvariant Specialisation for Higher-Order, Block-Structured Languages (KM, PØ), pp. 66–76.
HPCA-1995-FarkasJC #execution #how #multi #question- How Useful Are Non-Blocking Loads, Stream Buffers and Speculative Execution in Multiple Issue Processors? (KIF, NPJ, PC), pp. 78–89.
HPDC-1995-Crandall #clustering #composition- The Limited Applicability of Block Decomposition in Cluster Computing (PC), pp. 102–109.
TRI-Ada-1994-GuptaG #named- Onion: A Methodology for Developing Data-Dominant Systems from Building Blocks (APG, PCG), pp. 361–372.
POPL-1994-Agrawal- Dominators, Super Blocks, and Program Coverage (HA), pp. 25–34.
ASPLOS-1994-WooSH #multi #performance- The Performance Advantages of Integrating Block Data Trabsfer in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors (SCW, JPS, JLH), pp. 219–229.
CC-1994-MahadevanR #framework #scheduling- Instruction Schedulimg over Regions: A Framework for Scheduling Across Basic Blocks (UM, SR), pp. 419–434.
ICDAR-1993-AmamotoTH #documentation #segmentation- Block segmentation and text area extraction of vertically/horizontally written document (NA, ST, YH), pp. 739–742.
ICDAR-1993-BelaidA #approach #documentation- A labeling approach for mixed document blocks (AB, OTA), pp. 749–752.
ICDAR-1993-Hirayama #documentation #image #segmentation- A block segmentation method for document images with complicated column structures (YH), pp. 91–94.
ICDAR-1993-LiiPS #recognition #syntax #using- Address block location using character recognition and address syntax (JL, PWP, SNS), pp. 330–334.
PODS-1993-NodineGV #graph- Blocking for External Graph Searching (MHN, MTG, JSV), pp. 222–232.
PLILP-1993-KesslerR #performance #scalability- Efficient Register Allocation for Large Basic Blocks (CWK, TR), pp. 418–419.
SAC-1993-HarrisFR- Basic Blocks in Unconstrained Crossword Puzzles (GH, JF, RR), pp. 257–262.
SAC-1993-KelleherLD #equation #on the #parallel #performance #reduction- On the Performance of a Direct Parallel Method for Solving Separable Elliptic Equations Based on Block Cyclic Reduction (KK, SL, SKD), pp. 517–524.
HPDC-1993-CrandallQ #composition #network #programming- Block Data Decomposition for Data-Parallel Programming on a Heterogeneous Workstation Network (PC, MJQ), pp. 42–49.
DAC-1992-BoseA #concurrent #fault #logic #memory management #message passing #multi #simulation- Concurrent Fault Simulation of Logic Gates and Memory Blocks on Message Passing Multicomputers (SB, PA), pp. 332–335.
PODS-1992-AgrawalAJ #approach #protocol #transaction- An Approach to Eliminate Transaction Blocking in Locking Protocols (DA, AEA, RJ), pp. 223–235.
PODS-1992-TurekSP #algorithm #concurrent #data type- Locking without Blocking: Making Lock Based Concurrent Data Structure Algorithms Nonblocking (JT, DS, SP), pp. 212–222.
ASPLOS-1992-ChenB #latency #memory management- Reducing Memory Latency via Non-blocking and Prefetching Caches (TFC, JLB), pp. 51–61.
DAC-1991-OnoderaTT #bound #layout- Branch-and-Bound Placement for Building Block Layout (HO, YT, KT), pp. 433–439.
PEPM-1991-McNerney #abstract interpretation #compilation #correctness #using #verification- Verifying the Correctness of Compiler Transformations on Basic Blocks using Abstract Interpretation (TSM), pp. 106–115.
ASPLOS-1991-LamRW #algorithm #optimisation #performance- The Cache Performance and Optimizations of Blocked Algorithms (MSL, EER, MEW), pp. 63–74.
ISLP-1991-GiordanoM #logic programming #re-engineering- A Modal Reconstruction of Blocks and Modules in Logic Programming (LG, AM), pp. 239–253.
DAC-1990-CaiW #algorithm #layout- A Channel/Switchbox Definition Algorithm for Building-Block Layout (YC, DFW), pp. 638–641.
DAC-1990-JustASS #generative #logic #named- PALACE: A Kayout Generator for SCVS Logic Blocks (KMJ, EA, WLS, AS), pp. 468–473.
STOC-1990-VitterS #parallel- Optimal Disk I/O with Parallel Block Transfer (Extended Abstract) (JSV, EAMS), pp. 159–169.
PLILP-1990-Bourdoncle #abstract interpretation #alias #interprocedural- Interprocedural Abstract Interpretation of Block Structured Languages with Nested Procedures, Aliasing and Recursivity (FB), pp. 307–323.
DAC-1989-VandweerdCRSM #automation #generative #named- REDUSA: Module Generation by Automatic Elimination of Superfluous Blocks in Regular Structures (IV, KC, LR, PS, HDM), pp. 694–697.
DAC-1989-WangM #functional #scheduling #simulation- Scheduling High-Level Blocks for Functional Simulation (ZW, PMM), pp. 87–90.
DAC-1988-Cai88a #layout- Connectivity Biased Channel Construction and Ordering for Building-Block Layout (HC), pp. 560–565.
DAC-1988-VisweswariahCC #development #verification- Model Development and Verification for High Level Analog Blocks (CV, RC, CFC), pp. 376–382.
DAC-1988-WimerKC- Optimal Aspect Ratios of Building Blocks in VLSI (SW, IK, IC), pp. 66–72.
VLDB-1988-KentSR #database #multi #scalability- A Superimposed Coding Scheme Based on Multiple Block Descriptor Files for Indexing Very Large Data Bases (AJK, RSD, KR), pp. 351–359.
DAC-1987-DaiSK #layout #performance #representation- A Dynamic and Efficient Representation of Building-Block Layout (WWMD, MS, ESK), pp. 376–384.
PLDI-1987-HuguetLT #architecture #generative #metric- A block-and-actions generator as an alternative to a simulator for collecting architecture measurements (MH, TL, YT), pp. 14–25.
VLDB-1986-ZandenTB #correlation #data access- Estimating Block Accessses when Attributes are Correlated (BTVZ, HMT, DB), pp. 119–127.
STOC-1986-FeldmanFP #network- Non-Blocking Networks (Preliminary Version) (PF, JF, NP), pp. 247–254.
CADE-1986-MannaW #how #logic- How to Clear a Block: Plan Formation in Situational Logic (ZM, RJW), pp. 622–640.
DAC-1985-KuoCH #algorithm #heuristic- A heuristic algorithm for PLA block folding (YSK, CC, TCH), pp. 744–747.
DAC-1985-NodaYFKKF #algorithm #array #automation #layout- Automatic layout algorithms for function blocks of CMOS gate arrays (SN, HY, EF, HK, HK, TF), pp. 46–52.
DAC-1985-ShaD #algorithm- An analytical algorithm for placement of arbitrarily sized rectangular blocks (LS, RWD), pp. 602–608.
DAC-1984-KozawaMT #algorithm #layout #logic #top-down- Combine and top down block placement algorithm for hierarchical logic VLSI layout (TK, CM, HT), pp. 667–669.
DAC-1984-LuellauHB #algorithm #independence- A technology independent block extraction algorithm (FL, TH, EB), pp. 610–615.
DAC-1984-SlutzOW- Block description language (BDL): A structural description language (ES, GO, JW), pp. 81–85.
DAC-1983-SasakiKOT #hardware #logic #named- HAL: A block level HArdware Logic simulator (TS, NK, KO, KT), pp. 150–156.
DAC-1983-TamuraON #analysis #layout- Path delay analysis for hierarchical building block layout system (ET, KO, TN), pp. 403–410.
SIGMOD-1983-Christodoulakis- Estimating Block Transfers and Join Sizes (SC), pp. 40–54.
DAC-1982-ChandrasekharB- Optimum placement of two rectangular blocks (MSC, MAB), pp. 879–886.
DAC-1981-HoltS #design #specification- BOLT-a block oriented design specification language (DH, SS), pp. 276–279.
DAC-1981-HorngL #automation #interactive #layout- An automatic/interactive layout planning system for arbitrarily-sized rectangular building blocks (CSH, ML), pp. 293–300.
DAC-1981-MalladiSV #automation- Automatic placement of rectangular blocks with the interconnection channels (RM, GS, AV), pp. 419–425.
DAC-1979-Johannsen #compilation- Bristle Blocks: A silicon compiler (DJ), pp. 310–313.
DAC-1979-MuraiTKST- A hierarchical placement procedure with a simple blocking scheme (SM, HT, MK, KS, CT), pp. 18–23.
DAC-1979-PreasC #algorithm- Placement algorithms for arbitrarily shaped blocks (BP, WMvC), pp. 474–480.
SCC-1979-LeBlancF #compilation #implementation #on the- On implementing separate compilation in block-structured languages (RJL, CNF), pp. 139–143.
ICALP-1979-Janko- Hierarchic Index Sequential Search with Optimal Variable Block Size and Its Minimal Expected Number of Comparisons (WJ), pp. 304–315.
VLDB-1978-NakamuraM #analysis- An Analysis of Storage Utilization Factor in Block Split Data Structuring Scheme (TN, TM), pp. 489–495.
SIGIR-1978-BaxterJ #database #query #relational- A Block Structured Query Language for Accessing a Relational Data Base (AQB, RRJ), pp. 109–130.
SIGIR-1978-Yan #retrieval- Record Block Allocation for Retrieval on Secondary Keys (CSY), pp. 83–108.
ICSE-1976-AndersonK #reliability- Recovery Blocks in Action: A System Supporting High Reliability (TA, RK), pp. 447–457.
STOC-1971-Berry- Block Structure: Retention or Deletion? (Extended Abstract) (DMB), pp. 86–100.
DAC-1968-KadisTVHG #layout #source code- Building block programs for the layout of printed circuit boards utilizing integrated circuit packs (DAPSYS V.2) (RWK, KLT, WJVJ, WLH, CEG).