4 papers:
VLDB-2013-LevandoskiLS #hardware #named- LLAMA: A Cache/Storage Subsystem for Modern Hardware (JJL, DBL, SS), pp. 877–888.
SIGMOD-2011-LinACOW #framework #named #pipes and filters #scalability- Llama: leveraging columnar storage for scalable join processing in the MapReduce framework (YL, DA, CC, BCO, SW), pp. 961–972.
HT-2008-ZhouTBAP #authoring #automation #named- Llama-b: automatic hyperlink authoring in the blogosphere (DZ, MT, TJB, HA, AP), pp. 133–138.
HT-2007-ZhouGTB #automation #generative #hypermedia #modelling #named- LLAMA: automatic hypertext generation utilizing language models (DZ, JG, MT, TJB), pp. 77–80.