Stem markerless$ (all stems)
4 papers:
DHM-HB-2013-ColomboRR #modelling- Markerless Motion Capture Integrated with Human Modeling for Virtual Ergonomics (GC, DR, CR), pp. 314–323.
ICPR-2008-Lu #performance- Markerless human motion capture: An application of simulated annealing and Fast Marching Method (YL), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-CuiDSAJ #learning- Learning methods for lung tumor markerless gating in image-guided radiotherapy (YC, JGD, GCS, BMA, SBJ), pp. 902–910.
ICPR-v3-2006-ParkLL #3d #using- Superimposing 3D Virtual Objects using Markerless Tracking (SCP, SWL, SWL), pp. 897–900.