1294 papers:
- CASE-2015-BjorkenstamCL
- Exploiting sparsity in the discrete mechanics and optimal control method with application to human motion planning (SB, JSC, BL), pp. 769–774.
- CASE-2015-HuangCZ #modelling
- Interval model based human welder’s movement control in machine assisted manual GTAW torch operation (NH, SC, YZ), pp. 395–400.
- CASE-2015-KaipaTSKLG #automation #using
- Resolving automated perception system failures in bin-picking tasks using assistance from remote human operators (KNK, SSTK, SS, AMK, JDL, SKG), pp. 1453–1458.
- CASE-2015-LiuZ #adaptation #human-computer #modelling #predict #process
- Adaptive predictive ANFIS based human arm movement modeling and control in machine-human cooperative GTAW process (YL, YZ), pp. 1465–1470.
- CASE-2015-LuW
- Human-directed robot motion/force control for contact tasks in unstructured environments (LL, JTW), pp. 1165–1170.
- CASE-2015-RanatungaCLP #adaptation #case study
- Neuroadaptive control for safe robots in human environments: A case study (IR, SC, FLL, DOP), pp. 322–327.
- DATE-2015-Rabaey #intranet
- The human intranet: where swarms and humans meet (JMR), pp. 637–640.
- DocEng-2015-WidlocherBLMR #information retrieval
- Combining Advanced Information Retrieval and Text-Mining for Digital Humanities (AW, NB, JML, YM, JR), pp. 157–166.
- HT-2015-MishraDBS #analysis #incremental #learning #sentiment
- Sentiment Analysis with Incremental Human-in-the-Loop Learning and Lexical Resource Customization (SM, JD, JB, ES), pp. 323–325.
- HT-2015-RoutB #algorithm #dataset #ranking #twitter
- A Human-annotated Dataset for Evaluating Tweet Ranking Algorithms (DPR, KB), pp. 95–99.
- FASE-2015-ShinBOBH #prototype #specification
- Resource Specification for Prototyping Human-Intensive Systems (SYS, YB, LJO, HB, PLH), pp. 332–346.
- SEFM-2015-SukkerdGS #cyber-physical
- Task Planning of Cyber-Human Systems (RS, DG, RS), pp. 293–309.
- CHI-2015-LaputLWXBH #adaptation #named
- Zensors: Adaptive, Rapidly Deployable, Human-Intelligent Sensor Feeds (GL, WSL, JW, RX, JPB, CH), pp. 1935–1944.
- CHI-2015-LeeBCCWPSBR #exclamation #interactive
- Trap it!: A Playful Human-Biology Interaction for a Museum Installation (SAL, EB, AMC, NC, BW, JYP, BS, PB, IHRK), pp. 2593–2602.
- CHI-2015-LeeKMD #algorithm #data-driven
- Working with Machines: The Impact of Algorithmic and Data-Driven Management on Human Workers (MKL, DK, EM, LD), pp. 1603–1612.
- CHI-2015-LiYS #detection #interactive #named
- IDSense: A Human Object Interaction Detection System Based on Passive UHF RFID (HL, CY, APS), pp. 2555–2564.
- CHI-2015-MeutznerGK #difference
- Constructing Secure Audio CAPTCHAs by Exploiting Differences between Humans and Machines (HM, SG, DK), pp. 2335–2338.
- CHI-2015-MunteanuMMROV #human-computer #interactive #requirements
- Situational Ethics: Re-thinking Approaches to Formal Ethics Requirements for Human-Computer Interaction (CM, HM, WM, MR, SO, JV), pp. 105–114.
- CHI-2015-PerrierDDAKUJ #communication #human-computer #hybrid #women
- Engaging Pregnant Women in Kenya with a Hybrid Computer-Human SMS Communication System (TP, ND, BD, RJA, JK, JU, GJS), pp. 1429–1438.
- CHI-2015-StraitVFSU #elicitation #interactive
- Too Much Humanness for Human-Robot Interaction: Exposure to Highly Humanlike Robots Elicits Aversive Responding in Observers (MS, LV, VF, MS, HLU), pp. 3593–3602.
- CSCW-2015-TangCSR #deployment #framework #volunteer
- Restructuring Human Infrastructure: The Impact of EHR Deployment in a Volunteer-Dependent Clinic (CT, YC, BCS, JAR), pp. 649–661.
- DHM-EH-2015-EndoTM #estimation #modelling
- Estimation of Arbitrary Human Models from Anthropometric Dimensions (YE, MT, MM), pp. 3–14.
- DHM-EH-2015-GoffRB #effectiveness #interactive #towards
- Toward a Model for Effective Human-Automation Interaction: The Mediated Agency (KLG, AR, BB), pp. 274–283.
- DHM-EH-2015-HuDLZY #analysis
- Biomechanical Analysis of Human Thorax and Abdomen During Automotive Impact (HH, LD, XL, CZ, YY), pp. 266–273.
- DHM-EH-2015-MamessierDO #semantics
- Semantically Integrated Human Factors Engineering (SM, DD, MO), pp. 284–294.
- DHM-EH-2015-MaruyamaKD #adaptation #scalability #simulation
- MoCap-Based Adaptive Human-Like Walking Simulation in Laser-Scanned Large-Scale as-Built Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 193–204.
- DHM-EH-2015-PerestreloTNS #framework #modelling #simulation
- Modeling of a Virtual Open Platform for Human Cranium Simulation (PP, MT, PN, JS), pp. 358–366.
- DHM-EH-2015-RegazzoniRC #simulation
- The Role of Virtual Ergonomic Simulation to Develop Innovative Human Centered Products (DR, CR, GC), pp. 74–83.
- DHM-EH-2015-ZhouYLXZ #analysis
- Moment Analysis of Virtual Human Joint Based on JACK (QXZ, QY, ZQL, FX, SZ), pp. 100–109.
- DHM-HM-2015-BoringJM #analysis #modelling #performance #reliability
- Human Performance Modeling for Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis (RLB, JCJ, DM), pp. 223–234.
- DHM-HM-2015-NazinF #bibliography
- Human Machine Epistemology Survey (RN, DF), pp. 345–356.
- DUXU-DD-2015-MartinsMS #case study #fault
- A Study of the Fault Tree Human in Aviation (ETM, ITM, MMS), pp. 524–534.
- DUXU-DD-2015-Mesbahi #exclamation #interactive
- Human-Robot Interaction Ethics in Sci-Fi Movies: Ethics Are Not “There”, We Are the Ethics! (MEM), pp. 590–598.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-DesouzartF #human-computer #interactive
- Human-Computer Interaction in Bed (GD, EF), pp. 596–605.
- DUXU-UI-2015-ChenH #design #interactive
- Designing an Interactive Map of Musical Culture and a Digital Humanity App (SCC, CHH), pp. 301–306.
- DUXU-UI-2015-GuimaraesS #simulation
- Humanizing Labor Resource in a Discrete Event Manufacturing Simulation Software (LBdMG, CSS), pp. 14–22.
- DUXU-UI-2015-InoueYHS #design #interface #process
- Applying Human Centered Design Process for Designing Air Traffic Control Interfaces (SI, KY, HH, TS), pp. 307–316.
- HCI-DE-2015-HornungPBL #challenge #interactive #perspective
- Challenges for Human-Data Interaction — A Semiotic Perspective (HHH, RP, MCCB, KL), pp. 37–48.
- HCI-DE-2015-SamaniSJ #interactive
- Biologically Inspired Artificial Endocrine System for Human Computer Interaction (HAS, ES, B(J), pp. 71–81.
- HCI-DE-2015-ZhangBL #design #human-computer #interactive
- Emotional Engagement for Human-Computer Interaction in Exhibition Design (MZ, CdB, WL), pp. 542–549.
- HCI-IT-2015-FioriniLEMMBCD #case study #interactive #interface #network #social
- Enhancing Human Robot Interaction Through Social Network Interfaces: A Case Study (LF, RL, RE, AM, AM, MB, FC, PD), pp. 729–740.
- HCI-IT-2015-GohPL #game studies
- An Investigation of Reward Systems in Human Computation Games (DHLG, EPPPT, CSL), pp. 596–607.
- HCI-IT-2015-KondoTT #communication #smarttech #using
- Information Select and Transfer Between Touch Panel and Wearable Devices Using Human Body Communication (YK, ST, JT), pp. 208–216.
- HCI-UC-2015-GofukuFU
- Some Investigations of Fukushima Dai-ichi Accidents from the Viewpoints of Human Factors (AG, HF, HU), pp. 314–326.
- HCI-UC-2015-OhJK #approach #human-computer #simulation #using
- Simulation of an Affordance-Based Human-Machine Cooperative Control Model Using an Agent-Based Simulation Approach (YgO, IJ, NK), pp. 226–237.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-ItaiM #development #interactive #using
- Study About Creation of “Maai” Involving Intention Using Rhythm Controller — Development of Maai Creating Agent and Interaction Experiments Between Human and Agent (SI, YM), pp. 599–609.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-MayerBPGV #automation #generative #process #using #visualisation
- Automatic Generation of Integrated Process Data Visualizations Using Human Knowledge (FM, UB, DP, DG, BVH), pp. 488–498.
- HIMI-IKC-2015-Porathe #fault
- Human Error and e-Navigation: Developing the Nautical Chart as Resilient Decision Support (TP), pp. 129–139.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-FujinawaSINHTH #behaviour #induction
- Induction of Human Behavior by Presentation of Environmental Acoustics (EF, SS, MI, TN, OH, TT, MH), pp. 582–594.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-GregoryD #human-computer #information management #multi
- Multisensory Information Processing for Enhanced Human-Machine Symbiosis (FDG, LD), pp. 354–365.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-LawsonBTKHR #development
- Human Factors to Consider During the Early Development and Dissemination of New Displays to Improve Spatial Orientation and Situation Awareness (BDL, JCB, LBIT, AMK, CRH, AHR), pp. 412–424.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-ProssHTH #concept #interactive #visualisation
- A Concept for Visualizing Psychophysiological Data in Human Computer Interaction: The FeaturePlotter (FP, DH, HCT, HH), pp. 97–106.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-SharmaMMTD #graph #modelling
- A Team Hiring Solution Based on Graph-Based Modelling of Human Resource Entities (AS, JM, AM, AT, PD), pp. 115–126.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-TanumaOM #feedback #recognition
- Human Characteristics of Figure Recognition in Tactile Feedback (MT, MO, HM), pp. 458–465.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-WongwichaiT #assembly #comprehension
- An Observation of Human Comprehension Through Wood Joints Assembly of a Cube Puzzle (TW, TT), pp. 668–677.
- LCT-2015-XueZZ #interactive #modelling
- Human-Human Interaction Modeling of Trainer (HX, WZ, XZ), pp. 528–534.
- ICEIS-v3-2015-NyameB #information management
- The Adoption and Use of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in Ghana (PKON, RB), pp. 130–138.
- RecSys-2015-Santos #hybrid #recommendation
- A Hybrid Recommendation System Based on Human Curiosity (AMdS), pp. 367–370.
- SAC-2015-AhrndtBFA #adaptation #predict
- Predictability in human-agent cooperation: adapting to humans’ personalities (SA, BB, JF, SA), pp. 474–479.
- SAC-2015-AlyI #named #process #realtime #recognition
- ubiMonitor: intelligent fusion of body-worn sensors for real-time human activity recognition (HA, MAI), pp. 563–568.
- SAC-2015-HamataniUH #smarttech #using
- Estimating core body temperature based on human thermal model using wearable sensors (TH, AU, TH), pp. 521–526.
- SAC-2015-MainiS #communication #distributed #multi #using
- Distributed task servicing using multiple robots with human-in-the-loop under limited communication range (PM, PBS), pp. 301–306.
- SAC-2015-SunyaevB #empirical #independence #testing
- Truth and myth of independent software testing: a controlled human experiment (AS, DB), pp. 1722–1728.
- ICSE-v2-2015-HuangM #adaptation #self
- Incorporating Human Intention into Self-Adaptive Systems (SH, PM), pp. 571–574.
- CASE-2014-DingSM #assembly #case study #industrial
- Optimized task distribution for industrial assembly in mixed human-robot environments — Case study on IO module assembly (HD, MS, BM), pp. 19–24.
- CASE-2014-HabibDBHP #android #learning
- Learning human-like facial expressions for Android Phillip K. Dick (AH, SKD, ICB, DH, DOP), pp. 1159–1165.
- CASE-2014-LasotaRS #industrial #interactive #standard #towards
- Toward safe close-proximity human-robot interaction with standard industrial robots (PAL, GFR, JAS), pp. 339–344.
- CASE-2014-LinHC #gesture #network #recognition #using
- Human hand gesture recognition using a convolution neural network (HIL, MHH, WKC), pp. 1038–1043.
- CASE-2014-LiWC #using
- Pedestrian tracking system by using human shape prior model (KCL, HCW, JMC), pp. 1139–1143.
- DocEng-2014-SchmitzPD #automation #collaboration #metadata #tool support
- DH-CASE II: collaborative annotations in shared environments: metadata, tools and techniques in the digital humanities (PS, LP, QD), pp. 211–212.
- VLDB-2014-CatastaTDDAC #named
- TransactiveDB: Tapping into Collective Human Memories (MC, AT, DED, GD, KA, PCM), pp. 1977–1980.
- VLDB-2014-GaoP #algorithm #exclamation
- Finish Them!: Pricing Algorithms for Human Computation (YG, AGP), pp. 1965–1976.
- TACAS-2014-LiSSS #synthesis
- Synthesis for Human-in-the-Loop Control Systems (WL, DS, SSS, SAS), pp. 470–484.
- ICPC-2014-StefikHMAYS #design #empirical #programming language #what
- What is the Foundation of Evidence of Human Factors Decisions in Language Design? An Empirical Study on Programming Language Workshops (AS, SH, MM, AAA, SKY, SS), pp. 223–231.
- CHI-2014-BidwellHD #interface
- Measuring operator anticipatory inputs in response to time-delay for teleoperated human-robot interfaces (JB, AH, SD), pp. 1467–1470.
- CHI-2014-DurrantKR
- Human values in curating a human rights media archive (AD, DSK, SR), pp. 2685–2694.
- CHI-2014-HongA #modelling #performance #predict #recommendation #user interface
- Novice use of a predictive human performance modeling tool to produce UI recommendations (KWH, RSA), pp. 2251–2254.
- CHI-2014-HornbaekSBS #human-computer #interactive
- Is once enough?: on the extent and content of replications in human-computer interaction (KH, SSS, JABA, JGS), pp. 3523–3532.
- CHI-2014-ParkLMMHS #game studies
- Human factors of speed-based exergame controllers (TP, UL, SM, MM, IH, JS), pp. 1865–1874.
- CHI-2014-PereiraPP #interactive #social
- Improving social presence in human-agent interaction (ATP, RP, AP), pp. 1449–1458.
- CHI-2014-SauppeM #design pattern #interactive #prototype
- Design patterns for exploring and prototyping human-robot interactions (AS, BM), pp. 1439–1448.
- CSCW-2014-QuinnB #named #performance #spreadsheet
- AskSheet: efficient human computation for decision making with spreadsheets (AJQ, BBB), pp. 1456–1466.
- DHM-2014-Delgado-GonzaloRCSLBL #algorithm #embedded #energy #modelling #state of the art
- Human Energy Expenditure Models: Beyond State-of-the-Art Commercialized Embedded Algorithms (RDG, PR, EMC, JS, CL, MB, ML), pp. 3–14.
- DHM-2014-DuWZHM #evolution #image #using
- Human Skeleton Extraction of Depth Images Using the Polygon Evolution (HD, JW, XxZ, YH, LM), pp. 15–23.
- DHM-2014-Fass
- Reclaiming Human Machine Nature (DF), pp. 588–599.
- DHM-2014-FuCLCZ #framework #modelling
- Evaluating Work Disability of Lower Limb Handicapped within a Human Modeling Framework (YF, XC, SL, JGC, BZ), pp. 516–526.
- DHM-2014-MarlerBVJRD #design
- A Digital Human Model for Performance-Based Design (TM, SB, UV, RJ, VR, BD), pp. 136–147.
- DHM-2014-ZhangTWHFC #modelling
- Modeling Human Control Strategies in Simulated RVD Tasks through the Time-Fuel Optimal Control Model (SZ, YT, CW, SH, YF, SC), pp. 661–670.
- DUXU-DP-2014-HamachiTN #integration #process #quality
- Activities to Improve System Integration and Service Quality and Add Additional Values — Reducing the Cost in Applying Human-Centered-Design Process (RH, IT, HN), pp. 32–38.
- DUXU-DP-2014-Kumar #enterprise #experience #user interface
- Humanizing the Enterprise — Delivering Best in Class User Experience to Business Software Users (JK), pp. 61–70.
- DUXU-DP-2014-OnalMMO #case study #challenge #experience #user interface
- Enabling Better User Experiences across Domains: Challenges and Opportunities Facing a Human Factors Professional (EO, SM, CM, OO), pp. 81–89.
- DUXU-DP-2014-RizvanogluOA
- The Impact of Human Likeness on the Older Adults’ Perceptions and Preferences of Humanoid Robot Appearance (KR, ÖÖ, ÖA), pp. 164–172.
- DUXU-DP-2014-ShimizuINMHKWK #process
- Consideration for Interpretation of Brain Activity Pattern during Car Driving Based on Human Movements (SS, HI, HN, FM, NH, SK, EW, SK), pp. 458–468.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-Abbas #behaviour #case study #challenge #implementation
- Challenges in Implementation of TVM (Ticket Vending Machine) in Developing Countries for Mass Transport System: A Study of Human Behavior while Interacting with Ticket Vending Machine-TVM (MA), pp. 245–254.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-BackhausBT #experience #user interface
- Positive Technology and User Experience for Human Needs in Developing Countries: Some Considerations (NB, SB, AT), pp. 400–410.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-ChenDCY #comprehension #experience #user interface
- Enhance User Experience Moving in Campus through Understanding Human Spatial Cognition (SMC, YSD, SFC, HCY), pp. 265–272.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-DesouzartFMM #behaviour #interactive
- Human-Bed Interaction: A Methodology and Tool to Measure Postural Behavior during Sleep of the Air Force Military (GD, EF, FM, RM), pp. 662–674.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-Takei #interactive #smarttech
- Human Interactive Wearable Devices: Applications of Artificial Electronic Skins and Smart Bandages (KT), pp. 710–718.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-FilippiB #analysis #aspect-oriented #functional #human-computer #interactive #nondeterminism
- In-Depth Analysis of Non-deterministic Aspects of Human-Machine Interaction and Update of Dedicated Functional Mock-Ups (SF, DB), pp. 185–196.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-InoueSNTMHKWK #physics #process
- Attempts to Quantitative Analyze for the Change of Human Brain Activity with Physical and Psychological Load (HI, SS, HN, TT, FM, NH, SK, EW, SK), pp. 240–249.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-AlkhashramiAA #design #interface #learning
- Human Factors in the Design of Arabic-Language Interfaces in Assistive Technologies for Learning Difficulties (SA, HA, AAW), pp. 362–369.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-AlrajhiHAA #design
- Human Factors in the Design of BCI-Controlled Wheelchairs (WA, MH, AAW, AA), pp. 513–522.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-CataniaPS #human-computer #interactive #internet
- Introducing Consciousnet : Internet Content as an Environment for Human-Machine Interaction (VC, DP, MS), pp. 382–393.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-LackeyBM #communication #interactive #recommendation #requirements
- Recommended Considerations for Human-Robot Interaction Communication Requirements (SJL, DJB, SGM), pp. 663–674.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-MattarW #impact analysis
- Let’s Get Personal — Assessing the Impact of Personal Information in Human-Agent Conversations (NM, IW), pp. 450–461.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-MeyerBDS #concept #development #human-computer #information management #interactive
- Development of Interaction Concepts for Touchless Human-Computer Interaction with Geographic Information Systems (RM, JB, JD, CMS), pp. 589–599.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-NavarrettaL #behaviour #interactive #multimodal
- Multimodal Behaviours in Comparable Danish and Polish Human-Human Triadic Spontaneous Interactions (CN, ML), pp. 462–471.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-NovickG #case study
- Building Rapport between Human and ECA: A Pilot Study (DGN, IG), pp. 472–480.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-ReddyC #artificial reality #process #recognition #using
- Human Activity Recognition from Kinect Captured Data Using Stick Model (VRR, TC), pp. 305–315.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-RoyC #artificial reality #detection #invariant #markov #using
- View-Invariant Human Detection from RGB-D Data of Kinect Using Continuous Hidden Markov Model (SR, TC), pp. 325–336.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-RuffieuxLMK #bibliography #dataset #gesture #recognition
- A Survey of Datasets for Human Gesture Recognition (SR, DL, EM, OAK), pp. 337–348.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-SantosCMJ #behaviour #case study #interactive
- Behavioral Persona for Human-Robot Interaction: A Study Based on Pet Robot (TFdS, DGdC, AAM, PTAJ), pp. 687–696.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-SiegertHPW #human-computer #interactive
- Discourse Particles and User Characteristics in Naturalistic Human-Computer Interaction (IS, MH, DP, AW), pp. 492–501.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-WuttkeM #adaptation #behaviour #communication
- Natural Forms of Communication and Adaptive Behaviour in Human-Computer-Interaction (MW, KUM), pp. 641–647.
- HCI-AS-2014-JiaNBBT #corpus #framework #named #online #research
- CORPUS: Next-Generation Online Platform for Research Collaborations in Humanities (YJ, XN, RB, DB, ADT), pp. 3–12.
- HCI-AS-2014-Kawecka-EndlerM #enterprise #process
- Humanization of Work and Environmental Protection in Activity of Enterprise (AKE, BM), pp. 700–709.
- HCI-AS-2014-NerisRL #aspect-oriented #bibliography #human-computer #interactive
- A Systematic Review of Sustainability and Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction (VPdAN, KRdHR, RFL), pp. 742–753.
- HCI-AS-2014-NiedoberHMKSCJL #automation #case study #trust
- Influence of Cultural, Organizational and Automation Factors on Human-Automation Trust: A Case Study of Auto-GCAS Engineers and Developmental History (DJN, NTH, GM, KK, MS, AC, WJ, JBL), pp. 473–484.
- HCI-TMT-2014-AraujoJ #human-computer #interactive #modelling
- Psychological Personas for Universal User Modeling in Human-Computer Interaction (CFdA, PTAJ), pp. 3–13.
- HCI-TMT-2014-BotegaBAN #data fusion #interactive
- A Model to Promote Interaction between Humans and Data Fusion Intelligence to Enhance Situational Awareness (LCB, CBB, RBdA, VPdAN), pp. 399–410.
- HCI-TMT-2014-CafezeiroGCM #behaviour #collaboration #interactive #roadmap
- A Knowledge-Construction Perspective on Human Computing, Collaborative Behavior and New Trends in System Interactions (IC, CG, VC, IdCM), pp. 58–68.
- HCI-TMT-2014-Gross #education #human-computer #interactive
- Human-Computer Interaction Education and Diversity (TG), pp. 187–198.
- HCI-TMT-2014-LuzSN #generative #human-computer #ontology #workflow
- Generating Human-Computer Micro-task Workflows from Domain Ontologies (NL, NS, PN), pp. 98–109.
- HCI-TMT-2014-SilvaCP #education #human-computer #interactive #learning
- Studio-Based Learning as a Natural Fit to Teaching Human-Computer Interaction (PAS, MEC, BJP), pp. 251–258.
- HIMI-AS-2014-JangKJS #analysis #framework #reliability
- A Framework of Human Reliability Analysis Method Considering Soft Control in Digital Main Control Rooms (IJ, ARK, WJ, PHS), pp. 335–346.
- HIMI-AS-2014-KhaoulaOSO #concept
- Concepts and Applications of Human-Dependent Robots (YK, NO, PRSDS, MO), pp. 435–444.
- HIMI-AS-2014-OliveiraAJ #interface #maintenance
- Human-Centered Interfaces for Situation Awareness in Maintenance (AO, RBdA, AJ), pp. 193–204.
- HIMI-AS-2014-TerwilligerIVL #interface
- Advancement and Application of Unmanned Aerial System Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) Technology (BAT, DCI, DAV, DL), pp. 273–283.
- HIMI-DE-2014-Miki #design #evaluation #experience #framework #user interface
- User Experience Evaluation Framework for Human-Centered Design (HM), pp. 602–612.
- HIMI-DE-2014-MurataUS #interactive
- Effect of Haptic Perception on Remote Human-Pet Interaction (KM, KU, YS), pp. 226–232.
- HIMI-DE-2014-TanikawaSKF #design #problem #process #usability #verification
- Problems in Usability Improvement Activity by Software Engineers — Consideration through Verification Experiments for Human- Centered Design Process Support Environment (YT, HS, HK, SF), pp. 641–651.
- LCT-NLE-2014-Jo0L #analysis #empirical #people
- Empirical Analysis of Changes in Human Creativity in People Who Work with Humanoid Robots and Their Avatars (DJ, JGL, KCL), pp. 273–281.
- LCT-NLE-2014-SousaLD #human-computer #towards #trust
- A Model for Human-Computer Trust — Contributions Towards Leveraging User Engagement (SCS, DRL, PD), pp. 128–137.
- LCT-NLE-2014-UlbrichtBFQ #component #interface #learning #testing #usability
- The Emotion Component on Usability Testing Human Computer Interface of an Inclusive Learning Management System (VRU, CHB, LF, SRPdQ), pp. 334–345.
- ICEIS-v3-2014-AntonayaSC #collaboration #enterprise #information management
- Handling Human Factors in Cloud-based Collaborative Enterprise Information Systems (SLA, CBS, JGC), pp. 162–167.
- ICEIS-v3-2014-BaldominosCC #approach #information management #interactive
- An Approach to Circumstantial Knowledge Management for Human-Like Interaction (AB, FJCG, DC), pp. 71–78.
- CIKM-2014-TakayamaTIOFC #detection #probability
- A Word-Scale Probabilistic Latent Variable Model for Detecting Human Values (YT, YT, EI, DWO, KRF, ASC), pp. 1489–1498.
- CIKM-2014-YeLQPM #generative
- A Generative Model for Generating Relevance Labels from Human Judgments and Click-Logs (XY, JL, ZQ, BP, DM), pp. 1907–1910.
- ICPR-2014-0005ZTS #detection #segmentation
- Human Hair Segmentation and Length Detection for Human Appearance Model (YW, ZZ, EKT, BS), pp. 450–454.
- ICPR-2014-AlemdarKNME #behaviour #modelling #using
- A Unified Model for Human Behavior Modeling Using a Hierarchy with a Variable Number of States (HÖA, TvK, MEN, AM, CE), pp. 3804–3809.
- ICPR-2014-AokiFKM #algorithm #architecture #visual notation
- KIZUKI Processing for Visual Inspection: A Smart Pattern Pop-Out Algorithm Based on Human Visual Architecture (KA, TF, HK, YM), pp. 2317–2322.
- ICPR-2014-BagheriHGE #classification #framework #multi #recognition
- A Framework of Multi-classifier Fusion for Human Action Recognition (MAB, GH, QG, SE), pp. 1260–1265.
- ICPR-2014-CaiTF #learning #recognition #taxonomy
- Learning Pose Dictionary for Human Action Recognition (JxC, XT, GCF), pp. 381–386.
- ICPR-2014-ChenDGYP #interactive #mobile
- Stereovision-Only Based Interactive Mobile Robot for Human-Robot Face-to-Face Interaction (LC, ZD, SG, BY, MP), pp. 1840–1845.
- ICPR-2014-DeCannRC #clustering #on the
- On Clustering Human Gait Patterns (BD, AR, MC), pp. 1794–1799.
- ICPR-2014-EvangelidisSH #recognition #using
- Skeletal Quads: Human Action Recognition Using Joint Quadruples (GE, GS, RH), pp. 4513–4518.
- ICPR-2014-GeronimoK #retrieval #video
- Unsupervised Surveillance Video Retrieval Based on Human Action and Appearance (DG, HK), pp. 4630–4635.
- ICPR-2014-IosifidisTP #classification #network
- Semi-supervised Classification of Human Actions Based on Neural Networks (AI, AT, IP), pp. 1336–1341.
- ICPR-2014-KeceliC #approach #multimodal #using
- A Multimodal Approach for Recognizing Human Actions Using Depth Information (ASK, ABC), pp. 421–426.
- ICPR-2014-KumarK #adaptation #multimodal #recognition #security #set #using
- Adaptive Security for Human Surveillance Using Multimodal Open Set Biometric Recognition (AK, AK), pp. 405–410.
- ICPR-2014-LiCGW #hybrid #interactive #recognition #using
- A Hybrid Method for Human Interaction Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Interest Points (NL, XC, HG, ZW), pp. 2513–2518.
- ICPR-2014-NieJ14a #recognition
- Capturing Global and Local Dynamics for Human Action Recognition (SN, QJ), pp. 1946–1951.
- ICPR-2014-OrriteRHRV #automation #recognition #segmentation #sequence
- Automatic Segmentation and Recognition of Human Actions in Monocular Sequences (CO, MR, EH, GR, SAV), pp. 4218–4223.
- ICPR-2014-SengerSMK #behaviour #multi #segmentation
- Velocity-Based Multiple Change-Point Inference for Unsupervised Segmentation of Human Movement Behavior (LS, MS, JHM, EAK), pp. 4564–4569.
- ICPR-2014-SlamaWD #3d #gesture #recognition #representation
- Grassmannian Representation of Motion Depth for 3D Human Gesture and Action Recognition (RS, HW, MD), pp. 3499–3504.
- ICPR-2014-TaniH #detection #robust #using
- Robust Human Detection to Pose and Occlusion Using Bag-of-Words (YT, KH), pp. 4376–4381.
- ICPR-2014-UbukataSTMKMU #detection #image #performance #segmentation
- Fast Human Detection Combining Range Image Segmentation and Local Feature Based Detection (TU, MS, KT, AM, TK, GM, KU), pp. 4281–4286.
- ICPR-2014-WilliamsCD #automation #human-computer #on the #recognition
- On Human Perception and Automatic Target Recognition: Strategies for Human-Computer Cooperation (DPW, MC, SD), pp. 4690–4695.
- ICPR-2014-ZhangHWZ #multi #parsing
- Enhanced Human Parsing with Multiple Feature Fusion and Augmented Pose Model (ZZ, JH, YW, YZ), pp. 369–374.
- KDD-2014-LichmanS #kernel #modelling
- Modeling human location data with mixtures of kernel densities (ML, PS), pp. 35–44.
- KDD-2014-SongZSS #behaviour #predict #scalability
- Prediction of human emergency behavior and their mobility following large-scale disaster (XS, QZ, YS, RS), pp. 5–14.
- MLDM-2014-Schafer #classification #preprocessor #towards
- Towards Time Series Classification without Human Preprocessing (PS), pp. 228–242.
- RecSys-2014-HarmanOAG #recommendation #trust
- Dynamics of human trust in recommender systems (JLH, JO, TFA, CG), pp. 305–308.
- SEKE-2014-ParkSHSHB #algorithm #resource management #search-based #using
- Practical Human Resource Allocation in Software Projects Using Genetic Algorithm (JP, DS, GH, DS, JH, DHB), pp. 688–694.
- SAC-2014-AlharbiZ #predict #social
- Exploring the significance of human mobility patterns in social link prediction (BA, XZ), pp. 604–609.
- SAC-2014-AnderssonDA #artificial reality #identification #using
- Anthropometric and human gait identification using skeleton data from Kinect sensor (VOA, RD, RMdA), pp. 60–61.
- FSE-2014-Joseph #framework #interactive #machine learning
- Software programmer management: a machine learning and human computer interaction framework for optimal task assignment (HRJ), pp. 826–828.
- FSE-2014-TaoKKX #automation #debugging
- Automatically generated patches as debugging aids: a human study (YT, JK, SK, CX), pp. 64–74.
- ICSE-2014-Monperrus #automation #bibliography #evaluation #generative #problem
- A critical review of “automatic patch generation learned from human-written patches”: essay on the problem statement and the evaluation of automatic software repair (MM), pp. 234–242.
- ICSE-2014-YaoHJ #analysis #case study #equivalence #using
- A study of equivalent and stubborn mutation operators using human analysis of equivalence (XY, MH, YJ), pp. 919–930.
- SPLC-2014-SimidchievaO #composition #generative #product line #verification
- Generation, composition, and verification of families of human-intensive systems (BIS, LJO), pp. 207–216.
- CASE-2013-DingHMS #behaviour #collaboration #industrial
- Structured collaborative behavior of industrial robots in mixed human-robot environments (HD, JH, BM, HS), pp. 1101–1106.
- CASE-2013-LiuZZ #approach #data-driven #modelling
- Data driven modeling of human welder intelligence: A neuro-fuzzy approach (YL, WZ, YZ), pp. 663–668.
- DocEng-2013-TomasiV #automation #collaboration #metadata
- Collaborative annotations in shared environments: metadata, vocabularies and techniques in the digital humanities (DH-CASE 2013) (FT, FV), pp. 283–284.
- HT-2013-HelicSGS #distributed #modelling #navigation #network
- Models of human navigation in information networks based on decentralized search (DH, MS, MG, RS), pp. 89–98.
- ICDAR-2013-MalikLD #automation #comparison #forensics #verification
- Part-Based Automatic System in Comparison to Human Experts for Forensic Signature Verification (MIM, ML, AD), pp. 872–876.
- ICDAR-2013-RomeroS13a #evaluation #process
- Human Evaluation of the Transcription Process of a Marriage License Book (VR, JAS), pp. 1255–1259.
- ICPC-2013-KamimuraM #generative #summary #testing #towards
- Towards generating human-oriented summaries of unit test cases (MK, GCM), pp. 215–218.
- PASTE-2013-BallHSL #interactive #web
- Increasing human-tool interaction via the web (TB, PdH, NS, DL), pp. 49–52.
- CHI-2013-AceitunoCR #how
- How low can you go?: human limits in small unidirectional mouse movements (JA, GC, NR), pp. 1383–1386.
- CHI-2013-AdarTT #interactive
- Benevolent deception in human computer interaction (EA, DST, JT), pp. 1863–1872.
- CHI-2013-BullingWG #behaviour #named #recognition #visual notation
- EyeContext: recognition of high-level contextual cues from human visual behaviour (AB, CW, HG), pp. 305–308.
- CHI-2013-GreenHM
- The efficacy of human post-editing for language translation (SG, JH, CDM), pp. 439–448.
- CHI-2013-LeeKYHP #adaptation #video
- A preliminary investigation of human adaptations for various virtual eyes in video see-through HMDS (JHL, SYK, HCY, BKH, JHP), pp. 309–312.
- CHI-2013-QuZ
- Regularly visited patches in human mobility (YQ, JZ), pp. 395–398.
- CHI-2013-WisemanCBGO #detection #fault #using
- Using redundancy to detect human error (SW, ALC, DPB, SG, SO), pp. 2403–2406.
- CSCW-2013-HuangF #consistency #evaluation #reliability #using
- Enhancing reliability using peer consistency evaluation in human computation (SWH, WTF), pp. 639–648.
- CSCW-2013-JungLDAHB #using
- Engaging robots: easing complex human-robot teamwork using backchanneling (MFJ, JJL, ND, SOA, PJH, CB), pp. 1555–1566.
- CSCW-2013-Waterhouse #metric
- Pay by the bit: an information-theoretic metric for collective human judgment (TPW), pp. 623–638.
- DHM-HB-2013-BatainehMA #predict
- Artificial Neural Network-Based Prediction of Human Posture (MB, TM, KAM), pp. 305–313.
- DHM-HB-2013-CaoJHK #assessment #modelling #using
- Ergonomic Assessment of Patient Barrow Lifting Technique Using Digital Human Modeling (WC, MJ, YH, MTK), pp. 20–29.
- DHM-HB-2013-ColomboRR #modelling
- Markerless Motion Capture Integrated with Human Modeling for Virtual Ergonomics (GC, DR, CR), pp. 314–323.
- DHM-HB-2013-HuhK #estimation #image #using
- Human Pose Estimation from Depth Image Using Visibility Estimation and Key Points (SH, GK), pp. 333–342.
- DHM-HB-2013-KeyvaniLBO #database #metric #using
- Using Methods-Time Measurement to Connect Digital Humans and Motion Databases (AK, DL, GB, RÖ), pp. 343–352.
- DHM-HB-2013-KuzMMS #human-computer #industrial #interactive #morphism #using
- Using Anthropomorphism to Improve the Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial Environments (Part I) (SK, MPM, SM, CMS), pp. 76–85.
- DHM-HB-2013-MaruyamaKD #3d #simulation
- Simulating a Walk of Digital Human Model Directly in Massive 3D Laser-Scanned Point Cloud of Indoor Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 366–375.
- DHM-HB-2013-MayerKS #human-computer #industrial #interactive #morphism #using
- Using Anthropomorphism to Improve the Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial Environments (Part II) (MPM, SK, CMS), pp. 93–100.
- DHM-HB-2013-SchmuntzschYR #industrial #modelling
- Combining Motion Capture and Digital Human Modeling for Creating Instructions in Industrial Settings (US, UY, MR), pp. 124–133.
- DHM-HB-2013-WangH13a #clustering #re-engineering
- Model Reconstruction of Human Buttocks and the Shape Clustering (LW, XH), pp. 245–251.
- DHM-HB-2013-WangL #design #evaluation #modelling
- Digital Human Modeling for Physiological Factors Evaluation in Work System Design (LW, HYKL), pp. 134–142.
- DHM-HB-2013-YangZF #simulation
- Simulation of Pushing the Push-Pull Rod Action Based on Human Body Dynamics (ZY, YZ, SF), pp. 393–401.
- DHM-SET-2013-AokiTUOIA #design
- Human Centered Design of a Pre-collision System (HA, HT, SU, TO, HI, MA), pp. 3–10.
- DHM-SET-2013-DemirelD #design #framework
- A Sustainable Human Centered Design Framework Based on Human Factors (HOD, VGD), pp. 307–315.
- DHM-SET-2013-Fass #biology #design #human-computer #modelling
- Putting in Perspective Human-Machine System Theory and Modeling: From Theoretical Biology to Artifacts Integrative Design and Organization — “Artem Augmented Human Project” (DF), pp. 316–325.
- DHM-SET-2013-GoreM #approach #modelling #performance #validation
- A Validation Approach for Complex NextGen Air Traffic Control Human Performance Models (BFG, PM), pp. 28–37.
- DHM-SET-2013-LiauLJ #assessment #development
- Development of Human Balance Assessment System with Continuous Center of Gravity Tracking (BYL, CWL, YKJ), pp. 332–337.
- DHM-SET-2013-MamessierF #automation #interactive #modelling #simulation
- Simulating the Impact of Mental Models on Human Automation Interaction in Aviation (SM, KMF), pp. 61–69.
- DHM-SET-2013-SunNHMDJMQ #adaptation #design #interactive #physics #safety
- Adaptive User-Centered Design for Safety and Comfort of Physical Human Nursing — Care Robot Interaction (MS, HN, SH, KM, MD, CaJ, TM, GQ), pp. 365–372.
- DUXU-CXC-2013-ClarkeSMBKK #health #interactive
- Addressing Human Computer Interaction Issues of Electronic Health Record in Clinical Encounters (MAC, LMS, JLM, JLB, RJK, MSK), pp. 381–390.
- DUXU-CXC-2013-Wang13b #interactive
- The Interactive Media between Human and the Sacred — An Example for Taiwanese Spiritual Practice (PFW), pp. 121–128.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-Danylak #analysis #gesture #human-computer #interactive
- Semiotic Analysis for Gestural and Emotional Human-Computer Interaction (RD), pp. 465–474.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-MartinsMSA #behaviour #fault
- Human Error in Aviation: The Behavior of Pilots Facing the Modern Technology (ITM, ETM, MMS, LGdSA), pp. 150–159.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-FilippiBFBC #interactive #simulation
- Human in the Loop: A Model to Integrate Interaction Issues in Complex Simulations (SF, DB, FF, MB, UC), pp. 242–251.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-FischerSN #design #set #towards #usability #validation
- Towards a Holistic Tool for the Selection and Validation of Usability Method Sets Supporting Human-Centered Design (HF, BS, KN), pp. 252–261.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-Matthiessen #design #education #experience #industrial #interactive #what
- Interactive Design and the Human Experience: What Can Industrial Design Teach Us (NM), pp. 100–106.
- DUXU-WM-2013-InoueHSAFY #concept #design #interface #process
- Developing a Concept Interface Design of ATM Systems Based on Human-Centred Design Processes (SI, HH, TS, HA, YF, KY), pp. 506–514.
- DUXU-WM-2013-KondoK #development #evaluation #image #interactive #prototype #using #visual notation
- Trial of Diagnostic to Find Preferable Job Using the Visual Image Information Interaction: Prototype Development and Evaluation in Global Human Resources Matching Site (AK, NK), pp. 525–532.
- DUXU-WM-2013-MeloSCC #evaluation #human-computer #interface #people #visual notation #web
- Ergonomic Evaluation of Websites Focusing on the Human-Computer Interface so as to Improve Access to the Web Especially by People with Visual Disabilities (ARM, MMS, FC, WC), pp. 257–264.
- DUXU-WM-2013-SchneidermeierMS #approach #communication #concept
- Human-Centered Communication Planning: A Conceptual Approach (TS, FM, JS), pp. 94–102.
- HCI-AMTE-2013-ChoY #collaboration #design #human-computer #towards
- Toward a New Design Philosophy of HCI: Knowledge of Collaborative Action of “We” Human-and-Technology (HC, JY), pp. 32–40.
- HCI-AMTE-2013-HashizumeK #approach #comprehension #design #development #experience #user interface
- Understanding User Experience and Artifact Development through Qualitative Investigation: Ethnographic Approach for Human-Centered Design (AH, MK), pp. 68–76.
- HCI-AMTE-2013-HermannCW #human-computer #industrial #interactive #manycore #parallel
- Parallel Rendering of Human-Computer Interaction Industrial Applications on Multi-/Many-Core Platforms (SH, AC, L(W), pp. 350–360.
- HCI-AMTE-2013-JanderA #evaluation #framework #human-computer #interactive
- Human-Machine Interaction Evaluation Framework (HJ, JA), pp. 221–230.
- HCI-AS-2013-NouriT #game studies #online
- A Cross-Cultural Study of Playing Simple Economic Games Online with Humans and Virtual Humans (EN, DRT), pp. 266–275.
- HCI-AS-2013-PlischkeSPK #specification #standard
- Human Adequate Lighting in Optimal Healing Environments — Measuring Non-visual Light Effects of a LED Light Source According to German Draft Pre-standard DIN SPEC 5031-100: 2012 (HP, CS, PP, NK), pp. 163–172.
- HCI-III-2013-Joo #behaviour #reasoning #simulation
- Perception and BDI Reasoning Based Agent Model for Human Behavior Simulation in Complex System (JJ), pp. 62–71.
- HCI-III-2013-LinWWJ #for free #human-computer #interface #mobile
- A Mobile Brain-Computer Interface for Freely Moving Humans (YPL, YW, CSW, TPJ), pp. 448–453.
- HCI-III-2013-NaganoHT #interactive
- Developing Sophisticated Robot Reactions by Long-Term Human Interaction (HN, MH, MT), pp. 319–328.
- HCI-III-2013-NovotnyPSP
- The Solid Angle of Light Sources and Its Impact on the Suppression of Melatonin in Humans (PN, PP, MJS, HP), pp. 454–463.
- HCI-III-2013-ParkKWL #metric #parametricity
- Vision Based Body Dither Measurement for Estimating Human Emotion Parameters (SP, DK, MCW, ECL), pp. 346–352.
- HCI-III-2013-WangWDL #3d #estimation #image #multi #sequence
- Tracking End-Effectors for Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Estimation in Multi-view Image Sequences (WW, ZW, XD, BL), pp. 227–235.
- HCI-III-2013-YinTWDWZ #classification #image
- Classification Based on LBP and SVM for Human Embryo Microscope Images (YbY, YT, WW, FD, ZW, MZ), pp. 280–288.
- HCI-IMT-2013-AnastasiouJW #evaluation #interactive
- Evaluation of WikiTalk — User Studies of Human-Robot Interaction (DA, KJ, GW), pp. 32–42.
- HCI-IMT-2013-BarbeWM #approach #design
- Human Centered Design Approach to Integrate Touch Screen in Future Aircraft Cockpits (JB, MW, RM), pp. 429–438.
- HCI-IMT-2013-BoyP
- A Situation Awareness Assistant for Human Deep Space Exploration (GAB, DP), pp. 629–636.
- HCI-IMT-2013-CarrinoCKIM #functional #gesture #interactive
- Functional Gestures for Human-Environment Interaction (SC, MC, OAK, RI, EM), pp. 167–176.
- HCI-IMT-2013-MaWHZ #gesture #interactive
- A Method for Single Hand Fist Gesture Input to Enhance Human Computer Interaction (TM, WGW, CYH, XZ), pp. 291–300.
- HCI-IMT-2013-PappuSSR #interactive #multi
- Situated Multiparty Interaction between Humans and Agents (AP, MS, SS, AIR), pp. 107–116.
- HCI-IMT-2013-RabeW #interactive #memory management
- Enhancing Human Computer Interaction with Episodic Memory in a Virtual Guide (FR, IW), pp. 117–125.
- HCI-IMT-2013-TawatsujiKM #case study #eye tracking #modelling #towards
- Experimental Study Toward Modeling of the Uncanny Valley Based on Eye Movements on Human/Non-human Faces (YT, KK, TM), pp. 398–407.
- HCI-IMT-2013-TingTHZL #3d #research #user interface
- Human Factor Research of User Interface for 3D Display (CHT, TYT, YPH, WJZ, MHL), pp. 506–512.
- HCI-IMT-2013-TungGKM #human-computer #interactive #multimodal #using
- Multi-party Human-Machine Interaction Using a Smart Multimodal Digital Signage (TT, RG, TK, TM), pp. 408–415.
- HCI-UC-2013-NothdurftHM #human-computer #trust
- The Impact of Explanation Dialogues on Human-Computer Trust (FN, TH, WM), pp. 59–67.
- HIMI-D-2013-HungCLC #human-computer #interface #novel #web
- A Novel Human-Computer Interface for Browsing Web Data by Leaping Up Web Pages (CLH, CC, CCL, HCC), pp. 197–202.
- HIMI-D-2013-Miki #design #experience #user interface
- Reconsidering the Notion of User Experience for Human-Centered Design (HM), pp. 329–337.
- HIMI-D-2013-TakemoriYST #interactive #learning #modelling #process
- Modeling a Human’s Learning Processes to Support Continuous Learning on Human Computer Interaction (KT, TY, KS, KT), pp. 555–564.
- HIMI-HSM-2013-CastronovoMM #interface #what
- What, Where, and When? Intelligent Presentation Management for Automotive Human Machine Interfaces and Its Application (SC, AM, CAM), pp. 460–469.
- HIMI-HSM-2013-OhneiserG #interactive #migration
- Migration Tolerant Human Computer Interaction for Air Traffic Controllers (OO, HG), pp. 143–152.
- HIMI-HSM-2013-ShimizuI #people
- Human Support System for Elderly People in Daily Life (SS, HI), pp. 308–314.
- HIMI-HSM-2013-SuzukiMKY #behaviour
- Human Behavior of Prioritizing Right-Turning Vehicles and Traffic Flow at Intersections (HS, YM, TK, YY), pp. 558–567.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-BraunerRGSZ
- Human Factors in Supply Chain Management — Decision Making in Complex Logistic Scenarios (PB, SR, MG, GS, MZ), pp. 423–432.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-JohnstonGHW #communication #development
- Development of a System for Communicating Human Factors Readiness (MJ, KDG, KSH, BW), pp. 475–484.
- OCSC-2013-JamiesonGHW #game studies #metaheuristic
- Metaheuristic Entry Points for Harnessing Human Computation in Mainstream Games (PJ, LG, JH, AW), pp. 156–163.
- OCSC-2013-KalwarHP13b #behaviour #comprehension #internet
- Quantifying Cultural Attributes for Understanding Human Behavior on the Internet (SKK, KH, JP), pp. 40–49.
- ICEIS-v2-2013-EomA #testing
- Developing and Testing a Model to Understand Relationships between e-Learning Outcomes and Human Factors (SBE, NJA), pp. 361–370.
- ICEIS-v3-2013-FerreiraFSCRPO #analysis #interactive #search-based
- Log Analysis of Human Computer Interactions Regarding Break The Glass Accesses to Genetic Reports (AMF, PF, CSP, RJCC, PPR, AdCP, VO), pp. 46–53.
- ICEIS-v3-2013-RomaniB #design #process #social
- Exploring Human Computation and Social Computing to Inform the Design Process (RR, MCCB), pp. 67–74.
- ECIR-2013-EickhoffCBD #design #evaluation
- Designing Human-Readable User Profiles for Search Evaluation (CE, KCT, PNB, STD), pp. 701–705.
- ICML-c1-2013-PareekR
- Human Boosting (HHP, PDR), pp. 338–346.
- ICML-c3-2013-JunZSR #learning
- Learning from Human-Generated Lists (KSJ, X(Z, BS, TTR), pp. 181–189.
- ICML-c3-2013-KoppulaS #detection #learning #process
- Learning Spatio-Temporal Structure from RGB-D Videos for Human Activity Detection and Anticipation (HSK, AS), pp. 792–800.
- KEOD-2013-LepperT #named
- tScore: Makes Computers and Humans Talk About Time (ML, BTyW), pp. 176–183.
- SEKE-2013-HoritaHGB #development #maturity #quality
- Maturity Model and Lesson Learned for improve the Quality of Organizational Knowledge and Human Resources Management in Software Development (S) (FEAH, MIH, FHG, RMdB), pp. 552–555.
- ICSE-2013-Balachandran #automation #code review #quality #recommendation #static analysis #using
- Reducing human effort and improving quality in peer code reviews using automatic static analysis and reviewer recommendation (VB), pp. 931–940.
- ICSE-2013-BallandCNS #development
- A case for human-driven software development (EB, CC, BN, HS), pp. 1229–1232.
- ICSE-2013-DornT #adaptation #architecture
- Coupling software architecture and human architecture for collaboration-aware system adaptation (CD, RNT), pp. 53–62.
- ICSE-2013-KimNSK #automation #generative
- Automatic patch generation learned from human-written patches (DK, JN, JS, SK), pp. 802–811.
- ICSE-2013-LewisLSZOW #case study #debugging #developer #predict
- Does bug prediction support human developers? findings from a google case study (CL, ZL, CS, XZ, RO, EJWJ), pp. 372–381.
- ICSE-2013-NiuMCB #comprehension #information management #requirements
- Departures from optimality: understanding human analyst’s information foraging in assisted requirements tracing (NN, AM, ZC, GB), pp. 572–581.
- ICSE-2013-SwearnginCJB #performance #testing
- Human performance regression testing (AS, MBC, BEJ, RKEB), pp. 152–161.
- ICST-2013-AfshanMS #evolution #natural language #string #testing #using
- Evolving Readable String Test Inputs Using a Natural Language Model to Reduce Human Oracle Cost (SA, PM, MS), pp. 352–361.
- ASE-2012-ChenK #automation #testing
- Puzzle-based automatic testing: bringing humans into the loop by solving puzzles (NC, SK), pp. 140–149.
- CASE-2012-BrunoMSVZ #approach #modelling #recognition
- Human motion modelling and recognition: A computational approach (BB, FM, AS, TV, RZ), pp. 156–161.
- CASE-2012-DhananjayanS #automation #design #realtime #requirements #specification #validation
- Automating timed specification transparency for human designer validation of real-time discrete-event control requirements (AD, KTS), pp. 908–913.
- DAC-2012-Bertacco
- Humans for EDA and EDA for humans (VB), pp. 729–733.
- DAC-2012-LiSJ #crowdsourcing #named #towards #verification
- CrowdMine: towards crowdsourced human-assisted verification (WL, SAS, SJ), pp. 1254–1255.
- DocEng-2012-KimBTFD #comparison #evaluation #parsing #tool support
- Evaluation of BILBO reference parsing in digital humanities via a comparison of different tools (YMK, PB, JT, EF, MD), pp. 209–212.
- DocEng-2012-MahlowGHS #framework #retrieval #using #xquery
- A framework for retrieval and annotation in digital humanities using XQuery full text and update in BaseX (CM, CG, AH, MHS), pp. 195–204.
- DRR-2012-ChazalonC #analysis #documentation #interactive #performance
- Iterative analysis of document collections enables efficient human-initiated interaction (JC, BC).
- DRR-2012-CoetzerSS #collaboration #human-computer #performance #verification
- Efficient cost-sensitive human-machine collaboration for offline signature verification (JC, JPS, RS).
- HT-2012-Leskovec #navigation #network
- Human navigation in networks (JL), pp. 143–144.
- SIGMOD-2012-ParameswaranGPPRW #algorithm #named
- CrowdScreen: algorithms for filtering data with humans (AGP, HGM, HP, NP, AR, JW), pp. 361–372.
- WRLA-2012-FadlisyahOA #analysis #formal method #modelling
- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Human Body Exposure to Extreme Heat in HI-Maude (MF, PCÖ, EÁ), pp. 139–161.
- ICPC-2012-FeigenspanS #comprehension
- Supporting comprehension experiments with human subjects (JF, NS), pp. 244–246.
- SCAM-2012-Xie #analysis #testing
- Cooperative Testing and Analysis: Human-Tool, Tool-Tool and Human-Human Cooperations to Get Work Done (TX), pp. 1–3.
- CHI-2012-BackCB #fault #information management
- Choosing to interleave: human error and information access cost (JB, ALC, DPB), pp. 1651–1654.
- CHI-2012-KimBGCV #3d #estimation #named
- TeleHuman: effects of 3d perspective on gaze and pose estimation with a life-size cylindrical telepresence pod (KK, JB, AG, JC, RV), pp. 2531–2540.
- CHI-2012-LazarFBMWHOE #approach #interactive #proving
- The SoundsRight CAPTCHA: an improved approach to audio human interaction proofs for blind users (JL, JF, TB, GM, BW, JH, AO, NE), pp. 2267–2276.
- CHI-2012-LeeLLLHP #evaluation #performance
- Evaluation of human tangential force input performance (BL, HL, SCL, HL, SH, JP), pp. 3121–3130.
- CHI-2012-MustafaLM #analysis #visual notation
- EEG analysis of implicit human visual perception (MM, LL, MAM), pp. 513–516.
- CHI-2012-SatoPH #interactive #named
- Touché: enhancing touch interaction on humans, screens, liquids, and everyday objects (MS, IP, CH), pp. 483–492.
- CHI-2012-SwearnginCJB #generative #legacy #modelling #performance #predict
- Easing the generation of predictive human performance models from legacy systems (AS, MBC, BEJ, RKEB), pp. 2489–2498.
- CHI-2012-TeradaYI #adaptation #game studies
- Experimental investigation of human adaptation to change in agent’s strategy through a competitive two-player game (KT, SY, AI), pp. 2807–2810.
- CHI-2012-ZhangLMGPH #constraints
- Human computation tasks with global constraints (HZ, EL, RM, KG, DCP, EH), pp. 217–226.
- CSCW-2012-Benkler #design #towards
- The penguin and the leviathan: towards cooperative human systems design (YB), pp. 1–2.
- ICEIS-J-2012-PrenzelR12a #interactive #modelling #scheduling
- Models for Human Computer Interaction in Scheduling Applications (AP, GR), pp. 155–171.
- ICEIS-v1-2012-LambeckSAG #concept #enterprise #realtime
- Changing Concepts in Human-Computer-Interaction in Real-time Enterprise Systems — Introducing a Concept for Intuitive Decision Support in SCM Scenarios (CL, DS, RA, RG), pp. 139–144.
- ICEIS-v1-2012-PrenzelR #design #human-computer #interface #scheduling
- Design of Human-computer Interfaces in Scheduling Applications (AP, GR), pp. 219–228.
- CIKM-2012-GeorgescuPFNG #crowdsourcing #fault #library
- Map to humans and reduce error: crowdsourcing for deduplication applied to digital libraries (MG, DDP, CSF, WN, JG), pp. 1970–1974.
- CIKM-2012-MurakamiM #how #people #question #web
- How do humans distinguish different people with identical names on the web? (HM, YM), pp. 2475–2478.
- ICML-2012-JiangLS #3d #learning #using
- Learning Object Arrangements in 3D Scenes using Human Context (YJ, ML, AS), p. 119.
- ICML-2012-WulsinJL #clustering #modelling #multi #process
- A Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Model with Multiple Levels of Clustering for Human EEG Seizure Modeling (DW, SJ, BL), p. 67.
- ICPR-2012-AmanoKSNY
- Appearance control for human material perception manipulation (TA, KK, TS, SN, SY), pp. 13–16.
- ICPR-2012-BaccoucheMWGB #2d #invariant #learning #recognition #representation #sequence
- Sparse shift-invariant representation of local 2D patterns and sequence learning for human action recognition (MB, FM, CW, CG, AB), pp. 3823–3826.
- ICPR-2012-BarbulescuGGMR #2d #3d #detection #estimation #using
- 3D human pose estimation using 2D body part detectors (AB, WG, JG, TBM, FXR), pp. 2484–2487.
- ICPR-2012-BarnachonBBG #recognition
- Human actions recognition from streamed Motion Capture (MB, SB, BB, EG), pp. 3807–3810.
- ICPR-2012-BurghoutsS #correlation #detection
- Correlations between 48 human actions improve their detection (GJB, KS), pp. 3815–3818.
- ICPR-2012-CaoL #categorisation #fuzzy
- Type-2 fuzzy labeled latent Dirichlet allocation for human action categorization (XQC, ZQL), pp. 1338–1341.
- ICPR-2012-ChenHCHC #analysis #using
- Occluded human action analysis using dynamic manifold model (LCC, JWH, CHC, CYH, DYC), pp. 1245–1248.
- ICPR-2012-DaveDG #question
- Do humans fixate on interest points? (AD, RD, BG), pp. 2784–2787.
- ICPR-2012-GaoLZXX #recognition #representation
- Human action recognition based on sparse representation induced by L1/L2 regulations (ZG, AL, HZ, GX, YX), pp. 1868–1871.
- ICPR-2012-IkemuraF #detection #using
- Human detection by Haar-like filtering using depth information (SI, HF), pp. 813–816.
- ICPR-2012-JiS12a #3d #estimation #learning #robust
- Robust 3D human pose estimation via dual dictionaries learning (HJ, FS), pp. 3370–3373.
- ICPR-2012-LiF #approach #named #process #recognition
- ARMA-HMM: A new approach for early recognition of human activity (KL, YF), pp. 1779–1782.
- ICPR-2012-LinSCLH #recognition #using
- Human action recognition using Action Trait Code (SYL, CKS, SCC, MSL, YPH), pp. 3456–3459.
- ICPR-2012-LiuCZZ
- Fusion of low-and high-dimensional approaches by trackers sampling for generic human motion tracking (YL, JC, HZ, HZ), pp. 898–901.
- ICPR-2012-MoutzourisRNM
- Human pose tracking by Hierarchical Manifold Searching (AM, JMdR, JCN, DM), pp. 866–869.
- ICPR-2012-NamA #image #learning
- Learning human preferences to sharpen images (MN, NA), pp. 2173–2176.
- ICPR-2012-NikanA #recognition #using
- Human face recognition under occlusion using LBP and entropy weighted voting (SN, MA), pp. 1699–1702.
- ICPR-2012-OnofriS #recognition #sequence #video
- Combining video subsequences for human action recognition (LO, PS), pp. 597–600.
- ICPR-2012-PerezMMSV #recognition #using
- Combining gradient histograms using orientation tensors for human action recognition (EdAP, VFM, LMM, DOS, MBV), pp. 3460–3463.
- ICPR-2012-PourdamghaniRZ #estimation #graph #learning #metric
- Metric learning for graph based semi-supervised human pose estimation (NP, HRR, MZ), pp. 3386–3389.
- ICPR-2012-SadekAMS #invariant #recognition
- Human action recognition via affine moment invariants (SS, AAH, BM, US), pp. 218–221.
- ICPR-2012-TabiaGL #quantifier #recognition
- Motion histogram quantification for human action recognition (HT, MG, LL), pp. 2404–2407.
- ICPR-2012-TanK #identification #image
- Human identification from at-a-distance images by simultaneously exploiting iris and periocular features (CWT, AK), pp. 553–556.
- ICPR-2012-TsaoH #estimation #image #parametricity #realtime
- Real-time human object motion parameters estimation from depth images (ICT, CLH), pp. 829–832.
- ICPR-2012-VillamizarGSM #learning #online #random #using
- Online human-assisted learning using Random Ferns (MV, AG, AS, FMN), pp. 2821–2824.
- ICPR-2012-VuralA #machine learning #video
- A machine learning system for human-in-the-loop video surveillance (UV, YSA), pp. 1092–1095.
- ICPR-2012-WakayamaDDIMT #detection #estimation #performance #visual notation
- Estimation of the human performance for pedestrian detectability based on visual search and motion features (MW, DD, KD, II, HM, YT), pp. 1940–1943.
- ICPR-2012-WangC #3d #visual notation
- Recovering human pose in 3D by visual manifolds (ZW, RC), pp. 1771–1774.
- ICPR-2012-WangJ12b #learning #network #process #recognition
- Learning dynamic Bayesian network discriminatively for human activity recognition (XW, QJ), pp. 3553–3556.
- ICPR-2012-YiP #classification #graph
- Sparse Granger causality graphs for human action classification (SY, VP), pp. 3374–3377.
- ICPR-2012-ZhangWXZL #kernel #recognition
- Contextual Fisher kernels for human action recognition (ZZ, CW, BX, WZ, SL), pp. 437–440.
- ICPR-2012-ZhangXSS #modelling #process #recognition #representation #smarttech #using
- Sparse representation for motion primitive-based human activity modeling and recognition using wearable sensors (MZ, WX, AAS, MS), pp. 1807–1810.
- ICPR-2012-ZhouWXZM #learning #recognition
- Learning weighted features for human action recognition (WZ, CW, BX, ZZ, LM), pp. 1160–1163.
- ICPR-2012-ZhouWXZM12a #recognition #representation
- Human action recognition by bagging data dependent representation (WZ, CW, BX, ZZ, LM), pp. 3120–3123.
- KDD-2012-YuanZX #using
- Discovering regions of different functions in a city using human mobility and POIs (JY, YZ, XX), pp. 186–194.
- MLDM-2012-GlodekSP #detection #process #recognition
- Detecting Actions by Integrating Sequential Symbolic and Sub-symbolic Information in Human Activity Recognition (MG, FS, GP), pp. 394–404.
- MLDM-2012-HossainC #behaviour #identification
- Combination of Physiological and Behavioral Biometric for Human Identification (EH, GC), pp. 380–393.
- SEKE-2012-HoritaBB #development #process #quality
- A Process Model for Human Resources Management Focused on Increasing the Quality of Software Development (FEAH, JDB, RMdB), pp. 225–230.
- SIGIR-2012-Masys #personalisation
- Retrieving information from the book of humanity: the personalized medicine data tsunami crashes on the beach of jeopardy (DRM), pp. 3–4.
- OOPSLA-2012-BarowyCBM #framework #named
- AutoMan: a platform for integrating human-based and digital computation (DWB, CC, EDB, AM), pp. 639–654.
- PLATEAU-2012-OliveroLDR
- Tracking human-centric controlled experiments with biscuit (FO, ML, MD, RR), pp. 1–6.
- RE-2012-KongHDD #case study #process #traceability
- Process improvement for traceability: A study of human fallibility (WKK, JHH, AD, OD), pp. 31–40.
- SAC-2012-HornfeckZL #health #interactive #monitoring #named
- Philos: a sociable robot for human robot interactions and wireless health monitoring (KH, YZ, KL), pp. 293–294.
- ICSE-2012-Corrigan #information management
- Augmented intelligence — The new AI — Unleashing human capabilities in knowledge work (JMC), pp. 1285–1288.
- ICSE-2012-DornT #adaptation #architecture #co-evolution
- Co-adapting human collaborations and software architectures (CD, RNT), pp. 1277–1280.
- ISSTA-2012-FryLW #maintenance
- A human study of patch maintainability (ZPF, BL, WW), pp. 177–187.
- ECSA-2011-Schulte
- Web-Scale Human Task Management (DS), pp. 190–193.
- CASE-2011-VasilePB #distributed #interactive
- Integrating human swarm interaction in a distributed robotic control system (CIV, AP, CB), pp. 743–748.
- HT-2011-SimkoTB #game studies #network
- Little search game: term network acquisition via a human computation game (JS, MT, MB), pp. 57–62.
- ICDAR-2011-Kuster #challenge
- The Four and a Half Challenges of Humanities Data (MWK), pp. 1017–1023.
- ICDAR-2011-VajdaJF #approach #learning
- A Semi-supervised Ensemble Learning Approach for Character Labeling with Minimal Human Effort (SV, AJ, GAF), pp. 259–263.
- VLDB-2011-ParameswaranSGPW #graph
- Human-assisted graph search: it’s okay to ask questions (AGP, ADS, HGM, NP, JW), pp. 267–278.
- VLDB-2012-MarcusWKMM11
- Human-powered Sorts and Joins (AM, EW, DRK, SM, RCM), pp. 13–24.
- STOC-2011-FeigeT #design #nondeterminism
- Mechanism design with uncertain inputs: (to err is human, to forgive divine) (UF, MT), pp. 549–558.
- CHI-2011-AmershiLKMC #named #network #performance
- CueT: human-guided fast and accurate network alarm triage (SA, BL, AK, RM, BC), pp. 157–166.
- CHI-2011-Fallman #human-computer #interactive
- The new good: exploring the potential of philosophy of technology to contribute to human-computer interaction (DF), pp. 1051–1060.
- CHI-2011-FiebrinkCT #evaluation #interactive #learning
- Human model evaluation in interactive supervised learning (RF, PRC, DT), pp. 147–156.
- CHI-2011-HolzW #gesture
- Data miming: inferring spatial object descriptions from human gesture (CH, AW), pp. 811–820.
- CHI-2011-HuBRK #named
- MonoTrans2: a new human computation system to support monolingual translation (CH, BBB, PR, YK), pp. 1133–1136.
- CHI-2011-John #design #modelling #performance #predict #recommendation #user interface #using
- Using predictive human performance models to inspire and support UI design recommendations (BEJ), pp. 983–986.
- CHI-2011-PaldaniusKVJH #case study #communication #experience #interactive
- Communication technology for human-dog interaction: exploration of dog owners’ experiences and expectations (MP, TK, KVVM, OJ, JH), pp. 2641–2650.
- CHI-2011-PierceP11a
- A phenomenology of human-electricity relations (JP, EP), pp. 2405–2408.
- CHI-2011-QuinnB #bibliography #taxonomy
- Human computation: a survey and taxonomy of a growing field (AJQ, BBB), pp. 1403–1412.
- CHI-2011-RomeroVPSA #behaviour #video #visualisation
- Evaluating video visualizations of human behavior (MR, AV, JP, JTS, GDA), pp. 1441–1450.
- CHI-2011-TamakiMR #named #using
- PossessedHand: techniques for controlling human hands using electrical muscles stimuli (ET, TM, JR), pp. 543–552.
- CHI-2011-ToomimKPL #human-computer #interactive #metric #towards
- Utility of human-computer interactions: toward a science of preference measurement (MT, TK, CP, JAL), pp. 2275–2284.
- CHI-2011-VihavainenMSCC #collaboration #human-computer #mobile #music #social #video
- We want more: human-computer collaboration in mobile social video remixing of music concerts (SV, SM, LS, FC, IDDC), pp. 287–296.
- CHI-2011-WeilenmannJ #comprehension #interactive #people
- Understanding people and animals: the use of a positioning system in ordinary human-canine interaction (AW, OJ), pp. 2631–2640.
- CSCW-2011-AspinR #3d #approach #gpu #multi
- A GPU based, projective multi-texturing approach to reconstructing the 3D human form for application in tele-presence (RAA, DJR), pp. 105–112.
- CSCW-2011-ShawHC #design
- Designing incentives for inexpert human raters (ADS, JJH, DLC), pp. 275–284.
- DHM-2011-CloutierBY #modelling #validation
- Motion Capture Experiments for Validating Optimization-Based Human Models (AC, RB, J(Y), pp. 59–68.
- DHM-2011-DongWYF #evaluation #research #simulation
- Research on Digital Human Model Used in Human Factor Simulation and Evaluation of Load Carriage Equipment (DD, LW, XY, SF), pp. 255–262.
- DHM-2011-FritzscheJLBJP #editing #performance #process #simulation
- Introducing ema (Editor for Manual Work Activities) — A New Tool for Enhancing Accuracy and Efficiency of Human Simulations in Digital Production Planning (LF, RJ, WL, SB, TJ, AP), pp. 272–281.
- DHM-2011-JiangWTXW #case study #evaluation #performance
- Study on Synthetic Evaluation of Human Performance in Manually Controlled Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Tasks (TJ, CW, ZT, YX, ZW), pp. 387–393.
- DHM-2011-Maier #human-computer #interactive #recognition
- Implicit Human-Computer Interaction by Posture Recognition (EM), pp. 143–150.
- DHM-2011-SchafferSM #human-computer #interactive #multimodal
- A Model of Shortcut Usage in Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction (SS, RS, SM), pp. 337–346.
- DHM-2011-SchieferKOHE #3d #metric
- 3D Human Motion Capturing Based Only on Acceleration and Angular Rate Measurement for Low Extremities (CS, TK, EO, IH, RPE), pp. 195–203.
- DHM-2011-ShenY #assessment
- The Application of the Human Model in the Thermal Comfort Assessment of Fighter Plane’s Cockpit (HS, XY), pp. 357–366.
- DHM-2011-SunGYZ #design #modelling #multi
- Application of Human Modeling in Multi-crew Cockpit Design (XS, FG, XY, JZ), pp. 204–209.
- DHM-2011-WelkePRJ #analysis #how #modelling #validation #what
- What Is Human? How the Analysis of Brain Dynamics Can Help to Improve and Validate Driver Models (SW, JP, MR, TJ), pp. 513–522.
- DHM-2011-ZhangWRFHLN
- Human Dimensions of Chinese Minors (XZ, YW, LR, AF, KH, TL, JN), pp. 37–45.
- DHM-2011-ZhengF #evaluation #research
- The Research of Crew Workload Evaluation Based on Digital Human Model (YZ, SF), pp. 446–450.
- DUXU-v1-2011-AnderssonBORT #industrial
- To Develop Viable Human Factors Engineering Methods for Improved Industrial Use (JA, LOB, ALO, MJR, ST), pp. 355–362.
- DUXU-v1-2011-KimPHE #approach #case study #design #experience
- The Essence of Enjoyable Experiences: The Human Needs — A Psychological Needs-Driven Experience Design Approach (JK, SP, MH, KE), pp. 77–83.
- DUXU-v2-2011-Albers11a #interactive
- Human-Information Interactions with Complex Software (MJA), pp. 245–254.
- DUXU-v2-2011-Cai #assessment #human-computer #interactive #protocol
- A Camera-Aided Legibility Assessment Protocol of Displays for Enhanced Human-Computer Interaction (HC), pp. 359–367.
- HCD-2011-AhramK #behaviour #design #modelling #network #social
- Social Networking Applications: Smarter Product Design for Complex Human Behaviour Modeling (TZA, WK), pp. 471–480.
- HCD-2011-ChaudronGMC #process #safety
- Building Human Profile by Aggregation of Activities — Application to Aeronautics Safety (LC, DG, NM, JC), pp. 389–396.
- HCD-2011-Clark #collaboration #interactive
- Human Interaction and Collaborative Innovation (KAC), pp. 13–21.
- HCD-2011-GoreHHBM #approach #modelling #performance
- A Methodical Approach for Developing Valid Human Performance Models of Flight Deck Operations (BFG, BLH, NH, DLB, EM), pp. 379–388.
- HCD-2011-IharaKY #simulation
- Human Affordance as Life-Log for Environmental Simulations (MI, MK, TY), pp. 235–242.
- HCD-2011-LaubliGN #design
- Human-Centered Design in the Care of Immobile Patients (TL, RG, MN), pp. 321–326.
- HCD-2011-LieberF #design #integration #question
- Human Systems Integration Design: Which Generalized Rationale? (RL, DF), pp. 101–109.
- HCD-2011-LiemS #design
- The Impact of Human-Centred Design Workshops in Strategic Design Projects (AL, EBNS), pp. 110–119.
- HCI-DDA-2011-AmrajiMM #recognition
- Shape -Based Human Actions Recognition in Videos (NA, LM, MGM), pp. 539–546.
- HCI-DDA-2011-Fernandez-LlatasMSN #interactive #process #simulation
- Process Choreography for Human Interaction Computer-Aided Simulation (CFL, JBM, PS, JCN), pp. 214–220.
- HCI-DDA-2011-KalwarHP #behaviour #internet
- Finding a Relationship between Internet Anxiety and Human Behavior (SKK, KH, JP), pp. 359–367.
- HCI-DDA-2011-KimJRWS #behaviour #simulation #using
- Human Behavioral Simulation Using Affordance-Based Agent Model (NK, JJ, LR, RAW, YJS), pp. 368–377.
- HCI-ITE-2011-FahnC #gesture #interactive #recognition
- Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Hand Gesture Recognition Techniques Used for a Human-Robot Interaction System (CSF, KYC), pp. 248–258.
- HCI-ITE-2011-HayashiKMO #information management #interactive
- Influence of Prior Knowledge and Embodiment on Human-Agent Interaction (YH, VVK, KM, HO), pp. 513–522.
- HCI-ITE-2011-HowleyR #human-computer #interactive #modelling
- Modeling the Rhetoric of Human-Computer Interaction (IKH, CPR), pp. 341–350.
- HCI-ITE-2011-JayaramanB #interface #using
- Uni-model Human System Interface Using sEMG (SJ, VB), pp. 446–453.
- HCI-ITE-2011-OhILLK #gesture #interactive #recognition
- Upper Body Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction (CMO, MZI, JSL, CWL, ISK), pp. 294–303.
- HCI-ITE-2011-SchmeierRA
- Computer Assistance in Bilingual Task-Oriented Human-Human Dialogues (SS, MR, RA), pp. 387–395.
- HCI-ITE-2011-TanakaMK #case study #human-computer #interactive #interface #multi
- Experimental Study on Appropriate Reality of Agents as a Multi-modal Interface for Human-Computer Interaction (KT, TM, KK), pp. 613–622.
- HCI-ITE-2011-ZhangAR #human-computer #interactive #multi
- Developing and Exploiting a Multilingual Grammar for Human-Computer Interaction (XZ, RA, DFR), pp. 396–405.
- HCI-MIIE-2011-AhmadTSSK #framework #interactive
- Guess Who? An Interactive and Entertaining Game-Like Platform for Investigating Human Emotions (MIA, HT, MS, SS, EK), pp. 543–551.
- HCI-MIIE-2011-CarrinoMKI #approach #hybrid #interactive #named #towards
- ARAMIS: Toward a Hybrid Approach for Human- Environment Interaction (SC, EM, OAK, RI), pp. 165–174.
- HCI-MIIE-2011-OehlSTHP #approach #detection #human-computer #interactive
- Improving Human-Machine Interaction — A Non Invasive Approach to Detect Emotions in Car Drivers (MO, FWS, TKT, RH, HRP), pp. 577–585.
- HCI-UA-2011-KhairatG #communication #human-computer #interactive
- Clinical Communication: Human-Computer and Human-Human Interactions (SSK, YG), pp. 182–191.
- HCI-UA-2011-Wang11a #interactive #learning #network #student #tool support #using
- Interactions between Human and Computer Networks: EFL College Students Using Computer Learning Tools in Remedial English Classes (ALW), pp. 107–112.
- HIMI-v1-2011-InuiYH #interactive
- Virtual Interaction between Human and Fabric (SI, AY, YH), pp. 418–424.
- HIMI-v1-2011-Mori #towards
- Some Issues toward Creating Human-Centric Services (HM), pp. 118–121.
- HIMI-v1-2011-MurakamiK #music #parametricity #process
- Auditory Feature Parameters for Music Based on Human Auditory Processes (MM, TK), pp. 612–617.
- HIMI-v1-2011-OkuboTT #comparison #complexity
- Comparison between Mathematical Complexity and Human Feeling (MO, AT, ST), pp. 132–141.
- HIMI-v1-2011-TakahashiSHNIHKWK #analysis #process
- Basic Study of Analysis of Human Brain Activities during Car Driving (NT, SS, YH, HN, HI, NH, SK, EW, SK), pp. 627–635.
- HIMI-v1-2011-TewsOSHF #human-computer #interactive
- Emotional Human-Machine Interaction: Cues from Facial Expressions (TKT, MO, FWS, RH, HF), pp. 641–650.
- HIMI-v1-2011-VogelZO #analysis
- Constructing Phylogenetic Trees Based on Intra-group Analysis of Human Mitochondrial DNA (IV, FZ, PO), pp. 165–169.
- HIMI-v1-2011-YanoAFJ #modelling #performance #predict #process
- Feasibility Study of Predictive Human Performance Modeling Technique in Field Activities (NY, TA, SF, BEJ), pp. 180–189.
- HIMI-v1-2011-ZenkoyohT #generative
- Surprise Generator for Virtual KANSEI Based on Human Surprise Characteristics (MZ, KT), pp. 190–198.
- HIMI-v1-2011-ZhouDHY #industrial #interface #tool support
- A Human Interface Toolkit for Developing Operation Support System of Complex Industrial Systems with IVI-COM Technology (YZ, YD, XH, HY), pp. 82–89.
- HIMI-v2-2011-KuboDM #interactive #realtime
- Real-time and Interactive Rendering for Translucent Materials such as Human Skin (HK, YD, SM), pp. 388–395.
- HIMI-v2-2011-TakadamaOSMOIHS #order #question #what
- What Kinds of Human Negotiation Skill Can Be Acquired by Changing Negotiation Order of Bargaining Agents? (KT, AO, KS, HM, MO, YI, KH, HS), pp. 335–344.
- IDGD-2011-RinconBCPC #community #human-computer #interactive
- Human-Computer Interaction as an Instrument for Strengthening Culture and Language of a Colombian Native Community (SRR, AB, GC, FP, TRC), pp. 556–565.
- CAiSE-2011-KabicherR #analysis #process
- Human-Centered Process Engineering Based on Content Analysis and Process View Aggregation (SK, SRM), pp. 467–481.
- CAiSE-2011-MohanA #comprehension #what
- What Methodology Attributes Are Critical for Potential Users? Understanding the Effect of Human Needs (KM, FA), pp. 314–328.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-DuG #research
- The Research on Human Factors in Urban Traffic based on the Causal Relationship (XD, JG), pp. 557–562.
- CIKM-2011-AkerG #comprehension
- Understanding the types of information humans associate with geographic objects (AA, RJG), pp. 1929–1932.
- CIKM-2011-QianHCZN #ambiguity #machine learning
- Combining machine learning and human judgment in author disambiguation (YnQ, YH, JC, QZ, ZN), pp. 1241–1246.
- KDD-2011-WangPSGB #predict #social
- Human mobility, social ties, and link prediction (DW, DP, CS, FG, ALB), pp. 1100–1108.
- KEOD-2011-AlbertiK #database #interpreter
- The Implemented Human Interpreter as a Database (GA, MK), pp. 379–385.
- SEKE-2011-ReformatP #approach #evaluation #feature model
- Criteria of Human Software Evaluation: Feature Selection Approach (MR, SP), pp. 71–76.
- ICMT-2011-EgyedDGLMNR #co-evolution #consistency #model transformation
- Fine-Tuning Model Transformation: Change Propagation in Context of Consistency, Completeness, and Human Guidance (AE, AD, AG, RELH, PM, AN, AR), pp. 1–14.
- Onward-2011-CukierY #research
- The artist in the computer scientist: more humanity to our research (DC, JWY), pp. 129–136.
- RE-2011-DekhtyarDHHCK #analysis #on the #performance #requirements #statistics
- On human analyst performance in assisted requirements tracing: Statistical analysis (AD, OD, JH, JHH, DC, WKK), pp. 111–120.
- SAC-2011-GohLC #game studies #image #performance
- Performance and perceptions of human computation games for image tagging (DHLG, CSL, AYKC), pp. 1124–1129.
- SAC-2011-SkopikSPD #adaptation
- Adaptive provisioning of human expertise in service-oriented systems (FS, DS, HP, SD), pp. 1568–1575.
- ICSE-2011-Bacchelli #email #re-engineering
- Exploring, exposing, and exploiting emails to include human factors in software engineering (AB), pp. 1074–1077.
- ICSE-2011-CuddebackDHHK #process #requirements #towards
- Towards overcoming human analyst fallibility in the requirements tracing process (DC, AD, JHH, JH, WKK), pp. 860–863.
- ICSE-2011-PirzadehH #analysis #behaviour #framework
- A software behaviour analysis framework based on the human perception systems (HP, AHL), pp. 948–951.
- CASE-2010-LeungLECS #detection
- Detection and tracking of low contrast human sperm tail (CL, ZL, NE, RFC, YS), pp. 263–268.
- CASE-2010-SunLJJWS #energy
- An integrated control of shading blinds, natural ventilation, and HVAC systems for energy saving and human comfort (BS, PBL, QSJ, ZJ, FW, CS), pp. 7–14.
- CASE-2010-ZengB #mobile #predict
- Collision avoidance for nonholonomic mobile robots among unpredictable dynamic obstacles including humans (LZ, GMB), pp. 940–947.
- DAC-2010-ChouMM #design #embedded #experience
- Find your flow: increasing flow experience by designing “human” embedded systems (CLC, AMM, RM), pp. 619–620.
- DATE-2010-BoydSS #detection #process #trade-off
- Power-accuracy tradeoffs in human activity transition detection (JB, HS, AS), pp. 1524–1529.
- DRR-2010-Obafemi-AjayiAF10a #documentation #evaluation #image
- Evaluation of human perception of degradation in document images (TOA, GA, OF), pp. 1–10.
- SIGMOD-2010-Amer-YahiaDKKF #algorithm #big data
- Crowds, clouds, and algorithms: exploring the human side of “big data” applications (SAY, AD, JMK, NK, MJF), pp. 1259–1260.
- ICSM-2010-FryW #fault #locality
- A human study of fault localization accuracy (ZPF, WW), pp. 1–10.
- ICSM-2010-Mantyla #empirical #smell
- Empirical software evolvability — code smells and human evaluations (MM), pp. 1–6.
- CHI-2010-DenningBFGKM #security
- Patients, pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators: human values and security for wireless implantable medical devices (TD, AB, BF, BTG, TK, WHM), pp. 917–926.
- CHI-2010-DixonPH #feedback #named #recognition #sketching #using
- iCanDraw: using sketch recognition and corrective feedback to assist a user in drawing human faces (DD, MP, TH), pp. 897–906.
- CHI-2010-ShastriFBTP #process
- O job can you return my mojo: improving human engagement and enjoyment in routine activities (DS, YF, RB, PT, IP), pp. 2491–2498.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-Duin #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- Pattern Recognition as a Human Centered non-Euclidean Problem (RPWD), p. 5.
- ICEIS-HCI-2010-SuadamaraWH #design #interactive #towards
- Culture Influence on Human Computer Interaction — Cultural Factors Toward User’s Preference on Groupware Application Design (RS, SW, AH), pp. 186–191.
- ICEIS-J-2010-Duin10a #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
- Non-Euclidean Problems in Pattern Recognition Related to Human Expert Knowledge (RPWD), pp. 15–28.
- CIKM-2010-BamisFS #component
- A method for discovering components of human rituals from streams of sensor data (AB, JF, AS), pp. 779–788.
- CIKM-2010-BundschusBTFK #case study #information management
- Digging for knowledge with information extraction: a case study on human gene-disease associations (MB, ABM, VT, LIF, HPK), pp. 1845–1848.
- ECIR-2010-KnothCSZ #multi #named #retrieval
- EUROGENE: Multilingual Retrieval and Machine Translation Applied to Human Genetics (PK, TDC, ES, ZZ), pp. 670–671.
- ICML-2010-CaniniSG #categorisation #learning #modelling #process
- Modeling Transfer Learning in Human Categorization with the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (KRC, MMS, TLG), pp. 151–158.
- ICML-2010-JiXYY #3d #network #recognition
- 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition (SJ, WX, MY, KY), pp. 495–502.
- ICML-2010-ZhuGJRHK #learning #modelling
- Cognitive Models of Test-Item Effects in Human Category Learning (XZ, BRG, KSJ, TTR, JH, CK), pp. 1247–1254.
- ICPR-2010-AliL #correlation #question #recognition
- Are Correlation Filters Useful for Human Action Recognition? (SA, SL), pp. 2608–2611.
- ICPR-2010-AndoF #classification #image #segmentation
- Human-Area Segmentation by Selecting Similar Silhouette Images Based on Weak-Classifier Response (HA, HF), pp. 3444–3447.
- ICPR-2010-BaysalKD #using
- Recognizing Human Actions Using Key Poses (SB, MCK, PD), pp. 1727–1730.
- ICPR-2010-CaoZL #markov #random #using
- Human Body Parts Tracking Using Sequential Markov Random Fields (XQC, JZ, ZQL), pp. 1759–1762.
- ICPR-2010-ChangCH #approach #estimation #image #ranking
- A Ranking Approach for Human Ages Estimation Based on Face Images (KYC, CSC, YPH), pp. 3396–3399.
- ICPR-2010-ChenA
- Human Shadow Removal with Unknown Light Source (CCC, JKA), pp. 2407–2410.
- ICPR-2010-DaubneyX #3d #image #refinement #using
- Estimating 3D Human Pose from Single Images Using Iterative Refinement of the Prior (BD, XX), pp. 3440–3443.
- ICPR-2010-GhaeminiaSS #adaptation #using
- Adaptive Motion Model for Human Tracking Using Particle Filter (MHG, AHS, SBS), pp. 2073–2076.
- ICPR-2010-HeimonenH #detection #framework
- A Human Detection Framework for Heavy Machinery (TAH, JH), pp. 416–419.
- ICPR-2010-HuCY #estimation #interactive
- Hand Pointing Estimation for Human Computer Interaction Based on Two Orthogonal-Views (KH, SJC, LY), pp. 3760–3763.
- ICPR-2010-Jiang #3d #re-engineering #using
- 3D Human Pose Reconstruction Using Millions of Exemplars (HJ), pp. 1674–1677.
- ICPR-2010-JoshiP #adaptation #detection #incremental #learning
- Scene-Adaptive Human Detection with Incremental Active Learning (AJJ, FP), pp. 2760–2763.
- ICPR-2010-KaramanBMDDG #monitoring #process #smarttech
- Human Daily Activities Indexing in Videos from Wearable Cameras for Monitoring of Patients with Dementia Diseases (SK, JBP, RM, VD, JFD, YG), pp. 4113–4116.
- ICPR-2010-KarpovRKRA #interactive #multimodal
- Multimodal Human Computer Interaction with MIDAS Intelligent Infokiosk (AK, AR, ISK, ALR, LA), pp. 3862–3865.
- ICPR-2010-KojimaMK #n-gram #recognition
- Object Recognition Based on n-gram Expression of Human Actions (AK, HM, KK), pp. 372–375.
- ICPR-2010-KosmopoulosVV #behaviour #modelling #multi #robust
- Robust Human Behavior Modeling from Multiple Cameras (DIK, AV, TAV), pp. 3575–3578.
- ICPR-2010-LiP10a #analysis #classification #monitoring #realtime
- Human State Classification and Predication for Critical Care Monitoring by Real-Time Bio-signal Analysis (XL, FP), pp. 2460–2463.
- ICPR-2010-LuoBTV #estimation #multi #re-engineering
- Human Pose Estimation for Multiple Persons Based on Volume Reconstruction (XL, BB, RTT, RCV), pp. 3591–3594.
- ICPR-2010-Marin-JimenezBM #encoding #modelling
- RBM-based Silhouette Encoding for Human Action Modelling (MJMJ, NPdlB, MÁM), pp. 979–982.
- ICPR-2010-RybokVES #estimation #multi
- Multi-view Based Estimation of Human Upper-Body Orientation (LR, MV, HKE, RS), pp. 1558–1561.
- ICPR-2010-SchryverR #categorisation #set
- The Rex Leopold II Model: Application of the Reduced Set Density Estimator to Human Categorization (MDS, BR), pp. 4356–4359.
- ICPR-2010-SethiC #analysis #motivation #probability #process #video
- A Neurobiologically Motivated Stochastic Method for Analysis of Human Activities in Video (RJS, AKRC), pp. 281–285.
- ICPR-2010-SethiC10a #image
- The Human Action Image (RJS, AKRC), pp. 3674–3678.
- ICPR-2010-ShimosakaINSM #detection #process
- Detecting Human Activity Profiles with Dirichlet Enhanced Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes (MS, TI, HN, TS, TM), pp. 4384–4387.
- ICPR-2010-TakimotoYMF #visual notation
- Invisible Calibration Pattern Based on Human Visual Perception Characteristics (HT, SY, YM, MF), pp. 4210–4213.
- ICPR-2010-TaWLBJ #recognition
- Pairwise Features for Human Action Recognition (APT, CW, GL, AB, JMJ), pp. 3224–3227.
- ICPR-2010-UegakiNB
- Discriminating Intended Human Objects in Consumer Videos (HU, YN, NB), pp. 4380–4383.
- ICPR-2010-VenkateshaT #process #recognition #using
- Human Activity Recognition Using Local Shape Descriptors (SV, MT), pp. 3704–3707.
- ICPR-2010-VenkateshJ #using
- Human Electrocardiogram for Biometrics Using DTW and FLDA (NV, SJ), pp. 3838–3841.
- ICPR-2010-WangAYL #bottom-up #estimation #learning #top-down #using
- Combined Top-Down/Bottom-Up Human Articulated Pose Estimation Using AdaBoost Learning (SW, HA, TY, SL), pp. 3670–3673.
- ICPR-2010-WangC #3d #estimation
- 3D Human Pose Estimation by an Annealed Two-Stage Inference Method (YKW, KYC), pp. 535–538.
- ICPR-2010-WangC10a #3d #estimation #using
- Articulated Human Body: 3D Pose Estimation Using a Single Camera (ZW, RC), pp. 3768–3771.
- ICPR-2010-WangY #detection
- Detection Based Low Frame Rate Human Tracking (LW, NHCY), pp. 3529–3532.
- ICPR-2010-WuHCCT #detection #interactive #using #visual notation
- Human Smoking Event Detection Using Visual Interaction Clues (PW, JWH, JCC, SCC, SYT), pp. 4344–4347.
- ICPR-2010-XingAL #detection #learning #multi
- Multiple Human Tracking Based on Multi-view Upper-Body Detection and Discriminative Learning (JX, HA, SL), pp. 1698–1701.
- ICPR-2010-YamauchiBS #3d #modelling #using
- 3D Human Body Modeling Using Range Data (KY, BB, HS), pp. 3476–3479.
- ICPR-2010-YoonK #recognition #using
- Human Action Recognition Using Segmented Skeletal Features (SMY, AK), pp. 3740–3743.
- ICPR-2010-ZhaoWIZ #3d #recognition
- Human 3D Motion Recognition Based on Spatial-Temporal Context of Joints (QZ, LW, HHSI, XZ), pp. 2740–2743.
- ICPR-2010-ZiaeefardE #recognition
- Hierarchical Human Action Recognition by Normalized-Polar Histogram (MZ, HE), pp. 3720–3723.
- ICPR-2010-ZwengK #behaviour #image #multi #recognition #sequence #using
- Unexpected Human Behavior Recognition in Image Sequences Using Multiple Features (AZ, MK), pp. 368–371.
- KDD-2010-AttenbergP #classification #learning #modelling #why
- Why label when you can search?: alternatives to active learning for applying human resources to build classification models under extreme class imbalance (JA, FJP), pp. 423–432.
- KDIR-2010-Pastor #challenge #concept #modelling
- Conceptual Modeling for the Human Genome Challenge (OP), p. 11.
- KMIS-2010-MacePM #editing #ontology #security
- Ontology Editing Tool for Information Security and Human Factors Experts (JCM, SEP, APAvM), pp. 207–212.
- SEKE-2010-CintoP #design #guidelines #human-computer #interface
- Human-Computer Interface Design Guidelines: An Expert System (TC, CSAP), pp. 361–366.
- SEKE-2010-Yeh #animation #human-computer #interactive #learning
- The effects of human-computer interaction modes for weak learners in an animation learning environment (YFY), pp. 18–23.
- SIGIR-2010-SmuckerJ #performance #precise #retrieval #revisited
- Human performance and retrieval precision revisited (MDS, CPJ), pp. 595–602.
- OOPSLA-2010-Hanenberg10a
- Faith, hope, and love: an essay on software science’s neglect of human factors (SH), pp. 933–946.
- RE-2010-CuddebackDH #automation #case study #requirements #traceability
- Automated Requirements Traceability: The Study of Human Analysts (DC, AD, JHH), pp. 231–240.
- SAC-2010-BozzonBFP #framework #integration
- Integration of a human face annotation technology in an audio-visual search engine platform (AB, MB, PF, PP), pp. 839–843.
- ICSE-2010-HazzanD #framework #re-engineering
- A HOT --- Human, Organizational and Technological --- framework for a software engineering course (OH, YD), pp. 559–566.
- CASE-2009-PandeyA #process #towards
- Towards a sociable robot guide which respects and supports the human activity (AKP, RA), pp. 262–267.
- CASE-2009-ParasuramanOG #development
- Development of robot assisted stroke rehabilitation system of human upper limb (SP, AWO, VG), pp. 256–261.
- CASE-2009-SolisT #comprehension #learning #towards
- Towards enhancing the understanding of human motor learning (JS, AT), pp. 591–596.
- CASE-2009-TanDZKA #collaboration #design #development #safety
- Safety design and development of human-robot collaboration in cellular manufacturing (JTCT, FD, YZ, RK, TA), pp. 537–542.
- DAC-2009-Ahn
- Human computation (LvA), pp. 418–419.
- DAC-2009-DeOrioB
- Human computing for EDA (AD, VB), pp. 621–622.
- HT-2009-StrohmaierKK #automation
- Automatically annotating textual resources with human intentions (MS, MK, CK), pp. 355–356.
- ICDAR-2009-CollFL #analysis #documentation
- Graphological Analysis of Handwritten Text Documents for Human Resources Recruitment (RC, AF, JL), pp. 1081–1085.
- CSEET-2009-Sangal #education #re-engineering
- Software Engineering: Research-Led Education with Human Values (RS), p. 1.
- ITiCSE-2009-HislopEM #case study #experience #student
- Evaluating student experiences in developing software for humanity (GWH, HJCE, RAM), pp. 263–267.
- ITiCSE-2009-MhiriR #development #learning #named
- AARTIC: development of an intelligent environment for human learning (FM, SR), p. 359.
- CHI-2009-BergstromK #clustering #human-computer #topic
- Conversation clusters: grouping conversation topics through human-computer dialog (TB, KK), pp. 2349–2352.
- CHI-2009-BudiuPH #how #memory management
- Remembrance of things tagged: how tagging effort affects tag production and human memory (RB, PP, LH), pp. 615–624.
- CHI-2009-LawA #game studies #named #using
- Input-agreement: a new mechanism for collecting data using human computation games (EL, LvA), pp. 1197–1206.
- CHI-2009-RamirezDD #navigation #towards
- Towards human-centered support for indoor navigation (LR, SD, TD), pp. 1279–1282.
- CHI-2009-TakayamaGN #aspect-oriented #social
- I’m sorry, Dave: I’m afraid i won’t do that: social aspects of human-agent conflict (LT, VG, CN), pp. 2099–2108.
- CHI-2009-ZimmermanRHTM #communication #effectiveness
- User-created forms as an effective method of human-agent communication (JZ, KR, IH, AT, KM), pp. 1869–1878.
- DHM-2009-BurghardtK #approach #behaviour #modelling #probability #smarttech
- A Probabilistic Approach for Modeling Human Behavior in Smart Environments (CB, TK), pp. 202–210.
- DHM-2009-CaseMHSGS #modelling #named
- HADRIAN: Fitting Trials by Digital Human Modelling (KC, RM, DH, SJS, DG, RES), pp. 673–680.
- DHM-2009-ChengR #modelling
- Static and Dynamic Human Shape Modeling (ZC, KMR), pp. 3–12.
- DHM-2009-DzaackU #analysis #modelling #multi #performance #safety
- Multilevel Analysis of Human Performance Models in Safety-Critical Systems (JD, LU), pp. 375–383.
- DHM-2009-EngstlerB #generative
- Generation of Percentile Values for Human Joint Torque Characteristics (FE, HB), pp. 95–104.
- DHM-2009-GoreHWS #implementation
- A Computational Implementation of a Human Attention Guiding Mechanism in MIDAS v5 (BFG, BLH, CDW, SSN), pp. 237–246.
- DHM-2009-GuoWD #3d #design #metric
- Human Head 3D Dimensions Measurement for the Design of Helmets (FG, LW, DD), pp. 624–631.
- DHM-2009-HaazebroekH #interactive #towards
- Towards a Computational Model of Perception and Action in Human Computer Interaction (PH, BH), pp. 247–256.
- DHM-2009-HansonHLW #health #industrial #modelling
- Application of Human Modelling in Health Care Industry (LH, DH, DL, MW), pp. 521–530.
- DHM-2009-HeZFH #artificial reality #multi #visualisation
- A Multi-functional Visualization System for Motion Captured Human Body Based on Virtual Reality Technology (QH, LZ, XF, YH), pp. 115–122.
- DHM-2009-LudtkeWOW #behaviour #fault #modelling #simulation
- Modeling Pilot and Driver Behavior for Human Error Simulation (AL, LW, JPO, BW), pp. 403–412.
- DHM-2009-MilanovaB #estimation
- Video-Based Human Motion Estimation System (MGM, LB), pp. 132–139.
- DHM-2009-PaolisPA #interactive #modelling #visualisation
- An Advanced Modality of Visualization and Interaction with Virtual Models of the Human Body (LTDP, MP, GA), pp. 13–18.
- DHM-2009-PitarchYA #simulation
- Virtual Human Hand: Grasping and Simulation (EPP, JY, KAM), pp. 140–149.
- DHM-2009-PreuveneersB #automation #modelling
- Modeling Human Actors in an Intelligent Automated Warehouse (DP, YB), pp. 285–294.
- DHM-2009-SakellariouCWCA #approach #novel
- A Novel Approach to CT Scans’ Interpretation via Incorporation into a VR Human Model (SS, VC, BMW, DC, PA), pp. 550–559.
- DHM-2009-ThorvaldHC #aspect-oriented #modelling
- Incorporating Cognitive Aspects in Digital Human Modeling (PT, DH, KC), pp. 323–332.
- DHM-2009-YangDZ #bibliography #modelling #perspective
- Human Head Modeling and Personal Head Protective Equipment: A Literature Review (J(Y, JD, ZZ), pp. 661–670.
- DHM-2009-YangFKXR
- Joint Coupling for Human Shoulder Complex (JY, XF, JHK, YX, SR), pp. 72–81.
- HCD-2009-BoyR #design
- Participatory Human-Centered Design: User Involvement and Design Cross-Fertilization (GAB, NR), pp. 835–843.
- HCD-2009-BradshawFJBBEJLUD #process #tool support
- From Tools to Teammates: Joint Activity in Human-Agent-Robot Teams (JMB, PJF, MJ, MRB, LB, TCE, HJ, JL, AU, JvD), pp. 935–944.
- HCD-2009-LoveHA #case study #design #industrial #mobile #process #requirements
- Accommodating Real User and Organisational Requirements in the Human Centered Design Process: A Case Study from the Mobile Phone Industry (SL, PH, MA), pp. 758–764.
- HCD-2009-MayerOFNKKS #assembly #self
- Cognitive Engineering for Direct Human-Robot Cooperation in Self-optimizing Assembly Cells (MPM, BO, MF, JN, WK, BK, CMS), pp. 1003–1012.
- HCD-2009-MoundalexisDR #development #human-computer #interactive
- Integrating Human-Computer Interaction Artifacts into System Development (MM, JD, KR), pp. 284–291.
- HCD-2009-NotteMCBDM
- Human Factor’s in Telemedicine: Training Surgeons by Telementoring (DN, RM, GBC, JB, MD, PM), pp. 1033–1041.
- HCD-2009-Yamazaki #approach #design #prototype
- Approach to Human Centered Design Innovation by Utilized Paper Prototyping (KY), pp. 367–373.
- HCD-2009-YousefiSH #design #mobile
- Human Centered Design of Mobile Machines by a Virtual Environment (HY, AMS, HH), pp. 1099–1108.
- HCI-AUII-2009-GlasnappB #detection
- A Human-Centered Model for Detecting Technology Engagement (JG, OB), pp. 621–630.
- HCI-AUII-2009-GronliG #interactive #process #social
- Human Computer Interaction with a PIM Application: Merging Activity, Location and Social Setting into Context (TMG, GG), pp. 30–38.
- HCI-AUII-2009-HayashiM #communication #interactive
- Cognitive and Emotional Characteristics of Communication in Human-Human/Human-Agent Interaction (YH, KM), pp. 267–274.
- HCI-AUII-2009-Heimgartner #identification #interactive
- Identification of the User by Analyzing Human Computer Interaction (RH), pp. 275–283.
- HCI-AUII-2009-IizukaAM #behaviour #using
- The Anticipation of Human Behavior Using “Parasitic Humanoid” (HI, HA, TM), pp. 284–293.
- HCI-AUII-2009-KubickiLLSKC #human-computer #interactive #using
- New Human-Computer Interactions Using Tangible Objects: Application on a Digital Tabletop with RFID Technology (SK, SL, YL, PDS, CK, JC), pp. 446–455.
- HCI-AUII-2009-SongPJPKJ #effectiveness #human-computer #interactive #multi #using
- Multi-pointing Method Using a Desk Lamp and Single Camera for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (TS, TCP, SJ, JHP, KHK, JWJ), pp. 520–525.
- HCI-AUII-2009-SungJC #metric #using
- Establishing a Measurement System for Human Motions Using a Textile-Based Motion Sensor (MS, KJ, GC), pp. 784–792.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-BannatGRRRW #industrial #multimodal
- A Multimodal Human-Robot-Interaction Scenario: Working Together with an Industrial Robot (AB, JG, TR, WR, GR, FW), pp. 303–311.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-GastBRRWMR #analysis #gesture #human-computer #interactive
- Did I Get It Right: Head Gestures Analysis for Human-Machine Interactions (JG, AB, TR, GR, FW, CM, BR), pp. 170–177.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-RehrlBGRW #human-computer #interface #named #novel
- cfHMI: A Novel Contact-Free Human-Machine Interface (TR, AB, JG, GR, FW), pp. 246–254.
- HCI-NT-2009-AhmedMB #human-computer #interactive
- Aesthetics in Human-Computer Interaction: Views and Reviews (SUA, AAM, KB), pp. 559–568.
- HCI-NT-2009-BullingerB #collaboration #development #human-computer #interactive
- Collaborative Development and New Devices for Human-Computer Interaction (HJB, GB), pp. 789–795.
- HCI-NT-2009-Chi #design #human-computer #interactive
- A Position Paper on “Living Laboratories”: Rethinking Ecological Designs and Experimentation in Human-Computer Interaction (EHC), pp. 597–605.
- HCI-NT-2009-KalwarH #internet
- Study of Human Anxiety on the Internet (SKK, KH), pp. 69–76.
- HCI-VAD-2009-FicarraR #human-computer #interactive
- CAD and Communicability: A System That Improves the Human-Computer Interaction (FVCF, RAR), pp. 468–477.
- HCI-VAD-2009-KennyPR #interactive #standard
- Human Computer Interaction in Virtual Standardized Patient Systems (PGK, TDP, AAR), pp. 514–523.
- HCI-VAD-2009-KiriyamaS #behaviour #interactive
- Analyzing Human Behaviors in an Interactive Art Installation (TK, MS), pp. 345–352.
- HCI-VAD-2009-LiHLW #difference
- The Differences of Aviation Human Factors between Individualism and Collectivism Culture (WCL, DH, LWL, TW), pp. 723–730.
- HCI-VAD-2009-LinYYC #automation #interface
- Allocating Human-System Interfaces Functions by Levels of Automation in an Advanced Control Room (CJL, CWY, TCY, LYC), pp. 741–750.
- HIMI-DIE-2009-LeuchterM #human-computer #interface
- Distribution of Human-Machine Interfaces in System-of-Systems Engineering (SL, DM), pp. 271–278.
- HIMI-DIE-2009-LinYLL #enterprise #implementation
- A Human Factors Model for Enterprise Resources Planning System Implementation (CJL, CWY, SBL, SFL), pp. 123–130.
- HIMI-DIE-2009-MikiHY #design
- Transcending Human-Centered Design by Service Sciences (HM, NH, SY), pp. 685–692.
- HIMI-II-2009-ChangLZ #challenge #interface
- Human-System Interface (HSI) Challenges in Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms (JLC, HL, LZ), pp. 729–737.
- HIMI-II-2009-ItoTHNYUST #human-computer #interface
- Clinical Usefulness of Human-Computer Interface for Training Targeted Facial Expression: Application to Patients with Cleft Lip and/or Palate (KI, AT, SH, SN, MY, SU, NS, KT), pp. 513–521.
- HIMI-II-2009-JacobsonMM #collaboration #interactive #learning #lifecycle #named
- HILAS: Human Interaction in the Lifecycle of Aviation Systems — Collaboration, Innovation and Learning (DJ, NM, BM), pp. 786–796.
- HIMI-II-2009-KukulaP #interactive #performance
- Human-Biometric Sensor Interaction: Impact of Training on Biometric System and User Performance (EPK, RWP), pp. 168–177.
- HIMI-II-2009-KushiroKNI #behaviour #health #monitoring
- Non-intrusive Human Behavior Monitoring Sensor for Health Care System (NK, MK, MN, YI), pp. 549–558.
- HIMI-II-2009-WallhoffBGRDR #exclamation #game studies #interface #statistics
- Statistics-Based Cognitive Human-Robot Interfaces for Board Games — Let’s Play! (FW, AB, JG, TR, MD, GR), pp. 708–715.
- IDGD-2009-LinLSL #design #human-computer #interactive
- Cultural Aspect of Interaction Design beyond Human-Computer Interaction (RL, PHL, WSS, SHL), pp. 49–58.
- IDGD-2009-TungSDL #human-computer #interactive
- A Cross-Cultural Study on the Perception of Sociability within Human-Computer Interaction (FWT, KS, YSD, TYL), pp. 135–144.
- OCSC-2009-FaiolaS #experience #human-computer #interactive
- Flow Experience in Second Life: The Impact of Telepresence on Human-Computer Interaction (AF, OVS), pp. 574–583.
- ICEIS-DISI-2009-Geczy #behaviour #interactive #web
- Human Behavior and Interactions in Web Environments (PG), pp. 5–6.
- ICEIS-HCI-2009-Gunnlaugsdottir
- Electronic Records Management Systems — The Human Factor (JG), pp. 97–104.
- CIKM-2009-MaCQG #game studies #using
- Improving search engines using human computation games (HM, RC, CQ, AG), pp. 275–284.
- ECIR-2009-Efron #aspect-oriented #multi #query #using
- Using Multiple Query Aspects to Build Test Collections without Human Relevance Judgments (ME), pp. 276–287.
- KDD-2009-DuFWA #communication #generative #network #scalability
- Large human communication networks: patterns and a utility-driven generator (ND, CF, BW, LA), pp. 269–278.
- KEOD-2009-KoitRO #human-computer #information management #interactive #representation
- Knowledge Representation for Human-machine Interaction (MK, TR, HÕ), pp. 396–399.
- KEOD-2009-LamsfusAMSU #modelling #ontology
- Human-centric Ontology-based Context Modelling in Tourism (CL, AAS, DM, ZS, AU), pp. 424–434.
- KEOD-2009-SancinD #design #integration
- Integration of Human Cognition into Plastic Products’ Design — A Decision Support System (US, BD), pp. 123–128.
- SEKE-2009-Fan #architecture #multi
- A Recognition-primed Architecture for Human-centric Multi-agent Systems (XF), pp. 200–205.
- SEKE-2009-XieWXWY #named #scheduling
- PP-HAS: A Task Priority Based Preemptive Human Resource Scheduling Method (LX, QW, JX, YW, YY), pp. 655–660.
- SIGIR-2009-Barabasi #behaviour #network
- From networks to human behavior (ALB), p. 435.
- SIGIR-2009-MaCQG #game studies #using
- Page hunt: improving search engines using human computation games (HM, RC, CQ, AG), pp. 746–747.
- SAC-2009-LeezerZ #simulation
- Simulating human intuitive decisions by Q-learning (JL, YZ), pp. 2077–2081.
- CASE-2008-DuanZPWYA
- Analyzing human skill through control trajectories and motion capture data (FD, YZ, NP, KW, HY, TA), pp. 454–459.
- CASE-2008-NagarshethSP #modelling
- Modeling and dynamics of human arm (HJN, PVS, MAP), pp. 924–928.
- CASE-2008-SolisT #detection #performance
- Enabling autonomous systems to perceptually detect human performance improvements and their applications (JS, AT), pp. 259–264.
- CASE-2008-ZhangZLK #design #interactive #interface #morphism
- Service robot anthropomorphism and interface design for emotion in human-robot interaction (TZ, BZ, LL, DK), pp. 674–679.
- CASE-2008-ZhuCS #markov #recognition #using
- Human intention recognition in Smart Assisted Living Systems using a Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (CZ, QC, WS), pp. 253–258.
- SIGMOD-2008-BollackerEPST #database #graph #named
- Freebase: a collaboratively created graph database for structuring human knowledge (KDB, CE, PP, TS, JT), pp. 1247–1250.
- CSEET-2008-Taran #education #interactive #people
- Managing Technical People: Creatively Teaching the Skills of Human Interaction in Today’s Diverse Classrooms (GT), pp. 93–100.
- ICSM-2008-XiaoWLYZX #constraints #development #maintenance #process #scheduling
- A constraint-driven human resource scheduling method in software development and maintenance process (JX, QW, ML, YY, FZ, LX), pp. 17–26.
- STOC-2008-Haussler #how
- Computing how we became human (DH), pp. 639–640.
- CHI-2008-GuoS #case study #comparative #interactive #user interface
- Exploring the use of tangible user interfaces for human-robot interaction: a comparative study (CG, ES), pp. 121–130.
- CHI-2008-JacobssonBH #framework
- The see-Puck: a platform for exploring human-robot relationships (MJ, JB, LEH), pp. 141–144.
- CHI-2008-LiL #process #prototype
- Activity-based prototyping of ubicomp applications for long-lived, everyday human activities (YL, JAL), pp. 1303–1312.
- CHI-2008-OConnellC #analysis #interactive #metric #visualisation
- Metrics for measuring human interaction with interactive visualizations for information analysis (TAO, YYC), pp. 1493–1496.
- CHI-2008-ShenoyT #image
- Human-aided computing: utilizing implicit human processing to classify images (PS, DST), pp. 845–854.
- CHI-2008-WangM #interactive #learning
- Human-Currency Interaction: learning from virtual currency use in China (YW, SDM), pp. 25–28.
- CHI-2008-YamazakiYKBKK #coordination #interactive #precise
- Precision timing in human-robot interaction: coordination of head movement and utterance (AY, KY, YK, MB, MK, HK), pp. 131–140.
- CSCW-2008-EricksonDKH #named
- Assistance: the work practices of human administrative assistants and their implications for it and organizations (TE, CMD, WAK, MEH), pp. 609–618.
- CSCW-2008-KuzuokaPSKYYKLH
- Effect of restarts and pauses on achieving a state of mutual orientation between a human and a robot (HK, KP, YS, IK, KY, AY, YK, PL, CH), pp. 201–204.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-StoitsevSFM #architecture #composition #process
- Architecture for End User-Driven Composition of Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 165–172.
- ICEIS-HCI-2008-ConciNPS #algorithm #detection
- Comparing Color and Texture-Based Algorithms for Human Skin Detection (AC, EN, JJP, ÁS), pp. 166–173.
- ICEIS-HCI-2008-LoiselCK #design #human-computer #interactive #modelling
- Modeling Human Interaction to Design a Human-Computer Dialog System (AL, NC, JPK), pp. 227–232.
- ICEIS-HCI-2008-StoitsevSFM08a #modelling #process #programming
- Enabling end Users to Proactively Tailor Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes — “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 38–46.
- ICEIS-J-2008-StoitsevSFM08b #modelling #process #programming
- Enabling End Users to Proactively Tailor Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes: “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 307–320.
- CIKM-2008-Agrawal #data mining #mining
- Humane data mining (RA), pp. 1–2.
- ICPR-2008-ChowdhuryYULS #detection #image
- Detection of anatomical landmarks in human colon from computed tomographic colonography images (ASC, JY, RLVUJ, MGL, RMS), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-ChuangHFH #detection #multi #using
- Monocular multi-human detection using Augmented Histograms of Oriented Gradients (CHC, SSH, LCF, PYH), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-ChuangLL #analysis #process #representation
- Human activity analysis based on a torso-less representation (JHC, CWL, KHL), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-DarbyLC #behaviour
- Behaviour based particle filtering for human articulated motion tracking (JD, BL, NPC), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-GehrigS #recognition
- Selecting relevant features for human motion recognition (DG, TS), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-GritaiBS #2d #constraints #geometry #modelling
- Geometric constraints on 2D action models for tracking human body (AG, AB, MS), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-GuDWW #recognition
- Full body tracking-based human action recognition (JG, XD, SW, YW), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-HahnKW #3d #algorithm #estimation #using
- Spatio-temporal 3D pose estimation and tracking of human body parts using the Shape Flow algorithm (MH, LK, CW), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-HsiaoCC #recognition #using
- Human action recognition using temporal-state shape contexts (PCH, CSC, LWC), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-HuWJHG #detection #learning #online
- Human reappearance detection based on on-line learning (LH, YW, SJ, QH, WG), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-IkizlerCD #recognition
- Human action recognition with line and flow histograms (NI, RGC, PD), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-KonKAT #adaptation #detection #interactive #realtime #using
- Adaptive habituation detection to build human computer interactive systems using a real-time cross-modal computation (MK, TK, KA, HT), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-LablackD #analysis #behaviour
- Analysis of human behaviour in front of a target scene (AL, CD), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-Lu #performance
- Markerless human motion capture: An application of simulated annealing and Fast Marching Method (YL), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-LuJZ #detection #effectiveness #segmentation
- An effective method for detection and segmentation of the body of human in the view of a single stationary camera (HL, CJ, RZ), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-MengLMW #detection
- Directional entropy feature for human detection (LM, LL, SM, WW), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-OnishiTA #3d #estimation #image #using
- 3D human posture estimation using the HOG features from monocular image (KO, TT, YA), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-RyooA #fuzzy #nondeterminism #process #using
- Human activities: Handling uncertainties using fuzzy time intervals (MSR, JKA), pp. 1–5.
- ICPR-2008-ThomeA #bottom-up #detection #invariant
- A bottom-up, view-point invariant human detector (NT, SA), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-YamashitaFLK #online
- Human tracking based on Soft Decision Feature and online real boosting (TY, HF, SL, MK), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-ZhaoE #process #recognition #representation
- Human activity recognition from frame’s spatiotemporal representation (ZZ, AME), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-ZhouWS #classification #process #recognition #using
- Human motion recognition using Gaussian Processes classification (HZ, LW, DS), pp. 1–4.
- RecSys-2008-KrishnanNNDK #online #predict #recommendation
- Who predicts better?: results from an online study comparing humans and an online recommender system (VK, PKN, MN, RTD, JAK), pp. 211–218.
- SEKE-2008-XieXLW #scheduling
- A Project Scheduling Method Based on Human Resource Availability (LX, JX, DL, QW), pp. 161–166.
- ECMDA-FA-2008-HolmesTZD #approach #aspect-oriented #modelling #process
- Modeling Human Aspects of Business Processes — A View-Based, Model-Driven Approach (TH, HT, UZ, SD), pp. 246–261.
- MoDELS-2008-RosePKP #modelling
- Constructing Models with the Human-Usable Textual Notation (LMR, RFP, DSK, FP), pp. 249–263.
- MoDELS-2008-RosePKP #modelling
- Constructing Models with the Human-Usable Textual Notation (LMR, RFP, DSK, FP), pp. 249–263.
- SAC-2008-KasamsettyWC #biology #database #towards
- Towards an integrative human pathway database for systems biology applications (HNK, XW, JYC), pp. 1297–1301.
- SAC-2008-MitrofanovaM #evolution #modelling #simulation
- Population genetics of human copy number variations: models and simulation of their evolution along and across the genomes (AM, BM), pp. 1309–1310.
- ICSE-2008-LungAEW #on the #re-engineering
- On the difficulty of replicating human subjects studies in software engineering (JL, JA, SME, GVW), pp. 191–200.
- CASE-2007-AramakiNKHT #interface #knowledge base #using
- Human-Robot Interface by using frame like knowledge base (SA, TN, MK, YH, TT), pp. 729–734.
- CASE-2007-JiangLCHHS #automation #development #framework
- Development of Whole Human Genome Micro-array Automated Hybridization Platform (JYJ, KHL, CCC, JLH, CHH, HJS), pp. 640–645.
- CASE-2007-KaberST #interactive #research
- Human-automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), pp. 615–620.
- CASE-2007-KaberST07a #interactive #research
- Human-Automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), p. 92–?.
- CASE-2007-NagarshethSP #simulation
- Computer Simulation of Dynamics of Human Leg (HJN, SVS, MAP), pp. 249–254.
- CASE-2007-SugiMTOA #evaluation
- Quantitative Evaluation of Human Supporting Production System “Attentive Workbench” (MS, IM, YT, JO, TA), pp. 531–535.
- ICDAR-2007-CoetzerS #verification
- A Human-Centric Off-Line Signature Verification System (HC, RS), pp. 153–157.
- ICDAR-2007-HaleB #documentation #image #modelling
- Human Image Preference and Document Degradation Models (CH, EHBS), pp. 257–261.
- CHI-2007-AvrahamiFH #bias #estimation
- Biases in human estimation of interruptibility: effects and implications for practice (DA, JF, SEH), pp. 50–60.
- CHI-2007-CaoZ #gesture #modelling #performance
- Modeling human performance of pen stroke gestures (XC, SZ), pp. 1495–1504.
- CHI-2007-FogartyH #modelling #statistics #tool support
- Toolkit support for developing and deploying sensor-based statistical models of human situations (JF, SEH), pp. 135–144.
- CHI-2007-HalversonH #human-computer #interactive #predict #visual notation
- A minimal model for predicting visual search in human-computer interaction (TH, AJH), pp. 431–434.
- CHI-2007-JohnsenRSLL #education #experience
- The validity of a virtual human experience for interpersonal skills education (KJ, AR, AOS, DSL, BL), pp. 1049–1058.
- CHI-2007-KaiserBEC #interactive #multimodal #speech
- Multimodal redundancy across handwriting and speech during computer mediated human-human interactions (ECK, PB, CE, PRC), pp. 1009–1018.
- CHI-2007-YeeBR #case study #experience #user interface
- A meta-analysis of the impact of the inclusion and realism of human-like faces on user experiences in interfaces (NY, JNB, KR), pp. 1–10.
- CHI-2007-ZanbakaUGH #design #interface #social
- Social responses to virtual humans: implications for future interface design (CAZ, ACU, PG, LFH), pp. 1561–1570.
- DHM-2007-Abdel-MalekYKMBSFMMRA #development
- Development of the Virtual-Human SantosTM (KAM, JY, JHK, TM, SB, CS, LFL, AM, CM, SR, JA), pp. 490–499.
- DHM-2007-AndreoniRP #simulation
- Simulation of Complex Human Movement Through the Modulation of Observed Motor Tasks (GA, MR, AP), pp. 3–12.
- DHM-2007-BeurierCMTW #approach #data-driven #database #simulation #using
- Simulation of Digital Human Hand Postures of Car Controls Using a Data Based Approach (GB, NC, GM, JT, XW), pp. 13–22.
- DHM-2007-CarruthTRM #modelling
- Integrating Perception, Cognition and Action for Digital Human Modeling (DWC, MDT, BR, AM), pp. 333–342.
- DHM-2007-ChoiKHSKHLPMMHL #modelling #simulation
- Human Body Modeling for Riding Comfort Simulation (HYC, KMK, JH, SS, SHK, SHH, KNL, JKP, NM, CM, EH, IL), pp. 813–823.
- DHM-2007-ChungP
- Applications of the Visible Korean Human (MSC, JSP), pp. 353–362.
- DHM-2007-ClapworthyKGTVHPFMLJWC #modelling #perspective
- Digital Human Modelling: A Global Vision and a European Perspective (GC, PK, HG, SRT, MV, DRH, DP, JF, KMM, PVL, SLVSJ, SW, PVC), pp. 549–558.
- DHM-2007-ColomboFRR #design #simulation
- ICT Methodologies to Model and Simulate Parts of Human Body for Prosthesis Design (GC, SF, PR, CR), pp. 559–568.
- DHM-2007-DebrilPMGL #case study #estimation
- Human Articulation Efforts Estimation in the Automobile Vehicle Accessibility Movement — A Pilot Study (JFD, PP, MOAEM, PG, FXL), pp. 23–32.
- DHM-2007-DeLaurentis #complexity
- Role of Humans in Complexity of a System-of-Systems (DD), pp. 363–371.
- DHM-2007-DemirelD #lifecycle #modelling
- Digital Human Modeling for Product Lifecycle Management (HOD, VGD), pp. 372–381.
- DHM-2007-DemirelD07a #industrial #modelling
- Applications of Digital Human Modeling in Industry (HOD, VGD), pp. 824–832.
- DHM-2007-DongWY #research #simulation
- Experimental Research on Human Body Motion Simulation Based on the Motion Capture Technology (DD, LW, XY), pp. 42–47.
- DHM-2007-DuSY #modelling
- Modeling of Human’s Pointing Movement on the Effect of Target Position (JD, HS, XY), pp. 48–55.
- DHM-2007-Feyen #interactive #modelling
- Bridging the Gap: Exploring Interactions Between Digital Human Models and Cognitive Models (RF), pp. 382–391.
- DHM-2007-GeorgeG #modelling #using
- Facilitating Pronunciation Skills for Children with Phonological Disorders Using Human Modelling (JG, PG), pp. 595–605.
- DHM-2007-GeTYS #3d #animation #modelling
- Color 3D Digital Human Modeling and Its Applications to Animation and Anthropometry (BzG, QgT, KDY, YcS), pp. 82–91.
- DHM-2007-Godil #analysis #representation
- Advanced Human Body and Head Shape Representation and Analysis (AG), pp. 92–100.
- DHM-2007-HaoJZZ #3d #analysis #finite
- A Finite Element 3D Model of in Vivo Human Knee Joint Based on MRI for the Tibiofemoral Joint Contact Analysis (ZH, DJ, YZ, JZ), pp. 616–622.
- DHM-2007-HelinVMAM #design #modelling
- Digital Human Model Based Participatory Design Method to Improve Work Tasks and Workplaces (KH, JV, JM, SA, TM), pp. 847–855.
- DHM-2007-Heng #roadmap
- Advances in Visible Human Based Virtual Medicine (PAH), pp. 623–632.
- DHM-2007-JiangSZLL #analysis
- Shape Analysis of Human Brain with Cognitive Disorders (TJ, FS, WZ, SL, XL), pp. 409–414.
- DHM-2007-JonesLBA #comparison #recognition
- Comparison of Human and Machine Recognition of Everyday Human Actions (TDJ, SWL, DB, AA), pp. 120–129.
- DHM-2007-Kim07b #modelling #research #simulation
- Computer Graphic Modeling and Simulation of Human Musculoskeletal System for Biomechanical Research (YHK), pp. 136–143.
- DHM-2007-KimCKL #modelling
- Modeling of Human Head for Custom Wig Production (YK, JC, BK, KL), pp. 874–883.
- DHM-2007-KimPHL #design #evaluation #using
- Evaluation of Navy Shipboard Habitability for a Warship Design Using Human Model (HK, JHP, HH, CML), pp. 884–893.
- DHM-2007-KuboTA
- Two Vibration Modes of a Human Body Sitting on a Car Seat- The Relationship Between Riding Discomfort Affected by the Material Properties of the Seat Cushion and the Two Vibration Modes (MK, FT, HA), pp. 894–903.
- DHM-2007-KukulaED #interactive #performance
- The Effects of Human Interaction on Biometric System Performance (EPK, SJE, VGD), pp. 904–914.
- DHM-2007-LarsLT #artificial reality
- Human Age and Vehicle Speeds Affect on Vehicle Ingress Motion Pattern (LH, YL, TF), pp. 843–846.
- DHM-2007-LiLZ #algorithm #approach #identification #modelling #multi #robust
- A Robust Algorithm for a System Identification Approach to Digital Human Modeling: An Application to Multi-fingered Hand Movement (KL, SWL, XZ), pp. 157–160.
- DHM-2007-LiuHZ
- Actions of an External Electrical Shock on Human Atrial Excitation — A Computer Model Study (JL, AVH, HZ), pp. 659–667.
- DHM-2007-LiuLC #framework #named #simulation
- AIPlayer: A Platform of Intelligent Simulation of Virtual Human in Virtual Environment (JL, YL, JC), pp. 434–442.
- DHM-2007-LiZ #framework #modelling #simulation
- The Strength Factor in Digital Human Modeling and Simulation: A Case for a New Framework (KL, XZ), pp. 144–146.
- DHM-2007-MariasDSZGMMT #analysis #information management #modelling #multi #validation
- Multi-level Analysis and Information Extraction Considerations for Validating 4D Models of Human Function (KM, DDD, GSS, FZ, ECG, TM, TGM, IGT), pp. 703–709.
- DHM-2007-MavrikiosPKKC #assembly #evaluation
- Digital Humans for Virtual Assembly Evaluation (DM, MP, MK, VK, GC), pp. 939–948.
- DHM-2007-OhS #behaviour #comprehension #nondeterminism
- Understanding RUTH: Creating Believable Behaviors for a Virtual Human Under Uncertainty (IO, MS), pp. 443–452.
- DHM-2007-QiaoYY #equation #predict
- The Application of Kane Equation in the Impact Prediction of Human Motion (MQ, CY, XY), pp. 179–188.
- DHM-2007-Soltysinski #human-computer #interactive #multimodal #novel
- Novel Methods for Human-Computer Interaction in Multimodal and Multidimensional Noninvasive Medical Imaging (TS), pp. 717–726.
- DHM-2007-SunFC #evaluation #generative #modelling
- Dynamic Generation of Human-Populated VR Models for Workspace Ergonomic Evaluation (TLS, WYF, CJC), pp. 979–987.
- DHM-2007-ThomasCRMM #3d #modelling #navigation
- Modeling Human Bipedal Navigation in a Dynamic Three Dimensional Virtual Environment (MDT, DWC, BR, JAM, AM), pp. 205–214.
- DHM-2007-WangCC #approach #capacity #data-driven #modelling
- A Data-Based Modeling Approach of Reach Capacity and Discomfort for Digital Human Models (XW, EC, NC), pp. 215–223.
- DHM-2007-WanlissLUW #modelling #process
- Fractal Modeling of Human Psychomotor Skills Acquisition Process (JW, DL, VU, MW), pp. 474–482.
- DHM-2007-YangRMAH #predict #validation
- Validation of Predicted Posture for the Virtual Human SantosTM (JY, SR, TM, KAM, CH), pp. 500–510.
- DHM-2007-YangWZJW #analysis
- Redundant Muscular Force Analysis of Human Lower Limbs During Rising from a Squat (YY, RW, MZ, DJ, FW), pp. 259–267.
- DHM-2007-YuWXM #automation
- Automatic Joints Extraction of Scanned Human Body (YY, ZW, SX, TM), pp. 286–293.
- DHM-2007-ZhangHLTQLLLCGX #set
- Chinese Visible Human Data Sets and Their Applications (SXZ, PAH, ZJL, LWT, MGQ, QYL, RXL, KL, GYC, YG, YMX), pp. 530–535.
- DHM-2007-ZhaoL #3d #image #locality #orthogonal #using
- Capturing 3D Human Motion from Monocular Images Using Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projection (XZ, YL), pp. 304–313.
- DHM-2007-ZhengLODK #corpus #simulation
- Human Motion Simulation and Action Corpus (GZ, WL, PO, LD, IK), pp. 314–322.
- HCI-AS-2007-HayakawaUSAK #design #developer #identification #process #web
- Report on Project to Identify Excellent Local Government Web Sites An Attempt to Educate Web Systems Developers on the Importance of Human-Centered Design Processes (SH, HU, TS, NA, YK), pp. 899–905.
- HCI-AS-2007-KossackGJ #design #industrial
- Industrial Design and Human Factors: Design Synergy for Medical Devices (MK, AG, AJ), pp. 489–498.
- HCI-AS-2007-LinJYLHC #approach #design
- A Human-Centered Systems Approach to Ship Facility Design (CJL, YTJ, CWY, SBL, YHH, HJC), pp. 639–648.
- HCI-AS-2007-Rodriguez-AscasoNBS #design #experience #guidelines #user interface
- Human Factors: User Experience Design Guidelines for Telecare Services (ARA, BvN, SB, TS), pp. 413–417.
- HCI-AS-2007-SaccoRCLDP #named
- DiFac: Digital Factory for Human Oriented Production System (MS, CR, CC, GL, MD, MP), pp. 1140–1149.
- HCI-IDU-2007-FerreM #approach #development #how
- How a Human-Centered Approach Impacts Software Development (XF, NM), pp. 68–77.
- HCI-IDU-2007-GiersichFFKRS #approach #behaviour #modelling #recognition #towards
- Towards an Integrated Approach for Task Modeling and Human Behavior Recognition (MG, PF, GF, TK, DR, HS), pp. 1109–1118.
- HCI-IDU-2007-Janlert #concept #human-computer #interactive #interface
- The Evasive Interface — The Changing Concept of Interface and the Varying Role of Symbols in Human-Computer Interaction (LEJ), pp. 117–126.
- HCI-IDU-2007-KurosuGHK #collaboration #database
- Micro-Scenario Database for Substantializing the Collaboration Between Human Science and Engineering (MK, KG, NH, HK), pp. 140–145.
- HCI-IDU-2007-SeifertK #human-computer #interactive
- Entelechy and Embodiment in (Artistic) Human-Computer Interaction (US, JHK), pp. 929–938.
- HCI-IDU-2007-UranoM #evaluation #performance
- Human Performance Model and Evaluation of PBUI (NU, KM), pp. 652–661.
- HCI-IDU-2007-VanharantaS #interactive
- Holistic Interaction Between the Computer and the Active Human Being (HV, TS), pp. 252–261.
- HCI-IPT-2007-ChenC #using
- Using Agent Technology to Study Human Action and Perception Through a Virtual Street Simulator (CHC, MLC), pp. 560–568.
- HCI-IPT-2007-ChiCLC #design #interactive
- Designing Smart Living Objects — Enhancing vs. Distracting Traditional Human-Object Interaction (PYC, JhC, SyL, HHC), pp. 788–797.
- HCI-IPT-2007-KimKL #human-computer #implementation #interactive #multi
- Implementation of Multi-touch Tabletop Display for HCI (Human Computer Interaction) (SGK, JWK, CWL), pp. 854–863.
- HCI-IPT-2007-PhamJYWA #human-computer #interface #locality #novel
- A Novel Human-Computer Interface Based on Passive Acoustic Localisation (DTP, ZJ, MY, ZW, MAK), pp. 901–909.
- HCI-IPT-2007-SchwaigerTU #framework #implementation #named
- Cyberwalk: Implementation of a Ball Bearing Platform for Humans (MCS, TT, HU), pp. 926–935.
- HCI-IPT-2007-UedaMCSKMK #interactive #network #ubiquitous
- Human-Robot Interaction in the Home Ubiquitous Network Environment (HU, MM, MC, JS, AK, KM, MK), pp. 990–997.
- HCI-IPT-2007-ZhangHHLCS #human-computer #interactive #research
- The Research on Human-Computer Interaction in Ambient Intelligence (YZ, YH, ZH, HL, RC, HS), pp. 1030–1039.
- HCI-MIE-2007-GratchWOLMWM #question
- Can Virtual Humans Be More Engaging Than Real Ones? (JG, NW, AO, FL, MM, RJvdW, LPM), pp. 286–297.
- HCI-MIE-2007-HongSL #gesture #interactive #multi #people #recognition
- Multiple People Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction (SJH, NAS, CWL), pp. 625–633.
- HCI-MIE-2007-HwangLK #interactive
- Three Way Relationship of Human-Robot Interaction (JHH, KWL, DSK), pp. 321–330.
- HCI-MIE-2007-JungKK #estimation #image #modelling #using
- Human Pose Estimation Using a Mixture of Gaussians Based Image Modeling (DJJ, KSK, HJK), pp. 649–658.
- HCI-MIE-2007-JungS #adaptation #email #multi
- A Location-Adaptive Human-Centered Audio Email Notification Service for Multi-user Environments (RJ, TS), pp. 340–348.
- HCI-MIE-2007-KangEKKASK #modelling #multi #using
- Human Motion Modeling Using Multivision (BDK, JSE, JHK, CK, SHA, BJS, SKK), pp. 659–668.
- HCI-MIE-2007-KimKK #algorithm #architecture #low cost
- Human-Aided Cleaning Algorithm for Low-Cost Robot Architecture (SK, KK, THK), pp. 366–375.
- HCI-MIE-2007-KirakowskiOY
- The Perception of Artificial Intelligence as “Human” by Computer Users (JK, PO, AY), pp. 376–384.
- HCI-MIE-2007-KwonPKK #recognition #using
- Human Shape Tracking for Gait Recognition Using Active Contours with Mean Shift (KSK, SHP, EYK, HJK), pp. 690–699.
- HCI-MIE-2007-ParkC #comprehension #social
- Understanding the Social Relationship Between Humans and Virtual Humans (SP, RC), pp. 459–464.
- HCI-MIE-2007-PeterSVUNJKG #detection #monitoring #performance #usability
- EREC-II in Use — Studies on Usability and Suitability of a Sensor System for Affect Detection and Human Performance Monitoring (CP, RS, JV, BU, NN, HJ, KK, RG), pp. 465–474.
- HCI-MIE-2007-SetiawanHL #interactive #multi #people #using
- Multiple People Labeling and Tracking Using Stereo for Human Computer Interaction (NAS, SJH, CWL), pp. 738–746.
- HCI-MIE-2007-WangHW #case study
- A Study of Human Vision Inspection for Mura (PCW, SLH, CHW), pp. 747–754.
- HCI-MIE-2007-ZhangZLY #human-computer #interactive
- Human-Computer Interaction System Based on Nose Tracking (LZ, FZ, WL, XY), pp. 769–778.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-IchikawaN #navigation
- Driver Support System: Spatial Cognitive Ability and Its Application to Human Navigation (KI, YN), pp. 1013–1019.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-JeongL #interactive #learning #ubiquitous
- Context Aware Human Computer Interaction for Ubiquitous Learning (CJ, EL), pp. 364–373.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-LanzenbergerS #ontology #visual notation
- Human-Mediated Visual Ontology Alignment (ML, JS), pp. 394–403.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-MyojinNKN #human-computer #interactive #process #prototype #type system
- Friendly Process of Human-Computer Interaction — A Prototype System in Nostalgic World (SM, MN, HK, SN), pp. 102–109.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-Nirschl #development
- Human-Centered Development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (GN), pp. 1088–1097.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-SchmidtRWMF #development #human-computer #interface #video
- Development of an Augmented Vision Video Panorama Human-Machine Interface for Remote Airport Tower Operation (MS, MR, BW, CM, NF), pp. 1119–1128.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-AndoSA #evaluation #interactive #visual notation
- Human Evaluation of Visual and Haptic Interaction (HA, YS, HA), pp. 12–20.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-BullingerSP #human-computer #interactive
- Signposts to Tomorrow’s Human-Computer Interaction (HJB, DS, MP), pp. 571–574.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-Encarnacao #exclamation #interactive
- HEI! — The Human Environment Interaction (JLE), pp. 623–631.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-EnriquezBH #communication
- Embodied Communication Between Human and Robot in Route Guidance (GE, YB, SH), pp. 824–829.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-ItoT
- The Importance of Human Stance in Reading Machine’s Mind (Intention) (AI, KT), pp. 795–803.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-KarashimaI
- Unconscious Transmission Services of Human Feelings (MK, YI), pp. 68–76.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-KimYKYK #approach #interactive
- A Cognitive Approach to Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction for Service Robots (YCK, WCY, HTK, YSY, HJK), pp. 858–867.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-NakayasuNH #analysis #communication #metric #performance
- Measurement and Analysis of Performance of Human Perception for Information Communication Technology (HN, MN, HH), pp. 126–135.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-NoorinaeiniLW #classification #composition #hybrid
- Hybrid Singular Value Decomposition: A Model of Human Text Classification (AN, MRL, SjW), pp. 517–525.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-ParlitzBRH #implementation
- Intuitive Human-Machine-Interaction and Implementation on a Household Robot Companion (CP, WB, UR, MH), pp. 922–929.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-SakataH #information management
- KANSEI Information Processing of Human Body Movement (MS, KH), pp. 930–939.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-TamuraOC #interface #process
- NIRS Trajectories in Oxy-Deoxy Hb Plane and the Trajectory Map to Understand Brain Activities Related to Human Interface (HT, MO, MC), pp. 994–1003.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-Watanabe07a #communication
- Human-Entrained E-COSMIC: Embodied Communication System for Mind Connection (TW), pp. 1008–1016.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-YangDJB #human-computer
- Human-Friendly HCI Method for the Control of Home Appliance (SEY, JHD, HJ, ZB), pp. 218–226.
- OCSC-2007-LimBS #challenge #design #research
- Grand Challenges in Design Research for Human-Centered Design Informatics (YKL, EB, ES), pp. 106–115.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Constantine #enterprise #information management #process
- Enterprise information systems for use: From business processes to human activity (LLC), pp. 33–38.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-VaginY #modelling #reasoning
- Modelling Human Reasoning in Intelligent Decision Support Systems (VNV, APY), pp. 277–282.
- Human-Centered Meta-Synthetic Engineering for Knowledge Creative System (CX, DR, LY, ZM), pp. 485–491.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-Constantine #enterprise #information management #process
- Enterprise information systems for use: From business processes to human activity (LLC), pp. 33–38.
- ICEIS-EIS-2007-Constantine #enterprise #information management #process
- Enterprise information systems for use: From business processes to human activity (LLC), pp. 33–38.
- ICEIS-HCI-2007-Constantine #enterprise #information management #process
- Enterprise information systems for use: From business processes to human activity (LLC), pp. 33–38.
- ICEIS-HCI-2007-Scaffidi
- Unsupervised Inference of Data Formats in Human-Readable Notation (CS), pp. 236–244.
- ICEIS-HCI-2007-SpillnerBS #flexibility #interface
- Flexible Human Service Interfaces (JS, IB, AS), pp. 79–85.
- ICEIS-HCI-2007-WerdaMH #approach #interactive
- A New LIP-Reading Approach for Human Computer Interaction (SW, WM, ABH), pp. 27–36.
- ICEIS-J-2007-ArjunanWKNY #recognition #using
- Recognition of Human Voice Utterances from Facial Surface EMG without Using Audio Signals (SPA, HW, DKK, GRN, WCY), pp. 366–378.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Constantine #enterprise #information management #process
- Enterprise information systems for use: From business processes to human activity (LLC), pp. 33–38.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-PoloniaCO #scalability
- A MODEL to Optimize the Use of Imaging Equipment and Human Skills Scattered in Very Large Geographical Areas (DFP, CMAC, JLO), pp. 208–212.
- SEKE-2007-AvolaFG #interactive #recognition #sketching
- Sketch Style Recognition in Human Computer Interaction (DA, FF, PG), pp. 670–675.
- SEKE-2007-FerriGP #approach #human-computer #interactive #multimodal
- An Approach to Multimodal Input Interpretation in Human-Computer Interaction (FF, PG, SP), pp. 664–669.
- SEKE-2007-Gomez-PerezRV #reuse #standard
- Methodology for Reusing Human Resources Management Standards (AGP, JR, BVT), pp. 280–285.
- SEKE-2007-KangK #human-computer #interactive #novel
- Human-Computer Interaction for a Novel Arm-wrestling Robot (CgK, HyK), p. 676–?.
- ECMDA-FA-2007-ScheidgenF #semantics #specification
- Human Comprehensible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics (MS, JF), pp. 157–171.
- MoDELS-2007-SukaviriyaSRM #approach #design #interface #lifecycle #modelling
- Model-Driven Approach for Managing Human Interface Design Life Cycle (NS, VS, TR, SM), pp. 226–240.
- MoDELS-2007-SukaviriyaSRM #approach #design #interface #lifecycle #modelling
- Model-Driven Approach for Managing Human Interface Design Life Cycle (NS, VS, TR, SM), pp. 226–240.
- REFSQ-2007-JonesMMG #modelling #process #scalability #specification
- Informing the Specification of a Large-Scale Socio-technical System with Models of Human Activity (SJ, NAMM, SM, JG), pp. 175–189.
- SAC-2007-NunesVN #animation #flexibility #representation
- A flexible representation of controllers for physically-based animation of virtual humans (RFN, CAV, JBCN), pp. 30–36.
- ASE-2006-ReinhardSMGM #diagrams
- Human-Friendly Line Routing for Hierarchical Diagrams (TR, CS, SM, MG, NMS), pp. 273–276.
- CASE-2006-PengLG
- A Model for Virtual Emotional Human System (LP, WL, XG), pp. 310–313.
- CASE-2006-RenWJXY #analysis #fault
- A Methodology to Model Human and Organisational Errors on Offshore Risk Analysis (JR, JW, IJ, DLX, JBY), pp. 144–149.
- CASE-2006-Tan #automation #security
- Automatic Interpretation of Human and Vehicle Motion for Enhanced Security (TT), p. 2.
- CASE-2006-YoungSB #implementation #interactive
- Implementing Bubblegrams: The Use of Haar-Like Features for Human-Robot Interaction (JEY, ES, JEB), pp. 298–303.
- DAC-2006-Paradiso #mobile
- Systems for human-powered mobile computing (JAP), pp. 645–650.
- ITiCSE-2006-WintersP #assessment
- Computer aided assessment with human oversight (TW, TP), p. 320.
- CHI-2006-PlouznikoffPRD #human-computer #interactive #interface #smarttech
- Enhancing human-machine interactions: virtual interface alteration through wearable computers (AP, NP, JMR, MD), pp. 373–376.
- CHI-2006-WeinbergD #interactive
- Robot-human interaction with an anthropomorphic percussionist (GW, SD), pp. 1229–1232.
- CSCW-2006-LeeDM #framework
- The human infrastructure of cyberinfrastructure (CPL, PD, GM), pp. 483–492.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-Aggarwal #challenge #process #recognition
- Human Activity Recognition — A Grand Challenge (JKA), p. 5.
- ICEIS-HCI-2006-FrangeskidesL #interactive #multi #prototype #type system
- Multi-Modal Hands-Free Human Computer Interaction: A Prototype System (FF, AL), pp. 19–26.
- ICEIS-J-2006-FrangeskidesL06a #interactive #multi
- Multi-modal Contact-Less Human Computer Interaction (FF, AL), pp. 405–419.
- ICPR-v1-2006-AhmadL #image #multi #recognition #sequence #using
- HMM-based Human Action Recognition Using Multiview Image Sequences (MA, SWL), pp. 263–266.
- ICPR-v1-2006-Al-ZubiS #adaptation #learning
- Learning to Imitate Human Movement to Adapt to Environmental Changes (SAZ, GS), pp. 191–194.
- ICPR-v1-2006-ChenHHH #segmentation #using
- Segmentation of Human Body Parts Using Deformable Triangulation (CCC, JWH, YTH, CYH), pp. 355–358.
- ICPR-v1-2006-GormanTBH #behaviour #game studies #interactive
- Bayesian Imitation of Human Behavior in Interactive Computer Games (BG, CT, CB, MH), pp. 1244–1247.
- ICPR-v1-2006-GunesP #analysis #automation #behaviour #database #gesture
- A Bimodal Face and Body Gesture Database for Automatic Analysis of Human Nonverbal Affective Behavior (HG, MP), pp. 1148–1153.
- ICPR-v1-2006-HarasseBD #detection #people
- Human model for people detection in dynamic scenes (SH, LB, MD), pp. 335–354.
- ICPR-v1-2006-IshiyamaIS
- A Compact Model of Human Postures Extracting Common Motion from Individual Samples (RI, HI, SS), pp. 187–190.
- ICPR-v1-2006-OgataCKI #detection #multi #process
- Improving human activity detection by combining multi-dimensional motion descriptors with boosting (TO, WJC, JK, SI), pp. 295–298.
- ICPR-v1-2006-RiusVGV #performance
- Action Spaces for Efficient Bayesian Tracking of Human Motion (IR, XV, JG, JJV), pp. 472–475.
- ICPR-v1-2006-RyooA #comprehension #process #recursion #semantics
- Semantic Understanding of Continued and Recursive Human Activities (MSR, JKA), pp. 379–382.
- ICPR-v1-2006-YinWLB #3d #interactive #using
- Analyzing Facial Expressions Using Intensity-Variant 3D Data For Human Computer Interaction (LY, XW, PL, AB), pp. 1248–1251.
- ICPR-v1-2006-ZhaoKTH #framework #multi
- Part Based Human Tracking In A Multiple Cues Fusion Framework (QZ, JK, HT, WH), pp. 450–455.
- ICPR-v2-2006-GuoQ #3d #learning
- Learning and Inference of 3D Human Poses from Gaussian Mixture Modeled Silhouettes (FG, GQ), pp. 43–47.
- ICPR-v2-2006-JinM #learning #parametricity #recognition
- A Non-Parametric HMM Learning Method for Shape Dynamics with Application to Human Motion Recognition (NJ, FM), pp. 29–32.
- ICPR-v2-2006-KurazumeOUTH #interface
- Embodied Proactive Human Interface “PICO-2” (RK, HO, SU, RiT, TH), pp. 1233–1237.
- ICPR-v2-2006-OsawaWWY #3d #using
- Human Tracking by Particle Filtering Using Full 3D Model of Both Target and Environment (TO, XW, KW, TY), pp. 25–28.
- ICPR-v2-2006-WangS06b #recognition
- Informative Shape Representations for Human Action Recognition (LW, DS), pp. 1266–1269.
- ICPR-v2-2006-ZhaoL
- Human Silhouette Extraction based on HMM (SLZ, HJL), pp. 994–997.
- ICPR-v3-2006-DuongPBV #behaviour #exponential #markov #modelling #product line #recognition
- Human Behavior Recognition with Generic Exponential Family Duration Modeling in the Hidden Semi-Markov Model (TVD, DQP, HHB, SV), pp. 202–207.
- ICPR-v3-2006-HuS #complexity
- Regularity and Complexity of Human Electroencephalogram Dynamics: Applications to Diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease (ZH, PS), pp. 245–248.
- ICPR-v3-2006-HuW #distance #recognition #similarity
- A Similarity Measure Based on Hausdorff Distance for Human Face Recognition (YH, ZW), pp. 1131–1134.
- ICPR-v3-2006-HuW06a #representation
- A Low-dimensional Illumination Space Representation of Human Faces for Arbitrary Lighting Conditions (YH, ZW), pp. 1147–1150.
- ICPR-v3-2006-KawanakaFI #3d
- Human Head Tracking in Three Dimensional Voxel Space (HK, HF, YI), pp. 826–829.
- ICPR-v3-2006-LamL #identification #using
- Human Identification by Using the Motion and Static Characteristic of Gait (THWL, RSTL), pp. 996–999.
- ICPR-v3-2006-LienH #multi
- Multi-view-based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects in Cluttered Scenes (KCL, CLH), pp. 1123–1126.
- ICPR-v3-2006-SakaiA #detection #metric #using
- Human and Object Detection in Smoke-filled Space using Millimeter-wave radar based Measurement System (MS, YA), p. 750.
- ICPR-v3-2006-TangkuampienS #analysis #component #kernel
- Human Motion De-noising via Greedy Kernel Principal Component Analysis Filtering (TT, DS), pp. 457–460.
- ICPR-v3-2006-TsaiSH #multi
- Multiple Human Objects Tracking in Crowded Scenes (YTT, HCS, CLH), pp. 51–54.
- ICPR-v3-2006-WangWKH #probability #using #video
- Tracking a Variable Number of Human Groups in Video Using Probability Hypothesis Density (YDW, JKW, AAK, WH), pp. 1127–1130.
- ICPR-v3-2006-YangL06a #3d #image #learning #sequence #using
- Reconstructing 3D Human Body Pose from Stereo Image Sequences Using Hierarchical Human Body Model Learning (HDY, SWL), pp. 1004–1007.
- ICPR-v3-2006-ZouB #classification #energy #image #process #programming #search-based
- Human Activity Classification Based on Gait Energy Image and Coevolutionary Genetic Programming (XZ, BB), pp. 556–559.
- ICPR-v4-2006-ChaiWJZ #novel #recognition
- A Novel Human Gait Recognition Method by Segmenting and Extracting the Region Variance Feature (YC, QW, JJ, RZ), pp. 425–428.
- ICPR-v4-2006-KimPL #3d #using
- Tracking 3D Human Body using Particle Filter in Moving Monocular Camera (SK, CBP, SWL), pp. 805–808.
- ICPR-v4-2006-LeeRS #hybrid #recognition
- Fusion of Chaotic Measure Into a New Hybrid Face-Gait System for Human Recognition (TKML, SR, SS), pp. 541–544.
- ICPR-v4-2006-LuC #3d
- Accurate 3D Scanning of Swaying Human Body Parts by One Projection Based on OIMP Technique (CL, GC), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-v4-2006-MitaniTKF #analysis #mobile #recognition
- Environment Recognition Based on Analysis of Human Actions for Mobile Robot (MM, MT, AK, KF), pp. 782–786.
- ICPR-v4-2006-PeursumVW #linear
- Observation-Switching Linear Dynamic Systems for Tracking Humans Through Unexpected Partial Occlusions by Scene Objects (PP, SV, GAWW), pp. 929–934.
- ICPR-v4-2006-YamauchiS #3d #image #metric #multi
- 3D Human Body Measurement by Multiple Range Images (KY, YS), pp. 833–836.
- ICPR-v4-2006-YangPL #gesture #interactive #recognition
- Human-Robot Interaction by Whole Body Gesture Spotting and Recognition (HDY, AYP, SWL), pp. 774–777.
- ICPR-v4-2006-ZhouB #distance #recognition #video
- Feature Fusion of Face and Gait for Human Recognition at a Distance in Video (XZ, BB), pp. 529–532.
- KDD-2006-FormanKS #mining
- Pragmatic text mining: minimizing human effort to quantify many issues in call logs (GF, EK, JS), pp. 852–861.
- KDD-2006-KonigB #categorisation
- Reducing the human overhead in text categorization (ACK, EB), pp. 598–603.
- LOPSTR-2006-Marchiori #how #semantics #web
- How to Talk to a Human: The Semantic Web and the Clash of the Titans (MM), pp. 1–14.
- SAC-2006-CarvalhoRHS #chat #interactive #interface
- A chat interface for human-agent interaction in MAST (MMC, MR, JH, NS), pp. 112–118.
- SAC-2006-MalaquiasRC
- A small-world model of the human mind (JLM, ACdR, CMBAC), pp. 15–22.
- SAC-2006-Manders-Huits
- Moral responsibility and IT for human enhancement (NMH), pp. 267–271.
- ASE-2005-Swartout #lessons learnt #scalability
- Virtual humans: lessons learned in integrating a large-scale AI project (WRS), p. 2.
- ICDAR-2005-Miyazaki #documentation
- Documents and Services: From the Historical Points of Document Media as Extension of Human Body (JM), p. 811.
- ICDAR-2005-RusuG #algorithm #interactive #proving #recognition #using
- A Human Interactive Proof Algorithm Using Handwriting Recognition (AIR, VG), pp. 967–971.
- ICDAR-2005-SclaroffBKAALMT #analysis #gesture #recognition #video
- Tracking, Analysis, and Recognition of Human Gestures in Video (SS, MB, GK, JA, VA, RL, JJM, TPT), pp. 806–810.
- ICDAR-2005-Suen
- From Humans to Handwriting to Computer and Back (CYS), p. 2.
- SIGMOD-2005-LiuZWM #database
- A system for analyzing and indexing human-motion databases (GL, JZ, WW, LM), pp. 924–926.
- ITiCSE-2005-Lindholm #development #student
- Development of object-understanding among students in the humanities (ML), p. 382.
- ITiCSE-2005-SilvestrePCCCC #framework #generative
- A platform for the generation of virtual environments inhabited by intelligent virtual humans (MS, MPA, MBC, APC, JDC, HC), p. 402.
- SEFM-2005-CeroneLC #analysis #formal method #human-computer #interactive #model checking #using
- Formal Analysis of Human-computer Interaction using Model-checking (AC, PAL, SC), pp. 352–362.
- CHI-2005-ChellapillaLSC #design #interactive #proving
- Designing human friendly human interaction proofs (HIPs) (KC, KL, PYS, MC), pp. 711–720.
- CHI-2005-FogartyKAGTH #modelling #statistics
- Examining task engagement in sensor-based statistical models of human interruptibility (JF, AJK, HHA, EG, KPT, SEH), pp. 331–340.
- SOFTVIS-2005-StoreyCG #bibliography #development #framework #on the #process #visualisation
- On the use of visualization to support awareness of human activities in software development: a survey and a framework (MADS, DC, DMG), pp. 193–202.
- ICEIS-v5-2005-CouturierNN #interactive #process
- Interactive Datamining Process Based on Human-Centered System for Banking Marketing Applications (OC, EMN, BN), pp. 104–109.
- CIKM-2005-Shneiderman
- Leonardo’s laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies (BS), p. 1.
- ECIR-2005-AliCJ #effectiveness #evaluation
- Exploring Cost-Effective Approaches to Human Evaluation of Search Engine Relevance (KA, CCC, YFJ), pp. 360–374.
- MLDM-2005-XiangZCL #approach #recognition #sequence
- A New Approach to Human Motion Sequence Recognition with Application to Diving Actions (SX, CZ, XC, NL), pp. 487–496.
- SEKE-2005-HsuCCY #configuration management #interface #named
- Cricketbot — A Configurable Human Interface Software Robot (WTH, YLC, JCC, YPY), pp. 25–28.
- SIGIR-2005-BainbridgeWO #interface #metadata
- An interface to search human movements based on geographic and chronological metadata (WB, RWW, DWO), pp. 579–580.
- SAC-2005-AroraF
- Pocket PC beacons: Wi-Fi based human tracking and following (AA, AF), pp. 970–974.
- ICSE-2005-Ayton #how
- Extending the discipline: how software can help or hinder human decision making (and vice-versa) (PA), p. 36.
- ICSE-2005-HazzanT #aspect-oriented #education #re-engineering
- Teaching human aspects of software engineering (OH, JET), pp. 647–648.
- VLDB-2004-PalpanasCGKZ #database #scalability
- Indexing Large Human-Motion Databases (EJK, TP, VBZ, DG, MC), pp. 780–791.
- CSEET-2004-HazzanT #aspect-oriented #education #learning #process #re-engineering
- Reflection Processes in the Teaching and Learning of Human Aspects of Software Engineering (OH, JET), pp. 32–38.
- ICSM-2004-MantylaVL #smell
- Bad Smells — Humans as Code Critics (MM, JV, CL), pp. 399–408.
- CHI-2004-FogartyHL #modelling #robust #statistics
- Examining the robustness of sensor-based statistical models of human interruptibility (JF, SEH, JL), pp. 207–214.
- CHI-2004-HeerGRDM
- Presiding over accidents: system direction of human action (JH, NG, AR, MD, JM), pp. 463–470.
- CHI-2004-JohnPSK #modelling #performance #predict
- Predictive human performance modeling made easy (BEJ, KCP, DDS, KRK), pp. 455–462.
- CHI-2004-OlsenW #multi #named
- Fan-out: measuring human control of multiple robots (DRO, SBW), pp. 231–238.
- CSCW-2004-YoonONKG #interactive #named #social
- FishPong: encouraging human-to-human interaction in informal social environments (JY, JO, JN, KK, NG), pp. 374–377.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-ChertourasC #approach #case study #enterprise #process #re-engineering
- ERP Based Business Process Reengineering in a Human Resources Department: A Case Study Approach (KC, TC), pp. 78–83.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-MararCPF #adaptation #detection
- Adaptative Techniques for the Human Faces Detection (JFM, DC, OP, EF), pp. 465–468.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-ToffolonD #consistency #development #nondeterminism
- Human-Centered Systems Development and Use Inconsistencies (CT, SD), pp. 34–41.
- ICEIS-v5-2004-KitamuraNKM #process
- Real World Sensorization and Virtualization for Observing Human Activities (KK, YN, MK, HM), pp. 15–20.
- CIKM-2004-JungHWH #named #recommendation
- SERF: integrating human recommendations with search (SJ, KH, JW, JLH), pp. 571–580.
- ICML-2004-AgarwalT #3d #learning
- Learning to track 3D human motion from silhouettes (AA, BT).
- ICPR-v1-2004-ParkL #distance #fault #identification #image #using
- Enhancing Low-Resolution Facial Images Using Error Back-Projection for Human Identification at a Distance (JSP, SWL), pp. 346–349.
- ICPR-v1-2004-YoonK #image
- Human Perception Based Color Image Quantization (KJY, ISK), pp. 664–667.
- ICPR-v1-2004-YoshimotoDAT #architecture #performance #realtime
- Confidence-Driven Architecture for Real-time Vision Processing and Its Application to Efficient Vision-Based Human Motion Sensing (HY, ND, DA, RiT), pp. 736–740.
- ICPR-v2-2004-EngWKY #detection #framework #robust #using
- A Bayesian Framework for Robust Human Detection and Occlusion Handling using Human Shape Model (HLE, JW, AHK, WYY), pp. 257–260.
- ICPR-v2-2004-GritaiSS #analysis #invariant #on the
- On the use of Anthropometry in the Invariant Analysis of Human Actions (AG, YS, MS), pp. 923–926.
- ICPR-v2-2004-Hammoud #visual notation
- Color Texture Signatures for Art-Paintings vs. Scene-Photographs Based on Human Visual System (RIH), pp. 525–528.
- ICPR-v2-2004-Sidenbladh #detection
- Detecting Human Motion with Support Vector Machines (HS), pp. 188–191.
- ICPR-v3-2004-ChenB04a #detection #image
- Human Ear Detection from Side Face Range Images (HC, BB), pp. 574–577.
- ICPR-v3-2004-ChengCK #database #video
- Periodic Human Motion Description for Sports Video Databases (FC, WJC, JK), pp. 870–873.
- ICPR-v3-2004-FurukawaKMSMT #3d #approximate #estimation #image #physics #using
- Spine Posture Estimation Method from Human Images Using 3D Spine Model — Computation of the rough approximation of the physical forces working on vertebral bodies (DF, TK, KM, YS, KM, TT), pp. 322–325.
- ICPR-v3-2004-HiguchiAKF #recognition
- Scene Recognition Based on Relationship between Human Actions and Objects (MH, SA, AK, KF), pp. 73–78.
- ICPR-v3-2004-KarlssonOH #automation #image #segmentation
- Automatic Segmentation of Zona Pellucida in HMC Images of Human Embryos (AK, NCO, AH), pp. 518–521.
- ICPR-v3-2004-KimJLK #how #novel #visual notation
- How Human Visual Systems Recognize Objects — A Novel Computational Model (SK, GjJ, WHL, ISK), pp. 61–64.
- ICPR-v3-2004-LiewWY #classification #sequence #statistics
- Selection of Statistical Features Based on Mutual Information for Classification of Human Coding and Non-coding DNA Sequences (AWCL, YW, HY), pp. 766–769.
- ICPR-v3-2004-RahmanI #recognition #robust
- Robust Appearance-based Human Action Recognition (MMR, SI), pp. 165–168.
- ICPR-v3-2004-SchuldtLC #approach
- Recognizing Human Actions: A Local SVM Approach (CS, IL, BC), pp. 32–36.
- ICPR-v3-2004-XiaoSW #distance #segmentation
- Topological Segmentation of Discrete Human Body Shapes in Various Postures Based on Geodesic Distance (YX, PS, NW), pp. 131–135.
- ICPR-v4-2004-HagaSY #analysis #detection #using
- Human Detection in Outdoor Scene using Spatio-Temporal Motion Analysis (TH, KS, YY), pp. 331–334.
- ICPR-v4-2004-Hild #3d #estimation #image #recognition #sequence
- Estimation of 3D Motion Trajectory and Velocity from Monocular Image Sequences in the Context of Human Gait Recognition (MH), pp. 231–235.
- ICPR-v4-2004-KadyrovP #reverse engineering
- Reverse Engineering the Human Vision System: A Possible Explanation for the Role of Microsaccades (AK, MP), pp. 64–67.
- ICPR-v4-2004-KamTEYW #automation #behaviour #recognition
- Automated Recognition of Highly Complex Human Behavior (AHK, KAT, HLE, WYY, JW), pp. 327–330.
- ICPR-v4-2004-LeoDGSD #monitoring #process #recognition
- Complex Human Activity Recognition for Monitoring Wide Outdoor Environments (ML, TD, IG, PS, AD), pp. 913–916.
- ICPR-v4-2004-MiyauchiSNK
- Human-Robot Eye Contact through Observations and Actions (DM, AS, AN, YK), pp. 392–395.
- ICPR-v4-2004-MurakitaII #markov #monte carlo #using
- Human Tracking using Floor Sensors based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method (TM, TI, HI), pp. 917–920.
- ICPR-v4-2004-Orrite-UrunuelaRJR #2d #3d #detection #modelling
- 2D Silhouette and 3D Skeletal Models for Human Detection and Tracking (COU, JMdR, JEHJ, GR), pp. 244–247.
- ICPR-v4-2004-OyekoyaS #behaviour #using #visual notation
- Exploring Human Eye Behaviour using a Model of Visual Attention (OO, FS), pp. 945–948.
- ICPR-v4-2004-PeternelL #learning #probability #recognition #visual notation
- Visual Learning and Recognition of a Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Model of Cyclic Human Locomotion (MP, AL), pp. 146–149.
- ICPR-v4-2004-PeursumBVW #segmentation
- Human Action Segmentation via Controlled Use of Missing Data in HMMs (PP, HHB, SV, GAWW), pp. 440–445.
- ICPR-v4-2004-YazdiAB #analysis #process #segmentation
- Morphological Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Patterns for the Segmentation of Cyclic Human Activities (MY, ABA, RB), pp. 240–243.
- SIGIR-2004-WuMMTWLLB #topic
- Human versus machine in the topic distillation task (MW, GM, AM, MC(T, RW, YL, HJL, NJB), pp. 385–392.
- RE-2004-GregoriadesSS #requirements
- Human-Centred Requirements Engineering (AG, JES, AGS), pp. 154–163.
- FSE-2004-Capra #mobile #trust
- Engineering human trust in mobile system collaborations (LC), pp. 107–116.
- ICSE-2004-KazmanBJ #human-computer #interactive #re-engineering
- Bridging the Gaps II: Bridging the Gaps between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (RK, LB, BEJ), pp. 773–774.
- DRR-2003-ChewB #interactive #named #proving
- BaffleText: a human interactive proof (MC, HSB), pp. 305–316.
- ICDAR-2003-SimardSBCC #recognition #segmentation #using
- Using Character Recognition and Segmentation to Tell Computer from Humans (PYS, RS, JB, JC, IC), pp. 418–423.
- CHI-2003-Fallman #human-computer #interactive
- Design-oriented human-computer interaction (DF), pp. 225–232.
- CHI-2003-FriedmanKH #hardware #online #what
- Hardware companions?: what online AIBO discussion forums reveal about the human-robotic relationship (BF, PHKJ, JH), pp. 273–280.
- CHI-2003-HudsonFAAFKLY #predict
- Predicting human interruptibility with sensors: a Wizard of Oz feasibility study (SEH, JF, CGA, DA, JF, SBK, JCL, JY), pp. 257–264.
- CHI-2003-KitamuraYHKK #tool support
- Things happening in the brain while humans learn to use new tools (YK, YY, HI, FK, MK), pp. 417–424.
- CHI-2003-LeeN #design #interactive #social
- Designing social presence of social actors in human computer interaction (KML, CN), pp. 289–296.
- CHI-2003-ZhaiCBG #online
- Human on-line response to target expansion (SZ, SC, MBL, YG), pp. 177–184.
- CAiSE-2003-ChiuCL #adaptation #collaboration
- A Three-Tier View-Based Methodology for Adapting Human-Agent Collaboration Systems (DKWC, SCC, HfL), pp. 226–241.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-Luna-RamirezGF #information management #metadata #repository #retrieval
- Data Warehousing: A Repository Model for Metadata Storage and Retrieval Based on the Human Information Processing (ELR, FGM, MCFB), pp. 321–326.
- ICSE-2003-KazmanBB #human-computer #interactive #re-engineering
- Bridging the Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (RK, LJB, JB), pp. 777–778.
- ICSE-2003-SeffahA #design
- Empowering Software Engineers in Human-Centered Design (AS, AA), pp. 653–659.
- CHI-2002-ScottLK #human-computer #optimisation
- Investigating human-computer optimization (SDS, NL, GWK), pp. 155–162.
- ICPR-v1-2002-Bayro-CorrochanoA #approach #detection #geometry
- Geometric Approach for Pose Detection of Moving Human Heads (EBC, AA), pp. 636–639.
- ICPR-v1-2002-DockstaderBT #analysis #feature model
- Feature Extraction for the Analysis of Gait and Human Motion (SLD, KAB, AMT), pp. 5–8.
- ICPR-v1-2002-Hayfron-AcquahNC #identification #symmetry
- Human Identification by Spatio-Temporal Symmetry (JBHA, MSN, JNC), pp. 632–635.
- ICPR-v1-2002-HuangH #modelling
- Model-Based Human Body Tracking (YH, TSH), pp. 552–555.
- ICPR-v1-2002-KimMK #approach #detection
- Wavelet-Based Morphological Approach for Detection of Human Face Region (JBK, CHM, HJK), pp. 417–420.
- ICPR-v1-2002-LiH #approach #recognition
- Recognition of Human Periodic Motion — A Frequency Domain Approach (BL, HH), pp. 311–314.
- ICPR-v1-2002-LvZN #self #video
- Self-Calibration of a Camera from Video of a Walking Human (FL, TZ, RN), p. 562–?.
- ICPR-v1-2002-ParameswaranC #invariant #recognition #representation
- Quasi-Invariants for Human Action Representation and Recognition (VP, RC), pp. 307–310.
- ICPR-v1-2002-RahmanNI #behaviour #using
- Recognizing Human Behavior Using Universal Eigenspace (MMR, KN, SI), pp. 295–298.
- ICPR-v1-2002-RobertsMR #3d #learning #online
- Online Appearance Learning or 3D Articulated Human Tracking (TJR, SJM, IWR), pp. 425–428.
- ICPR-v1-2002-TerrillonPNY #detection #human-computer #image #interactive #recognition #robust
- Robust Face Detection and Hand Posture Recognition in Color Images for Human-Machine Interaction (JCT, AP, YN, KY), pp. 204–209.
- ICPR-v1-2002-TominagaHKNY #estimation #gesture #multi #recognition
- Estimation of Human Motion from Multiple Cameras for Gesture Recognition (MT, HH, HK, YN, KY), pp. 401–404.
- ICPR-v1-2002-WangHT #identification
- A New Attempt to Gait-based Human Identification (LW, WH, TT), pp. 115–118.
- ICPR-v1-2002-WerghiX #3d
- Wavelet Moments for Recognizing Human Body Posture from 3D (NW, YX), pp. 319–322.
- ICPR-v1-2002-YamNC #automation #identification #on the
- On the Relationship of Human Walking and Running: Automatic Person Identification by Gait (CYY, MSN, JNC), pp. 287–290.
- ICPR-v1-2002-ZhaoN #3d #approach #recognition
- 3D Tracking of Human Locomotion: A Tracking as Recognition Approach (TZ, RN), pp. 546–551.
- ICPR-v1-2002-ZhouC #algorithm #probability #recognition #robust
- A Robust Algorithm for Probabilistic Human Recognition From (SKZ, RC), pp. 226–229.
- ICPR-v2-2002-ChambersVWB #gesture #recognition #video
- Hierarchical Recognition of Intentional Human Gestures for Sports Video Annotation (GSC, SV, GAWW, HHB), pp. 1082–1085.
- ICPR-v2-2002-ChengCK #behaviour #sequence #video
- Recognising Human Running Behaviour in Sports Video Sequences (FC, WJC, JK), pp. 1017–1020.
- ICPR-v2-2002-FarmerHJ #multi #robust
- Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) Kalman Filters for Robust High Speed Human Motion Tracking (MEF, RLH, AKJ), pp. 20–23.
- ICPR-v2-2002-KojimaTF #process
- Textual Description of Human Activities by Tracking Head and Hand Motions (AK, TT, KF), pp. 1073–1077.
- ICPR-v2-2002-RenX #recognition
- Human Action Recognition with Primitive-Based Coupled-HMM (HR, GX), pp. 494–498.
- ICPR-v2-2002-UtsumiT #adaptation #statistics #using
- Texture Adaptation for Human Tracking Using Statistical Shape Model (AU, NT), pp. 973–976.
- ICPR-v2-2002-WechslerDL #learning #process #using
- Hierarchical Interpretation of Human Activities Using Competitive Learning (HW, ZD, FL), pp. 338–341.
- ICPR-v3-2002-BulthoffWG #recognition
- View-Based Dynamic Object Recognition Based on Human Perception (HHB, CW, ABAG), pp. 768–776.
- ICPR-v3-2002-GarainCP #framework #online #recognition
- Online Handwritten Indian Script Recognition: A Human Motor Function Based Framework (UG, BBC, TP), pp. 164–167.
- ICPR-v3-2002-MarugameSYMFYKKTT #metric #performance #precise
- A Fast and Precise System for Taking High-Density Human Head Measurements with Surrounding Range Finders (AM, SS, TY, KM, OF, YY, YK, HK, WT, JT), pp. 978–982.
- ICPR-v3-2002-ShihL #interface #visual notation
- A Bi-Directional Visual Stereo Interface for Accessing Stereo Matching Results from a Human Brain (SWS, THL), pp. 1039–1042.
- ICPR-v3-2002-Vasilescu #analysis #recognition #synthesis
- Human Motion Signatures: Analysis, Synthesis, Recognition (MAOV), pp. 456–460.
- ICPR-v4-2002-LuWKS #documentation #image #visual notation
- An Objective Distortion Measure for Binary Document Images Based on Human Visual Perceptio (HL, JW, ACK, YQS), pp. 239–242.
- SIGIR-2002-MayfieldM #online
- Converting on-line bilingual dictionaries from human-readable to machine-readable form (JM, PM), pp. 405–406.
- SIGIR-2002-NomotoM #modelling #summary #variability
- Modeling (in)variability of human judgments for text summarization (TN, YM), pp. 407–408.
- SAC-2002-SmithH #analysis #design #reliability
- Augmenting descriptive scenario analysis for improvements in human reliability design (SPS, MDH), pp. 739–743.
- ICSE-2002-AcunaLQ #process #validation
- Human capacities in the software process: empiric validation (STA, CML, VEQ), p. 715.
- CSEET-2001-VeerV #component #education #human-computer #interface #re-engineering
- The Human-Computer Interface is the System: A Plea for a Poor Man’s HCI Component in Software Engineering Curricula (GCvdV, HvV), p. 276–?.
- CHI-2001-AbergS #empirical #information management #web
- An empirical study of human Web assistants: implications for user support in Web information systems (JÅ, NS), pp. 404–411.
- CHI-2001-GongL #performance #speech
- Shall we mix synthetic speech and human speech?: impact on users’ performance, perception, and attitude (LG, JL), pp. 158–165.
- CHI-2001-LaiCGT #comprehension #on the #speech #web
- On the road and on the Web?: comprehension of synthetic and human speech while driving (JL, KC, PAG, OT), pp. 206–212.
- CHI-2001-PhilipsRJ #collaboration #design
- Building a human factors “knowledge shelf” as a collaborative information tool for designers (BHP, MR, JJ), pp. 98–103.
- CAiSE-2001-Rudolph #experience #pervasive
- Project Oxygen: Pervasive, Human-Centric Computing — An Initial Experience (LR), pp. 1–12.
- EDOC-2001-SteelR #generative #modelling
- Generating Human-Usable Textual Notations for Information Models (JS, KR), pp. 250–261.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-BourguinP #process
- Supporting Human Activities (GB, XLP), pp. 793–798.
- KDD-2001-Aggarwal #clustering #effectiveness #human-computer
- A human-computer cooperative system for effective high dimensional clustering (CCA), pp. 221–226.
- TOOLS-USA-2001-Pour01a #architecture #mobile
- Jini-Based Mobile Agent Architecture for Human Planetary Exploration (GP), pp. 337–346.
- WRLA-2000-Nakashima #bibliography #information management
- Cyber Assistance for Situtated Human Information Processing Overview of the invited talk (HN), pp. 292–293.
- CHI-2000-IsbisterNIN #design #interactive
- Helper agent: designing an assistant for human-human interaction in a virtual meeting space (KI, HN, TI, CN), pp. 57–64.
- ICEIS-2000-HsiehLL #image #multi #visual notation
- Digital Image Multiresolution Watermark Based on Human Visual System (CTH, YLL, CPL), pp. 442–446.
- ICEIS-2000-Stamper #requirements #social
- Information Requirements are Human, Computers only Machines: Measur’s Rigorous Methods Based on Social Norms (RKS), p. XXVII-XXX.
- ICML-2000-LaneB #interface #learning #reduction
- Data Reduction Techniques for Instance-Based Learning from Human/Computer Interface Data (TL, CEB), pp. 519–526.
- ICPR-v1-2000-BesshoIY #detection #using
- Detecting Human Face and Recognizing Facial Expressions Using Potential Net (HB, YI, MY), pp. 5076–5079.
- ICPR-v1-2000-BrandM #assessment #comparative #detection
- A Comparative Assessment of Three Approaches to Pixel-Level Human Skin-Detection (JB, JSDM), pp. 5056–5059.
- ICPR-v1-2000-KumarSR #detection #realtime #recognition #using
- Real Time Detection and Recognition of Human Profiles Using Inexpensive Desktop Cameras (PK, KS, SR), pp. 5096–5099.
- ICPR-v1-2000-LiGG #detection
- Detecting and Tracking Human Faces in Videos (YL, AAG, ONG), pp. 1807–1810.
- ICPR-v1-2000-MarquesV #approach #segmentation
- A Morphological Approach for Segmentation and Tracking of Human Face (FM, VV), pp. 5064–5067.
- ICPR-v1-2000-PanM #3d #algorithm #estimation #search-based
- 3D Motion Estimation of Human by Genetic Algorithm (CP, SM), pp. 1159–1163.
- ICPR-v1-2000-ParkA #image #interactive #multi #recognition #using
- Recognition of Human Interaction Using Multiple Features in Grayscale Images (SP, JKA), pp. 1051–1054.
- ICPR-v2-2000-AchermannB #distance #image
- Classifying Range Images of Human Faces with Hausdorff Distance (BA, HB), pp. 2809–2813.
- ICPR-v2-2000-Caelli #feature model #image #learning #modelling #performance #predict
- Learning Image Feature Extraction: Modeling, Tracking and Predicting Human Performance (TC), pp. 2215–2218.
- ICPR-v2-2000-HongoOYY #gesture #human-computer #interactive #recognition
- Face and Hand Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction (HH, MO, MY, KY), pp. 2921–2924.
- ICPR-v2-2000-LinF #detection #geometry #using
- Human Face Detection Using Geometric Triangle Relationship (CL, KCF), pp. 2941–2944.
- ICPR-v2-2000-WuKS #gesture #programming #recognition
- Improvement of Continuous Dynamic Programming for Human Gesture Recognition (HW, RK, TS), pp. 2945–2948.
- ICPR-v3-2000-AbbadeniZW #visual notation
- Autocovariance-based Perceptual Textural Features Corresponding to Human Visual Perception (NA, DZ, SW), pp. 3913–3916.
- ICPR-v3-2000-BenaventeSBVL #normalisation #segmentation
- Normalized Color Segmentation for Human Appearance Description (RB, GS, RB, MV, JL), pp. 3637–3641.
- ICPR-v3-2000-HoshinoSY #automation #image #sequence
- Automatic Registration of Virtual Objects onto Human Image Sequences (JH, HS, MY), pp. 3175–3177.
- ICPR-v3-2000-IiyamaKM #estimation
- Estimation of the Location of Joint Points of Human Body from Successive Volume Data (MI, YK, MM), pp. 3699–3702.
- ICPR-v3-2000-KobayashiK #comprehension #multi
- Multi Contrast Based Texture Model for Understanding Human Subjectivity (YK, TK), pp. 3929–3934.
- ICPR-v3-2000-LeonS #fourier #recognition
- Human Silhouette Recognition with Fourier Descriptors (RDdL, LES), pp. 3713–3716.
- ICPR-v3-2000-Nakano #using
- Classifying the Motions of Human Body by Using Gabor Wavelets (HN), pp. 3691–3694.
- ICPR-v4-2000-BolterL #detection #re-engineering
- Detection and Reconstruction of Human Scale Features from High Resolution Interferometric SAR Data (RB, FL), pp. 4291–4294.
- ICPR-v4-2000-DavisPD #framework
- Tracking Humans from a Moving Platform (LSD, VP, RD), pp. 4171–4178.
- ICPR-v4-2000-KagamiOII #3d #generative #realtime
- Realtime 3D Depth Flow Generation and its Application to Track to Walking Human Being (SK, KO, MI, HI), pp. 4197–4200.
- ICPR-v4-2000-KojimaITF #behaviour #generative #image #natural language #video
- Generating Natural Language Description of Human Behavior from Video Images (AK, MI, TT, KF), pp. 4728–4731.
- ICPR-v4-2000-SekiguchiE #generative #performance
- Generating the Human Piano Performance in Virtual Space (HS, SE), pp. 4477–4481.
- ICPR-v4-2000-ShimadaOI #image #metric #video
- Human Body Posture Measurement by Matching Foot Pressure Distribution to Video Images (SS, SO, KI), pp. 4188–4191.
- ICPR-v4-2000-SusinNVB #re-engineering #recognition
- Dynamic Recognition and Reconstruction of the Human Heart (AS, IN, AV, PB), pp. 4088–4093.
- ICPR-v4-2000-TakahashiSO #3d #estimation #image #realtime #using
- Remarks on a Real-Time 3D Human Body Posture Estimation Method Using Trinocular Images (KT, TS, JO), pp. 4693–4697.
- ICPR-v4-2000-UtsumiYO #adaptation #multi #using
- Adaptive Human Motion Tracking Using Non-Synchronous Multiple Viewpoint Observations (AU, HY, JO), pp. 4607–4610.
- SAC-2000-KohleM #detection
- Analyzing Human Gait Patterns for Malfunction Detection (MK, DM), pp. 41–45.
- ITiCSE-1999-Clear #collaboration #concept #education #interactive #learning
- A collaborative learning trial between New Zealand and Sweden-using Lotus Notes Domino in teaching the concepts of Human Computer Interaction (TC), pp. 111–114.
- ITiCSE-1999-MutchlerAKLOSY #interactive #multi
- CS 1 closed laboratories = multimedia materials + human interaction (DM, CA, AK, CL, DO, RS, FHY), p. 210.
- ITiCSE-1999-Omland
- Educating systems analysts emphasising the human factor (HOO), pp. 44–47.
- CHI-1999-KunoINS #behaviour #human-computer #interactive
- Combining Observations of Intentional and Unintentional Behaviors for Human-Computer Interaction (YK, TI, SN, YS), pp. 238–245.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-BambaNF #agile #design
- Human cognitive model for organizational design suited to task in agile manufacturing (EB, KN, TF), pp. 1231–1235.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-BarretoSA #human-computer #interface
- Hands-off human-computer interfaces for individuals with severe motor disabilities (AB, SS, MA), pp. 970–974.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-BoussoffaraE #interface #performance #scalability
- Influence of interfaces on human performance in S&C of large technical systems (BB, PFE), pp. 1286–1290.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-FurutaOK #human-computer #interface
- Intelligent plant human-machine interface based on intent inferencing (KF, YO, SK), pp. 1192–1196.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-IshikawaS #collaboration
- Feasibility study on the application of a human collaborative robot system to the inspecting patrol of nuclear power plants (NI, KS), pp. 1172–1176.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-Keenan #concept
- Systems of intellectual capital in collectivities from work organizations to human settlements: Some conceptualizations (JJK), pp. 397–401.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-KohnoMNA #network
- A sensor network system for human support in living environments (MK, MM, HN, YA), pp. 241–245.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-Loftin #human-computer #interactive
- Human-Computer Interactions in shared virtual environments (RBL), pp. 1120–1123.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-MajoeH #analysis #gesture #recognition
- Human gesture analysis and recognition for medical and dance applications (DM, NH), pp. 818–822.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-MatsumotoNMK #human-computer #interactive #learning #process
- Learning human-computer interactive process of learning with intelligence tutoring systems (TM, HN, EM, KK), pp. 1216–1220.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-NakagawaN #algorithm #clustering #image
- Image clustering by computer with human-oriented emergence algorithm (MN, HN), pp. 1221–1225.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-NakayasuNNNK #design #human-computer
- Human-computer cooperative work for design and production cycle (HN, MN, EN, YN, TK), pp. 1226–1230.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-NumanoMTMNFM #fault #reduction
- Reduction of human errors in plant operation utilizing human error correction function as an individual and crew (MN, KM, KT, HM, YN, JF, YM), pp. 1206–1210.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-OhyaOUIS #communication #image #towards
- Towards the realization of non-verbal communication — computer vision based technologies for analyzing human images (JO, TO, AU, SI, TS), pp. 172–176.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-OzawaAFSY #adaptation #case study #education #implementation #process #realtime
- An experimental study on implementing real-time estimator of human cognitive process into eye-sensing head mounted display for realizing adaptive CAI for teaching plant diagnosis knowledge (TO, YA, SF, HS, HY), pp. 1197–1200.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-Rentzsch #design
- Human-computer-interactions in call centres — ergonomic demands and design solutions (MR), pp. 1311–1315.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-WatanabeO #analysis #communication #interactive #synthesis
- Virtual face-to-face communication system for human interaction analysis by synthesis (TW, MO), pp. 182–186.
- HCI-EI-1999-Adam #human-computer #interface #specification
- Specifications of Human-Machine Interfaces for Helping Cooperation in Human Organizations (EA), pp. 311–315.
- HCI-EI-1999-AverboukhMS #generative #interactive #usability
- Creativity and Usability Engineering for Next Generation of Human Computer Interaction (EA, RM, RS), pp. 426–430.
- HCI-EI-1999-BoucseinS #human-computer #interactive #multi
- Coping with Psychophysiological Stress during Multi-Tasking in Human-Computer Interaction (WB, FS), pp. 197–200.
- HCI-EI-1999-CarbonellD #empirical #gesture #human-computer #multimodal #speech
- Empirical data on the use of speech and gestures in a multimodal human-computer environment (NC, PD), pp. 446–450.
- HCI-EI-1999-ChengYH #design #distributed #human-computer #interface #learning
- Cognition and Learning in Distributed Design Environments: Experimental Studies and Human-Computer Interfaces (FC, YHY, HH), pp. 631–635.
- HCI-EI-1999-Fischer #design #human-computer #interface #speech
- Repeats, Reformulations, and Emotional Speech: Evidence for the Design of Human-Computer Speech Interfaces (KF), pp. 560–565.
- HCI-EI-1999-Furtado #approach #design #usability #user interface #using
- An Approach to Improve Design and Usability of User Interfaces for Supervision Systems by Using Human Factors (EF), pp. 993–997.
- HCI-EI-1999-Haller #design #interface #relational
- Systematic Design of Human-Computer-Interfaces as Relational Semiotic Systems (RH), pp. 607–611.
- HCI-EI-1999-HienzMSA #communication #human-computer #multimodal
- Multimodal Human-Computer Communication in Technical Applications (HH, JM, RS, SA), pp. 755–759.
- HCI-EI-1999-Johnson #design #interactive #modelling
- Tasks and Situations: Considerations for Models and Design Principles in Human Computer Interaction (PJ), pp. 1199–1204.
- HCI-EI-1999-KandaN #classification #visual notation
- Studies on Classification of Similar Trademarks Corresponding to Human Visual Cognitive Sense (TK, HN), pp. 501–505.
- HCI-EI-1999-Kitamura #concept #design #interactive #usability
- Creativity and Usability Concepts in Designing Human Computer Interaction for Management of Complex Dynamic Systems (MK), pp. 431–435.
- HCI-EI-1999-MachiiMAKYKNK #3d #interface #internet #using
- An Easy Internet Browsing System with Sophisticated Human Interface Using 3-D Graphics (KM, SM, YA, SK, MY, KK, YN, KK), pp. 228–232.
- HCI-EI-1999-MatsuoNNO #evaluation #interface #maintenance
- Simulation-Based Human Interface Evaluation for Maintenance Facilities (SM, TN, YN, TO), pp. 948–952.
- HCI-EI-1999-NtuenH #human-computer #interactive
- Intelligent Objects in Human-Computer Interaction (CAN, KH), pp. 1262–1267.
- HCI-EI-1999-OHaraB #guidelines
- Software Tool for the Use of Human Factors Engineering Guidelines to Conduct Control Room Evaluations (JMO, WSB), pp. 973–977.
- HCI-EI-1999-Puerta99a #development #interface #modelling
- Human-Centered Model-Based Interface Development (ARP), pp. 1048–1052.
- HCI-EI-1999-TeiwesBEMST #eye tracking #human-computer #interactive #research #testing #usability
- The Use of Eye Tracking for Human-Computer Interaction Research and Usability Testing (WT, MB, GWE, SM, ES, WT), pp. 1119–1122.
- HCI-EI-1999-WandkeH #guidelines #interactive
- Completing Human Factor Guidelines by Interactive Examples (HW, JH), pp. 983–987.
- MLDM-1999-Sawaragi #data mining #effectiveness #interactive #mining
- Reproductive Process-Oriented Data Mining from Interactions between Human and Complex Artifact System (TS), pp. 180–194.
- SIGIR-1999-JingM #composition #summary
- The Decomposition of Human-Written Summary Sentences (HJ, KM), pp. 129–136.
- SIGIR-1999-Nordlie #comparison #development #interactive #online #query #quote
- “User Revealment” — a Comparison of Initial Queries and Ensuing Question Development in Online Searching and in Human Reference Interactions (RN), pp. 11–18.
- RE-1999-SutcliffeGM #fault #requirements
- Human Errors and System Requirements (AGS, JRG, SM), p. 23–?.
- SAC-1999-DamianiK #architecture
- A Human Centered Agent-Based Architecture for Electronic brokerage (ED, RK), pp. 243–249.
- CADE-1999-Horacek #proving
- Presenting Proofs in a Human-Oriented Way (HH), pp. 142–156.
- FASE-1998-Sucrow #graph grammar #interactive #specification
- Refining Formal Specifications of Human Computer Interaction by Graph Rewrite Rules (BS), pp. 302–317.
- WCRE-1998-BurdM #comprehension #re-engineering
- Assisting Human Understanding to Aid the Targeting of Necessary Reengineering Work (EB, MM), pp. 2–9.
- CHI-1998-Boy #analysis #automation #safety
- Cognitive Function Analysis for Human-Centered Automation of Safety-Critical Systems (GAB), pp. 265–272.
- CHI-1998-Moon #distance #human-computer #interactive
- The Effects of Distance in Local versus Remote Human-Computer Interaction (YM), pp. 103–108.
- CHI-1998-RoweSI #human-computer #interactive #variability
- Hear Rate Variability: Indicator of User State as an Aid to Human-Computer Interaction (DWR, JLS, DI), pp. 480–487.
- CHI-1998-WangMSB #human-computer #interactive
- The Structure of Object Transportation and Orientation in Human-Computer Interaction (YW, CLM, VAS, KSB), pp. 312–319.
- CHI-1998-YangSMW #interactive #multimodal #visual notation
- Visual Tracking for Multimodal Human Computer Interaction (JY, RS, UM, AW), pp. 140–147.
- ICPR-1998-Claridge #algorithm #bound #consistency #locality #visual notation
- A boundary localisation algorithm consistent with human visual perception (EC), pp. 300–304.
- ICPR-1998-DutaJ #concept #image #learning
- Learning the human face concept in black and white images (ND, AKJ), pp. 1365–1367.
- ICPR-1998-HaritaogluHD #named #using
- Ghost: a human body part labeling system using silhouettes (IH, DH, LSD), pp. 77–82.
- ICPR-1998-HattoriMS #image #symmetry #using
- Estimating pose of human face based on symmetry plane using range and intensity images (KH, SM, YS), pp. 1183–1187.
- ICPR-1998-LiML #estimation #multi #recognition #using
- Human posture recognition using multi-scale morphological method and Kalman motion estimation (YL, SM, HL), pp. 175–177.
- ICPR-1998-NagelWWL #3d #animation #automation #modelling
- Automated modelling of real human faces for 3D animation (BN, JW, SW, CEL), pp. 693–696.
- ICPR-1998-NakaiMI #analysis #simulation
- Simulation and analysis of spectral distributions of human skin (HN, YM, SI), pp. 1065–1067.
- ICPR-1998-NakazawaKI #distributed #using
- Human tracking using distributed vision systems (AN, HK, SI), pp. 593–596.
- ICPR-1998-SakalliYLK #image #modelling #multi
- Model-based multi-stage compression of human face images (MS, HY, KML, TK), pp. 1278–1280.
- ICPR-1998-TanakaHMK #detection
- Dynamic attention map by Ising model for human face detection (MT, KH, TM, TK), pp. 1044–1046.
- ICPR-1998-TerrillonDA #detection #image #invariant
- Detection of human faces in complex scene images by use of a skin color model and of invariant Fourier-Mellin moments (JCT, MD, SA), pp. 1350–1355.
- ICPR-1998-UtsumiMOY #multi
- Multiple-view-based tracking of multiple humans (AU, HM, JO, MY), pp. 597–601.
- ICPR-1998-YokoyamaYY
- Active contour model for extracting human faces (TY, YY, MY), pp. 673–676.
- ICPR-1998-YuenFD #database #image #retrieval #scalability
- Human face image retrieval system for large database (PCY, GCF, DQD), pp. 1585–1588.
- ICPR-1998-ZhengS #approach #generative #modelling
- A model based approach in extracting and generating human motion (JYZ, SS), pp. 1201–1205.
- KDD-1998-MacskassyBDH #case study #clustering #performance #web
- Human Performance on Clustering Web Pages: A Preliminary Study (SAM, AB, BDD, HH), pp. 264–268.
- ICRE-1998-Leveson #approach #specification
- Intent Specifications: An Approach to Building Human-Centered Specifications (NGL), pp. 204–213.
- SAC-1998-LimaR #classification
- Maximum likelihood based classification for the microstructure of human sleep (JAL, ACR), pp. 60–64.
- ASE-1997-Sucrow #graph grammar #human-computer #interactive #specification
- Formal Specification of Human-Computer Interaction by Graph Grammars under Consideration of Information Resources (BS), pp. 28–35.
- ICDAR-1997-CoteCLS #automation #using
- Automatic Reading of Cursive Scripts Using Human Knowledge (MC, MC, EL, CYS), pp. 107–111.
- ICDAR-1997-KimuraKMS #recognition #word
- Machine and Human Recognition of Segmented Characters from Handwritten Words (FK, NK, YM, MS), p. 866–?.
- ITiCSE-1997-PalmeM #education
- Use of computer conferencing to teach a course on humans and computers (JP, SM), pp. 88–90.
- CHI-1997-MullerWML #human-computer #research #social #towards
- Toward an HCI Research and Practice Agenda Based on Human Needs and Social Responsibility (MJM, CW, WJMJ, LFL), pp. 155–161.
- CHI-1997-OviattDK #human-computer #integration #interactive #multimodal
- Integration and Synchronization of Input Modes during Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction (SLO, ADA, KK), pp. 415–422.
- HCI-CC-1997-Alty #interactive
- Human Computer Interaction: The Year 2000 and Beyond (JLA), pp. 193–196.
- HCI-CC-1997-Blanchard #how #human-computer #interactive #question #standard #what
- International Standards on Human-Computer Interaction: What is Out There and How Will it be Implemented? (HEB), pp. 599–602.
- HCI-CC-1997-Charytonowicz
- Computer in Shaping of Human Habitat (JC), pp. 691–694.
- HCI-CC-1997-DobronetsSV #identification
- Ergodynamic Method of Identification of the Cognitive Strategy Used by the Human-Operator (BSD, AAS, VFV), pp. 837–840.
- HCI-CC-1997-FoxBBBB #design
- Human Factors Techniques for Designing the Virtual Mission Operations Center (JAF, JB, RB, PB, MB), pp. 737–740.
- HCI-CC-1997-HuZX #design #human-computer #interface
- Views on Designing Human-Computer Interface for ELS (WH, WZ, NX), pp. 809–812.
- HCI-CC-1997-KameiMSH #integration
- Creating a Source and Target Language Mixed Stage for Integration of Human Knowledge into Machine Translation (SiK, KM, KS, KH), pp. 825–828.
- HCI-CC-1997-KojimaYME #adaptation #human-computer #interface #performance
- Task Adaptive Electronic Manual as Human-Computer Interface for Business Performance Improvement Support (HK, TY, YM, HE), pp. 789–792.
- HCI-CC-1997-KumeSJ #agile #aspect-oriented #visual notation
- VDT Task Related Visual Fatigue: Human Aspects of Agile Manufacturing (YK, NS, HSJ), pp. 343–346.
- HCI-CC-1997-MatarazzoN #automation #case study
- A Human-Oriented Case Study of Office Automation Systems (GM, AN), pp. 749–752.
- HCI-CC-1997-ShimizuSSSTIY #difference
- Differences of Force Distribution Patterns on Grip Types in Human Grasping Motions (SS, MS, SS, YS, AT, YI, MY), pp. 425–428.
- HCI-CC-1997-SmithBSA #interface
- Ergonomic Systems Engineering: The Human Interface and the Management of International Relations in the 21st Century (JHS, ADB, MJS, GAF), pp. 185–188.
- HCI-CC-1997-TrybusV97a
- Professional Training and Work: Planning Transformation Dynamics Throughout Human Life (RJT, VFV), pp. 863–868.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Bannon97a #communication #human-computer #interactive #problem
- Problems in Human-Machine Interaction and Communication (LJB), pp. 47–50.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Benyon #communication #human-computer
- Communication and Shared Knowledge in Human-Computer Systems (DB), pp. 43–46.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Eggleston #adaptation #approach #human-computer #interface
- Adaptive Interfaces as an Approach to Human-Machine Cooperation (RGE), pp. 495–500.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Geddes #framework #human-computer
- Associate Systems: A Framework for Human-Machine Cooperation (NDG), pp. 237–242.
- HCI-SEC-1997-KitajimaP #human-computer #interactive
- Mapping Instructions onto Actions: A Comprehension-Based Model of Display-Based Human-Computer Interaction (MK, PGP), pp. 83–86.
- HCI-SEC-1997-LathanN #performance #quantifier
- Quantification of Human Performance in Extreme Environments (CEL, DJN), pp. 1005–1008.
- HCI-SEC-1997-LaugheryP #case study #performance #predict
- Predicting Human Performance in Complex Systems-A Method and Case Study (KRLJ, BMP), pp. 75–78.
- HCI-SEC-1997-LawsonRGGM #challenge #human-computer #interface #using
- The Human-Machine Interface Challenges of Using Virtual Environment (VE) Displays Aboard Centrifuge Devices (BDL, AHR, FEG, JDG, AMM), pp. 945–948.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Lockett #modelling
- Task Netwoerk Modeling of Human Workload Coping Strategies (JFLI), pp. 71–74.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Long97a #human-computer #interactive #re-engineering
- Integrating Human Factors with Software Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction (JL), pp. 509–512.
- HCI-SEC-1997-LowryHK #bias #evolution #heuristic #human-computer #interface #robust
- Heuristics and Biases in the Evolution of a Robust Human-Machine Interface Methodology (JCL, PEVH, SZK), pp. 323–326.
- HCI-SEC-1997-MaidaAN #performance
- Effects of Lighting on Human Performance in Training (JM, AA, JN), pp. 877–880.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Marshall #human-computer #interactive #modelling #multimodal
- Modeling Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction: Semiotics, Proxemics and Kinesics (RM), pp. 671–674.
- HCI-SEC-1997-MatsushitaMA #interactive #pointer
- Lock-On Pointer: A Foundation for Human-Object Interaction (NM, MM, YA), pp. 193–196.
- HCI-SEC-1997-MoraesPM #design
- Human Computer-Interaction: Graphic Designers X Graphic Softwares (AdM, SP, CM), pp. 319–322.
- HCI-SEC-1997-NakajimaAF #interactive #lightweight #symmetry
- Transformation of Human-to-Human Interaction into Asymmetric and Lightweight Computer-Mediated Interaction (AN, FA, YF), pp. 307–310.
- HCI-SEC-1997-NakamuraTK #interactive #modelling #scheduling
- The Human Scheduler’s Mental Models and Decision Aids of the Interactive Scheduling System (NN, JT, TK), pp. 87–90.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Ntuen #formal method
- A Formal Method for Deriving Command Production Language from Human Intents (CAN), pp. 257–260.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Okamoto #information management #interface #people #theory and practice #towards
- Toward Rehabilitation Cognitive Engineering-Gap Between Theory and Practice in the Human Interface of Information Processing Devices for People with Disabilities (AO), pp. 551–554.
- HCI-SEC-1997-PedottiFB
- Human Motor Strategies in Long Term Space Flights (AP, GF, GB), pp. 1009–1012.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Perez-QuinonesS #architecture #composition #human-computer #programming
- Modular Dialogue Units: A Software Architecture for Programming Human-Computer Dialogues (MAPQ, JLS), pp. 355–358.
- HCI-SEC-1997-RauterbergF #human-computer #interactive #modelling
- An Analyzing and Modelling Tool Kit for Human-Computer Interaction (MR, MF), pp. 589–592.
- HCI-SEC-1997-SantoniFF #adaptation #design #interface
- Aid Methodology for Designing Adaptive Human Computer Interfaces for Supervision Systems (CS, EF, PF), pp. 501–504.
- HCI-SEC-1997-SoFTSY #approach #case study #database #development #distributed
- A Closed-Loop Approach for Integrating Human Factors into Systems Development: A Case Study Involving a Distributed Database System (RHYS, CMF, MMT, CJS, BPY), pp. 517–520.
- HCI-SEC-1997-StorkL #development #research
- Structured Methods for Human Factors Research and Development (AS, JL), pp. 531–534.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Strijland #interface #research
- Human Interface Research and Practice at Apple Computer (PFS), pp. 543–546.
- HCI-SEC-1997-Taylor97a #requirements
- Human Electronic Crew Teamwork: Cognitive Requirements for Compatibility and Control with Dynamic Function Allocation (RMT), pp. 247–250.
- HCI-SEC-1997-ZanottiRC
- Human Factors Principles for Variable Message Signs Utilized in Intelligent Transportation Systems (AZ, MLR, GC), pp. 339–342.
- CAiSE-1997-BrataasHS #performance #workflow
- Performance Engineering of Human and Computerised Workflows (GB, PHH, AS), pp. 187–202.
- CHI-1996-Miller #approach #development #multi #using
- Integrating Human Factors in Customer Support Systems Development Using a Multi-Level Organisational Approach (AM), pp. 368–375.
- CHI-1996-OosterholtKV #design #development #interactive
- Interaction Design and Human Factors Support in the Development of a Personal Communicator for Children (RO, MK, GdV), pp. 450–457.
- CHI-1996-Perez-QuinonesS #collaboration #feedback #human-computer #interactive
- A Collaborative Model of Feedback in Human-Computer Interaction (MAPQ, JLS), pp. 316–323.
- CHI-1996-VelichkovskyH #human-computer #interactive
- New Technological Windows into Mind: There is More in Eyes and Brains for Human-Computer Interaction (BV, JPH), pp. 496–503.
- ICPR-1996-Albanesi #image #visual notation
- Wavelets and human visual perception in image compression (MGA), pp. 859–863.
- ICPR-1996-BernardoGP #3d #implementation #realtime
- Monocular tracking of the human arm in 3D: real-time implementation and experiments (EDB, LG, PP), pp. 622–626.
- ICPR-1996-CaiA #multi #using
- Tracking human motion using multiple cameras (QC, JKA), pp. 68–72.
- ICPR-1996-ChangH #analysis
- Ribbon-based motion analysis of human body movements (ICC, CLH), pp. 436–440.
- ICPR-1996-ChenY #symmetry #using #visual notation
- Thinning noisy binary patterns using human visual symmetry (YSC, YTY), pp. 146–150.
- ICPR-1996-KunoWSN #automation #detection #visual notation
- Automated detection of human for visual surveillance system (YK, NW, YS, SN), pp. 865–869.
- ICPR-1996-LamY96a #image
- An Improved Method for Locating and Extracting the Eye in Human Face Images (KML, HY).
- ICPR-1996-LeeL #verification
- An off-line method for human signature verification (LLL, MGL), pp. 195–198.
- ICPR-1996-LeeL96a #image
- A lossless image compression method for human static signatures (LLL, MGL), pp. 910–913.
- ICPR-1996-LohmannK #image
- Extracting lines of maximal depth from MR images of the human brain (GL, FK), pp. 518–522.
- ICPR-1996-Matsui #detection #image #multi
- A new mathematical human vision model with an autonomous image observing mechanism and its application to multiple motion detection (TM), pp. 723–727.
- ICPR-1996-SchackK #information management #parametricity
- Instantaneous coherence as a sensible parameter for considering human information processing (BS, WK), pp. 45–49.
- KDD-1996-Grinstein #information management
- Harnessing the Human in Knowledge Discovery (GGG), pp. 384–385.
- KR-1996-McCarthy
- From Here to Human-Level AI (JM0), pp. 640–646.
- SAC-1996-ZadroznyK #consistency #query #towards #user interface
- FQUERY for Access: towards human consistent querying user interface (SZ, JK), pp. 532–536.
- ICDAR-v2-1995-Lee #verification
- Neural approaches for human signature verification (LLL), pp. 1055–1058.
- CHI-1995-ShipmanMM #using
- Finding and Using Implicit Structure in Human-Organized Spatial Layouts of Information (FMSI, CCM, TPM), pp. 346–353.
- CHI-1995-ZimmermanSPAG #human-computer #interface
- Applying Electric Field Sensing to Human-Computer Interfaces (TGZ, JRS, JAP, DA, NG), pp. 280–287.
- SEKE-1995-FarCK #design #reuse #specification #using
- Software Creation: Using Specification and Description Language (SDL) for Capturing and Reusing Human Experts’ Knowledge in Software Design (BHF, HC, ZK), pp. 189–196.
- SIGIR-1995-Ruge #memory management #modelling
- Human Memory Models and Term Association (GR), pp. 219–227.
- RE-1995-FieldsWH #approach #fault #requirements
- A task centered approach to analysing human error tolerance requirements (BF, PCW, MDH), pp. 18–26.
- CHI-1994-WalkerSS94a #interface #using
- Using a human face in an interface (JHW, LS, RS), pp. 85–91.
- CIKM-1994-DavidsonKE #database
- Facilitating Transformations in a Human Genome Project Database (SBD, AK, BAE), pp. 423–432.
- SIGIR-1994-Yang #categorisation #effectiveness #learning #network #performance #retrieval
- Expert Network: Effective and Efficient Learning from Human Decisions in Text Categorization and Retrieval (YY), pp. 13–22.
- ICRE-1994-WrightFH #requirements
- Deriving human-error tolerance requirements from tasks (PCW, BF, MDH), pp. 135–142.
- ICDAR-1993-LeeKM #algorithm #fault #performance #recognition
- Efficient postprocessing algorithms for error correction in handwritten Hangul address and human name recognition (SWL, ESK, BWM), pp. 232–235.
- HCI-ACS-1993-BaughG #case study #interactive
- Human Computer Interaction Within the Criminal Justice System: A Study of the Probation Service (PJB, ACG), pp. 344–349.
- HCI-ACS-1993-ChrismanOBM #human-computer #information management #interactive
- Human-Computer Interaction Issues Involved with Geographic Information Systems (SEC, KO, BB, FM), pp. 179–184.
- HCI-ACS-1993-ClarkH #automation #case study #human-computer #interactive
- A Study of Human-Computer Interaction in the Selection of Commercial Pilots for Automated Flight Decks (REC, WFHI), pp. 350–355.
- HCI-ACS-1993-DoosB #development #human-computer #interactive #safety
- Disturbances in Production — A Safety Risk or a Chance for Development in the Human-Computer Interaction Context (MD, TB), pp. 809–814.
- HCI-ACS-1993-HolmB #knowledge base
- Human Competence, Work Organisation and Knowledge Based System (PH, GB), pp. 970–975.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Hopkin #automation
- Human Factors Implications of Air Traffic Control Automation (VDH), pp. 145–150.
- HCI-ACS-1993-HowerRB #constraints #interactive
- Constraint Processing in Human Computer Interaction with an Emphasis on Intelligent CAD (WH, MR, RB), pp. 243–248.
- HCI-ACS-1993-KeranRS #automation #mining #mobile #perspective
- Automation of Mobile Equipment in Mining: A Human Factors Perspective (CMK, RFR, TJS), pp. 307–312.
- HCI-ACS-1993-LipnerSS #design #interface
- The Relationship Between Task Structure and Choice of Navigational Aid in Human Computer Interface Design (RSL, GWS, KEOS), pp. 522–527.
- HCI-ACS-1993-LomanBR #human-computer #interface
- Cognitive Model of Human-Computer Interface (HCI) Onboard Space Station Freedom (SSF) (JML, DJB, CR), pp. 201–206.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Marsh
- Managing the Human Factors that Affect Change in Manufacturing (JLM), pp. 68–73.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Nakamura #distributed
- Cooperation of Distributed Human Scheduler in Cellular Manufacturing Systems (NN), pp. 14–19.
- HCI-ACS-1993-NakauchiSYA #interface #named
- FRECS: Interface System for Human-Robot Cooperation (YN, MS, YY, YA), pp. 237–242.
- HCI-ACS-1993-NtuenPK #architecture #human-computer #interface #mining
- A Blackboard Architecture for Human-Machine Interface in a Mining Teleoperation (CAN, EHP, SMK), pp. 50–55.
- HCI-ACS-1993-OBrienFM #automation #monitoring
- The Effect of Automated Intelligent Advisors on Human Decision Making in Monitoring Complex Mechanical Systems (KO, EMF, FM), pp. 185–190.
- HCI-ACS-1993-OkadaYA #interactive #interface
- The Active Interface for Human Robot Interaction (TO, YY, YA), pp. 231–236.
- HCI-ACS-1993-OnoYA #interactive
- A Model of Expressive Machine and Its Application to Human-Robot Interaction (CO, YY, YA), pp. 225–230.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Rauterberg #human-computer #interface #metric
- Quantitative Measures for Evaluating Human-Computer Interfaces (MR), pp. 612–617.
- HCI-ACS-1993-StanneyS #human-computer #information management #performance
- The Influence of Information Processing Strategies on Human-Computer Performance (KMS, GS), pp. 463–468.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Stanton #design #human-computer #interface
- Designing the Human-Computer Interface for a Medical Information Workstation (NAS), pp. 827–832.
- HCI-ACS-1993-VendaH #analysis #complexity
- Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Human Decision-Making Complexity (VFV, HWH), pp. 636–641.
- HCI-ACS-1993-WarneckeFW #artificial reality #human-computer #interactive
- Virtual Reality for Improved Human-Computer Interaction in Robotics and Medicine (HJW, TF, MW), pp. 207–212.
- HCI-ACS-1993-WickSH #assembly #interface #testing
- Testing the Human Computer Interface for the Telerobotic Assembly of the Space Station (DTW, NMS, ARH), pp. 213–218.
- HCI-ACS-1993-YufikS #complexity #framework #human-computer #interface
- A Framework for Measuring Cognitive Complexity of the Human-Machine Interface (YMY, TBS), pp. 587–592.
- HCI-SHI-1993-Anzai #interactive #multi
- Human-Robot-Computer Interaction in Multiagent Environment (YA), pp. 2–7.
- HCI-SHI-1993-BiasGT #interface #usability
- Three Usability Enhancements to the Human Factors-Design Interface (RGB, DJG, TST), pp. 169–174.
- HCI-SHI-1993-DohiI #human-computer #interactive #realtime #synthesis #towards
- Realtime Synthesis of a Realistic Anthropomorphous Agent Toward Advanced Human-Computer Interaction (HD, MI), pp. 152–157.
- HCI-SHI-1993-Edmondson #behaviour #human-computer #interactive #taxonomy
- A Taxonomy for Human Behaviour and Human-Computer Interaction (WHE), pp. 885–890.
- HCI-SHI-1993-FahnrichH #aspect-oriented #human-computer #interactive #multimodal
- Aspects of Multimodal and Multimedia Human-Computer Interaction (KPF, KHH), pp. 440–445.
- HCI-SHI-1993-FrascinaS #analysis #design #human-computer #interface
- Task Analysis in Design of a Human-Computer Interface for a Ward Based System (TF, RAS), pp. 226–230.
- HCI-SHI-1993-IshibuchiTK #detection #human-computer #interactive #multi #realtime
- Real-Time Multi-Hand Detection for Human-Computer Interaction (KI, HT, FK), pp. 1040–1045.
- HCI-SHI-1993-KishinoOTT #3d #detection #image #realtime
- Virtual Space Teleconferencing System — Real Time Detection and Reproduction of 3-D Human Images (FK, JO, HT, NT), pp. 669–674.
- HCI-SHI-1993-KoubekS #concept #requirements
- A Conceptual Model of Human Skill Requirements for Advanced Manufacturing Settings (RJK, GS), pp. 356–361.
- HCI-SHI-1993-LimL #interactive #specification
- Structured Notations for Human Factors Specification of Interactive Systems (KYL, JBL), pp. 325–331.
- HCI-SHI-1993-MassonK #fault #process
- Preventing Human Errors in Skilled Activities Through a Computerized Support System (MM, VDK), pp. 802–807.
- HCI-SHI-1993-MorimotoKN #human-computer #interactive #representation
- Dynamic Representation of Icons in Human-Computer Interaction (KM, TK, TN), pp. 38–43.
- HCI-SHI-1993-MorishimaH #animation #communication #human-computer #synthesis
- Facial Animation Synthesis for Human-Machine Communication System (SM, HH), pp. 1085–1090.
- HCI-SHI-1993-SakaOK #memory management #modelling
- A Human Memory Model Based on Search Patterns (TS, HO, NKI), pp. 849–854.
- HCI-SHI-1993-Sato #collaboration #design #development
- Human Centred Collaborative Design in System Development — Intelligent Back Scratcher to be Attentive to User’s Needs (YS), pp. 949–954.
- HCI-SHI-1993-SharitC #reasoning #rule-based
- The Use of Expert Systems for Training Humans in Rule-Based Reasoning (JS, SC), pp. 819–824.
- HCI-SHI-1993-SmithS #automation #human-computer #interactive
- Human-Computer Interaction and the Automation of Work (KUS, TJS), pp. 837–842.
- HCI-SHI-1993-TsiramuaK #design #effectiveness #human-computer #multi
- Designing of Highly Effective “Human-Computer” Systems, Based on Multifunctional Elements (ST, RK), pp. 33–37.
- HCI-SHI-1993-UetakeNTT #analysis #using
- A Meeting Support System Based on Analyses of Human-Communication — Using the Context and Contents of Meetings (TU, MN, KT, HT), pp. 967–972.
- HCI-SHI-1993-Watanabe #feedback #speech
- Voice-Responsive Eye-Blinking Feedback for Improved Human-to-Machine Speech Input (TW), pp. 1091–1096.
- INTERCHI-1993-ApperleyP #human-computer #interactive #research
- Human-computer interaction research at Massey University, New Zealand (MDA, CP), pp. 244–245.
- INTERCHI-1993-Bailey #design #human-computer #interface
- Iterative methodology and designer training in human-computer interface design (GSB), pp. 198–205.
- INTERCHI-1993-BrewsterWE #evaluation #human-computer #interface
- An evaluation of earcons for use in auditory human-computer interfaces (SAB, PCW, ADNE), pp. 222–227.
- INTERCHI-1993-ColganSR #automation #design
- The human guidance of automated design (LC, RS, PR), p. 515.
- INTERCHI-1993-Eisenstadt #research
- Human cognition research laboratory: the Open University (U.K.) (ME), pp. 51–52.
- INTERCHI-1993-KabbashMB #performance #using
- Human performance using computer input devices in the preferred and non-preferred hands (PK, ISM, WB), pp. 474–481.
- INTERCHI-1993-MacKenzieW #interactive #performance
- Lag as a determinant of human performance in interactive systems (ISM, CW), pp. 488–493.
- INTERCHI-1993-QuekP #human-computer
- Human-machine perceptual cooperation (FKHQ, MCP), pp. 123–130.
- INTERCHI-1993-Tognazzini #design #interface
- Principles, techniques, and ethics of stage magic and their application to human interface design (BT), pp. 355–362.
- CIKM-1993-LeeRTL #assembly #representation
- An Information Model for Human Genome Map Representation and Assembly (AJL, EAR, ST, SL), pp. 75–84.
- SEKE-1993-AbbattistaLV #concept #modelling
- Recovering Conceptual Data Models is Human-Intensive (FA, FL, GV), pp. 534–543.
- SEKE-1993-KoonoFBYOH #automation #design #simulation #towards
- Software Creation: Towards Automatic Software Design By Simulating Human Designers (ZK, BHF, TB, YY, MO, KIH), pp. 327–331.
- SAC-1993-MooneyGWSB #process
- A PC-Controlled Data Acquisition System for Transabdominal Recording of Cardiac Activity in the Human Fetus (DMM, LJG, JDW, DLS, LSB), pp. 622–626.
- SAC-1993-PelkeyTTLD #gnome #representation #visual notation
- Gnome View: A Tool for Visual Representation of Human Genome Data (JEP, GST, DAT, VBL, RJD), pp. 21–27.
- SAC-1993-Trans #simulation
- A Symbolic Simulation Model of the Organization of Human Procedural Knowledge (KT), pp. 482–489.
- CHI-1992-Bush #human-computer
- The Human-Computer Technology Group at Bellcore (RMB), pp. 283–284.
- CHI-1992-FoleyMW #human-computer #interactive #research
- Human-Computer Interaction Research at Georgia Institute of Technology (JDF, CMM, NW), pp. 61–62.
- CHI-1992-Group
- The Human Factors Group at Compaq Computer Corporation (HFG), pp. 285–286.
- CHI-1992-HargreavesRHMKL #towards
- Toward a more humane keyboard (WH, DR, NH, RM, KK, JL), pp. 365–368.
- CHI-1992-LimL #design
- A Method for (recruiting) Methods: Facilitating Human Factors Input to System Design (KYL, JBL), pp. 549–556.
- CHI-1992-McMillan #human-computer #interactive #modelling
- Computing for Users with Special Needs and Models of Computer-Human Interaction (WWM), pp. 143–148.
- CHI-1992-MrazekR #scalability #usability
- Integrating Human Factors on a Large Scale: Product Usability Champions (DM, MR), pp. 565–570.
- CHI-1992-RafflerSK #development #human-computer #interactive #research
- System Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction at SIEMENS Corporate Research and Development (HR, MSH, TK), pp. 65–66.
- CHI-1992-RussellXW #design #flexibility #human-computer #interface #process
- Action Assignable Graphics: A Flexible Human-Computer Interface Design Process (MDR, HX, LW), pp. 71–72.
- CHI-1992-Shackel #human-computer #named #research
- HUSAT — 21 Years of HCI: The Human Sciences and Advanced Technology Research Institute (BS), pp. 281–283.
- OOPSLA-1992-WanglerH #concept #interactive #visualisation
- Visualizing Objects: Methods for Exploring Human Computer Interaction Concepts (MFW, PH), pp. 146–153.
- CAV-1992-Lamport #verification
- Computer-Hindered Verification (Humans Can Do It Too) (LL), p. 1.
- CHI-1991-CurtisKHMC #interface
- Retrospective on the MCC Human Interface Laboratory (BC, RK, JH, SJM, GC), pp. 373–376.
- CHI-1991-Ehrlich #interface
- Human interface at SUN (East) (KE), pp. 471–472.
- CHI-1991-Gomoll #interface
- Apple computer’s human interface group: advanced technology group (KMG), pp. 473–474.
- CHI-1991-Johnson #interactive
- Human computer interaction laboratory Queen Mary and Westfield College University of London (PJ), pp. 475–476.
- CHI-1991-LundellN #development #modelling
- Human factors in software development: models, techniques, and outcomes (JL, MN), pp. 145–151.
- CHI-1991-NonogakiU #interface
- FRIEND21 project: a construction of 21st century human interface (HN, HU), pp. 407–414.
- CHI-1991-Rivers #interactive
- Human computer interaction division Logica Cambridge LTD., UK (RR), pp. 481–482.
- ML-1991-LangleyA
- The Acquisition of Human Planning Expertise (PL, JAA), pp. 80–84.
- ML-1991-Shultz #development #modelling #simulation
- Simulating Stages of Human Cognitive Development With Connectionist Models (TRS), pp. 105–109.
- ICSE-1991-RustonMC #design
- Designing Software for Use by Humans, not Machines (LR, MJM, KDC), pp. 104–113.
- SIGMOD-1990-Pecherer #database
- Database Management Issues of the Human Genome Project (RMP), p. 397.
- CHI-1990-Barnard #bibliography #human-computer #interactive #research
- Research for human-computer interaction at the MRC Applied Psychology Unit (lab review) (PJB), pp. 379–380.
- CHI-1990-EndoI #bibliography #interface
- NTT human interface laboratories (lab review) (TE, HI), pp. 81–82.
- CHI-1990-GillanB #design #human-computer #interface #modelling
- Designers’ models of the human-computer interface (DJG, SDB), pp. 391–398.
- CHI-1990-HarrisonM #bibliography #interactive
- Human computer interaction group, University of York, U.K. (lab review) (MDH, AFM), pp. 85–86.
- CHI-1990-KramerW #bibliography #human-computer #interactive #research
- Human-computer interaction research at the University of Illinois (lab review) (AFK, CDW), pp. 79–80.
- CHI-1990-Williges #bibliography #human-computer #interface
- Human-computer interface laboratory — Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (lab review) (RCW), pp. 283–284.
- CHI-1990-Winograd #education #human-computer #interactive #what
- What can we teach about human-computer interaction? (plenary address) (TW), pp. 443–448.
- ICSE-1990-Biggerstaff #abstraction #concept #re-engineering
- Human-Oriented Conceptual Abstractions in the Re-engineering of Software (TJB), p. 120.
- DAC-1989-McFarland #social
- The Social Implications of Computerization: Making the Technology Humane (MCM), pp. 129–134.
- CHI-1989-Kendzierski #human-computer #interactive
- Human-computer interaction department, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (NK), pp. 305–306.
- CHI-1989-RudisillG #human-computer #interactive
- NASA Johnson Space Center, Human-Computer Interaction (MR, DJG), pp. 55–56.
- CHI-1989-Shneiderman #human-computer #interactive
- Human-computer interaction lab, University of Maryland (BS), pp. 309–310.
- CAiSE-1989-Sutcliffe #automation #design #interface #tool support
- CASE Tools and the Human Computer Interface: Implications for Designers (AS).
- ML-1989-MuggletonBMM #comparison #machine learning
- An Experimental Comparison of Human and Machine Learning Formalisms (SM, MB, JHM, DM), pp. 113–118.
- ML-1989-VanLehn #problem #what
- Discovering Problem Solving Strategies: What Humans Do and Machines Don’t (Yet) (KV), pp. 215–217.
- DAC-1988-OdawaraTHOHO #compilation #interface
- A Human Machine Interface for Silicon Compilation (GO, MT, KH, OO, TH, MO), pp. 115–120.
- HCI-CE-1987-AnzaiMIH #problem
- A Serial-Parallel Integrated Information-Processing Model for Complex Human Problem Solving (YA, HM, MI, YH), pp. 175–182.
- HCI-CE-1987-Balzert #adaptation #architecture #human-computer #interface
- A Blackboard Architecture to Realize Adaptive Human-Computer Interfaces and Application Systems (HB), pp. 89–96.
- HCI-CE-1987-Chignell #interface
- Computer Interfaces for the Humanities (MHC), pp. 273–280.
- HCI-CE-1987-Elkerton #design #framework #human-computer
- A Framework for Designing Intelligent Human-Computer Dialogues (JE), pp. 567–574.
- HCI-CE-1987-FahnrichZD
- HUFIT (Human Factors in Information Technology) (KPF, JZ, DD), pp. 37–43.
- HCI-CE-1987-Glenn #human-computer #interactive #question #speech
- Where Does Speech Technology Fit in Human-Computer Interaction? (JWG), pp. 431–438.
- HCI-CE-1987-HanniganH #design
- Human Factors in Office Product Design: European Practice (SH, VH), pp. 225–232.
- HCI-CE-1987-Muckler #human-computer #interface
- The Human-Computer Interface: The Past 35 Years and the Next 35 Years (FAM), pp. 3–12.
- HCI-CE-1987-NakamuraS #case study #flexibility #scheduling
- Human Decision Making in Computer-Based Scheduling within a Flexible Manufacturing System: An Experimental Study (NN, GS), pp. 257–264.
- HCI-CE-1987-PaulW #human-computer #interface #towards
- Towards a Truly High-Level and Integrated Human-Computer Interface (DWP, HRW), pp. 53–60.
- HCI-CE-1987-Raskin #human-computer #interactive
- The Role of Nature Language Processing in Human-Computer Interaction (VR), pp. 121–128.
- HCI-CE-1987-RussellG #design
- Designing Human Factors Design Aids for Designers (AJR, MDG), pp. 289–296.
- HCI-CE-1987-Salvendy #development #human-computer #interactive #research #what
- What We Know and What We Should Know About Human-Computer Interaction: Strategies for Research and Development (GS), pp. 13–19.
- HCI-CE-1987-Swain #automation #dependence #problem
- Four Human Factors Problems for System Operators as Dependence on Automation Increases (ADS), pp. 105–112.
- HCI-CE-1987-Ulich #concept #difference #human-computer #interactive #research
- Individual Differences in Human-Computer Interaction: Concepts and Research Findings (EU), pp. 29–36.
- HCI-CE-1987-Williges #adaptation #human-computer #interface
- Adapting Human-Computer Interfaces for Inexperienced Users (RCW), pp. 21–28.
- HCI-CE-1987-Williges87a #human-computer #interface
- Analyzing Human-Computer Dialogue Interfaces (BHW), pp. 67–74.
- HCI-CE-1987-YamagishiA #evaluation #human-computer #interactive
- Experiments on Human-Computer Interaction Evaluation (NY, MA), pp. 167–174.
- HCI-SES-1987-Frese #concept #human-computer #interactive #performance
- A Concept of Control: Implications for Stress and Performance in Human-Computer Interaction (MF), pp. 43–50.
- HCI-SES-1987-Litewka #concept #human-computer #interactive #research
- Questionable Assumptions and Misconceptions in Ergonomic Research on Human-Computer Interaction: A Discussion (JL), pp. 337–344.
- HCI-SES-1987-Malt #analysis #approach #human-computer #interface
- Skills Analysis in Human-Computer Interface: A Holistic Approach (LGM), pp. 319–326.
- HCI-SES-1987-Nowakowski #human-computer #personalisation #recognition
- Personalized Recognition of Mental Workload in Human-Computer System (MN), pp. 75–82.
- HCI-SES-1987-QuintanarCM #human-computer #interactive #social
- The interactive Computer as a Social Stimulus in Human-Computer Interactions (LRQ, CRC, PJM), pp. 303–310.
- HCI-SES-1987-SmithS #feedback #interface
- Motor Feedback Control of Human Cognition: Implication for the Cognitive Interface (TJS, KUS), pp. 239–254.
- HCI-SES-1987-Watanabe #architecture #automation #interface
- Human-Interface Architecture: Its Significance for Office Automation System (HW), pp. 279–294.
- ICSE-1987-Rathke #communication #human-computer #re-engineering
- Human-Computer Communication Meets Software Engineering (CR), pp. 216–224.
- DAC-1983-Frome
- Incorporating the human factor in color CAD systems (FSF), pp. 189–195.
- ICSE-1982-KuoLR #approach
- A Form-Based Approach to Human Engineering Methodologies (HCCK, CHL, JR), pp. 254–271.
- VLDB-1980-Phillips #database
- Telidon and the Human Factors of Videotex Data Bases (DAP), pp. 330–331.
- DAC-1978-Eisenberg #interface #named
- CADMON: Improving the CAD system human interface (HE), pp. 353–358.
- DAC-1978-Fetter
- A computer graphic human figure system applicable to kineseology (WF), p. 297.
- DAC-1977-Matthews #design
- A human engineered PCB design system (AJM), pp. 182–186.
- VLDB-1977-Nickerson #database #memory management #scalability
- Some Comments on Human Archival Memory as a Very Large Data Base (RSN), pp. 159–168.
- DAC-1976-RabideauF #interactive #layout
- Interactive graphics package for human engineering and layout of vehicle workspace (GFR, JF), pp. 34–41.