10 papers:
PEPM-J-2013-Simon14 #type inference #using- Deriving a complete type inference for Hindley-Milner and vector sizes using expansion (AS), pp. 254–271.
ICFP-2014-Pottier #functional- Hindley-milner elaboration in applicative style: functional pearl (FP), pp. 203–212.
PEPM-2013-Simon #type inference #using- Deriving a complete type inference for hindley-milner and vector sizes using expansion (AS), pp. 13–22.
POPL-2011-GordonHHJS #concurrent #verification- Robin Milner 1934--2010: verification, languages, and concurrency (ADG, RH, JH, AJ, PS), pp. 473–474.
LICS-2010-Plotkin #tool support- Robin Milner, a Craftsman of Tools for the Mind (GDP), pp. 58–59.
FLOPS-2001-Sulzmann #framework #type inference- A General Type Inference Framework for Hindley/Milner Style Systems (MS), pp. 248–263.
FoSSaCS-1999-AcetoI #logic #recursion #testing- Testing Hennessy-Milner Logic with Recursion (LA, AI), pp. 41–55.
LICS-1995-Simpson #composition #logic- Compositionality via Cut-Elimination: Hennessy-Milner Logic for an Arbitrary GSOS (AKS), pp. 420–430.
LFP-1994-Hall #representation #type inference #using- Using Hindley-Milner Type Inference to Optimise List Representation (CVH), pp. 162–172.
POPL-1984-Wand #morphism #polymorphism #semantics- A Types-as-Sets Semantics for Milner-Style Polymorphism (MW), pp. 158–164.