4 papers:
ICALP-v2-2015-KariS #algebra #approach #geometry- An Algebraic Geometric Approach to Nivat’s Conjecture (JK, MS), pp. 273–285.
LATA-2015-BabariD #automaton #logic #theorem- A Nivat Theorem for Weighted Picture Automata and Weighted MSO Logic (PB, MD), pp. 703–715.
ICALP-v2-2014-DrosteP #automaton #distance #logic #theorem- A Nivat Theorem for Weighted Timed Automata and Weighted Relative Distance Logic (MD, VP), pp. 171–182.
DLT-2005-BrlekLL- A Note on a Result of Daurat and Nivat (SB, GL, AL), pp. 189–198.