553 papers:
CASE-2015-ChangL #algorithm #fuzzy #image- A fuzzy weighted mean aggregation algorithm for color image impulse noise removal (JYC, PCL), pp. 1268–1273.
CASE-2015-HeLG #graph #optimisation- Cycle time optimization of deterministic timed weighted marked graphs (ZH, ZL, AG), pp. 274–279.
DAC-2015-VasudevanR #algorithm #performance- An efficient algorithm for frequency-weighted balanced truncation of VLSI interconnects in descriptor form (VV, MR), p. 6.
PODS-2015-BeameBGS #first-order #symmetry- Symmetric Weighted First-Order Model Counting (PB, GVdB, EG, DS), pp. 313–328.
PODS-2015-Ullman #linear #multi #query- Private Multiplicative Weights Beyond Linear Queries (JU), pp. 303–312.
SIGMOD-2015-KouUMG- Weighted Coverage based Reviewer Assignment (NMK, LHU, NM, ZG), pp. 2031–2046.
STOC-2015-CohenP- Lp Row Sampling by Lewis Weights (MBC, RP), pp. 183–192.
CIAA-2015-MohriR #ambiguity #automaton #on the- On the Disambiguation of Weighted Automata (MM, MDR), pp. 263–278.
DLT-2015-Perevoshchikov #logic- Weight Assignment Logic (VP), pp. 413–425.
ICALP-v1-2015-ImM #order- Weighted Reordering Buffer Improved via Variants of Knapsack Covering Inequalities (SI, BM), pp. 737–748.
ICALP-v1-2015-LiJ #problem- A PTAS for the Weighted Unit Disk Cover Problem (JL, YJ), pp. 898–909.
ICALP-v2-2015-GairingKK #bound #game studies- Tight Bounds for Cost-Sharing in Weighted Congestion Games (MG, KK, GK), pp. 626–637.
LATA-2015-BabariD #automaton #logic #theorem- A Nivat Theorem for Weighted Picture Automata and Weighted MSO Logic (PB, MD), pp. 703–715.
LATA-2015-BjorklundDZ #algorithm #automaton #performance- An Efficient Best-Trees Algorithm for Weighted Tree Automata over the Tropical Semiring (JB, FD, NZ), pp. 97–108.
ICGT-2015-Bruggink0NZ #graph #graph transformation #proving #termination #using- Proving Termination of Graph Transformation Systems Using Weighted Type Graphs over Semirings (HJSB, BK, DN, HZ), pp. 52–68.
CHI-2015-Tajadura-Jimenez- As Light as your Footsteps: Altering Walking Sounds to Change Perceived Body Weight, Emotional State and Gait (ATJ, MB, OD, MF, NM, NBB), pp. 2943–2952.
ECIR-2015-BouchouchaLN #query #towards- Towards Query Level Resource Weighting for Diversified Query Expansion (AB, XL, JYN), pp. 1–12.
ECIR-2015-TsaiKH #approximate #distance #multi #probability- Approximating Weighted Hamming Distance by Probabilistic Selection for Multiple Hash Tables (CYT, YHK, WHH), pp. 123–134.
ICML-2015-Bai0ZH #graph #kernel- An Aligned Subtree Kernel for Weighted Graphs (LB, LR, ZZ, ERH), pp. 30–39.
ICML-2015-BlundellCKW #network #nondeterminism- Weight Uncertainty in Neural Network (CB, JC, KK, DW), pp. 1613–1622.
KDD-2015-GongSRG #modelling- Instance Weighting for Patient-Specific Risk Stratification Models (JJG, TMS, JDR, JVG), pp. 369–378.
KDD-2015-Li #consistency- 0-Bit Consistent Weighted Sampling (PL), pp. 665–674.
KDD-2015-XieBDG #performance #personalisation #rank- Edge-Weighted Personalized PageRank: Breaking A Decade-Old Performance Barrier (WX, DB, AJD, JG), pp. 1325–1334.
SIGIR-2015-ChenLZLS #approximate #matrix #named #recommendation #scalability- WEMAREC: Accurate and Scalable Recommendation through Weighted and Ensemble Matrix Approximation (CC, DL, YZ, QL, LS), pp. 303–312.
SIGIR-2015-GaoO #correlation- A Head-Weighted Gap-Sensitive Correlation Coefficient (NG, DWO), pp. 799–802.
POPL-2015-HeGWZ #automaton #composition #concurrent #probability #reasoning- Leveraging Weighted Automata in Compositional Reasoning about Concurrent Probabilistic Systems (FH, XG, BYW, LZ), pp. 503–514.
SAC-2015-ChoobdarRS #network- Discovering weighted motifs in gene co-expression networks (SC, PMPR, FMAS), pp. 10–17.
SAC-2015-SilvaMFM #evaluation #metric #mobile- A scheduler for mobile cloud based on weighted metrics and dynamic context evaluation (FAS, PRMM, GF, RRMM), pp. 569–576.
ICLP-2015-LeeMW #logic #markov #semantics- Markov Logic Style Weighted Rules under the Stable Model Semantics (JL, YM, YW).
LICS-2015-BallePP #approximate #automaton #canonical- A Canonical Form for Weighted Automata and Applications to Approximate Minimization (BB, PP, DP), pp. 701–712.
LICS-2015-ChatterjeeHO #automaton- Nested Weighted Automata (KC, TAH, JO), pp. 725–737.
CASE-2014-ChuHJKKJC #smarttech- The experiments of wearable robot for carrying heavy-weight objects of shipbuilding works (GC, JH, DHJ, DK, SK, SJ, JC), pp. 978–983.
CASE-2014-HeLG #graph #optimisation- Marking optimization of deterministic timed weighted marked graphs (ZH, ZL, AG), pp. 413–418.
DAC-2014-LinHL- Parasitic-aware Sizing and Detailed Routing for Binary-weighted Capacitors in Charge-scaling DAC (MPHL, VWHH, CYL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-LinRGDS #algorithm #performance- An Efficient Wire Routing and Wire Sizing Algorithm for Weight Minimization of Automotive Systems (CWL, LR, PG, JD, ALSV), p. 6.
DATE-2014-UbolliGBC #linear #megamodelling- Sensitivity-based weighting for passivity enforcement of linear macromodels in power integrity applications (AU, SGT, MB, AC), pp. 1–6.
STOC-2014-Nanongkai #algorithm #approximate #distributed- Distributed approximation algorithms for weighted shortest paths (DN), pp. 565–573.
AFL-2014-CarninoL #ambiguity #automaton #on the- On Determinism and Unambiguity of Weighted Two-way Automata (VC, SL), pp. 188–200.
AFL-2014-Ivan #automaton- Synchronizing weighted automata (SI), pp. 301–313.
AFL-2014-MalettiQ #automaton- Hyper-Minimization for Deterministic Weighted Tree Automata (AM, DQ), pp. 314–326.
CIAA-2014-DemailleDLSS #automaton #type system- A Type System for Weighted Automata and Rational Expressions (AD, ADL, SL, LS, JS), pp. 162–175.
CIAA-2014-Osterholzer #automaton #context-free grammar- Pushdown Machines for Weighted Context-Free Tree Translation (JO), pp. 290–303.
CIAA-2014-PittouR #automaton #infinity- Weighted Variable Automata over Infinite Alphabets (MP, GR), pp. 304–317.
ICALP-v1-2014-LuWZ #fibonacci- FPTAS for Weighted Fibonacci Gates and Its Applications (PL, MW, CZ), pp. 787–799.
ICALP-v1-2014-MakarychevM #clustering #graph- Nonuniform Graph Partitioning with Unrelated Weights (KM, YM), pp. 812–822.
ICALP-v2-2014-DrosteP #automaton #distance #logic #theorem- A Nivat Theorem for Weighted Timed Automata and Weighted Relative Distance Logic (MD, VP), pp. 171–182.
ICALP-v2-2014-Ghaffari #approximate #distributed #set- Near-Optimal Distributed Approximation of Minimum-Weight Connected Dominating Set (MG), pp. 483–494.
LATA-2014-DrosteD #automaton #infinity #logic #word- Weighted Automata and Logics for Infinite Nested Words (MD, SD), pp. 323–334.
LATA-2014-Prusa #complexity- Weight-Reducing Hennie Machines and Their Descriptional Complexity (DP), pp. 553–564.
ILC-2014-WakitaHS #framework #implementation #javascript #metaprogramming- Hygienic Macro System for JavaScript and Its Light-weight Implementation Framework (KW, KH, AS), p. 12.
CIKM-2014-CarmelMPS #analysis #community #using- Improving Term Weighting for Community Question Answering Search Using Syntactic Analysis (DC, AM, YP, IS), pp. 351–360.
CIKM-2014-LimCK #data type #performance- Fast, Accurate, and Space-efficient Tracking of Time-weighted Frequent Items from Data Streams (YL, JC, UK), pp. 1109–1118.
CIKM-2014-OzdemirayA #performance #predict #query- Query Performance Prediction for Aspect Weighting in Search Result Diversification (AMO, ISA), pp. 1871–1874.
CIKM-2014-PaikO #fixpoint #query- A Fixed-Point Method for Weighting Terms in Verbose Informational Queries (JHP, DWO), pp. 131–140.
ICML-c2-2014-ChenLX #clustering #graph #nondeterminism- Weighted Graph Clustering with Non-Uniform Uncertainties (YC, SHL, HX), pp. 1566–1574.
ICML-c2-2014-TaylorGP #analysis #approximate #linear #programming- An Analysis of State-Relevance Weights and Sampling Distributions on L1-Regularized Approximate Linear Programming Approximation Accuracy (GT, CG, DP), pp. 451–459.
ICML-c2-2014-WestonWY- Affinity Weighted Embedding (JW, RJW, HY), pp. 1215–1223.
ICPR-2014-DavarzaniM #adaptation #image #robust- Robust Image Description with Weighted and Adaptive Local Binary Pattern Features (RD, SM), pp. 1097–1102.
ICPR-2014-IoannidisCL #clustering #modelling #multi #using- Key-Frame Extraction Using Weighted Multi-view Convex Mixture Models and Spectral Clustering (AI, VC, AL), pp. 3463–3468.
ICPR-2014-KrawczykWC #classification #clustering #fuzzy- Weighted One-Class Classifier Ensemble Based on Fuzzy Feature Space Partitioning (BK, MW, BC), pp. 2838–2843.
ICPR-2014-LiWQ #visual notation- Visual Tracking via Saliency Weighted Sparse Coding Appearance Model (WL, PW, HQ), pp. 4092–4097.
ICPR-2014-YangLLYL #estimation #identification #modelling- Color Models and Weighted Covariance Estimation for Person Re-identification (YY, SL, ZL, DY, SZL), pp. 1874–1879.
ICPR-2014-YangYH #learning- Diversity-Based Ensemble with Sample Weight Learning (CY, XCY, HWH), pp. 1236–1241.
KR-2014-BroeckMD #first-order- Skolemization for Weighted First-Order Model Counting (GVdB, WM, AD).
MLDM-2014-LimsettoW- Integrating Weight with Ensemble to Handle Changes in Class Distribution (NL, KW), pp. 91–106.
RecSys-2014-Vahedian #hybrid #network #recommendation- Weighted hybrid recommendation for heterogeneous networks (FV), pp. 429–432.
SIGIR-2014-NieLY #collaboration- Weighted aspect-based collaborative filtering (YN, YL, XY), pp. 1071–1074.
SAC-2014-WangMLG #recommendation #social- Recommendation based on weighted social trusts and item relationships (DW, JM, TL, LG), pp. 254–259.
LICS-CSL-2014-BaierKKW #complexity #decidability #linear #logic #monitoring- Weight monitoring with linear temporal logic: complexity and decidability (CB, JK, SK, SW), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-BolligGMZ #automaton #logic- Logical characterization of weighted pebble walking automata (BB, PG, BM, MZ), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-BruyereMR #game studies- Secure equilibria in weighted games (VB, NM, JFR), p. 26.
DAC-2013-OnizawaG #clustering #network #power management #scalability- Low-power area-efficient large-scale IP lookup engine based on binary-weighted clustered networks (NO, WJG), p. 6.
ICDAR-2013-HaoGZXPSK #automation #detection #fault #finite #transducer- Automated Error Detection and Correction of Chinese Characters in Written Essays Based on Weighted Finite-State Transducer (SH, ZG, MZ, YX, HP, KS, DK), pp. 763–767.
ICDAR-2013-SuL #learning #recognition- Discriminative Weighting and Subspace Learning for Ensemble Symbol Recognition (FS, TL), pp. 1088–1092.
FoSSaCS-2013-AvniK- Parameterized Weighted Containment (GA, OK), pp. 369–384.
FoSSaCS-2013-BolligGM #specification #word- Weighted Specifications over Nested Words (BB, PG, BM), pp. 385–400.
TACAS-2013-Minamide #automaton- Weighted Pushdown Systems with Indexed Weight Domains (YM), pp. 230–244.
ICPC-2013-BassettK #feature model #retrieval- Structural information based term weighting in text retrieval for feature location (BB, NAK), pp. 133–141.
ICSM-2013-RomanoP #towards- Towards a Weighted Voting System for Q&A Sites (DR, MP), pp. 368–371.
MSR-2013-ShokripourAKZ #debugging #recommendation #why- Why so complicated? simple term filtering and weighting for location-based bug report assignment recommendation (RS, JA, ZMK, SZ), pp. 2–11.
PLDI-2013-GveroKKP #using- Complete completion using types and weights (TG, VK, IK, RP), pp. 27–38.
STOC-2013-Bernstein #graph #maintenance- Maintaining shortest paths under deletions in weighted directed graphs: [extended abstract] (AB), pp. 725–734.
STOC-2013-EisenstatK #algorithm #graph #linear #multi- Linear-time algorithms for max flow and multiple-source shortest paths in unit-weight planar graphs (DE, PNK), pp. 735–744.
CIAA-J-2012-Oliveira13 #algebra #automaton #category theory #matrix- Weighted Automata as Coalgebras in Categories of Matrices (JNO), pp. 709–728.
CIAA-2013-AbbadL- Computing Weights (HA, ÉL), pp. 24–35.
ICALP-v1-2013-0002BFGK- Minimizing Maximum (Weighted) Flow-Time on Related and Unrelated Machines (SA, KB, TF, NG, AK), pp. 13–24.
ICALP-v1-2013-AbboudL- Exact Weight Subgraphs and the k-Sum Conjecture (AA, KL), pp. 1–12.
ICALP-v1-2013-BateniHL #algorithm #approximate #problem- Improved Approximation Algorithms for (Budgeted) Node-Weighted Steiner Problems (MB, MH, VL), pp. 81–92.
ICALP-v1-2013-GuoW #complexity #csp- The Complexity of Planar Boolean #CSP with Complex Weights (HG, TW), pp. 516–527.
CHI-2013-AlperBRIF #analysis #comparison #graph- Weighted graph comparison techniques for brain connectivity analysis (BA, BB, NHR, TI, JDF), pp. 483–492.
CHI-2013-BanNFSITH #artificial reality #using- Augmented endurance: controlling fatigue while handling objects by affecting weight perception using augmented reality (YB, TN, TF, SS, JI, TT, MH), pp. 69–78.
HCI-III-2013-XuGC #classification #kernel #representation- Kernel Based Weighted Group Sparse Representation Classifier (BX, PG, CLPC), pp. 236–245.
ICEIS-v1-2013-Al-ShamriA #collaboration #correlation #recommendation- Fuzzy-weighted Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Collaborative Recommender Systems (MYHAS, NHAA), pp. 409–414.
CIKM-2013-WangZS #performance #scalability #similarity- Weighted hashing for fast large scale similarity search (QW, DZ, LS), pp. 1185–1188.
ICML-c2-2013-AlainO- Gated Autoencoders with Tied Input Weights (AD, OS), pp. 154–162.
RecSys-2013-AdamopoulosT #collaboration #predict #recommendation #using- Recommendation opportunities: improving item prediction using weighted percentile methods in collaborative filtering systems (PA, AT), pp. 351–354.
SEKE-2013-KarimM #classification #performance- Revisiting the Performance of Weighted k-Nearest Centroid Neighbor Classifiers (MRK, MM), pp. 332–337.
SEKE-2013-LiLY #fault #locality #testing- Exploiting Weights of Test Cases to Enhance Fault Localization (S) (YL, CL, ZY), pp. 589–593.
SIGIR-2013-Paik #effectiveness #novel #ranking- A novel TF-IDF weighting scheme for effective ranking (JHP), pp. 343–352.
SIGIR-2013-ZhuC #adaptation- An adaptive evidence weighting method for medical record search (DZ, BC), pp. 1025–1028.
PPDP-2013-MatsudaW #approach #bidirectional #for free #problem #runtime- Bidirectionalization for free with runtime recording: or, a light-weight approach to the view-update problem (KM, MW), pp. 297–308.
ICST-2013-FryW #analysis #maintenance- Leveraging Light-Weight Analyses to Aid Software Maintenance (ZPF, WW), pp. 507–508.
LICS-2013-LairdMMP #modelling #relational #λ-calculus- Weighted Relational Models of Typed λ-Calculi (JL, GM, GM, MP), pp. 301–310.
DAC-2012-ZhangTT #identification #using- Identification of recovered ICs using fingerprints from a light-weight on-chip sensor (XZ, NT, MT), pp. 703–708.
DATE-2012-PatilJCLYPLCC #logic- Weighted area technique for electromechanically enabled logic computation with cantilever-based NEMS switches (SP, MWJ, CLC, DL, ZY, WEP, DJL, SAC, TC), pp. 727–732.
DATE-2012-TtofisT #adaptation #algorithm #hardware #implementation #realtime #towards- Towards accurate hardware stereo correspondence: A real-time FPGA implementation of a segmentation-based adaptive support weight algorithm (CT, TT), pp. 703–708.
VLDB-2012-AngelKSS #identification #maintenance #realtime #streaming- Dense Subgraph Maintenance under Streaming Edge Weight Updates for Real-time Story Identification (AA, NK, NS, DS), pp. 574–585.
STOC-2012-CaiC #complexity #csp- Complexity of counting CSP with complex weights (JYC, XC), pp. 909–920.
STOC-2012-DeDFS #approximate #parametricity #problem- Nearly optimal solutions for the chow parameters problem and low-weight approximation of halfspaces (AD, ID, VF, RAS), pp. 729–746.
AFL-J-2011-MalettiQ12- Unweighted and Weighted Hyper-Minimization (AM, DQ), pp. 1207–1226.
CIAA-2012-DrosteP #automaton #logic #word- Weighted Nested Word Automata and Logics over Strong Bimonoids (MD, BP), pp. 138–148.
CIAA-2012-GastinM #automaton- Adding Pebbles to Weighted Automata (PG, BM), pp. 28–51.
CIAA-2012-LombardyS- The Removal of Weighted ε-Transitions (SL, JS), pp. 345–352.
CIAA-2012-Mandrali #ltl- Weighted LTL with Discounting (EM), pp. 353–360.
ICALP-v1-2012-BuchbinderNRS #algorithm #approximate #constraints #online #rank- Approximation Algorithms for Online Weighted Rank Function Maximization under Matroid Constraints (NB, JN, RR, MS), pp. 145–156.
ICALP-v1-2012-ChekuriEV #design #graph #network #product line- Node-Weighted Network Design in Planar and Minor-Closed Families of Graphs (CC, AE, AV), pp. 206–217.
CIKM-2012-ChenW #automation #classification #naive bayes- Automated feature weighting in naive bayes for high-dimensional data classification (LC, SW), pp. 1243–1252.
CIKM-2012-ComarLSNT #detection #kernel #linear- Weighted linear kernel with tree transformed features for malware detection (PMC, LL, SS, AN, PNT), pp. 2287–2290.
CIKM-2012-Lehrack #database #probability #query- Applying weighted queries on probabilistic databases (SL), pp. 2209–2213.
CIKM-2012-LiuKCBLPR #graph #on the- On compressing weighted time-evolving graphs (WL, AK, JC, JB, CL, JP, KR), pp. 2319–2322.
CIKM-2012-WangXY #learning- Importance weighted passive learning (SW, XX, YY), pp. 2243–2246.
CIKM-2012-YanGLCW #clustering #matrix #using- Clustering short text using Ncut-weighted non-negative matrix factorization (XY, JG, SL, XC, YW), pp. 2259–2262.
ECIR-2012-Bloom #analysis #graph- Applying Power Graph Analysis to Weighted Graphs (NB), pp. 548–551.
ECIR-2012-FergusonOLPM #microblog #retrieval- An Investigation of Term Weighting Approaches for Microblog Retrieval (PF, NO, JL, OP, KM), pp. 552–555.
ECIR-2012-WuF- Relation Based Term Weighting Regularization (HW, HF), pp. 109–120.
ICML-2012-HoiWZ #learning- Exact Soft Confidence-Weighted Learning (SCHH, JW, PZ), p. 19.
ICPR-2012-AbouelenienY #analysis #fault #named #performance- SampleBoost: Improving boosting performance by destabilizing weak learners based on weighted error analysis (MA, XY), pp. 585–588.
ICPR-2012-DattaBFP #identification #modelling #using- Appearance modeling for person re-identification using Weighted Brightness Transfer Functions (AD, LMGB, RF, SP), pp. 2367–2370.
ICPR-2012-GautamSV #performance- An efficient, bolus-stage based method for motion correction in perfusion weighted MRI (RG, JS, RV), pp. 145–148.
ICPR-2012-GuoRM #classification #representation #similarity- Similarity weighted sparse representation for classification (SG, QR, ZM), pp. 1241–1244.
ICPR-2012-KananA #order #pseudo #recognition #using- Recognition of facial expressions using locally weighted and adjusted order Pseudo Zernike Moments (HRK, MA), pp. 3419–3422.
ICPR-2012-KirbizG #matrix #music- Perceptually weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization for blind single-channel music source separation (SK, BG), pp. 226–229.
ICPR-2012-KusumaSLL #recognition #sequence #using- Appearance-based object recognition using weighted longest increasing subsequence (GPK, AS, YL, JAL), pp. 3668–3671.
ICPR-2012-LiCWLG #matrix #robust- Robust lyric search based on weighted syllable confusion matrix (BL, FC, QW, GL, JG), pp. 613–616.
ICPR-2012-LiuWZL #using- Pan-sharpening using weighted red-black wavelet (QL, YW, ZZ, LL), pp. 1908–1911.
ICPR-2012-LuLZSCO #using- Learning-based deformable registration using weighted mutual information (YL, RL, LZ, YS, CC, SHO), pp. 2626–2629.
ICPR-2012-MujumdarVK #framework #multi #novel #segmentation #using- A novel framework for segmentation of stroke lesions in Diffusion Weighted MRI using multiple b-value data (SM, RV, LTK), pp. 3762–3765.
ICPR-2012-NayefAB #learning- Learning feature weights of symbols, with application to symbol spotting (NN, MZA, TMB), pp. 2371–2374.
ICPR-2012-NikanA #recognition #using- Human face recognition under occlusion using LBP and entropy weighted voting (SN, MA), pp. 1699–1702.
ICPR-2012-PetricekS #3d #recognition- Area-weighted surface normals for 3D object recognition (TP, TS), pp. 1492–1496.
ICPR-2012-ShenMZ #analysis #graph #learning #online- Unsupervised online learning trajectory analysis based on weighted directed graph (YS, ZM, JZ), pp. 1306–1309.
ICPR-2012-TimofteG #classification #collaboration #image #representation- Weighted collaborative representation and classification of images (RT, LJVG), pp. 1606–1610.
ICPR-2012-Utasi #classification #dataset- Weighted conditional mutual information based boosting for classification of imbalanced datasets (ÁU), pp. 2711–2714.
ICPR-2012-YilmazYK #multimodal #network #process- Non-linear weighted averaging for multimodal information fusion by employing Analytical Network Process (TY, AY, MK), pp. 234–237.
ICPR-2012-ZhaoSS #learning #predict- Importance-weighted label prediction for active learning with noisy annotations (LZ, GS, RS), pp. 3476–3479.
ICPR-2012-ZhouWXZM #learning #recognition- Learning weighted features for human action recognition (WZ, CW, BX, ZZ, LM), pp. 1160–1163.
KR-2012-Coste-MarquisKMO #framework- Weighted Attacks in Argumentation Frameworks (SCM, SK, PM, MAO).
RecSys-2012-BostandjievOH #hybrid #interactive #named #recommendation #visual notation- TasteWeights: a visual interactive hybrid recommender system (SB, JO, TH), pp. 35–42.
SEKE-2012-CordeiroCP- A Light Weight Alternative for OLAP (HC, JC, EP), pp. 712–717.
SIGIR-2012-Ko #case study #classification #using- A study of term weighting schemes using class information for text classification (YK), pp. 1029–1030.
SIGIR-2012-LuCL #information retrieval- Fixed versus dynamic co-occurrence windows in TextRank term weights for information retrieval (WL, QC, CL), pp. 1079–1080.
SIGIR-2012-ParkerYGY #estimation #performance- Efficient estimation of aspect weights (JP, AY, NG, WGY), pp. 1057–1058.
MoDELS-2012-JohansenHFES #array #generative #modelling #product line- Generating Better Partial Covering Arrays by Modeling Weights on Sub-product Lines (MFJ, ØH, FF, AGE, TS), pp. 269–284.
MoDELS-2012-JohansenHFES #array #generative #modelling #product line- Generating Better Partial Covering Arrays by Modeling Weights on Sub-product Lines (MFJ, ØH, FF, AGE, TS), pp. 269–284.
PADL-2012-LierlerSTW #declarative #problem- Weighted-Sequence Problem: ASP vs CASP and Declarative vs Problem-Oriented Solving (YL, SS, MT, AW), pp. 63–77.
SAC-2012-AvalhaisSRT #difference #image #retrieval #search-based- Image retrieval employing genetic dissimilarity weighting and feature space transformation functions (LPSA, SFdS, JFRJ, AJMT), pp. 1012–1017.
SAC-2012-SaidJA #collaboration- Analyzing weighting schemes in collaborative filtering: cold start, post cold start and power users (AS, BJJ, SA), pp. 2035–2040.
SAC-2012-SeelandBKP- Maximum Common Subgraph based locally weighted regression (MS, FB, SK, BP), pp. 165–172.
SPLC-2012-Elsner #staged #tool support- Light-weight tool support for staged product derivation (CE), pp. 146–155.
CGO-2012-HasabnisMS #bound- Light-weight bounds checking (NH, AM, RS), pp. 135–144.
ICST-2012-DengJ #dependence #graph- Weighted System Dependence Graph (FD, JAJ), pp. 380–389.
SAT-2012-CreignouV #complexity #problem #satisfiability- Parameterized Complexity of Weighted Satisfiability Problems (NC, HV), pp. 341–354.
ASE-2011-Bandyopadhyay #fault #locality #testing #using- Improving spectrum-based fault localization using proximity-based weighting of test cases (AB), pp. 660–664.
ASE-2011-BandyopadhyayG #fault #locality #proximity #testing- Proximity based weighting of test cases to improve spectrum based fault localization (AB, SG), pp. 420–423.
ICDAR-2011-ChowdhuryGC #finite #online #recognition #transducer- A Weighted Finite-State Transducer (WFST)-Based Language Model for Online Indic Script Handwriting Recognition (SC, UG, TC), pp. 599–602.
ICDAR-2011-KleberDS #estimation #using- Scale Space Binarization Using Edge Information Weighted by a Foreground Estimation (FK, MD, RS), pp. 1180–1184.
ICDAR-2011-PanZSN11a #adaptation #detection #segmentation #verification- Improving Scene Text Detection by Scale-Adaptive Segmentation and Weighted CRF Verification (YFP, YZ, JS, SN), pp. 759–763.
ICDAR-2011-XuDPL #grid #independence #recognition- An Improved Method Based on Weighted Grid Micro-structure Feature for Text-Independent Writer Recognition (LX, XD, LP, XL), pp. 638–642.
ICDAR-2011-YamazoeEYT #approach #finite #recognition #transducer- Hypothesis Preservation Approach to Scene Text Recognition with Weighted Finite-State Transducer (TY, ME, TY, KT), pp. 359–363.
ICPC-J-2009-HsuH11 #analysis #comparison #estimation #relational- Comparison of weighted grey relational analysis for software effort estimation (CJH, CYH), pp. 165–200.
CSMR-2011-Mordal-ManetLDABBBVM #empirical #metric- An Empirical Model for Continuous and Weighted Metric Aggregation (KMM, JL, SD, NA, FB, FB, LB, PV, TJM), pp. 141–150.
CSMR-2011-SiddiqueM #clustering- Analyzing Term Weighting Schemes for Labeling Software Clusters (FS, OM), pp. 85–88.
CIAA-J-2010-DrosteM11 #automaton #monad #regular expression- Weighted Automata and Regular Expressions over Valuation Monoids (MD, IM), pp. 1829–1844.
CIAA-J-2010-EsikM11 #automaton #simulation- The Category of Simulations for Weighted Tree Automata (ZÉ, AM), pp. 1845–1859.
AFL-2011-BorgwardtP #automaton #infinity #problem- The Inclusion Problem for Weighted Automata on Infinite Trees (SB, RP), pp. 108–122.
AFL-2011-MalettiQ #automaton #finite- Hyper-minimisation of deterministic weighted finite automata over semifields (AM, DQ), pp. 285–299.
DLT-2011-DrosteMST #composition #finite- A Cascade Decomposition of Weighted Finite Transition Systems (MD, IM, BS, AT), pp. 472–473.
ICALP-v1-2011-Moldenhauer #algorithm #approximate #graph- Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithms for Node-Weighted Steiner Forest on Planar Graphs (CM), pp. 748–759.
ICALP-v2-2011-KolliasR #game studies- Restoring Pure Equilibria to Weighted Congestion Games (KK, TR), pp. 539–551.
LATA-2011-Quaas #automaton #bound #on the #problem- On the Interval-Bound Problem for Weighted Timed Automata (KQ), pp. 452–464.
CHI-2011-MaitlandC #design- Designing for peer involvement in weight management (JM, MC), pp. 315–324.
CHI-2011-PurpuraSWSS #behaviour #design #named #persuasion- Fit4life: the design of a persuasive technology promoting healthy behavior and ideal weight (SP, VS, KW, WS, PS), pp. 423–432.
DHM-2011-ZouZYBGC #predict- An Alternative Formulation for Determining Weights of Joint Displacement Objective Function in Seated Posture Prediction (QZ, QZ, J(Y, RB, JG, AC), pp. 231–242.
HCD-2011-DasFS #requirements- Management of Weight-Loss: Patients’ and Healthcare Professionals’ Requirements for an E-health System for Patients (AD, AF, DS), pp. 285–294.
ICEIS-v3-2011-WangCLX #evaluation #process- Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process on Calculating the Weights of Economic Model Evaluation (DW, DC, NL, JX), pp. 108–116.
CIKM-2011-CaoCS #graph #named- Skynets: searching for minimum trees in graphs with incomparable edge weights (HC, KSC, MLS), pp. 1775–1784.
CIKM-2011-HuiHLW #statistics #using- Relevance weighting using within-document term statistics (KH, BH, TL, BW), pp. 99–104.
ECIR-2011-CaiGWZ #adaptation #ranking- Weight-Based Boosting Model for Cross-Domain Relevance Ranking Adaptation (PC, WG, KFW, AZ), pp. 562–567.
ICML-2011-SaxeKCBSN #learning #on the #random- On Random Weights and Unsupervised Feature Learning (AMS, PWK, ZC, MB, BS, AYN), pp. 1089–1096.
ICML-2011-SmallWBT #learning- The Constrained Weight Space SVM: Learning with Ranked Features (KS, BCW, CEB, TAT), pp. 865–872.
KDD-2011-ToivonenZHH #graph- Compression of weighted graphs (HT, FZ, AH, AH), pp. 965–973.
MLDM-2011-Grabczewski- Separability of Split Value Criterion with Weighted Separation Gains (KG), pp. 88–98.
MLDM-2011-SahaDR #community #detection #network- Detection of Communities and Bridges in Weighted Networks (TS, CD, HR), pp. 584–598.
SIGIR-2011-BenderskyMC #concept #query- Parameterized concept weighting in verbose queries (MB, DM, WBC), pp. 605–614.
SIGIR-2011-HeHS- A weighted curve fitting method for result merging in federated search (CH, DH, LS), pp. 1177–1178.
SIGIR-2011-ZhouHH #ad hoc #estimation #probability #using- Enhancing ad-hoc relevance weighting using probability density estimation (XZ, JXH, BH), pp. 175–184.
QAPL-2011-FahrenbergTL #game studies- Distances for Weighted Transition Systems: Games and Properties (UF, CRT, KGL), pp. 134–147.
LICS-2011-AminofKL #approximate #automaton- Rigorous Approximated Determinization of Weighted Automata (BA, OK, RL), pp. 345–354.
SAT-2011-CreignouOS #csp- Enumerating All Solutions of a Boolean CSP by Non-decreasing Weight (NC, FO, JS), pp. 120–133.
CASE-2010-KwokHFRW #approach #image #using- Color image contrast enhancement using a local equalization and weighted sum approach (NMK, QPH, GF, ABR, DW), pp. 568–573.
DAC-2010-SingheeC- Pareto sampling: choosing the right weights by derivative pursuit (AS, PC), pp. 913–916.
DATE-2010-AndalamRG #multi #predict #thread #using- Deterministic, predictable and light-weight multithreading using PRET-C (SA, PSR, AG), pp. 1653–1656.
DATE-2010-KranenburgL #architecture #implementation #named #robust- MB-LITE: A robust, light-weight soft-core implementation of the MicroBlaze architecture (TK, RvL), pp. 997–1000.
HT-2010-LiangXLNT #personalisation #recommendation- Connecting users and items with weighted tags for personalized item recommendations (HL, YX, YL, RN, XT), pp. 51–60.
VLDB-2010-DeutchMPY #evaluation #process #query- Optimal Top-K Query Evaluation for Weighted Business Processes (DD, TM, NP, TY), pp. 940–951.
ESOP-2010-Wenner #automaton #network- Weighted Dynamic Pushdown Networks (AW), pp. 590–609.
PEPM-2010-LiO #automaton- Conditional weighted pushdown systems and applications (XL, MO), pp. 141–150.
STOC-2010-Varadarajan #geometry #set- Weighted geometric set cover via quasi-uniform sampling (KRV), pp. 641–648.
CIAA-2010-AllauzenRS #composition #finite #performance #transducer- Filters for Efficient Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers (CA, MR, JS), pp. 28–38.
CIAA-2010-EsikM #automaton #simulation- Simulations of Weighted Tree Automata (ZÉ, AM), pp. 321–330.
CIAA-2010-Johnson #natural language #using- Uniformizing Rational Relations for Natural Language Applications Using Weighted Determinization (JHJ), pp. 173–180.
DLT-2010-DrosteV #automaton #bound #logic #multi #theorem- Kleene and Büchi Theorems for Weighted Automata and Multi-valued Logics over Arbitrary Bounded Lattices (MD, HV), pp. 160–172.
DLT-2010-Maletti #top-down #transducer- Input Products for Weighted Extended Top-Down Tree Transducers (AM), pp. 316–327.
ICALP-v1-2010-HarksK #game studies #nash #on the- On the Existence of Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games (TH, MK), pp. 79–89.
ICALP-v2-2010-BolligGMZ #automaton #logic #transitive- Pebble Weighted Automata and Transitive Closure Logics (BB, PG, BM, MZ), pp. 587–598.
CIKM-2010-AjiWAG #analysis #modelling #using- Using the past to score the present: extending term weighting models through revision history analysis (AA, YW, EA, EG), pp. 629–638.
CIKM-2010-LiuWCL #automation #xml- Automatically weighting tags in XML collection (DL, CW, LC, XL), pp. 1289–1292.
CIKM-2010-LiuWMKC #information retrieval #natural language- Weighting common syntactic structures for natural language based information retrieval (CL, HW, SIM, EK, DC), pp. 1485–1488.
CIKM-2010-MingCC- Exploring domain-specific term weight in archived question search (ZM, TSC, GC), pp. 1605–1608.
ECIR-2010-YangJX #enterprise #using- Using Weighted Tagging to Facilitate Enterprise Search (SY, JJ, YX), pp. 590–593.
ECIR-2010-ZhengF #information retrieval #query- Query Aspect Based Term Weighting Regularization in Information Retrieval (WZ, HF), pp. 344–356.
ICML-2010-Cesa-BianchiGVZ #graph #predict #random- Random Spanning Trees and the Prediction of Weighted Graphs (NCB, CG, FV, GZ), pp. 175–182.
ICPR-2010-ChenWL #clustering #on the- On Dynamic Weighting of Data in Clustering with K-Alpha Means (SC, HW, BL), pp. 774–777.
ICPR-2010-ChernoffN #nearest neighbour- Weighting of the k-Nearest-Neighbors (KC, MN), pp. 666–669.
ICPR-2010-DehzangiMCL #classification #fuzzy #using- Framewise Phone Classification Using Weighted Fuzzy Classification Rules (OD, BM, EC, HL), pp. 4186–4189.
ICPR-2010-IgelmoSF #graph #representation- A Conductance Electrical Model for Representing and Matching Weighted Undirected Graphs (MI, AS, MF), pp. 958–961.
ICPR-2010-LlobetCPA #finite #transducer #using- OCR Post-processing Using Weighted Finite-State Transducers (RL, JRCN, JCPC, JA), pp. 2021–2024.
ICPR-2010-NasonovK #performance #using- Fast Super-Resolution Using Weighted Median Filtering (AVN, ASK), pp. 2230–2233.
ICPR-2010-NgPS #automation #clustering #fuzzy- Automated Feature Weighting in Fuzzy Declustering-based Vector Quantization (TFN, TDP, CS), pp. 686–689.
ICPR-2010-SmithW #analysis- A Bias-Variance Analysis of Bootstrapped Class-Separability Weighting for Error-Correcting Output Code Ensembles (RSS, TW), pp. 61–64.
ICPR-2010-StrucDP #recognition #robust- Confidence Weighted Subspace Projection Techniques for Robust Face Recognition in the Presence of Partial Occlusions (VS, SD, NP), pp. 1334–1338.
ICPR-2010-TaoYCWLT #2d #estimation #fourier- Estimation of Fingerprint Orientation Field by Weighted 2D Fourier Expansion Model (XT, XY, KC, RW, PL, JT), pp. 1253–1256.
ICPR-2010-YamashitaW #correlation #matrix- Subspace Methods with Globally/Locally Weighted Correlation Matrix (YY, TW), pp. 4259–4262.
ICPR-2010-YoonW #algorithm- Improved Mean Shift Algorithm with Heterogeneous Node Weights (JWY, SPW), pp. 4222–4225.
ICPR-2010-ZhangK #analysis #bound- Weighted Boundary Points for Shape Analysis (JZ, RK), pp. 1598–1601.
ICPR-2010-ZhangST10a #detection #lens- Contact Lens Detection Based on Weighted LBP (HZ, ZS, TT), pp. 4279–4282.
KR-2010-PichlerRSW #bound #constraints #programming- Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth Is not Enough (RP, SR, SS, SW).
SEKE-2010-BackerM #algorithm #network- Evaluating the Weighted Sum Algorithm for Estimating Conditional Probabilities in Bayesian Networks (SB, EM), pp. 319–324.
SEKE-2010-PaikariRR #case study #comparative #fault #predict #reasoning #using- A Comparative Study of Attribute Weighting Techniques for Software Defect Prediction Using Case-based Reasoning (EP, MMR, GR), pp. 380–386.
SEKE-2010-WangXCC #combinator #effectiveness #testing- Cost-Effective Combinatorial Test Case Prioritization for Varying Combination Weights (ZW, BX, LC, ZC), pp. 273–278.
SIGIR-2010-WangL #multi #summary- Many are better than one: improving multi-document summarization via weighted consensus (DW, TL), pp. 809–810.
SIGIR-2010-WilkinsSF #data fusion- Properties of optimally weighted data fusion in CBMIR (PW, AFS, PF), pp. 643–650.
PPDP-2010-BofillBV #approach #declarative #robust #satisfiability- A declarative approach to robust weighted Max-SAT (MB, DB, MV), pp. 67–76.
CASE-2009-LiQW #parallel #scheduling- ACO-based scheduling of parallel batch processing machines to minimize the total weighted tardiness (LL, FQ, QW), pp. 280–285.
ICDAR-2009-IbrahimKKAG #analysis #dependence #online #using #verification- On-Line Signature Verification: Directional Analysis of a Signature Using Weighted Relative Angle Partitions for Exploitation of Inter-Feature Dependencies (MTI, MJK, MAK, KSA, LG), pp. 41–45.
ICDAR-2009-WakabayashiPKM #feature model #recognition- F-ratio Based Weighted Feature Extraction for Similar Shape Character Recognition (TW, UP, FK, YM), pp. 196–200.
SIGMOD-2009-RadwanPSY #generative- Top-k generation of integrated schemas based on directed and weighted correspondences (AR, LP, IRS, AAY), pp. 641–654.
VLDB-2009-CohenDKLT #composition #scalability #set #summary- Composable, Scalable, and Accurate Weight Summarization of Unaggregated Data Sets (EC, NGD, HK, CL, MT), pp. 431–442.
VLDB-2009-CohenKS #coordination #multi- Coordinated Weighted Sampling for Estimating Aggregates Over Multiple Weight Assignments (EC, HK, SS), pp. 646–657.
FoSSaCS-2009-KuhnrichSSK #analysis #data flow #infinity #interprocedural- Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis over Weight Domains with Infinite Descending Chains (MK, SS, JS, SK), pp. 440–455.
STOC-2009-ChadhaGKM #algorithm- A competitive algorithm for minimizing weighted flow time on unrelatedmachines with speed augmentation (JSC, NG, AK, VNM), pp. 679–684.
STOC-2009-VassilevskaW- Finding, minimizing, and counting weighted subgraphs (VV, RW), pp. 455–464.
CIAA-J-2008-AllauzenM09 #composition #finite #transducer- N-Way Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers (CA, MM), pp. 613–627.
DLT-2009-BolligG #logic #probability- Weighted versus Probabilistic Logics (BB, PG), pp. 18–38.
DLT-2009-Meinecke #calculus #word #μ-calculus- A Weighted μ-Calculus on Words (IM), pp. 384–395.
DLT-2009-Quaas #logic- Weighted Timed MSO Logics (KQ), pp. 419–430.
ICALP-v1-2009-DemaineHK09a #graph- Node-Weighted Steiner Tree and Group Steiner Tree in Planar Graphs (EDD, MH, PNK), pp. 328–340.
LATA-2009-BergH #problem- Reoptimization of Traveling Salesperson Problems: Changing Single Edge-Weights (TB, HH), pp. 141–151.
LATA-2009-LiefoogheTV #algorithm #self- Self-overlapping Occurrences and Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm for Weighted Matching (AL, HT, JSV), pp. 481–492.
OCSC-2009-BarberioL #community #network- Weighting Structures: Evolutionary Dynamics of Innovation Networks in Virtual Communities (VB, AL), pp. 295–304.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-Rojas-MoraG #fuzzy #nondeterminism #set- The Signing of a Professional Athlete — Reducing Uncertainty with a Weighted Mean Hemimetric for Phi — Fuzzy Subsets (JRM, JGL), pp. 158–163.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-RoperoGLC #fuzzy #information management #logic #novel #web- Term Weighting: Novel Fuzzy Logic based Method Vs. Classical TF-IDF Method for Web Information Extraction (JR, AG, CL, AC), pp. 130–137.
CIKM-2009-BatalH #classification #using- Boosting KNN text classification accuracy by using supervised term weighting schemes (IB, MH), pp. 2041–2044.
CIKM-2009-CarmelRY #framework- Who tags the tags?: a framework for bookmark weighting (DC, HR, EYT), pp. 1577–1580.
CIKM-2009-LeeVRKMI #adaptation #performance #topic #using- Measuring system performance and topic discernment using generalized adaptive-weight mean (CTL, VV, EMR, GK, NMF, AI), pp. 2033–2036.
CIKM-2009-YuOH #performance #ranking- Efficient feature weighting methods for ranking (HY, JO, WSH), pp. 1157–1166.
ECIR-2009-LiomaB #information retrieval #speech- Part of Speech Based Term Weighting for Information Retrieval (CL, RB), pp. 412–423.
ICML-2009-BeygelzimerDL #learning- Importance weighted active learning (AB, SD, JL), pp. 49–56.
ICML-2009-TielemanH #performance #persistent #using- Using fast weights to improve persistent contrastive divergence (TT, GEH), pp. 1033–1040.
ICML-2009-UsunierBG #classification #order #ranking- Ranking with ordered weighted pairwise classification (NU, DB, PG), pp. 1057–1064.
ICML-2009-Welling- Herding dynamical weights to learn (MW), pp. 1121–1128.
KDD-2009-PanS #collaboration #scalability- Mind the gaps: weighting the unknown in large-scale one-class collaborative filtering (RP, MS), pp. 667–676.
SIGIR-2009-SakumaK #analysis #graph- Link analysis for private weighted graphs (JS, SK), pp. 235–242.
SAC-2009-KumarPV- A light-weight summarizer based on language model with relative entropy (CK, PP, VV), pp. 1752–1753.
PPoPP-2009-LiBH #distributed #multi #performance #scalability #scheduling #using- Efficient and scalable multiprocessor fair scheduling using distributed weighted round-robin (TL, DPB, SH), pp. 65–74.
ICLP-2009-GebserKKS #constraints #implementation #on the- On the Implementation of Weight Constraint Rules in Conflict-Driven ASP Solvers (MG, RK, BK, TS), pp. 250–264.
SAT-2009-AnsoteguiBL #satisfiability #testing- Solving (Weighted) Partial MaxSAT through Satisfiability Testing (CA, MLB, JL), pp. 427–440.
SAT-2009-ManquinhoSP #algorithm #optimisation- Algorithms for Weighted Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS, JP), pp. 495–508.
CASE-2008-Monch #heuristic #parallel- Heuristics to minimize total weighted tardiness of jobs on unrelated parallel machines (LM), pp. 572–577.
VLDB-2008-ChengHV #clustering- Constrained locally weighted clustering (HC, KAH, KV), pp. 90–101.
FoSSaCS-2008-DrosteQ #automaton #theorem- A Kleene-Schützenberger Theorem for Weighted Timed Automata (MD, KQ), pp. 142–156.
CIAA-2008-AllauzenM #composition #finite #transducer- 3-Way Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers (CA, MM), pp. 262–273.
ICALP-A-2008-DimitrovP- Competitive Weighted Matching in Transversal Matroids (NBD, CGP), pp. 397–408.
ICALP-A-2008-KrokhinM #on the- On the Hardness of Losing Weight (AAK, DM), pp. 662–673.
ICALP-A-2008-Plaxton #performance #scheduling- Fast Scheduling of Weighted Unit Jobs with Release Times and Deadlines (CGP), pp. 222–233.
ICALP-B-2008-Mathissen #algebra #logic #word- Weighted Logics for Nested Words and Algebraic Formal Power Series (CM), pp. 221–232.
LATA-2008-Maletti #automaton- Minimizing Deterministic Weighted Tree Automata (AM), pp. 357–372.
ICEIS-J-2008-HeerRK08a #integration #ontology #tool support- Tool Support for the Integration of Light-Weight Ontologies (TH, DR, BK), pp. 175–187.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-StellerKCNL #approach #pervasive #reasoning #semantics #using- A Weighted Approach for Optimised Reasoning for Pervasive Service Discovery Using Semantics and Context (LS, SK, SC, JN, SWL), pp. 113–118.
CIKM-2008-BaiL #database- A light weighted damage tracking quarantine and recovery scheme for mission-critical database systems (KB, PL), pp. 1403–1404.
ICML-2008-DredzeCP #classification #linear- Confidence-weighted linear classification (MD, KC, FP), pp. 264–271.
ICPR-2008-HossainMJY #adaptation #identification #invariant #using- Clothes-invariant gait identification using part-based adaptive weight control (MAH, YM, WJ, YY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MissaouiF- Optimal feature weighting for the discrete HMM (OM, HF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MissaouiF08a- Optimal feature weighting for the continuous HMM (OM, HF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TaEL #difference #equation #graph- Nonlocal morphological levelings by partial difference equations over weighted graphs (VTT, AE, OL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TorselloD #generative #graph #learning- Supervised learning of a generative model for edge-weighted graphs (AT, DLD), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-McGlohonAF #component #generative #graph- Weighted graphs and disconnected components: patterns and a generator (MM, LA, CF), pp. 524–532.
KR-2008-Chetcuti-SperandioL #how #logic #strict- How to Choose Weightings to Avoid Collisions in a Restricted Penalty Logic (NCS, SL), pp. 340–347.
KR-2008-UckelmanE #modelling- Preference Modeling by Weighted Goals with Max Aggregation (JU, UE), pp. 579–588.
RecSys-2008-KagieWG #difference #using- Choosing attribute weights for item dissimilarity using clikstream data with an application to a product catalog map (MK, MCvW, PJFG), pp. 195–202.
SEKE-2008-TurhanB #fault #predict- Weighted Static Code Attributes for Software Defect Prediction (BT, ABB), pp. 143–148.
PADL-2008-BertholdZL #parallel #scheduling- Scheduling Light-Weight Parallelism in ArTCoP (JB, AAZ, HWL), pp. 214–229.
SAC-2008-IsikmanYOOGA #adaptation #fuzzy #multi #query #web- Adaptive weighted multi-criteria fuzzy query processing for web based real estate applications (ÖÖI, BGY, MÖ, TÖ, HG, RA), pp. 987–991.
SAC-2008-ShaoYN #classification- Strangeness-based feature weighting and classification of gene expression profiles (HS, BY, JHN), pp. 1292–1296.
SAC-2008-TakanoC #documentation #feature model #feedback- A light-weight feedback method for reconstructing a document vector space on a feature extraction model (KT, XC), pp. 1169–1170.
ICLP-2008-CohenSS #algorithm #logic programming #source code- Dynamic Programming Algorithms as Products of Weighted Logic Programs (SBC, RJS, NAS), pp. 114–129.
CASE-2007-NishiHI #problem #scheduling- A Successive Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Solving Flowshop Scheduling Problems with Total Weighted Tardiness (TN, YH, MI), pp. 875–880.
CASE-2007-SahlanGS- Properties of Frequency Weighted Balanced Truncation Techniques (SS, AG, VS), pp. 765–770.
CASE-2007-ZhangBGL #feature model #hybrid #monitoring- A Hybrid Model with a Weighted Voting Scheme for Feature Selection in Machinery Condition Monitoring (KZ, ADB, FG, YL), pp. 424–429.
ICDAR-2007-BeaufortM #fault #finite #framework- A Weighted Finite-State Framework for Correcting Errors in Natural Scene OCR (RB, CMT), pp. 889–893.
ICDAR-2007-RinglstetterRGS #fault- Deriving Symbol Dependent Edit Weights for Text Correction_The Use of Error Dictionaries (CR, UR, AG, KUS), pp. 639–643.
VLDB-2007-QiCS #graph #query- Sum-Max Monotonic Ranked Joins for Evaluating Top-K Twig Queries on Weighted Data Graphs (YQ, KSC, MLS), pp. 507–518.
MSR-2007-JoshiZRB #approach #debugging #predict- Local and Global Recency Weighting Approach to Bug Prediction (HJ, CZ, SR, CB), p. 33.
STOC-2007-AndrewsJS #network #protocol #scheduling- Stability of the max-weight routing and scheduling protocol in dynamic networks and at critical loads (MA, KJ, ALS), pp. 145–154.
STOC-2007-Chan #algorithm #graph- More algorithms for all-pairs shortest paths in weighted graphs (TMC), pp. 590–598.
STOC-2007-HoyerLS- Negative weights make adversaries stronger (PH, TL, RS), pp. 526–535.
STOC-2007-TalwarW- Balanced allocations: the weighted case (KT, UW), pp. 256–265.
CIAA-J-2006-GiraudVL07 #automaton- Path-Equivalent Developments in Acyclic Weighted Automata (MG, PV, DL), pp. 799–811.
CIAA-2007-AllauzenRSSM #finite #library #named #performance #transducer- OpenFst: A General and Efficient Weighted Finite-State Transducer Library (CA, MR, JS, WS, MM), pp. 11–23.
CIAA-2007-DrosteR #automaton #logic- Weighted Automata and Weighted Logics with Discounting (MD, GR), pp. 73–84.
DLT-2007-HogbergMM #automaton #bisimulation- Bisimulation Minimisation for Weighted Tree Automata (JH, AM, JM), pp. 229–241.
DLT-2007-Matthissen #logic- Definable Transductions and Weighted Logics for Texts (CM), pp. 324–336.
ICALP-2007-BergerG #graph- Minimum Weight 2-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs in Planar Graphs (AB, MG), pp. 90–101.
ICALP-2007-MotwaniPX- Estimating Sum by Weighted Sampling (RM, RP, YX), pp. 53–64.
LATA-2007-IliopoulosJMS #approximate #pattern matching- Weighted Degenerated Approximate Pattern Matching (CSI, IJ, BM, JS), pp. 285–296.
CHI-2007-LiuL #design #named- BrickRoad: a light-weight tool for spontaneous design of location-enhanced applications (ALL, YL), pp. 295–298.
DHM-2007-FanC #adaptation #using- A Modified Particle Swarm Optimizer Using an Adaptive Dynamic Weight Scheme (SKSF, JMC), pp. 56–65.
ECIR-2007-MelucciP #case study #information retrieval #network #peer-to-peer- A Study of a Weighting Scheme for Information Retrieval in Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Networks (MM, AP), pp. 136–147.
ECIR-2007-Monz #learning #query- Model Tree Learning for Query Term Weighting in Question Answering (CM), pp. 589–596.
ECIR-2007-SunG #library #ranking- Popularity Weighted Ranking for Academic Digital Libraries (YS, CLG), pp. 605–612.
ECIR-2007-YamoutOT #feedback #query #using- Relevance Feedback Using Weight Propagation Compared with Information-Theoretic Query Expansion (FY, MPO, JT), pp. 258–270.
ICML-2007-PetersS #learning- Reinforcement learning by reward-weighted regression for operational space control (JP, SS), pp. 745–750.
KDD-2007-TandonC #detection #network #validation- Weighting versus pruning in rule validation for detecting network and host anomalies (GT, PKC), pp. 697–706.
SIGIR-2007-BlancoL #information retrieval #random- Random walk term weighting for information retrieval (RB, CL), pp. 829–830.
SIGIR-2007-SitbonB #segmentation #topic #using- Topic segmentation using weighted lexical links (WLL) (LS, PB), pp. 737–738.
SIGIR-2007-YeungCB #documentation #retrieval- Improving retrieval accuracy by weighting document types with clickthrough data (PCKY, CLAC, SB), pp. 759–760.
SAC-2007-KumarMS #mobile #policy- A weighted cache replacement policy for location dependent data in mobile environments (AK, MM, AKS), pp. 920–924.
SAC-2007-ZhangZZMY #algorithm #random #streaming- A priority random sampling algorithm for time-based sliding windows over weighted streaming data (LZ, ZL, YQZ, YM, ZY), pp. 453–456.
HPDC-2007-AbbasiWS #named- LIVE: : a light-weight data workspace for computational science (HA, MW, KS), pp. 227–228.
SAT-2007-HerasLO #named #satisfiability- MiniMaxSat: A New Weighted Max-SAT Solver (FH, JL, AO), pp. 41–55.
SAT-2007-PorschenS #algorithm #problem #satisfiability- Algorithms for Variable-Weighted 2-SAT and Dual Problems (SP, ES), pp. 173–186.
DocEng-2006-Ruiz-RicoGR #automation #feature model #named #ranking- NEWPAR: an automatic feature selection and weighting schema for category ranking (FRR, JLVG, MCRS), pp. 128–137.
TACAS-2006-JhaSWR #automaton #trust- Weighted Pushdown Systems and Trust-Management Systems (SJ, SS, HW, TWR), pp. 1–26.
STOC-2006-RemyS #approximate- A quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme for minimum weight triangulation (JR, AS), pp. 316–325.
STOC-2006-VassilevskaW #3d- Finding a maximum weight triangle in n3-Delta time, with applications (VV, RW), pp. 225–231.
CIAA-2006-GiraudVL #automaton #finite- Path-Equivalent Removals of epsilon-transitions in a Genomic Weighted Finite Automaton (MG, PV, DL), pp. 23–33.
CIAA-2006-MayK #automaton #named #tool support- Tiburon: A Weighted Tree Automata Toolkit (JM, KK), pp. 102–113.
CIAA-2006-Tischler #automaton #finite #random #refinement #video- Refinement of Near Random Access Video Coding with Weighted Finite Automata (GT), pp. 46–57.
DLT-2006-DrosteR #automaton #infinity #logic #word- Weighted Automata and Weighted Logics on Infinite Words (MD, GR), pp. 49–58.
ICALP-v1-2006-Mestre- Weighted Popular Matchings (JM), pp. 715–726.
ICALP-v1-2006-Sankowski #matrix #multi- Weighted Bipartite Matching in Matrix Multiplication Time (PS), pp. 274–285.
ICALP-v1-2006-VassilevskaWY #graph #problem- Finding the Smallest H-Subgraph in Real Weighted Graphs and Related Problems (VV, RW, RY), pp. 262–273.
CIKM-2006-SunZZY #multi #segmentation- Multi-task text segmentation and alignment based on weighted mutual information (BS, DZ, HZ, JY), pp. 846–847.
CIKM-2006-YanCL #clustering #transaction- Efficiently clustering transactional data with weighted coverage density (HY, KC, LL), pp. 367–376.
ECIR-2006-WilkinsFGS #automation #multi- Automatic Determination of Feature Weights for Multi-feature CBIR (PW, PF, CG, AFS), pp. 527–530.
ECIR-2006-YamoutOT #feedback #using- Relevance Feedback Using Weight Propagation (FY, MPO, JT), pp. 575–578.
ICML-2006-SunL- Iterative RELIEF for feature weighting (YS, JL), pp. 913–920.
ICML-2006-TsudaK #clustering #graph #mining- Clustering graphs by weighted substructure mining (KT, TK), pp. 953–960.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhouH #network #visual notation- Weighted Bayesian Network for Visual Tracking (YZ, TSH), pp. 523–526.
ICPR-v2-2006-Hotta #adaptation #classification- Adaptive Weighting of Local Classifiers by Particle Filter (KH), pp. 610–613.
ICPR-v2-2006-Huang #kernel #predict- A New Kernel Based on Weighted Cross-Correlation Coefficient for SVMs and Its Application on Prediction of T-cell Epitopes (JH), pp. 691–694.
ICPR-v2-2006-KimYK #robust- Background Robust Object Labeling by Voting of Weight-Aggregated Local Features (SK, KJY, ISK), pp. 219–222.
ICPR-v2-2006-Strand #3d #distance #fourier #grid #image #re-engineering #using- Using the Hexagonal Grid for Three-Dimensional Images: Direct Fourier Method Reconstruction and Weighted Distance Transform (RS), pp. 1169–1172.
ICPR-v3-2006-JiaZHW #classification- Gaussian Weighted Histogram Intersection for License Plate Classification (WJ, HZ, XH, QW), pp. 574–577.
ICPR-v3-2006-Morii #algorithm- A Generalized K-Means Algorithm with Semi-Supervised Weight Coefficients (FM), pp. 198–201.
ICPR-v3-2006-ShanZSCG #image- A Riemannian Weighted Filter for Edge-sensitive Image Smoothing (SS, WZ, YS, XC, WG), pp. 590–593.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangH #image- A Riemannian Weighted Filter for Edge-sensitive Image Smoothing (FZ, ERH), pp. 594–598.
ICPR-v4-2006-TianK06b #automation #distance #multi- Voting Weighted Modified Hausdorff Distance Through Multiscale Space for Automatic Image-Map Registration (LT, SiK), pp. 837–840.
KR-2006-ChevaleyreEL #modelling #power of- Expressive Power of Weighted Propositional Formulas for Cardinal Preference Modeling (YC, UE, JL), pp. 145–152.
SIGIR-2006-YangL #documentation #similarity- Measuring similarity of semi-structured documents with context weights (CCY, NL), pp. 719–720.
SAC-2006-KwonCC #grid #tool support- Light-weight service-oriented grid application toolkit (SK, JC, KC), pp. 1482–1486.
SAC-2006-ZytnickiGS #consistency #csp- A new local consistency for weighted CSP dedicated to long domains (MZ, CG, TS), pp. 394–398.
DAC-2005-GoplenSS- Net weighting to reduce repeater counts during placement (BG, PS, SSS), pp. 503–508.
VLDB-2005-ZhangHC #database #on the fly #query #web- Light-weight Domain-based Form Assistant: Querying Web Databases On the Fly (ZZ, BH, KCCC), pp. 97–108.
STOC-2005-FeigeHL #algorithm #approximate- Improved approximation algorithms for minimum-weight vertex separators (UF, MTH, JRL), pp. 563–572.
CIAA-J-2004-AllauzenMR05 #algorithm #design #library- The design principles and algorithms of a weighted grammar library (CA, MM, BR), pp. 403–421.
DLT-J-2004-Maletti05 #automaton #transducer- Relating tree series transducers and weighted tree automata (AM), pp. 723–741.
ICALP-2005-DrosteG #automaton #logic- Weighted Automata and Weighted Logics (MD, PG), pp. 513–525.
ICEIS-v1-2005-YangLOA #generative #graph #named #xml- DWG2XML: Generating XML Nested Tree Structure from Directed Weighted Graph (KYY, ACWL, TÖ, RA), pp. 19–26.
CIKM-2005-CumminsO #evaluation #information retrieval- An evaluation of evolved term-weighting schemes in information retrieval (RC, CO), pp. 305–306.
CIKM-2005-DingL #collaboration- Time weight collaborative filtering (YD, XL), pp. 485–492.
CIKM-2005-MartinetCM #image- A model for weighting image objects in home photographs (JM, YC, PM), pp. 760–767.
ECIR-2005-WuM #correlation #data fusion- Data Fusion with Correlation Weights (SW, SIM), pp. 275–286.
ICML-2005-JinCS #information retrieval #using- Learn to weight terms in information retrieval using category information (RJ, JYC, LS), pp. 353–360.
ICML-2005-MenchettiCF #composition #kernel- Weighted decomposition kernels (SM, FC, PF), pp. 585–592.
MLDM-2005-LeHS #ambiguity #approach #classification #reasoning #word- An Evidential Reasoning Approach to Weighted Combination of Classifiers for Word Sense Disambiguation (CAL, VNH, AS), pp. 516–525.
SEKE-2005-LoYT #algorithm #mining #predict- Weighted Binary Sequential Mining Algorithm with Application to the Next-Day Appearance Prediction (SL, JY, FCT), pp. 783–782.
SIGIR-2005-CraswellRZT #independence #query- Relevance weighting for query independent evidence (NC, SER, HZ, MJT), pp. 416–423.
SAC-2005-AgyemangBA #mining #n-gram #using #web- Mining web content outliers using structure oriented weighting techniques and N-grams (MA, KB, RA), pp. 482–487.
SAC-2005-AjiliRE #approach #optimisation- A branch-price-and-propagate approach for optimizing IGP weight setting subject to unique shortest paths (FA, RR, AE), pp. 366–370.
CAV-2005-LalRB #automaton- Extended Weighted Pushdown Systems (AL, TWR, GB), pp. 434–448.
SAT-2005-AlsinetMP #satisfiability- Improved Exact Solvers for Weighted Max-SAT (TA, FM, JP), pp. 371–377.
SAT-2005-Prestwich #random- Random Walk with Continuously Smoothed Variable Weights (SDP), pp. 203–215.
PODS-2004-ScarcelloGL #query- Weighted Hypertree Decompositions and Optimal Query Plans (FS, GG, NL), pp. 210–221.
CSMR-2004-MaqboolB #algorithm #clustering- The Weighted Combined Algorithm: A Linkage Algorithm for Software Clustering (OM, HAB), pp. 15–24.
STOC-2004-CorreaG #approximate #graph #theorem- An approximate König’s theorem for edge-coloring weighted bipartite graphs (JRC, MXG), pp. 398–406.
STOC-2004-CzumajS #metric- Estimating the weight of metric minimum spanning trees in sublinear-time (AC, CS), pp. 175–183.
CIAA-2004-AllauzenMR #library- A General Weighted Grammar Library (CA, MM, BR), pp. 23–34.
CIAA-2004-GiraudL #automaton #encoding #finite #linear- Linear Encoding Scheme for Weighted Finite Automata (MG, DL), pp. 146–155.
CIAA-2004-Tischler #automaton #finite #parametricity- Parametric Weighted Finite Automata for Figure Drawing (GT), pp. 259–268.
DLT-2004-Maletti #automaton #transducer- Relating Tree Series Transducers and Weighted Tree Automata (AM), pp. 321–333.
ICALP-2004-AlurBM #game studies #reachability- Optimal Reachability for Weighted Timed Games (RA, MB, PM), pp. 122–133.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Martinez-OtzetaS #algorithm #analysis #nearest neighbour #probability- Analysis of the Iterated Probabilistic Weighted K Nearest Neighbor Method, a new Distance-Based Algorithm (JMMO, BS), pp. 233–240.
CIKM-2004-RobertsonZT #multi- Simple BM25 extension to multiple weighted fields (SER, HZ, MJT), pp. 42–49.
ECIR-2004-Esser #fault tolerance #information retrieval #multi- Fault-Tolerant Fulltext Information Retrieval in Digital Multilingual Encyclopedias with Weighted Pattern Morphing (WME), pp. 338–352.
ICPR-v1-2004-Vliet #normalisation #robust- Robust Local Max-Min Filters by Normalized Power-Weighted Filtering (LJvV), pp. 696–699.
ICPR-v2-2004-GutierrezRA #identification- Weighted Loss Functions to Make Risk-based Language Identification Fused Decisions (JG, JLR, RAO), pp. 863–866.
ICPR-v2-2004-IurgelR #classification #documentation #probability #using- Spoken Document Classification with SVMs Using Linguistic Unit Weighting and Probabilistic Couplers (UI, GR), pp. 667–670.
ICPR-v2-2004-XuanDKHCW #feature model #multi #predict #profiling #robust- Robust Feature Selection by Weighted Fisher Criterion for Multiclass Prediction in Gene Expression Profiling (JX, YD, JIK, EPH, RC, YJW), pp. 291–294.
ICPR-v3-2004-ZhangM #recognition #using- Recognition of Expression Variant Faces Using Weighted Subspaces (YZ, AMM), pp. 149–152.
ICPR-v4-2004-Cheung #algorithm #automation #clustering #towards- A Rival Penalized EM Algorithm towards Maximizing Weighted Likelihood for Density Mixture Clustering with Automatic Model Selection (YmC), pp. 633–636.
ICPR-v4-2004-SinghMB #robust- Robust KLT Tracking with Gaussian and Laplacian of Gaussian Weighting Functions (MS, MKM, AB), pp. 661–664.
ICPR-v4-2004-YangL #detection #multi- Multiple Pedestrian Detection and Tracking based on Weighted Temporal Texture Features (HDY, SWL), pp. 248–251.
KDD-2004-WuS #information management- Incorporating prior knowledge with weighted margin support vector machines (XW, RKS), pp. 326–333.
SEKE-2004-FoxF #adaptation #clustering #documentation #reduction- Document Clustering with Adaptive Term Weighting and Feature Reduction Capabilities (TWF, BJF), pp. 142–147.
SIGIR-2004-HawkingUC #towards- Toward better weighting of anchors (DH, TU, NC), pp. 512–513.
SIGIR-2004-JinCS #automation #collaboration- An automatic weighting scheme for collaborative filtering (RJ, JYC, LS), pp. 337–344.
SIGIR-2004-KimCK #dependence #documentation #using- Refining term weights of documents using term dependencies (HSK, IC, MK), pp. 552–553.
SIGIR-2004-MladenicBGM #classification #feature model #interactive #linear #modelling #using- Feature selection using linear classifier weights: interaction with classification models (DM, JB, MG, NMF), pp. 234–241.
SAC-2004-BoughaciD #metaheuristic #optimisation #problem #satisfiability #using- Solving weighted Max-Sat optimization problems using a Taboo Scatter Search metaheuristic (DB, HD), pp. 35–36.
SAC-2004-Engelen #code generation #embedded #web #web service #xml- Code generation techniques for developing light-weight XML Web services for embedded devices (RvE), pp. 854–861.
ICDAR-2003-DimauroIMP #recognition- Numeral Recognition by Weighting Local Decisions (GD, SI, RM, GP), pp. 1070–1074.
CSMR-2003-CapillaD #evolution #maintenance #product line #web- Light-Weight Product-Lines for Evolution and Maintenance of Web Site (RC, JCD), pp. 53–62.
SAS-2003-RepsSJ #analysis #automaton #data flow #interprocedural- Weighted Pushdown Systems and Their Application to Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis (TWR, SS, SJ), pp. 189–213.
CIAA-2003-ChamparnaudLOZ #automaton #finite- From Regular Weighted Expressions to Finite Automata (JMC, ÉL, FO, DZ), pp. 49–60.
CIAA-2003-KempeBGGN #compilation #finite #named- WFSC — A New Weighted Finite State Compiler (AK, CB, TG, FG, FN), pp. 108–119.
ICALP-2003-BaswanaS #algorithm #graph #linear- A Simple Linear Time Algorithm for Computing a (2k-1)-Spanner of O(n1+1/k) Size in Weighted Graphs (SB, SS), pp. 384–296.
ICALP-2003-KormanP- Labeling Schemes for Weighted Dynamic Trees (AK, DP), pp. 369–383.
SEFM-2003-DeharbeR #debugging #proving #theorem proving #verification- Light-Weight Theorem Proving for Debugging and Verifying Units of Code (DD, SR), pp. 220–228.
CIKM-2003-Onizuka #automaton #xml #xpath- Light-weight xPath processing of XML stream with deterministic automata (MO), pp. 342–349.
ECIR-2003-DejunM #categorisation- Chinese Text Categorization Based on the Binary Weighting Model with Non-binary Smoothing (XD, MS), pp. 408–419.
ECIR-2003-MartinetOCM- A Weighting Scheme for Star-Graphs (JM, IO, YC, PM), pp. 546–554.
ICML-2003-LeeL #learning #using- Learning with Positive and Unlabeled Examples Using Weighted Logistic Regression (WSL, BL), pp. 448–455.
ICML-2003-PorterEHT #classification #order #scalability #statistics- Weighted Order Statistic Classifiers with Large Rank-Order Margin (RBP, DE, DRH, JT), pp. 600–607.
ICML-2003-SrebroJ #approximate #rank- Weighted Low-Rank Approximations (NS, TSJ), pp. 720–727.
KDD-2003-TaoMF #framework #mining #using- Weighted Association Rule Mining using weighted support and significance framework (FT, FM, MMF), pp. 661–666.
SIGIR-2003-AntoniukN- A light weight PDA-friendly collection fusion technique (JA, MAN), pp. 439–440.
SAC-2003-DeboleS #automation #categorisation- Supervised Term Weighting for Automated Text Categorization (FD, FS), pp. 784–788.
SAC-2003-VolzOSS #ontology #web- Views for Light-weight Web Ontologies (RV, DO, RS, SS), pp. 1168–1173.
CGO-2003-ChuangCF- Phi-Predication for Light-Weight If-Conversion (WC, BC, JF), pp. 179–192.
STOC-2002-ChekuriK #approximate- Approximation schemes for preemptive weighted flow time (CC, SK), pp. 297–305.
CIAA-J-2000-Mohri02 #algorithm #transducer- Generic e-Removal and Input e-Normalization Algorithms for Weighted Transducers (MM), pp. 129–143.
CIAA-2002-Mohri #automaton- Edit-Distance of Weighted Automata (MM), pp. 1–23.
ICALP-2002-Pettie #algorithm #graph #performance- A Faster All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm for Real-Weighted Sparse Graphs (SP), pp. 85–97.
CIKM-2002-GreiffMP #information retrieval #probability- The role of variance in term weighting for probabilistic information retrieval (WRG, WTM, JMP), pp. 252–259.
CIKM-2002-WuC #data fusion- Data fusion with estimated weights (SW, FC), pp. 648–651.
ICPR-v1-2002-OhyamaWKTS #automation #correlation- Automatic Tracking of Local Myocardial Motion by Correlation Weighted Velocity Method (WO, TW, FK, ST, KS), pp. 711–714.
ICPR-v2-2002-StefanoCM #adaptation #classification #multi- An Adaptive Weighted Majority Vote Rule for Combining Multiple Classifiers (CDS, ADC, AM), pp. 192–195.
ICPR-v4-2002-JiangBAK #string- Curve Morphing by Weighted Mean of Strings (XJ, HB, KA, AK), p. 192–?.
ICPR-v4-2002-MollinedaVC #approach #approximate #string- A Windowed Weighted Approach for Approximate Cyclic String Matching (RAM, EV, FC), pp. 188–191.
ICPR-v4-2002-PerisM #classification #distance #edit distance #performance- Fast Cyclic Edit Distance Computation with Weighted Edit Costs in Classification (GP, AM), pp. 184–187.
KDD-2002-TejadaKM #identification #independence #learning #string- Learning domain-independent string transformation weights for high accuracy object identification (ST, CAK, SM), pp. 350–359.
SAC-2002-AlcalaCCHZ- Hybridizing Hierarchical and Weighted Linguistic Rules (RA, JC, OC, FH, IZ), pp. 812–816.
WICSA-2001-DingM #approach #architecture #evolution #incremental #named- Focus: A Light-Weight, Incremental Approach to Software Architecture Recovery and Evolution (LD, NM), p. 191–?.
ICDAR-2001-HusseinWK #algorithm #bibliography #feature model #search-based- Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection and Weighting, A Review and Study (FH, RKW, NNK), p. 1240–?.
ICDAR-2001-LuTHF #approach #distance #image #word- An Approach to Word Image Matching Based on Weighted Hausforff Distance (YL, CLT, WH, LF), pp. 921–925.
STOC-2001-ChekuriKZ #algorithm- Algorithms for minimizing weighted flow time (CC, SK, AZ), pp. 84–93.
STOC-2001-MossR #algorithm #approximate #problem- Approximation algorithms for constrained for constrained node weighted steiner tree problems (AM, YR), pp. 373–382.
CIAA-2001-KatritzkeMT #automaton #clustering #finite #image #using- Enhancements of Partitioning Techniques for Image Compression Using Weighted Finite Automata (FK, WM, MT), pp. 177–189.
ICALP-2001-ChazelleRT #approximate #sublinear- Approximating the Minimum Spanning Tree Weight in Sublinear Time (BC, RR, LT), pp. 190–200.
ICALP-2001-ChekuriK- A PTAS for Minimizing Weighted Completion Time on Uniformly Related Machines (CC, SK), pp. 848–861.
ICALP-2001-FishkinJP #multi #on the- On Minimizing Average Weighted Completion Time of Multiprocessor Tasks with Release Dates (AVF, KJ, LP), pp. 875–886.
ICML-2001-GartnerF #classification #named- WBCsvm: Weighted Bayesian Classification based on Support Vector Machines (TG, PAF), pp. 154–161.
SIGIR-2001-JinFH #automation #information retrieval #named- Meta-scoring: Automatically Evaluating Term Weighting Schemes in IR without Precision-Recall (RJ, CF, AGH), pp. 83–89.
PADL-2001-DentiOR #internet #prolog- tu Prolog: A Light-Weight Prolog for Internet Applications and Infrastructures (ED, AO, AR), pp. 184–198.
SAC-2001-JulstromR #algorithm #graph #problem- Weight-biased edge-crossover in evolutionary algorithms for wto graph problems (BAJ, GRR), pp. 321–326.
DATE-2000-PomeranzR #generative #sequence #testing- Built-In Generation of Weighted Test Sequences for Synchronous Sequential Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 298–304.
CIAA-2000-Mohri #algorithm #automaton- Generic epsilon -Removal Algorithm for Weighted Automata (MM), pp. 230–242.
ICML-2000-VijayakumarS #incremental #learning #realtime- Locally Weighted Projection Regression: Incremental Real Time Learning in High Dimensional Space (SV, SS), pp. 1079–1086.
ICPR-v1-2000-OkutomiS #image #using- Shape Recovery of Rotating Object Using Weighted Voting of Spatio-Temporal Image (MO, SS), pp. 1790–1793.
ICPR-v2-2000-AlexandreCK #classification #independence #using- Combining Independent and Unbiased Classifiers Using Weighted Average (LAA, ACC, MSK), pp. 2495–2498.
ICPR-v2-2000-MelkemiVC #set- Shapes of Weighted Points Sets (MM, DV, LC), pp. 6058–6061.
ICPR-v2-2000-PalaciosR #approach #editing #prototype- Weighting Prototypes. A New Editing Approach (RPP, EV), pp. 2025–2028.
ICPR-v2-2000-Raudys #adaptation #classification- Prior Weights in Adaptive Pattern Classification (SR), pp. 6010–6013.
ICPR-v4-2000-AksoyHCG #approach #distance #feedback- A Weighted Distance Approach to Relevance Feedback (SA, RMH, FAC, MG), pp. 4812–4815.
KDD-2000-WangYY #mining #performance- Efficient mining of weighted association rules (WAR) (WW, JY, PSY), pp. 270–274.
SAC-2000-RaidlJ #algorithm #problem #search-based- A Weighted Coding in a Genetic Algorithm for the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (GRR, BAJ), pp. 440–445.
ICSE-2000-LiangH #analysis #performance- Light-weight context recovery for efficient and accurate program analyses (DL, MJH), pp. 366–375.
HPCA-2000-BurnsG #layout #question #smt- Quantifying the SMT Layout Overhead — Does SMT Pull Its Weight? (JB, JLG), pp. 109–120.
ICDAR-1999-MoritaFBGS- Mathematical Morphology and Weighted Least Squares to Correct Handwriting Baseline Skew (MEM, JF, FB, SJAG, RS), pp. 430–433.
VLDB-1999-SahuguetA #legacy #using #web- Building Light-Weight Wrappers for Legacy Web Data-Sources Using W4F (AS, FA), pp. 738–741.
TACAS-1999-KernOG #framework #hardware #verification- A Light-Weight Framework for Hardware Verification (CK, TOT, MRG), pp. 330–344.
STOC-1999-SkutellaW #parallel- A PTAS for Minimizing the Weighted Sum of Job Completion Times on Parallel Machines (MS, GJW), pp. 400–407.
ICALP-1999-Woeginger- An FPTAS for Agreeably Weighted Variance on a Single Machine (GJW), pp. 707–716.
CHI-1999-DavisLCHL #named- NotePals: Light Weight Note Sharing by the Group, for the Group (RCD, JAL, VC, JH, RBL), pp. 338–345.
EDOC-1999-OrvalhoFB #corba #multi #protocol #reliability- Evaluating light-weight reliable multicast protocol extensions to the CORBA event service (JO, LF, FB), pp. 255–261.
SAC-1999-Raidl #algorithm #multi #problem #search-based- A Weight-Coded Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Container Packing Problem (GRR), pp. 291–296.
ICSE-1999-MaruyamaS #automation #dependence #graph #refactoring #using- Automatic Method Refactoring Using Weighted Dependence Graphs (KM, KS), pp. 236–245.
VLDB-1998-Moerkotte- Small Materialized Aggregates: A Light Weight Index Structure for Data Warehousing (GM), pp. 476–487.
ICALP-1998-BuchsbaumGW #automaton #finite #on the- On the Determinization of Weighted Finite Automata (ALB, RG, JW), pp. 482–493.
ICALP-1998-Peleg #distributed- Distributed Matroid Basis Completion via Elimination Upcast and Distributed Correction of Minimum-Weight Spanning Trees (DP), pp. 164–175.
CIKM-1998-ClairLP #process- Attribute Weighting: A Method of Applying Domain Knowledge in the Decision Tree Process (CSC, CL, NP), pp. 259–266.
ICML-1998-NakamuraA #algorithm #collaboration #predict #using- Collaborative Filtering Using Weighted Majority Prediction Algorithms (AN, NA), pp. 395–403.
ICPR-1998-HojjatoleslamiK #classification- Strategies for weighted combination of classifiers employing shared and distinct representations (AH, JK), pp. 338–340.
ICPR-1998-KeeniNS #automation #classification #estimation #generative #network #using- Automatic generation of initial weights and estimation of hidden units for pattern classification using neural networks (KK, KN, HS), pp. 1568–1571.
ICPR-1998-TsengL #recognition- Interfered-character recognition by removing interfering-lines and adjusting feature weights (YHT, HJL), pp. 1865–1867.
SIGIR-1998-Greiff #data analysis #formal method- A Theory of Term Weighting Based on Exploratory Data Analysis (WRG), pp. 11–19.
SIGIR-1998-SuzukiFS #keyword #using- Keyword Extraction of Radio News Using Term Weighting with an Encyclopedia and Newspaper Articles (YS, FF, YS), pp. 373–374.
SAC-1998-CappJ #algorithm #problem #search-based- A weight-coded genetic algorithm for the minimum weight triangulation problem (KC, BAJ), pp. 327–331.
SAC-1998-Julstrom #algorithm- Comparing decoding algorithms in a weight-coded GA for TSP (BAJ), pp. 313–317.
EDTC-1997-ManichF #process- Maximizing the weighted switching activity in combinational CMOS circuits under the variable delay model (SM, JF), pp. 597–602.
ICDAR-1997-Sugawara #image- Weighted Hough Transform on a Gridded Image Plane Kazuhide Sugawara (KS), pp. 701–704.
WIA-1997-MohriPR #design #finite #library #transducer- A Rational Design for a Weighted Finite-State Transducer Library (MM, FCNP, MR), pp. 144–158.
ICML-1997-CardieN #predict #using- Improving Minority Class Prediction Using Case-Specific Feature Weights (CC, NN), pp. 57–65.
ICML-1997-MooreSD #performance #polynomial #predict- Efficient Locally Weighted Polynomial Regression Predictions (AWM, JGS, KD), pp. 236–244.
SIGIR-1997-RobertsonW #on the- On Relevance Weights with Little Relevance Information (SER, SW), pp. 16–24.
RTA-1997-Perlo-FreemanP- Scott’s Conjecture is True, Position Sensitive Weights (SMHWPF, PP), pp. 217–227.
ICPR-1996-AblameykoFM #composition- Shape decomposition by (d1, d2)-weighted skeleton and directional information (SA, MF, AM), pp. 275–279.
ICPR-1996-HillCT- Least-squares solution of absolute orientation with non-scalar weights (AH, TFC, CJT), pp. 461–465.
ICPR-1996-Webb #feature model #multi #scalability #using- Nonlinear feature extraction with radial basis functions using a weighted multidimensional scaling stress measure (ARW), pp. 635–639.
ICPR-1996-Yamashita #image- Image compression by weighted Karhunen-Loeve transform (YY), pp. 636–640.
KDD-1996-Lange #approach #empirical #predict #recursion #using- An Empirical Test of the Weighted Effect Approach to Generalized Prediction Using Recursive Neural Nets (RL), pp. 183–188.
SIGIR-1996-Kwok #ad hoc #query #retrieval- A New Method of Weighting Query Terms for Ad-Hoc Retrieval (KLK), pp. 187–195.
HPDC-1996-HaoLS #framework- A Light-Weight Application Sharing Infrastructure for Graphics Intensive Applications (MCH, DL, JSS), pp. 127–131.
ICDAR-v1-1995-ChiuTC #invariant #matrix #recognition #using- Invariant handwritten Chinese character recognition using weighted ring-data matrix (HPC, DCT, JCC), pp. 116–119.
ICDAR-v2-1995-KimPK #online #personalisation #set #verification- Applying personalized weights to a feature set for on-line signature verification (SHK, MSP, JK), pp. 882–885.
SIGMOD-1995-GrossmanHQ #named #persistent- PTool: A Light Weight Persistent Object Manager (RLG, DH, XQ), p. 488.
STOC-1995-AwerbuchABV #approximate- Improved approximation guarantees for minimum-weight k-trees and prize-collecting salesmen (BA, YA, AB, SV), pp. 277–283.
CIKM-1995-VilesF #information management #information retrieval #on the- On the Update of Term Weights in Dynamic Information Retrieval Systems (CLV, JCF), pp. 167–174.
ICML-1995-AbeLN #2d #algorithm #learning #online #using- On-line Learning of Binary Lexical Relations Using Two-dimensional Weighted Majority Algorithms (NA, HL, AN), pp. 3–11.
ICML-1995-Blum #algorithm #empirical #scheduling- Empirical Support for Winnow and Weighted-Majority Based Algorithms: Results on a Calendar Scheduling Domain (AB), pp. 64–72.
SIGIR-1995-BuckleyS #feedback #optimisation- Optimization of Relevance Feedback Weights (CB, GS), pp. 351–357.
SIGIR-1995-Lee #multi- Combining Multiple Evidence from Different Properties of Weighting Schemes (JHL), pp. 180–188.
SIGIR-1995-MittendorfSS #library #probability #scalability- Applying Probabilistic Term Weighting to OCR Text in the Case of a Large Alphabetic Library Catalogue (EM, PS, PS), pp. 328–335.
STOC-1994-Grolmusz #trade-off- A weight-size trade-off for circuits with MOD m gates (VG), pp. 68–74.
STOC-1994-KhullerRY- Low degree spanning trees of small weight (SK, BR, NEY), pp. 412–421.
ICALP-1994-GargVY #graph #multi- Multiway Cuts in Directed and Node Weighted Graphs (NG, VVV, MY), pp. 487–498.
CIKM-1994-KwonKC #adaptation #query #using- Query Expansion Using Domain Adapted, Weighted Thesaurus in an Extended Boolean Model (OWK, MCK, KSC), pp. 140–146.
SIGIR-1994-RobertsonW #approximate #effectiveness #probability #retrieval- Some Simple Effective Approximations to the 2-Poisson Model for Probabilistic Weighted Retrieval (SER, SW), pp. 232–241.
WSA-1992-DevienneLR #revisited- Weighted Systems Revisited (PD, PL, JCR), pp. 163–173.
ICALP-1992-VaziraniY- Suboptimal Cuts: Their Enumeration, Weight and Number (Extended Abstract) (VVV, MY), pp. 366–377.
JICSLP-1992-DebrayKP- Weighted Decision Trees (SKD, SK, MP), pp. 654–668.
DAC-1991-TsayK #approach #optimisation #performance- An Analytic Net Weighting Approach for Performance Optimization in Circuit Placement (RST, JK), pp. 620–625.
ICALP-1991-KhullerMV #algorithm #online- On-Line Algorithms for Weighted Bipartite Matching and Stable Marriages (SK, SGM, VVV), pp. 728–738.
DAC-1990-HuangCLH- Data Path Allocation Based on Bipartite Weighted Matching (CYH, YSC, YLL, YCH), pp. 499–504.
STOC-1990-CoppersmithDRS #algorithm #graph #online #random- Random Walks on Weighted Graphs, and Applications to On-line Algorithms (Preliminary Version) (DC, PD, PR, MS), pp. 369–378.
CLP-1990-SchreyeVB90 #detection #graph #horn clause #query #strict #using- A Practical Technique for Detecting Non-terminating Queries for a Restricted Class of Horn Clauses, Using Directed, Weighted Graphs (DDS, KV, MB), pp. 649–663.
ML-1988-DavisY #classification- Classifier Systems with Hamming Weights (LD, DKY), pp. 162–173.
ML-1988-TanE #classification #network #using- Using Weighted Networks to Represent Classification Knowledge in Noisy Domains (MT, LJE), pp. 121–134.
STOC-1987-Awerbuch #algorithm #distributed #problem #summary- Optimal Distributed Algorithms for Minimum Weight Spanning Tree, Counting, Leader Election and Related Problems (Detailed Summary) (BA), pp. 230–240.
SIGIR-1987-FuhrM #probability- Probabilistic Search Term Weighting-Some Negative Results (NF, PM), pp. 13–18.
RTA-1987-Martin #how- How to Choose Weights in the Knuth Bendix Ordering (UM), pp. 42–53.
ICALP-1986-MonienS- Min Cut is NP-Complete for Edge Weighted Trees (BM, IHS), pp. 265–274.
SIGIR-1986-Kwok #component #documentation- An Interpretation of Index Term Weighting Schemes Based on Document Components (KLK), pp. 275–283.
DAC-1984-DunlopADJKW #layout #optimisation #using- Chip layout optimization using critical path weighting (AED, VDA, DND, MFJ, PK, MW), pp. 133–136.
ICALP-1984-SpencerM- Node Weighted Matching (THS, EWM), pp. 454–464.
SIGIR-1981-WuS #comparison #documentation- A Comparison of Search Term Weighting: Term Relevance vs. Inverse Document Frequency (HW, GS), pp. 30–39.
STOC-1980-SupowitPR #heuristic- Heuristics for Weighted Perfect Matching (KJS, DAP, EMR), pp. 398–419.
SIGIR-1980-Bookstein #comparison #retrieval- A Comparison of Two Weighting Schemes for Boolean Retrieval (AB), pp. 23–34.
SIGIR-1980-NoreaultMK #documentation #evaluation #metric #performance #similarity- A Performance Evaluation of Similarity Measures, Document Term Weighting Schemes and Representations in a Boolean Environment (TN, MM, MBK), pp. 57–76.
SIGIR-1980-SaltonW #modelling- A Term Weighting Model Based on Utility Theory (GS, HW), pp. 9–22.
SOSP-1979-Gifford- Weighted Voting for Replicated Data (DKG), pp. 150–162.
STOC-1978-Lueker #graph #problem- Maximization Problems on Graphs with Edge Weights Chosen from a Normal Distribution (Extended Abstract) (GSL), pp. 13–18.