5 papers:
SAC-2014-CaetanoAGA #recognition #representation #visual notation- Representing local binary descriptors with BossaNova for visual recognition (CC, SEFdA, SJFG, AdAA), pp. 49–54.
SIGMOD-2011-OlstonCCLHLNRSSTZW #named #workflow- Nova: continuous Pig/Hadoop workflows (CO, GC, LC, FL, YH, ML, AN, VBNR, VS, SS, CT, TZ, XW), pp. 1081–1090.
DATE-2007-SauerGD #composition #framework #interactive- Interactive presentation: Hard- and software modularity of the NOVA MPSoC platform (CS, MG, SD), pp. 1102–1107.
GPCE-2005-LawallDMM #composition #domain-specific language- Bossa Nova: Introducing Modularity into the Bossa Domain-Specific Language (JLL, HD, GM, AFLM), pp. 78–93.
DAC-1989-VillaS #finite #implementation #logic #named #state machine- NOVA: State Assignment of Finite State Machines for Optimal Two-level Logic Implementations (TV, ALSV), pp. 327–332.