3 papers:
- DAC-2013-WangK #control flow #detection #hardware #kernel #named #performance #using
- NumChecker: detecting kernel control-flow modifying rootkits by using hardware performance counters (XW, RK), p. 7.
- DATE-2013-LeeWHY #3d #hybrid #named
- NUMANA: a hybrid numerical and analytical thermal simulator for 3-D ICs (YML, THW, PYH, CPY), pp. 1379–1384.
- DAC-1998-GrbicBCGGLLMSSVZ #design #implementation #multi
- Design and Implementation of the NUMAchine Multiprocessor (AG, SDB, SC, RG, MG, GGL, KL, NM, SS, MS, ZGV, ZZ), pp. 66–69.