5 papers:
SAC-2015-SakuraiM #debugging #object-oriented #source code- The omission finder for debugging what-should-have-happened bugs in object-oriented programs (KS, HM), pp. 1962–1969.
ASE-2014-ParkKB #empirical #fault- An empirical study on reducing omission errors in practice (JP, MK, DHB), pp. 121–126.
ICSE-2009-ArandaV #debugging #fault #repository- The secret life of bugs: Going past the errors and omissions in software repositories (JA, GV), pp. 298–308.
PLDI-2007-ZhangTGG #execution #fault #towards- Towards locating execution omission errors (XZ, ST, NG, RG), pp. 415–424.
ICML-1996-GreinerGK- Exploiting the Omission of Irrelevant Data (RG, AJG, AK), pp. 216–224.