26 papers:
CSL-2015-AbramskyBKLM- Contextuality, Cohomology and Paradox (SA, RSB, KK, RL, SM), pp. 211–228.
SEKE-2014-SouzaA #estimation #mobile- Mobile Applications: The Paradox of Software Estimation (LSdS, GSdAJ), pp. 59–62.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-ShiTS #consistency #nondeterminism #online #recommendation- Timing and Basis of Online Product Recommendation: The Preference Inconsistency Paradox (AS, CHT, CLS), pp. 531–539.
KDD-2013-JhaSP #algorithm #performance #streaming #using- A space efficient streaming algorithm for triangle counting using the birthday paradox (MJ, CS, AP), pp. 589–597.
HT-2012-MitchellM #hypermedia- The paradox of rereading in hypertext fiction (AM, KM), pp. 103–112.
KR-2012-ConitzerX #approach #approximate #multi- Paradoxes of Multiple Elections: An Approximation Approach (VC, LX).
PODS-2010-HartmannL #dependence #logic #sql- When data dependencies over SQL tables meet the logics of paradox and S-3 (SH, SL), pp. 317–326.
PLDI-2010-MightSH #functional #object-oriented #program analysis- Resolving and exploiting the k-CFA paradox: illuminating functional vs. object-oriented program analysis (MM, YS, DVH), pp. 305–315.
CSCW-2010-DibPW #product line- Sonic souvenirs: exploring the paradoxes of recorded sound for family remembering (LD, DP, SW), pp. 391–400.
SOFTVIS-2010-RuanAMN #visualisation- Exploring the inventor’s paradox: applying jigsaw to software visualization (HR, CA, SM, JN), pp. 83–92.
SIGIR-2009-OulasvirtaHS- When more is less: the paradox of choice in search engine use (AO, JPH, BS), pp. 516–523.
SIGAda-2008-Rosen #ada- The Ada paradox(es) (JPR), pp. 11–12.
KDD-2007-Kleinberg #challenge #mining #network #privacy #process #social- Challenges in mining social network data: processes, privacy, and paradoxes (JMK), pp. 4–5.
CHI-2006-NimwegenBOS #effectiveness- The paradox of the assisted user: guidance can be counterproductive (CvN, DDB, HvO, HS), pp. 917–926.
OOPSLA-2006-Steimann #aspect-oriented #programming- The paradoxical success of aspect-oriented programming (FS), pp. 481–497.
SAC-2006-GotoC #analysis #logic- A quantitative analysis of implicational paradoxes in classical mathematical logic (YG, JC), pp. 42–43.
ICALP-2005-LinRTW #exponential #fibonacci- Braess’s Paradox, Fibonacci Numbers, and Exponential Inapproximability (HCL, TR, ÉT, AW), pp. 497–512.
VISSOFT-2005-Reiss #visualisation- The Paradox of Software Visualization (SPR), pp. 59–63.
ICALP-1999-Clote #markov- Protein Folding, the Levinthal Paradox and Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains (PC), pp. 240–249.
CHI-1996-ButtonD #named- Technomethodology: Paradoxes and Possibilities (GB, PD), pp. 19–26.
TLCA-1995-Hurkens- A Simplification of Girard’s Paradox (AJCH), pp. 266–278.
CADE-1992-Smullyan- Puzzles and Paradoxes (Abstract) (RMS), p. 208.
KR-1989-Davis- Solutions to a Paradox of Perception with Limited Acuity (ED), pp. 79–82.
KR-1989-Poole #reasoning #what- What the Lottery Paradox Tells Us About Default Reasoning (DP), pp. 333–340.
LICS-1987-Howe #behaviour- The Computational Behaviour of Girard’s Paradox (DJH), pp. 205–214.
LICS-1986-Coquand #analysis- An Analysis of Girard’s Paradox (TC), pp. 227–236.