7 papers:
CSCW-2015-SenGGHLNRWH #algorithm #community #standard- Turkers, Scholars, “Arafat” and “Peace”: Cultural Communities and Algorithmic Gold Standards (SS, MEG, RG, BH, ML, SN, JR, Z(W, BH), pp. 826–838.
AdaEurope-2013-QuinotB #ada- Lady Ada Mediates Peace Treaty in Endianness War (TQ, EB), pp. 65–80.
CHI-2011-HourcadeB #human-computer- HCI for peace: a call for constructive action (JPH, NEBR), pp. 443–452.
DAC-2010-BertinGB #compilation- Compilation and virtualization in the HiPEAC vision (CB, CG, KDB), pp. 96–101.
ICEIS-v2-2004-HoeschlBBBM- Olimpo System Web-Tecnology for Electronic Government and World Peace (HCH, TCDB, VB, AB, EdSM), pp. 289–296.
CHI-2001-MynattRCJ #product line- Digital family portraits: supporting peace of mind for extended family members (EDM, JR, SC, AJ), pp. 333–340.
SEKE-1996-AllouiO #multi #process- Peace+: A Multi-Agent System for Computer-supported Cooperative work in Software Process Centered Environments (IA, FO), pp. 465–473.