284 papers:
DATE-2015-JovanovicP #product line- Fault-based attacks on the Bel-T block cipher family (PJ, IP), pp. 601–604.
ICGT-2015-KissingerZ #diagrams #equation #product line #reasoning #string- Equational Reasoning with Context-Free Families of String Diagrams (AK, VZ), pp. 138–154.
CHI-2015-GulottaSKF #comprehension #how- Curatorial Agents: How Systems Shape Our Understanding of Personal and Familial Digital Information (RG, AS, AK, JF), pp. 3453–3462.
CHI-2015-MelvinBON #communication #dependence #product line- The Effect of Signal Expense and Dependability on Family Communication in Rural and Northern Canada (RMM, AB, EO, CN), pp. 717–726.
CSCW-2015-BarbarinVK #product line- Taking our Time: Chronic Illness and Time-Based Objects in Families (AB, TCV, PVK), pp. 288–301.
CSCW-2015-SaksonoRKCHWP #collaboration #design #game studies #product line- Spaceship Launch: Designing a Collaborative Exergame for Families (HS, AR, GK, CCS, JAH, CW, AGP), pp. 1776–1787.
CSCW-2015-SchaefbauerKLSS #product line- Snack Buddy: Supporting Healthy Snacking in Low Socioeconomic Status Families (CLS, DUK, AL, GS, KAS), pp. 1045–1057.
HCI-UC-2015-StarrBBR #product line- Historical Registry of Our Families Through Textiles (CLS, SLB, SB, JJR), pp. 125–132.
CAiSE-2015-PalmieriCA #product line- Handling Regulatory Goal Model Families as Software Product Lines (AP, PC, DA), pp. 181–196.
ICML-2015-CohenW #exponential #product line- Harmonic Exponential Families on Manifolds (TC, MW), pp. 1757–1765.
ICML-2015-TanseyPSR #exponential #markov #product line #random- Vector-Space Markov Random Fields via Exponential Families (WT, OHMP, ASS, PR), pp. 684–692.
ECOOP-2015-DimovskiBW #abstraction #analysis #precise #variability- Variability Abstractions: Trading Precision for Speed in Family-Based Analyses (ASD, CB, AW), pp. 247–270.
SPLC-2015-BeekFGM #analysis #product line #using- Using FMC for family-based analysis of software product lines (MHtB, AF, SG, FM), pp. 432–439.
SPLC-2015-ColaLTQ #product line- An MDE tool for defining software product families with explicit variation points (SDC, KKL, CMT, CQ), pp. 355–360.
SPLC-2015-DimovskiABW #model checking #off the shelf #using- Family-based model checking using off-the-shelf model checkers: extended abstract (ASD, ASAS, CB, AW), p. 397.
SPLC-2015-FontBHC #automation #formal method #product line #variability- Automating the variability formalization of a model family by means of common variability language (JF, MB, ØH, CC), pp. 411–418.
FASE-2014-KowalST #analysis #performance- Family-Based Performance Analysis of Variant-Rich Software Systems (MK, IS, MT), pp. 94–108.
ICPC-2014-WenT #clustering #evaluation #product line- The MoJo family: a story about clustering evaluation (invited talk) (ZW, VT), p. 2.
AFL-2014-HolzerJ #automaton #product line #regular expression- More Structural Characterizations of Some Subregular Language Families by Biautomata (MH, SJ), pp. 271–285.
ICALP-v1-2014-GolovnevKM #approach #problem #product line- Families with Infants: A General Approach to Solve Hard Partition Problems (AG, ASK, IM), pp. 551–562.
LATA-2014-Tarau #product line- Computing with Catalan Families (PT), pp. 565–575.
ICFP-2014-ChenE #analysis #parametricity #product line #type system- Type-based parametric analysis of program families (SC, ME), pp. 39–51.
CHI-2014-OduorNJHPH #communication #how #product line- How technology supports family communication in rural, suburban, and urban kenya (EO, CN, TKJ, KH, CP, SH), pp. 2705–2714.
CSCW-2014-HwangYHYLMKS #mobile #named- TalkBetter: family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay (IH, CY, CH, DY, YL, CM, JK, JS), pp. 1283–1296.
CSCW-2014-LeshedHK #coordination #product line #quote- “Our life is the farm and farming is our life”: home-work coordination in organic farm families (GL, MH, JK), pp. 487–498.
CSCW-2014-Willever-FarrF #matter #online #product line- Family matters: control and conflict in online family history production (HWF, AF), pp. 475–486.
DUXU-DP-2014-JeurensTB #product line- Increasing Family Involvement in Elderly Care (JJ, KvT, RB), pp. 403–411.
HIMI-AS-2014-HamaguchiAWA #communication #effectiveness #product line- Investigating the Effective Factors of Communication for Family Members Living Apart (NH, DA, MW, YA), pp. 373–382.
SCSM-2014-KamalNB #communication #distributed #mobile #product line #quote- “Presence in Absence”: Distributed Family Communication Practices for Familial Bonding via Mobile Communication Technology (FMK, NLMN, HB), pp. 474–485.
ICML-c2-2014-GunasekarRG #constraints #exponential #matrix #product line- Exponential Family Matrix Completion under Structural Constraints (SG, PR, JG), pp. 1917–1925.
SIGIR-2014-KoopmanZ #comprehension #information retrieval #product line- Understanding negation and family history to improve clinical information retrieval (BK, GZ), pp. 971–974.
ECMFA-2014-PierreCGB #adaptation #framework- A Family-Based Framework for i-DSML Adaptation (SP, EC, OLG, FB), pp. 164–179.
POPL-2014-EisenbergVJW #equation #product line- Closed type families with overlapping equations (RAE, DV, SLPJ, SW), pp. 671–684.
SLE-2014-KuhnLGSA #metamodelling #modelling #product line #programming language- A Metamodel Family for Role-Based Modeling and Programming Languages (TK, ML, SG, CS, UA), pp. 141–160.
SPLC-2014-SeidlSA #product line #variability- Integrated management of variability in space and time in software families (CS, IS, UA), pp. 22–31.
SPLC-2014-SimidchievaO #composition #generative #product line #verification- Generation, composition, and verification of families of human-intensive systems (BIS, LJO), pp. 207–216.
ICST-2014-BallerLLS #incremental #multi #optimisation #product line #testing- Multi-objective Test Suite Optimization for Incremental Product Family Testing (HB, SL, ML, IS), pp. 303–312.
CASE-2013-JiaJL #algorithm #scheduling- A job-family-oriented algorithm for re-entrant batch processing machine scheduling (WJ, ZJ, YL), pp. 1022–1027.
CSMR-2013-ArnaoudovaPAG #anti #product line- A New Family of Software Anti-patterns: Linguistic Anti-patterns (VA, MDP, GA, YGG), pp. 187–196.
STOC-2013-Ben-SassonGKKS #algebra #geometry #product line- A new family of locally correctable codes based on degree-lifted algebraic geometry codes (EBS, AG, YK, SK, SS), pp. 833–842.
STOC-2013-BhowmickDL #bound #product line- New bounds for matching vector families (AB, ZD, SL), pp. 823–832.
LATA-2013-BabaaliK #automaton #on the #product line- On the Construction of a Family of Automata That Are Generically Non-minimal (PB, CK), pp. 80–91.
CHI-2013-HakanssonS #product line- Beyond being green: simple living families and ICT (MH, PS), pp. 2725–2734.
CHI-2013-NeustaedterBM #energy #how #process #product line- Everyday activities and energy consumption: how families understand the relationship (CN, LB, AM), pp. 1183–1192.
CHI-2013-YamashitaKHK #comprehension #product line- Understanding the conflicting demands of family caregivers caring for depressed family members (NY, HK, KH, TK), pp. 2637–2646.
CHI-2013-YuillRR #collaboration #product line- Pass the iPad: collaborative creating and sharing in family groups (NY, YR, JR), pp. 941–950.
CSCW-2013-InkpenTJTV #case study #experience #named #process #product line- Experiences2Go: sharing kids’ activities outside the home with remote family members (KI, BT, SJ, JCT, GV), pp. 1329–1340.
CSCW-2013-KazakosHV #product line- Revisiting the relationship between reunion and technology-mediated separation in periodically transitioning families (KK, SH, FV), pp. 1157–1168.
CSCW-2013-NeustaedterG #chat #interactive #product line #video- Exploring pet video chat: the remote awareness and interaction needs of families with dogs and cats (CN, JG), pp. 1549–1554.
DUXU-NTE-2013-FabriWT #behaviour #product line- Changing Eating Behaviors through a Cooking-Based Website for the Whole Family (MF, AW, PT), pp. 484–493.
HCI-UC-2013-TsaiHCL #communication #named #network #online #product line #social #using- Memotree: Using Online Social Networking to Strengthen Family Communication (THT, YLH, HTC, YWL), pp. 359–367.
HIMI-D-2013-MogawaSI #algorithm #product line #representation #set- Generalized Algorithm for Obtaining a Family of Evaluating Attributes’ Sets Representing Customer’s Preference (TM, FS, SI), pp. 494–504.
HIMI-HSM-2013-EverardJM #mobile #product line- Enabling Access to Healthy Food Alternatives for Low-Income Families: The Role of Mobile Technology (AE, BMJ, SM), pp. 245–251.
HIMI-HSM-2013-KinoeOS #communication #design #product line- Qualitative Study for Designing Peripheral Communication between Hospitalized Children and Their Family Members (YK, CO, YS), pp. 275–284.
MLDM-2013-ElGibreenA #learning #multi #product line- Multi Model Transfer Learning with RULES Family (HE, MSA), pp. 42–56.
GPCE-2013-KolesnikovRHA #comparison #type checking- A comparison of product-based, feature-based, and family-based type checking (SSK, AvR, CH, SA), pp. 115–124.
GPCE-2013-SiegmundRA #metric #performance- Family-based performance measurement (NS, AvR, SA), pp. 95–104.
SPLC-2013-Fantechi #configuration management #product line- Topologically configurable systems as product families (AF), pp. 151–156.
SPLC-2013-Krueger #multi #product line- Multistage configuration trees for managing product family trees (CWK), pp. 188–197.
ICSM-2012-YazdanshenasM #component #fine-grained #impact analysis #product line- Fine-grained change impact analysis for component-based product families (ARY, LM), pp. 119–128.
ICALP-v1-2012-ChekuriEV #design #graph #network #product line- Node-Weighted Network Design in Planar and Minor-Closed Families of Graphs (CC, AE, AV), pp. 206–217.
LATA-2012-SaloT #automaton #finite #on the #product line #set- On Stable and Unstable Limit Sets of Finite Families of Cellular Automata (VS, IT), pp. 502–513.
CHI-2012-YardiB #difference #product line- Income, race, and class: exploring socioeconomic differences in family technology use (SY, AB), pp. 3041–3050.
CSCW-2012-VasalouOJ #case study #product line- A case study of non-adoption: the values of location tracking in the family (AV, AMO, ANJ), pp. 779–788.
CSCW-2012-WycheG #case study #communication #how #product line #quote- “This is how we do it in my country”: a study of computer-mediated family communication among Kenyan migrants in the United States (SW, REG), pp. 87–96.
KR-2012-KazakovKS #logic #product line #reasoning- Practical Reasoning with Nominals in the EL Family of Description Logics (YK, MK, FS).
ICMT-2012-Cuadrado #model transformation #product line #towards- Towards a Family of Model Transformation Languages (JSC), pp. 176–191.
GPCE-2012-ThumSHA #deduction #product line #verification- Family-based deductive verification of software product lines (TT, IS, MH, SA), pp. 11–20.
RE-2012-LutzLLKMSBH #analysis #product line #requirements- Requirements analysis for a product family of DNA nanodevices (RRL, JHL, JIL, THK, DM, DMS, TB, ERH), pp. 211–220.
SPLC-2012-NunesGLL #evolution #heuristic #product line- History-sensitive heuristics for recovery of features in code of evolving program families (CN, AG, CJPdL, JL), pp. 136–145.
SAS-2011-MightH #abstract interpretation #concurrent #higher-order #product line #source code #static analysis- A Family of Abstract Interpretations for Static Analysis of Concurrent Higher-Order Programs (MM, DVH), pp. 180–197.
CHI-2011-DavidoffZZD #coordination #learning #product line- Learning patterns of pick-ups and drop-offs to support busy family coordination (SD, BDZ, JZ, AKD), pp. 1175–1184.
CHI-2011-JudgeNHB #multi #product line- Family portals: connecting families through a multifamily media space (TKJ, CN, SH, ACB), pp. 1205–1214.
CHI-2011-ManciniRTJPBJN #product line- In the best families: tracking and relationships (CM, YR, KT, ANJ, BAP, AKB, LJ, BN), pp. 2419–2428.
CHI-2011-RaffleRMBBHKCFGS #chat #exclamation #product line #video- Hello, is grandma there? let’s read! StoryVisit: family video chat and connected e-books (HR, GR, KM, RB, KB, HH, JK, KC, NF, JG, MS), pp. 1195–1204.
CHI-2011-YaroshA #product line- Mediated parent-child contact in work-separated families (SY, GDA), pp. 1185–1194.
CSCW-2011-GuibourdencheVGFH #distributed #multi #process #product line #using- Using multiple scores for transcribing the distributed activities of a family (JG, JVR, MG, MF, YH), pp. 637–640.
HIMI-v2-2011-KinoeN #communication #design #product line- Designing Peripheral Communication Services for Families Living-Apart: Elderly Persons and Family (YK, MN), pp. 147–156.
HIMI-v2-2011-YuCW #communication #framework #interactive #named #problem #product line- SAM: A Spatial Interactive Platform for Studying Family Communication Problem (GJY, TWC, YCW), pp. 207–216.
OCSC-2011-TixierL #design #evaluation #online #product line #social- Design and Evaluation of an Online Social Support Application for Family Caregivers (MT, ML), pp. 267–276.
CAiSE-2011-GronerWBPWHGS #process #product line #validation- Validation of Families of Business Processes (GG, CW, MB, FSP, TW, FH, DG, SS), pp. 551–565.
SAC-2011-MohabbatiHGAB #development #product line- Development and configuration of service-oriented systems families (BM, MH, DG, MA, MB), pp. 1606–1613.
SPLC-2011-AsirelliBGF #product line #variability- Formal Description of Variability in Product Families (PA, MHtB, SG, AF), pp. 130–139.
SPLC-2011-Hinchey #product line- Families (of Products) in Space (MH), pp. 8–9.
DocEng-2010-KarolHHA #documentation #feature model #modelling #product line #using- Using feature models for creating families of documents (SK, MH, FH, UA), pp. 259–262.
ITiCSE-2010-HauptHPGMBHKK #education #product line #research #virtual machine- The SOM family: virtual machines for teaching and research (MH, RH, TP, GG, SM, AB, AH, MK, RK), pp. 18–22.
WCRE-2010-XueXJ #comprehension #evolution #product line- Understanding Feature Evolution in a Family of Product Variants (YX, ZX, SJ), pp. 109–118.
CIAA-2010-CastiglioneNS #algorithm #automaton #product line- A Challenging Family of Automata for Classical Minimization Algorithms (GC, CN, MS), pp. 251–260.
CHI-2010-DavidoffZD #coordination #how #product line- How routine learners can support family coordination (SD, JZ, AKD), pp. 2461–2470.
CHI-2010-JudgeNK #design #evaluation #product line- The family window: the design and evaluation of a domestic media space (TKJ, CN, AFK), pp. 2361–2370.
CHI-2010-MassimiB #design #product line- A death in the family: opportunities for designing technologies for the bereaved (MM, RMB), pp. 1821–1830.
CHI-2010-PetrelliVKDW #product line- FM radio: family interplay with sonic mementos (DP, NV, VK, LD, SW), pp. 2371–2380.
CHI-2010-RaffleBRHFGRMKS #distance #game studies #product line- Family story play: reading with young children (and elmo) over a distance (HR, RB, GR, HH, SF, JG, ER, KM, JK, MS), pp. 1583–1592.
CSCW-2010-AmesGKS #network #product line- Making love in the network closet: the benefits and work of family videochat (MGA, JG, JK, MS), pp. 145–154.
CSCW-2010-CaoSBKED #communication #comprehension #product line- Understanding family communication across time zones (XC, AS, AJBB, DSK, DE, XD), pp. 155–158.
CSCW-2010-DibPW #product line- Sonic souvenirs: exploring the paradoxes of recorded sound for family remembering (LD, DP, SW), pp. 391–400.
CSCW-2010-KirkISTBH #product line- Opening up the family archive (DSK, SI, AS, ST, RB, OH), pp. 261–270.
CIKM-2010-JensenS #classification- Exploiting sequential relationships for familial classification (LSJ, JGS), pp. 1901–1904.
KR-2010-PenalozaS #axiom #complexity #logic #on the #product line- On the Complexity of Axiom Pinpointing in the EL Family of Description Logics (RP, BS).
MoDELS-v1-2010-GuerraLKPS #model transformation #named #product line- transML: A Family of Languages to Model Model Transformations (EG, JdL, DSK, RFP, OMdS), pp. 106–120.
OOPSLA-2010-QiM #product line- Homogeneous family sharing (XQ, ACM), pp. 520–538.
REFSQ-2010-BittnerRW #case study #multi #product line #requirements- A Case Study on Tool-Supported Multi-level Requirements Management in Complex Product Families (MB, MOR, MW), pp. 173–187.
LICS-2010-CaliGLMP #datalog #information management #logic #product line #query #representation- Datalog+/-: A Family of Logical Knowledge Representation and Query Languages for New Applications (AC, GG, TL, BM, AP), pp. 228–242.
ITiCSE-2009-Gomez-MartinJA #design pattern #education #game studies #product line #using- Teaching design patterns using a family of games (MAGM, GJD, JA), pp. 268–272.
PLDI-2009-QiM #product line- Sharing classes between families (XQ, ACM), pp. 281–292.
LATA-2009-BucciL #image #on the #product line #word- On a Family of Morphic Images of Arnoux-Rauzy Words (MB, ADL), pp. 259–266.
CHI-2009-HopeNTNFHN- Familial collaborations in a museum (TH, YN, TT, AN, SF, MH, TN), pp. 1963–1972.
CIKM-2009-ChenL #product line- Message family propagation for ising mean field based on iteration tree (YC, SL), pp. 345–354.
ICML-2009-LiangJK #exponential #learning #metric #product line- Learning from measurements in exponential families (PL, MIJ, DK), pp. 641–648.
KDIR-2009-PaquetV #2d #3d #multi #product line #realtime- Finding Protein Family Similarities in Real Time through Multiple 3D and 2D Representations, Indexing and Exhaustive Searching (EP, HLV), pp. 127–133.
SLE-2009-ZschalerSSARFMAK #product line #variability- VML* — A Family of Languages for Variability Management in Software Product Lines (SZ, PS, JPS, MA, AR, LF, AMDM, JA, UK), pp. 82–102.
ECSA-2008-OberDFP #component #development #domain-specific language #product line #towards- Towards Interoperability in Component Based Development with a Family of DSLs (IO, AAD, LF, CP), pp. 148–163.
CASE-2008-QianK #component #performance #product line- Supply chain performance with various price-dependent demand functions and component commonality in one product family (LQ, Z(K), pp. 760–765.
AFL-2008-Bercoff #product line- Counting of a family of column-convex rectilinear tiles (CB), pp. 100–110.
FM-2008-HarhurinH #consistency #product line #specification #towards- Towards Consistent Specifications of Product Families (AH, JH), pp. 390–405.
CHI-2008-WuBRBM #distributed #memory management #product line- Collaborating to remember: a distributed cognition account of families coping with memory impairments (MW, JPB, BR, RB, MM), pp. 825–834.
CSCW-2008-BrushIT #named #product line- SPARCS: exploring sharing suggestions to enhance family connectedness (AJBB, KMI, KT), pp. 629–638.
CSCW-2008-EgelmanBI #paradigm #product line- Family accounts: a new paradigm for user accounts within the home environment (SE, AJBB, KMI), pp. 669–678.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-ZhangRSG #approach #petri net #product line- Production Configuration of Product Families — An Approach based on Petri Nets (LZ, BR, JS, GJCG), pp. 5–11.
CIKM-2008-AcharyyaG #analysis #product line- A spam resistant family of concavo-convex ranks for link analysis (SA, JG), pp. 1505–1506.
ICML-2008-WingateS #exponential #learning #predict #product line- Efficiently learning linear-linear exponential family predictive representations of state (DW, SPS), pp. 1176–1183.
KDD-2008-YenSMS #difference #metric #product line- A family of dissimilarity measures between nodes generalizing both the shortest-path and the commute-time distances (LY, MS, AM, MS), pp. 785–793.
KR-2008-Bienvenu #abduction #complexity #lightweight #logic #product line- Complexity of Abduction in the EL Family of Lightweight Description Logics (MB), pp. 220–230.
RE-2008-Monzon #approach #product line #requirements #reuse- A Practical Approach to Requirements Reuse in Product Families of On-Board Systems (AM), pp. 223–228.
SLE-2008-MoodyH #analysis #diagrams #effectiveness #syntax #uml #visual notation- Evaluating the Visual Syntax of UML: An Analysis of the Cognitive Effectiveness of the UMLFamily of Diagrams (DLM, JvH), pp. 16–34.
SPLC-2008-CarbonKMM #feedback #game studies #product line- Providing Feedback from Application to Family Engineering — The Product Line Planning Game at the Testo AG (RC, JK, DM, GM), pp. 180–189.
SPLC-2008-ChaeB #compilation #product line- Building a Family of Compilers (WC, MB), pp. 307–316.
SPLC-2008-FantechiG #formal method #modelling #product line- Formal Modeling for Product Families Engineering (AF, SG), pp. 193–202.
CASE-2007-LiuWL #algorithm #design #effectiveness #multi #product line #search-based #towards #using- Towards Effective Multi-platforming Design of Product Family using Genetic Algorithm (ZL, YSW, KSL), pp. 300–305.
DATE-2007-Casale-RossiSADGMPS #named #product line #question #trust- DFM/DFY: should you trust the surgeon or the family doctor? (MCR, AJS, RCA, AD, CG, PM, DP, JS), pp. 439–442.
FASE-2007-Bosch #composition #product line #towards- Software Product Families: Towards Compositionality (JB), pp. 1–10.
FASE-2007-SanchezSM #concurrent #distributed #product line #protocol- A Family of Distributed Deadlock Avoidance Protocols and Their Reachable State Spaces (CS, HBS, ZM), pp. 155–169.
ICALP-2007-AlonG #product line- Balanced Families of Perfect Hash Functions and Their Applications (NA, SG), pp. 435–446.
LATA-2007-OgasawaraK #approximate #performance #product line- Stochastically Approximating Tree Grammars by Regular Grammars and Its Application to Faster ncRNA Family Annotation (KO, SK), pp. 461–472.
GT-VMT-2007-WrobelEP #framework #graph #product line- Graph-Based Engineering Systems — A Family of Software Applications and their Underlying Framework (GW, REE, MP).
CHI-2007-BentleyM #product line- Sharing motion information with close family and friends (FB, CJM), pp. 1361–1370.
HCI-AS-2007-KuboKTCWY #design #interactive #memory management #product line- Interactive Design of Memory Sharing Applications for Families (MK, AK, ET, RC, KW, MY), pp. 954–960.
OCSC-2007-DuvalH #design #product line #ubiquitous- First Design of a Ubiquitous System for Affective Bonding and Support with Family and Friends (SD, HH), pp. 70–79.
SAC-2007-Avila-GarciaER #modelling #product line #using- Using software product lines to manage model families in model-driven engineering (OAG, AE, EVSR), pp. 1006–1011.
ESEC-FSE-2007-FantechiG #behaviour #product line- A behavioural model for product families (AF, SG), pp. 521–524.
ICSE-2007-MalekSRPM #architecture #concept #embedded #product line- Reconceptualizing a Family of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems via Explicit Architectural Support (SM, CS, SR, BP, NM), pp. 591–601.
SAT-2007-SchederZ #exponential #product line #satisfiability- Satisfiability with Exponential Families (DS, PZ), pp. 148–158.
CBSE-2006-XieB #component #product line #verification- Verification of Component-Based Software Application Families (FX, JCB), pp. 50–66.
QoSA-2006-Bosch #problem #product line- Expanding the Scope of Software Product Families: Problems and Alternative Approaches (JB), p. 1.
CASE-2006-RaghavanV #optimisation #parallel #product line #scheduling #using- Scheduling Parallel Batch Processors with Incompatible Job Families Using Ant Colony Optimization (NRSR, MV), pp. 507–512.
DAC-2006-AziziN #product line- A family of cells to reduce the soft-error-rate in ternary-CAM (NA, FNN), pp. 779–784.
CIAA-2006-PargaGR #algorithm #product line #regular expression- A Family of Algorithms for Non Deterministic Regular Languages Inference (MVdP, PG, JR), pp. 265–274.
CHI-2006-Dawe #how #product line- Desperately seeking simplicity: how young adults with cognitive disabilities and their families adopt assistive technologies (MD), pp. 1143–1152.
CHI-2006-NeustaedterB #design #product line- ”LINC-ing“ the family: the participatory design of an inkable family calendar (CN, AJBB), pp. 141–150.
ICML-2006-Elkan #approximate #clustering #documentation #multi- Clustering documents with an exponential-family approximation of the Dirichlet compound multinomial distribution (CE), pp. 289–296.
ICPR-v3-2006-DuongPBV #behaviour #exponential #markov #modelling #product line #recognition- Human Behavior Recognition with Generic Exponential Family Duration Modeling in the Hidden Semi-Markov Model (TVD, DQP, HHB, SV), pp. 202–207.
RE-2006-ReiserW #multi #product line- Managing Highly Complex Product Families with Multi-Level Feature Trees (MOR, MW), pp. 146–155.
SPLC-2006-BrownGBSKG #behaviour #embedded #feature model #modelling #product line #weaving- Weaving Behavior into Feature Models for Embedded System Families (TJB, RG, RB, ITAS, PK, CG), pp. 52–64.
SPLC-2006-KircherSG #approach #challenge #product line- Transitioning to a Software Product Family Approach — Challenges and Best Practices (MK, CS, IG), pp. 163–171.
RTA-2006-Bruggink #finite #higher-order #product line #proving #using- A Proof of Finite Family Developments for Higher-Order Rewriting Using a Prefix Property (HJSB), pp. 372–386.
WICSA-2005-BrownBGSK #architecture #development #embedded #product line- Feature-Guided Architecture Development for Embedded System Families (TJB, RB, CG, ITAS, PK), pp. 223–226.
WICSA-2005-Rosso #architecture #embedded #memory management #product line #realtime- Dynamic Memory Management for Software Product Family Architectures in Embedded Real-Time Systems (CDR), pp. 211–212.
ASE-2005-Kemmerer #design #detection #implementation #product line- Designing and implementing a family of intrusion detection systems (RAK), p. 3.
DATE-2005-HeusalaL #configuration management #modelling #product line- Modeling of a Reconfigurable OFDM IP Block Family For an RF System Simulator (HH, JL), pp. 136–137.
MSR-2005-FischerORG #evolution #mining #product line- Mining evolution data of a product family (MF, JO, JR, HCG), pp. 36–40.
DLT-J-2004-DassowH05 #problem #product line- Language families defined by a ciliate bio-operation: hierarchies and decision problems (JD, MH), pp. 645–662.
IFM-2005-Parnas #documentation #product line- A Family of Mathematical Methods for Professional Software Documentation (DLP), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2005-RowanM #product line- Digital Family Portrait Field Trial: Support for Aging in Place (JR, EDM), pp. 521–530.
CAiSE-2005-ReuysKPR #modelling #product line #testing- Model-Based System Testing of Software Product Families (AR, EK, KP, SR), pp. 519–534.
CIKM-2005-CoutoSC #correlation #ontology #product line #semantics #similarity- Semantic similarity over the gene ontology: family correlation and selecting disjunctive ancestors (FMC, MJS, PC), pp. 343–344.
LSO-2005-FaegriDJLV #community #product line- Exploring Communities of Practice for Product Family Engineering (TEF, TD, LJ, PL, HvV), pp. 87–91.
MLDM-2005-TakigawaKN #classification #combinator #product line #set #subclass- The Convex Subclass Method: Combinatorial Classifier Based on a Family of Convex Sets (IT, MK, AN), pp. 90–99.
SPLC-2005-Bosch #product line- Software Product Families in Nokia (JB), pp. 2–6.
SPLC-2005-HaugenMO #comparison #modelling #product line #system family- Comparison of System Family Modeling Approaches (ØH, BMP, JO), pp. 102–112.
SPLC-2005-Niemela #architecture #development #product line- Strategies of Product Family Architecture Development (EN), pp. 186–197.
SPLC-2005-TessierGTG #modelling #product line #system family #using- Using Variation Propagation for Model-Driven Management of a System Family (PT, SG, FT, JMG), pp. 222–233.
SPLC-2005-Trew #architecture #embedded #integration #product line- Enabling the Smooth Integration of Core Assets: Defining and Packaging Architectural Rules for a Family of Embedded Products (TT), pp. 137–149.
WICSA-2004-Matinlassi #architecture #case study #maintenance #product line- Evaluating the Portability and Maintainability of Software Product Family Architecture: Terminal Software Case Study (MM), pp. 295–300.
CSMR-2004-Rosso #architecture #lessons learnt #mobile #performance #process #product line- The Process of and the Lessons Learned from Performance Tuning of a Product Family Software Architecture for Mobile Phones (CDR), pp. 270–278.
ICSM-2004-DeelstraSNB #named #product line #variability- COSVAM: A Technique for Assessing Software Variability in Software Product Families (SD, MS, JN, JB), pp. 458–462.
STOC-2004-RozenmanSW #product line- A new family of Cayley expanders (?) (ER, AS, AW), pp. 445–454.
DLT-2004-Dassow #product line- A Ciliate Bio-operation and Language Families (JD), pp. 151–162.
CIKM-2004-Banaei-KashaniS #data access #named #network #peer-to-peer #product line- SWAM: a family of access methods for similarity-search in peer-to-peer data networks (FBK, CS), pp. 304–313.
ICML-2004-BanerjeeDGM #analysis #estimation #exponential #product line- An information theoretic analysis of maximum likelihood mixture estimation for exponential families (AB, ISD, JG, SM).
GPCE-2004-LiuB #automation #product line #synthesis- Automatic Remodularization and Optimized Synthesis of Product-Families (JL, DSB), pp. 379–395.
SPLC-2004-AmericaHIOR #architecture #product line #variability- Scenario-Based Decision Making for Architectural Variability in Product Families (PA, DKH, MTI, JHO, ER), pp. 284–303.
SPLC-2004-Bosch #component #development #on the #product line- On the Development of Software Product-Family Components (JB), pp. 146–164.
SPLC-2004-DeelstraSB #case study #experience #problem #product line- Experiences in Software Product Families: Problems and Issues During Product Derivation (SD, MS, JB), pp. 165–182.
SPLC-2004-LagoV #product line- Observations from the Recovery of a Software Product Family (PL, HvV), pp. 214–227.
SPLC-2004-LindenBKKO #evaluation #product line- Software Product Family Evaluation (FvdL, JB, EK, KK, JHO), pp. 110–129.
SPLC-2004-NiemelaMT #architecture #evaluation #product line- Practical Evaluation of Software Product Family Architectures (EN, MM, AT), pp. 130–145.
SPLC-2004-SinnemaDNB #framework #modelling #named #product line #variability- COVAMOF: A Framework for Modeling Variability in Software Product Families (MS, SD, JN, JB), pp. 197–213.
SPLC-2004-Wesowski #automation #generative #product line #strict- Automatic Generation of Program Families by Model Restrictions (AW), pp. 73–89.
ASE-2003-NebutPTJ #automation #generative #product line #testing- Automated Requirements-based Generation of Test Cases for Product Families (CN, SP, YLT, JMJ), pp. 263–266.
DLT-2003-Plandowski #product line #scalability #testing- Test Sets for Large Families of Languages (WP), pp. 75–94.
CHI-2003-HutchinsonMWBDPBCEHRE #design #product line- Technology probes: inspiring design for and with families (HH, WEM, BW, BBB, AD, CP, MBL, SC, HE, HH, NR, BE), pp. 17–24.
SAC-2003-LeeLTY #identification- Identify Amino Acid Candidates Critical for Function of Rat Imidase by Cross-reference Voting in Imidase SuperFamily (CL, YtL, CYT, YSY), pp. 127–134.
ESEC-FSE-2003-KapfhammerS #product line #test coverage #testing- A family of test adequacy criteria for database-driven applications (GMK, MLS), pp. 98–107.
ESEC-FSE-2003-VignaVK #design #detection #implementation #product line- Designing and implementing a family of intrusion detection systems (GV, FV, RAK), pp. 88–97.
WICSA-2002-MedvidovicMM #architecture #framework #implementation #product line- A Family of Software Architecture Implementation Frameworks (NM, NRM, MMR), pp. 221–235.
ASE-2002-BatoryLM #generative #product line- Generating Product-Lines of Product-Families (DSB, RELH, JPM), pp. 81–92.
VLDB-2002-HeymannTKWRMF #named #network #product line #visual notation- Viator — A Tool Family for Graphical Networking and Data View Creation (SH, KT, AK, GW, PR, DM, JCF), pp. 1067–1070.
FoSSaCS-2002-GodardM #graph #product line- A Characterization of Families of Graphs in Which Election Is Possible (EG, YM), pp. 159–172.
DLT-2002-DoL #bound #on the #product line- On a Family of Codes with Bounded Deciphering Delay (DLV, IL), pp. 369–380.
DLT-2002-Urvoy #graph #product line- Abstract Families of Graphs (TU), pp. 381–392.
ICALP-2002-Colcombet #decidability #first-order #graph #on the #product line #reachability- On Families of Graphs Having a Decidable First Order Theory with Reachability (TC), pp. 98–109.
SIGIR-2002-CrammerS #algorithm #online #product line #ranking- A new family of online algorithms for category ranking (KC, YS), pp. 151–158.
ICSE-2002-Maccari #architecture #case study #evolution #experience #product line- Experiences in assessing product family software architecture for evolution (AM), pp. 585–592.
SPLC-2002-GeyerB #on the #process #product line- On the Influence of Variabilities on the Application-Engineering Process of a Product Family (LG, MB), pp. 1–14.
SPLC-2002-Linden #architecture #bibliography #perspective #process #product line- Engineering Software Architectures, Processes and Platforms for System Families — ESAPS Overview (FvdL), pp. 383–398.
SPLC-2002-Wijnstra #approach #product line- Critical Factors for a Successful Platform-Based Product Family Approach (JGW), pp. 68–89.
TestCom-2002-Peleska #hardware #integration #product line #testing- Hardware/Software Integration Testing for the new Airbus Aircraft Families (JP), p. 335–?.
ASE-2001-Hall #modelling #network #product line #security #specification #validation- Specification Modeling and Validation Applied to a Family of Network Security Products (RJH), pp. 71–80.
CSEET-2001-PortB #framework #product line #re-engineering #using- Using a Model Framework in Developing and Delivering a Family of Software Engineering Project Courses (DP, BWB), pp. 44–55.
DLT-2001-BeaudryHNO #on the #product line- On the Relationship between the McNaughton Families of Languages and the Chomsky Hierarchy (MB, MH, GN, FO), pp. 340–348.
CHI-2001-MynattRCJ #product line- Digital family portraits: supporting peace of mind for extended family members (EDM, JR, SC, AJ), pp. 333–340.
ECOOP-2001-Ernst #morphism #polymorphism #product line- Family Polymorphism (EE), pp. 303–326.
GCSE-2001-ZhangJS #approach #product line- XVCL Approach to Separating Concerns in Product Family Assets (HZ, SJ, SMS), pp. 36–47.
SAIG-2001-Czarnecki #generative #product line #programming- Generative Programming and Software System Families (KC), p. 1.
RE-2001-Perez-MinanaKA #product line #requirements- Empowering Requirements for a Product Family (EPM, PK, PA), pp. 302–303.
RE-2001-ThompsonH #approach #product line- Extending the Product Family Approach to Support n-Dimensional and Hierarchical Product Lines (JMT, MPEH), pp. 56–65.
ICSE-2001-Streitferdt #product line #traceability- Traceability for System Families (DS), pp. 803–804.
ICLP-2001-BeldiceanuC #constraints #product line- Revisiting the Cardinality Operator and Introducing the Cardinality-Path Constraint Family (NB, MC), pp. 59–73.
ICML-2000-MuggletonBS #biology #learning #product line #sequence- Learning Chomsky-like Grammars for Biological Sequence Families (SM, CHB, AS), pp. 631–638.
ICPR-v2-2000-HansenH #bias #composition #exponential #fault #independence #product line- General Bias/Variance Decomposition with Target Independent Variance of Error Functions Derived from the Exponential Family of Distributions (JVH, TH), pp. 2207–2210.
UML-2000-Cook #product line #uml- The UML family: Profiles, Prefaces and Packages (SC), pp. 255–264.
ICSE-2000-KuuselaS #product line #requirements- Requirements engineering for product families (JK, JS), pp. 61–69.
SPLC-2000-AmericaOOL #architecture #component #framework #named #product line- CoPAM: A component-oriented platform architecting method family for product family engineering (PA, JHO, RCvO, FvdL), pp. 167–180.
WICSA-1999-BartthallR #architecture #design #embedded #product line- Architecture Design Recovery of a Family of Embedded Software Systems (LB, PR), pp. 3–14.
WICSA-1999-Pronk #architecture #product line- Domain-Specific Architectures and Product Families (BJP), pp. 357–367.
DATE-1999-FournierAL #functional #product line #using #verification- Functional Verification Methodology for Microprocessors Using the Genesys Test-Program Generator-Application to the x86 Microprocessors Family (LF, YA, ML), pp. 434–441.
ICDAR-1999-GorskiAABPS #product line #recognition- A2iA Check Reader: A Family of Bank Check Recognition Systems (NG, VA, EA, OB, DP, JCS), pp. 523–526.
ICDAR-1999-RemakiC #documentation #image #kernel #product line #using #visual notation- Visual Data Extraction from Bi-level Document Images using a Generalized Kernel Family with Compact Support, in Scale-Space (LR, MC), pp. 609–612.
CAiSE-1999-Jarzabek #component #information management #product line- Component Criteria for Information System Families (SJ), pp. 451–455.
ICML-1999-Bosch #abstraction #in memory #learning- Instance-Family Abstraction in Memory-Based Language Learning (AvdB), pp. 39–48.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-CookKWMRW #product line #uml #using- Defining UML Family Members Using Prefaces (SC, AK, JW, RM, BR, ACW), pp. 102–114.
ICSE-1999-ArdisC #analysis #product line- Defining Families — Commonality Analysis (MAA, DAC), pp. 671–672.
ICSE-1999-MannionKW #product line #requirements #reuse- Reusing Single System Requirements from Application Family Requirements (MM, HK, JW), pp. 453–462.
ICPR-1998-ImNK #case study #product line- Recognizing plant species by leaf shapes-a case study of the Acer family (CI, HN, TLK), pp. 1171–1173.
ICRE-1998-LutzHMST #analysis #product line #requirements #safety- Safety Analysis of Requirements for a Product Family (RRL, GGH, MMM, DES, SRT), p. 24–?.
SAC-1998-HallamY #fuzzy #product line #pseudo #strict- Families of fuzzy implication operators within measure M1 and their pseudo-strict (NH, KMY), pp. 262–266.
ICSE-1998-EixelsbergerOGB #architecture #product line- Software Architecture Recovery of a Program Family (WE, MO, HG, BB), pp. 508–511.
HPCA-1998-HallaronSG #architecture #product line- Architectural Implications of a Family of Irregular Applications (DRO, JRS, TRG), pp. 80–89.
HCI-SEC-1997-KimuraKI #communication #multi #product line- Multimedia Communication for Family (AK, HK, SI), pp. 639–642.
TOOLS-USA-1997-FeilerT #named #product line- Propagator: A Family of Patterns (PHF, WFT), p. 355–?.
ICSE-1997-ArdisW #analysis #product line #tutorial- Defining Families: The Commonality Analysis (Tutorial) (MAA, DMW), pp. 649–650.
ICSE-1997-RamKH #architecture #product line- Architecting Families of Software-Intensive Products (AR, HK, PH), p. 580.
RTA-1997-Oostrom #finite #product line- Finite Family Developments (VvO), pp. 308–322.
ICPR-1996-HeisterkampB #invariant #product line #recognition- Invariants of families of coplanar conics and their applications to object recognition (DRH, PB), pp. 677–681.
KDD-1996-HofackerHSS #information management #product line #scalability #sequence #using- Knowledge Discovery in RNA Sequence Families of HIV Using Scalable Computers (ILH, MAH, PFS, PES), pp. 20–25.
SAC-1996-BedarhallyPC #algorithm #approach #product line #search-based- A family elitist approach in genetic algorithms (PVB, RAP, WSC), pp. 238–244.
SAC-1996-CucuccioGNR #development #fuzzy #logic #product line- W.A.R.P.-ADB: a board family for fuzzy logic applications development (AC, GG, NN, BR), pp. 586–589.
CAV-1996-KapurS #multi #product line #verification- Mechanically Verifying a Family of Multiplier Circuits (DK, MS), pp. 135–146.
RTA-1996-Oostrom #higher-order #product line- Higher-Order Families (VvO), pp. 392–407.
ICDAR-v1-1995-Crettez #product line #recognition #set- A set of handwriting families: style recognition (JPC), pp. 489–494.
DLT-1995-Bercoff #product line #sequence- A Family of p-Uniform Tag Systems for p-Paperfolding Sequences (CB), pp. 3–12.
ASF+SDF-1995-Visser #product line #syntax- A Family of Syntax Definition Formalisms (EV), pp. 89–126.
VLDB-1994-LitwinNS #data type #distributed #order #product line #scalability- RP*: A Family of Order Preserving Scalable Distributed Data Structures (WL, MAN, DAS), pp. 342–353.
STOC-1994-GoldreichW #product line #random #trade-off- Tiny families of functions with random properties (preliminary version): a quality-size trade-off for hashing (OG, AW), pp. 574–584.
SIGMOD-1993-Sherman #architecture #distributed #product line #transaction- Architecture of the Encina Distributed Transaction Processing Family (MS), pp. 460–463.
STOC-1993-Goldberg #algorithm #graph #polynomial #product line- Polynomial space polynomial delay algorithms for listing families of graphs (LAG), pp. 218–225.
ICALP-1993-Gupta #automaton #finite #product line- Finite Automata as Characterizations of Minor Closed Tree Families (Extended Abstract) (AG), pp. 359–370.
ASPLOS-1992-AndrewsS #migration #product line- Migrating a CISC Computer Family onto RISC via Object Code Translation (KA, DS), pp. 213–222.
CC-1992-Weber #compilation #component #product line #reuse #runtime- Creation of a Family of Compilers and Runtime Environments by Combining Reusable Components (CW), pp. 110–124.
JICSLP-1992-AbreuPC #execution #product line- Improving Backward Execution in the Andorra Family of Languages (SA, LMP, PC), pp. 384–398.
PODS-1991-ImmermanPS #finite #product line #set- The Expressiveness of a Family of Finite Set Languages (NI, SP, DWS), pp. 37–52.
ISLP-1991-LauP #product line #recursion #sorting #synthesis- Synthesis of a Family of Recursive Sorting Procedures (KKL, SDP), pp. 641–658.
VLDB-1989-OlaO #database #modelling #product line #relational- A Family of Incomplete Relational Database Models (AO, GÖ), pp. 23–31.
OOPSLA-1989-Dussud #implementation #named #product line- TICLOS: An Implementation of CLOS for the Explorer Family (PHD), pp. 215–219.
ICSE-1987-Winkler #product line #scalability #source code #version control- Version Control in Families of Large Programs (JFHW), pp. 150–165.
ICALP-1986-Brandenburg #product line- Intersections of Some Families of Languages (FJB), pp. 60–68.
DAC-1984-Jackson #design #multi- A designing system for multi-family housing (BJ), pp. 275–281.
ICALP-1984-Ferment #matrix #product line- Principality Results About Some Matrix Languages Families (DF), pp. 151–161.
ICALP-1981-Istrail #product line- Chomsky-Schützenberger Representations for Families of Languages and Grammatical Types (SI), pp. 333–347.
ICALP-1981-Welzl #on the- On the Density of Color-Families (EW), pp. 68–72.
ICALP-1980-Salomaa #product line- Grammatical Families (AS), pp. 543–554.
ICALP-1979-Blattner #product line- Inherent Ambiguities in Families of Grammars (Extended Abstract) (MB), pp. 38–48.
ICALP-1979-Culik #on the #product line- On the Homomorphic Characterizations of Families of Languages (KCI), pp. 161–170.
ICSE-1979-Lasker #evolution #product line #realtime- Module Structure in an Evolving Family of Real Time Systems (DML), pp. 22–28.
ICALP-1976-Restivo #on the #product line- On a Family of Codes Related to Factorization of Cyclotomic Polynomials (AR), pp. 38–44.
ICSE-1976-ParnasHW #design #operating system #product line #set #specification #system family- Design and Specification of the Minimal Subset of an Operating System Family (Abstract) (DLP, GH, HW), p. 123.
SOSP-J-1975-HabermannFC76 #composition #operating system #product line- Modularization and Hierarchy in a Family of Operating Systems (ANH, LF, LWC), pp. 266–272.
STOC-1973-Baker #product line- Tree Transductions and Families of Tree Languges (BSB), pp. 200–206.
ICALP-1972-HarrisonH #on the #product line- On a Family of Deterministic Grammars (Extended Abstract) (MAH, IMH), pp. 413–441.
STOC-1970-Lewis70a #product line- Closure of Families of Languages under Substitution Operators (DJL), pp. 100–108.
STOC-1970-Nivat #on the #product line- On Some Families of Languages Related to the Dyck Language (MN), pp. 221–225.
STOC-1970-Ullian #product line #theorem- Three Theorems on Abstract Families of Languages (JSU), pp. 226–230.
STOC-1969-Chandler #product line- Abstract Families of Deterministic Languages (WJC), pp. 21–30.
STOC-1969-Rose #product line- Abstract Families of Processors (GFR), pp. 9–14.