7 papers:
CSCW-2015-GelleyJ- Do I Need To Follow You?: Examining the Utility of The Pinterest Follow Mechanism (BG, AJ), pp. 1751–1762.
CSCW-2015-MillerCT #exclamation #experience #quote #user interface- “I LOVE THIS SITE!” vs. “It’s a little girly”: Perceptions of and Initial User Experience with Pinterest (HJM, SC, LGT), pp. 1728–1740.
KDD-2015-JingLKZXDT #visual notation- Visual Search at Pinterest (YJ, DL, DK, AZ, JX, JD, ST), pp. 1889–1898.
SIGMOD-2014-ChengMZK #flexibility #named- SerpentTI: flexible analytics of users, boards and domains for pinterest (AC, MM, CZ, NK), pp. 1075–1078.
CHI-2014-LinderSK- Everyday ideation: all of my ideas are on pinterest (RL, CS, AK), pp. 2411–2420.
CSCW-2014-ChangKGT #gender #social- Specialization, homophily, and gender in a social curation site: findings from pinterest (SC, VK, EG, LGT), pp. 674–686.
CHI-2013-GilbertBCT #bibliography #statistics- “I need to try this”?: a statistical overview of pinterest (EG, SB, SC, LGT), pp. 2427–2436.