3 papers:
VLDB-2009-BhideABPMV #integration #named #xml- XPEDIA: XML ProcEssing for Data IntegrAtion (MB, MKA, ABO, SP, SM, GV), pp. 1330–1341.
SIGMOD-2008-AndoniFKPS #classification #performance #rank #similarity- Corrigendum to “efficient similarity search and classification via rank aggregation” by Ronald Fagin, Ravi Kumar and D. Sivakumar (proc. SIGMOD’03) (AA, RF, RK, MP, DS), pp. 1375–1376.
PPoPP-1993-MorrisettT #framework #ml #multi #standard- Procs and Locks: A Portable Multiprocessing Platform for Standard ML of New Jersey (JGM, APT), pp. 198–207.