Tag #ml
174 papers:
PADL-2020-ElsmanH #garbage collection #memory management #on the- On the Effects of Integrating Region-Based Memory Management and Generational Garbage Collection in ML (ME, NH), pp. 95–112.
MSR-2019-BangashSCWHA #case study #developer #machine learning #stack overflow #what- What do developers know about machine learning: a study of ML discussions on StackOverflow (AAB, HS, SAC, AWW, AH, KA0), pp. 260–264.
FM-2019-ChargueraudFLP #specification- GOSPEL - Providing OCaml with a Formal Specification Language (AC, JCF, CL, MP), pp. 484–501.
KDD-2019-AhmedABCCDDEFFG #machine learning- Machine Learning at Microsoft with ML.NET (ZA, SA, MB, RC, WSC, YD, XD, VE, SF, TF, AG, MH, SI, MI, NK, GK, PL, IM, SM, SM, GN, JO, GO, AP, JP, PR, MZS, MW, SZ, YZ), pp. 2448–2458.
KDD-2019-KatsiapisH #towards- Towards ML Engineering with TensorFlow Extended (TFX) (KK, KH), p. 3182.
KDD-2019-Sawaf - Applications of AI/ML in Established and New Industries (HS), p. 3168.
KDD-2019-Thondikulam #approach #scalability- Analytics Journey Map: An Approach Enable to ML at Scale (GT), p. 3167.
PLDI-2019-RoweFTO #implementation- Characterising renaming within OCaml's module system: theory and implementation (RNSR, HF, SJT, SO), pp. 950–965.
ESEC-FSE-2019-BarashFJRTZ #feature model #interactive #requirements #using- Bridging the gap between ML solutions and their business requirements using feature interactions (GB, EF, IJ, OR, RTB, MZ), pp. 1048–1058.
- IFM-2018-BoermanHJ #difference #reasoning
- Reasoning About JML: Differences Between KeY and OpenJML (JB, MH, SJCJ), pp. 30–46.
- ICFP-2018-BourRS #case study #experience #named
- Merlin: a language server for OCaml (experience report) (FB, TR, GS), p. 15.
PEPM-2018-WatanabeK #generative- Program generation for ML modules (short paper) (TW, YK), pp. 60–66.
POPL-2018-WilliamsR #approach- A principled approach to ornamentation in ML (TW, DR), p. 30.
FSCD-2017-LichtmanH #array- Arrays and References in Resource Aware ML (BL, JH0), p. 20.
- ICFP-2017-CanouCH #education #functional #programming #scalability
- Scaling up functional programming education: under the hood of the OCaml MOOC (BC, RDC, GH), p. 25.
POPL-2017-HoffmannDW #analysis #automation #bound #towards- Towards automatic resource bound analysis for OCaml (JH0, AD, SCW), pp. 359–373.
PPDP-2017-LaforgueR #metaprogramming #pattern matching- Copattern matching and first-class observations in OCaml, with a macro (PL, YRG), pp. 97–108.
ESOP-2017-Cotton-BarrattM #branch- ML and Extended Branching VASS (CCB, ASM, CHLO), pp. 314–340.
KDD-2016-Papadopoulos - A VC View of Investing in ML (GP), p. 9.
ICFP-2015-Rossberg #named- 1ML — core and modules united (F-ing first-class modules) (AR), pp. 35–47.
PADL-2015-VaugonWC #programming- Programming Microcontrollers in OCaml: The OCaPIC Project (BV, PW, EC), pp. 132–148.
PPDP-2015-MandelPP #years after- ReactiveML, ten years later (LM, CP, MP), pp. 6–17.
FoSSaCS-2015-Cotton-BarrattH #automaton #decidability #memory management- Fragments of ML Decidable by Nested Data Class Memory Automata (CCB, DH, ASM, CHLO), pp. 249–263.
POPL-2014-KumarMNO #implementation #named- CakeML: a verified implementation of ML (RK, MOM, MN, SO), pp. 179–192.
SAS-2014-MandelP - Reactivity of Cooperative Systems — Application to ReactiveML (LM, CP), pp. 219–236.
CC-2014-SulzmannS #flexibility #performance #regular expression- A Flexible and Efficient ML Lexer Tool Based on Extended Regular Expression Submatching (MS, PvS), pp. 174–191.
VMCAI-2013-ZhuJ #composition #dependent type #lightweight #type inference- Compositional and Lightweight Dependent Type Inference for ML (HZ, SJ), pp. 295–314.
SEFM-2012-AyraultBDP #analysis #dependence- ML Dependency Analysis for Assessors (PA, VB, CD, FP), pp. 278–292.
ICFP-2012-MyreenO #higher-order #logic #synthesis- Proof-producing synthesis of ML from higher-order logic (MOM, SO), pp. 115–126.
IFL-2012-Clerc #java #named- OCaml-Java: From OCaml Sources to Java Bytecodes (XC), pp. 71–85.
ICEIS-v2-2012-HanadaOKM #java #ocl #uml- Practical Application of a Translation Tool from UML/OCL to Java Skeleton with JML Annotation (KH, KO, SK, KM), pp. 389–394.
SAC-2012-CatanoWRRY #specification- Translating B machines to JML specifications (NC, TW, CR, VR, DY), pp. 1271–1277.
CAV-2012-0002AH - Resource Aware ML (JH, KA, MH), pp. 781–786.
CAV-2012-HopkinsMO #equivalence #higher-order #named- Hector: An Equivalence Checker for a Higher-Order Fragment of ML (DH, ASM, CHLO), pp. 774–780.
CSL-2012-ChrzaszczS #complexity- ML with PTIME complexity guarantees (JC, AS), pp. 198–212.
ICALP-v2-2011-HopkinsMO #automaton #decidability- A Fragment of ML Decidable by Visibly Pushdown Automata (DH, ASM, CHLO), pp. 149–161.
ICFP-2011-ChyzakD #generative #runtime #using #web- Using camlp4 for presenting dynamic mathematics on the web: DynaMoW, an OCaml language extension for the run-time generation of mathematical contents and their presentation on the web (FC, AD), pp. 259–265.
ICFP-2011-OhoriU #database #programming language #standard- Making standard ML a practical database programming language (AO, KU), pp. 307–319.
ICFP-2011-SwamyGLH #lightweight #monad #programming- Lightweight monadic programming in ML (NS, NG, DL, MH), pp. 15–27.
POPL-2011-HurD #assembly #logic- A kripke logical relation between ML and assembly (CKH, DD), pp. 133–146.
SEFM-2010-HussainL #named #runtime #specification- temporaljmlc: A JML Runtime Assertion Checker Extension for Specification and Checking of Temporal Properties (FH, GTL), pp. 63–72.
FLOPS-2010-Kiselyov - Delimited Control in OCaml, Abstractly and Concretely: System Description (OK), pp. 304–320.
ICFP-2010-Gordon #metalanguage #named #question- ML: metalanguage or object language? (MJCG), pp. 1–2.
DATE-2010-CupaiuoloST #architecture #detection #throughput- Low-complexity high throughput VLSI architecture of soft-output ML MIMO detector (TC, MS, AT), pp. 1396–1401.
ICFP-2009-Chaudhuri #concurrent #haskell #library- A concurrent ML library in concurrent Haskell (AC), pp. 269–280.
ICFP-2009-CuoqSBBCCMPP #case study #experience #framework #static analysis- Experience report: OCaml for an industrial-strength static analysis framework (PC, JS, PB, RB, GC, LC, BM, VP, AP), pp. 281–286.
ICFP-2009-PaganoAMCCWMC #case study #certification #embedded #experience #framework #safety #tool support #using- Experience report: using objective caml to develop safety-critical embedded tools in a certification framework (BP, OA, TM, BC, EC, PW, PM, JLC), pp. 215–220.
ICFP-2009-ReppyRX #concurrent #parallel- Parallel concurrent ML (JHR, CVR, YX), pp. 257–268.
ICML-2009-Leskovec #network #scalability #social #summary #tutorial- Tutorial summary: Large social and information networks: opportunities for ML (JL), p. 19.
MoDELS-2009-LloydJ #analysis #authentication #security #using- Security Analysis of a Biometric Authentication System Using UMLsec and JML (JL, JJ), pp. 77–91.
MoDELS-2009-LloydJ #analysis #authentication #security #using- Security Analysis of a Biometric Authentication System Using UMLsec and JML (JL, JJ), pp. 77–91.
SAC-2009-CatanoW #case study #java #specification- Executing JML specifications of Java card applications: a case study (NC, TW), pp. 404–408.
SAC-2009-JamesC #multi #static analysis- Extended static checking in JML4: benefits of multiple-prover support (PRJ, PC), pp. 609–614.
DATE-2009-LiFNBPC #architecture #co-evolution #design #detection #parallel #set- Algorithm-architecture co-design of soft-output ML MIMO detector for parallel application specific instruction set processors (ML, RF, DN, BB, LVdP, FC), pp. 1608–1613.
FASE-2009-HuismanT #automaton #security- A Formal Connection between Security Automata and JML Annotations (MH, AT), pp. 340–354.
FoSSaCS-2009-MurawskiT #abstraction- Full Abstraction for Reduced ML (ASM, NT), pp. 32–47.
ICST-2009-MurphySK #runtime #testing #using- Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking to Automate Metamorphic Testing in Applications without Test Oracles (CM, KS, GEK), pp. 436–445.
FM-2008-ChalinR #fault #performance #runtime #using- JML Runtime Assertion Checking: Improved Error Reporting and Efficiency Using Strong Validity (PC, FR), pp. 246–261.
AFP-2008-AcarL08 #self- Self-adjusting Computation with Delta ML (UAA, RLW), pp. 1–38.
ICFP-2008-DreyerR #mixin- Mixin’ up the ML module system (DD, AR), pp. 307–320.
ICFP-2008-Effinger-DeanKG #transaction- Transactional events for ML (LED, MK, DG), pp. 103–114.
ICFP-2008-RemyY #constraints #performance #type inference- From ML to MLF: graphic type constraints with efficient type inference (DR, BY), pp. 63–74.
IFL-2008-TellerSV #fault #lightweight #performance #polymorphism #type safety- Catch Me If You Can — Looking for Type-Safe, Hierarchical, Lightweight, Polymorphic and Efficient Error Management in OCaml (DT, AS, TV), pp. 249–271.
ICPR-2008-KanataniS #algorithm #strict- Compact algorithm for strictly ML ellipse fitting (KK, YS), pp. 1–4.
PADL-2008-FernandezFFGM #developer #programming #tool support- A Generic Programming Toolkit for PADS/ML: First-Class Upgrades for Third-Party Developers (MFF, KF, JNF, MG, YM), pp. 133–149.
PADL-2008-PaganoACCCMW #development #implementation #tool support- Certified Development Tools Implementation in Objective Caml (BP, OA, BC, EC, JLC, TM, PW), pp. 2–17.
POPL-2008-Minsky - Caml trading (YM), p. 285.
ICST-2008-RebeloLCS #aspectj #compilation- A JML Compiler Based on AspectJ (HR, RMFL, MC, SS), pp. 541–544.
POPL-2007-LeeCH #standard #towards- Towards a mechanized metatheory of standard ML (DKL, KC, RH), pp. 173–184.
POPL-2007-MandelbaumFWFG #functional #named- PADS/ML: a functional data description language (YM, KF, DW, MFF, AG), pp. 77–83.
ASE-2007-Leavens #java #modelling #tutorial- Tutorial on JML, the java modeling language (GTL), p. 573.
LDTA-J-2005-Iversen #compilation #standard- An action compiler targeting Standard ML (JI), pp. 79–94.
CAV-2007-LeavensKP #behaviour #composition #functional #java #specification #tutorial #verification- A JML Tutorial: Modular Specification and Verification of Functional Behavior for Java (GTL, JRK, EP), p. 37.
MBT-2007-DadeauLB #java #specification #testing #using- Measuring a Java Test Suite Coverage Using JML Specifications (FD, YL, LdB), pp. 21–32.
FM-2006-BouquetDL #automation #bound #generative #specification #testing- Automated Boundary Test Generation from JML Specifications (FB, FD, BL), pp. 428–443.
ICFP-2006-Frisch - OCaml + XDuce (AF), pp. 192–200.
ICFP-2006-Rossberg #component- The missing link: dynamic components for ML (AR), pp. 99–110.
PPDP-2006-NguyenO #compilation #layout #morphism #polymorphism- Compiling ML polymorphism with explicit layout bitmap (HDN, AO), pp. 237–248.
ESOP-2006-Rudiak-GouldMJ #haskell- Haskell Is Not Not ML (BRG, AM, SLPJ), pp. 38–53.
FASE-2006-GiorgettiG #generative #named #verification- JAG: JML Annotation Generation for Verifying Temporal Properties (AG, JG), pp. 373–376.
FM-2005-BouquetDLU #animation #specification- Symbolic Animation of JML Specifications (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 75–90.
ICFP-2005-MasuharaTY #aspect-oriented #functional- Aspectual Caml: an aspect-oriented functional language (HM, HT, AY), pp. 320–330.
ICFP-2005-Pottier #type inference- From ML type inference to stratified type inference (FP), p. 1.
ECOOP-2005-RodriguezDFHLR #composition #concurrent #multi #source code #specification #thread #verification- Extending JML for Modular Specification and Verification of Multi-threaded Programs (ER, MBD, CF, JH, GTL, R), pp. 551–576.
PPDP-2005-MandelP #named- ReactiveML: a reactive extension to ML (LM, MP), pp. 82–93.
LDTA-2005-Iversen #compilation #standard- An Action Compiler Targeting Standard ML (JI), pp. 167–188.
TACAS-2005-BouquetDLU #named #specification #using- JML-Testing-Tools: A Symbolic Animator for JML Specifications Using CLP (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 551–556.
CADE-2005-DufayFM #data flow #information management #privacy- Privacy-Sensitive Information Flow with JML (GD, APF, SM), pp. 116–130.
PASTE-2004-Leavens #exclamation- Invited Talk: JML framed! (GTL), p. 1.
IFL-2004-Gast #data flow #fault- Explaining ML Type Errors by Data Flows (HG), pp. 72–89.
PADL-2004-ElsmanL #html #type system #web- Typing XHTML Web Applications in ML (ME, KFL), pp. 224–238.
TACAS-2004-LingerS #analysis #constraints #theorem proving #type inference- Binding-Time Analysis for MetaML via Type Inference and Constraint Solving (NL, TS), pp. 266–279.
FME-2003-Chalin #effectiveness- Improving JML: For a Safer and More Effective Language (PC), pp. 440–461.
RTA-2003-McAllester #algorithm #logic #type inference- Joint RTA-TLCA Invited Talk: A Logical Algorithm for ML Type Inference (DAM), pp. 436–451.
ICFP-2003-BotlanR #named #power of #system f- MLF: raising ML to the power of system F (DLB, DR), pp. 27–38.
FATES-2003-XuY #automation #framework #named #novel #testing- JMLAutoTest: A Novel Automated Testing Framework Based on JML and JUnit (G(X, ZY), pp. 70–85.
VMCAI-2003-CatanoH #named #static analysis- CHASE: A Static Checker for JML’s Assignable Clause (NC, MH), pp. 26–40.
ECOOP-2002-CheonL #approach #testing- A Simple and Practical Approach to Unit Testing: The JML and JUnit Way (YC, GTL), pp. 231–255.
POPL-2002-PottierS #data flow- Information flow inference for ML (FP, VS), pp. 319–330.
ICFP-2001-DimockWMTW #standard #type safety- Functioning without Closure: Type-Safe Customized Function Representations for Standard ML (AD, IW, RM, FAT, JBW), pp. 14–25.
ICFP-2001-Russo #recursion #standard- Recursive Structures for Standard ML (CVR), pp. 50–61.
FASE-2001-JacobsP #java #logic #modelling- A Logic for the Java Modeling Language JML (BJ, EP), pp. 284–299.
TACAS-2001-BergJ #compilation #java- The LOOP Compiler for Java and JML (JvdB, BJ), pp. 299–312.
PEPM-2000-Taha #formal method #multi #reduction #semantics- A Sound Reduction Semantics for Untyped CBN Multi-stage Computation. Or, the Theory of MetaML is Non-trivial (WT), pp. 34–43.
SAC-2000-BartaS - Syndication with JML (RAB, MWS), pp. 962–970.
ESOP-2000-Russo #standard- First-Class Structures for Standard ML (CVR), pp. 336–350.
CSL-2000-AbramskyL #polymorphism- A Fully Complete PER Model for ML Polymorphic Types (SA, ML), pp. 140–155.
LICS-2000-JeffreyR #bisimulation #concurrent #formal method- A Theory of Bisimulation for a Fragment of Concurrent ML with Local Names (AJ, JR), pp. 311–321.
ICFP-1999-HughesP #bound #embedded #programming #recursion #towards- Recursion and Dynamic Data-structures in Bounded Space: Towards Embedded ML Programming (JH, LP), pp. 70–81.
ICFP-1999-OhoriY #compilation #morphism #polymorphism #rank #type inference- Type Inference with Rank 1 Polymorphism for Type-Directed Compilation of ML (AO, NY), pp. 160–171.
ICFP-1999-SemmelrothS #encapsulation #monad- Monadic Encapsulation in ML (MS, AS), pp. 8–17.
PPDP-1999-Russo #dependent type #standard- Non-dependent Types for Standard ML Modules (CVR), pp. 80–97.
ASE-1999-WhittleBBL #editing- An ML Editor Based on Proofs-As-Programs (JW, AB, RJB, HL), pp. 166–173.
ESOP-1999-MoggiTBS - An Idealized MetaML: Simpler, and More Expressive (EM, WT, ZEAB, TS), pp. 193–207.
FoSSaCS-1999-Benke #algebra #type system- An Algebraic Characterization of Typability in ML with Subtyping (MB), pp. 104–119.
AFP-1998-Sheard98 #programming language #staged #using- Using MetaML: A Staged Programming Language (TS), pp. 207–239.
ICFP-1998-BentonKR #compilation #java #standard- Compiling Standard ML to Java Bytecodes (NB, AK, GR), pp. 129–140.
ICPR-1998-Aladjem #classification #network #recursion #reduction- Training of a ML neural network for classification via recursive reduction of the class separation (MA), pp. 450–452.
ICPR-1998-MoghaddamJP #performance #recognition #similarity #visual notation- Efficient MAP/ML similarity matching for visual recognition (BM, TJ, AP), pp. 876–881.
POPL-1998-JonesSLT #haskell- Bridging the Gulf: A Common Intermediate Language for ML and Haskell (SLPJ, MS, JL, APT), pp. 49–61.
ICFP-1997-McAdam - BigTypes in ML (BJM), p. 316.
PLILP-1997-WhittleBL #editing #standard- An Editor for Helping Novices to Learn Standard ML (JW, AB, HL), pp. 389–405.
POPL-1997-RemyV #object-oriented- Objective ML: A Simple Object-Oriented Extension of ML (DR, JV), pp. 40–53.
AFP-1996-Lee96 #implementation #standard #thread- Implementing Threads in Standard ML (PL), pp. 115–130.
AFP-1996-Tofte96 #standard- Essentials of Standard ML Modules (MT), pp. 208–238.
PLDI-1996-LeeL #code generation #optimisation #runtime- Optimizing ML with Run-Time Code Generation (PL, ML), pp. 137–148.
PLDI-1996-ReppyR #standard- Simple Objects for Standard ML (JHR, JGR), pp. 171–180.
PLDI-1996-TarditiMCSHL #compilation #named #optimisation- TIL: A Type-Directed Optimizing Compiler for ML (DT, JGM, PC, CAS, RH, PL), pp. 181–192.
PLILP-1996-BelleJM - Functorial ML (GB, CBJ, EM), pp. 32–46.
Best-of-PLDI-1996-LeeL96a #code generation #optimisation #runtime- Optimizing ML with run-time code generation (with retrospective) (PL, ML), pp. 540–553.
Best-of-PLDI-1996-TarditiMCSHL96a #compilation #named #optimisation- TIL: a type-directed, optimizing compiler for ML (with retrospective) (DT, JGM, PC, CAS, RH, PL), pp. 554–567.
TLCA-1995-RitterP #standard #λ-calculus- A Fully Abstract Translation between a λ-Calculus with Reference Types and Standard ML (ER, AMP), pp. 397–413.
FPCA-1995-HengleinR #polymorphism #type inference- Safe Polymorphic Type Inference for Scheme: Translating Scheme to ML (FH, JR), pp. 192–203.
PLDI-1995-ShaoA #compilation #standard #type system- A Type-Based Compiler for Standard ML (ZS, AWA), pp. 116–129.
FME-1994-MossesM #action semantics #concurrent #semantics- An Action Semantics for ML Concurrency Primitives (PDM, MM), pp. 461–479.
LFP-1994-BiagioniHLM #network #protocol #stack #standard- Signatures for a Network Protocol Stack: A Systems Application of Standard ML (EB, RH, PL, BM), pp. 55–64.
LFP-1994-Heintze #analysis #source code- Set-Based Analysis of ML Programs (NH), pp. 306–317.
LFP-1994-StefanovicM #behaviour #standard- Characterization of Object Behaviour in Standard ML of New Jersey (DS, JEBM), pp. 43–54.
PEPM-1994-BirkedalW #analysis #standard- Binding-Time Analysis for Standard ML (LB, MW), pp. 61–71.
PLDI-1994-AppelM #compilation #standard- Separate Compilation for Standard ML (AWA, DBM), pp. 13–23.
SAS-1994-Yi #detection #exception #source code #standard- Compile-time Detection of Uncaught Exceptions in Standard ML Programs (KY), pp. 238–254.
ESOP-1994-BerthomieuS #behaviour #framework #programming #semantics #syntax- Programming with Behaviors in an ML Framework — The Syntax and Semantics of LCS (BB, TLS), pp. 89–104.
ESOP-1994-Kahrs #morphism #polymorphism- First-Class Polymorphism for ML (SK), pp. 333–347.
RTA-1993-Matthews #equation #named #reasoning #standard- MERILL: An Equational Reasoning System in Standard ML (BM), pp. 441–445.
POPL-1993-DoligezL #concurrent #garbage collection #implementation #parallel #thread- A Concurrent, Generational Garbage Collector for a Multithreaded Implementation of ML (DD, XL), pp. 113–123.
PPoPP-1993-MorrisettT #framework #multi #platform #standard- Procs and Locks: A Portable Multiprocessing Platform for Standard ML of New Jersey (JGM, APT), pp. 198–207.
ICALP-1992-PhoaF #semantics- A Proposed Categorial Semantics for Pure ML (WP, MPF), pp. 533–544.
LFP-1992-RauglaudreM #parsing- Parsers in ML (DdR, MM), pp. 76–85.
LFP-1992-Remy - Projective ML (DR), pp. 66–75.
POPL-1992-BerryMT #concurrent #semantics- A Semantics for ML Concurrency Primitives (DB, RM, DNT), pp. 119–129.
FPCA-1991-LeroyM - Dynamics in ML (XL, MM), pp. 406–426.
FPCA-1991-Maranget #implementation #lazy evaluation #named #parallel- GAML: a Parallel Implementation of Lazy ML (LM), pp. 102–123.
FPCA-1991-VolpanoS #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of ML Typability with Overloading (DMV, GS), pp. 15–28.
PLDI-1991-FreemanP #refinement- Refinement Types for ML (TF, FP), pp. 268–277.
PLILP-1991-AppelM #standard- Standard ML of New Jersey (AWA, DBM), pp. 1–13.
POPL-1991-DubaHM #continuation #type system- Typing First-Class Continuations in ML (BFD, RH, DBM), pp. 163–173.
POPL-1991-MitchellMM #inheritance #standard #type system- An Extension of Standard ML Modules with Subtyping and Inheritance (JCM, SM, NM), pp. 270–278.
LFP-1990-TolmachA #debugging #reverse engineering #standard- Debugging Standard ML Without Reverse Engineering (APT, AWA), pp. 1–12.
POPL-1990-Mairson #exponential- Deciding ML Typability is Complete for Deterministic Exponential Time (HGM), pp. 382–401.
FPCA-1989-Ohori #morphism #polymorphism #semantics- A Simple Semantics for ML Polymorphism (AO), pp. 281–292.
POPL-1989-KanellakisM #polymorphism #type system #unification- Polymorphic Unification and ML Typing (PCK, JCM), pp. 105–115.
POPL-1989-Remy - Typechecking Records and Variants in a Natural Extension of ML (DR), pp. 77–88.
CCIPL-1989-SannellaT #development #source code #towards- Toward Formal Development of ML Programs: Foundations and Methodology (Extended Abstract) (DS, AT), pp. 375–389.
VDME-1988-Arthan #compilation #prototype #standard- Compiler Prototyping with VDM and Standard ML (RDA), pp. 101–115.
LFP-1988-JategaonkarM #pattern matching #type system- ML with Extended Pattern Matching and Subtypes (LJ, JCM), pp. 198–211.
LFP-1988-MacQueen #implementation #standard- An Implementation of Standard ML Modules (DBM), pp. 212–223.
POPL-1988-KfouryTU #effectiveness- A Proper Extension of ML with an Effective Type-Assignment (AJK, JT, PU), pp. 58–69.
POPL-1988-MitchellH - The Essence of ML (JCM, RH), pp. 28–46.
FPCA-1987-AppelM #compilation #standard- A Standard ML compiler (AWA, DBM), pp. 301–324.
CFLP-1987-Clement #semantics #standard- The Natural Dynamic Semantics of Mini-Standard ML (DC), pp. 67–81.
POPL-1985-SannellaT #development #specification #standard- Program Specification and Development in Standard ML (DS, AT), pp. 67–77.
LFP-1984-Augustsson #compilation #lazy evaluation- A Compiler for Lazy ML (LA), pp. 218–227.
LFP-1984-MacQueen #standard- Modules for Standard ML (DBM), pp. 198–207.
LFP-1984-Milner #standard- A Proposal for Standard ML (RM), pp. 184–197.