6 papers:
HPDC-2015-EllsworthMRS #named- POW: System-wide Dynamic Reallocation of Limited Power in HPC (DAE, ADM, BR, MS), pp. 145–148.
PODS-2014-BenderFFFG- Cost-oblivious storage reallocation (MAB, MFC, SPF, JTF, SG), pp. 278–288.
SAC-2014-CorralGSS #android #energy #implementation- Method reallocation to reduce energy consumption: an implementation in Android OS (LC, ABG, AS, GS), pp. 1213–1218.
CASE-2006-SongL- Two-Instant Reallocation in Two-Echelon Spare Parts Inventory Systems (HS, HCL), pp. 342–345.
CSCW-2006-MunkvoldEK #formal method- Formalizing work: reallocating redundancy (GM, GE, HK), pp. 59–68.
SOSP-1971-Gertz- Storage Reallocation in Hierarchical Associative Memories (JLG), pp. 58–63.