Tag #formal method
913 papers:
FM-2019-BeekBFFGLM #industrial- Adopting Formal Methods in an Industrial Setting: The Railways Case (MHtB, AB, AF, AF, SG, CL, FM), pp. 762–772.
FM-2019-KrishnamurthiN - The Human in Formal Methods (SK, TN), pp. 3–10.
FM-2019-SilveiraJVJ #implementation #specification #using- Formal Methods Applicability on Space Applications Specification and Implementation Using MORA-TSP (DS, AJ, MV, TJ), pp. 727–737.
- IFM-2019-Nemouchi0GK #assurance #named
- Isabelle/SACM: Computer-Assisted Assurance Cases with Integrated Formal Methods (YN, SF0, MG, TK), pp. 379–398.
SEFM-2019-GleirscherFN #assurance #evolution #modelling- Evolution of Formal Model-Based Assurance Cases for Autonomous Robots (MG, SF0, YN), pp. 87–104.
- ICFP-2019-ZhaoOS #polymorphism #type inference
- A mechanical formalization of higher-ranked polymorphic type inference (JZ, BCdSO, TS), p. 29.
ICML-2019-GeistSP #markov #process- A Theory of Regularized Markov Decision Processes (MG, BS, OP), pp. 2160–2169.
OOPSLA-2019-BenderP #concurrent #java- A formalization of Java's concurrent access modes (JB, JP), p. 28.
OOPSLA-2019-JangdaPBG - Formal foundations of serverless computing (AJ, DP, YB, AG), p. 26.
OOPSLA-2019-RaadWV #modelling #semantics #transaction- Weak persistency semantics from the ground up: formalising the persistency semantics of ARMv8 and transactional models (AR, JW, VV), p. 27.
OOPSLA-2019-RapoportL #dependent type- A path to DOT: formalizing fully path-dependent types (MR, OL), p. 29.
PPDP-2019-SteenvoordenNK #named #programming- TopHat: A formal foundation for task-oriented programming (TS, NN, MK), p. 13.
ASPLOS-2019-LustigSG #analysis #consistency #memory management- A Formal Analysis of the NVIDIA PTX Memory Consistency Model (DL, SS, OG), pp. 257–270.
CGO-2019-GomesB #automation #code generation #modelling- Code Generation from Formal Models for Automatic RTOS Portability (RMG, MB), pp. 271–272.
CADE-2019-TrentinS #float #optimisation- Optimization Modulo the Theory of Floating-Point Numbers (PT, RS), pp. 550–567.
CAV-2019-DavisHK #fault #multi #protocol #proving #using- When Human Intuition Fails: Using Formal Methods to Find an Error in the “Proof” of a Multi-agent Protocol (JAD, LRH, DBK), pp. 366–375.
TAP-2019-LavillonniereMC #algorithm #automation #generative #performance #search-based #testing- Fast, Automatic, and Nearly Complete Structural Unit-Test Generation Combining Genetic Algorithms and Formal Methods (EL, DM, DC0), pp. 55–63.
DLT-2018-Davies #approach #complexity- A General Approach to State Complexity of Operations: Formalization and Limitations (SD), pp. 256–268.
- IFM-2018-BasileBFGMPTF #industrial #on the #overview
- On the Industrial Uptake of Formal Methods in the Railway Domain - A Survey with Stakeholders (DB, MHtB, AF, SG, FM, AP, DT, AF), pp. 20–29.
- IFM-2018-FarrellL0
- Robotics and Integrated Formal Methods: Necessity Meets Opportunity (MF, ML, MF0), pp. 161–171.
- IFM-2018-FotsoFLML #component
- Formalisation of SysML/KAOS Goal Assignments with B System Component Decompositions (SJTF, MF, RL, AM, ML), pp. 377–397.
- IFM-2018-Galpin #modelling #network
- Formal Modelling of Software Defined Networking (VG), pp. 172–193.
- IFM-2018-SchmidtKL #generative #modelling #synthesis #using
- Repair and Generation of Formal Models Using Synthesis (JS, SK, ML), pp. 346–366.
ICML-2018-ChatterjiFMBJ #monte carlo #on the #probability #reduction- On the Theory of Variance Reduction for Stochastic Gradient Monte Carlo (NSC, NF, YAM, PLB, MIJ), pp. 763–772.
KDD-2018-HuDZ0X #analysis #e-commerce #learning #rank- Reinforcement Learning to Rank in E-Commerce Search Engine: Formalization, Analysis, and Application (YH, QD, AZ, YY0, YX), pp. 368–377.
ECOOP-2018-WangZOS #named- FHJ: A Formal Model for Hierarchical Dispatching and Overriding (YW, HZ, BCdSO, MS), p. 30.
ESEC-FSE-2018-Baltes0 #development #towards- Towards a theory of software development expertise (SB, SD0), pp. 187–200.
ESOP-2018-GueneauCP #complexity #deduction #verification- A Fistful of Dollars: Formalizing Asymptotic Complexity Claims via Deductive Program Verification (AG, AC, FP), pp. 533–560.
FASE-2018-LiuOSWGM #analysis #distributed #named #protocol #transaction- ROLA: A New Distributed Transaction Protocol and Its Formal Analysis (SL0, PCÖ, KS, QW0, IG, JM), pp. 77–93.
IJCAR-2018-HoenickeS #array #performance- Efficient Interpolation for the Theory of Arrays (JH, TS), pp. 549–565.
IJCAR-2018-SchlichtkrullBT #order #proving- Formalizing Bachmair and Ganzinger's Ordered Resolution Prover (AS, JCB, DT, UW), pp. 89–107.
TAP-2018-BruckerH #proving #standard #web- Formalizing (Web) Standards - An Application of Test and Proof (ADB, MH), pp. 159–166.
DLT-2017-Kitaev #graph- A Comprehensive Introduction to the Theory of Word-Representable Graphs (SK), pp. 36–67.
- IFM-2017-RizaldiKHFIAHN #higher-order #monitoring
- Formalising and Monitoring Traffic Rules for Autonomous Vehicles in Isabelle/HOL (AR, JK, MH, JF, FI, MA, EH, TN), pp. 50–66.
SEFM-2017-MatteplackelPW #calculus #diagrams #requirements- Formalizing Timing Diagram Requirements in Discrete Duration Calculus (RMM, PKP, AW), pp. 253–268.
ECMFA-2017-Debbi #analysis #modelling #probability- Modeling and Formal Analysis of Probabilistic Complex Event Processing (CEP) Applications (HD), pp. 248–263.
SLE-2017-BuckleyS #attribute grammar- A formalisation of parameterised reference attribute grammars (SJHB, AMS), pp. 139–150.
CGO-2017-ChakrabortyV #concurrent #semantics- Formalizing the concurrency semantics of an LLVM fragment (SC, VV), pp. 100–110.
ESOP-2017-DArgenioBBFH #analysis #source code- Is Your Software on Dope? - Formal Analysis of Surreptitiously “enhanced” Programs (PRD, GB, SB, BF, HH), pp. 83–110.
CADE-2017-EchenimP - The Binomial Pricing Model in Finance: A Formalization in Isabelle (ME, NP), pp. 546–562.
CAV-2017-SinghBM #debugging #detection #fault #locality #named #validation- E-QED: Electrical Bug Localization During Post-silicon Validation Enabled by Quick Error Detection and Formal Methods (ES, CWB, SM), pp. 104–125.
ICST-2017-GopinathJG #fault- The Theory of Composite Faults (RG, CJ, AG), pp. 47–57.
WICSA-2016-TsigkanosK #identification #on the #specification- On Formalizing and Identifying Patterns in Cloud Workload Specifications (CT, TK), pp. 262–267.
FM-2016-BeckerCGHHKNSTT #analysis #modelling #proving #testing- Combining Mechanized Proofs and Model-Based Testing in the Formal Analysis of a Hypervisor (HB, JMC, JG, UH, YH, CK, KN0, JLS, HT, TT), pp. 69–84.
FM-2016-HasanagicTLL #interface #standard #validation- Formalising and Validating the Interface Description in the FMI Standard (MH, PWVTJ, KL, PGL), pp. 344–351.
FM-2016-HouSTLH #architecture #case study #execution #set- An Executable Formalisation of the SPARCv8 Instruction Set Architecture: A Case Study for the LEON3 Processor (ZH, DS, AT, YL0, KCH), pp. 388–405.
FM-2016-JiangLSKGSS #design #modelling #multi- Safety-Assured Formal Model-Driven Design of the Multifunction Vehicle Bus Controller (YJ0, HL0, HS, HK, MG0, JS, LS), pp. 757–763.
FSCD-2016-Huet #deduction #education #functional #programming #type system- Teaching Foundations of Computation and Deduction Through Literate Functional Programming and Type Theory Formalization (GPH), p. 2.
FSCD-2016-Traytel - Formal Languages, Formally and Coinductively (DT), p. 17.
- IFM-2016-0002HB #code review #performance #question
- Can Formal Methods Improve the Efficiency of Code Reviews? (MH0, RH, RB), pp. 3–19.
- IFM-2016-AndreiCCMR #analysis #probability
- Probabilistic Formal Analysis of App Usage to Inform Redesign (OA, MC, MC, AM, MR), pp. 115–129.
- IFM-2016-LuckcuckCW #java #paradigm #safety
- A Formal Model of the Safety-Critical Java Level 2 Paradigm (ML, AC, AJW), pp. 226–241.
DiGRA-FDG-2016-Willumsen #analysis #source code- Source Code and Formal Analysis: A Hermeneutic Reading of Passage (ECW).
VS-Games-2016-SajjadiVT #design #game studies #multi- Evidence-Based Mapping between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Game Mechanics for the Purpose of Player-Centered Serious Game Design (PS, JV, ODT), pp. 1–8.
ICML-2016-XieLZW #generative- A Theory of Generative ConvNet (JX, YL0, SCZ, YNW), pp. 2635–2644.
BX-2016-DiskinEPC #bidirectional #model transformation #nondeterminism- Incorporating Uncertainty into Bidirectional Model Transformations and their Delta-Lens Formalization (ZD, RE, AP, KC), pp. 15–31.
MoDELS-2016-SomogyiSG #multi #simulation- Formalizing knowledge in multi-scale agent-based simulations (ETS, JPS, JAG), pp. 115–122.
ECOOP-2016-GilL #java #recognition- Formal Language Recognition with the Java Type Checker (YG, TL), p. 27.
POPL-2016-CurienFM #calculus #modelling- A theory of effects and resources: adjunction models and polarised calculi (PLC, MPF, GMM), pp. 44–56.
FSE-2016-HaoK0J #design #effectiveness #lightweight- Designing minimal effective normative systems with the help of lightweight formal methods (JH, EK, JS0, DJ0), pp. 50–60.
- ICSE-2016-SantosSMM #case study #re-engineering
- Building a theory of job rotation in software engineering from an instrumental case study (RESS, FQBdS, CVCdM, CVFM), pp. 971–981.
ESOP-2016-LourencoFP #adaptation #approach #verification- Formalizing Single-Assignment Program Verification: An Adaptation-Complete Approach (CBL, MJF, JSP), pp. 41–67.
TAP-2016-ReichlFT #using #validation #verification- Using Formal Methods for Verification and Validation in Railway (KR, TF, PT), pp. 3–13.
ECSA-2015-PahlJ #architecture #modelling #roadmap #towards- Software Architecture for the Cloud — A Roadmap Towards Control-Theoretic, Model-Based Cloud Architecture (CP, PJ), pp. 212–220.
ITiCSE-2015-ChaudhariD - Introducing Formal Methods via Program Derivation (DLC, OPD), pp. 266–271.
DLT-2015-BellRS - Factorization in Formal Languages (PCB, DR, JS), pp. 97–107.
FM-2015-DurandS #framework #generative #named- Autofunk: An Inference-Based Formal Model Generation Framework for Production Systems (WD, SS), pp. 577–580.
FM-2015-KuritaIA #documentation #evolution #mobile #modelling- Practices for Formal Models as Documents: Evolution of VDM Application to “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware (TK, FI, KA), pp. 593–596.
FM-2015-SafilianMD #feature model #modelling #semantics- The Semantics of Cardinality-Based Feature Models via Formal Languages (AS, TSEM, ZD), pp. 453–469.
FM-2015-SchutsH #concept #development- Formalizing the Concept Phase of Product Development (MS, JH), pp. 605–608.
HOFM-2015-ZamanskyF15a #education #information management #logic- Exploring the Role of Logic and Formal Methods in Information Systems Education (AZ, EF), pp. 68–74.
RTA-2015-Talcott #execution #logic #modelling- Executable Formal Models in Rewriting Logic (CLT), p. 22.
SEFM-2015-KamaliHKP #analysis #distributed- Formal Analysis of Proactive, Distributed Routing (MK, PH, MK, LP), pp. 175–189.
SEFM-2015-LarmuseauC #interface- Formalizing a Secure Foreign Function Interface (AL, DC), pp. 215–230.
SEFM-2015-ShenB - A Formal Study of Backward Compatible Dynamic Software Updates (JS, RAB), pp. 231–248.
FDG-2015-CookS #automation #design #game studies- Formalizing Non-Formalism: Breaking the Rules of Automated Game Design (MC0, GS).
ICGT-2015-WeberDP #graph transformation #monitoring #using- Using Graph Transformations for Formalizing Prescriptions and Monitoring Adherence (JHW, SD, MP), pp. 205–220.
CHI-2015-VatavuW #analysis #elicitation #metric #tool support- Formalizing Agreement Analysis for Elicitation Studies: New Measures, Significance Test, and Toolkit (RDV, JOW), pp. 1325–1334.
DHM-EH-2015-SinghLMW - Formalizing the Cardiac Pacemaker Resynchronization Therapy (NKS, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 374–386.
DHM-EH-2015-SinghWLMW #modelling #reasoning #requirements- Stepwise Formal Modelling and Reasoning of Insulin Infusion Pump Requirements (NKS, HW, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 387–398.
DUXU-DD-2015-Jin #constraints #design #experience- The Conflict Resolution in Product Experience Design Based on Evaporating Cloud of the Theory of Constraints (LJ), pp. 53–62.
ICEIS-v2-2015-PereiraBD #uml- Mapping Formal Results Back to UML Semi-formal Model (VP, LB, MED), pp. 320–329.
ICEIS-v2-2015-PereiraD #logic #semantics #uml #using- Systematic Mapping — Formalization of UML Semantics using Temporal Logic (VP, MED), pp. 486–493.
ECIR-2015-AmigoGM #approach #clustering #effectiveness #information management #metric #retrieval- A Formal Approach to Effectiveness Metrics for Information Access: Retrieval, Filtering, and Clustering (EA, JG, SM), pp. 817–821.
SIGIR-2015-ZhangZ #game studies #information retrieval #interactive #interface #optimisation- Information Retrieval as Card Playing: A Formal Model for Optimizing Interactive Retrieval Interface (YZ, CZ), pp. 685–694.
MoDELS-2015-AliY #standard #testing- Formalizing the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 Software Testing Standard (SA, TY), pp. 396–405.
MoDELS-2015-AmalioLG #named- Fragmenta: A theory of fragmentation for MDE (NA, JdL, EG), pp. 106–115.
SPLC-2015-FontBHC #automation #product line #variability- Automating the variability formalization of a model family by means of common variability language (JF, MB, ØH, CC), pp. 411–418.
ECOOP-2015-LeeASP - A Theory of Tagged Objects (JL, JA, TS, AP), pp. 174–197.
ECOOP-2015-PetriVJ #implementation- Cooking the Books: Formalizing JMM Implementation Recipes (GP, JV, SJ), pp. 445–469.
Onward-2015-Jackson #concept #design #towards- Towards a theory of conceptual design for software (DJ), pp. 282–296.
PPDP-2015-GallF #semantics- A refined operational semantics for ACT-R: investigating the relations between different ACT-R formalizations (DG, TWF), pp. 114–124.
REFSQ-2015-LiHT #case study #performance #requirements #towards- Towards More Efficient Requirements Formalization: A Study (WL, JHH, MT), pp. 181–197.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ChengGMSSW #semantics- Semantic degrees for Industrie 4.0 engineering: deciding on the degree of semantic formalization to select appropriate technologies (CHC, TG, CM, JOS, MS, PW), pp. 1010–1013.
ICSE-v1-2015-MatichukMAJKS #empirical #towards #verification- Empirical Study Towards a Leading Indicator for Cost of Formal Software Verification (DM, TCM, JA, DRJ, GK, MS), pp. 722–732.
SAC-2015-Buday - Formalising the SECD machine with nominal Isabelle (GB), pp. 1823–1824.
SAC-2015-RiccobeneS #adaptation #modelling #self- Formal modeling self-adaptive service-oriented applications (ER, PS), pp. 1704–1710.
SLE-2015-KuehnBGA #relational- A combined formal model for relational context-dependent roles (TK, SB, SG, UA), pp. 113–124.
CASE-2015-JiangDZZ #mobile #modelling #verification- Formal modeling and verification of secure mobile agent systems (MJ, ZD, MZ, YZ), pp. 545–550.
CASE-2015-SemeniutaF #approach #data flow #industrial #specification- Discrete event dataflow as a formal approach to specification of industrial vision systems (OS, PF), pp. 849–854.
DAC-2015-GuoDJFM #perspective #security #validation #verification- Pre-silicon security verification and validation: a formal perspective (XG, RGD, YJ, FF, PM), p. 6.
DAC-2015-SeshiaSS - Formal methods for semi-autonomous driving (SAS, DS, SSS), p. 5.
DATE-2015-NiemannHGW #generative #modelling- Assisted generation of frame conditions for formal models (PN, FH, MG, RW), pp. 309–312.
DATE-2015-SeylerSGNT #analysis- Formal analysis of the startup delay of SOME/IP service discovery (JRS, TS, MG, NN, JT), pp. 49–54.
PDP-2015-BasileLPZ #policy- A Formal Model of Policy Reconciliation (CB, AL, CP, SZ), pp. 587–594.
PDP-2015-EvrardL #automation #code generation #concurrent #distributed #modelling #process- Automatic Distributed Code Generation from Formal Models of Asynchronous Concurrent Processes (HE, FL), pp. 459–466.
ESOP-2015-NeronTVW - A Theory of Name Resolution (PN, APT, EV, GW), pp. 205–231.
STOC-2015-BourgainDN #reduction #towards- Toward a Unified Theory of Sparse Dimensionality Reduction in Euclidean Space (JB, SD, JN), pp. 499–508.
TACAS-2015-KriouileS #using #verification- Using a Formal Model to Improve Verification of a Cache-Coherent System-on-Chip (AK, WS), pp. 708–722.
CADE-2015-Paulson #automaton #finite #set #using- A Formalisation of Finite Automata Using Hereditarily Finite Sets (LCP), pp. 231–245.
ICLP-2015-Harrison #programming #set- Formal Methods for Answer Set Programming (AH), pp. 311–318.
QoSA-2014-DajsurenGSWVB #architecture- Formalizing correspondence rules for automotive architecture views (YD, CMG, AS, AW, BV, MvdB), pp. 129–138.
QoSA-2014-MirandolaP #adaptation #modelling #self- Software QoS enhancement through self-adaptation and formal models (RM, DPP), pp. 145–146.
WICSA-2014-PerovichB #architecture #modelling- Model-Based Formalization of Software Architecture Knowledge (DP, MCB), pp. 235–238.
JCDL-2014-GonanoTMVP #concept #linked data #open data- Zeri e LODE. Extracting the Zeri photo archive to linked open data: formalizing the conceptual model (CMG, FT, FM, FV, SP), pp. 289–298.
SIGMOD-2014-RoyS #approach #database #query- A formal approach to finding explanations for database queries (SR, DS), pp. 1579–1590.
TFPIE-2014-MorazanA #automaton #functional #student- Functional Automata — Formal Languages for Computer Science Students (MTM, RA), pp. 19–32.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-Zaytsev #semiparsing- Formal foundations for semi-parsing (VZ), pp. 313–317.
FM-2014-BaiHWLLM #model checking #named #platform #towards- TrustFound: Towards a Formal Foundation for Model Checking Trusted Computing Platforms (GB, JH, JW, YL, ZL, AM), pp. 110–126.
FM-2014-BjornerH #question- 40 Years of Formal Methods — Some Obstacles and Some Possibilities? (DB, KH), pp. 42–61.
FM-2014-ChristakisLS #verification- Formalizing and Verifying a Modern Build Language (MC, KRML, WS), pp. 643–657.
FM-2014-FreitasW #proving- Proof Patterns for Formal Methods (LF, IW), pp. 279–295.
FM-2014-WenMM #analysis #information management #towards- Towards a Formal Analysis of Information Leakage for Signature Attacks in Preferential Elections (RW, AM, CM), pp. 595–610.
HOFM-2014-IdaniS #visual notation- When a Formal Model Rhymes with a Graphical Notation (AI, NS), pp. 54–68.
RTA-TLCA-2014-SternagelT #algebra #certification #complexity #proving #termination- Formalizing Monotone Algebras for Certification of Termination and Complexity Proofs (CS, RT), pp. 441–455.
SEFM-2014-BeckerSAB #analysis #constraints #deployment #fault tolerance- A Formal Model for Constraint-Based Deployment Calculation and Analysis for Fault-Tolerant Systems (KB, BS, MA, CB), pp. 205–219.
SEFM-2014-GrovO #analysis #consistency #multi- Increasing Consistency in Multi-site Data Stores: Megastore-CGC and Its Formal Analysis (JG, PCÖ), pp. 159–174.
SEFM-2014-KeshishzadehM #consistency #domain-specific language #reasoning #semantics #testing- Formalizing DSL Semantics for Reasoning and Conformance Testing (SK, AJM), pp. 81–95.
SEFM-2014-KoreckoSDS #development #education #tool support- A Toolset for Support of Teaching Formal Software Development (SK, JS, ZD, BS), pp. 278–283.
SEFM-2014-LaibinisTGMK #behaviour #modelling #verification- Formal Modelling and Verification of Cooperative Ant Behaviour in Event-B (LL, ET, ZG, FM, AHK), pp. 363–377.
FLOPS-2014-NaR #subclass #type system- A New Formalization of Subtyping to Match Subclasses to Subtypes (HN, SR), pp. 238–252.
ICFP-2014-Fisher #using- Using formal methods to enable more secure vehicles: DARPA’s HACMS program (KF), p. 1.
ICFP-2014-SchwerterGT - A theory of gradual effect systems (FBS, RG, ÉT), pp. 283–295.
CHI-PLAY-2014-ToupsDB #design #game studies #interface- A theory of game mechanic signaling for interface design (ZOT, ID, EMB), pp. 445–446.
FDG-2014-MawhorterMWJ #towards- Towards a theory of choice poetics (PAM, MM, NWF, AJ).
DHM-2014-SinghWLMW - Formalizing the Glucose Homeostasis Mechanism (NKS, HW, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 460–471.
DUXU-DI-2014-CorreiaBMM #gesture #interface #metric #semantics- Syntactic/Semantic Formalizations and Metrics of Residential Applications Based on Gestural Interface (ACdCC, PLSB, LCdM, JNM), pp. 521–532.
HCI-TMT-2014-OrtegaLHBRA #modelling #multi #named #petri net #using- PeNTa: Formal Modeling for Multi-touch Systems Using Petri Net (FRO, SL, FH, AB, NR, MA), pp. 361–372.
CAiSE-2014-LaurentBBG #process #verification- Formalization of fUML: An Application to Process Verification (YL, RB, SB, MPG), pp. 347–363.
EDOC-2014-HalleV - A Formalization of Complex Event Stream Processing (SH, SV), pp. 2–11.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KleinSRF #integration #on the #using- On the Formalisation of an Application Integration Language Using Z Notation (MJK, SS, FRF, RZF), pp. 314–319.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BarretoFSJ #petri net #using- A Straightforward Introduction to Formal Methods Using Coloured Petri Nets (FMB, JCJdF, MSS, SJ), pp. 145–152.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MerouaniMS #approach #consistency #process #testing #towards- Formalizing Artifact-Centric Business Processes — Towards a Conformance Testing Approach (HM, FM, HSB), pp. 368–374.
ICEIS-v2-2014-PodlouckyP #simulation #towards #validation- Towards Formal Foundations for BORM ORD Validation and Simulation (MP, RP), pp. 315–322.
ICEIS-v3-2014-OussenaEK #architecture #enterprise #framework #metamodelling #validation- Formalization of Validation Extension Metamodel for Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (SO, JE, PK), pp. 427–434.
ECIR-2014-BauerCRG #corpus #learning #web- Learning a Theory of Marriage (and Other Relations) from a Web Corpus (SB, SC, LR, TG), pp. 591–597.
KR-2014-Lin #first-order #linear #logic #source code- A Formalization of Programs in First-Order Logic with a Discrete Linear Order (FL).
KR-2014-Schuller #graph- Tackling Winograd Schemas by Formalizing Relevance Theory in Knowledge Graphs (PS).
SEKE-2014-FreireKAJNAG #domain-specific language #empirical #re-engineering- An Empirical Study to Evaluate a Domain Specific Language for Formalizing Software Engineering Experiments (MAF, UK, EA, AJ, ECN, STA, MG), pp. 250–255.
SIGIR-2014-VulicZM #e-commerce #learning- Learning to bridge colloquial and formal language applied to linking and search of E-Commerce data (IV, SZ, MFM), pp. 1195–1198.
BX-2014-GrohneLV #bidirectional #dependent type #semantics- Formalizing Semantic Bidirectionalization with Dependent Types (HG, AL, JV), pp. 75–81.
MoDELS-2014-TatibouetCGT #execution #modelling #semantics #uml- Formalizing Execution Semantics of UML Profiles with fUML Models (JT, AC, SG, FT), pp. 133–148.
AdaEurope-2014-IliasovLR #approach- Practical Formal Methods in Railways — The SafeCap Approach (AI, IL, AR), pp. 177–192.
PLDI-2014-CaiGRO #difference #higher-order #λ-calculus- A theory of changes for higher-order languages: incrementalizing λ-calculi by static differentiation (YC, PGG, TR, KO), p. 17.
QAPL-2014-KempfLM #design #manycore- Formal and Informal Methods for Multi-Core Design Space Exploration (JFK, OL, OM), pp. 78–92.
RE-2014-FilipovikjNR #approach #requirements- Reassessing the pattern-based approach for formalizing requirements in the automotive domain (PF, MN, GRN), pp. 444–450.
REFSQ-2014-CooperNL #education #game studies #modelling #requirements #towards- Towards Model-Driven Requirements Engineering for Serious Educational Games: Informal, Semi-formal, and Formal Models (KMLC, ESN, CSL), pp. 17–22.
ASE-2014-AhmedNWS #behaviour #integration- Formalisation of the integration of behavior trees (KA, MAHN, LW, AS), pp. 779–784.
ASE-2014-BecanSABBB #automation #comparison #matrix- Automating the formalization of product comparison matrices (GB, NS, MA, OB, AB, BB), pp. 433–444.
FSE-2014-Marmsoler #architecture #towards- Towards a theory of architectural styles (DM), pp. 823–825.
SAC-2014-EmuraKOT #communication #implementation #prototype- Building secure and anonymous communication channel: formal model and its prototype implementation (KE, AK, SO, TT), pp. 1641–1648.
DATE-2014-SiddiqueT #analysis #towards- Towards the formal analysis of microresonators based photonic systems (US, ST), pp. 1–6.
PDP-2014-AmorettiGZST #approach #in the cloud #mobile #towards- Towards a Formal Approach to Mobile Cloud Computing (MA, AG, FZ, VS, FT), pp. 743–750.
ESOP-2014-BenzakenCD #coq #relational- A Coq Formalization of the Relational Data Model (VB, EC, SD), pp. 189–208.
CAV-2014-LiangRTBD #regular expression #string- A DPLL(T) Theory Solver for a Theory of Strings and Regular Expressions (TL, AR, CT, CB, MD), pp. 646–662.
QoSA-2013-Schmid #approach #technical debt- A formal approach to technical debt decision making (KS), pp. 153–162.
TPDL-2013-FerroS #modelling- Formal Models for Digital Archives: NESTOR and the 5S (NF, GS), pp. 192–203.
ICALP-v2-2013-AlmagorBK #quality #reasoning- Formalizing and Reasoning about Quality (SA, UB, OK), pp. 15–27.
IFM-2013-MeryP #modelling #protocol #verification- Formal Modelling and Verification of Population Protocols (DM, MP), pp. 208–222.
RTA-2013-SternagelT #order- Formalizing Knuth-Bendix Orders and Knuth-Bendix Completion (CS, RT), pp. 287–302.
DiGRA-2013-Chiapello #case study #design #game studies- Formalizing casual games: A study based on game designers' professional knowledge (LC).
CAiSE-2013-DelmasP #policy #specification- Formal Methods for Exchange Policy Specification (RD, TP), pp. 288–303.
EDOC-2013-SelwayGMS #approach #natural language #specification #using- Formalising Natural Language Specifications Using a Cognitive Linguistics/Configuration Based Approach (MS, GG, WM, MS), pp. 59–68.
ICEIS-v2-2013-BenhaddiBA #approach #evaluation #implementation #user satisfaction- Formalization of the User Centric SOA Approach — Implementation and End User Satisfaction Evaluation (MB, KB, EHA), pp. 481–488.
KEOD-2013-ChaabaneG #challenge #ontology- Matching Spatial Ontologies — A Challenge of Formalization (SC, FG), pp. 355–360.
HILT-2013-CourtieuACZRBHG #coq #runtime #semantics #towards #using- Towards the formalization of SPARK 2014 semantics with explicit run-time checks using coq (PC, MVA, TC, ZZ, R, JB, JH, JG, TJ), pp. 21–22.
HILT-2013-Whalen #analysis #architecture #development #modelling #scalability #using- Up and out: scaling formal analysis using model-based development and architecture modeling (MWW), pp. 41–42.
HILT-2013-Wing #industrial #perspective- Formal methods: an industrial perspective (JMW), pp. 85–86.
LOPSTR-2013-AransayD #algebra #algorithm #execution #linear #theorem- Formalization and Execution of Linear Algebra: From Theorems to Algorithms (JA, JD), pp. 1–18.
PADL-2013-Aranda-LopezNSS #recursion #sql- Formalizing a Broader Recursion Coverage in SQL (GAL, SN, FSP, JSH), pp. 93–108.
PLDI-2013-MorissetPN #compilation #memory management #optimisation #testing- Compiler testing via a theory of sound optimisations in the C11/C++11 memory model (RM, PP, FZN), pp. 187–196.
RE-2013-BreauxR #analysis #multi #privacy #requirements #specification- Formal analysis of privacy requirements specifications for multi-tier applications (TDB, AR), pp. 14–20.
SAC-2013-TounsiKKDM #approach #design pattern #modelling #towards- Towards an approach for modeling and formalizing SOA design patterns with Event-B (IT, MHK, AHK, KD, EM), pp. 1937–1938.
SLE-2013-DialloCL #approach #modelling #using- A Model-Driven Approach to Enhance Tool Interoperability Using the Theory of Models of Computation (PID, JC, LL), pp. 218–237.
DATE-2013-ElfadelMA #industrial #manycore- Closed-loop control for power and thermal management in multi-core processors: formal methods and industrial practice (IME, RM, DA), pp. 1879–1881.
DATE-2013-HasanA #analysis #fault #feedback #using- Formal analysis of steady state errors in feedback control systems using HOL-light (OH, MA), pp. 1423–1426.
DATE-2013-QuintonNE #analysis #realtime- Formal analysis of sporadic bursts in real-time systems (SQ, MN, RE), pp. 767–772.
ICST-2013-KangKHKNSC #modelling #verification- Formal Modeling and Verification of SDN-OpenFlow (MK, EYEK, DYH, BJK, KHN, MKS, JYC), pp. 481–482.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-HeymanSJ #architecture #modelling #reuse- Reusable Formal Models for Secure Software Architectures (TH, RS, WJ), pp. 41–50.
TPDL-2012-BrahajRS #metadata #ontology- Ontological Formalization of Scientific Experiments Based on Core Scientific Metadata Model (AB, MR, FS), pp. 273–279.
ICALP-v2-2012-ReddyD #algol- An Automata-Theoretic Model of Idealized Algol — (USR, BPD), pp. 337–350.
ICALP-v2-2012-RosuS #axiom #semantics #towards- Towards a Unified Theory of Operational and Axiomatic Semantics (GR, AS), pp. 351–363.
LATA-2012-Dowek #automaton #physics #quantum- Around the Physical Church-Turing Thesis: Cellular Automata, Formal Languages, and the Principles of Quantum Theory (GD), pp. 21–37.
FM-2012-Abadi #security- Software Security: A Formal Perspective — (Notes for a Talk) (MA), pp. 1–5.
FM-2012-AsplundMBCC #approach #coordination- A Formal Approach to Autonomous Vehicle Coordination (MA, AM, MB, SC, VC), pp. 52–67.
FM-2012-Degani - Formal Methods in the Wild: Trains, Planes, & Automobile (AD), p. 6.
FM-2012-OsaiweranFGR #case study #component #design #experience #using- Experience Report on Designing and Developing Control Components Using Formal Methods (AO, TF, JFG, BJvR), pp. 341–355.
FM-2012-SpasicM #algorithm #incremental #refinement- Formalization of Incremental Simplex Algorithm by Stepwise Refinement (MS, FM), pp. 434–449.
FM-2012-YangKK #lightweight #using- Specification-Based Test Repair Using a Lightweight Formal Method (GY, SK, MK), pp. 455–470.
IFM-2012-TarasyukTL #modelling #probability #verification- Formal Modelling and Verification of Service-Oriented Systems in Probabilistic Event-B (AT, ET, LL), pp. 237–252.
RTA-2012-ThiemannAN #multi #on the #order #termination- On the Formalization of Termination Techniques based on Multiset Orderings (RT, GA, JN), pp. 339–354.
SEFM-2012-Jones #abstraction #concurrent- Abstraction as a Unifying Link for Formal Approaches to Concurrency (CBJ), pp. 1–15.
ICGT-2012-GolasLEG #flexibility #graph grammar #towards- Toward Bridging the Gap between Formal Foundations and Current Practice for Triple Graph Grammars — Flexible Relations between Source and Target Elements (UG, LL, HE, HG), pp. 141–155.
CHI-2012-HeinrichsSHM #interactive #mobile #towards- Toward a theory of interaction in mobile paper-digital ensembles (FH, DS, JH, MM), pp. 1897–1900.
ICEIS-J-2012-FillRK12a #metamodelling #modelling- Formalizing Meta Models with FDMM: The ADOxx Case (HGF, TR, DK), pp. 429–451.
KMIS-2012-MenasselM #case study #novel #process- A Novel Formalization Process for Use Case Maps (YM, FM), pp. 307–310.
KMIS-2012-PaniLCST12a - Knowledge Formalization and Management in KMS (FEP, MIL, GC, CS, MPT), pp. 132–138.
SPLC-2012-Heymans - Formal methods for the masses (PH), p. 4.
ECOOP-2012-BiermanRMMT #c# #game studies- Pause’n’Play: Formalizing Asynchronous C# (GMB, CVR, GM, EM, MT), pp. 233–257.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-CatanoHR #named #network #policy #privacy #social- Poporo: A Formal Methods Tool for Fast-Checking of Social Network Privacy Policies (NC, SH, CR), pp. 9–16.
AdaEurope-2012-EdmundsRB #ada #implementation #modelling- Formal Modelling for Ada Implementations: Tasking Event-B (AE, AR, MJB), pp. 119–132.
POPL-2012-ZhaoNMZ #program transformation #representation- Formalizing the LLVM intermediate representation for verified program transformations (JZ, SN, MMKM, SZ), pp. 427–440.
SAC-2012-GrooteOW #case study #experience- Experience report on developing the Front-end client unit under the control of formal methods (JFG, AO, JHW), pp. 1183–1190.
GPCE-2012-DamianiPS #product line- A formal foundation for dynamic delta-oriented software product lines (FD, LP, IS), pp. 1–10.
DATE-2012-MitraBD #mining #ranking- Formal methods for ranking counterexamples through assumption mining (SM, AB, PD), pp. 911–916.
DATE-2012-QuintonHE #analysis #realtime- Formal analysis of sporadic overload in real-time systems (SQ, MH, RE), pp. 515–520.
ESOP-2012-Lochbihler #java #memory management- Java and the Java Memory Model — A Unified, Machine-Checked Formalisation (AL), pp. 497–517.
TACAS-2012-WangTGLS #analysis- Reduction-Based Formal Analysis of BGP Instances (AW, CLT, AJTG, BTL, AS), pp. 283–298.
WRLA-2012-FadlisyahOA #analysis #modelling- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Human Body Exposure to Extreme Heat in HI-Maude (MF, PCÖ, EÁ), pp. 139–161.
CSL-2012-CarraroS #consistency #equation #modelling #on the #λ-calculus- On the equational consistency of order-theoretic models of the λ-calculus (AC, AS), pp. 152–166.
ICST-2012-FangKDO #manycore #modelling- Formal Model-Based Test for AUTOSAR Multicore RTOS (LF, TK, TBND, HO), pp. 251–259.
ICST-2012-GrooteOW #using- Analyzing a Controller of a Power Distribution Unit Using Formal Methods (JFG, AO, JHW), pp. 420–428.
SMT-2012-FalkeSM #array #set- A Theory of Arrays with set and copy Operations (SF, CS, FM), pp. 98–108.
CSEET-2011-BareissK #education #re-engineering- An exploration of knowledge and skills transfer from a formal software engineering curriculum to a capstone practicum project (RB, EPK), pp. 71–80.
ICSM-2011-GrooteOW #development #industrial- Analyzing the effects of formal methods on the development of industrial control software (JFG, AO, JHW), pp. 467–472.
DLT-J-2009-BrzozowskiGS11 #theorem- Closures in Formal Languages and Kuratowski’s Theorem (JAB, EG, JS), pp. 301–321.
FM-2011-BowenR #case study #community- From a Community of Practice to a Body of Knowledge: A Case Study of the Formal Methods Community (JPB, SR), pp. 308–322.
FM-2011-CavalcantiWW #java #memory management #safety- The Safety-Critical Java Memory Model: A Formal Account (AC, AJW, JW), pp. 246–261.
RTA-2011-BruttomessoGR #array #quantifier- Rewriting-based Quantifier-free Interpolation for a Theory of Arrays (RB, SG, SR), pp. 171–186.
SEFM-2011-BubelHG #java #specification #string #verification- A Formalisation of Java Strings for Program Specification and Verification (RB, RH, UG), pp. 90–105.
SEFM-2011-FadlisyahOA #analysis #hybrid #modelling #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Formal Modeling and Analysis of Interacting Hybrid Systems in HI-Maude (MF, PCÖ, EÁ), pp. 415–430.
SEFM-2011-Hermanns #energy- Formal Methods in Energy Informatics (HH), pp. 1–2.
SEFM-2011-Metayer - Formal Methods as a Link between Software Code and Legal Rules (DLM), pp. 3–18.
SEFM-2011-TongSJ #approach #information management #process- A Formal Approach to Analysing Knowledge Transfer Processes in Developing Countries (JT, SAS, AEJ), pp. 486–501.
TLCA-2011-ArndtK #modelling #type system- Homotopy-Theoretic Models of Type Theory (PA, KK), pp. 45–60.
DiGRA-2011-Rao #game studies #how #video- How to Say Things with Actions I: a Theory of Discourse for Video Games for Change (VR).
HCI-DDA-2011-DattaH #design #interactive- A Formal Model of Mixed-Initiative Interaction in Design Exploration (SD, MH), pp. 185–193.
CAiSE-2011-KhalufGE #constraints #modelling #process #quality- Pattern-Based Modeling and Formalizing of Business Process Quality Constraints (LK, CG, GE), pp. 521–535.
CAiSE-2011-KofP #feedback #generative #modelling #requirements- From Requirements to Models: Feedback Generation as a Result of Formalization (LK, BP), pp. 93–107.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ChenZ11a #enterprise #information management #quality- Enterprise Information Systems Bases on the Theory of Quality Function Deploymen (MC, BZ), pp. 586–588.
ICEIS-v1-2011-Kong #design #e-commerce #framework #platform- The Design of the Framework of the Siye Integrated e-Commerce Platform based on the Theory of the Integrated e-Commerce (SK), pp. 277–280.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ViriyasitavatM #requirements #specification #trust #workflow- Formalizing Trust Requirements and Specification in Service Workflow Environments (WV, AM), pp. 196–206.
KEOD-2011-Karbe #concept #implementation #information management #representation- Formalizing and Implementing Knowledge Representation on the Basis of Conceptions — Position Statement (TK), pp. 317–321.
SEKE-2011-BagheriS #approach #architecture- A Formal Approach for Incorporating Architectural Tactics into the Software Architecture (HB, KJS), pp. 770–775.
SEKE-2011-ParkK #approach #automation #lightweight- Applying Lightweight Formal Approach to Automatic Configuration Inspection (SP, GK), pp. 107–110.
SEKE-2011-SoundarajanBK #aspect-oriented #concurrent #reuse- Formalizing Reusable Aspect-Oriented Concurrency Control (NS, DB, RK), pp. 111–114.
MoDELS-2011-HamidGJD #design #modelling- Enforcing S&D Pattern Design in RCES with Modeling and Formal Approaches (BH, SG, CJ, ND), pp. 319–333.
OOPSLA-2011-TovP - A theory of substructural types and control (JAT, RP), pp. 625–642.
AdaEurope-2011-CarnevaliLPV #approach #design #scheduling #verification- A Formal Approach to Design and Verification of Two-Level Hierarchical Scheduling Systems (LC, GL, AP, EV), pp. 118–131.
SAS-2011-Feret #reduction- Formal Model Reduction (JF), p. 6.
RE-2011-DietschAWP #ambiguity #industrial #standard #visual notation- Disambiguation of industrial standards through formalization and graphical languages (DD, SFA, BW, AP), pp. 265–270.
ASE-2011-LiXBLM #hardware #interface #specification- Formalizing hardware/software interface specifications (JL, FX, TB, VL, CM), pp. 143–152.
ICSE-2011-Bagheri #approach #architecture #platform #synthesis- A formal approach to software synthesis for architectural platforms (HB), pp. 1143–1145.
SAC-2011-ClaycombS #analysis #authentication #ubiquitous- Formal analysis of device authentication applications in ubiquitous computing (WC, DS), pp. 451–452.
SAC-2011-SchryenVRH #approach #distributed #towards #trust- A formal approach towards measuring trust in distributed systems (GS, MV, SR, SMH), pp. 1739–1745.
SLE-2011-StappersWRAN #case study #domain-specific language #industrial #using- Formalizing a Domain Specific Language Using SOS: An Industrial Case Study (FPMS, SW, MAR, SA, IN), pp. 223–242.
CASE-2011-BroderickAT #detection #industrial- Anomaly detection without a pre-existing formal model: Application to an industrial manufacturing system (JAB, LVA, DMT), pp. 169–174.
FASE-2011-DietrichSS #industrial #standard- Formalizing and Operationalizing Industrial Standards (DD, LS, ES), pp. 81–95.
CAV-2011-KleinN #automation #behaviour #rest #verification- Formalization and Automated Verification of RESTful Behavior (UK, KSN), pp. 541–556.
CSL-2011-LeCY #complexity #problem- A Formal Theory for the Complexity Class Associated with the Stable Marriage Problem (DTML, SAC, YY), pp. 381–395.
LICS-2011-LeC #algorithm #random- Formalizing Randomized Matching Algorithms (DTML, SAC), pp. 185–194.
VMCAI-2011-SiegelG #analysis #message passing- Formal Analysis of Message Passing — (SFS, GG), pp. 2–18.
ECSA-2010-KacemKD #adaptation #approach #consistency #self- A Formal Approach to Enforcing Consistency in Self-adaptive Systems (NHK, AHK, KD), pp. 279–294.
CSEET-2010-Cowling #education- Stages in Teaching Formal Methods (AJC), pp. 17–24.
DLT-2010-Rigo - Numeration Systems: A Link between Number Theory and Formal Language Theory (MR), pp. 33–53.
ICALP-v2-2010-OuaknineW #bound #towards #verification- Towards a Theory of Time-Bounded Verification (JO, JW), pp. 22–37.
SEFM-2010-LeuxnerSS - A Formal Model for Work Flows (CL, WS, BS), pp. 135–144.
IFL-2010-SieczkowskiBB #automation #automaton #coq #reduction #semantics- Automating Derivations of Abstract Machines from Reduction Semantics: — A Generic Formalization of Refocusing in Coq (FS, MB, DB), pp. 72–88.
ICGT-2010-Biermann #emf #graph transformation #model transformation- EMF Model Transformation Based on Graph Transformation: Formal Foundation and Tool Environment (EB), pp. 381–383.
ICGT-2010-HermannEOG #analysis #behaviour #functional #graph grammar #model transformation- Formal Analysis of Functional Behaviour for Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, FO, UG), pp. 155–170.
ICGT-2010-Modica #analysis #communication #modelling #petri net #platform- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Communication Platforms Like Skype Based on Petri Net Transformation Systems (TM), pp. 400–402.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-GerberKM #metamodelling #ontology #towards #using- Towards the Formalisation of the TOGAF Content Metamodel using Ontologies (AG, PK, AvdM), pp. 54–64.
ICEIS-J-2010-MoralesTP10a #composition #process #verification- A Formalization Proposal of Timed BPMN for Compositional Verification of Business Processes (LEMM, MICT, MAP), pp. 388–403.
CIKM-2010-ZhangMWW #approach #automation #database #object-oriented #ontology- Formal approach and automated tool for constructing ontology from object-oriented database model (FZ, ZMM, XW, YW), pp. 1329–1332.
KDIR-2010-Bernard #modelling #reuse #using- Characterisation, Formalisation and Reuse of Knowledge — Models, Methods and Application Cases (AB), p. 13.
KR-2010-BalducciniG #programming #set- Formalizing Psychological Knowledge in Answer Set Programming (MB, SG).
ECMFA-2010-KleinerFA #automation #constraints #platform #theorem proving- Model Search: Formalizing and Automating Constraint Solving in MDE Platforms (MK, MDDF, PA), pp. 173–188.
POPL-2010-HoborDA #approximate- A theory of indirection via approximation (AH, RD, AWA), pp. 171–184.
ICSE-2010-Bortis #design #reuse- Informal software design knowledge reuse (GB), pp. 385–388.
ICSE-2010-Chan #approach #taxonomy #web #web service- Formal methods for web services: a taxonomic approach (KSMC), pp. 357–360.
ICSE-2010-ChiappiniCMRRSTV #set #validation- Formalization and validation of a subset of the European Train Control System (AC, AC, LM, OR, MR, AS, ST, BV), pp. 109–118.
SAC-2010-EspinozaBG #approach #reuse #traceability- A formal approach to reuse successful traceability practices in SPL projects (AE, GB, JG), pp. 2352–2359.
SAC-2010-KhakpourKSJ #adaptation #analysis #self- Formal analysis of policy-based self-adaptive systems (NK, RK, MS, SJ), pp. 2536–2543.
LDTA-2009-ClarkT10 - Formalizing Homogeneous Language Embeddings (TC, LT), pp. 75–88.
DAC-2010-Miskov-ZivanovM #analysis #modelling #reasoning #reliability- Formal modeling and reasoning for reliability analysis (NMZ, DM), pp. 531–536.
ESOP-2010-BoudolP - A Theory of Speculative Computation (GB, GP), pp. 165–184.
FASE-2010-EhrigERBP #analysis #self #verification- Formal Analysis and Verification of Self-Healing Systems (HE, CE, OR, AB, PP), pp. 139–153.
FASE-2010-RutleRLW #constraints #model transformation- A Formalisation of Constraint-Aware Model Transformations (AR, AR, YL, UW), pp. 13–28.
FoSSaCS-2010-PopescuG #algebra #incremental #induction #process- Incremental Pattern-Based Coinduction for Process Algebra and Its Isabelle Formalization (AP, ELG), pp. 109–127.
TACAS-2010-CimattiFGSS #satisfiability- Satisfiability Modulo the Theory of Costs: Foundations and Applications (AC, AF, AG, RS, CS), pp. 99–113.
CSL-2010-BarthwalN #context-free grammar #normalisation- A Formalisation of the Normal Forms of Context-Free Grammars in HOL4 (AB, MN), pp. 95–109.
ICLP-J-2010-BalducciniG #programming #set- Formalization of psychological knowledge in answer set programming and its application (MB, SG), pp. 725–740.
ICST-2010-Laurent #concept #process #testing #using #validation #verification- Using Formal Methods and Testability Concepts in the Avionics Systems Validation and Verification (V&V) Process (OL), pp. 1–10.
ICST-2010-SinnigKC #functional #generative #testing #user interface- A Formal Model for Generating Integrated Functional and User Interface Test Cases (DS, FK, PC), pp. 255–264.
ISSTA-2010-ArcuriIB #analysis #effectiveness #predict #random testing #testing- Formal analysis of the effectiveness and predictability of random testing (AA, MZZI, LCB), pp. 219–230.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-SpalazzeseII #on the fly #towards- Towards a formalization of mediating connectors for on the fly interoperability (RS, PI, VI), pp. 345–348.
ECDL-2009-PrandoniVD - Formalising a Model for Digital Rights Clearance (CP, MV, MD), pp. 327–338.
JCDL-2009-ClarksonNF #modelling #user interface- Generalized formal models for faceted user interfaces (EC, SBN, JDF), pp. 125–134.
DLT-2009-BrzozowskiGS #theorem- Closures in Formal Languages and Kuratowski’s Theorem (JAB, EG, JS), pp. 125–144.
ICALP-v2-2009-Colcombet #cost analysis #monad- The Theory of Stabilisation Monoids and Regular Cost Functions (TC), pp. 139–150.
FM-2009-BicarreguiFLW #industrial #overview #perspective- Industrial Practice in Formal Methods: A Review (JB, JSF, PGL, JCPW), pp. 810–813.
FM-2009-BonzanniFFK #biology #question #what- What Can Formal Methods Bring to Systems Biology? (NB, KAF, WF, EK), pp. 16–22.
FM-2009-JeffordsHAL #composition #fault tolerance #refinement #using- A Formal Method for Developing Provably Correct Fault-Tolerant Systems Using Partial Refinement and Composition (RDJ, CLH, MA, EIL), pp. 173–189.
FM-2009-ShaoKP #approach #bound #incremental #lightweight #using- An Incremental Approach to Scope-Bounded Checking Using a Lightweight Formal Method (DS, SK, DEP), pp. 757–772.
FM-2009-TschantzW #privacy- Formal Methods for Privacy (MCT, JMW), pp. 1–15.
SEFM-2009-LienO #analysis #modelling #multi #protocol- Formal Modeling and Analysis of an IETF Multicast Protocol (EL, PCÖ), pp. 273–282.
SFM-2009-AalstMSW #analysis #interactive- Service Interaction: Patterns, Formalization, and Analysis (WMPvdA, AJM, CS, KW), pp. 42–88.
ICFP-2009-SwamyHB - A theory of typed coercions and its applications (NS, MWH, GMB), pp. 329–340.
CIG-2009-JaskowskiK #algorithm #analysis #coordination #game studies- Formal analysis and algorithms for extracting coordinate systems of games (WJ, KK), pp. 201–208.
CHI-2009-SalvucciTB #concurrent #multi #performance #towards- Toward a unified theory of the multitasking continuum: from concurrent performance to task switching, interruption, and resumption (DDS, NT, JPB), pp. 1819–1828.
HCD-2009-Clemmensen #ada #comparison #towards #usability- Towards a Theory of Cultural Usability: A Comparison of ADA and CM-U Theory (TC), pp. 416–425.
HIMI-II-2009-FuS #design #guidelines #web- Formalizing Design Guidelines of Legibility on Web Pages (FLF, CHS), pp. 17–25.
KEOD-2009-AlloccadM #named #ontology #towards- DOOR — Towards a Formalization of Ontology Relations (CA, Md, EM), pp. 13–20.
KEOD-2009-Grimm #ontology #research #semantics #web- A Unifying Formal Ontology Model — A Simple Formal Model for Unifying the Presentation of Ontologies in Semantic Web Research (SG), pp. 327–335.
KEOD-2009-SassiJG09a #consistency #maintenance #ontology- Z-based Formalization of Kits of Changes to Maintain Ontology Consistency (NS, WJ, FG), pp. 388–391.
KEOD-2009-StanevOW #design #modelling #validation- Formal Method for Validation of Product Design through Knowledge Modelling (SS, JO, WW), pp. 166–170.
KMIS-2009-MichelinF #modelling- Formal Modeling for Deploying Improvement and Innovation in Information Technology (PM, MF), pp. 318–323.
SPLC-2009-HubauxCH #feature model #modelling #workflow- Formal modelling of feature configuration workflows (AH, AC, PH), pp. 221–230.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-RutleRLW #diagrams #modelling- A Diagrammatic Formalisation of MOF-Based Modelling Languages (AR, AR, YL, UW), pp. 37–56.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-TreharneTPK #automation #generative #modelling #uml- Automatic Generation of Integrated Formal Models Corresponding to UML System Models (HT, ET, RFP, DSK), pp. 357–367.
AdaEurope-2009-Favre #metamodelling- A Formal Foundation for Metamodeling (LF), pp. 177–191.
POPL-2009-WangLKKM #concurrent- The theory of deadlock avoidance via discrete control (YW, SL, TK, MK, SAM), pp. 252–263.
SAC-2009-BroyLSSW #adaptation #behaviour- Formalizing the notion of adaptive system behavior (MB, CL, WS, BS, SW), pp. 1029–1033.
SAC-2009-CentenoBHO #modelling- Organising MAS: a formal model based on organisational mechanisms (RC, HB, RH, SO), pp. 740–746.
SAC-2009-DiasASP #web- Formalizing motivational patterns based on colors and their cultural meanings for developing web applications (ALD, JCAS, LMS, RDP), pp. 152–153.
SAC-2009-KrajcaV #implementation #parallel #performance- Data parallel dialect of scheme: outline of the formal model, implementation, performance (PK, VV), pp. 1938–1939.
SAC-2009-MagaudNS #coq #theorem #using- Formalizing Desargues’ theorem in Coq using ranks (NM, JN, PS), pp. 1110–1115.
DATE-2009-AvnitS #approach #design #protocol- A formal approach to design space exploration of protocol converters (KA, AS), pp. 129–134.
DATE-2009-BarkeGGHHPSW #verification- Formal approaches to analog circuit verification (EB, DG, HG, LH, SH, RP, SS, YW), pp. 724–729.
DATE-2009-MukherjeeAPMD #approach #behaviour #generative- A formal approach for specification-driven AMS behavioral model generation (SM, AA, SKP, RM, PD), pp. 1512–1517.
ESOP-2009-SchaferEM #attribute grammar #coq #verification- Formalising and Verifying Reference Attribute Grammars in Coq (MS, TE, OdM), pp. 143–159.
ESOP-2009-Sumii #for free #memory management- A Theory of Non-monotone Memory (Or: Contexts for free) (ES), pp. 237–251.
FASE-2009-BottoniGL #modelling- Formal Foundation for Pattern-Based Modelling (PB, EG, JdL), pp. 278–293.
FASE-2009-RutleRLW #approach #version control- A Category-Theoretical Approach to the Formalisation of Version Control in MDE (AR, AR, YL, UW), pp. 64–78.
TACAS-2009-FuchsGGKT #similarity- Ground Interpolation for the Theory of Equality (AF, AG, JG, SK, CT), pp. 413–427.
ISSTA-2009-PecheurRB #analysis #testing- A formal analysis of requirements-based testing (CP, FR, GB), pp. 47–56.
TAP-2009-Chetali #certification #security #smarttech #testing- Security Testing and Formal Methods for High Levels Certification of Smart Cards (BC), pp. 1–5.
WICSA-2008-ChangMQ #architecture #configuration management #graph #towards- Towards a Formal Model for Reconfigurable Software Architectures by Bigraphs (ZC, XM, ZQ), pp. 331–334.
PODS-2008-FaginKNP #optimisation #towards- Towards a theory of schema-mapping optimization (RF, PGK, AN, LP), pp. 33–42.
DLT-2008-DAlessandroV - Well Quasi-orders in Formal Language Theory (FD, SV), pp. 84–95.
ICALP-B-2008-Martin #quantum- A Domain Theoretic Model of Qubit Channels (KM), pp. 283–297.
LATA-2008-Domaratzki #tool support- Formal Language Tools for Template-Guided DNA Recombination (MD), pp. 3–5.
FM-2008-ChetaliN #evaluation #industrial #security #using- Industrial Use of Formal Methods for a High-Level Security Evaluation (BC, QHN), pp. 198–213.
FM-2008-Katz #aspect-oriented- Aspects and Formal Methods (SK), pp. 1–11.
FM-2008-KiniryZ - Secret Ninja Formal Methods (JRK, DMZ), pp. 214–228.
FM-2008-LintelmanRLS #security- Formal Methods for Trustworthy Skies: Building Confidence in the Security of Aircraft Assets Distribution (SL, RR, ML, KS), pp. 406–410.
FM-2008-VerhulstJM #case study #development #industrial- An Industrial Case: Pitfalls and Benefits of Applying Formal Methods to the Development of a Network-Centric RTOS (EV, GGdJ, VM), pp. 411–418.
FM-2008-WijbransBRG #case study #development #experience #re-engineering- Software Engineering with Formal Methods: Experiences with the Development of a Storm Surge Barrier Control System (KW, FB, RR, WG), pp. 419–424.
SEFM-2008-PetrenkoP #challenge- Formal Methods and Innovation Economy: Facing New Challenges (AKP, OLP), pp. 367–371.
FLOPS-2008-NievaSS #constraints #database #deduction- Formalizing a Constraint Deductive Database Language Based on Hereditary Harrop Formulas with Negation (SN, JSH, FSP), pp. 289–304.
AIIDE-2008-ChangS #generative- Simulation-Based Story Generation with a Theory of Mind (HMC, VWS).
GT-VMT-2006-KovacsG08 #analysis #modelling #simulation #workflow- Simulation and Formal Analysis of Workflow Models (MK, LG), pp. 221–230.
ICGT-2008-EhrigP #analysis #graph #kernel #model transformation- Formal Analysis of Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Rules with Kernels (HE, UP), pp. 178–193.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-VerjusP #agile #approach #architecture #evolution #information management #named- DIAPASON: A Formal Approach for Supporting Agile and Evolvable Information System Service-Based Architectures (HV, FP), pp. 76–81.
KR-2008-ArtaleGK #constraints- Formalising Temporal Constraints on Part-Whole Relations (AA, NG, CMK), pp. 673–683.
SEKE-2008-Argote-GarciaCHFS #approach #architecture- A Formal Approach for Translating a SAM Architecture to PROMELA (GAG, PJC, XH, YF, LS), pp. 440–447.
MoDELS-2008-CraneD #execution #modelling #set #towards #uml- Towards a Formal Account of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models (MLC, JD), pp. 675–689.
SPLC-2008-FantechiG #modelling #product line- Formal Modeling for Product Families Engineering (AF, SG), pp. 193–202.
MoDELS-2008-CraneD #execution #modelling #set #towards #uml- Towards a Formal Account of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models (MLC, JD), pp. 675–689.
OOPSLA-2008-BaldiLLB #aspect-oriented #topic- A theory of aspects as latent topics (PB, CVL, EL, SKB), pp. 543–562.
AdaEurope-2008-CarnevaliGV #petri net- A Tailored V-Model Exploiting the Theory of Preemptive Time Petri Nets (LC, LG, EV), pp. 87–100.
POPL-2008-CastagnaGP #contract #web #web service- A theory of contracts for web services (GC, NG, LP), pp. 261–272.
POPL-2008-NitaGC #bytecode #low level #platform- A theory of platform-dependent low-level software (MN, DG, CC), pp. 209–220.
RE-2008-WestonCR #approach #aspect-oriented #composition #requirements #semantics- A Formal Approach to Semantic Composition of Aspect-Oriented Requirements (NW, RC, AR), pp. 173–182.
ASE-2008-KastnerA #approach #product line- Type-Checking Software Product Lines — A Formal Approach (CK, SA), pp. 258–267.
SAC-2008-AndresAN #experience #information management #using- Using formal methods to develop a complex information system: a practical/theoretical experience (CA, RGA, MN), pp. 848–849.
ATEM-J-2006-AmelunxenS #model transformation #uml- Formalising model transformation rules for UML/MOF 2 (CA, AS), pp. 204–222.
SLE-2008-Schatz #emf #modelling #rule-based- Formalization and Rule-Based Transformation of EMF Ecore-Based Models (BS), pp. 227–244.
DATE-2008-AvnitDSRP #approach #problem #protocol- A Formal Approach To The Protocol Converter Problem (KA, VD, AS, SR, SP), pp. 294–299.
DATE-2008-ErnstJSBC #analysis #optimisation #performance- Formal Methods in System and MpSoC Performance Analysis and Optimisation (RE, MJ, HS, MB, SC).
ESOP-2008-HermanW #metaprogramming- A Theory of Hygienic Macros (DH, MW), pp. 48–62.
FASE-2008-JanotaB #approach #architecture #modelling- Formal Approach to Integrating Feature and Architecture Models (MJ, GB), pp. 31–45.
FASE-2008-MassoniGB #modelling #refactoring- Formal Model-Driven Program Refactoring (TM, RG, PB), pp. 362–376.
SAT-2008-FaureNOR #linear #satisfiability- SAT Modulo the Theory of Linear Arithmetic: Exact, Inexact and Commercial Solvers (GF, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 77–90.
ECDL-2007-GiunchigliaZK #algorithm #classification #documentation- Formalizing the Get-Specific Document Classification Algorithm (FG, IZ, UK), pp. 26–37.
CSEET-2007-SobelC #analysis #design- Supporting the Formal Analysis of Software Designs (AEKS, SC), pp. 123–132.
ITiCSE-2007-RodgerLR #automaton #interactive- Increasing interaction and support in the formal languages and automata theory course (SHR, JL, SR), pp. 58–62.
IFM-2007-KongOF #algebra #analysis- Algebraic Approaches to Formal Analysis of the Mondex Electronic Purse System (WK, KO, KF), pp. 393–412.
SEFM-2007-AichernigPWW #consistency #industrial #protocol #testing- Protocol Conformance Testing a SIP Registrar: an Industrial Application of Formal Methods (BKA, BP, MW, FW), pp. 215–226.
SEFM-2007-Bayley #design pattern #logic- Formalising Design Patterns in Predicate Logic (IB), pp. 25–36.
SEFM-2007-Cousot #abstract interpretation- The Rôle of Abstract Interpretation in Formal Methods (PC), pp. 135–140.
CAiSE-2007-MendlingA #verification- Formalization and Verification of EPCs with OR-Joins Based on State and Context (JM, WMPvdA), pp. 439–453.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-MoubaiddinO #information management #towards- Towards a Formal Model of Knowledge Acquisition via Cooeperative Dialogue (AM, NO), pp. 182–189.
CIKM-2007-FuXLZM - A CDD-based formal model for expert finding (YF, RX, YL, MZ, SM), pp. 881–884.
ECIR-2007-NottelmannF #distributed #network #peer-to-peer #query- A Decision-Theoretic Model for Decentralised Query Routing in Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Networks (HN, NF), pp. 148–159.
OOPSLA-2007-BiermanMT #c#- Lost in translation: formalizing proposed extensions to c# (GMB, EM, MT), pp. 479–498.
PPDP-2007-BentonZ #compilation #semantics #verification- Formalizing and verifying semantic type soundness of a simple compiler (NB, UZ), pp. 1–12.
RE-2007-MetzgerHPSS #analysis #automation #documentation #product line #variability- Disambiguating the Documentation of Variability in Software Product Lines: A Separation of Concerns, Formalization and Automated Analysis (AM, PH, KP, PYS, GS), pp. 243–253.
SAC-2007-OliveiraAS #component #model checking #modelling #petri net #using #verification- Formal modelling and verification of a component model using coloured petri nets and model checking (EASO, HOdA, LDdS), pp. 1427–1431.
PPoPP-2007-SaraswatJMP #memory management #modelling- A theory of memory models (VAS, RJ, MMM, CvP), pp. 161–172.
FASE-2007-SilvaM - A Simulation-Oriented Formalization for a Psychological Theory (PSdS, ACVdM), pp. 42–56.
FoSSaCS-2007-BengtsonP #logic #using #π-calculus- Formalising the π-Calculus Using Nominal Logic (JB, JP), pp. 63–77.
FoSSaCS-2007-Jagadeesan #aspect-oriented- Formal Foundations for Aspects (RJ), p. 1.
SMT-J-2006-BarrettST #data type #induction- An Abstract Decision Procedure for a Theory of Inductive Data Types (CB, IS, CT), pp. 21–46.
A-MOST-2007-SatpathyR #abstraction #generative #model checking #modelling #refinement #testing- Test case generation from formal models through abstraction refinement and model checking (MS, SR), pp. 85–94.
CADE-2007-HasanT #probability- Formalization of Continuous Probability Distributions (OH, ST), pp. 3–18.
CAV-2007-BloemCPRT #analysis #named #requirements- RAT: A Tool for the Formal Analysis of Requirements (RB, RC, IP, MR, AT), pp. 263–267.
CAV-2007-Kropf #debugging #development #industrial #question- Software Bugs Seen from an Industrial Perspective or Can Formal Methods Help on Automotive Software Development? (TK), p. 3.
CSL-2007-Kesner #calculus #revisited- The Theory of Calculi with Explicit Substitutions Revisited (DK), pp. 238–252.
MBT-2007-PaivaFV #integration #modelling #testing #towards #user interface #visual notation- Towards the Integration of Visual and Formal Models for GUI Testing (ACRP, JCPF, RFAMV), pp. 99–111.
SAT-2007-HertelHU #encoding #satisfiability- Formalizing Dangerous SAT Encodings (AH, PH, AU), pp. 159–172.
VMCAI-2007-Vardi #model checking #revisited- Automata-Theoretic Model Checking Revisited (MYV), pp. 137–150.
ITiCSE-2006-HielscherW #automaton #education #learning #named- AtoCC: learning environment for teaching theory of automata and formal languages (MH, CW), p. 306.
ITiCSE-2006-Rodger #automaton #learning- Learning automata and formal languages interactively with JFLAP (SHR), p. 360.
SCAM-J-2005-BinkleyDGHKK06 #slicing- A formalisation of the relationship between forms of program slicing (DB, SD, TG, MH, ÁK, BK), pp. 228–252.
ICALP-v2-2006-Mogelberg #modelling #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism- Interpreting Polymorphic FPC into Domain Theoretic Models of Parametric Polymorphism (REM), pp. 372–383.
FM-2006-BacheriniFTZ - A Story About Formal Methods Adoption by a Railway Signaling Manufacturer (SB, AF, MT, NZ), pp. 179–189.
FM-2006-BackesPW #encryption- Formal Methods and Cryptography (MB, BP, MW), pp. 612–616.
FM-2006-Boute #independence #problem #using- Using Domain-Independent Problems for Introducing Formal Methods (RTB), pp. 316–331.
FM-2006-LangariT #communication #graph transformation #modelling #protocol- Formal Modeling of Communication Protocols by Graph Transformation (ZL, RJT), pp. 348–363.
FM-2006-Oheimb #security- Formal Methods in the Security Business: Exotic Flowers Thriving in an Expanding Niche (DvO), pp. 592–597.
FM-2006-Stephan #lightweight #plugin #security- Formal Methods for Security: Lightweight Plug-In or New Engineering Discipline (WS), pp. 587–591.
FM-2006-ZhengWWX #approach #case study #development #object-oriented #using- Partially Introducing Formal Methods into Object-Oriented Development: Case Studies Using a Metrics-Driven Approach (YZ, JW, KW, JX), pp. 190–204.
SEFM-2006-BelblidiaD #aspectj #weaving- Formalizing AspectJ Weaving for Static Pointcuts (NB, MD), pp. 50–59.
SEFM-2006-Kapoor #modelling #pipes and filters #verification- Formal Modelling and Verification of an Asynchronous DLX Pipeline (HKK), pp. 118–127.
SEFM-2006-NeoviusSYS - A Formal Model of Context-Awareness and Context-Dependency (MN, KS, LY, MS), pp. 177–185.
SEFM-2006-RaniseZ - A Theory of Singly-Linked Lists and its Extensible Decision Procedure (SR, CGZ), pp. 206–215.
SEFM-2006-Rushby06a #automation #named #tutorial- Tutorial: Automated Formal Methods with PVS, SAL, and Yices (JMR), p. 262.
CSCW-2006-MunkvoldEK - Formalizing work: reallocating redundancy (GM, GE, HK), pp. 59–68.
EDOC-2006-MiaoSC #architecture- Formalizing and analyzing service oriented software architecture style (HM, JS, XC), pp. 387–390.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-ChengX #approach #behaviour #concurrent #detection #online- A Formal Approach to Detecting Shilling Behaviors in Concurrent Online Auctions (YTC, HX), pp. 375–381.
ICML-2006-BalcanB #learning #on the #similarity- On a theory of learning with similarity functions (MFB, AB), pp. 73–80.
KR-2006-Bennett - A Theory of Vague Adjectives Grounded in Relevant Observables (BB), pp. 36–45.
SEKE-2006-SunSADH #analysis #design #middleware #modelling- Achieving a Better Middleware Design through Formal Modeling and Analysis (WS, TS, GAG, YD, XH), pp. 463–468.
SEKE-2006-ZhangYLC #game studies #novel #protocol- A Novel Fairness Property of Electronic Commerce Protocols and Its Game-based Formalization (LZ, JY, ML, JC), pp. 410–415.
SIGIR-2006-BalogAR #corpus #enterprise #modelling- Formal models for expert finding in enterprise corpora (KB, LA, MdR), pp. 43–50.
MoDELS-2006-GoldsbyCKK #analysis #assurance #framework #modelling #visualisation- A Visualization Framework for the Modeling and Formal Analysis of High Assurance Systems (HG, BHCC, SK, SK), pp. 707–721.
MoDELS-2006-GoldsbyCKK #analysis #assurance #framework #modelling #visualisation- A Visualization Framework for the Modeling and Formal Analysis of High Assurance Systems (HG, BHCC, SK, SK), pp. 707–721.
QAPL-2006-ZhangH #analysis #protocol #streaming- Formal Analysis of Streaming Downloading Protocol for System Upgrading (MZ, DVH), pp. 205–224.
ASE-2006-PontissoC #automation #modelling- TOPCASED Combining Formal Methods with Model-Driven Engineering (NP, DC), pp. 359–360.
ASE-2006-WarrenSKW #approach #automation #configuration management- An Automated Formal Approach to Managing Dynamic Reconfiguration (IW, JS, SK, TW), pp. 37–46.
ICSE-2006-Abrial #industrial #problem- Formal methods in industry: achievements, problems, future (JRA), pp. 761–768.
SAC-2006-ColomboPR #architecture #modelling #realtime #uml- A UML 2-compatible language and tool for formal modeling real-time system architectures (PC, MP, MR), pp. 1785–1790.
SAC-2006-DjelloulD #constraints #finite #first-order #infinity- Solving first-order constraints in the theory of finite or infinite trees: introduction to the decomposable theories (KD, TBHD), pp. 7–14.
SAC-2006-MalgouyresM #approach #consistency #metamodelling #uml #verification- A UML model consistency verification approach based on meta-modeling formalization (HM, GM), pp. 1804–1809.
ATEM-2006-Garcia #ocl #uml- Formalizing the Well-Formedness Rules of EJB3QL in UML + OCL (MG), pp. 66–75.
DAC-2006-PillSCRBC #analysis #hardware #requirements- Formal analysis of hardware requirements (IP, SS, RC, MR, RB, AC), pp. 821–826.
DATE-2006-KrautzP0TWV #detection #fault #logic #using- Evaluating coverage of error detection logic for soft errors using formal methods (UK, MP, CJ, HWT, KW, HTV), pp. 176–181.
DATE-2006-KunzliPBT #analysis #performance #simulation- Combining simulation and formal methods for system-level performance analysis (SK, FP, LB, LT), pp. 236–241.
DATE-2006-MatulaM #algorithm #float #generative #performance #standard #traversal #verification- A formal model and efficient traversal algorithm for generating testbenches for verification of IEEE standard floating point division (DWM, LDM), pp. 1134–1138.
DATE-2006-RongP #algorithm #markov #online #process- Determining the optimal timeout values for a power-managed system based on the theory of Markovian processes: offline and online algorithms (PR, MP), pp. 1128–1133.
DATE-2006-WangCG #fault #probability #testing #using- Test set enrichment using a probabilistic fault model and the theory of output deviations (ZW, KC, MG), pp. 1270–1275.
FASE-2006-FiadeiroL #approach #architecture- A Formal Approach to Event-Based Architectures (JLF, AL), pp. 18–32.
ICLP-2006-DaoD #constraints #first-order- Solving First-Order Constraints in the Theory of the Evaluated Trees (TBHD, KD), pp. 423–424.
CSEET-2005-Cowling #approach #diagrams- Translating Diagrams: A New Approach to Introducing Formal Methods (AJC), pp. 121–128.
ITiCSE-2005-WermelingerD #automaton #prolog #tool support- A prolog toolkit for formal languages and automata (MW, AMD), pp. 330–334.
MSR-2005-HindleG #named #query #repository- SCQL: a formal model and a query language for source control repositories (AH, DMG), pp. 6–10.
PASTE-2005-BradburyCD #analysis #effectiveness #empirical #framework #testing- An empirical framework for comparing effectiveness of testing and property-based formal analysis (JSB, JRC, JD), pp. 2–5.
PASTE-2005-Hamlet #invariant #testing- Invariants and state in testing and formal methods (DH), pp. 48–51.
CIAA-J-2004-DaleyM05 #modelling- Formal modelling of viral gene compression (MD, IM), pp. 453–469.
FM-2005-Broadfoot #cost analysis #industrial- ASD Case Notes: Costs and Benefits of Applying Formal Methods to Industrial Control Software (GHB), pp. 548–551.
FM-2005-Gaudel #approximate #correctness #testing- Formal Methods and Testing: Hypotheses, and Correctness Approximations (MCG), pp. 2–8.
FM-2005-Johnson #debugging #using- The Natural History of Bugs: Using Formal Methods to Analyse Software Related Failures in Space Missions (CWJ), pp. 9–25.
FM-2005-KimBC #approach #modelling #towards- An MDA Approach Towards Integrating Formal and Informal Modeling Languages (SKK, DB, DAC), pp. 448–464.
FM-2005-Zave #network- A Formal Model of Addressing for Interoperating Networks (PZ), pp. 318–333.
IFM-2005-BodeveixFLM #domain-specific language- Formal Methods Meet Domain Specific Languages (JPB, MF, JLL, GM), pp. 187–206.
IFM-2005-PaigeB #agile- Agile Formal Method Engineering (RFP, PJB), pp. 109–128.
IFM-2005-Turner #interactive- Formalising Interactive Voice Services with SDL (KJT), pp. 307–326.
SEFM-2005-CeroneLC #analysis #human-computer #interactive #model checking #using- Formal Analysis of Human-computer Interaction using Model-checking (AC, PAL, SC), pp. 352–362.
SEFM-2005-Hall - Making Formal Methods Work (AH), pp. 261–262.
SEFM-2005-PapCD #on the- On the Theory of Patching (ZP, GC, SD), pp. 263–271.
SEFM-2005-ShiRB #robust- Formalising Control in Robust Spoken Dialogue Systems (HS, RJR, JAB), pp. 332–341.
SFM-2005-AcquavivaABBBL #impact analysis #power management #predict- A Methodology Based on Formal Methods for Predicting the Impact of Dynamic Power Management (AA, AA, MB, AB, EB, EL), pp. 155–189.
TLCA-2005-MatwinFHC #data mining #mining #privacy #using- Privacy in Data Mining Using Formal Methods (SM, APF, ITH, VC), pp. 278–292.
ICEIS-v4-2005-SilvaH #documentation- Narrative Support for Technical Documents: Formalising Rhetorical Structure Theory (NDS, PH), pp. 105–110.
SEKE-2005-KongOF #analysis #security #workflow- Formal Analysis of Workflow Systems with Security Considerations (WK, KO, KF), pp. 531–536.
SEKE-2005-LiuBY #development- A Formal Foundation of Code Pattern Based Development (JL, FBB, ILY), pp. 274–279.
OOPSLA-2005-AhernY #java- Formalising Java RMI with explicit code mobility (AA, NY), pp. 403–422.
SIGAda-2005-Davis #re-engineering- The affordable application of formal methods to software engineering (JFD), pp. 57–62.
ESEC-FSE-2005-ShenSHJSM #component #towards- Towards a unified formal model for supporting mechanisms of dynamic component update (JS, XS, GH, WJ, YS, HM), pp. 80–89.
SAC-2005-BravettiGLZ #e-commerce- Supporting e-commerce systems formalization with choreography languages (MB, CG, RL, GZ), pp. 831–835.
SAC-2005-NicolaLM #analysis #mobile #modelling- Formal modeling and quantitative analysis of KLAIM-based mobile systems (RDN, DL, MM), pp. 428–435.
SAC-2005-TrainaFT #image #retrieval- Image domain formalization for content-based image retrieval (CTJ, JMdF, AJMT), pp. 604–609.
DAC-2005-Rossi #design #question #scalability #verification- Can we really do without the support of formal methods in the verification of large designs? (UR), pp. 672–673.
DATE-2005-BouesseRDG - DPA on Quasi Delay Insensitive Asynchronous Circuits: Formalization and Improvement (GFB, MR, SD, FG), pp. 424–429.
FASE-2005-Mostowski #java #logic #security #verification- Formalisation and Verification of Java Card Security Properties in Dynamic Logic (WM), pp. 357–371.
CAV-2005-BarnerGR #concurrent #debugging #named #using- Wolf — Bug Hunter for Concurrent Software Using Formal Methods (SB, ZG, IR), pp. 153–157.
ICLP-2005-Chesani #interactive #protocol #verification- Formalization and Verification of Interaction Protocols (FC), pp. 437–438.
SIGMOD-2004-MiklauS #analysis- A Formal Analysis of Information Disclosure in Data Exchange (GM, DS), pp. 575–586.
ITiCSE-2004-ChesnevarGM #automaton #learning- Didactic strategies for promoting significant learning in formal languages and automata theory (CIC, MPG, AGM), pp. 7–11.
SCAM-2004-BinkleyDGHKO #execution #slicing- Formalizing Executable Dynamic and Forward Slicing (DB, SD, TG, MH, ÁK, LO), pp. 43–52.
IFM-2004-BallCLR #verification- SLAM and Static Driver Verifier: Technology Transfer of Formal Methods inside Microsoft (TB, BC, VL, SKR), pp. 1–20.
IFM-2004-Boute #abstraction- Integrating Formal Methods by Unifying Abstractions (RTB), pp. 441–460.
IFM-2004-Winter #behaviour #csp- Formalising Behaviour Trees with CSP (KW), pp. 148–167.
SEFM-2004-MoisanRR #behaviour #component #framework #towards- Towards Formalizing Behavioral Substitutability in Component Frameworks (SM, AR, JPR), pp. 122–131.
SEFM-2004-RouffVHTR #behaviour #predict- Properties of a Formal Method for Prediction of Emergent Behaviors in Swarm-Based Systems (CR, AV, MGH, WT, JLR), pp. 24–33.
EDOC-2004-RomeroV #maude #specification- Formalizing ODP Computational Viewpoint Specifications in Maude (JRR, AV), pp. 212–223.
ICEIS-v3-2004-LeymonerieJCBO #approach #architecture #process #towards- Towards a Business Process Formalisation Based on an Architecture Centred Approach (FL, LBDJ, SC, CB, FO), pp. 513–518.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Ohki #analysis- Formalization of Class Structure Extraction through Lifetime Analysis (MO), pp. 635–642.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Shinkawa #approach #enterprise #modelling- A Formal Approach to Enterprise Modeling (YS), pp. 663–668.
CIKM-2004-ChenZ #logic programming #mobile #multi- An extended logic programming based multi-agent system formalization in mobile environments (JC, YZ), pp. 166–167.
ICPR-v2-2004-NakagawaZO #constraints #online #recognition- A Formalization of On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition free from Line Direction Constraint (MN, BZ, MO), pp. 359–362.
ICPR-v2-2004-Tweed - Estimating Rigid Motions via the Conformal Model of Euclidean Space (DT), pp. 171–174.
ICPR-v4-2004-KamberovK #evaluation #performance- Conformal Method for Quantitative Shape Extraction: Performance Evaluation (GK, GK), pp. 31–35.
SIGIR-2004-FangTZ #heuristic #information retrieval- A formal study of information retrieval heuristics (HF, TT, CZ), pp. 49–56.
OOPSLA-2004-BaconCR #garbage collection- A unified theory of garbage collection (DFB, PC, VTR), pp. 50–68.
AdaEurope-2004-Alves #ada #persistent- A Theory of Persistent Containers and Its Application to Ada (MAA), pp. 297–308.
AdaEurope-2004-Gogolla #problem- Benefits and Problems of Formal Methods (MG), pp. 1–15.
PEPM-2004-PettorossiP #logic programming #program transformation- A theory of totally correct logic program transformations (AP, MP), pp. 159–168.
POPL-2004-YuKS #dot-net #runtime- Formalization of generics for the .NET common language runtime (DY, AK, DS), pp. 39–51.
PPDP-2004-AntoyJ #implementation- Formalization and abstract implementation of rewriting with nested rules (SA, SJ), pp. 144–154.
SAC-J-2003-BorgerCR04 #on the #state machine #uml #using- On formalizing UML state machines using ASM (EB, AC, ER), pp. 287–292.
ICSE-2004-PrietoA #multi #named #requirements #specification- chi-SCTL/MUS: A Formal Methodology to Evolve Multi-Perspective Software Requirements Specifications (ABBM, JJPA), pp. 72–74.
ATEM-2003-LinH04 #fact extraction- Formalizing Fact Extraction (YL, RCH), pp. 93–102.
LDTA-2004-GoldreiS #attribute grammar #off the shelf #using #verification- Using Off-the-Shelf Formal Methods to Verify Attribute Grammar Properties (SG, AMS), pp. 33–54.
CAV-2004-FarzanCMR #analysis #java #source code- Formal Analysis of Java Programs in JavaFAN (AF, FC, JM, GR), pp. 501–505.
CAV-2004-FuBS #analysis #named #web #web service- WSAT: A Tool for Formal Analysis of Web Services (XF, TB, JS), pp. 510–514.
FATES-2004-BordbarO #approach #realtime #testing- Testing Deadlock-Freeness in Real-Time Systems: A Formal Approach (BB, KO), pp. 95–109.
IJCAR-2004-AvigadD #higher-order- Formalizing O Notation in Isabelle/HOL (JA, KD), pp. 357–371.
IJCAR-2004-BartheCT #random- A Machine-Checked Formalization of the Generic Model and the Random Oracle Model (GB, JC, ST), pp. 385–399.
IJCAR-2004-Farmer #calculus- Formalizing Undefinedness Arising in Calculus (WMF), pp. 475–489.
IJCAR-2004-MeseguerR #analysis #logic #semantics #specification #tool support- Rewriting Logic Semantics: From Language Specifications to Formal Analysis Tools (JM, GR), pp. 1–44.
DocEng-2003-ScheffczykBRS #consistency #documentation #repository #type safety- Consistent document engineering: formalizing type-safe consistency rules for heterogeneous repositories (JS, UMB, PR, LS), pp. 140–149.
SIGMOD-2003-LometT - A Theory of Redo Recovery (DBL, MRT), pp. 397–406.
DLT-2003-AnselmoM #perspective #problem- Covering Problems from a Formal Language Point of View (MA, MM), pp. 122–133.
ICALP-2003-RybinaV #bound- Upper Bounds for a Theory of Queues (TR, AV), pp. 714–724.
FME-2003-StidolphW #using- Managerial Issues for the Consideration and Use of Formal Methods (DCS, EJWJ), pp. 170–186.
FME-2003-WassyngL #implementation #industrial #lessons learnt- Lessons Learned from a Successful Implementation of Formal Methods in an Industrial Project (AW, ML), pp. 133–153.
SEFM-2003-BouassidaBGH #design #framework- Formalizing the Framework Design Language F-UML (NB, HBA, FG, ABH), pp. 164–172.
SEFM-2003-CarboneNS #network #trust- A Formal Model for Trust in Dynamic Networks (MC, MN, VS), p. 54–?.
SEFM-2003-Dromey #design #requirements- From Requirements to Design: Formalizing the Key Steps (RGD), p. 2–?.
SEFM-2003-NgB #csp #diagrams #towards #uml- Towards Formalizing UML State Diagrams in CSP (MYN, MJB), p. 138–?.
SFM-2003-BertolinoIM #architecture #testing- Formal Methods in Testing Software Architectures (AB, PI, HM), pp. 122–147.
SFM-2003-Garlan #analysis #architecture #component #modelling- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Software Architecture: Components, Connectors, and Events (DG), pp. 1–24.
ICFP-2003-WalkerZL #aspect-oriented- A theory of aspects (DW, SZ, JL), pp. 127–139.
ICEIS-v1-2003-MorzyW #approach #modelling #multi- Modeling a Multiversion Data Warehouse: A Formal Approach (TM, RW), pp. 120–127.
ICEIS-v1-2003-PequenoA #database- A Formal Model for Object-Relational Databases (VMP, JNA), pp. 327–333.
ICEIS-v1-2003-RossiterNH #information management #middleware #tool support- Formalizing Types with Ultimate Closure for Middleware Tools in Information Systems Engineering (BNR, DAN, MAH), pp. 366–373.
SEKE-2003-YuHGD #architecture #design #distributed- Formal Software Architecture Design of Secure Distributed Systems (HY, XH, SG, YD), pp. 450–457.
RE-2003-RifautMMPSLV #analysis #named #specification #tool support #using- FAUST: Formal Analysis Using Specification Tools (AR, PM, JFM, CP, PS, AvL, HTV), p. 350.
ICSE-2003-SpitznagelG #composition- A Compositional Formalization of Connector Wrappers (BS, DG), pp. 374–384.
DATE-2003-JersakREBJW #integration- Formal Methods for Integration of Automotive Software (MJ, KR, RE, JCB, ZYJ, FW), pp. 20045–20050.
DATE-2003-QinM #flexibility #modelling #simulation- Flexible and Formal Modeling of Microprocessors with Application to Retargetable Simulation (WQ, SM), pp. 10556–10561.
CSL-2003-Vorobjov #effectiveness #strict- Effective Model Completeness of the Theory of Restricted Pfaffian Functions (NV), p. 544.
FATES-2003-BadriBN #approach #case study #collaboration #diagrams #process #testing #towards #uml- A Use Case Driven Testing Process: Towards a Formal Approach Based on UML Collaboration Diagrams (MB, LB, MN), pp. 223–235.
ICSM-2002-WaqarKV #approach #maintenance- A Formal Approach for Software Maintenance (UW, FK, DV), pp. 608–617.
ICALP-2002-KuskeL #monad #on the- On the Theory of One-Step Rewriting in Trace Monoids (DK, ML), pp. 752–763.
FME-2002-Casset #development #embedded #java #using #verification- Development of an Embedded Verifier for Java Card Byte Code Using Formal Methods (LC), pp. 290–309.
IFM-2002-AkbarpourDT #fixpoint- Formalization of Cadence SPW Fixed-Point Arithmetic in HOL (BA, AD, ST), pp. 185–204.
FLOPS-2002-Futatsugi - Formal Methods in CafeOBJ (KF), pp. 1–20.
ICFP-2002-Moore #functional- Functional formal methods (JSM), p. 123.
ICFP-2002-StuckeyS - A theory of overloading (PJS, MS), pp. 167–178.
ICGT-2002-MensDJ #behaviour #program transformation- Formalising Behaviour Preserving Program Transformations (TM, SD, DJ), pp. 286–301.
ICPR-v3-2002-SandersNS - A Theory of the Quasi-Static World (BCSS, RCN, RS), pp. 1–6.
SEKE-2002-ArandaM #design pattern #verification- A formal model for verifying compound design patterns (GNA, RM), pp. 213–214.
SEKE-2002-NakkrasaeS #approach #classification #component #specification- A formal approach for specification and classification of software components (SN, PS), pp. 773–780.
OOPSLA-2002-Pucella #calculus #towards- Towards a formalization for COM part i: the primitive calculus (RP), pp. 331–342.
DAC-2002-WolfSE #analysis- Associative caches in formal software timing analysis (FW, JS, RE), pp. 622–627.
WRLA-J-1996-WirsingK02 #approach #object-oriented #re-engineering- A formal approach to object-oriented software engineering (MW, AK), pp. 519–560.
ESOP-2002-Glew #higher-order- A Theory of Second-Order Trees (NG), pp. 147–161.
FASE-2002-AhrendtBBGHHMMS #design #object-oriented- The KeY System: Integrating Object-Oriented Design and Formal Methods (WA, TB, BB, MG, EH, RH, WM, WM, PHS), pp. 327–330.
TestCom-2002-Ahtiainen #mobile #protocol #testing- Applying Formal Method in Mobile Protocol Testing (AA), p. 187–?.
ECDL-2001-CheneyLB #towards- Towards a Theory of Information Preservation (JC, CL, PB), pp. 340–351.
VLDB-2001-ChirkovaHS #problem- A Formal Perspective on the View Selection Problem (RC, AYH, DS), pp. 59–68.
ICSM-2001-Mens #evolution #object-oriented- A Formal Foundation for Object-Oriented Software Evolution (TM), pp. 549–552.
IWPC-2001-GannodC #reverse engineering #tool support #using- A Suite of Tools for Facilitating Reverse Engineering Using Formal Methods (GCG, BHCC), pp. 221–232.
DLT-2001-DomaratzkiSY - Minimal Covers of Formal Languages (MD, JS, SY), pp. 319–329.
FME-2001-FloresMR #design pattern #object-oriented- A Formal Model of Object-Oriented Design and GoF Design Patterns (AF, RM, LR), pp. 223–241.
FME-2001-Jackson #lightweight- Lightweight Formal Methods (DJ), p. 1.
FME-2001-VenkatasubramanianTA #adaptation #middleware #reasoning- A Formal Model for Reasoning about Adaptive QoS-Enabled Middleware (NV, CLT, GA), pp. 197–221.
EDOC-2001-JainCIR #approach #component #identification- Business Component Identification — A Formal Approach (HKJ, NC, NI, BR), pp. 183–187.
EDOC-2001-MarjanovicM #modelling #towards- Towards Formal Modeling of e-Contracts (OM, ZM), pp. 59–68.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Dawson #modelling #object-oriented #requirements- The Use of Formal and Informal Models in Object-Oriented Requirements Engineering (LD), pp. 753–760.
UML-2001-Beeck #uml- Formalization of UML-Statecharts (MvdB), pp. 406–421.
UML-2001-LatronicoK #diagrams #embedded #representation #sequence chart- Representing Embedded System Sequence Diagrams as a Formal Language (EL, PK), pp. 302–316.
TOOLS-USA-2001-AlagarP #named #specification #transaction- BTOZ: A Formal Specification Language for Formalizing Business Transactions (VSA, KP), pp. 240–252.
RE-2001-ChengC #analysis #modelling #requirements- Integrating Informal and Formal Approaches to Requirements Modeling and Analysis (BHCC, LAC), pp. 294–295.
ASE-2001-HutterS #development #towards- Towards an Evolutionary Formal Software Development (DH, AS), pp. 417–420.
ASE-2001-Rayadurgam #automation #generative #modelling #testing- Automated Test-Data Generation from Formal Models of Software (SR), p. 438.
ESEC-FSE-2001-Wendorff #approach #assessment #information management #modelling- A formal approach to the assessment and improvement of terminological models used in information systems engineering (PW), pp. 83–87.
ICSE-2001-BerstelCRP #automation #design #scalability #user interface- A Scalable Formal Method for Design and Automatic Checking of User Interfaces (JB, SCR, GR, PSP), pp. 453–462.
ICSE-2001-McUmberC #framework #uml- A General Framework for Formalizing UML with Formal Languages (WEM, BHCC), pp. 433–442.
ICSE-2001-MenziesPH #analysis #diagrams #performance #requirements- Fast Formal Analysis of Requirements via “Topoi Diagrams” (TM, JDP, MEH), pp. 391–400.
ICSE-2001-SitaramanLWHW #approach #component #education #evaluation #re-engineering- A Formal Approach to Component-Based Software Engineering: Education and Evaluation (MS, TJL, BWW, EJH, LW), pp. 601–609.
ICSE-2001-StirewaltD #analysis #approach #component #tool support- A Component-Based Approach to Building Formal Analysis Tools (KS, LKD), pp. 167–176.
SAC-2001-XingS #interactive- Formalization of commitment-based agent interaction (JX, MPS), pp. 115–120.
ESOP-2001-Jacobs #exception #java- A Formalisation of Java’s Exception Mechanism (BJ), pp. 284–301.
FoSSaCS-2001-RocklHB #higher-order #induction #syntax #π-calculus- Higher-Order Abstract Syntax with Induction in Isabelle/HOL: Formalizing the π-Calculus and Mechanizing the Theory of Contexts (CR, DH, SB), pp. 364–378.
CAV-2001-Bertot #proving #theorem proving #verification- Formalizing a JVML Verifier for Initialization in a Theorem Prover (YB), pp. 14–24.
CSEET-2000-AbernethyKSKP #specification- Technology Transfer Issues for Formal Methods of Software Specification (KA, JCK, AEKS, JDK, JDP), pp. 23–31.
CSEET-2000-Tremblay #question #re-engineering- Formal Methods: Mathematics, Computer Science, or Software Engineering? (GT), pp. 273–282.
WLC-2000-ChoffrutG #string- The Theory of Rational Relations on Transfinite Strings (CC, SG), pp. 103–133.
WLC-2000-Steinby #automaton #term rewriting- Tree Automata in the Theory of Term Rewriting (MS), pp. 434–449.
IFM-2000-Ameur #development #process- Cooperation of Formal Methods in an Engineering Based Software Development Process (YAA), pp. 136–155.
IFM-2000-FischerC #dependence #diagrams #verification- Formalizing Timing Diagrams as Causal Dependencies for Verification Purposes (JF, SC), pp. 45–60.
IFM-2000-Schulte #question #why- Why Doesn’t Anyone Use Formal Methods? (WS), pp. 297–298.
CAiSE-2000-KoubarakisP #design #modelling #process- A Formal Model for Business Process Modeling and Design (MK, DP), pp. 142–156.
ICEIS-2000-Laleau #database #on the #specification #uml- On the Interest of Combining UML with the B Formal Method for the Specification of Database Applications (RL), pp. 56–63.
PEPM-2000-Taha #ml #multi #reduction #semantics- A Sound Reduction Semantics for Untyped CBN Multi-stage Computation. Or, the Theory of MetaML is Non-trivial (WT), pp. 34–43.
FSE-2000-BernardoCD #algebra #architecture #on the #process- On the formalization of architectural types with process algebras (MB, PC, LD), pp. 140–148.
ICSE-2000-PradellaRMC #approach #corba #design- A formal approach for designing CORBA based applications (MP, MR, DM, ACP), pp. 188–197.
SAC-2000-CavarraRZ #parallel #semantics- A Formal Model for the Parallel Semantics of P3L (AC, ER, AZ), pp. 804–812.
ESOP-2000-Danvy #continuation #implementation- Formalizing Implementation Strategies for First-Class Continuations (OD), pp. 88–103.
FASE-2000-DondossolaB #fault tolerance #specification- System Fault Tolerance Specification: Proposal of a Method Combining Semi-formal and Formal Approaches (GD, OB), pp. 82–96.
FASE-2000-EgyedM #approach #modelling- A Formal Approach to Heterogeneous Software Modeling (AE, NM), pp. 178–192.
FASE-2000-ReggioACH #approach #lightweight #state machine #uml- Analysing UML Active Classes and Associated State Machines — A Lightweight Formal Approach (GR, EA, CC, HH), pp. 127–146.
FASE-2000-Wehrheim #automation #case study #specification #using- Specification of an Automatic Manufacturing System: A Case Study in Using Integrated Formal Methods (HW), pp. 334–348.
TACAS-2000-BraunLSS #consistency #integration- Consistent Integration of Formal Methods (PB, HL, BS, OS), pp. 48–62.
CADE-2000-Gillard #calculus #concurrent- A Formalization of a Concurrent Object Calculus up to alpha-Conversion (GG), pp. 417–432.
CAV-2000-Meadows #analysis #encryption #protocol- Invited Address: Applying Formal Methods to Cryptographic Protocol Analysis (CM), p. 2.
CL-2000-BexMN - A Formal Model for an Expressive Fragment of XSLT (GJB, SM, FN), pp. 1137–1151.
CL-2000-NarendranR #decidability- The Theory of Total Unary RPO Is Decidable (PN, MR), pp. 660–672.
CSL-2000-KahleS - A Theory of Explicit Mathematics Equivalent to ID1 (RK, TS), pp. 356–370.
ISSTA-2000-BhargavanGKLOSV #analysis #named #network #simulation- Verisim: Formal analysis of network simulations (KB, CAG, MK, IL, DO, OS, MV), pp. 2–13.
LICS-2000-JeffreyR #bisimulation #concurrent #ml- A Theory of Bisimulation for a Fragment of Concurrent ML with Local Names (AJ, JR), pp. 311–321.
ICSM-1999-ChuHLH #approach #design #reuse- A Semi-Formal Approach to Assist Software Design with Reuse (WCC, CPH, CWL, XH), pp. 256–264.
WCRE-1999-GannodC99a #approach #case study #reverse engineering- A Formal Approach for Reverse Engineering: A Case Study (GCG, BHCC), pp. 100–111.
ICALP-1999-Miculan #calculus #induction #lazy evaluation #proving #μ-calculus- Formalizing a Lazy Substitution Proof System for μ-calculus in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (MM), pp. 554–564.
FM-v1-1999-AlurEKKL #analysis #case study #coordination #hybrid #modelling #multi- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study in Multi-robot Coordination (RA, JME, MK, VK, IL), pp. 212–232.
FM-v1-1999-HerbertDRS #architecture- A Formalization of Software Architecture (JH, BD, RAR, VS), pp. 116–133.
FM-v1-1999-PaigeO - Developing BON as an Industrial-Strength Formal Method (RFP, JSO), pp. 834–853.
FM-v1-1999-Rushby #question- Mechanized Formal Methods: Where Next? (JMR), pp. 48–51.
FM-v1-1999-SabatierL #design #smarttech #transaction #using #validation- The Use of the B Formal Method for the Design and the Validation of the Transaction Mechanism for Smart Card Applications (DS, PL), pp. 348–368.
FM-v1-1999-SyversonS - Group Principals and the Formalization of Anonymity (PFS, SGS), pp. 814–833.
FM-v1-1999-WongC #case study #modelling- Formal Modeling in a Commercial Setting: A Case Study (AW, MC), pp. 590–607.
FM-v1-1999-ZhouC #analysis #communication #protocol- Formal Analysis of a Secure Communication Channel: Secure Core-Email Protocol (DZ, SKC), pp. 758–775.
FM-v2-1999-ChaudronTW #design #lessons learnt- Lessons from the Application of Formal Methods to the Design of a Storm Surge Barrier Control System (MRVC, JT, KW), pp. 1511–1526.
FM-v2-1999-DunstanKML - Formal Methods for Extensions to CAS (MD, TK, UM, SL), pp. 1758–1777.
FM-v2-1999-HorsteS #modelling #petri net #simulation #using- Formal Modelling and Simulation of Train Control Systems Using Petri Nets (MMzH, ES), p. 1867.
FM-v2-1999-Krieg-BrucknerPOB #development- The UniForM Workbench, a Universal Development Environment for Formal Methods (BKB, JP, ERO, AB), pp. 1186–1205.
FM-v2-1999-SousaG #component #enterprise #framework #integration #modelling- Formal Modeling of the Enterprise JavaBeansTM Component Integration Framework (JPS, DG), pp. 1281–1300.
IFM-1999-ReedSG #deduction #development #model checking #reasoning- Deductive Reasoning versus Model Checking: Two Formal Approaches for System Development (JNR, JES, FG), pp. 375–394.
RTA-1999-Marcinkowski #algebra- Undecidability of the exists*forall* Part of the Theory of Ground Term Algebra Modulo an AC Symbol (JM), pp. 92–102.
RTA-1999-Otto #on the- On the Connections between Rewriting and Formal Language Theory (FO), pp. 332–355.
AGTIVE-1999-Schleicher #graph transformation #modelling #process #uml #using- Formalizing UML-Based Process Models Using Graph Transformations (AS), pp. 341–357.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Puerta - Formalization as a path to universal accessibility (ARP), pp. 908–912.
EDOC-1999-SteenD #enterprise #policy- Formalising ODP enterprise policies (MWAS, JD), pp. 84–93.
ICEIS-1999-KotowiczB #concept #enterprise #information management #multi- Linguistic Engineering for Conception of Multi-Agents Systems-Application to the Formalisation of Enterprise Information Systems (JPK, XB), pp. 248–255.
UML-1999-KimC #diagrams #uml #using- Formalizing the UML Class Diagram Using Object-Z (SKK, DAC), pp. 83–98.
UML-1999-Overgaard #approach #modelling- A Formal Approach to Collaborations in the Unified Modeling Language (GÖ), pp. 99–115.
UML-1999-PaltorL #model checking #state machine #uml- Formalising UML State Machines for Model Checking (IP, JL), pp. 430–445.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-WangLPZZ #approach #calculus #development #refinement- A Formal Software Development Approach Based on COOZ and Refinement Calculus (YW, BL, JP, MZ, GZ), pp. 261–266.
AdaEurope-1999-LundqvistAM #ada- A Formal Model of the Ada Ravenscar Tasking Profile; Protected Objects (KL, LA, SM), pp. 12–25.
LOPSTR-1999-DucasseR #consistency #proving- Proof Obligations of the B Formal Method: Local Proofs Ensure Global Consistency (MD, LR), pp. 10–29.
PLDI-1999-FosterFA - A Theory of Type Qualifiers (JSF, MF, AA), pp. 192–203.
SAS-1999-HatcliffCDSZ #concurrent #multi #slicing #source code #thread #virtual machine- A Formal Study of Slicing for Multi-threaded Programs with JVM Concurrency Primitives (JH, JCC, MBD, SS, HZ), pp. 1–18.
SIGAda-1999-GedelaSX #ada #concurrent #modelling- Formal modeling of synchronization methods for concurrent objects in Ada 95 (RKG, SMS, HX), pp. 211–220.
SIGAda-1999-LundqvistA #ada- A formal model of the Ada Ravenscar tasking profile; delay until (KL, LA), pp. 15–21.
RE-1999-WielsE #modelling #using- Formal Modeling of Space Shuttle Software Change Requests using SCR (VW, SME), pp. 114–122.
FoSSaCS-1999-BorealeNP #testing- A Theory of “May” Testing for Asynchronous Languages (MB, RDN, RP), pp. 165–179.
CADE-1999-Prost #analysis #system f- A formalization of Static Analyses in System F (FP), pp. 252–266.
CAV-1999-Brinksma #consistency #testing- Formal Methods for Conformance Testing: Theory Can Be Practical (EB), pp. 44–45.
CAV-1999-Klarlund #automaton #logic #strict- A Theory of Restrictions for Logics and Automata (NK), pp. 406–417.
LICS-1999-JeffreyR #bisimulation #towards- Towards a Theory of Bisimulation for Local Names (AJ, JR), pp. 56–66.
HT-1998-PauloTOM #hypermedia #named #specification- XHMBS: A Formal Model to Support Hypermedia Specification (FBP, MAST, MCFdO, PCM), pp. 161–170.
CSMR-1998-Kleuker #distributed #re-engineering #using- Reengineering of Distributed Systems Using Formal Methods (SK), pp. 189–192.
FM-1998-AgerholmL #approach #lightweight- A Lightweight Approach to Formal Methods (SA, PGL), pp. 168–183.
FM-1998-AgerholmL98a #lightweight #tool support- The IFAD VDM Tools: Lightweight Formal Methods (SA, PGL), pp. 326–329.
FM-1998-BroyS #development #process- Enriching the Software Development Process by Formal Methods (MB, OS), pp. 44–61.
FM-1998-HutterMRSWBRSS #complexity #named- VSE: Controlling the Complexity in Formal Software Developments (DH, HM, GR, WS, AW, MB, WR, GS, KS), pp. 351–358.
FM-1998-KoobUW #modelling #policy #process #security #topic #using- The New Topicality of Using Formal Models of Security Policy within the Security Engineering Process (FK, MU, SW), pp. 302–310.
FM-1998-Krieg-Bruckner - UniForM Perspectives for Formal Methods (BKB), pp. 251–265.
FM-1998-MeulenC #specification- Formal Methods in the Specification of the Emergency Closing System of the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier (MvdM, TC), pp. 296–301.
ICFP-1998-Taylor - A Theory of Core Fudgets (CJT), pp. 75–85.
CAiSE-1998-Dahchour #approach #using- Formalizing Materialization Using a Metaclass Approach (MD), pp. 401–421.
KR-1998-Kamps #automation #reasoning #tool support #using- Formal Theory Building Using Automated Reasoning Tools (JK), pp. 478–487.
KR-1998-Mani #problem- A Theory of Granularity and its Application to Problems of Polysemy and Underspecification of Meaning (IM), pp. 245–257.
SIGIR-1998-Greiff #data analysis- A Theory of Term Weighting Based on Exploratory Data Analysis (WRG), pp. 11–19.
UML-1998-EvansFLR #modelling #uml- The UML as a Formal Modeling Notation (AE, RBF, KL, BR), pp. 336–348.
UML-1998-OvergaardP #approach #case study- A Formal Approach to Use Cases and Their Relationships (GÖ, KP), pp. 406–418.
ECOOP-1998-ErnstKC - Predicate Dispatching: A Unified Theory of Dispatch (MDE, CSK, CC), pp. 186–211.
FSE-1998-AllenG #analysis #component #integration #modelling #standard- Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA Component Integration Standard (RA, DG), pp. 70–79.
FSE-1998-KrishnamurthiF #towards- Toward a Formal Theory of Extensible Software (SK, MF), pp. 88–98.
ICSE-1998-Mikkonen #design pattern- Formalizing Design Patterns (TM), pp. 115–124.
DATE-1998-HedrichB #approach #linear #parametricity #verification- A Formal Approach to Verification of Linear Analog Circuits with Parameter Tolerances (LH, EB), pp. 649–654.
DATE-1998-MendiasH #perspective #synthesis- Correct High-Level Synthesis: a Formal Perspective (JMM, RH), pp. 977–978.
FASE-1998-Dubois #named #requirements #tool support- ALBERT: A Formal Language and Its Supporting Tools for Requirements Engineering (ED), pp. 322–325.
FASE-1998-ReedJDR #analysis #automation #modelling #network- Automated Formal Analysis of Networks: FDR Models of Arbitrary Topologies and Flow-Control Mechanisms (JNR, DMJ, BD, GMR), pp. 239–254.
CAV-1998-CourturierM #empirical #using- An Experiment in Parallelizing an Application Using Formal Methods (RC, DM), pp. 345–356.
CAV-1998-Cuellar #industrial- Formal Methods in an Industrial Environment (JC), pp. 57–60.
CAV-1998-GoelSZAS #similarity- BDD Based Procedures for a Theory of Equality with Uninterpreted Functions (AG, KS, HZ, AA, VS), pp. 244–255.
CAV-1998-HoffmanP #experience- A Formal Method Experience at Secure Computing Corporation (JH, CP), pp. 49–56.
LICS-1998-CattaniFW #concurrent #recursion- A Theory of Recursive Domains with Applications to Concurrency (GLC, MPF, GW), pp. 214–225.
PODS-1997-MendelzonM #modelling #query #web- Formal Models of Web Queries (AOM, TM), pp. 134–143.
CSMR-1997-Lowe - Formal Methods (ML), p. 43.
DLT-1997-RaskovaR #algebra #recursion- Recursive Constructions in the Theory of P.I. Algebras (TGR, PIR), pp. 559–566.
ICALP-1997-Marchiori - The Theory of Vaccines (MM), pp. 660–670.
FME-1997-Kleuker #diagrams #distributed #requirements- Formalizing Requirements for Distributed Systems with Trace Diagrams (SK), pp. 102–121.
FME-1997-Paige #integration- A Meta-Method for Formal Method Integration (RFP), pp. 473–494.
ICFP-1997-UngureanuG #distributed #memory management #modelling- Formal Models of Distributed Memory Management (CU, BG), pp. 280–291.
HCI-SEC-1997-Ntuen - A Formal Method for Deriving Command Production Language from Human Intents (CAN), pp. 257–260.
HCI-SEC-1997-Olson #consistency- Seven Rules in a Theory of Consistency (AMO), pp. 715–718.
CAiSE-1997-PastorIPRM #named #object-oriented- OO-METHOD: An OO Software Production Environment Combining Conventional and Formal Methods (OP, EI, VP, JRR, JM), pp. 145–158.
ECOOP-1997-BreuHHKPRT #modelling #towards- Towards a Formalization of the Unified Modeling Language (RB, UH, CH, CK, BP, BR, VT), pp. 344–366.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Sellers #modelling #towards- Towards the Formalization of Relationships for Object Modeling (BHS), pp. 267–285.
SAS-1997-Marriott #abstract interpretation #approximate- Abstract Interpretation: A Theory of Approximate Computation (KM), pp. 367–378.
RE-1997-EasterbrookC #experience #specification- Formal Methods for V&V of Partial Specifications: An Experience RSeport (SME, JRC), pp. 160–168.
ASE-1997-BlazyF #development #maintenance- Application of Formal Methods to the Development of a Software Maintenance Tool (SB, PF), pp. 162–171.
ASE-1997-GoguenLMRS #distributed #tool support- Distributed Cooperative Formal Methods Tools (JAG, KL, AM, GR, AS), pp. 55–62.
ESEC-FSE-1997-DiniBM #architecture #experience #industrial- Formalizing Software Architectures: An Industrial Experience (PD, AB, WLM), pp. 527–529.
ICSE-1997-BernotBG #functional #probability #testing- A Theory of Probabilistic Functional Testing (GB, LB, PLG), pp. 216–226.
ICSE-1997-FischerL #multi- Formal Methods for Broadband and Multimedia Systems (SF, SL), pp. 665–666.
ICSE-1997-JacquotQ #approach #interface #specification #towards- Early Specification of User-Interfaces: Toward a Formal Approach (JPJ, DQ), pp. 150–160.
ICSE-1997-SullivanSM #architecture #standard #using- Using Formal Methods to Reason about Architectural Standards (KJS, JS, MM), pp. 503–513.
ICSE-1997-WangRC - Formalizing and Integrating the Dynamic Model within OMT (EYW, HAR, BHCC), pp. 45–55.
SAC-1997-CoppaNT #representation- A formal model for the discrete representation of spatial objects (FC, EN, MT), pp. 144–151.
DAC-1997-GuptaMA #simulation #towards #using #validation- Toward Formalizing a Validation Methodology Using Simulation Coverage (AG, SM, PA), pp. 740–745.
STOC-1997-Babai - Paul Erdös (1913-1996): His Influence on the Theory of Computing (LB), pp. 383–401.
TAPSOFT-1997-Vaandrager #automaton #testing- A Theory of Testing for Timed Automata (Abstract) (FWV), p. 39.
CADE-1997-EastaughffeOC #proving #state machine #visual notation- Proof Tactics for a Theory of State Machines in a Graphical Environment (KAE, MAO, AC), pp. 366–379.
CAV-1997-CyrlukMR #performance- An Efficient Decision Procedure for the Theory of Fixed-Sized Bit-Vectors (DC, MOM, HR), pp. 60–71.
ICSM-1996-ChuYL #maintenance- A Formal Method for Software Maintenance (WCC, HY, PL), pp. 206–216.
ICSM-1996-YoungerLBB #analysis #concurrent #modelling #reverse engineering #source code #using- Reverse Engineering Concurrent Programs using Formal Modelling and Analysis (EJY, ZL, KHB, TMB), pp. 255–264.
WCRE-1996-YoungerLBB #analysis #concurrent #modelling #reverse engineering #source code #using- Reverse Engineering Concurrent Programs Using Formal Modelling and Analysis (EJY, ZL, KHB, TMB), pp. 239–248.
WIA-1996-Rodger #programming #tool support- Integrating Hands-on Work into the Formal Languages Course via Tools and Programming (SHR), pp. 132–148.
FME-1996-AlencarL #approach #design pattern- A Formal Approach to Architectural Design Patterns (PSCA, DDC, CJPdL), pp. 576–594.
FME-1996-ArnoldBR #debugging #embedded #using- An Example of Use of Formal Methods to Debug an Embedded Software (AA, DB, JPR), pp. 649–661.
FME-1996-BicarreguiDW #analysis- Quantitative Analysis of an Application of Formal Methods (JB, JD, EW), pp. 60–73.
FME-1996-George - A Theory of Distributing Train Rescheduling (CG), pp. 499–517.
FME-1996-GroenboomSRL #case study #specification- Formalizing Anaesthesia: a case study in formal specification (RG, ES, ER, GRRdL), pp. 120–139.
FME-1996-Vito #navigation #requirements- Formalizing New Navigation Requirements for NASA’s Space Shuttle (BLDV), pp. 160–178.
ICFP-1996-FerreiraHJ #bisimulation- A Theory of Weak Bisimulation for Core CML (WF, MH, AJ), pp. 201–212.
ICFP-1996-LeeF #incremental #towards #λ-calculus- Enriching the λ Calculus with Contexts: Toward a Theory of Incremental Program Construction (SDL, DPF), pp. 239–250.
CAiSE-1996-BatesBFL #analysis #guidelines #object-oriented- Guidelines for Formalizing Fusion Object-Oriented Analysis Methods (BWB, JMB, RBF, MMLP), pp. 222–233.
ICPR-1996-LasakulAK #analysis #image #linear #multi #using- A theory of image restoration for linear spatial degradation using multiresolution analysis (AL, KA, SK), pp. 422–426.
SEKE-1996-Balmas96a #named #programming #source code- PRISME: Formalizing Programming Strategies as a Way to Understand Programs (FB), pp. 361–368.
SEKE-1996-CleavelandLLS #process #realtime #testing- A Theory of Testing for Soft Real-Time Processes (RC, IL, PML, SAS), pp. 474–479.
SEKE-1996-Shin - The Theory of Massive Cross-Referencing (DKS), pp. 454–552.
ICRE-1996-Cheng #how #question #requirements- Where and How do Formal Methods Fit in Requirements Engineering? (BHCC), pp. 154–156.
ICRE-1996-LeathrumL #approach #requirements #standard #testing- A formal approach to requirements based testing in open systems standards (JFL, KAL), pp. 94–101.
RWLW-1996-WirsingK #approach #object-oriented #re-engineering- A formal approach to object-oriented software engineering (MW, AK), pp. 322–360.
CAV-1996-Rushby #automation #deduction- Automated Deduction and Formal Methods (JMR), pp. 169–183.
ISSTA-1996-CrowleyLL #automation #testing #using- Issues in the Full Scale Use of Formal Methods for Automated Testing (JLC, JFL, KAL), pp. 71–78.
LICS-1996-Henzinger #automaton #hybrid- The Theory of Hybrid Automata (TAH), pp. 278–292.
ICDAR-v1-1995-CherietSS #documentation- A formal model for document processing of business forms (MC, JNS, CYS), pp. 210–213.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LeeS #approach #classification #network- A theory of classifier combination: the neural network approach (DSL, SNS), pp. 42–45.
VLDB-1995-AmmannJR #semantics #transaction #using- Using Formal Methods to Reason about Semantics-Based Decompositions of Transactions (PA, SJ, IR), pp. 218–227.
FPCA-1995-CousotC #abstract interpretation #constraints #program analysis- Formal Language, Grammar and Set-Constraint-Based Program Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 170–181.
CAiSE-1995-ViehstaedtM #representation #visual notation- Graphical Representation and Manipulation of Complex Structures Based on a Formal Model (GV, MM), pp. 243–254.
CIKM-1995-BuvacF #declarative- A Declarative Formalization of Knowledge Translation (SB, RF), pp. 340–347.
CIKM-1995-StranieriZ #reasoning- Levels of Reasoning as the Basis for a Formalisation of Argumentation (AS, JZ), pp. 333–339.
SEKE-1995-He #petri net- PZ Nets- A Formal Method Integrating Petri Nets with Z (XH), pp. 173–180.
POPL-1995-BaileyD - A Formal Model of Procedure Calling Conventions (MWB, JWD), pp. 298–310.
RE-1995-BustardL #analysis #modelling- Enhancing soft systems analysis with formal modelling (DWB, PJL), pp. 164–171.
ESEC-1995-Glinz - An Integrated Formal Model of Scenarios Based on Statecharts (MG), pp. 254–271.
ESEC-1995-HeiselSZ #architecture #development #tool support- Tool Support for Formal Software Development: A Generic Architecture (MH, TS, DZ), pp. 272–293.
FSE-1995-KaplanW - Formalization and Application of a Unifying Model for Name Management (AK, JCW), pp. 161–172.
ESOP-J-1994-AbadiC95 #higher-order- A Theory of Primitive Objects: Second-Order Systems (MA, LC), pp. 81–116.
TAPSOFT-1995-GoguenL #development #social- Formal Methods and Social Context in Software Development (JAG, L), pp. 62–81.
ILPS-1995-LauO #approach #constraints #deduction #logic programming #source code #synthesis- A Formal Approach to Deductive Synthesis of Constraint Logic Programs (KKL, MO), pp. 543–557.
PODS-1994-ParedaensBG #database #query #towards- Towards a Theory of Spatial Database Queries (JP, JVdB, DVG), pp. 279–288.
CSEE-1994-Dodani #re-engineering- Formal Methods for Software Engineering (MD), p. 597.
ICALP-1994-Upfal #network #on the #parallel- On the Theory of Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers (EU), pp. 473–486.
FME-1994-BowenH - Seven More Myths of Formal Methods (JPB, MGH), pp. 105–117.
FME-1994-DehboneiM #industrial- Formal Methods in the Railways Signalling Industry (BD, FM), pp. 26–34.
FME-1994-DukeH - A Theory of Presentations (DJD, MDH), pp. 271–290.
FME-1994-FencottGLOP #algebra #modelling #process #semantics #using- Formalising the Semantics of Ward/Mellor SA/RT Essential Models using a Process Algebra (PCF, AG, MAL, SJO, SP), pp. 681–702.
FME-1994-GuttmanJ - Three Applications of Formal Methods at MITRE (JDG, DMJ), pp. 55–65.
FME-1994-King - Formalising British Rail’s Signalling Rules (TK), pp. 45–54.
FME-1994-MaungHM #towards- Towards a Formalization of Programming-by-Difference (IM, JH, RJM), pp. 134–153.
FME-1994-MensMS #approach #named #object-oriented- OPUS: a Formal Approach to Object-Orientation (TM, KM, PS), pp. 326–345.
CHI-1994-ShipmanM94a #evolution #incremental #knowledge base- Supporting knowledge-base evolution with incremental formalization (FMSI, RM), pp. 285–291.
CAiSE-1994-SeoL #data type #process #reuse #using- Formalisation of Data and Process Model Reuse Using Hierarchic Data Types (DS, PL), pp. 256–268.
KR-1994-Rao #recognition #towards- Means-End Plan Recognition — Towards a Theory of Reactive Recognition (ASR), pp. 497–508.
SEKE-1994-CairoGB #multi #representation- A formal methodology for acquiring and representing knowledge from multiple experts (OC, SG, TB), pp. 281–288.
SEKE-1994-ParkP #automation #modelling #requirements- Automated support to system modeling from informal software requirements (SP, JDP), pp. 86–93.
AdaEurope-1994-Taylor #development- Formal Methods for a Space Software Development Environment (PT), pp. 90–103.
TRI-Ada-1994-Cherry #ada #paradigm #re-engineering #visualisation- Software Engineering with Ada in a New Key: Formalizing and Visualizing the Object Paradigm (GWC), pp. 309–320.
TRI-Ada-1994-HollowayVGS - Formal Methods Fact vs. Fiction (CMH, BLDV, DG, MS), pp. 256–258.
ICRE-1994-ReizerAMP #requirements #specification #standard #using- Using formal methods for requirements specification of a proposed POSIX standard (NRR, GDA, BCM, PRHP), pp. 118–125.
ICRE-1994-SiddiqiMHB #requirements #towards- Towards a system for the construction, clarification, discovery and formalisation of requirements (JIAS, ICM, RH, GB), pp. 230–238.
ICSE-1994-AllenG #architecture- Formalizing Architectural Connection (RJA, DG), pp. 71–80.
ICSE-1994-KeaneH #approach #case study #experience #parallel- A Formal Approach to Determining Parallel Resource Bindings: Experience Report (JAK, WH), pp. 15–22.
KBSE-1994-JengC #approach #component #reuse- A Formal Approach to Reusing More General Components (JJJ, BHCC), pp. 90–97.
KBSE-1994-LowryPPU94a #approach #design- A Formal Approach to Domain-Oriented Software Design Environments (MRL, AP, TP, IU), pp. 48–57.
SAC-1994-FlorianiMP #modelling #overview- Hierarchical terrain models: survey and formalization (LDF, PM, EP), pp. 323–327.
CC-1994-Poetzsch-Heffter #performance #specification- Developing Efficient Interpreters Based on Formal Language Specifications (APH), pp. 233–247.
DAC-1994-McMillan #design- Fitting Formal Methods into the Design Cycle (KLM), pp. 314–319.
ESOP-J-1992-Jones94 - A Theory of Qualified Types (MPJ), pp. 231–256.
ESOP-1994-AbadiC - A Theory of Primitive Objects — Scond-Order Systems (MA, LC), pp. 1–25.
STOC-1994-Patt-ShamirR - A theory of clock synchronization (BPS, SR), pp. 810–819.
LICS-1994-FioreP #axiom #modelling- An Axiomatization of Computationally Adequate Domain Theoretic Models of FPC (MPF, GDP), pp. 92–102.
PODS-1993-SchekWY #concurrent #towards- Towards a Unified Theory of Concurrency Control and Recovery (HJS, GW, HY), pp. 300–311.
VLDB-1993-PonceletTCL #approach #database #design #towards- Towards a Formal Approach for Object Database Design (PP, MT, RC, LL), pp. 278–289.
CSM-1993-Drew #process- Developing Formal Software Process Definitions (DWD), pp. 12–20.
WCRE-1993-HainautCTJ #database #reverse engineering- Contribution to a Theory of Database Reverse Engineering (JLH, MC, CT, MJ), pp. 161–170.
DLT-1993-MerzenichS - Fractals, Dimension, and Formal Languages (WM, LS), pp. 262–277.
ICALP-1993-JaromczykS #algorithm- A Theory of Even Functionals and Their Algorithmic Applications (JWJ, GS), pp. 126–136.
FME-1993-BowenS #industrial #perspective #safety- The Industrial Take-up of Formal Methods in Safety-Critical and Other Areas: A Perspective (JPB, VS), pp. 183–195.
FME-1993-CraigenGR #industrial- Formal Methods Reality Check: Industrial Usage (DC, SLG, TR), pp. 250–267.
FME-1993-Weber-Wulff #industrial- Selling Formal Methods to Industry (DWW), pp. 671–678.
TLCA-1993-Altenkirch #normalisation #proving #system f- A Formalization of the Strong Normalization Proof for System F in LEGO (TA), pp. 13–28.
HCI-ACS-1993-PacholskiW #evaluation #modelling- Formal Modelling of the Ergonomicity Level Evaluation of Man-Microcomputer Systems (LP, MW), pp. 1029–1032.
CAiSE-1993-DuboisBP #elicitation #information management #requirements- Elicitating and Formalising Requirements for C.I.M. Information Systems (ED, PDB, MP), pp. 252–274.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-LewerentzC #object-oriented- Formal Methods and Object-Orientation (CL, EC), p. 329.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Duke #design #object-oriented #specification- Formal Methods for the Design and Specification of Object-Oriented Systems (RD), p. 324.
ESEC-1993-JengC #component #library #using- Using Formal Methods to Construct a Software Component Library (JJJ, BHCC), pp. 397–417.
FSE-1993-BahsounMS #concurrent #framework #programming- A Framework for Programming and Formalizing Concurrent Objects (JPB, SM, CS), pp. 126–137.
ICSE-1993-GerhartCR #industrial #using- Observations on Industrial Practice Using Formal Methods (SLG, DC, TR), pp. 24–33.
HPDC-1993-MullinTDS #communication #protocol #scheduling- Formal Method for Scheduling, Routing and Communication Protocol (LMRM, ST, DRD, EAS), pp. 234–242.
STOC-1993-Baker #algorithm #pattern matching- A theory of parameterized pattern matching: algorithms and applications (BSB), pp. 71–80.
TAPSOFT-1993-BoudetC - About the Theory of Tree Embedding (AB, HC), pp. 376–390.
TAPSOFT-1993-HanW - Object Organisation in Software Environments for Formal Methods (JH, JW), pp. 299–313.
TAPSOFT-1993-InverardiKY #case study #named #using- Yeast: A Case Study for a Practical Use of Formal Methods (PI, BK, DY), pp. 105–120.
TAPSOFT-1993-Li #requirements- A Theory of Requirements Capture and Its Applications (WL0), pp. 406–420.
ICLP-1993-LeviR #metaprogramming- A Formalization of Metaprogramming for real (GL, DR), pp. 354–373.
IWPTS-1993-CavalliFP #consistency #testing- Formal Methods for Conformance Testing: Results and Perspectives (ARC, JPF, MP), pp. 3–17.
IWPTS-1993-Tretmans #approach #consistency #testing- A Formal Approach to Conformance Testing (JT), pp. 257–276.
SEI-1992-Garlan #design #education #trade-off- Formal Methods for Software Engineers: Tradeoffs in Curriculum Design (DG), pp. 131–142.
SEI-1992-Lutz #paradigm- Formal Methods and the Engineering Paradigm (MJL), pp. 121–130.
SEI-1992-Pewle #approach #process- Software Process Training: A Formal and Informal Approach at McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Company (KLP), pp. 308–312.
ALP-1992-AptMP #first-order #prolog- A Theory of First-Order Built-in’s of Prolog (KRA, EM, CP), pp. 69–83.
ESOP-1992-Jones - A Theory of Qualified Types (MPJ), pp. 287–306.
CSL-1992-HonsellMST #functional- A Theory of Classes for a Functional Language with Effects (FH, IAM, SFS, CLT), pp. 309–326.
CSL-1992-Marzetta - Universes in the Theory of Types and Names (MM), pp. 340–351.
IWPTS-1992-CavalliMK #automation #consistency #generative #protocol #specification #testing- Automated Protocol Conformance Test Generation Based on Formal Methods for LOTOS Specifications (ARC, PM, SUK), pp. 237–248.
LICS-1992-Nakano - A Constructive Formalization of the Catch and Throw Mechanism (HN), pp. 82–89.
ICALP-1991-CuckerT #problem- Two P-Complete Problems in the Theory of the Reals (FC, AT), pp. 556–565.
VDME-1991-GarlanN #design- Formalizing Design Spaces: Implicit Invocation Mechanisms (DG, DN), pp. 31–44.
VDME-1991-Goldschlag - A Mechanical Formalization of Several Fairness Notions (DMG), pp. 125–148.
KR-1991-Castaing #representation- A New Formalisation of Subsumption in Frame-Based Representation Systems (JC), pp. 78–88.
KR-1991-Kaufman #reasoning- A Formal Theory of Spatial Reasoning (SGK), pp. 347–356.
KR-1991-PearlV - A Theory of Inferred Causation (JP, TV), pp. 441–452.
ML-1991-Goel #incremental #learning- Model Revision: A Theory of Incremental Model Learning (AKG), pp. 605–609.
ESEC-1991-DickL #approach #visual notation- Integrating Structured and Formal Methods: A Visual Approach to VDM (JD, JL), pp. 37–59.
ICSE-1991-Craigen #tool support- Tool Support for Formal Methods (DC), pp. 184–185.
ICSE-1991-Gerhart #perspective- Formal Methods: An International Perspective (SLG), pp. 36–37.
CCPSD-1991-RamalingamR - A Theory of Program Modifications (GR, TWR), pp. 137–152.
CSL-1991-Troelstra - Comparing the Theory of Representations and Constructive Mathematics (AST), pp. 383–395.
IWPTS-1991-Hogrefe91a #consistency #requirements- Session on Conformance Requirements and Test Purposes in the Context of Formal Methods (DH), pp. 289–290.
IWPTS-1991-TretmansKB #consistency #protocol #testing- Protocol Conformance Testing: A Formal Perspective on ISO IS-9646 (JT, PK, EB), pp. 131–142.
LICS-1991-CleavelandZ #realtime #testing- A Theory of Testing for Real-Time (RC, AEZ), pp. 110–119.
TAV-1991-Young #question #re-engineering- Formal Methods versus Software Engineering: Is There a Conflict? (WDY), pp. 188–189.
PODS-1990-YouY #logic programming #question- Three-Valued Formalization of Logic Programming: Is It Needed? (JHY, LYY), pp. 172–182.
VLDB-1990-KorthLS #approach #transaction- A Formal Approach to Recovery by Compensating Transactions (HFK, EL, AS), pp. 95–106.
ICALP-1990-HennessyI #communication #process- A Theory of Communicating Processes with Value-Passing (MH, AI), pp. 209–219.
ICALP-1990-JagadeesanP #calculus #higher-order #process- A Domain-Theoretic Model for a Higher-Order Process Calculus (RJ, PP), pp. 181–194.
ICALP-1990-Watanabe #learning #query- A Formal Study of Learning via Queries (OW0), pp. 139–152.
VDME-1990-LafontaineLS #towards- Two Approaches towards the Formalisation of VDM (CL, YL, PYS), pp. 370–398.
VDME-1990-Lange #approach #hypermedia #prototype #specification #using- A Formal Approach to Hypertext using Post-Prototype Formal Specification (DBL), pp. 99–121.
GG-1990-Paz90a #overview- The Theory of Graphoids: A Survey (AP), pp. 610–621.
SIGIR-1990-Egghe #information retrieval- A New Method for Information Retrieval, Based on the Theory of Relative Concentration (LE), pp. 469–493.
ALP-1990-Bellegarde #category theory #process- A Matching Process Modulo a Theory of Categorical Products (FB), pp. 270–282.
ICSE-1990-LafontaineLS #case study #development #empirical #proving #theorem proving #using- An Experiment in Formal Software Development: Using the B Theorem Prover on a VDM Case Study (CL, YL, PYS), pp. 34–42.
ESOP-1990-Voronkov #logic #programming #towards- Towards the Theory of Programming in Constructive Logic (AV), pp. 421–435.
LICS-1990-DauchetT #decidability #term rewriting- The Theory of Ground Rewrite Systems is Decidable (MD, ST), pp. 242–248.
LICS-1990-DrosteG #programming language #semantics- Universal Domains in the Theory of Denotational Semantics of Programming Languages (MD, RG), pp. 19–34.
LICS-1990-MarekNR - A Theory of Nonmonotonic Rule Systems (VWM, AN, JBR), pp. 79–94.
PODS-1989-Bry #database #logic programming- Logic Programming as Constructivism: A Formalization and its Application to Databases (FB), pp. 34–50.
ICALP-1989-LiV89a #approach #complexity- A New Approach to Formal Language Theory by Kolmogorov Complexity (ML, PMBV), pp. 506–520.
KR-1989-CrawfordK #information management #logic #representation #towards- Towards a Theory of Access-Limited Logic for Knowledge Representation (JMC, BK), pp. 67–78.
KR-1989-Przymusinski #logic programming #reasoning- Three-Valued Formalizations of Non-Monotonic Reasoning and Logic Programming (TCP), pp. 341–348.
ML-1989-Greiner #analysis #towards- Towards a Formal Analysis of EBL (RG), pp. 450–453.
ML-1989-Subramanian89a - A Theory of Justified Reformulations (DS), pp. 434–438.
ESEC-1989-DeitersGS #development #modelling #process- Systematic Development of Formal Software Process Models (WD, VG, WS), pp. 100–117.
ESEC-1989-NorrisS - Industrialising Formal Methods for Telecommunications (MTN, SGS), pp. 159–175.
ICSE-1989-PatelONB #tool support- Tools to Support Formal Methods (SP, RAO, MTN, DWB), pp. 123–132.
STOC-1989-Ben-DavidCGL #complexity #on the- On the Theory of Average Case Complexity (SBD, BC, OG, ML), pp. 204–216.
STOC-1989-Ierardi #algebra #quantifier- Quantifier Elimination in the Theory of an Algebraically-closed Field (DI), pp. 138–147.
LICS-1989-Moschovakis #concurrent #game studies #modelling- A Game-Theoretic Modeling of Concurrency (YNM), pp. 154–163.
TAV-1989-Gerhart #assessment #summary- Preliminary Summary: FM89 Assessment of Formal Methods for Trustworthy Computer Systems (SLG), pp. 152–155.
SIGMOD-1988-KorthS #correctness- Formal Model of Correctness Without Serializability (HFK, GDS), pp. 379–386.
VLDB-1988-AspnesFLMW #concurrent #transaction- A Theory of Timestamp-Based Concurrency Control for Nested Transactions (JA, AF, NAL, MM, WEW), pp. 431–444.
VLDB-1988-ShekarSD #execution #optimisation #query #semantics #trade-off- A Formal Model of Trade-off between Optimization and Execution Costs in Semantic Query Optimization (SS, JS, SD), pp. 457–467.
VDME-1988-BorzyszkowskiKS #polymorphism #λ-calculus- A Set-Theoretic Model for a Typed Polymorphic λ Calculus — A Contribution to MetaSoft (AMB, RK, SS), pp. 267–298.
VDME-1988-Ruggles88a #standard- Formal Methods in Standards — A Report from the BCS Working Group (CR), pp. 79–85.
ESOP-1988-BahlkeS #interactive #programming- The PSG System: From Formal Language Definitions to Interactive Programming Environments (RB, GS), pp. 374–375.
ESOP-1988-GaudelM #reuse #usability- A Theory of Software Reusability (MCG, TM), pp. 115–130.
ESOP-1988-Krieg-Bruckner #algebra #development- Algebraic Formalisation of Program Development by Transformation (BKB), pp. 34–48.
JICSCP-1988-ParkerM88 #logic programming #source code- A Theory of Directed Logic Programs and Streams (DSPJ, RRM), pp. 620–650.
LICS-1988-Griffin - Notational definition — a formal account (TG), pp. 372–383.
VLDB-1987-CavalloP #database #probability- The Theory of Probabilistic Databases (RC, MP), pp. 71–81.
ICALP-1987-Karhumaki #on the #roadmap- On Recent Trends in Formal Language Theory (JK), pp. 136–162.
ICALP-1987-Valiant #learning- Recent Developments in the Theory of Learning (LGV), p. 563.
ESEC-1987-DuboisLS #process #specification- Formalising Reconstructuring Operators in a Specification Process (ED, NL, JS), pp. 161–171.
ICSE-1987-Bjorner #development #on the #using- On the Use of Formal Methods in Software Development (DB), pp. 17–29.
STOC-1987-Goldreich #simulation #towards- Towards a Theory of Software Protection and Simulation by Oblivious RAMs (OG), pp. 182–194.
STOC-1987-Smolensky #algebra #bound #complexity- Algebraic Methods in the Theory of Lower Bounds for Boolean Circuit Complexity (RS), pp. 77–82.
SLP-1987-Chen87 #higher-order #logic- A Theory of Modules Based on Second-Order Logic (WC), pp. 24–33.
CRAI-1986-Bjorner #development #graph #metaprogramming #towards- Project Graphs and Meta-Programs. Towards a Theory of Software Development (DB), pp. 117–152.
CRAI-1986-Jones #development- Software Development Based on Formal Methods (CBJ), pp. 153–172.
LICS-1986-MonteiroP #concurrent- A Sheaf-Theoretic Model of Concurrency (LM, FCNP), pp. 66–76.
SLP-1986-Miller86 #logic programming- A Theory of Modules for Logic Programming (DM), pp. 106–114.
ICSE-1985-Chen #development #functional #implementation #programming- Extending the Implementation Scheme of Functional Programming System FP for Supporting the Formal Software Development Methodology (QC), pp. 50–54.
CSE-1985-Floyd #development #on the- On the Relevance of Formal Methods to Software Development (CF), pp. 1–11.
CSE-1985-MaibaumVS #data type #development #question- A Theory of Abstract Data Types for Program Development: Bridging the Gap? (TSEM, PASV, MRS), pp. 214–230.
CSE-1985-MathiassenM #development- Formalization in Systems Development (LM, AMM), pp. 101–116.
PODS-1984-RaihaT #online #towards- Towards a Theory of Online Schedulers (KJR, HT), pp. 323–332.
ICALP-1984-FaginV #dependence #overview #perspective- The Theory of Data Dependencies — An Overview (RF, MYV), pp. 1–22.
ICALP-1984-RestivoR #permutation- Cancellation, Pumping and Permutation in Formal Languages (AR, CR), pp. 414–422.
ICALP-1984-Welzl #encoding #graph #graph grammar- Encoding Graphs by Derivations and Implications for the Theory of Graph Grammars (EW), pp. 503–513.
STOC-1984-Valiant - A Theory of the Learnable (LGV), pp. 436–445.
SLP-1984-Mishra84 #prolog #towards- Towards a Theory of Types in Prolog (PM), pp. 289–298.
PODS-1982-Casanova #dependence #relational- A Theory of Data Dependencies over Relational Expressions (MAC), pp. 189–198.
PODS-1982-HullY #database- The Format Model: A Theory of Database Organization (RH, CKY), pp. 205–211.
VLDB-1982-BjornerL #database- Formalization of Database Systems — and a Formal Definition of IMS (DB, HHL), pp. 334–347.
VLDB-1982-Xu #concurrent #transaction- A Formal Model for Maximum Concurrency in Transaction Systems with Predeclared Writesets (JX), pp. 77–90.
DAC-1982-PitchumaniS #design #verification- A formal method for computer design verification (VP, EPS), pp. 809–814.
STOC-1982-Carter #testing- The Theory of Signature Testing for VLSI (JLC), pp. 66–76.
VLDB-1981-FussellKS #database #protocol- A Theory of Correct Locking Protocols for Database Systems (DSF, ZMK, AS), pp. 112–124.
SIGIR-1981-Farradane #information retrieval- The Basis for a Theory of Information Retrieval (JF), pp. 1–3.
DAC-1981-Burdick #design #process #what- What to do when the seat of your pants wears out — the formalization of the VLSI design process (EB), pp. 708–709.
DAC-1981-HaferP #analysis #design #logic #specification- A formal method for the specification, analysis, and design of register-transfer level digital logic (LJH, ACP), pp. 846–853.
ICALP-1980-KennawayH #nondeterminism- A Theory of Nondeterminism (RK, CARH), pp. 338–350.
CADE-1980-Furtek #constraints #distributed #realtime #specification #using #verification- Specification and Verification of Real-Time, Distributed Systems Using the Theory of Constraints (FCF), pp. 110–125.
ICALP-1979-Rozenberg #approach #parallel- A Systematic Approach to Formal Language Theory Through Parallel Rewriting (GR), pp. 471–478.
SIGMOD-1978-Nicolas #dependence #first-order #functional #logic #multi- First Order Logic Formalization for Functional, Multivalued and Mutual Dependencies (JMN), pp. 40–46.
ICALP-1978-Wiehagen #induction #problem- Characterization Problems in the Theory of Inductive Inference (RW), pp. 494–508.
VDM-1978-Lucas #on the #programming language- On the Formalization of Programming Languages: Early History and Main Approaches (PL), pp. 1–23.
STOC-1978-BrussM #on the- On Time-Space Classes and Their Relation to the Theory of Real Addition (ARB, ARM), pp. 233–239.
STOC-1977-Constable #logic #on the #programming- On the Theory of Programming Logics (RLC), pp. 269–285.
ICALP-1976-LongoZ - A Theory of Computation with an Identity Discriminator (GL, MVZ), pp. 147–167.
STOC-1975-EhrenfeuchtR #on the #predict- On (Un)predictability of Formal Languages (AE, GR), pp. 117–120.
ICALP-1974-Leeuwen #theorem- A Generalisation of Parikh’s Theorem in Formal Language Theory (JvL), pp. 17–26.
DAC-1974-CleemputL #graph #layout #problem- An improved graph-theoretic model for the circuit layout problem (WMvC, JGL), pp. 82–90.
POPL-1973-NolinR - Formalization of Exel (LN, GR), pp. 108–119.
ICALP-1972-Book #complexity- Complexity Classes of Formal Languages (RVB), pp. 517–520.
ICALP-1972-MannaV #approach #fixpoint- Fixpoint Approach to the Theory of Computation (ZM, JV), pp. 273–291.
STOC-1971-Stanat - Formal Languages and Power Series (DFS), pp. 1–11.
STOC-1969-AmorosoLY #array #framework- A Unifying Framework for the Theory of Iterative Arrays of Machines (SA, EL, HY), pp. 259–269.
STOC-1969-Blum69a #compilation #programming language #semantics #towards- Towards a Theory of Semantics and Compilers for Programming Languages (EKB), pp. 217–227.
STOC-1969-MannaP #recursion- Formalization of Properties of Recursively Defined Functions (ZM, AP), pp. 201–210.
STOC-1969-Zeiger #modelling #programming language- Formal Models for Some Features of Programming Languages (HPZ), pp. 211–215.