7 papers:
DLT-2014-GloannecO- Knight Tiles: Particles and Collisions in the Realm of 4-Way Deterministic Tilings (BLG, NO), pp. 227–238.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Bures #data flow #modelling #perspective #research- Modelling of Information Flows in the Business Administration Realm — The Research Perspective (VB), pp. 426–430.
Onward-2011-Verna #biology- Biological realms in computer science (DV), pp. 167–176.
HCD-2009-TavantiC #3d #student- Looking for the 3D Picture: The Spatio-temporal Realm of Student Controllers (MT, MC), pp. 1070–1079.
CSL-2009-CiabattoniST #proving- Expanding the Realm of Systematic Proof Theory (AC, LS, KT), pp. 163–178.
ITiCSE-2006-BiancoL #game studies #named- PlayToLearn: a game adventure in the realm of Si Piuh (GMB, IL), p. 331.
ITiCSE-2004-BiancoT- In the realm of si piuh (GMB, ST), p. 247.