15 papers:
ICALP-v2-2013-Stirling #proving #λ-calculus- Proof Systems for Retracts in Simply Typed λ Calculus (CS), pp. 398–409.
CHI-2013-PohlHHVP #interactive #string- An interactive belt-worn badge with a retractable string-based input mechanism (NP, SH, JH, NV, TP), pp. 1465–1468.
PPDP-2012-LamC #datalog #linear #logic #modelling- Modeling datalog fact assertion and retraction in linear logic (ESLL, IC), pp. 67–78.
ICALP-2007-CaryRS #finite #metric- Paper Retraction: On the Hardness of Embeddings Between Two Finite Metrics (MC, AR, AS), p. 949.
TLCA-2007-Berardi #game studies #semantics- Semantics for Intuitionistic Arithmetic Based on Tarski Games with Retractable Moves (SB), pp. 23–38.
CHI-2006-BlaskoNF #interactive #mobile #prototype #string- Prototyping retractable string-based interaction techniques for dual-display mobile devices (GB, CN, SF), pp. 369–372.
CSL-2004-Schubert #on the- On the Building of Affine Retractions (AS), pp. 205–219.
LICS-2004-DalmauKL #first-order #graph #problem #reflexive- First-Order Definable Retraction Problems for Posets and Reflexive Graph (VD, AAK, BL), pp. 232–241.
TLCA-2001-Padovani- Retracts in Simple Types (VP), pp. 376–384.
STOC-1997-FortnowS #linear #probability- Retraction of Probabilistic Computation and Linear Time (LF, MS), p. 750.
ICLP-1995-CodognetR #constraints #programming- NMCC Programming: Constraint Enforcement and Retracting in CC Programming (PC, FR), pp. 417–431.
LICS-1992-LiguoroPS #λ-calculus- Retracts in simply typed λβη-calculus (Ud, AP, RS), pp. 461–469.
STOC-1983-ODunlaingSY #approach #named- Retraction: A New Approach to Motion-Planning (Extended Abstract) (CÓ, MS, CKY), pp. 207–220.
ICALP-1980-HornungR #algebra #data type #semantics- Terminal Algebra Semantics and Retractions for Abstract Data Types (GH, PR), pp. 310–323.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-retracted- (paper retracted).