10 papers:
DATE-2013-JimenezNI #named- Phœnix: reviving MLC blocks as SLC to extend NAND flash devices lifetime (XJ, DN, PI), pp. 226–229.
DAC-2012-JogMXXNID #architecture #performance- Cache revive: architecting volatile STT-RAM caches for enhanced performance in CMPs (AJ, AKM, CX, YX, VN, RI, CRD), pp. 243–252.
VLDB-2010-ElbassuoniHMS #documentation #information management #named- ROXXI: Reviving witness dOcuments to eXplore eXtracted Information (SE, KH, SM, RS), pp. 1589–1592.
CIKM-2010-TianHZLL #network #social- Boosting social network connectivity with link revival (YT, QH, QZ, XL, WCL), pp. 589–598.
MoDELS-2009-WimmerKSKRS #debugging #modelling #petri net #qvt #using- Reviving QVT Relations: Model-Based Debugging Using Colored Petri Nets (MW, AK, JS, GK, WR, WS), pp. 727–732.
MoDELS-2009-WimmerKSKRS #debugging #modelling #petri net #qvt #using- Reviving QVT Relations: Model-Based Debugging Using Colored Petri Nets (MW, AK, JS, GK, WR, WS), pp. 727–732.
CBSE-2008-Brada #black box #component- The CoSi Component Model: Reviving the Black-Box Nature of Components (PB), pp. 318–333.
VLDB-2008-FanGJ08a #constraints- A revival of integrity constraints for data cleaning (WF, FG, XJ), pp. 1522–1523.
CSCW-2000-Putnam #community- Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of American community (RDP), p. 357.
POPL-1994-FeigenKCX- The Revival Transformation (LF, DK, RC, XX), pp. 421–434.