14 papers:
PPoPP-2014-OdairaCT #hardware #interpreter #memory management #ruby #transaction- Eliminating global interpreter locks in ruby through hardware transactional memory (RO, JGC, HT), pp. 131–142.
MSR-2013-WagstromJS #dataset #graph #network #ruby- A network of rails: a graph dataset of ruby on rails and associated projects (PW, CJ, AS), pp. 229–232.
SAC-2013-RenTSF #ruby- The ruby type checker (BMR, JT, TSS, JSF), pp. 1565–1572.
POPL-2011-AnCFH #ruby #static typing- Dynamic inference of static types for ruby (Jh(A, AC, JSF, MH), pp. 459–472.
ISSTA-2011-NijjarB #bound #modelling #ruby #verification- Bounded verification of Ruby on Rails data models (JN, TB), pp. 67–77.
ASE-2009-AnCF #ruby #static typing #type system- Static Typing for Ruby on Rails (Jh(A, AC, JSF), pp. 590–594.
SAC-2009-FurrAFH #ruby #static typing #type inference- Static type inference for Ruby (MF, Jh(A, JSF, MWH), pp. 1859–1866.
ITiCSE-2007-Sheehan #education #operating system #ruby- Teaching operating systems with ruby (RJS), pp. 38–42.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Maximilien #approach #challenge #problem #ruby #semantics #using #web #web service- A Partial Solution to the Semantic Web Services Challenge Problem Using Swashup — The Ruby on Rails Services Mashup Approach (EMM), pp. 438–446.
ECMDA-FA-2006-CuadradoMT #model transformation #named- RubyTL: A Practical, Extensible Transformation Language (JSC, JGM, MMT), pp. 158–172.
HPDC-2004-Aycock #memory management #ruby- MPI Ruby with Remote Memory Access (CCA), pp. 280–281.
TOOLS-USA-2001-McBreen #concept #object-oriented #ruby- Introducing OO Concepts with Ruby (PM), p. 379.
CADE-1996-Rasmussen #ruby- An Embedding of Ruby in Isabelle (OR), pp. 186–200.
CAiSE-1989-CauvetRL #information management- Information System Engineering: The RUBIS System (CC, CR, JYL).