4 papers:
HPDC-2014-WuC #fault #named #online- FT-ScaLAPACK: correcting soft errors on-line for ScaLAPACK cholesky, QR, and LU factorization routines (PW, ZC), pp. 49–60.
ESEC-FSE-2009-ShaoKP #named #parallel #semantics- SCA: a semantic conflict analyzer for parallel changes (DS, SK, DEP), pp. 291–292.
DATE-2007-GailliardNSV #modelling #transaction- Transaction level modelling of SCA compliant software defined radio waveforms and platforms PIM/PSM (GG, EN, MS, FV), pp. 966–971.
HPDC-1998-QuinnMS #matlab #named- Otter: Bridging the Gap between MATLAB and ScaLAPACK (MJQ, AGM, NS), pp. 114–121.