4 papers:
VLDB-2010-CurinoZJM #approach #clustering #database #named #replication- Schism: a Workload-Driven Approach to Database Replication and Partitioning (CC, YZ, EPCJ, SM), pp. 48–57.
PLDI-2010-PizloZMHBV #garbage collection #named #realtime- Schism: fragmentation-tolerant real-time garbage collection (FP, LZ, PM, ALH, EB, JV), pp. 146–159.
PEPM-1993-Consel93a #higher-order #partial evaluation- A Tour of Schism: A Partial Evaluation System For Higher-Order Applicative Languages (CC), pp. 145–154.
ESOP-1988-Consel #empirical #partial evaluation- New Insights into Partial Evaluation: the SCHISM Experiment (CC), pp. 236–246.