14 papers:
ICDAR-1999-AtalayA #documentation- An SGML based Viewer for Form Documents (VA, EA), pp. 201–204.
SIGIR-1998-MyaengJKZ #documentation #flexibility #retrieval- A Flexible Model for Retrieval of SGML Documents (SHM, DHJ, MSK, ZCZ), pp. 138–145.
SAC-1998-DAntonaC #approach #documentation #named- ANATEMA: a neural approach to extended markup of SGML documents (OMD, MWLC), pp. 297–302.
SAC-1998-MatzenH #web- A new tool for SGML with applications for the World Wide Web (RWM, GEH), pp. 752–759.
ICDAR-1997-MoinB #documentation #online #recognition- Structure Recognition of On-line Handwritten Documents Based on SGML (SM, JJB), pp. 649–652.
DLT-1997-Neumann #ambiguity #automaton #modelling #revisited- Unambiguity of SGML Content Models — Pushdown Automata Revisited (AN), pp. 507–518.
SAC-1997-FontanaF #documentation #evaluation #fuzzy #using- Using fuzzy grammars for the evaluation of SGML-based documents (FAF, FF), pp. 202–203.
VLDB-1996-Sacks-Davis #database #documentation- The Structured Information Manager: A Database System for SGML Documents (RSD), p. 596.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LefevreR #documentation #layout #named- ODIL: an SGML description language of the layout structure of documents (PL, FR), pp. 480–488.
ICSM-1994-CowanGLS #comprehension #readability #using- Enhancing Code for Readability and Comprehension Using SGML (DDC, DMG, CJPdL, AvS), pp. 181–190.
SEKE-1994-ReinfeldsK #information management #representation #visualisation- Visualization and transformation of SGML knowledge representation structures (JR, KK), pp. 330–335.
CIKM-1993-ZhengR #hypermedia- Text-Hypertext Mutual Conversion and Hypertext Interchange through SGML (MZ, RR), pp. 139–147.
SAC-1993-MatzenGH #ambiguity- A Model for Studying Ambiguity in SGML Element Declarations (RWM, KMG, GEH), pp. 665–676.
HCI-SES-1987-Roesser- A Notation for the Input and Storage of Mathematics: An Application of SGML (JRR), pp. 137–142.