25 papers:
MLDM-2013-DoganBK #algorithm #integration #self- SOM++: Integration of Self-Organizing Map and K-Means++ Algorithms (YD, DB, AK), pp. 246–259.
HIMI-v1-2011-TogawaKY #communication #detection #network #peer-to-peer #using #visualisation- Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Communication Detection Using Spherical SOM Visualization for Network Management (ST, KK, YY), pp. 259–267.
ITiCSE-2010-HauptHPGMBHKK #education #product line #research #virtual machine- The SOM family: virtual machines for teaching and research (MH, RH, TP, GG, SM, AB, AH, MK, RK), pp. 18–22.
ICPR-2010-MarinaiMS #clustering #identification #recognition- Bag of Characters and SOM Clustering for Script Recognition and Writer Identification (SM, BM, GS), pp. 2182–2185.
MLDM-2009-ElghazelB #towards- Towards B-Coloring of SOM (HE, KB), pp. 322–336.
SAC-2008-CorreaL #documentation #hybrid #semantics- Semantic mapping and K-means applied to hybrid SOM-based document organization system construction (RFC, TBL), pp. 1112–1116.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenCC #comparison- A Comparison of Texture Features Based on SVM and SOM (CMC, CCC, CCC), pp. 630–633.
ICPR-v2-2006-GuptaD #detection #multi #using- Texture Edge Detection using Multi-resolution Features and SOM (LG, SD), pp. 199–202.
ICPR-v2-2006-LefebvreLRG #classification #comparison #image #process- Supervised Image Classification by SOM Activity Map Comparison (GL, CL, JR, CG), pp. 728–731.
ICPR-v2-2006-LuXL #hybrid #recognition- A Hybrid Recognition Scheme Based on Partially Labeled SOM and MLP (SL, CX, YL), pp. 800–803.
MLDM-2005-HuysmansBV- A Comprehensible SOM-Based Scoring System (JH, BB, JV), pp. 80–89.
ICPR-v2-2004-KoskelaLO #clustering #image #metric #retrieval- Entropy-Based Measures for Clustering and SOM Topology Preservation Applied to Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval (MK, JL, EO), pp. 1005–1009.
ICPR-v2-2004-WeiXMJS #hybrid- A Hybrid SOM-SVM Method for Analyzing Zebra Fish Gene Expression (WW, LX, XM, PJ, RS), pp. 323–326.
ICPR-v4-2004-WongCSI #3d #clustering #modelling #retrieval- Indexing and Retrieval of 3D Models by Unsupervised Clustering with Hierarchical SOM (HSW, KKTC, YS, HHSI), pp. 613–616.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SalemSH #approach #fuzzy #hybrid #recognition #self- A Hybrid Approach for Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition: Combining Self-Organizing Maps (SOMS) and Fuzzy Rules (ABMS, MMS, MKH), pp. 529–532.
SAC-2003-Tufts-ConradZZ #feature model #named #summary- SOM — Feature Extraction from Patient Discharge Summaries (DJTC, ANZH, DZ), pp. 263–267.
ICPR-v2-2002-SaalbachHR #representation- Representing Object Manifolds by Parametrized SOMs (AS, GH, HJR), pp. 184–187.
SIGIR-2002-BinghamKL #analysis #documentation- ICA and SOM in text document analysis (EB, JK, KL), pp. 361–362.
HT-1999-RizzoAF #network- Hypertext-Like Structures Through a SOM Network (RR, MA, GF), pp. 71–72.
SIGIR-1997-ChenRS #visual notation- Visual SOM (Abstract) (HC, MR, TRS), p. 336.
OOPSLA-1995-FormanCDR- Release-to-Release Binary Compatibility in SOM (IRF, MHC, SD, LKR), pp. 426–438.
OOPSLA-1994-DanforthF- Reflections on Metaclass Rorgramming in SOM (SD, IRF), pp. 440–452.
OOPSLA-1994-FormanDM #composition- Composition of Before/After Metaclasses in SOM (IRF, SD, HM), pp. 427–439.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-DanforthF- Derived Metaclasses in SOM (SD, IRF), pp. 63–73.
SAC-1994-AleshunasCB #classification- Classification characteristics of SOM and ART2 (JJA, DCSC, WEB), pp. 297–302.