4 papers:
CAiSE-2001-BielkowiczT #comparison #evaluation #process #specification- A Comparison and Evaluation of Data Requirement Specification Techniques in SSADM and the Unified Process (PB, TTT), pp. 46–59.
WCRE-1993-EdwardsM #cobol #named #reverse engineering #specification- RECAST: Reverse Engineering from COBOL to SSADM Specifications (HME, MM), pp. 44–53.
FME-1993-PolackWM- The SAZ Project: Integrating SSADM and Z. (FP, MW, KM), pp. 541–557.
ICSE-1993-EdwardsM #cobol #named #reverse engineering #specification- RECAST: Reverse Engineering from COBOL to SSADM Specification (HME, MM), pp. 499–508.