2463 papers:
ECSA-2015-KallelTTDK #architecture #automation #component #constraints #specification- Automatic Translation of Architecture Constraint Specifications into Components (SK, BT, CT, CD, AHK), pp. 322–338.
ECSA-2015-RademacherPS #design #domain-specific language #framework #independence #web #web service- Design of a Domain-Specific Language Based on a Technology-Independent Web Service Framework (FR, MP, SS), pp. 357–371.
CASE-2015-SemeniutaF #approach #data flow #formal method #industrial #specification- Discrete event dataflow as a formal approach to specification of industrial vision systems (OS, PF), pp. 849–854.
DAC-2015-GuSZCH #embedded #memory management #performance- Area and performance co-optimization for domain wall memory in application-specific embedded systems (SG, EHMS, QZ, YC, JH), p. 6.
DAC-2015-SumbulVZFP #design #in memory #synthesis- A synthesis methodology for application-specific logic-in-memory designs (HES, KV, QZ, FF, LP), p. 6.
DATE-2015-EgilmezMME #smarttech- User-specific skin temperature-aware DVFS for smartphones (BE, GM, SOM, OE), pp. 1217–1220.
DATE-2015-KimFPSL #framework #implementation #modelling #verification- Platform-specific timing verification framework in model-based implementation (BK, LF, LTXP, OS, IL), pp. 235–240.
DATE-2015-YanCC #consistency #natural language #specification- Formal consistency checking over specifications in natural languages (RY, CHC, YC), pp. 1677–1682.
SIGMOD-2015-QiaoO #benchmark #metric #named #rdf- RBench: Application-Specific RDF Benchmarking (SQ, ZMÖ), pp. 1825–1838.
VLDB-2015-JiangN #feedback #interactive #named #query #specification- SnapToQuery: Providing Interactive Feedback during Exploratory Query Specification (LJ, AN), pp. 1250–1261.
VLDB-2015-QiuBDSS #named #scalability #specification #web- DEXTER: Large-Scale Discovery and Extraction of Product Specifications on the Web (DQ, LB, XLD, YS, DS), pp. 2194–2205.
FASE-2015-BrennerGS #distributed #on the fly #specification #synthesis- On-the-Fly Synthesis of Scarcely Synchronizing Distributed Controllers from Scenario-Based Specifications (CB, JG, WS), pp. 51–65.
FASE-2015-ShinBOBH #prototype #specification- Resource Specification for Prototyping Human-Intensive Systems (SYS, YB, LJO, HB, PLH), pp. 332–346.
TACAS-2015-AlurMT #refinement #specification #synthesis- Pattern-Based Refinement of Assume-Guarantee Specifications in Reactive Synthesis (RA, SM, UT), pp. 501–516.
TACAS-2015-DemasiCRMA #fault tolerance #named #source code #specification- syntMaskFT: A Tool for Synthesizing Masking Fault-Tolerant Programs from Deontic Specifications (RD, PFC, NR, TSEM, NA), pp. 188–193.
ICSME-2015-MedicherlaKN #specification #using #verification- Program specialization and verification using file format specifications (RKM, RK, SN), pp. 191–200.
ICSME-2015-SantosAEDV #program transformation #source code- System specific, source code transformations (GS, NA, AE, SD, MTV), pp. 221–230.
SANER-2015-LeL #metric #mining #rule-based #specification- Beyond support and confidence: Exploring interestingness measures for rule-based specification mining (TDBL, DL), pp. 331–340.
SANER-2015-Lorenz #inheritance #quality #specification- The impact of column-orientation on the quality of class inheritance mapping specifications (ML), p. 597.
SCAM-2015-SantosEADV #game studies #program transformation #source code- Recording and replaying system specific, source code transformations (GS, AE, NA, SD, MTV), pp. 221–230.
PLDI-2015-LeQC #specification #termination- Termination and non-termination specification inference (TCL, SQ, WNC), pp. 489–498.
PLDI-2015-LongfieldNMT #self #specification- Preventing glitches and short circuits in high-level self-timed chip specifications (SLJ, BN, RM, RT), pp. 270–279.
ICALP-v2-2015-JagadeesanR #consistency #specification- From Sequential Specifications to Eventual Consistency (RJ, JR), pp. 247–259.
LATA-2015-AutiliIMST #automation #specification #synthesis- Automated Synthesis of Application-Layer Connectors from Automata-Based Specifications (MA, PI, FM, RS, MT), pp. 3–24.
LATA-2015-VerdierR #constraints #reachability #specification- Quotient of Acceptance Specifications Under Reachability Constraints (GV, JBR), pp. 299–311.
FM-2015-AhrendtCPS #runtime #specification #verification- A Specification Language for Static and Runtime Verification of Data and Control Properties (WA, JMC, GJP, GS), pp. 108–125.
FM-2015-DangDP #logic #parametricity #specification #synthesis- Parameter Synthesis Through Temporal Logic Specifications (TD, TD, CP), pp. 213–230.
SEFM-2015-AmighiDBH #source code #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Atomic Operations in GPGPU Programs (AA, SD, SB, MH), pp. 69–83.
SEFM-2015-Vanspauwen0 #encryption #implementation #library #protocol #specification #verification- Verifying Protocol Implementations by Augmenting Existing Cryptographic Libraries with Specifications (GV, BJ), pp. 53–68.
DUXU-IXD-2015-PoonLLLZCY #novel #smarttech- A Novel User-Specific Wearable Controller for Surgical Robots (CCYP, EYYL, KCL, BHKL, YZ, PWYC, YY), pp. 693–701.
AdaEurope-2015-MkaouarZHJ #specification- From AADL Model to LNT Specification (HM, BZ, JH, MJ), pp. 146–161.
CAiSE-2015-MrasekMB #automation #declarative #generative #modelling #process #specification- Automatic Generation of Optimized Process Models from Declarative Specifications (RM, JAM, KB), pp. 382–397.
CAiSE-2015-VidalCARLLR #incremental #linked data #maintenance #open data #specification- Specification and Incremental Maintenance of Linked Data Mashup Views (VMPV, MAC, NA, MR, LAPPL, GRL, CR), pp. 214–229.
ICEIS-v1-2015-PfaffK #automation #benchmark #classification #documentation #identification #metric #natural language- Natural Language Processing Techniques for Document Classification in IT Benchmarking — Automated Identification of Domain Specific Terms (MP, HK), pp. 360–366.
ICEIS-v2-2015-BandyszakRWP #analysis #information management #specification #validation- Supporting the Validation of Structured Analysis Specifications in the Engineering of Information Systems by Test Path Exploration (TB, MR, TW, KP), pp. 252–259.
ICEIS-v3-2015-ValentimCM #analysis #case study #specification- Evaluating an Inspection Technique for Use Case Specifications — Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis (NMCV, TC, JCM), pp. 13–24.
ECIR-2015-GossenDR #interactive #specification- The iCrawl Wizard — Supporting Interactive Focused Crawl Specification (GG, ED, TR), pp. 797–800.
ECIR-2015-RuotsaloH #semantics- Exploiting Semantic Annotations for Domain-Specific Entity Search (TR, EH), pp. 358–369.
ICML-2015-TangSX #learning #network- Learning Scale-Free Networks by Dynamic Node Specific Degree Prior (QT, SS, JX), pp. 2247–2255.
KDD-2015-GongSRG #modelling- Instance Weighting for Patient-Specific Risk Stratification Models (JJG, TMS, JDR, JVG), pp. 369–378.
MLDM-2015-RibeiroOFVC #modelling- Patient-Specific Modeling of Medical Data (GASR, ACMdO, ALSF, SV, GFC), pp. 415–424.
SEKE-2015-AdornesGLF #architecture #distributed #domain-specific language #memory management #pipes and filters- A Unified MapReduce Domain-Specific Language for Distributed and Shared Memory Architectures (DA, DG, CL, LGF), pp. 619–624.
SEKE-2015-BonifacioCFPK #domain-specific language #named #rest #specification- NeoIDL: A Domain-Specific Language for Specifying REST Services (RB, TMC, RF, AP, UK), pp. 613–618.
SEKE-2015-ChenZWLPW #mining #probability #specification- Mining Universal Specification Based on Probabilistic Model (DC, YZ, RW, XL, LP, WW), pp. 471–476.
SEKE-2015-MagalhaesAM #approach #framework #independence #model transformation #on the #specification- On the Specification of Model Transformations through a Platform Independent Approach (APM, AMSA, RSPM), pp. 558–561.
SIGIR-2015-Bravo-MarquezFP #twitter #word- From Unlabelled Tweets to Twitter-specific Opinion Words (FBM, EF, BP), pp. 743–746.
ECMFA-J-2012-LaraGC15 #metamodelling #modelling- Model-driven engineering with domain-specific meta-modelling languages (JdL, EG, JSC), pp. 429–459.
ICMT-J-2012-GuerraS15 #model transformation #testing- Specification-driven model transformation testing (EG, MS), pp. 623–644.
ECMFA-2015-BousseMCB #approach #generative #metamodelling- A Generative Approach to Define Rich Domain-Specific Trace Metamodels (EB, TM, BC, BB), pp. 45–61.
MoDELS-2015-HolldoblerRW #model transformation- Systematically deriving domain-specific transformation languages (KH, BR, IW), pp. 136–145.
MoDELS-2015-MannaSG #combinator #specification #testing- Synthesizing tests for combinatorial coverage of modal scenario specifications (VPLM, IS, JG), pp. 126–135.
MoDELS-2015-PescadorGGCL #development #domain-specific language #modelling- Pattern-based development of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (AP, AG, EG, JSC, JdL), pp. 166–175.
MoDELS-2015-ValentimROCM #case study #empirical #specification #usability- A controlled experiment with Usability Inspection Techniques applied to Use Case Specifications: comparing the MIT 1 and the UCE techniques (NMCV, JR, ACO, TC, SM), pp. 206–215.
GPCE-2015-AdamS #domain-specific language #tool support #towards- Towards tool support for spreadsheet-based domain-specific languages (SA, UPS), pp. 95–98.
GPCE-2015-RingertRW #behaviour #code generation #tool support- Composing code generators for C&C ADLs with Application-specific behavior languages (tool demonstration) (JOR, BR, AW), pp. 113–116.
PPDP-2015-Al-HumaimeedyF #multi #specification #verification- Enhancing the specification and verification techniques of multiparty sessions in SOC (ASAH, MF), pp. 19–30.
QAPL-2015-MartinelliMS #security #specification- Semiring-based Specification Approaches for Quantitative Security (FM, IM, FS), pp. 95–109.
POPL-2015-BastaniAA #context-free grammar #reachability #specification #using- Specification Inference Using Context-Free Language Reachability (OB, SA, AA), pp. 553–566.
POPL-2015-GuKRSWWZG #abstraction #specification- Deep Specifications and Certified Abstraction Layers (RG, JK, TR, ZS, X(W, SCW, HZ, YG), pp. 595–608.
REFSQ-2015-LiHBG0M #refinement #requirements #specification- From Stakeholder Requirements to Formal Specifications Through Refinement (FLL, JH, AB, GG, LL, JM), pp. 164–180.
REFSQ-2015-LiHM #requirements #security #specification- Analyzing and Enforcing Security Mechanisms on Requirements Specifications (TL, JH, JM), pp. 115–131.
SAC-2015-BraunschweigTEL #web- Column-specific context extraction for web tables (KB, MT, JE, WL), pp. 1072–1077.
SAC-2015-JeongYAYP #algorithm #interactive #network #search-based #using- Inference of disease-specific gene interaction network using a Bayesian network learned by genetic algorithm (DJ, YY, JA, YY, SP), pp. 47–53.
SAC-2015-JuniorL #case study #named #reuse #specification- M-4REuse: reusing use cases specifications (MMCJ, ML), pp. 1390–1396.
SAC-2015-KassingOBH #community #social- Locating domain-specific contents and experts on social bookmarking communities (SK, JO, AB, GJH), pp. 747–752.
SAC-2015-MoralesNSA #named #requirements #specification- TRiStar: an i* extension for teleo-reactive systems requirements specifications (JMM, EN, PS, DA), pp. 283–288.
SAC-2015-RrushiFNHCP #protocol #specification- By-design vulnerabilities in the ANSI C12.22 protocol specification (JLR, HF, RN, CH, KC, AP), pp. 2231–2236.
SAC-2015-SousaS #domain-specific language #simulation #tool support- A domain specific language for spatial simulation scenarios (DSL3S): introduction and tool support (LdS, ARdS), pp. 1854–1856.
SAC-2015-VorobyovKS #monitoring #specification- A concise specification language for trace monitoring (KV, PK, PS), pp. 1637–1640.
ESEC-FSE-2015-MaozR #ltl #specification #synthesis- GR(1) synthesis for LTL specification patterns (SM, JOR), pp. 96–106.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Olajubu #domain-specific language #modelling- A textual domain specific language for requirement modelling (OO), pp. 1060–1062.
ESEC-FSE-2015-WangPGBI #automation #case study #named #specification #testing #tool support- UMTG: a toolset to automatically generate system test cases from use case specifications (CW, FP, AG, LCB, MZZI), pp. 942–945.
ESEC-FSE-2015-XiongH0ZZL- Inner oracles: input-specific assertions on internal states (YX, DH, LZ, TZ, MZ, TL), pp. 902–905.
ICSE-v1-2015-BaresiKR #ltl #performance #scalability #specification #verification- Efficient Scalable Verification of LTL Specifications (LB, MMPK, MR), pp. 711–721.
ICSE-v2-2015-RajanNL0 #behaviour #repository #scalability #specification- Inferring Behavioral Specifications from Large-scale Repositories by Leveraging Collective Intelligence (HR, TNN, GTL, RD), pp. 579–582.
SLE-2015-LatombeCCDP #concurrent #domain-specific language #execution #modelling #weaving- Weaving concurrency in executable domain-specific modeling languages (FL, XC, BC, JD, MP), pp. 125–136.
SLE-2015-Lopez-Fernandez #validation #visual notation- Example-based validation of domain-specific visual languages (JJLF, EG, JdL), pp. 101–112.
SLE-2015-MaroSATG #domain-specific language #editing #experience #industrial #on the #uml #visual notation- On integrating graphical and textual editors for a UML profile based domain specific language: an industrial experience (SM, JPS, AA, MT, LG), pp. 1–12.
SPLC-2015-CordyDGGH #product line #specification- All-at-once-synthesis of controllers from scenario-based product line specifications (MC, JMD, JG, EG, PH), pp. 26–35.
CC-2015-St-AmourAF #feature model #profiling- Feature-Specific Profiling (VSA, LA, MF), pp. 49–68.
CGO-2015-HasabnisQS #architecture #code generation #correctness #specification- Checking correctness of code generator architecture specifications (NH, RQ, RS), pp. 167–178.
LCTES-2015-ManilovFMA- Free Rider: A Tool for Retargeting Platform-Specific Intrinsic Functions (SM, BF, AM, CA), p. 10.
SOSP-2015-RidgeSTGMS #file system #named #specification #testing- SibylFS: formal specification and oracle-based testing for POSIX and real-world file systems (TR, DS, TT, AG, AM, PS), pp. 38–53.
CAV-2015-GardnerSWW #javascript #specification- A Trusted Mechanised Specification of JavaScript: One Year On (PG, GS, CW, TW), pp. 3–10.
CAV-2015-GehrDV #commutative #learning #specification- Learning Commutativity Specifications (TG, DD, MTV), pp. 307–323.
CAV-2015-ManskyGZ #axiom #memory management #modelling #specification- An Axiomatic Specification for Sequential Memory Models (WM, DG, SZ), pp. 413–428.
ICLP-2015-Hallen #data mining #higher-order #logic #mining #specification- Higher Order Support in Logic Specification Languages for Data Mining Applications (MvdH).
ISSTA-2015-ClappAA #data flow #mining #named #specification- Modelgen: mining explicit information flow specifications from concrete executions (LC, SA, AA), pp. 129–140.
ISSTA-2015-WangPGBI #automation #case study #generative #specification #testing- Automatic generation of system test cases from use case specifications (CW, FP, AG, LCB, MZZI), pp. 385–396.
RTA-2015-VerguNV #domain-specific language #named #semantics #specification- DynSem: A DSL for Dynamic Semantics Specification (VAV, PN, EV), pp. 365–378.
TAP-2015-SoekenSD #invariant #ocl #specification- Coverage of OCL Operation Specifications and Invariants (MS, JS, RD), pp. 191–207.
TLCA-2015-Frey #specification- Realizability Toposes from Specifications (JF), pp. 196–210.
VMCAI-2015-SalaunY #algebra #debugging #process #specification- Debugging Process Algebra Specifications (GS, LY), pp. 245–262.
CBSE-2014-Slotos #specification- A specification schema for software connectors (TS), pp. 139–148.
ECSA-2014-KochHD #generative #requirements #specification- Generating EAST-ADL Event Chains from Scenario-Based Requirements Specifications (TK, JH, JD), pp. 146–153.
ECSA-2014-PalmaMTG #detection #specification #web #web service- Specification and Detection of SOA Antipatterns in Web Services (FP, NM, GT, YGG), pp. 58–73.
QoSA-2014-JohnsonC #architecture #evolution #performance #smt #specification- Efficient re-resolution of SMT specifications for evolving software architectures (KJ, RC), pp. 93–102.
ASE-2014-0004MPC #towards #traceability- Towards an intelligent domain-specific traceability solution (JG, NM, CP, JCH), pp. 755–766.
ASE-2014-HagiharaESY #satisfiability #set #specification- Minimal strongly unsatisfiable subsets of reactive system specifications (SH, NE, MS, NY), pp. 629–634.
ASE-2014-MolotnikovVR #automation #c #verification- Automated domain-specific C verification with mbeddr (ZM, MV, DR), pp. 539–550.
DAC-2014-MukherjeeL- Leveraging pre-silicon data to diagnose out-of-specification failures in mixed-signal circuits (PM, PL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-Rodriguez-NavasSHNLL #approach #automation #functional #safety #specification #verification- Automated Specification and Verification of Functional Safety in Heavy-Vehicles: the VeriSpec Approach (GRN, CCS, HH, MN, OL, HL), p. 4.
DAC-2014-ShankarSWP #analysis #concept #design #specification- Ontology-guided Conceptual Analysis of Design Specifications (AS, BPS, FGW, CAP), p. 6.
DATE-2014-NawinneSJP #performance- Hardware-based fast exploration of cache hierarchies in application specific MPSoCs (IN, JS, HJ, SP), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-SinghSWPWC #analysis #specification- Cross-correlation of specification and RTL for soft IP analysis (BPS, AS, FGW, CAP, DJW, SC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-VenkateshSKA #named #specification- EDT: A specification notation for reactive systems (RV, US, GMK, SA), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ZhangS #automation #design #specification- Automatic specification granularity tuning for design space exploration (JZ, GS), pp. 1–6.
HT-2014-ChelaruHNS #communication #network- Recognizing skill networks and their specific communication and connection practices (SC, EH, KDN, PS), pp. 13–23.
SIGMOD-2014-ArnoldHFSKL #database #set- An application-specific instruction set for accelerating set-oriented database primitives (OA, SH, GF, BS, TK, WL), pp. 767–778.
SIGMOD-2014-Musleh #analysis #twitter #visual notation- Spatio-temporal visual analysis for event-specific tweets (MM), pp. 1611–1612.
FASE-2014-CohenM #analysis #configuration management #semantics #specification- Semantically Configurable Analysis of Scenario-Based Specifications (BC, SM), pp. 185–199.
FoSSaCS-2014-MossakowskiT #calculus #specification- A Relatively Complete Calculus for Structured Heterogeneous Specifications (TM, AT), pp. 441–456.
TACAS-2014-FinkbeinerT #detection #distributed #specification- Detecting Unrealizable Specifications of Distributed Systems (BF, LT), pp. 78–92.
TACAS-2014-HuangM #semantics #specification #synthesis- Symbolic Synthesis for Epistemic Specifications with Observational Semantics (XH, RvdM), pp. 455–469.
TACAS-2014-PiskacWZ #named #specification #verification- GRASShopper — Complete Heap Verification with Mixed Specifications (RP, TW, DZ), pp. 124–139.
TACAS-2014-Wang0LWL #automaton #specification- Are Timed Automata Bad for a Specification Language? Language Inclusion Checking for Timed Automata (TW, JS, YL, XW, SL), pp. 310–325.
WRLA-2014-SunM #fault tolerance #specification- Formal Specification of Button-Related Fault-Tolerance Micropatterns (MS, JM), pp. 263–279.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-TianLL #automation #database #similarity #word- Automated construction of a software-specific word similarity database (YT, DL, JLL), pp. 44–53.
ICSME-2014-Palma #detection #specification- Specification and Detection of SOA Antipatterns (FP), p. 670.
IFM-2014-BrideKP #constraints #specification #theorem proving #using #verification #workflow- Verifying Modal Workflow Specifications Using Constraint Solving (HB, OK, FP), pp. 171–186.
IFM-2014-OliveiraSF #model checking #specification- Model-Checking Circus State-Rich Specifications (MVMO, ACAS, MSCF), pp. 39–54.
SEFM-2014-AlrajehC #automation #composition #detection #specification- Automated Error-Detection and Repair for Compositional Software Specifications (DA, RC), pp. 111–127.
SEFM-2014-HusterHERBKR #flexibility #invariant #specification- More Flexible Object Invariants with Less Specification Overhead (SH, PH, HE, JR, SB, TK, WR), pp. 302–316.
ICFP-2014-GibbonsW #domain-specific language #functional- Folding domain-specific languages: deep and shallow embeddings (functional Pearl) (JG, NW), pp. 339–347.
IFL-2014-AronssonAS #domain-specific language #embedded- Stream Processing for Embedded Domain Specific Languages (MA, EA, MS), p. 8.
ICGT-2014-SelimLCDO #graph #model transformation #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Graph-Based Model Transformation Properties (GMKS, LL, JRC, JD, BJO), pp. 113–129.
CHI-2014-YangW #named #specification #web- Panelrama: enabling easy specification of cross-device web applications (JY, DW), pp. 2783–2792.
DUXU-DP-2014-ShafiqCIFAAI #design #effectiveness #interactive #personalisation #visual notation- Skill Specific Spoken Dialogues Based Personalized ATM Design to Maximize Effective Interaction for Visually Impaired Persona (MS, JGC, MI, MF, MA, IA, AI), pp. 446–457.
VISSOFT-2014-BergelMDG #dependence #domain-specific language #graph #visualisation- A Domain-Specific Language for Visualizing Software Dependencies as a Graph (AB, SM, SD, TG), pp. 45–49.
HILT-2014-BaggeH #algebra #api #specification #why- Specification of generic APIs, or: why algebraic may be better than pre/post (AHB, MH), pp. 71–80.
HILT-2014-Larson #semantics #specification- Formal semantics for the PACEMAKER system specification (BRL), pp. 47–60.
CAiSE-2014-CarvalhoAG #domain-specific language #ontology #semantics #using- Using Reference Domain Ontologies to Define the Real-World Semantics of Domain-Specific Languages (VAdC, JPAA, GG), pp. 488–502.
CAiSE-2014-ChatzikonstantinouAK #reasoning #specification- Task Specification and Reasoning in Dynamically Altered Contexts (GC, MA, KK), pp. 625–639.
EDOC-2014-SchutzS #modelling- Customization of Domain-Specific Reference Models for Data Warehouses (CGS, MS), pp. 61–70.
ICEIS-v1-2014-OliveiraB #independence #process #specification #towards- ETL Patterns on YAWL — Towards to the Specification of Platform-independent Data Warehousing Populating Processes (BCdSO, OB), pp. 299–307.
ICEIS-v1-2014-PfaffK #benchmark #distributed #integration #metric #ontology #semantics #towards- Semantic Integration of Semi-Structured Distributed Data in the Domain of IT Benchmarking — Towards a Domain Specific Ontology (MP, HK), pp. 320–324.
ICEIS-v2-2014-PfisterHN #agile #concurrent #design #diagrams #framework #metamodelling #modelling #synthesis #towards #visual notation- A Framework for Concurrent Design of Metamodels and Diagrams — Towards an Agile Method for the Synthesis of Domain Specific Graphical Modeling Languages (FP, MH, CN), pp. 298–306.
ICEIS-v2-2014-Silva #automation #framework #quality #requirements #specification #validation- Quality of Requirements Specifications — A Framework for Automatic Validation of Requirements (ARdS), pp. 96–107.
ICEIS-v3-2014-AlkhaldiCG #development #ontology #process- Supporting Process Model Development with Enterprise-Specific Ontologies (NA, SC, FG), pp. 236–248.
CIKM-2014-AthukoralaOGVJ- Narrow or Broad?: Estimating Subjective Specificity in Exploratory Search (KA, AO, DG, JV, GJ), pp. 819–828.
ECIR-2014-YatesGF- Relevance-Ranked Domain-Specific Synonym Discovery (AY, NG, OF), pp. 124–135.
ICPR-2014-BhattacharyaGC #classification #estimation- Test Point Specific k Estimation for kNN Classifier (GB, KG, ASC), pp. 1478–1483.
ICPR-2014-JiangMVP #recognition- Decision Level Fusion of Domain Specific Regions for Facial Action Recognition (BJ, BM, MFV, MP), pp. 1776–1781.
KDD-2014-BiKWC #resource management #topic- Who are experts specializing in landscape photography?: analyzing topic-specific authority on content sharing services (BB, BK, CW, JC), pp. 1506–1515.
KR-2014-LomuscioM #abstraction #atl #multi #specification #verification- An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Multi-Agent Systems Against ATL Specifications (AL, JM).
KR-2014-WirthS- David Poole’s Specificity Revised (CPW, FS).
SEKE-2014-ChourabiA #automation #process #specification- Automated transformation of business rules specification to business process model (OC, JA), pp. 684–687.
SEKE-2014-FreireKAJNAG #domain-specific language #empirical #formal method #re-engineering- An Empirical Study to Evaluate a Domain Specific Language for Formalizing Software Engineering Experiments (MAF, UK, EA, AJ, ECN, STA, MG), pp. 250–255.
SEKE-2014-SilvaPBBC #development #ontology #reuse #specification- ONTO-ResAsset Development: An Ontology for Reusable Assets Specification and Management (LDS, DMBP, EFB, RTVB, MIC), pp. 459–462.
SIGIR-2014-CanCM #feedback #modelling #ranking- Incorporating query-specific feedback into learning-to-rank models (EFC, WBC, RM), pp. 1035–1038.
ECMFA-2014-CuadradoGL #model transformation #towards- Towards the Systematic Construction of Domain-Specific Transformation Languages (JSC, EG, JdL), pp. 196–212.
ECMFA-2014-Goldschmidt #domain-specific language #framework #multi #towards- Towards an Infrastructure for Domain-Specific Languages in a Multi-domain Cloud Platform (TG), pp. 242–253.
MoDELS-2014-KrikavaCF #domain-specific language #named #scala- SIGMA: Scala Internal Domain-Specific Languages for Model Manipulations (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 569–585.
MoDELS-2014-LangerMK #behaviour #difference #semantics #specification- Semantic Model Differencing Utilizing Behavioral Semantics Specifications (PL, TM, GK), pp. 116–132.
MoDELS-2014-SongZFCS0 #adaptation #constraints #modelling #policy- Modelling Adaptation Policies as Domain-Specific Constraints (HS, XZ, NF, FC, AS, GH), pp. 269–285.
MoDELS-2014-KrikavaCF #domain-specific language #named #scala- SIGMA: Scala Internal Domain-Specific Languages for Model Manipulations (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 569–585.
MoDELS-2014-LangerMK #behaviour #difference #semantics #specification- Semantic Model Differencing Utilizing Behavioral Semantics Specifications (PL, TM, GK), pp. 116–132.
MoDELS-2014-SongZFCS0 #adaptation #constraints #modelling #policy- Modelling Adaptation Policies as Domain-Specific Constraints (HS, XZ, NF, FC, AS, GH), pp. 269–285.
ECOOP-2014-OmarKNCPA #composition- Safely Composable Type-Specific Languages (CO, DK, LN, BC, AP, JA), pp. 105–130.
Onward-2014-AcherCC #domain-specific language- Metamorphic Domain-Specific Languages: A Journey into the Shapes of a Language (MA, BC, PC), pp. 243–253.
GPCE-2014-HumerWWWW #abstract syntax tree #domain-specific language #self- A domain-specific language for building self-optimizing AST interpreters (CH, CW, CW, AW, TW), pp. 123–132.
GPCE-2014-ShiodaIS #domain-specific language #embedded #library #metaprogramming #named- LibDSL: a library for developing embedded domain specific languages in d via template metaprogramming (MS, HI, SS), pp. 63–72.
LOPSTR-2014-PreiningOF #case study #liveness #specification- Liveness Properties in CafeOBJ — A Case Study for Meta-Level Specifications (NP, KO, KF), pp. 182–198.
PPDP-2014-AsaiFTZ #partial evaluation #specification- A Type Theoretic Specification of Partial Evaluation (KA, LF, PT, YZ), pp. 57–68.
PPDP-2014-SchrijversWDD #functional #heuristic #implementation #logic programming #specification- Heuristics Entwined with Handlers Combined: From Functional Specification to Logic Programming Implementation (TS, NW, BD, BD), pp. 259–270.
PADL-2014-Tarau #declarative #specification- A Declarative Specification of Giant Number Arithmetic (PT), pp. 120–135.
POPL-2014-BodinCFGMNSS #specification- A trusted mechanised JavaSript specification (MB, AC, DF, PG, SM, DN, AS, GS), pp. 87–100.
POPL-2014-BurckhardtGYZ #data type #specification #verification- Replicated data types: specification, verification, optimality (SB, AG, HY, MZ), pp. 271–284.
RE-2014-RahimiMC #automation #quality #requirements #specification #visualisation- Automated extraction and visualization of quality concerns from requirements specifications (MR, MM, JCH), pp. 253–262.
RE-2014-Teruel #collaboration #requirements #specification- Improving collaborative and Post-WIMP systems through requirements specification (MAT), pp. 461–466.
REFSQ-2014-KossakMGI #case study #experience #specification- Improving the Understandability of Formal Specifications: An Experience Report (FK, AM, VG, CI), pp. 184–199.
SAC-2014-KrikavaCF #adaptation #architecture #modelling #named #self- ACTRESS: domain-specific modeling of self-adaptive software architectures (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 391–398.
SAC-2014-KrikavaCF14a #domain-specific language #modelling #using- Manipulating models using internal domain-specific languages (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 1612–1614.
SAC-2014-MehdiIHKDS #keyword- Utilizing domain-specific keywords for discovering public SPARQL endpoints: a life-sciences use-case (MM, AI, AH, YK, SD, RS), pp. 333–335.
SAC-2014-Rohrig #domain-specific language #process #scheduling- A domain specific language for process scheduling (DR), pp. 1550–1551.
SAC-2014-Silva #approach #automation #bibliography #quality #requirements #specification #validation- Quality of requirements specifications: a preliminary overview of an automatic validation approach (ARdS), pp. 1021–1022.
FSE-2014-BocovichA #feature model #interactive- Variable-specific resolutions for feature interactions (CB, JMA), pp. 553–563.
FSE-2014-KrkaBM #automation #invariant #mining #specification- Automatic mining of specifications from invocation traces and method invariants (IK, YB, NM), pp. 178–189.
ICSE-2014-SchillerDCE #case study #contract #specification #tool support- Case studies and tools for contract specifications (TWS, KD, FC, MDE), pp. 596–607.
LDTA-J-2011-JohnstoneSB #composition #grammarware #specification- Modular grammar specification (AJ, ES, MvdB), pp. 23–43.
LDTA-J-2011-SauthoffG #analysis #domain-specific language #optimisation #programming- Yield grammar analysis and product optimization in a domain-specific language for dynamic programming (GS, RG), pp. 2–22.
SLE-J-2012-KansoT #ocl #specification- Specification of temporal properties with OCL (BK, ST), pp. 527–551.
SLE-J-2012-SloaneR #attribute grammar #domain-specific language #profiling #term rewriting- Domain-specific program profiling and its application to attribute grammars and term rewriting (AMS, MR), pp. 488–510.
SLE-2014-BillGKS #model checking #ocl #specification- Model Checking of CTL-Extended OCL Specifications (RB, SG, PK, MS), pp. 221–240.
SLE-2014-ChisGN #debugging #framework- The Moldable Debugger: A Framework for Developing Domain-Specific Debuggers (AC, TG, ON), pp. 102–121.
SLE-2014-MeyersDLSVW #framework #generative #named- ProMoBox: A Framework for Generating Domain-Specific Property Languages (BM, RD, LL, ES, HV, MW), pp. 1–20.
SPLC-2014-DieumegardTP #approach #data flow #library #product line #semantics #specification- A software product line approach for semantic specification of block libraries in dataflow languages (AD, AT, MP), pp. 217–226.
CGO-2014-HongSWO #domain-specific language #graph #scalability- Simplifying Scalable Graph Processing with a Domain-Specific Language (SH, SS, JW, KO), p. 208.
LCTES-2014-ChaudharyFT #compilation #named #specification- em-SPADE: a compiler extension for checking rules extracted from processor specifications (SC, SF, LT), pp. 105–114.
PPoPP-2014-Olukotun #domain-specific language #parallel #programming- Beyond parallel programming with domain specific languages (KO), pp. 179–180.
CAV-2014-BozianuDF #specification #synthesis- Safraless Synthesis for Epistemic Temporal Specifications (RB, CD, EF), pp. 441–456.
CAV-2014-CermakLMM #logic #model checking #named #specification #verification- MCMAS-SLK: A Model Checker for the Verification of Strategy Logic Specifications (PC, AL, FM, AM), pp. 525–532.
ICLP-J-2014-Jackson #domain-specific language- A Module System for Domain-Specific Languages (EKJ), pp. 771–785.
ICST-2014-DacaHKN #composition #specification #testing- Compositional Specifications for ioco Testing (PD, TAH, WK, DN), pp. 373–382.
IJCAR-2014-AvniKT #game studies #reachability #specification- From Reachability to Temporal Specifications in Cost-Sharing Games (GA, OK, TT), pp. 1–15.
TAP-2014-PetiotKGJ #deduction #generative #how #specification #testing #verification- How Test Generation Helps Software Specification and Deductive Verification in Frama-C (GP, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 204–211.
VMCAI-2014-KiniV #automaton #ltl #probability #safety #specification- Probabilistic Automata for Safety LTL Specifications (DK, MV), pp. 118–136.
ASE-2013-AvazpourGG #automation #model transformation #specification #tool support #using #visualisation- Tool support for automatic model transformation specification using concrete visualisations (IA, JG, LG), pp. 718–721.
ASE-2013-Demasi #fault tolerance #logic #source code #specification- Synthesizing fault-tolerant programs from deontic logic specifications (RD), pp. 750–753.
ASE-2013-RegerBR #approach #mining #parametricity #specification- A pattern-based approach to parametric specification mining (GR, HB, DER), pp. 658–663.
CASE-2013-0011ZD #petri net #robust #specification- Exploiting robustness in Petri net-based closed-loop systems to accommodate control specification changes (JL, MZ, XD), pp. 71–76.
CASE-2013-IordacheWZA #design #performance #petri net #specification- Efficient design of Petri-net supervisors with disjunctive specifications (MVI, PW, FZ, PJA), pp. 936–941.
DATE-2013-LiSRRRAHP #configuration management #named- CSER: HW/SW configurable soft-error resiliency for application specific instruction-set processors (TL, MS, SR, SR, RGR, JAA, JH, SP), pp. 707–712.
DATE-2013-RizkBJMA #case study #design- Statically-scheduled application-specific processor design: a case-study on MMSE MIMO equalization (MR, AB, MJ, YM, YA), pp. 677–680.
DATE-2013-SeiterWSD #ocl #specification #uml #verification- Determining relevant model elements for the verification of UML/OCL specifications (JS, RW, MS, RD), pp. 1189–1192.
DATE-2013-TodorovMRS #approach #clustering #synthesis- A spectral clustering approach to application-specific network-on-chip synthesis (VT, DMG, HR, US), pp. 1783–1788.
ICDAR-2013-ShekharJ #documentation #retrieval #word- Document Specific Sparse Coding for Word Retrieval (RS, CVJ), pp. 643–647.
ICDAR-2013-SunBOK #detection #using- Specific Comic Character Detection Using Local Feature Matching (WS, JCB, JMO, KK), pp. 275–279.
VLDB-2013-Madaan #documentation #multi #query #repository- Domain Specific Multi-stage Query Language for Medical Document Repositories (AM), pp. 1410–1415.
VLDB-2014-NandiJM13 #gesture #query #specification- Gestural Query Specification (AN, LJ, MM), pp. 289–300.
CSEET-2013-CookDSSCH #ide #reasoning #specification #using #web- Specification and reasoning in SE projects using a Web IDE (CTC, SDS, YSS, MS, JCC, JEH), pp. 229–238.
ITiCSE-2013-BergesH #concept #game studies #specification- Concept specification maps: displaying content structures (MB, PH), pp. 291–296.
ESOP-2013-AlpuenteBFS #analysis #logic #specification- Slicing-Based Trace Analysis of Rewriting Logic Specifications with iJulienne (MA, DB, FF, JS), pp. 121–124.
ESOP-2013-BouajjaniEEH #concurrent #source code #specification #verification- Verifying Concurrent Programs against Sequential Specifications (AB, ME, CE, JH), pp. 290–309.
FASE-2013-LinPEHR #analysis #behaviour #requirements #sequence #specification #string- Augmenting Sequence Enumeration with String-Rewriting for Requirements Analysis and Behavioral Specification (LL, JHP, RE, RMH, CRM), pp. 179–193.
FoSSaCS-2013-BolligGM #specification #word- Weighted Specifications over Nested Words (BB, PG, BM), pp. 385–400.
TACAS-2013-AbdullaHHJR #concurrent #data type #specification #verification- An Integrated Specification and Verification Technique for Highly Concurrent Data Structures (PAA, FH, LH, BJ, AR), pp. 324–338.
TACAS-2013-BohyBFR #ltl #specification #synthesis- Synthesis from LTL Specifications with Mean-Payoff Objectives (AB, VB, EF, JFR), pp. 169–184.
ICSM-2013-RoehmBHP #behaviour #identification #specification #towards- Towards Identification of Software Improvements and Specification Updates by Comparing Monitored and Specified End-User Behavior (TR, BB, TMH, BP), pp. 464–467.
WCRE-2013-DaiMLC #component #precise #specification- Leveraging specifications of subcomponents to mine precise specifications of composite components (ZD, XM, YL, LC), pp. 162–171.
WCRE-2013-HoraADV #mining- Mining system specific rules from change patterns (AH, NA, SD, MTV), pp. 331–340.
WCRE-2013-Pichler #execution #specification #symbolic computation- Specification extraction by symbolic execution (JP), pp. 462–466.
PEPM-2013-AlpuenteFV #automation #logic #specification #using- Automatic inference of specifications using matching logic (MA, MAF, AV), pp. 127–136.
PEPM-2013-OliveiraL #domain-specific language #graph #syntax- Abstract syntax graphs for domain specific languages (BCdSO, AL), pp. 87–96.
PLDI-2013-BlackshearL #composition #framework #semantics #specification- Almost-correct specifications: a modular semantic framework for assigning confidence to warnings (SB, SKL), pp. 209–218.
PLDI-2013-ElmasBNS #concurrent #debugging #domain-specific language #named- CONCURRIT: a domain specific language for reproducing concurrency bugs (TE, JB, GCN, KS), pp. 153–164.
SAS-2013-PelegSYY #automaton #mining #specification- Symbolic Automata for Static Specification Mining (HP, SS, EY, HY), pp. 63–83.
IFM-2013-Prehofer #behaviour #diagrams #refinement #specification- Assume-Guarantee Specifications of State Transition Diagrams for Behavioral Refinement (CP), pp. 31–45.
IFM-2013-VekrisLDM #specification #using #verification- Verification of EB3 Specifications Using CADP (DV, FL, CD, RM), pp. 61–76.
SEFM-2013-Choi #constraints #generative #operating system #specification #testing- Constraint Specification and Test Generation for OSEK/VDX-Based Operating Systems (YC), pp. 305–319.
SEFM-2013-Klimek #logic #modelling #requirements #specification #verification- From Extraction of Logical Specifications to Deduction-Based Formal Verification of Requirements Models (RK), pp. 61–75.
SEFM-2013-SalehKBW #detection #fault #implementation #specification #static analysis #using- Static Detection of Implementation Errors Using Formal Code Specification (IS, GK, MBB, YW), pp. 197–211.
CEFP-2013-Brady #dependent type #domain-specific language #embedded #implementation #programming language- The Idris Programming Language — Implementing Embedded Domain Specific Languages with Dependent Types (EB), pp. 115–186.
CEFP-2013-Gibbons #domain-specific language #functional #programming- Functional Programming for Domain-Specific Languages (JG), pp. 1–28.
CEFP-2013-Kuper #hardware #specification- Hardware Specification with CλaSH (JK), pp. 336–380.
IFL-2013-DenuziereRG #declarative #modelling #specification #user interface- Piglets to the rescue: Declarative User Interface Specification with Pluggable View Models (LD, ER, AG), p. 105.
GT-VMT-2013-GreenyerBM #diagrams #sequence chart #specification- The ScenarioTools Play-Out of Modal Sequence Diagram Specifications with Environment Assumptions (JG, CB, VPLM).
HCI-AMTE-2013-EngelMHF #automation #generative #specification #user interface- Formal Pattern Specifications to Facilitate Semi-automated User Interface Generation (JE, CM, CH, PF), pp. 300–309.
HCI-AMTE-2013-Teixeira-FariaI #component #design #interface #prototype #specification- An Interface Prototyper Supporting Free Design Components Specification (PMTF, JRI), pp. 490–499.
HILT-2013-Jackson #domain-specific language- Engineering domain-specific languages with formula 2.0 (EKJ), pp. 3–4.
HILT-2013-Logozzo #contract #specification #verification- Practical specification and verification with code contracts (FL), pp. 7–8.
CAiSE-2013-AgtK #automation #modelling #network #scalability #semantics- Automated Construction of a Large Semantic Network of Related Terms for Domain-Specific Modeling (HA, RDK), pp. 610–625.
CAiSE-2013-BaryannisP #calculus #named #specification #web #web service- WSSL: A Fluent Calculus-Based Language for Web Service Specifications (GB, DP), pp. 256–271.
CAiSE-2013-DelmasP #formal method #policy #specification- Formal Methods for Exchange Policy Specification (RD, TP), pp. 288–303.
EDOC-2013-SelwayGMS #approach #formal method #natural language #specification #using- Formalising Natural Language Specifications Using a Cognitive Linguistics/Configuration Based Approach (MS, GG, WM, MS), pp. 59–68.
ICEIS-v2-2013-FragalSGJ #approach #embedded #product line #specification- Application Engineering for Embedded Systems — Transforming SysML Specification to Simulink within a Product-Line based Approach (VHF, RFS, IMdSG, EAdOJ), pp. 94–101.
ICEIS-v2-2013-TounsiHKKD #design pattern #modelling #specification #using- Using SoaML Models and Event-B Specifications for Modeling SOA Design Patterns (IT, ZH, MHK, AHK, KD), pp. 294–301.
CIKM-2013-BrossE #automation #bibliography #mining #sentiment- Automatic construction of domain and aspect specific sentiment lexicons for customer review mining (JB, HE), pp. 1077–1086.
ECIR-2013-LimsopathamMO13a #documentation #query #representation- A Task-Specific Query and Document Representation for Medical Records Search (NL, CM, IO), pp. 747–751.
SEKE-2013-BublitzSOLAP #adaptation #pervasive #petri net #specification- A Petri Net Model Specification for Delivering Adaptable Ads through Digital Signage in Pervasive Environments (FMB, LCS, EASO, SODL, HOdA, AP), pp. 405–410.
SEKE-2013-DingXG #approach #petri net #specification- An Approach for Analyzing Software Specifications in Petri Nets (JD, DX, JG), pp. 411–416.
SEKE-2013-PortugalO #process #specification- Introducing Software Process Specification to Task Context (S) (IdSP, TCO), pp. 22–25.
SEKE-2013-PossompesDHT #feature model #generative #modelling- Model-Driven Generation of Context-Specific Feature Models (TP, CD, MH, CT), pp. 250–255.
SIGIR-2013-LukeSM #framework #recommendation- A framework for specific term recommendation systems (TL, PS, PM), pp. 1093–1094.
ICMT-2013-HildebrandtLG #automation #consistency #graph grammar #implementation #specification #testing- Complete Specification Coverage in Automatically Generated Conformance Test Cases for TGG Implementations (SH, LL, HG), pp. 174–188.
ICMT-2013-KrauseDG #co-evolution #evolution #graph transformation #metamodelling- Metamodel-Specific Coupled Evolution Based on Dynamically Typed Graph Transformations (CK, JD, HG), pp. 76–91.
MoDELS-2013-GreenyerK #composition #specification #synthesis- Compositional Synthesis of Controllers from Scenario-Based Assume-Guarantee Specifications (JG, EK), pp. 774–789.
MoDELS-2013-NoyritGT #analysis #domain-specific language #integration #modelling #using- Computer Assisted Integration of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages Using Text Analysis Techniques (FN, SG, FT), pp. 505–521.
MoDELS-2013-RajbhojR #approach #detection #metamodelling #version control- A Graph-Pattern Based Approach for Meta-Model Specific Conflict Detection in a General-Purpose Model Versioning System (AR, SR), pp. 422–435.
MoDELS-2013-SimkoLLNS #component #composition #cyber-physical #integration #semantics #specification- Specification of Cyber-Physical Components with Formal Semantics — Integration and Composition (GS, DL, TL, SN, JS), pp. 471–487.
MoDELS-2013-GreenyerK #composition #specification #synthesis- Compositional Synthesis of Controllers from Scenario-Based Assume-Guarantee Specifications (JG, EK), pp. 774–789.
MoDELS-2013-NoyritGT #analysis #domain-specific language #integration #modelling #using- Computer Assisted Integration of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages Using Text Analysis Techniques (FN, SG, FT), pp. 505–521.
MoDELS-2013-RajbhojR #approach #detection #metamodelling #version control- A Graph-Pattern Based Approach for Meta-Model Specific Conflict Detection in a General-Purpose Model Versioning System (AR, SR), pp. 422–435.
MoDELS-2013-SimkoLLNS #component #composition #cyber-physical #integration #semantics #specification- Specification of Cyber-Physical Components with Formal Semantics — Integration and Composition (GS, DL, TL, SN, JS), pp. 471–487.
ECOOP-2013-SujeethRBLCPWPJOO #composition #domain-specific language #reuse- Composition and Reuse with Compiled Domain-Specific Languages (AKS, TR, KJB, HL, HC, VP, MW, AP, VJ, MO, KO), pp. 52–78.
ECOOP-2013-SvendsenBP #case study #composition #concurrent #higher-order #library #named #specification- Joins: A Case Study in Modular Specification of a Concurrent Reentrant Higher-Order Library (KS, LB, MJP), pp. 327–351.
GPCE-2013-SujeethGBLROO #declarative #domain-specific language #generative #implementation #named #performance #specification- Forge: generating a high performance DSL implementation from a declarative specification (AKS, AG, KJB, HL, TR, MO, KO), pp. 145–154.
PPDP-2013-WangCGN #higher-order #reasoning #relational #specification- Reasoning about higher-order relational specifications (YW, KC, AG, GN), pp. 157–168.
QAPL-2013-HanKKG #probability #specification- Modal Specifications for Probabilistic Timed Systems (TH, CK, MZK, HG), pp. 66–80.
POPL-2013-BotincanB #learning #specification- Sigma*: symbolic learning of input-output specifications (MB, DB), pp. 443–456.
RE-2013-0004CB #traceability- Foundations for an expert system in domain-specific traceability (JG, JCH, BB), pp. 42–51.
RE-2013-BreauxR #analysis #formal method #multi #privacy #requirements #specification- Formal analysis of privacy requirements specifications for multi-tier applications (TDB, AR), pp. 14–20.
RE-2013-RempelMK #empirical #traceability- An empirical study on project-specific traceability strategies (PR, PM, TK), pp. 195–204.
RE-2013-SaitoTHKA #quality #requirements #specification- Requirements clinic: Third party inspection methodology and practice for improving the quality of software requirements specifications (SS, MT, MH, TK, MA), pp. 290–295.
RE-2013-SavolainenHM #challenge #embedded #specification- Challenges in balancing the amount of solution information in requirement specifications for embedded products (JS, DH, MM), pp. 256–260.
REFSQ-2013-BreauxG #analysis #requirements #specification #traceability #using- Regulatory Requirements Traceability and Analysis Using Semi-formal Specifications (TDB, DGG), pp. 141–157.
REFSQ-2013-Ott #automation #bibliography #categorisation #natural language #scalability #specification- Automatic Requirement Categorization of Large Natural Language Specifications at Mercedes-Benz for Review Improvements (DO), pp. 50–64.
REFSQ-2013-TjongB #ambiguity #design #lessons learnt #prototype #requirements #specification- The Design of SREE — A Prototype Potential Ambiguity Finder for Requirements Specifications and Lessons Learned (SFT, DMB), pp. 80–95.
SAC-PL-J-2011-AcherCLF13 #domain-specific language #feature model #modelling #named #scalability- FAMILIAR: A domain-specific language for large scale management of feature models (MA, PC, PL, RBF), pp. 657–681.
SAC-2013-CarvalhoFBSMMB #generative #natural language #requirements #specification #testing- Test case generation from natural language requirements based on SCR specifications (GC, DF, FAB, AS, AM, LM, MRB), pp. 1217–1222.
SAC-2013-DelahayeKS #c #dynamic analysis #source code #specification- Common specification language for static and dynamic analysis of C programs (MD, NK, JS), pp. 1230–1235.
SAC-2013-GrueauA #modelling #towards- Towards a domain specific modeling language for agent-based models in land use science (CG, JA), pp. 83–85.
SAC-2013-TranLZ #architecture #metadata #security- Derivation of domain-specific architectural knowledge views from governance and security compliance metadata (HT, IL, UZ), pp. 1728–1733.
SAC-2013-WestermannHF #automation #empirical #performance #specification- An experiment specification language for goal-driven, automated performance evaluations (DW, JH, RF), pp. 1043–1048.
SAC-2013-WoutersG #development #domain-specific language #empirical #metamodelling #modelling- Notation-driven vs metamodel-driven development of domain-specific modeling languages: an empirical study (LW, MPG), pp. 1145–1146.
ESEC-FSE-2013-GreenyerBCHG #incremental #product line #specification- Incrementally synthesizing controllers from scenario-based product line specifications (JG, CB, MC, PH, EG), pp. 433–443.
ESEC-FSE-2013-LiangWXM #debugging #detection- Inferring project-specific bug patterns for detecting sibling bugs (GL, QW, TX, HM), pp. 565–575.
ESEC-FSE-2013-ZervoudakisREF #model checking #verification- Cascading verification: an integrated method for domain-specific model checking (FZ, DSR, SGE, AF), pp. 400–410.
ICSE-2013-BeschastnikhBAEK #algorithm #declarative #specification- Unifying FSM-inference algorithms through declarative specification (IB, YB, JA, MDE, AK), pp. 252–261.
ICSE-2013-MaozS #specification- Counter play-out: executing unrealizable scenario-based specifications (SM, YS), pp. 242–251.
ICSE-2013-PolikarpovaF0WM #question #specification #what- What good are strong specifications? (NP, CAF, YP, YW, BM), pp. 262–271.
ICSE-2013-StaplesKKLAMJB #specification- Formal specifications better than function points for code sizing (MS, RK, GK, CL, JA, TCM, DRJ, LB), pp. 1257–1260.
ICSE-2013-Torres #modelling #specification- Mitigating the obsolescence of specification models of service-based systems (RT), pp. 1462–1464.
SLE-2013-AfroozehBJSV #precedence #specification- Safe Specification of Operator Precedence Rules (AA, MvdB, AJ, ES, JJV), pp. 137–156.
SLE-2013-FehrenbachEO #domain-specific language #evolution- Software Evolution to Domain-Specific Languages (SF, SE, KO), pp. 96–116.
SLE-2013-SobernigSB #domain-specific language #energy #scheduling- Developing a Domain-Specific Language for Scheduling in the European Energy Sector (SS, MS, AB), pp. 19–35.
SLE-2013-VacchiCPC #development #domain-specific language #variability- Variability Support in Domain-Specific Language Development (EV, WC, SP, BC), pp. 76–95.
CGO-2013-RuanLWS #framework #on the- On the platform specificity of STM instrumentation mechanisms (WR, YL, CW, MFS), p. 10.
LCTES-2013-ChenY #comparison #detection #fault #performance- Boosting efficiency of fault detection and recovery throughapplication-specific comparison and checkpointing (HC, CY), pp. 13–20.
CAV-2013-AlmagorAK #automation #generative #quality #specification- Automatic Generation of Quality Specifications (SA, GA, OK), pp. 479–494.
ICLP-J-2013-MaLWRL #analysis #approach #declarative #distributed #execution #specification- A declarative approach to distributed computing: Specification, execution and analysis (JM, FL, DW, AR, JL), pp. 815–830.
ICST-2013-Torsel #domain-specific language #model checking #modelling #testing #using #web- A Testing Tool for Web Applications Using a Domain-Specific Modelling Language and the NuSMV Model Checker (AMT), pp. 383–390.
ICTSS-2013-DavidLMNR #specification #testing- Remote Testing of Timed Specifications (AD, KGL, MM, ONT, AR), pp. 65–81.
ICTSS-2013-ElyasovPH #algebra #mining #specification- Guided Algebraic Specification Mining for Failure Simplification (AE, ISWBP, JH), pp. 223–238.
CBSE-2012-RouvoyM #agile #architecture #prototype- Rapid prototyping of domain-specific architecture languages (RR, PM), pp. 13–22.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-EdwardsBM #analysis #automation #code generation #modelling- Automated Analysis and Code Generation for Domain-Specific Models (GE, YB, NM), pp. 161–170.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-TauschPA #analysis #domain-specific language #named #traceability- TracQL: A Domain-Specific Language for Traceability Analysis (NT, MP, JA), pp. 320–324.
ASE-2012-GopinathZK #effectiveness #fault #locality #specification #using- Improving the effectiveness of spectra-based fault localization using specifications (DG, RNZ, SK), pp. 40–49.
CASE-2012-DhananjayanS #automation #design #realtime #requirements #specification #validation- Automating timed specification transparency for human designer validation of real-time discrete-event control requirements (AD, KTS), pp. 908–913.
DAC-2012-ChanSSM #hardware #specification #synthesis- Specification and synthesis of hardware checkpointing and rollback mechanisms (CC, DSN, DS, SM), pp. 1226–1232.
DAC-2012-Harris #design #natural language #specification- Extracting design information from natural language specifications (IGH), pp. 1256–1257.
DAC-2012-HuangYCL #case study #industrial- Alternate hammering test for application-specific DRAMs and an industrial case study (RFH, HYY, MCTC, SCL), pp. 1012–1017.
DATE-2012-MahmoodPLM #clustering #energy #memory management #optimisation- Application-specific memory partitioning for joint energy and lifetime optimization (HM, MP, ML, EM), pp. 364–369.
DATE-2012-TabkhiS #approach #power management- Application-specific power-efficient approach for reducing register file vulnerability (HT, GS), pp. 574–577.
DRR-2012-Silva #algorithm #detection #evaluation #using- Using specific evaluation for comparing and combining competing algorithms: applying it to table column detection (ACeS).
VLDB-2012-AbouziedHS #query #specification- Playful Query Specification with DataPlay (AA, JMH, AS), pp. 1938–1941.
CSEET-2012-RongS #challenge #education- Delivering Software Process-Specific Project Courses in Tertiary Education Environment: Challenges and Solution (GR, DS), pp. 52–61.
CSEET-2012-Virseda #algebra #data type #implementation #specification #testing #verification- A Software Testing Tool for the Verification of Abstract Data Type Implementations from Formal Algebraic Specifications (RdVV), pp. 100–104.
WRLA-J-2010-RiescoVMC12 #debugging #declarative #logic #specification- Declarative debugging of rewriting logic specifications (AR, AV, NMO, RC), pp. 851–897.
ESOP-2012-ChenCJK #behaviour #component #composition #specification- A Compositional Specification Theory for Component Behaviours (TC, CC, BJ, MZK), pp. 148–168.
FASE-2012-AlrajehKRU #learning #satisfiability #specification- Learning from Vacuously Satisfiable Scenario-Based Specifications (DA, JK, AR, SU), pp. 377–393.
FASE-2012-BauerDHLLNW #component #contract #design #specification- Moving from Specifications to Contracts in Component-Based Design (SSB, AD, RH, KGL, AL, UN, AW), pp. 43–58.
FASE-2012-LiT #domain-specific language #erlang #refactoring- A Domain-Specific Language for Scripting Refactorings in Erlang (HL, SJT), pp. 501–515.
FoSSaCS-2012-DArgenioL #abstraction #bisimulation #congruence #probability #specification- Probabilistic Transition System Specification: Congruence and Full Abstraction of Bisimulation (PRD, MDL), pp. 452–466.
TACAS-2012-CairesV #concurrent #logic #model checking #named #specification- SLMC: A Tool for Model Checking Concurrent Systems against Dynamical Spatial Logic Specifications (LC, HTV), pp. 485–491.
TACAS-2012-UlbrichGGT #alloy #proving #specification- A Proof Assistant for Alloy Specifications (MU, UG, AAEG, MT), pp. 422–436.
WRLA-2012-Riesco #maude #specification #using- Using Narrowing to Test Maude Specifications (AR), pp. 201–220.
ICSM-2012-HoraADA #question- Domain specific warnings: Are they any better? (AH, NA, SD, SA), pp. 441–450.
WCRE-2012-HanZFHWS #analysis #android #comprehension #debugging #topic- Understanding Android Fragmentation with Topic Analysis of Vendor-Specific Bugs (DH, CZ, XF, AH, KW, ES), pp. 83–92.
PEPM-2012-Berger #metaprogramming #specification #verification- Specification and verification of meta-programs (MB), pp. 3–4.
FM-2012-MinamideM #analysis #html #parsing #reachability #specification #testing- Reachability Analysis of the HTML5 Parser Specification and Its Application to Compatibility Testing (YM, SM), pp. 293–307.
FM-2012-YangKK #formal method #lightweight #using- Specification-Based Test Repair Using a Lightweight Formal Method (GY, SK, MK), pp. 455–470.
IFM-2012-AndradeFLP #generative #java #testing- Specification-Driven Unit Test Generation for Java Generic Classes (FRdA, JPF, AL, ACRP), pp. 296–311.
SEFM-2012-MatichukM #automation #proving #specification- Extensible Specifications for Automatic Re-use of Specifications and Proofs (DM, TCM), pp. 333–341.
SFM-2012-VallecilloGBWH #model transformation #specification #testing- Formal Specification and Testing of Model Transformations (AV, MG, LB, MW, LH), pp. 399–437.
ICFP-2012-EndrullisHB #complexity #equivalence #infinity #on the #specification- On the complexity of equivalence of specifications of infinite objects (JE, DH, RB), pp. 153–164.
ICFP-2012-Olukotun #domain-specific language #embedded #performance- High performance embedded domain specific languages (KO), pp. 139–140.
GT-VMT-2012-ArifulinaSE #specification #test coverage #testing- Coverage Criteria for Testing DMM Specifications (SA, CS, GE).
ICGT-2012-Vandin #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Modal Properties for Structured Systems (AV), pp. 423–425.
CHI-2012-FlatlaG #difference #modelling #named #tool support- SSMRecolor: improving recoloring tools with situation-specific models of color differentiation (DRF, CG), pp. 2297–2306.
ICEIS-J-2012-SilcherDMM12a #lifecycle- Advanced Product Lifecycle Management by Introducing Domain-Specific Service Buses (SS, MD, JM, BM), pp. 92–107.
ICEIS-J-2012-VianaPP12a #domain-specific language #framework #modelling- Building Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Frameworks (MCV, RADP, AFdP), pp. 191–206.
ICEIS-v1-2012-KosorusBK #query #semantics #similarity #taxonomy #using- Semantic Similarity between Queries in QA System using a Domain-specific Taxonomy (HK, AB, JK), pp. 241–246.
ICEIS-v2-2012-AokiOOM #model checking #quality #requirements #specification #using- Quality Improvement of Requirements Specification using Model Checking Technique (YA, SO, HO, SM), pp. 401–406.
ICEIS-v2-2012-VianaPP #domain-specific language #framework #generative #modelling #reuse- Generating Applications — Framework Reuse Supported by Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (MCV, RDP, AFdP), pp. 5–14.
CIKM-2012-LiCLP #corpus #ontology #performance- Efficient extraction of ontologies from domain specific text corpora (TL, PC, LVSL, RP), pp. 1537–1541.
CIKM-2012-QureshiOP #n-gram #using #wiki- Short-text domain specific key terms/phrases extraction using an n-gram model with wikipedia (MAQ, CO, GP), pp. 2515–2518.
CIKM-2012-SrinivasanBC #modelling #using- Segmenting web-domains and hashtags using length specific models (SS, SB, RC), pp. 1113–1122.
CIKM-2012-XuTLCL #aspect-oriented #sentiment #towards- Towards jointly extracting aspects and aspect-specific sentiment knowledge (XX, ST, YL, XC, ZL), pp. 1895–1899.
ICPR-2012-ChenS #multi- Bone suppression in chest radiographs by means of anatomically specific multiple massive-training ANNs (SC, KS), pp. 17–20.
ICPR-2012-CoustatyUO #image- Extraction of light and specific features for historical image indexing and matching (MC, SU, JMO), pp. 1326–1329.
ICPR-2012-YeKC #classification #multi- Combining general multi-class and specific two-class classifiers for improved customized ECG heartbeat classification (CY, BVKVK, MTC), pp. 2428–2431.
KEOD-2012-NegruB #modelling #ontology #process #web- Persona Modeling Process — From Microdata-based Templates to Specific Web Ontologies (SN, SCB), pp. 34–42.
KR-2012-FelliGL #ltl #multi #protocol #specification- Synthesizing Agent Protocols From LTL Specifications Against Multiple Partially-Observable Environments (PF, GDG, AL).
MLDM-2012-SiLQD #web- Discovering K Web User Groups with Specific Aspect Interests (JS, QL, TQ, XD), pp. 321–335.
SEKE-2012-ConradoC #domain-specific language #embedded #visual notation- Engineering Graphical Domain Specific Languages to Develop Embedded Robot Applications (DBFC, VVdC), pp. 495–498.
SEKE-2012-CourbisLLPUV #agile #behaviour #development #incremental #specification- A Formal Support for Incremental Behavior Specification In Agile Development (ALC, TL, HVL, TLP, CU, SV), pp. 694–799.
SEKE-2012-GrunwaldM #approach #named #owl #uml- umlTUowl — A Both Generic and Vendor-specific Approach for UML to OWL Transformation (AG, TM), pp. 730–736.
SEKE-2012-LiuMLS #analysis #non-functional #specification- Risk-driven Non-functional Requirement Analysis and Specification (YL, ZM, HL, WS), pp. 55–60.
SEKE-2012-NarkngamL #diagrams #domain-specific language #process #uml- Rendering UML Activity Diagrams as a Domain Specific Language — ADL (CN, YL), pp. 724–729.
SEKE-2012-SubburajUS #safety #specification- Specification of Safety Critical Systems with Intelligent Software Agent Method (VHS, JEU, MRS), pp. 578–581.
SEKE-2012-WilsonL #metalanguage #specification- A Tiny Specification Metalanguage (WWW, YL), pp. 486–490.
SIGIR-2012-Hanbury #information retrieval- Medical information retrieval: an instance of domain-specific search (AH), pp. 1191–1192.
SIGIR-2012-Lupu #information retrieval- Patent information retrieval: an instance of domain-specific search (ML), pp. 1189–1190.
ECMFA-2012-GoldschmidtM #domain-specific language #query- An Internal Domain-Specific Language for Constructing OPC UA Queries and Event Filters (TG, WM), pp. 62–73.
ECMFA-2012-LaraG #metamodelling #modelling- Domain-Specific Textual Meta-Modelling Languages for Model Driven Engineering (JdL, EG), pp. 259–274.
ECMFA-2012-QureshiCT #constraints #specification- A Timed Automata-Based Method to Analyze EAST-ADL Timing Constraint Specifications (TNQ, DJC, MT), pp. 303–318.
ICMT-2012-BosS #forensics #optimisation- Domain-Specific Optimization in Digital Forensics (JvdB, TvdS), pp. 121–136.
ICMT-2012-Guerra #generative #model transformation #testing- Specification-Driven Test Generation for Model Transformations (EG), pp. 40–55.
ICMT-2012-WagelaarIRP #co-evolution #emf #semantics #virtual machine- Translational Semantics of a Co-evolution Specific Language with the EMF Transformation Virtual Machine (DW, LI, DDR, AP), pp. 192–207.
MoDELS-2012-JacksonSB #constraints #declarative #detection #fault #specification- Detecting Specification Errors in Declarative Languages with Constraints (EKJ, WS, NB), pp. 399–414.
MoDELS-2012-RabbiM #agile #development #domain-specific language #workflow- T□: A Domain Specific Language for Rapid Workflow Development (FR, WM), pp. 36–52.
MoDELS-2012-JacksonSB #constraints #declarative #detection #fault #specification- Detecting Specification Errors in Declarative Languages with Constraints (EKJ, WS, NB), pp. 399–414.
MoDELS-2012-RabbiM #agile #development #domain-specific language #workflow- T□: A Domain Specific Language for Rapid Workflow Development (FR, WM), pp. 36–52.
TOOLS-EUROPE-J-2011-RessiaBNR12 #modelling- Modeling Domain-Specific Profilers (JR, AB, ON, LR), pp. 1–21.
OOPSLA-2012-KangR #javascript #specification- Formal specification of a JavaScript module system (SK, SR), pp. 621–638.
OOPSLA-2012-SchillerE #specification- Reducing the barriers to writing verified specifications (TWS, MDE), pp. 95–112.
GPCE-2012-BagheriS #architecture #framework #named #synthesis- Pol: specification-driven synthesis of architectural code frameworks for platform-based applications (HB, KJS), pp. 93–102.
GPCE-2012-EfftingeEKZMHH #domain-specific language #implementation #java #named- Xbase: implementing domain-specific languages for Java (SE, ME, JK, SZ, RvM, WH, MH), pp. 112–121.
LOPSTR-2012-NishidaV #term rewriting- Computing More Specific Versions of Conditional Rewriting Systems (NN, GV), pp. 137–154.
PPDP-2012-BacciCFV #automation #first-order #source code #specification #synthesis- Automatic synthesis of specifications for first order curry programs (GB, MC, MAF, AV), pp. 25–34.
PADL-2012-AntoyH #contract #functional #logic programming #specification- Contracts and Specifications for Functional Logic Programming (SA, MH), pp. 33–47.
PADL-2012-BradyH #domain-specific language #embedded #programming- Resource-Safe Systems Programming with Embedded Domain Specific Languages (EB, KH), pp. 242–257.
PADL-2012-Coleman #classification #distributed #policy #specification- Distributed Policy Specification and Interpretation with Classified Advertisements (NC), pp. 198–211.
PADL-2012-Tarau #declarative #specification- A Declarative Specification of Tree-Based Symbolic Arithmetic Computations (PT), pp. 273–288.
RE-2012-GreenyerSCH #consistency #performance #product line #specification- Efficient consistency checking of scenario-based product-line specifications (JG, AMS, MC, PH), pp. 161–170.
RE-2012-GrossD #exclamation #requirements #specification #what- What you need is what you get!: The vision of view-based requirements specifications (AG, JD), pp. 171–180.
RE-2012-Ott #fault #legacy #natural language #specification #using- Defects in natural language requirement specifications at Mercedes-Benz: An investigation using a combination of legacy data and expert opinion (DO), pp. 291–296.
SAC-2012-BromanFHA #comparison #domain-specific language #implementation- A comparison of two metacompilation approaches to implementing a complex domain-specific language (DB, PF, GH, JÅ), pp. 1919–1921.
SAC-2012-CatanoWRRY #ml #specification- Translating B machines to JML specifications (NC, TW, CR, VR, DY), pp. 1271–1277.
SAC-2012-FerrariGT #approach #clustering #requirements #specification- A clustering-based approach for discovering flaws in requirements specifications (AF, SG, GT), pp. 1043–1050.
FSE-2012-GabelS #specification #testing- Testing mined specifications (MG, ZS), p. 4.
ICSE-2012-AtkinsonGK #domain-specific language- Symbiotic general-purpose and domain-specific languages (CA, RG, BK), pp. 1269–1272.
ICSE-2012-BianculliGPS #case study #industrial #research #specification- Specification patterns from research to industry: A case study in service-based applications (DB, CG, CP, PS), pp. 968–976.
ICSE-2012-CookHSS #compilation #composition #specification #using #verification- Specification engineering and modular verification using a web-integrated verifying compiler (CTC, HKH, HS, MS), pp. 1379–1382.
ICSE-2012-DevosPDBMA #case study #industrial #performance #reuse #smarttech- Efficient reuse of domain-specific test knowledge: An industrial case in the smart card domain (ND, CP, JCD, RB, BM, GA), pp. 1123–1132.
ICSE-2012-GhezziM #behaviour #specification #synthesis #validation- Behavioral validation of JFSL specifications through model synthesis (CG, AM), pp. 936–946.
ICSE-2012-HaiducBOML #query #re-engineering #retrieval- Evaluating the specificity of text retrieval queries to support software engineering tasks (SH, GB, RO, AM, ADL), pp. 1273–1276.
ICSE-2012-IwamaNT #industrial #natural language #parsing #specification- Constructing parser for industrial software specifications containing formal and natural language description (FI, TN, HT), pp. 1012–1021.
ICSE-2012-Kalumbilo #effectiveness #re-engineering #specification- Effective specification of decision rights and accountabilities for better performing software engineering projects (MK), pp. 1503–1506.
ICSE-2012-KumarKRL #distributed #specification- Inferring class level specifications for distributed systems (SK, SCK, AR, DL), pp. 914–924.
ICSE-2012-PanditaXZXOP #api #natural language #specification- Inferring method specifications from natural language API descriptions (RP, XX, HZ, TX, SO, AMP), pp. 815–825.
ICSE-2012-PradelG #automation #debugging #detection #generative #mining #specification #testing- Leveraging test generation and specification mining for automated bug detection without false positives (MP, TRG), pp. 288–298.
ICSE-2012-PradelJAG #api #consistency #multi #protocol #specification- Statically checking API protocol conformance with mined multi-object specifications (MP, CJ, JA, TRG), pp. 925–935.
ICSE-2012-Stolee #lightweight #semantics #source code #specification- Finding suitable programs: Semantic search with incomplete and lightweight specifications (KTS), pp. 1571–1574.
ICSE-2012-SunSPR #mining #static analysis- Extending static analysis by mining project-specific rules (BS, GS, AP, BR), pp. 1054–1063.
ICSE-2012-Westermann #developer #feedback #performance- A generic methodology to derive domain-specific performance feedback for developers (DW), pp. 1527–1530.
LDTA-2012-VollebregtKV #declarative #editing #specification- Declarative specification of template-based textual editors (TV, LCLK, EV), p. 8.
SLE-2012-DuranZT #domain-specific language #non-functional #on the #reuse #specification- On the Reusable Specification of Non-functional Properties in DSLs (FD, SZ, JT), pp. 332–351.
SPLC-2012-HofmanSPKB #feature model #modelling #product line- Domain specific feature modeling for software product lines (PH, TS, TP, MK, AB), pp. 229–238.
PPoPP-2012-BurnimENS #correctness #named #nondeterminism #parallel #specification- NDetermin: inferring nondeterministic sequential specifications for parallelism correctness (JB, TE, GCN, KS), pp. 329–330.
PPoPP-2012-KamilCBCGHMF #domain-specific language #effectiveness #embedded #parallel #performance- Portable parallel performance from sequential, productive, embedded domain-specific languages (SK, DC, SB, HC, EG, JH, JM, AF), pp. 303–304.
ICLP-2012-BacciCFV #automation #functional #logic #specification #synthesis- The additional difficulties for the automatic synthesis of specifications posed by logic features in functional-logic languages (GB, MC, MAF, AV), pp. 144–153.
ICST-2012-BlancoTS #approach #evaluation #interactive #test coverage #testing- Test Adequacy Evaluation for the User-database Interaction: A Specification-Based Approach (RB, JT, RVS), pp. 71–80.
ICST-2012-ZaraketMAHHFKN #named #testing #user interface- GUICOP: Specification-Based GUI Testing (FAZ, WM, MA, DH, RH, RF, EK, JN), pp. 747–751.
LICS-2012-GrabmayerEHKM #automation #sequence- Automatic Sequences and Zip-Specifications (CG, JE, DH, JWK, LSM), pp. 335–344.
TAP-2012-CreignouES #framework #random #satisfiability #specification- A Framework for the Specification of Random SAT and QSAT Formulas (NC, UE, MS), pp. 163–168.
TAP-2012-KiniryZH #consistency #library #specification #testing #verification- Testing Library Specifications by Verifying Conformance Tests (JRK, DMZ, RH), pp. 51–66.
VMCAI-2012-KleinPP #effectiveness #specification #synthesis- Effective Synthesis of Asynchronous Systems from GR(1) Specifications (UK, NP, AP), pp. 283–298.
CBSE-2011-TibermacineSDF #architecture #component #constraints #specification- Component-based specification of software architecture constraints (CT, SS, CD, LF), pp. 31–40.
ECSA-2011-JohnsenPL #architecture #specification #verification- An Architecture-Based Verification Technique for AADL Specifications (AJ, PP, KL), pp. 105–113.
ASE-2011-BokorKSS #partial order #reduction- Supporting domain-specific state space reductions through local partial-order reduction (PB, JK, MS, NS), pp. 113–122.
ASE-2011-GanovKP #alloy #analysis #incremental #performance- A case for alloy annotations for efficient incremental analysis via domain specific solvers (SRG, SK, DEP), pp. 464–467.
ASE-2011-KhalekYZMK #alloy #java #named #source code #specification #testing #using- TestEra: A tool for testing Java programs using alloy specifications (SAK, GY, LZ, DM, SK), pp. 608–611.
ASE-2011-LiXBLM #formal method #hardware #interface #specification- Formalizing hardware/software interface specifications (JL, FX, TB, VL, CM), pp. 143–152.
ASE-2011-WuLWXM #mining #specification- Iterative mining of resource-releasing specifications (QW, GL, QW, TX, HM), pp. 233–242.
CASE-2011-ProvostRF #semantics #specification- A formal semantics for Grafcet specifications (JP, JMR, JMF), pp. 488–494.
DAC-2011-ChangC #3d #array #image #metric #performance #quality #specification- Image quality aware metrics for performance specification of ADC array in 3D CMOS imagers (HMC, KT(C), pp. 759–764.
DATE-2011-CassidyYZA #design- A high-level analytical model for application specific CMP design exploration (AC, KY, HZ, AGA), pp. 1095–1100.
DATE-2011-DammHJPS #architecture #component #contract #design #integration #specification #testing #using- Using contract-based component specifications for virtual integration testing and architecture design (WD, HH, BJ, TP, IS), pp. 1023–1028.
DATE-2011-HendryCCB #design #named #network #specification- VANDAL: A tool for the design specification of nanophotonic networks (GH, JC, LPC, KB), pp. 782–787.
DATE-2011-SieglHGB #embedded #modelling #specification #testing- Formal specification and systematic model-driven testing of embedded automotive systems (SS, KSJH, RG, CB), pp. 118–123.
DATE-2011-TinoK #architecture #generative #multi- Multi-objective Tabu Search based topology generation technique for application-specific Network-on-Chip architectures (AT, GNK), pp. 485–490.
DATE-2011-ZaidiGH #simulation #specification- Simulation based tuning of system specification (YZ, CG, JH), pp. 1273–1278.
DocEng-2011-SadallahAP #component #specification- Component-based hypervideo model: high-level operational specification of hypervideos (MS, OA, YP), pp. 53–56.
VLDB-2011-Tay #benchmark #generative #metric- Data Generation for Application-Specific Benchmarking (YCT), pp. 1470–1473.
CSEET-2011-MonteithM #student- Integrating instructional and study materials to tailor a student-specific resource (JYM, JDM), pp. 294–303.
TACAS-2011-GopinathMK #program repair #satisfiability #using- Specification-Based Program Repair Using SAT (DG, MZM, SK), pp. 173–188.
SCAM-J-2009-LammelZ11 #grammar recovery #java #specification- Recovering grammar relationships for the Java Language Specification (RL, VZ), pp. 333–378.
CSMR-2011-HayaseKMI #source code- Building Domain Specific Dictionaries of Verb-Object Relation from Source Code (YH, YK, YM, KI), pp. 93–100.
PLDI-2011-BeckmanN #composition #probability #scalability #specification #type system- Probabilistic, modular and scalable inference of typestate specifications (NEB, AVN), pp. 211–221.
PLDI-2011-BurnimENS #correctness #named #nondeterminism #parallel #runtime #specification- NDSeq: runtime checking for nondeterministic sequential specifications of parallel correctness (JB, TE, GCN, KS), pp. 401–414.
IFM-J-2009-ColvinH11 #behaviour #csp #semantics #specification #using- A semantics for Behavior Trees using CSP with specification commands (RC, IJH), pp. 891–914.
IFM-J-2009-WongG11a #modelling #specification #workflow- Property specifications for workflow modelling (PYHW, JG), pp. 942–967.
FM-2011-AmalioGK #automation #generative #modelling #specification- Building VCL Models and Automatically Generating Z Specifications from Them (NA, CG, PK), pp. 149–153.
FM-2011-GherghinaDQC #source code #specification #verification- Structured Specifications for Better Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs (CG, CD, SQ, WNC), pp. 386–401.
FM-2011-QinLCH #automation #specification #verification- Automatically Refining Partial Specifications for Program Verification (SQ, CL, WNC, GH), pp. 369–385.
SEFM-2011-BubelHG #formal method #java #specification #string #verification- A Formalisation of Java Strings for Program Specification and Verification (RB, RH, UG), pp. 90–105.
SEFM-2011-GarisCR #alloy #diagrams #ocl #specification #uml- Translating Alloy Specifications to UML Class Diagrams Annotated with OCL (AGG, AC, DR), pp. 221–236.
SEFM-2011-MadeiraFMB #approach #hybrid #specification- Hybrid Specification of Reactive Systems: An Institutional Approach (AM, JMF, MAM, LSB), pp. 269–285.
SEFM-2011-OnoHTNH #coq #pipes and filters #specification #using- Using Coq in Specification and Program Extraction of Hadoop MapReduce Applications (KO, YH, YT, NN, MH), pp. 350–365.
SFM-2011-JurjensOSMHI #evolution #modelling #specification- Modelling Secure Systems Evolution: Abstract and Concrete Change Specifications (JJ, MO, HS, LM, SHH, SI), pp. 504–526.
GCM-2010-GolasEH11 #graph grammar #model transformation #specification- Formal Specification of Model Transformations by Triple Graph Grammars with Application Conditions (UG, HE, FH).
AGTIVE-2011-GreenyerR #automaton #concept #diagrams #game studies #graph grammar #sequence chart #specification- Applying Advanced TGG Concepts for a Complex Transformation of Sequence Diagram Specifications to Timed Game Automata (JG, JR), pp. 222–237.
GT-VMT-2011-BottoniF #diagrams #specification #visual notation- A visual language for temporal specifications based on Spider diagrams (PB, AF).
CHI-2011-KandelPHH #data transformation #interactive #named #specification #visual notation- Wrangler: interactive visual specification of data transformation scripts (SK, AP, JMH, JH), pp. 3363–3372.
DUXU-v1-2011-BjorndalRM #industrial #lessons learnt #requirements #specification #using- Lessons Learned from Using Personas and Scenarios for Requirements Specification of Next-Generation Industrial Robots (PB, MJR, SM), pp. 378–387.
HCI-MIIE-2011-RiahiRM #generative #human-computer #mobile #specification #verification #xml- XML in Formal Specification, Verification and Generation of Mobile HCI (IR, MR, FM), pp. 92–100.
AdaEurope-2011-Taft #implementation #manycore #parallel #programming #specification- Multicore Programming in ParaSail — Parallel Specification and Implementation Language (STT), pp. 196–200.
SIGAda-2011-Taft #implementation #parallel #specification- Experimenting with parasail: parallel specification and implementation language (STT), pp. 11–12.
CAiSE-2011-SonnenbergHHMB #modelling- The REA-DSL: A Domain Specific Modeling Language for Business Models (CS, CH, BH, DM, AMB), pp. 252–266.
ICEIS-J-2011-BajwaC #modelling #natural language #specification #uml- From Natural Language Software Specifications to UML Class Models (ISB, MAC), pp. 224–237.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MeisenMSJ #integration #simulation #tool support- Application Integration of Simulation Tools Considering Domain Specific Knowledge (TM, PM, DS, SJ), pp. 42–53.
ICEIS-v3-2011-AndreouSP #automation #testing #user interface- Specification-based Automated Automated GUI Testing (ASA, AAS, CP), pp. 318–323.
ICEIS-v3-2011-SchneiderCKZ #information management #integration #modelling- Domain-specific Modelling Applied to Integration of Smart Sensors into an Information System (JPS, JC, DK, OZ), pp. 253–259.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ViriyasitavatM #formal method #requirements #specification #trust #workflow- Formalizing Trust Requirements and Specification in Service Workflow Environments (WV, AM), pp. 196–206.
CIKM-2011-BhamidipatiK- A diversity measure leveraging domain specific auxiliary information (NB, NK), pp. 2213–2216.
CIKM-2011-LauLBW #learning #scalability #sentiment #web- Leveraging web 2.0 data for scalable semi-supervised learning of domain-specific sentiment lexicons (RYKL, CLL, PB, KFW), pp. 2457–2460.
CIKM-2011-WangYS #documentation #feedback- Relevance feedback exploiting query-specific document manifolds (CW, EY, MS), pp. 1957–1960.
CIKM-2011-WeichselbraunGS #game studies #sentiment #using- Using games with a purpose and bootstrapping to create domain-specific sentiment lexicons (AW, SG, AS), pp. 1053–1060.
ICML-2011-SujeethLBRCWAOO #domain-specific language #machine learning #named #parallel- OptiML: An Implicitly Parallel Domain-Specific Language for Machine Learning (AKS, HL, KJB, TR, HC, MW, ARA, MO, KO), pp. 609–616.
KDD-2011-KannanGAF #specification- Matching unstructured product offers to structured product specifications (AK, IEG, RA, AF), pp. 404–412.
KEOD-2011-GaignardMWG #concept #parametricity #runtime #semantics- Characterizing Semantic Service Parameters with Role Concepts to Infer Domain-specific Knowledge at Runtime (AG, JM, BW, BG), pp. 59–70.
KEOD-2011-SchmidtKL #automation #documentation #domain-specific language- Domain Specific Language in Technical Solution Documents — Discussion of Two Approaches to Improve the Semi-automated Annotation (HXS, AK, UL), pp. 159–166.
SEKE-2011-BarrosNHT #case study #natural language #specification- The ucsCNL: A Controlled Natural Language for Use Case Specifications (FAB, LN, EH, DT), pp. 250–253.
SEKE-2011-ChangWS #component #specification #visual notation- Visual Specification of Component-based Slow Intelligence Systems (SKC, YW, YS), pp. 1–8.
SEKE-2011-DengLSW #api #constraints #runtime #specification #verification- Specification and Runtime Verification of API Constraints on Interacting Objects (FD, HL, JS, QW), pp. 101–106.
SEKE-2011-DiawLC #implementation #metamodelling #process #specification- Specification and Implementation of SPEM4MDE, a metamodel for MDE software processes (SD, RL, BC), pp. 646–653.
SEKE-2011-RomeikatBS #modelling #policy- Modeling of Domain-Specific ECA Policies (RR, BB, HS), pp. 52–58.
SIGIR-2011-Li11a #information retrieval #using- Domain-specific information retrieval using rcommenders (WL), pp. 1327–1328.
BX-2011-Boronat #consistency #detection #maude #modelling #nondeterminism #specification #using- Inconsistency detection and resolution in heterogenous model-based specifications using Maude (AB), p. 53.
ECMFA-2011-ElaasarBL #qvt #verification- Domain-Specific Model Verification with QVT (ME, LCB, YL), pp. 282–298.
ECMFA-2011-RumpeSVW #agile #development #domain-specific language- Agile Development with Domain Specific Languages (BR, MS, SV, IW), pp. 387–388.
ECMFA-2011-Tolvanen #domain-specific language #modelling- Creating Domain-Specific Modelling Languages That Work: Hands-On (JPT), pp. 393–394.
ICMT-2011-BauerK #model transformation- Combining Specification-Based and Code-Based Coverage for Model Transformation Chains (EB, JMK), pp. 78–92.
MoDELS-2011-JacksonLB #automation #metamodelling #proving #reasoning #specification- Reasoning about Metamodeling with Formal Specifications and Automatic Proofs (EKJ, TL, DB), pp. 653–667.
MoDELS-2011-SteelD #model transformation- Domain-Specific Model Transformation in Building Quantity Take-Off (JS, RD), pp. 198–212.
MoDELS-2011-JacksonLB #automation #metamodelling #proving #reasoning #specification- Reasoning about Metamodeling with Formal Specifications and Automatic Proofs (EKJ, TL, DB), pp. 653–667.
MoDELS-2011-SteelD #model transformation- Domain-Specific Model Transformation in Building Quantity Take-Off (JS, RD), pp. 198–212.
Onward-2011-CorralSSGR #development #evolution #mobile #multi #paradigm- Evolution of Mobile Software Development from Platform-Specific to Web-Based Multiplatform Paradigm (LC, AS, GS, AG, PR), pp. 181–183.
OOPSLA-2011-DavidC #precise #specification #verification- Immutable specifications for more concise and precise verification (CD, WNC), pp. 359–374.
PLATEAU-2011-BarisicAGB #case study #domain-specific language #quality- Quality in use of domain-specific languages: a case study (AB, VA, MG, BB), pp. 65–72.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BergelNRR #profiling- Domain-Specific Profiling (AB, ON, LR, JR), pp. 68–82.
GPCE-2011-LindemanKV #domain-specific language- Declaratively defining domain-specific language debuggers (RTL, LCLK, EV), pp. 127–136.
GPCE-2011-SlattenKH #automation #case study #distributed #generative #industrial #reliability #specification #towards #validation #verification- Towards automatic generation of formal specifications to validate and verify reliable distributed systems: a method exemplified by an industrial case study (VS, FAK, PH), pp. 147–156.
LOPSTR-2011-Henglein #domain-specific language #implementation #symbolic computation- Dynamic Symbolic Computation for Domain-Specific Language Implementation (FH), pp. 4–24.
PPDP-2011-SchernhammerM #axiom #incremental #recursion #specification- Incremental checking of well-founded recursive specifications modulo axioms (FS, JM), pp. 5–16.
POPL-2011-JacobsP #composition #concurrent #fine-grained #specification- Expressive modular fine-grained concurrency specification (BJ, FP), pp. 271–282.
RE-2011-BoutkovaH #automation #identification #specification- Semi-automatic identification of features in requirement specifications (EB, FH), pp. 313–318.
RE-2011-SampathAR #evolution #specification- Evolving specifications formally (PS, SA, SR), pp. 5–14.
SAC-2011-AcherCLF #domain-specific language #feature model #modelling- A domain-specific language for managing feature models (MA, PC, PL, RBF), pp. 1333–1340.
SAC-2011-BagheriE #multi #specification- Consolidating multiple requirement specifications through argumentation (EB, FE), pp. 659–666.
SAC-2011-YuLGZZ #fault #modelling #multi #using- Locating faults using multiple spectra-specific models (KY, ML, QG, HZ, XZ), pp. 1404–1410.
ESEC-FSE-2011-LumpeMG #logic #named #specification- PSPWizard: machine-assisted definition of temporal logical properties with specification patterns (ML, IM, LG), pp. 468–471.
ESEC-FSE-2011-MontrieuxWY #data access #specification #tool support #uml #verification- Tool support for UML-based specification and verification of role-based access control properties (LM, MW, YY), pp. 456–459.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Schur #enterprise #mining #specification- Experimental specification mining for enterprise applications (MS), pp. 388–391.
GTTSE-2011-MikhaielTNSX #difference #modelling #uml- Differencing UML Models: A Domain-Specific vs. a Domain-Agnostic Method (RM, NT, NN, ES, ZX), pp. 159–196.
ICSE-2011-BorgesGLN #adaptation #evolution #learning #requirements #specification- Learning to adapt requirements specifications of evolving systems (RVB, ASdG, LCL, BN), pp. 856–859.
ICSE-2011-BosS #domain-specific language #forensics- Bringing domain-specific languages to digital forensics (JvdB, TvdS), pp. 671–680.
ICSE-2011-Fant #design pattern- Building domain specific software architectures from software architectural design patterns (JSF), pp. 1152–1154.
ICSE-2011-Kumar #concurrent #distributed #mining #specification- Specification mining in concurrent and distributed systems (SK), pp. 1086–1089.
ICSE-2011-Kumar11a #concurrent #distributed #mining #specification- Specification mining in concurrent and distributed systems (SK), pp. 1161–1163.
ICSE-2011-LeeCR #mining #parametricity #specification- Mining parametric specifications (CL, FC, GR), pp. 591–600.
ICSE-2011-LiNHK #requirements- A domain specific requirements model for scientific computing (YL, NN, JH, MK), pp. 848–851.
SLE-2011-StappersWRAN #case study #domain-specific language #formal method #industrial #using- Formalizing a Domain Specific Language Using SOS: An Industrial Case Study (FPMS, SW, MAR, SA, IN), pp. 223–242.
SPLC-2011-Boutkova #experience #specification #variability- Experience with Variability Management in Requirement Specifications (EB), pp. 303–312.
SPLC-2011-Broy11a #product line #requirements #specification- The Role of Requirements and Specification in Product Line Engineering (MB), pp. 3–7.
SPLC-2011-TolvanenK #domain-specific language #modelling #product line- Creating Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Product Lines (JPT, SK), p. 358.
SPLC-2011-VolterV #domain-specific language #product line #using- Product Line Engineering Using Domain-Specific Languages (MV, EV), pp. 70–79.
CGO-2011-SanchezASPS #compilation #using- Using machines to learn method-specific compilation strategies (RNS, JNA, DS, MP, MGS), pp. 257–266.
HPDC-2011-SongYCS #file system #layout #parallel- A cost-intelligent application-specific data layout scheme for parallel file systems (HS, YY, YC, XHS), pp. 37–48.
PPoPP-2011-ChafiSBLAO #approach #parallel- A domain-specific approach to heterogeneous parallelism (HC, AKS, KJB, HL, ARA, KO), pp. 35–46.
CAV-2011-RamanK #behaviour #specification #using- Analyzing Unsynthesizable Specifications for High-Level Robot Behavior Using LTLMoP (VR, HKG), pp. 663–668.
ICLP-2011-Herranz-NievaM #logic programming #object-oriented #source code #specification #synthesis- Synthesis of Logic Programs from Object-Oriented Formal Specifications (ÁHN, JM), pp. 95–105.
ICLP-J-2011-HallerstedeL #concurrent #constraints #specification- Constraint-based deadlock checking of high-level specifications (SH, ML), pp. 767–782.
ICTSS-2011-EnderlinDGO #contract #named #php #specification #testing- Praspel: A Specification Language for Contract-Based Testing in PHP (IE, FD, AG, ABO), pp. 64–79.
ICTSS-2011-Walkinshaw #black box #specification #test coverage #testing- Assessing Test Adequacy for Black-Box Systems without Specifications (NW), pp. 209–224.
ISSTA-2011-ShahbazSE #component #embedded #refinement #specification- Iterative refinement of specification for component based embedded systems (MS, KCS, RE), pp. 276–286.
LICS-2011-BenediktPR #specification- Regular Repair of Specifications (MB, GP, CR), pp. 335–344.
LICS-2011-BokerCHK #cumulative #specification- Temporal Specifications with Accumulative Values (UB, KC, TAH, OK), pp. 43–52.
TAP-2011-DegiovanniPAF #abstraction #automation #generative #requirements #specification #testing- Abstraction Based Automated Test Generation from Formal Tabular Requirements Specifications (RD, PP, NA, MFF), pp. 84–101.
TAP-2011-Tan #automaton #metric #testing- State Coverage Metrics for Specification-Based Testing with Büchi Automata (LT), pp. 171–186.
VMCAI-2011-JacobsK #axiom #reasoning #specification #towards- Towards Complete Reasoning about Axiomatic Specifications (SJ, VK), pp. 278–293.
ASE-2010-AliHGH #specification #tool support #visual notation- End-user oriented critic specification for domain-specific visual language tools (NMA, JGH, JCG, JH), pp. 297–300.
ASE-2010-Green #implementation #specification- Keynote address: the actual implementation will be derived from the formal specification — KBSA, 1983 (CG), pp. 183–184.
ASE-2010-HirschHG #generative #named #specification #visual notation #wiki- VikiBuilder: end-user specification and generation of visual wikis (CH, JGH, JCG), pp. 13–22.
ASE-2010-LoM #mining #specification- Scenario-based and value-based specification mining: better together (DL, SM), pp. 387–396.
ASE-2010-WoollardMPM #architecture #named- Kadre: domain-specific architectural recovery for scientific software systems (DW, CM, DP, NM), pp. 325–328.
ASE-2010-XingSLD #debugging #named #specification- SpecDiff: debugging formal specifications (ZX, JS, YL, JSD), pp. 353–354.
DAC-2010-CongLR #concurrent #named- ACES: application-specific cycle elimination and splitting for deadlock-free routing on irregular network-on-chip (JC, CL, GR), pp. 443–448.
DAC-2010-LiFS #mining #scalability #specification #verification- Scalable specification mining for verification and diagnosis (WL, AF, SAS), pp. 755–760.
DAC-2010-NurvitadhiHLK #automation #parallel #pipes and filters #specification #synthesis #thread #transaction- Automatic multithreaded pipeline synthesis from transactional datapath specifications (EN, JCH, SLL, TK), pp. 314–319.
DATE-2010-BraunBLR #interface #specification #verification- Simulation-based verification of the MOST NetInterface specification revision 3.0 (AB, OB, DL, WR), pp. 538–543.
DATE-2010-FranzonDT #3d #architecture #design- Creating 3D specific systems: Architecture, design and CAD (PDF, WRD, TT), pp. 1684–1688.
DATE-2010-Mueller-GritschnederG #specification- Computation of yield-optimized Pareto fronts for analog integrated circuit specifications (DMG, HG), pp. 1088–1093.
DATE-2010-NurvitadhiHKL #automation #pipes and filters #specification #transaction- Automatic pipelining from transactional datapath specifications (EN, JCH, TK, SLL), pp. 1001–1004.
DATE-2010-VerbeekS #concurrent #specification- Formal specification of networks-on-chips: deadlock and evacuation (FV, JS), pp. 1701–1706.
DATE-2010-WhittySHEP #architecture #configuration management #memory management #performance- Application-specific memory performance of a heterogeneous reconfigurable architecture (SW, HS, BH, RE, WPR), pp. 387–392.
DATE-2010-ZhangLZMC #architecture #communication #generative- Domain specific architecture for next generation wireless communication (BZ, HL, HZ, FM, TC), pp. 1414–1419.
FASE-2010-GhezziMS #automation #case study #multi #specification #validation- Automatic Cross Validation of Multiple Specifications: A Case Study (CG, AM, GS), pp. 233–247.
WRLA-2010-DuranM #equation #maude #order #specification- A Church-Rosser Checker Tool for Conditional Order-Sorted Equational Maude Specifications (FD, JM), pp. 69–85.
WRLA-2010-RiescoVM #debugging #maude #specification- Enhancing the Debugging of Maude Specifications (AR, AV, NMO), pp. 226–242.
WRLA-2010-RiveraDV #behaviour #domain-specific language #on the #realtime #semantics #visual notation- On the Behavioral Semantics of Real-Time Domain Specific Visual Languages (JER, FD, AV), pp. 174–190.
ICPC-2010-LammelP #comprehension #domain-specific language- Vivisection of a Non-Executable, Domain-Specific Language — Understanding (the Usage of) the P3P Language (RL, EP), pp. 104–113.
ICSM-2010-PradelBG #evaluation #finite #framework #specification #state machine- A framework for the evaluation of specification miners based on finite state machines (MP, PB, TRG), pp. 1–10.
MSR-2010-ColacoMFH #analysis #developer- OSS developers context-specific Preferred Representational systems: A initial Neurolinguistic text analysis of the Apache mailing list (MCJ, MGM, MF, PHdS), pp. 126–129.
PEPM-2010-HofmannK #detection #morphism #problem #towards- I/O guided detection of list catamorphisms: towards problem specific use of program templates in IP (MH, EK), pp. 93–100.
PLDI-2010-TorlakVD #axiom #memory management #modelling #named #specification- MemSAT: checking axiomatic specifications of memory models (ET, MV, JD), pp. 341–350.
LATA-2010-HemmerlingSK #difference #equation #network #process #programming language #specification- A Programming Language Tailored to the Specification and Solution of Differential Equations Describing Processes on Networks (RH, KS, WK), pp. 297–308.
IFM-2010-FaberIJS #automation #parametricity #specification #verification- Automatic Verification of Parametric Specifications with Complex Topologies (JF, CI, SJ, VSS), pp. 152–167.
IFM-2010-LanoR #model transformation #specification #uml #using #verification- Specification and Verification of Model Transformations Using UML-RSDS (KL, SKR), pp. 199–214.
SEFM-2010-BersaniCFPR #constraints #integer #ltl #runtime #smt #specification #verification- SMT-based Verification of LTL Specification with Integer Constraints and its Application to Runtime Checking of Service Substitutability (MMB, LC, AF, MP, MR), pp. 244–254.
SEFM-2010-HussainL #ml #named #runtime #specification- temporaljmlc: A JML Runtime Assertion Checker Extension for Specification and Checking of Temporal Properties (FH, GTL), pp. 63–72.
SEFM-2010-KatzK #query #refinement #specification- User Queries for Specification Refinement Treating Shared Aspect Join Points (EK, SK), pp. 73–82.
ICFP-2010-BradyH #domain-specific language #implementation #partial evaluation #using- Scrapping your inefficient engine: using partial evaluation to improve domain-specific language implementation (EB, KH), pp. 297–308.
ICGT-2010-KonigE #graph transformation #specification #verification- Verification of Graph Transformation Systems with Context-Free Specifications (BK, JE), pp. 107–122.
ICGT-2010-LaraGBHT #graph transformation #simulation- Graph Transformation for Domain-Specific Discrete Event Time Simulation (JdL, EG, AB, RH, PT), pp. 266–281.
CHI-2010-GaverBBJBW- The prayer companion: openness and specificity, materiality and spirituality (WWG, MB, AB, NJ, JB, PCW), pp. 2055–2064.
EDOC-2010-AtkinsonDG #process #specification- Typed Business Process Specification (CA, DD, VG), pp. 69–78.
EDOC-2010-BajwaBL #constraints #generative #natural language #ocl #specification- OCL Constraints Generation from Natural Language Specification (ISB, BB, MGL), pp. 204–213.
EDOC-2010-KrugerGZP #data transformation #enterprise- Enterprise Application-Specific Data Management (JK, MG, AZ, HP), pp. 131–140.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-BoubakerBB #specification #uml- Specification and Instantiation of Domain Specific Patterns based on UML (SRB, NB, RB), pp. 230–235.
ICEIS-J-2010-WaltherHSS10a #retrieval #specification- Directed Retrieval and Extraction of High-Quality Product Specifications (MW, LH, DS, AS), pp. 436–450.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-CanturkS #distributed #validation- Service Acquisition and Validation in a Distributed Service Discovery System Consisting of Domain-specific Sub-systems (DC, PS), pp. 93–99.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-WaltherHSS #specification- Locating and Extracting Product Specifications from Producer Websites (MW, LH, DS, AS), pp. 13–22.
CIKM-2010-MadaniY #analysis #topic- Discovery of numerous specific topics via term co-occurrence analysis (OM, JY), pp. 1841–1844.
CIKM-2010-MelliE #concept #identification #ontology- Supervised identification and linking of concept mentions to a domain-specific ontology (GM, ME), pp. 1717–1720.
CIKM-2010-MingCC- Exploring domain-specific term weight in archived question search (ZM, TSC, GC), pp. 1605–1608.
ECIR-2010-ArampatzisK #empirical #query- An Empirical Study of Query Specificity (AA, JK), pp. 594–597.
ICPR-2010-DornaikaR #estimation- Person-Specific Face Shape Estimation under Varying Head Pose from Single Snapshots (FD, BR), pp. 3496–3499.
ICPR-2010-GriptonL #kernel #semistructured data #using- Kernel Domain Description with Incomplete Data: Using Instance-Specific Margins to Avoid Imputation (AG, WL), pp. 2921–2924.
ICPR-2010-LuoN #classification #fault #learning #multi #problem- Employing Decoding of Specific Error Correcting Codes as a New Classification Criterion in Multiclass Learning Problems (YL, KN), pp. 4238–4241.
ICPR-2010-RevaudLAB #graph #learning #performance #recognition #robust- Learning an Efficient and Robust Graph Matching Procedure for Specific Object Recognition (JR, GL, YA, AB), pp. 754–757.
ICPR-2010-Tabassi #fault #image #metric #performance- Image Specific Error Rate: A Biometric Performance Metric (ET), pp. 1124–1127.
KDD-2010-PrengerLVCH #bound #classification #fault- Class-specific error bounds for ensemble classifiers (RJP, TDL, KRV, BYC, WGH), pp. 843–852.
KDIR-2010-PadmajaBK #framework #problem #reduction- A Class Specific Dimensionality Reduction Framework for Class Imbalance Problem: CPC_SMOTE (TMP, RSB, PRK), pp. 237–242.
KEOD-2010-CasasCC #fibonacci #modelling #representation #specification #towards #using- Towards a Representation of Enviromental Models using Specification and Description Language — From the Fibonacci Model to a Wildfire Model (PFiC, MC, JC), pp. 343–346.
KEOD-2010-FukumotoS #classification #identification- Identifying Domain-specific Senses and Its Application to Text Classification (FF, YS), pp. 263–268.
KMIS-2010-Muller #adaptation #documentation #generative #metadata- Adaptation of Mathematical Documents — Exploring Document Structures, Metadata, and Context for the Generation of User-specific Documents (CM), pp. 143–148.
SEKE-2010-AsteasuainB #specification- Specification patterns can be formal and still easy (FA, VAB), pp. 430–436.
SEKE-2010-CerriYRS #fuzzy #named- UFOCoRe: Exploring Fuzzy Relations According to Specific Contexts (MJC, CAY, MXR, MTPS), pp. 529–542.
SEKE-2010-EstradaMRP #modelling #specification #web #web service- Transforming Service-Oriented Business Models into Web Service Specifications (HE, IMR, AMR, OP), pp. 225–230.
SEKE-2010-GalsterEM #architecture #requirements #specification- Textual Software Requirements Specifications in the Context of Software Architecting (MG, AE, MM), pp. 42–47.
SEKE-2010-KhwajaU #execution #implementation #realtime #specification- Intertwining Implementation with the RealSpec Executable Real-Time Specification Language (AAK, JEU), pp. 649–652.
SEKE-2010-MoshirpourMF #behaviour #detection #distributed #specification #using- Detecting Emergent Behavior in Distributed Systems Using Scenario-Based Specifications (MM, AM, BHF), pp. 349–354.
SEKE-2010-NunesBL #adaptation- An End-user Domain-specific Model to Drive Dynamic User Agents Adaptations (IN, SDJB, CJPdL), pp. 509–514.
SEKE-2010-SubburajU #design #specification- Intelligent Software Agent Design Issues with Extensions to the Descartes Specification Language (VHS, JEU), pp. 668–671.
SEKE-2010-WyethZ #architecture #security #specification- Formal Specification of Software Architecture Security Tactics (AW, CZ), pp. 172–175.
ECMFA-2010-SterrittCC #behaviour #design pattern #precise #specification- Precise Specification of Design Pattern Structure and Behaviour (AS, SC, VC), pp. 277–292.
ECMFA-2010-Vallecillo #modelling #on the- On the Combination of Domain Specific Modeling Languages (AV), pp. 305–320.
ICMT-2010-AzanzaBDT #composition- Domain-Specific Composition of Model Deltas (MA, DSB, OD, ST), pp. 16–30.
ECOOP-2010-SamimiAM #execution #specification- Falling Back on Executable Specifications (HS, EDA, TDM), pp. 552–576.
ECOOP-2010-StadenCM #execution #logic #object-oriented #specification #verification- Verifying Executable Object-Oriented Specifications with Separation Logic (SvS, CC, BM), pp. 151–174.
OOPSLA-2010-KatsV #declarative #ide #specification #spoofax- The spoofax language workbench: rules for declarative specification of languages and IDEs (LCLK, EV), pp. 444–463.
OOPSLA-2010-MercadalECL #approach #architecture #fault #pervasive- A domain-specific approach to architecturing error handling in pervasive computing (JM, QE, CC, NL), pp. 47–61.
OOPSLA-2010-WoodSCG #communication #composition #specification- Composable specifications for structured shared-memory communication (BPW, AS, LC, DG), pp. 140–159.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-RenggliDGN #domain-specific language- Domain-Specific Program Checking (LR, SD, TG, ON), pp. 213–232.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-Xu #domain-specific language #embedded #generative #named- EriLex: An Embedded Domain Specific Language Generator (HX), pp. 192–212.
GPCE-2010-HoferO #component #composition #domain-specific language #scala- Modular domain-specific language components in scala (CH, KO), pp. 83–92.
GPCE-2010-PorkolabS #domain-specific language #generative #integration #library #parsing- Domain-specific language integration with compile-time parser generator library (ZP, ÁS), pp. 137–146.
PPDP-2010-Gacek #higher-order #specification #syntax- Relating nominal and higher-order abstract syntax specifications (AG), pp. 177–186.
PADL-2010-HafizF #attribute grammar #combinator #execution #lazy evaluation #specification- Lazy Combinators for Executable Specifications of General Attribute Grammars (RH, RAF), pp. 167–182.
PADL-2010-WangG #approach #domain-specific language #implementation #protocol #stack- A Domain-Specific Language Approach to Protocol Stack Implementation (YW, VG), pp. 183–185.
RE-2010-KaindlSN #requirements #reuse #specification- Case-based Reuse with Partial Requirements Specifications (HK, MS, WN), pp. 399–400.
RE-2010-MenzelMGD #comparison #functional #requirements #specification- An Experimental Comparison Regarding the Completeness of Functional Requirements Specifications (IM, MM, AG, JD), pp. 15–24.
RE-2010-MoraliW #outsourcing #requirements #specification- Risk-based Confidentiality Requirements Specification for Outsourced IT Systems (AM, RW), pp. 199–208.
RE-2010-StoiberFJG #product line #refactoring #requirements #specification #weaving- Feature Unweaving: Refactoring Software Requirements Specifications into Software Product Lines (RS, SF, MJ, MG), pp. 403–404.
REFSQ-2010-KomssiKTSU #collaboration #lessons learnt #specification- Lessons Learned from Integrating Specification Templates, Collaborative Workshops, and Peer Reviews (MK, MK, KT, RS, EJU), pp. 158–172.
REFSQ-2010-LeuserO #automation #scalability #specification- Tackling Semi-automatic Trace Recovery for Large Specifications (JL, DO), pp. 203–217.
REFSQ-2010-SikoraDP #abstraction #consistency #multi #specification- Supporting the Consistent Specification of Scenarios across Multiple Abstraction Levels (ES, MD, KP), pp. 45–59.
SAC-2010-FautschS #adaptation #information retrieval- Adapting the tf idf vector-space model to domain specific information retrieval (CF, JS), pp. 1708–1712.
SAC-2010-HuangT #detection #semantics #specification- Semantic scene detection system for baseball videos based on the MPEG-7 specification (YFH, LHT), pp. 941–947.
SAC-2010-KnappMWZ #approach #specification- A heterogeneous approach to service-oriented systems specification (AK, GM, MW, AZ), pp. 2477–2484.
SAC-2010-LiuCXMBG #architecture #domain-specific language #question- Can domain-specific languages be implemented by service-oriented architecture? (SHL, AC, XX, MM, BRB, JG), pp. 2491–2492.
FSE-2010-Krka #approach #behaviour #incremental #modelling #refinement #requirements #specification- From requirements to partial behavior models: an iterative approach to incremental specification refinement (IK), pp. 341–344.
ICSE-2010-BurnimS #named #parallel #source code #specification #thread- DETERMIN: inferring likely deterministic specifications of multithreaded programs (JB, KS), pp. 415–424.
ICSE-2010-Cleland-HuangCGE #approach #machine learning #requirements- A machine learning approach for tracing regulatory codes to product specific requirements (JCH, AC, MG, JE), pp. 155–164.
ICSE-2010-DoanLMK #mining #named #specification- LM: a miner for scenario-based specifications (TAD, DL, SM, SCK), pp. 319–320.
ICSE-2010-GroceHS #evolution #specification #testing- From scripts to specifications: the evolution of a flight software testing effort (AG, KH, MHS), pp. 129–138.
ICSE-2010-GuoSZS #empirical #smell- Domain-specific tailoring of code smells: an empirical study (YG, CBS, NZ, FS), pp. 167–170.
ICSE-2010-JurgensDFHSWDS #clone detection #detection #quality #question #requirements #specification- Can clone detection support quality assessments of requirements specifications? (EJ, FD, MF, BH, BS, SW, CD, JS), pp. 79–88.
ICSE-2010-SalgerE #development #information management #specification #testing- Knowledge transfer in global software development: leveraging acceptance test case specifications (FS, GE), pp. 211–214.
LDTA-2009-KatsKV10 #composition #domain-specific language #editing #plugin- Domain-Specific Languages for Composable Editor Plugins (LCLK, KTK, EV), pp. 149–163.
LDTA-2010-BrandMSH #case study #domain-specific language #experience- Formally specified type checkers for domain specific languages: experience report (MvdB, APvdM, AS, ATH), p. 12.
LDTA-2010-Giavitto #domain-specific language #simulation- A domain specific language for complex natural and artificial systems simulations (JLG), p. 1.
SLE-2010-BandenerSE #behaviour #debugging #execution #specification #visual notation- Extending DMM Behavior Specifications for Visual Execution and Debugging (NB, CS, GE), pp. 357–376.
SLE-2010-BraatzB #algebra #domain-specific language #graph transformation #modelling #rdf- Domain-Specific Modelling Languages with Algebraic Graph Transformations on RDF (BB, CB), pp. 82–101.
SLE-2010-MannadiarV #debugging #modelling- Debugging in Domain-Specific Modelling (RM, HV), pp. 276–285.
SPLC-2010-RabiserHELGS #approach #documentation #flexibility #generative #product line- A Flexible Approach for Generating Product-Specific Documents in Product Lines (RR, WH, CE, ML, PG, CS), pp. 47–61.
LCTES-2010-BrandtSS #concurrent #specification- Translating concurrent action oriented specifications to synchronous guarded actions (JB, KS, SKS), pp. 47–56.
ICLP-2010-Balduccini10 #heuristic #learning #set- Learning Domain-Specific Heuristics for Answer Set Solvers (MB), pp. 14–23.
ICLP-2010-Near10 #logic programming #relational #source code #specification- From Relational Specifications to Logic Programs (JPN), pp. 144–153.
ICST-2010-Rahimi #model transformation #specification #uml- Specification of UML Model Transformations (SKR), pp. 323–326.
ICTSS-2010-Gladisch #first-order #generative #logic #quantifier #source code #specification #testing- Test Data Generation for Programs with Quantified First-Order Logic Specifications (CG), pp. 158–173.
ISSTA-2010-DallmeierKMHZ #generative #mining #specification #testing- Generating test cases for specification mining (VD, NK, CM, SH, AZ), pp. 85–96.
TAP-2010-ClaessenSH #named #specification #testing #using- QuickSpec: Guessing Formal Specifications Using Testing (KC, NS, JH), pp. 6–21.
TAP-2010-Rusu #proving #specification #theorem proving- Combining Theorem Proving and Narrowing for Rewriting-Logic Specifications (VR), pp. 135–150.
CBSE-2009-Bickford #component #specification #using- Component Specification Using Event Classes (MB), pp. 140–155.
CBSE-2009-KiniryF #consistency #design #documentation #implementation #specification- Ensuring Consistency between Designs, Documentation, Formal Specifications, and Implementations (JRK, FF), pp. 242–261.
CBSE-2009-LauT #component #modelling- Domain-Specific Software Component Models (KKL, FMT), pp. 19–35.
CBSE-2009-PochP #behaviour #component #legacy #specification- Extracting Behavior Specification of Components in Legacy Applications (TP, FP), pp. 87–103.
QoSA-2009-BjornanderGL #architecture #simulation #specification #state machine- Timed Simulation of Extended AADL-Based Architecture Specifications with Timed Abstract State Machines (SB, LG, KL), pp. 101–115.
ASE-2009-BiermannEEH #eclipse #framework #generative #modelling #simulation- Generation of Simulation Views for Domain Specific Modeling Languages Based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EB, KE, CE, JH), pp. 625–629.
ASE-2009-BookBGH #interface #internet #specification- Specification and Control of Interface Responses to User Input in Rich Internet Applications (MB, TB, VG, MH), pp. 321–331.
ASE-2009-HokamuraNSUNI #aspect-oriented #framework #named #php- AOWP: Web-Specific AOP Framework for PHP (KH, RN, MS, NU, SN, AI), pp. 683–685.
ASE-2009-LoM #mining #specification- Mining Hierarchical Scenario-Based Specifications (DL, SM), pp. 359–370.
ASE-2009-PradelG #automation #generative #scalability #specification- Automatic Generation of Object Usage Specifications from Large Method Traces (MP, TRG), pp. 371–382.
ASE-2009-WasylkowskiZ #mining #specification- Mining Temporal Specifications from Object Usage (AW, AZ), pp. 295–306.
ASE-2009-ZhongZXM #api #documentation #natural language #specification- Inferring Resource Specifications from Natural Language API Documentation (HZ, LZ, TX, HM), pp. 307–318.
CASE-2009-BengtssonLYFB #development #logic #specification- Operation-oriented specification for integrated control logic development (KB, BL, CY, PF, SB), pp. 183–190.
DAC-2009-JavaidP #design #multi #pipes and filters- A design flow for application specific heterogeneous pipelined multiprocessor systems (HJ, SP), pp. 250–253.
DAC-2009-ZhangCTL #performance #worst-case- Efficient design-specific worst-case corner extraction for integrated circuits (HZ, THC, MYT, XL), pp. 386–389.
DATE-2009-Flamand #manycore #towards- Strategic directions towards multicore application specific computing (EF), p. 1266.
DATE-2009-GuanLF #design #scalability #set- Design of an application-specific instruction set processor for high-throughput and scalable FFT (XG, HL, YF), pp. 1302–1307.
DATE-2009-KonigBSMNW #behaviour #embedded #evaluation #performance #realtime- Application specific performance indicators for quantitative evaluation of the timing behavior for embedded real-time systems (FK, DB, FS, UM, MN, GW), pp. 519–523.
DATE-2009-LiFNBPC #architecture #co-evolution #design #detection #ml #parallel #set- Algorithm-architecture co-design of soft-output ML MIMO detector for parallel application specific instruction set processors (ML, RF, DN, BB, LVdP, FC), pp. 1608–1613.
DATE-2009-MollCRB #modelling #performance #protocol #using- Fast and accurate protocol specific bus modeling using TLM 2.0 (HWMvM, HC, VR, MB), pp. 316–319.
DATE-2009-MukherjeeAPMD #approach #behaviour #formal method #generative- A formal approach for specification-driven AMS behavioral model generation (SM, AA, SKP, RM, PD), pp. 1512–1517.
ICDAR-2009-Pletschacher #adaptation #self- A Self-Adaptive Method for Extraction of Document-Specific Alphabets (SP), pp. 656–660.
ICDAR-2009-Syeda-MahmoodBA- Disease-Specific Extraction of Text from Cardiac Echo Videos for Decision Support (TFSM, DB, AA), pp. 1290–1294.
VLDB-2009-CautisDOV #performance #query #set #specification #using #xpath- Efficient Rewriting of XPath Queries Using Query Set Specifications (BC, AD, NO, VV), pp. 301–312.
ITiCSE-2009-SitaramanHWDHLKP #evaluation #reasoning #specification #student- Engaging students in specification and reasoning: “hands-on” experimentation and evaluation (MS, JOH, JW, SDS, HKH, DPL, JK, RP), pp. 50–54.
WRLA-2008-AgrigoroaieiC09 #logic #specification- Rewriting Logic Specification of Membrane Systems with Promoters and Inhibitors (OA, GC), pp. 5–22.
ESOP-2009-Eber #contract #design #programming language #question #specification #tool support #what- The Financial Crisis, a Lack of Contract Specification Tools: What Can Finance Learn from Programming Language Design? (JME), pp. 205–206.
FASE-2009-AcharyaX #api #mining #source code #specification- Mining API Error-Handling Specifications from Source Code (MA, TX), pp. 370–384.
FASE-2009-AguirreFMMW #alloy #behaviour #specification #using- Describing and Analyzing Behaviours over Tabular Specifications Using (Dyn)Alloy (NA, MFF, MMM, TSEM, AW), pp. 155–170.
FASE-2009-AlTurkiDYCI #analysis #specification- Formal Specification and Analysis of Timing Properties in Software Systems (MA, DD, DY, AC, HI), pp. 262–277.
FASE-2009-Sery #specification #verification- Enhanced Property Specification and Verification in BLAST (OS), pp. 456–469.
TACAS-2009-GouesW #mining #specification- Specification Mining with Few False Positives (CLG, WW), pp. 292–306.
TACAS-2009-KuglerS #composition #sequence chart #specification #synthesis- Compositional Synthesis of Reactive Systems from Live Sequence Chart Specifications (HK, IS), pp. 77–91.
SCAM-2009-KlintSV #analysis #domain-specific language #named #rascal #source code- RASCAL: A Domain Specific Language for Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (PK, TvdS, JJV), pp. 168–177.
SCAM-2009-LammelZ #grammar recovery #java #specification- Recovering Grammar Relationships for the Java Language Specification (RL, VZ), pp. 178–186.
PEPM-2009-LeuschelLOST #csp #named #slicing #specification- SOC: a slicer for CSP specifications (ML, ML, JO, JS, ST), pp. 165–168.
PLDI-2009-LivshitsNRB #data flow #named #problem #specification- Merlin: specification inference for explicit information flow problems (VBL, AVN, SKR, AB), pp. 75–86.
LATA-2009-BertrandPR #consistency #refinement #specification- Refinement and Consistency of Timed Modal Specifications (NB, SP, JBR), pp. 152–163.
FM-2009-AlpuenteBR #logic #specification #verification #web- Specification and Verification of Web Applications in Rewriting Logic (MA, DB, DR), pp. 790–805.
FM-2009-GomesO #specification- Formal Specification of a Cardiac Pacing System (AOG, MVMO), pp. 692–707.
FM-2009-LuthW #c #source code #specification #verification- Certifiable Specification and Verification of C Programs (CL, DW), pp. 419–434.
FM-2009-SchierlSHR #file system #memory management #specification- Abstract Specification of the UBIFS File System for Flash Memory (AS, GS, DH, WR), pp. 190–206.
IFM-2009-PaceS #challenge #contract #specification- Challenges in the Specification of Full Contracts (GJP, GS), pp. 292–306.
IFM-2009-WongG #modelling #specification #workflow- Property Specifications for Workflow Modelling (PYHW, JG), pp. 56–71.
SEFM-2009-CunhaP #alloy #database #implementation #specification- Mapping between Alloy Specifications and Database Implementations (AC, HP), pp. 285–294.
SEFM-2009-HummelT #behaviour #specification #using- Behavioral Specification of Reactive Systems Using Stream-Based I/O Tables (BH, JT), pp. 137–146.
GT-VMT-2009-Tveit #approach #metamodelling #specification #visual notation- A Meta-Model-Based Approach for Specification of Graphical Representations (MST), pp. 85–99.
HCI-NIMT-2009-MaierM #diagrams #editing #specification- Specification of a Drawing Facility for Diagram Editors (SM, MM), pp. 850–859.
HCI-NIMT-2009-PedroRBBA #domain-specific language #syntax #visual notation- Composing Visual Syntax for Domain Specific Languages (LP, MR, DB, BB, VA), pp. 889–898.
HCI-NT-2009-BomsdorfS #modelling #requirements #specification #user interface #validation- Model-Based Specification and Validation of User Interface Requirements (BB, DS), pp. 587–596.
HIMI-II-2009-MarusterFH #design #learning #personalisation- Personalization for Specific Users: Designing Decision Support Systems to Support Stimulating Learning Environments (LM, NRF, RJFvH), pp. 660–668.
VISSOFT-2009-OliveiraPHC #behaviour #domain-specific language #source code #visualisation- Visualization of domain-specific programs’ behavior (NO, MJVP, PRH, DCdC), pp. 37–40.
AdaEurope-2009-BerthomieuBCDFV #specification #verification- Formal Verification of AADL Specifications in the Topcased Environment (BB, JPB, CC, SDZ, MF, FV), pp. 207–221.
CAiSE-2009-GiachettiMP #automation #domain-specific language #generative #modelling #uml #using- Using UML as a Domain-Specific Modeling Language: A Proposal for Automatic Generation of UML Profiles (GG, BM, OP), pp. 110–124.
CAiSE-2009-PlanasCG #action semantics #behaviour #modelling #semantics #specification #uml #verification- Verifying Action Semantics Specifications in UML Behavioral Models (EP, JC, CG), pp. 125–140.
EDOC-2009-RomeroJV #multi #specification- Realizing Correspondences in Multi-viewpoint Specifications (JRR, JIJ, AV), pp. 163–172.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-NunesAAS #domain-specific language #framework- A Domain Specific Language for the I* Framework (CN, JA, VA, CTLLS), pp. 158–163.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-MacielSMR #approach #development #modelling #process #specification- An Approach to Model-driven Development Process Specification (RSPM, BCdS, APFM, NSR), pp. 27–32.
CIKM-2009-GengYXH #adaptation #ranking- Ranking model adaptation for domain-specific search (BG, LY, CX, XSH), pp. 197–206.
ECIR-2009-ChowdaryK #multi #named #performance #summary- ESUM: An Efficient System for Query-Specific Multi-document Summarization (CRC, PSK), pp. 724–728.
ECIR-2009-NaLNL #retrieval #sentiment- Improving Opinion Retrieval Based on Query-Specific Sentiment Lexicon (SHN, YL, SHN, JHL), pp. 734–738.
ICML-2009-ZhanLLZ #learning #metric #using- Learning instance specific distances using metric propagation (DCZ, ML, YFL, ZHZ), pp. 1225–1232.
SEKE-2009-HamouiHUV #component #specification- Specification of a Component-based Domotic System to Support User-defined Scenarios (FH, MH, CU, SV), pp. 597–602.
SEKE-2009-KornerB #natural language #ontology #specification- Improving Natural Language Specifications with Ontologies (SJK, TB), pp. 552–557.
SEKE-2009-SalamahBBPFC #specification #tool support #validation- Enhancing Property Specification Tools With Validation Techniques (SS, MDB, EB, SP, DF, LC), pp. 487–492.
SEKE-2009-SarkarCCB #concept #graph #multi #specification- Object Specification Language for Graph Based Conceptual level Multidimensional Data Model (AS, SC, NC, SB), pp. 694–607.
SEKE-2009-VaraS #requirements #specification- Specification of Data Requirements from Task Descriptions (JLdlV, JS), pp. 55–60.
SIGIR-2009-MeisterKK #clustering #documentation #retrieval- Integrating clusters created offline with query-specific clusters for document retrieval (LM, OK, IGK), pp. 706–707.
ECMDA-FA-2009-IzquierdoM #domain-specific language #legacy #modelling- A Domain Specific Language for Extracting Models in Software Modernization (JLCI, JGM), pp. 82–97.
MoDELS-2009-FleureyS #adaptation #execution #modelling #simulation #specification- A Domain Specific Modeling Language Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of Dynamic Adaptive Systems (FF, AS), pp. 606–621.
MoDELS-2009-HermansPD #case study #domain-specific language- Domain-Specific Languages in Practice: A User Study on the Success Factors (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 423–437.
MoDELS-2009-Maoz #modelling #polymorphism #semantics #specification- Polymorphic Scenario-Based Specification Models: Semantics and Applications (SM), pp. 499–513.
MoDELS-2009-ShtelmaCM #domain-specific language #execution #integration #message passing- Executable Domain Specific Language for Message-Based System Integration (MS, MC, NM), pp. 622–626.
MoDELS-2009-SoltenbornE #semantics #specification #testing #towards- Towards Test-Driven Semantics Specification (CS, GE), pp. 378–392.
MoDELS-2009-WalterPS #domain-specific language #framework #named #ontology- OntoDSL: An Ontology-Based Framework for Domain-Specific Languages (TW, FSP, SS), pp. 408–422.
MoDELS-2009-WienandsG #domain-specific language #industrial #visual notation- Anatomy of a Visual Domain-Specific Language Project in an Industrial Context (CW, MG), pp. 453–467.
MoDELS-2009-FleureyS #adaptation #execution #modelling #simulation #specification- A Domain Specific Modeling Language Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of Dynamic Adaptive Systems (FF, AS), pp. 606–621.
MoDELS-2009-HermansPD #case study #domain-specific language- Domain-Specific Languages in Practice: A User Study on the Success Factors (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 423–437.
MoDELS-2009-Maoz #modelling #polymorphism #semantics #specification- Polymorphic Scenario-Based Specification Models: Semantics and Applications (SM), pp. 499–513.
MoDELS-2009-ShtelmaCM #domain-specific language #execution #integration #message passing- Executable Domain Specific Language for Message-Based System Integration (MS, MC, NM), pp. 622–626.
MoDELS-2009-SoltenbornE #semantics #specification #testing #towards- Towards Test-Driven Semantics Specification (CS, GE), pp. 378–392.
MoDELS-2009-WalterPS #domain-specific language #framework #named #ontology- OntoDSL: An Ontology-Based Framework for Domain-Specific Languages (TW, FSP, SS), pp. 408–422.
MoDELS-2009-WienandsG #domain-specific language #industrial #visual notation- Anatomy of a Visual Domain-Specific Language Project in an Industrial Context (CW, MG), pp. 453–467.
OOPSLA-2009-BravenboerS #analysis #declarative #points-to #specification #strict- Strictly declarative specification of sophisticated points-to analyses (MB, YS), pp. 243–262.
OOPSLA-2009-CharlesFSDV #eclipse #ide- Accelerating the creation of customized, language-Specific IDEs in Eclipse (PC, RMF, SMSJ, ED, JJV), pp. 191–206.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BoronatM #algebra #metamodelling #ocl #semantics #specification- Algebraic Semantics of OCL-Constrained Metamodel Specifications (AB, JM), pp. 96–115.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-HovsepyanBBJ #domain-specific language #modelling #specification- Specifying and Composing Concerns Expressed in Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (AH, SVB, YB, WJ), pp. 116–135.
GPCE-2009-RadermacherCGT #case study #component #execution #generative #modelling #realtime #specification- Generating execution infrastructures for component-oriented specifications with a model driven toolchain: a case study for MARTE’s GCM and real-time annotations (AR, AC, SG, FT), pp. 127–136.
PPDP-2009-NigamM #algorithm #linear #logic #specification- Algorithmic specifications in linear logic with subexponentials (VN, DM), pp. 129–140.
PADL-2009-TranNPS #consistency #declarative #performance #specification #static analysis- Improving Performance of Conformant Planners: Static Analysis of Declarative Planning Domain Specifications (DVT, HKN, EP, TCS), pp. 239–253.
RE-2009-EspanaCGP #empirical #functional #requirements #specification- Evaluating the Completeness and Granularity of Functional Requirements Specifications: A Controlled Experiment (SE, NCF, AG, OP), pp. 161–170.
RE-2009-MonteiroER #requirements #specification- Improving the Exchange of Requirements and Specifications between Business Partners (MRM, CE, MR), pp. 253–260.
RE-2009-WhittleSBCB #adaptation #named #nondeterminism #self #specification- RELAX: Incorporating Uncertainty into the Specification of Self-Adaptive Systems (JW, PS, NB, BHCC, JMB), pp. 79–88.
REFSQ-2009-Kof #automaton #modelling #specification- Translation of Textual Specifications to Automata by Means of Discourse Context Modeling (LK), pp. 197–211.
REFSQ-2009-VaraS #approach #lessons learnt #specification- BPMN-Based Specification of Task Descriptions: Approach and Lessons Learnt (JLdlV, JS), pp. 124–138.
SAC-2009-BatistaR #ad hoc #framework #middleware #mobile #network #specification- High-level specification of a middleware framework for mobile ad hoc networks: spontaneousware case (VdFB, NSR), pp. 221–222.
SAC-2009-BriggsA #algebra #constraints #parametricity #specification- Algebraic specification techniques for parametric types with logic-based constraints (DB, SA), pp. 1890–1897.
SAC-2009-CatanoW #case study #java #ml #specification- Executing JML specifications of Java card applications: a case study (NC, TW), pp. 404–408.
SAC-2009-LiuTN #assurance #bibliography #component #integration #quality #specification #testing- Integration of formal specification, review, and testing for software component quality assurance (SL, TT, SN), pp. 415–421.
SAC-2009-MendesPDB #ad hoc #execution #named #process #specification #web #web service- WebFlowAH: an environment for ad-hoc specification and execution of web services-based processes (RM, PFP, FCD, TVB), pp. 692–693.
ESEC-FSE-2009-KrkaBEM #behaviour #component #modelling #specification- Synthesizing partial component-level behavior models from system specifications (IK, YB, GE, NM), pp. 305–314.
SLE-2009-LairdB #domain-specific language #evolution #towards- Towards Dynamic Evolution of Domain Specific Languages (PL, SB), pp. 144–153.
SLE-2009-ZschalerKDPR #metamodelling- Domain-Specific Metamodelling Languages for Software Language Engineering (SZ, DSK, ND, RFP, AR), pp. 334–353.
SPLC-2009-Voelter #domain-specific language #product line #using- Using domain specific languages for product line engineering (MV), p. 329.
CC-2009-WarburtonK #architecture #bytecode #java #optimisation #specification- From Specification to Optimisation: An Architecture for Optimisation of Java Bytecode (RW, SK), pp. 17–31.
LCTES-2009-AndreM #requirements #specification #verification- Specification and verification of time requirements with CCSL and Esterel (CA, FM), pp. 167–176.
CAV-2009-PanBL #named #specification- TASS: Timing Analyzer of Scenario-Based Specifications (MP, LB, XL), pp. 689–695.
ICST-2009-AydalPUW #modelling #specification #testing #validation- Putting Formal Specifications under the Magnifying Glass: Model-based Testing for Validation (EGA, RFP, MU, JW), pp. 131–140.
ICST-2009-FraserG #evaluation #generative #model checking #specification #testing- An Evaluation of Model Checkers for Specification Based Test Case Generation (GF, AG), pp. 41–50.
ICST-2009-NodlerNG #assurance #flexibility #framework #java #quality #specification #uml- A Flexible Framework for Quality Assurance of Software Artefacts with Applications to Java, UML, and TTCN-3 Test Specifications (JN, HN, JG), pp. 101–110.
LICS-2009-ChenHKM #automaton #markov #model checking #specification- Quantitative Model Checking of Continuous-Time Markov Chains Against Timed Automata Specifications (TC, TH, JPK, AM), pp. 309–318.
CBSE-2008-ArbabM #interactive #specification #synthesis- Synthesis of Connectors from Scenario-Based Interaction Specifications (FA, SM), pp. 114–129.
ECSA-2008-BatistaGCCG #aspect-oriented #configuration management #on the- On the Interplay of Aspects and Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Specification-to-Deployment Environment (TVB, ATAG, GC, CC, AG), pp. 314–317.
QoSA-2008-WaignierMD #analysis #architecture #specification- Architectural Specification and Static Analyses of Contractual Application Properties (GW, AFLM, LD), pp. 152–170.
ASE-2008-EdwardsM #development #framework- A Methodology and Framework for Creating Domain-Specific Development Infrastructures (GE, NM), pp. 168–177.
ASE-2008-Hall #modelling #queue #realtime #specification #using #validation- Validating Real Time Specifications using Real Time Event Queue Modeling (RJH), pp. 79–88.
ASE-2008-KollmannG #specification #static analysis #student- A Specification Language for Static Analysis of Student Exercises (CK, MG), pp. 355–358.
ASE-2008-PradellaMP #bound #realtime #satisfiability #specification- Refining Real-Time System Specifications through Bounded Model- and Satisfiability-Checking (MP, AM, PSP), pp. 119–127.
CASE-2008-LjungkrantzAF #component #industrial #logic #programming #specification #verification- Formal specification and verification of components for industrial logic control programming (OL, KÅ, MF), pp. 935–940.
DAC-2008-ChongP #agile #float #generative- Rapid application specific floating-point unit generation with bit-alignment (YJC, SP), pp. 62–67.
DAC-2008-GerstlauerPSGNAN #implementation #specification- Specify-explore-refine (SER): from specification to implementation (AG, JP, DS, DG, AN, DA, YN), pp. 586–591.
DAC-2008-SauerGL #framework #functional #modelling #named #performance #using- SystemClick: a domain-specific framework for early exploration using functional performance models (CS, MG, HPL), pp. 480–485.
DATE-2008-ClineCBTS #modelling- Transistor-Specific Delay Modeling for SSTA (BC, KC, DB, AT, SS), pp. 592–597.
DATE-2008-CruzBCM #embedded #modelling #named #realtime #synthesis- ezRealtime: A Domain-Specific Modeling Tool for Embedded Hard Real-Time Software Synthesis (FC, RSB, LCC, PRMM), pp. 1510–1515.
DATE-2008-IsrarH #design #embedded #reliability #specification- Specification and Design Considerations for Reliable Embedded Systems (AI, SAH), pp. 1111–1116.
DATE-2008-SteinhorstH #model checking #specification #using- Model Checking of Analog Systems using an Analog Specification Language (SS, LH), pp. 324–329.
DATE-2008-VillarJGK #specification #using- Heterogeneous System-level Specification Using SystemC (EV, AJ, CG, TK).
DATE-2008-VogtW #configuration management #set- A Reconfigurable Application Specific Instruction Set Processor for Convolutional and Turbo Decoding in a SDR Environment (TV, NW), pp. 38–43.
DATE-2008-WolinskiK #automation #configuration management- Automatic Selection of Application-Specific Reconfigurable Processor Extensions (CW, KK), pp. 1214–1219.
VLDB-2008-LoK #mining #specification- Mining patterns and rules for software specification discovery (DL, SCK), pp. 1609–1616.
CSEET-2008-SalamahG #education #model checking #specification #using- A Technique for Using Model Checkers to Teach Formal Specifications (SS, AQG), pp. 181–188.
FASE-2008-FantechiGLMPT #approach #model checking #specification #verification- A Model Checking Approach for Verifying COWS Specifications (AF, SG, AL, FM, RP, FT), pp. 230–245.
FoSSaCS-2008-AntonikHLNW #complexity #problem #specification- Complexity of Decision Problems for Mixed and Modal Specifications (AA, MH, KGL, UN, AW), pp. 112–126.
CSMR-2008-MarchettoRT #empirical #maintenance #web- Comparing “Traditional” and Web Specific Fit Tables in Maintenance Tasks: A Preliminary Empirical Study (AM, FR, MT), pp. 284–288.
CSMR-2008-RatiuFJ #api #ontology- Extracting Domain Ontologies from Domain Specific APIs (DR, MF, JJ), pp. 203–212.
ICPC-2008-AbadiNS #specification #traceability- A Traceability Technique for Specifications (AA, MN, YS), pp. 103–112.
ICSM-2008-Chan #maintenance #programming- Impact of programming and application-specific knowledge on maintenance effort: A hazard rate model (TC), pp. 47–56.
ICSM-2008-Lo #execution #mining #specification- Mining specifications in diversified formats from execution traces (DL), pp. 420–423.
ICSM-2008-MunozBB #aspect-oriented #framework #interactive #maintenance #specification- Improving maintenance in AOP through an interaction specification framework (FM, BB, OB), pp. 77–86.
PASTE-2008-LoM #mining #modelling #specification- Specification mining of symbolic scenario-based models (DL, SM), pp. 29–35.
WCRE-2008-GeestVDV #domain-specific language #generative- Generating Version Convertors for Domain-Specific Languages (GdG, SV, AvD, EV), pp. 197–201.
FM-2008-AmtoftHRRHG #contract #data flow #specification- Specification and Checking of Software Contracts for Conditional Information Flow (TA, JH, ER, R, JH, DG), pp. 229–245.
FM-2008-FuriaPR #approximate #automation #specification #verification- Automated Verification of Dense-Time MTL Specifications Via Discrete-Time Approximation (CAF, MP, MR), pp. 132–147.
FM-2008-HarhurinH #consistency #product line #specification #towards- Towards Consistent Specifications of Product Families (AH, JH), pp. 390–405.
FM-2008-KuritaCN #development #mobile #specification- Application of a Formal Specification Language in the Development of the “Mobile FeliCa” IC Chip Firmware for Embedding in Mobile Phone (TK, MC, YN), pp. 425–429.
FM-2008-RudichDM #specification- Checking Well-Formedness of Pure-Method Specifications (AR, ÁD, PM), pp. 68–83.
FM-2008-TorlakCJ #declarative #satisfiability #specification- Finding Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of Declarative Specifications (ET, FSHC, DJ), pp. 326–341.
SEFM-2008-KahsaiRS #product line #testing- Specification-Based Testing for Software Product Lines (TK, MR, BHS), pp. 149–158.
SEFM-2008-Salaun #generative #protocol #specification- Generation of Service Wrapper Protocols from Choreography Specifications (GS), pp. 313–322.
IFL-2008-SvenssonSC #embedded #named #parallel #programming- Obsidian: A Domain Specific Embedded Language for Parallel Programming of Graphics Processors (JS, MS, KC), pp. 156–173.
GT-VMT-2006-GuerraDL08 #domain-specific language #metric #specification #visual notation- Visual Specification of Metrics for Domain Specific Visual Languages (EG, PD, JdL), pp. 99–110.
GT-VMT-2006-Varro08 #database #graph transformation #implementation #independence #plugin #query #using- Implementing an EJB3-Specific Graph Transformation Plugin by Using Database Independent Queries (GV), pp. 121–132.
CAiSE-2008-AndrikopoulosBP #evolution #specification- Managing the Evolution of Service Specifications (VA, SB, MPP), pp. 359–374.
CAiSE-2008-HalmansPS #adaptation #product line- Documenting Application-Specific Adaptations in Software Product Line Engineering (GH, KP, ES), pp. 109–123.
EDOC-2008-IacobJ #modelling #rule-based #specification- A Model-Driven Perspective on the Rule-Based Specification of Services (MEI, HJ), pp. 75–84.
EDOC-2008-OrriensY #collaboration #on the #quality #specification- On the Specification and Negotiation of Quality of Service for Collaborative Services (BO, JY), pp. 316–322.
EDOC-2008-Schacher #enterprise #modelling #specification- Integrated Enterprise Modelling Based on OMG Specifications (MS).
EDOC-2008-SchropferS- Introducing a Method to Derive an Enterprise-Specific SOA Operating Model (CS, MS), pp. 235–244.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-LiuQLZWD #distributed #specification #visual notation- A Visual Specification Tool for Event-Condition-Action Rules Supporting Web-Based Distributed System (WL, YQ, XL, KZ, HW, GD), pp. 246–251.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-SalemGB #concept #modelling #multi #specification #verification- Multi-Dimensional Modeling — Formal Specification and Verification of the Hierarchy Concept (AS, FG, HBA), pp. 317–322.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-LiuKL #specification- A FAHP-Based Technology Selection and Specification Methodology (KCL, DFK, DL), pp. 161–168.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-BrockeSC #analysis #framework #process #re-engineering #specification #towards- ECM Systems Analysis and Specification — Towards a Framework for Business Process Re-Engineering (JvB, AS, AC), pp. 345–350.
ICEIS-J-2008-Eessaar08a #approach #metric #quality #specification- A Semiotic Approach to Quality in Specifications of Software Measures (EE), pp. 73–86.
CIKM-2008-ChalamallaNSR #identification- Identification of class specific discourse patterns (AC, SN, LVS, GR), pp. 1193–1202.
CIKM-2008-YatesJPCS #named #recommendation #smarttech #specification- SHOPSMART: product recommendations through technical specifications and user reviews (AY, JJ, AMP, ADC, NS), pp. 1501–1502.
ECIR-2008-HuangSR #documentation #feedback #pseudo #query #robust- Robust Query-Specific Pseudo Feedback Document Selection for Query Expansion (QH, DS, SMR), pp. 547–554.
ECIR-2008-MakrehchiK #automation #documentation- Automatic Extraction of Domain-Specific Stopwords from Labeled Documents (MM, MSK), pp. 222–233.
SEKE-2008-BuchwalderP #modelling #named- MEtaGile: A Pragmatic Domain-specific Modeling Environment (OB, CP), pp. 764–768.
SEKE-2008-FunkPC #execution #specification- Model Interpretation for Executable Observation Specifications (MF, PvdP, HC), pp. 785–790.
SEKE-2008-GallegosOGRSV #generative #specification- A Property Specification Tool for Generating Formal Specifications: Prospec 2.0 (IG, OO, AQG, SR, SS, CV), pp. 273–278.
SEKE-2008-KhwajaU #execution #modelling #named #specification- RealSpec: an Executable Specification Language for Modeling Resources (AAK, JEU), pp. 97–102.
SEKE-2008-Mikolajczak #case study #collaboration #object-oriented #petri net #specification- Formal Specification of Object-oriented Systems with Collaborative Objects and Petri Nets — a Case Study (BM), pp. 267–272.
SIGIR-2008-Kurland #approach #clustering #documentation #ranking- The opposite of smoothing: a language model approach to ranking query-specific document clusters (OK), pp. 171–178.
SIGIR-2008-KurlandD #approach #clustering- A rank-aggregation approach to searching for optimal query-specific clusters (OK, CD), pp. 547–554.
BX-2008-Czarnecki1 #bidirectional #modelling- Bidirectional Transformations for Framework-Specific Modeling Languages (KC), p. 45.
BX-2008-Vallecillo1 #multi #specification- Realizing Correspondences in Multi-viewpoint Specifications (AV), p. 33.
ECMDA-FA-2008-KuhnG #configuration management #modelling #simulation #testing- Model-Driven Platform-Specific Testing through Configurable Simulations (TK, RG), pp. 278–293.
ECMDA-FA-2008-SadilekW #domain-specific language #modelling #prototype #visual notation- Prototyping Visual Interpreters and Debuggers for Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (DAS, GW), pp. 63–78.
MoDELS-2008-CombemaleBCDH #domain-specific language #policy #specification #uml- Autonomic Management Policy Specification: From UML to DSML (BC, LB, XC, MJD, DH), pp. 584–599.
MoDELS-2008-MouelhiFBT #deployment #framework #modelling #policy #security #specification #testing- A Model-Based Framework for Security Policy Specification, Deployment and Testing (TM, FF, BB, YLT), pp. 537–552.
MoDELS-2008-CombemaleBCDH #domain-specific language #policy #specification #uml- Autonomic Management Policy Specification: From UML to DSML (BC, LB, XC, MJD, DH), pp. 584–599.
MoDELS-2008-MouelhiFBT #deployment #framework #modelling #policy #security #specification #testing- A Model-Based Framework for Security Policy Specification, Deployment and Testing (TM, FF, BB, YLT), pp. 537–552.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-KrahnRV #composition #development #domain-specific language #named- MontiCore: Modular Development of Textual Domain Specific Languages (HK, BR, SV), pp. 297–315.
GPCE-2008-MercadalPCL #coordination #domain-specific language #named- Pantaxou: a domain-specific language for developing safe coordination services (JM, NP, CC, JLL), pp. 149–160.
GPCE-2008-ZhangAN #constraints #optimisation #theorem proving- From generic to specific: off-line optimization for a general constraint solver (YZ, TA, FN), pp. 45–54.
LOPSTR-2008-LeuschelLOST #csp #specification #static analysis- The MEB and CEB Static Analysis for CSP Specifications (ML, ML, JO, JS, ST), pp. 103–118.
RE-2008-KnaussB #quality #requirements #specification- Assessing the Quality of Software Requirements Specifications (EK, CEB), pp. 341–342.
RE-2008-MukasaK #integration #requirements #specification #user interface- An Integration of Requirements and User Interface Specifications (KSM, HK), pp. 327–328.
RE-2008-NhlabatsiLN #specification- Building Contingencies into Specifications (AN, RCL, BN), pp. 333–334.
RE-2008-WolterSBK #requirements #reuse #specification- Reusing Terminology for Requirements Specifications from WordNet (KW, MS, DB, HK), pp. 325–326.
REFSQ-2008-ZachosMH #question #requirements #specification #web #web service- Discovering Web Services to Improve Requirements Specifications: Does It Help? (KZ, NAMM, RHM), pp. 168–182.
SAC-2008-BrotoHSPT #policy #specification- Autonomic management policy specification in Tune (LB, DH, PS, NDP, ST), pp. 1658–1663.
SAC-2008-ChenXN #analysis #detection #fault #specification- A detectability analysis of fault classes for Boolean specifications (ZC, BX, CN), pp. 826–830.
SAC-2008-DiasSCCA #approach #case study #specification- Elaboration of use case specifications: an approach based on use case fragments (FGD, EAS, MLMC, ALC, AJA), pp. 614–618.
SAC-2008-DingMH #approach #refinement #specification #using- An approach for specification construction using property-preserving refinement patterns (JD, LM, XH), pp. 797–803.
SAC-2008-FerreiraS #case study #requirements #specification- A requirements specification case study with ProjectIT-studio/requirements (DdAF, ARdS), pp. 656–657.
SAC-2008-KaiyaSOKK #analysis #quality #requirements #towards- Toward quality requirements analysis based on domain specific quality spectrum (HK, TS, AO, NK, KK), pp. 596–601.
SAC-2008-KemalisT #approach #detection #injection #named- SQL-IDS: a specification-based approach for SQL-injection detection (KK, TT), pp. 2153–2158.
SAC-2008-LiZC #case study #mining- Mining disease-specific molecular association profiles from biomedical literature: a case study (JL, XZ, JYC), pp. 1287–1291.
SAC-2008-LuizVS #framework #specification- Formal specification of DSP gateway for data transmission between processor cores of OMAP platform (SODL, GdMV, LDdS), pp. 1545–1549.
SAC-2008-Ngomo #multi- Knowledge-free discovery of domain-specific multiword units (ACNN), pp. 1561–1565.
SAC-2008-SykoraAS #embedded #pipes and filters- Dynamic configuration of application-specific implicit instructions for embedded pipelined processors (MS, GA, CS), pp. 1509–1516.
SAC-2008-TeleckenML #specification #visual notation- Applying markup language resources in the specification of visual alphabets and visual sentences (TLT, EVM, JVdL), pp. 222–227.
SAC-2008-VassevHP #specification #towards- Towards an ASSL specification model for NASA swarm-based exploration missions (EV, MH, JP), pp. 1652–1657.
FSE-2008-KrishnamurthiFDY #alloy #implementation #named #specification- Alchemy: transmuting base alloy specifications into implementations (SK, KF, DJD, DY), pp. 158–169.
ICSE-2008-GabelS #mining #specification- Symbolic mining of temporal specifications (MG, ZS), pp. 51–60.
ICSE-2008-Grunske #probability #quality #specification- Specification patterns for probabilistic quality properties (LG), pp. 31–40.
ICSE-2008-SankaranarayananIG #induction #library #logic programming #mining #specification #using- Mining library specifications using inductive logic programming (SS, FI, AG), pp. 131–140.
LDTA-2007-HameyG08 #domain-specific language #experience #implementation #stratego #using- Implementing a Domain-Specific Language Using Stratego/XT: An Experience Paper (LGCH, SG), pp. 37–51.
SPLC-2008-HaugenMOOS #domain-specific language #standard #variability- Adding Standardized Variability to Domain Specific Languages (ØH, BMP, JO, GKO, AS), pp. 139–148.
SPLC-2008-SantosKL #automation #domain-specific language #generative #modelling- Automated Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Generating Framework-Based Applications (ALS, KK, AL), pp. 149–158.
LCTES-2008-RajopadhyeGR #configuration management- A domain specific interconnect for reconfigurable computing (SVR, GG, LR), pp. 79–88.
PPoPP-2008-LiDGK #specification #standard- Formal specification of the MPI-2.0 standard in TLA+ (GL, MD, GG, RMK), pp. 283–284.
ICLP-2008-MontaliTACGLM #declarative #logic programming #specification #using #verification- Verification from Declarative Specifications Using Logic Programming (MM, PT, MA, FC, MG, EL, PM), pp. 440–454.
ICST-2008-YuKZZ #algebra #component #java #specification #testing- Testing Java Components based on Algebraic Specifications (BY, LK, YZ, HZ), pp. 190–199.
CBSE-2007-SeryP #behaviour #component #composition #slicing #specification- Slicing of Component Behavior Specification with Respect to Their Composition (OS, FP), pp. 189–202.
ECSA-2007-MolesiniGCB #on the- On the Interplay of Crosscutting and MAS-Specific Styles (AM, AG, CC, TVB), pp. 317–320.
WICSA-2007-AlmeidaAGNML #approach #architecture #design #towards- Designing Domain-Specific Software Architecture (DSSA): Towards a New Approach (ESdA, AÁ, VCG, LMN, SRdLM, DL), p. 30.
ASE-2007-AntkiewiczBC #automation #modelling- Automatic extraction of framework-specific models from framework-based application code (MA, TTB, KC), pp. 214–223.
ASE-2007-ArcuriY #source code #specification #testing- Coevolving programs and unit tests from their specification (AA, XY), pp. 397–400.
ASE-2007-CharlesFS #eclipse #framework #ide #named- IMP: a meta-tooling platform for creating language-specific ides in eclipse (PC, RMF, SMSJ), pp. 485–488.
ASE-2007-HoskingG #domain-specific language #implementation #tool support #visual notation- Meta tools for implementing domain specific visual languages (JGH, JCG), p. 576.
ASE-2007-LauenrothP #automation #consistency #product line #requirements #specification #towards- Towards automated consistency checks of product line requirements specifications (KL, KP), pp. 373–376.
ASE-2007-LoMK #execution #mining #specification- Mining modal scenario-based specifications from execution traces of reactive systems (DL, SM, SCK), pp. 465–468.
ASE-2007-NakagawaTH #approach #generative #model transformation #modelling #requirements #specification- Formal specification generator for KAOS: model transformation approach to generate formal specifications from KAOS requirements models (HN, KT, SH), pp. 531–532.
CASE-2007-DotoliFM #identification #monitoring #on the #petri net #specification- On Line Identification of Discrete Event Systems via Petri Nets: an Application to Monitor Specification (MD, MPF, AMM), pp. 893–898.
CASE-2007-FalkmanLA #specification #using- Specification of Production Systems using PPN and Sequential Operation Charts (PF, BL, KA), pp. 20–25.
DAC-2007-ChandraiahD #flexibility #generative #parallel #specification- Designer-Controlled Generation of Parallel and Flexible Heterogeneous MPSoC Specification (PC, RD), pp. 787–790.
DATE-2007-BloemGJPPW #automation #case study #hardware #interactive #specification #synthesis- Interactive presentation: Automatic hardware synthesis from specifications: a case study (RB, SJG, BJ, NP, AP, MW), pp. 1188–1193.
DATE-2007-ChenSN #behaviour #composition #semantics #specification- Compositional specification of behavioral semantics (KC, JS, SN), pp. 906–911.
DATE-2007-ChongP #automation #float #generative- Automatic application specific floating-point unit generation (YJC, SP), pp. 461–466.
DATE-2007-FeiS #architecture #monitoring #set- Microarchitectural support for program code integrity monitoring in application-specific instruction set processors (YF, ZJS), pp. 815–820.
DATE-2007-IndrusiakTG #behaviour #execution #interactive #modelling #specification #uml- Interactive presentation: Executable system-level specification models containing UML-based behavioral patterns (LSI, AT, MG), pp. 301–306.
DATE-2007-ZilicRK #specification- Reversible circuit technology mapping from non-reversible specifications (ZZ, KR, AK), pp. 558–563.
WRLA-J-2004-CervesatoS07 #dependent type #logic #representation #specification- Representing the MSR cryptoprotocol specification language in an extension of rewriting logic with dependent types (IC, MOS), pp. 3–35.
FASE-2007-BurdyHP #behaviour #bytecode #design #interface #java #specification- Preliminary Design of BML: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Java Bytecode (LB, MH, MP), pp. 215–229.
FASE-2007-KleinG #diagrams #specification #using- Joint Structural and Temporal Property Specification Using Timed Story Scenario Diagrams (FK, HG), pp. 185–199.
FASE-2007-Whittle #case study #precise #specification- Precise Specification of Use Case Scenarios (JW), pp. 170–184.
TACAS-2007-FriasPM #alloy #analysis #specification #verification- Alloy Analyzer+PVS in the Analysis and Verification of Alloy Specifications (MFF, CLP, MMM), pp. 587–601.
CSMR-2007-AoumeurBS #adaptation #component #distributed #incremental #information management #runtime #specification #validation- Incremental Specification Validation and Runtime Adaptivity of Distributed Component Information systems (NA, KB, GS), pp. 123–136.
PLDI-2007-RamanathanGJ #mining #specification #using- Static specification inference using predicate mining (MKR, AG, SJ), pp. 123–134.
LATA-2007-TabakovV #model checking #specification- Model Checking Buechi Specifications (DT, MYV), pp. 565–576.
IFM-2007-AuSC #precise #specification- Precise Scenarios — A Customer-Friendly Foundation for Formal Specifications (OA, RS, JC), pp. 21–36.
IFM-2007-Bruckner #concurrent #realtime #slicing #specification #verification- Slicing Concurrent Real-Time System Specifications for Verification (IB), pp. 54–74.
IFM-2007-CavarraW #behaviour #modelling #specification- Behavioural Specifications from Class Models (AC, JW), pp. 118–137.
IFM-2007-CouchotD #specification- Guiding the Correction of Parameterized Specifications (JFC, FD), pp. 176–194.
IFM-2007-FaberJS #data type #parametricity #specification #verification- Verifying CSP-OZ-DC Specifications with Complex Data Types and Timing Parameters (JF, SJ, VSS), pp. 233–252.
IFM-2007-Metzler #specification #verification- Decomposing Integrated Specifications for Verification (BM), pp. 459–479.
IFM-2007-PlaggeL #model checking #specification #using #validation- Validating Z Specifications Using the ProBAnimator and Model Checker (DP, ML), pp. 480–500.
SEFM-2007-BujorianuB #embedded #framework #specification- An Integrated Specification Framework for Embedded Systems (MCB, MLB), pp. 161–172.
SEFM-2007-Hameurlain #behaviour #component #flexibility #protocol #specification- Flexible Behavioural Compatibility and Substitutability for Component Protocols: A Formal Specification (NH), pp. 391–400.
SEFM-2007-KahsaiRS #refinement #testing- Specification-based testing for refinement (TK, MR, BHS), pp. 237–246.
SEFM-2007-Lano #diagrams #interactive #specification #using- Formal Specification using Interaction Diagrams (KL), pp. 293–304.
SEFM-2007-PernaG #model checking #specification- Model Checking RAISE Applicative Specifications (JIP, CG), pp. 257–268.
ICFP-2007-PlasmeijerAK #execution #interactive #named #specification #web- iTasks: executable specifications of interactive work flow systems for the web (RP, PA, PWMK), pp. 141–152.
ILC-2007-MehnertB #domain-specific language- A domain-specific language for manipulation of binary data in Dylan (HM, AB), p. 22.
AGTIVE-2007-AndresLG #domain-specific language #visual notation- Domain Specific Languages with Graphical and Textual Views (FPA, JdL, EG), pp. 82–97.
AGTIVE-2007-BoddenV #automaton #monitoring #runtime #specification #timeline- Transforming Timeline Specifications into Automata for Runtime Monitoring (EB, HV), pp. 249–264.
AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerCSE #editing #generative- Generating Domain-Specific Model Editors with Complex Editing Commands (GT, AC, RS, CE), pp. 98–103.
AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerMM #graph transformation #refactoring #specification- Specifying Domain-Specific Refactorings for AndroMDA Based on Graph Transformation (GT, DM, TM), pp. 104–119.
GT-VMT-2007-KraemerH #collaboration #execution #specification #state machine- Transforming Collaborative Service Specifications into Efficiently Executable State Machines (FAK, PH).
GT-VMT-2007-LaraGB #generative #graph grammar #specification- Triple Patterns: Compact Specifications for the Generation of Operational Triple Graph Grammar Rules (JdL, EG, PB).
HCI-IDU-2007-DittmarG #effectiveness #integration #modelling #object-oriented #specification- Effective Integration of Task-Based Modeling and Object-Oriented Specifications (AD, AG), pp. 1092–1101.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ProctorVA #privacy #specification #usability- Usability of User Agents for Privacy-Preference Specification (RWP, KPLV, MAA), pp. 766–776.
HIMI-MTT-2007-Fleischmann #modelling #specification- Model Based HMI Specification in an Automotive Context (TF), pp. 31–39.
VISSOFT-2007-HolmesW #dependence #source code- Task-specific source code dependency investigation (RH, RJW), pp. 100–107.
EDOC-2007-BrottierBTTN #multi #specification- Producing a Global Requirement Model from Multiple Requirement Specifications (EB, BB, YLT, DT, BN), pp. 390–404.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Cebulla #coordination #reasoning #semantics #specification #towards- Reactive Commonsense Reasoning — Towards Semantic Coordination with High-Level Specifications (MC), pp. 113–118.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-AddinquyT #enterprise #requirements #specification #using- Reducing Requirements to EIS Specifications GAP Using RM-ODP Enterprise Viewpoint (CA, BT), pp. 31–38.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-RychkovaW #automation #refinement #specification #towards #visual notation- Refinement Propagation — Towards Automated Construction of Visual Specifications (IR, AW), pp. 196–204.
ICEIS-J-2007-TraversonA #requirements #specification #using- Linking Requirements to EIS Specifications Using Correspondence Rules (BT, CA), pp. 276–285.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Baghdadi #architecture #monitoring #specification #web #web service- Specification of a Tool for Monitoring and Managing a Web Services Architecture (YB), pp. 51–56.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-BoukadiGMB #petri net #specification #using #verification #web #web service- Specification and Verification of Views over Composite Web Services Using High Level Petri-Nets (KB, CG, ZM, DB), pp. 107–112.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-DrumondGL #case study #modelling #recommendation #specification- A Case Study on the Application of the MAAEM Methodology for the Specification Modeling of Recommender Systems in the Legal Domain (LD, RG, AL), pp. 155–160.
CIKM-2007-AltingovdeOCYU #approach #automation #web- An automatic approach to construct domain-specific web portals (ISA, RO, SC, HY, ÖU), pp. 849–852.
CIKM-2007-PriceNDV #component #documentation #retrieval #semantics- Semantic components enhance retrieval of domain-specific documents (SP, MLN, LMLD, PV), pp. 429–438.
KDD-2007-LoKL #mining #performance #specification- Efficient mining of iterative patterns for software specification discovery (DL, SCK, CL), pp. 460–469.
KDD-2007-MoserGE #analysis #clustering #specification- Joint cluster analysis of attribute and relationship data withouta-priori specification of the number of clusters (FM, RG, ME), pp. 510–519.
SEKE-2007-Draheim #process #specification #towards- Towards Seamless Business Process and Dialogue Specification (DD), p. 402–?.
SEKE-2007-KirnerC #empirical #evaluation #requirements #specification #uml- Evaluation of the OORT Techniques for Inspection of Requirements Specifications in UML: an Empirical Study (TGK, ERdC), p. 649–?.
SEKE-2007-LeitaoTB #named #natural language #specification #testing- NLForSpec: Translating Natural Language Descriptions into Formal Test Case Specifications (DL, DT, FdAB), pp. 129–134.
SEKE-2007-LiangS #aspect-oriented #composition #detection #specification- Modular Specification of Aspect-oriented Systems and Aspect Conflicts Detection (HL, JS), pp. 77–80.
SEKE-2007-LimCR #automation #case study #diagrams #documentation #generative #specification- Automatic Generation of Use Case Diagrams from English Specifications Document (NRTL, CTC, JAER), pp. 203–208.
SEKE-2007-SalamahKG #generative #linear #logic #specification- Generating Linear Temporal Logic Formulas for Pattern-Based Specifications (SS, VK, AQG), pp. 422–427.
SEKE-2007-Urban #education #research #specification- A View on Software Specification Research and Education Advancement (JU), p. 1.
SEKE-2007-VasconcelosW #architecture #evaluation #quality #specification- Architectural Elements Recovery and Quality Evaluation to Assist in Reference Architectures Specification (APVdV, CMLW), pp. 494–499.
SEKE-2007-YeL #product line #specification- A Formal Specification for Product Configuration in Software Product Lines (HY, YL), pp. 221–226.
SIGIR-2007-HuangSZSR #reduction- Dimensionality reduction for dimension-specific search (ZH, HTS, XZ, DS, SMR), pp. 849–850.
SIGIR-2007-PhanBW #comprehension #query- Understanding the relationship of information need specificity to search query length (NP, PB, RW), pp. 709–710.
ECMDA-FA-2007-AchilleosGY #development #framework #modelling #open source #tool support- An Open Source Domain-Specific Tools Framework to Support Model Driven Development of OSS (AA, NG, KY), pp. 1–16.
ECMDA-FA-2007-ScheidgenF #semantics #specification- Human Comprehensible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics (MS, JF), pp. 157–171.
ECMDA-FA-2007-Warmer #domain-specific language #modelling #using- A Model Driven Software Factory Using Domain Specific Languages (JW), pp. 194–203.
MoDELS-2007-BatoriTA #configuration management #modelling- Domain Specific Modeling Methodology for Reconfigurable Networked Systems (GB, ZT, DA), pp. 316–330.
MoDELS-2007-CorreaWB #empirical #ocl #refactoring #smell #specification- An Empirical Study of the Impact of OCL Smells and Refactorings on the Understandability of OCL Specifications (ALC, CW, MdOB), pp. 76–90.
MoDELS-2007-HessellundCW #development #domain-specific language #multi- Guided Development with Multiple Domain-Specific Languages (AH, KC, AW), pp. 46–60.
MoDELS-2007-BatoriTA #configuration management #modelling- Domain Specific Modeling Methodology for Reconfigurable Networked Systems (GB, ZT, DA), pp. 316–330.
MoDELS-2007-CorreaWB #empirical #ocl #refactoring #smell #specification- An Empirical Study of the Impact of OCL Smells and Refactorings on the Understandability of OCL Specifications (ALC, CW, MdOB), pp. 76–90.
MoDELS-2007-HessellundCW #development #domain-specific language #multi- Guided Development with Multiple Domain-Specific Languages (AH, KC, AW), pp. 46–60.
ECOOP-2007-CottenierBE #behaviour #implementation #specification- Joinpoint Inference from Behavioral Specification to Implementation (TC, AvdB, TE), pp. 476–500.
ECOOP-2007-LinB #data flow #domain-specific language #named- DirectFlow: A Domain-Specific Language for Information-Flow Systems (CKL, APB), pp. 299–322.
OOPSLA-2007-LeffR #domain-specific language #named #relational #visual notation- Webrb: evaluating a visual domain-specific language for building relational web-applications (AL, JTR), pp. 281–300.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-Vicente-ChicoteMA #modelling #named #pretty-printing #requirements #specification #validation- REMM-Studio: an Integrated Model-Driven Environment for Requirements Specification, Validation and Formatting (CVC, BM, JATÁ), pp. 437–454.
RE-2007-HoWA #performance #requirements #specification- Improving Performance Requirements Specifications from Field Failure Reports (CWH, LW, AIA), pp. 79–88.
RE-2007-JuretaFT #adaptation #requirements #specification- Dynamic Requirements Specification for Adaptable and Open Service Systems (IJ, SF, PT), pp. 381–382.
RE-2007-Rashid #collaboration #named #requirements #specification #towards #visual notation- OpenProposal: Towards Collaborative End-User Participation in Requirements Management By Usage of Visual Requirement Specifications (AR), pp. 371–374.
REFSQ-2007-BoydZG #constraints #requirements #specification- Optimal-Constraint Lexicons for Requirements Specifications (SB, DZ, VG), pp. 203–217.
REFSQ-2007-JonesMMG #modelling #process #scalability #specification- Informing the Specification of a Large-Scale Socio-technical System with Models of Human Activity (SJ, NAMM, SM, JG), pp. 175–189.
REFSQ-2007-Poppleton #development #feature model #specification #towards- Towards Feature-Oriented Specification and Development with Event-B (MP), pp. 367–381.
SAC-2007-ArnautovicKFPS #communication #specification #towards- Gradual transition towards autonomic software systems based on high-level communication specification (EA, HK, JF, RP, AS), pp. 84–89.
SAC-2007-CicchettiR #detection #modelling #specification #weaving- Weaving models in conflict detection specifications (AC, AR), pp. 1035–1036.
SAC-2007-IeongL #forensics- Deriving cse-specific live forensics investigation procedures from FORZA (RSCI, HCL), pp. 175–180.
SAC-2007-MorimotoSGC #security #specification #verification- Formal verification of security specifications with common criteria (SM, SS, YG, JC), pp. 1506–1512.
SAC-2007-ParkPS #reuse #specification- Extending reusable asset specification to improve software reuse (SP, SP, VS), pp. 1473–1478.
ESEC-FSE-2007-AcharyaXPX #api #mining #partial order #source code #specification- Mining API patterns as partial orders from source code: from usage scenarios to specifications (MA, TX, JP, JX), pp. 25–34.
ESEC-FSE-2007-AldrichBGLS #component #specification #verification- Specification and verification of component-based systems 2007 (JA, MB, DG, GTL, NS), pp. 609–610.
ESEC-FSE-2007-ChristodorescuJK #behaviour #mining #specification- Mining specifications of malicious behavior (MC, SJ, CK), pp. 5–14.
ESEC-FSE-2007-HartmanKP #automation #testing- Domain specific approaches to software test automation (AH, MK, AMP), pp. 621–622.
ESEC-FSE-2007-UzuncaovaGKB #approach #product line #testing- A specification-based approach to testing software product lines (EU, DG, SK, DSB), pp. 525–528.
GTTSE-2007-Visser #case study #domain-specific language #named- WebDSL: A Case Study in Domain-Specific Language Engineering (EV), pp. 291–373.
GTTSE-2007-Wachsmuth #domain-specific language #modelling #semantics- Modelling the Operational Semantics of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (GW), pp. 506–520.
ICSE-2007-GrundyH #diagrams #sketching #visual notation- Supporting Generic Sketching-Based Input of Diagrams in a Domain-Specific Visual Language Meta-Tool (JCG, JGH), pp. 282–291.
ICSE-2007-KarailaS #case study #experience #industrial #metaprogramming #visual notation- Applying Template Meta-Programming Techniques for a Domain-Specific Visual Language — An Industrial Experience Report (MK, TS), pp. 571–580.
ICSE-2007-LeavensM #information management #interface #specification- Information Hiding and Visibility in Interface Specifications (GTL, PM), pp. 385–395.
ICSE-2007-NejatiSCEZ #specification- Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications (SN, MS, MC, SME, PZ), pp. 54–64.
ICSE-2007-UzuncaovaK #declarative #named #slicing #specification- Kato: A Program Slicing Tool for Declarative Specifications (EU, SK), pp. 767–770.
HPCA-2007-JinKY #design #network #scalability- A Domain-Specific On-Chip Network Design for Large Scale Cache Systems (YJ, EJK, KHY), pp. 318–327.
HPDC-2007-AldermanL #strict- Task-specific restricted delegation (IDA, ML), pp. 243–244.
HPDC-2007-HuangCC #generative #grid #specification- Generating grid resource requirement specifications (RYH, AAC, HC), pp. 233–234.
ISMM-2007-SingerBWC #garbage collection- Intelligent selection of application-specific garbage collectors (JS, GB, IW, JC), pp. 91–102.
AMOST-2007-WijesekeraASF #model checking #specification #testing- Relating counterexamples to test cases in CTL model checking specifications (DW, PA, LS, GF), pp. 75–84.
CAV-2007-LeavensKP #behaviour #composition #functional #java #ml #specification #tutorial #verification- A JML Tutorial: Modular Specification and Verification of Functional Behavior for Java (GTL, JRK, EP), p. 37.
CAV-2007-OuimetL #realtime #simulation #specification #tool support #verification- The TASM Toolset: Specification, Simulation, and Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems (MO, KL), pp. 126–130.
ICLP-2007-West #animation #logic programming #programming language #specification- The Use of a Logic Programming Language in the Animation of Z Specifications (MMW), pp. 451–452.
ISSTA-2007-ShohamYFP #abstraction #mining #specification #using- Static specification mining using automata-based abstractions (SS, EY, SF, MP), pp. 174–184.
MBT-2007-DadeauLB #java #ml #specification #testing #using- Measuring a Java Test Suite Coverage Using JML Specifications (FD, YL, LdB), pp. 21–32.
MBT-2007-OuimetL #automation #consistency #satisfiability #specification #state machine #using #verification- Automated Verification of Completeness and Consistency of Abstract State Machine Specifications using a SAT Solver (MO, KL), pp. 85–97.
RTA-2007-HendrixM #on the #order #specification- On the Completeness of Context-Sensitive Order-Sorted Specifications (JH, JM), pp. 229–245.
TAP-2007-BeckertG #black box #specification #testing- White-Box Testing by Combining Deduction-Based Specification Extraction and Black-Box Testing (BB, CG), pp. 207–216.
TAP-2007-OstroffT #requirements #specification- Testable Requirements and Specifications (JSO, FAT), pp. 17–40.
TAP-2007-SatpathyBLR #automation #specification #testing- Automatic Testing from Formal Specifications (MS, MJB, ML, SR), pp. 95–113.
TestCom-FATES-2007-ConstantJJ #automation #generative #interprocedural #specification #testing- Automatic Test Generation from Interprocedural Specifications (CC, BJ, TJ), pp. 41–57.
TestCom-FATES-2007-FalconeFMR #composition #framework #specification #testing- A Compositional Testing Framework Driven by Partial Specifications (YF, JCF, LM, JLR), pp. 107–122.
CBSE-2006-GarciaLDSAFM #architecture #component #specification- From Specification to Experimentation: A Software Component Search Engine Architecture (VCG, DL, FAD, ECRS, ESdA, RPdMF, SRdLM), pp. 82–97.
QoSA-2006-KoziolekHB #component #parametricity #performance #specification- Parameter Dependent Performance Specifications of Software Components (HK, JH, SB), pp. 163–179.
ASE-2006-Antkiewicz #modelling #using- Round-Trip Engineering of Framework-Based Software using Framework-Specific Modeling Languages (MA), pp. 323–326.
ASE-2006-FalbRA #automation #design #interactive #specification #synthesis #user interface #using- Using communicative acts in interaction design specifications for automated synthesis of user interfaces (JF, TR, EA), pp. 261–264.
ASE-2006-Futatsugi #proving #specification #verification- Verifying Specifications with Proof Scores in CafeOBJ (KF), pp. 3–10.
ASE-2006-GrundyHZL #editing #generative #specification #visual notation- Generating Domain-Specific Visual Language Editors from High-level Tool Specifications (JCG, JGH, NZ, NL), pp. 25–36.
ASE-2006-LaurentSW #automation #constraints #functional #generative #specification #testing- A methodology for automated test generation guided by functional coverage constraints at specification level (OL, CS, VW), pp. 285–288.
ASE-2006-LedruB #execution #generative #named #specification- Tobias-Z: An executable formal specification of a test generator (YL, LdB), pp. 353–354.
ASE-2006-PenseriniPSM #multi #specification- From Capability Specifications to Code for Multi-Agent Software (LP, AP, AS, JM), pp. 253–256.
ASE-2006-RobbyDH #framework #model checking #using- Domain-specific Model Checking Using The Bogor Framework (R, MBD, JH), pp. 369–370.
ASE-2006-WinbladhAZR #approach #automation #testing- An Automated Approach for Goal-driven, Specification-based Testing (KW, TAA, HZ, DJR), pp. 289–292.
CASE-2006-Wen #collaboration #design #problem #research- A Model for Industry-University Collaborative Research: Transforming Specific Problem Solution into Broad Design Methodologies (JTW), p. 1.
DAC-2006-BanerjeePDKD #game studies #generative #specification #testing- Test generation games from formal specifications (AB, BP, SD, AK, PD), pp. 827–832.
DAC-2006-ChangSC #design #evaluation #trade-off- Evaluation and design trade-offs between circuit-switched and packet-switched NOCs for application-specific SOCs (KCC, JSS, TFC), pp. 143–148.
DAC-2006-ChoCCV #cost analysis #embedded #energy #power management- High-level power management of embedded systems with application-specific energy cost functions (YC, NC, CC, SBKV), pp. 568–573.
DAC-2006-GuptaGP #agile #estimation #specification- Rapid estimation of control delay from high-level specifications (GRG, MG, PRP), pp. 455–458.
DAC-2006-HerreraV #embedded #framework #modelling #specification- A framework for embedded system specification under different models of computation in SystemC (FH, EV), pp. 911–914.
DATE-2006-BalarinP #functional #generative #interface #specification #verification- Functional verification methodology based on formal interface specification and transactor generation (FB, RP), pp. 1013–1018.
DATE-2006-Benini #design- Application specific NoC design (LB), pp. 491–495.
DATE-2006-BiswasDIP #architecture #automation #functional #identification- Automatic identification of application-specific functional units with architecturally visible storage (PB, NDD, PI, LP), pp. 212–217.
DATE-2006-Morin-AlloryB #monitoring #specification- Proven correct monitors from PSL specifications (KMA, DB), pp. 1246–1251.
DATE-2006-Muller-Glaser #design #modelling- Domain specific model driven design for automotive electronic control units (KDMG), p. 557.
DATE-2006-PasrichaD #architecture #communication #memory management #named- COSMECA: application specific co-synthesis of memory and communication architectures for MPSoC (SP, NDD), pp. 700–705.
DATE-2006-RadhakrishnanGP #multi- Customization of application specific heterogeneous multi-pipeline processors (SR, HG, SP), pp. 746–751.
DATE-2006-ThornbergO #memory management #realtime #specification #video- Impact of bit-width specification on the memory hierarchy for a real-time video processing system (BT, MO), pp. 752–753.
DATE-2006-VandierendonckML #configuration management- Application-specific reconfigurable XOR-indexing to eliminate cache conflict misses (HV, PM, JDL), pp. 357–362.
DATE-2006-WehrmeisterPB #embedded #generative #java #object-oriented #optimisation #realtime #specification- Optimizing the generation of object-oriented real-time embedded applications based on the real-time specification for Java (MAW, CEP, LBB), pp. 806–811.
DATE-DF-2006-DumitrascuBPBJ #flexibility #framework #performance- Flexible MPSoC platform with fast interconnect exploration for optimal system performance for a specific application (FD, IB, LP, MB, AAJ), pp. 166–171.
DATE-DF-2006-KappenN #implementation- Application specific instruction processor based implementation of a GNSS receiver on an FPGA (GK, TGN), pp. 58–63.
DATE-DF-2006-LennardBFIUSWFRB #design #integration #proving #specification- Industrially proving the SPIRIT consortium specifications for design chain integration (CKL, VB, SF, MI, CU, MS, JW, OF, FR, PB), pp. 142–147.
DATE-DF-2006-OetjensGR #design #flexibility #rule-based #specification- Flexible specification and application of rule-based transformations in an automotive design flow (JHO, JG, WR), pp. 82–87.
SIGMOD-2006-DeutschSVZ #data-driven #interactive #specification #verification #web- A system for specification and verification of interactive, data-driven web applications (AD, LS, VV, DZ), pp. 772–774.
FASE-2006-BoronatCR #algebra #model transformation #specification- Algebraic Specification of a Model Transformation Engine (AB, JÁC, IR), pp. 262–277.
FASE-2006-HallstromST #design pattern #implementation #specification- Amplifying the Benefits of Design Patterns: From Specification Through Implementation (JOH, NS, BT), pp. 214–229.
FASE-2006-IwataSF #automation #development #generative #specification #tutorial- Automatic Generation of Tutorial Systems from Development Specification (HI, JS, YF), pp. 79–92.
TACAS-2006-BolligKSS #named #specification- MSCan — A Tool for Analyzing MSC Specifications (BB, CK, MS, VS), pp. 455–458.
ICSM-2006-Xie #automation #effectiveness #specification #testing- Improving Effectiveness of Automated Software Testing in the Absence of Specifications (TX), pp. 355–359.
WCRE-2006-LoK #assessment #empirical #named #specification- QUARK: Empirical Assessment of Automaton-based Specification Miners (DL, SCK), pp. 51–60.
ICALP-v1-2006-GairingMT #game studies #latency #linear- Routing (Un-) Splittable Flow in Games with Player-Specific Linear Latency Functions (MG, BM, KT), pp. 501–512.
FM-2006-AiguierBG #interactive #specification #static analysis- Feature Specification and Static Analysis for Interaction Resolution (MA, KB, PLG), pp. 364–379.
FM-2006-BannwartM #refactoring #source code #specification- Changing Programs Correctly: Refactoring with Specifications (FB, PM), pp. 492–507.
FM-2006-BouquetDL #automation #bound #generative #ml #specification #testing- Automated Boundary Test Generation from JML Specifications (FB, FD, BL), pp. 428–443.
ICGT-2006-JakobKS #graph grammar #specification- Non-materialized Model View Specification with Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AK, AS), pp. 321–335.
CHI-2006-EngLTCHV #adaptation #automation #behaviour #generative #performance #predict- Generating automated predictions of behavior strategically adapted to specific performance objectives (KE, RLL, IT, AC, AH, AHV), pp. 621–630.
AdaEurope-2006-LiWQLYZZ #java #runtime #source code #specification #verification- Runtime Verification of Java Programs for Scenario-Based Specifications (XL, LW, XQ, BL, JY, JZ, GZ), pp. 94–105.
CAiSE-2006-AckermannT #behaviour #component #library #ocl #specification- A Library of OCL Specification Patterns for Behavioral Specification of Software Components (JA, KT), pp. 255–269.
EDOC-2006-JanieschDGL #documentation #enterprise #process #specification #towards- Integrated Configuration of Enterprise Systems for Interoperability — Towards Process Model and Business Document Specification Alignment (CJ, AD, UG, SL), pp. 445–448.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-AkhlakiTT #algebra #design #modelling #process #realtime #specification #uml- Design of Real-Time Systems by Systematic Transformation of UML/RT Models into Simple Timed Process Algebra System Specifications (KBA, MICT, JAHT), pp. 290–297.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-CruzLW #contract #specification #visual notation- Visual Contracts — A Way to Reason about States and Cardinalities in IT System Specifications (JDDlC, LSL, AW), pp. 298–303.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-MunozP #framework #pervasive- Applying Software Factories to Pervasive Systems: A Platform Specific Framework (JM, VP), pp. 337–342.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-ReiterKRSS #framework #generative #model transformation- A Generator Framework for Domain-Specific Model Transformation Languages (TR, EK, WR, WS, MS), pp. 27–35.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-SoeiroBM #composition #specification #xml- An XML-Based Language for Specification and Composition of Aspectual Concerns (ES, ISB, AMDM), pp. 410–419.
CIKM-2006-DangLLHC #clustering #similarity- Query-specific clustering of search results based on document-context similarity scores (EKFD, RWPL, DLL, KSH, SCfC), pp. 886–887.
CIKM-2006-VaradarajanH #documentation #summary- A system for query-specific document summarization (RV, VH), pp. 622–631.
CIKM-2006-YanSL #concept #documentation #information retrieval #readability- Concept-based document readability in domain specific information retrieval (XY, DS, XL), pp. 540–549.
ECIR-2006-BoumaR #classification- Specificity Helps Text Classification (LB, MdR), pp. 539–542.
ECIR-2006-WangR #documentation #retrieval- Context-Specific Frequencies and Discriminativeness for the Retrieval of Structured Documents (JW, TR), pp. 579–582.
ICML-2006-LeeGW #classification #using- Using query-specific variance estimates to combine Bayesian classifiers (CHL, RG, SW), pp. 529–536.
ICPR-v1-2006-DhuaC #multi #recognition- Hierarchical, Generic to Specific Multi-class Object Recognition (AD, FC), pp. 783–788.
ICPR-v2-2006-SanguansatAJM #2d #analysis #component #recognition- Class-Specific Subspace-Based Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis for Face Recognition (PS, WA, SJ, SM), pp. 1246–1249.
ICPR-v2-2006-WimmerRB #approach #classification- A Person and Context Specific Approach for Skin Color Classification (MW, BR, MB), pp. 39–42.
ICPR-v4-2006-Gonzalez-JimenezA #authentication- Pose Correction and Subject-Specific Features for Face Authentication (DGJ, JLAC), pp. 602–605.
ICPR-v4-2006-HocquetRC #estimation #parametricity #problem- Estimation of User Specific Parameters in One-class Problems (SH, JYR, HC), pp. 449–452.
SEKE-2006-JavedMSB #context-free grammar #domain-specific language #incremental- Incrementally Inferring Context-Free Grammars for Domain-Specific Languages (FJ, MM, APS, BRB), pp. 363–368.
SEKE-2006-MokhatiBG #approach #diagrams #maude #specification #uml- Translating UML Diagrams Into Maude Formal Specifications: A Systematic Approach (FM, MB, PG), pp. 572–577.
SEKE-2006-SadaouiS #implementation #java #specification- Implementation of CafeOBJ Specifications to Java Code (SS, SS), pp. 446–449.
ECMDA-FA-2006-BoronatOGRC #algebra #eclipse #framework #modelling #ocl #query #specification- An Algebraic Specification of Generic OCL Queries Within the Eclipse Modeling Framework (AB, JO, AG, IR, JÁC), pp. 316–330.
ECMDA-FA-2006-BraheO #modelling #process #uml- Business Process Modeling: Defining Domain Specific Modeling Languages by Use of UML Profiles (SB, KØ), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-2006-AntkiewiczC #modelling- Framework-Specific Modeling Languages with Round-Trip Engineering (MA, KC), pp. 692–706.
MoDELS-2006-ElaasarBL #approach #metamodelling #specification- A Metamodeling Approach to Pattern Specification (ME, LCB, YL), pp. 484–498.
MoDELS-2006-Kosiuczenko #ocl #specification #variability- Specification of Invariability in OCL (PK), pp. 676–691.
MoDELS-2006-AntkiewiczC #modelling- Framework-Specific Modeling Languages with Round-Trip Engineering (MA, KC), pp. 692–706.
MoDELS-2006-ElaasarBL #approach #metamodelling #specification- A Metamodeling Approach to Pattern Specification (ME, LCB, YL), pp. 484–498.
MoDELS-2006-Kosiuczenko #ocl #specification #variability- Specification of Invariability in OCL (PK), pp. 676–691.
OOPSLA-2006-CavazosO #compilation #using- Method-specific dynamic compilation using logistic regression (JC, MFPO), pp. 229–240.
QAPL-2005-AghaMS06 #named #object-oriented #probability #specification- PMaude: Rewrite-based Specification Language for Probabilistic Object Systems (GAA, JM, KS), pp. 213–239.
QAPL-2005-GruhnL06 #specification- Patterns for Timed Property Specifications (VG, RL), pp. 117–133.
GPCE-2006-BarronC #domain-specific language #named #pervasive- YABS: a domain-specific language for pervasive computing based on stigmergy (PB, VC), pp. 285–294.
GPCE-2006-JouaultBK #domain-specific language #named #specification- TCS: a DSL for the specification of textual concrete syntaxes in model engineering (FJ, JB, IK), pp. 249–254.
GPCE-2006-ReppyS #generative #interface- Application-specific foreign-interface generation (JHR, CS), pp. 49–58.
QAPL-2006-AldiniB #component #metric #performance #specification- Component-Oriented Specification of Performance Measures (AA, MB), pp. 27–43.
POPL-2006-BishopFNSSW #implementation #logic #specification #testing- Engineering with logic: HOL specification and symbolic-evaluation testing for TCP implementations (SB, MF, MN, PS, MS, KW), pp. 55–66.
SAC-2006-BaloghVVP #compilation #model transformation #plugin- Compiling model transformations to EJB3-specific transformer plugins (AB, GV, DV, AP), pp. 1288–1295.
SAC-2006-BurdyP #bytecode #java #specification #verification- Java bytecode specification and verification (LB, MP), pp. 1835–1839.
SAC-2006-DelavalR #domain-specific language #generative #synthesis- A domain-specific language for task handlers generation, applying discrete controller synthesis (GD, ÉR), pp. 901–905.
SAC-2006-FekihAM #diagrams #specification #state machine #uml- Transformation of B specifications into UML class diagrams and state machines (HF, LJBA, SM), pp. 1840–1844.
SAC-2006-GiegerichS #challenge #compilation #domain-specific language #programming- Challenges in the compilation of a domain specific language for dynamic programming (RG, PS), pp. 1603–1609.
SAC-2006-GuelfiM #diagrams #framework #process #specification #uml- A formal framework to generate XPDL specifications from UML activity diagrams (NG, AM), pp. 1224–1231.
SAC-2006-HanenbergAU #aspect-oriented- Aspect-specification based on structural type information (SH, MAM, RU), pp. 1575–1579.
SAC-2006-MorimotoSGC #security #specification #standard #verification- A security specification verification technique based on the international standard ISO/IEC 15408 (SM, SS, YG, JC), pp. 1802–1803.
SAC-2006-NasrBFI #automaton #specification #verification- Verification of a scheduler in B through a timed automata specification (ON, JPB, MF, MRI), pp. 1800–1801.
SAC-2006-Wang #case study #domain-specific language #modelling- Modeling and analyzing applications with domain-specific languages by reflective rewriting: a case study (BYW), pp. 1773–1778.
FSE-2006-CobleighAC #precise #specification- User guidance for creating precise and accessible property specifications (RLC, GSA, LAC), pp. 208–218.
FSE-2006-LoK #mining #named #robust #scalability #specification #towards- SMArTIC: towards building an accurate, robust and scalable specification miner (DL, SCK), pp. 265–275.
FSE-2006-TaghdiriSJ #lightweight #specification- Lightweight extraction of syntactic specifications (MT, RS, DJ), pp. 276–286.
ICSE-2006-Dong #modelling #semantics #specification #web- From semantic web to expressive software specifications: a modeling languages spectrum (JSD), pp. 1063–1064.
ICSE-2006-Liu #integration #specification #visual notation- Visual languages for event integration specification (NL), pp. 969–972.
ICSE-2006-WillmorE #approach #database #specification #testing- An intensional approach to the specification of test cases for database applications (DW, SME), pp. 102–111.
LDTA-2006-ZengME #data flow #domain-specific language #generative- A Domain-Specific Language for Generating Dataflow Analyzers (JZ, CM, SAE), pp. 103–119.
SPL-BOOK-2006-BertolinoFGL #case study #product line #requirements #specification #testing- Product Line Use Cases: Scenario-Based Specification and Testing of Requirements (AB, AF, SG, GL), pp. 425–445.
SPLC-2006-BragancaM #case study #metamodelling #specification #uml #variability- Extending UML 2.0 Metamodel for Complementary Usages of the «extend» Relationship within Use Case Variability Specification (AB, RJM), pp. 123–130.
SPLC-2006-Tolvanen #code generation #modelling #product line- Domain-Specific Modeling and Code Generation for Product Lines (JPT), p. 229.
LCTES-2006-KreahlingHWT #comparison #cost analysis #specification #using- Reducing the cost of conditional transfers of control by using comparison specifications (WCK, SH, DBW, GST), pp. 64–71.
LCTES-2006-RothamelLHL #generative #specification- Generating optimized code from SCR specifications (TR, YAL, CLH, EIL), pp. 135–144.
OSDI-2006-KremenekTBNE #nondeterminism #specification- From Uncertainty to Belief: Inferring the Specification Within (TK, PT, GB, AYN, DRE), pp. 161–176.
CAV-2006-Das #specification- Formal Specifications on Industrial-Strength Code-From Myth to Reality (MD), p. 1.
FATES-RV-2006-FainekosP #logic #robust #specification- Robustness of Temporal Logic Specifications (GEF, GJP), pp. 178–192.
IJCAR-2006-HendrixMO #axiom #linear #order #specification- A Sufficient Completeness Checker for Linear Order-Sorted Specifications Modulo Axioms (JH, JM, HO), pp. 151–155.
ISSTA-2006-DemskyEGMPR #consistency #data type #specification- Inference and enforcement of data structure consistency specifications (BD, MDE, PJG, SM, JHP, MCR), pp. 233–244.
CBSE-2005-CooperCLSSW #component #empirical #fuzzy #logic #specification #using- An Empirical Study on the Specification and Selection of Components Using Fuzzy Logic (KMLC, JWC, RL, GS, RS, WEW), pp. 155–170.
CBSE-2005-PelliccioneMBF #modelling #named #sequence #specification #testing- TeStor: Deriving Test Sequences from Model-Based Specifications (PP, HM, AB, FF), pp. 267–282.
WICSA-2005-BhattacharyaP #architecture #component #predict #specification- Predicting Architectural Styles from Component Specifications (SB, DEP), pp. 231–232.
WICSA-2005-JooliaBCG #component #configuration management #framework #performance #runtime #specification- Mapping ADL Specifications to an Efficient and Reconfigurable Runtime Component Platform (AJ, TVB, GC, ATAG), pp. 131–140.
ASE-2005-EngelsE #automation #generative #named #object-oriented #specification #spreadsheet- ClassSheets: automatic generation of spreadsheet applications from object-oriented specifications (GE, ME), pp. 124–133.
ASE-2005-FalbPRJAK #automation #specification #synthesis #user interface #using- Using communicative acts in high-level specifications of user interfaces for their automated synthesis (JF, RP, TR, HJ, EA, HK), pp. 429–430.
ASE-2005-FriasGSB #analysis #performance #relational #specification #verification- A strategy for efficient verification of relational specifications, based on monotonicity analysis (MFF, RG, GS, LB), pp. 305–308.
ASE-2005-Tan #embedded #logic #modelling #self #source code #specification- Model-based self-monitoring embedded programs with temporal logic specifications (LT), pp. 380–383.
ASE-2005-WuG #automation #domain-specific language #generative #testing #tool support- Automated generation of testing tools for domain-specific languages (HW, JG), pp. 436–439.
CASE-2005-FalkmanLT #algebra #petri net #process #specification #using- Specification of a batch plant using process algebra and Petri nets (PF, BL, MT), pp. 339–344.
DAC-2005-SauerGS #composition #embedded #framework #implementation- Modular domain-specific implementation and exploration framework for embedded software platforms (CS, MG, SS), pp. 254–259.
DATE-2005-BiswasLBP #specification- Specification Test Compaction for Analog Circuits and MEMS (SB, PL, RD(B, LTP), pp. 164–169.
DATE-2005-BolchiniSSP #reliability #self #specification- Reliable System Specification for Self-Checking Data-Paths (CB, FS, DS, LP), pp. 1278–1283.
DATE-2005-GadkariR #automation #monitoring #specification #synthesis #using #visual notation- Automated Synthesis of Assertion Monitors using Visual Specifications (AAG, SR), pp. 390–395.
DATE-2005-GoossensDGPRR #design #network #performance #verification- A Design Flow for Application-Specific Networks on Chip with Guaranteed Performance to Accelerate SOC Design and Verification (KG, JD, OPG, SGP, AR, ER), pp. 1182–1187.
DATE-2005-IshiharaF #power management- A Way Memoization Technique for Reducing Power Consumption of Caches in Application Specific Integrated Processors (TI, FF), pp. 358–363.
DATE-2005-KimKPJC #architecture #configuration management #optimisation #pipes and filters #resource management- Resource Sharing and Pipelining in Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Domain-Specific Optimization (YK, MK, CP, JJ, KC), pp. 12–17.
DATE-2005-MuraliM #design #generative- An Application-Specific Design Methodology for STbus Crossbar Generation (SM, GDM), pp. 1176–1181.
DATE-2005-SchattkowskyMR #approach #configuration management #execution #hardware #modelling #specification- A Model-Based Approach for Executable Specifications on Reconfigurable Hardware (TS, WM, AR), pp. 692–697.
DocEng-2005-Oda- A system of collecting domain-specific jargons (HO), p. 29.
HT-2005-BerlangaG #adaptation #design #learning #modelling #navigation #specification #using- Modelling adaptive navigation support techniques using the IMS learning design specification (AJB, FJG), pp. 148–150.
ICDAR-2005-BertolamiB #integration #multi #recognition- Multiple Handwritten Text Line Recognition Systems Derived from Specific Integration of a Language Model (RB, HB), pp. 521–527.
WRLA-2004-CervesatoS05 #dependent type #logic #representation #specification- Representing the MSR Cryptoprotocol Specification Language in an Extension of Rewriting Logic with Dependent Types (IC, MOS), pp. 183–207.
FASE-2005-Berry #design #industrial #performance #specification- Esterel v7: From Verified Formal Specification to Efficient Industrial Designs (GB), p. 1.
FASE-2005-LarsenLW #source code #specification- Color-Blind Specifications for Transformations of Reactive Synchronous Programs (KGL, UL, AW), pp. 160–174.
TACAS-2005-BouquetDLU #ml #named #specification #using- JML-Testing-Tools: A Symbolic Animator for JML Specifications Using CLP (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 551–556.
TACAS-2005-KuglerHPLB #logic #specification- Temporal Logic for Scenario-Based Specifications (HK, DH, AP, YL, YB), pp. 445–460.
TACAS-2005-WeimerN #detection #fault #mining #specification- Mining Temporal Specifications for Error Detection (WW, GCN), pp. 461–476.
ICSM-2005-Bollin #composition #maintenance #scalability #specification- Maintaining Formal Specifications — Decomposition of Large Z-Specifications (AB), pp. 443–452.
ICSM-2005-SusaniD #contract #maintenance #specification #using- Cross-Organizational Service Maintenance Using Temporal Availability Specification and Contracts (OvS, PD), pp. 230–239.
IWPC-2005-Reiss #java #specification #tool support- Tool Demonstration: CHET: Checking Specifications in Java Systems (SPR), pp. 165–168.
MSR-2005-WilliamsH #repository- Recovering system specific rules from software repositories (CCW, JKH), pp. 51–55.
PLDI-2005-FisherG #ad hoc #domain-specific language #named- PADS: a domain-specific language for processing ad hoc data (KF, RG), pp. 295–304.
FM-2005-BouquetDLU #animation #ml #specification- Symbolic Animation of JML Specifications (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 75–90.
FM-2005-ButlerL #csp #specification #verification- Combining CSP and B for Specification and Property Verification (MJB, ML), pp. 221–236.
FM-2005-CelikuM #composition #cost analysis #probability #source code #specification- Compositional Specification and Analysis of Cost-Based Properties in Probabilistic Programs (OC, AM), pp. 107–122.
FM-2005-HoenickeM #model checking #process #specification- Model-Checking of Specifications Integrating Processes, Data and Time (JH, PM), pp. 465–480.
FM-2005-KatzK #specification #verification- Verifying Scenario-Based Aspect Specifications (EK, SK), pp. 432–447.
FM-2005-SunD #distributed #process #specification #synthesis- Synthesis of Distributed Processes from Scenario-Based Specifications (JS, JSD), pp. 415–431.
IFM-2005-BodeveixFLM #domain-specific language #formal method- Formal Methods Meet Domain Specific Languages (JPB, MF, JLL, GM), pp. 187–206.
IFM-2005-BracherK #security #specification #testing- Enabling Security Testing from Specification to Code (SB, PK), pp. 150–166.
IFM-2005-ChakiCGOSTV #specification #verification- State/Event Software Verification for Branching-Time Specifications (SC, EMC, OG, JO, NS, TT, HV), pp. 53–69.
IFM-2005-GervaisFL #specification- Synthesizing B Specifications from EB3 Attribute Definitions (FG, MF, RL), pp. 207–226.
IFM-2005-GrunskeLYW #analysis #automation #behaviour #design #specification- An Automated Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Based on High-Level Design Specification with Behavior Trees (LG, PAL, NY, KW), pp. 129–149.
IFM-2005-MalikR #adaptation #case study #comparative #embedded #specification- Adaptive Techniques for Specification Matching in Embedded Systems: A Comparative Study (RM, PSR), pp. 33–52.
IFM-2005-OssamiJS #consistency #multi #specification #uml- Consistency in UML and B Multi-view Specifications (DDOO, JPJ, JS), pp. 386–405.
SEFM-2005-ScheffczykBBS #consistency #industrial #requirements #specification- Pragmatic Consistency Management in Industrial Requirements Specifications (JS, UMB, AB, JS), pp. 272–281.
CEFP-2005-KoopmanP #automation #specification #testing- Fully Automatic Testing with Functions as Specifications (PWMK, RP), pp. 35–61.
SOFTVIS-2005-KholkarKSV #analysis #case study #specification #visual notation- Visual specification and analysis of use cases (DK, GMK, US, RV), pp. 77–85.
AdaEurope-2005-Brosgol #ada #comparison #java #realtime #specification- A Comparison of the Mutual Exclusion Features in Ada and the Real-Time Specification for Java TM (BMB), pp. 129–143.
CAiSE-2005-LopesHBJ #framework #generative #specification #web #web service- Generating Transformation Definition from Mapping Specification: Application to Web Service Platform (DL, SH, JB, FJ), pp. 309–325.
EDOC-2005-GovernatoriM #contract #domain-specific language- Dealing with contract violations: formalism and domain specific language (GG, ZM), pp. 46–57.
ICEIS-v2-2005-Roubtsova #specification #workflow- A Property Specification Language for Workflow Diagnostics (EER), pp. 297–302.
ICEIS-v3-2005-CapelH #csp #modelling #specification #visual notation- Transforming SA/RT Graphical Specifications into CSP+T Formalism — Obtaining a Formal Specification from Semi-Formal SA/RT Essential Models (MIC, JAHT), pp. 65–72.
ICEIS-v3-2005-Liang #analysis #information management #modelling #specification- Dialogue Act Modelling for Analysis and Specification of Web-Based Information Systems (YL), pp. 89–97.
ICEIS-v3-2005-SeehusenS #network #specification #visual notation- Graphical Specification of Dynamic Network Structure (FS, KS), pp. 203–210.
CIKM-2005-PuM #equation #functional #query #specification- Typed functional query languages with equational specifications (KQP, AOM), pp. 233–234.
CIKM-2005-VaradarajanH #documentation #summary- Structure-based query-specific document summarization (RV, VH), pp. 231–232.
CIKM-2005-WuLBC- Domain-specific keyphrase extraction (YfBW, QL, RSB, XC), pp. 283–284.
KDD-2005-Aggarwal #algorithm #classification #towards- Towards exploratory test instance specific algorithms for high dimensional classification (CCA), pp. 526–531.
MLDM-2005-GillamA #mining- Pattern Mining Across Domain-Specific Text Collections (LG, KA), pp. 570–579.
SEKE-2005-HuaC #specification- Yet Another Purchasing Specification Construction in E-Business (CHH, PMC), pp. 105–108.
SEKE-2005-KrishnaGV #concept #consistency #modelling #specification- Loosely-coupled Consistency between Agent-oriented Conceptual Models and Z Specifications (AK, AKG, SAV), pp. 455–460.
SEKE-2005-LopesA #case study #requirements #specification- Impact of GSD in Requirements Specification — A Case Study (LL, JLNA), pp. 473–478.
SEKE-2005-MhiriMG #information management #named #ontology #specification #towards- UMLOnto: Towards a Language for the Specification of Information Systems’ Ontologies (MBAM, AM, FG), pp. 743–746.
SEKE-2005-MondragonGMS #generative #monitoring #runtime #specification- Generating Properties for Runtime Monitoring from Software Specification Patterns (OM, AQG, HM, OS), pp. 267–273.
SEKE-2005-SalimCKG #execution #specification #towards- Towards Executable Specification: Combining i* and AgentSpeak(L) (FS, CFC, AK, AG), pp. 739–742.
SEKE-2005-SongLN #evaluation #framework #markov #named #object-oriented #specification- OOMSE — An Object Oriented Markov Chain Specification and Evaluation Framework (HS, CL, RN), pp. 229–234.
SEKE-2005-SongPCZ #specification #transaction #uml #verification- Formal Verification of Transactional Systems Based on UML Specifications (MAJS, AMP, SVAC, LEZ), pp. 199–204.
SEKE-2005-Wang #infinity #logic #model checking #specification- Specification of an Infinite-State Local Model Checker in Rewriting Logic (BYW), pp. 442–447.
ECMDA-FA-2005-ChanP #approach #contract #design #metamodelling- Designing a Domain-Specific Contract Language: A Metamodelling Approach (ZEC, RFP), pp. 175–189.
ECMDA-FA-2005-GrunskeGL #graph grammar #model transformation #specification #visual notation- A Graphical Specification of Model Transformations with Triple Graph Grammars (LG, LG, ML), pp. 284–298.
MoDELS-2005-EstublierVI #domain-specific language #re-engineering- Composing Domain-Specific Languages for Wide-Scope Software Engineering Applications (JE, GV, ADI), pp. 69–83.
MoDELS-2005-SandersMKB #composition #specification #uml #using- Using UML 2.0 Collaborations for Compositional Service Specification (RTS, HNC, FAK, RB), pp. 460–475.
MoDELS-2005-Tolvanen #modelling- Keynote Address II: Domain-Specific Modeling: No One Size Fits All (JPT), p. 279.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #case study #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
MoDELS-2005-EstublierVI #domain-specific language #re-engineering- Composing Domain-Specific Languages for Wide-Scope Software Engineering Applications (JE, GV, ADI), pp. 69–83.
MoDELS-2005-SandersMKB #composition #specification #uml #using- Using UML 2.0 Collaborations for Compositional Service Specification (RTS, HNC, FAK, RB), pp. 460–475.
MoDELS-2005-Tolvanen #modelling- Keynote Address II: Domain-Specific Modeling: No One Size Fits All (JPT), p. 279.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #case study #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
ECOOP-2005-RodriguezDFHLR #composition #concurrent #ml #multi #source code #specification #thread #verification- Extending JML for Modular Specification and Verification of Multi-threaded Programs (ER, MBD, CF, JH, GTL, R), pp. 551–576.
GPCE-2005-AliasB #domain-specific language #on the #re-engineering- On Domain-Specific Languages Reengineering (CA, DB), pp. 63–77.
GPCE-2005-LawallDMM #composition #domain-specific language- Bossa Nova: Introducing Modularity into the Bossa Domain-Specific Language (JLL, HD, GM, AFLM), pp. 78–93.
GPCE-2005-MossM #code generation #domain-specific language #performance- Efficient Code Generation for a Domain Specific Language (AM, HLM), pp. 47–62.
POPL-2005-AlurCMN #interface #java #specification #synthesis- Synthesis of interface specifications for Java classes (RA, PC, PM, WN), pp. 98–109.
RE-2005-KonradC #specification- Facilitating the Construction of Specification Pattern-based Properties (SK, BHCC), pp. 329–338.
SAC-2005-BlakeCRIG #case study #component #development #product line #specification- Use case-driven component specification: a medical applications perspective to product line development (MBB, KC, SR, LI, KG), pp. 1470–1477.
SAC-2005-DoxseeG #automation #c++ #specification #synthesis- Synthesis of C++ software for automated teller from CSPm specifications (SD, WBG), pp. 1565–1566.
SAC-2005-ElkhalifaAC #detection #named #specification- InfoFilter: a system for expressive pattern specification and detection over text streams (LE, RA, SC), pp. 1084–1088.
SAC-2005-GruianAKS #automation #generative #java- Automatic generation of application-specific systems based on a micro-programmed Java core (FG, PA, KK, MS), pp. 879–884.
SAC-2005-LiuC #knowledge-based #query #retrieval- Knowledge-based query expansion to support scenario-specific retrieval of medical free text (ZL, WWC), pp. 1076–1083.
SAC-2005-SerranoO #framework #interactive #protocol #recursion #semantics #specification- A semantic framework for the recursive specification of interaction protocols (JMS, SO), pp. 451–456.
SAC-2005-SohrDA #information management #policy #security #specification- Formal specification of role-based security policies for clinical information systems (KS, MD, GJA), pp. 332–339.
SAC-2005-WangG #approach #domain-specific language #framework #implementation #prototype #semantics- Rapidly prototyping implementation infrastructure of domain specific languages: a semantics-based approach (QW, GG), pp. 1419–1426.
SAC-2005-WuGRM #debugging #domain-specific language #weaving- Weaving a debugging aspect into domain-specific language grammars (HW, JGG, SR, MM), pp. 1370–1374.
SAC-2005-YangEY #database #security #semistructured data #specification- Mediation security specification and enforcement for heterogeneous databases (LY, RKE, HY), pp. 354–358.
ESEC-FSE-2005-BierhoffA #lightweight #specification #type system- Lightweight object specification with typestates (KB, JA), pp. 217–226.
GTTSE-2005-BravenboerGV #domain-specific language #stratego #using- MetaBorg in Action: Examples of Domain-Specific Language Embedding and Assimilation Using Stratego/XT (MB, RdG, EV), pp. 297–311.
ICSE-2005-ErnstC #specification- The groupthink specification exercise (MDE, JC), pp. 617–618.
ICSE-2005-KonradC #realtime #specification- Real-time specification patterns (SK, BHCC), pp. 372–381.
LDTA-2005-CrepinsekMBJS #context-free grammar #domain-specific language- Inferring Context-Free Grammars for Domain-Specific Languages (MC, MM, BRB, FJ, APS), pp. 99–116.
SPLC-2005-TolvanenK #case study #domain-specific language #experience #modelling- Defining Domain-Specific Modeling Languages to Automate Product Derivation: Collected Experiences (JPT, SK), pp. 198–209.
HPDC-2005-HuangS #adaptation #self #using- Building self-adapting services using service-specific knowledge (ACH, PS), pp. 34–43.
PPoPP-2005-LowGZ #algebra #algorithm #linear #parallel #specification- Extracting SMP parallelism for dense linear algebra algorithms from high-level specifications (TML, RAvdG, FGVZ), pp. 153–163.
SOSP-2005-JoshiKDC #detection- Detecting past and present intrusions through vulnerability-specific predicates (AJ, STK, GWD, PMC), pp. 91–104.
AMOST-2005-Lakey #industrial #modelling #specification #testing- Model-based specification and testing applied to the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system: an industry report (PBL).
CAV-2005-McPeakN #axiom #data type #similarity #specification- Data Structure Specifications via Local Equality Axioms (SM, GCN), pp. 476–490.
FATES-2005-AiguierABGM #algebra #axiom #specification #testing- Testing from Algebraic Specifications: Test Data Set Selection by Unfolding Axioms (MA, AA, CB, PLG, BM), pp. 203–217.
RTA-2005-HendrixCM #reasoning #specification- A Sufficient Completeness Reasoning Tool for Partial Specifications (JH, MC, JM), pp. 165–174.
SAT-2005-Goldberg #equivalence #specification- Equivalence Checking of Circuits with Parameterized Specifications (EG), pp. 107–121.
CBSE-2004-Jonkers #interface #specification- Interface Specification: A Balancing Act (Extended Abstract) (HBMJ), pp. 5–6.
ASE-2004-BossungSGAH #automation #heuristic #interactive #specification- Automated Data Mapping Specification via Schema Heuristics and User Interaction (SB, HS, JCG, RA, JGH), pp. 208–217.
ASE-2004-Reiss #named #specification- CHET: A System for Checking Dynamic Specifications (SPR), pp. 302–305.
ASE-2004-Taghdiri #detection #fault #specification- Inferring Specifications to Detect Errors in Code (MT), pp. 144–153.
DAC-2004-AbdiG #architecture #automation #functional #generative #specification- Automatic generation of equivalent architecture model from functional specification (SA, DG), pp. 608–613.
DAC-2004-ChengTM #embedded #named #synthesis- FITS: framework-based instruction-set tuning synthesis for embedded application specific processors (ACC, GST, TNM), pp. 920–923.
DAC-2004-DavareLKS #implementation #performance #specification- The best of both worlds: the efficient asynchronous implementation of synchronous specifications (AD, KL, AK, ALSV), pp. 588–591.
DAC-2004-KapoorJ #concurrent #logic #specification #synthesis- Decomposing specifications with concurrent outputs to resolve state coding conflicts in asynchronous logic synthesis (HKK, MBJ), pp. 830–833.
DAC-2004-KulkarniBS #domain-specific language #framework- Mapping a domain specific language to a platform FPGA (CK, GJB, GS), pp. 924–927.
DAC-2004-ResanoM #configuration management #hardware #scheduling- Specific scheduling support to minimize the reconfiguration overhead of dynamically reconfigurable hardware (JR, DM), pp. 119–124.
DAC-2004-VuleticPI #configuration management #memory management- Virtual memory window for application-specific reconfigurable coprocessors (MV, LP, PI), pp. 948–953.
DATE-DF-2004-RenWBLLD #design- A Domain-Specific Cell Based ASIC Design Methodology for Digital Signal Processing Applications (BR, AW, JB, KL, WL, WWMD), pp. 280–285.
DATE-v1-2004-BeniniIMM #design #memory management #metaprogramming- Block-Enabled Memory Macros: Design Space Exploration and Application-Specific Tuning (LB, AI, AM, EM), pp. 698–699.
DATE-v1-2004-GoloubevaRV #automation #generative #validation- Automatic Generation of Validation Stimuli for Application-Specific Processors (OG, MSR, MV), pp. 188–193.
DATE-v1-2004-ZhangV #memory management #using- Using a Victim Buffer in an Application-Specific Memory Hierarchy (CZ, FV), pp. 220–227.
DATE-v2-2004-JalabertMBM #network- ×pipesCompiler: A Tool for Instantiating Application Specific Networks on Chip (AJ, SM, LB, GDM), pp. 884–889.
DATE-v2-2004-KhawamBPAAAW #array #configuration management #implementation #mobile #performance #video- Efficient Implementations of Mobile Video Computations on Domain-Specific Reconfigurable Arrays (SK, SB, AP, IA, NA, TA, FW), pp. 1230–1235.
DATE-v2-2004-SchattkowskyM #embedded #execution #modelling #realtime #specification- Model-Based Specification and Execution of Embedded Real-Time Systems (TS, WM), pp. 1392–1393.
DATE-v2-2004-ZhuM #architecture #communication #framework #multi #prototype #specification #using- Using a Communication Architecture Specification in an Application-Driven Retargetable Prototyping Platform for Multiprocessing (XZ, SM), pp. 1244–1249.
PODS-2004-DeutschSV #data-driven #specification #verification #web #web service- Specification and Verification of Data-driven Web Services (AD, LS, VV), pp. 71–82.
SIGMOD-2004-BrambillaCCDFM #declarative #specification #web #web service #workflow- Declarative Specification of Web Applications exploiting Web Services and Workflows (MB, SC, SC, MD, PF, IM), pp. 909–910.
VLDB-2004-WangWLM #database #query #web- Instance-based Schema Matching for Web Databases by Domain-specific Query Probing (JW, JRW, FHL, WYM), pp. 408–419.
CSEET-2004-HassonC #case study #re-engineering #requirements #specification- A Case Study Involving the Use of Z to Aid Requirements Specification in the Software Engineering Course (PH, SC), pp. 84–90.
ESOP-2004-Ghica #analysis #approach #logic #semantics #specification- Semantical Analysis of Specification Logic, 3: An Operational Approach (DRG), pp. 264–278.
FASE-2004-ChoppyR #case study #requirements #specification #using- Improving Use Case Based Requirements Using Formally Grounded Specifications (CC, GR), pp. 244–260.
FASE-2004-McComb #refactoring #specification- Refactoring Object-Z Specifications (TM), pp. 69–83.
FASE-2004-OlveczkyM #analysis #maude #realtime #specification #using- Specification and Analysis of Real-Time Systems Using Real-Time Maude (PCÖ, JM), pp. 354–358.
TACAS-2004-RobbyRDH #framework #model checking #specification #using- Checking Strong Specifications Using an Extensible Software Model Checking Framework (R, ER, MBD, JH), pp. 404–420.
ICSM-2004-Granja-Alvarez #analysis #case study #maintenance #specification- Software Maintenance: Analysis of Estimates Based on Requirement Specification in the Context of New Technologies, a Case Study (JCGA), p. 531.
WCRE-2004-Bollin #performance #specification- The Efficiency of Specification Fragments (AB), pp. 266–275.
PLDI-2004-VachharajaniVA #component #modelling #reuse #specification- The liberty structural specification language: a high-level modeling language for component reuse (MV, NV, DIA), pp. 195–206.
IFM-2004-Bujorianu #integration #specification #using- Integration of Specification Languages Using Viewpoints (MCB), pp. 421–440.
IFM-2004-CiobanuL #concurrent #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Synchronizing Concurrent Objects (GC, DL), pp. 307–327.
IFM-2004-DongQS #generative #specification- Generating MSCs from an Integrated Formal Specification Language (JSD, SQ, JS), pp. 168–186.
IFM-2004-VilasARGD #imperative #incremental #logic #modelling #semantics #specification- A Many-Valued Logic with Imperative Semantics for Incremental Specification of Timed Models (AFV, JJPA, RPDR, AGS, JGD), pp. 382–401.
SEFM-2004-BidoitHKB #black box #object-oriented #specification- Glass-Box and Black-Box Views on Object-Oriented Specifications (MB, RH, AK, HB), pp. 208–217.
SEFM-2004-LaibinisT #architecture #fault tolerance #specification- Fault Tolerance in a Layered Architecture: A General Specification Pattern in B (LL, ET), pp. 346–355.
SEFM-2004-NaiyongJ #co-evolution #design #hardware #modelling #specification- Resource Models and Pre-Compiler Specification for Hardware/Software Co-Design Language (NJ, JH), pp. 132–141.
SEFM-2004-Yoshiura #specification- Finding the Causes of Unrealizability of Reactive System Formal Specifications (NY), pp. 34–43.
ICGT-2004-CherchagoH #graph transformation #specification #using #web #web service- Specification Matching of Web Services Using Conditional Graph Transformation Rules (AC, RH), pp. 304–318.
CSCW-2004-WangB #collaboration #concept #design #industrial- Concepts that support collocated collaborative work inspired by the specific context of industrial designers (HW, EB), pp. 546–549.
CAiSE-2004-Matulevicius #case study #how #quality #requirements #specification #tool support- How Requirements Specification Quality Depends on Tools: A Case Study (RM), pp. 353–367.
EDOC-2004-RomeroV #formal method #maude #specification- Formalizing ODP Computational Viewpoint Specifications in Maude (JRR, AV), pp. 212–223.
EDOC-2004-WoodmanPSW #specification #verification #web #web service- Notations for the Specification and Verification of Composite Web Services (SJW, DJP, SKS, SMW), pp. 35–46.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ChristianssonC #component #modelling #process #specification- Reasons for Integrating Software Component Specifications in Business Process Models (MTC, BC), pp. 647–650.
ICEIS-v3-2004-DavisTC #development #enterprise #framework #information management #specification- Meta Data Framework for Enterprise Information Systems Specification — Aiming to Reduce or Remove the Development Phase for EIS Systems (JD, AT, EC), pp. 451–456.
ICEIS-v3-2004-LopesPAM #distributed #requirements #specification- Distributed Requirements Specification: Minimizing the Effect of Geographic Dispersion (LL, RP, JLNA, AM), pp. 531–534.
ICEIS-v3-2004-SchuetzelhoferG #domain model #modelling #specification #verification #xml- Formal Specification and Verification of XML-Based Business Domain Models (WS, KMG), pp. 209–216.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ShishkovD #component #modelling #process #specification- Aligning Business Process Modeling and Software Specification in a Component-Based Way, the Advantages of SDBC (BS, JLGD), pp. 103–108.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ThamF #enterprise #information management #requirements #specification- Determining Requirements and Specifications of Enterprise Information Systems for Profitability (KDT, MSF), pp. 309–316.
ECIR-2004-ChristensenKGR #summary- From Text Summarisation to Style-Specific Summarisation for Broadcast News (HC, BK, YG, SR), pp. 223–237.
ICPR-v2-2004-BeierholmB #music #speech #using- Speech Music Discrimination Using Class-Specific Features (TB, PMB), pp. 379–382.
ICPR-v3-2004-ErikssonA #detection #robust- Robustness and Specificity in Object Detection (APE, KÅ), pp. 87–90.
ICPR-v4-2004-LiuSCH #clustering #personalisation #using #verification- Personalized Face Verification System Using Owner-Specific Cluster-Dependent LDA-Subspace (HCL, CHS, YHC, YPH), pp. 344–347.
KR-2004-CadoliM #automation #constraints #specification- Automated Reformulation of Specifications by Safe Delay of Constraints (MC, TM), pp. 388–398.
KR-2004-DelgrandeST #reasoning- Domain-Specific Preferences for Causal Reasoning and Planning (JPD, TS, HT), pp. 673–682.
SEKE-2004-ChenS #interactive #protocol #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Agent Interaction Protocols (BC, SS), pp. 300–305.
SEKE-2004-CorreaW #approach #specification #transaction #validation- Specification and Validation of Transactional Business Software: An Approach Based on the Exploration of Concrete Scenarios (ALC, CMLW), pp. 294–299.
SEKE-2004-CostaBT #evaluation #risk management- Software Project Risk Evaluation based on Specific and Systemic Risks (HRC, MdOB, GHT), pp. 282–287.
SEKE-2004-Hobbs #design pattern #specification #using- Using A Scenario Specification Language to Add Context to Design Patterns (RLH), pp. 330–335.
SIGIR-2004-LarkeyFCL #modelling #multi #topic- Language-specific models in multilingual topic tracking (LSL, FF, MEC, VL), pp. 402–409.
SIGIR-2004-RogatiY #information retrieval- Resource selection for domain-specific cross-lingual IR (MR, YY), pp. 154–161.
UML-2004-GieseH #specification #uml- From Informal to Formal Specifications in UML (MG, RH), pp. 197–211.
UML-2004-PitkanenS #execution #incremental #modelling #uml- A UML Profile for Executable and Incremental Specification-Level Modeling (RP, PS), pp. 158–172.
OOPSLA-2004-BravenboerV #domain-specific language #strict #syntax- Concrete syntax for objects: domain-specific language embedding and assimilation without restrictions (MB, EV), pp. 365–383.
LOPSTR-2004-LauMO #composition #specification- Constructive Specifications for Compositional Units (KKL, AM, MO), pp. 198–214.
PDCL-2004-ColvinGHHNS #logic programming #refinement #source code #specification #using- Developing Logic Programs from Specifications Using Stepwise Refinement (RC, LG, IJH, DH, RN, PAS), pp. 66–89.
POPL-2004-SittampalamML #execution #incremental #specification- Incremental execution of transformation specifications (GS, OdM, KFL), pp. 26–38.
RE-2004-CorreaW #precise #specification #transaction #validation- Precise Specification and Validation of Transactional Business Software (ALC, CMLW), pp. 16–25.
RE-2004-Gibson #requirements #specification #web #web service- Developing A Requirements Specification For A Web Service Application (JCG), pp. 340–344.
RE-2004-GordijnKSWA- Developing a Domain-Specific Cross-Organizational RE Method (JG, VK, JS, RW, HA), pp. 134–143.
RE-2004-TsuchiyaMGSO #approach #specification- Requirement-driven Approach to Interoperable Traveler Support System Specification (RT, AM, KG, KS, TO), pp. 316–321.
SAC-2004-AlbertiDTGLM #interactive #protocol #specification #verification- Specification and verification of agent interaction protocols in a logic-based system (MA, DD, PT, MG, EL, PM), pp. 72–78.
SAC-2004-Cebulla #architecture #concept #modelling #using- Modeling sociotechnical specifics using architectural concepts (MC), pp. 1559–1563.
SAC-2004-JensenTH #generative #specification- Generating web-based systems from specifications (TBJ, TKT, MRH), pp. 1647–1653.
SAC-2004-KagklisLT #framework #specification- A framework for implicit and explicit service activation based on Service Level Specification (DK, NL, CT), pp. 363–368.
SAC-2004-MorgeB #multi- A Negotiation Support System based on a Multi-agent System: specificity and preference relations on arguments (MM, PB), pp. 474–478.
SAC-2004-OuyangB #internet #specification- An improved formal specification of the Internet Open Trading Pprotocol (CO, JB), pp. 779–783.
SAC-2004-Rodriguez #specification- Formal specification of autonomous commerce agents (IR), pp. 774–778.
SAC-2004-SignoriniG #design #object-oriented #process #specification- Object-oriented design for the specification of the blood clotting cascade: a class-structured view of bio-computing processes (JS, PG), pp. 207–208.
ICSE-2004-Breen #incremental #named #specification- Statestep: A Tool for Systematic, Incremental Specification (MB), pp. 711–712.
ICSE-2004-HenkelD #algebra #debugging #specification- A Tool for Writing and Debugging Algebraic Specifications (JH, AD), pp. 449–458.
ICSE-2004-LeowKS #automation #generative #source code #specification #testing- Automated Generation of Test Programs from Closed Specifications of Classes and Test Cases (WKL, SCK, YS), pp. 96–105.
ICSE-2004-PrietoA #formal method #multi #named #requirements #specification- chi-SCTL/MUS: A Formal Methodology to Evolve Multi-Perspective Software Requirements Specifications (ABBM, JJPA), pp. 72–74.
ICSE-2004-Zschaler #component #concept #non-functional #research #semantics #specification- Research Abstract: Semantic Concepts for the Specification of Non-Functional Properties of Component-Based Software (SZ), pp. 51–53.
SPLC-2004-Greenfield04a #domain-specific language #framework #tool support #using- Using Domain-Specific Languages, Patterns, Frameworks, and Tools to Assemble Applications (JG), p. 324.
HPDC-2004-HuangS #configuration management #self #using- Building Self-Configuring Services Using Service-Specific Knowledge (ACH, PS), pp. 45–54.
ISMM-2004-SomanKB #garbage collection- Dynamic selection of application-specific garbage collectors (SS, CK, DFB), pp. 49–60.
LCTES-2004-ConwayE #domain-specific language #named- NDL: a domain-specific language for device drivers (CLC, SAE), pp. 30–36.
CAV-2004-YangS #composition #model checking #specification- Compositional Specification and Model Checking in GSTE (JY, CJHS), pp. 216–228.
FATES-2004-FrantzenTW #generative #specification #testing- Test Generation Based on Symbolic Specifications (LF, JT, TACW), pp. 1–15.
IJCAR-2004-MeseguerR #analysis #formal method #logic #semantics #specification #tool support- Rewriting Logic Semantics: From Language Specifications to Formal Analysis Tools (JM, GR), pp. 1–44.
TestCom-2004-SugetaMW #mutation testing #specification #testing #validation- Mutation Testing Applied to Validate SDL Specifications (TS, JCM, WEW), pp. 193–208.
VMCAI-2004-HatcliffRD #concurrent #model checking #object-oriented #specification #using #verification- Verifying Atomicity Specifications for Concurrent Object-Oriented Software Using Model-Checking (JH, R, MBD), pp. 175–190.
VMCAI-2004-LucanuC #algebra #model checking #specification- Model Checking for Object Specifications in Hidden Algebra (DL, GC), pp. 97–109.
ASE-2003-ChoiH #abstraction #model checking #reduction #requirements #specification #using- Model Checking Software Requirement Specifications using Domain Reduction Abstraction (YC, MPEH), pp. 314–317.
ASE-2003-Ellman #animation #automaton #hybrid #specification #synthesis- Specification and Synthesis of Hybrid Automata for Physics-Based Animation (TE), pp. 80–93.
ASE-2003-HeuzerothML #design pattern #detection #generative #specification- Generating Design Pattern Detectors from Pattern Specifications (DH, SM, WL), pp. 245–248.
ASE-2003-Holz #approach #incremental- An Incremental Approach to Task-Specific Information Delivery in SE Processe (HH), pp. 295–298.
ASE-2003-Safranek #concurrent #specification #visual notation- Visual Specification of Concurrent Systems (DS), pp. 369–372.
ASE-2003-Vigna #automation #content management #generative #specification- Automatic Generation of Content Management Systems from EER-Based Specifications (SV), pp. 259–262.
DAC-2003-AtasuPI #architecture #automation #constraints- Automatic application-specific instruction-set extensions under microarchitectural constraints (KA, LP, PI), pp. 256–261.
DAC-2003-TasiranYB #model checking #monitoring #simulation #specification #using- Using a formal specification and a model checker to monitor and direct simulation (ST, YY, BB), pp. 356–361.
DATE-2003-ChangKWH #named- G-MAC: An Application-Specific MAC/Co-Processor Synthesizer (ACYC, WAK, ACHW, TH), pp. 11134–11135.
DATE-2003-ChiouBR #multi #power management #synthesis- Synthesis of Application-Specific Highly-Efficient Multi-Mode Systems for Low-Power Applications (LYC, SB, KR), pp. 10096–10103.
DATE-2003-FornaciariMSZ #clustering #specification #towards #uml- A First Step Towards Hw/Sw Partitioning of UML Specifications (WF, PM, FS, LZ), pp. 10668–10673.
DATE-2003-PetrovO #memory management #performance- Power Efficiency through Application-Specific Instruction Memory Transformations (PP, AO), pp. 10030–10035.
DATE-2003-Singh #specification- System Level Specification in Lava (SS), pp. 10370–10375.
DATE-2003-ZhuM #component #non-functional #specification- Specification of Non-Functional Intellectual Property Components (JZ, WSM), pp. 10456–10461.
VLDB-2003-SchindlerAG #database #named #performance #robust- Lachesis: Robust Database Storage Management Based on Device-specific Performance Characteristics (JS, AA, GRG), pp. 706–717.
ESOP-2003-Meadows #analysis #encryption #evolution #protocol #requirements #specification #what- What Makes a Cryptographic Protocol Secure? The Evolution of Requirements Specification in Formal Cryptographic Protocol Analysis (CM), pp. 10–21.
FASE-2003-AguirreM #component #configuration management #logic #specification- A Logical Basis for the Specification of Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems (NA, TSEM), pp. 37–51.
FASE-2003-BiancoLMO #component #realtime #specification #towards #uml- Towards UML-Based Formal Specifications of Component-Based Real-Time Software (VDB, LL, MM, GO), pp. 118–134.
FASE-2003-FenkamGJ #specification- Composing Specifications of Event Based Applications (PF, HCG, MJ), pp. 67–86.
FASE-2003-GargantiniR #animation #automation #modelling #specification- Automatic Model Driven Animation of SCR Specifications (AG, ER), pp. 294–309.
FASE-2003-KochP #policy #specification #verification #visual notation- Visual Specifications of Policies and Their Verification (MK, FPP), pp. 278–293.
FASE-2003-Kubica #approach #pointer #specification #verification- A Temporal Approach to Specification and Verification of Pointer Data-Structures (MK), pp. 231–245.
FASE-2003-MerzWZ #logic #mobile #refinement #specification- A Spatio-Temporal Logic for the Specification and Refinement of Mobile Systems (SM, MW, JZ), pp. 87–101.
FASE-2003-ZhaoR #aspectj #behaviour #interface #named #specification- Pipa: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for AspectJ (JZ, MCR), pp. 150–165.
TACAS-2003-DembinskiJJPPSWZ #automaton #named #specification #verification- Verics: A Tool for Verifying Timed Automata and Estelle Specifications (PD, AJ, PJ, WP, AP, MS, BW, AZ), pp. 278–283.
IWPC-2003-IvkovicG #architecture- Enhancing Domain-Specific Software Architecture Recovery (II, MWG), pp. 266–273.
SCAM-2003-BaggeKHV #c++ #design #optimisation #source code- Design of the CodeBoost Transformation System for Domain-Specific Optimisation of C++ Programs (OSB, KTK, MH, EV), p. 65–?.
PLDI-2003-AmmonsMBL #concept analysis #debugging #specification- Debugging temporal specifications with concept analysis (GA, DM, RB, JRL), pp. 182–195.
CIAA-2003-FuBS #protocol #specification #verification- Conversation Protocols: A Formalism for Specification and Verification of Reactive Electronic Services (XF, TB, JS), pp. 188–200.
CIAA-2003-WallmeierHT #finite #specification #synthesis- Symbolic Synthesis of Finite-State Controllers for Request-Response Specifications (NW, PH, WT), pp. 11–22.
FME-2003-BertBPRV #adaptation #c #embedded #source code #specification- Adaptable Translator of B Specifications to Embedded C Programs (DB, SB, MLP, AR, LV), pp. 94–113.
FME-2003-HayesJJ #specification- Determining the Specification of a Control System from That of Its Environment (IJH, MAJ, CBJ), pp. 154–169.
FME-2003-MorzentiPPS #model checking #specification- Model-Checking TRIO Specifications in SPIN (AM, MP, PSP, PS), pp. 542–561.
FME-2003-QinC #hardware- Mapping Statecharts to Verilog for Hardware/Software Co-specification (SQ, WNC), pp. 282–300.
FME-2003-TengT #specification- Composing Temporal-Logic Specifications with Machine Assistance (JWT, YKT), pp. 719–738.
SEFM-2003-FeiksH #component #object-oriented #specification- Specification Matching of Object-Oriented Components (FF, DH), pp. 182–190.
SEFM-2003-McCombS #animation #specification #using- Animation of Object-Z Specifications Using a Z Animator (TM, GS), p. 191–?.
SEFM-2003-MillerS #animation #process #specification #testing- Supporting the Software Testing Process through Specification Animation (TM, PAS), pp. 14–23.
SEFM-2003-ShrotriBV #model checking #requirements #specification #visual notation- Model Checking Visual Specification of Requirements (US, PB, RV), pp. 202–209.
SEFM-2003-Sinnott #architecture #generative #specification #testing- Architecting Specifications for Test Case Generation (ROS), p. 24–?.
AGTIVE-2003-Bohlen #graph #modelling- Specific Graph Models and Their Mappings to a Common Model (BB), pp. 45–60.
AGTIVE-2003-DottiRS #analysis #behaviour #fault #graph grammar #specification #using- Specification and Analysis of Fault Behaviours Using Graph Grammars (FLD, LR, OMdS), pp. 120–133.
AGTIVE-2003-HaaseMBG #agile #architecture #graph grammar #prototype- A Domain Specific Architecture Tool: Rapid Prototyping with Graph Grammars (TH, OM, BB, FHG), pp. 236–242.
AGTIVE-2003-HellerSW #development #evolution #graph #process #specification- Graph-Based Specification of a Management System for Evolving Development Processes (MH, AS, BW), pp. 334–351.
AGTIVE-2003-KraftN #concept #design #specification #tool support- Parameterized Specification of Conceptual Design Tools in Civil Engineering (BK, MN), pp. 90–105.
AGTIVE-2003-Minas03a #editing #specification #visual notation- Visual Specification of Visual Editors with VisualDiaGen (MM), pp. 473–478.
AGTIVE-2003-SmithPS #algorithm #specification- Local Specification of Surface Subdivision Algorithms (CS, PP, FFS), pp. 313–327.
AdaEurope-2003-Mikkonen #case study #experience #specification #tool support #using- Experiences on Developing and Using a Tool Support for Formal Specification (TM), pp. 297–308.
EDOC-2003-BahlerCM #approach #experience #generative #interface #modelling #specification #xml- Experience with a Model-Driven Approach for Enterprise-Wide Interface Specification and XML Schema Generation (LB, FC, JM), pp. 288–295.
ICEIS-v3-2003-CarchioloLM #specification #using #workflow- Using Lotos in Workflow Specification (VC, AL, MM), pp. 364–369.
ICML-2003-WinnerV #learning #named- DISTILL: Learning Domain-Specific Planners by Example (EW, MMV), pp. 800–807.
SEKE-2003-AstesianoMMR #execution #multi #prototype #specification- From Requirement Specification to Prototype Execution: a Combination of Multiview Use-Case Driven Methods and Agent-Oriented Techniques (EA, MM, VM, GR), pp. 578–585.
SEKE-2003-DingZSA #architecture #fault tolerance #specification #validation- Specification and Validation of Fault-Tolerant Software Architectures Based on Actor Model (HD, CZ, LS, GA), pp. 458–466.
SEKE-2003-MondragonGK #automation #specification- Automated Support for Property Specification Based on Patterns (OM, AQG, FK), pp. 174–181.
ECOOP-2003-HenkelD #algebra #java #specification- Discovering Algebraic Specifications from Java Classes (JH, AD), pp. 431–456.
GPCE-2003-HammondM #domain-specific language #embedded #named #realtime- Hume: A Domain-Specific Language for Real-Time Embedded Systems (KH, GM), pp. 37–56.
LOPSTR-2003-Ellman #animation #automaton #hybrid #specification #synthesis- Specification and Synthesis of Hybrid Automata for Physics-Based Animation (TE), pp. 54–55.
REFSQ-J-2002-KamstiesKR03 #empirical #how #requirements #specification- A controlled experiment to evaluate how styles affect the understandability of requirements specifications (EK, AvK, RHR), pp. 955–965.
RE-2003-HeimdahlWT #development #named #specification- NIMBUS: A Tool for Specification Centered Development (MPEH, MWW, JMT), p. 349.
RE-2003-LandtsheerLL #modelling #requirements #specification- Deriving Tabular Event-Based Specifications from Goal-Oriented Requirements Models (RDL, EL, AvL), p. 200–?.
RE-2003-MaidenJF #case study #requirements #specification- Integrating RE Methods to Support Use Case Based Requirements Specification (NAMM, SJ, MF), pp. 369–370.
RE-2003-NiuAD #comprehension #modelling #specification- Understanding and Comparing Model-Based Specification Notations (JN, JMA, NAD), pp. 188–199.
RE-2003-RifautMMPSLV #analysis #formal method #named #specification #tool support #using- FAUST: Formal Analysis Using Specification Tools (AR, PM, JFM, CP, PS, AvL, HTV), p. 350.
SAC-2003-AvanciniLMSZ #categorisation- Expanding Domain-Specific Lexicons by Term Categorization (HA, AL, BM, FS, RZ), pp. 793–797.
SAC-2003-ChenC #named- Similar_Join: Extending DBMS with a Bio-specific Operator (JYC, JVC), pp. 109–114.
ICSE-2003-Lamsweerde #modelling #precise #requirements #specification #uml- Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: From System Objectives to UML Models to Precise Software Specifications (AvL), pp. 744–745.
ICSE-2003-WangHGAGA #architecture #assessment #risk management #specification #uml- Architectural Level Risk Assessment Tool Based on UML Specifications (TW, AEH, AG, WA, KGP, HHA), pp. 808–809.
LDTA-2003-SanchezCMN #coordination #named #specification- CoordMaude: Simplifying Formal Coordination Specifications of Cooperation Environment (MS, PJC, JMM, JHN), pp. 643–658.
CAV-2003-GlusmanK #consistency #model checking #specification- Model Checking Conformance with Scenario-Based Specifications (MG, SK), pp. 328–340.
CAV-2003-HungarNS #automaton #learning #optimisation- Domain-Specific Optimization in Automata Learning (HH, ON, BS), pp. 315–327.
CSL-2003-Khoussainov #algebra #data type #on the #specification- On Algebraic Specifications of Abstract Data Types (BK), pp. 299–313.
FATES-2003-XieN #generative #specification #testing- Mutually Enhancing Test Generation and Specification Inference (TX, DN), pp. 60–69.
TestCom-2003-DaiGN #realtime #specification #visual notation- T911IMED TTCN-3 Based Graphical Real-Time Test Specification (ZRD, JG, HN), pp. 110–127.
CBSE-2002-AguirreM #approach #component #logic #reasoning #specification- A Temporal Logic Approach to Component–Based System Specification and Reasoning (NA, TM), p. 11.
CBSE-2003-BarnettGKSSTW #component #specification- Serious Specification for Composing Components (MB, WG, CK, WS, CS, NT, AW), p. 6.
ASE-2002-AguirreM #approach #component #configuration management #logic #specification- A Temporal Logic Approach to the Specification of Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems (NA, TSEM), pp. 271–274.
ASE-2002-RosuW #towards- Towards Certifying Domain-Specific Properties of Synthesized Code (GR, JW), pp. 289–294.
DAC-2002-ChakrabartiDCB #interface #realtime #specification #verification- Formal verification of module interfaces against real time specifications (AC, PD, PPC, AB), pp. 141–145.
DAC-2002-JiangB #logic #simulation #specification #synthesis #using- Software synthesis from synchronous specifications using logic simulation techniques (YJ, RKB), pp. 319–324.
DAC-2002-OliveiraH #automation #generative #interface #monitoring #specification- High-Level specification and automatic generation of IP interface monitors (MTO, AJH), pp. 129–134.
DAC-2002-ShimizuD #generative #metric #simulation #specification- Deriving a simulation input generator and a coverage metric from a formal specification (KS, DLD), pp. 801–806.
DAC-2002-SiegmundM #communication #declarative #hardware #novel #protocol #specification #synthesis- A novel synthesis technique for communication controller hardware from declarative data communication protocol specifications (RS, DM), pp. 602–607.
DATE-2002-DingM02a #modelling #using- Accurate Estimating Simultaneous Switching Noises by Using Application Specific Device Modeling (LD, PM), pp. 1038–1043.
DATE-2002-DoboliV #co-evolution #design #functional #specification- A Functional Specification Notation for Co-Design of Mixed Analog-Digital Systems (AD, RV), pp. 760–767.
DATE-2002-Martin02a #bibliography #design #embedded #motivation #perspective #specification #uml- UML for Embedded Systems Specification and Design: Motivation and Overview (GM), pp. 773–775.
DATE-2002-MunzenbergerDSH #design #embedded #realtime #specification #synthesis #validation- A New Time Model for the Specification, Design, Validation and Synthesis of Embedded Real-Time Systems (RM, MD, FS, RH), p. 1095.
DATE-2002-PetrovO #embedded #performance- Power Efficient Embedded Processor Ip’s through Application-Specific Tag Compression in Data Caches (PP, AO), pp. 1065–1071.
DATE-2002-SommerRHGMMECSN #design #layout #specification #top-down- From System Specification To Layout: Seamless Top-Down Design Methods for Analog and Mixed-Signal Applications (RS, IRH, EH, UG, PM, FM, KE, CC, PS, GN), pp. 884–891.
PODS-2002-ArenasFL #consistency #on the #specification #verification #xml- On Verifying Consistency of XML Specifications (MA, WF, LL), pp. 259–270.
VLDB-2002-ConradGJM #database #logic #physics #using- Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment (JGC, XSG, PJ, MM), pp. 71–82.
ITiCSE-2002-Barros #concurrent #petri net #programming- Specific proposals for the use of petri nets in a concurrent programming course (JPB), pp. 165–167.
WRLA-J-1996-ClavelDELMMQ02 #logic #maude #named #programming #specification- Maude: specification and programming in rewriting logic (MC, FD, SE, PL, NMO, JM, JFQ), pp. 187–243.
WRLA-J-1996-OlveczkyM02 #hybrid #logic #realtime #specification- Specification of real-time and hybrid systems in rewriting logic (PCÖ, JM), pp. 359–405.
WRLA-J-1996-PitaM02 #maude #network #object-oriented #specification- A Maude specification of an object-oriented model for telecommunication networks (IP, NMO), pp. 407–439.
FASE-2002-BelaundeP #component #precise #specification- From EDOC Components to CCM Components: A Precise Mapping Specification (MB, MP), pp. 143–158.
FASE-2002-HahnleJR #authoring #requirements #specification- An Authoring Tool for Informal and Formal Requirements Specifications (RH, KJ, AR), pp. 233–248.
FoSSaCS-2002-Cirstea #algebra #logic #on the #reachability #specification- On Specification Logics for Algebra-Coalgebra Structures: Reconciling Reachability and Observability (CC), pp. 82–97.
FoSSaCS-2002-KochMP #data access #detection #policy #specification- Conflict Detection and Resolution in Access Control Policy Specifications (MK, LVM, FPP), pp. 223–237.
TACAS-2002-ArmoniFFGGKLMSTVZ #logic- The ForSpec Temporal Logic: A New Temporal Property-Specification Language (RA, LF, AF, RG, BG, TK, AL, SMH, ES, AT, MYV, YZ), pp. 296–211.
TACAS-2002-KimSC #functional #requirements #specification #using #verification- Formal Verification of Functional Properties of an SCR-Style Software Requirements Specification Using PVS (TK, DWJSC, SDC), pp. 205–220.
WRLA-2002-ThatiSM #execution #maude #semantics #specification #testing #π-calculus- An Executable Specification of Asynchronous π-Calculus Semantics and May Testing in Maude 2.0 (PT, KS, NMO), pp. 261–281.
CSMR-2002-BoulychevKT #on the #re-engineering- On Project-Specific Languages and Their Application in Reengineering (DYB, DVK, AAT), pp. 177–185.
ICSM-2002-Harrison #adaptation #case study #maintenance #using #web #web service- Using Service Specific Proxies to Migrate Web Services to the “Wireless Web”: An Illustrative Case Study of Adaptive Maintenance (WH), pp. 300–309.
ICSM-2002-RedondoAVB #approximate #retrieval #reuse #specification- Approximate Retrieval of Incomplete and Formal Specifications Applied to Vertical Reuse (RPDR, JJPA, AFV, ABBM), pp. 618–627.
ICSM-2002-TruyenJV #consistency- Consistency Management in the Presence of Simultaneous Client-Specific Views (ET, WJ, PV), pp. 501–510.
PASTE-2002-ChelfEH #how #static analysis- How to write system-specific, static checkers in metal (BC, DRE, SH), pp. 51–60.
PLDI-2002-HallemCXE #analysis- A System and Language for Building System-Specific, Static Analyses (SH, BC, YX, DRE), pp. 69–82.
CIAA-J-2000-HarelK02 #object-oriented #specification- Synthesizing State-Based Object Systems from LSC Specifications (DH, HK), pp. 5–51.
ICALP-2002-HermenegildoPBL #approximate #debugging #semantics #specification #using #validation- Program Debugging and Validation Using Semantic Approximations and Partial Specifications (MVH, GP, FB, PLG), pp. 69–72.
ICALP-2002-MeseguerR #algebra #approach #specification- A Total Approach to Partial Algebraic Specification (JM, GR), pp. 572–584.
FME-2002-Burguillo-RialIGN #case study #heuristic #specification #testing- Heuristic-Driven Test Case Selection from Formal Specifications. A Case Study (JCBR, MJFI, FJGC, MLN), pp. 57–76.
FME-2002-CatanoH #java #specification #static analysis #using- Formal Specification and Static Checking of Gemplus’ Electronic Purse Using ESC/Java (NC, MH), pp. 272–289.
IFM-2002-BarradasB #liveness #proving #specification- Specification and Proof of Liveness Properties under Fairness Assumptions in B Event Systems (HRB, DB), pp. 360–379.
IFM-2002-HoenickeO #process #specification- Combining Specification Techniques for Processes, Data and Time (JH, ERO), pp. 245–266.
IFM-2002-KatzG #framework #modelling #specification- A Framework for Translating Models and Specifications (SK, OG), pp. 145–164.
IFM-2002-LanoCA #design #development #specification- From Implicit Specifications to Explicit Designs in Reactive System Development (KL, DC, KA), pp. 49–68.
IFM-2002-NepomniaschySBK #approach #design #distributed #named #specification #verification- Basic-REAL: Integrated Approach for Design, Specification and Verification of Distributed Systems (VAN, NVS, EVB, VEK), pp. 69–88.
ICGT-2002-BardohlEP #architecture #specification- Transforming Specification Architectures by GenGED (RB, CE, JP), pp. 30–44.
CAiSE-2002-FentRF #design #evolution #specification #workflow- Design for Change: Evolving Workflow Specifications in ULTRAflow (AF, HR, BF), pp. 516–534.
CAiSE-2002-TorchianoB #modelling #uml- Domain-Specific Instance Models in UML (MT, GB), pp. 774–777.
EDOC-2002-BurtBROA #framework #independence #modelling #quality- Quality of Service Issues Related to Transforming Platform Independent Models to Platform Specific Models (CCB, BRB, RRR, AMO, MA), p. 212–?.
ICEIS-2002-ArribaB #specification #usability #web- Usability and Accessibility in the Specification of Web Sites (MFdA, JALB), pp. 871–876.
ICEIS-2002-Olive #concept #modelling- Specific Relationship Types in Conceptual Modeling: The Cases of Generic and with Common Participants (AO), p. 9.
ICEIS-2002-PrikladnickiPAMP #development #distributed #process #requirements #specification- Requirements Specification Model in a Software Development Process inside a Physically Distributed Environment (RP, FP, JLNA, MdCM, AP), pp. 830–834.
CIKM-2002-Blake #concept #data transformation #distributed #using- Using specification-driven concepts for distributed data management and dissemination (MBB), pp. 629–631.
ICPR-v3-2002-WeiHK #image #parametricity #specification- Specification of Image Acquisition Parameters for Stereo Panoramas (SKW, FH, RK), pp. 603–606.
ICPR-v4-2002-CaputoN #classification #kernel- To Each According to its Need: Kernel Class Specific Classifiers (BC, HN), pp. 94–97.
SEKE-2002-BryantBARO #assembly #component #generative #specification #two-level grammar #using- Formal specification of generative component assembly using two-level grammar (BRB, CCB, MA, RRR, AMO), pp. 209–212.
SEKE-2002-HeDD #architecture #model checking #specification- Model checking software architecture specifications in SAM (XH, JD, YD), pp. 271–278.
SEKE-2002-NakkrasaeS #approach #classification #component #formal method #specification- A formal approach for specification and classification of software components (SN, PS), pp. 773–780.
SEKE-2002-PeriniSG #architecture #coordination #multi #requirements #specification- Coordination specification in multi-agent systems: from requirements to architecture with the Tropos methodology (AP, AS, FG), pp. 51–54.
SIGIR-2002-Hiemstra #approach #information retrieval #modelling #query- Term-specific smoothing for the language modeling approach to information retrieval: the importance of a query term (DH), pp. 35–41.
UML-2002-CariouB #component #interactive #specification #uml- The Specification of UML Collaborations as Interaction Components (EC, AB), pp. 352–367.
OOPSLA-2002-Dmitriev #java #programming language- Language-specific make technology for the Java programming language (MD), pp. 373–385.
TOOLS-USA-2002-PaigeKOL #automation #named #reasoning #specification- BON-CASE: An Extensible CASE Tool for Formal Specification and Reasoning (RFP, LK, JSO, JL), pp. 77–96.
GPCE-2002-Back #named #scripting language #specification- DataScript — A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data (GB), pp. 66–77.
GPCE-2002-BrichauMV #composition #logic #metaprogramming- Building Composable Aspect-Specific Languages with Logic Metaprogramming (JB, KM, KDV), pp. 110–127.
PPDP-2002-PembeciNH #domain-specific language #functional #integration- Functional reactive robotics: an exercise in principled integration of domain-specific languages (IP, HN, GDH), pp. 168–179.
POPL-2002-AmmonsBL #mining #specification- Mining specifications (GA, RB, JRL), pp. 4–16.
RE-2002-DulacVLS #on the #requirements #specification #visualisation- On the Use of Visualization in Formal Requirements Specification (ND, TV, NGL, MADS), pp. 71–80.
RE-2002-Garcia-DuquePB #requirements #specification #using- An Analysis-Revision Cycle to Evolve Requirements Specifications by Using the SCTL-MUS Methodology (JGD, JJPA, ABBM), pp. 282–288.
RE-2002-KozlenkovZ #consistency #design #question #requirements #specification- Are their Design Specifications Consistent with our Requirements? (AK, AZ), pp. 145–156.
RE-2002-WooR #approach #automation #lightweight #relational #reuse #specification #using- Reuse of Scenario Specifications Using an Automated Relational Learner: A Lightweight Approach (HGW, WNR), pp. 173–180.
SAC-2002-DascaluH #approach #specification- An approach to integrating semi-formal and formal notations in software specification (SD, PH), pp. 1014–1020.
SAC-2002-HarrisonD #approach- A hypothesis driven approach to condition specific transcription factor binding site characterization in S.c (RH, CD), pp. 151–158.
SAC-2002-KrugelTK #detection #network- Service specific anomaly detection for network intrusion detection (CK, TT, EK), pp. 201–208.
SAC-2002-LeeB #automation #documentation #object-oriented #requirements #specification- Automated conversion from requirements documentation to an object-oriented formal specification language (BSL, BRB), pp. 932–936.
FSE-2002-LetierL #specification- Deriving operational software specifications from system goals (EL, AvL), pp. 119–128.
ICSE-2002-DengDHM #concurrent #invariant #source code #specification #synthesis #verification- Invariant-based specification, synthesis, and verification of synchronization in concurrent programs (XD, MBD, JH, MM), pp. 442–452.
ICSE-2002-Raz #detection #research #semantics #specification- Research abstract for semantic detection in dynamic data feeds with incomplete specifications (OR), pp. 733–734.
ICSE-2002-Silva #approach #requirements #specification- Requirements, domain and specifications: a viewpoint-based approach to requirements engineering (AS), pp. 94–104.
ICSE-2002-WoodsidePS #specification- Performance-related completions for software specifications (CMW, DBP, KHS), pp. 22–32.
ICSE-2002-ZimmermanLL #readability #requirements #specification- Investigating the readability of state-based formal requirements specification languages (MKZ, KL, NGL), pp. 33–43.
LDTA-2002-Consel #domain-specific language #how #what #why- Domain-Specific Languages: What, Why, How (CC), p. 1.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-WahlenGNHLM #architecture #case study #compilation- Application specific compiler/architecture codesign: a case study (OW, TG, AN, AH, RL, HM), pp. 185–193.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-WakabayashiT #adaptation #approach #debugging #evaluation #interface #specification #standard- Standardization approach of ITRON debugging interface specification and evaluation of its adaptability (TW, HT), pp. 65–74.
CADE-2002-Ahrendt #data type #deduction #fault #generative #specification #using- Deductive Search for Errors in Free Data Type Specifications Using Model Generation (WA), pp. 211–225.
ICLP-2002-RussoMNK #abduction #approach #requirements #specification- An Abductive Approach for Analysing Event-Based Requirements Specifications (AR, RM, BN, JK), pp. 22–37.
ISSTA-2002-NimmerE #automation #generative #specification- Automatic generation of program specifications (JWN, MDE), pp. 229–239.
ISSTA-2002-Yavuz-KahveciB #component #concurrent #specification #synthesis #verification- Specification, verification, and synthesis of concurrency control components (TYK, TB), pp. 169–179.
TestCom-2002-BorodayPGQ #fault #generative #specification #testing- Test Generation for CEFSM Combining Specification and Fault Coverage (SB, AP, RG, YMQ), pp. 355–372.
CBSE-2001-Wile #architecture #using- Ensuring General-Purpose and Domain-Specific Properties Using Architectural Styles (DSW), p. 6.
ASE-2001-Fenkam #security #specification #verification- Security Specification and Verification (PF), p. 434.
ASE-2001-GarcezRNK #requirements #specification- An Analysis-Revision Cycle to Evolve Requirements Specifications (ASdG, AR, BN, JK), pp. 354–358.
ASE-2001-GrundyMHK #generative #specification #visual notation- Generating EDI Message Translations from Visual Specifications (JCG, RM, JGH, PK), pp. 35–42.
ASE-2001-Hall #modelling #network #product line #security #specification #validation- Specification Modeling and Validation Applied to a Family of Network Security Products (RJH), pp. 71–80.
ASE-2001-Kong #implementation #interactive #specification- Implementation of Specification Conjunction and Domain Interaction in Rosetta (CK), p. 435.
ASE-2001-LeDang #automation #specification #uml- Automatic Translation from UML Specifications to B (HL), p. 436.
ASE-2001-LedruBBMOP #adaptation #specification #testing- Test Purposes: Adapting the Notion of Specification to Testing (YL, LdB, PB, OM, CO, MLP), pp. 127–134.
ASE-2001-Lee #automation #documentation #execution #requirements #specification- Automated Conversion from a Requirements Document to an Executable Formal Specification (BSL), p. 437.
ASE-2001-LegeardP #case study #functional #generative #industrial #sequence #testing- Generation of Functional Test Sequences from B Formal Specifications-Presentation and Industrial Case Study (BL, FP), pp. 377–381.
ASE-2001-LowryPR #policy- Certifying Domain-Specific Policies (MRL, TP, GR), pp. 81–90.
ASE-2001-NentwichEF #consistency #distributed #specification- Static Consistency Checking for Distributed Specifications (CN, WE, AF), p. 115–?.
ASE-2001-ParissisV #automation #testing- Strategies for Automated Specification-Based Testing of Synchronous Software (IP, JV), pp. 364–367.
ASE-2001-PavlovicS #behaviour #composition #refinement #specification- Composition and Refinement of Behavioral Specifications (DP, DRS), pp. 157–165.
ASE-2001-ZismanK #approach #consistency #knowledge base #specification #uml- Knowledge Base Approach to Consistency Management of UML Specification (AZ, AK), pp. 359–363.
DAC-2001-BruniBB #design #statistics #synthesis- Statistical Design Space Exploration for Application-Specific Unit Synthesis (DB, AB, LB), pp. 641–646.
DAC-2001-KuhnOWREK #framework #hardware #object-oriented #specification #synthesis #verification- A Framework for Object Oriented Hardware Specification, Verification, and Synthesis (TK, TO, MW, WR, ME, YK), pp. 413–418.
DAC-2001-LyonnardYBJ #architecture #automation #generative #multi- Automatic Generation of Application-Specific Architectures for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (DL, SY, AB, AAJ), pp. 518–523.
DAC-2001-ShinS #design #power management- Coupling-Driven Bus Design for Low-Power Application-Specific Systems (YS, TS), pp. 750–753.
DATE-2001-BaghdadiLZJ #architecture #design #multi #performance- An efficient architecture model for systematic design of application-specific multiprocessor SoC (AB, DL, NEZ, AAJ), pp. 55–63.
DATE-2001-CasavantGLMWA #generative #graph #simulation- Property-specific witness graph generation for guided simulation (AEC, AG, SL, AM, KW, PA), p. 799.
DATE-2001-GajskiVRGBPECJ #concurrent #specification- C/C++: progress or deadlock in system-level specification (DG, EV, WR, VG, DB, JP, SEE, PC, GGdJ), pp. 136–137.
DATE-2001-GauthierYJ #automation #embedded #generative #operating system- Automatic generation and targeting of application specific operating systems and embedded systems software (LG, SY, AAJ), pp. 679–685.
DATE-2001-SvarstadNJ #communication #design #embedded #specification- A model for describing communication between aggregate objects in the specification and design of embedded systems (KS, GN, AAJ), pp. 77–85.
DATE-2001-VareaA #embedded #modelling #petri net #specification- Dual transitions petri net based modelling technique for embedded systems specification (MV, BMAH), pp. 566–571.
FASE-J-1998-Scholz01 #design #incremental #specification #statechart- Incremental design of statechart specifications (PS), pp. 119–145.
ESOP-2001-CadoliS #compilation #problem #satisfiability #specification- Compiling Problem Specifications into SAT (MC, AS), pp. 387–401.
FASE-2001-ChoppyPR #specification #uml #visual notation- Specification of Mixed Systems in KORRIGAN with the Support of a UML-Inspired Graphical Notation (CC, PP, JCR), pp. 124–139.
FASE-2001-OlveczkyKMTZ #analysis #maude #network #protocol #realtime #specification- Specification and Analysis of the AER/NCA Active Network Protocol Suite in Real-Time Maude (PCÖ, MK, JM, CLT, SZ), pp. 333–348.
FASE-2001-ReedS #independence #specification- Combining Independent Specifications (JNR, JS), pp. 45–59.
FASE-2001-SchroderMTKH #architecture #semantics #specification- Semantics of Architectural Specifications in CASL (LS, TM, AT, BK, PH), pp. 253–268.
FoSSaCS-2001-KochMP #approach #data access #graph #policy #specification- Foundations for a Graph-Based Approach to the Specification of Access Control Policies (MK, LVM, FPP), pp. 287–302.
ICALP-2001-MadhusudanT #distributed #specification #synthesis- Distributed Controller Synthesis for Local Specifications (PM, PST), pp. 396–407.
FME-2001-DocheVK #approach #composition #specification #validation- A Modular Approach to the Specification and Validation of an Electrical Flight Control System (MD, IVM, FK), pp. 590–610.
FME-2001-IglesiasGCNF #case study #protocol #prototype #specification- From Complex Specifications to a Working Prototype. A Protocol Engineering Case Study (MJFI, FJGC, JMPC, MLN, ARF), pp. 436–448.
FME-2001-JohnsonR #modelling #specification- View Updatability Based on the Models of a Formal Specification (MJ, RDR), pp. 534–549.
FME-2001-Katz #modelling #specification- Faithful Translations among Models and Specifications (SK), pp. 419–434.
FME-2001-SherifSC #approach #realtime #specification #validation- An Integrated Approach to Specification and Validation of Real-Time Systems (AS, AS, SC), pp. 278–299.
AdaEurope-2001-Gaudel #approach #specification #testing- Testing from Formal Specifications, a Generic Approach (MCG), pp. 35–48.
CAiSE-2001-BielkowiczT #comparison #evaluation #process #specification- A Comparison and Evaluation of Data Requirement Specification Techniques in SSADM and the Unified Process (PB, TTT), pp. 46–59.
ICEIS-v2-2001-AbidiC #enterprise #information management- A Knowledge Creation Strategy to Enrich Enterprise Information Systems with Enterprise-Specific Tacit Knowledge (SSRA, YNC), pp. 633–638.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Dawson01a #case study #requirements #specification- Template-Based Requirements Specification: A Case Study (LD), pp. 864–868.
ICEIS-v2-2001-StojanovicDS01a #approach #component #development #enterprise #specification- An Integrated Component-Based Approach to Enterprise System Specification and Development (ZS, ANWD, HGS), pp. 667–672.
LSO-2001-HolzKM #information management- Task-Specific Knowledge Management in a Process-Centred SEE (HH, AK, FM), pp. 163–177.
SEKE-2001-GomezAG #specification #testing- Testing an Event Specification Language (RG, JCA, AG), pp. 341–345.
SEKE-2001-HoudekSE #detection #empirical #execution #fault #specification- Defect Detection for Executable Specifications — An Experiment (FH, TS, DE), pp. 10–18.
SEKE-2001-Kla #object-oriented #specification- Semiautomatic extraction of Object-Oriented specifications form textual scenarios (RK), pp. 69–78.
SEKE-2001-MoroSES #evolution #specification- A Temporal Versions Model for Time- Evolving Systems Specification (MMM, SMS, NE, CSdS), pp. 252–259.
UML-2001-DemuthHL #database #ocl #specification- OCL as a Specification Language for Business Rules in Database Applications (BD, HH, SL), pp. 104–117.
UML-2001-DumasH #diagrams #process #specification #uml #workflow- UML Activity Diagrams as a Workflow Specification Language (MD, AHMtH), pp. 76–90.
UML-2001-EngelsHK #behaviour #consistency #metamodelling #rule-based #specification #uml- Rule-Based Specification of Behavioral Consistency Based on the UML Meta-model (GE, RH, JMK), pp. 272–286.
UML-2001-RoubtsovaGKJ #interface #specification- A Specification Model for Interface Suites (EER, LCMvG, RK, HBMJ), pp. 457–471.
TOOLS-USA-2001-AlagarP #formal method #named #specification #transaction- BTOZ: A Formal Specification Language for Formalizing Business Transactions (VSA, KP), pp. 240–252.
TOOLS-USA-2001-SoundarajanT #incremental #object-oriented #testing- Specification-Based Incremental Testing of Object Oriented Systems (NS, BT), pp. 35–45.
PADL-2001-Leuschel #csp #design #implementation #prolog #specification- Design and Implementation of the High-Level Specification Language CSP(LP) in Prolog (ML), pp. 14–28.
PADL-2001-TyagiT #algorithm #interface #prolog- A Most Specific Method Finding Algorithm for Reflection Based Dynamic Prolog-to-Java Interfaces (ST, PT), pp. 322–336.
RE-2001-Faulk #approach #case study #product line #requirements #specification- Product-Line Requirements Specification (PRS): An Approach and Case Study (SRF), pp. 48–55.
RE-2001-FuxmanMPT #model checking #requirements #specification- Model Checking Early Requirements Specifications in Tropos (AF, JM, MP, PT), pp. 174–181.
RE-2001-Hall01a #modelling #network #security #specification #validation- Specification Modeling and Validation Applied to Network Security Gateways (RJH), pp. 289–291.
RE-2001-JeffordsH #algorithm #invariant #requirements #specification- An Algorithm for Strengthening State Invariants Generated from Requirements Specifications (RDJ, CLH), pp. 182–193.
RE-2001-KiedaischPWBO #quality #requirements #specification- Requirements Archaeology: From Unstructured Information to High Quality Specifications (FK, MP, JW, SB, SO), pp. 304–305.
SAC-2001-ChenW #specification #user interface #visual notation- A graphical user interface for executing formal specifications (XC, TW), pp. 648–652.
SAC-2001-ChungLYK #slicing #specification- Program slicing based on specification (ISC, WKL, GSY, YRK), pp. 605–609.
SAC-2001-RajeC #design pattern #named #specification- eLeLePUS — a language for specification of software design patterns (RRR, SC), pp. 600–604.
SAC-2001-WahlsL #algorithm #concurrent #constraints #modelling #semantics #source code #specification- Formal semantics of an algorithm for translating model-based specifications to concurrent constraint programs (TW, GTL), pp. 567–575.
ESEC-FSE-2001-Brada #component #identification #specification- Component revision identification based on IDL/ADL component specification (PB), pp. 297–298.
ESEC-FSE-2001-ClarkeJRZ #generative #named #source code #specification- STG: a tool for generating symbolic test programs and oracles from operational specifications (DC, TJ, VR, EZ), pp. 301–302.
ESEC-FSE-2001-CoadyKFS #composition #operating system #using- Using aspectC to improve the modularity of path-specific customization in operating system code (YC, GK, MJF, GS), pp. 88–98.
ESEC-FSE-2001-UchitelKM #detection #sequence chart #specification- Detecting implied scenarios in message sequence chart specifications (SU, JK, JM), pp. 74–82.
ICSE-2001-Broy #modelling #perspective #specification- Specification and Modeling: An Academic Perspective (MB), pp. 673–675.
ICSE-2001-DillonS #analysis #graph #specification #using- Leightweight Analysis of Operational Specifications Using Inference Graphs (LKD, KS), pp. 57–67.
ICSE-2001-KrishnamurthyS #distributed #quantifier #specification #testing- The Specification and Testing of Quantified Progress Properties in Distributed Systems (PK, PAGS), pp. 201–210.
ICSE-2001-RedondoA #incremental #process #reuse #specification- Reuse of Verificatino Efforts and Incomplete Specifications in a Formalized, Iterative and Incremental Software Process (RPDR, JJPA), pp. 801–802.
ICSE-2001-Selic #industrial #modelling #perspective #specification- Specification and Modeling: An Industrial Perspective (BS), pp. 676–677.
LDTA-2001-NakanoN #documentation #specification- Deriving Event-Based Document Transformers from Tree-Based Specifications (KN, SN), pp. 181–205.
CAV-2001-BlomFGLLP #algebra #named #specification #tool support- µCRL: A Toolset for Analysing Algebraic Specifications (SB, WF, JFG, IvL, BL, JvdP), pp. 250–254.
IJCAR-2001-ReifST #detection #specification- Flaw Detection in Formal Specifications (WR, GS, AT), pp. 642–657.
ASE-2000-BlackOY #specification- Mutation Operators for Specifications (PEB, VO, YY), p. 81–?.
ASE-2000-El-FakihYBH #automation #distributed #petri net #specification- Automatic Derivation of Petri Net Based Distributed Specification with Optimal Allocation of Resources (KEF, HY, GvB, TH), pp. 305–308.
ASE-2000-LaleauM #bibliography #generative #specification #uml- An Overview of a Method and Its Support Tool for Generating B Specifications from UML Notations (RL, AM), pp. 269–272.
DAC-2000-BeniniMMP #embedded #optimisation #synthesis- Synthesis of application-specific memories for power optimization in embedded systems (LB, AM, EM, MP), pp. 300–303.
DAC-2000-ChiouJRD #embedded #memory management #using- Application-specific memory management for embedded systems using software-controlled caches (DC, PJ, LR, SD), pp. 416–419.
DATE-2000-BjureusJ #control flow #named #specification- MASCOT: A Specification and Cosimulation Method Integrating Data and Control Flow (PB, AJ), pp. 161–168.
DATE-2000-IshiharaY #embedded #reduction- A Power Reduction Technique with Object Code Merging for Application Specific Embedded Processors (TI, HY), pp. 617–623.
DATE-2000-JosephsF #interface #specification #synthesis- Delay-Insensitive Interface Specification and Synthesis (MBJ, DPF), pp. 169–173.
DATE-2000-MoyaMLD #flexibility #framework #specification- A Flexible Specification Framework for Hardware-Software Codesign (JMM, FM, JCL, SD), p. 753.
DATE-2000-MurthyB #data flow #implementation #memory management #specification- Shared Memory Implementations of Synchronous Dataflow Specifications (PKM, SSB), pp. 404–410.
DATE-2000-NiemegeersJ #embedded #incremental #realtime #specification- An Incremental Specification Flow for Real Time Embedded Systems (AN, GGdJ), p. 761.
DATE-2000-RustSAT #embedded #implementation #parallel #realtime #specification- From High-Level Specifications Down to Software Implementations of Parallel Embedded Real-Time Systems (CR, FS, PA, JT), pp. 686–691.
HT-2000-Mukherjea #topic #web- Organizing topic-specific web information (SM), pp. 133–141.
SIGMOD-2000-Rodriguez-Martinez #automation #database #deployment #middleware #named- MOCHA: A Database Middleware System Featuring Automatic Deployment of Application-Specific Functionality (MRM, NR, JMM, SK, VK, ZS, JJ), p. 594.
CSEET-2000-AbernethyKSKP #formal method #specification- Technology Transfer Issues for Formal Methods of Software Specification (KA, JCK, AEKS, JDK, JDP), pp. 23–31.
ITiCSE-2000-BurgosGGMMV #design #refinement #specification- Abstract solution design by specification refinement (JMB, JG, JG, JJM, SM, DV), p. 186.
FASE-2000-AnlauffKPS #component #composition #domain-specific language #using- Using Domain-Specific Languages for the Realization of Component Composition (MA, PWK, AP, AS), pp. 112–126.
FASE-2000-DondossolaB #fault tolerance #formal method #specification- System Fault Tolerance Specification: Proposal of a Method Combining Semi-formal and Formal Approaches (GD, OB), pp. 82–96.
FASE-2000-GruerHK #design #network #problem #specification #using #verification- Verification of Object-Z Specifications by Using Transition Systems: Application to the Radiomobile Network Design Problem (PG, VH, AK), pp. 222–236.
FASE-2000-Overgaard #metamodelling #object-oriented #specification- Formal Specification of Object-Oriented Meta-modelling (GÖ), pp. 193–207.
FASE-2000-Wehrheim #automation #case study #formal method #specification #using- Specification of an Automatic Manufacturing System: A Case Study in Using Integrated Formal Methods (HW), pp. 334–348.
TACAS-2000-GnesiLLAAM #fault #specification #validation- A Formal Specification and Validation of a Critical System in Presence of Byzantine Errors (SG, DL, GL, CA, AMA, PM), pp. 535–549.
TACAS-2000-NiemannB #editing #specification #visual notation- Tool-Based Specification of Visual Languages and Graphic Editors (MN, RB), pp. 456–470.
WRLA-2000-Rodriguez #analysis #case study #maude #protocol #specification- Case Studies in the Specification and Analysis of Protocols in Maude (DER), pp. 257–273.
CSMR-2000-RolinskiR #evolution #maintenance #re-engineering #specification- Re-Engineering of Estelle Specifications for Maintenance and Evolution Purposes (PR, JLR), pp. 119–128.
WCRE-2000-Ward #assembly #program transformation #reverse engineering #specification- Reverse Engineering from Assembler to Formal Specifications via Program Transformations (MPW), p. 11–?.
CIAA-2000-HarelK #object-oriented #specification- Synthesizing State-Based Object Systems from LSC Specifications (DH, HK), pp. 1–33.
CIAA-2000-Johnson #lessons learnt #specification- Lessons from INR in the Specification of Transductions (JHJ), pp. 335–336.
ICALP-2000-FokkinkL #equation #specification- An ω-Complete Equational Specification of Interleaving (WF, SPL), pp. 729–743.
IFM-2000-Bowen #animation #hardware #logic programming #semantics #specification- Combining Operational Semantics, Logic Programming and Literate Programming in the Specification and Animation of the Verilog Hardware Description Language (JPB), pp. 277–296.
IFM-2000-BryansBBD #analysis #design #specification- Specification and Analysis of Automata-Based Designs (JB, LB, HB, JD), pp. 176–193.
IFM-2000-Jonkers #interface #named #specification #towards- ISpec: Towards Practical and Sound Interface Specifications (HBMJ), pp. 116–135.
IFM-2000-SmithH #realtime #specification- Structuring Real-Time Object-Z Specifications (GS, IJH), pp. 97–115.
CSCW-2000-Bernstein #how #process #tool support- How can cooperative work tools support dynamic group process? bridging the specificity frontier (AB), pp. 279–288.
CAiSE-2000-DupuyLC #bibliography #specification #uml- An Overview of RoZ: A Tool for Integrating UML and Z Specifications (SD, YL, MCP), pp. 417–430.
EDOC-2000-Balakrishnan #framework #interactive #specification- A Service Framework Specification for Dynamic e-Services Interaction (RB), pp. 28–37.
EDOC-2000-BlancGD #framework #specification- The Specifications Exchange Service of an RM-ODP Framework (XB, MPG, JLD), p. 86–?.
EDOC-2000-YuraMY #constraints #specification- Specification of Constraints in Business Flow (SY, TM, SY), pp. 102–106.
ICEIS-2000-DawsonS #lazy evaluation #requirements #specification #using- Requirements Specification for Electronic Services Delivery Applications Using “Lazy Dog” Templates (LD, AS), pp. 261–266.
ICEIS-2000-Laleau #database #formal method #on the #specification #uml- On the Interest of Combining UML with the B Formal Method for the Specification of Database Applications (RL), pp. 56–63.
ICPR-v1-2000-NielsenP #adaptation #problem #representation #segmentation #using- A Solution to the Problem of Segmentation near Edges Using Adaptable Class-Specific Representation (CFN, PJP), pp. 1436–1440.
ICPR-v2-2000-BaggenstossN #classification #probability #using- A Theoretically Optimal Probabilistic Classifier Using Class-Specific Features (PMB, HN), pp. 2763–2768.
ICPR-v4-2000-HachimuraT #composition #image #interactive #query #retrieval #specification- Image Retrieval Based on Compositional Features and Interactive Query Specification (KH, AT), pp. 4262–4266.
SIGIR-2000-DingC #adaptation #ranking #towards #web- Towards an adaptive and task-specific ranking mechanism in Web searching (C(D, CHC), pp. 375–376.
UML-2000-SendallS #case study #specification- From Use Cases to System Operation Specifications (SS, AS), pp. 1–15.
ECOOP-2000-Duggan #approach #domain-specific language #mixin #programming language #reuse #semantics- A Mixin-Based, Semantics-Based Approach to Reusing Domain-Specific Programming Languages (DD), pp. 179–200.
OOPSLA-2000-BastidePSN #corba #experience #lessons learnt #specification- Formal specification of CORBA services: experience and lessons learned (RB, PAP, OS, DN), pp. 105–117.
OOPSLA-2000-QianGC #java #specification- A formal specification of JavaTM class loading (ZQ, AG, AC), pp. 325–336.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Dujmovic #automation #configuration management #framework #industrial- An Understandable and Configurable Domain-Specific Framework for Industrial Automation Applications (SD), pp. 348–358.
TOOLS-USA-2000-AlagarOZ #realtime #testing- Specification-Based Testing for Real-Time Reactive Systems (VSA, OO, MZ), pp. 25–36.
TOOLS-USA-2000-HoffmanS #specification #testing- Prose + Test Cases = Specifications (DH, PAS), p. 239–?.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Kilov #specification- Business Specifications and RD-ODP [Abstract] (HK), pp. 409–410.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Kilov00a #specification- Business Specifications and RD-ODP (HK), pp. 411–420.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Kilov00b #semantics #specification- Semantics of (Business) Specifications: Relating Business Needs to IT (HK), pp. 541–542.
TOOLS-USA-2000-LozanoGR #automation #development #modelling #object-oriented #specification #user interface- User Interface Specification and Modeling in an Object Oriented Environment for Automatic Software Development (MDL, PG, IR), p. 373–?.
LOPSTR-2000-Wilson #specification- A minimal specification language (WWW).
SAIG-2000-FischbachH #correctness #specification- Specification and Correctness of λ Lifting (AF, JH), pp. 108–128.
SAIG-2000-Kieburtz #domain-specific language #implementation- Implementing Closed Domain-Specific Languages (RBK), pp. 1–2.
ICRE-2000-AlcazarM #analysis #framework #process #requirements #specification- A Process Framework for Requirements Analysis and Specification (EGA, AM), p. 27–?.
ICRE-2000-DayJ #analysis #framework #multi #requirements #specification- A Framework for Multi-Notation Requirements Specification and Analysis (NAD, JJJ), pp. 39–48.
ICRE-2000-GunterGJZ #requirements- A Reference Model for Requirements and Specifications-Extended Abstract (CAG, ELG, MJ, PZ), p. 189.
ICRE-2000-SherrellP #prototype #specification- Z Specifications Meet Mathematica for Exploratory Prototyping (LBS, WP), p. 61.
SAC-2000-TrujilloPG #database #multi #object-oriented #specification- The GOLD Definition Language (GDL): An Object Oriented Formal Specification Language for Multidimensional Databases (JT, MP, JG), pp. 346–350.
SAC-2000-Wyk #domain-specific language- Domain Specific Meta Languages (EVW), pp. 799–803.
FoSE-2000-Lamsweerde00a #roadmap #specification- Formal specification: a roadmap (AvL), pp. 147–159.
ICSE-2000-Bultan #model checking #specification- Action Language: a specification language for model checking reactive systems (TB), pp. 335–344.
ICSE-2000-Pisan #specification #using- Extending requirement specifications using analogy (YP), pp. 70–76.
ISMM-2000-Steensgaard #concurrent #multi #source code #thread- Thread-Specific Heaps for Multi-Threaded Programs (BS), pp. 18–24.
OSDI-2000-EnglerCCH #compilation #using- Checking System Rules Using System-Specific, Programmer-Written Compiler Extensions (DRE, BC, AC, SH), pp. 1–16.
CAV-2000-AbarbanelBGKW #automation #generative #named #simulation #specification- FoCs: Automatic Generation of Simulation Checkers from Formal Specifications (YA, IB, LG, SK, YW), pp. 538–542.
CL-2000-AllainY #database #specification #using- Specification of an Active Database System Application Using Dynamic Relation Nets (LA, PY), pp. 1197–1209.
CL-2000-DungS #reasoning- Default Reasoning with Specificity (PMD, TCS), pp. 792–806.
WICSA-1999-CanalPT #architecture #refinement #specification- Specification and Refinement of Dynamic Software Architectures (CC, EP, JMT), pp. 107–126.
WICSA-1999-Pronk #architecture #product line- Domain-Specific Architectures and Product Families (BJP), pp. 357–367.
WICSA-1999-RiegelKS #architecture #modelling #using- Modeling Software Architecture Using Domain-Specific Patterns (JPR, CK, MS), pp. 273–292.
ASE-1999-BousquetZ #bibliography #testing- An Overview of Lutess: A Specification-based Tool for Testing Synchronous Software (LdB, NZ), pp. 208–215.
ASE-1999-EmersonB #constraints #development #specification #synthesis- Development of a Constraint-Based Airlift Scheduler by Program Synthesis from Formal Specifications (TE, MHB), pp. 267–270.
ASE-1999-LiuR #component #specification #towards #verification- Towards Discovery, Specification, and Verification of Component Usage (CL, DJR), pp. 331–334.
ASE-1999-ReyesR #generative #named- Siddhartha: A Method for Developing Domain-Specific Test Driver Generators (AAR, DJR), p. 81–?.
DAC-1999-HansenNR #algorithm #approach #specification- An Approach for Extracting RT Timing Information to Annotate Algorithmic VHDL Specifications (CH, FN, WR), pp. 678–683.
DAC-1999-LavagnoS #design #named #specification- ECL: A Specification Environment for System-Level Design (LL, ES), pp. 511–516.
DATE-1999-DalpassoBB #design #distributed #specification #validation- Specification and Validation of Distributed IP-Based Designs with JavaCAD (MD, AB, LB), pp. 684–688.
DATE-1999-FerrandiFGS #functional #generative #specification- Symbolic Functional Vector Generation for VHDL Specifications (FF, FF, LG, DS), p. 442–?.
DATE-1999-HorethD #specification #verification- Formal Verification of Word-Level Specifications (SH, RD), pp. 52–57.
DATE-1999-ONilsJ #implementation #independence #operating system #protocol #specification #synthesis- Operating System Sensitive Device Driver Synthesis from Implementation Independent Protocol Specification (MO, AJ), pp. 562–567.
DATE-1999-X #ada #c #java #question #specification- Java, VHDL-AMS, ADA or C for System Level Specifications?, p. 720.
CSEET-1999-Stavely #specification #verification- High-Quality Software through Semiformal Specification and Verification (AMS), pp. 145–155.
FASE-1999-AttanasioCI #performance #realtime #specification- Yet Another Real-Time Specification for the Steam Boiler: Local Clocks to Statically Measure Systems Performance (CA, FC, PI), pp. 45–59.
FASE-1999-BlairJB #multi #specification- A Tool Suite for Multi-paradigm Specification (LB, TJ, GSB), pp. 234–238.
FASE-1999-BruniMM #calculus #execution #process #specification- Executable Tile Specifications for Process Calculi (RB, JM, UM), pp. 60–76.
FoSSaCS-1999-Abadi #protocol #security #specification- Security Protocols and Specifications (MA), pp. 1–13.
FoSSaCS-1999-Muscholl #sequence chart #specification- Matching Specifications for Message Sequence Charts (AM), pp. 273–287.
TACAS-1999-HickeyLR #proving #specification- Specifications and Proofs for Ensemble Layers (JH, NAL, RvR), pp. 119–133.
TACAS-1999-Pusch #bytecode #higher-order #java #proving #specification #verification- Proving the Soundness of a Java Bytecode Verifier Specification in Isabelle/HOL (CP), pp. 89–103.
ICSM-1999-ChungKBKL #concurrent #source code #specification #testing- Testing of Concurrent Programs After Specification Changes (ISC, HSK, HSB, YRK, DGL), p. 199–?.
SAS-1999-CansellM #specification- Abstract Animator for Temporal Specifications: Application to TLA (DC, DM), pp. 284–299.
FM-v1-1999-BurdonovKPG #automation #generative #named #specification #testing- KVEST: Automated Generation of Test Suites from Formal Specifications (IBB, AK, AP, DG), pp. 608–621.
FM-v1-1999-Dunne #specification- The Safe Machine: A New Specification Construct for B (SD), pp. 472–489.
FM-v1-1999-Kurki-Suonio #component #interface #refinement #specification- Component and Interface Refinement in Closed-System Specifications (RKS), pp. 134–154.
FM-v1-1999-Liu #consistency #specification #testing #verification- Verifying Consistency and Validity of Formal Specifications by Testing (SL), pp. 896–914.
FM-v1-1999-MeyerS #approach #diagrams #specification- A Systematic Approach to Transform OMT Diagrams to a B Specification (EM, JS), pp. 875–895.
FM-v1-1999-PaigeH #concurrent #object-oriented #realtime #specification- Bunches for Object-Oriented, Concurrent, and Real-Time Specification (RFP, ECRH), pp. 530–550.
FM-v1-1999-Pavlovic #first-order #parametricity #semantics #specification- Semantics of First Order Parametric Specifications (DP), pp. 155–172.
FM-v2-1999-Baumgarten #framework #specification- A Minimal Framework for Specification Theory (BB), p. 1861.
FM-v2-1999-CimattiPSTV #communication #protocol #specification #validation- Formal Specification and Validation of a Vital Communication Protocol (AC, PLP, RS, PT, AV), pp. 1584–1604.
FM-v2-1999-DiaconescuFI #algebra #component #specification #verification- Component-Based Algebraic Specification and Verification in CafeOBJ (RD, KF, SI), pp. 1644–1663.
FM-v2-1999-Eschbach #algorithm #detection #specification #termination #verification- A Termination Detection Algorithm: Specification and Verification (RE), pp. 1720–1737.
FM-v2-1999-HabriasPL #case study #collaboration #specification- A Study of Collaborative Work: Answers to a Test on Formal Specification in B (HH, PP, JYL), pp. 1856–1857.
FM-v2-1999-HorlA #communication #specification- Formal Specification of a Voice Communication System Used in Air Traffic Control (JH, BKA), p. 1868.
FM-v2-1999-LeavensB #specification- Enhancing the Pre- and Postcondition Technique for More Expressive Specifications (GTL, ALB), pp. 1087–1106.
FM-v2-1999-MacCollC #interactive #testing- A Model of Specification-Based Testing of Interactive Systems (IM, DAC), p. 1862.
FM-v2-1999-MoriF #behaviour #specification #verification- Verifying Behavioural Specifications in CafeOBJ Environment (AM, KF), pp. 1625–1643.
FM-v2-1999-Nakajima #algebra #development #framework #object-oriented #specification #using- Using Algebraic Specification Techniques in Development of Object-Oriented Frameworks (SN), pp. 1664–1683.
FM-v2-1999-SereT #analysis #safety #specification- Safety Analysis in Formal Specification (KS, ET), pp. 1564–1583.
IFM-1999-DerrickB #component #specification #using- Specifying Component and Context Specification Using Promotion (JD, EAB), pp. 293–312.
IFM-1999-FischerW #model checking #specification- Model-Checking CSP-OZ Specifications with FDR (CF, HW), pp. 315–334.
IFM-1999-Grosse-Rhode #algebra #comparison #composition #protocol #specification- A Compositional Comparison of Specifications of the Alternating Bit Protocol in CCS and UNITY Based on Algebra Transformation Systems (MGR), pp. 253–272.
IFM-1999-Paige #communication #concurrent #refinement #specification #using- Specification and Refinement using a Heterogeneous Notation for Concurrency and Communication (RFP), pp. 353–372.
IFM-1999-PolHJ #behaviour #composition #specification- Modular Formal Specification of Data and Behaviour (JvdP, JH, EDdJ), pp. 109–128.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Honold #elicitation #requirements- Focus groups: A qualitative method to elicit culture-specific user requirements (PH), pp. 3–7.
HCI-EI-1999-Adam #human-computer #interface #specification- Specifications of Human-Machine Interfaces for Helping Cooperation in Human Organizations (EA), pp. 311–315.
HCI-EI-1999-Knapheide #approach #functional #specification- From Focus Group to Functional Specification — A Linguistic Approach to the Transfer of Knowledge (CK), pp. 1247–1251.
HCI-EI-1999-MoussaRMK #automation #generative #petri net #specification #user interface- A Petri Nets based Method for Specification and Automatic Generation of User Interface (FM, MR, MM, CK), pp. 988–992.
HCI-EI-1999-Strauss #specification #state of the art #user interface- Specification of the User Interface: State of the Art in Real Projects (FS), pp. 913–917.
AdaEurope-1999-GonzalezC #ada #development #realtime #source code #specification- Environment for the Development and Specification of Real-Time Ada Programs (AG, AC), pp. 124–135.
AdaEurope-1999-Mermet #design #specification #standard- System on Chip Specification and Design Languages Standardization (JM), pp. 371–384.
EDOC-1999-LangerN #enterprise #specification- An ODP enterprise specification of customer service management for connectivity services (ML, MN), pp. 94–103.
ICEIS-1999-HilaireLK #execution #multi #specification #towards- Towards an Executable Specification of Multi-Agent Systems (VH, TL, AK), pp. 232–239.
ICEIS-1999-KiniSJ #analysis #visualisation- A System for Analysis & Visualization of Domain Specific Data (SNK, S, KPJ), pp. 82–90.
ICEIS-1999-MoreiraA #case study #generative #specification- Generating Object-Z Specifications from Use Cases (AMDM, JA), pp. 493–500.
UML-1999-OffuttA #generative #specification #testing #uml- Generating Tests from UML Specifications (AJO, AA), pp. 416–429.
ECOOP-1999-BastideSP #corba #prototype #specification- Formal Specification and Prototyping of CORBA Systems (RB, OS, PAP), pp. 474–494.
ECOOP-1999-GaspariZ #algebra #corba #process #specification- Process Algebraic Specification of the New Asynchronous CORBA Messaging Service (MG, GZ), pp. 495–518.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-CheungCC #modelling #object-oriented #specification- Extending Formal Specification To Object-Oriented Models Through Level-View Structured Schemas (KSC, KOC, TYC), pp. 118–125.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-FavreC #algebra #specification #uml- Integrating UML and Algebraic Specification Techniques (LF, SC), pp. 151–162.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-Hussey #design pattern #specification #using- Using Design Patterns to Derive PAC Architectures from Object-Z Specifications (AH), pp. 40–51.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-MurrayCMS #named #testing- TinMan — A Test Derivation and Management Tool for Specification-Based Class Testing (LM, DAC, IM, PAS), pp. 222–233.
LOPSTR-1999-Sannella #algebra #development #refinement #specification- Algebraic Specification and Program Development by Stepwise Refinement (DS), pp. 1–9.
PADL-1999-CadoliPSV #execution #named #problem #specification- NP-SPEC: An Executable Specification Language for Solving All Problems in NP (MC, LP, AS, DV), pp. 16–30.
PADL-1999-LetelierSR #automation #concurrent #logic programming #prototype #requirements #specification- Prototyping a Requirements Specification through an Automatically Generated Concurrent Logic Program (PL, PS, IR), pp. 31–45.
PADL-1999-WallaceS #declarative #eclipse #implementation #named #specification- ECLiPSe: Declarative Specification and Scaleable Implementation (MW, JS), pp. 365–366.
SAC-1999-ChiangN #reuse #specification- Constructing Reusable Specifications Through Analogy (CCC, DN), pp. 586–592.
SAC-1999-DumitrescuL #coordination #matrix #performance #reliability- Reliable and Efficient Matrix Processing with the Specification-Consistent Coordination Model (RAD, EFAL), pp. 191–193.
SAC-1999-LeavensWB #data flow #diagrams #semantics #specification- Formal Semantics for SA Style Data Flow Diagram Specification Languages (GTL, TW, ALB), pp. 526–532.
SAC-1999-NezuL #design #modelling #network #specification- Modeling Deflection Networks: Design and Specification (NN, HL), pp. 66–73.
ESEC-FSE-1999-ChangR #automation #evaluation #testing- Structural Specification-Based Testing: Automated Support and Experimental Evaluation (JC, DJR), pp. 285–302.
ESEC-FSE-1999-GargantiniH #model checking #requirements #specification #testing #using- Using Model Checking to Generate Tests from Requirements Specifications (AG, CLH), pp. 146–162.
ESEC-FSE-1999-LevesonHR #design #lessons learnt #process #specification- Designing Specification Languages for Process Control Systems: Lessons Learned and Steps to the Future (NGL, MPEH, JDR), pp. 127–145.
ESEC-FSE-1999-ThompsonHM #embedded #prototype- Specification-Based Prototyping for Embedded Systems (JMT, MPEH, SPM), pp. 163–179.
ICSE-1999-BousquetORZ #named #testing- Lutess: A Specification-Driven Testing Environment for Synchronous Software (LdB, FO, JLR, NZ), pp. 267–276.
ICSE-1999-DwyerAC #finite #specification #verification- Patterns in Property Specifications for Finite-State Verification (MBD, GSA, JCC), pp. 411–420.
ICSE-1999-GannodC #approach #reverse engineering #specification- A Specification Matching Based Approach to Reverse Engineering (GCG, BHCC), pp. 389–398.
ICSE-1999-Mascolo #analysis #mobile #prototype #specification- Specification, Analysis, and Prototyping of Mobile Systems (CM), pp. 724–725.
CAV-1999-HermannsMS #analysis #composition #markov #modelling #named #performance #specification- TIPPtool: Compositional Specification and Analysis of Markovian Performance Models (HH, VM, MS), pp. 487–490.
CAV-1999-Sifakis #composition #specification #tutorial- The Compositional Specification of Timed Systems — A Tutorial (JS), pp. 2–7.
CSL-1999-Hannay #refinement #specification #system f- Specification Refinement with System F (JEH), pp. 530–545.
CSL-1999-Mosses #logic #semantics #specification- Logical Specification of Operational Semantics (PDM), pp. 32–49.
ASE-1998-BlaineGLSW #named #synthesis- Planware — Domain-Specific Synthesis of High-Performance Schedulers (LB, LG, JL, DRS, SJW), p. 270–?.
ASE-1998-ChangR #automation #named #testing- ADLscope: An Automated Specification-based Unit Testing Tool (JC, DJR), pp. 289–292.
ASE-1998-Dimitrakos #algebra #diagrams #specification- Parameterising (Algebraic) Specifications on Diagrams (TD), pp. 221–224.
ASE-1998-Fischer #component #library- Specification-based Browsing of Software Component Libraries (BF), pp. 74–83.
ASE-1998-HazelST #animation #requirements #specification #using #verification- Requirements Engineering and Verification using Specification Animation (DH, PAS, OT), pp. 302–305.
ASE-1998-LeueMR #architecture #sequence chart #specification- Synthesizing Software Architecture Descriptions from Message Sequence Chart Specifications (SL, LM, MR), pp. 192–195.
ASE-1998-MorzentiPM #analysis #automation #composition #specification- A Tool for Automated System Analysis based on Modular Specifications (AM, PSP, SM), pp. 2–11.
ASE-1998-ReyesR #ada #encapsulation #testing- Specification-based Testing of Ada Units with Low Encapsulation (AAR, DJR), pp. 22–31.
ASE-1998-WielsE #category theory #evolution #specification #using- Management of Evolving Specifications using Category Theory (VW, SME), pp. 12–21.
DAC-1998-KishinevskyCK #analysis #interface #specification #synthesis- Asynchronous Interface Specification, Analysis and Synthesis (MK, JC, AK), pp. 2–7.
DAC-1998-LeeKPM #architecture #multi #programmable- Media Architecture: General Purpose vs. Multiple Application-Specific Programmable Processor (CL, JK, MP, WHMS), pp. 321–326.
DAC-1998-YangKNCSRKLLKYKLHKKPPLHPK #development #named- MetaCore: An Application Specific DSP Development System (JHY, BWK, SJN, JHC, SWS, CHR, YSK, DHL, JYL, JSK, HDY, JYK, KML, CSH, IHK, JSK, KIP, KHP, YHL, SHH, ICP, CMK), pp. 800–803.
DAC-1998-YoungMSTHN #design #embedded #java #refinement #specification #using- Design and Specification of Embedded Systems in Java Using Successive, Formal Refinement (JSY, JM, MS, AT, PNH, ARN), pp. 70–75.
DATE-1998-BottgerAMS #implementation #object-oriented #prototype #reuse #specification- An Object-Oriented Model for Specification, Prototyping, Implementation and Reuse (JB, KA, DM, SS), pp. 303–310.
DATE-1998-DaveJ #architecture #concurrent #embedded #named #realtime #specification- CASPER: Concurrent Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Hard Real-Time Aperiodic and Periodic Specifications of Embedded System Architectures (BPD, NKJ), pp. 118–124.
DATE-1998-GoldbergKB #functional #specification #verification- Combinational Verification based on High-Level Functional Specifications (EIG, YK, RKB), pp. 803–808.
DATE-1998-ReetzSK #hardware #specification #verification- Formal Specification in VHDL for Hardware Verification (RR, KS, TK), pp. 257–263.
DATE-1998-VandenbusscheDLGS #design #interface #specification #top-down- Hierarchical Top-Down Design of Analog Sensor Interfaces: From System-Level Specifications Down to Silicon (JV, SD, FL, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 716–720.
HT-1998-PauloTOM #formal method #hypermedia #named #specification- XHMBS: A Formal Model to Support Hypermedia Specification (FBP, MAST, MCFdO, PCM), pp. 161–170.
ITiCSE-1998-TenEyckSG #algorithm #design #specification- Specification of an algorithm design system (JT, GS, RG), pp. 232–235.
ESOP-1998-CairesM #concurrent #execution #logic #specification- Verifiable and Executable Logic Specifications of Concurrent Objects in Lpi (LC, LM), pp. 42–56.
FASE-1998-BradleyHKR #modelling #specification- Integrating AORTA with Model-Based Data Specification Languages (SB, WH, DK, AR), pp. 54–70.
FASE-1998-KahrsS #design #specification- Reflections on the Design of a Specification language (SK, DS), pp. 154–170.
FASE-1998-Sucrow #graph grammar #interactive #specification- Refining Formal Specifications of Human Computer Interaction by Graph Rewrite Rules (BS), pp. 302–317.
WRLA-1998-Lechner #distributed #object-oriented #specification- Object-oriented specification of distributed systems (UL), pp. 394–403.
CSMR-1998-KirnerG #re-engineering #specification #using- System Specification Reengineering Using the SpecView Tool (TGK, RCG), pp. 135–141.
SAS-1998-BodeiDP #abstract interpretation #concurrent #semantics- Constructing Specific SOS Semantics for Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, PD, CP), pp. 168–183.
ICALP-1998-KestenPR #algorithm #linear #logic #specification #verification- Algorithmic Verification of Linear Temporal Logic Specifications (YK, AP, LoR), pp. 1–16.
FM-1998-KutterST #design #domain-specific language #lifecycle- Integrating Domain Specific Language Design in the Software Life Cycle (PWK, DS, LT), pp. 196–212.
FM-1998-MeulenC #formal method #specification- Formal Methods in the Specification of the Emergency Closing System of the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier (MvdM, TC), pp. 296–301.
SIGAda-1998-PlintaDS #code generation #specification #validation- A Specification and Code Generation Tool for Message Translation and Validation (CP, RD, RVS), pp. 276–286.
CAiSE-1998-GasparyA #interactive #multi #named #specification- MUSE — An Interactive Networked Multimedia Applications Specification Environment with E-LOTOS Translator (LPG, MJBA), pp. 273–287.
ICPR-1998-SofferSZ #database #image #query #specification- Pictorial query trees for query specification in image databases (AS, HS, DNZ), pp. 919–921.
UML-1998-Kivisto #process #uml- Considerations of and Suggestions for a UML-Specific Process Model (KK), pp. 294–306.
UML-1998-Ou #constraints #database #design #diagrams #object-oriented #on the #specification #uml #using- On Using UML Class Diagrams for Object-Oriented Database Design. Specification of Integrity Constraints (YO), pp. 173–188.
ECOOP-1998-LauderK #design pattern #precise #specification #visual notation- Precise Visual Specification of Design Patterns (AL, SK), pp. 114–134.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-Favre #algebra #object-oriented #reuse #specification- Object Oriented Reuse through Algebraic Specifications (LF), pp. 101–112.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Periyasamy #object-oriented #specification- Object-Oriented Formal Specifications (KP), p. 428–?.
LOPSTR-1998-BaalenR #deduction #synthesis #using- Using Decision Procedures to Accelerate Domain-Specific Deductive Synthesis Systems (JVB, SR), pp. 61–70.
LOPSTR-1998-BossiR #logic programming #source code #specification- Specialising Logic Programs with Respect to Call?Post Specifications (AB, SR), pp. 159–178.
LOPSTR-1998-FuchsSS #logic #specification- Attempto Controlled English — Not Just Another Logic Specification Language (NEF, US, RS), pp. 1–20.
ICRE-1998-Leveson #approach #specification- Intent Specifications: An Approach to Building Human-Centered Specifications (NGL), pp. 204–213.
ICRE-1998-RussoNK #case study #consistency #nondeterminism #requirements #specification- Restructuring Requirements Specifications For Managing Inconsistency And Change: A Case Study (AR, BN, JK), p. 51–?.
SAC-1998-ChanVSGA #specification #workflow- A specification language for the WIDE workflow model (DKCC, JV, GS, PWPJG, PMGA), pp. 197–199.
SAC-1998-LedererD #coordination- Specification-consistent coordination model for computations (EFAL, RAD), pp. 122–129.
FSE-1998-JeffordsH #automation #generative #invariant #requirements #specification- Automatic Generation of State Invariants from Requirements Specifications (RDJ, CLH), pp. 56–69.
ICSE-1998-ChanBS #analysis #named #specification- Promises: Limited Specifications for Analysis and Manipulation (ECC, JB, WLS), pp. 167–176.
ICSE-1998-Duval #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of an Object Request Broker (GD), pp. 43–52.
ICSE-1998-KontioPS #contract #development #specification #towards- Towards Better Software Projects and Contracts: Commitment Specifications in Software Development Projects (JK, OP, RS), pp. 486–489.
LCTES-1998-KollochF #case study #embedded #network #realtime #specification- Mapping an Embedded Hard Real-Time Systems SDL Specification to an Analyzable Task Network — A Case Study (TK, GF), pp. 156–165.
CSL-1998-KempeS #algebra #first-order #on the #power of #specification- On the Power of Quantifers in First-Order Algebraic Specification (DK, AS), pp. 45–57.
IWTCS-1998-TanP #automaton #generative #specification #testing- Test Generation for Specifications Modeled by Input/Output Automata (QMT, AP), pp. 83–100.
ASE-1997-EdenYG #automation #design pattern #precise #specification- Precise Specification and Automatic Application of Design Patterns (AHE, AY, JYG), pp. 143–152.
ASE-1997-MaharajB #on the #refinement #specification #verification- On the Verification of VDM Specification and Refinement with PVS (SM, JB), p. 280–?.
ASE-1997-PautlerWQ #simulation #specification- Exploiting Domain-Specific Knowledge to Refine Simulation Specifications (DP, SW, AQ), p. 117–?.
ASE-1997-Pecheur #distributed #specification #using #verification- Specification and Verification of the Co4 Distributed Knowledge System using LOTOS (CP), pp. 63–70.
ASE-1997-PenixAH #architecture #declarative #specification- Declarative Specification of Software Architectures (JP, PA, KH), p. 201–?.
ASE-1997-PunshonTSF #case study #natural language #specification- From Formal Specifications to Natural Language: A Case Study (JMP, JPT, PGS, PSF), pp. 309–310.
ASE-1997-SrivastavaKM #approach #specification- A Structured Approach for Synthesizing Planners from Specifications (BS, SK, ADM), pp. 18–27.
ASE-1997-Sucrow #graph grammar #human-computer #interactive #specification- Formal Specification of Human-Computer Interaction by Graph Grammars under Consideration of Information Resources (BS), pp. 28–35.
DAC-1997-KimKP #programmable #synthesis- Synthesis of Application Specific Programmable Processors (KK, RK, MP), pp. 353–358.
DAC-1997-Tirat-GefenSP #design #multi- Incorporating Imprecise Computation into System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors (YGTG, DCdSJ, ACP), pp. 58–63.
EDTC-1997-ShojiHSKN #behaviour #simulation- Acceleration of behavioral simulation on simulation specific machines (MS, FH, SS, SK, HN), pp. 373–377.
EDTC-1997-UrsuGZ #automaton #design #logic #specification #using #verification- Design and verification of the sequential systems automata using temporal logic specifications (AU, GG, SZ), p. 623.
VLDB-1997-DesslochM #database #sql- Integrating SQL Databases with Content-Specific Search Engines (SD, NMM), pp. 528–537.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-FoxleySS #assessment #automation #specification- The automatic assessment of Z specifications (EF, OS, ZS), pp. 129–131.
TACAS-1997-BoigelotG #automation #source code #specification #synthesis- Automatic Synthesis of Specifications from the Dynamic Observation of Reactive Programs (BB, PG), pp. 321–333.
DLT-1997-TipleaM #petri net- Jumping Petri Nets — Specific Properties (FLT, EM), pp. 461–476.
FME-1997-DevauchelleLV #named #specification- PICGAL: Practical Use of Formal Specification to Develop a Complex Critical System (LD, PGL, HV), pp. 221–236.
FME-1997-DierksD #case study #reasoning #specification #visual notation- Graphical Specification and Reasoning: Case Study Generalised Railroad Crossing (HD, CD), pp. 20–39.
FME-1997-HuberSE #consistency #distributed #specification #visual notation- Consistent Graphical Specification of Distributed Systems (FH, BS, GE), pp. 122–141.
FME-1997-LanoBFL #nondeterminism #specification- Specification of Required Non-determinism (KL, JB, JLF, AL), pp. 298–317.
FME-1997-MichelW #composition #framework #specification #verification- A Framework for Modular Formal Specification and Verification (PM, VW), pp. 533–552.
FME-1997-MokkedemFJ #protocol #specification #verification- A TLA Solution to the Specification and Verification of the RLP1 Retransmission Protocol (AM, MJF, RdBJ), pp. 398–417.
FME-1997-Mukherjee #automation #specification- Automatic Translation of VDM-SL Specifications into Gofer (PM), pp. 258–277.
FME-1997-ReggioL #specification- A Graphic Notation for Formal Specifications of Dynamic Systems (GR, ML), pp. 40–61.
FME-1997-Smith #concurrent #csp #integration #semantics #specification- A Semantic Integration of Object-Z and CSP for the Specification of Concurrent Systems (GS), pp. 62–81.
CHI-1997-TerveenHAMC #interface- Building Task-Specific Interfaces to High Volume Conversational Data (LGT, WCH, BA, DWM, JC), pp. 226–233.
HCI-CC-1997-SavidisS97a #complexity #declarative #framework #specification- Agent Classes for Managing Dialogue Control Specification Complexity: A Declarative Language Framework (AS, CS), pp. 461–464.
HCI-CC-1997-TakadaTS- Post Agreement Utterance: Communications Specific to Media Conferences (KT, HT, YS), pp. 41–44.
HCI-SEC-1997-MatsubayashiTT #functional #specification #towards- Integrating System’s Functional Model and its Structional Model Toward Denotational Dialogue Specification (KM, YT, NT), pp. 63–66.
HCI-SEC-1997-Stary97a #interactive #modelling #question #specification- The Role of Interaction Modeling in Future Cognitive Ergonomics: Do Interaction Models Lead to Formal Specification of Involved Machine Intelligence? (CS), pp. 91–94.
AdaEurope-1997-CoolingDC #development #education #programming language- Computer Aided Teaching of Programming Languages: An Ada-specific Development (JEC, ND, JC), pp. 35–45.
CAiSE-1997-VermeerA #behaviour #database #specification- Behaviour Specification in Database Interoperation (MWWV, PMGA), pp. 61–74.
CIKM-1997-JosifovskiS #specification- Incorporating Association Pattern and Operation Specification in ODMG’s OQL (VJ, SYWS), pp. 332–340.
ICML-1997-CardieN #predict #using- Improving Minority Class Prediction Using Case-Specific Feature Weights (CC, NN), pp. 57–65.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-Exton #distributed #fault tolerance #interface #specification- Distributed Fault Tolerance Specification through the use of Interface Definitions (CE), pp. 254–259.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-MitchellHH #specification- Contract-Oriented Specifications (RM, JH, AH), pp. 131–140.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-Zhang #development #finite #generative #specification- Finite Model Generation and Formal Specification Development (JZ0), pp. 350–355.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-LakosL #java #specification #using- Animating Formal Specifications Using Java Applets (CL, GL), pp. 196–209.
TOOLS-USA-1997-MagnanVO #behaviour #specification- From Specification to Management of Composite Object Behavior (MM, SV, MCO), p. 132–?.
TOOLS-USA-1997-TamuraN #named #object-oriented #prototype #specification- ROAD/EE: A Prototyping Environment for Object-Oriented Specifications (NT, TN), p. 176–?.
ALP-1997-Steggles #algebra #higher-order #specification- Parameterised Higher-Order Algebraic Specifications (LJS), pp. 76–98.
RE-1997-Ben-AbdallahLK #analysis #functional #requirements #specification- Integrated Specification and Analysis of Functional, Temporal, and Resource Requirements (HBA, IL, YSK), pp. 198–209.
RE-1997-DanoBB #approach #case study #concept #object-oriented #specification- An Approach Based on the Concept of Use Case to Produce Dynamic Object-Oriented Specifications (BD, HB, FB), pp. 54–64.
RE-1997-EasterbrookC #experience #formal method #specification- Formal Methods for V&V of Partial Specifications: An Experience RSeport (SME, JRC), pp. 160–168.
RE-1997-FaulkH #analysis #approach #requirements #specification- The SCR Approach to Requirements Specification and Analysis (SRF, CLH), p. 263.
RE-1997-HeimdahlR #requirements #safety #specification- Software Requirements Specification and System Safety (MPEH, JDR), p. 264.
RE-1997-HunterN #consistency #specification- Analyzing Inconsistent Specifications (AH, BN), pp. 78–86.
RE-1997-ModugnoLRPS #analysis #requirements #safety #specification- Integrated Safety Analysis of Requirements Specifications (FM, NGL, JDR, KP, SDS), pp. 148–159.
RE-1997-Wieringa #object-oriented #requirements #specification- Advanced Object-Oriented Requirements Specification Methods (RW), p. 266.
ESEC-FSE-1997-Rushby #specification #type system- Subtypes for Specifications (JMR), pp. 4–19.
ICSE-1997-BaresiOP #industrial #specification- Introducing Formal Specification Methods in Industrial Practice (LB, AO, MP), pp. 56–66.
ICSE-1997-FernandezR #automation #specification- Automatic Checking of Instruction Specifications (MFF, NR), pp. 326–336.
ICSE-1997-FriesenJW #specification- Specification of Software Controlling a Discrete-Continuous Environment (VF, SJ, MW), pp. 315–325.
ICSE-1997-JacquotQ #approach #formal method #interface #specification #towards- Early Specification of User-Interfaces: Toward a Formal Approach (JPJ, DQ), pp. 150–160.
ICSE-1997-JagadeesanPPRV #case study #experience #testing #tool support- Specification-based Testing of Reactive Software: Tools and Experiments (Experience Report) (LJJ, AAP, CP, JCR, LGV), pp. 525–535.
ICSE-1997-NakajimaF #algebra #modelling #object-oriented #specification- An Object-Oriented Modeling Method for Algebraic Specifications in CafeOBJ (SN, KF), pp. 34–44.
ICSE-1997-WilsonRH #analysis #automation #specification- Automated Analysis of Requirement Specifications (WMW, LHR, LEH), pp. 161–171.
ASF+SDF-1997-BorovanskyKK #logic #specification- Rewriting as a unified specification tool for logic and control: the ELAN language (PB, CK, HK), p. 3.
ASF+SDF-1997-Brunekreef #algebra #prolog #source code #specification- An algebraic specification of a transformation tool for Prolog programs (JB), p. 7.
ASF+SDF-1997-LuttikV #specification- Specification of rewriting strategies (SPL, EV), p. 9.
CSL-1997-AyariBP #named #specification- LISA: A Specification Language Based on WS2S (AA, DAB, AP), pp. 18–34.
ILPS-1997-GelfondG #functional #logic programming #specification- From Functional Specifications to Logic Programms (MG, AG), pp. 355–369.
LICS-1997-KanovichI #concurrent #linear #logic #process #specification- Temporal Linear Logic Specifications for Concurrent Processes (Extended Abstract) (MIK, TI), pp. 48–57.
RTA-1997-KuhlerW #data type #equation #induction #proving #specification #theorem proving- Conditional Equational Specifications of Data Types with Partial Operations for Inductive Theorem Proving (UK, CPW), pp. 38–52.
DAC-1996-ChenS #algorithm #power management- An Exact Algorithm for Low Power Library-Specific Gate Re-Sizing (DSC, MS), pp. 783–788.
DAC-1996-ErcanliP #scheduling #synthesis- A Register File and Scheduling Model for Application Specific Processor Synthesis (EE, CAP), pp. 35–40.
DAC-1996-LeeHCF #design #modelling #synthesis #using- Domain-Specific High-Level Modeling and Synthesis for ATM Switch Design Using VHDL (MTCL, YCH, BC, MF), pp. 585–590.
DAC-1996-VercauterenLM #architecture #embedded- Constructing Application-Specific Heterogeneous Embedded Architectures from Custom HW/SW Applications (SV, BL, HDM), pp. 521–526.
DAC-1996-VercauterenLM96a #architecture #embedded #kernel #realtime- A Strategy for Real-Time Kernel Support in Application-Specific HW/SW Embedded Architectures (SV, BL, HDM), pp. 678–683.
KBSE-1996-Ledru #specification- Complementing semi-formal specifications with Z (YL), p. 10.
CSEE-1996-ShepardBS #automation #education #scalability #tool support- Use of Large, Domain Specific CASE tools in Undergraduate Curricula (TS, BB, MS), pp. 144–148.
RWLW-1996-Diaconescu #behaviour #logic #specification- Foundations of behavioural specification in rewriting logic (RD), pp. 226–245.
RWLW-1996-Lechner #calculus #distributed #maude #object-oriented #specification #μ-calculus- Object-oriented specifications of distributed systems in the μ-Calculus and Maude (UL), pp. 385–404.
RWLW-1996-PitaM #database #maude #network #object-oriented #specification- A Maude specification of an object-oriented database model for telecommunication networks (IP, NMO), pp. 405–423.
TACAS-1996-CuellarBH #agile #prototype #specification- Rapid Prototyping for an Assertional Specification language (JC, DB, MH), pp. 402–406.
TACAS-1996-DamonJ #performance #specification- Efficient Search as a Means of Executing Specifications (CD, DJ), pp. 70–86.
TACAS-1996-HeylMK #named #tool support- cTc — A Tool Supporting the Construction of cTLA-Specifications (CH, AM, HK), pp. 407–411.
TACAS-1996-Rauzy #analysis #constraints #reduction #specification #using- Using the Constraint Language Toupie for “Software Cost Reduction” Specification Analysis (Abstract) (AR), p. 417.
WPC-1996-Bull #comprehension #domain-specific language #safety #using- Comprehension of Safety-Critical Systems Using Domain-Specific Languages (TB), pp. 108–122.
SAS-1996-Givan #polynomial #specification- Inferring Program Specifications in Polynomial-Time (RG), pp. 205–219.
ICALP-1996-Glabbeek #specification- The Meaning of Negative Premises in Transition System Specifications II (RJvG), pp. 502–513.
FME-1996-BoitenDBS #consistency #refinement #specification- Consistency and Refinement for Partial Specification in Z (EAB, JD, HB, MS), pp. 287–306.
FME-1996-BrookesFL #case study #comparative #component #specification- Formal and Informal Specifications of a Secure System Component: Final Results in a Comparative Study (TMB, JSF, PGL), pp. 214–227.
FME-1996-ChalinGR #identification #interface #specification- Identification of and Solutions to Shortcomings of LCL, a Larch/C Interface Specification Language (PC, PG, TR), pp. 385–404.
FME-1996-FrohlichL #c++ #specification- Combining VDM-SL Specifications with C++ Code (BF, PGL), pp. 179–194.
FME-1996-GroenboomSRL #case study #formal method #specification- Formalizing Anaesthesia: a case study in formal specification (RG, ES, ER, GRRdL), pp. 120–139.
FME-1996-KannikeswaranRFAW #algorithm #specification #verification- Formal Specification and Verification of the pGVT Algorithm (BK, RR, PF, PA, PAW), pp. 405–424.
FME-1996-KasurinenS #specification- Integrating Action Systems and Z in a Medical System Specification (VK, KS), pp. 105–119.
FME-1996-KleukerT #development #distributed #incremental #specification- The Incremental Development of Correct Specifications for Distributed Systems (SK, HT), pp. 479–498.
FME-1996-MartinsH #evaluation #performance #specification- A New System Engineering Methodology Coupling Formal Specification and Performance Evaluation (JJM, JPH), pp. 140–159.
FME-1996-SchatzHB #consistency #development #specification #visual notation- Graphical Development of Consistent System Specifications (BS, HH, MB), pp. 248–267.
FME-1996-ShiN #petri net #specification- An Improved Translation of SA/RT Specification Model to High-Level Timed Petri Nets (LS, PN), pp. 518–537.
AdaEurope-1996-FletcherS #framework #object-oriented #specification #testing #using- A Framework for Testing Object-Oriented Software Using Formal Specifications (RF, ASMS), pp. 159–170.
TRI-Ada-1996-CherryC #design #object-oriented #specification- The Situation in Object-Oriented Specification and Design (GWC, BSC), pp. 83–98.
TRI-Ada-1996-YuEM #ada #object-oriented #reuse #specification- Object Oriented Formal Specifications to Support Ada 95 Reuse (HY, ACE, JM), pp. 125–131.
KDD-1996-Domingos96a #induction #performance- Efficient Specific-to-General Rule Induction (PMD), pp. 319–322.
KR-1996-DungS #approach #reasoning- An Argumentation-theoretic Approach to Reasoning with Specificity (PMD, TCS), pp. 506–517.
SEKE-1996-Berzins #specification- Recombining Changes to Software Specifications (VB), pp. 136–144.
SEKE-1996-KnollSS #assurance #perspective #quality #specification- Quality Assurance of Specification — The Users Point of View (HDK, TS, WS), pp. 450–456.
SEKE-1996-LiaoCSC #object-oriented #source code #specification #testing- Testing Object-Oriented Programs Based on Usage Profiles and Formal Specifications (SSL, KHC, SBS, CYC), pp. 9–16.
SEKE-1996-Luqi #prototype #specification- Specifications in Software Prototyping (L), pp. 189–197.
SEKE-1996-Robertson #empirical #specification #tool support- An Empirical Study of the LSS Specification Toolkit in Use (DSR), pp. 153–160.
SEKE-1996-Robertson96a #problem- Domain Specific Problem Description (DR), pp. 206–213.
SEKE-1996-XuZ #analysis #automation #problem #requirements #specification- Requirements Analysis and Specification as a Problem of Software Automation (JX, HZ), pp. 457–464.
SEKE-1996-ZengTW #specification #testing #verification- Verification Criterion Directed Testing for Formal Specifications (ZZ, JJPT, TJW), pp. 393–399.
ECOOP-1996-EngelsonFF #automation #data type #generative #modelling #object-oriented #specification #user interface- Automatic Generation of User Interfaces From Data Structure Specifications and Object-Oriented Application Models (VE, DF, PF), pp. 114–141.
ALP-1996-Caires #logic #process #specification- A Language for the Logical Specification of Processes and Relations (LC), pp. 150–164.
ALP-1996-Nazareth96a #polymorphism #semantics #specification- The Semantic Treatment of Polymorphic Specification Languages (DN), pp. 330–344.
LOPSTR-1996-CortesiCR #automation #prolog #source code #verification- Specification-Based Automatic Verification of Prolog Programs (AC, BLC, SR), pp. 38–57.
LOPSTR-1996-HayesNS #logic programming #source code #specification- Refining Specifications to Logic Programs (IJH, RGN, PAS), pp. 1–19.
LOPSTR-1996-LauO #case study #logic #specification- Forms of Logic Specifications: A Preliminary Study (KKL, MO), pp. 295–312.
LOPSTR-1996-LeuschelS #how #logic programming- Logic Program Specialisation: How to Be More Specific (Abstract) (ML, DDS), p. 58.
PLILP-1996-GehrkeH #execution #named #specification- ProFun — A Language for Executable Specifications (TG, MH), pp. 304–318.
PLILP-1996-LeuschelS #how #logic programming- Logic Program Specialisation: How To Be More Specific (ML, DDS), pp. 137–151.
PLILP-1996-Mateos-LagoR #algebra #inheritance #specification- GOTA Algebras: A Specification Formalism for Inheritance and Object Hierarchies (JML, MRA), pp. 62–76.
POPL-1996-HooverZ #compilation #generative #optimisation- Generating Machine Specific Optimizing Compilers (RH, FKZ), pp. 219–229.
POPL-1996-JacksonJD #performance #specification- Faster Checking of Software Specifications by Eliminating Isomorphs (DJ, SJ, CD), pp. 79–90.
ICRE-1996-Ohnishi #database #requirements #specification- Software Requirements Specification Database Based on Requirements Frame Model (AO), pp. 221–228.
ICRE-1996-OsborneM #natural language #requirements #specification- Processing Natural Language Software Requirement Specifications (MO, CKM), pp. 229–237.
SAC-1996-Gurr #logic programming #specification- Verifiable partial specifications for logic programming (CAG), pp. 374–379.
SAC-1996-LiuO #distributed #specification- Executing specifications of distributed computations with Chronolog(MC) (CL, MAO), pp. 393–400.
SAC-1996-OuyangC #clustering #design #reuse #specification- Enhancing design reusability by clustering specifications (YO, DLC), pp. 493–499.
SAC-1996-SucciBR #component #identification #nondeterminism #specification #taxonomy- A taxonomy for identifying a software component for uncertain and partial specifications (GS, FB, MR), pp. 570–579.
SAC-1996-WaillyB #data flow #functional #implementation #parallel #semantics #specification- Specification of a functional synchronous dataflow language for parallel implementations with the denotational semantics (GdW, FB), pp. 414–419.
FSE-1996-AndersonBBCMNR #model checking #scalability #specification- Model Checking Large Software Specifications (RJA, PB, SB, WC, FM, DN, JDR), pp. 156–166.
FSE-1996-DamonJJ #diagrams #relational #specification- Checking Relational Specifications With Binary Decision Diagrams (CD, DJ, SJ), pp. 70–80.
FSE-1996-DillonR #generative #logic #specification- Generating Oracles from Your Favorite Temporal Logic Specifications (LKD, YSR), pp. 106–117.
FSE-1996-ParissisO #testing- Specification-based Testing of Synchronous Software (IP, FO), pp. 127–134.
ICSE-1996-DharaL #behaviour #inheritance #specification #type system- Forcing Behavioral Subtyping through Specification Inheritance (KKD, GTL), pp. 258–267.
ICSE-1996-WatanabeS #adaptation #generative #operating system #standard #testing- A Specification-Based Adaptive Test Case Generation Strategy for Open Operating System Standards (AW, KS), pp. 81–89.
CADE-1996-Luz-Filho #logic #proving #specification #theorem proving- Grammar Specification in Categorial Logics and Theorem Proving (SFLF), pp. 703–717.
CAV-1996-ClarkeBLXS #analysis #bound #named #realtime #specification #tool support #visual notation- XVERSA: An Integrated Graphical and Textual Toolset for the Specification and Analysis of Resource-Bound Real-Time Sytems (DC, HBA, IL, HlX, OS), pp. 402–405.
CAV-1996-NelkenF #automation #natural language #specification- Automatic Translation of Natural Language System Specifications (RN, NF), pp. 360–371.
CAV-1996-OwreRRSS #model checking #named #proving #specification- PVS: Combining Specification, Proof Checking, and Model Checking (SO, SR, JMR, NS, MKS), pp. 411–414.
ISSTA-1996-BarjaktarovicCJ #functional #kernel #protocol #specification #using #verification- Formal Specification and Verification of the Kernel Functional Unit of the OSI Session Layer Protocol and Service Using CCS (MB, SKC, KJ), pp. 270–279.
ISSTA-1996-ChangRS #testing- Structural Specification-Based Testing with ADL (JC, DJR, SS), pp. 62–70.
ISSTA-1996-MorascaMP #functional #generative #in the large #specification #testing- Generating Functional Test Cases in-the-large for Time-critical Systems from Logic-based Specifications (SM, AM, PSP), pp. 39–52.
JICSLP-1996-Chau #definite clause grammar #specification- Specification of Complex Systems with Definite Clause Grammar (Poster Abstract) (HLC), p. 544.
JICSLP-1996-DeneckerBDPS #calculus #empirical #information management #protocol #representation #specification- A Realistic Experiment in Knowledge Representation in Open Event Calculus: Protocol Specification (MD, KVB, GD, FP, DDS), pp. 170–184.
JICSLP-1996-PettorossiPR #algorithm #deduction #how #specification #string- How to Extend Partial Deduction to Derive the KMP String-Matching Algorithm from a Naive Specification (Poster Abstract) (AP, MP, SR), p. 539.
DAC-1995-KnappLMM #behaviour #specification #synthesis #validation- Behavioral Synthesis Methodology for HDL-Based Specification and Validation (DK, TL, DM, RM), pp. 286–291.
KBSE-1995-Ledru #animation #specification- Specification and Animation of a Bank Transfer (YL), pp. 192–199.
KBSE-1995-LowryB #domain-specific language #named #performance #synthesis- META-AMPHION: Synthesis of Efficient Domain-Specific Program Synthesis Systems (MRL, JVB), pp. 2–10.
VLDB-1995-SumiyaYTSI #database #prototype #specification #visual notation- A Product Specification Database for Visual Prototyping (KS, KY, HT, NS, YI), pp. 666–676.
CSEE-1995-FranceL #comprehension #requirements #specification- Understanding the Role of Formal Specification Techniques in Requirements Engineering (RBF, MMLP), pp. 207–221.
FPLE-1995-ODonnell #architecture #education #functional #specification- From Transistors to Computer Architecture: Teaching Functional Circuit Specification in Hydra (JJO), pp. 195–214.
ESOP-J-1994-BidoitHW95 #behaviour #specification- Behavioural and Abstractor Specifications (MB, RH, MW), pp. 149–186.
ICSM-1995-CimitileLM #case study #identification #reuse #slicing #specification #using- Identifying reusable functions using specification driven program slicing: a case study (AC, ADL, MM), pp. 124–133.
WCRE-1995-LeiteC #analysis #specification- Recovering Business Rules from Structured Analysis Specifications (JCSdPL, PMC), pp. 13–21.
WCRE-1995-SneedN #object-oriented #source code #specification- Extracting Object-Oriented Specification from Procedurally Oriented Programs (HMS, EN).
WCRE-1995-ZigmanW #re-engineering #reuse #reverse engineering #specification- Integrating Reengineering, Reuse and Specification Tool Environments to Enable Reverse Engineering (FJZ, MLW).
SAS-1995-Fecht #generative #named #prolog #specification- GENA — A Tool for Generating Prolog Analyzers from Specifications (CF), pp. 418–419.
FPCA-1995-SharpR #specification #using- Using a Language of Functions and Relations for VLSI Specification (RS, OR), pp. 45–54.
AdaEurope-1995-CornwellW #object-oriented #realtime #specification #transaction- Transaction Specification for Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems in HRT-HOOD (PC, AJW), pp. 365–378.
TRI-Ada-1995-Shumate #ada #approach #design #specification- Software Specification and Design with Ada: A Disciplined Approach (KS), pp. 118–119.
TRI-Ada-1995-Shumate95a #approach #design #specification- Software Specification and Design: A Disciplined Approach (KS), pp. 687–736.
SEKE-1995-Ait-AmeurBGPP #metaprogramming #specification- Formal Specification and Metaprogramming in the EXPRESS Language (YAA, FB, PG, GP, JCP), pp. 181–188.
SEKE-1995-BernardeschiFP #architecture #correctness #interactive #specification #user interface- Application of Correctness Preserving Transformations for Deriving Architectural Descriptions of Interactive Systems from User Interface Specifications (CB, AF, FP), pp. 234–243.
SEKE-1995-BrownseyZ #functional #programming #specification #user interface #using- From Specification to Building a GUI using Functional Programming (KB, MZ), pp. 244–251.
SEKE-1995-Debenham #analysis #approach #design #knowledge-based #requirements #specification- A Unified Approach to Requirements Specification and System Analysis in the Design of Knowledge-Based Systems (JKD), p. 144.
SEKE-1995-FarCK #design #reuse #specification #using- Software Creation: Using Specification and Description Language (SDL) for Capturing and Reusing Human Experts’ Knowledge in Software Design (BHF, HC, ZK), pp. 189–196.
SEKE-1995-Jent #execution #named #specification- DODAN/2: An Executable Specification Language for OS/2 (SAJ), pp. 464–469.
SEKE-1995-LaliotiT #requirements #specification #validation #visual notation- Visual Scenarios for Validation of Requirements Specification (VL, BT), pp. 114–116.
SEKE-1995-LuD #analysis #distributed #object-oriented #simulation #specification- An Environment for Specification, Simulation and Analysis of Distributed Object-Oriented Systems (SL, YD), pp. 402–410.
ECOOP-1995-BertinoG #multi- Objects with Multiple Most Specific Classes (EB, GG), pp. 102–126.
ECOOP-1995-LeaM #interface #protocol #specification #using- Interface-Based Protocol Specification of Open Systems using PSL (DL, JM), pp. 374–398.
PLILP-1995-MeristeP #execution #modelling #specification- Attributed Models of Executable Specifications (MM, JP), pp. 459–460.
POPL-1995-Bloom #semantics #specification- Structured Operational Semantics as a Specification Language (BB), pp. 107–117.
RE-1995-EasterbrookN #consistency #evolution #nondeterminism #specification- Managing inconsistencies in an evolving specification (SME, BN), pp. 48–55.
RE-1995-ForsgrenR #industrial #requirements #specification- Specification of customer and user requirements in industrial control system procurement projects (PF, TR), pp. 81–88.
RE-1995-HeitmeyerLK #consistency #requirements #specification- Consistency checking of SCR-style requirements specifications (CLH, BGL, DLK), pp. 56–65.
RE-1995-JacquotV #assessment #specification- Trading legibility against implementability in requirement specifications: an experimental assessment (JPJ, AV), pp. 181–189.
SAC-1995-Fisher #logic programming #specification- Logic program based action specifications (JRF), pp. 248–252.
ESEC-1995-Matsumoto- Quantitative Evaluations of Software Built in with Domain-specific Disciplines (MJM), pp. 438–456.
ESEC-1995-TaiC #concurrent #source code #testing- A Specification-Based Methology for Testing Concurrent Programs (KCT, RHC), pp. 154–172.
FSE-1995-Fekete #case study #liveness #modelling #specification- Liveness Conditions in Model-Based Service Specifications: A Case Study (AF), pp. 62–71.
FSE-1995-ZaremskiW #component #specification- Specification Matching of Software Components (AMZ, JMW), pp. 6–17.
ICSE-1995-ArdisCJMPSO #case study #experience #framework #specification- A Framework for Evaluating Specification Methods for Reactive Systems: Experience Report (MAA, JAC, LJJ, PM, CP, MGS, JVO), pp. 159–168.
ICSE-1995-JacksonZ #requirements #specification- Deriving Specifications from Requirements: An Example (MJ, PZ), pp. 15–24.
ICSE-1995-KangK #named #realtime #specification #verification- PARTS: A Temporal Logic-Based Real-Time Software Specification and Verification Method (KCK, KIK), pp. 169–176.
ASF+SDF-1995-MauwMa #sequence chart #specification #tool support- Specification of Tools for Message Sequence Charts (SM, EAvdM), pp. 175–210.
HPDC-1995-DaviesM #performance- Network-Specific Performance Enhancements for PVM (GD, NSM), pp. 205–211.
LCT-RTS-1995-RenA #distributed #named #realtime #specification- RTsynchronizer: Language Support for Real-Time Specifications in Distributed Systems (SR, GA), pp. 50–59.
DAC-1994-BhattacharyaDB94a #analysis #optimisation #performance #specification- Performance Analysis and Optimization of Schedules for Conditional and Loop-Intensive Specifications (SB, SD, FB), pp. 491–496.
EDAC-1994-DhodhiAC #multi #synthesis- Synthesis of Application-Specific Multiprocessor Systems (MKD, IA, CYRC), p. 671.
EDAC-1994-FlottesHR #automation #specification #synthesis- Automatic Synthesis of BISTed Data Paths From High Level Specification (MLF, DH, BR), pp. 591–598.
EDAC-1994-GajskiVN #refinement- A System-Design Methodology: Executable-Specification Refinement (DG, FV, SN), pp. 458–463.
EDAC-1994-KorfS #interface #specification #synthesis- Interface Controller Synthesis from Requirement Specifications (FK, RS), pp. 385–394.
EDAC-1994-VanbekbergenYLM #graph #interface #specification- A Generalized Signal Transition Graph Model for Specification of Complex Interfaces (PV, CYC, BL, HDM), pp. 378–384.
KBSE-1994-ChilenskiN #analysis #specification #test coverage #tool support- Formal Specification Tools for Test Coverage Analysis (JC, PN), pp. 59–68.
KBSE-1994-WildR #evolution #reuse #specification #using- Evolution and Reuse of Formal Specification Using Decision Structures (JCW, DR), pp. 108–115.
SIGMOD-1994-FlokstraKS #database #design #specification- The IMPRESS DDT: A Database Design Toolbox Based on a Formal Specification Language (JF, MvK, JS), p. 506.
SIGMOD-1994-Martin #named #specification- COSS: The Common Object Services Specifications (BEM), p. 479.
ESOP-1994-Li #prolog #specification #π-calculus- A π-Calculus Specification of Prolog (BZL), pp. 379–393.
ESOP-1994-Li94a #evolution #framework #logic #specification- A Logical Framework for Evolution of Specifications (WL), pp. 394–408.
ICSM-1994-MerloGT #reverse engineering #specification #user interface #visual notation- Inference of Graphical AUIDL Specifications for the Reverse Engineering of User Interfaces (EM, PYG, AT), pp. 80–88.
SAS-1994-HarcourtMC #scheduling #specification- From Processor Timing Specifications to Static Intruction Scheduling (EAH, JM, TAC), pp. 116–130.
STOC-1994-MaratheHSR #approximate #problem #specification- Approximation schemes for PSPACE-complete problems for succinct specifications (preliminary version) (MVM, HBHI, RES, VR), pp. 468–477.
FME-1994-Barros #database #relational #source code #specification- Deriving Relational Database Programs from Formal Specifications (RSMdB), pp. 703–723.
FME-1994-Cherkaoui #analysis #security #specification- Specification and Analysis of a Security Management System (OC), pp. 66–82.
FME-1994-Collinson #functional #specification- A Critical Look at Functional Specifications (RC), pp. 381–400.
FME-1994-FitzgeraldBGL #case study #comparative #component #specification- Formal and Informal Specifications of a Secure System Component: first results in a comparative study (JSF, TMB, MAG, PGL), pp. 35–44.
FME-1994-Jackson #infinity #model checking #specification- Abstract Model Checking of Infinite Specifications (DJ), pp. 519–531.
FME-1994-Ledru #development #specification- Proof-Based Development of Specifications with KIDS/VDM (YL), pp. 214–232.
FME-1994-Seidel #case study #refinement #specification- Case Study: Specification and Refinement of the PI-Bus (KS), pp. 532–546.
FME-1994-Simpson #automation #specification- A Formal Specification of an Automatic Train Protection System (AS), pp. 602–617.
TAGT-1994-Barthelmann #process #specification #verification- Process Specification and Verification (KB), pp. 225–239.
TAGT-1994-NaglS #graph grammar #integration #problem #specification- Software Integration Problems and Coupling of Graph Grammar Specifications (MN, AS), pp. 155–169.
CHI-1994-Carr94a #interactive #interface #specification- Specification of interface interaction objects (DAC), pp. 372–378.
CHI-1994-NardiJ94a- User preferences for task-specific vs. generic application software (BAN, JAJ), pp. 392–398.
AdaEurope-1994-BarbeyB #ada #data type #specification #testing #using- Testing Ada Abstract Data Types Using Formal Specifications (SB, DB), pp. 76–89.
CAiSE-1994-JacksonEW #automation #development #object-oriented #requirements #specification- Automated Support for the Development of Formal Object-Oriented Requirements Specifications (RBJ, DWE, SNW), pp. 135–148.
CAiSE-1994-SaekiW #design #specification- Specifying Software Specification & Design Methods (MS, KW), pp. 353–366.
CAiSE-1994-SanchoO #concept #deduction #information management #modelling #specification #transaction- Deriving Transaction Specifications from Deductive Conceptual Models of Information Systems (MRS, AO), pp. 311–324.
KR-1994-DelgrandeS #approach #reasoning- A General Approach to Specificity in Default Reasoning (JPD, TS), pp. 146–157.
KR-1994-TanP #evaluation #nondeterminism #specification- Specification and Evaluation of Preferences Under Uncertainty (SWT, JP), pp. 530–539.
SEKE-1994-Alexander #generative #specification- Combining transformational and derivational analogy in Larch specification generation (PA), pp. 131–138.
SEKE-1994-AtchanE #behaviour #empirical #functional #modelling #requirements #specification- An experiment in eliminating the separation between data, functional, and behavioral models during requirements specification (HMA, GCE), pp. 2–9.
SEKE-1994-ChauC #flexibility #logic #specification #visual notation- A visual logic specification of flexible manufacturing systems (HLC, KGC), pp. 438–445.
SEKE-1994-DuranteSV #protocol #specification- A LOTOS specification of the SERCOS field-bus protocol (LD, RS, AV), pp. 139–147.
SEKE-1994-ElstHST #component #functional #reuse #specification- A functional specification of reusing software components (JvdE, FvH, GS, MT), pp. 374–381.
SEKE-1994-JacksonLP #automation #constraints #modelling #performance #specification #towards- Towards automatic building of performance models: Formal specification of performance constraints (KJ, AL, RP), pp. 148–155.
SEKE-1994-Pliuskevicius #deduction #specification- Saturated deductive systems for temporal specifications (RP), pp. 267–273.
SEKE-1994-PranevitchiusP #simulation #specification #tool support #validation- Tools for validation and simulation of Estelle/Ag specifications (HP, VP), pp. 94–99.
SEKE-1994-WillisP #reuse #safety #specification- Specification reuse for safety-critical software (CPW, DJP), pp. 516–523.
SEKE-1994-ZajicekB #constraints #design #interactive #interface #resource management #specification #visual notation- Investigating formal specification of graphical interface design for an interactive constraint based resource allocation system (MZ, KWB), pp. 217–224.
ECOOP-1994-AksitBSB #inheritance #realtime #specification- Real-Time Specification Inheritance Anomalies and Real-Time Filters (MA, JB, WvdS, LB), pp. 386–407.
ECOOP-1994-BriggsW #analysis #design #object-oriented #specification- A Specification Language for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (TLB, JW), pp. 365–385.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-KarakostasP #automation #c++ #hybrid #logic #specification- Automatic Transformation of Hybrid Object and Logic Specification to C++ Code (VK, LP), pp. 363–373.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-SimGKS #interface #programming #specification #tool support- The Specification of a Seamless O-O Programming Interface for CAD Tools (MS, WG, PK, NS), pp. 135–145.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Smith #development #framework #object-oriented #refinement #specification- A Development Framework for Object-Oriented Specification and Refinement (GS), pp. 173–183.
ALP-1994-Miller #logic programming #multi #source code #specification #using- Specifications Using Multiple-Conclusion Logic Programs (DM), pp. 3–4.
LOPSTR-1994-GilbertHZ #behaviour #source code #specification- Transforming Specifications of Observable Behaviour into Programs (DRG, CJH, JZ), pp. 88–103.
LOPSTR-1994-LauO #deduction #framework #logic programming #on the #source code #specification #synthesis- On Specification Frameworks and Deductive Synthesis of Logic Programs (KKL, MO), pp. 104–121.
PLILP-1994-KluzniakM #requirements #specification- Readable, Runnable Requirements Specifications in SPILL-2 (FK, MM), pp. 449–450.
PLILP-1994-Miller #logic programming #multi #source code #specification #using- Specifications Using Multiple-Conclusion Logic Programs (DM), pp. 3–4.
PLILP-1994-SaenzHRW #memory management #specification- Shared Memory System for Babel: a VHDL Specification (FS, WH, JJR, SW), pp. 461–462.
ICRE-1994-ChouC #object-oriented #specification- An OOA model with system function specifications (SCC, CGC), pp. 16–23.
ICRE-1994-FairleyTB #concept #requirements #specification- The concept of operations: the bridge from operational requirements to technical specifications (REF, RHT, PB), pp. 40–47.
ICRE-1994-MorganS #specification- Transitioning to rigorous software specification (NWM, CS), pp. 110–117.
ICRE-1994-ReizerAMP #formal method #requirements #specification #standard #using- Using formal methods for requirements specification of a proposed POSIX standard (NRR, GDA, BCM, PRHP), pp. 118–125.
ICRE-1994-SalekSTP #bibliography #natural language #specification- The REVIEW system: from formal specifications to natural language (AS, PGS, JPT, JMP), pp. 220–229.
ICRE-1994-Soares #concept #process #specification- Underlying concepts in process specification (JOPS), pp. 48–52.
SAC-1994-GrissW #flexibility #hybrid- Hybrid domain-specific kits for a flexible software factory (MLG, KDW), pp. 47–52.
SAC-1994-Poulin #library #reuse #scalability- Balancing the need for large corporate and small domain-specific reuse libraries (JSP), pp. 88–93.
SAC-1994-Silva-Lepe #graph #object-oriented #source code #specification- Abstracting graph-based specifications of object-oriented programs (ISL), pp. 447–451.
SAC-1994-WongM #learning #specification #verification- Specification and verification of learning (KWW, RAM), pp. 6–9.
FSE-1994-AbowdD #interactive #specification- Integrating Status and Event Phenomena in Formal Specifications of Interactive Systems (GDA, AJD), pp. 44–52.
FSE-1994-EvansGHT #named #specification #using- LCLint: A Tool for Using Specifications to Check Code (DE, JVG, JJH, YMT), pp. 87–96.
FSE-1994-LevyS #approach #independence #specification- A Language-Independent Approach to Specification Construction (NL, GS), pp. 76–86.
FSE-1994-VandevoordeG #analysis #composition #runtime #using- Using Specialized Procedures and Specification-Based Analysis to Reduce the Runtime Costs of Modularity (MTV, JVG), pp. 121–127.
ICSE-1994-Gaudel #specification- Formal Specification Techniques (Extended Abstract) (MCG), pp. 223–227.
CC-1994-Poetzsch-Heffter #formal method #performance #specification- Developing Efficient Interpreters Based on Formal Language Specifications (APH), pp. 233–247.
CC-1994-RingstromFP #compilation #generative #parallel #performance #specification- Generating an Efficient Compiler for a Data Parallel Language from a Denotational Specification (JR, PF, MP), pp. 248–262.
ICLP-1994-LauW #logic programming #source code #specification #synthesis #tutorial- A Tutorial on Synthesis of Logic Programs from Specifications (KKL, GAW), pp. 11–14.
ISSTA-1994-DouglasK #execution #named #specification #symbolic computation #testing- Aslantest: A Symbolic Execution Tool for Testing Aslan Formal Specifications (JD, RAK), pp. 15–27.
ISSTA-1994-Kapur #automation #equation #specification- An Automated Tool for Analyzing Completeness of Equational Specifications (DK), pp. 28–43.
DAC-1993-MandayamV #attribute grammar #performance #specification #using- Performance Specification Using Attributed Grammars (RM, RV), pp. 661–667.
KBSE-1993-BailesCGP #execution #named #specification- GRIT — An Extended Refine for More Executable Specifications (PB, MC, MG, IP), p. 19.
KBSE-1993-BhatM #evolution #specification- Operation for Evolving Specifications (SB, KM), p. 17.
ICDAR-1993-PasternakN #adaptation #constraints #object-oriented #specification #using- Adaptable drawing interpretation using object-oriented and constraint-based graphic specification (BP, BN), pp. 359–364.
VLDB-1993-Grefen #approach #declarative #specification #theory and practice #transaction- Combining Theory and Practice in Integrity Control: A Declarative Approach to the Specification of a Transaction Modification Subsystem (PWPJG), pp. 581–591.
WCRE-1993-EdwardsM #cobol #named #reverse engineering #specification- RECAST: Reverse Engineering from COBOL to SSADM Specifications (HME, MM), pp. 44–53.
STOC-1993-Kharitonov #encryption #learning- Cryptographic hardness of distribution-specific learning (MK), pp. 372–381.
ICALP-1993-MaratheHR #approximate #complexity #problem #specification- The Complexity of Approximating PSPACE-Complete Problems for Hierarchical Specifications (Extended Abstract) (MVM, HBHI, SSR), pp. 76–87.
FME-1993-AstesianoR #metalanguage #specification- A Metalanguage for the Formal Requirement Specification of Reactive Systems (EA, GR), pp. 110–128.
FME-1993-Boswell #policy #security #specification #validation- Specification and Validation of a Security Policy Model (AB), pp. 42–51.
FME-1993-ChenM #logic #realtime #specification- Applications of Modal Logic for the Specification of Real-Time Systems (LC, AM), pp. 235–249.
FME-1993-DickF #automation #generative #modelling #specification #testing- Automating the Generation and Sequencing of Test Cases from Model-Based Specifications (JD, AF), pp. 268–284.
FME-1993-GuntherSW #database #execution #on the #source code #specification- On the Derivation of Executable Database Programs from Formal Specifications (TG, KDS, IW), pp. 351–366.
FME-1993-RossL #consistency #maintenance #specification- Maintaining Consistency Under Changes to Formal Specifications (KJR, PAL), pp. 558–577.
FME-1993-Ward #calculus #refinement #specification- Adding Specification Constructors to the Refinement Calculus (NW), pp. 652–670.
FME-1993-WidyaH #protocol #specification #towards- Towards an Implementation-oriented Specification of TP Protocol in LOTOS (IW, GJvdH), pp. 93–109.
HCI-ACS-1993-Ala-Siuru #case study #experience #specification #user interface #using- Using QFD Techniques in User Interface Specification: First Experiences (PAS), pp. 456–461.
HCI-SHI-1993-ChenTW #automation #editing #graph #object-oriented #paradigm- Automated Construction of Application-Specific Graph Editors in an Object-Oriented Paradigm (MC, PT, CYW), pp. 415–420.
HCI-SHI-1993-GulliksenJLNS #interface- The Need for New Application Specific Interface Elements (JG, MJ, ML, EN, BLS), pp. 15–20.
HCI-SHI-1993-LimL #interactive #specification- Structured Notations for Human Factors Specification of Interactive Systems (KYL, JBL), pp. 325–331.
HCI-SHI-1993-Zhao #diagrams #editing #gesture #recognition #sketching #specification- Gesture Specification and Structure Recognition in Handsketch-Based Diagram Editors (RZ), pp. 1052–1057.
INTERCHI-1993-JanssenWZ #generative #modelling #specification #user interface- Generating user interfaces from data models and dialogue net specifications (CJ, AW, JZ), pp. 418–423.
TRI-Ada-1993-CommonsG #architecture #reuse- A Model for Analyzing Megaprogramming, Reuse and Domain Specific Software Architectures (JCC, MG), pp. 58–64.
TRI-Ada-1993-GrossmanKE #ada #approach #automation #programming- Automating the Ada Programming Rrocess: A Domain-Specific Approach (FG, RJK, CBEJ), pp. 302–311.
TRI-Ada-1993-Salant #reuse- The Feasibility of Domain Specific Software Reuse for Electronic Warfare Systems (NS), pp. 170–179.
TRI-Ada-1993-White #ada #interface #semantics #specification #using- A Universal Delogger Using the Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) (MW), pp. 347–353.
CAiSE-1993-AntonellisV #reuse #specification- Temporal Apsects in Reuse of Requirement Specifications (VDA, LV), pp. 504–520.
CAiSE-1993-PipraniM #approach #multi #requirements #specification- A Multi-Model Approach for Deriving Requirements Specifications for a Mega-Project (CBP, RBM), pp. 199–220.
SEKE-1993-Alexander #generative #multi #named #specification- BENTON: A Multi-Agent System for Larch Specification Generation (PA), pp. 125–133.
SEKE-1993-Antoniou #information management #specification- Engineering Issues for No monotonic Knowledge: Structuring, Specification, Modules (GA), pp. 183–190.
SEKE-1993-BhaM #evolution #specification- Operations for Evolving Specifications (SB, KM), pp. 343–345.
SEKE-1993-Deng #architecture #execution #specification- Intermediate Executable Architectural Specifications for KBSA, Part II (YD), p. 586.
SEKE-1993-DengES #design #execution #object-oriented #specification- Executable Specifications for the Design of Object-Oriented Systems (YD, RKE, WS), pp. 46–53.
SEKE-1993-DingK #behaviour #specification #state machine- Attributed State Machines For Behavior Specification of Reactive Systems (SD, TK), pp. 695–702.
SEKE-1993-Eberbach #algorithm #calculus #design #self #specification- The Design and Specification of SEMAL — A Cost Language Based on the Calculus of Self-Modifiable Algorithms (EE), pp. 166–173.
SEKE-1993-Evangelist #architecture #execution #specification- Intermediate Executable Architectural Specifications for KBSA, Part I (ME), p. 584.
SEKE-1993-Feather #evolution #specification- Cardinality Evolution in Specifications (MSF), pp. 575–583.
SEKE-1993-JaegerP #analysis #information management #named #specification- BIZSPEC: A Business-Oriented Model for Specification and Analysis of Office Information Systems (TJ, AP), pp. 191–198.
SEKE-1993-KaarelaO #automation #execution #specification- Executable Graphic Specifications in Automation Projects (KK, AO), pp. 296–300.
SEKE-1993-KomiyaSHKOHOO #analysis #process #specification- An Experimental Analysis for Classifying Specification Processes (SK, MS, SH, JK, AO, HH, SO, KO), pp. 231–234.
SEKE-1993-LauxBC #development #ide #specification- An Integrated Development Environment for Formal Specifications (MRL, RHB, BHCC), pp. 681–688.
SEKE-1993-LeungL #semantics #specification- Structured Specifications, Semantics, and System Semantics (PHKRL, HL), pp. 324–326.
SEKE-1993-Ohnishi #requirements #specification #visual notation- Visual Software Requirements Specification Language: VRDL (AO), pp. 219–221.
SEKE-1993-SaekiIS #process #specification- Supporting Tool for Cooperative Specification Processes (MS, KI, MS), pp. 351–354.
SEKE-1993-StaryF #design #how #semantics #specification- How Semantical Design Languages Help to Preserve Specification/Design-Consistency (CS, RF), pp. 462–471.
SEKE-1993-TsaiLN #approach #debugging #requirements #specification- Debugging Logic-Based Requirements Specifications — a FRORL Approach (JJPT, AL, KRN), pp. 372–379.
SEKE-1993-TsaiXZM #framework #specification #testing- A Framework for Systematic Testing of Software Specifications (WTT, WX, IAZ, SKM), pp. 380–387.
SEKE-1993-YoshiuraY #logic #specification- More Expressive Temporal Logic for Specifications (NY, NY), pp. 363–366.
ECOOP-1993-GangopadhyayM #behaviour #named #specification- ObjChart: Tangible Specification of Reactive Object Behavior (DG, SM), pp. 432–457.
OOPSLA-1993-KruegerLVA #development #memory management #tool support- Tools for the Development of Application-Specific Virtual Memory Management (KK, DL, AV, TEA), pp. 48–64.
OOPSLA-1993-LiskovW #specification #type system- Specifications and Their Use in Defining Subtypes (BL, JMW), pp. 16–28.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Mandrioli #object-oriented #realtime #specification- The Object-Oriented Specification of Real-Time Systems (DM), p. 347.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Duke #design #formal method #object-oriented #specification- Formal Methods for the Design and Specification of Object-Oriented Systems (RD), p. 324.
TOOLS-USA-1993-FischerH #distributed #implementation #object-oriented #specification #towards- Towards an Object-Oriented Technology for Specification and Implementation of Distributed Systems (JF, EH), pp. 83–93.
LOPSTR-1993-LauO #deduction #logic programming #source code #specification #synthesis- A Formal View of Specification, Deductive Synthesis and Transformation of Logic Programs (KKL, MO), pp. 10–31.
PLILP-1993-JourdanBPR #attribute grammar #implementation #specification #using- Specification and Implementation of Grammar Couplings using Attribute Grammars (MJ, CLB, DP, GR), pp. 123–136.
PLILP-1993-Kastens #execution #implementation #specification- Executable Specifications for Language Implementation (UK), pp. 1–11.
PLILP-1993-Poetzsch-Heffter #programming language #prototype #specification #using- Programming Language Specification and Prototyping Using the MAX System (APH), pp. 137–150.
ICRE-1993-Beeck #analysis #execution #precise #realtime #specification- Improving Structured Analysis — Achieving Preciseness, Executability, and Real-Time Specification (MvdB), pp. 227–245.
ICRE-1993-HoffmannD #design #execution #process #prototype #specification #using- Using Executable Specifications for Prototyping System Design Process (CH, BD), pp. 135–145.
RE-1993-CastanoA #concept #reuse #specification- Reuse of conceptual requirement specifications (SC, VDA), pp. 121–124.
RE-1993-IshiharaSK #dependence #natural language #specification #using- A translation method from natural language specifications into formal specifications using contextual dependencies (YI, HS, TK), pp. 232–239.
RE-1993-Ryan #specification- Defaults in specifications (MR), pp. 142–149.
RE-1993-SouquieresL #specification- Description of specification developments (JS, NL), pp. 216–223.
SAC-1993-HankleyT #specification #verification- A Verification Helper for Task Specifications (WH, PT), pp. 193–202.
SAC-1993-TanLJH #reuse #specification- The Data Derivation Model: A Program Specification Technique That Improves Reusability (HBKT, TWL, SJ, YSH), pp. 95–102.
ESEC-1993-Beeck #analysis #concurrent #integration #realtime #specification- Integration of Structured Analysis and Timed Statecharts for Real-Time and Concurrency Specification (MvdB), pp. 313–328.
ESEC-1993-BustardW #requirements #specification- Making Changes to Formal Specifications: Requirements and an Example (DWB, ACW), pp. 115–126.
ESEC-1993-FinkelsteinGHKN #consistency #multi #nondeterminism #specification- Inconsistency Handling in Multi-Perspective Specifications (AF, DMG, AH, JK, BN), pp. 84–99.
ESEC-1993-GhezziFB #bibliography #realtime #specification #verification- Real-Time Systems: A Survey of Approaches to Formal Specification and Verification (CG, MF, CB), pp. 11–36.
ESEC-1993-TuyaSZC #approach #design #realtime #specification- A Pragmatic Task Design Approach Based on a Ward/Mellor Real-Time Structured Specification (JT, LS, RZ, JAC), pp. 301–312.
FSE-1993-CarringtonDHW #composition #design #specification- Deriving Modular Designs from Formal Specifications (DAC, DJD, IJH, JW), pp. 89–98.
FSE-1993-GustafsonTW #specification- Software Measure Specification (DAG, JTT, PW), pp. 163–168.
ICSE-1993-BorgidaMR #problem #quote #specification- “...And Nothing Else Changes”: The Frame Problem in Procedure Specifications (AB, JM, RR), pp. 303–314.
ICSE-1993-EdwardsM #cobol #named #reverse engineering #specification- RECAST: Reverse Engineering from COBOL to SSADM Specification (HME, MM), pp. 499–508.
ICSE-1993-NuseibehKF #multi #requirements #specification- Expressing the Relationships Between Multiple Views in Requirements Specification (BN, JK, AF), pp. 187–196.
ICSE-1993-StocksC #framework #testing- Test Templates: A Specification-Based Testing Framework (PS, DAC), pp. 405–414.
CAV-1993-CeransGL #specification #tool support- Timed Modal Specification — Theory and Tools (KC, JCG, KGL), pp. 253–267.
ILPS-1993-HolldoblerT- Actions and Specificity (SH, MT), pp. 164–180.
ILPS-1993-Li #prolog #specification #π-calculus- A π-calculus Specification of Prolog (ZL), p. 680.
ISSTA-1993-Coen-PorisiniK #realtime #specification- The Composability of ASTRAL Realtime Specifications (ACP, RAK), pp. 128–138.
ISSTA-1993-FelderGP #specification- Analyzing Refinements of State Based Specifications: The Case of TB Nets (MF, CG, MP), pp. 28–39.
ISSTA-1993-StocksC #case study #framework #testing- Test Template Framework: A Specification-Based Testing Case Study (PS, DAC), pp. 11–18.
IWPTS-1993-HennigerSB #generative #protocol #specification #testing- Test Suite Generation for Application Layer Protocols from Formal Specifications in Estelle (OH, BS, SB), pp. 67–85.
IWPTS-1993-LuoDB #generative #specification #testing- Generating Tests for Control Portion of SDL Specifications (GL, AD, GvB), pp. 51–66.
RTA-1993-GuiO #algebra #higher-order #named #specification- LAMBDALG: Higher Order Algebraic Specification Language (YG, MO), pp. 462–466.
DAC-1992-ChengM #algorithm #on the #problem- On the Over-Specification Problem in Sequential ATPG Algorithms (KTC, HKTM), pp. 16–21.
DAC-1992-SeawrightB #specification #synthesis- Synthesis from Production-Based Specifications (AS, FB), pp. 194–199.
DAC-1992-VahidG #clustering #design #specification- Specification Partitioning for System Design (FV, DG), pp. 219–224.
KBSE-1992-AlmeidaRRA #specification- Transformation of a Semi-formal Specification to VDM (JD, AR, TR, VA), p. 7.
KBSE-1992-Johnson #evolution #incremental #requirements #specification- Acquisition of Requirements and Incremental Evolution into Specifications (Demonstration) (WLJ), p. 11.
KBSE-1992-LedruL #prototype #specification- Prototyping VDM Specifications with KIDS (YL, MHL), p. 8.
SIGMOD-1992-GehaniJS #database #object-oriented #specification- Event Specification in an Active Object-Oriented Database (NHG, HVJ, OS), pp. 81–90.
VLDB-1992-GehaniJS #database #implementation #specification- Composite Event Specification in Active Databases: Model & Implementation (NHG, HVJ, OS), pp. 327–338.
ESOP-1992-Gnaedig #proving #specification #theorem proving- ELIOS-OBJ Theorem Proving in a Specification Language (IG), pp. 182–199.
ESOP-1992-Tarlecki #specification- Modules for an Model-Oriented Specification Language: A Proposal for MetaSoft (AT), pp. 451–472.
WSA-1992-Gallagher #logic programming #specification #static analysis- Static Analysis for Logic Program Specification (JPG), pp. 285–294.
WSA-1992-GiannottiL #abstract interpretation #specification #using- Using Abstract Interpretation for Gate splitting in LOTOS Specifications (FG, DL), pp. 194–204.
ICALP-1992-SannellaT #algebra #development #source code #specification #towards- Towards Formal Development of Programs from Algebraic Specifications: Model-Theoretic Foundations (DS, AT), pp. 656–671.
LFP-1992-CooperNS #garbage collection #memory management #performance #using- Improving the Performance of SML Garbage Collection Using Application-Specific Virtual Memory Management (EC, SN, IS), pp. 43–52.
AdaEurope-1992-OttensT #ada #simulation #specification- Simulation of Mosca Specifications in Ada (AO, HT), pp. 182–196.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Acosta #ada #concurrent #prototype #source code #specification- Specification Prototyping of Concurrent Ada Programs in DProto (RDA), pp. 258–266.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-BlakeB #ada #case study #experience #interface #perspective #semantics #specification- Experiences with The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS): Developing a Tool with a View (SJB, JBB), pp. 458–468.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Gordon #ada #library #reuse #user interface #visual notation- A Graphical User Interface in Ada for Domain-Specific Reuse Libraries (DG), pp. 309–320.
TRI-Ada-T2-1992-Shumate #ada #approach #design #specification- Software Specification and Design with Ada: A Disciplined Approach (KS), pp. 497–589.
CAiSE-1992-HagelsteinR #declarative #specification- Reconciling Operational and Declarative Specifications (JH, DR), pp. 221–238.
CAiSE-1992-LopezHB #named #object-oriented #specification- OASIS: An Object-Oriented Specification Language (OP, FH, SB), pp. 348–363.
ML-1992-EtzioniM #why- Why EBL Produces Overly-Specific Knowledge: A Critique of the PRODIGY Approaches (OE, SM), pp. 137–143.
SEKE-1992-AbateDNP #analysis #query #specification- Querying and Analysis of Software Specifications (AFA, CD, GN, GP), pp. 470–478.
SEKE-1992-HofstedeVNW #specification- Integrated Specification of Method and Graphic Knowledge (AHMtH, TFV, ERN, GMW), pp. 307–316.
SEKE-1992-KraiemB #concept #object-oriented #source code #specification- Mapping of Conceptual Specifications into Object-Oriented Programs (NK, JB), pp. 624–639.
SEKE-1992-Reif #correctness #first-order #specification- Correctness of Full First-Order Specifications (WR), pp. 276–283.
SEKE-1992-SugiharaYM #automation #diagrams #layout #specification- Automatic Layout of Diagrams for Software Specification (KS, KY, IM), pp. 245–252.
SEKE-1992-ToddS #rule-based #specification- Formal Specification of a Rule-Based Expert System (BST, RS), pp. 333–340.
ECOOP-1992-LanoH #object-oriented #reasoning #refinement #specification- Reasoning and Refinement in Object-Oriented Specification Languages (KL, HPH), pp. 78–97.
OOPSLA-1992-Cook #interface #specification- Interfaces and Specifications for the Smalltalk-80 Collection Classes (WRC), pp. 1–15.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-BaelenLSR #named #object-oriented #specification- EROOS: An Entity-Relationship Based OO Specification Method (SVB, JL, ES, HVR), pp. 103–117.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-DurrK #design #object-oriented #specification- VDM++, A Formal Specification Language for OO Designs (ED, JvK), pp. 63–77.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Lano #object-oriented #specification- Object-Oriented Specification Techniques (KL), p. 403.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-NilssonB #object-oriented #specification #tool support- Tools for Object Oriented Formal Specification Technique (GN, PB), pp. 349–358.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Duke #case study #object-oriented #specification- Case Studies in Object-Oriented Formal Specification (RD), p. 236.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-KotakaKH #analysis #modelling #object-oriented #process #specification- Specification Process Modelling in Object-Oriented Analysis (NK, YK, SH), pp. 67–81.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Mandrioli #object-oriented #realtime #specification- The Object-Oriented Specification of Real-Time Systems (DM), p. 275.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Mandrioli92a #approach #logic #object-oriented #realtime #specification- Associated paper: The Specification of Real-Time Systems: a Logical, Object-Oriented Approach (DM), p. 277.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Szafron #named #object-oriented #specification- SPECTalk: an Object-Oriented Data Specification Language (DS), pp. 123–137.
ALP-1992-EhrigP #algebra #equation #specification- High-Level-Replacement Systems for Equational Algebraic Specifications (HE, FPP), pp. 3–20.
ALP-1992-GioviniMC #algebra #concurrent #implementation #prototype #specification #tool support- Implementation of a Toolset for Prototyping Algebraic Specifications of Concurrent Systems (AG, FM, AC), pp. 335–349.
PLILP-1992-AttaliCG #evaluation #incremental #semantics #specification- Incremental Evaluation of Natural Semantics Specification (IA, JC, SG), pp. 87–99.
PLILP-1992-Reus #algebra #higher-order #implementation #specification- Implementing Higher-Order Functions in an Algebraic Specification Language with Narrowing (BR), pp. 483–484.
ICSE-1992-DillonKMMR #concurrent #specification #visual notation- Graphical Specifications for Concurrent Software Systems (LKD, GK, LEM, PMMS, YSR), pp. 214–224.
ICSE-1992-FelderM #realtime #specification #validation- Validating Real-Time Systems by History-Checking TRIO Specifications (MF, AM), pp. 199–211.
ICSE-1992-PearceL #multi #specification- The Property Vector Specification of a Multiset Iterator (TWP, DAL), pp. 235–245.
ICSE-1992-RichardsonAO #testing- Specification-Based Test Oracles for Reactive Systems (DJR, SLA, TOO), pp. 105–118.
ICSE-1992-WangME #distributed #realtime #specification- Formal Specification of Ssynchronous Distributed Real-Time Systems by APTL (FW, AKM, EAE), pp. 188–198.
CC-1992-Emmelmann #specification #testing- Testing Completeness of Code Selector Specifications (HE), pp. 163–175.
CC-1992-Poetzsch-Heffter #identification #implementation #specification- Implementing High-Level Identification Specifications (APH), pp. 59–65.
CAV-1992-HuDDY #specification #verification- Higher-Level Specification and Verification with BDDs (AJH, DLD, AJD, CHY), pp. 82–95.
CAV-1992-MeryM #ide #interactive #named #specification #verification- Crocos: An Integrated Environment for Interactive Verification of SDL Specifications (DM, AM), pp. 343–356.
IWPTS-1992-BurgtKP #generative #interactive #specification #testing- Interactive Test Generation from LOTOS Specifications (SPvdB, JK, AMP), pp. 189–203.
IWPTS-1992-CavalliMK #automation #consistency #formal method #generative #protocol #specification #testing- Automated Protocol Conformance Test Generation Based on Formal Methods for LOTOS Specifications (ARC, PM, SUK), pp. 237–248.
IWPTS-1992-Gaudel #data type #specification #testing- Test Selection Based on ADT Specifications (MCG), pp. 31–40.
IWPTS-1992-RoblesMH #consistency #specification #testing- Specification and Derivation of OSI Conformance Test Suites (TR, JAM, GH), pp. 177–188.
LICS-1992-Wing #development #specification- Specification in Software Development (JMW), p. 112.
DAC-1991-PrakashP #architecture #multi #synthesis- Synthesis of Application-Specific Multiprocessor Architectures (SP, ACP), pp. 8–13.
KBSE-1991-CabralD #concept- Domain-Specific Representations in the KBSA Concept Demo (GC, MD), pp. 97–106.
KBSE-1991-JohnsonFH #requirements #specification- The KBSA Requirements/Specifications Facet: ARIES (WLJ, MSF, DRH), pp. 48–56.
KBSE-1991-MaidenS #reuse #specification- Analogical Matching for Specification Reuse (NAMM, AGS), pp. 108–116.
KBSE-1991-MiriryalaH #specification- The Role of Analogy in Specification Derivation (KM, MTH), pp. 117–126.
PLDI-1991-Bertot #debugging #specification- Occurences in Debugger Specifications (YB), pp. 327–337.
ICALP-1991-BolG #specification- The Meaning of Negative Premises in Transition System Specifications (RNB, JFG), pp. 481–494.
ICALP-1991-Larsen #power of #specification- The Expressive Power of Implicit Specifications (KGL), pp. 204–216.
VDME-1991-1-Arthan #on the #proving #specification- On Formal Specification of a Proof Tool (RDA), pp. 356–370.
VDME-1991-1-Bril #algebra #specification #using- A Model-Oriented Method for Algebraic Specification using COLD-1 as Notation (RJB), pp. 106–124.
VDME-1991-1-Cattel #specification #tool support- Tactical Tools for Distributing VDM Specifications (TC), pp. 309–323.
VDME-1991-1-DickL #specification #visual notation- The Visual Presentation of VDM Specifications (JD, JL), pp. 670–671.
VDME-1991-1-DomaN #automation #named #prototype #specification- EZ: A System for Automatic Prototyping of Z Specifications (VD, RAN), pp. 189–203.
VDME-1991-1-Elvang-Goransson #reasoning #specification- Reasoning about VDM Specifications (MEG), pp. 343–355.
VDME-1991-1-Guttag #approach #specification- The Larch Approach to Specification (Abstract) (JVG), p. 10.
VDME-1991-1-LarsenL #execution #set #specification- An Executable Subset of Meta-IV with Loose Specification (PGL, PBL), pp. 604–618.
VDME-1991-1-McParlandK #programming language #specification- A Specification of a Complex Programming Language Statement (PM, PK), pp. 658–667.
VDME-1991-1-ParkinO #specification #standard- Specification of the MAA Standard in VDM (GIP, GO), pp. 526–544.
VDME-1991-1-PennyHG #specification- Formal Specification in Metamorphic Programing (DAP, RCH, MWG), pp. 11–30.
VDME-1991-1-RossigS #communication #development #specification- Specification and Stepwise Development of Communicating Systems (SR, MS), pp. 149–163.
VDME-1991-1-ScheweSW #database #refinement #specification- Specification and Refinement in an Integrated Database Application Environment (KDS, JWS, IW), pp. 496–510.
VDME-1991-1-WingZ #specification- Unintrusive Ways to Integrate Formal Specifications in Practice (JMW, AMZ), pp. 545–569.
VDME-1991-1-ZaveJ #specification- Techniques for Partial Specification and Specification of Switching Systems (PZ, MJ), pp. 511–525.
VDME-1991-2-George #specification #tutorial- The RAISE Specification Langiage: A Tutorial (CG), pp. 238–319.
CAiSE-1991-McBrienNPSSTTW #policy #specification- A Rule Language to Capture and Model Business Policy Specifications (PM, MN, DP, AHS, US, BT, GT, RW), pp. 307–318.
CAiSE-1991-Oelmann #object-oriented #representation #specification- Representing a System Specification with a Temporal Dimension in an Object-Oriented Language (AO), pp. 540–560.
ECOOP-1991-MorzentiP #composition #logic #object-oriented #specification- An Object-Oriented Logic Language for Modular System Specification (AM, PSP), pp. 39–58.
OOPSLA-1991-HelmM #information retrieval #library #object-oriented- Integrating Information Retrieval and Domain Specific Approaches for Browsing and Retrieval in Object-Oriented Class Libraries (RH, YSM), pp. 47–61.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Duke #object-oriented #specification- Formal Specification of Object-Oriented Systems (RD), pp. 463–464.
TOOLS-USA-1991-DukeKRS #specification- Associated Paper: The Object-Z Specification Language (RD, PK, GAR, GS), pp. 465–484.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Korson #design #library #object-oriented #specification- The Specification and Design of Object-Oriented Class Libraries (TK), pp. 485–486.
TOOLS-USA-1991-StaryM #declarative #specification #user interface- MERCY-High Level Control for Declarative User Interface Specification (CS, KJM), pp. 281–290.
LOPSTR-1991-MiglioliMO #specification #synthesis- Program Specification and Synthesis in Constructive Formal Systems (PM, UM, MO), pp. 13–26.
PLILP-1991-Aasa #implementation #programming language #specification- Precedences in Specifications and Implementations of Programming Languages (AA), pp. 183–194.
PLILP-1991-GiannottiH #detection #recursion #specification- A Technique for Recursive Invariance Detection and Selective Program Specification (FG, MVH), pp. 323–334.
PLILP-1991-Kredel #component #specification- The MAS Specification Component (HK), pp. 39–50.
PLILP-1991-Poetzsch-Heffter #specification- Logic-Based Specification of Visibility Rules (APH), pp. 63–74.
ESEC-1991-DauchyM #algebra #automation #specification #testing- Test Data Selection From Algebraic Specifications: Application to an Automatic Subway Module (PD, BM), pp. 80–100.
ESEC-1991-Linden #specification- Specification in COLD-1 of a CAD-Package for Drawing Shadow Masks (FvdL), pp. 101–121.
CAV-1991-BevierS #kernel #proving #specification- Mechanically Checked Proofs of Kernel Specification (WRB, JFSA), pp. 70–82.
CAV-1991-GabrielianI #realtime #specification #verification- Verifying Properties of HMS Machine Specifications of Real-Time Systems (AG, RI), pp. 421–431.
CAV-1991-GjessingKM #approach #specification #top-down- A Top Down Approach to the Formal Specification of SCI Cache Coherence (SG, SK, EMK), pp. 83–91.
CAV-1991-Nesi #higher-order #induction #logic #process #proving #specification- Mechanizing a Proof by Induction of Process Algebrs Specifications in Higher Order Logic (MN), pp. 288–298.
CSL-1991-Meinke #combinator #data type #equation #specification- Equational Specification of Abstract Types and Combinators (KM), pp. 257–271.
ICLP-1991-Marre #algebra #automation #logic programming #specification #testing #towards #using- Toward Automatic Test Data Set Selection Using Algebraic Specifications and Logic Programming (BM), pp. 202–219.
ICLP-1991-RollinsW #library #specification- Specifications as Search Keys for Software Libraries (EJR, JMW), pp. 173–187.
ISLP-1991-Meyden #logic #specification- A Clausal Logic for Deontic Action Specification (RvdM), pp. 221–238.
IWPTS-1991-Berghe #bibliography #consistency #specification #standard #tool support- Overview of the Standardisation of Conformance Test Specifications and Tools: European Work, Contribution to ISO/CCITT and Worldwide Harmonisation (FvdB), pp. 297–310.
IWPTS-1991-SatoTKM #communication #generative #parametricity #specification #testing #tool support- Parameter Specification Language and Test Data Generation Tools for Communication Software Testing (FS, HT, KK, TM), pp. 207–218.
LICS-1991-JonssonL #probability #process #refinement #specification- Specification and Refinement of Probabilistic Processes (BJ, KGL), pp. 266–277.
LICS-1991-JouannaudO #algebra #execution #higher-order #specification- A Computation Model for Executable Higher-Order Algebraic Specification Languages (JPJ, MO), pp. 350–361.
RTA-1991-Kirchner #proving #specification- Proofs in Parameterized Specification (HK), pp. 174–187.
TAV-1991-GhezziK #approach #specification- Executing Formal Specifications: The ASTRAL to TRIO Translation Approach (CG, RAK), pp. 112–122.
TAV-1991-Sankar #algebra #consistency #runtime #specification- Run-Time Consistency Checking of Algebraic Specifications (SS), pp. 123–129.
DAC-1990-AgrawalC #specification #synthesis- Test Function Specification in Synthesis (VDA, KTC), pp. 235–240.
DAC-1990-BreternitzS #architecture #synthesis- Architecture Synthesis of High-Performance Application-Specific Processors (MBJ, JPS), pp. 542–548.
DAC-1990-Chan #algorithm #logic- Algorithms for Library-Specific Sizing of Combinational Logic (PKC), pp. 353–356.
PODS-1990-YuR #design #specification- Representability of Design Objects by Ancestor-Controlled Hierarchical Specifications (LY, DJR), pp. 28–39.
ESOP-1990-Kennaway #ambiguity #lazy evaluation #pattern matching #term rewriting- The Specificity Rule for Lazy Pattern-Matching in Ambiguous Term Rewrite Systems (RK), pp. 256–270.
PLDI-1990-Giegerich #code generation #on the #specification- On the Structure of Verifiable Code Generator Specifications (RG), pp. 1–8.
VDME-1990-ChalinG #specification- Z Specification of an Object Manager (PC, PG), pp. 41–71.
VDME-1990-GarlanD #framework #reuse #specification- Formal Specifications as Reusable Frameworks (DG, NMD), pp. 150–163.
VDME-1990-Hall #calculus #object-oriented #specification #using- Using Z as a Specification Calculus for Object-Oriented Systems (AH), pp. 290–318.
VDME-1990-Lange #approach #formal method #hypermedia #prototype #specification #using- A Formal Approach to Hypertext using Post-Prototype Formal Specification (DBL), pp. 99–121.
GG-1990-EhringP #algebra #graph grammar #specification- Algebraic Specification Grammars: A Junction between Module Specifications and Graph Grammars (HE, FPP), pp. 292–310.
GG-1990-NaglS #graph grammar #specification- A Specification Environment for Graph Grammars (MN, AS), pp. 599–609.
CAiSE-1990-BrinkkemperH #concept #development #requirements #specification- The Conceptual Task Model: a Specification Technique between Requirements Engineering and Program Development (Extended abstract) (SB, AHMtH), pp. 228–250.
CAiSE-1990-TheodoulidisWL #requirements #specification- Requirements Specification in TEMPORA (CIT, BW, PL), pp. 264–282.
CAiSE-1990-TsalgatidouKL #requirements #rule-based #specification #validation- Rule-Based Requirements Specification and Validation (AT, VK, PL), pp. 251–263.
SEKE-1990-ChungK #automation #programming #specification- An Automatic Programming Method of Nonprocedural / Procedural Program Specification (MDC, YTK), pp. 222–227.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-BearACH #object-oriented #specification #visual notation- Graphical Specification of Object-Oriented Systems (SB, PA, DC, FH), pp. 28–37.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-PurchaseW #fault #object-oriented #parallel #specification- Message Pattern Specifications: A New Technique for Handling Errors in Parallel Object Oriented Systems (JAP, RLW), pp. 116–125.
ALP-1990-Farres-Casals #correctness #proving #specification- Proving Correctness wrt Specifications with Hidden Parts (JFC), pp. 25–39.
ALP-1990-Hanus #equation #logic programming #source code #specification- Logic Programs with Equational Type Specifications (Extended Abstract) (MH), pp. 70–85.
ALP-1990-Walters #algebra #hybrid #implementation #specification- Hybrid Implementations of Algebraic Specifications (HRW), pp. 40–54.
PLILP-1990-BowenJP #approach #compilation #prototype #specification- An Approach to Verifiable Compiling Specification and Prototyping (JPB, JH, PKP), pp. 45–59.
POPL-1990-Deutsch #alias #functional #higher-order #on the #specification- On Determining Lifetime and Aliasing of Dynamically Allocated Data in Higher-Order Functional Specifications (AD), pp. 157–168.
POPL-1990-Field #analysis #lazy evaluation #on the #specification #tool support- On Laziness and Optimality in λ Interpreters: Tools for Specification and Analysis (JF), pp. 1–15.
ICSE-1990-Cardenas-GarciaZ #evaluation #functional #specification- Evaluation Criteria for Functional Specifications (SCG, MVZ), pp. 26–33.
ICSE-1990-ChoppyK #development #prototype #specification- Mixing Abstract and Concrete Modules: Specification, Development and Prototyping (CC, SK), pp. 173–184.
ICSE-1990-GabrielianF #multi #realtime #specification #verification- Multi-Level Specification and Verification of Real-Time Software (AG, MKF), pp. 52–62.
ICSE-1990-GanzingerS #composition #horn clause #order #specification- System Support for Modular Order-Sorted Horn Clause Specifications (HG, RS), pp. 150–159.
ICSE-1990-JarvinenKSS #object-oriented #specification- Object-Oriented Specification of Reactive Systems (HMJ, RKS, MS, KS), pp. 63–71.
ICSE-1990-Robinson #behaviour #requirements #specification- Negotiation Behavior During Requirements Specification (WNR), pp. 268–276.
ICSE-1990-WiledenWRT #specification- Specification Level Interoperability (JCW, ALW, WRR, PLT), pp. 74–85.
WAGA-1990-AlexinGHF #attribute grammar #comprehension #interface #natural language #specification- Attribute Grammar Specification for a Natural Language Understanding Interface (ZA, TG, TH, KF), pp. 313–326.
WAGA-1990-AttaliC #evaluation #functional #specification- Functional Evaluation of Strongly Non Circular Typol Specifications (IA, JC), pp. 157–176.
CC-1990-HartwigSS #ada #implementation #interface #specification- Specification and Implementation of a Tree-Abiding Interface for Ada (Extended Abstract) (MH, ES, RS), pp. 215–216.
PPoPP-1990-BennettCZ #distributed #memory management #named- Munin: Distributed Shared Memory Based on Type-Specific Memory Coherence (JKB, JBC, WZ), pp. 168–176.
CAV-1990-BarbeauB #specification- Extension of the Karp and Miller Procedure to Lotos Specifications (MB, GvB), pp. 333–342.
CAV-1990-Wong-ToiD #process #specification- Synthesizing Processes and Schedulers from Temporal Specifications (HWT, DLD), pp. 272–281.
CLP-1990-LauP90 #first-order #logic #recursion #specification #synthesis #top-down- Top-down Synthesis of Recursive Logic Procedures from First-order Logic Specifications (KKL, SDP), pp. 667–684.
LICS-1990-CleavelandS #proving #specification #using- When is “Partial” Adequate? A Logic-Based Proof Technique Using Partial Specifications (RC, BS), pp. 440–449.
DAC-1989-HayatiP #automation #behaviour #specification- Automatic Production of Controller Specifications from Control and Timing Behavioral Descriptions (SH, AP), pp. 75–80.
DAC-1989-Muller-GlaserB #approach #design #specification #using- An Approach to Intelligent Assistance for the Specification of ASIC Design Using Objects and Rules (KDMG, JB), pp. 472–477.
SIGMOD-1989-ChomickiI #infinity #query #relational #specification- Relational Specifications of Infinite Query Answers (JC, TI), pp. 174–183.
PLDI-1989-Venkatesh #evaluation #framework #program analysis #specification- A Framework for Construction and Evaluation of High-Level Specifications for Program Analysis Techniques (GAV), pp. 1–12.
ICALP-1989-AbadiLW #specification- Realizable and Unrealizable Specifications of Reactive Systems (MA, LL, PW), pp. 1–17.
ICALP-1989-EhrigPO #algebra #on the #roadmap #specification- On Recent Trends in Algebraic Specification (HE, PP, FO), pp. 263–288.
FPCA-1989-Mogensen #specification- Separating Binding Times in Language Specifications (TÆM), pp. 14–25.
CHI-1989-DeSoiLS #abstraction #behaviour #specification #user interface #visual notation- Graphical specification of user interfaces with behavior abstraction (JFD, WML, SVS), pp. 139–144.
CAiSE-1989-CacaceCCGLLTZ #database #named #prototype #relational #specification- ALGRES: An Extended Relational Database System for the Specification and Prototyping of Complex Applications (FC, SC, SCR, GG, GL, LL, LT, RVZ).
CAiSE-1989-Ihme #design #embedded #knowledge-based #reuse #specification- A Knowledge-based Support System for the Reuse of Structured Specifications and Designs of Embedded Computer Systems (TI).
CAiSE-1989-RouilleBC #specification- A Generic Model for Dialog Specification (LR, PB, AC).
SEKE-1989-Czejdo #database #query #recursion #specification #using- Recursive Query Specification Using Nested Databases (BDC), pp. 140–145.
SEKE-1989-HeL #logic #petri net #specification- Deriving Temporal Logic Specifications from Predicate Transition Petri Net (XH, JANL), pp. 116–121.
SEKE-1989-Thanawala #specification- Requirement Specifications For The AT8T 5ESS(R) Switch (RCT), p. 58.
SEKE-1989-TsaiYLCH #analysis #specification- Knowledge-oriented Specification Analysis and Transformation (STT, CCY, CCL, STC, CHH), pp. 110–115.
ESEC-1989-FranceD #analysis #specification #using- Formal Specification Using Structured Systems Analysis (RBF, TWGD), pp. 293–310.
ESEC-1989-NiskierMS #approach #knowledge-based #specification- A Pluralistic Knowledge-Based Approach to Software Specification (CN, TSEM, DS), pp. 411–423.
ESEC-1989-Shutt #development #program analysis #specification #tool support #using- A Rigorous Development Strategy Using the OBJ Specification Language and the MALPAS Program Analysis Tools (RNS), pp. 260–291.
ESEC-1989-WirsingHS #named #reuse #specification- MENU — An Example for the Systematic Reuse of Specifications (MW, RH, RS), pp. 20–41.
ESEC-1989-Wordsworth #experience #interface #programming #specification- Practical Experience of Formal Specification: A Programming Interface for Communications (JW), pp. 140–158.
ICSE-1989-BendifallahS #analysis #empirical #specification- Work Structures and Shifts: An Empirical Analysis of Software Specification Teamwork (SB, WS), pp. 260–270.
ICSE-1989-CarleP #composition #incremental #program transformation #specification- Modular Specification of Incremental Program Transformation Systems (AC, LLP), pp. 178–187.
ICSE-1989-JadoulDP #agile #algebra #data type #prototype #specification- An Algebraic Data Type Specification Language and Its Rapid Prototyping Environment (LJ, LD, WVP), pp. 74–84.
ICSE-1989-JaffeL #realtime #requirements #robust #safety #specification- Completeness, Robustness, and Safety in Real-Time Software Requirements Specification (MSJ, NGL), pp. 302–311.
ICSE-1989-SaekiHE #development #natural language #process #specification- Software Development Process from Natural Language Specification (MS, HH, HE), pp. 64–73.
NACLP-1989-SataluriF #logic programming #semantics #source code #specification #using- Semantic Specification Using Logic Programs (SRS, ACF), pp. 772–791.
RTA-1989-BidoitCC #named #specification- ASSPEGIQUE: An Integrated Specification Environment (MB, FC, CC), p. 547.
RTA-1989-Comon #induction #proving #specification- Inductive Proofs by Specification Transformation (HC), pp. 76–91.
TAV-1989-BalcerHO #automation #generative #specification #testing- Automatic Generation of Test Scripts from Formal Test Specifications (MJB, WMH, TJO), pp. 210–218.
TAV-1989-Howden #source code #specification #validation- Validating Programs without Specifications (WEH), pp. 2–9.
TAV-1989-RichardsonOT #testing- Approaches to Specification-Based Testing (DJR, TOO, CT), pp. 86–96.
TAV-1989-RosenblumL #correctness #specification #testing- Testing the Correctness of Tasking Supervisors with TSL Specifications (DSR, DCL), pp. 187–196.
DAC-1988-StavridouBE #case study #comparative #hardware #specification #verification- Formal Specification and Verification of Hardware: A Comparative Case Study (VS, HB, DAE), pp. 197–204.
SIGMOD-1988-QianW #database #logic #specification #transaction- A Transaction Logic for Database Specification (XQ, RJW), pp. 243–250.
SEI-1988-LaviW #analysis #embedded #industrial #requirements #specification- Embedded Computer Systems. Requirements Analysis & Specification — An Industrial Course (JZL, MW), pp. 81–105.
ESOP-1988-BertlingGS #equation #named #specification- CEC: A System for the Completion of Conditional Equational Specifications (HB, HG, RS), pp. 378–379.
ESOP-1988-Diepen #algebra #composition #implementation #specification- Implementation of Modular Algebraic Specifications (NWPvD), pp. 64–78.
ESOP-1988-Heckmann #functional #specification- A Functional Language for the Specification of Complex Tree Transformations (RH), pp. 175–190.
ESOP-1988-Heckmann88a #functional #specification- A Functional Language for the Specification of Complex Tree Transformations (System Exhibition) (RH), p. 380.
VDME-1988-Bear #specification- Structuring for the VDM Specification Language (SB), pp. 2–25.
VDME-1988-Blikle #specification #validation- Three-Valued Predicates for Software Specification and Validation (AB), pp. 243–266.
VDME-1988-ButhB #code generation #correctness #proving #specification #term rewriting #using- Correctness Proofs for Meta IV Written Code Generator Specification using Term Rewriting (BB, KHB), pp. 406–433.
VDME-1988-Goldsack #kernel #operating system #specification- Specification of an Operating System Kernel FOREST and VDM compared (SJG), pp. 88–100.
VDME-1988-JiangX #abstraction #execution #named #specification- NUSL: An Executable Specification Language Based on Data Abstraction (XJ, YX), pp. 124–138.
VDME-1988-KilpatrickM #refinement #specification- Software Support for the Refinement of VDM Specifications (PK, PM), pp. 459–475.
VDME-1988-KonikowskaTB #logic #specification #validation- A Three-Valued Logic for Software Specification and Validation (BK, AT, AB), pp. 218–242.
VDME-1988-Middelburg #specification- The VIP VDM Specification Language (KM), pp. 187–201.
VDME-1988-TeoA #specification- The Use of VDM in the Specification of Chinese Characters (GST, MMaA), pp. 476–499.
ECOOP-1988-ClericiO #algebra #inheritance #named #specification- GSBL: An Algebraic Specification Language Based on Inheritance (SC, FO), pp. 78–92.
ALP-1988-BeierleP #data type #equation #logic programming #specification- Integrating Logic Programming and Equational Specification of Abstract Data Types (CB, UP), pp. 71–82.
ALP-1988-Dahn #modelling #specification- Boolean Valued Models and Incomplete Specifications (BID), pp. 119–126.
ALP-1988-Drosten #algebra #case study #comparative #prolog #source code #specification- Translating Algebraic Specifications to Prolog Programs: A Comparative Study (KD), pp. 137–146.
ALP-1988-HansenL #algebra #composition #specification- Modular Algebraic Specifications (HH, ML), pp. 168–179.
ALP-1988-Hussmann #algebra #nondeterminism #specification #term rewriting- Nondeterministic Algebraic Specifications and Nonconfluent Term Rewriting (HH), pp. 31–40.
PLILP-1988-Dang #definite clause grammar #interactive #specification #using- Formal Specification of Interactive Languages Using Definite Clause Grammars (WD), pp. 283–291.
PLILP-1988-Hanus #compilation #prolog #specification- Formal Specification of a Prolog Compiler (MH), pp. 273–282.
ICSE-1988-ChiuL #concurrent #database #distributed #specification- High-Level Specification of Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems (LC, MTL), pp. 309–319.
ICSE-1988-Johnson #requirements #specification- Deriving Specifications from Requirements (WLJ), pp. 428–438.
ICSE-1988-NakagawaFTS #algebra #specification #using- Algebraic Specification of Macintosh’s Quickdraw Using OBJ2 (ATN, KF, ST, TS), pp. 334–343.
CCHSC-1988-LippsMW #bibliography #case study #experience #named #program transformation #specification- OPTRAN — A Language/System for the Specification of Program Transformations: System Overview and Experiences (PL, UM, RW), pp. 52–65.
CCHSC-1988-Poetzsch-Heffter #compilation #implementation #optimisation #specification- Optimizing Implementation of Aggregates in the Compiler Specification System MAGIC (APH), pp. 190–203.
CADE-1988-ZhangKK #equation #induction #specification- A Mechanizable Induction Principle for Equational Specifications (HZ, DK, MSK), pp. 162–181.
JICSCP-1988-MarriottNL88 #logic programming #source code- Most Specific Logic Programs (KM, LN, JLL), pp. 909–923.
DAC-1987-GranackiP #interface #named #natural language #specification- PHRAN-SPAN: A Natural Language Interface for System Specifications (JJGJ, ACP), pp. 416–422.
PODS-1987-AbiteboulV #database #specification- A Transcation Language Complete for Database Update and Specification (SA, VV), pp. 260–268.
PODS-1987-Biliris- Operation Specific Locking in B-Trees (AB), pp. 159–169.
PODS-1987-Hegner #database #implementation #source code #specification- Specification and Implementation of Programs for Updating Incomplete Information Databases (SJH), pp. 146–158.
VLDB-1987-SernadasSE #algebra #approach #database #object-oriented #specification- Object-Oriented Specification of Databases: An Algebraic Approach (AS, CS, HDE), pp. 107–116.
PLDI-1987-BahlkeMS #debugging #generative- A generator for language-specific debugging systems (RB, BM, GS), pp. 92–101.
ICALP-1987-Kreowski #algebra #specification- Partial Algebras Flow From Algebraic Specifications (HJK), pp. 521–530.
VDME-1987-Airchinnigh87b #data type #specification- Specification by Data Types (MMaA), pp. 362–388.
VDME-1987-George #development #specification- Heap Storage Specification and Development (CG), pp. 97–105.
VDME-1987-Letschert #specification- VDM as a Specification Method for Telecommunications Software (TL), pp. 106–109.
POPL-1987-KohlbeckerW #metaprogramming #named #specification- Macro-by-Example: Deriving Syntactic Transformations from their Specifications (EEK, MW), pp. 77–84.
POPL-1987-MannaP #concurrent #source code #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Concurrent Programs By Forall-Automata (ZM, AP), pp. 1–12.
ESEC-1987-Choppy #integration #prototype #specification #testing- Formal Specifications, Prototyping and Integration Tests (CC), pp. 172–179.
ESEC-1987-Christ-NeumannS #named #object-oriented #specification- ASDL — An Object-Oriented Specification Language for Syntax-Directed Environments (MLCN, HWS), pp. 71–79.
ESEC-1987-DuboisLS #formal method #process #specification- Formalising Reconstructuring Operators in a Specification Process (ED, NL, JS), pp. 161–171.
ESEC-1987-GarzottoGMM #logic programming #on the #realtime #specification #using- On the Specification of Real-Time Systems Using Logic Programming (FG, CG, DM, AM), pp. 180–190.
ESEC-1987-HekmatpourW #specification #tool support #visual notation- Formal Specification of Graphical Notations and Graphical Software Tools (SH, MW), pp. 297–305.
ESEC-1987-LissandreV #automation #named- SPECIF-X: A Tool for CASE (ML, BDV), pp. 279–287.
ESEC-1987-Poncet #design #development #named #programming #specification- SADL: A Software Development Environment for Software Specification, Design and Programming (FP), pp. 3–11.
ESEC-1987-Szwillus #data flow #editing #interactive #operating system #specification #user interface #using- Using Data Flow Specifications and Interactive Editing in the Operating System User Interface (GS), pp. 149–157.
ICSE-1987-BerlinerZ #empirical #requirements #specification- An Experiment in Technology Transfer: PAISLey Specification of Requirements for an Undersea Lightwave Cable System (EFB, PZ), pp. 42–50.
ICSE-1987-Kramer #data type #distributed #named #petri net #specification- SEGRAS — A Formal and Semigraphical Language Combining Petri Nets and Abstract Data Types for the Specification of Distributed Systems (BJK), pp. 116–125.
ICSE-1987-Ladkin #concurrent #dependence #process #specification #synthesis- Specification of Time Dependencies and Synthesis of Concurrent Processes (PBL), pp. 106–115.
SOSP-1987-BirrellGHL #multi #specification- Synchronization Primitives for a Multiprocessor: A Formal Specification (AB, JVG, JJH, RL), pp. 94–102.
SLP-1987-BushCMD87 #experience #hardware #prolog #specification- Experience with Prolog as a Hardware Specification Language (WRB, GC, PCM, AMD), pp. 490–498.
SIGMOD-1986-Lipeck #behaviour #database #specification- Stepwise Specification of Dynamic Database Behaviour (UWL), pp. 387–397.
ESOP-1986-GeserH #case study #experience #interpreter #specification #term rewriting- Experiences with the RAP System — A Specification Interpreter Combining Term Rewriting and Resolution (AG, HH), pp. 339–350.
ESOP-1986-Salminen #specification- Specification of a Tool for Viewing Program Text (AS), pp. 250–261.
ESOP-1986-Stark #concept #proving #specification- Proving Entailment Between Conceptual State Specifications (EWS), pp. 197–209.
GG-1986-BaileyC #grammarware #graph grammar #parallel #specification- Graph Grammar Based Specification of Interconnection Structures for Massively Parallel Computation (DAB, JEC), pp. 73–85.
GG-1986-EngelsLS #grammarware #graph grammar #specification- Graph Grammar Engineering: A Software Specification Method (GE, CL, WS), pp. 186–201.
POPL-1986-JeffersonK #execution #quantifier #specification- Executable Specifications with Quantifiers in the FASE System (SJ, SNK), pp. 318–326.
CADE-1986-AvenhausBGM #algebra #named #specification #term rewriting- TRSPEC: A Term Rewriting Based System for Algebraic Specifications (JA, BB, RG, KM), pp. 665–667.
CADE-1986-Hussmann #algebra #prototype #specification #using- The Passau RAP System: Prototyping Algebraic Specifications Using Conditional Narrowing (HH), pp. 689–690.
LICS-1986-KapurM #induction #reasoning #specification- Inductive Reasoning with Incomplete Specifications (Preliminary Report) (DK, DRM), pp. 367–377.
DAC-1985-Mata #named #specification- ALLENDE: a procedural language for the hierarchical specification of VLSI layouts (JMdM), pp. 183–189.
FPCA-1985-PatelSE85 #algorithm #analysis #hardware #multi #named #specification #synthesis- vFP: An Environment for the Multi-level Specification, Analysis, and Synthesis of Hardware Algorithms (DP, MDFS, MDE), pp. 238–255.
POPL-1985-JonesRT #distributed #interface #named #specification- Matchmaker: An Interface Specification Language for Distributed Processing (MBJ, RFR, MRT), pp. 225–235.
POPL-1985-Lamport #concurrent #specification #what #why- What It Means for a Concurrent Program to Satisfy a Specification: Why No One Has Specified Priority (LL), pp. 78–83.
POPL-1985-LichtensteinP #concurrent #finite #linear #source code #specification- Checking That Finite State Concurrent Programs Satisfy Their Linear Specification (OL, AP), pp. 97–107.
POPL-1985-SannellaT #development #ml #specification #standard- Program Specification and Development in Standard ML (DS, AT), pp. 67–77.
ICSE-1985-LudewigGHMMS #design #interface #named #specification #visual notation- SPADES — A Specification and Design System and Its Graphical Interface (JL, MG, HH, GM, HM, MFS), pp. 83–91.
ICSE-1985-PottsBCM #design #simulation #specification #validation- Discrete Event Simulation as a Means of Validating JSD Design Specifications (CP, AB, BHC, RM), pp. 119–127.
ICSE-1985-StempleS #database #development- Database Theory for Supporting Specification-Based Database Systems Development (DWS, TS), pp. 43–49.
ICSE-1985-Tavendale #prototype #specification- A Technique for Prototyping Directly from a Specification (RDT), pp. 224–229.
PODS-1984-CasanovaVF #database #perspective #specification- Formal Data Base Specification — An Eclectic Perspective (MAC, PASV, ALF), pp. 110–118.
PODS-1984-StempleS #database #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Abstract Database Types (DWS, TS), pp. 248–257.
SIGMOD-1984-ShepherdK #database #knowledge base #named #semantics #specification- PRISM: A Knowledge Based System for Semantic Integrity Specification and Enforcement in Database Systems (AS, LK), pp. 307–315.
VLDB-1984-EhrichLG #constraints #database #semantics #specification- Specification, Semantics, and Enforcement of Dynamic Database Constraints (HDE, UWL, MG), pp. 301–308.
VLDB-1984-Kung #database #framework #specification #verification- A Temporal Framework for Database Specification and Verification (DCK), pp. 91–99.
SCC-1984-Koskimies #analysis #semantics #specification- A specification language for one-pass semantic analysis (KK), pp. 179–189.
STOC-1984-BarringerKP #logic #specification- Now You May Compose Temporal Logic Specifications (HB, RK, AP), pp. 51–63.
ICALP-1984-Bidoit #algebra #equation #exception #fault #specification- Algebraic Specification of Exception Handling and Error Recovery by Means of Declarations and Equations (MB), pp. 95–108.
POPL-1984-MilosPL #compilation #implementation #pascal #revisited #specification- Direct Implementation of Compiler Specifications or the Pascal P-code Compiler Revisited (DM, UFP, GL), pp. 196–207.
POPL-1984-Thiel #data type #semistructured data #specification- Stop Losing Sleep Over Incomplete Data Type Specifications (JJT), pp. 76–82.
ICSE-1984-AzemaJSM #distributed #petri net #prolog #specification #using #verification- Specification and Verification of Distributed Systems Using PROLOG Interpreded Petri Nets (PA, GJ, ES, MM), pp. 510–519.
ICSE-1984-BidoitBGGG #exception #specification- Exception Handling: Formal Specification and Systematic Program Construction (MB, BB, MCG, CG, GDG), pp. 18–29.
ICSE-1984-ClemmensenO #ada #case study #compilation #development #specification- Formal Specification and Development of an Ada Compiler — A VDM Case Study (GBC, ONO), pp. 430–440.
ICSE-1984-Gerhart #axiom #specification- Application of Axiomatic Methods to a Specification Analyser (SLG), pp. 441–453.
ICSE-1984-RomanD #distributed #multi #process #specification #using- Multifaceted Distributed Systems Specification Using Processes and Event Synchronization (GCR, MSD), pp. 44–55.
ILPC-1984-BoscoGG84 #concurrent #logic #process #prolog #specification #verification- A Prolog System for the Verification of Concurrent Processes Against Temporal Logic Specifications (PGB, GG, EG), pp. 219–229.
SLP-1984-ShapiroM84 #concurrent #implementation #prolog #self #specification- Fair, Biased, and Self-Balancing Merge Operators: Their Specification and Implementation in Concurrent Prolog (EYS, CM), pp. 83–90.
SIGMOD-1983-ShuWL #approach #database #design #requirements #specification- Forms Approach to Requirements Specification for Database Design (NCS, HKTW, VYL), pp. 161–172.
VLDB-1983-Demo #database #interface #navigation #program analysis #specification- Program Analysis for Conversion from a Navigation to a Specification Database Interface (GBD), pp. 387–398.
VLDB-1983-GolshaniMS #algebra #database #query #specification- A Modal System of Algebras for Database Specification and Query/Update Language Support (FG, TSEM, MRS), pp. 331–339.
ICALP-1983-EhrigWT #algebra #constraints #generative #specification- Algebraic Specifications with Generating Constraints (HE, EGW, JWT), pp. 188–202.
ICALP-1983-OlderogH #communication #process #semantics- Specification-Oriented Semantics for Communicating Processes (ERO, CARH), pp. 561–572.
POPL-1983-ClarkeES #approach #automation #concurrent #finite #logic #specification #using #verification- Automatic Verification of Finite State Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic Specifications: A Practical Approach (EMC, EAE, APS), pp. 117–126.
POPL-1983-Kieburtz #data type #precise #specification #type system- Precise Typing of Abstract Data Type Specifications (RBK), pp. 109–116.
VLDB-1982-BalzerDFS- Specification-Based Computing Environments (RB, DD, MF, SS), pp. 273–279.
VLDB-1982-CastilhoCF #database #framework #specification- A Temporal Framework for Database Specifications (JMVdC, MAC, ALF), pp. 280–291.
VLDB-1982-DoschMW #algebra #database #on the #specification- On the Algebraic Specification of Databases (WD, GM, MW), pp. 370–385.
SCC-1982-Bird #code generation #generative #implementation #specification- An Implementation of a Code Generator Specification Language for Table Driven Code Generators (PLB), pp. 44–55.
SCC-1982-Raskovsky #code generation #semantics #specification- Denotational Semantics as a Specification of Code Generators (MRR), pp. 230–244.
SCC-1982-Seyfer #case study #compilation #experience #testing- Tailoring Testing to a Specific Compiler — Experiences (HKS), pp. 140–152.
ICALP-1982-BergstraK #algebra #data type #parametricity #specification- Algebraic Specifications for Parametrized Data Types with Minimal Parameter and Target Algebras (JAB, JWK), pp. 23–34.
ICALP-1982-SannellaW #implementation #specification- Implementation of Parameterised Specifications (Extended Abstract) (DS, MW), pp. 473–488.
LFP-1982-Feldman #editing #functional #specification- Functional Specifications of a Text Editor (GF), pp. 37–46.
GG-1982-FurtadoV #database #specification- Specification of data bases through rewriting rules (ALF, PASV), pp. 102–114.
GG-1982-NagelEGS #graph grammar #specification- Software specification by graph grammars (MN, GE, RG, WS), pp. 267–287.
GG-1982-Pratt #semantics #specification #using- Formal specification of software using H-graph semantics (TWP), pp. 314–332.
POPL-1982-Giegerich #automation #generative- Automatic Generation of Machine Specific Code Optimizers (RG), pp. 75–81.
POPL-1982-Wolper #communication #logic #process #specification #synthesis #using- Specification and Synthesis of Communicating Processes using an Extended Temporal Logic (PW), pp. 20–33.
ICSE-1982-Bauer #reasoning #specification- From Specifications to Machine Code: Program Construction through Formal Reasoning (FLB), pp. 84–93.
ICSE-1982-GreenspanMB #requirements #specification- Capturing More World Knowledge in the Requirements Specification (SJG, JM, AB), pp. 225–235.
ICSE-1982-MuraiSDMF #specification- Requirement Specification Description System in Japanese Language — JISDOS (JM, NS, ND, MM, TF), pp. 127–136.
ICSE-1982-SakabeIH #data type #specification- Specification of Abstract Data Types with Partially Defined Operations (TS, YI, NH), pp. 218–224.
ICSE-1982-Urban #development #execution #functional #specification- Software Development with Executable Functional Specifications (JEU), pp. 418–419.
ICSE-1982-YonezakiK #functional #logic #process #specification- Functional Specification of Synchronized Processes Based on Modal Logic (NY, TK), pp. 208–217.
CADE-1982-ShostakSM #logic #named #specification #verification- STP: A Mechanized Logic for Specification and Verification (RES, RLS, PMMS), pp. 32–49.
ILPC-1982-FarkasSS82 #named #specification- LDM: A Program Specification Support System (ZF, PS, EST), pp. 123–128.
DAC-1981-HaferP #analysis #design #formal method #logic #specification- A formal method for the specification, analysis, and design of register-transfer level digital logic (LJH, ACP), pp. 846–853.
DAC-1981-HoltS #design #specification- BOLT-a block oriented design specification language (DH, SS), pp. 276–279.
DAC-1981-Wojtkowiak #design #functional #specification- Deterministic systems design from functional specifications (HW), pp. 98–104.
VLDB-1981-VelosoCF #specification- Systematic Derivation of Complementary Specifications (PASV, JMVdC, ALF), pp. 409–421.
ICALP-1981-Loeckx #algorithm #data type #specification- Algorithmic Specifications of Abstract Data Types (JL), pp. 129–147.
ICALP-1981-PnueliZ #equation #specification- Realizing an Equational Specification (AP, RZ), pp. 459–478.
PS-1981-ColemanG81a #distributed #source code #specification- Specification of Distributed Programs (DC, RMG), pp. 181–214.
PS-1981-EhrigKTWW #algebra #parametricity #specification- Parameter Passing in Algebraic Specification Languages (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 322–369.
PS-1981-Guttag #effectiveness #specification- A few Remarks on Putting Formal Specifications to Productive Use (JVG), pp. 370–380.
PS-1981-HughesP #reduction #specification- A Reduction Specification for DTL (JWH, MSP), pp. 255–267.
PS-1981-Klaeren81a #empirical #specification- The SRDL Specification Experiment (HK), pp. 282–293.
PS-1981-Sorensen #specification- A Specification Language (IHS), pp. 381–401.
PS-1981-Steensgaard-Madsen #specification- Program Specification by Module Trees (JSM), pp. 294–321.
ICSE-1981-BaerGGR #modelling #protocol #proving #specification- The Two-Step Commitment Protocol: Modeling, Specification and Proof Methodology (JLB, GG, CG, GR), pp. 363–373.
ICSE-1981-GomaaS #prototype #requirements #specification- Prototyping as a Tool in the Specification of User Requirements (HG, DBHS), pp. 333–342.
ICSE-1981-SheppardKC #comprehension #specification- The Effects of Symbology and Spatial Arrangement on the Comprehension of Software Specifications (SBS, EK, BC), pp. 207–214.
SIGMOD-1980-Loomis #comparison #database #specification- The 78 CODASYL Database Model: A Comparison with Preceding Specifications (MESL), pp. 30–44.
STOC-1980-EhrigM #algebra #complexity #implementation #specification- Complexity of Implementations on the Level of Algebraic Specifications (HE, BM), pp. 281–293.
ICALP-1980-BergstraT #data type #equation #finite #specification- A Characterisation of Computable Data Types by Means of a Finite Equational Specification Method (JAB, JVT), pp. 76–90.
ICALP-1980-EhrigKTWW #algebra #data type #specification- Parameterized Data Types in Algebraic Specification Languages (Short Version) (HE, HJK, JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 157–168.
ICALP-1980-Vitanyi #on the #power of #realtime #specification- On the Power of Real-Time Machines Under Varying Specifications (Extended Abstract) (PMBV), pp. 658–671.
POPL-1980-GuttagH #design #specification- Formal Specification as a Design Tool (JVG, JJH), pp. 251–261.
POPL-1980-Kamin #data type #specification- Final Data Tye Specifications: A New Data Type Specification Method (SNK), pp. 131–138.
SOSP-J-1979-WalkerKP80 #kernel #security #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of the UCLA Unix Security Kernel (BJW, RAK, GJP), pp. 118–131.
SDCG-1980-Gaudel #compilation #data type #specification- Specification of compilers as abstract data type representations (MCG), pp. 140–164.
CADE-1980-Furtek #constraints #distributed #formal method #realtime #specification #using #verification- Specification and Verification of Real-Time, Distributed Systems Using the Theory of Constraints (FCF), pp. 110–125.
DAC-1979-Ayres #specification- IC specification language (RA), pp. 307–309.
DAC-1979-Barbacci #evaluation #set #simulation #specification #synthesis- Instruction set processor specifications for simulation, evaluation, and synthesis (MB), pp. 64–72.
SIGMOD-1979-Sciore #database #relational #semantics #specification- Improving Semantic Specification in a Relational Database (ES), pp. 170–178.
VLDB-1979-BaldisseraCPB #database #design #interactive #specification #verification- Interactive Specification and Formal Verification of User’s Views in Data Bases Design (CB, SC, GP, GB), pp. 262–272.
VLDB-1979-Studer #functional #specification- Functional Specification of a Decision Support System (RS), pp. 85–93.
FM-1979-BergG #data type #specification- Hierarchical Specification of Abstract Data Types (HKB, WKG), pp. 150–196.
FM-1979-FrantaBB #approach #distributed #specification- An Approach to the Specification of Distributed Software (WRF, WEB, HKB), pp. 197–236.
FM-1979-LevittRS #specification- Writing Simulatable Specifications in SPECIAL (KNL, LR, BAS), pp. 39–78.
ICSE-1979-BerryP #design #specification- The Use of a Module Interconnection Specification Capability in the SARA System Design Methodology (DMB, MH(P), pp. 294–307.
ICSE-1979-KeramidisM #implementation #parallel #process #specification- Specification and Implementation of Parallel Activities on Abstract Objects (SK, LM), pp. 203–211.
ICSE-1979-KramerC #invariant #specification- Invariants for Specifications (JK, JC), pp. 183–193.
ICSE-1979-LauberBGS #automation #design #realtime #specification- EPOS : A Specification and Design Technique for Computer Controlled Real-time Automation Systems (RL, JB, PG, HS), pp. 245–250.
SOSP-1979-WalkerKP #kernel #security #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of the UCLA Unix Security Kernel (Extended Abstract) (BJW, RAK, GJP), pp. 64–65.
DAC-1978-Bechtolsheim #design #interactive #specification- Interactive specification of structured designs (AvB), pp. 261–263.
VLDB-1978-EhrigKW #algebra #database #specification- Algebraic Specification Schemes for Data Base Systems (HE, HJK, HW), pp. 427–440.
VLDB-1978-Hebalkar #database #distributed #specification- Application Specification for Distributed Data Base Systems (PGH), pp. 442–449.
VLDB-1978-Manola78b #bibliography #database #specification- A Review of the 1978 CODASYL Database Specifications (FM), pp. 232–242.
STOC-1978-ThatcherWW #data type #power of #specification- Data Type Specification: Parameterization and the Power of Specification Techniques (JWT, EGW, JBW), pp. 119–132.
ICALP-1978-EhrigKP #data type #implementation #specification- Stepwise Specification and Implementation of Abstract Data Types (HE, HJK, PP), pp. 205–226.
VDM-1978-Bjorner78a #abstraction #operating system #pl-i #specification #tutorial- Software Abstraction Principles: Tutorial Examples of: An Operating System Command Language Specification, and a PL/I-like On-Condition Language Definition (DB), pp. 337–374.
GG-1978-EhrichL #data type #specification- Constructive Specifications of Abstract Data Types by Replacements (HDE, VGL), pp. 180–191.
SIGMOD-1977-Swartwout #database #network #specification- An Access Path Specification Language for Restructuring Network Databases (DES), pp. 88–101.
DAC-1976-Robinson #specification- Specification techniques (LR), pp. 470–478.
POPL-1976-GriffithsP #process #specification #verification- Verifying Formal Specifications of Synchronous Processes (PPG, CJP), pp. 192–208.
ICSE-1976-BalkovichE #performance #requirements #research #specification #towards- Research Towards a technology to Support the Specification of Data Processing System Performance Requirements (EEB, GPE), pp. 110–115.
ICSE-1976-BelfordBHS #development #effectiveness #named #specification- Specifications: A Key to Effective Software Development (PCB, AFB, DGH, LSS), pp. 71–79.
ICSE-1976-GuttagHM #data type #design #specification- The Design of Data Type Specifications (JVG, EH, DRM), pp. 414–420.
ICSE-1976-Jazayeri #automation #programming #specification- Formal Specification and Automatic Programming (MJ), pp. 293–296.
ICSE-1976-ParnasHW #design #operating system #product line #set #specification #system family- Design and Specification of the Minimal Subset of an Operating System Family (Abstract) (DLP, GH, HW), p. 123.
ICSE-1976-SaxenaB #monitoring #specification #verification- Verification of a Monitor Specification (ARS, THB), pp. 53–59.
ICSE-1976-ShankarC #abstraction #specification- Dat Flow, Abstraction Levels and Specifications for Communications Switching Systems (KSS, CSC), pp. 585–591.
DAC-1975-ThompsonB #interface #specification- A module interface specification language (EWT, RFB), pp. 42–49.
SIGMOD-1975-Schneider #named #network #specification- DSCL — A Data Specification and Conversion Language for Networks (GMS), pp. 139–148.
VLDB-1975-EswaranC #database #functional #specification- Functional Specifications of Subsystem for Database Integrity (KPE, DDC), pp. 48–68.
VLDB-1975-Senko #data type #specification- Specification of Stored Data Structures and Desired Output Results in DIAM II with FORAL (MES), pp. 557–571.
STOC-1974-BorodinC #on the- On the Number of Additions to Compute Specific Polynomials (Preliminary Version) (AB, SAC), pp. 342–347.
DAC-1972-Oishi #problem #specification- Problem areas and the combination of wall-units to satisfy room relation specification between rooms (IO), pp. 239–249.
SIGFIDET-1972-AstrahanAFS72a #independence #specification- Specifications in a Data Independent Accessing Model (MMA, EBA, PLF, MES), pp. 363–382.
DAC-1970-Yeager #automation #specification- Automation of test specifications for N/C printed circuit boards (TBY), pp. 190–202.
SHARE-1965-MandellE #automation #design #specification- Specifications for a design automation system (RLM, GE).